#pressed powder stim
aestimtic · 7 months
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heartnosekid · 2 years
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pressed powder heart blushes 💕 | source
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soft--dragon · 8 months
Snow Day
Just a small drabble for you guys to snack on before I post the bigger one :D
Word Count: 1,177
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Casey was practically vibrating with excitement, booted feet doing mini stomps - a stim he’d picked up from Donnie at a young age - as he looked out over the white powered landscape of New York City Park. Mikey, who was stood right beside him snickered at his child-like behavior, giving a friendly grin.
“You’ve really never seen snow before, huh Junior?” 
Casey shook his head rapidly, eyes so wide as if he was trying to memorise every single detail of the park. “There was never white snow in the future, it was like ash, but this… Michelangelo, this is amazing!” 
Mikey’s brow dipped slightly at the mention of the harsh, desolate future Casey had come from, but he gave the boy a gentle nudge to dispel the memory. “Mikey, Casey, call me Mikey,” he reminded lightly.
Whether Casey registered the soft words was up for debate, the boy’s spellbound expression never wavering when Leo seemed to drop out of nowhere to sling an arm around Casey’s shoulders. 
“Not a bad view, aye Casey?” he grinned.
“It’s incredible,” the young warrior murmured, his smile lifting his eyes.
“Well what are you waiting for? Come on!” Leo grabbed his students hand and ran, dragging along Casey who almost fell flat on his face from the sudden force.
“Wait up Leo!” Mikey yelled after his brother, taking off right behind the pair, with the rest of the family in tow. 
Leo didn’t even hesitate before he dove into the snow with a gleeful whoop, dragging Casey into the soft powder and laughing when the boy just about screamed.
“JESUS! It’s cold, Leo!” “Welcome to the ice age, Jones!”
There was an audible scoff from above the two. “Incorrect Leo, the ice age was thousands of years ago when creatures such as mammoths used to roam the earth and- hey!”
A snowball smashed into the back of Donnie’s head from non-other than April who was grinning similar to a Cheshire cat. “Sorry, did I interrupt you?” 
“Yes actually, I was trying to educate Leo on his very historically inaccurate claim- ow!” A second snowball had splattered straight into Donnie’s face, the teen being thrown to the ground with the force of it. “APRIL!”
Raph high fived the girl in passing, moving to Leo and Casey who were still lying in the snow. “Don’t you two go catching a cold alright? We don’t want to get the whole fam sick.” “We’ll be fine, Raph, don’t worry,” Leo smirked up at his older brother, “We’re well protected from the cold.” “Yes, but some of us aren’t that used to winter, remember?” 
“Oh, I know.” Leo’s hand planted itself in Casey’s mop of unruly hair, messing with the black locks and making the kid yelp and squirm in protest. “I’ll keep an eye on the snow baby.”
Casey baulked from under Leo’s fingers. “The- the snow what?” Raph sighed with a small, fond smile. “If he gets sick you’re taking care of him.” “Don’t I always?”
“Fair enough.”
“I’m right here you guys.” “Hush snow baby,” Leo scooped up some snow and shoved it in Casey’s unsuspecting face, trying and failing to hide his grin at the boy’s wild screech of alarm and offence. “The adults are talking.”
The snow removed, Casey tried leaning away only for Leo’s hand to come back and to pinch his cheek. “Augh! Stop! Your hands are freezing!”
“Oh, are they actually?” Leo’s hands were then diving under Casey’s scarf to press them against his neck, and the scream the boy gave was almost ear splitting.
“NO! Off, off, off! Get away from me!” Casey scrambled across the snow to escape, only for Leo to follow with an evil gleam in his eyes. “Guys help!”
Casey, who had fallen victim to Leo’s schemes more than once, knew the outcome of this dilemma, and scrambled off the ground in an instant. He was running laps of the park, laughing over his shoulder at the turtle who was pursuing him with outstretched hands and taunting loudly. 
“Should we stop them before they fall into the lake?” Mikey asked with a laugh.
Raph shrugged, smirking. “Eh, let em tire themselves out, it’ll be easier to get them to sleep later.”
“I concur, I do not want to deal with a hyperactive Leo,” Donnie raised a hand from where he was still lying on the ground from April’s snowball attack.
The green jacketed girl rolled her eyes. “Donnie, get up.”
“Can’t. I’ve been shot.”
A scream echoed through the park, making the group whip around in alarm to where Leo and Casey were tussling on the ground, the blue coded turtle pressing his fingers underneath Casey’s scarf to target his neck. The raven haired teen was screeching at the chill spreading through his skin, bursts of laughter mingling with his yelps as Leo refused to let up. 
“LEHEHO! Stohohopihit!” 
“What? Can’t hear you Snow Baby, sorry, I’ve got ear muffs on.” 
“Invisible ear muffs are the modern style Case, I thought you’d know that cause you’re from the future.”
One of Casey’s hands came up to shove at Leo’s face, the other trying to push away the turtle’s fingers assaulting his sensitive skin. “Thahat’s soho duhumb!”
Leo’s mouth dropped open and gasped loudly. “How dare you insult my invisible earmuffs, that is so mean.” 
Casey cracked an eye open to peer up at Leo smugly. “Thought you couldn’t hear me with those ear muffs?” 
Scoffing an incredulous laugh, Leo furrowed his brow playfully. “Alright, wise guy, you asked for this.” Leo lightened his touch enough so that his fingernails were just grazing along Casey’s neck, causing the boy to try and turn into a turtle himself and scrunch his head down, all the while in fits of panicked giggles.
“DahAHAamnit LehehEHEO!” He cried, grappling with the turtle’s arms to dislodge his freezing fingers. “Nohohoho!”
Using the tassels of Casey’s scarf to dust along his cheek just to be annoying, Leo cooed, “I warned you bud; insult the muffs, get the fluff.”
Pressing his cheek into the snow, Casey batted at his mentor with horribly uncoordinated movements. “Yohou suhuck!”
“Ouch, what a burn. Good thing we’re surrounded by so much ice that I can treat it.”
