#preston potter
lackadaisycal-art · 1 year
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2022 Art vs Artist!
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bellwood-qudditch · 5 months
Katie Bell headcanons (2024)
•Has 3 half-siblings, 5 full siblings and 2 step siblings
•Almost sorted into Ravenclaw
•Her full name is Kathryn Adela Marie Bell
•She was born on July 17th, 1979 (making her a cancer)
•Had abandonment issues because of her mother
•When she got cursed by the necklace she never had time to process her trauma at the time because of her NEWTS and the ongoing war
•After the war ended she isolated herself a lot
•When she was in St.Mungos after the necklace incident she didn’t wake up for 6 months
•During her “coma” she kind of had a Meredith Grey beach moment
•Is the godmother to eight children (mostly her nieces and nephews)
•Was an introvert until you go to know her
•Her and Oliver Wood had three kids together: Preston Oliver Wood (2003), Ryan Blake Wood (2006) and Madison Anastasia Wood (2008)
•The couple never officially married because she never wanted to actually have a marriage but they stayed together until they both died
•She became a healer after Hogwarts, not because of her incident but because that’s what she always wanted to be since she was a little girl; she wasn’t gonna let something like that ruin her dreams and ambitions.
•Is a cat person
•Her dad was a professional quidditch player but quit right before she was born due to a drug related scandal
•Grew up calling her parents by their first names because her older siblings did
•She had a huge age gap between all her siblings except for her half sister Emily who she didn’t know existed until she was 10.
•Speaking of, one of her brothers died when she was five
•She never ever had a crush on Oliver Wood until after she graduated.
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plotandburn · 1 year
Harry gets adopted by
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Now before we start i would like to adress some things:
the following parents won't be included in this plot bunny farm:
A. Mrs. Nurfington: there's no mention of Nurf's dad so he either dosen't know Nurf exists, compleatly abandoned Nurf or died and,since Nurf dosen't appear to have any relatives other than his mom who is in jail there would be no one left to raise Harry even if she did adopt him.
B. Gram Gram : ok based on the fact that Preston's parents are never mentioned they either died or Preston was an accidental & unwanted pregnancy. Preston, like Nurf, dosen't seem to have any other relatives aside from her and i'd imagine raising one kid is already hard enough for her as it is, she wouldn't be able to raise two.
C.Jermy's parents : ok, they would probably be able to raise him but....Holly shit! they low key look even more inbread than any purebloods in the Hp saga plus Jeremy is weird and gross and i'm pretty sure most of the fandom is not a fan of him so...no thanks.
D. Max's parents: they seem to be at best emotionally neglectfull and at worst abusive and since i don't have a clear reading on them, i decided to leave them out of this.
E. Cameron Campbell : who is not fit to raise anyone and wasn't even on the list. (that was only the best image i could find)
2. regardless on the idea chosen they must feature the following:
A. Harisson is a Squibborn (or in J*ke rowlling's words: Muggleborn): in "Mind Freakers" he casts a spell that causes Max to vomit a chain of tied up scarves & other magical items and in "Parents Day" his parents mention that "he made his brother dissapear" so claming that this nigga would be a muggle should he live in the Hp universe is....laughable at best. The others? Sure, they can be as muggleish as the person who writes the stories wants them to be but there's no freaking way that Harisson wouldn't be classed as a wizard.
B. Nikki has werewolf genes or the genes of some type of magical creature:
Nikki seems to have a unique bond with wild animals, even managing to tame an eagle named Timothy in "Scout's Dishonor." She also makes mention of her plan to possibly become the alpha of a wolf pack upon escaping the camp.
Nikki can speak a bit of squirrel, as shown in the episode "Squirrel Camp", but she is rusty and doesn't fully understand what is being squeaked.
In "Camporee" it is revealed that she is even capable of cross-species communication, by barking at a wolf to subdue it, then unleashing it on the Wood Scouts and Flower Scouts.
She has also been shown to exhibit dog/wolf-like traits, such as biting David's hand in "Escape from Camp Campbell", and barking & growling at Max when confronting him in "Camp Cool Kidz". In the hunt for Neil in "Reigny Day" she also declared she'd act like a bloodhound to search, getting down on all fours and sniffing the ground.
In "Reigny Day" Nikki is seen somehow telepathically communicating with David as he laments losing his award to Dolph. Specifically, she notes that "he really looks like Hitler." (Camp camp wiki)
She also seems to have a weird ass conection with nature, what with her needing a bag of dirt when she is forced to be away from it for long periods of time so, while she dosen't necessarily have to be a witch herself, there's no denying that she is defintly not 100% human either.
3.No reader-inserts, self-inserts or unhappy endings are allowed.
4.spanking, watersports, extremely underage ships or parent/child incest are only allowed if portrayed on a negative light.
5.Peter Petigrew and Dolores Umbridge must be bashed
6.Dumbledore must be gay and atracted to Grindewalt and Grindewalt alone.
7.poor grammar is not allowed (you don't need a beta but at least use grammarly some form of grammar corrector)
8. You are not allowed to bash Severus Snape, Sirius Black,Draco Malfoy or Remus Lupin
9.Hagrid can only be paired with Madame Maxine and no one else
10. Mad Eye Moody and Amelia Bones can't be paired with anyone
11. Minerva Mcgonagal can only be paired with Poppy Pomfrey or anyone on the staff that she never taugh herself.
12. Crabbe and Goyle can only be paired with Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Milicent Bulstrode, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, each other or an Oc.
