#prince!tom holland au
shellshocklove · 1 year
Ooh what about a pre-epilogue blurb where prince!tom takes care of y/n when she’s suffering from her period or sick or smth like that?? Idk I just thought about it and how cute he would be, ik it’s like a common theme for a blurb so like you don’t have to write it if you’re not into it, just a thought 😊
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pairing/au: university AU - modern prince!tom holland x female!reader
warnings: swearing, fluff, mentions of being sick (obviously lol)
word count: 3.6k
a/n: this blurb is set between chapter three and four! thank you for your request. i hope you like it, and i'm sorry this is so uninspired! i tried my best. i know i said i was open to write pre-epilogue blurbs for this series, but i've decided that this will be the last thing i write for them. the pre-epilogue blurbs need to fit with the rest of the story, and i don't want to mess it up. so i'm leaving it as is!
series masterlist / main masterlist
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“Hi, my darling! Can you hear me?” Tom whispered.
His face had immediately lit up when you answered his Facetime call. He was propped up against fluffy pillows, airpods in his ears, face illuminated by the light coming from his phone. A soft but tired smile pulled at his lips.
“I can hear you!” you whispered back with a smile.
It was Christmas Eve – or more accurately Christmas Day – it was well past midnight. You hadn’t seen Tom in person since your party. The autumn semester had ended, and he’d been whisked away to the palace. Royal duties his new top priority, and he was busy. You’d felt your head spin as he’d told you his schedule for the end of December.
But even with his new, extremely busy, schedule, he’d made time for you. He’d texted you every day since you’d seen him last, and you always Facetimed before bed. A new routine for the both of you. And even when his texts were far and few between – he was always excited to talk to you at night.
And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t just as excited. Ever since you’d travelled back home to your family for the holidays – it was the one thing you looked forward to every day. You loved your family, of course you did, but being back again made you appreciate moving out of your childhood bedroom, a little more. They were starting to drive you crazy. But talking to Tom made you forget all about them. It was the highlight of your day.
“How was your day?” he asked you, moving a little against his pillows, getting comfortable.
It always made you smile when he asked you that. You knew your day, compared to his, had been less than eventful – but still he wanted to know. “Oh,” you sighed, “kinda boring to be honest. I feel like I’m in this trance when I’m here– like I’m not really myself­… like I’m trapped by the walls of my childhood bedroom”.
When the words left your mouth, you regretted them. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so honest with him.
“I get it,” he said, a sad smile on his lips, “I feel the same way. Like you’re just walking around putting on an act all day– it’s exhausting”.
And suddenly you didn’t regret it anymore. “I’m sorry, Tom” you whispered.
“I’m sorry too, darling” he whispered back, “I’m sorry I’ve been so slow texting you– it’s been…” he trailed off with a sigh.
“It’s okay, Tom– I know you’re busy! How was your day? You’re still at Sandringham House, right?” you asked, sinking a little deeper into your pillows.
“Yeah, we’ll be here until after New Year’s” he said, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, “But it’s just a lot right now– we had that dinner I told you about today– fucking black tie– lots of guests” he sighed, “and earlier today my grandma said I had to be the one to hold the speech before the dinner. And like I wasn’t prepared for that, so then I was scrambling for something to say, and… I just made a fool of myself”.
“Nooo, Tom! I’m sure you didn’t!” you tried to comfort him the way he always comforted you, “I don’t think you’re able to make a fool of yourself– you’re way too charming for that!”.
He hid a shy smile behind a breathy laugh, “Thank you, darling!”.
“I’m only telling you the truth” you told him, making his smile even bigger and more bashful.
“Shut up!”,
“It’s true!”.
He laughed again, looking away from his phone, “You’re making me blush” he mumbled.
“Well, that’s only fair– you make me blush all the time” you told him.
“I do?” his eyes were back on you, quizzical.
“Are you serious right now?” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“As a heart attack”,
You chortled, “Who even says that?”.
“Um… I do” he faked offence, making you giggle, which then made him giggle.
“Fuck, I miss you” he confessed after your giggles died down, “I wish you were here­– or I was there”.
“Me too…”, you gave him a bittersweet smile, “what would we do, you think, if we were together right now?” you asked him, ready to disappear into a fantasy where you weren’t miles apart.
“What we would do, if I were in your bed right now?” he asked with a mischievous smile pulling at his lips.
“Tom…” you warned with a laugh.
“If I were with you right now, I’d wanna… make out” he said matter-of-factly, “Why? Did you have something else in mind?” he teased.
“What! No!” you lied. Of course you wanted to do a little more than kiss, but you respected Tom when he told you he wanted to take it slow.
“You said that way too quickly” he teased, “I thought you missed me”.
“No! I do! I just–”,
He cut you off, “Relax, darling– I’m pulling your leg”.
With a pout on your lips, you narrowed your eyes at him, “I’m not sure you deserve any kisses right now” you teased.
“Love, don’t pout at me like that,” he whined, “just makes me want to kiss you even more”.
“Nah-ah!” you shook your head, pout still on your lips, “No kisses for you”.
“Are you serious right now?” he asked you, a hint of hurt in his voice.
“As a heart attack” you teased, making him let out a cackle. “The only man I’ll be kissing tonight is Mr. Harry Styles” you tilted your phone, showing him the old One Direction posters over your bed.
“What does he have that I don’t?” he wondered with a sigh, playing along.
You tilted your head to get a good look at your posters. They were old. You had a couple of group photo posters, probably taken in 2011, and then a few solo ones of each member. You’d gotten them from magazines back when you were a tween, and you’d proudly decorated your walls. Now they were just memories, displaying your old self. You’d never bothered to take them down, and after you moved out, your parents never did either. The only poster you’d brought with you was the Sex Pistols poster your dad had gotten you.
“Hm,” you let a finger graze your chin, “A mop of the softest brown curls, eyes you can drown in… and… the cutest bowtie”.
“Don’t I have all those things already?” he pondered.
You looked back at him with a smile.
“I got the curls” he put up a finger, “I will argue I have the eyes–” he put up another finger.
You cut him off, teasingly refuting with a shrug, “No cute bowtie though”.
“Let me send you a picture of my outfit today” he countered. Then the screen got blurry. Not even a second later your phone dinged with a text message from him. You tapped the notification to a picture of him in a simple black smoking with a bowtie. He looked extremely handsome, like criminally handsome.
“So?” you heard him ask, “Do I meet your standards, or not?”.
You took another look at the picture he sent you, before you clicked back to your Facetime call again. Faking a roll of your eyes, you told him, “I guess”.
“You’re looking at Prince Charming, I’d argue” he quipped.
“Ok, Mr. Humble­” you chortled, “You’ve got the prince thing right, but the charming… I don’t know” you teased.
“Um excuse me!” he faked offence, “Didn’t you say I was charming earlier?”.
“Ok, you got me there,” you giggled, “you’re my Prince Charming”.
You talked for another hour. Arguably, you talked for too long. Even if it were the holidays, it was way past your bedtimes when you finally hung up. You’d talked more about your day. He’d told you about Sandringham House, how pretty it was, and how he wanted you to come visit sometime so you could see it for yourself. Then he told you about his brothers who he said was driving him nuts. At least that’s what he told you, but you could see in his eyes when he talked about them, that he’d missed them, even if he denied it.
When you finally hung up, you promised to talk tomorrow. The last thing you heard him say was a whisper of “Merry Christmas, darling”.
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Tom almost left John behind by the car, that’s how excited he was to see you. It was finally January. Christmas was over. The new year welcomed, and the old one left behind. He can’t remember if he’s ever been this happy for it to be January. January always dragged its feet, the days short but also somehow way too long. Now, he never wanted them to end. Not if he could spend them with you.
The café bell announced his arrival, behind him he could hear the low panting of John catching his breath. Tom didn’t need to search for you, he knew just where you’d sit. At you and Tom’s table in the corner. He couldn’t fight the smile from spilling when he locked eyes with you.
With long strides he crossed the café floor. You were still wearing your winter coat, and around your neck you’d wrapped a big wool scarf. But on your lips, a toothy smile matched his own.
“Hi, darling” he greeted you with an arm open, just waiting to pull you in for a hug.
“Hi!” you sniffled, staying seated.
It was like he’d been punched in the gut. He knew he was in public. Being affectionate with anyone, let alone a woman was strictly against everything he’s been taught throughout his life. Someone could snap a photo at the wrong time, and in the next moment there was an outrageous and untrue story plastered across the front pages of Daily Mail and The Sun. But… he always hugged you hello. As chaste and as friendly the hugs could be, he always cherished the opportunity he had to touch you.
You didn’t get up from your seat.
His hand dropped like dead weight. His disappointment a sinking rock in water. Trying to shake it off he moved to sit down on the bench beside you.
“No!” you cried, hands coming up to stop him from sitting down.
He jumped up. Confusion and hurt blending together, while the sorry look you were wearing, stirred the pot.
“I’m sorry…” you started, and Tom felt his heart pick up its pace.
Were you about to break up with him? You weren’t even together, but he’d argue you were definitely dating. Maybe you’d realised after some time apart, that you actually didn’t like him that much, and that you’d only hung out with him because you had to. Now that you weren’t partners for history anymore, you didn’t need to be his friend.
Had he come off too strong? Or maybe not strong enough? Tom liked you so much it scared him. But he knew he was complicated. He came with rules, and duty, and secrecy. He couldn’t blame you for not liking what you saw. He knew you didn’t.
“I’m just feeling a little under the weather,” you explained with a sniffle, “Can you sit over there instead? I don’t want you to get sick!”.
A breath escaped him in relief, which then turned into a chuckle. He sat down in the chair opposite you, hands resting on the table, “You know…” he smiled, “I don’t really care if I get sick”.
“But I do” you stressed. He could hear it now – in your voice – scratchy and hoarse. “You get sick because of me– and next thing I know the Royal Police are at my door arresting me for making you sick”.
His grin grew toothy, “No one’s gonna arrest you, darling”. He was about to reach out across the table, take your hand in his, but then he caught himself. He couldn’t do that.
“You sure?” you bit your lip in uncertainty. You leaned in a little closer, a quick glance at John as he stood guard. “Because I’m not so sure”.
Tom thought you were being silly, but he was enamoured by your concern, it made you look extremely cute. “Yes, I’m sure, darling! And if you were to get arrested, I’d tell them off and have them release you– they can’t say no to me” he grinned.
You gave him a meek smile, and his heart squeezed. He held your gaze for a second, and suddenly he felt himself relax. In you Tom had found shelter. A home away from the expectations everyone had about who he was supposed to be. A home away from all the rules. A home away from the pedestal he was constantly put on. You treated him with grace. Slowly, he’d started to understand that what he had with you, was sacred – but he couldn’t tell you that, not yet. He had to be sure first.
With a dry cough into your scarf, the moment was broken. He hated seeing you like this, and he hated that you’d left your house in this condition just to see him.
“Love, I’m taking you home– you should be in bed” he decided, already getting up from his seat. You started to protest, telling him you weren’t that sick, but he didn’t want to hear it.
“John has the car– we’ll drive you home”,
“Tom! I can’t make you do that” you protested again.
“You’re not making me do anything, darling! I’m offering” he held out his hand. Your eyes flicked from his gaze to his hand. You bit your lip again.
He flexed his hand, “Please”.
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When Tom had told you he was taking you home, what he’d meant was: he was taking you to his home. When you’d realised you weren’t going back to your flat, you’d sunk a little deeper into the leather seat of the car.
You’d been dying to see Tom, cursing yourself for getting sick. A bug had spread from family member to family member all throughout the holidays. They’d been falling like flies, but you, you’d been unphased. As healthy as a horse. You now regretted how smug you’d been about not getting sick.
Now you felt like shit. You were shivering and sweating simultaneously. Head killing you with a pressing headache. Your scratchy throat hurt, and every time you swallowed it got worse. Waking up this morning, only one nostril was blocked, but now, you’d started having a hard time breathing through your nose. You felt like actual shit.
With an unnecessary arm around your waist, Tom helped you up the stairs to his flat. Finally at the top, he stepped towards the only door on this floor. The lock clicked, and soon he was guiding you inside with a hand at the small of your back.
You’d never seen his flat before.
The hallway opened up to an open planned living room. A big sofa was placed in the middle of the room, facing big floor-to-ceiling windows. All the walls were painted in a harsh white colour, contrasting the black metal frames of the windows overlooking a cloudy, but busy London.
Tom helped you remove your winter coat, hanging it neatly besides his own coat. A shiver travelled through your body. A prickling feeling, gnawing at your bones. You really didn’t feel well.
Leaving Tom behind by the door, you stepped inside the living room. The ceilings were tall and got even taller as you reached the back of his sofa. The ceiling curved over you, held up by strong beams connecting to a landing above your head. That’s when you realised this flat had a second floor.
“Darling?” Tom spoke softly.
You turned around at his voice, noticing him standing by the stairs with his hand reaching out for you. Quietly, you padded your way over to him, intertwining your hand in his.
He guided you up the stairs, down towards the end of a hallway where he opened the door to his room. He helped you sit at the end of his bed before he turned around to fish out some clothes for you from his closet.
“Do you need help changing, or do you want me to turn around?” Tom asked as he put down a pair of dark plaid pyjama pants and a soft looking lilac hoodie on the bed next to you.
“I don’t think I need help, but you don’t have to turn around” you said, already shedding your knitted sweater. Goosebumps prickled your naked skin, sending a feverish ache throughout your body.
“Okay,” he said with a soft smile. “I’ll go make you some tea, ok? Want you to be changed and under the covers when I get back” he winked.
“You barking orders now? Using your prince privilege?” you teased, slipping his hoodie over your head.
He chortled, “Yes, and you can’t disobey me– that’s treason!” he joked.
“Damnit!” you cursed, letting your head fall.
Cupping your cheeks, he tilted your head upwards. He smiled down at you, eyes crinkling with eyelashes kissing in the corners. Shit! He was so handsome. A beat passed before he bent down, pressing the softest kiss to your forehead. Your eyes fell shut at the action.
“You’re hot, love” he said when he pulled away, thumbs haphazardly rubbing your skin.
“Thanks” you whispered, which made him laugh.
“I meant you’re hot, literally,” he placed the back of his hand on your forehead, “you’re burning up”.
“Oh!” you opened your eyes.
He chuckled again before he leaned down to place another kiss to your forehead, “I think you have a fever– maybe we should take your temperature?”.
“I don’t think we’re there yet,” you said with a scrunch of your nose.
His eyebrows met in a furrow, “What do you mean?”.
“I’m not letting you stick anything up my ass!”.
A deep belly laugh erupted from Tom, “Love,” he tried, “I’ve got one of those fancy ones with the laser you point on your forehead”.
“Oh!” you sniffled.
“Yeah,” he laughed, “now get under the covers!”.
You did as you were told, slipping under his duvet, and waited for him to come back with your tea. When he came back, he was balancing a steaming cup in one hand, and a bowl in the other. You scooted a little closer to the middle of the bed, making room for him to sit at the edge. He placed the cup down on his bedside table before he moved an old glass of water and his phone charger out of the way, and carefully sat down the bowl.
“Ok!” he announced, “Ginger tea for you, my love, with some honey and lemon in it,” he pointed to the cup, “I also put paracetamol in it to help with your fever– my friend Kat taught me that!” he smiled, “And here’s some chicken soup” he picked up the bowl.
You sat up a little against his pillows as he handed you the bowl of soup. “How did you make that so fast? You were gone for like five minutes”.
“I asked John to order you some when we got back here” he smiled.
Your gaze dropped to the steaming soup in your hands. You felt bad. It wasn’t John’s job to drive you home or get you soup – his job was to keep Tom safe.
“Tom…” you sighed, circling the soup with your spoon, “You didn’t need to do all this for me!”.
“I know I don’t need to, darling– I do it because I want to! It’s awful being sick without anyone taking care of you, I don’t want you to be alone” he found your leg under the duvet, thumb rubbing soft circles into the doughy flesh of your thigh. “Now eat your soup!” he ordered.
