#prince of hell steve rogers
sserpente · 6 months
A "Happy" New Year indeed 🥂🎇🍾🎆
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Synopsis: Tony gifted you all a trip to the Bahamas to spend New Year's on the beach. Even Loki was invited but when no one else wants to spend time with him, you gather the courage to act on your secret crush on him until you end up sneaking away together...
A/N: Et voilà, just like that, I turned a couple older requests from @mandywholock1980, @frzntrx and anon (I’m so sorry for the delay) into a little treat for New Year’s Eve. “Slide well” into the new year tonight as we say in German! I’ll see you guys next year with lots of book news and of course, more Imagines! Thank you all for your love, for your comments, your kind words when you send me requests, for your likes and your reblogs and this year in particular, your patience! I appreciate you all so much and that’s almost 24k of you at this point! So crazy! To an amazing 2024!
Words: 2556 Warnings: smut, SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2
Where is that damn bathing suit? You’d packed it, right? You knew you’d packed it. It was on top of your suitcase so you wouldn’t forget. With a sigh, you rummaged through the clothes you’d brought, creating an utter mess in the process.
Holidays with the Avengers. Hallelujah. No wonder you were so worked up. It certainly wasn’t every day you unwrapped a neatly folded plane ticket to the freaking Bahamas on Christmas morning, a “little” treat from Tony Stark who had flipped the ice-cold temperatures in New York City the bird and booked you all a trip to the other end of the world.
Seeing both Steve Rogers and Thor topless was a delectable sight—not to mention how absolutely gorgeous Natasha looked in her black bikini. You felt self-conscious about yourself, to say the least, but the hilarious part was that it wasn’t because of a bunch of shredded superheroes; it was because of a very mischievous prince who had the very essence of the multiverse coursing through his veins.
The kiss had been… incidental. Rules were rules and Tony had been very clear about all the damn mistletoes he’d hidden across the tower and it was Thor who had not let either of you leave until you fulfilled the silly tradition. Ironically, it had been Loki himself who’d caused all that attention around the mistletoe all those years ago. He only had to blame himself but heavens… he sure knew how to kiss.
And just like that… there you had it. After spending Christmas, or Yule, as he liked to call it, Loki had—unbeknownst to him—managed to make you fall for him. He, who just so happened to have become the most powerful being in the entire universe; or multiverse, in this case.
There it is. The black bathing suit you pulled from the pile of clothes, at last, was your favourite, complimenting your body shape in just the right places. You’d already caught yourself wondering on the plane what Loki would think when he saw you in it. After all, he was a god. He’d met a number of goddesses and princesses, not to mention a stunning female version of himself. How could you, a mere mortal woman, possibly impress him? Hell, you didn’t even have superpowers. Nothing that would grab his attention. Perhaps you should have brought the mistletoe and steal another kiss. Perhaps you could get him drunk so he wouldn’t remember your heartfelt confession if he didn’t reciprocate it. Or maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all and keep the cheeky God of Mischief an exciting fantasy in your head. You’d totally not named the green and gold vibrator you had bought as a Christmas present for yourself after him… you would never do that…
Despite the fact that the Avengers were slowly—really slowly—warming up to the idea of him being around, Loki was alone when you joined the others at the beach. He’d conjured a green blanket with a gold rim to sit on in the blazing sun, his dark green trunks leaving nothing to fantasy. Although he wasn’t nearly as shredded as Thor was, godly strength aside, you were certain he could haul you into the air and one-handedly fling you across the ocean if he wanted to. Or maybe do push-ups while you were sitting on him…
“Hey.” You sat down next to him without waiting for an invitation, your gaze flicking over to the gang playing volleyball in the sand. “I don’t understand…”
“They hit the ball with their bare hands and fling it across the net. If it lands on the ground on the opposite end of the field, their team scores,” Loki said matter-of-factly.
You chuckled. “Not the game. Why are you not playing?”
“Please. This is hardly the most enjoyable place for a Frost Giant,” he replied. His voice was just as icy as the tale he was telling.