Now with that said let's kick this off from worst to best:
Harisson's parents
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Ok so i have seen a headcanon that the only reason why Harisson has his magician outfit is because his family is Amish, wich considering their reaction to his magic is very likely as i doubt they would ever consider buying the outfit for him so this would be the only way he would have acess to it.
Thus, whoever choses to write this fict will have to either been raised in an amish comunity or be extremely familiar with it for the fict to be accurate.
Now, i'd imagine that, prior to both Harisson and Harry having bounds of accidental magic they would be very good parents: kind,nurturing and all that jazz but once the acidental magic happens they would treat Harry just like they treat Harisson.
Meaning that, while Harry wouldn't be phisically abused or treated like a slave, he would be severely emotionally neglected and,most likely become extremely dependent on Harisson as he would be the only person in his family to show him even an ounce of affection.
Thus, this fict would most likely call for a softharry as i'd imagine this type of enviorement would make him latch out into anyone that gives him even an ounce of attention. This Harry would most likely be a Hufflepuff as being ignored would make him value kindness above anything else. Recomended ships would be : Cedric,Luna,Cho,either of the Weasley twins or Percy...or...pretty much any character you can think of that would be able to dott on him.
2.Stuart Houston:
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Ok so...there's no confirmation that either Adolf or his dad are actually nazis despite Adolf himself being inspired by Hitler so it's up to the writer to make them nazis or not.
Regardless, I'd imagine that, if Harry were to be raised by him, he would, in his desperate need of parental aproval, grow up to be a text book definition of toxic masculinity, abhorring anything that could be considered unmainly so the whole fict would be about him learning to be more chill, wich would be very interesting,not gonna lie. This Harry would stick to his canon house as he would most likely value bravery above anything else. Recomended ships: Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Cho, Fleur, Charlie, Ron and Draco.
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Ok so unlike the two previous candidates, the problem with her wouldn't be anything she says but mainly...what she does. You see,anyone who watched the parents day episode would definetly see that she has a penchant of not keeping tabs on Nikki and the fact that she was not at all bothered by a shit ton of people seeing her having sex with Carl tells me that Nikki definetly saw her having sex on more than one time,plus her on/off relationship with her husband is not healthy for any child.
The writer would have to be familiar with how early exposure to sexually explicit content and parental fighting can affect a kid as Harry would grow up with alll the problems that early exposure to both may cause so...nedless to say, he would be a very problematic kid.
I'd imagine that he would end up sticking with his canon house and as for ships...well....i'd imagine he would date a shit ton of people so the sky is the limit.
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Ok so, now we are reaching the best parent candidates. So if Harry were raised by Carl we could get one of two outcomes,but regardless of wich is chosen, i have no doubt that Harry would grow up to be a ravenclaw:
A. Harry gets super into philosophy and bonds with Carl: so ...fuck this would be so boring! (heavily philosophical ficts are boring,at least to me). regardless, I'd imagine Harry would end up interested in magical philosophy and probably theorize that Voldy likeHitler, lives by a distorted version of Trotskyism and as for ships....uh...idk Luna???
B. Harry gets super into science and bonds with Neil and his mom: Now this would be interesting! I'd imagine that Harry would read upon a shit ton of magical theory and probably question a lot of the problematic views of the wizarding world and probably come across my conclusion that muggleborns=squiborns as well as inventing a shit ton of stuff to help make the lifes of wizards more easy as i'd imagine he would help Neil on more than one ocasion and eventually become an inventor himself. Recomended ships: Hermine or Percy Weasley.
5. Space kids parents : another ravenclaw Harry. I'd imagine Astronomy would become one of his best subjects and he would eventually grow up to teach the subject himself. Recomended ships: Luna,Draco,Hermione,Percy or Astoria.
6. Neris' Parents:
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Ok so, however writes this one would have to be super into larping and RPG as i imagine that, if Harry were to be raised alongside Neriss he would play RPG and larp...like.....a lot! i'd imagine his entry into the wizarding world would be a lot like when Nico Di Angelo found out he was a demigod in the Percy Jackson series (only without the early loss of a loved one). This Harry would probably also stick with Gryffindor and the recomended ships would be: Ron, either of the Weasley twins, Luna, Ginny, Cho or anyone you can think of that would take to RPG and larping as much as Nerris does.
6.Agents Miller:
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Ok so another Gryffindor Harry. This Harry would grow up to be into punk,skating and spying wich would make for a hella interesting story! i'd imagine he would have his hair dyed like Ered and be away less impulsive than he is canonically as i'd imagine his dad's would instill in him, the habit of think things trough as you can be a sucessfull agent if you are too impulsive so Sirius more likely wouldn't die!!!....or at least,not in the way he does on canon. Recomended ships: one of the Weasley twins, Ginny, Fleur or Charlie Weasley.
and....that's it but before i conclude i would like to make one less coment:
regardless of the parents chosen, Harry would, obviously spend his summers at...
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them-bo-dacious · 1 year
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jesslovesboats · 10 months
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I guess it's time to start moving some content from twt over here! For those who don't know me, I'm a public librarian with a special interest in polar and nautical history, and I love nothing more than connecting readers with good books. I've managed to convert some friends to my way of thinking, and one of them coined the phrase "sad boat books" to describe the types of books that I'm always reading and recommending. Here is my first list of sad boat books-- I can personally vouch for all of them!
New to sad boat? Start here to see if it’s for you!
Endurance by Alfred Lansing
Madhouse at the End of the Earth by Julian Sancton
The Worst Journey in the World- The Graphic Novel Volume 1: Making Our Easting Down adapted by Sarah Airriess from the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition by Owen Beattie and John Geiger
Terra Nova, A GREAT first expedition!