“You and all your orders!” you teased, tasting the soup.
He sat with you as you ate your soup. He did most of the talking, handing you the cup of tea so you could take a sip every once in a while. When you’d finished your soup, he asked you if you wanted more, but you just shook your head. He handed you your tea again before he walked back downstairs with your empty bowl. You’d scooted back down under the covers again when he reappeared in the doorway.
“How are you feeling?” he asked you, sitting back down at the edge of his bed.
“Honestly?” you sighed, “Pretty awful!”.
“Poor baby” he cupped your cheek, thumbing your skin. Then his face lit up, “Turn around” he told you.
With furrowed brows you turned around. Behind you, you felt the bed dip as Tom got under the covers with you. Swinging an arm around your middle, he pulled you towards his chest.
“Tom!” you tried to turn around, “You’ll get sick!”.
He held you in place; his nose brushing against the back of your neck as he got comfortable behind you.
“I really don’t care, my love” he said, placing soft kisses to your neck.
You melted in his hold. Savoured the closeness you’d longed for since your party. You’d missed him. Missed him a lot. You wanted him to hold you. To take care of you. If he didn’t care if he got sick, then you didn’t care either.
You turned your head to look at him. Your prince.
“Okay…” you said softly, “Thank you for taking care of me, Tom!”.
“No need to thank me, my darling!” he said before he leaned forward and brushed his lips over yours.
His kiss was soft and tender and everything you needed.
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previous: three | next: four
tags (tagging the i want to forget taglist and a few other people that have shown interest after it was finished): @justapurrcat @lnmp89 @petrspideyparker @hollandweather @userholland @imawhoreforu @onepieceya @sparklingsin @annathesillyfriend @mayal0pez @transparentpsychicempathkid @fic-rewind @spideysmb @the-unknown-fan-girl @mannien @moonlightdotmp3 @padlockedhearts @moniffazictress11 @all4koo @angelayse @svechnibrock @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @xxtomspideyxx @i83andrew @clockblobber @fangirlinggalore @luciwritesstuff @spideysimpossiblegirl @lol-just-kidding002 @allywthsr @captainsbestgal @readheadwriter @parkersdahlia @cosmicryuz @tomxxxhollandxxx @the-not-so-silent-back-up @rebloggingtheficsilove @peterdarlingg @obsessedprincess @alltoowelltom @hey-im-bored504 @storybookholland @sadisticsongbird @mars2cupid @marsbars09 @mixedfandxms
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111 notes · View notes
sabrinasopposite · 17 hours
afterglow (little women version)
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prince!tom holland x march!reader
! this story is inspired by the book and movie; little women. Y/N is also inspired by Jo and Amy March, which also includes some quotes of them in this AU.
Summary: Y/N March, one of the sisters from the March family, is spending time alongside her father, who is working for the rightful king in London. She isn't like the glamorous girls who dream of meeting a prince at a ball; she is the kind of girl who loves archery and painting. She dedicates her time to giving lessons to the king's sons, though one of them proves to be a challenge. A challenge that Y/N didn't like.
As minutes passed, the entire ballroom became crowded with elegance and wealth, something that Y/N March couldn't claim. Nevertheless, her father was the right hand of the King, and they didn't suffer as much as the citizens in London who barely had enough food and clothing. Y/N lived in a house with warm meals and clothes, leading a normal life for a young lady. However, she never felt like a conventional lady or woman. 
She didn't fit into society's stereotype of a woman defined by love and elegance. Y/N considered herself a rebellious and boyish girl, much like her dresses, which lacked ladylike colors, and she often carried a bow with arrows on her back. She didn't want to marry merely for financial security that would ultimately belong to her husband; instead, she sought to live her own life and feel the freedom in her veins, and that's what archery represented for her.
Walking around the ballroom in a tight, darkened dress that emphasized her features made her feel like a vivid nightmare. The tight corset was uncomfortable, making her look constricted and ordinary. Her hair was braided, and she felt like a different person, but she knew deep down it was for her father. She wanted to make a good impression on the Holland family and her father, although no one had to know her true feelings or thoughts about the Holland family.
The room echoed with laughter, the clinking of champagne glasses, and classical music from the instruments played in the background. Y/N's eyes scanned the room for sympathy or interest, but nothing appealed to her; it was just another dull night. Leaning against the wall, she delicately brushed her dress with her hand.
"I see Mrs. March all formally dressed up. For what occasion, if I may ask?" The accent teased her ears, and she looked up to meet Harry's gaze. He smiled softly at her, hands clasped behind his back. Y/N's unbothered expression transformed into a beautiful bright smile. "Oh, Harry, I'm so glad you're here." "Of course, I'm here. It's my father's ball! It would be weird if his son disappeared." The two strolled slowly and calmly around the room. 
"Unless his son stuck his face in a book or in the kitchen for some pastries." Y/N playfully poked her elbow into his arm, and he laughed heartily. "Hey, it was one time! What do you expect of me, not to sneak around for some Victoria Sponge?" "You could have waited like everyone else, but lucky you... you're friends with me, and I stole it for you." Y/N grinned as she stopped to look at him. 
Harry was the only boy in the world of royalty that Y/N liked. He was different, just like her. He didn't care about the world as much as Thomas did, blindly following his father. Maybe it was because Thomas was the oldest son yet behaved like the youngest. Harry was more into science, the history of the world, or interested in the cultures of other countries that he would love to visit one day. Sam was the one who was more observant and calm, keeping to himself. That's what Y/N noticed.
He would sneak around the castle, just to cook or bake something in the middle of the night to give it the next day to the people in the streets who were yearning for it. It was Sam’s hidden secret that Y/N found out but gladly helped deliver the food that Sam made. If his father found out what Sam was doing, he would be in trouble, something that Y/N didn't want to put Sam through.
"Thanks to you, Archer. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be friends with you?" Harry grinned. "Your brother?" Y/N raised her brow. "Sam? That's nonsense. I thought you guys are friendly together, and Paddy likes you as well. Do I need to remind you how his face was when he saw you in archery?" Harry folded his arms, and Y/N chuckled. He looked handsome in his navy blue suit that matched his brown curls. "I am not talking about them; I am talking about your brother who stood me up on his, and may I repeat, his lesson." "Classic Thomas." 
"That's what I am thinking too.’’ ,,Maybe you should confront him, Y/N. I mean, how many times has he stood you up?" Harry asked with a calm yet disappointed voice. He didn't understand why Thomas behaved like that in front of Y/N. "I lost count a while ago. May I remind you that it was your father—the King's decision and kind request—that Thomas would take archery lessons?" "Yeah, to move his ass around and not sip champagne all day and put his face between brea-"
"Harry?!" Y/N's eyes widened in shock as she heard how Harry bragged about his older brother. "You shouldn't say such things about your brother. Maybe I am allowed to say that, but he is still your brother." Y/N glanced at Harry and noticed how his jaw was tensed and his fists were formed together.
"I don't like how he treats you, Y/N. You are my friend, and I really appreciate what your father does for our family. You take time to teach us archery, painting, and all that. You don't do it on purpose; you do it because it is your passion, and that's why I appreciate you as a person."
Y/N's eyes met his, and her heart warmed. She didn't hear it regularly—a praise or empathy over her ideals or interests. People judged her for that. She wasn't the stereotype, and that was something people hated. She was a beautiful girl who was intelligent and remarkable, even a people pleaser. But she wasn't the woman everyone wanted; that's what she thought. "Thank you, Harry." Her attention was snapped when she heard loud laughter from behind; Harry's eyes were fixed on the person lying on the couch, arms wrapped around two ladies covered in beauty and elegance.
His hand held a champagne glass, and he chuckled his charms out. Y/N stared at him, Thomas. Her heart was beating low, and her gaze was fixed on him. How can someone so handsome have such a low personality?
"Go talk to him. I'll look for my Victoria Sponge," Harry pushed Y/N's shoulders while she muttered his name. He walked away, leaving Y/N alone, so she walked over to him.
"Prince Thomas," Y/N said with a sour yet venomous voice, her stare fixed on his behavior. His hair was messed up, and his jacket was open; he looked disheveled, not properly put together. His glance hinted that he was tipsy from the champagne he held in his hand. His attention was on Y/N, his eyes wide. She looked different and beautiful in his eyes, as she always was, but now he saw her as ladylike, and his heart raced.
Thomas composed himself, sitting properly and speaking with a charming, bleary voice. „Y/N." 
"I waited hours for you."
"I don't recall inviting you for a dance," he chuckled, signaling the ladies to walk away, presumably to bring him more champagne. Y/N watched the ladies pass with observing glances that felt like daggers on her back. She rolled her eyes and turned away from Thomas and his childish words. As she walked away, he stood up and almost ran after her. "Y/N, wait!“ "Do you want to know what I honestly think of you?"
"What do you think?" Thomas walked after her, realizing every word she spoke was filled with honesty and stung like arrows. "I despise you.“
He laughed it off, as usual. "Why do you despise me? Just because I missed a lesson? Come on, that's nothing.“ "Because with every chance to be good, useful, and happy, you are faulty, lazy, and-" As Y/N listed his faults, her tones grew harsher and deeper. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, this is interesting."
"Oh yes, very interesting. Selfish people do love to talk about themselves.“ "Oh, now I'm selfish? Do I need to remind you of who you ta-"
"Yes, you are very selfish." Y/N scoffed at Thomas's drunk and childish behavior, despite being the next king of England, not behaving like it. "With your money, talent, beauty, and health." Thomas interrupted her again, pinning his jacket together drunkenly. They didn't realize they were in the midst of people, solely focused on each other. "Oh, my beauty?" Thomas questioned.
"Ah, you like that, you old vanity. With all these good things to enjoy, you can find nothing to do but dawdle your way." Y/N finished her berating, but Thomas drunkenly placed his hand over hers. "I promise I'll be good for you, Archer Y/N. I'll come to your lessons now, Master!" He mocked his voice, making fun of her as usual.
"Aren't you ashamed of a hand like that, Prince Thomas?" Y/N spoke with a disgusted voice and glance.
"No, I'm not." He replied with a self-confident aura. "It looks like it's never done a day of work in its life." She pulled her hand harshly away and looked at him. "I don't understand why you react like that, little March, hmm?“ "To give you some words in your brain instead of that stupid champagne that you sip around and act like this occasion is for you.“ "Which certainly is.“ "It is from the king personally, which you aren't."
"I will be one day, and you will be under my rules," Thomas smirked. Y/N looked into his eyes and shook her head. "I feel really sorry for the people in London, having a king who behaves like a child and doesn't value the things around his life."
"You are just saying that because you're a girl who has nothing and is not loved by a man." Thomas chuckled, making Y/N frown in surprise and a little pain. "You are right, but I'd rather be respected for who I am, even if I couldn't be loved." She turned around and walked out from the crowd towards the exit of the ballroom.
The next morning was calmness flying in dust around the castle, the ball was over and the guest were gone. Toms head ached from a dozen bubbly champagne glasses, and he felt his throat was swollen. He could barely open his eyes through the exhaustion, but he knew that any minute his butler would come in and suggest a fresh, warm breakfast. He got up from his king-sized bed, walked over to the shiny window, and looked at the scenery in front of him—the blooming garden of colorful flowers.
A knock on the door caught his attention, and as he turned around, he saw his butler walking inside. "Prince Thomas, you are awake?" "Yeah, I kind of woke up from the sunshine," he chuckled. "Indeed, it is a beautiful daylight. Nevertheless, your father proposed breakfast for you." "I'll be there in minutes," he nodded with a calm glance at his butler.
The breakfast was delicious, as always; that's what Thomas couldn't complain about. He looked around the room and noticed that his brothers weren't present. "Where are Sam, Harry, and Paddy?" Tom glanced at his father, who was reading with focus on the developments that James offered him. They were invitations to galas, conferences about other kingdoms, or updates on affairs in London. King Dominic looked up to his son, "Around the castle, engaged in their usual activities—something you should participate in, Thomas."
Tom rolled his eyes and mumbled between his sentences, "Do you have anything else to brag about, Father?" "Did you say something?" "No, sir. I'll get myself ready for my archery lesson." "Miss March is giving Paddy his art teachings. I don't think it's your turn for archery today, Thomas," his father pointed out sternly. Tom looked at him and nodded.
It wasn't like Tom despised his father; on the contrary, he loved him. Yet, sometimes, he felt like people expected too much of him. He knew he would be the future king of London, and he realized he often boasted about himself, showcasing only his best side. However, no one saw the real him—the genuine thoughts and feelings he drowned in champagne and partying.
Thomas made his way around the castle and reached the art room. His hand brushed the doorknob, and something paused inside his body. A sudden nervousness rushed through his bloodlines. Was it because of the small fight between him and Y/N? He remembered it vividly. He even knew exactly what he did after she walked out of the ballroom, and how his hands landed on the champagne bottles until his brothers took them away from him.
He felt ashamed of the words he said to her, truly. Now, the realization that she might never talk to him again made it even harder for him to confront his actions. Nevertheless, as he opened the door, expecting hell, he found himself in heaven.
His eyes met the random paintings on canvases, beautifully painted in soft colors. Paddy was sitting next to Y/N, who wore a casual dress that wasn't as tight as last night. Her hair was loosely open, not in a stern high braided bun. She felt like herself—authentic. That's what Tom thought as he observed her. 
Paddy turned his head around, locking eyes with Tom, and his smile brightened even more. "Look, brother! Y/N taught me how to draw our garden with the dozen of flowers!" Paddy was so proud and happy, something Tom couldn't relate to as he felt like a failure. "It looks great, Pads," Tom smiled calmly, but his smile dropped slightly when he noticed Y/N's stare. It was obvious—the "why are you still here" stare.
Y/N cleared her throat and placed her soft hand on Paddy's shoulder. "That was enough for today, Paddy. I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did." "Yes, it was very delightful with you. I can't wait for our next session!" Paddy laughed with excitement, grabbing the canvas and rushing out of the room to show it to their father. Now, it was just Tom and her alone.
Y/N turned her back toward Tom, starting to clean the small atelier. "What are you doing here?" Her sentence was short and harsh, not soft and calm like before. Tom sighed and touched some stacked canvases with his fingers. "Y/N, I'm sorry for how I behaved." "Have you been drinking again? It doesn't suit you to apologize to an ordinary girl." She walked around the atelier, avoiding all around Tom. She placed the brushes and paintings away, mirroring the way she was avoiding her feelings.
"No, I'm not. I still have a headache from last night, so please don't be hard on me," Tom said as he looked at her. "Well, someone has to do it or not?" she stopped and looked at him. There was a small silence between them until Y/N continued to clean up, "I talked with your father. I won't give you any archery lessons anymore."
Tom's eyes widened. "What? Why?" „because I'm a failure," Y/N stated, avoiding the worried yet shocking glance of Tom. "Jo is in New York being a writer, and I am a failure." "Well, that's harsh to say when you are talented and have so much energy," Tom stated, and Y/N turned around to face him directly in the eyes.
"Talent isn't genius, Thomas. And no amount of energy can make it so. I want to be great, or nothing." Her voice felt flat and harsh for Y/N. She loved art and archery, two things that made her feel herself. Archery made her feel alive, like no one stood in her way. Art was someone she could talk to, a medium to express her thoughts and emotions. ,,I don’t see the point to do the things that aren’t archiving my hopes and dreams while being a women.’’ 
,,What makes you think that Women with dreams cant achieve things?’’ Thomas asked with curiosity. ,,You really ask me that?’’ Y/N frowned her eyebrows. ,,yeah I am asking you that. What women are allowed into the club of geniuses considering you are saying that talent isn’t genius?’’ Thomas walked to a chair and sit himself down on it, not breaking the intimate eye contact of Y/N. 