“I see… I’m sure no one would mind if you returned to the hotel until it’s dark. It’s gonna be a long time until midnight still.”
Loki scoffed. “Of course, they wouldn’t mind. In fact, they are likely hoping for it.”
“Well, maybe you can tell Thor—“
“Thor is making things worse. My brother has always had quite the talent for ignoring me when he’s with his friends. I am not going anywhere.” You could practically hear the unspoken words: I’ll stay out of spite and sulk.
“Okay then. But maybe you should wear sunscreen. The sun’s pretty aggressive in these parts of Earth.”
“I am a god. I don’t get sunburned.” Indignity swung in his smooth voice as he lifted his chin in defiance.
“Are you sure? At least sit in the shade then. If you’re uncomfortable, I’m sure we can find you some ice.”
“No”, Loki spat, earning him a frown.
“Hey, what’s with the attitude, Trickster?”
“This is ridiculous. I have a multiverse to look out for and Stark had nothing better to do than reduce me to… to…”
“…someone he’d trust enough to bring on holiday with him?” you offered.
Loki glared at you.
“You still feel like you don’t belong?”
Another glare.
“I don’t. Not with them. The only reason I am here is because of Thor who has conveniently forgotten I am even here.”
Your glance found his pale back as he spoke. Loki sighed.
“Would you feel better if I put this… sunscreen on?”
“I would, actually. You don’t wanna start the New Year as red as a crab. You should be blue,” you said, chuckling at your own joke.
“My true form might scare away the other hotel guests.”
“O-oh. No, I meant… blue as in drunk. Wait, so your Frost Giant form is… you have blue skin?”
Loki nodded. “And red eyes.”
“Damn… can you willingly control that? How you look?” You grabbed the sunscreen bottle from your beach bag and squirted a small amount in your palm. It caught fire the very moment it connected with Loki’s bare skin. Heavens… had he just… flinched?
“Odin put an enchantment on me when I was an infant. I could turn if I wished but it mainly triggers if I touch Jötun artefacts.” He didn’t seem all too delighted by the idea.
“I see.”
Quickly, to not get carried away by your fantasies, you rubbed the sunscreen on his back and shoulders and then offered him some more for his face which of course, he declined.
“Well… It’s gonna be a long evening. As soon as Tony brings out the schnapps, you can forget about reasonable conversations.”
Loki smirked. “Thor brought Asgardian ale. They will be unreasonable long before that.”
“And you?”
“What about me?”
You shuffled a little closer, careful not to sit in an awkward position and look at least a little sexy. “Do you plan on getting drunk?”
“It’s the beginning of a new year. Hardly a reason to celebrate.”
“Hmm… probably not if you turn thousands of years old. Still, living the life we do, we should be grateful for every year we’re still alive.”
Loki scoffed. It was easy for you to say, of course. You didn’t carry the entire multiverse on your back.
“I’m going for a swim. It’s getting a little too warm for my taste,” he announced.
You nodded, watching how Loki stood, strolled across the beach, and all but jumped into the ocean. You had to close your mouth to make sure you didn’t start drooling over him. Unfortunately for you, Tony sauntered over the very moment you picked up your jaw from the floor.
“You have a thing going on, don’t you?” the billionaire said. It wasn’t a question. In fact, you were quite certain he didn’t even expect a response.
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at him. I’ve had dozens of women look at me like that. You want my advice? Stay away from him. Loki is trouble. I don’t care if he’s the harbinger of the multiverse now.”
“Don’t worry, Tony. I can take care of myself,” you replied with a flat voice. “You could ask him to join you guys, you know. He was sitting here like a pile of misery.”
“He is a pile of misery. And how is this my fault? He could have asked to join too.”
“He shouldn’t have to,” you shot back. Checkmate. Tony sighed, shook his head and, after taking a huge gulp from his water bottle, returned to the volleyball field.
Alright then… if they were not going to celebrate New Year’s with Loki, then you would. You didn’t like beach volleyball anyway.
