#pretty useless post but do your homework guys!!
bisonaari · 10 months
doing my homework on main to force myself to actually do it lol click on the read more if you want to read random finnish homework for some reason HAHAHA
Kuukaudet Please translate the rest: Tammikuu - January Helmikuu -February Maaliskuu - March Huhtikuu - April Toukokuu - May Kesäkuu - June Heinäkuu - July Elokuu - Agust Syyskuu - September Lokakuu - October Marraskuu - November Joulukuu - December Minä menen lomalle tammikuussa -I am going for holidays in January. Minä menen lomalle huhtikuussa - I am going for holidays in April. Minä menen lomalle lokakuussa - I am going for holidays in October. Please add missing months:
Talvikuukaudet: joulukuu, tammikuu ja helmikuu.
Kevätkuukaudet: maaliskuu, huhtikuu, toukokuu.
Kesäkuukaudet: kesäkuu, heinäkuu, elokuu.
Syyskuukaudet: Syyskuu,lokakuu ja marraskuu.
Please memorise and translate: JÄRJESTYSLUVUT
= ensimmäinen- first
= toinen- second
= kolmas- third
= neljäs- fourth
= viides- fifth
= kuudes- sixth
= seitsemäs- seventh
= kahdeksas- eighth
= yhdeksäs- ninth
= kymmenes- tenth
= yhdestoista- eleventh
= kahdestoista- twelvth
100. = sadas- hundreth
Please write from zero to ten in Finnish.
nolla, yksi, kaksi, kolme, neljä, viisi, kuusi, seitsemän, kahdeksan, yhdeksän, kymmenen
Please write in Finnish: 34 kolmekymmentäneljä 576 viisisataaseitsemänkymmentäkuusi 873 kahdeksansataaseitsemänkymmentäkolme 1890 yksituhatta-kahdeksansataayhdeksänkymmentä 5984 viisituhatta-yhdeksänsataakahdeksankymmentäneljä 14894 neljätoistatuhatta-kahdeksansataayhdeksänkymmentäneljä 28900 kaksikymmentäkahdeksäntuhatta-yhdeksänsataa 97555 yhdeksänkymmentäseitsemäntuhatta-viisisataaviisikymmentäviisi 200000 kaksisataatuhatta 1000000 miljoona
Example: Juusto maksaa neljä euroa viisikymmentä (4,50) senttiä. Paljonko kahvi(coffee) maksaa? Kahvi maksaa (1,20) yksi euro kaksikymmentä senttiä Kahvi maksaa (5,40) viisi euroa neljäkymmentä senttiä Kahvi maksaa (11,80) yksitoista kahdeksankymmentä senttiä
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Can you make the top of all Byrgenwerth scholars from least to most smart, responsible student? I know your Laurence doubles as a teacher but I think he counts as a student too iirc. And maybe describe more about how they behave in the class
Oh following this post I'm guessing.
Well I'm really bad at choice and making top/choose an order. But I can try XD
Also being "smart" or intelligent is really subjectif and depend on way too many things. Plus you know some school system are really not well made for some people. Clearly I don't wanna do a huge 4h essay on that so I will just go with who have the worst to best grades x)
As for the responsible ones who do all their classes/homeworks + have a serious attitude in class. I might add outside class to difference them too XD
Grades : So I tried to make an order but it really depend sometimes it depends of the classes/ years really.
Rom : Poor girl got the lowest grade ;-; she's trying hard. In some subject she have good marks but in the general stuff it's just above the average if not really low. University is not super adapt to her. Also got you see 8km2 fanart (I love it) well I got inspired and that's what happen to her. Everyone train her but it didn't work in the end 😭 Also in high school my notes in maths were so bad because it's harder in scientific field. I pass my big 18y diploma with 7/20 in maths help. But hey in got like 11/20 at university and I think above 15 in my sandwich course so believe in your dreams!
Gehrman : So for me, while the other are students he's closer to a "free auditor" Idk how you call that in English : he can joined some really specific conferences and listen to those classes but don't have exam on it. But he was a students alongside Laurence, I guess he got a basic diploma perhaps (or none) but it would be useless. He didn't got the best of grades too but he try! he often asked Laurence for help about things or terms he didn't understood while in class. He had a decent education for a Yharnamite and always read tons of books as a child but he only get to Byrgenwerth after working a few years abroad as a young adult (when he got enough money to pay for a few classes after a few years). He really wanted to just learn things more than exceed really.
This 3 next are pretty average too and good. I am unsure for the order as well so not sure it mean too much :
Ludwig : Ludwig is stronger in sportive and outside class for exemple but still have decent results.
Damian : Damian is basically the normal average students possible but I think might be quite good too
Charles : (my dear cainhurst oc) he had great results too but you know he didn't push himself too much as well.
Maria /Laurence : Unsure which one to put above (Laurence perhaps? I mean he got a doctorate so if you look at it that way) they both had really great results and a good scholarship in general. Plus it also depends the years. What I mean by that is that Laurence first years were not great at all then excel later on. Maria had great results since the beginning but without wanting to reveal to much a semester was quite a mess for her... then it got better again.
Micolash : I guess Mico would be quite smart yeah? (maybe a bit above in the top idk) Like he could have a big ego but he would right lmao. So I'm unsure where he's placed but yep good grades for Mico.
Caryll is a gifted student of course they got the best grades most of the time.
Not counting Willem but I guess he had quite good results, Liam (gatekeeper) would be moderate like Patches if he make effort probably and poor Dores know lot of stuff and procedure but don"t ask her to write an essay she will probably eat the paper from anger XD
Responsible students : I'm really unsure how to class them soi'm doing my maximum here XD
Patches is probably the worst responsible person ever...but more like not responsible for his actions senses XD
Charles : You know the cool guy who don't pay attention all the time in class, go on many parties, show off attitude still got good results? yep it's him.
Laurence : basically the same as Charles as the beginning of his scholarship if not worse. But his grades were bad. He got his things together after a while thankfully. thank you Gehrman, again Still he still miss a few homeworks and didn't went to all his class and didn't pay attention everytime XD but hey he made it! (That's why he can't be too mad at students who don't listen he did worst XD)
Ludwig/Maria/Caryll : I guess when Caryll don't day dream and forgot a homework they're serious and on point XD same for Ludwig. Maria rarely miss a a thing too. But this 3 do get in troubles sometimes XD and it's generally big mess over their comprehension
Rom/Micolash : Well for Rom, daddy is literally the headmaster so um... (I know it's not an excuse, Laurence is like the adoptive son and miss class at first and all but still)... So yeah even if it's hard she try to do things as much as possible. The only times she missed classes (besides your typical appointment/being sick) is when she need to go save her friends's ass from weird bugs & spiders XD the excuses Mico, Damian & patches yes came up with so she could exit class are always gold! And I think Mico always almost did his things like a nice lil students.
Gehrman/ Damian : You know the parent/ big sibling of the group? XD they almost never missed a class and try to do every work.If Damian ever miss smt it's the other fault and probably Micolash's
And how they behave in class? Well I think I already talk about it earlier, a lot are calm, in group it's a mess XD or some get bored and do smt else. Sorry I will probably develop more an other day perhaps or if I wrote about it well it will be more detailed that day!
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primofate · 3 years
Haikyuu! Drabble: When you get hurt (minor injuries)
Note: Ugggghhhhhhh I love these men. Honestly. wtf. How can you have so many good guys in one anime. Also please don’t take this as a sign that I’ll stop posting for Genshin, but you know, give me some space to hype over my other fandoms please XD
Warnings: it’s seriously just plain fluff
Characters: Kageyama, Tsukishima, Oikawa, Bokuto, Ushijima
“What happened to your knee?”
Is the first thing he says, his face as serious as ever, eyes looking at your bandaged knee as he approaches you in class. You laugh nervously as you unwound the school bag away from your shoulder, placing it on your desk.
“Ah, I was walking Momo-chan last night...But you know, he’s gotten so big and I guess I was a little distracted...He saw a squirrel and just went running for it and...” you trail off, feeling Kageyama’s aura change. You knew he was about to call you reprimand you, and sure enough, he says “Idiot,” just as he would to Hinata.
On closer inspection you also had a bandage around your wrist. He guessed that you tried to hold on to the leash and it dragged your hand across the pavement. 
After berating you with that one word, he wouldn’t say anything else about it. But he would, whenever he could, show some concern that you wouldn’t usually see. “I’ll take that,” he grabs your lunch box from you and you look up at him all confused as to why he’s carrying it for you today. 
But, he stops at the door of the classroom and then turns around. “Actually, let’s just eat here,” as opposed to the school rooftop where the two of you usually ate. 
And then, at the end of the school day, before you could even lift your bag over your shoulder, he’s already there and lifting it on HIS shoulder. You’re dumbfounded. “Are you going to your club? I’ll walk you first then go to mine,” 
Then it hits you. It’s because you’re hurt, and he didn’t want you to strain your knee or wrist anymore. You secretly smile but let him do what he wants. There was no stopping him when he set his mind to it after all. “Tobio-kun, you know, it’s just a scrape, I can still do things by myself,” 
“Shut up and just let me do it...” he mutters under his breath, until he drops you off to your club and goes his own way. 
And then, as your nightly routine to walk Momo-chan, you’re stunned when you see your boyfriend standing there, outside your house gates. Hands in his pockets. “T-Tobio?” 
He lived close by, but still, you didn’t expect him to be there. He snatches the leash away from you, your dog is just happily gazing at the two of you, tail swishing wildly at the fact that TWO of his favourite people are walking him today. And again, Kageyama says,
“...I need to go for a run anyway,”
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a Tsukishima-san,”
A girl in the basketball team uniform appears at the doorway of the gym, all members turn to her as she bows and straightens up. Tsukishima sighs in relief. Finally an actual excuse to rest from training. 
“That’s me,” he towers over the girl, who only blinks up at him, slightly intimidated. “Ah, uh, yeah...Y/N said that you have her spare glasses?” His eyebrows perk up. Right. You were in the basketball team, for some reason he always forgot that detail. 
He turns away without a word and goes to his bag. He did, indeed, have your spare glasses. You left it at his house last time during a study session, being the airhead that you are. He retrieves it but before handing the black box to the girl, he asks. “What happened to the ones she has?” 
He wasn’t thinking much of it. Perhaps someone accidentally stepped on it, or maybe you even accidentally broke it.
"The ball hit her face,” 
“Is she--”
The words of worry practically dies on his lips. He could feel and sense Yamaguchi and Sugawara listening in to the conversation and he’d drop dead before getting caught being worried for someone. But still, this is why he always told you that you needed sports glasses. A scratch to the eye could be dangerous.
He sighs pretty loudly, and turns to face Sugawara who was off court, standing next to Yamaguchi who was also taking a small break. “Sugawara-san, I’ll be back,” There’s a big smile on his vice captain’s face, same as Yamaguchi who knew that his friend was actually worried. 
Tsukishima ignored their stupid smiles.
“Oh! Kei,” You look up as the door to the school clinic opened, you were just sitting on one of the beds, legs moving back and forth and waiting for your teammate to retrieve the spare glasses for you. Tsukishima said that he’d handle it and as he passed the black box to you he grabs your chin and turns it in his hands, looking at your eyes. 
There was a cut under your left eye that was already patched up. He releases your face when he was sure it was actually nothing serious, only to cross his arms and smirk at you. “See, I told you that hard head of yours would come in handy. Also receive the ball with your hands, not your face,”
You puff your cheeks out in annoyance and put your spare glasses on, feeling brand new. “Sure did, but my glasses aren’t as strong as my skull,” you sulked and he only blinked. “and I was taking a break! Then suddenly I see the ball coming at me, I don’t think that’s my fault!”
“I believe you. Your team has horrid ball passing skills after all,” he’s relentless with his insults but you knew that’s just the way he was. The fact that he came all the way to the school clinic told you enough about his worry. So, you ignore his last remark and smile up at him, “Thanks for checking on me, Kei,” 
He clicks his tongue but places his hand on your head, “Let’s get you new ones tomorrow, and maybe now you’ll listen to me about those sports glasses,” 
“She’s absent today,”
Oikawa’s face fell. You hadn’t told him anything about being sick or being unwell today. He wondered what happened. However, despite his looks and carefree personality, the Aoba Johsai captain was someone who was actually quite detailed. “In that case, can someone pass me her homework? I’ll go and deliver it to her!”
Safe to say your classmates were always surprised at how much the captain doted on you. He wasn’t always doing it openly, but at least he was thoughtful and thorough.
“Y/N-chan~ How could you leave me all alone in school today?” You could practically hear the pout from the other side of the line. He’d gone to the school grounds to get some private time to call you. 
“Sorry Toru, I can’t really walk properly. It should be fine in a few days though,”
His heart did a little leap, worry etching itself on his features. “What do you mean? What happened?”
The pout in his voice was gone, replaced by what you always called “the captain voice”. 
“I sprained my ankle...It’s a long and stupid story...” you laughed but you heard him sigh. “Well, I have no choice then. Your prince will visit you after-school today!”
You didn’t think he really would. He had volleyball practice and he took those seriously. But at 8 pm, just as you finished dinner, your doorbell rang and next thing you knew he was in your room. 
Your mother just LOVED him. Sometimes you thought even more than you. She was unaware of how hyper Oikawa actually was. He certainly knew how to play his cards right. 
“Alright princess, let me see that foot,” While you were sitting on your chair he practically bent down on on one knee and inspected it. He did kind of look like a prince like that, with his volleyball jacket. Then he suddenly plopped on the floor with his legs crossed. “AAhhhh! That sucks you won’t come to school for a few days!” He was whining again and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
Without fail, every day that you were absent, he showed up at your house after practice.
It’s not that you were particularly clumsy. You were actually a pretty careful person, and that’s why Bokuto always trusted your cooking skills over his. Baking a cake shouldn’t be too hard, but you were rather unfamiliar with the oven at his place.
“Mm, so, it says here to just leave it in the oven for 45 minutes!” he has this big smile on his face and you shake the batter in the round container again. The oven had already been pre-heated and when you open the door to it, hot air greets you. 
You took the round container in your hand, and push it in. It sits just at the front of the oven and you really hate it when that happens, so, with your boyfriend still focused on the recipe (and without mittens cause you think it’ll just be quick push) you try to inch the round cake pan further in with your hand. At one point, you accidentally touch the inside of the hot oven and you recoil your hand with a loud gasp. 
“WHAT?! What what what?!” Bokuto flings the recipe book away and clutches at your hand. In all honesty it didn’t hurt that much, but you had made contact on the hot surface just enough for it to sting and startle you. “Nothing Kou, I just accidentally touched the oven,” you laugh sheepishly but he’s pulling you over to the sink.
The boy is panicking.
“Water!” You’re amazed at how he even knows what to do, running water now splashing on your hand. It wasn’t even enough to burn you, it was just a little red, that’s all. “K-Kou, it’s totally fine,” 
But he turns to you with a waterfall of tears running down his eyes and his hair has deflated from it’s usual spiky style. “I-I’m so useless!” 
‘Ah there he goes,’ you think. But you’ve been trained by Akaashi how to handle these kinds of outbursts from him. “Not at all Kou-kun, you mixed the batter so perfectly. I usually get tired when I do that, but you have really strong arms! Next time I’ll let you handle the oven too, is that okay?”
He stares at you blankly for a moment. The tears have disappeared and his lips oh-so slowly curve into a smile. He gives you a thumbs up, back to his usual flair and confidence. “Of course! Leave it to me!” and he laughs triumphantly while you thank Akaashi in your mind.
Cooking for him and Tendo at the dorms was like a weekly routine. It was mostly for Ushijima, but Tendo liked crashing the cooking party too.
“Be careful.” Ushijima says as he passes the vegetables for you to chop. You did so without any incident. The cooking itself passes by without any incident, until your hand slip off the plate you’re holding and it comes crashing down the floor, shattering into pieces, some of the pieces flying off in different directions.
Ushijima and Tendo perks up in alarm at the sudden sound, with Ushijima being the first to rise on his feet and assess the situation. You’re about to carefully just move away from the mess you made, shards littering around your feet. “Don’t move,” Ushijima tells you, noting that you were only wearing his over-sized slippers. He sees that one of the shards has cut your foot. It was small, but since it was fresh, it was still bleeding. 
“If you move you’ll hurt yourself, wait for me,” you do as told as Ushijima first sweeps off the rest of the shattered glass with a broom, disposes of it. Next he comes to you with a new set of slippers, puts it down on the now clean floor, and tells you to carefully slip out of the ones you have on, he was cautious about the small pieces. Only when you were neatly into the new set of slippers did he clean off the rest of the glass.
Tendo only sat and watched in amusement. His captain was very thorough, even with things like that. “I’ll go and get a first aid kit~” he offered as he stood and sauntered off. “Y/N, sit over there,” he pointed at a nearby chair and you merely follow. There was no use saying no to him, you knew he just wanted to check if everything was in order.
Sure enough just as Tendo comes back with the kit, Ushijima inspects your foot, eyes scanning all around it. It seems that there was only that one cut and it’d be easy to treat. You weren’t surprised that Ushijima knew what to do, watching him take some cotton and pour some alcohol on it, muttering under his breath that it would sting a bit. 