Casey landed a smack on his shoulder, rolling his eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t roll right out of his head. “Dork,” he bit out between peals of laughter.
“Oh I’m a dork now am I? Wow, really laying it on thick with the insults today, kiddo,” Leo snorted. The attempts of ‘insulting’ Leo really weren’t really that cutting at all, he was gonna have to teach this kid some curse words to help him along. Raph may kill him for it, but he was the sensei of Jones Junior, not his big brother.  Casey did end up catching a cold from the snow, though Leo held up his promise and was vigilant during the boy’s recovery. This was his kid after all, he was always going to look out for his Snow Baby.
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
hiiii! i freakin love your writings so much it’s all so much fun to read !!! can i request ellie with a reader who has ADHD? as a person with madddd ADHD i’ve been thinking recently about how ellie would be with a partner who has it, i can just imagine her being so comforting when reader is overstimulated, or having a hard time focusing/getting work done bc of the adhd paralysis. i also like to think about ellie just sitting there like 🤩🥰🫶🏻😍 while listening to reader talk about their current hyper fixations and chuckling a bit when reader fumbles over their words bc their brain is moving to fast to keep up. maybe she would buy reader all kinds of fidget/stim toys and gets all smiley and proud of herself when reader gets excited about it :,)))
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Ellie Williams Headcanons: Reader with ADHD
She's the sweetest girl ever 🥹
Is so so so considerate of everything- she's always looking for possible triggers
Loud noise? She's got your headphones. A crowd of people? She knows a quieter spot. Didn't take your meds? She's got spare.
It had definitely been one of your badder days. You woke up late, your hair was tangled and just wasn't doing what it was told, you couldn't eat breakfast and work was hectic, the cubicles seeming a lot louder than usual.
Ring. Ring Ring. Every phone ringing was screeching in your ears, the chewing of food from your coworkers in there respective cubicles overwhelming loud. Your head was pounding and your dress shirt just wasn't sitting right on your body, the scratchy material tight and uncomfortable against your skin.
You were hot and sweaty, your head was pounding and tears began to seep into your eyes. You looked over to the bottom right hand corner, looking at the time.
5:00pm. The time signalled your queue to leave the tall office building- you zoned out trying desperately to fend off the approaching attack and before you knew it your car was screeching onto the drive of the small suburban house you and Ellie had bought six months ago together.
The slam of the front door alerted Ellie of your arrival. She went downstairs going towards you immediately, this had happened before so she knew what you needed, she wordlessly took a hold of your hand and lead you upstairs into the bedroom.
She drew the blinds closed, turned of the lights and closed the door. She helped you take off your shoes, and strip down getting rid of the overwhelming scratchy feeling on your skin, instead helping you into your favorite nightdress, the scent of your washing powder comforting you, muffling your sniffles.
Ellie softly guided you to lay down on the soft bouncy mattress, over the top of the comforter and grabbed a makeup wipe, taking off the smothering creams and powders- allowing you to physically ease at the feeling of your skin being able to breathe freely.
You closed your eyes, the sweet silence calming you down and the feeling of Ellie's hand tangled in your hair grounding you.
"You alright now baby?" She whispered pressing a soft kiss to your nose.
"yeah thank you ells..."
(based of how I calm down from sensory overload- it's different for everyone!!)
She loves hearing about your hyper fixations!
Hearing you so passionate about your special interests make her swoon and fall even more in love with you 🥹
She does it too tho- you know loads about dinosaurs thanks to Ellie!
Your boss gets really annoyed when you don't get assignments done
But she helps you focus!!!
Her general vibe is really comforting, you and her go on work/study dates together so she can keep you on track.
Hand on your knee and a small "you gotta get back to work baby" when you go on a tangent ❤️
Girlie always has stim toys on deck-
Mouth stims, finger fidgets, squishes, pop-its.
Thinks the way you stumble of your words while your ramble is the most adorable thing in the world.
She's smitten.
Taglist: @aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @prettypeoniesx @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo @delusionalvioleht @joelscharm @hi2647 @gumdropkoo @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @womaniza @namgification @kimiisims-blog @tayyyystan @abigaillovestoread @whoreshores @kylieeluvstlou @knowitsforthebetterr @endureher @erikaar @lanasluverr @sayah13
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graylinesspam · 1 month
Rex sits down on a create on the edges of the camp. He sets is datapad down for a moment and fishes in one of the pouches of his belt until he pulls out a paper wrapped stick.
Its oddly glued together from two pieces of rolling paper that have been meticulously cut down the middle and rolled back together into a cylindrical shape glued with his dry spit. This unholy concoction is a mix of a caf stick and a nic stick.
The medics advise against mixing stimulants and depressants but frankly, Rex doesn't care. He has files he needs to fill out and process and a deep ache in his shoulder from a nasty fall a couple of days ago.
He needs this time to himself, to have his smoke and do his work and not be physically responsible for another person for a few minutes. The battery pack on one of his blasters slides easily from the stock of the gun. One press of cycle button activates the metal connectors and without a blaster and a gas canister attached the metal heats uselessly.
He touches the end to the hot metal and the paper sparks and ignites.
A couple quick puffs of air draw the fire down the line of chem sprayed herbs and they smolder with a dry heat.
He pinches the smoke between two fingers and draws in a long breathe.
After the inadvisable mix of stims starts saturate his blood he holds the smoke between his teeth freeing his hands to retrieve the pad and begins his word.
the white stick hangs low from the corner of his mouth and occasionally ash falls off to powder over his thigh plate.
Across the camp he can hear the Anakin and Ahsoka bickering. Hardcase laughing at something. The medics dragging another crate to their tent. The scuff of the guards boots as they walk the perimeter on watch. The tap of his own fingers against the screen.
He lets the time tick. The occasional draw of breath through the smoke notching the passage of it until the fire burns close to his face.
The red flash of the low burn bobs in the bottom of his vision.
When the smoke is too short to hold in his mouth he removes it, the little nub almost too small to pinch between his fingers. His small slice of alone time is up. The do not disturb light burning out as he fails to draw oxygen through it anymore.