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Loki had been right about the Asgardian ale. You’d been curious to try it and mesmerised by the taste. By dusk and only one small cup later, you were drunk. Well, sort of. You were present enough to form functioning sentences and sensible thoughts but you would be lying if you claimed that Loki hadn’t noticed your predicament.
Torches, driven into the sand, illuminated your unconventional party location, throwing dancing shadows on the ground and the palm trees around you. Music was blaring out from the speakers behind the bar where an employee, bless his soul, was preparing one alcoholic drink after the next. At some point, you had grabbed Loki’s hand and dragged him away from the centre of attention, somewhere you could talk in peace. You had so many questions—about him, about his thoughts, about his life. And the more questions you asked, the more you realised that apart from Mobius, perhaps, no one had ever taken such interest in him—over Thor, anyways.
You must have been talking for hours at this point.
“Loki? Can I ask you something… personal?”
“Twelve minus twenty-five!” Tony yelled. Right. Twenty-five minutes until the New Year.
The God of Mischief quirked an eyebrow. You took that as a yes and to be fair, he looked adorable holding a cocktail glass with a little paper parasol in his left hand.
“You’re a prince… and you’re a literal century older than me. You must have… lots of experience?”
“Experience with…”
“You know… intimacy. You, um…” You took a sip of your own cocktail. It was a Long Island Ice Tea, one of those you knew got you drunk even quicker than you intended. But you needed the liquid courage. It was the last day of the year, you might as well be daring. “You’re a really good kisser is what I’m trying to say.”
“Ah…” he teased. “You’re still thinking about our kiss, dear?”
“It’s hard not to. You wanna know the truth? I have the biggest crush on you. Not sure what’s stopping me from ripping your clothes off your body right now. Probably the fact that we’re not alone.”
Loki smirked. Then, with a start, he stood up and put both your and his cocktail glass on the little coffee table next to you both. Your heart skipped a beat when he offered you his hand. “Come with me.”
“Somewhere we are… alone.”
Your eyes widened. The way he purred the words you were all but putty in his hands when you allowed him to pull you with him, back into his hotel room. They were big, massive suites all on the ground floor, actual cottages with straw roofs, a minibar, and king-size beds.
“It’s almost midnight. Whatever your plan is, we should probably—“ You didn’t get any further. As soon as the door fell shut and the room was drowned in darkness, Loki’s lips were on yours, his hands exploring your body and tugging on what little clothing you were wearing in this warm climate.
They were gone before you could blink, your legs wrapped around his middle, his hands on your butt, carrying you to bed. A moan escaped your lips when he broke his passionate kiss to get rid of his own clothes. He was wearing a white unbuttoned shirt, one that’d already had you drooling all over him, combined with another pair of dark green trunks.
You were about to comment how hot you thought he was when he kissed you again. You moaned again, felt his hard length pressing against your inner thigh. Instinctively, you spread your legs further, inviting him in. Still, he took his time.
One of his hands cupped your face, the other disappeared down to where you were already throbbing for him. Loki found you wet and eager, your back arching when he began to pamper your clit with gentle pressure, massaging the sensitive little nub until you went absolutely feral for him.
He was proving it, you realised. Proving a point. Answering your question. Yes, he had experience. And he was about to show you just how he could make his partners feel in bed. Fuck…
You whined when he pulled away but before you could complain, he pulled your legs apart even further and sank his length into you. He slid in meeting no resistance, filling you to the brim. For a moment, you both froze.
“You… feel like you’ve been made for me…” you heard him growl against your ear.
“Loki…” It was all you were able to respond when he began to fuck you, stroke after stroke after stroke. He was right. It felt so good you feared you’d pass out and miss out on the fun and you realised soon enough that you didn’t need his hands to give you bliss.
Loki buried himself even deeper inside of you, his forehead resting against yours; grinding so closely against you he created friction where you needed him the most. Slow and deep thrusts made you throw your head back. And then, all of a sudden, you could hear everyone outside count down from ten.
You came the very moment you heard the Avengers’ scream “Happy New Year”, followed by fireworks illuminating the night sky. Flickering, colourful lights fell through the gap of Loki’s curtains, reflecting the firework inside of you.