,,maybe the Brontes? I don’t know.’’ Y/N cleaned her fingers with a tissue. ,,Hm standing a point but who declares whose a genius?’’ ,,Men, I suppose.’’ ,,They’re cutting down the competition. If you may ask’’ ,,Look Thomas I don’t know why you want to have this complicated topic with me.’’
,,i just want to find a way to reasoning with you. I don’t understand why you view yourself like that, you are talen-„ ,,How does it matter anyway? Soon or later I will marry one day a man, who provides the money. One day I will let go of all the things I like because I need to be in the role of a mother.’’ Y/N looks at Thomas with a glance, a glance that Tom noticed how aching it is for her. She knew she said the truth but she didn’t want to acknowledge it. ,,But what is marriage if there is no love in it?’’ Tom looked at her, with eyes that were trapping her.
,,Well, I believe we have some power over who we love, it isn’t something that just happens to a person.’’ Y/N throws the tissue away ,,I think that poets and books disagree on that.’’ Tom stated with confidence and calmness. 
Y/N stared at him, he was just a man. He could say these things but he will never know how it is to be a woman. 
,,Well. I’m not a poet, I’m just a woman. Even though people don’t consider me as a woman, because I don’t fit in the picture of the societies eye, I am still a woman. And as a woman there is no way for me to make my own money or to earn a living or to support my family. Don’t get me wrong I am lucky to be under a warm house with clothes, because my father works his body out for the King, to give me that opportunity to live. Even if I had my own money, which I don’t, that money would belong to my husband the moment we got married. And If we had children they would be his, not mine. They would be his property. So don’t sit there and tell me that marriage isn’t an economic proposition, because it is. It may not be for you because you are the son of the King of London, but it most certainly is for me.’’ 
Her eyes felt sad, the words she said came out of her deepest heart and she hold her fingers together to reduce the nervous tendency. In her voice Tom felt the acceptance of her life, he could tell that these words that Y/N just told him were words that implanted to every woman that was breathing on earth. 
,,now if you excuse me, I have to go to the library’’ Y/N walked away from Thomas and took her small vest that was laid on her chair. She wrapped it around herself until Tom spoke with a light and calm voice. ,,the things I said yesterday night weren’t meant to be told, I am sorry about that. And I as well feel sorry for the way how you see yourself.’’ Y/N looked with a conflicted eye contact at Thomas but the sudden warm feeling that embraced the words of him on her made her feel calm. ,,I know this sounds hideous but would you allow me to follow you to the library?’’ 
,,you don’t need to sound so formale in front of me Thomas.’’ She chuckled softly.
,,then you don’t need to call me Thomas, it makes me feel old.’’ His face grimaced by the name.
,,so Tommy?’’ She raised her brow.
,,Tom would be alright’’
(its a very old AU that I wrote last December and man... I had to release it)
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rosyjuly · 2 years
Your tags on those pictures of Alex! Does this mean they figure it out eventually in the prince au? Is there hope?
anon my dearest there is always hope! see this ficlet by gabby ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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dashielldeveron · 1 year
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dash || 26 || she/her
links: about+faq || masterlist || ao3 || ask || tags+organisation
dash it all for personal posts, including answered asks.
though not all content on this blog is 18+, the content that i personally create generally is. minors, please do not interact/follow.
ongoing projects:
[bnha] soulmate trope. various bnha characters/fem!reader, choose-yer-own-adventure style.
currently working on [secret character's] route. it is the last route i have planned for the series, but that is subject to change.
viper. tom holland/fem!lawyer!reader, chapter 12. thank you for being so, so patient with me on this one. i feel pressure to be “clever” with this, so it’s harder to write. i have not abandoned it, and it will be finished. there will probably be two or three more chapters.
upcoming projects:
[haikyuu] fae oikawa/reader, in which the crown prince is pissed that's he's magically bound to a human
[jjk] star trek au gojo/reader, next gen flavoured
[bnha] [multi-chaptered] pro-hero!shinsou/reader. reader keeps popping up at crime scenes of a certain villain shinsou is tracking, and no one can figure out why.
[haikyuu] [oneshot] miya atsumu/reader, in which reader is a session musician hired for a song on the msby jackals’ next album
[pokemon] [oneshot] bede/reader. bede is secretly married to the galar champion and befuddled that she would give up so much of her life for him.
[pokemon] [oneshot] grusha/reader. the power goes out after a gym challenge.
[pearl at the soul of the world] [oneshot] fix-it fic. not an x reader.
shaping loose ideas into a plot for:
[bnha] [oneshot] spirited away au. bakugou/reader. we are not quite chihiro.
[haikyuu] kitsune!miya atsumu/reader
[jjk] arranged marriage inumaki/reader
[kamisama kiss] mizuki/reader, in which both of them are left behind by love but move forward with each other.
[mystic messenger] [oneshot] merman!saeran/reader
[mystic messenger] saeran/reader, companion to the love is real series on ao3. exploring sexual dynamics and kink in the light of mint eye trauma.
[genshin impact] tartaglia/reader, in which reader is isekai’d into genshin impact and is thoroughly unhelpful, bc she’s never played genshin impact. for accuracy, i have not and will not play genshin impact. this will be written solely based on cultural osmosis. if you can convince me something is canon, i’ll work to include it
thank you v v v much for being here!! i hope yer day is peaceful xx.
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sweetpeterparker · 2 years
tom holland - fics recommendation ✯
the (y/n) lively-reynolds (series) (@liberty-barnes )
→tom holland x famous!reader this is so amazing and funny PLS-
instead of you (series) (@wazzupmrstark )
→tom holland x reader (sam's best friend) (i need updates i need to know what's gonna happen)
bound to you series (@vendettaparker )
→tom holland x reader (royal AU) this is so so good (be ready to get mad at tom though)could talk about it for hours and make lots of parallels with taylor swift songs
miss americana & the heartbreak prince (series) @alltoowelltom
→tom holland x famous!reader/ fake dating/ a lot of taylor swift references... SO GOOD
slow dancing (@saturnpeter )
→tom holland x reader i'm a sucker for a slow dance, this is so cute
painted picture (@tom-holland-parker )
→single dad!tom holland x reader love the single parent trope and his daughter is the cutest ever
the worst best man (@takenbyheartstrings )
→tom holland x reader. reader and tom' s wedding, harrison being the best best man ever
the lakes (where all the poets went do die) (@indouloureux )
→tom holland x reader inspired by the lakes (ts), so good!!
getaway car (@alltoowelltom )
→tom holland x reader THIS! THIS IS ALL I NEED
cold hands, soft love (@togrowoldinv )
→tom holland x reader this feels personal as my hands are always cold
between the lines (@userholland )
→frat!tom holland x reader tw: mentions of divorce, trust issues
people i don't like part one (@totheblood )
→frat!tom holland x reader (college!au, richkid!au)
painful back, fairy fingers (@thollandsdarling )
→tom holland x reader dedicate this one to my constant need of a back massage
shaking (@spideysbae )
→tom holland x reader tw: blood, mentions of anxiety, somehow hurt/comfort
sun kissed (@mirrorwxlls -can't tag them for some reason?)
→tom holland x reader kinda of childhood friends to lovers
lucky i can't say no (@t-lostinworlds )
→tom holland x reader in the history of finding a cat and tom warming up to him SO CUTE ONE OF MY FAVS
secret (@whatevsholland )
→college!tom holland x reader. secret relationship, accidental revelation, "enemies" to lovers
traditions with a twist (@wazzupmrstark )
→tom holland x reader christmas au! meeting tom's parents, gingerbread house contest
he dies in the end (@allfandomxreader )
→tom holland x reader angst with no fluff, hurt/no comfort, what the title says
cabin confessions (@t-lostinworlds )
→tom holland x reader halloween themed, enemies to lovers, forced proximity? SO GREAT
(if you are not comfortable being tagged here, please message me so i can edit this<3)
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Oh. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the dark. (I thought I'd die in your arms)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49508908 by justtwodepressivepeople The void opened and swallowed him whole but before that he was able to hear her scream. It was raw and painful from deep in her chest. Her warm Seidr was trying to reach him but the void was cruel and there was nothing she could do. So he was falling again (he didn't want to come out either) and then he heard like a beast's roar, unrestrained and powerful but terribly hurt and desperate (Flesh and blood. Laufeyson) And the last agony his heart experienced was the absence of a third lament. And Peter fell.   An AU where Tony stark is the King of Asgard and Peter is a prince (It changes everything for the worse and nothing for the better) Words: 5155, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Only wanted for you to save me Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Richard Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Richard Parker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Character Swap, Kinda, Angst, Dysfunctional Family, Loki!Peter, Morgan!Thor, Odin!Tony Stark, Frigga!Pepper, Sibling Rivalry, Jealousy, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Hurt No Comfort, Royalty, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Hurt Peter Parker, Depression, Asgard (Marvel), Asgardian Tony Stark, References to Depression, Parent Tony Stark, Suicidal Thoughts, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, haha. Unless?, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Bad Parenting, Peter Parker Whump, Peter Parker Has Panic Attacks, Racism, Discrimination, Tired Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, he doesnt get one read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49508908
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keebwee · 1 year
rebrand (i changed my username)
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(was local-and-also-jack)
please check out my tag palestine donation to find links to campaigns to help palestinians in need. i cannot donate, but i hope this encourages you to if you are capable. at the very least, reblog and share them.
i will be busy this week/the next few weeks due to school starting and pigeon care! please be patient with me :) smiley face. ill get to asks and make more art soon i promise i just gotta get used to school again AND caring for a baby pigeon
hi welcome 2 my blog ! so crazy.
current fixations: the dragon prince, rottmnt, james randal, spider-man
note: spideypool depicted and reblogged on my blog is NOT mcu (tom holland) spiderman. absolutely fucking not. hes a teenager. if i accidentally rb something that is, let me know, but i try to make sure every single time. most (if not all) spideypool on this blog is comic-verse
here are some important things i want to mention:
do not interpret my content as nsfw, especially with ocs and characters that are minors. my main ocs (found below) are both minors (one is 6 years old). the cast of rottmnt are all minors.
do not express your interest in explicit (nsfw) content involving minors through the reblogs and comments of my posts, or my ask box.
if you do this you will be blocked.
the hyphen (-) is in place for the letter e.
do not interpret my content as tc-st.
do not express your interest in tc-st through the reblogs and comments of my posts, or my ask box.
i am not comfortable with inc-st whatsoever, but i am well aware that a simple dni will not work for most people. as long as you follow these simple rules, you are permitted to stay. reminder that i do not like you.
if you break these rules, it will result in you being blocked. pretty simple.
anyways onto more cheerful things—some silly stuff/FAQ kinda.
"can i draw fanart of your au/fics/art?" absolutely yes please !!! all i ask is that you tag me so i can see it :)) if you write something on ao3 for me/based on my works, gift it to my account.
"can i see your birds?" YES YOU CAN. always and forever. check out the tags #winnie and #philip de lászló (pigeon) for some photos. if im in the mood and someone happens to send an ask in requesting to see my babies, i will take a few photos and respond with them :3
here's my ao3!!
whumptober tag link!!
captivity au tag link!!
my art link!!!
rottmnt specific art link!!
oc tags!! (bund) (fruhand)
strudel's tiktok (aka pigeon tiktok)
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elveswithoutears · 11 months
RP Blogs Master List
The NSFW Blog with all Adult Muses Mentioned : @elvessinningmuses
Main Multimuse: @elveswithoutearsmultimuse
3D Animated Muses: - Bruno Madrigal - Encanto - Captain Crow - The Sea Beast - Jacob Holland - The Sea Beast - Admiral Hornagold - The Sea Beast - Jim Nicklebones - The Sea Beast - Ernesto De La Cruz - Coco - Ebenezer Scrooge - Scrooge (2022) - Harry - Scrooge (2022) 2D Animated Muses - Alador Blight - The Owl House - Basil of Baker Street - The Great Mouse Detective - Olivia Flaversham - The Great Mouse Detective - Professor Ratigan - The Great Mouse Detective - Dean McCoppin - The Iron Giant - Clayton - Tarzan - Prince Eric - The Little Mermaid Live Action Muses - Egon Spengler - Ghostbusters - Gozer - Ghostbusters - Ray Stantz - Ghostbusters - Lucifer - Based on Cuphead the Musical by Random Encounters - Sherlock Holmes - Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock Holmes (2009) Videogame Muses - Teldryn Sero - Skyrim - Sun / Moon - Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach - William Afton - Five Nights at Freddy's Franchise - Helpy - Five Nights at Freddy's Franchise
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Multimuse: - WIP @theredhazbinhotel - Alastor - Hazbin Hotel - Nifty - Hazbin Hotel - Tom Trench - Hazbin Hotel - Striker - Helluva Boss - Fizzaroli - Helluva Boss - Ozzie - Helluva Boss - Crimson Knolastname - Helluva Boss Blogs on Hiatus: @terrorofthenight: - Drake Mallard / Darkwing Duck - Darkwing Duck 1991 / Ducktales 2017 - Gosalyn Mallard - Darkwing Duck 1991 / Ducktales 2017 @directorsteelbeak - Steelbeak - Darkwing Duck 1991 / Ducktales 2017 @negadrakemallard - AU Negaduck / Darkwing Duck - Ducktales 2017 @thefalcongraves - Falcon Graves - Ducktales 2017 @clucktales - Jim Starling - Ducktales 2017 Archived Blogs: @petervincentmasterofdarkness - Peter Vincent - Fright Night 2011 @thegravemistergraves - Percival Graves - Fantastic Beasts @thedarkmarkdamien - Darkiplier / Damien - Markiplier @axxholesniper - OC @basil-ratigan-olivia - Muses Moved to Main Multimuse @mraladorblight - Muse Moved to Main Multimuse @mrwilliamafton - Muse Moved to Main Multimuse @sunnyandmoondrop - Muses Moved to Main Multimuse @littlehelpybear - Muse Moved to Main Multimuse Other Blogs @wedonttalkaboutthegasstation: Short horror stories @little-raystantz-of-sunshine: Ghostbusters Fan Blog @captainaugustuscrow: The Sea Beast Fan Blog
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Daughters To Wed | Teaser
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Pairing: Prince!Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: none.
Summary: You are the daughter of a man infamous for having many children, only to marry them off in an effort to climb the social ladder and gain more riches. You have grown up hating the idea of marriage, only to be married to the Prince of Braydal, and the future King, Thomas Holland. The both of you are very unwilling partners, and that seems to be the only thing you have in common. It isn’t until things start to crumble around you that you realize there might be more to the cold prince than you thought.
A/N: Hey guys! So I’m still editing and revising this chapter but I swear it will be up soon. I’ve gotten quite a bit done. Just tweaking and adding. I hope this teaser satisfies your hunger though. 😅🤗
On the opposite side of Tom sat a small oval portrait. In it sat a young girl, she was alone and in front of a dark backdrop. She gazed to the side, her eyelashes tiny grey flecks against the black. A tiny smile pulled at the edge of her lips and her chin tilted up ever so slightly. She was definitely not as forlorn and solemn as the other photographed girls scattered across the table.
“Is that her?” Harrison went to reach for the portrait but was smacked away before he could grab it. His friend wore a scowl on his face, glowering at the girl in the picture and then at him.
“Unfortunately.” Harrison was quiet for a moment, looking into Tom’s eyes curiously. It took a moment longer than usual to read his expression, but when he finally did he couldn’t help the laugh that bursted from his chest.
“My god, man. You already love her!” The young prince blanched and looked back at your picture. There it was, eating at the edge of his heart. He knew what it was but decided to call it hate, and so he wrinkled his nose and glared.
“Do shut up, Harrison. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.” But Harrison continued to laugh, teasing Tom until he stood up from his seat to collect his things.
He gathered books and pages and pictures into his arms, making a point not to pay his hysterical companion any attention. This did not quell Harrison’s fun even a little. In fact, it seemed to spur him on. He even started to sing the silliest song.