He crushes the thing underfoot and turns to leave as the head medic, Cadaver, walks up to his smoke spot.
Rex braces for a reprimand but the surly man does little more than lean against another crate across from him, hand fishing around in one of his pockets until he pulls a smoke of his own out.
His dark eyes cut to Rex, a challenge in them as he pulls a makeshift lighter of his own out.
Rex cuts a smile and turns away, letting the other man have his break. Rex has responsibilities he must return too after all. And he'd never begrudge another man for finding a moment of peace.
@circadianaa, tagging you bc of the boy
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coldcrypt · 1 year
I'm marco, 26yo cis guy from UK. I got into weight loss because I wanted motivation to stop drinking around april 2022, and ended up bingeing and purging on avg 3 times a week for abt 6 months. I relapsed back into daily drinking (litre+ of vodka a day) and detoxed in hospital at the start of the year, but have been finding it really difficult to stop and stay stopped, so I'm back here. I've nearly died so many times recently from drinking and I just keep gaining/getting more and more swelling &bloating. If any alcoholics/bulimics have advice for someone who cant stop shovelling it in to get a sustainable deficit, I'd appreciate it a lot. My goal is to be safe about it, but I'm open to anything that works.
I'm experimenting with different methods of weight loss, sometimes fasting, sometimes rezzing, but am very inconsistent. I binge v often. This is not so much an accountability blog, more like recording what I've learnt and just venting. My bmi starting around may20th was 22 ish, was 5th june 20, 4th oct 22.5,and now 20.5 jan27th. Have to get it back to 20, but goal would be 18 with low body fat %. My main goal is to stop drinking and get healthier (thinner).
To do list:
get compression sleeves for running
Things that worked:
going to meetings make it much easier to abstain and think abt other things than food -> much easier rezzing
being distracted by things unrelated to food
having good food options for rezzing prepped, like boiled eggs, or having a solid stock of staples like steak, yoghurt, fruit and veg
not buying food that I will binge on, if I buy it, even if its not for me, I will eat it and get fat
taking longer routes/walking instead of getting train (energy, weather and mood permitting)
peppermint tea
keep it in the day. One day at a time really works, it just takes practise to get into mentally
supporting blood sugar throughout the day, especially if going out/socialising/towards the end of the day (when alc cravings pick up). This is best done with small amounts of carbs following a rly high protein 1st meal
Things that I was doing before but that didn't work out well:
taking K supplements (just eat s. potato for carb allowance, is filling too and has loads of K, stops palpitations when intermittent fasting)
pho, miso or gochujang as soup bases. They are too salty and lead to painful sluggish bloat.
Oyster sauce is not worth the cals
Diet sodas. Caffeine dependence builds really quickly and teeth need help
olive oil for sautéing vegetables. Pointless cals. Fats can come from lean meats like beef steak, eggs and occasional avo as well as omega3 supplements
fasting. At 18 hours I feel like I'm goin mental and at 22+ the palpitations make it uncomfortable to move around or do anything at all
strength training (esp core) at home without equipment. Dont enjoy it at all, not motivated at all
watching hours and hours a day of ED documentaries, scrolling ED tumblr, and watching hours of foodtube every day. Obsession -> binges
hard avoiding carbs. Leads to massive brain rot and feeling morbid. Can't do anything. Inevitable binges, usually alcohol, or 4000 cal of food.
sushi is not really worth it. White sushi rice is too sugary. Its usually a carb craving in disguise, or something to get on the go and is expensive.
weighing every morning just lead to trying to use caffeine as lax and more chaos on energy levels, or obsessing and not being distracted.
Press ups make my joints click a lot. Planking is really boring and doesnt feel rewarding.
Using sex for stim instead of food and cooking
Curious about:
feta, olives and cherry tomatoes for satiety.
Broccoli and mushrooms (annoying to prep or dont taste nice when boiled)
chicken sausages for cheap lean protein (think they can be a binge trigger or lead to mental scarcity feelings but not sure if worth)
ways to make cottage cheese not taste shit (cocoa powder is not cutting it)
cardio > strength training maybe. Runner's high > nothing from strength training (that I ever felt anyway).
Finding a way to enjoy strength training
yoga and stretching for stim
skipping breakfast has really mixed vibes. Can feel completely awful, but can also make rezzing much easier. Can also lead to binges in the evening (because there's unspent cals in the budget). Probably best to stick to eating breakfast but keeping it high protein and not eating right away when waking up.
Experiment with meds timings.
minced turkey or discount fish for lean protein variety
ways to make eating salad not miserable, cos it does work rly well for getting a deficit. (Maybe herbs and lemon and chickpeas? Make in bulk? Quinoa? Binge risk)
New plan from 4th Oct '23 can't be strict bc cant track exercise cals without a phone for looking at time spent walking and running so will need to do a gross-in instead of net- in quick basic (aspirational) plan:
1000 cal deficit/day for the next month -> 1500 gross in/day allowance
NO: baked beans, bone broth, oil, paté, pasta, alcohol, caffeine, quiche, cheese, instant snack food, pesto, chorizo, hummus, meal deal foods reason: too sugary or fatty for their worth in flavour. Cause binges every time when rezzing. Not filling enough. Caffeine leads to crashes and the pickmeup is usually food.
LESS: bread, onion, ketchup reason: can be useful carbs in a pinch, less likely to cause binges than above (because they are only accompanied with protein). Onion and ketchup help with mental scarcity and support good vibes
MORE: fruit, veg soup, sweet potato, tuna, s. noodles, fruit juice, avocado, egg, steak, quorn, butternut squash reason: sugar cravings need to be comboed with fibre addition, or fruit juice could be useful diluted for emergency alc cravings. Everything else is lean protein and should be frontloaded in the day. Sweet potato is there for potassium and low glycaemic index carbs. Avo and s. noodles are contentious bc of price and fat/nutritional value reasons
ALTERNATIVES TO EATING: gaming, reading, weighing, cleaning, brushing teeth, counting cals, weights, stretching, running, walking, meetings. mostly overeat because of boredom and to break monotony in free time or to stim. These are alternatives that work and also make rezzing easier in other ways.