The Worst Journey in the World- The Graphic Novel Volume 1: Making Our Easting Down adapted by Sarah Airriess from the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
A First Rate Tragedy by Diana Preston
Robert Falcon Scott Journals- Captain Scott’s Last Expedition by Robert Falcon Scott
“I Love Ernest Shackleton” starter pack
Endurance by Alfred Lansing
Shackleton’s Boat Journey by Frank Worsley
The Endurance by Caroline Alexander
“I Hate Ernest Shackleton” starter pack
The Lost Men by Kelly Tyler-Lewis
Polar Castaways by Richard McElrea and David Harrowfield
Roald Roald Roald!
The Last Viking: The Life of Roald Amundsen by Stephen Bown
The South Pole by Roald Amundsen
The Last Place on Earth by Roland Huntford*
*DISCLAIMER: this guy hates Captain Scott and gets most of the Scott details wrong, read for Roald only!
The Franklin Expedition
Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition by Owen Beattie and John Geiger
Erebus by Michael Palin
May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Expedition edited by Russell A. Potter, Regina Koellner, Peter Carney, and Mary Williamson
Non-polar sad boats
The Bounty by Caroline Alexander
Batavia’s Graveyard by Mike Dash
The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger
In The Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick
Sometimes a sad balloon can be a sad boat
The Expedition by Bea Uusma
The Ice Balloon by Alec Wilkinson
Karluk/Wrangel Island, the expeditions of my heart
Empire of Ice and Stone: The Disastrous and Heroic Voyage of the Karluk by Buddy Levy
The Ice Master by Jennifer Niven
The Karluk’s Last Voyage by Robert A. Bartlett
The Last Voyage of the Karluk: A Survivor’s Memoir of Arctic Disaster by William Laird McKinlay
Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic by Jennifer Niven
Miscellaneous sad boat books that are well worth your time
The Ship Beneath the Ice: The Discovery of Shackleton’s Endurance by Mensun Bound
In The Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette by Hampton Sides
Madhouse at the End of the Earth by Julian Sancton
Alone on the Ice: The Greatest Survival Story in the History of Exploration by David Roberts
Labyrinth of Ice: The Triumphant and Tragic Greely Polar Expedition by Buddy Levy
If you read and enjoy any of these, please let me know!
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gogogodzilla · 8 months
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kinktober 2023 masterlist
☠︎︎ day 1 ➯ pegging, nathan drake ☠︎︎ day 2 ➯ choking, steven grant ☠︎︎ day 3 ➯ quickie, harry potter ☠︎︎ day 4 ➯ cock warming, charlie swan ☠︎︎ day 5 ➯ nipple play, anthony bridgerton ☠︎︎ day 6 ➯ dry humping, preston garvey ☠︎︎ day 7 ➯ face fucking, sam drake ☠︎︎ day 8 ➯ almost getting caught, cullen rutherford ☠︎︎ day 9 ➯ size difference, paladin danse ☠︎︎ day 10 ➯ breeding kink, steve rogers ☠︎︎ day 11 ➯ mutual masturbation, steve harrington ☠︎︎ day 12 ➯ public sex, maccready ☠︎︎ day 13 ➯ mommy kink, wanda maximoff ☠︎︎ day 14 ➯ face sitting, john "soap" mactavish ☠︎︎ day 15 ➯ keeping quiet, bigby wolf ☠︎︎ day 16 ➯ toys, natasha romanoff ☠︎︎ day 17 ➯ thigh riding, bucky barnes ☠︎︎ day 18 ➯ orgasm control, johnny silverhand ☠︎︎ day 19 ➯ 69ing, john hancock ☠︎︎ day 20 ➯ cock worship, rafe adler ☠︎︎ day 21 ➯ spitroasting, gavin reed and connor (rk800) ☠︎︎ day 22 ➯ hatefucking, gavin reed ☠︎︎ day 23 ➯ virginity loss, edward cullen ☠︎︎ day 24 ➯ primal play, arthur morgan ☠︎︎ day 25 ➯ humiliation, könig (modern warfare 2) ☠︎︎ day 26 ➯ sensory deprivation, wanda maximoff ☠︎︎ day 27 ➯ cuckholding, iron bull ☠︎︎ day 28 ➯ dubcon, android!gavin reed ☠︎︎ day 29 ➯ somnophilia, mike schmidt (fnaf movie) ☠︎︎ day 30 ➯ corruption, shane (stardew valley) ☠︎︎ day 31 ➯ sex pollen, peeta mellark
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surprise! i swear i'm not ignoring my askbox 😭
@illusioninfnty and i are doing the same kinks, if you wanna check out her profile ;)
read on ao3
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static-radio-ao3 · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic // january 22 // prompt: cry // words: 1184 // cw: explicit sexual content
James Potter is loud. Unbearably so. He’s also talkative, which makes for a particularly frustrating combination. He’s always blabbering on about one thing or the other. His professors or the reading materials or the RA of his dorm, whose name is Frank Longbottom, by the way. This is something Regulus knows because James is —say it with me— loud.
James is either louder than usual today, or Regulus’ fuse is shorter than usual, but it is bordering on unbearable. Regulus is trying his best to focus on the economics of inequality, really, he is. But James Potter’s aggravating voice is cutting through his concentration at an alarming rate.
With a sharp exhale he slams the palms of his hands against the table and shoves his chair backward, causing Evan and Barty to look up. At the sight of Regulus fuming, they simply raise an eyebrow at each other and turn back to their assignments.