Pulsing around him, he kept pounding into you until he too reached his peak, his face buried in your neck.
The fireworks were still going by the time you were able to grasp a proper thought again, a whimper escaping your lips as you relished the feeling of Loki jerking against your walls and filling you with his seed.
“Happy New Year, Loki.”
“Happy New Year, dear.”
The God of Mischief smiled—it was quite possibly the most genuine expression you had ever seen on him. He pulled out and you rolled over so you came to lie on top of him. He was even more comfortable than the king-size bed. But when you tried to sit up and climb out of bed, he wrapped his arms around you, holding you captive.
“Where do you think you’re going? We’ve only just started.”
“Oh f-fuck… that sounds tempting but we should… probably wish everyone a happy New Year?” Loki quirked an eyebrow yet again. “Or maybe not…”
He smirked and allowed you both to sit up. With a simple snap of his fingers, he produced two glasses of champagne and handed you one. “Perhaps… I will start celebrating New Year’s after all.”
You grinned as you clinked your glasses. “But only if we do it exactly how we just did it.”
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A/N: Happy New Year everyone! ♥
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kalee60 · 1 month
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The prince's bride
As SHIELD and Hydra teeter on the edge of a faction war, a brainwashed Soldier, the Winter Prince is an unwitting pawn in a larger game and is forced into a betrothal to one Alexander Pierce. Kidnapped by mercenaries, then rescued by a pirate who is extremely familiar, the Winter Prince starts to regain his memories.
In the course of his adventure’s, he’ll meet Brock - a master tactician who will do anything to get ahead in life; Hulk - a gentle giant; Natasha - the Russian who thirsts for revenge; and Gravik - the skrull mastermind behind it all. Foiling all their plans and jumping into their stories is Steve Rogers, the Soldier's one true love and a very good friend of a very dangerous pirate.
Or the Princess Bride AU that literally no one wanted except me… (and maybe one other person…)
Soooo... I'm back with another adventure - and why the hell not, let's try a princess bride AU. Am I crazy? Probably. Will this work? Who knows. Have I had fun twisting this fic together? Absofuckinglutely.
This is my ultimate love letter to one of my favourite childhood (who am I kidding) adulthood movies - and if it sounds like your kind of adventure... click on in and enjoy a swashbucklingish story full of familiar quotes and two idiots finding their true love.
Part one - click here
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listed below is everything that i have published for my 2022 kinktober writing event - listed by date of publishing and updated daily between the 1st and 31st of october.
minors please do not interact with any of the content outlined here! thank you!
os = one shot ; hc = headcanon set
(readmore used because there are 60-something links to scroll past)
day one ; edging
os . “in the dead of night”
feat. masky (marble hornets) and an amab!reader (they/them) + dub con
hc . howl pendragon (howl’s moving castle)
hc . clotted cream cookie (cookie run kingdom)
day two ; gun play
os . “russian roulette”
feat. din djarin (the mandolorian) and a female!reader
hc . undertaker (black butler)
hc . natasha romanov (marvel)
day three ; overstimulation
os . “cry for me”
hc . steve rogers (marvel)
day four ; breeding kink
os . “the heir”
feat. prince caspian (the chronicles of narnia) and a female!reader
hc . bruno madrigal (encanto)
day five ; impact play
os . “one more time”
feat. mean dom!light yagami (death note) and a gender neutral!reader (they/them)
hc . vincent phantomhive (black butler)
hc . the grabber (the black phone)
day six ; praise
os . “pretty little thing”
hc . daycare attendants (five nights at freddy’s)
hc . jason voorhees (friday the 13th)
hc . sawyer brothers (texas chainsaw massacre)
hc . thomas hewitt (texas chainsaw massacre)
day seven ; hair pulling