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schnuron · 10 months
2023's albums I like
Here are the albums I've been liking in this year:
Darkwave: Hallows - A Quieter Life Shad Shadows - Assault Saigon Blue Rain - Oko Mareux - Lovers from the Past - Iggy Pop - Every Loser Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn into You Luke Vibert - Machine Funk Kelela - Raven Mitski - The Land is Inhospitable and So are we Spiritbox - The Fear of Fear Gunship - Unicorn Mega Drive - 200XAD
Ambient: Alva Noto - HYbr:ID II Field Lines Cartographer - Phases of This and Other Moons Hinako Omori - stillness, softness... Polypores - Multizonal Mindscramble Ital Tek - Timeproof Augustus Muller/Boy Harsher - Cellulosed Bodies Midnight Smoke - Retronoir / Empty Floors EP Warrington-Runcorn New Town Development Plan - The Nation's Most Central Location Carbon Based Lifeforms - Seeker
Honorable mentions: Katatonia - Sky Void of Stars HEALTH - RAT WARS Korine - Tear Nuovo Testamento - Love Lines Veil of Light - Sundancing Pearly Drops - A Little Disaster Battle Tapes - Texture Rebecca Black - Let Her Burn Tkay Maidza - Sweet Justice Sun June - Bad Dream Jaguar Jonn Serrie - Elysian Lightships Yves Tumor - Praise a Lord Who Chews, But Does Not Consume… Yves Malone - Kill the Copy in your Head Biosphere - Inland Delta Bibio - Sunbursting EP Eartheater - Powders Fragrance - Dust & Disorders Dominic Fike - Sunburn Olivia Rodrigo - Guts Sleep Token - Take Me back to Eden Danger (not the French one) - Blade EP Alison Goldfrapp - The Love Invention In Flames - Foregone Clark - Sus Dog Oval - Romantiq Saya Gray - QWERTY EP Sophie Ellis-Bextor - HANA Speakers Corner Quartet - Further Out Than The Edge The Ongoing Concept - Again Ellie Goulding - Higher than Heaven Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation A Certain Ratio - 1982 Glen Hansard - All That was East is West of Me Now Fireworks - Higher Lonely Power Cicada - Seeking the Sources of Streams James Holden - Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities Andrea - Due in Color Enslaved - Heimdal Skrillex - Quest for Fire Orbital - Optical Delusion Kimbra - A Reckoning GLT Nurnberg - Ahida Mary Lattimore - Goodbye, Hotel Arkada Julie Byrne With Laugh Cry Laugh EP Peter Gabriel - i/o Not Waving - The Place I've been Missing Ben Howard - Is It? Slowdive - Everything is Alive Stimming - Elderberry Spangle call Lilli line - Ampersand Ruby Haunt - Between Heavens Anberlin - Convinced Amir Obe - after. Soft Vein - Pressed in Glass Ghost - Phantomine Kaelan Mikla - Undir Koldum Nordurljosum Strange Ranger - Pure Music Disclosure - Alchemy Carly Rae Jepsen - The Loveliest Time Art School Girlfriend - Soft Landing Crosses - Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete. David Eugene Edwards - Hyacinth
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The horse that ate Tootsie Noodles' cousin or Nick's bug from starship
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🐴 The Horse that ate Tootsie Noodles' Cousin 🐴
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ceterostimming · 4 years
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Oobleck stimboard!
(x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) Banner
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the-afton-funhouse · 5 years
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                                            Michael Afton Stimboard
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kanostims · 5 years
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🦴 Grey Crumble 🦴
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stimperfect · 5 years
★ x ★ o ★ x ★ o ★ x ★ o ★ x ★ o ★ x ★ o ★ x ★
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gottastim · 5 years
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pasty.asmr on ig
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satan-stims · 5 years
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x x x | x x x | x x x
Banner by @weirddnibanners
A Tabby Slime board for @harlequince
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quellmythirst · 2 years
The Week-long Seminar - Day 7 - Staying
Summary: You tell Billy your staying, he takes it very well.
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Billy Russo
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: SMUT, piv, fingering, chocking, over stim, teasing, fluff.
Part 6
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“Shit. Why did I bring so much stuff with me?” You think, loading your suitcase full of the clothes strewn around the hotel room. You’re nearly halfway through packing all the tech into a bag when there is a knock at your door. Glancing down at your phone, the light searing into your eyes. Shit it's 1am. You still haven't heard from Billy, maybe he's still asleep and you'll be able to get back before he even notices you're gone? You can only hope.
“Ms Van Dyne,” opening the door to greet her, “are you free now?”
“Ye- what is that?” She exclaims, taking your chin in her hand and tilting your face up. Her eyes growing wide as she stares at the marks on your neck.
“Oh, I ah-”  raising your hand to your neck trying to cover the bruising. “It's nothing.”
“Doesn't look like nothing, “she squints, releasing your face and holding out her hand, “come with me.” Hope gestures for you to sit on the couch before moving to the bathroom, “I figured this trick out after Scott got out of house arrest. Dad did not need to see that,”  she laughs, bringing out a cool cloth and something crushed in a bowl.
“Oh, no honey. Scott. He was- I got a bit carried away,” Hope winks at you.
“What is that?” you ask, nodding at the bowl in her hand.
“It'll stop the swelling,” she rubs the damp cloth into the powder, “did he do this to you?”
“Who? I don't know what you mean?” You try to lie but she's spent the last few years with you at her side, there was no way she was buying it.
“Ah huh. So you haven't been seeing that warmonger asshole behind my back for months?” She smirks at you when you make a face, “that's what I thought. He do this to you?”
“Yeah, but-”
“But you liked it,”
“Yeh I did.”
“And is he the reason you're staying?”
“Part of it.”
“Well, I guess I can't hate him for that. Still though, if he ever hurts you in a way you don't like, you call me. I know people in this city and I'm just a flight away.”
“I think I'll be good, but I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Hope.”