Prince Tom is in love / He’s in love / He says he isn’t / But he’s ly-ing
Tom gritted his teeth and marched away, his knuckles white from the grip on his things. Harrison didn’t move, just sang louder and louder. The song echoed in Tom’s head for the rest of the day, and it annoyed Tom even more because it was true.
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vendettaparker · 3 years
Bound to You: Series Masterlist [T.H]
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Summary: A life you never wanted with a man you loathe. Life in the royal court has always been sour, but when you’re forced into a loveless marriage with the person you despise the most, you realize what little control you truly have.
Pairing: Prince!Tom x Princess!Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, major character death, forced marriage, depression, SMUT (easily skippable), typos, (more to be added)
Status: Completed
Chapters that include smut are marked by *
a/n: can’t wait to start this adventure with you! comments and reblog are greatly appreciated 💗
moodboard made by @evyzyii (she’s amazing, send her some love!) ps. she makes them for free ;)
➳ Prologue: She Will Destroy You
Summary: (Y/N) hates lace trimming, satin, sipping her tea, and the entirety of her life in the royal court. But most of all, she hates silly British boys that happen to resemble frogs.
Word Count: 7.3k
➳ Chapter One: Love Persevering
Summary:  (Y/N) returns to court, burdened with the knowledge of the duty she must fulfill. Harrison proves to be the most trust ally in court, and Tom proves to be yet another hurdle for (Y/N) to jump.
Word Count: 7.3k
➳ Chapter Two: Tears of Gold 
Summary: In the aftermath of Tom’s betrayal, (Y/N) begins to feel more and more out of place at court. Nikki and Dom do what they can to push Tom to make the right choice regarding his marriage. (Y/N) is forced to face the girl in the mirror, and it’s safe to say that she doesn’t like her.
Word Count: 6.1k
➳ Chapter Three: Once Upon A Dream
Summary: Painted in hues of black and white, (Y/N) reminisces about her time in France as her and Tom are bounded to each other for life. James decides to fight for what he believes is his, Tom decides to do the right thing, and Hawthorne finally becomes aware of his fatal error. 
Word Count: 5k
➳ Chapter Four: First Love/Late Spring*
Summary: (Y/N) is definitely not a fan of hens in court, Nikki is more of lioness than originally thought, Tom needs to learn to keep his mouth shut, but it’s okay because he finds a better use for it instead. And Tom realizes that maybe he does like serpents.
Word Count: 9.2k
➳ Chapter Five: Two Birds*
Summary: (Y/N) recalls the last time she ever saw Dahlia and how strained her relationship with her sister had become before she left for France, her mother, as always, is no help to her emotional woes, but thankfully, now she has Tom in her corner. All is bliss on Tom’s birthday, until a certain lady with a vendetta against (Y/N) present her gift to Tom.
Word Count: 5.4k
➳ Chapter Six: All For You*
Summary: Tom has to do his best to win back (Y/N)’s affections and prove that his love for her is as true as love can be, Lizzie leaves with a final warning to (Y/N), and time flies as James makes the arrangements to weasel his way into the palace.
Word Count: 7.1k
➳ Chapter Seven: Violent* 
Summary: After the death of a loved one, Tom realizes where his priorities need to lie; with his wife and nation. Harrison pleads with Ivy to spare him the pain of heartbreak, while a certain someone pays him a visit, coincidentally looking for the same thing, though his intentions may be a little more… nefarious.
Word Count: 6.9k
➳ Chapter Eight: Exile
Summary: James can not pinpoint where it all went wrong as he plays back his fondest memories of (Y/N). Tom promises to make it up to (Y/N), granting her whatever she desires, which means sending Harrison to France to fetch someone dear to her. (Y/N) pays a final visit to her old friend, before their inevitable goodbye. 
Word Count: 5.4k
➳ Chapter Nine: Falling
Summary: A rift forms between Tom and (Y/N) as the former seems to grasp air in his attempts to soothe the latter. Harrison and Ivy travel to France, and while one finds it to be all on business, the other finds pleasure in the little things. A surprise guest enters the English court, spoiling an otherwise lovely coronation. 
Word Count: 6.4k 
➳ Chapter Ten: Broken Glass 
Summary: Threats are made as (Y/N) tries to expel the evil from her home. Arthur proves to be the leading light in her life, while Tom proves to be... easily manipulated. Now who’s truly the bad guy?
Word Count: 9.1k
➳ Chapter Eleven: Clipped Wings
Summary: Tom tries his best to keep his secrets from slipping out, but the truth always has a way of presenting itself.  
Word Count: 7.8k
➳ Chapter Twelve: Little Dove 
Summary: Tom quickly realizes how deeply his betrayal stung. However, in his attempts to make it better, he only adds more fuel to a raging fire, leaving a tiny trail of blood in it’s wake.
Word Count: 15.3k 
➳ Chapter Thirteen: Evil? Most Definitely 
Summary: (Y/N) battles the darkness taking shape in her mind, the kind that only bloodshed can quell. But in the end, darkness only attracts that like itself, and what a mess this has become.
Word Count: 10.6k
➳ Chapter Fourteen: Listen Before I Go*
Summary: With Ida’s life on the line, (Y/N) is finally forced to come face to face with the demon in her court. The resulting battle is calamitous.
Word Count: 10.5k
➳ Epilogue: Glimpse of Us
Summary: Life in the royal court goes on, with or without you.
Word Count: 1.9k
✧tags & moots✧ PERM
@ptersmj​ @princessofguineapigs​ @peterbenjiparker​ @cherrytholland​ @itsapeterthing​ @justapurrcat​ @kelieah​ @iovebug​ @celestialholland  @hollandcrush​ @scarletspideyy​ @blissfulparker @spidernerdsblog @spideyspeaches​ @andilovetowrite​ @sinisterspidey​ @hollandsdream @annathesillyfriend​ @lovelybarnes​ @white-wolf1940​ @wierdteenagenerd​ @arvinsescape​ @super-not-naturall​ @allthisfortommy​ @selfcarecap​ @misshale21​ @morganwilliams​ @loveaffaire​ @tomfknholland​ @pogueslandia​ @tomshufflepuff​ @aayaissaa​ @micaelaf05​ @hallecarey1​ @a-daydreamers-day​ @holland-styles​ @cloudyfeel​ @peni5parker​  @slut-for-steve-rogers​ @vavilip @kitkatt18-blog​ @kitkat2015-blog​ @bookfrog242​ @slutforfics​ @wildxwidow​ @hollandsfirstlady @hollandswife​ @writesforholland @prancerrparkerr​ @petesrparker​ @arlo-sanders​ @sxuxgarplxum​ @peter-parkers-gf​ @namoreno​ @niallberry​ @iaminlovetomhollandmarvel​ @1-800-lov3r​ @bisexualdragongirl​ @xoxokiaraaxoxo​ @hollandsvogue-blog​ @hallecarey1​ @marvelobsessed10031917​ @z3ndaya-blog @swiftnmarvel @sunflowerfive @yunho-leeknow​ @xxxstormyninixxx @marvelhasmyheart235 @kierstiniscrying @lowkey-holland @blahblahblah-boo @nocturnalms @happyt0exist @kpostedsum @noemiix1 @spideymix @mischieftom @sophi54 @allazay101 @spideybrina @runawaywithmyghost @rqmanoff @oxyparker @rory-cakes @parkerdarling @samaraaaaa @holland-horan @freds-slut @gingerbreadgodofhyperdeath @spideymixmain @blue-4-55-readinglist @camrenrodrigoswift @brown-eyed-doe @misslady246 @tonystarksfavoritedaughter @adayasgeorgia @mn-jun @parkerflms @holland-horan @scorpiowhores @marvelxholland @hufflepuffseeker @spider-man-stiles-gubler @lost-girl24
✧tags & moots✧ TOM HOLLAND
@harryhollandsgirlfriend @hollandlover19 @teenwishes08 @bradtomlovesya | @worldoftom @hollandsrecs @theonly1outof-a-billion @thevelvetseries @moonchild-s-blog @ottitt @lmaotshollandd @mcu-spiderman @tomhollandlol @watermelonsponge
2K notes · View notes
youandtom2 · 2 years
Tom Holland, smut, He is a prince and y/n is a commoner whom he is in love with but the king and queen don't know. Run wild with it!
a/n: love a bit of prince tom (modern day Prince!Tom) SMUT 18+ also this turned out a lot longer than I anticipated :)
There you are, standing just a few rows back from the golden gates of the palace being swallowed up by the crowd. You're impossibly hard to notice given that with a crowd this large, faces blur together in the sea of bodies, but Prince Tom's eagle eyes pick you out only minutes from emerging onto the royal balcony. On the sunny afternoon of the eldest Prince's birthday, the Royal Holland family present themselves gallantly in front of their public servants, reveling in the loud cheers and admiring the colours of their coat of arms waving proudly into the air. The Royal Holland family are beloved by the masses to a global extent, so when everyone heard that they would show their appreciation publicly, nobody had to think twice about seeing the royal family for themselves. It truly is magnificent spectacle to behold and certainly a cause for celebration.
Dressed in his royal blue uniform adorned with a white sash and decorated with gleaming badges, Prince Tom stands poised next to his father and younger brothers who gracefully thank the public, saluting the royal air force as it flies overhead.
"Aren't they just majestic?" One woman declares behind you.
"Just the perfect family!" Another woman cries.
"Such beautiful, beautiful people." Oh, how you know.
You give a small knowing smile when Prince Tom's eyes find yours. No matter how often those eyes have landed on you in the past, you still can't seem to familiarise yourself with the sheer power those eyes hold. A firm, confident gaze that always has your heart skipping a beat or two, that always drops an anchor in your stomach, and always, always raises your temperature. Dazed, your brain buffers slightly at his ability to pluck you from the crowd; one of the hundreds of thousands standing here in the royal promenade.
Before the Royal Family retreat back into the palace, Tom casts you a glance and with the wink of his eye, he disappears from view. The simple gesture casts your mind back to when you first met him; a sheer accident but memorable to say the least. You worked in the children's hospital as a nurse and as part of his royal duties, Prince Tom was visiting to pay his respects to both patients and workers. You were supposed to be out of the way, out of sight and working behind the scenes as the higher-ups and supervisors took charge of guiding Tom around the hospital to ensure that everything went smoothly and according to plan, but you couldn't resist just one look at him, even if that meant risking your employment to do so. In the end, you made a fool of yourself. The chair you used to see over the crowd crippled under the weight and you went falling to the floor with a crash. It was loud enough to catch Prince Tom's attention and instead of being a spectator to your clumsiness, he didn't hesitate to maneuver himself through the crowd to pick you back up onto your feet again with gentle hands and a genuine concern for your wellbeing. You assured him you were okay, nonsensically stumbling over your words and apologising profusely for the disruption. At the time, you couldn't look at him in the eye, too embarrassed to face to situation you were trapped in, hoping that shuffling away would solve your problem but he wouldn't let go. He needed to see the truth in your eyes, to know that you were actually okay before he dismissed you and until you eventually met that powerful gaze of his, he wouldn't stop his fussing.
It was like a bolt of lightning; the quick, almost tender moment of silence before the thunder. He held your gaze with a soft smile to which you could only mirror with your own, soft whispers of reassurance flowing through your lips.
Somehow, that little interaction however quick it seemed, was the turning point for Prince Tom. After that visit, he became a sponsor and took every chance he could to come out and visit the hospital again and without a doubt, you were always on his agenda. He would never leave without a wink.
The crowd slowly disperses behind you, shuffling their way back down the royal promenade to host their own celebrations back home. You follow your own path through the park, past the trees and the evergreen grasslands, past the shallow duck ponds as they bathe underneath the sun, past it all until you find yourself at another main road. Your basement flat lies at the bottom of a short narrow staircase off the city's streets, concealed to all who don't know it's there. Its entrance hides directly beneath a larger concrete staircase that carries up towards a grander entrance of the tenement building. You're proud of your little flat; it's your little secret.
You decide that in celebration of the Prince's birthday, you order yourself a pizza and crack open a bottle of rosé. The simplicity of it makes you laugh; what decadent luxuries would the Prince really be eating on his birthday? You couldn't imagine the extravagances of a royal dinner.
Not too long after ordering, a knock emits from your door. With your purse in hand, you approach your opaque glass door, seeing a hooded figure behind and thinking how uncharacteristically quick the deliver was.
"Hi-oh my god!" Alarmed, your eyes widen upon seeing the set of brown irises that caught yours earlier in the day, and not the glum, tired eyes of the delivery driver. In your doorway, stands Prince Tom, clad in a sweatshirt with a hood hanging over his head and his hands tucked deep into the pockets of his light blue denim jeans and although a completely alien sight to see, there's something about seeing him in casual clothes that doesn't unnerve you as much as him being here does.
"Hello again." His smile stretches wide across his lips, completely mesmerising.
"Prince Tom! What...what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you. You're not busy are you?"
Dumbfounded by his response, you almost forget to answer as you welcome him into your home. "No, not at all. I've just ordered a pizza actually." A natural cedarwood scent follows behind him as he trails into your home and you finally get to relish it without it being masked by the horrible disinfectant smell of the hospital.
Why the Prince of England would elect to come into your basement flat on his birthday is beyond you, yet here you both are.
"I, uh, I can't say I was expecting you, Your Majesty, so you'll have to forgive the state of my flat." You murmur as soon as you notice the pile of laundry stacked in your living room, waiting to be ironed.
"Call me Tom, please. We've known each other long enough. And don't be silly, your flat is gorgeous. It suits you."
Jesus. Don't read too far into that...
"Thank you. So...can I get you anything? A drink? I've just opened some rosé. It's just a cheap bottle from Asda though..."
"A cheap bottle of rose is exactly what I need right now, thanks. After you." You take lead and he follows you into your kitchen, already lit with candles, the bunkers topped with a single empty plate and a lonesome glass of wine. A light flutter murmurs in your heart when you reach to grab another, knowing that the evening ahead of you is already seeming to be less lonely.
Tom takes a seat at your breakfast bar, pulling his hands from his pockets and revealing the curls beneath his hood, taking in the sights of the room around him. You have no other choice but to throw a smile when he catches you glancing at him, but you concede with yourself; it can't be helped, not when the eldest son of the most prominent family in the country sits calmly in your kitchen. You can't seem to describe yourself the same as the bottle shakes slightly in your hand, pulsing at the elevated beat of your anxious heart. The nerves of his sudden appearance have yet to dissipate.
With a composing breath, you hand him his wine glass and he immediately thanks you with a winning smile.
"Pizza shouldn't be too long. You're welcome to have some if you haven't already eaten."
"Yeah, that would be great. If you don't mind of course."
"Not at all. It is your birthday after all...which reminds me. Happy birthday." You offer up your glass to clink with his and he complies, watching you as you sip demurely at your wine. "Although I have to ask: why are you here?"
"Like I said, I wanted to see you."
He translates your silence into confusion, his answer seemingly offering no explanation to you whatsoever. To him, it's obvious.
"But...why me? Why not with your family? Or your friends?"
"You don't consider yourself to be my friend?"
"I...uh...I don't know. I didn't want to assume-"
"Why do you think I visit the hospital so often?"
You shuffle anxiously on your chair across from him. "I thought you were just doing your job, making appearances, doing things that Princes usually do."
"I suppose it helps that that's what it looks like I'm doing, but the truth is a little more simpler than that. In fact, I've already said it. Twice." It eventually clicks in your slow, dumb brain and he observes the epiphany gloss over your eyes.
Because he wanted to see you.
"I like spending time with you and what better way to spend my birthday than with someone I like."
"I...I'm glad. Really. I kinda made myself out to be an absolute idiot when we first met, so I'm relieved. And I like spending time with you too. It made me feel a little bit better about myself after my tragic introduction."
Nothing more needs to be said when Tom gently places a hand on top of yours, almost crying at the cruel timing of the delivery driver knocking at your door which meant having to pull your hand away from him.
"I hope you like pepperoni pizza."
"My favourite."