Regulus rolls his shoulders and steels himself for what is undoubtedly going to be a frustrating interaction.
He weaves his way through the library, surprised that no one else seems as bothered as he is about the noise, because it is fairly packed. Exam week is coming up and Hogwarts University is known for its rigorous program and harsh grading. This may or may not be the cause for Regulus’ short fuse today — he really needs to pass the econ exam if he wants to take an elective next semester.
Before he knows it, he is standing in front of James Potter’s table. Regulus clears his throat once to get James’ attention, but he seems so captivated by his own story that he doesn’t notice Regulus, standing there with a frown on his face.
It isn’t until James’ friend, Peter? Preston? Patrick? No, Peter sounds right, nudges him under the table that James looks up.
Regulus is met with a blinding smile. “Hi, Reg! What can I do for you?”
“Shut up.”
“Excuse me?” James asks, affronted. “You came and talked to me.”
“No, I mean what you can do for me is shutting up. You’re being loud and I can’t focus.”
The confused expression on James’ face morphs into a smug one almost instantaneously. “So what I’m hearing is that you find me distracting?” He asks with a wag of his eyebrows. Peter snorts out a laugh, but Regulus ignores him.
He rolls his eyes. God, this man is infuriating. “That’s absolutely not what I said. I simply can’t hear myself think over the sound of your voice.”
“Shame,” James tells him. “Although, I must admit I’m rather interested to hear what you’re thinking. Maybe you could tell me on Friday? Over dinner?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Dinner. Friday,” James repeats. Then he gestures between the two of them. “You and me.”
Regulus feels like a fish out of water, gaping stupidly at James Potter in the middle of the library.
Regulus is about to say something cutting and devastating like In your wildest dreams or Is this a prank or Absolutely the fuck not, but what comes out of his mouth is a hesitant, “Sure.”
James’ beaming smile is back. “Alright. I best get back to studying, then. Apparently I have plans on Friday, so I gotta clear my schedule.”
Regulus makes his way back to his table in a daze. Barty and Evan are waiting, gazes expectant.
“Well?” Evan prompts when Regulus doesn’t say anything. “How’d you get him to shut up?”
“By agreeing to go on a date with him,” Regulus says, still somewhat confused. He isn’t entirely convinced it wasn’t a prank and he also isn’t entirely convinced he’s awake right now. The interaction was so absurd, he's sure he dreamed it.
“What the fuck?” Barty asks. Yeah, that’s what Regulus is also thinking.
“C’mon, James,” Regulus murmurs, “let me hear you.” He reaches up to tug James’ bottom lip out from between his teeth. With a particularly harsh thrust, he pushes James up the mattress a couple of inches, slamming the headboard against the wall.
James moans —loudly— and Regulus relishes in the sound. He chases it, covering James’ mouth with his own and licking into it as if he could taste the sound, somehow. He pulls back and attaches his lips to James’ neck, sucking a bruise into the flushed skin.
James moans again, and again, and again. The sound bursts out of him in breathy gasps every time Regulus pushes in.
“Love it when you get loud for me,” Regulus tells him.
“Used to—” James starts, but he is interrupted by yet another moan, “used to hate it.”
“That was before I knew better,” Regulus acquiesces, slightly breathless. “Now it’s my favorite thing in the world.”
The sound of the headboard hitting the wall fills the room, interspersed with the sound of James moaning. It doesn’t take long for James’ moans to rise in pitch, signaling that he’s close.
“Reg, Reg, I’m—” James tries to warn, but he cuts himself off with a cry of pleasure.
“I know, James,” Regulus replies. He furrows his brow in concentration, his fist tight around James' cock as he pushes him toward his release. “It’s okay, come for me.”
James spills all over Regulus’ hand and his own stomach with a particularly loud moan and Regulus follows close behind, tumbling into pleasure headfirst until he comes back down to earth.
He pulls out of James gently, discards the condom, and moves to grab a cloth. He wipes down James’ stomach and reaches between his legs to get rid of the excess lube. Regulus is just about to get comfortable again when there is a sharp knock on the door. With a sigh, he tosses James a pair of underwear and tugs on his own.
“What,” Regulus says sharply when he yanks the door open. James pads up to him and places a hand on his shoulder.
“Hi, Frank,” James says somewhat sheepishly.
“Hi, James. Regulus,” Frank says. His eyes get stuck on the blooming hickey Regulus left on James’ neck a few minutes ago. Regulus coughs pointedly, snapping Frank out of his daze. “Got another noise complaint. Would it kill you guys to be quiet?”
Frank definitely looks like he doesn’t want to be here. Regulus agrees. He would much rather be back in bed with James.
“Sorry, we’ll try to keep it down,” James says. The hand that is not resting on Regulus’ shoulder goes to his hair, running through it self-consciously. Even if they hadn’t gotten a noise complaint it would have been obvious what they were doing. The hickeys, the hair, the distinct lack of clothes.
“Anything else?” Regulus asks when no one speaks.
“Uh, no, that’s all. Thank—” but Regulus has already closed the door before Frank can even finish his sentence.
“Regulus,” James says, exasperated, “this is the third time we’ve gotten a noise complaint. They’re gonna kick me out, I swear.”
“Don’t worry,” Regulus tells him. “You can get up to five complaints before they consider eviction.”
With a loud laugh, James tackles him to the bed.
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sicko4smut · 7 months
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. @smutmaniac -main blog
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areyougonnabe · 1 year
How would you suggest people get started learning about polar expeditions? I read Frozen in Time but I'm at a loss of where to go now 😭 any suggestions?