“Right, that should do it,” she says, leaning back and staring at the orange line along your neck. “Let's get to it then,” she smiles, sitting on the couch next to you. Hope flick’s the folder open, pointing out the details of your move and what your new position is going to entail. Apparently she had booked the hotel room until your apartment was ready, but you had a better idea on where you want to stay for a week or two. Your hand starts to cramp up and your eyes ache after hours and hours of signing and initially all the paperwork. Hope checks and rechecks that she has everything in order, a wave of panic on her face when she notices the time on her watch.
“I need to get going, but just call if you need anything,” Hope says, shrikning her own bags down and tucking them into her pocket. Then helping you carry your bags to the lobby, “anything. I mean it,”
“Yes Ma'am, I'll call if I need you.”
“Good, and-”
“Yes I'll tell Billy that you threatened his life.”
“Perfect,” she pulls you into a tight hug before hopping into the taxi and leaving you alone on the sidewalk.
This is it. You think, setting your bags down outside Billy's door. Hopefully he's up, though it's doubtful, the sun was barely over the horizon.
You take a deep breath before you knock on the door. You press an ear up to the door, hearing a lot of shuffling and clanking behind the door. You knock again, still no answer. You're just about to give up and head back to the hotel when the door opens. 
His triumphant grin shines down at you, some- what even is that? You reach to brush whatever it is from his shoulders but his arms wrap around your middle and lift's you into the air. “You’re back!” his hands hold you tight as he kisses you softly.
“Yeah, I said in my note I was coming back,” you shake your head, wondering why he would've thought otherwise.
“I saw the note, but-” he puts you down, finally noticing the bags behind you, “people leave notes and never come back sometimes.” His voice is soft and almost vulnerable when he admits it, staring at your bags.
“Well-” you widen your arms- “I came back! Here I am and I have a favor to ask,”
“Anything,” he takes your hand kissing you again, “whatever you want.”
“You don't even know what it is yet?” you shake your head at him, “What if I want you to kill a guy?”
“Wouldn’t be the first,” he shrugs.
“Billy,” you hit him playfully, rolling your eyes.
“Don't care, if it means you're not leaving, I'll do whatever I can.”
“So I can stay?” You peer up at him with hope in your eyes. He did just agree to perform a hit for you, so you suppose asking to stay at his apartment really wasn’t a lot.
“Seriously? You want to stay here,” he brushes past you, picking up your bags, “that's the stupidest thing you've ever said,” he starts walking, heading to what you know to be his bedroom, “'sif I'd ever let a woman move in with me,” he opens the door to the closet, “she’d get her girly shit all over my nice neat bachelor pad,” he unzips your bag dumping the contents into his closet, “you'd have to be mad to think I wanted that,” he finally turns scooping you up into his arms and pressing you into the wall
“You’re right, that would be crazy of me,” you laugh as he presses kisses into your neck before pulling back.
“What is that?” He asks, staring at the home remedy Hope had used on you, “it tastes like oranges,”
“Hope said it would bring the bruising down,”
“Oh, so you want to live in my house and not wear my marks, that it?” He cocks an eyebrow at you.
“No, she just-”
“I know exactly what to do with you, naughty girl,” he boops the end of your nose as he begins walking. His fingers hooking under your sweater and pulling it over your head. Setting you on the kitchen counter he steps between your legs. Your fingers slip up to his buttoned top and you find more of that strange dust stuff on the collar.
“What is this?”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, ripping your pants from your legs, your ass hitting the cold marble of the counter, flinching trying to get off it. “Now, about this shit on your neck,” he runs a cloth under some warm water, gently wiping away the remnants with a tenderness that surprises you. “What's the look for?” he asks, stopping to rinse the cloth so he can continue.
“What look? I’m not doing a look,”
“Hmm..” his eyes glance up at you, letting you get away with it for now.
“What was that?” you ask, when you hear something hit the wooden floor. 
“Told you not to worry about it,” he drops the cloth in the sink, his hand warm from the water skimming up your legs and spreading them further apart. “Why don’t I give you something else to focus on, huh?” he swipes his fingers through your pussy, “Fuck, Baby. You’ve only been here 15 minutes and your dripping,”
“Love feeling your hands on me,” you pant, arching up towards his hands. Wrapping your own behind him and squeezing his tight ass.
“That all you want to feel?” his thumb starts flicking over your clit as those long fingers fill you and you let out a loud moan. He pumps his fingers in and out, his free hand ripping your bra from you and pressing his hardness into your leg. You lean back on your elbows, watching as he fucks you on his hand. Not noticing him scanning your features, searching for the spot that will make your eyes roll back into your skull. 
His other hand works fast to shove his pants down, while you're chasing your high. “Fuck, baby. You’re stunning,” he growls, smirking when he sees your eyes roll. He presses in hard on that spot, while his thumb continues it's work on your clit, “Soak me, Come on Baby. Cum for me,” You were almost there, when your eyes meet you see your hunger reflecting in his, “Cum, Cum Baby,” your pleasure washes over you. Billy’s fingers not stopping until your body begins to shake. 
You let out a sigh, relaxing your body against the cool marble when you feel him nudge at your pussy. His thick cock grazing your entrance, your shiver. Your sensitive pussy sending jolt of pleasure all over you, “Going to fuck you now Baby. You ready?” you give him a small nod, unsure if you even had a voice left. “Good girl,” in a flash his hands move from your thighs to your hips, flipping you over so your spread over the counter, your ass sticking out at him. “Much better,” he slaps your ass, “That’s for leaving,” he growls leaning his body over yours, “And this,” he slams his cock into your drenched pussy, “Is for coming back,” a low moan escaping his lips as your pussy begins to convulse around him.
“So fuckin full,” your voice breathless as he begins to rut into you. Your hands grip the other side of the counter, holding on for dear life.