By the end of it, the cut on your foot was disinfected and bandaged properly. “Oohhhh! Good job Wakatoshi-kun!” Tendo praised his friend for the clean job and Ushijima nodded his head with a small “Mm,”
“Thank you,” you smile up at him, “and sorry for the plate, I wasn’t paying attention,” 
Ushijima makes a thoughtful sound, perhaps a little confused by your apology “...The plate is of no great value,” he simply says “it can be replaced.”
"I can’t say the same for you Y/N, so it’s good that you weren’t gravely hurt,” The blush on your cheeks is obvious and Ushijima doesn’t understand what has you so flustered, he’s just being his honest and straightforward self. 
Tendo only laughs at the display.
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Taglist:  @coldstonecrematorium @gultonluvv @fiona782 @amigenshin @foxxtrot-116
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tender-hearteddd · 2 years
modern au bertholdt headcanons! ( ◠‿◠ )
a/n - really unedited!!! also wrote this on one go! and my first post on here so enjoy!!! a little angsty and also inspired me to write a lot more posts so !!!!! enjoy :D
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100% believe bert would be a STEM major!! engineering to be more specific!!
^^definitely not the type to hate women and to have never felt the warmth of a woman before tho that’s forsure 😭 just the super smart type who’s good at math but is shit at writing essays :/
so I guess not super smart but smart in the mathematical aspects
you two have an agreement, you help him write essays and he helps you with any of your math homework 😼😼😼
i think this may be a common hc for my beloved but he gets along great with his father!! really sees him as his role model and a man he aspires to be once he figures out his whole life thing
his father was a commercial pilot and would take him out on flights when he was younger but stopped once his health started to get worse :(
so bertholdt semi knows how to fly a plane just from seeing his father and would like to actually learn in honor of his father
when bertholdt was a child, he was really interested in planes and trains and things of that sort
which kinda prompted him to be interested in engineering
he would like to design and build a plane in honor of his father :'))
and also wants to create a more stable and environment friendly way of transportation
but apart of him wants to pursue biomedical engineering as well, because of the lack of support and poor care his father received
a lot of his career aspirations are not really his own but based around his father
which kinda fucks him up in the head the more he thinks abt it :/
so he just chooses not to :< which will also not do him any good either :(
I guess even in a modern au, bertholdt is destined to live a life of despair :|
he’s definitely not as super awkward as a lot of the fics on here make him out to be, awkward yes, but mostly just the quiet reserved shy guy type!!
he just doesn’t know what to say so he doesn’t say anything, which is a big problem for him :(
he has a lot on his mind most of the time but can’t find the words to express his thoughts, hence why he’s so bad at writing essays, but also why he has some sort of passion for math.
because math is a way of communicating abstract ideas that our brains can ‘decrypt’ and can unlock hidden truths that cannot be otherwise understood or discovered
^^because if he cannot understand the abstract puzzles of his own mind, at least he can understand something as equally as abstract like math
and that gives him some sort of hope of one day understanding his own puzzle.
:') alright enough w the angst!
bertholdt is really good with his hands!!! (in that way too ;)
they’re just really nimble and longggg
he can fix anything and is also into pottery!
need to put together your new desk? bertholdt will have it done in 40 minutes, WITHOUT reading the instructions 😎
need to mount up your tv? just call bertholdt!
your laptop can’t stop bugging? give it to bertholdt and he’ll update it for you as well!!
can also design really intricate blueprints of projects he would like to work on
but can’t really draw anything artsy :( and is sad abt it
not very creative in the arts but has creative thinking when it comes to stem based subjects
which is why he’s into pottery! because he feels like that’s his only way to be creative in the arts!!
he’s kinda like seth rogen (not personality wise pls 😭) but when it comes to pottery, that man is an 👏🏽artist👏🏽
makes a lot of really unique and pretty vases and is honestly thinking of starting a career out of pottery but apart of him feels like it’s useless :(
bertholdt is mediterranean! greek to be more specific!
though his father’s mother migrated to germany and married a german man, hence why he has a really germanic last and first name, bertholdt’s father migrated to america and married a greek woman! making bertholdt mostly greek and a little german (probably mixed w other stuff too)
has a really big extended family but I can see him as an only child or the middle child
also the tallest member of his family
and is related to pieck! (I hc pieck as greek too!)
i can also see him being related to udo as well
omg!!!!!!!! pieck being bertholdts coool and chill older sister 😎 bertholdt being the middle sibling :'( and udo being the youngest!!!!!!!!!! ahhh!!!!! gonna create a separate post for their sibling dynamic just u wait.........
this may be more of an ick than a hc but bertholdt does have a reddit account 😭😭
certain subreddits on there are actually really helpful and wholesome!! and some are really interesting!! bertholdt is usually on those ones lurking!!
okay okay okay sometimes he does post but just asking for help or venting to strangers on r/OffMyChest :(
wants to start reading philosophy but feels like he’ll come off as pretentious (he won’t!!!) and feels like it would just make him even more sad and confused
another common hc but best friends with reiner and annie ofc!! but once they start college, they become friends and make one big friend group with the rest of the warriors (porco, marcel, colt, pieck, zeke) and with the rest of the 104th maybe (might make a separate post for what it’s like to be in this friend group!!!)
also may be a little out of character but i can see bertholdt being a college athlete just so he can go to college for free (doesn’t apply if college is already free in ur country but I live in the united states so rip :/)
he doesn’t see it as a career though, just can’t afford tuition sadly
so he doesn’t try as hard as a lot of his teammates, just enough so he won’t seem too special to be drafted
also please tell me this isn’t what bertholdt would look like in real life 😭😭 maybe not exactly and his face would be a bit longer but close enough 😁
overall bertholdt is really just the sweetest and I’m in love with him and he deserves the world :)
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thedarkeside · 3 years
Feisty Little Kitty
Second installment of Eraserheads Kitten mini-series
"Everything was going so well, so why is Eraserheads kitten suddenly acting out?"
Pairing: Shouta Aizawa x catgirl!reader
Content Warnings: Mild yandere, mentions of kidnapping
Word Count: 2.8k
part 1, part 3
After your little talk, things had gone amazingly. Or, as amazing as a relationship between a kidnapper and his prey (weren’t the felines supposed to be the hunters? How’d that get messed up, huh?). There were more hugs, more cuddling during naps. It was clear you trusted Shouta, to some extent. You were just enjoying the luxuries provided to you, dressing up more in the cutesy outfits, actually asking for certain meals that you wanted instead of only eating what was given. One would think that perhaps you were content.
It’s been seven months of pure peace.
So why the hell are you suddenly acting like this?
Shouta’s not going to lie. He expected this behavior at some point, but not after such a long period with his rational, well-behaved kitty.
But no, it seems that your feline instincts have finally kicked in, and it’s an absolute shitshow.
Hissing, growling, hiding yourself away from Shouta inside of the pillows and blankets and stuffed animals that he so generously provided to you.
Honestly, after your conversation, Shouta had absolutely believed that you were going to soon accept that this was for the best. That he’s a good guy, apart from his few flaws (aka severe delusions). I mean, you said it yourself! This isn’t a bad living situation for you! You had a whole list of pros and cons, and the pros certainly seemed to be in greater amounts. It’s not like he’s locked you in a basement and has neglected you! Aizawa has seen way too many abduction cases in his days as a prohero. He knows that you were likely thankful that you weren’t living in one of those nightmares.
And, goodness, Shouta is doing his best to rationalize your sudden rebellious streak. It’s likely a delayed reaction to the trauma of being taken from your previous life. You’ve realized that the very idea of hurting you is enough for Shouta's stomach to curdle and his gag reflex to start acting up.
But it’s so hard to just pretend that everything is okay when things have been so good.
Because he really hadn’t been happier in his entire life than he was when curled around you, holding you close, feeling your tail unconsciously wind around his legs and tickle the little bit of exposed skin between the cuffs of his pants and the hem of his socks. He loved seeing the way your ears would perk up and your eyes would shine when he brought you your favorite meals. His heart would skip a beat whenever he saw you perched atop of your scratching post (tower? Castle? The thing is massive) and watching the sunset, the pretty colors painting the sky. The feeling of absolute tranquility when he’d notice the way your eyes reflected in the dark when the two of you watched movies at night before dozing off.
All of that would remind him of how perfect you are, his darling little kitty, and how lucky he was to have you in his home (and how he was lucky to have gotten to you first).
But now… it feels like all of that progress has just been blown away by a metaphorical gust of wind, flying farther and farther away like the useless homework papers he sometimes accidentally dropped while walking to his car (A shame he couldn’t get around to grading them…).
It had finally come to a head when you swatted his hand away when he tried to pat you in between your ears, a regular form of affection he’d give when leaving your room to go on patrol or to school for his classes.
You must have been slacking on your typical self care habits. Your nails were long and sharp, not slightly blunt like how they’d usually be. Normally you’d use your scratching post enough to keep them from being a safety hazard.
They scratched him. Not a big scratch, but deep enough to draw a bit of blood.
Now, Shouta has an amazing pain tolerance. He’s been in the prohero profession long enough to be able to take punches to the gut or hits with a strong quirk and be able to bounce back like nothing happened.
But this… it hurt. Immensely. Not in the physical sense. No, no… this was painful in a deep, heartfelt way.
His love, his kitten, the woman he’d worship if she would let him, just hurt him.
It didn’t seem to be intentional. There had been a flash of worry and… regret, perhaps, in your eyes. But that wouldn’t erase the way that his arm had a dull throb to it now, and the way that blood started to bead on the surface of his skin.
The affectionate smile he almost always had on his face when in your presence had melted off of his face.
His lips were turned down into a small frown, his dark eyes stuck on the four scratches on his forearm.
“I’m… I have to go to work. I’ll see you tonight.” His tone is curt. It makes you swallow heavily, throat compressing in on itself before you turn your face away, looking to the other side of the room.
And so Shouta left with a heavy heart. This definitely seemed like a massive step backwards. A leap, really.
He had been so hopeful that maybe you would come around soon…
To say that his day was rather ruined would be an understatement. It was even clear to his students and coworkers at UA that his mood was particularly frosty. He must have threatened expulsion at least three times more than usual.
When he came back to his apartment, he had cooled down a bit. He had decided gone through the endless possibilities of how this situation could go so that he could plan accordingly. There was obviously something wrong with you, your mental state clearly isn’t the best. Why else would you act so irrationally? You’ve proven to be as rational a thinker as he. This flip in attitude is certainly mental health related. So, he must find a way to fix that. More cuddles perhaps…? Physical affection releases natural endorphins, so that’d be good. He’d just have to be more careful, a bit more firm, especially if you end up turning this little spat of violence into a habit.
Before going to check on you, he decides that he’ll wash the day off, and make himself look a bit more presentable. He would never allow himself to walk into your room looking like a bum like he does on the average day at school.
Opening the white door to your room slowly, Shouta peeks into your room, finding it dark, the heavy curtains blocking the remaining sun from entering through your window. On the bed, there’s a lump covered in blankets and surrounded by a number of plushies surrounding it.
With a small sigh, Shouta flips on the light, but dimming it so that it won’t disturb your eyes before he walks over to the bed and carefully climbs onto the cushiony mattress beside you. It’s not a rare occurrence for him to join you during a nap, but this time he regretfully can’t just join you in dreamland.
Gently moving his right arm underneath your body, he softly lifts your torso up, causing you to stir while he picks you up and places you in his lap.
Your feline-like eyes open slowly, pupils blown out with your grogginess. “Shouta…? Wha…?” Your confused expression is adorable, warming that heart that has been aching all day.
Taking advantage of your dazed state, Aizawa gets a quick kiss to your forehead, expecting you to bristle once you come to full consciousness.
“Good evening, kitten. I missed you today,” he whispers, his voice holding that same alluring raspiness as always.
Humming in response, you cuddle closer to his warmth before your eyes snap open and your head darts up.
“Get your hands off of me,” you hiss, trying to pull your arms up to push him away, but damn it, that bastard has his forearms wrapped around both of yours. Prepared, as always.
While you squirm, Shouta shakes his head in fondness. Even when he’s trying to get into a serious conversation with you, your pure adorableness makes him melt right into your little hands.
“Kitten, we need to talk about earlier.”
You freeze the instant he utters those words. “I’d prefer to not.”
“I’m afraid that this is the one time I’m going to have to force you to do something for me, my love.” That term of endearment makes your throat close up ever so slightly.
“I scratched you. Big deal,” you huff, trying to keep the little knot that has been building inside of you all day from rising even higher.
“Come on, love. We both know this is deeper than that. You’ve been off all week, so how about you just get whatever is bothering you off of your chest.” Why does he have to be so understanding?
“Stop being so nice about this,” you growl, ears pinning back against your head and your tail twitching side to side with irritation.
“Sweetheart, I don’t know what you want from me.” Shouta squeezes you tighter , trying his best to comfort you. It doesn’t work.
You twist and squirm and buck against his hold, trying to get out, to put distance between the two of you. “Fucking- damn it- mother fu- just let go of me.”
“Then stop being so fucking nice.”
“Why would you want that?”
“Because I’m not supposed to feel like this.”
You slump in defeat, skin warm from the exertion- you haven’t had the opportunity to work out much lately (being confined to a room does that).
Aizawa looks down on you for a while, the silence thick between the pair of you.
Eventually, he speaks. “You’re not supposed to feel what?” The prohero sincerely hopes that you give him the answer that he wants. What else could it possibly be?
“I’m not supposed to think that I like you! That’s not okay!”
It’s like a weight is lifted off of his chest. Yes, it was a little saddening that you weren’t just accepting the fact that your love for him is exactly that- love. But it’s also to be expected. This is, after all, a very unconventional relationship. All of the societal norms would certainly make your thinking adverse to what the two of you have.
“What’s so wrong with liking me, kitten?”
You look up at him incredulous. “I beg your pardon? What’s wrong with it? You kidnapped me!”
“I brought you to a safer place, my love. You said it yourself, it’s not that bad here.”
“That- that doesn’t mean that it’s okay to kidnap someone!”
“The way that I see it, I just offered you a better life. I know how terrifying the world can be, and the way that you were living wasn’t good enough for someone as perfect as you are.” And there he goes again, being all sweet, and charming, and so good with his words. It makes this entire thing so difficult.
“That doesn’t mean that I should just fall in love with you. It’s pathetic. I’m supposed to hate you. I might not be trying to escape, because that’s pointless and a waste of energy, but actually feeling something for you other than contempt or fear? That’s ridiculous. That’s stupid. I’m such a pitiful excuse of a-”
“Kitten. Don’t degrade yourself for having an emotional response to being treated the way that you should be treated.” The way that she was beating herself up for simply caring about something that she couldn’t help, something that he has so desperately wanted for months hurts. Not in the heartbroken way, but in the empathetic way. The way that you feel bad when a loved one is in pain. And it’s very confusing when he’s also ecstatic with this development.
Nosing into your soft hair, just underneath your furry ear, Shouta trying to soothe what is nearing hysterics.
“But- but, Sh-shouta, this isn’t- isn’t natural,” you stumble over your words, voice wobbly with tears as your eyes start to shine.
“Even if you think so, do you feel even the slightest bit of happiness when with me?”
You purse your lips, eyes flicking away from him. “N-no.”
“Don’t lie to me, my love.”
A sniffle. “Ye- yes. I- kind of…”
Kissing the side of your head, Shouta starts rubbing your back with a calloused hand. There’s no need to restrain your arms anymore, as you have all but melted into his body. Such a good kitty.
“Then why does it matter?” he reasons. He’s so good at that. Finding the perfect words to make everything better. “As long as you’re happy, then I’d say that that’s all that matters. I mean,” he laughs quietly, “I’d say that this is a pretty ideal set up, hm? You have me willing to wait on you hand and foot, the luxuries of living with a prohero, no responsibilities other than taking care of yourself… and you’ve found happiness with me, haven’t you?”
Your breathing has become more even from the unsteady pants that had been coming just a few moments before. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a silver tongue?”
A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest. “No, I don’t believe they have. I’ve actually been described as quite blunt and harsh.”
“Well, I don’t know who the hell they’re talking about,” you giggle. That little sound makes his entire soul lighten. Finally, the heaviness of this situation seems to have subsided.
Planting one more kiss to your head, Aizawa loosens his grip on you, allowing you to turn around to look at him a little better. “Do you feel better?” His voice is so soft and understanding. It makes you wonder why you even bother freaking yourself out about the ethics of this situation.
“I- yeah, I think so.”
“Well, that’s all I need to know,” he says as he brushes a piece of your hair away from your face. Your ears twitch in such a cute fashion.
Your mouth opens in a large yawn, eyes squinting together and the remains of your tears squeezing outside of the corners of your eyes. Shouta continues to look at you fondly, hand moving down to your own, fingers smoothing over your knuckles.
“I think you might need to go back to sleep, hm, kitten?”
Nodding your head lethargically, you smile a little. “Yeah, probably. I, ah, haven’t been sleeping that well lately.”