The two of you converse easily over dinner and wine, words of a song settle nicely into the background and it feeds into the tranquil aura of the room. He explains that he snuck himself out of the palace with his two personal bodyguards who are parked outside the flat, the same two bodyguards that found your address and informed him of where he needed to go. He listens as you spill your life story, sharing memories of a younger self that he becomes infatuated with. Hours go by and as the sun sets behind the horizon, the candles slowly become your main source of light, plunging the room in a warm, flickering glimmer that illuminates just enough to see each other clearly. You feel warm, cosy even as you place yourself upon the fabric couch in the corner of the living room, joined very quickly by Tom and his glass of rosé.
You note how close he is to you and although you don't physically react to it, he does. His hand reaches to brush his knuckles gently over the highs of your cheeks, gliding all the way across until he tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. Flustered, you divert your eyes to your hands twitching at your lap, deciding that his little gesture is the final defining piece of evidence to release the feelings you had been suppressing for weeks. First was his concern when you fell, then it was the numerous visits, then it was the unexpected but lovely dinner you shared, and now its the admiration twinkling in his eyes as he watches you coil into yourself.
You really, really like the Prince.
And you think he likes you too.
"This has been really nice. Thank you."
"You're welcome. I'm glad you got to spend your birthday the way you wanted to." It might've been the candles on the other side of the room, but something flickers in his eye. You can't quite decipher what. His finger teases down the line of your jaw very, very slowly. So soft, you barely feel it.
"I'm just hoping it can end the way I want it to." Entranced, you keep his gaze, flickering only to catch his tongue running across his bottom lip.
"How do you want it to end?" You ask, voice reduced to a mere whisper in the suffocating tension.
"Like this." Tom's finger curls beneath your chin, tilting your head as he guides you towards his lips, encasing your own with them. The sweet tang of wine blends together as he kisses you softly, opening you up with each second that passes by. The taste explodes when his tongue searches for your own, a brushing of soft silk as you melt together. It's unbearably slow and tests the patience of your twitching hands, aching to reach for the curls you know lie at the nape of his neck, but you don't want to seem too hasty, not when Tom indulges you like you're a rare flavour to savour.
With his fingers sliding into the roots of your hair, he places one final lasting kiss that drags out your bottom lip with the small nip of his teeth. It's so deliciously sensual that you can't even think about opening your eyes yet, not until you've caught your breath.
Tom's there and waiting for you when you eventually do, retaining the short distance between you just so he can feel the shortness of your breath against his lips. At least then, he knows he's done something right.
With just a millimetre of movement and without the need for a single word to be spoken, your noses brushes together and it speaks a message that reads loud and clear. In seconds, his lips are on yours again with a fiery passion, hungry as he encases your jawline within his hands. There isn't enough time in the world to possibly prepare for what you know is about to happen next as he coaxes you onto your back underneath him, his lips still craving the touch of yours. But all too soon they grow impatient, trailing down your jawline in search for something more, something that could tame the fire that's engulfing him inside. Towards your ear, behind it and down the slope of your neck, teasing out small clips of moans from your throat.
"Tom..." You whimper. He hums in acknowledgement, voice vibrating against the tender skin of your neck, but doesn't stop. Instead, his hand slithers up the outside of your thigh, contorting to the curve of your leg as it finds its way underneath the skirt of your dress. Just as his fingers repeatedly trace the lining of your underwear, he emerges in front of you, eyes locked in a spellbound gaze which you meet immediately.
"Do you want this?"
"More than anything."
Your words paint a smile on his lips, seen only for a second before he kisses you again, this time leaving it short and sweet because he wants your attention elsewhere. His hand, slow and meticulous like his kisses, eases its way under the seam and his fingertips feel every inch of your skin to deliberately build the anticipation, to fuel the craving in you that only he can satisfy and takes pleasure in watching you struggling to cope. He mirrors your reaction just as the tip of his finger brushes against your clit. You've never felt so sensitive yet desperate in all your life and you make it abundantly clear to him when you raise your hips in a bid to feel more.
Thankfully, you feel the weight of his fingers as they glide down your pussy with resolution, exploring more and more as they circle around your bud at just the right tempo.
"Fuck..." you whisper, sensing the knot twisting in your stomach, "please don't stop."
"I won't. Not until I have you screaming for me." The momentary pressure to your clit elicits a salacious yelp from your throat, proving to you that he is capable of getting what he demands. He is, after all, royalty. It's part of his nature.
"Keep your eyes on me," he demands. Your lazy eyes find his, fighting the urge to close them as you feel yourself teetering on the edge of an orgasm that's beginning to consume you. Yet to snap, you can already tell that he's going to have you cumming like no other man has and when you feel that burst of pleasure course through you, your instincts are right. Your pussy clenches, feeling nothing but the fine, precise movements of his fingers torturing your clit, unrelenting as he watches you twitch beneath him.
"Oh my god..." you whimper, reaching for his hand to dull his movements. "Too much, too much-"
He promptly removes his hand, fingers glistening with your slick...until they're not. Beguiled eyes watch as he places his fingers into his mouth, sucking what he can of your taste that it has him closing his eyes with an intense pleasure. Your heart pounds inside your chest watching him, another wave of excitement twitching at your legs while they pinch together.
"Fuck, darling, you taste so good," he lightly taps the side of your legs as he shuffles himself lower and lower, "legs up for me."
Shit. Nobody's done this to you before..."Tom-"
"Legs. Up." His hands find the crooks of your knees pushing them until they're pressed against your shoulders, legs swinging high into the air with your dress bunched at your waist. The cold bite of air reaches your cunt, made worse when Tom peels your underwear from you and blows a gentle breeze that cascades down your slit. Taking a breath, you swallow the thick lump in your throat and lie against the cushion, nervously waiting.
His warm, wet tongue meets your cunt, eagerly coating every inch until he finds your clit and takes it within his mouth. A very audible inhale reaches his ears which he takes as a cue to begin sucking on the little bud. Each sweep of his tongue triggers your legs to shake, your nerves to quiver inside you and the bubble to build. He warned you that all it would take for him to stop is the sound of your screams, and with that threat slowly materialising into reality, your stomach swirls inside you.
He laps and laps, sucks and flicks, indulges and savours until you reach breaking point. The mere fact of Tom being royalty has completely left your mind, and you don't hold back when you grip onto the tufts of his hair, undecided whether to pull him away or bring him closer.
"Fuck, I'm so close!"
"I need to hear you scream for me," he groans, that baritone voice of his vibrating against your clit. His tongue delves deeper, pressing into you that reflexes jerk you away from him.
"I'm not gonna stop. Not until I hear you." Firm hands grip onto your hips, dragging you back onto his amorous tongue.
"Do it, cum for me."
Your mouth opens but no sound comes out, at least not at first, not until you take another breath. Your orgasm hits you hard and fast, spiraling out of control the more Tom continues to eat at your cunt knowing he has yet to hear you scream for him. When tension finally snaps inside you does it release the long wail of overstimulation to scratch from your throat, shaped in the words of his name repeated over and over and over again in a desperate plea.
Tom acts quickly, taking the opportunity of your empty convulsing cunt and immediately fills you with his cock, hard and insatiably raw. He thrusts deeper and deeper into your spasm cunt, almost collapsing at the way you suck him in and keep him there but it's no match for the brutal, virile strength of his lust. He consumed by the sound of you, the sight of you, the feel of you that he can't stop, not even when you begin begging for mercy at the first touch of his fingers playing with your bud. It's just enough to prolong the orgasm riddling your body to grant him the satisfaction he craves what seems like hours later.
Tom gently collapses on top of you, sinking his head deep into the crook of your neck and it feels like a reward having his soft kisses meet your skin after feeling locked in such a tension for so long.
"You feel so fucking good," he murmurs into your ear, not long before he kisses the shell, biting and nipping his way to your lips.
Time almost seems to stand still as you mold yourselves to fit the shape of your bodies. Tom cradles your head, tucked neatly against his chest while his slow breaths skim across the crown of your head. While he intertwines his fingers with your hair, you circle a small pattern on his chest, warm with the rush of adrenaline. Unprovoked, he places a longing kiss against your forehead, his grip on you tightening the longer it lasts and you sense that there's a hidden meaning behind the sadness found tugging at your heart when he does it. A hidden message that perhaps you both knew since the moment he arrived but refused to give it life, because you both knew how much it would hurt to acknowledge.
As much of a fantasy dream this whole evening seemed, you are the one to fall back into reality first.
"The King and Queen don't know you're here do they?" He sighs loudly and shakes his head in defeat. "You didn't tell them...because you knew they wouldn't approve." Again, the silent response of his head nodding tells you he doesn't have the heart to face reality like you have. "It's okay."
"If I could change it all, I would. If it meant we could have this all time, I would change it in a heartbeat."
You snuggle even closer, "I know you would." You take another breath, afraid of the words sitting on the tip of your tongue. "Will...will this ever happen again?"
Distraught, he places another kiss to your forehead. "I don't know, darling. I don't know."
"But we'll figure it out, right?"
There's a hesitant sigh that seeps from his lips. "Right."
a/n: ouch that turned angsty at the end
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The Marriage
Prince!Tom x Reader
Summary: You had always wanted to get married, but when the pressure of an arranged marriage and what comes with the position of queen change your mind?
Word Count: 5885 (most I’ve ever written omg)
Warnings: swearing, one mention of sex, brief panic attack (it’s only the reader being out of breath; nothing too specific), ANGST, character death
Bingo Card: Runaway Bride/Groom, Sick Character, and Unrequited Love
A/N: Soooo this is my very first Tom fic! I am actually extremely proud of it and I am so excited to share it with you guys. This is for @venomsilk ‘s Valentines Day Writing Challenge and I loved the prompt I got. This was originally supposed to be a Fratboy college AU with the middle row, but it wasn’t working out. Anyways…I really hope you guys enjoy this!
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“Thomas.” Dominic signaled for his son to take the seat in front of him. He ran through stacks and stacks of paper. Files and schedules.
Tom took the seat. “Yes, father?”
“In a few days time, we will have some visitors from the kingdom of Italy visiting and I want you to be on your best behavior.” He sifted through more papers, sipping on his wine.
“But father,” he laughed. “I am always behaved. It’s Harry and Sam that you have to worry about-”
“Thomas. This is a serious matter.”
“Oh.” He sat up straighter, fixing his collar. “What is it?” Worry coated his features. Dominic had not been doing well lately. He had been sleeping less, the bags present under his eyes.
“This is a very important visit. The kingdom of Italy has agreed to join forces with us.” Oh. “Their eldest daughter, Y/N, is of age and they have agreed for her to marry you.”
Tom’s face hardened. “I see.”
“Oh don’t act like this is a shock,” Dom scoffed. “You knew this time would come. It was only a matter of when. A king cannot rule without a queen by his side. That is the law and you will abide by it.”
He knew that was the last word. There was no changing it. No changing the law at that. He knew that day was to come, but so quickly? It felt unreal. He wasn’t ready for marriage. He wanted to say something. To protest. But he knew his efforts would make no change. So he just nodded with a simple ‘Yes, father,’ and made his way back to the dining room.
His mother Nikki, saw his solemn look. “Thomas, what’s wrong?”
“Father just informed me that I will be getting married.”
She nodded. “Oh yes. The Princess of Italy is very lovely. You’ll love her.” She smiled warmly at him as he sat down.
Harry looked as though he was going to bust. “You have to get married. What a loser,” he laughed.
“Shut it, you div,” Tom fired back. “It’ll be your turn next.”
“Both of you hush.” Nikki interrupted before anything else was said. “Now, eat.”
“Y/N!” Your mother called.
Today was the day. You were off to meet your future husband. Otherwise known as Thomas Holland, future king of England. Nerves settled in you as you made your way to the carriage. Marriage was a complicated subject for you. You had always wanted to get married, but the thought of being traded off to someone whom you had never met before? That was terrifying. Alas, you knew it was to come. You had been training for it since the day you could walk. Lessons on politics, countries, economics, court; it was exhausting. But you were ready to be a queen.
The carriage started moving with a rough jolt from the horses. It was official. You had said all your goodbyes to your friends as this was the last time you would see your home.
Rain poured down. The streets were flooded and mud covered the roads. The horses almost couldn’t get through, but they pushed on. The only umbrella you carried was a white lace one, and only that was for show and shade. As soon as you stepped out onto the cobblestone of the new palace, your dress was soaked.
A man rushed up to your carriage and took your hand. His hair was matted from the downpour, and from this proximity, you could see his light freckles. He helped you across the walkway and into the palace. He offered you his jacket for warmth. You took it politely.
He turned to you. “Lady Y/N. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am-”
“Thomas, son, look at you!” Another man walked forth. He looked as though he was angry. He had the same features as the man beside you. “What on Earth are you doing?”
“Oh, I was waiting on Y/N’s carriage to arrive and then it started to rain, so I helped her out.”
You shivered from the cold. “You must be King Dominic. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasures all mine, dear.” He gently took your hand and bowed slightly. “Have you met my son Thomas?”
He motioned to the man next to you. So that was Prince Thomas. Okay.
Tom bowed in the same manner as his father. “Nice to meet you.” He took your hand in his as well, but this time raised it to his lips. You felt your cheeks heat up instantly.
Your father and mother came in and greeted Dominic as they walked off. You stayed behind a little to talk with Tom.
“So,” you both said in unison. It caught you both off guard and you two laughed.
“You first,” you said.
“Well,” Tom started. “How was the ride up?”
You sighed deeply. “It was…pleasant.”
“Not great?”
“It was fine. My parents keep lecturing me on what to do and what not to do, even though I’ve been training for my whole life. It gets exhausting.”
Tom looked at you thoughtfully. “I completely understand. My father,” he paused. “He can be…strict. But that’s what a king is supposed to be for his son. Strictness is a necessity for a king.” He looked away, lost in thought, his eyes far away.
“Thomas, keep up, son.”
You both sped up the pace, walking alongside your parents. The guards and King Dominic showed your family around the palace. They showed you the dining hall, bedrooms, and the great ballroom.
“Your living quarters were only down the hall from Tom’s, should you need anything,” Dominic said.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” You nodded.
He smiled. “Please, call me Dom.” He turned towards Tom. “Son, if you would like to take Lady Y/N around the gardens?”
“Yes, father.” He took your hand and led you to the garden.
It was beautiful. Colors ranging from blue to red were scattered everywhere. Rose bushes of yellow and pink lined the walls of the castle. Shrubs cut various shapes and sizes, hydrangeas of purple and pink, lotus flowers in the nearby pond, all right in front of your eyes. To the left, a single willow tree, fully grown, stood out of it all. You were immediately drawn to it.
Tom noticed how your eyes couldn’t stay off the tree. He took your hand once again and led you to the great Willow. “This tree has stood here my entire life. My brothers and I used to hide behind it when we played.” He smiled at the memory.
You placed your hand on its bark. The feeling of it puts you at ease. “We had one back in Italy. In our garden. I would always sit under it whenever things got stressful and I would bring my book and read. Sometimes I would get distracted by just the way the leaves swayed in the wind.”
“You are always free to come here whenever you want. You can make this your special place.”
Right. Whenever you wanted. This was your home now. There was no going back to Italy. This wasn’t an annual visit. This was permanent as England was your home now. There was no changing that and the thought of it almost made you sick. You had said goodbye to your friends before you left. There was no tea with Cecilia anymore, no walks with Evelyn. It was over. This was the next chapter in your life, but you knew it was to come.
“Are you okay?”
Tom pulled you out of your homesickness. “Yeah - yes - I’m fine.” You discretely wiped a tear from your cheek. You held your arm. “Shall we?”
The dinner was amazing. Roasted duck with potatoes. It was your new favorite meal.
“Y/N, how is it dear?”
You looked up at the Queen. Nikki, she said to call her. “It’s fantastic. All of this is.”
“That’s wonderful, dear.”
Tom’s youngest brother, Paddy, turned to you. “Have you kissed Tom yet?”