Hi!!! It depends on which era you're interested in!!
For Victorian exploration including the FE, I always recommend Erebus by Michael Palin, William Battersby's Fitzjames biography, and Barrow's Boys by Fergus Fleming. Now, all of those books have their flaws as many nerds (like me) will tell you, but they are all great starting points and will introduce you to the cast of characters/run of events of that era. Once you've advanced a bit, you could check out Dave Woodman's Unraveling the Franklin Mystery for an intensely detailed look at Inuit testimony; The Spectral Arctic by Shane McCorristine for an academic exploration of ghosts and clairvoyance in Victorian exploration; or Finding Franklin by Russell Potter for an overview of the search expeditions up to the present day. Michael Smith's Crozier biography is also a solid read. (EDIT: I forgot The Man Who Ate His Boots by Anthony Brandt if you want to know more about Franklin himself and his earlier expeditions!)
If you're more interested in the late Victorian/Edwardian era, commonly referred to under the "Heroic Age" umbrella, you have a lot of potential starting points....
That era could be said to have begun in 1897 with the Belgica expedition, one of the most chaotic and insane expeditions of all time. Madhouse at the End of the Earth by Julian Sancton is a RIDE of a book (more like FRATHOUSE at the end of the earth, amirite) and will get you started with two of my favorite figures of the age: it was the polar origin story of Roald Amundsen, and where he met a pre-pole controversy Frederick Cook (HIS SOULMATE).
For more Amundsen after the Belgica, I really liked The Last Viking by Stephen Brown. You could also check out Roland Huntford's biography buuut this blog is a No Roland Zone so I am hesitant to recommend him, even though re: Amundsen he's more legit than elsewhere.
The Worst Journey In The World is a classic for a reason: a really beautiful and detailed first-person account of Scott's last expedition that is a pillar of travel writing and the foundation for much of the historiography that came after. However, you could also start with A First Rate Tragedy by Diana Preston (which I haven't read yet but comes highly recommended) or even Cherry's biography by Sara Wheeler which is really excellent. OH and the graphic novel version of Worst Journey just released its first volume which is a WONDERFUL introduction to the story! Buy it here and support the artist!
I've also really enjoyed all of the other first-person accounts I've read, many of which are free & in the public domain: With Scott: The Silver Lining by T. Griffith Taylor and The Great White South by Herbert Ponting are super interesting and give you a taste of what it was like to really be there.
For Shackleton, definitely start with Endurance by Alfred Lansing and go from there. Shackleton's Forgotten Expedition is a good second step & will get you background on him and Scott (& Wilson). I have had Shackleton: A Life In Poetry by Jim Mayer recommended to me as well but haven't read it yet. After that, Frank Worsley (captain of the Endurance) wrote two books which are great supplements: Shackleton's Boat Journey and another one just called Endurance. And Caroline Alexander's The Endurance is really good too but it's a coffee table book with nice pictures, so grab a hard copy!
And last but CERTAINLY not least, I May Be Some Time by Francis Spufford is the be-all and end-all of polar exploration nonfiction, IMO. I'm just finishing a reread right now actually—I first read it post-Franklin obsession but pre-Scott obsession and honestly, it's an entirely different book once you're crazy about the Heroic Age, so while I have recommended it in the past for people just getting started, and still do, at this point I also kind of want to tell people to maybe wait until you've already reached a certain level of derangement to dive into it.
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saintsenara · 1 month
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
thank you to @thegreenmagician and @ujiin for tagging me in this... a very, very long time ago at this point.
boringly, i'm a monofandom girly. so i'm turning this into...
10 fictional people whose vibe i fear i share...
lucille bluth, arrested development
tom riddle | lord voldemort, harry potter
jenna maroney, 30 rock
marianne dashwood, sense and sensibility
carrie bradshaw, sex and the city
harry burns, when harry met sally
jacqueline debellefort, death on the nile
winston schmidt, new girl
miss piggy, the muppets
fitzwilliam darcy, pride and prejudice
the themes which link them all? i'm theatrical, interpersonally off-putting, well dressed, cursed with terrible taste in men [the harry james potter - john james "mr big" preston parallels are manifold, i fear], the owner of a cracking pair of cheekbones, the protagonist of the universe, at home with a cocktail in my hand, considerably cleverer than i look, camp, fond of meddling in my friends' personal lives, a hopeless romantic, and mildly sinister...
[i'm pretty sure everyone did this when it was originally going around - so consider this a blanket tag. tell me what vibe you have!]