Humming in acknowledgement, Aizawa picks you up- gosh, he really is so strong, isn’t he? - and sets you back down onto the bed after pulling the blankets away.
Before tucking you in, he decides to perhaps push his luck a little bit more. “I don’t have any patrols scheduled tonight, would you like me to join you?”
Nibbling on your bottom lip you hesitantly nod. “Um, sure, I guess…”
“Are you sure?” Always asking for consent, making sure that you’re comfortable, making sure that everything in her little bubble is perfect. Why couldn’t your captor be a little bit meaner? That’d make this so much easier.
“Yeah, yeah, I think that’d be nice…”
Without another word, Shouta climbs underneath the covers, arm wrapped around your waste as you face his chest.
“...I’m sorry about scratching you…” your voice is so meek. Exactly why he had to snatch you away from the harsh realities of the world. You’re so gentle, it simply wouldn’t do to have you exposed to the horrors of the outside world. The villains, the stress, those men with less than honorable intentions (but, really, how honorable are Shoutas own intentions?).
Looking down into your pretty little eyes, Shouta gives you one of the smiles that he has reserved only for you. “No harm done. It should be gone within a few days. Though you really should take care of those. They’re like little daggers,” he teases.
Shifting to raise your hand above the covers, you show him your delicate hand. The nails were much shorter than before, the edges rounded and the point clearly dulled, even more so than usual. “I already did it. I… felt really bad… I didn’t mean to do it…” After he had left on a rather sour note, you were nearly consumed with guilt. I mean, you were still coming to terms with your feelings towards this man, but that didn’t mean that you could just ignore that you felt something. Hurting the one that you care about, even if he is seemingly absolutely insane, was like inflicting the wound onto yourself. So incredibly painful.
“I know you didn’t, little kitty. It’s okay.”
You nod before closing your eyes, the weight of your eyelids getting a bit too heavy.
While you’re succumbing to sleep, Aizawa is still stewing in your admission. You… you love him.
He knew it was going to happen. Of course it would. You’re made for each other. You’re his kitten. Even before he met you, you were his kitten. And you will continue to be his kitten, ‘til death do you part.
“I love you, my feisty little kitten.”
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natsu-tte-noodle · 3 years
手紙 (Letters) - To Tasuku
(Cross Posted on AO3)
Words: 879 Warnings: Minor ACT 7 spoilers
To Tasuku,
Hey.  You guys are getting ready to start your next play soon, right?  I heard that Winter Troupe plays are all really different from each other, so I’m looking forward to working with something totally unlike Phantom.
A bunch of us decided to go to the park and get some baked sweet potatoes to eat while we write.  Honestly, I think that’s a lot of hassle for a letter, but I guess it does kind of make it more fun.  Working on homework together with snacks is something I haven’t done in a while, and this is pretty similar to that.  And I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if Tenma’s never gotten to do this before, so it’s not like I’m going to complain about it.
Sweet potatoes are good for your skin too, so I might bring some back to share with the guys in the Autumn Troupe.  I don’t know if it’s your guys’ thing, but if you guys get the chance, you should get some too.  You aren’t that old, but it’s important to take care of yourself before problems show up, not just after.
Everyone else here seems really absorbed in their letters, so I guess I should get serious about what I’m saying too.  Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you, so this gives me a good opportunity to do it.
You were in God Troupe with Taichi before coming to MANKAI, right?  He’s talked to us a little about it.  It was obviously a really bad time for him, and I thought about just asking him about it but I don’t want to force him to remember things he’d rather forget.  You were the top dog or something like that, so you probably know how to help with this better, anyway.
Basically, my friend auditioned for and got into God Troupe this year.  He’s wanted to be an actor for way longer than me, and God Troupe was his first choice.  So obviously I’m really happy for him, and I’d never ask him to quit or anything.  But I guess, hearing Taichi talk about his time there and realizing he was talking about the same troupe my friend’s in is making me worry a bit.
The stuff Taichi talked about was kind of fucked up.  Like, sabotage and telling him he was useless.  (He told me you already know about this stuff, by the way.  I wouldn’t go talking about it like this if I didn’t know that.  And I’m sure you wouldn’t, but don’t go mentioning this to anyone else.)  I know my friend can take care of himself, he’s a big guy and he’s too used to my family to fall for any sort of scare tactic.  But like, if they can hold something over his head the same way they did Taichi.  I don’t know, I feel like everyone has something that’d make them give in.  Friends, career, something.  And even if he doesn’t give in, if they’re trying that shit over there it’s not gonna be a good environment.
It’s not like I expect there to be anything you can do about any of this.  For all I know, maybe I’m totally over exaggerating and they’ve turned over a new leaf since you and Taichi quit.  But I guess, can you let me know if there’s anything I should look out for?  I don’t think there’s much I can do either, but if there are red flags I want to know what they are so he’s at least not dealing with it alone.
That’s probably a lot, so I’m sorry for pushing that on you when you were probably expecting to get a happier letter.  I just thought you were the best person to ask about this.  I’m really at a loss for what to do here, and you always seem really levelheaded, and you’ve helped me with stuff like this before, so.  Yeah.
Autumn is a soccer season, so I’m sure we’ll find an opportunity to talk about this in person before long.  Don’t feel like you have to, though.  I’d appreciate the help, but if it bugs you the same way it does Taichi, I’m not gonna force you.  I’m not expecting you to drop what you’re doing and solve everything.  So if you don’t want to talk about it that’s ok.
I feel like I’m contradicting myself a little, sorry.  I’m writing in pen, so I can’t backtrack.  Hopefully you get what I’m trying to say.
Well, that’s the gist of it.  Muku’s done with his letter it looks like, but the others are still writing so I’ve got some more time to kill with this.  I don’t really know what would feel right to put after that, though.  Maybe it’d be better to end it here.
Thanks for reading this far.  Sorry again that it’s not really a happy letter.  I was gonna just find you in person, but I thought it’d be easier to write about it.  This way I can’t back out.
I’m gonna end it here and buy some more sweet potatoes before they run out of today’s stock.  Be sure to keep going to bed early to make up for how early you wake up.
Azami Izumida
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wolfprincesszola · 4 years
Ability to Fly (Tommy-Centric)
Hello! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted anything. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I’ve been so busy. But don’t worry. It’s still me, posting and writing at 12 AM when I SHOULD BE DOING HOMEWORK. Hahahahaha end me. Also this fic is based on the Winged!Tommy comics by @.impcraig :). ——————– Summary: Tommy has always looked up to Wilbur and has always had the dream of flying high. What does Tommy do when Wilbur loses his wings?
Trigger Warnings: Mention of Blood, Mention of Suicide
Content Warnings: Swearing
——————– Tommy would finally be able to fly.
From a young age, he would watch Wilbur and Phil flying from the ground. He always thought that they looked so cool, gliding.
Tommy had little wings, his arms being a bigger wingspan than his wings, but they still worked.
He had been so excited to learn how to fly and now was the time.
“Tommy, you ready?” Phil asked as he held his hand out.
Tommy looked at Wilbur nervously, who just smiled. “Don’t worry, Tommy. I was scared my first time too. Phil’s got you.”
Tommy smiled, grabbing his father’s hand tightly as Phil started to fly up.
His stomach turned and his heart leaped as he went up into the air. It was a weird feeling.
He tried to flap his wings like he’d seen his family do plenty of times, but to no avail. Nothing was happening.
“Oi, Tommy, you need to start flapping your wings,” Wilbur remarked from the ground as he looked up at his brother.
“Oi, dickhead, I’m trying!” Tommy glared.
Phil was patient for someone who had to deal with those two every day. “Tommy, try not to focus on flapping your wings as more of opening them. They’re still sort of closed.”
He concentrated on trying to open them. Nothing.
“What’s wrong, Tommy?” Wilbur had flown up, looking at Tommy’s distressed face. Wilbur looked worried.
“It’s not working, Dad,” Tommy muttered, panicking. He could feel tears start to prick at his eyes, “Wilby, why isn’t it working? Am I not able to fly? Are my wings just useless-”
“Hey, hey, Big T. Just take a deep breath. It’s always a little hard at the start. Come on, we’ll keep working on it. You don’t have to get it today. It took me a while to fly too.”
“Are you sure?” Tommy asked, “I can’t open my wings.”
“You just need some training.” Phil reassured, “Besides, you get to have the ability to fly. Techno can’t have that, can he?”
“I guess not.” Tommy smiled confidently, glad that he had something over his father’s student.
“Come on, why don’t we start with something more simple? On the ground too.” Wilbur smiled. “We can start with trying to open your wings down here. It’ll probably be easier.”
Tommy nodded as Phil lowered him down.
Everything was going to be okay. He’d be able to fly.
Some time had passed since Tommy’s last flying attempt. He had been training his wings and his family had helped him through his struggles of opening his wings. He was able to open and close them, but he still hadn’t taken off since that one day.
He thought it was finally time.
“Dad, I think I want to try to fly again.”
Phil smiled, “Alright then, let’s try. Let me get my hat and then we can go out.”
“Can we come too?” Techno perked up as he walked into the room with Wilbur. “I can catch Tommy if you guys drop him.”
Phil raised an eyebrow, “Will you?”
“I dunno, will I?” Techno smirked.
After a glare and nudge from Wilbur, Techno sighed, “Of course I will.”
“Then get ready, boys. Tell Tubbo to get ready as well; I’m sure he wants to see Tommy fly.”
It had taken an hour for the boys to finally get out into the open with all the fuss of four children, but once they had, Wilbur had taken to the skies.
“Come on, Tommy, try.” Wilbur smiled, excited for his brother.
It was clear that Techno and Tubbo were excited too. Despite Techno being a bit tsundere at times, Tommy could tell that he really cared and that he would catch him if Tommy ever fell. Tommy trusted his family more than anything.
“I’ve got you,” Phil muttered as he started to fly up, waiting for Tommy to open his wings.
Tommy couldn’t help but feel his heart soar as he managed to open his wings and start flapping them.
For the first few minutes, Phil had guided him through flight, holding his hand and reassuring him.
Then, at one point, Phil had let go and Tommy had been okay. At least until he panicked.
Wilbur had been below him just in case he fell, but Tommy hadn’t fallen into Wilbur’s arms. He had been pretty shaky, so the moment that Phil let go of him, he was flying all over the place while falling. He tried to slow his fall with his wings, but his panicked state allowed him to continuously flap his wings, which was not ideal.
Before he could hit the ground and split his head open, someone had caught him. Techno.
“You know, for someone that can fly, you looked like one of those American chickens that desperately try not to face their inevitable death,” Techno remarked as he let the boy down, “You should try being good.”
“You’re such a dickhead.” Tommy scoffed as the rest of his family surrounded him, relieved that he was fine.
Techno just chuckled, “You did well today.”
“Really?” Tommy asked, “It didn’t really seem like it was good.”
“It was better than Wilbur’s first flight,” Phil remarked, smiling.
“Tommy, I’m proud of you.” Wilbur ruffled the younger’s hair, “I think all of us are. Now, you wanna go up again?”
It made his heart warm. His big brother, the one he looked up to, was proud of him.
Tommy laughed, “I think I’ve given us all enough of a scare today. I’ll try it tomorrow.”
“Good choice.” Phil sighed in relief, “Next time, we need a trampoline on this whole area. We were glad that Techno had fast instincts this time.”
Tommy was making progress on his flight. Soon.
Tommy hadn’t really been practicing his flying skills. He had been too busy helping Wilbur build his own country. The beginning of L’manberg.
He knew that flight could help them in the long-term battle, but Tommy was too busy being his brother’s right-hand man to try and practice it. Besides, he still had years to learn it before his wings would become underdeveloped.
“Tommy, I’m going out.”
“What for?” Tommy perked up, “I thought we were still making plans for what we want to do with L’manberg.”
“Dream’s angry. He doesn’t want me doing this.” Wilbur sighed, “I agreed to go fight with him. I just want L’manberg to be free.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this, Wil?” Tommy asked, now scared for his brother.
“Hey, Tommy, you don’t need to worry.” Wilbur smiled, “I’ll come back safe with the freedom of L’manberg in hand. Then we can go help you fly afterward. Okay?”
Tommy felt an uneasiness in his stomach, but nodded, “Do you want me to come support you? I can bring Dad.”
“Don’t you have homework assigned by Dad to do?” Wilbur raised an eyebrow.
He groaned, “Don’t remind me.”
Wilbur chuckled, ruffling the younger’s hair, “Finish it. I’ll be back before you know it, okay?”
“Okay.” Tommy went to hug his brother, “Good luck. I love you.”
“Thanks, Tommy. I love you too.”
With that, Tommy watched his brother leave, wondering if that was the last he’d ever see of Wilbur anymore.
It had been hours since Wilbur had left home. Tommy was starting to get worried. It was almost sundown and he wondered if Wilbur had even gotten out alive.
He told Phil and they decided to take a stroll around until they’d find him or Dream.
It wasn’t long before they found Wilbur and Dream. They were fighting and it seemed like Wilbur was losing the upper hand quickly.
“WILBUR!” Tommy shouted as he started to run towards him.
Dream turned around to see the two, laughing, “This’ll be good. An audience always makes a fight better.”
Wilbur was on the ground and Dream was seconds away from striking his face to end his life.
Tommy called to Wilbur again, trying to run towards him, but Phil held him back.
“DAD? What are you doing? Why aren’t you letting me go to him? LET ME HELP HIM!” Tommy desperately begged his dad as Phil held him back.
“Tommy, cover your eyes.”
“WILBUR!” Tommy yelled one last time before Dream struck down. And in a reflex, Wilbur turned. The ax hit his wings, blood spurting out.
Wilbur didn’t move as Dream kept swinging at his wings again and again. It was horrifying to watch.
How could he, after all? How could he watch his idol and brother get humiliated in the worst way possible?
He didn’t know, but he never stopped watching.
As soon as Dream was satisfied, he stood back.
Tommy rushed to Wilbur immediately, trying to see what was going on through Wilbur’s mind.
For a while, it was silent as Tommy watched Wilbur shake in fear.
Then, a loud scream escaped his lips. Then Wilbur was sobbing. Soon after, Tommy had started crying, embracing his brother.
All Phil did was stand there in horror and disgust.
“Are you happy, Dream?” His father had spat at the masked boy.
“L’manberg can be free.” Dream cleared his throat. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done.”
Tommy’s head snapped up, full of anger. “Is that it? My brother’s wings were just fucking payment to you? A free country and an apology are what you have to give him after you just took away his world? What the fuck is wrong with you, Dream? His wings were everything to him and you’re over here, believing that we’d forgive you if you just said sorry! Well, that is bull-” “TOMMY!” Phil hissed at his son, “I know you’re upset and angry. I am too, but that is NOT how you solve things.”
“No! He ruined-”
“Tommy, it’s okay,” Wilbur whispered. Tommy looked over at his brother, still not having moved from the ground. He was covered in his own blood. “Tommy, I went into this willingly and I lost something for the freedom of my country. If that means I had to lose my freedom, I’m okay with that.”
“But Wil-”
“Tommy.” Wilbur sighed, “I’m okay. Let’s just go home.”
He had stood up on his feet, holding onto a nearby pole for support. His center of gravity was different now that there were no wings behind him.
“I hope you’re proud of yourself, Dream.” Tommy spat as Phil pulled his boys back to his home.
It was not a good day.
Tommy couldn’t help but feel cold. All the time. The house no longer was felt with the warmth of family and friendship. It didn’t feel warm when his father hugged him or when Tubbo made him laugh. Nothing had any more meaning.
Wilbur lost the meaning of feeling free and alive. His wings meant the world to him and he lost it. How could his brother ever recover from it?
How could he ever recover from the second-hand humiliation? He felt angry at Dream for doing this, he felt angry at his father for stopping him from saving him, but most importantly, he felt angry at himself because he couldn’t help Wilbur.
All Wilbur wanted to see was Technoblade. It made sense, they were attached and were almost like twins. But Tommy couldn’t help but feel upset that Wilbur didn’t want to see him.
“Hey, Tommy. I know that things have been hard recently, but do you want to try and fly again? To take your mind off of what’s been happening?” Phil asked one day.
Tommy had said yes, but it felt off to him. How could he still enjoy his freedom if Wilbur couldn’t? That was the day he promised himself that he’d do anything to help Wilbur. Because his brother meant the world to him. More than any sort of wings.
“You ready, Tommy?”
“Dad? I don’t want to learn to fly.” Tommy sighed, looking up at the sky.
“What? Why not?” Phil asked.
Tommy sighed, “I’d give up my wings for Wilbur. If it means that I don’t get to feel free and alive, I’ll take that. Because Wilbur’s my brother and I don’t want him to go through it alone.”
“Are you sure, Tommy?”
Tommy nodded. And that was the moment that it was set in stone. Tommy wouldn’t fly for WIlbur.
“Techno, can you come here for a second?” Tommy asked. He didn’t want to ask, but he had been struggling for the past half an hour.
“What’s up?” Techno asked as he came into the bathroom.
“Can you help me hide my wings? The bandages don’t fit just right.”