“Full of me. How you should always be,” he starts sucking into your neck, his lips covering the marks that had faded and remaking them. Fuck, he's hitting you in all the right places, knows exactly how to break you and how to play. Your heads spinning, but you keep moaning and screaming his name. The soft scratch of his beard sends shivers down your spine when he bites back into you. The veins on his hand hard when he shoves 2 fingers in your mouth. You suck down, welcoming the distraction from all the fog in your head. "Bite down on them, Baby," moaning when your teeth stab into him, pounding into you even harder, the sound excites something deep in your tummy, “Fuck, are you going to cum again?” you start to flutter around him and your legs start to shake.
“Then do it,” his balls hit your clit, sending you over the edge, your brain starts to fry and you shake, splutter, losing your vision for a second, Billy's pace not slowing. He's to busy savoring every drop of your pleasure.
“Such a good little whore,” he flips you again, your back hitting the counter and your eyes loll shut. Your mouth agape as you try to peer up at him.
His fingers grasp your neck, holding your head up, “Oh, Baby. You look so tired, but we’re not finished until I’m done with you,” he picks up your legs, wrapping them around his middle. Capturing your hands in his one as he holds them above your head, “You’re going to cum again for me,”
“Too much,” you plead, your brain going foggy and your eyes glazing over with exhaustion.
“I know you can take it. You got at least one more for me? Or do you want me to stop?”
“Don't stop,” you pant, not really sure if you can without passing out, but you’re willing to try.
“That’s my girl,” he eases into you slowly, his eyes rolling back at your pussy already clinging to him, “You ok there?” he asks, holding your head up so he can make sure he doesn't push you to far. His cock slowly fucks in and out of you. His other hand toys with your nipple, his tongue darting down to flick over it.
“FuCk yes,” 
“I don’t think I can hold back much longer with you looking up at me like that,”
“L-ke Wh-t?” your words are disjointed and breathy.
“Like the cock drunk little mess you are,”
“I’m n-t” you pout at him, tightening your legs around him and pulling him closer.
“Fuck, I need you to cum with me,” he leans down, capturing your lips softly in his. His pelvis grinds into you, his tongue circling in your mouth, “Please cum with me,” he moans into your mouth. Releasing your hands he clasps your hips holding you still, his pace spluttering, “Fuck!” He growls, your pussy sucking him in hard, clasping around him tighter than he has ever felt and you feel your brain go white and stars start to fill your vision. His cum empties inside you, painting your insides, fucking it deep into you. 
“Fuck me,” he breaths an exhausted sigh, leaning on the counter beside you. He brushes some hair from your face, looking down at you with affection. “Can you move?” 
You shake your head, fluttering your eyes shut when your cheek hits the cold marble. “Live here now,” 
“That’s right, Sweetheart,” he scoops you up in his arms, planting a soft kiss on your forehead and laying you down on top of him on the couch. “You’re all mine now,”
“Billy,” you relax back into his arms, letting out a soft yawn, “I think I might like you more than a friend,” 
“Oh really?” he asks, tilting your head up so he can see your face, “Just a bit more?” 
“Yeah, I-” something shiny falls from somewhere, and you see Billy's hand reach out and snatch it from the air, “What the fuck?”
“I ah- didn’t cope well with you leaving,” he admits, showing you the knife in his hand and pointing it up. It's then you notice the blade shaped holes in the ceiling.
“Did you throw knives into the roof because you missed me?” you turn over so you can see him better.
“Only a few,”
“Billy Russo, were you upset that I might leave?”
“No. I was furious.``He takes your face in his hand, his thumb that still smells of your cum caresses your cheek, you lean into his touch, “I want, wanted you to stay.”
“Why’s that?” you take a strand of his hair in your fingers twirling around and behind his ear.
“Sweetheart, I lov-”
“Don’t say it,” you put your fingers to his lips, “like you said, I’m to cockdrunk to be coherent right now,”
“Get some rest.” he smooths your hair out, patting you down while his fingers graze your back “We can talk about it later,”
“I forgot to tell you,” you mumble, half asleep and snuggling into Billy’s chest, “Hope said if you hurt me, she’ll come here herself to kill you,”
“She’s certainly welcome to try,”
AN: Is this the end for our happy pair of dorks? Yes? Maybe. I'm low key kinda wrung out at the moment, so i may take a little break.
@imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @fictional-hooman @geeyooo
@sweetheart-im-the-boss @sad-hoshi037 @ladyofsoa
@queenmalhinewahine @noortsshift @all-art-is-quite-useless
@restingbitchsblog @nyctophiliiiaa @misstimeless @wheresthesunshinesblog
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not me taking days to come up with a request 😌💅 lmao may I get some hurt/comfort with Ezra 🥺 maybe he or Reader is injured and the other has to patch them up (and maybe they feel at fault for the other's injury 🥺) thank you, my love 😍 you're the best! 😘💜
ezra x reader
wc: 2.9k (oops this was supposed to be like 1k...) warnings: some non descriptive violence, swearing, injuries, hurt/comfort, vague and inaccurate medical care, and soft feelings (it ends in fluff i swear it) note: not me taking weeks to answer it 😌 so sorry i took so long to get this out for you!!! but i hope it lives up to the wait? i also couldn’t decide who should be injured and who would feel at fault so i said ~both~ :)
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“Shit, shit.”
You pull Ezra’s arm tighter over your shoulders, but his added weight aggravates your leg. Your limp slows you down, but you aren’t leaving him behind. Not after what he did for you.
“Ezra, c’mon.” You jostle him slightly as you try to stumble further back to the pod, moving as fast as you can. You don’t know if he’s fully conscious. “Please you gotta help me out. I can’t do this on my own.”
He mumbles something into your shoulder, and you don’t quite catch it. But he’s not unconscious. Not yet.
“Fuck,” you cry out. You can see the pod in front of you, it’s so close now. But Ezra still sways into your side, barely able to do more than drag his feet after you. A jolt of pain shoots though your leg, and you collapse onto one knee. “Ezra!” Tears prick at your eyes.
You’re so close. So fucking close.
You can hear shouts behind you, and the fear rises. You had shot one of them, though not fatally, after Ezra had killed two of theirs. You didn’t know how many were left. Not too many, but certainly too many to take on by yourself while injured.