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canadachildvol2 · 11 months
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chemicals react | An Ember x Wade Playlist
Steal the Show - Lauv / Chemicals React - Aly & AJ / Beating Heart - Ellie Goulding / Something That I Want - Grace Potter / Fallin' For You - Colbie Caillat / You and Me - Lifehouse / Looking Through Your Eyes - Andrea Corr & Bryan White / Flowers Need Rain - Preston Pablo and Banx & Ranx / Rewrite the Stars - Zac Efron & Zendaya / So Close - Jon McLaughlin / Crazier - Taylor Swift / Vivisteria - Thomas Newman / When I Look at You - Miley Cyrus / If I Never Knew You - Jon Secada & Shanice
[YouTube link]
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bellwood-qudditch · 1 year
HP: Next Gen headcannons (the Wotter’s)
•Roxanne has the most tik tok followers and Instagram followers
•Victorie and Teddy got married in Paris on Christmas Eve so the entire Wotter family spent Christmas in Paris
•Rose became Quidditch captain in her sixth year
•Louis was made prefect and Headboy
•Dominique has twin girls in 2023 named Billie Beatrix Weasley and Scout Isabella Weasley
•As a wedding present, Harry gifted Teddy and Victorie Number 12, Grimmauld place
•Lily quit quidditch in her fifth year as she felt burnt out from doing it
•James Sirius Potter asked Alice Longbottom the second out in a grand gesture just like his namesake
•Albus was extremely talented at art
•Fred ii and Roxanne would intern at their fathers joke shop every summer from ages 14+
•Molly Weasley ii moved to New York two years after her graduation to become a journalist for the New York ghost
•Lucy Weasley is obsessed with Harry Styles and Taylor Swift despite have a PureBlood dad and step-mother
•Speaking of, in 2019 Percy had his third biological child with Daphne Greengrass named Ophelia Sicilia Greengrass-Weasley
•Lucy and Molly ii have two step siblings (Zade Greengrass-Pucey & Zoey Greengrass-Pucey)
•James Sirius & Fred ii, along with their two other friends Preston Wood & Joshua Finnigan started a band in their fifth year. (It doesn’t exist anymore)
•Roxanne is fluid with her sexuality
•Dominique had a complicated time with figuring out her sexuality but eventually decided after having her daughters and meeting the love of her life she was a lesbian
•Hugo named his daughter Charlotte after Charlie Weasley, his favourite uncle
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purplesigebert · 3 months
Ten Fandoms; Ten Characters
Tagged by the amazing @iamstartraveller776, thank you so much!
Lilly Rush (Cold Case)
Alice Dhawan (The Way Home)
Lucy Preston (Timeless)
Sarah Williams (Labyrinth)
Darcy Lewis (MCU)
Caroline Forbes (TVD)
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Hob Gadling (The Sandman)
Lenny Bruce (The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel)
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
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BFCD Black Women in Horror/Monsters & More Masterlist
Black Women in Horror | Final Girls | Slayers | BFCD Monsters & More Masterlists 
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Abbie Mills Sleepy Hollow | Abby Williams Abby 1974 | Abigail Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Abigail Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Adelaide Wilson/Red Us | Alberta Ghosts US | Alexa Woods Alien VS Predator | Alice Autofac, Electric Dreams | Alma Walker American Horror Story: Asylum | Amy Bellafonte The Passage | Akasha Queen of the Damned |  Amanda Fisher Ash VS Evil Dead |  Anacostia Quartermaine Motherland: Fort Salem | Angelina Johnson Harry Potter Verse | Aneela Kin Rit Killjoys | Anita Friday the 13th Pt 5: A New Beginning |  Anne Body Bags: The Gas Station | Anne Marie McCoy Candyman | Annie Keller Monsterland | Annie Sawyer Being Human UK | Apocalypta Dead 7 | Annabelle Cane The Magnus Archives | Ariel The Little Mermaid | Aya Al-Rashid The Originals
Beatrice Bennett The Vampire Diaries |  Belle Fright Night: Part II | Beloved (Book and Movie Beloved) | Bernadette Walsh Candyman | Bertha Van Weld Sanjay and Craig | Betty Resident Evil | Billie Supernatural | Bonnie Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Braeden Teen Wolf | Bree The Vampire Diaries | Brianna Cartwright Candyman Reboot | Brianna Collier Escape Room 2 |  Bubble Valerian and The City of a Thousand Planets |
Candace Preston Light As a Feather | Carla Spectros | Carmen Eguiluz Always a Witch | Carola Tales from the Darkside: The Movie | Caroline Newcliffe The Beast Must Die | Catarina Loss Shadowhunters | Charvel Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Chocolate Rats Night of Terror | Christine Daae The Phantom of the Opera | Cisely Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Claudette Morel Dead By Daylight | Clementine Chasseur Hemlock Grove | Cleo Sowande Legacies | Cleophas Garroway Shadowhunters | Connie The Walking Dead | Cressida Into the Badlands | Cym The Forsaken | Cynthia Bones |
Dana Cardinal Welcome to Nightvale | Dead Girl Jessebelle | Death of the Endless Sandman | Detective Evans Chucky | Diane Death Bed | Donna Siren | Donna Chadway Stigmata | Dr. Cushing Tales from the Hood |
Efiya Kingdom of Souls Series | Ela I AM |  Elizabeth Henshaw The Haunted Mansion | Élodie Rakoto Dead by Daylight | Elphaba Wicked | Elzora Eve’s Bayou | Emily Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Epiphany Proudfoot Angelheart | Evillene The Wiz
Farah Hauville The Wayhaven Chronicles | Fiji Cavanaugh Midnight, Texas | Fliss Dubois Man of Medan | Freak Bride (Kimmy) The Purge: Election Year | Frey Holland Forspoken | Fringilla Vigo The Witcher 
Ganja Meda Ganja & Hess | Georgie Barker The Magnus Archives | Gladys Cravitz Chucky | Glinda The Wizard of Oz/Wiz | Grace Creepshow Series: Sibling Rivalry | Grandmother Raised by Wolves |  Gretel Monroe  Shadowhunters
Hallie McDaniel Scream 2 | Hanna Lovecraft Country | Hannah Grose The Haunting of Bly Manor | Harriet Johnson The House on Skull Mountain | Hermione Granger Weasley  Harry Potter Verse | Hippolyta Freeman Lovecraft Country |