os . “weary head”
feat. l lawliet (death note) and a gender neutral reader (they/them)
hc . affogato cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
hc . hawks (my hero academia)
day eight ; body worship
os . “lady in red”
feat. grelle sutcliffe (black butler) and a male reader
hc . undertaker (black butler)
hc . padmé amidala (star wars)
day nine ; daddy/mummy kink
os . “his baby”
feat. erwin smith (attack on titan) and a male reader
hc . jane foster (marvel)
hc . dark!wanda maximoff (marvel)
day ten ; consensual non consent
os . “tourist trap”
feat. otis b. driftwood (the firefly trilogy) and a female reader
hc . bucky barnes (marvel)
hc . asa emory (the collector)
day eleven ; pegging
os . “something new”
feat. tony stark (avengers) and an afab reader (they/them)
hc . korrasami (legend of korra)
hc . valkryie (marvel)
day twelve ; multiple penetration
os . “at world’s end”
hc . slenderman (creepypasta)
hc . hela odindöttir (marvel)
day thirteen ; oral
os . “hell and high water”
hc . eyeless jack (creepypasta)
day fourteen ; knife play
os . “born to rule”
hc . jesse cromeans (laid to rest)
hc . azuma genkaku (deadman wonderland)
day fifteen ; deep throating
os . “king for a day”
hc . baby firefly (the firefly trilogy)
day sixteen ; hand jobs
os . “the consort”
hc . natasha romanov (marvel)
hc . newt scamander (fantastic beasts)
day seventeen ; shower sex
os . “after dark”
hc . levi ackerman (attack on titan)
hc . jennifer check (jennifer’s body)
day eighteen ; threesome
os . “scream for us”
hc . eda clawthorne & raine whispers (the owl house)
hc . gomez & morticia addams (the addams family)
day nineteen ; temperature play
os . “pathetic mortal”
hc . frost queen cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
hc . dabi (my hero academia)
hc . marvel woman (multiple film series)
hc . fire spirit cookie (cookie run: ovenbreak)
day twenty ; gagging
os . “quiet, love”
hc . saeyoung choi / 707 (mystic messenger)
hc . scp 035 (scp foundation)
day twenty one ; sensation play
os . “training”
hc . queenie goldstein (fantastic beasts)
hc . scp 049 (scp foundation)
day twenty two ; collaring
os . “new pet”
hc . sirius black (harry potter)
hc . sinclair brothers (house of wax)
day twenty three ; face sitting
os . “good boy”
hc . wanda maximoff (wandavision)
hc . marauders (harry potter)
day twenty four ; exhibitionism
os . “disciple”
hc . tom riddle (harry potter)
hc . captain caviar cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
day twenty five ; thigh riding
os . “the reward”
hc . charlie morningstar (hazbin hotel)
hc . scp 035 (scp foundation)
hc . remus lupin (harry potter)
hc . original avengers (marvel)
day twenty six ; bondage
os . “all wrapped up”
hc . jumin han (mystic messenger)
hc . hoodie (marble hornets)
day twenty seven ; voyeurism
os . “secret admirer”
hc . ticci toby (creepypasta)
hc . misa amane (death note)
day twenty eight ; breath play
os . “three, two, one”
hc . bo sinclair (house of wax)
hc . tiffany valentine (bride of chucky)
day twenty nine ; pet play
os . “pretty piggy”
hc . sebastian michaelis (black butler)
hc . harley quinn (birds of prey)
day thirty ; period play
os . “the urge”
hc . alcina dimitrescu (resident evil village)
hc . trancy demons (black butler)
day thirty one ; degradation
os . “stupid bitch”
hc . philip whittebane / emperor belos (the owl house)
hc . angela blanc & ash landers (black butler)
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tonysbirthdaygala · 20 days
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I meant to have two reveals today, but life got in the way.
Anyways, here's a mega-reveal of works! Tomorrow you will know the authors. Until then...can you guess?
Workaholic (M) 683w
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark/Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Alternate Universe, Husbands, Workaholic Tony Stark, Domestic Fluff, Birthday, How Do I Tag, Not Beta Read, Implied Sexual Content
Tony’s been busy with work lately, so much to the point that he’s forgotten his own birthday! Lucky him, his partner(s)/friend(s) have been preparing something special for him.