“I’m sorry. Tommy, what? Flying is your dream. Why would you give that up?”
“Please. I don’t want Wilbur to feel alone through all of this. Help me.” Tommy begged.
Techno had sighed, giving in, “You need to wrap the bandages like this.”
“Thank you, Techno.” Tommy gave a small smile.
“I just hope that you don’t regret it in the long run.”
“Wilbur’s the best brother I could’ve ever had. I’d give the world if it meant that Wilbur would be himself again.”
“You’re very hopeful.” Techno sighed, “Don’t ever lose that.”
“I won’t.” Tommy whispered as he looked at himself again. It felt weird with his wings being hidden, but he’d get used to it soon. He’d have to if he was going to do this for the rest of his life.
The decision was set in stone. He’d never fly again for Wilbur.
Things had changed since that one day. Tommy was starting to lose faith in WIlbur. He was going insane.
It all came crashing down on the day of the festival. Tommy had seen Wilbur go into the TNT room and he had foolishly followed.
“We’re almost set. We’re only missing a small bit before the festival starts. Tommy, do me a favor and get as much TNT as possible.”
“No.” Tommy looked at his brother. Tommy realized that it wasn’t Wilbur anymore. He had gone insane, but he was just hoping that maybe reason would strike through and show the real Wilbur again. The one that Tommy looked up to.
The one that encouraged Tommy to learn how to fly. The one that founded L’manberg. He missed that Wilbur.
“Tsk. Don’t be silly-”
“NO! SHUT UP! I’M NOT BEING SILLY!” Tommy snapped. “Blowing up L’manberg? After all we’ve accomplished?”
“Tommy, this isn’t L’manberg anymore. I LOST EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING THAT MATTERED TO ME. But you won’t get it, Tommy.” Wilbur scoffed, smiling.
“I DO!” Tommy burst out, “I gave up my wings for you! I gave up my chance to feel free and alive like you did.”
His voice started to crack as he felt himself holding back tears.
Wilbur’s expression started to change before it settle on a smile, “The wings mean nothing to me, Tommy. I lost them a long time ago. They are nothing to me.”
That was the moment that Tommy didn’t want more than to not be in the same room that Wilbur was in. But he had to let Wilbur know his feelings.
"YOU BASTARD! YOU IDIOT! FUCK YOU! You’re a selfish asshole! I hate you! I gave up my dream for you and you don’t fucking care!” Tommy sobbed as he pushed against Wilbur’s back, “I gave up so much. I told Phil not to teach me how to fly and begged Techno to help me cover them up, so that you won't be alone on the ground. I did this all because of you. I gave it all up for YOU, asshole. You KNOW how much I dreamt of flying after watching you and dad dance in the far sky together. I wanted to experience the same feeling, the same freedom, but I gave it up for you. I helped you with all your projects cause you were still my big brother and hero in my eyes. And you know what, Will? After everything I did for you, you are the worst brother of them all."
He couldn’t see Wilbur’s expression, but he knew that Wilbur wouldn’t care.
All he did was rip off his bandages.
Wilbur turned around, “What the-did you just rip off your bandages?”
“You know what, Will? I will fly and make sure you watch me.” He looked at his brother with the most determined and angry face, “And I will do it now!”
And then nothing happened.
“Wait-why-t-they won’t move...they...they won’t react…” Tommy panicked.
Wilbur’s facade broke, “Tommy, I-”
“It’s already too late.” Tommy glared, “Go ahead. Blow it up for all I care. It’s not like you ever even cared about me anyways. It’s always been Techno’s that’s the favorite.”
He walked away and Wilbur tried to walk towards him, trying to tell his brother that he was sorry.
None of them even noticed when they left the button room only for someone to close the room and break the button.
Things had happened since the last time he really talked to Wilbur alone. Wilbur had gotten more crazy and Tommy couldn’t stop the unravelment Wilbur was going through.
When the day of the Manberg-Pogtopia War came, Tommy knew that one of them wasn’t going to make it out alive, whether it be him or Wilbur.
And as he watched his own father kill Wilbur because L’manberg was gone, he knew that his family had fallen apart.
When he heard that Wilbur had said that L’manberg was never meant to be and as he saw Techno causing anarchy because of government, he knew that his family had fallen apart.
And as Tubbo was announced as president of New L’manberg and he had been exiled, he knew that there was no coming back from this. It was permanently damaged.
Phil had been there to send Tommy off. He looked upset. Rightfully so, but he couldn’t do anything against Dream. Of course he couldn’t, Tubbo still needed him and now Ranboo did too.
But Tommy wished that Phil sending him off wasn’t the last time that Phil had ever flown.
Because that’s what he had heard from Techno and Ranboo.
His father had lost so much. To the point where he stopped flying.
Just like Tommy and Wilbur.
Exile had been hard on him. It really had.
It didn’t help that Dream, the one to hurt him, was the only one who really cared to visit him. The one who had started this problem with chopping off Wilbur’s wings.
So, one day, Tommy had been so sick of it.
He was so tired of waiting around for someone to visit him. For someone to truly care.
He realized that no one really did. He wasted his life, following someone who wasn’t worth idolizing, even giving up his freedom to help them. And now where was he? Exiled with no one to talk to.
He was tired and looking at the pool below him, he knew that he’d be able to rest soon. As he fell back into the pool, he felt the warmth engulf him. He felt at peace because he knew that at least...he got to fly one last time.
TommyInnit tried to swim in lava
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yedamismymom · 4 years
Hey could you do some headcanons or au or whatever for the boys as high school students please? and thank u! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
*this has not been proof read so i apologise in advance for any mistakes
Treasure as High School Students
Choi Hyunsuk
Senior. He’s popular. Friendly, cool and kind. Will talk to anyone who starts a conversation with him. He’s got a group of friends who he’s always hanging out with. Has an amazing instagram feed. Different shoes and different bracelets everyday. Drums his pencil against his desk while he looks out the window. Pretty chill and laidback. Just him leaning against his locker, sucking on his lollipop. Looks really sophisticated but isn’t. Isn’t really into relationships so he respectfully rejects whoever confesses to him. Average grades but manages to do his homework on time. Can make anything and everything look cool.
Senior. He’s popular too. A complete savage. News of his disses spread around the school like wildfire. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t brutally roast someone. Be it a student or teacher, no one’s safe from him. Always has his sleeves rolled up and flexes his muscles a lot. Likes to show off his strength because he worked so hard for it. Super extroverted but his closest friend is Junkyu. A lot of girls secretly have a crush on him because he’s cute but no one has the heart to confess to him in the fear that he’ll make fun of them. That’s why his locker’s always overflowing on valentine’s day. He’s confident and witty.
Senior. He’s the student that teachers always talk about because they want other kids to learn how to behave from him. Very respectful, not just of his teachers but also of other students. He’s not very popular, but people know who he is. He’s a part of the student council. A quiet boy who doesn’t really speak to someone he isn’t familiar with. Except for when he’s with his friends. Then he’s almost unrecognisable. He really neat and organised. But he has average grades. Seems kind of cold on the outside. Actually has a girl friend who everyone ships him with. But it’s useless because he’s already in a fix with a girl from his neighbourhood.
Senior. Jihoon’s best friend. That’s how everyone knows him. The only person who can diss Jihoon. So he’s very well known for it. Doesn’t readily talk to girls, even if they’re in his class. Posts singing covers on his instagram. But he doesn’t participate in any musical events at school. Is constantly embarrassing himself. Unexpectedly good at math. Had the biggest fattest crush on a girl in the next grade and even though she’s graduated now, he’s probably still not over her. So many freshman girls like him. A very energetic and optimistic person.
Junior. He’s short and everyone teases him for his height. But he doesn’t care and just goes along with it. Because why not? He’s always jumping on the staircase. Like he’s constantly making huge leaps down the stairs. Turns the class into his own parkour arena. Eats in class. Always has candy on him. All in all just a big foodie. He can dance. Like dance dance. So the girls are always asking him to show them some moves. Possibly has a crush on the girl who he sits next to but it’s hard to tell because he’s either always jumping, dancing or eating. Posts dance covers on his instagram.
Yoon Jaehyuk
Junior. Popular. The school’s heart throb. Every girl has had a crush on him at least once. He’s a charming dork. Is actually very immature. Has a loud laugh. Never does his homework on time and is always asking for someone to let him copy theirs. A lot of college kids follow him on instagram. College girls are constantly in his dms. He gets bullied by the guys in his grade because he’s mister ‘steal your girl’. He isn’t the brightest academically, but he has a lot of potential. Isn’t really friends with anyone in his class. But he maintains friendships well. He’s a sweet guy.
Junior. He’s not that popular because he barely speaks to anyone. If you’re not a friend of his then you can get at least two words out of him before the end of the year. He’s an artist. He’s also very smart. Gets good grades even though he doodles in class. Literally pays attention to nothing. Rarely smiles. Super chic. He’s handsome and he knows it. He’s in the art club and 100% has a crush on the part time art teacher. Because she’s mature and that’s what he likes. He may be quiet but if anyone messes with him he can make them cry. Posts pictures of his artwork on his instagram.
Bang Yedam
Sophomore. He’s popular. A friendly guy who’s nice to everyone. Always helps the freshmen kids. He’s they guy everyone’s dying to be. Participates in every single extracurricular event. He’s always singing. The music teacher loves him. He’s like a son to her. He has good handwriting. Walks around like he’s in a k-drama, but it suits him. His instagram is just as cool as him. Is actually very innocent. He’s literally a baby. Feels so bad about rejecting his suitors. So he buys them snacks to compensate. Is bound to have a k-drama love story soon. Attractive and dreamy. Also maintains friendships well.
Sophomore. Rich Kid. Thinks he’s the shit. Is always showing off his expensive belongings. But he’s not a dick. He’s the kid that senior girls think is handsome. And they’re right. Only the girls in his class and grade don’t have feelings for him. It’s because he’s just too uninterested in girls. Kind of a prick to them. But only when they’re trying to get his attention. He’s always completing his homework in class. Is absent frequently because he’s probably travelling abroad. Has big dreams. Is actually class president because he has surprisingly good leadership qualities. Sophisticated but you can’t hate him for it.
Freshman. Super popular. It only took a week for the whole school to know his name. Heart throb number 2. Looks mean and intimidating but in reality he’s just a nice guy. Doesn’t really talk to anyone except for his friends. Doesn’t have an instagram. Does have snapchat though. Actually prioritises his school work and makes sure to study well even if he isn’t the smartest. Is always talking about his little sister. Ignores girls and will only talk to them if it has something to do with studies. Runs out of his class as soon as the bell rings to go hang out with his friends. He’s nice but not that approachable.
Park Jeongwoo
Freshman. Class clown. He’s literally Jihoon’s son. Jihoon idolises this kid. That’s why he’s popular among the seniors. Hangs out with them a lot. Lunch is his favorite time of the day. Steals snacks from Mashiho. Looks up to Yedam and wants to be like him. Pretends he’s a public figure on his instagram. Wears slippers to school. Goes to the principal frequently. Annoys Haruto. Thinks that every single girl has a crush on him. Runs. He doesn’t know how to walk. Because he’s always running. Sings ballads in the class while standing on his desk. Get’s bullied and feels really bad about it. He is an absolute angel who just wants to be loved by everyone.
So Junghwan
Freshman. He’s a quiet boy. Doesn’t really speak up in class. Get’s babied by the senior girls. So a lot of boys are jealous of him. But he’s innocent so he doesn’t really know what’s going on. Secretly very loud and fun. Like you should have seen him on the field trip. He’s an athlete. Very humble. Will lend you his stationary, no questions asked. Has a hard time balancing sports with studies and needs to be tutored. Listens well to others and is a nice person to have in the class. Is very comfortable with his class and bonds with them well. Is Hyunsuk’s baby and really likes him a lot.  
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Cliffany part 2
O-kay, and that’s it! I don’t know if I’ll write a continuation tbh since it was just a silly little idea that came out of nowhere. (Although I did have some ideas for more!) I haven’t really been active on my fanblog lately so it’s not like it’ll make much of a difference though haha. By the way, I’m thinking about making my blog more "Dulcet-oriented" rather than just SE. I hope you guys don’t mind? Recently, I’ve been getting more and more into Black Tarot! So expect my blog to change a lil 🔮🕯🌌
It had been a couple of days now since Tiffany’s last interaction with Claire, and while she was still ignoring her like before, Tiffany’s efforts in doing so had increased. The moment she spotted her in the corner of her eye, she would move at a faster pace, as if running away. Was it guilt after all? No, she just didn’t have the energy to deal with Claire’s annoying and unnecessary empathy. The empathy that she knew she didn’t deserve which made her feel even more frustrated towards Claire.
All she should be worried about right now is getting more followers on Instaglam, not avoiding a nobody like the plague. On that note, spring was coming soon, the flowers started to blossom and the days were getting longer which meant... that the "cottagecore" tag on insta would go trending soon, no doubt! And of course, living on the Arlington campus as one of its students, this gave Tiffany the access to its beautiful garden. Although honestly, she only ever went there to take pictures and this time wasn’t any different. She had prepared some tea sets and dresses for the occasion, all of which she would throw away once spring went away along with its "trends."
Carried by her confident footsteps, she walked to the garden. That confidence was only a facade though. She knew exactly what kind of people and who in particular went to take strolls quite often in this goddamn garden. But hey, it was 7pm and the sun would soon start to set. Knowing that Claire always arrives 15 minutes in advance to any meeting and most likely always wakes up at 6am, there was nothing to be worried about. Chances are, she was either doing her homework before going to bed like a goody-two-shoes or watering her weird-ass plants. Tiffany always had the horror of seeing these at Raquel’s parties. It just didn’t fit at all with the rest of what was going on in the room and ruined the whole "party" vibe.
In any case, there she was, searching for a good spot to take pictures and set up a fake picnic. That basket filled with different colored blankets, tea sets, biscuits, tea and a pie was way heavier than Tiffany had initially thought. Maybe she really should’ve asked for collab pictures with Trisha from the fine arts department. She didn’t really like her but when it came to follower count they were surprisingly close, although Tiffany was still number one of course. Still, if she had asked for a collab they could’ve carried those heavy props together.
After finding a good spot next to the pond, Tiffany set everything up in an aesthetically pleasing manner and got down to taking the pictures. She was taking different shots to post them one by one throughout the week and give out the illusion that she was taking those the same day she posted them. She was ready to upload the first one, call it a day and go back to the dorms without touching any of the tea or cakes. It’s all just useless calories anyways. As she was putting the tags on the picture, she started wondering what were the names of those flowers in the background.
"Ugh, fuck. What are those orange shits called again?"
"Ah right, thank y-"
Tiffany immediately snapped her head back. This annoyingly gentle voice could only belong to one person.
"...What the fuck, Claire. Where did you pop out from?!"
There’s no was she was there the whole time, right? It’s true that Tiffany could get lost in what she was doing once she was focused but it wasn’t to the point where she became completely unaware of her surroundings.
"I came by a few minutes ago... Y-you looked so invested in what you were doing that I didn’t want to bother you! I didn’t mean to pry."
Well, Tiffany could always upload those damn pictures from her room. Claire’s arrival just meant that it was time for her to leave. However, seeing that Tiffany started packing up her things, Claire panicked thinking that it’s her fault. Which was in fact, her fault... in a way.
"O-oh! You’re not going to finish your picnic? I’m so sorry, I’ll just leave! Throwing all of this good food away would be such a waste-"
"Are you fucking dumb?"
Did she not get that this was all only a set-up for taking pictures? It was obvious that Tiffany didn’t have any intention of eating or drinking any of that. Not to mention that after everything that happened the other day, she was still not scared of approaching her?
"I don’t give a damn about the food, it was just for my social media accounts you dumb bit- ... dimwit. I was already done anyway so you don’t have anything to do with the fact that I’m leaving."
"I see! T-then maybe I can help?!"
Help? What did Claire even know about- Actually, on second thought. This whole "cottagecore" shtick was a great fit for Claire. She probably already had all of the things Tiffany bought last week for those pictures, even better and more authentic-looking ones probably. This was maybe the one and only time Tiffany would let Claire "help" her. But from her point of view, she was mostly just using her.
"Hm. Is that so? How can you help me then... Claire."
"Wait just a second! I’ll be back right away!!!"
She ran immediately towards the dorms. Well, she'll probably bring a bunch of random stuff. In the end, Tiffany was really torn between the idea of staying and waiting for who knows how long and the idea of leaving right now. Surely, Claire would make a hilarious expression when she’d realize that she was played with and abandoned. While trying to laugh it off, Tiffany accidentally remembered what happened a few days ago, along with Claire’s crying face. Damn... Okay, fine. She’ll wait for her but only because it would be annoying if she bawled again like a damn toddler.
And so she waited until, from the corner of her eyes, she saw a girl with a pink dress running towards her. That girl, of course, being Claire. She carried a picnic basket with her too, but much bigger and more practical. For half a second, Tiffany thought that Claire actually looked maybe, just maybe, a little bit pretty. She erased the thought in a hurry, covering it with harsh words as usual.
"Wh-why did you change your clothes? You think I’m gonna take pictures of you?"
