#powerful earthquake
rwyvernarts · 3 months
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If a man is possessed by an eldritch worm Creature, he should be allowed access to its movepool.
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reality-detective · 4 months
What an earthquake looks like underwater 🤔
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Identity reveal shazamily fic idea:
They're fighting some big bad in a huge cave or throne room or in an air pocket miles underwater (the Rock?) and the league and shazamily are all there, every two stuck in separate areas (magic barriers? Cave ins? Enemies simply not letting them close?).
The roof is starting to collapse. Billy catches it, but with his powers divided, he's struggling. With a time limit before he falls, the battle intensifies.
Mary and her jl partner fells her opponent first, and looks across the room just in time to see him stagger under the crushing weight. She cannot reach him (in time?). They meet each others eyes. The wisdom of Solomon, or perhaps Mary batson, has an idea.
In a crash of thunder, she detransforms, in front of their enemies, and the entire justice league.
With power returned, captain marvel stands a bit straighter. The roof grows heavier. Cracks scatter across the high ceiling.
As Mary is carried to safety, the family understands what they must do.
In conjunction with the league member they were trapped with, they work to defeat their opponents, and one by one transform, each time revealing people too small, too young. The crash of thunder marks each victory. Rubble starts to fall and shake the earth as the league members pull their partners to safety, gathering together by the entrance, bandaging their wounds. All eyes are on Marvel, trapped under a great pillar of stone. (They have been working with him for years now, but each of his family has been revealed to be children. Is he, too?) Each time he raises the ceiling a little higher, and each time it grows heavier as the battles and the ticking clock destabilise the thousands of tons above.
At last, the final group win, and exhausted league members piggy back the last child hero over the rubble.
All are evacuated, but Marvel cannot move. Rapid power transfer and hours of stress have taken their toll, and he needs to transform back as well.
Finally, finally, green lantern and superman reach him, and with their help he is freed, collapsing to the side in relief. No one says a word.
With one final lightning strike, the last member of the team is revealed.
He's twelve years old.
And the league needs to take them all to safety.
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makorragal-312 · 6 months
The Bi!Buck confirmation caused such a shockwave last night that it came back today in the form of an earthquake.
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catladychronicles · 15 days
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moonlitattic · 4 months
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curapicas · 10 months
LC manhua ch5...
what I love about Lu Guang is that even when he's being a doting and caring husband (finding out the rest of Lin Kai's story since it clearly bothered Cheng Xiaoshi, doing it secretly to not stress him out further), he's an asshole (ditching CXS in lunchtime with their store without saying anything)
and well, if it isn't a microcosm of how he works when it comes to serious stuff and CXS...
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I'm calling it now -- Linda Bates is canonically allergic to bees. She's obviously not gonna be the only emergency but what if the ep 2/3 disaster with the bees (whatever it's gonna be) will make her have a near death experience, like with Sue in 5x11, just for the drama that it's someone they and we know. Imagine the Dispatch team and also Eddie who's worked with her and formed a workplace friendship with her for months fearing for her life not knowing if she's gonna make it. You heard it here first
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kenrez · 10 months
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Had a crap day so tenshi :)
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iodotsys · 6 months
The earth was angry today. :/
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driftingballoons · 5 months
What do you think about the theory that wigglytuff deliberately plays up the goofiness to get people to underestimate him?
He strikes me as being genuinely silly and fun-loving when he’s around the other guild members (i.e. his friends)—I think that’s just the kind of guy he is. But the moment he senses something’s off, he’s not afraid to put on his serious face. As to whether he does it to make others underestimate him…I can definitely see some stock in that theory! Under all that…wigglytuffness, he does seem quite intelligent and strategic. I could see him thinking there’s value in being underestimated—when he approaches everyone with a friendly face and open arms, it would give him time to figure out who’s truly a friend and who’s not (looking at you Team Skull). Plus, I think it would fit with his overall theme. Between the pink squishy exterior and big googly eyes, he doesn’t really look as impressive or intimidating as the other “great” explorers. By presenting himself as less of a threat than he really is, others would be more inclined to let their guard down—and if they have any ill-will, they’d definitely be more likely to slip up around him. But, after all that, I can imagine he’d also want to work out any differences and try to make friends, whether the other party feels inclined to or not :)
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reality-detective · 5 months
Tomographer who worked for HAARP explaining how the technology can cause earthquakes. 🤔
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atomicwrongs · 9 months
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Made the IDOL ref btw. Beloved thing
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emometalhead · 8 months
I hope my fellow Californians are staying safe. This storm is no joke
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leotanaka · 2 years
do you ever just stop and think about the fact that graydon translating the pnakotic words regarding the harbinger of the wyrm literally triggers a massive earthquake that nearly kills elora? 
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literary-heights · 2 years
i have feelings about them
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