You choked on your water and started coughing controllably as Tom patted your back. “Pardon?”
“Paddy,” his mother scolded. “You shouldn’t ask a lady that.”
“It’s alright, Nikki. And um, no, we haven’t.”
“That’s rude, Pa-“ Dominic coughed. He started to beat his chest in an attempt to stop it, but it only made the coughing worse.
Nikki instantly rushed over. “Dom, sweetie are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Nikki.” He coughed again. “Just choked on air. That’s all.” She didn’t look convinced, but she sat down nonetheless.
Something about it seemed off to you. The way he thought nothing of it. Maybe it was just choking on air, but it seemed off.
“Well,” Dominic started. “Dessert anyone?”
The constant hacking and coughing was getting to Dominic. After months of treatments and remedies he thought it would stop. Maybe it was the wear of the job. Perhaps a seasonal illness. But for two months?
He knew he should’ve told Nikki as soon as he spotted the blood in the toilet. The moment he knew something wasn’t right. But what was he supposed to do? Worry his queen? Absolutely not. He loved her with all his heart and putting her through worry was not an option. He had a country to run. A duty to fulfill. His primary focus was putting his country in a good place for transition and that was what he was going to do.
“How is it Doctor?” He asked. He was lying in his bed, Nikki was away having tea with the ladies of court, so he was in the clear.
“Well Your Majesty…the odds are not great. Your skin has become yellowish and some abdominal pain in the upper right of your stomach. Your urine sample was darker than most.” He packed his medical supplies. “Have you smoked recently or have been upping your alcohol intake?”
He thought of it for a moment. He had been having more and more glasses of wine along with the occasional brandy with the lords of the palace. Maybe a glass before bed. “The stress has led me to the bottle a few times.”
“Ah, just try to lay off the bottle for now. I know first hand that it can be a tad bit addictive, but for now, try for water, sire.”
A knock at your door woke you up. It was just barely daybreak, and you just wanted to crawl back to bed. Your mother, dressed and ready for the day, was at the door.
“Y/N, get dressed; you have to attend tea with the other ladies.” She said this hurriedly as if you were late. This was the first you were hearing about tea with the ladies.
The chambermaids helped you with the corset. Damned thing. It was so tight you couldn’t breath, or walk, or eat. Awful.
“Mother, I don’t see why I have to get dressed up for this,” you said as one of the chambermaids tightened the corset too tight. “It’s just tea.”
“That’s the point. It’s tea. Tea is one of the most social events for a lady and future queen. You talk with the other ladies, gossip, have fun.”
“I don’t see how gossiping is fun. It’s childish and wastes time. I gain nothing from it.”
“You gain the ladies' trust.” Her word was final and tea was happening.
You walked with your mother to the sitting room where you met Nikki.
“Y/N, dear.” She gently pulled you aside. “One thing you should know about these ladies is that they take gossip very seriously. So take everything they say with a grain of salt. Do you understand?”
“Good.” She led you to sit next to her as your mother sat across from you. A few minutes later, the others started to trickle in. They all sat and said their hellos to you. You greeted them each by name having studied who they were and what their role was. It was exhausting, but you didn’t mind.
“How have you enjoyed your visit so far?” One of the ladies, Clarissa you learned, asked. She was a tall lady with short, raven black hair. Her perfume was pungent as it smelled of a mix of pine and vanilla.
You took a sip of your tea. “It’s been lovely. The queen and king have been ever so kind as to let us join kingdoms with them.”
“Speaking of joining kingdoms,” another woman, Lady Anne, joined the conversation. “Have you and Prince Thomas…” she trailed off, as she raised a brow. The others snickered as you stayed silent.
You cleared your throat as Nikki quirked an eyebrow at you. “No, we haven’t. He hasn’t even taken me on a date yet.”
Clarissa leaned forward. “Surely you two have kissed?”
“No,” you smiled. It was tiring hearing the same questions over and again. No, you haven’t kissed and no the two of you haven’t seen each other bare, and no you were not in love with him. You sipped more on your tea wanting this to be over with.
“Hello, love.”
Your gaze shifted from the duck filled pond to the prince in front of you. You smiled as you set your book down. “Fancy meeting you here.”
He sat next to you. The day was warm, but the willow tree provided shade for the both of you. He understood why you loved these trees now. It was peaceful. Listening to the chirping of birds and the way the bees buzzed around the flowers. It was nice.
He saw the glimmer in your eyes as you watched the mother duck guide her offspring along. You smiled softly as they waddled across the grass. Your whole self seemed to be glowing on today. Nothing was special about this meeting. He simply wanted to be with you. It was soon, but he liked you. Maybe this deal wasn’t so bad.
“Y/N,” he started.
You turned to face him, giving him all your attention. “Yes?”
“I came down here when I saw you to ask if you would like to -“
“Your Majesty!”
You both turned towards the palace to see a guard flanked by Harry, running towards the two of you.
Thomas stood up, annoyed. “What is it, you div?”
“Tom,” Harry breathed out. “It’s father.”
The guard took the lead. “Sire, the King isn’t well.”
The look on Tom’s face instantly changed. From the happy and hopeful look he had on when he was with you, it changed to the hard look when he was at court. Only this wasn’t court, this was about his father. “Take me to him.”
When Tom entered he almost broke at the sight. Sam held a crying Paddy against his chest. His eyes were as red and blotchy as Paddy’s. Harry walked over to check on his mother, who simply nodded as she went back to holding Dominic’s hand. She looked distraught, worry coated her features for her husband. And Dominic, he looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot as if he hadn’t slept in days. His skin had turned a sickening yellowish color. The doctor had an arrangement of various medicines and tools across the room. His father smiled as he saw Tom enter his bed chambers.
“Thomas,” Dom tried sitting up but as soon as he did, he coughed frantically as Nikki sat him back down.
Tom walked to the other side of his bed. “Father? What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing,” he coughed. His voice was raspy and strained. “Just a common cold is what the doctor says.” He put on a smile.
The doctor stepped in. “It most certainly is not. There…there is no easy way to put this.” He looked directly in Tom’s eyes. “Your father is dying.”
No. This couldn’t be happening. He was too young. King’s were supposed to die of old age with a good life fulfilled. “What-what caused this?” He blinked back the tears.
“Liver damage. I am so sorry, but there’s nothing we can do.”
Tom was silent for a moment. His brain couldn’t process this. It came too quickly. All his thoughts and worries were coming true. “Can you give me and father a minute please?”
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
Nikki took one last look at her husband before she gathered the boys. She kissed Thomas on the cheek as she went out the door. Soon, it was just Tom and his father and the weight of the world on both their shoulders. He sat down in Nikki’s spot.
The room was quiet, all except for the sound of their breathing.
“I don’t understand.”
“Don’t understand what, son?”
Tom wiped his nose. “How this happened.”
“Drinking too much. Stress of being king, stress of the court, a lot of things really, it gets to you. And so I turned to drinking. I thought if I had one drink it would be okay. And soon the feeling of the alcohol turned irresistible and I couldn’t resist. One glass at dinner turned into one glass at dinner and two before bed. After that it just progressed from there.” He paused to catch his breath. He looked at Tom. “I thought I couldn’t talk to your mother about it. Thought she wouldn’t understand. Don’t be like me, Thomas. Don’t turn to something that can’t comfort you. Soon, you’ll have a lovely wife who will do everything in her power to make sure you don’t go down this hole.”
Tom drew in a shaky breath. Dominic’s hand reached towards his. “Son, you’re going to be a great king one day. One better than I ever was.”
“Don’t talk like that. Please,” he begged. “You can’t leave us. Who’s going to teach me strategies and court? I still have so much to learn.” The tears came freely now. There was no use holding them back.
Dominic laughed. “You already know that stuff. You are ready. You have always been ready. This country is lucky to have you as her future king.” It was Dom’s turn to let the barrier down. “Promise me one thing, Thomas.”
“What is it?”
“Take care of your mother for me. She will be a wreck on your coronation day, I know it,” he smiled. “You are the best son I could ever ask for. Don’t tell the others.”
For once in this conversation, Tom smiled. “I won’t.”
Dominic smiled at his first born. He took in his features one last time. His kind eyes. The ruffled curls that sat atop his head. His confident form. The form of a king. He did good at teaching his son the way of the kingdom. At least, he thought he did. “Be good for me, son.”
“Father,” Tom choked on his words. The lump in his throat was overwhelming. “Please no.”
He watched as his eyes closed. His breathing eventually slowed.
It all happened too fast.
“Father?” Silence.
Tom gently patted Dom’s arm. He had to be sleeping, that was it. But even when his breathing came to a stop, Tom refused it. He refused to believe the one person in his life, who had shown him his purpose, who had given him meaning, was gone.
Soon the only sound in the room were the shakey exhales and faint cries of a broken son.
Three days. Three days since you two were in the garden. That was the last time you talked to him. Three days since you saw Tom walking through the hallways wiping his eyes. He didn’t speak to anyone. Only the doctor when he stepped out of the king's room.
You didn’t know him well. You only knew the bare minimum for casual conversation, but you still cared for him. Because that was you. You would help anyone or anything that needed it. Some of the ladies found it endearing, others found it a weakness. But something in you told you to go to Tom’s study. It wasn’t far from your bed chambers, just up the hall.
You knocked on his door. Nothing. “Thomas,” You said softly. “I’m coming in.” You turned the knob slowly as you entered the study. He looked awful.
Tom was working furiously over his desk, signing papers and letters and whatnot. But his whole appearence was awful. His hair was all over the place and he had bags under his eyes which were red and puffy. He was tired. There was a plate of untouched steak and roasted potatoes by his desk. Last night’s dinner. So he’s not eating.
“Y/N.” He looked up at you, his eyes widening. “What are you doing here?”
You moved a chair from his desk to move beside him. “Checking up on you. As far as I know you have not left this room for three days. Either that or I keep missing you in the halls and dinner.”
“You needn’t worry about me. I’m fine, love.” He rubbed his eyes as he yawned.
You pointed a finger at him. “That. That right there is why I’m worried about you.”
“I swear I’m fine. Just a little tired. I stayed up kind of late doing paperwork.” He smiled at you as if that would give you a solid answer. You could tell that he was getting agitated quickly. You were an expert in this arena.
“Thomas,” you said sternly. “You need sleep. I can see-”
“Stop telling me I need to sleep!” He didn’t miss the little flinch from you. “I-I’m sorry, Y/N,” his voice softened. “It’s just… everyone who comes in here, tells me the same fucking thing. ‘Tom you need sleep,’ ‘You need to eat,’ ‘Tom we’re so worried about you.’” He ran his hands over his face and breathed deeply. “It’s exhausting.”
“I know, Tom.”
“No, Y/N, you don’t. You don’t know how hard it’s been without him. I can’t sleep and I can’t eat because without him I am no one. I’m just a poor, broken, little boy without him.” A tear ran down his cheek.
You placed your hand on his arm. “That’s not true.” You put your other hand on his cheek. “Thomas, look at me.” He looked at you not as the regal prince like the day you met him, but as a boy, who had just lost everything. “You are broken, but broken things come back stronger. Broken people come back stronger. Your father is gone and you are lost, but you have people around you who are willing to guide you. You just have to let them.”
The look he gave you wasn’t resentment nor sadness, but relief. He fell into your arms holding onto you as if you would disappear. He let go. He let go of everything that he was holding back. The tears, the sobs, everything. “Every time I close my eyes I see him, Y/N. I see him just lying in his bed. Do you know how hard this is for me?”
“I do, Tom,” you whispered. You held him for forever. He was fragile and you were the one who held him in your arms.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” his voice was muffled by your sleeve.
“For what?”
He pulled away from you. “For yelling. You didn’t deserve it. You were just trying to help.”
“Do not apologize for simply letting go, Thomas.”
He felt awful at how he ignored everyone. Ignored you. He felt like he pushed you away even though you two barely knew each other. But he saw how kind you were to people and how funny and relaxed you came to be in the time of knowing one another. He looked into your eyes. He noticed how they softened when they looked at him.
His eyes flickered down to your lips. “Y/N, I…” He couldn’t find the words, but he leaned in anyway. His lips were mere inches from yours.
“What are you doing?” You whispered.
Whatever trance he was in, quickly left. His eyes widened and he immediately backed away. “Shit. I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he ran a hand through his hair, stammering. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, it’s alright. But you’re hurting. I don’t think it would be best.”
He sat down. “You’re right.”
You walked towards the door. “Get some sleep, Thomas.”
He didn’t say anything. He simply gave you a tight lipped smile as you closed his study door.
What just happened? Your mind couldn’t even process it properly. The mind makes you do rash actions when in grief. That was one of them.
“We need to act now. Our country is in pieces.”
The courtroom chattered in agreement. It was filled with all old men and a few of their wives. Of course you and Thomas were involved as well. Now that Dominic was gone, Nikki had taken over the throne, but not permanently as it was not safe for a woman to rule all alone. Insane.
“The prince and princess need to join the kingdoms now. With Italy at our side we will strengthen our forces and be set for war.”
Nikki straightened in her chair. “What on Earth are you talking about, Lord Aften?”
Lord Aften, a small pudgy man with thinning hair, eyed her. “My nephew in Scotland said to me that there are talks of war between us. They want our land. And they will try to act fast because of our weakened state.”
“Our country is not weakened just because I sit upon the throne,” Nikki snapped.
Lord Finely raised his head. “You know the law, Your Highness.”
“I do,” she sighed. “I do not like it, but if it needs to be done then so be it.”
That caught Thomas’ attention. He narrowed his eyes on his mother, in search of an answer to the internal questions he had.
“We will do it as tradition. The two will be married in the chapel. As was I, and Dominic's parents before him.”
This couldn’t be happening.
The men were dismissed after the decision was made. You and Tom were going to be married in who knows when. When you rose from your seat, you could Nikki muttering under breath.
“War,” she scoffed. “Swear no one ever fucking tells me anything.”
If this is what being queen meant you didn’t want any part of it.
Thomas had been distant lately. Sure, you didn’t know one another well, but he still made an effort to visit you. But since that night in his study you hadn’t seen him at all. It was as if he was avoiding you.
You decided to give him time, to gather himself from the events that happened so quickly. You couldn’t blame him. He needed to be comforted, but you couldn’t in the way he wanted. It wouldn’t have been good for either of you.
You missed him though. He was the only company you had at this strange new place. Even his brothers, who were younger than you, had company for themselves. Harry had the princess of France and Sam had found company with one of your chambermaids. It was sweet. You would always find her smiling and singing to herself. You once caught them both on your way to the dining hall; Sam made the biggest deal of it.
But there you were, all alone. And the thought of the marriage swinging like a sword above your head didn’t help. It only made things worse. The stress. The pressure. It was too much for you. You felt like a bird trapped in its cage with its wings bound.
You needed to get to get to tea with the ladies. That was essentially your only social time. You couldn’t go outside the castle without the guards, and that was only when some event was happening.
You rounded the corner and you heard voices. Some would call you a curious soul, which you were, so you listened as you found a spot to stand unseen.
“We chose the date for later this week.”
“Are you insane?” One voice said. Thomas.
“Tom, you know what you have to do,” Nikki sighed.
“Yes, but don’t you think it is a little too early for bullshit?”
“Do not start with that language.”
He clenched his jaw. “Don’t you think we should have a say in it? It’s our lives and something this big affects us-”
“That’s enough. What the lords say is final. I am your queen and what I say is final. You will marry her and you will behave. Are we clear?”
There was nothing for minutes. You were about to turn around until you heard Nikki speak again.
“What would your father say?”
“Don’t do that.”
She stared at him for a moment. “I know you are hurting, Thomas. We all are. But I cannot rule by myself. And a king cannot rule without a queen by his side. I’m sorry, but you have to do this.”
You heard her walk off, and soon you heard Thomas’ footsteps nearing you. You waited until you saw him walking down the hall away from you and you walked as quickly as you could to tea.