"Ah, no, well..."
Claire looked at the beautiful picnic set-up and the cyan dress Tiffany was wearing.
"I just wanted to fit in with the rest of what you put up, I guess. Also, don’t you think that we kinda match? I brought some of the cookies I baked and my favorite teas and tea set. I think mine will look better with your picnic blanket! Uh- N-not to say that yours looks bad!!!"
She was trying so hard to make herself likable that it was painful to see... and kinda cute. God, Tiffany was really hating her thoughts today. She was just going soft because of Claire’s aura or something. Again, this was definitely the first and last time she was letting Claire help her with anything. I’d be bad if she turns completely brain-dead and clueless like her.
"...Whatever. Show me what you got. I’ll decide if it’s good enough."
Claire was pulling everything out of the basket one by one. Everytime, better and better items were pulled out after the other. Her cakes and cookies gave off a "homey" feeling which was more fitting with the aesthetic rather than Tiffany’s store bought patisseries. Claire was staring at her, wide-eyed and excited.
"W-what do you think, Tiffany? It looks good, doesn’t it?!"
"Uh. Yeah, it’s fine, I guess. I’ll take a few pics."
That was a lie. This looked so much better than the try-hard bullshit Tiffany had done. She was good at riding on the "trend wave" but Claire was a natural when it came to this one specific thing. Tiffany was trying to look as poker-faced as she could so as to not show her satisfaction, but clearly, her apparent enthusiasm for each shot was  betraying her. Sometimes, she would accidentally take one with Claire in the shot and ask her to move.
"Hey. You’re ruining the picture with your ugly fac- dress. Move to the right."
Before Tiffany could even do anything about it, Claire was already pouring some tea into 2 cups.
"Woah woah woah, put the teapot down. I didn’t agree to this."
"But...This is a kettle, Tiffany. Not a teapot."
"Oh, shut it!"
Claire gave off such a dejected face that Tiffany, once again, felt like she was kicking a poor puppy to the ground. She held back on going off on a rant.
"But we’re already here and the weather is so nice! It would be such a shame not to use any of this at all..."
Claire looked around, observing this beautiful setting, not to mention, the sun was finally starting to set. Going home right now would be like an insult to the utter beauty of this scene, it almost looked like it came right out of a fairy tale picture book. Without mulling it over any further, Tiffany took a sip out of her cup.
"I’m only doing this because I feel compelled to, got it?"
Claire’s eyes lit up nonetheless.
"Alright! Please try out my cookies too!"
Tiffany contemplated them for a second... is it true that home-made stuff is more healthy? Surely, that’s just a myth, right? A cake from the store and a home-made cake will have about the same amount of sugar in them regardless of who made them and how. Well, she did see Claire share her food from time to time with her friends and while she would never admit it, it is true that she was a bit curious about trying them herself. What was the last time she had eaten anything "home-made"? Or did it ever even happen?
"...Okay, whatever. I bet they taste shitty."
Tiffany reluctantly took a bite... It was surprisingly really delicious!
"It’s bad."
As much as she wanted to lie about it, she couldn’t after seeing Claire make that dejected face again.
"Uhhh. No, um. Hmm... On second thought, it’s pretty average. It’s okay-ish."
Tiffany really hated herself right now. Being mean has never been this hard before. She couldn’t wait for the moment where they would be done with this ridiculous play-pretend and go back to her room. She tried drinking and eating as fast as she could without making it look like she was in a hurry to run away from this awkward situation. And God, it was so fucking hard...
Unsurprisingly, they were both pretty silent the whole time. Well, it wasn’t like they had anything to converse about or things in common. Right as Tiffany was about to get up and pack up her belongings, for real this time, Claire spoke up. Nervously fiddling with the hem of her dress.
"Um. So you know, I have something to confess to you, Tiffany."
Oh God, not now. As much as Tiffany found this timing annoying, she couldn’t help but poke fun at that poor choice of words.
"Confess? Oh my, so you like me in that way, huh? That explains everything."
"Wha- N-no! That’s not it! I mean, realistically speaking, t-that would never even happen!"
Was she implying that she could never like someone like Tiffany? Well, Tiffany herself was the one who brought this up but she was a bit offended at that statement. Regardless though, the way she was trying to deny it so hard was kinda cute. No. Not cute at all! If this went on, Tiffany would really become crazy before the end of this day.
"Last time, you said that I was only being kind towards others to profit off of them and I didn’t say anything but... that wasn’t true at all! I always wanted to help you because I thought that you needed it, I swear. Not to satisfy myself! ... Well. Except maybe..."
"T-today. I admit that I kind of had ulterior motives."
Now that piqued Tiffany’s curiousness right away. Suddenly, she didn’t want to leave as much anymore if it meant that Claire would finally admit that she did some things for her own benefit. Why was it? Did she want to post a picture of herself on Tiffany’s Instaglam to fish for compliments, knowing that she had a lot of followers? Claire hid her face behind her hands and muttered a few words.
"I... wanted you to warm up to me."
That’s it? That was it? Claire’s ulterior motive was for Tiffany to "warm up to her."?
"So like, you want us to be friends or some shit?"
"Oh no! Not necessarily that far, just... good acquaintances!"
Is she stupid? There’s no way that she genuinely thinks those "motives" are bad. Tiffany sighed in exasperation.
"Listen. I’m just really tired right now, I don’t have the energy to assimilate all the shit you’re saying. I’m packing all of this up and going back to the dorms."
In complete silence, they gathered all of their belongings and walked to the dorms while keeping a fair distance between the 2 of them. As if to say, "we’ve got nothing to do with each other." Surprisingly, Claire didn’t try anything anymore. Didn’t even wish for a "good night" or a "good evening" which was weird to say the least. Tiffany tried to ignore it and when she got back and unpacked all of the props, she noticed something that didn’t belong to her. One of Claire’s lunch boxes with cookies in them and... a note?
Here’s my number just in case ;3 Please give me my lunchbox back once you’re done eating the cookies!♡
"...Your note makes me wanna barf."
So that’s why she didn’t try anything. That sneaky little... she must've slid that into the basket when they were packing. She already knew that Tiffany would eventually be forced to talk to her again... as if! Who says she’ll return it? She can just throw all the cookies away along with the box... Or so she thought. Tempted, she took a bite, then another one. And another one. Her diet was ruined for sure now. Damn you Claire and your stupidly great cooking skills, as if you needed another skill to be better and more perfect than you already are. Tiffany put the box away, trying to forget the delicious taste and smell. Back to Instaglam she goes. Uploading the picture while adding the "marigold" tag on it. Going through the pictures again, she noticed that some of them had Claire in the corner. She was thinking of deleting them but... well whatever. She can just crop her out later if needed. Her dress looks pretty so it’s fine even if she does appear in the pictures. All we see is a bit of her hair, as long as her face isn’t visible, it’s okay. Yup. It was totally not because Tiffany was slowly starting to feel something towards the girl she was trying so hard not to get involved with.
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johnny-and-dora · 4 years
i’ll make the world safe and sound for you
jake has some important things to tell mac. (post 7x13)
read on ao3 -
Jake’s spent a lot of nights at the hospital over the years.
Eight years old, nursing a broken arm after Gina dared him to jump off the fire escape (she was the first to sign his cast). Drowsy on pain meds in Florida, recovering from a gunshot wound and a cruel six-month separation from his girlfriend. Most overnight visits have been an occupational hazard, a consequence of throwing himself headfirst into action without a second thought.
Jake doesn’t think he’d recognise that person now, the one who put being the hero and solving the case before anything else. He’s better off for it, knowing now that there is something so much better than flaming out in a blaze of spectacular glory.
Knowing the family he has found in the Nine-Nine. Knowing the life he’s built with Amy. And most recently, knowing the life he’ll be sharing with his newborn son. A whole other kind of spectacular.
This may be far from the first time he’s spent a night at the hospital, but never has he had a night like this one. Never has Jake felt this content, this overwhelmingly whole in his life. Never has his world shifted like this, changed forever at the piercing sound of his son’s first cries. Changed forever yet again the first time he held Mac in his arms.
Deep down he knows he should be resting, knows the adrenaline will wear off soon and that he’ll be pretty much useless for all of tomorrow. He knows that Amy would chide him if she wasn’t fast asleep beside him, something he’s very grateful for – she deserves all the rest she can get.
(She deserves a medal of valour, at least, for giving birth to the world’s most important baby in the precinct with no pain relief. He’ll see if Holt can pull a few strings.)
But Jake can’t bring himself to sleep just yet, knowing that his son is finally here and right beside him. He’s completely mesmerised by this kid, already addicted to marvelling at his chubby little cheeks and adorable round button nose.
Mac clearly can’t bring himself to sleep either, wiggling his little legs inside the blanket he’s swaddled in, and Jake’s heart trips, sparking a huge ridiculous grin. His tiny adorable little face scrunches a little in a way Jake instinctively knows means trouble, so he quickly shifts into Dad Mode.
“Hey there, buddy. It’s okay.” Slowly, he lifts Mac out of the bassinet and holds him close to his chest, bouncing a little awkwardly, but it seems to do the trick as his whimpers subside into the occasional peaceful snuffle. Jake breathes a sigh of relief, content that he’s officially eight hours into fatherhood and he hasn’t managed to screw anything major up yet. Mac seems more comfortable in his arms and it makes his heart swell with a pride he’s barely known before.
“Today’s been kind of a crazy day, huh? Think you’re gonna have to get used to those. Your mom and I tend to have a lot of them.” He glances at Amy, who is thankfully still completely conked out next to him, and the warmth in his chest envelops and encircles everything else. This family of his is magic.
“It’s okay though because we’re always going to come home to you. We love you so much.” His voice cracks a little as he cradles him gently, gently, because he’s holding his entire world, heart and in his hands, and that’s a lot to deal with at two in the morning.
“Y’know, I don’t think we’ve actually been properly introduced,” Jake says, exhaling a breathless little laugh at his own joke as he shakes Mac’s hand. “Hi, Mac. I’m your dad.”
He’s a dad now, and he’s going to be one for the rest of his life. He marvels at that as he gazes at his son, trying to memorise every adorable detail of his face. “Your mom let me choose your name – I hope you think it’s cool, because you were named after the coolest action hero of all time. I can’t wait to watch Die Hard with you, even though you’re gonna be way too little for it for a long while.”
It’s crazy how much time Jake’s already spent thinking about what Mac might be like when he’s older. His son has such a full exciting life ahead of him, and he’s just excited to be able to share all of his favourite things with him, like New York pizza and Star Wars and the best cop movie of all time.
“It’s okay, we’re gonna do lots of things in the meantime. Like play video games and build Legos and watch the Turtles and just hang out like we’re doing right now. And I’m always going to be there for you. Always. You’ll probably have to go to your mom for important life things and help with homework and stuff, because she’s super smart and I’m kind of a mess, but I’ll try my best.”
Mac gurgles a little at that, and it only just occurs to Jake that this conversation is more for him than it is for his son.
“You have absolutely no idea what I’m saying because you are a baby, and I respect that. But you are so loved, Mac. And I’m gonna tell you that and show you that every single day.”
He’s startled out of the moment by the sound of a phone camera shutter as Amy looks tearfully at them both. “Sorry, sorry. You guys are just too cute.”
“Make sure you get our good side.” Jake mumbles, pride washing over him as she laughs. He’ll never stop wanting to make Amy laugh. He absentmindedly hopes he’ll be able to make his son laugh, too.
Amy blearily snaps a few more photos and checks the time before shifting closer to them both, and he’s breathless again – she really is glowing in all her post-childbirth glory, though she’s always at least a bit glowy to him anyway.
It’s totally surreal, feeling his wife nestle into his shoulder as they both happily look at their son. It’s something he’s imagined for so long, yet infinitely more perfect now that it’s actually reality.
Jake yawns, and Amy briefly tears her eyes away from Mac to glance at him. “Have you been up all night? You should really try and sleep, Jake.”
“You need it more. And besides, I kinda can’t take my eyes off him. He’s perfect, Ames.”
“I know. He really is.” Her voice warbles with emotion and Jake knows what they’re both thinking – he was worth the wait, a million times over.
He carefully passes Mac over to Amy. After a revolving carousel of visitors earlier, it’s been a while since it was just the three of them, and an overwhelming sense of peace just washes over him watching his wife coo over their son.
His fears and doubts about fatherhood have not completely vanished – he’s still scared of making mistakes, of the responsibility he now has to the tiny amazing wonderful human currently cradled in his wife’s arms.
But all of the fear is muted now, pastel and pale in the early hours of the morning. It’s muted by the rise and fall of his son’s tiny chest. By the love alight in Amy’s eyes. By the way Holt had rested a hand on his shoulder and told him how proud he was. By his mom’s face as she’d held her grandson for the first time.
Mac’s penchant for a dramatic entrance doesn’t surprise him. What does is how much he already feels like a father, like he was made to protect this kid and will do absolutely anything to keep him and Amy safe. It’s not a feeling he’d be able to put into words after a restful eight hours of sleep, let alone now when he’s borderline delirious with joy.
So instead he presses a light kiss to the soft cotton hat on his forehead, delighting in the way Mac scrunches his nose exactly like Amy does. He’s never gonna get enough of this kid. And he’s certain, now more than ever, that this is the kind of precious love that only grows and grows.
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finleyjayne · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hey guys, I know y’all don’t know me but I’m going to be trying to post some of my fan-fiction. It’s both exciting and scary, please reblog, share. I’m going to be trying to write a little blurb every day for the month of April. If you have any requests please send them my way and I’ll try my best. Thank you in advance. If you want to follow me for ONLY writings my writing blog is @finleyjaynewriting. 
Warnings: Angst, Panic Attack, Self-deprecating thoughts
Summary: You are a part of the Avengers family but it’s sometimes hard to keep yourself from falling into bad habits that you thought you kicked when an essay question from your last college English class causes you to backslide. It’s a good thing your boyfriend Bucky is there to rally the troops and remind you that you are loved, even when you decide to run around the tower in a cape. 
picture credit goes to: Marwan & Khaled Couture Fall/Winter 2019 
Originally blogged by @fashion-runways​
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You had been sitting here, staring at your outline notes, grading rubric, and notebook for over an hour. And you still hadn't a scrap of what to write. The list of adjectives on the page getting fuzzier as you tried to decide whether or not they fit you. Or if they were something that your friends, team-members, or family would use to describe you.
 If there was one word to describe you, you'd like to think that it was intelligent. But seeing as you live in a tower with not one but two geniuses and three supersoldiers who have heightened cognitive functions, it was terrifying how stupid you feel on the daily. Even with your triple-majored ass, you were on the lower end of intelligence. 
 Okay, so the people around you wouldn't call you the smart one in the group. What about determined. I mean, it takes a substantial amount of determination to get three master's degrees at the same time in five years. Tapping your pen against your chin as you think, you shake your head. Yeah, no, not when compared to Mr. I-can-do-this-all-day. 
 Sam is the compassionate and supportive one.
 Natasha is independent and fearless.
 Bucky is strong and loyal.
 Bruce is sweet and patient. 
 Wanda is attentive and courageous.
 Tony is eccentric and a genius.
 Steve is gentle and determined.
 Clint is funny and hardworking (even if he tries to play it off).
 Gods, this assignment is going to be the downfall of my perfect 4.0 GPA. You think to yourself, slamming your head onto your notebooks. Why did you have to take English? None of your majors were English oriented. Music, Engineering, and Chemistry. No  English, no need to know how to write a complete sentence. No need to write 2 pages on what your friends consider you using one word. You should know, you've made it 97% of the way through all three majors without taking a single English class. The most writing I had to do was my dissertations, which had nothing to do with this useless "self-expression piece."  The prompt doesn't even make sense! Write 1000+ words on a single word. How is that logically not just busy-work? 
 Just as your eyes and sinuses start filling with the feeling of hopelessness, Bucky comes waltzing into the tower's library with his book of the week. 
 "Heya dollface. Taking a nap?" He calls, the chuckle entwining into his voice in that perfect way it does. 
 And that's all it takes for your body to unleash the body-shaking sobs. The soulful wail that tore through your chest and out your trembling lips was nothing like you'd ever let anyone see. Especially not your team. You were already the weak one. You didn't need them to think anything less, but after comparing yourself to them for the last two and a half hours, you couldn't keep your self-deprecation locked in its cage anymore. 
 Seeing you this way was terrifying for Bucky. He had never seen you cry anywhere besides on stage. Not when you had been on the Mission from Hell. Not when you were hormonal, and Clint stole your heating stuffy. Not even when you were grieving the loss of your ex-girlfriend. So now having your usually bubbly, determined, happy-go-lucky self in a full breakdown was new territory for him. 
 "Woah," he said, eyes widening as he stared. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, doll. If anybody deserves a nap, it's you." He comforted as he took giant steps to your chair. Lifting you effortlessly and positioning you into the cradle of his arms as he took a seat in the large Papasan chair to the side of your chosen workspace. Holding you in a tight embrace like you did when he was having a hard time with his anxiety. 