You try to push yourself up with your one good leg, tucking yourself under Ezra’s arm to get him up, but it’s too much. You sob into the cold air, trying to catch your breath. Castomore had a breathable atmosphere so you didn’t need helmets, but the air was thin, and combined with your recent skirmish, you were already feeling lightheaded.
“Ez, please,” you whisper. His head lolls to the side, mouth moving but eyes closed.
You can’t do it. You sink to your knees in the powdered snow, tears already freezing on your face. You lower Ezra slowly to the ground next to you and try not to cry again at the sight of the red stains on his suit. You don’t have a choice anymore. You could hole yourselves up in the pod for a while, maybe try to fix Ezra and yourself up best you can. But it would only delay the inevitable.
You’d be trapped inside, and the miscreants following you would get you eventually, possibly even damage the pod before you could do anything. You couldn’t afford to be trapped here.
Ezra still breathes, talking quietly, though nothing more than nonsense. You drag him behind a fallen tree, hiding him as best you can for now. You sling the thrower off your back, prepping it quickly.
You only have one option now.
Ezra’s face is soaked in sweat despite the cold, and you steel yourself. You wouldn’t let it end like this. You wouldn’t let him die for something that was your fault. His cheek is scratchy under your palm, and you gently brush your thumb along his face. You resolve to tell him. You’d tell him exactly how you felt if you survived this.
Another shout comes, this time closer. You breathe out and look away from the man that lays on the ground, taking up your thrower and balancing it on the stump you hide behind. You turn your head, squint through the scope, waiting for it to come into focus.
Three men. One limping, just like you.
You take another deep breath. Take Aim. Fire.
Ezra jolts up with a gasp, nearly knocking into you, and you have to push him back down just to make sure he doesn’t make his wound any worse.
The stim in your hand is quickly tossed away, both hands gently holding him and pressing on his chest.
“Hey,” you say it softly while his eyes dart quickly around your cabin, “just breathe, we’re safe now.”
He glances around, checking your surroundings as if he were still in danger. His heart beats rapidly underneath your palm now, so much faster than the dull thump when he lay unconscious. You breathe a sigh of relief.
“I had to stim you,” you reach up to smooth down his hair, and his panicked eyes meet yours. “Ezra, we’re alright, I just need you to breathe okay? You’re shot full of adrenaline, it’s going to take a moment, just stay with me baby?”
He lets his head fall back on the bunk beneath him, trying to breathe just like you said.
“What?” His voice is nothing more than a rasp, and you carefully check the bandage you pressed to his skin. The bleeding has slowed considerably.
“A stim,” you say it slowly, thinking he didn’t understand you. “I had to bring you back, but now I need you to try and breathe.”
His eyes slipped closed when he smiles, huffing a laugh that quickly turns into a wince.
You diligently work on fully patching him up now, wiping up some of the residue from the medpatch you put on him, and securing it nicely with the bandage tape.
“What appears to be my diagnosis, Doctor? Am I to continue on this wretched rock, or will I be sent to float among the stars?”
Even injured as he is, he still finds a way to be melodramatic. Or maybe he’s just cracking a joke at your expense.
You roll your eyes. “You’ll live. Now be quiet while I clean you up.”
Tossing away some of the wipes you used earlier, you tidy up the bunk to turn back to your patient. He smiles, eyes still closed, and you take the moment to admire his features.
He looks like shit.
His skin is pale and lips blue from the cold. His hair is slicked back with sweat and dark circles lie under his eyes. Added with his cut open suit and the patches on his chest and abdomen, he looks lucky to be alive.
You focus on cleaning up the dried blood, inspecting him for any other injuries as you sit on the bunk beside him. His smile slowly fades.
“Does it hurt at all when you breathe?”
He shakes his head, eyes opening. He reaches a hand up over yours and holds it to his chest as he looks to you.
“What happened?” his voice sounds weak. He looks so tired. You’re willing to bet you both do. You needed a week’s worth of rotations just to recover from this expedition. Neither of you were on top of your game—hadn’t been for some time now.
The both of you lost more money and supplies than you made so far, and every chance you got to make up the difference somehow ended in disaster. You sadly stared at his bandages.
“They’re dead,” you whisper. “I got you back here while you were unconscious.”
His thumb strokes the back of your hand. “My angel.”
You look up, see the slight curve to his lips. He’s trying to comfort you.
It’s your turn to close your eyes, hold back the tears you’ve been trying get rid of since the moment you stopped outside, fully believing that was your last stand.
“I’m so sorry, Ez.” Your voice cracks, and that’s when it starts. A silent tear tracks down your cheek, and you shake your head when you feel him squeeze your hand tight. “I’m so sorry, I thought it would be fine, I should have listened to you, I should never have made you come—”
“Hey.” He squeezes tighter and all you think is that you’re relieved he has some strength left. “This ain’t your fault. We went together.” His hand lets go of yours, and he moves to place it on your thigh. “Here I lay, nothing more than a sad—”
“Ow!” you yelp as soon as his hand closes around your leg.
He immediately snatches it away at your cry, startled. He starts to sit up, looking over you truly for the first time. His eyes widen when they see the track of blood that runs down your leg, the torn hole in your trousers.
“You’re hurt.”
He’s shocked by it. You had forgone checking over yourself and instead focused only on the man before you now. The pain had dulled to a constant throb, uncomfortable, but with more pressing matters at hand, able to ignore. His reminder suddenly brings it back.
You shift where you sit, taking your leg away from his reach, and he starts to sit up.
“No, you need to lie down,” you say through gritted teeth. “You shouldn’t be moving, just rest.”
“You are hurt. Let me—” He looks at you more intently now, scanning your body. You’re not sure what he sees. His face morphs into an expression of concern, then anger. “Look at me.”
You don’t move. He’s forced to reach up, and you can tell it strains him. His fingers take your chin, turning your head to the side so he can look at the part of your face you hid from him. He looks murderous.
“They shot you.”
“It was just a graze.”
“They shot you twice.”
You lower your head. Feeling the dull ache in your leg, your cheek. Your arm.
“Three times,” you whisper.