You stayed still as your chambermaids painted your face. This was too much. The dress, the paint, everything.
In a matter of hours, you would be queen. Wife to Thomas. Ruler of England. Under enough pressure to crush the world. Teb air felt thinner; like you couldn’t get enough of it.
One of your chambermaids came over to you. “Are you alright, miss?”
“I can’t- I can’t breathe.”
“That’s just the corset, Miss.”
“No, it’s not-“ you couldn’t catch your breath. Your head felt lighter as you frantically looked around the room. All the maids were watching you with wide eyes. What was happening? The walls felt as though they were closing in on you. It was too much. The marriage. The position. You hated it.
“Miss, you should sit down.”
You listened and stared at the floor, trying to calm yourself. It didn’t work. Nothing worked. You wanted out. You needed out. It wasn’t going to work. You knew he didn’t want this. So why were you still going through with it? Because of the kingdom. The duty to fulfill. Just like Nikki told Thomas. What the lords say is final. “I need to leave,” you whispered.
One of your maids looked at you. “What?”
“I’m sorry.” You started to walk out the door. The yells of your maids were far behind you.
Though the altar was beautiful, Tom hated it. It was a symbol of what was to come. To take away his freedom of choice. He liked you, he really did. He was going to take you on a date, but then his father passed. And then everything came crashing down on him like a wave.
Harrison, or Haz, Tom called him, came to join him up at the front. “How are you holding up, mate?”
“Fine. Stressed, resentful, you know, the usual,” he smiled.
Haz smiled back as he patted his shoulder. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Probably getting ready.”
“Sir,” a guard came up to the pair. “Someone needs to talk to you.”
Haz and Tom both shared a strange look as he followed the guard to the side.
A woman, one of your chambermaids he noticed, came up to him. “Your Highness, it’s Lady Y/N; we can’t find her.”
She continued on. “We tried everywhere in the palace. She’s not here.”
Instantly he went into panic mode. Just because he didn’t want to marry yet, didn’t mean he didn’t care about you. You tried to comfort him, and you helped him. You took care of him, even just through words. He needed to find you.
“Haz,” he turned to his friend. “Tell everyone to wait.”
“Where are you going?”
He ran towards the door. “To get Y/N.”
The garden was quiet. The only sounds were the birds chirping and the small sound of the bees buzzing. It was peaceful here. It didn’t take him long to find you sitting under the tree. “Hey.”
You stared at the pond across from you, watching as the lotus flower moved slightly with the wind. You didn’t answer him. He sat down next to you, still in his suit.
“I thought you would be here,” he said.
“What are you doing here, Thomas?”
He looked at you. “Nothing in particular; to talk maybe.”
“What are you here to talk about?” You matched his eyes.
“Anything you want. It is your day after all,” he smirked.
You twiddled your fingers together. “And yours.”
“I’m sorry for avoiding you, Y/N. You helped me get my shit together and then I just completely took it for granted. You didn’t deserve it.”
“No, it’s okay. I think you needed it. To be alone. I did when my grandmother passed. I didn’t talk to my parents for weeks.” You took a deep breath in. “I can’t do this, Thomas.”
“Can’t do what?”
“This,” you gestured to the palace. “My whole life I thought I was ready for it. But when I came here, I realized how real it was. And everything just happened so fast. A-and we didn’t even get a chance to know one another and now…here we are.”
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you.
“I don’t want to get married.” You hung your head low as you spoke.
You two had only just met. You firmly believed in giving it time to love someone. You weren’t the type of person to fall head first for someone the moment you saw them. That wasn’t you. Maybe you would have if it hadn’t been for this deal. A deal of trading off two people for countries? You hated it. You wanted out. The marriage hanging over your head was suffocating you. You weren’t ready for it. No matter how much training or the classes you took, you were scared. Terrified even. It was all happening too soon.
If it hadn’t been for this kingdom, you wouldn’t be in this situation and some part of you; some deranged, awful part of you resented Tom for this deal.
But he didn’t wish to be in this situation either. The conversation you heard, he said himself it was too early for it.
“I don’t either.”
“I know.”
His eyes widened. “What? How?”
“After the meeting with the lords, I overheard you and Nikki talking.” He nodded.
“Maybe…” he started, “maybe we don’t have to be married.”
It was your turn for your eyes to widen. “How do you mean?”
“Well, uh, obviously we would still get married,” he stammered, “but it wouldn’t have to feel like we were.”
“I’m still not following.”
“I’m saying that we could take things slow. Like get the marriage out of the way, but after that take the time to get to know each other.”
“I’d like that. A lot.”
“Perfect. Then it is settled.” He stood up and held out his hand for you. “We will get married.”
You took his hand and joined him. “Do we still have to kiss?” You laughed.
He smiled at you. “Not unless you want to.”
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sourholland · 3 years
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spotify - old
spotify - new
→ requests are [open]
→ ** indicates NSFW
→ thanks for checking out my blog :) please enjoy, all feedback is appreciated greatly <3 do not repost my writing! if someone has and you are aware, please let me know
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→ one shots
★ MY GIRL - dad!harry, You come home from grocery shopping to find Harry lulling your daughter Lucie to sleep with the Temptations.
★ MOTHER’S DAY - dad!harry, When Harry and Lucie wake you up on mother’s day with breakfast in bed and gifts, you share some exciting news.
★ IT’S A... - dad!harry, You and Harry find out the gender of your second baby.
★ CHERRY - After a messy breakup, Harry writes the song Cherry about you and it brings back old memories.
→ blurbs
★ shut up
★ you’re worth everything
★ are you alright?
★ fool’s gold
★ existentialism
★ sunday
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→ one shots
★ DESPERATE - After a friend gets a bit too touchy at Haz’s birthday celebration, Tom gets jealous and drunkenly says some things he doesn’t mean.
★ LAST KISS - After a fling you and Tom had started while filming a movie together, he tells you that you two can’t be together anymore. Once you get home, Tom let’s you know that he made a mistake.
★ IM SURE - Stuck hiding your relationship with Tom from the public, he shows up in secret to one of your fashion shows.
★ DON’T - After doing a movie early on in your career with Tom, you develop feelings for him. Only when he tells you it was all a bit of fun, do you try and move on with a new guy. Years later, you get engaged and Tom tells you not to go through with it.
→ series
★ A ROYAL CONVENIENCE** - (complete!) prince!tom, When an alliance is made between England and France, you are sent away to marry the crown prince and heir to the British throne. Except both you and Prince Thomas despise each other at all odds, subjected to the hand of the monarchy and unable to stand each other.
★ GLAMOROUS** - (ongoing! ON HOLD) prince!tom, In this Princess Diana retelling, you are working in a nursery school as an aid in London, as well as a part time nanny. With slight aristocratic ties, you choose to live a more normal and mundane life. When the Prince of Wales comes to know you and bring you into the spotlight, everything changes. Truths coming too late, lies straining your relationship, and the impending future of the country falling on your shoulders. Is this really the stuff of which fairytales are made?
→ blurbs
★ you’re late
★ swings
★ late night drives
★ blind date
★ livestream
★ needle
★ my love
★ and suddenly i see
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→ one shots
★ CAKE - You go live on Instagram and bake a cake. Timothée comes home halfway through and doesn’t realize you’re live-streaming.
★ WHAT IF? - A doctor finds a lump in your breast. When you come home, Timothée comforts you and let’s you know how incredibly strong you are.
★ BEST FRIEND - Based on Best Friend, Rex Orange County - Timothée is completely in love with you, but you just can’t see it.
★ HEATHER - Based on Heather, Conan Gray - Part Two of Best Friend - Timothée is too late in telling you how he feels. Instead, someone else does it for themself.
★ MON AMOUR - A content morning in Paris spent naked and drawing Timothée while sharing a cigarette.
★ YOU CAN SEE ME - ghost!timothée, When you move to your aunt’s manor in 1902, you can’t help wondering about the mysterious boy who claims to live next door.
→ blurbs
★ pulse
★ tulips
★ milestones
★ no kids
★ record store
★ subway car
★ iris
★ the 1
★ paparazzi
★ lauren
★ traitor
★ marry me
★ maybe
★ strong
★ rooftop
★ the almighty remote battle
★ fries
★ i hate everyone but you
★ social media blurb #1
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→ one shots
→ series
★ STYLE** → (ongoing!) He’s the Quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals, a worldwide heartthrob with an ego the size of Lake Erie—but does he have the heart to match it? You’re the Bengals newest cheerleader, desperate to prove how much you deserve your spot on the team. It doesn’t take much to catch the eye of Joe Burrow, however that isn’t necessarily a good thing when you’re told that any romantic relations between cheerleaders and players is strictly prohibited.
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rosyjuly · 2 years
Ms rosyjuly the Prince George au is killing me (in the best way). Is there an eventual happy ending in the works? I just need to prepare my heart if not 😭
anon my beloved... all i can say is this was merely part ONE out of three... and that there is a LOT to uncover in my (shamefully short and poetry-filled) prince au tag... gabby and i both tom holland-ed the fic several times because none of knows how to shut up...
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
The Prince - part 1
Paring - Prince Tom Holland x Maiden Reader
Summary - Prince Tom Holland goes into a secret relationship with a Maiden, getting caught up in between his love rather than his duties as a Prince.
Warnings - mentions of sexual, seductive content. But other than that, it’s fluff.
A/N - This is the first chapter of my series, called The Prince. I improved it to make it better! First time, I’ve tempted to write it and post it was not that good. But I am more please after the changes of this series. (Adding and changing parts of the story) hope you enjoy!
Word count - 1.4K
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High expectations as being a Prince is all they ever say. They do not discuss details such as love or having a personal life, other than your status.
Being from the royal family, especially a Prince is a high graceful place to be but it’s tiring and hard too. Especially, having a particular maid you are in love with.
Tom wrapped around his bed sheets as a random maid comes in to run him a bath, and get his clothes ready. His eyes wonder a bit to far on this maid. Smiling at himself because of your beauty.
He watches Your small, soft hands pour the jug full of warm water into the fairly, large tube. Pouring until the bath is full. His body only being covered with boxers and thin sheets.
He got up, walking towards you. You didn’t notice as you was filling up the bath. He hasn’t notice you before so you must be a new staff member. Wrapping arms around your waist, startles you.
“Careful, love, you may trip on the wet surface.” Tom tells, smirking at your flustered face. He puts a towel on the floor to dry the area.
“Your grace, you should not be touching me like that, that could be seen as inappropriate.” You collected yourself, standing up straight speaking up firmly.
Tom don’t listen to your ‘silly’ words as he takes your hand and kisses it. “My, my, your so sweet but I think a little flirt isn’t hurting anyone.” Winking at you.
“You are seeming to be cocky and impatient my Prince, will you please get in your bath.” You answer back, tapping your foot on the hard wooden floor.
“Feisty I like it, for a maid that is.” Tom steps into the bath with no clothes on now, you turned around when he took them off. “Are you going to stay?” Tom smirks.
“What? Do I have to wash you now?” You sort of scoffed. Showing shock that he actually is taking a liking or an interest in you. “Do you tell this to all your maids?” You asked, curiously.
“No, Darling, but for you yes because you feel different. The other maids are not like you, they are not you.” Tom continues “As for the first question, you can company me if you like,” Tom asks, generally wanting you to stay and join him.
“Are you sure? I’m a maid, I shouldn’t be bathing with a Prince.” You questioned once more, nervous at being caught. Even worse being punished for your sinful acts.
Tom nods, grabbing your hand gently into his own. He stands up turning you around, pressing your back into his naked, wet chest. “Darling, I’m sure please join your Prince,” he whispers, seductively. Hands trailing on your neck, shoulders and jaw line. Kissing your neck and cheek with such passion.
You get shivers as he gives you close contact. Your breathe hitches as he touches you in all the right places. You feel him kiss your cheek once more, slightly biting your neck. “Yes, I will bath with you but we will not do anything too crazy.” You agreed with on your conditions.
He smiles, “can I take off your clothes, sweetheart.” He asked, of your consent. “Yes, please.” You reply, smiling.
He un-buttons your maid outfit, then pulls the strings undone on your corset. Making them fall down on the floor. You step out of them, getting into the bath with Tom’s help making sure you don’t slip. Tom guides you to sit down against his toned, ripped chest. Wrapping his arms around your waist. Nozzle his face into your shoulder.
“comfy,” Tom whispers into your shoulder. “Mmhm,” you nod. The waters warm and relaxing, especially that the young Prince is cuddling you against him.
“Your so absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart!” He kisses you more, making you feel butterflies.
“You like this don’t you Darling?” Tom chuckles, you nodded, too shy to actually use words.
“Don’t worry, me too love,” Tom reply’s.
That’s how it started, you didn’t intend to constantly give in to him. His characteristics and naturally, his nature drew you in!
Making you sort of vulnerable, at his calling. You did like him, in-fluctuated with him even. You could tell that Tom was giving the same feelings back towards you. He didn’t care about your status because it was obvious that he was in love!
Tom made it his priority to make time with and for you. secretly, being such a sweetheart to you, even though to everyone else your just a poor, helpless, ragged maid. He’s a handsome, powerful, royal prince. To Tom, you eventually became his everything over time.
Dusting the window ledges in one of the spiral towers, looking outside to the beautiful view. You felt arms snaking around you “Your more beautiful, My love,” Tom insisted to you smiling. “Tom, shh, your handsome too, but what are you doing here?” You giggle, turning around to face him.
“I am suppose to be at my practice with my brothers but I snuck off to get a kiss from my favourite and only lady.” He winks at you, kissing you on the lips passionately. You kiss him back giggling more. “You have to be quiet love, I know they are looking for me.” Tom whispers into your ear. Cupping your cheeks and chin with his large, soft hands to go back at Kissing your lips gently, again. Closing your eyes to enjoy it more, kissing back just as passionately as he is.
He secretly, loves making out with you when he has duties to For Fill. Gladly, he always mange’s to sneak off somewhere without them knowing where he has gone. 
Loving the taste of cherries and berries on his soft, tender lips even the hint of that sweet summer blue lagoon wine he loves so much to drink with you. He pulls you closer, grabbing on your bum pulling himself more on you.
Tongues clashing, swirling around until you can no longer breathe air, just each other.
Finally pulling apart, hugging one another. “I think you should go back now,” you smile, sadly.
Both wrapped up around each other, feeling content into each other’s embrace.
Tom nods, “yes, me too, but I really don’t want to leave.” Kissing you again.
You both hear guards running along the hallways, sighing. Knowing that it didn’t last long.
“Well, love my time to leave before they catch us or me.” Tom gives a sorrow look, holding your hands kissing your cheek. You nod, “bye, Tommy.” You kiss him. “Bye, sweetheart.” He kisses you. Going back down the stairs.
You go up the stairs to wash more windows, smiling as you do so.
Other times are much quicker or longer than the last.
You sneak into his chambers together, laying on his soft, silk sheets. He trips not so gracefully landing on the bed, you giggle.
“Shh” Tom makes grabby hands towards you. Walking over to go into the bed. Much bigger and comforter than yours. Sometimes having to remind yourself that your only a maid, you are always grateful for experiencing love and these opportunities with him.
Cuddling up to him, stroking his head full of brown, soft, curly locks. He tilts his head back groaning at the sensation of how your touch feels on the most simple part of him. He always thinks he’s so grateful and lucky to his gods to have you in his life. Not those wanna be princesses. But someone, who is collected and got amazing personality. Someone, who wants REALLY him for him too.
He does the same for you, stroking at your strands of hair. Running like silk through his finger tips, he massages your scalp in his palms. You sigh in pleasure. Tom slowly kisses you, savouring the sweet taste of your tongue. holding your head close to his. Making out on his bed is so wonderful.
“Are you tired Darling?” Tom asked, kissing your forehead. You nodded, closing your eyes a bit.
“Go to sleep, My love,” Tom insists, tucking you in with him under the covers, making sure your comfortable and cuddled enough to fall asleep.