 He focused on breathing evenly and keeping his heartbeat in check, knowing that if he didn't stay calm, the situation would escalate into something worse. Shushing you and rocking you as he observed the table for anything that could give away why you were crying. Bucky knew better than most about your anxiety and depression. He had asked you once how you knew so much about helping him during one of your many cuddle sessions. You had just said that you were working from your own encounters before you changed the subject.
 Though he didn't know everything, Bucky did try to help you as much as he could, especially as your friendship turned into something more. Still, he couldn't see anything that would cause you to become this upset. Usually, you would complain about your English assignments as you hyper-focused on them. Giving up on figuring it himself, he turned back to his distraught girlfriend, who was fighting to control her emotions in his arms. 
 "Babygirl, can you match your breaths to mine? Come on. Breathe in, hold, breathe out." He whispered, holding her tighter to him as she shakily followed him through the exercise a few more times. "Good, now what has my BAMF girlfriend distressed. Who do I need to take care of?" 
 You could feel the seriousness in his voice before you could see him through your tears. "Nobody, it's not a big deal. Just a stupid essay for English."
 "Don't give me that shit, Y/F/N Y/L/N." Bucky cuts off your excuses sternly. "You rarely cry, which, no matter how much you fight it, is unhealthy." Before you could even open your mouth to argue, he had a gentle, calloused finger on your lips. "Not going to remonstrate this. You are clearly upset, you are not okay, and that is okay. I just want to know why so I can help you more fully." He says, lifting his finger from your lips to tuck a few strands of your hair from your face.
 Sighing, you look down. "It's just this essay, I have to write about one word that my friends use to describe me. I ended up spiraling while trying to find a word that would be mine when all the ones I usually consider myself are more aptly displayed by somebody else. Honestly, I don't know why you keep me around. I'm pretty average." you admit, curling in on yourself as your tears gather again. 
 "Hey, none of that printsessa." He scolded you softly. "You are important to us. You are smart, fun, and inspirational. You are the reason we aren't at each other's throats. You are the instigator of too many of our team-building exercises. You single-handedly instigated the reconciliation between Steve and Tony." He started, giving you a smirk as you begin to scrunch your nose up. Tears were forgotten.
 You really didn't like it when he made sense when you were upset. It made feeling bad really hard. The worst part; Bucky damned well knew it. "But, you're biased, Bucky."
 "Maybe I am, but I also know you. And if I heard you correctly: It doesn't say one word YOU would choose to call yourself, but one word WE would define you as. Therefore, you shouldn't be wondering what words we would use. You should have gotten up and asked us. Or even better, you should've texted the group chat and asked! Then you wouldn't be here sending yourself into a hate-spiral, doll." Bucky reprimands softly. Determined to get rid of the lies that your mind is spewing at you, just like you do for him. 
 "I don't wanna bother you guys with my stupid homework. You guys didn't sign up to be pestered by my lack of self-mediation." You grumble huffily, knowing full well you are acting stubborn.
 "If you won't help yourself. I guess it's up to me to help you." Bucky states, standing up with you still cradled snugly in his arms. 
 "BUCKY!" You admonish, clinging to him at his sudden movement. "At least let me walk. I'm overwhelmed and sad, not crippled."
 "What's to say, I don't just wanna carry you? Huh? Also, you're holding me just as tightly love." He smiles brightly at you, kissing you briefly before turning back to the exit. Book, schoolwork, and his original objective forgotten for his new mission. He was going to find his doll her confidence again, with all the positive affirmations that should've been her first thoughts.
 Once settled in the elevator, Bucky looks up, "Hey, Friday, can you take us to Tony, please?" After confirmation from the resident AI, he sets your feet on the ground from the bridal carry he's holding you in but keeping you close to him. "So you need one word? What is your plan?" 
 Keeping your arms in their place around his neck, you lean your head against his secure warmth. "I don't really know, Buck. I kinda got stuck on the first step. If it was an analytical or critical styled piece, it would be a breeze, but it is supposed to be a descriptive essay. I don't know what to do with that. If it was a song, I'd be cuddled with you and my ukelele by now, putting finishing touches on the finished product. But no, there isn't any room for incomplete sentences. Maybe I'll make it a song just to spite the evil bat."
 "Hey, dollface, it's okay, I'm here to help you. Does it just have to be one word, or can it be structured for each person you know to have a different word? Remember what Peter said that one time he was working with you on Formatting? Your thesis could be something like 'I am many things to many different people and therefore have many different words that can be used to describe me. These things are A, B, C, and D. Then, you can use each term for a paragraph of fluff."
 Taking a deep breath, your lip twitches somewhere between a smile and a deep frown. "That does sound like a good idea. I don't really want to track down everyone, though. Can we get everyone into the same room and ask them as a group? It would be less hassle, and maybe we can decide on reasoning and stories to use to explain why? I really don't know how to do this without being really pessimistic and cynical about the whole thing."
 "Mr. Stark is in his lab, he is recommended that he is brought down to the commons, where I will page everyone else." Came Friday's disembodied voice. 
 "Thank you, Friday," you whispered. You weren't really sure that you were ready for this, but you know that this is the best way to finish this essay without spiraling into your self-pity again. It has to get done. Procrastination is not an option. After all, these are your friends. They don't have to know that you were bawling your eyes out about this stupid assignment. 
 Taking another steadying breath, you wipe the remainder of your tears off your make-up-less face onto Bucky's soft T-shirt, before turning out of his embrace to march confidently into Tony's Lab. "Hey Tones, your presence is required in the Commons." You call as you walk in the door. Knowing that Friday would've warned you if Tony had been in the middle of something delicate. 
 "What is it for? I want to get this sequence reconfigured. Can it wait?" Tony said, his full attention on a large display of Smalltalk equational programming floating off of his Holotable. 
 "Nope, if you don't come now, you don't get to participate, let Friday do the reconfiguration code. It will be done by the time you get back. If you come and keep your attitude to a minimum, I'll let you use me as a scapegoat for your next prank." You try to bribe when he looked offended that I'd suggest such a thing.
 "Any prank? Even if it's against loverboy?" Tony perked, throwing a truly roguish smirk over your shoulder. 
 "As long as no one is injured or harmed. But to make sure that I can cover your ass, you need to fill me in on the joke BEFORE you pull it." You say herding him away from the endless rows of code while he is occupied with his next plot. 
  When you finally make it to the Commons, The rest of the Avengers are gathered on the couches. All seemed to be in a decent enough mood. Taking a deep breath, you look to Bucky for direction on how to implement this plan of his. 
 He gives your hand a squeeze as he guides you to the middle of the sectional. Holding you from behind, he clears his throat. "Hey, guys. Thanks for coming to this impromptu meeting. I know you guys were probably doing nothing, anyway, but I appreciate you coming down here. Doll, here, needs some help from us. Well, you guys, since apparently, I am biased." His tone is light as he brings attention to us.
 You can't help but feel that knot of uncertainty come back as he speaks, though. You try your best to hide the shaking of your hands by holding onto Bucky's forarms that rest tightly around your middle, grounding you into the moment. Please just let this be quick. 
 "You are biased," you grumble. "You have to say the best things because you are my boyfriend. It makes for a skewed view on what my friends think of me." 
 "She does have a point, Buck. You tend to have neverending heart-eyes whenever anything is about her. Though that is reasonable, seeing as she is your girl. I'd be more concerned if you didn't have a shade or two of rose to your glasses." Steve said from his station in on the nearest end of the couch to the door. 
 "If his glasses are tinted any pinker, they won't be able to be seen through." Scoffed Sam from the other end of the couch. 
 "Doesn't matter," Bucky cut in before there could be any more railroading. "Y/N has an essay that she has to write but couldn't find the right inspiration for the prompt. Seeing as it pertains to our views on her, I felt it necessary to bring our expertise into the mix."
 "Oh, What's the prompt?" Bruce asked from the corner of the window seat. 
 "It's stupid, It's an essay on the word that your friends and family would use to describe you. Well, in this case, describe me." You say to the oak coffee table that separated the majority of them from you and Bucky. 
 "Doll, stop hating, and just accept the help." He whispered into your 
 "Well, you've definitely come to the right place. Come on, guys, what words describe Y/N?" Tony said enthusiastically, rubbing his hands together from the place he found next to Natasha.
 "Friday, can you make a list on the monitor, so we don't forget any?" Steve asked the AI helpfully.
 "Good idea, I'll start with eccentric," Nat stated.
 "resourceful, Multi-talented, Impressive."
 Words just kept coming at incredible speed before there was a ding at the elevator. "Mrs. (Y/L/N), The package you ordered last night needs to be signed for if you wouldn't mind." Friday cut in. 
 As more words were being piled onto the TV screen, you turned toward the elevator. "It's here already??" you asked, making your way to the waiting delivery man. I quickly signed for the package before coming back to the group. Ripping into the box without care as Tony and Clint argued over positive and negative words on the list.
 Letting out an excited squeal while you pulled the long, sky-blue cape out of the box and swishing it over your shoulders, clasping it easily, and spinning in a circle to make it swish out. It was just as you imagined. Silky, soft, and absolutely perfect for everything. When you finally came back to the conversation you found yourself at the center of attention, everyone's eyes were on you in different mixes of amusement and exasperation. 
 "Where you going, Miss Bennet?" Tony laughed out.
 "What do you mean, where am I going? This is my house cape. Don't you have one? It's the latest fashion." You bite back, raising your head in indignation. "I love it, I am going to wear it. EVERYWHERE."
 As everyone's faces split into the biggest smiles, Peter walked into the room, tossing his backpack onto the floor as he took a seat between Sam and Steve. 
 "No Capes!" He said, lovingly referencing the Incredibles. Sending a ripple of laughs through the group of superheroes. "So what has you so Extra today, Y/N?"  
 "Nothing, I just saw this for sale while I was doing research for my recital dress and thought it would be nice." You respond fondly, feeling invincible in the cape. 
 "THAT'S IT! YOUR WORD IS EXTRA!" Clint said, springing from his perch. Everyone looked contemplative for a moment before nodding. 
 "Agreed. It's perfect. You give extra in everything you do." Steve said, not really getting the modern connotation.
 Even though it isn't any of the words that you thought they would choose, you can't really complain. Especially when it gives you the privilege of wearing your Couture Cape around the tower, just because you want to.
 Smiling at Bucky, you raised slightly on your toes to kiss his cheek, whispering a thank you. And with that, you whooshed off to write the worst essay in your academic career. Leaving the bickering and astounded Avengers in your wake.
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quaranteenedseniors · 4 years
Happy 4-day Week!!
Hello Everyone!
I hope everyone had a restful Labor Day weekend! I know I really needed this three day weekend because of how hectic school has been these past few weeks. My weekend was very relaxing as I got lots of time to catch up on watching some new movies and spending some time with my family. How did you guys spend your long weekend?
The hardest part of a long weekend is coming back to school immediately after the weekend. This morning I had English for my first block and we had to complete an essay that was 1000 words and is due tonight (I guess I know what I have to do after writing this post 😊). It was extremely difficult to focus and do the assignment because I was so tired and had very little motivation. After those exhausting 90 minutes dragged by, I finally got a break during homeroom. My homeroom teacher is very sweet but we never do anything. Instead, they should just let us relax instead of have us sit in our chairs for another useless 10 minutes. 
Right after homeroom, I had my least favorite class, Theory of Knowledge (TOK). We are currently working on our TOK essay as it is an IB requirement but I have no clue what to even write (TBH who does?). TOK is just so confusing and I never know what is happening in the class. However, the highlight of my day was when one of my classmates and I played some fun games during our block. She pinned my video on her Zoom screen and I pinned her video on my screen. First, we tried to mouth words to each other and guess what the other person was saying. We played this game for the majority of the class as it was so much fun and we were laughing so hard 😂. Next, we played I spy which was a little distracting but we were able to have a good time👀. Lastly, we played guess the object! We would quickly pick up an object and show it across our camera and then we would have to guess what it was. After two rounds of this game, it was lunch time!! This was the first time in my life that TOK class had passed by so quickly thanks to my funny friend 😜!! 
The rest of my day was very chill! In history we did a simple group assignment and my group was very friendly and interesting. We were so efficient that we finished the whole assignment and now have no homework!! I ended my day with math in which we reviewed some basic math topics from last year. My teacher is the best because even though we learned all these topics during eLearning last year, he still reviewed it. Our class was very relaxing as my math teacher is hilarious and it is always a delight having him at the end of the day. Overall my day was pretty exhausting and I am extremely tired from writing this so I am probably going to go take a nap!! Thanks for reading guys and stay safe everyone!!!
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marvelhero-fics · 5 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: A bunch of criminals decide Tony Stark would pay them a lot of money to get his daughter back so they try to kidnap her, little did they know Ironman and Spider-Man would come to the rescue 
A/N: I’m so sorry I haven't posted in so long!!!! This was a super quick blurb just off the top of my head, pretty much unedited, sorry about that! I’ve got a lot more fics on the way
Word Count: 1,470
Warning: swearing, maybe a little violence?
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The carpark was so empty you could hear the clatter of your hard-bottomed shoes against the cement. It was illuminated very clearly with pale blue lighting, whilst darkness surrounded the exterior. It was just after 9:00pm. You were making your way to your chauffeured car just outside of the Stark building. You’d been spending most nights after high school at one of your dad’s labs close to school to help bump up your science grades, and plus make some extra money. No matter how rich your parents were, they always made you work for what you had. You sighed slightly at the impending long car ride back to the Avengers compound where you currently resided with your parents. 
You were stopped slightly in your tracks when two men emerged out of a navy blue car, about 10 ft in front of you. You really tried to think nothing of it, but being a young, small, female who wouldn’t be able to protect yourself against a large man, let alone two, fear bubbled up inside you slightly. You decided to detour slightly, trying to get to a different exit to avoid these men. Another man in similar robber-like black clothing appeared slightly too near to you for your comfort. Your lips pursed together as you could feel your heartbeat radiating throughout your entire body due to how fast it was pumping. 
A slight pang of courage/curiosity hit you to pull your gaze up from the dirty concrete floor to look at your surroundings. There was a lot more than 3 men around you, it was definitely closer to about 15. You came to a complete stop in your tracks, your breath becoming uneven and panicked as the worst thoughts flooded your mind. 
“How do you know it’s her?” One of them mumbled to another, his eyes travelling up and down your figure as you clutched your bag closer to your body. 
“It’s definitely her.” The other replied, a devilish smile creeping upon his lips. He strutted towards you, his frame seemed to be about twice the size of yours. A sudden wave of quick thinking hit you in your moment of shock, you slowly and secretly moved your right hand over to your left wrist. Your father always made you wear an emergency bracelet. It was an inconspicuous, silver bracelet that hugged your wrist tightly with a small button on it that would alert your father of an emergency. He made sure to explain that it wasn’t an ‘I forgot my purse’ emergency or an ‘I left my homework at home’ emergency. It was only if you were in imminent danger. And this definitely felt like the time to use it.
The man was so close to your frame that you could smell his slightly ‘off’ body oder. His face came close to yours to take a deeper look at your features. You looked away and squeezed your eyes shut in attempts to stop your eyes from welling up. 
“Miss Stark, it’s so nice to meet you.” His voice was raspier and lower as you heard it clearly, almost as if he has gravel stuck in his throat. 
“I’m- my name isn't Stark.” You lied through gritted teeth, your breath so panicked you almost couldn't speak.
“Oh sweetheart, you don't need to bother with that. I know exactly who you are.” He had an almost laughter as he spoke this time, his breath smelling of alcohol. Suddenly, his hand grabbed your upper arm, tugging at it to pull you along with him. “Do you know how much your father would pay for you? We’re gonna be fucking rich boys!” He added, in attempts to hype up the gang around him. Part of you wanted to fight back, a large part of you wanted too. But you simply knew you wouldn't make it out of this fighting. This man by himself could take you down, not mentioning the other 14-or-so men around you. 
“Hey! I don't think she’s consenting to that buddy.” A familiar Queens accent rang through your ears. You, along with the men around you, turned your heads to see Peter in his classic Spider-Man costume standing atop of one of the cars. 
A few of the men huffed, making a few comments about ‘that Spider-Man dude from YouTube’. Peter jumped down from the car, causing some of the men to pull pistols out the back of their trousers. You gasped out in horror, your lungs feeling like they were being viciously squeezed as you watched your boyfriend contemplate his next move, while still struggling against the man holding you. You watched as Peter expertly used his webs to pull weapons from the men around you while also dodging bullets in the process. He tried his best to web them to pillars or cars around the carpark to take them out of the action, but he was clearly experiencing some difficulty with the amount of men surrounding him. 
The noise of a burst of energy hit your ears, causing you to flinch. You looked up to see that all-too-famous red and gold suit crushing men beneath it. The weight forcing down your shoulders seemed to lighten up slightly as your father began fighting alongside Peter. Many of the guys began yelling about Ironman in horror, stating that they needed to ‘get the fuck outta here’. 
Tony mainly used his blasters to get men to the floor so Peter was able to web them down. You watched your fathers movements, they weren't that of someone who was planning and strategising his attacks, they were pure anger. Which seemingly made them a lot more effective, and a lot more deadly.