Your jacket is pulled off, revealing the hole in your bicep. It went straight through, seemed to have missed your artery, going through the meat of your upper arm. You were lucky. Incredibly lucky.
Ezra stares at it, breathing raggedly still. He says nothing for once, situating himself so he can sit on the edge just as you do. He should be resting, but you refuse to say anything more. You make sure he is as comfortable as can be, help him bring the field kit closer so he doesn’t have to reach.
He takes care of you silently, efficiently patching up your leg first. His brow is furrowed, eyes focused as he does it. You hate how it makes you feel. You had almost gotten him killed, and now here he was, forced to patch you up too.
The arm is quicker than your leg, and his hands are rough and shaking as he wraps the white cloth around it. He tries not to aggravate it, you know that, but it still hurts when he pulls it tight. You had used most of the pain killers when you worked on him. You would just have to bear it.
His hands still before coming to gently hold your face again, turning it towards him. Your eyes find the white square on his chest, and you think of the hole underneath. You’d almost lost him because of a reckless decision, because you had been foolish and greedy and too tired to care. It was your fault, and you deserved the three wounds you sustained. But he didn’t.
You feel Ezra swipe his thumb over your uninjured cheek, taking a tear with it. “Sweet angel,” he whispers, “don’t you cry for me.”
Your chest shudders when you breathe, and as he carefully wipes the blood from your cheek, you fight to not collapse into him. “I almost got you killed. I could have lost you. And I—” You stop yourself quickly, feeling a pull in your chest again.
You wonder if he remembers how you screamed when he went down, how you yelled and begged for him to stay with you, how you whispered your confession into the frozen air when you feared you wouldn’t make it.
“You’ve done nothing of the sort.” His touch his gentle as he cleans you up, tilts your head so he has better access to the gash that runs from the bridge of your cheekbone to the tip of your ear. He looks so tired and worn, and you want to comfort him. All you can do is bring your hand to his leg, relieved by his proximity and that he’s still here to speak with you. His gaze is fixed on your cheek, thumb still stroking your other, obviously distracted from treating your graze. “It was my fault, birdie. I…”
He trails off, a pained look in his eye as he turns from your cheek to your bandaged leg. You sag where you sit, leaning closer but still hesitate to put any weight on him. “No, Ez, it’s not.”
“I vowed once I would protect you,” he steels himself as he says it, snapping back into action and raising the disinfectant to your cheek. The sting makes you hiss, stopping you from interrupting him. “I may not be much, but if I was ever a man of my word, I was to you.”
He patches you up quietly, and you watch his eyes as they follow the graze along your cheek. You never had the chance to look at yourself, but from what you surmised by the blood flow, it wasn’t too deep. He pointedly fails to meet your gaze, scanning you for anything else while he smooths the bandage at your face, his other hand braced on the bunk by your hip to keep him upright.
He was right. Ezra was many things, but he had never lied to you. And remembering the promise you made to yourself not minutes before, you wouldn’t make a liar of yourself either.
“I love you, Ezra.”
His one hand fumbles with the tape and it falls into your lap.
“I’m afraid these drugs might be a little stronger than I first believed, angel.” His lips quirk up nervously, and his eyes dart between yours. “What did you just say?”
“I love you.”
It feels like such a small thing to say. As though the words don’t really convey exactly what you want them to mean. It’s a true statement, and you’re not afraid to say it finally. No matter how it’s received, it’s true, and you think he at least ought to know it.
It doesn’t stop you from fiddling with seam of your pants however, and you drop your gaze from his when he’s still quiet.
His hand comes back to gently cup your jaw, just under the now-bandaged gash.
“I’m…still not sure I…”
You lean forward at the same time he does, your hand finding the curve of his face. His lips fit nicely to yours, like they were meant to be there. His forehead rests against yours, nose brushing your uninjured cheek, and each of you become the other’s support. Neither of you move for a moment, content to feel the press of each other’s lips, have the knowledge that someone cared for you, and, of course, much too exhausted to do anything else.
He breathes out, lips adjusting over yours before his thumb brushes your cheek. You tense as the touch skirts over the edge of your bandage. Ezra pulls back, and you already mourn the loss of his warmth. You drop your hand from his face to his shoulder, and he grunts at the pressure, the two of you barely able to hold each other upright.
“I must apologize,” he speaks slowly but a soft smile plays on his lips. “As much as I should like to, I cannot in good conscience—” he breathes deep again, a hand over his chest, “nor in good health do anything more.”
You let out an easy laugh, finding it hard to keep your eyes open now that you had to chance to close them.
“Please, angel,” he starts again while letting himself lie back against the bunk, hand taking hold of yours on the way. “Please tell me we’ve at least earned a moment of respite.”
“Yeah, Ez,” you set the kit on the floor, not wanting to deal with anything else now. The man you love is calling you to bed. “We can have a moment.” Or ten, you think.
You shuffle silently in next to him, fitting so the two of you can lay shoulder to shoulder. You turn your head to watch his eyes slip closed, just as he reaches to clasp your hand in his and entwines your fingers over his stomach.
You let him, finding the bunk somehow much more comfortable than it ever was before. Your eyes roam over his face, noting the way his lashes kiss his cheek, the slope of his nose that dips to the curve of his mouth, the patches of scruff along his jaw. His eyelids flutter as he settles, his chest moving with each breath, and you’re grateful to see the life in him.
His head turns to face you, eyes opening just as yours drift closed, too heavy to keep open. You’re safe in your temporary home, nestled into Ezra’s side. No one was left to chase you, the pod is sealed, your wounds bandaged. You breathe easier, reassuring yourself that all is well, just as you feel a finger trace along the side of your face, carefully avoiding your newest scar. Even as you begin to fade, the action makes you smile, and you sigh, focusing in on the small details you still feel.
His thumb caresses yours, the gentle motion lulling you further to sleep. You only feel the hard press of the bunk mat at your back, the press of his shoulder to yours and the touch of his hand. All you hear is the gentle hum of the air regulator and his soft breathing, and just before you drift off, Ezra’s quiet whisper.
“I love you too, angel.”
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