“Goodnight, love you so much My Future Queen,” Tom whispers, in your ear lovingly. Kissing you softly on your delightful lips.
Smiling, Those sweet words made it to your tummy (very quick) giving you butterflies.
“Goodnight, love you so much too My Future King,” you whisper, back into your ear softly. Giving him a gentle kiss on his sweet lips.
Falling into a peaceful slumber together.
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mcuamerica · 3 years
The Blue Willow (T.H.)
Summary: In a world of soulmates, you’re left alone until one day, a prince comes to rescue you.
Pairings: Prince!Tom x Common!Reader; Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of physical/mental abuse, parental death, mentions of anxiety/stress, mentions of gambling (I think that’s all, but let me know if I missed anything!)
Italics are thoughts/memories
Disclaimer: I do not own Tom or any of the people mentioned in this fanfic; I am just using his name/face/characteristics for this fic. This is not how Tom acts and I do not know him, so, therefore, I do not know if he would do any of this. Any characters that resemble people irl are completely coincidental.
A/N: Wrote this after it kept me up all night, I’m excited to share! This may be a series if I can find more to write about and if people are interested. Will keep you updated!
Words: 3495
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(gif credit here)
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“Daddy, why can I be like you? I want to fight the bad guys too.” The little girl said, punching the air with her tiny fists. She was no more than 5 years old.
Her father chuckled. “Because darling, you have to be a lady. Though, I bet you’ll fight the bad guys one day too. Just not today.” He said and smiled at his daughter.
“But you’re strong, I want to be strong like you.” She said and poked his bicep.
“You are strong, sweetie. You’re the strongest little girl I know. And you always will be, right?” He asked and held out his hand. The little girl hit his hand with her small one, nodding enthusiastically.
“Right!” She said and giggled when her father embraced her hand with his and spun her around.
You looked down as you thought of the memory. The last one you had of your father before he got sick and passed away. You had tried your hardest to live up to his expectations. That one expectation. Be the strongest woman he knew. Especially after he died, you cried of course, but you made your mother feel comforted. Your family never had to ask anything twice of you. You had to stay strong for them.
And then your mother remarried to a man who was without a soulmate, who died a long time before they had the chance to meet. Your mother and father were purple soulmates, the color of wisdom. They might have not been able to actually read each other’s minds, but they were always in touch with what the other was thinking. Their mark was a lilac, the flowers that were present in the garden on the day they met.
Your mark, a willow tree present in the corner of your left wrist, had yet to turn any color other than the generic black - meaning you hadn’t met your soulmate yet.
Your step-father, Richard, was a horrible man. He never hurt your mother, something he reminded her constantly of, but that didn’t keep him from hurting you when your brothers weren’t around. He was the man of the house, but since he wasn’t blood-related, your eldest brother, Johnathan, was the one responsible for you. If he had seen you had been hurt, he would take you out of the house immediately. Your mother kept quiet because of the threat of Richard hurting her. Or hurting you worse.
Johnathan and your other brother, Benjamin, had both moved out after they had turned 18 and found their soulmates. John’s soulmate was Camilla or Cami for short. They already had 2 children, your lovely nephews. Ben and his soulmate, Warner, lived a town over. They were both well-off and supported your mother and you when your step-father decided to gamble away the money he made.
You and your mother were seamstresses in the town, though all the money you earned was given straight back to Richard. You had just finished counting the money from one of the clients when Richard interrupted your thoughts.
“Hand it over,” he said, holding out his hand.
“But sir--”
“Hand. It. Over.” He said and raised his hand slightly. “Or do I have to remind you of what happens when you talk back?” He asked and you frowned, handing the money to him.
He shuffled the money through his hands. “Have you charged less?” He asked.
You shook your head. “That is the normal rate.” You said, staring down at your black mark.
Prince Thomas had not found his soulmate either. His mark was hidden from the public to keep his soulmate’s identity hidden if needed. However, his father wasn’t getting any younger, and his son needed to either find his soulmate or marry someone else. So, King Dominic decided to put on a ball for all the people in their kingdom who had yet to meet their soulmates. Tom could meet his soulmate or a woman who didn’t have one yet.
You didn’t think Tom was your soulmate, not by a long shot. He was the prince. You were a seamstress getting too old to live in your mother’s stepfather’s home. If you didn’t find your soulmate soon, you would be married to Oliver. Oli was a nice man who you had known since you were young. His soulmate died of sickness a few years ago. But you didn’t like him like that, he was like a brother to you. Going to the ball would mean you could meet your soulmate if they were there.
Richard wanted you to marry Oli, knowing his family had enough money and wouldn’t request a dowry for you. If you found your soulmate, that would be a different story. Richard forbade you from going to the ball, but you still planned on going since he would be out of town. John had already signed the invitation for you so you had permission to go.
You just needed a dress. You already started on making one, but you wanted - no needed - a specific piece of fabric that would set your dress apart. You could only get it if you had more money. John had already given you the money to start the dress and reserved a carriage for you, and Ben couldn’t give any as he was trying to repair a large leak in his roof.
The only option was to either go without the fabric or to find a way to make more money. So yes, you changed the rate, just increasing it by five units for the customer, but giving Richard the same amount. Your customers didn’t mind, they knew you and your mother worked hard and never skipped any steps. Besides, this area was rich. No one was struggling if they were coming to a personal seamstress to make or fix their clothes.
Today had been the final day for you to collect enough money. And you were five units short. So, you did something you had never done before. You took five units from Richard’s cut. He didn’t say anything other than his earlier comment as he slipped the money into his account book. “Keep up the work.” He said.
“May I go out?” You asked as you smoothed your dress down. “I’ve finished my work and my chores for today. I would like to go to the market.” You said and he shrugged.
“Go ahead, but I’m not giving you money.” He said.
You nodded and got up. “That’s okay.” You said and scurried over to your room, grabbing your small bag and putting on your heels. You said a quick goodbye to your mother before walking towards the fabric store.
Once you had gotten the fabric, you headed back home. Though, you ran into Oli and had a small chat with him while he walked you back home since it was getting dark.
“I was just coming over to say hello to you,” He said and gave you a confused look when you had picked up your pace. “Are you in a hurry?” He asked.
“No,” you said and looked back at him. “I would like to get home though. It might rain and I would prefer it if this fabric did not get wet.” You said.
“Oh, well I have an umbrella if it does-”
“No, that’s okay, I want to get home.” You said.
“You never want to get home quickly. (Y/N), what’s going on?” He asked and raised his eyebrows inquisitively. “Are you going to make a dress?” He asked, knowing that was one of the only things that you were interested in getting home to.
“If you must know, yes. Now, I will see you later, Oli.” You said as you approached your house and scurried through the door. You quickly made your way to your sewing room, making the alterations to the fabric so you could add the final piece to your dress. You spent all night working on the dress and you finally let it rest in your closet as you went to sleep for the night.
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The next night was the ball. Richard was leaving in the afternoon for what he said was business, but you knew it was to gamble. Your mother was having friends over to tea and snacks, and it was the perfect opportunity for you to slip out.
As you got ready, putting on some light makeup and doing your hair in an updo braid, you prepared yourself to meet your soulmate. You hadn’t known what they would be like, trying to think of the person you would spend the rest of your life with. You wondered what color your mark would turn once you met them.
Purple - wisdom, be in tune with each other’s thoughts
Green - excitement, you would never be bored with your soulmate
Red - sense, you know what your soulmate is physically feeling
Blue - emotion, you could literally feel the emotions of your soulmate once you met them
Yellow - friendship soulmates (meaning, you weren’t romantic soulmates, but friends. This normally comes after one’s soulmate has died)
Grey - your soulmate has passed away
Black - you have yet to meet your soulmate
Red and Blue were the two that were very rare, not many people got those colors as there had to be a special kind of bond between soulmates to have them. But, it was always fun to imagine knowing the emotions or feelings of another person. There were rarely any soulmates that would not like each other. Though, sometimes it did happen. You were just hoping that it didn’t happen to you.
You got ready, put on your dress, and made sure your hair and makeup looked good. You took a deep breath and slipped on your heels, then picked up your tule so it didn’t get wet. You walked over to the carriage your brother had reserved, getting in and looking out the small window as you approached the castle.
You had only visited the castle only once after your father had died. Your mother was collecting his things and no one was available to watch you and your brothers. The King even came and gave his condolences.
“Remember not to touch anything, okay?” Your mother asked as she straightened our John’s jacket. “And be respectful. If we see the King and Queen, or the Prince, you curtsy and bow,” She said.
You did exactly as she said, not wanting to be any trouble. Once the King had arrived, you curtsied.
The King leaned down to your level. “Thank you for being so polite,” he said and smiled warmly. “Your father would be proud of you.”
He said similar things to your brothers, before telling your mother that if she really needed anything, to contact the hand of the King. Your mother would never do something like that, however, she was too proud.
You let out a shaky breath, sudden nerves coming over you. You had spent your entire life just hoping your soulmate would brush by and it would be this romantic reunion. But that had never come. Not until tonight.
You got out of the carriage and thanked the driver as he helped you. You gave one of the guards your invitation once you walked up the steps, watching as he took it to the announcer. You took a deep breath and nodded at the announcer, watching as they opened up the doors to the ballroom and announced your full name. Barely anyone paid attention, not noticing a name that didn’t have Prince or Princess attached to it. You looked around again, walking further into the room as you descended down the steps to grab a drink, hoping you would see a friend.
Before you even got the chance, you turned around as King Dominic and Queen Nicola were announced, seeing Prince Thomas walk down with them. You felt your breath hitch in your throat. You had never seen the prince before. He was always kept in the castle, only going out for the annual festival in the city, which you were never allowed at. He was very handsome. His brunette hair was perfectly styled, curls peeking out here and there, and he had his formal suit on, with a royal blue tie. His face was clean-shaven, and even though you could barely see, his brown eyes sparkled as he looked in your direction.
You couldn’t help but feel a pull towards him. You didn’t know why, but you wanted to move closer to him. You stopped clapping with the rest of the audience, turning around once you saw most of the other people go back to their conversations. You cleared your throat and tried to shake yourself out of the trance you seemed to have been put in. You were not here to fawn over the prince. You were here to find your soulmate.
“(Y/N)!” You heard someone say from behind you. You turned around, smiling softly as you looked at Margaret. She wasn’t your best friend but she was close enough. It made you relax, seeing a familiar face.
“Hi! What are you doing here? Is Teddy here with you?” You asked, giving her a hug.
“Oh, yes, he’s around here somewhere. But my mother insisted that I accompany my sister. She has yet to find her soulmate and my mother is hoping it just might be the prince.” She said and you nodded, looking around for Ted and her sister.
“It seems like your sister is enjoying herself.” You said, noticing her talking to a man closer to her age.
“You look absolutely stunning,” she said and smiled as she looked at your dress. “I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re a master of sewing. I’m sure you made this yourself.” She said and you nodded.
“I did, thank you. You look amazing as well.” You complimented and then looked down at your dress. It was one that you were proud of. “Have you been looking at the marks at all?” You asked. “Have you seen someone with a willow?” You showed her your wrist.
“Hmm.. I don’t remember a willow specifically. But I might’ve seen a tree..” she said and looked around. “But I’ll keep an eye out. I’ve mainly been looking for my sister’s mark.” She said and you nodded in understanding.
“Of course… well I don’t want to keep you.” You said and smiled as she said her goodbyes and then went towards her sister and husband.
You sighed and turned around, wanting to get something to drink. Instead, you came face to face with someone’s chest. “Oh, pardon me—“ you started and looked up, seeing a man you hadn’t met before.
“It’s alright, love.” He said and stepped back. “Sir Eric.” He stated his name and held out his hand for you to take. You accepted, smiling as you took his hand in yours, feeling disappointed when you noticed your mark had not changed. You didn’t let it show on your face, however, as you told the man your name as well.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N).” He said and smiled.
You made pleasant conversation with him before he was pulled off by another man. You sighed as you walked towards the bar again, desperately needing something to drink now. You thanked the staff member when they handed you a glass. You quickly drank it before setting it back down. You looked around once again, lost at what to do. Why did you think this would be so easy? You thought you would come in and see them immediately. And yet, you continued to ignore the pull you felt towards the prince. It couldn’t be him.
He felt it as soon as he entered the room, his eyes falling in the general direction but not being able to place anyone. As he made small talk with the princesses and his parents, he tried to look around to look at any of the commoners. He wanted to find the pull, but his soulmate was missing him by just a moment every time. As if they didn’t want to find him.
You shook your head, needing some fresh air from all of the people. You sighed and made your way out to a balcony, the cool summer breeze hitting your face. You could smell the lake below you, looking out to the distance. You only hoped you could find your soulmate tonight, but having been there for an hour already you were starting to doubt yourself. And the universe. Why couldn’t it have been easier? Writing a name or initials even. Why did it have to be something as obscure as a willow tree? You couldn’t help but notice all of the trees outlining the lake, missing the one tree off to the side that was in the middle of the castle gardens - a large willow tree.
“I’ll be just a minute.” You felt your heart rate increase at the voice, your hands got all sweaty all of the sudden. You furrowed your eyebrows as you turned, seeing the prince standing there.
“Oh, your majesty.” You said and curtsied, bowing your head as well until you looked up. “I can leave you for some peace.” You said, his eyes almost burning into your skull. Taking his silence as an acceptance of the remark, you moved to leave the balcony.
But then he touched your wrist and a flash of blue came across your eyes, stopping you in your tracks. Your head whipped around, seeing his brown eyes swirl with the royal blue color for a few moments before fading away. Your breath was hitched in your throat, you were speechless.
“Stay..” you faintly heard him say.
You swallowed, composing yourself. “I-I’m sorry?” You asked and he smiled warmly, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
“Stay, please.” He said and let go of your arm. You suddenly felt a lot more nervous than before, but also an odd feeling of confidence came over you. But then you realized, it wasn’t just your emotions. It was his too. The prince standing across from you was almost as nervous as you but seemed to be swelled with pride as he let go of your wrist. He didn’t show it though, no one would know. No one other than him and now, you.
“What is your mark?” He asked and glanced down to the wrist he had just let go of.
“Uh…” you started and looked down to your mark, suddenly forgetting the small symbol that you had stared at for so long. It was a royal blue color now. “It’s a willow tree.” You whispered.
Another warm smile formed on his lips, pulling up his sleeve slightly and showing his mark to you, the same color and mark you had on your wrist. “I didn’t think this ball would work. But I’m happy that it did.” He said.
You laughed nervously and shook your head. “There uh… there must be some mistake, I uh.. I can’t.. you can’t..” you started but you felt his finger touch your chin, letting his sentiments settle out of your system so there were only yours left for you to feel.
“It’s me, darling. I’m your soulmate.” He said and you looked into his eyes, finding comfort in the brown. The feeling of safety, happiness, and comfort came as you looked into his eyes.
“I’m (Y/N).” You said quietly, not knowing how else to respond to him.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/N),” your name rolled off his tongue naturally, “I’m Tom.” He said and smiled, removing his finger from your chin. You reached up and took his hand, not wanting him to feel the sudden warmth that was settling in your stomach.
“Nice to meet you... Tom.” You said, feeling odd without his title before his name.
“I would suggest we go somewhere more private, but to do that we have to go through the crowd. We might get some strange looks, and my parents will want to know who you are.” He said and the small smile that had settled on your lips had been washed away. He could already tell you didn’t want to be noticed tonight. You were out here all by yourself before he stepped in.
“Or… I could meet you in the gardens in a few minutes? I’ll have a guard escort you.” He said and you nodded slowly.
“That- that might be better.” You said and he gave you a soft smile.
“Okay, (Y/N). I’ll have a guard take you to the gardens.” He said and you nodded again. He let go of your hand, dipping his chin before going back inside to tell the guard to escort you to the garden when you were ready. He could feel the anxiety bubbling in through your stomach to your throat. You were nervous and he knew it.
What the hell just happened?
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