“Kid, what the hell are you doing here?” Tony questioned Peter, his voice accentuated through the mask.  
“Just helping out!” Peter swiftly dodged an incoming punch, “being your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man!” He added, sending another man down to the floor with a thundering cracking noise, God, you didn't want to know where it came from. 
You felt the grip on your arm get exponentially tighter as the man began pulling you away in a rushed, and clearly frightened manoeuvre. You’d gained some courage amongst all the fighting and began trying to bat this mans hand away, while trying to pry your arm from his clutch. It seemingly took him no effort to pull your body along. “Peter!” You yelled out in a frenzy, immediately regretting that decision. Firstly, these men shouldn't know Spider-Man’s name, and secondly, your dad didn't know that you knew Peter was Spider-Man.
In a matter of seconds, Peter was swiftly swinging in to send a harsh kick to the mans head. His grip left your arm and he fell down to the floor. With a few more rushed attacks and webs, Peter had officially rendered this man useless.
“Wait, Peter?!” Your father exclaimed in shock, turning to face you while sending a small rocket into a car sitting directly behind some of the assailants. A burst of flames hit the roof of the carpark building along with some shocking, frightful shrieks. 
“Oh shit...” Peter said under his breath, facing you. It felt strange looking at the mask eyes instead of Peter’s actual eyes.
“We’re having a very long conversation when we get home Miss (Y/N) Stark!” Your dad hollered out, sending the last of the men into a nearby pillar. Without hesitation Ironman was flying towards you, he grabbed you tightly. “Let’s go Pete.” Tony stated, flying out of the parking building far too quickly for your liking. Within minutes you had all landed just outside one of Tony’s many houses, this one residing in Midtown Manhattan. 
You realised you were essentially holding your breath the entire way, letting out a loud sigh as your feet finally hit the ground. Peter ripped his mask off his head, showing off his frightened expression and disheveled hair. Seeing Peter’s face brought out every emotion you had bottled up. Your body fell immediately into his arms, hugging him tighter than you thought physically possible. He held your body close, his heat radiating onto you. You sunk your head into his shoulder and began crying, due to the fact that you just really didn't know what else to do. 
You heard the movement of the Ironman suit behind you. It opened to reveal a frightened, but relieved looking Tony. His hand grabbed your shoulder, spinning you away from Peter into his arms. You clung onto your father for dear life. Tony clearly reciprocating. His placed a huge kiss on your forehead, his hand tightly holding your head close to his body. “Thank you, dad.” You whispered through tears.
“I’m never going to let anything happen to you darling.” 
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dustofinsanity · 6 years
𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡. 𝟙
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Minghao / Reader ㅤㅤㅤ College AU ㅤㅤㅤ Words count: 4.4k
Summary:  She could be the most popular girl of her school, Y/n's life became really interesting when she started to hang out and spend more time with the ones who saved her, with this bunch of bad boys who were funnier than she could imagine, with that guy who didn't hate her like she thought.
Content/Warning: Mini series, Angst, Romance/Fluff
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For a lot of people, school was an horrible place where they had to work hard to get their dream job or, at least, a job for which they would be well-paid, without being sure about their future. Most of the students hated school and the only things they liked were that they could see their friends everyday and eat pretty good meals. Yes, most of them hated the university where they were studying and that's why you were an exception. You liked school, you liked studying and learning a lot of things. History, maths, geography, sciences, foreign languages, etc... You really liked it. It wasn't a passion but you were so curious about everything and, even if your grades weren't the best of the university, you were a good student and you did your best to make your parents proud. At the beginning, your classmates thought you were trying to be the teachers' pet and they were pretty mean to you but, after a few months, they saw you didn't want to be noticed, you just enjoyed studying. After that, they started to talk with you, knowing you a little more and seeing you were a real ray of sunshine. A pure and innocent girl, eager to learn, with a generous and delicate heart. You went from "the one who wanted the teachers' love" to "the university's ray of sunshine". You knew almost everyone and some men made it quite clear that they were interested in you. But you weren't. Even if the university was full of handsome and cute young males, you didn't really notice them. Yes, they were attractive but they were too simple for you, what they really wanted was too obvious, and above all, they were too sweet, too nice. You weren't a "bad boys fangirl" but you found these kind of guys more interesting than others. Since you were curious about everything, you were also curious about mankind and you wanted to know why some students were good and peaceful while others were delinquents, why they made bad choices, what they were been through to be like this, etc... And, somehow, you also wanted to help them. You knew your help would be useless; if they wanted to live like that, that was their choice. But you could feel in your guts they made their choices for bad reasons. Even if you didn't want to change these men, you wanted to show them they could do better without being... assholes? But, for a lot of them, there was a lot of work... You could hear a lot of laughs, girls laughs, before entering your classroom and you knew who made them laugh like that. It was surely Seungcheol, one of the bad boys of the university, the guys all the female students were fangirling over. You would be a liar if you said they weren't attractive because, yes, they were. But you also knew you'd always been attracted by the dark side of mankind, by your total opposite. You were like a pure angel seduced by Hell. You kept your hand on the door handle, the other hand on your chest, trying to calm down, and took a deep breath when someone came behind and made you jump. "You know, Y/n, it's just a door, not Hell's gate." "Dear Lord, Jisoo, you scared me!" You breathed, trying to catch your breath. "Really? An angel like me?" He joked, cupping his face in his hands with an adorable smile. "If you're an angel, I'm the Queen of England." "Then after you, your Majesty." He smirked, opening the classroom door. Chuckling, you playfully curtsied and entered the classroom without paying attention to the looks the other students were giving at you both. You sat down at your place and got your stuff out of your bag, placing them specifically on the desk. Jisoo asked you why you always did that and you replied it was just a habit. From the corner of your eyes, you saw him nod and do the same, always with his adorable smile. Even if Jisoo, also known as Joshua, was a friend of Seungcheol and a member of the "bad boys club", like you called them, you really liked him, he was very different from his friends. Always smiling, nice, polite and well mannered. You've never seen him being arrogant or disrespectful to teachers or other students. You couldn't say the same about his friends. Two of them were in the same class. First, Seungcheol, or S.coups to his friends, the leader of the "bad boys club". He was such a player, flirting with all the girls he could see, and being more than arrogant with elders. Like his members, he was a fighter, someone who liked to get in trouble for everything and nothing. The second was Minghao, often called THE8, a chinese man who came to South Korea almost ten years ago. You knew it because one of your friends told you. Unlike the other bad guys, he was calm and quiet, always silently staring at people. You couldn't deny it, he was the one who scared you the most. The other members, Mingyu, Wonwoo and Hansol, also known as Vernon, were like Seungcheol, players, fighters, arrogant, etc... As you said jokingly when you talked about all of them with your friends, they were the perfect sons-in-law. You started to reread the lesson your class studied the day before when the door opened loudly. A student from another class shouted that Mingyu was fighting with another man and, almost immediately, everyone ran out, excited about the idea of seeing the tall man that Mingyu was beating someone, like he always did since he was one of the strongest guys in the university. You sighed and focused back on your textbook when you felt a gaze on you, a gaze that made you shiver, a gaze you would rather not feel on you. You discreetly cleared your throat and, without turning your head you asked to Minghao why he didn't go with his friends. "I didn't want." He simply replied, smirking as he saw how uncomfortable you were with him. An awkward silence settled in the classroom, making your heart beat faster. Since you couldn't understand or guess what Minghao was thinking, you didn't trust him or enjoy being alone with him. He was like a movie serial killer, the kind of murderer who stalks his victims for months and attacks them when they are alone in a cold and silent place. Like you were at this moment... You wanted to run away but you couldn't move, your legs were paralysed by fear and you felt sweat rolling on your left temple. Biting your bottom lip, you prayed to all the gods you knew so Minghao wouldn't kill you when you heard your classmates came back. You sighed loudly and looked at the young man from the corner of your eyes. The smirk hadn't left his lips and he scared you more than anything else. "Psychopath..." You thought. After classes, you went to the school library, like you always did. Students knew that if they were looking for you at the end of the day, you were here, doing your homework or reading some difficult books you didn't always understand. Most of time, you were sitting on the floor, surrounded by books, your pen in your mouth, a notebook in a hand and a cafe latte in the other. "Hey, Y/n!" A student called you! "Smile!" You raised your head and looked at the young male, a friendly smile on your lips as you were doing the V sign. He took a photo of you with his cell phone and thanked you before walking away. Chuckling a little, you focused back on the book you were reading. It wasn't unusual that students took photos of you when you where studying at the school library and you didn't mind it. Some of them even posted the pictures on their blog, always saying "The ray of sunshine is studying, shhh". "Wow, I didn't know you were such a popstar." Someone joked next to you. "Don't you worry about what they can do with the photos?" "They can do everything they want, I don't really care." You replied to Jisoo without looking at him. "Can I?" You nodded, still reading, and heard him sit next to you, grabbing some books in front of you. "It's fun because everyone seem to like you here but I always see you alone." Jisoo noted. "Do you like being alone?" "No, it's just that I'm too busy to hang out." "Studies before buddies?" He smiled, lowering his head to see your face better. "Not really." You shrugged, closing your textbook, and looked at him. "It's just that... Well, I don't know. I like people, they're nice but I don't think most of them are sincere, you know. Some of them are nice but the others... They act like they're kind but it's simple to know what they really think." "What am I? Nice or too simple?" "You're something else. Yes, you're nice, polite and sweet but I feel you're hiding something and I think that's why you hang out with Seungcheol and his friends." "His friends are mine too." He smiled nicely. "You don't like my friends, right?" You tilted your head and thought about your answer. You wouldn't say you didn't like them, you just didn't understand them as you didn't understand why Jisoo stayed with them. You explained your thoughts and made Jisoo laugh, which caught you off guard. "You're cute, Y/n, you know that? You say I'm nice and sweet but you don't know me outside. Who says I'm an angel in my free time? Maybe I'm a monster." You pouted a little and looked up, thinking about his answer. He was right, you knew the student Jisoo not the other. But one thing was sure for you, he couldn't be a monster. A male voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you saw Jisoo's friends coming to you, evil grins on their lips. Wonwoo crouched in front of you and took the book from your hands while the others looked at you, making you shiver a little. "This one sucks." Wonwoo said without raising his eyes to you. "You should read Kim So-wol, his poems are better." Taken by surprise, your eyes opened widely. "You... you read poetry?" "Yeah, Wonwoo is the poet of the group." Seungcheol joked and sat in front of you but, instead of talking with you, he spoke to Jisoo. "I don't think Meena will like it if you're always with Y/n." "It's not my fault, she's so cute and interesting." Jisoo replied in a sweet voice, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "And smart! I like that." "Soon, he will ask her to be in his harem." Hansol chuckled. "I'm too possessive to be a part of a harem." You said, looking at him and tilting your head, a hint of sarcasm in your voice. Your reaction caught the boys off guard and, with amused smiles on their lips, they looked at you, seeing you could be more fun than they thought. "Be careful, guys, she will bite soon." Mingyu teased. "I can scratch too." You added with a playful smile. "I'd like too see that." Seungcheol growled, licking his bottom lip, looking at you with a kind of lust. "You already have a lot of fangirls and I don't want them to attack me if I touch you." "I like her." He smiled at Jisoo before turning his attention back to you. "But, sorry sunshine, we have to go." Seungcheol ruffled your hair gently and stood up before leaving with the others. Jisoo smiled at you, put a quick kiss on the side of your head and followed his friends. When they left the library, you sighed loudly. Even if you acted like you were confident, you were shaking inside, afraid you could have upset them. Hours passed by so quickly and you didn't even notice when everyone left the school library, letting you alone, dived in your books. It was the cleaning lady who pulled you out of your reading, laughing at how focused you were. Picking up your stuff, you left the university and saw it was already dark outside. You startled when you felt your phone vibrate in the pocket of your jeans and, when you picked up the call, you heard your mom's voice. "Where are you, Y/n?" "Sorry, mom, I got locked in the school library. I just left." "Why am I not even surprised?" She laughed. "Be careful on the way, okay? We are leaving with dad." "Hm, hm." You hummed and hung up, starting to walk to your district. You weren't afraid of the dark, that was something you found relaxing sometimes, but this night, you had a bad feeling. Was it because of what Jisoo said? Or maybe his friends. You didn't know why but you weren't comfortable, walking alone in poorly lit areas. You even surprised yourself walking a little bit faster than usual, your hands gripping tightly your backpack straps. There was something that really scared you, something you couldn't see but feel, something dangerous. You went into another dark area and heard a laugh behind you. Jumping with fear, you turned and saw four shady silhouettes following you. Your eyes opened widely and you were about to run away when you saw four others shapes at the other side of the street. You were surrounded. You wanted to scream but no sounds left your mouth and you leaned your back against a wall, staring at the strangers who were coming closer to you. "Look at what he have, here." One of them said with a twangy voice. "A Taeyang student, exactly what we wanted." "Mom never told you it's dangerous to be alone at night?" Another teased. "Plea...please... Don't... don't hurt me..." You begged, tears reaching your eyes. "Why would we want to hurt you, baby? We just want to talk and, you know... get to know you better." An almost inaudible sound parted your lips when you felt a hand grab the skirt of your school uniform and you let your tears roll down your cheeks, thinking the worst. "Don't touch her." Someone growled in the dark. You opened your eyes wide, recognising the voice. It wasn't possible, what was he doing here? The men around you turned around and, frowning, tried to see who spoke. They moved in front of you and faced three other strangers who were standing at the end of the street. A gasp parted your lips when you felt an arm around your waist, pulling you away from your assailants. "Don't worry, Y/n, it's me." A man whispered to your ear as he buried your face onto his chest. "You're safe, now." You heard people walking by you and wanted to look at them but Jisoo held your head and asked you not to move, adding it was already over for, as he said, "these fucking bastards". You wrapped your arms around his middle and cried, letting all the tears you held run along your cheeks. "I have to help them." Jisoo whispered in your ear again. "Stay here, I'll be right back in a minute." You nodded against his chest and let him help his friends who were fighting against your aggressors. Like if it was stronger than you, you turned your head to the men and saw the "bad boys club" taking advantage on the others even if they were fewer in number. You also understood why Jisoo was a part of Seungcheol's group and what he meant when he spoke with you, a few hours earlier. The smile on Jisoo's lips wasn't the cute and adorable one you were used to see. In fact, it was like his whole face was different. Even in this poorly lit street you could see so much sadism in his eyes, so much pleasure in his predatory smile. He was like a blood-thirsty monster. His words came back to your mind: "Maybe I'm a monster". Yes, he was, a sadistic monster with an angelic face. After few minutes, the ones who attacked you lost against Seungcheol and his friends and ran away. Jisoo reached you quickly and, grabbed both your shoulders. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked, eyes full of concern. "Are you hurt?" "I... I don't feel my... my... my legs..." You murmured before fainting. "Fuck, Y/n!" "She needs water." "We only have beers, jackass." "Get off." Eyes half closed, you felt a hand slipping to your neck, leaning back your head a little, and one of the guys helped you to drink two sips of beer. Disgusted by the taste of the drink, you winced as you opened your eyes and saw Minghao next to you, his hand on your neck. "Y/n, are you okay?" Jisoo asked again, cupping your face in his hands, looking like a sweet angel again. "Don't ever do that again." "So... sorry... I... I don't know what... I..." You stuttered before noticing all the bruises on Jisoo's face. You raised your head and saw his friends were in the same state. "Oh my God, are you okay?" You immediately asked, sincerely worried. "You're the one who fainted and you ask us if we're okay? You're such one of a kind, Y/n." Hansol chuckled as Jisoo helped you to stand up. "Come on." Mingyu smiled, before turning his back to you and inviting you to climb on his back. "We'll get you home, tonight." You wanted to refuse and thanked them for their help but Wonwoo left you no choice and put you onto Mingyu's back like you weighed the same as a feather. Jisoo took your bag and, after you told them where you lived, you all left the dark area. On the way, you asked how they knew you were in trouble and, nonchalantly, Wonwoo told you they followed you. They saw you leave the university late and they had preferred to follow you. Being alone in the night could be dangerous and they were right. You were surprised they could be worried about you but you found it very kind of them. "Here we are." Mingyu shouted when you reached your house. Seungcheol helped you to get off of his friend's back and Jisoo handed you your bag. You thanked them but it wasn't enough for you, you wanted to do more. "I have disinfectants and bandages, come on." You invited them as you unlocked the front door. "I'm not sure your parents-" Wonwoo started to say. "They're working at this time. And after what you did for me, I won't let you go like that. Are you hungry?" They shook their heads but you heard Hansol's stomach growling. Chuckling, you raised your eyebrows as Minghao hit the back of his friend's head. You opened the door and, with a cheeky smile, you said: "I promise, I won't bite." They laughed and went into your house, surprised that you let them in. They knew you weren't like the other girls of the university, you didn't try to date them or even be interested in them, you were more special, nice, sincere. Sneaking between them, you went into the living room and asked them to make themselves comfortable. At this, Seungcheol teased you and said that, if he could be make him comfortable, he would probably take off his shirt. "I'll try to help myself and not jump on you. Pinky promise." You giggled as you went to the bathroom, grabbing some medical products. Coming back in the main room, you ran into the guys who were looking at the decoration. You explained that, since your parents worked a lot, they came back to house only for taking showers or sleeping. You didn't see them much during the week. Therefore, it was like you lived here alone and you could decorate the house like you wanted. "No offense but I expected a lot of textbooks and notebooks everywhere." Hansol chuckled. "Not at home." You smiled as you put the disinfectants, ointments and bandages on the table. "I have some books, mostly novels and collections of poems, but no textbooks except the ones I need for school." "Who took the photos?" Mingyu asked, pointing at a some pictures hung on the wall. "Me." You replied shyly. "But you can look at them after, now, you need to clean your faces." They nodded and went around the table. "I'll see what I have in the fridge. Any allergies or food you don't like?" "You want to cook for us?" Jisoo asked, opening wide his eyes before seeing you nod with a sweet smile. "We're six but we eat for twelve." "My parents own a grocery store, they bring a lot of food for me. I can share with you, don't worry. So? Allergies?" They shook their heads and looked at you going into the kitchen. Like Hansol said, you really were one of a kind. You cooked a big plate of bibimbap for the boys, hearing them talking about your house, wondering how your bedroom was. From the kitchen, you shouted there was light grey walls, your desk with your computer, glowing stars on walls and ceiling, three stuffed animals in your bed, three full bookshelves, a lot of photos everywhere and a big panda drawn behind the door. Laughing, Jisoo said your bedroom seemed to be like you: sweet and cute. You poked your head out of the kitchen and stared at Jisoo, frowning a little. "What?" He asked. "Can't I say you're cute?" "Don't you realise how weird it is when you always tell me I'm cute?" "I do but you're-" "Yeah, we know, she's cute." Mingyu cut him off, making everyone laugh. You brought the big plate in the living room and ate with the boys, knowing them better, learning a lot of things you didn't expect about them. You were more than surprised when you saw they were really different from what you thought, how well mannered they all were. However, you also knew they were like that because they were with you, in your house; You didn't know how they acted with other people. But it wasn't your problem. They were nice with you, well, most of them at least since Minghao stayed the same, and that was all that mattered. The day after, your mom woke you up at 7am, saying a handsome young man was waiting for you outside the house. Frowning a little, you went to the front door, wearing your cute, but short, white pyjamas, and opened to the man. You froze when you saw Minghao. A strange smirk stretched the corner of his lips as he was looking at you. "Jisoo asked me to take you to the university." He said as you let him come in. "Y/n, who's this?" Your dad asked as he shook Minghao's hand. "It's Ming... Minghao, a... friend." You answered, awkwardly looking at the young man. "He helped me last night." "Oh! You're one of the boys who saved our dear Y/n?" You mom exclaimed as she took Minghao's hand in hers. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" "No... No need to... to thank me." Minghao shyly smiled before turning to you, a suprised look on his face. "You... You're not ready?" "I'll be in 20 minutes!" You said and ran into the bathroom before leaning your back against the door and look at your pyjamas. "Shit!" Like you said, you were ready to leave 20 minutes later. Minghao didn't say anything about the fact you didn't have breakfast and left with you. You saw a bike parked in front of your house and opened wide your eyes when he handed you a helmet. You gave him a confused look and froze when he put it on your head, locking it under your chin. "Where's yours?" You asked shyly. "On your head. I don't need one." He replied, sitting on his bike, inviting you to sit behind him. You did what he asked and felt the heat burn your cheeks when he took your arms and wrapped them around his middle. Hopefully, he couldn't see your bright red face. Ten minutes later, you arrived at the university, noticing all the students were looking at you both. Usually, you came alone so, seeing you coming with Minghao was more than surprising. Almost immediately, Jisoo jumped on you and hugged you from behind, asking how you were. You talked with them until the bell rang. Sitting at your usual desk, you were listening to the professor, trying not to pay attention at Seungcheol who was fooling in the back of the class when the door opened abruptly. The Principal, followed by Hansol, Wonwoo and Mingyu, was furious and yelled at the three other young men, letting everyone know that they fought last night with students from another university. You lowered your head, feeling guilty because you were the reason of this fight, but Jisoo grabbed discreetly your hand and whispered it was okay. "I'm sick of your mess!" The Principal shouted. "Why did you fight with them?!" "We were bored." Seungcheol answered nonchalantly. "I'll suspend you!" Your heart skipped a beat and your eyes opened widely. They would be suspended because of you, because they didn't want to say they helped you, because they were still protecting you. You couldn't accept that. Suddenly, you stood up, trying to avoid all the gazes that were on you. Seungcheol told you to sit back but you stayed up. Swallowing, you raised your head and, looking straight into the Principal's eyes, you said: "They did this for me."