Izzy Bit |
Jackie Heath The Devil’s Advocate | Jada Shields Charmed Reboot | Jade Wesker Resident Evil | Jennifer Remming Sweetheart | Jeryline Demon Knight | Jill The Skeleton Key |  Jillian Hope Hodgson Channel Zero: The Dream Door | Jordan Gladwell iZombie | Jungle Julia Death Proof |
Kachiri Twlight | Kaela Evers Supernova | Karen Jenson Blade | Karla Wilson I Still Know What You Did Last Summer | Kate Wynona Earp | Katrina Vamp | Keisha Taylor Alice Isn’t Dead | Kelly The Walking Dead | Kendra Young Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Kindzi Defiance | Kira The Invitation 2015 | Kitty Ghosts UK | Koster Shocking Dark | Kym Hawkins Legacies |
Lacey Emery Ash VS Evil Dead | Ladybird Dracula, NBC | Lanaia Shadowhunters | Laney Rucker The Purge: Election Year | Lauren Howell The Day of the Dead TV |  Leeza Scarborough Midnight Mass | Lena Aruza Night of the Cobra Woman | Linda B Emery Ash VS Evil Dead | Lisa Fortier Scream, Blacula, Scream | Lizzie The Perfection | Lorena Christophe The House on Skull Mountain | Lucinda & Melissa Cavender  ABC Family’s Halloween special ‘The Midnight Hour’ | Luisa Manjimbe Mortel |  Lydia Daybreak Paradise Killer
Macy Vaughn Charmed Reboot | Madame Zeroni Holes | Maddie Bishop Siren | Maeve Millay Westworld | Maia Roberts Shadowhunters | Mama Cecile The Skeleton Key | Maria Trick ‘R Treat | Maria Elkman Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest | Mariana The Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf | Marie Laveau American Horror Story | Marlene The Last of Us | Matty Mereaux Eve’s Bayou | Mazikeen DC Universe | Medusa Greek Mythology | Melanie The Girl with The Gifts | Merrick The Vampire Chronicles: Merrick | Mia Vallens Supernatural | Michonne The Walking Dead | Mileena Mortal Kombat 2021 | Minerva Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Miranda Dubaur Twitches | Miranda Grey Gothika | Miss Cobbs Tales from the Hood | Missouri Moseley Supernatural | Mistress East Emerald City | Misty Carpenter Into the Dark: Crawlers | Mozelle Batiste Delacroix Eve’s Bayou | Ms. Connors Class of 1999
Nada The Sandman | Nadia Omar Castle Rock | Nari Unfriended: Dark Web | Natalie Gorman Servant | Nicole Birch The Order | Nora Harris The Last of Us 2 |
Old Woman Josie Welcome to Nightvale | Olivia Two Sentence Horror Stories: Teeth
Pamela Winchell Welcome to Nightvale | Pauline Christophe The House on Skull Mountain | Pearl Bones | Petra Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Phoebe Taylor A Discovery of Witches | Portia Supernatural | Prudence Blackwood The Sabrina Show on Netflix | Purna Jackson Dead Island
Queenie American Horror Story
Ramona Royale American Horror Story: Hotel | Raquel Francis Crazyhead |  Reba McClane Hannibal | Rebecca Jessel  The Haunting of Bly Manor | Regina Moss Malignant | Riley Abel The Last of Us | Rita Veder Vampire in Brooklyn | Roberta Warren Z Nation | Robin Ayou Subnautica: Below Zero | Rochelle Left 4 Dead | Rochelle Zimmerman The Craft | Rosalind Walker Sabrina Netflix | Rose Granger Weasley Harry Potter Verse | Rosemary Demons | Roxanne Weasley  Harry Potter Verse | Roz Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Ruby Baptiste Lovecraft Country | Ruby Williams The People Under the Stairs |
Sasha Williams The Walking Dead | Senna  Twilight | Sheila Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Sheva Alomar Resident Evil 5 | Simone Bethson The Saw Franchise | Sunny Nwazue  The Nsibidi Scripts |
Tabby The Craft Legacy | Tallulah Tales from the Crypt: Bordello of Blood |  Tara Thornton True Blood | The Temptress Def By Temptation |  Tituba Salem | Topsy and Bopsy Lovecraft Country |
Valentina Suicide by Sunlight | Vanessa Brooks Blade | Vampira | Vampirella | Vicky Stanton Children of the Corn 2009 | Viv Allen October Faction |
Wilhamena Mettle OK Let’s Be Heroes |
Yvonne A Nightmare on Elm Street Series |
Zafrina Twilight | Zoe Head Count |
Children in Horror | BFCD Family Friendly Spooky Season |
Abra Stone Doctor Sleep |  Chichi of Nimm The Nsibidi Scripts | Clementine The Walking Dead Game | Diana Freeman Lovecraft Country | Erica Sinclair Stranger Things | Eve Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Yasmin Nightbooks | Zora Wilson Us |
Bree Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S | Clawdeen, Clawdia, Wolf Monster High | Eliza Zambi Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S | Harper Dunn Secrets of Sulphur Springs |  Honey Swamp Monster High | Howleen Wolf Monster High | Kelly Ferguson A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting | Luna The Hex Girls, Scooby Doo | Luz Noceda The Owl House | Marceline The Vampire Queen Adventure Time | Maya Abeola Maya and the Rising Dark Series | Megan Evers The Haunted Mansion | Robecca Steam Monster High | Sarah Fox My Babysitter’s a Vampire | Taranee Cook W.I.T.C.H. | Uncanny Valley Miraculous Ladybug | Willa Lykensen Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S |  Wydowna Spider Monster High
*List will be updated throughout October* 
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gymleadercheren · 4 months
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Name: Preston Basil O’Dell
Race: Halfling (Lightfoot/Stout)
Class: Rogue (Thief)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 30
Where: Mal Famaburg
Seventh-born of the O’Dell family, Preston is the family’s resident silver-tongued con artist. He has a very pronounced lisp when he speaks, but nobody has ever been sure if the lisp is genuine or if he’s simply faking it to seem younger and more innocent. He spends most of his time teaming up with his older brother Potter, taking it upon himself to speak for him and try and sell his many inventions on the streets to unsuspecting citizens. His fast-talking charisma makes him the closest to his father in nature, which makes all his siblings suspect him of being their mother’s favorite. He’s certainly a mama’s boy, and he adores Cornflower with all his heart— and she’s also the only person he truly fears.