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queenangst · 5 years
advice for high school??
advice for high school:
put yourself out there. i know high school is big and scary, but it's new. you're going to know people who you've seen all your life and people who you have never met before, probably. don't be afraid. sit next to someone new in chemistry and... bond. ask to squeeze in a lunch spot. smile at your teachers, say hello. join clubs. it's 2-4 years of your life, so find your people.
stop thinking about the numbers. this is one of the hardest things when you're surrounded by a pressured environment from all sides - teachers, students, parents. but let me tell you that you have to learn when to care and when to not. which times to fight and which times to let go. you might get your first 35 on a test. you might be ranked far behind your other classmates. not every homework has to be done well, just done at all. not every grade has to be an A, because in the end higher academic institutions care less than you think and not every "bad" grade is the end of the world. and if you don't do so hot on something, feel a little bad and then keep going. no use in dwelling, just do better next time. (sometimes just give up. don't do an assignment. take the 0. sometimes you need the time, or the break, and it's not worth doing.)
freedom. high school is the first taste of bigger opportunities in learning. choose classes you might have an interest in over what will boost your gpa or whatever. take art, take music, something creative, even if you are a stem student through and through, you don't have to do well but this will enrich your life and give your brain something different that isn't numbers or grammar or whatever. and creativity fosters community.
communicate with your teachers. some teachers accept nothing late ever period. some teachers procrastinate. actually a lot of teachers procrastinate they're really just like you. whatever the case talk to them. if you're having trouble understanding high school teachers often have some form of out of class tutoring/tutorials before, after, and even during school (such as at lunch). if you are sick, if you want them to look over a paper, if you need an extra day to finish your project and make it good, talk to your teachers. they want you to succeed. they cannot always be lenient for personal or academic reasons, but they will understand. and them knowing is better than them not.
get sleep. i mean it. 6 hours at least. 7 is good. 8+ is best. if you can't, at least sleep for some amount of time even if it's 30 minutes. if you can't sleep, still lie down for a bit in the dark and let your body rest even if your mind won't shut off. you will thank yourself in the morning.
do your damn homework. just do it. there's a lot, some of it is useless, but a lot of it is not. homework is meant to help you retain the info that you learned in class, or even learn more info that you will not cover in class.
on top of #6, read the textbook and listen in class. sometimes it's boring. just do it. you don't have to take notes but they definitely help, and notes never have to be pretty they just have to be legible to you. it can be bullet points. it can be diagrams. it can be a treasure map of weird associations. draw angry faces next to notes about dead historical figures. whatever works for you.
teachers are resources. ask if you can record lectures. see if they have a google classroom or someplace online where they post notes and powerpoints. ask for websites and further reading. ask for HELP.
study a lot, have fun a lot. i know every day is limited and you're going to be tired all the time. i know. i was there. ib was working us to the bone from the moment we went in to the very last exam. but on the weekends and after school, every now and then do something with your friends that isn't going through your math homework together. see a movie. get coffee, or boba, or tea, or whatever the hell y'all drink these days. go to a museum. find free activities. swim. talk to your friends outside of an academic environment and you will be closer and dearer. and you will not regret it.
you're allowed to disagree with your authority figures. so parents/guardians/teachers. don't overstep your boundaries but as you learn and grow there will be times that they are wrong and you are right. in many different situations... but most especially about you yourself, a person.
reach out. talk to someone when you're hurt. theres going to be a lot of new experiences in high school and some of them will be bad. please talk to your friends. your parents if you can. talk to a teacher you trust. sometimes school counselors suck but part of the job, regardless of if they are doing well or not, is listening to you, and it's meant to be confidential. and if you're worried about someone else for gods sake talk to an adult.
you are still a kid. please don't stress too much about matters that are bigger than you and things that are too much for you to control. you are almost an adult but you are not, you are grown up but you are not. do kid things. you don't need to be super strong, or super mature, or act ten years older than you are. you don't need to prove anything.
pursue your interests, and good things will follow. i mean this in every sense. your health. your mind. your attitude. your college applications. (seriously, everyone has done the volunteer hours and everyone has the grades and everyone has what you have. show that you're human.)
be awkward. be weird. there are so many different kinds of people but someone will be like you, and someone will like you. be happy, and others will see it.
don't put your burdens unnecessarily on other people. or yourself. here's the truth: if all you talk about is how bad you are, how you aren't getting anywhere in life, how the numbers aren't good enough, then no one will stick around for long. you will surround yourself in something bad that people don't want to be around. like mentioned, talk to someone. friends are the most comfortable but not always the most appropriate. im not saying to keep your thoughts to yourself, but adults > other emotional, struggling, hormonal teenagers in terms of being equipped to handle tough situations. people want to help! but when all you talk about is yourself and your trouble, and not listen to other people, talk about things that make you happy... you're going to lose something.
college is a big deal but also not. please don't worry about it until junior and senior year.
failure is inevitable. take it.
surround yourself with people who are better than you, and who you like, and who like you. surround yourself with people who you aspire to be similar to. you will do better and you will want to do better.
keep organized. good god. please do not be like that one guy in my math class. one day my classmate and i got so fed up we cleaned out his backpack for him and shoved things into folders and begged him to stay organized. folders. binders. accordian folders. just use something im pleading you. it's going to be 2 minutes before class and you realize you can't find your homework or turn in a wrinkled, stained paper. also keep some sort of schedule and task list or else you will be that guy that goes "wait we have a TEST today?"
halo effect. first impressions are important, even if you can overcome bad ones. show up on time. sit in the front even though it's scary, because midyear you'll realize you have been doing badly because you sat in the back and can't see or hear over the two girls who gossip in front of you. smile. say hello. ask questions. raise your hand. you can be wrong. you can be wrong. you can ask stupid questions.
ask your teachers if you can eat in class. my 4th period teacher (after lunch) was fine with us eating, so id take lunch to study sometimes and eat then. i always ate breakfast during 1st period bc when i got up it was too early for my body to take more than a little. most teachers are okay as long as the smell isn't strong and lasting, and you clean up. have a snack so you don't crash. don't forget to eat either. please eat lunch, and some teachers will give you snacks if you ask, and if you don't have money please just... ask someone for a share or to borrow some cash. it's okay. you need to eat.
there is so much more. school might be all you know. but stop and enjoy life. if you worry about college you're going to spend 4 years looking forward and not enough at the present, and you're going to lose your precious time. there is so much more.
you're going to change. a lot. you will be a completely different person. that's normal. you're gonna be a little embarrassed. like the person you become, and become a person you like. make good choices. be kind. have heart.
enjoy high school, kid. good luck!!! it was honestly a rewarding and wonderful time, and that was in part bc i made it so.
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Hey! It’s been a long time since I wrote a master post here... And I’m really sorry about that. I had a pretty busy summer and honestly, I wasn’t that inspired. I barely had time to manage my new studygram (btw it would mean the world if you follow me!!).
However, I’m back now, stronger than ever as I got the opportunity to live tons of new experiences this summer... Good and bad. I learned a lot and I’m grateful for everything this period brought to me.
Now, let’s get to the true subject of this post, which is how to get ready for September!
Why September ?
Because September is a month that I personally love since it means that a new school/uni year will start, and I think it’s the best season to try something new or to switch your routine a bit. I’ve always been better at taking new initiatives in September than for the NYE and I noticed that every year I apply the same kind of ritual. 
We’re in the middle of August right now and I think it’s the best moment to prepare yourself a bit so you can start September in the best way possible :)
I also think you can link this article to a previous one that I consider super important and you can read it here if you haven’t already done it! :) 
Step 1 - Reflect
Take a step back and think about what you did during this last year. If you were at school, think about what you want to get better at, what skills you may want to improve and/or which study method really worked for you and which didn’t. 
Think about your current routine and/or the one you have right now and ask yourself if it will be sustainable once you start school, or how you’ll be able to do it whilst going to school every day. 
This will let you reflect on what you learned during this year, what you’d like to know more of, and what mistakes you may have made. Be thankful for every experience you have faced, and always remember that experiences make you grow as a person. Don’t criticize yourself, don’t judge, just observe, say « thank you » and use this as a way to become more mature and closer to the person you want to be. 
Also, don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself as this “reflection” time will really help you to set up your goals for this new fresh start.
Step 2 - Write down your goals
What do you want to improve? Do you want to start a new routine? Do you want to get rid of a bad habit? Do you want to get better grades in maths? 
Write down everything and be as clear as possible. You can also separate each goal by its specificity. I like to make 3 columns, one for each kind of goal :
My new routine goals : ex. Waking up earlier, eating more home cooked meals, doing homework right after going home, etc.
What I want to stop : biting my nails, neglecting maths, etc.
What I need to maintain : day-by-day planning, studying a little every day, actually reading the textbooks, etc. 
The most important thing is that your goals have to be achievable. Start slowly but surely!! 
Think about how you’re gonna achieve what you want, find new strategies, do some research and/or ask for tips! 
You can also start working on your goals right now so it will be easier once school starts. For example, my goals for September are to be able to wake up earlier, going to the gym more often and also trying to do more meditation. In order to achieve that, I’m already changing my routine because I have a lot of free time so I can “test” this routine and see if I’ll be able to stick to it once I start uni again. I’ll then adjust it in function of how it feels :)
Don’t be afraid to dream big!!
Step 3 - Get into the mood
September means a new start, and new starts mean that you’re allowed to change your environment! Here’s my non-exhaustive list about what you can do :
Review some topics that have to be well known for the incoming year. You’re late with the math program? It’s the best time to get in touch with it again! I know it may be super boring but you’ll be much less stressed when you start the year :)
Download apps and/or buy some books that will be useful for the incoming year! Ask to previous year students what helped them and ask for advice ! You may know super useful tips you never thought of!
Upgrade your studyspace/bedroom (check my article about this!) - it’s like buying new workout clothes : it motivates you much more. I remember when I switched my desk and bed I actually wanted to spend all my free time in my bedroom! 
Buy new stationery - new planners, pens, agendas, notebooks! Of course, don’t buy tons of useless stuff and make sure you’ll actually use them (even if having 10 super cute notebooks seems really tempting :P ) 
Make a September playlist!! I always love doing this, most of the time I add happy and motivating songs so they get me in the best mood ever :D
Make your vision/dream board!! This is the most amusing and creative way to help you visualize your goals! Save images/pictures/quotes that you like, and print them or make a collage and make it your new computer wallpaper or hang them in your bedroom. You just have to put it in a place where you’ll be able to see it every day!! By doing so, you’ll actually wake up every morning seeing your dream board and you’ll start the day feeling more inspired !
Talking about inspiration, I think September is a good moment to get rid of toxic stimulations. We may not notice it but most of us tend to spend a lot of time on social media. I don’t know you but I had a period in my life where I just woke up in the morning and the first thing I would do was checking Instagram and most of the time I fell so upset about my life when I was seeing all the “dreamy” pictures taken by “influencers”. It made me feel so bad that one day I decided to unfollow all these pages that made me feel like crap. For each page/person that you follow on social media, try to ask yourself if it actually inspires you or it just makes you feel bad/anxious about yourself. Unfollow every page that doesn’t bring you anything positive or that is not helping you get motivated. Follow instead pages that support the same things as you and that inspire you to be the best version of yourself!!! Remember P-O-S-I-T-I-V-I-T-Y is the key to success :)
Start a bujo, and plan your year ahead. Write down all due dates, exam dates, vacations and everything you want! Make reading lists, movie lists, new recipes, challenges, etc. I find it to be so practical and also creative. 
Start a new TV show! Since I started this studyblr I discovered Gilmore Girls and I absolutely love it!! It’s really relaxing to watch and Rory Gilmore is definitely my inspiration character haha. Just remember that watching 3 seasons in a row is a bit anti-productive :P 
Get informed about college applications/internships/jobs or everything related to your academic future. It’s always better to be informed soon so you can already prepare yourself.
Start a studyblr/studygram : I found it to be the best source of motivation I’ve ever had. Starting this blog is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!! This community is honestly amazing and I love how supporting and genuine it is! I find it to be so inspiring and you guys share so many great tips!
So that’s it! I know that you may be very upset that school/uni/work starts soon but you can make this new start more fun! Personally, I always get a bit stressed in September because of the all coming deadlines but following these tips always helped me figure out what I need to do or what habits I need to change in order to SLAY this new academic year :D
I hope these tips will help you and that you’ll have a great fresh start on your first day!
Margot X
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