Despite being one of the youngest, he was the first O’Dell child to get married and have children. He and his wife Jetta already have four children— Arven, Cecily, Baxter, and Sariah— and Jetta is currently pregnant with their fifth. As such, he doesn’t leave Mal Famaburg too often these days, but he does long to go off on a true adventure— much like the rest of his siblings.
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Taking Commissions—Personalized and Kink/Fetish Fics for $10-$15
Figured I’d go ahead and make this official! I’m currently taking commissions. For $10 I’ll write you a personalized smut fic that will be similar to my x reader fics except instead of the reader, you get to choose the name, personality traits and characteristics of the main character; you can use yourself, an OC, anything you want as specifically detailed as you want. You can also choose to have another canon character or person used instead of yourself or an OC (for example, a Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy fic instead of a Harry Potter x Reader fic). I’m also taking commissions for hardcore kink and fetish fics for $15, which can also be personalized upon request. Continue reading for more details!
Fandoms I Take Commissions For:
Jackass (Johnny Knoxville, Dave England, Danger Ehren, Chris Pontius, Steve-O, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Wee Man, Preston Lacy, Stephanie Hodge, Jeff Tremaine, Spike Jonze, Rachel Wolfson, Poopies, Zach Holmes, Jasper Dolphin, Eric Manaka)
Viva La Bam and CKY (Bam, Ryan, Brandon DiCamillo, Rake Yohn, Raab Himself/Chris Raab), Brandon Novak, Tim Glomb, Lord Bottaro, Joe Frantz, Jess Margera, Chad Ginsburg, Deron Miller, Ryan Gee)
Game of Thrones (too many characters to list, just ask upon request)
Harry Potter (pretty much any character, just ask upon request)
Gotham (most characters, just ask upon request)
Shameless (most characters, just ask upon request)
Jimmy Pop and Evil Jared from Bloodhound Gang
Ville Valo from HIM
Any character from Haggard or Minghags
The Mighty Boosh (Vince, Howard, Naboo)
Peep Show (Mark and Jeremy)
IT Crowd (Moss, Jen, Roy, Douglas, Richmond)
Peaky Blinders (most characters, just ask upon request)
Slipknot (all members)
Pretty much any rock band, including Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, and KISS (check my old account @creativewritingpracticestudio for some of my old rock band fics)
Pretty much any British comedian featured on Would I Lie To You, Taskmaster, Big Fat Quiz, 8 Out of 10 Cats, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, and Mock the Week
Dead Poets Society (any of the main guys honestly, I’m not picky)
Inbetweeners (most main characters and Mr. Gilbert)
Umbrella Academy (most main characters, ask upon request)
Types of Personalized Fics I’ll Write ($10 Per Fic, $15 if Hardcore Kinks and Fetishes are involved)
Smut (angry smut, fluffy smut, jealous smut, anything really)
Song fics
Drabbles or short concepts
M/F, M/M, F/F, anything goes
Types of Hardcore Kinks and Fetishes I’ll Write For ($15 Per Fic)
Hardcore BDSM (bondage, dom/sub dynamics, mild pain play, punishments, use of gags, sex toys, and bondage gear, etc)
Consensual Non-Consent
Piss kink, piss play, bladder control, etc
DDLG/MDLB and all variations, but no pedophilia.
Blood Kink and/or weapon play
Breeding Kink and Pregnancy Kink
Belly Kink/Weight Gain Kink (this does include feederism and force-feeding)
Cucking, Threesomes, Sharing, Free Use, Cheating Kink, etc
Degradation and Humiliation (and on the opposite end, Praise Kink and Body Worship)
Impact Play and Mild Pain Play
Foot Fetish
Exhibitionism and Voyeurism
Wax Play and Temperature Play
Tentacles (yeah sure, why not)
Inflation (I highly doubt anyone’s gonna request this but it’s there as an option)
Note: Extremely gross fetishes like scat, farting, armpits, etc are a possibility but you’ll have to make a pretty decent offer, definitely more than $15. Pedophilia, Bestiality, and kinks involving explicit torture/mutilation or murder are out, no matter what you offer.
Please note that all requests for these fics need to either be sent to me in DMs or through a non-anonymous ask (the ask won’t be posted, it’ll just tell me who to DM to send the link to the fic or to ask questions about the fic). Once the fic is completed, I’ll ask you to send the $10 or $15 through Venmo, PayPal or CashApp (preferably Venmo but it’s your choice) and I’ll either send you the link to the document the fic is written on or email you the PDF of the fic. You can also choose to have me post the fic on ao3 and just not state who requested said fic. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, I don’t kinkshame or judge and I like to be given as many details as possible to ensure that you get the fic you want.
Also, don’t feel obligated to ask for a commission if you’re one of the people who reads my x reader fics! This is just a way for me to earn some money while I’m in college, I will never demand that any of you ask for a commission. Happy requesting :)
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