The Masseur (E) 1.1k
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Alpine the Cat (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, love at first touch, Fingerfucking, Masseur Bucky Barnes, Soft Bucky Barnes, Not Beta Read, Flirting, Attempt at Humor
Tony is convinced by Pepper to get a massage after weeks of hard work in his lab. He didn't expect his massage therapist to be this handsome.
I Would Do Anything for Love...  (E) 5.3k
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplySteve Rogers/Tony StarkSteve RogersTony StarkBruce BannerBDSMSimon Eriksson's Love Language is Words of AffirmationNon-Sexual SubmissionBody WorshipPet NamesDaddy KinkSafewordsHurt/ComfortDom Tony StarkSub Steve RogersOral SexAnal SexFirst TimeLoss of VirginitySpankingImpact PlayDrinkingImplied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/AlcoholismTony Stark is a TeaseBondageLight PettingRimmingWhippingPraise KinkEjaculationAnal FingeringHe Used how Many Dildos?!So Many Super Soldier OrgasmsKneelingSubspaceBarebackingOnline RomanceBanner Banter
Tony Stark had a lot to be happy about. Today, this week, the month- hell, the past year had been going remarkably well. Construction had been finished for Banner’s own personal Research & Development, he and Bruce had been making headway with Hulk Buster Veronica, Stark Tower had been successfully renovated into Avengers Tower, Pepper had firmly established her role as CEO of Stark Industries, and last but certainly not least, this weekend would mark the anniversary of the attack on New York- a full year since Tony had come face to face with death yet again, remembering life is indeed short and promised himself he would rekindle his most passionate life style… he would get back into the scene.. the play scene, the BDSM scene.
the only bad you’ve ever done is see the good in me (T) 2.7k
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplyTony Stark/Sam WilsonSteve Rogers/Tony Stark (mentioned)Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson (mentioned)Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Sam WilsonTony StarkSam Wilson (Marvel)Post-Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016)Fix-It of SortsNot Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018)BirthdayCostume Parties & MasqueradesLove ConfessionsMutual PiningLight Angsteveryone is sorryHappy EndingNomad Steve RogersPolyamory
The script for a missing scene in which fugitive Sam Wilson risks it all to deliver a birthday gift to Tony Stark.
Balancing the Scales (E) 4.1k
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplyJames "Bucky" Barnes/Steve RogersJames "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony StarkTony StarkJames "Bucky" BarnesSteve RogersAlternate Universe - FantasyAlternate Universe - RoyaltyPrince Tony StarkDragon Bucky BarnesDragon Steve RogersLoss of VirginityAnal SexMale Homosexuality
Prince Tony has about a million questions. He could never imagine the answers he's about to get.
Fragments of Another Life (T) 8k
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplyLoki/Tony StarkTony Stark & Stephen StrangePepper Potts & Tony StarkTony StarkLoki (Marvel)Pepper PottsStephen StrangeVillain Tony StarkAvenger Loki (Marvel)Emotional Hurt/ComfortTony Stark Has Palladium PoisoningGetting TogetherAngstBanterSupportive Loki (Marvel)Tony Stark Needs a HugMultiversal travelPost-Avengers: Endgame (Movie)roughlyTony Stark Still Has Arc Reactorand it's killing himTony Stark-centricComic Book Science
Palladium poisoning was not how Tony was going to go out. Not after everything he had survived until now. But while trying to find the cure, Loki and him are forced to make a decision.
Tony's life or that of a universe.
The Unexpected Choice (G) 7.4k
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplyPepper Potts & Tony StarkPepper PottsTony StarkTime TravelTony Stark Has Palladium PoisoningPepper Time TravelsPepper Potts Saves The DayPast Pepper Potts/Tony StarkGrief/MourningBeginnings
There were certain expectations of the type of person who would travel back in time. Pepper was well aware that she didn’t fit those expectations.
There were very few things in life that she’d truly failed at. No, Pepper had made a habit of success. This was a venture on a scale like none other she’d ever embarked on, but Pepper was hardly going to let that stop her.
For An Unspoken Vow (G) 1.1k
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplyTony Stark/Stephen StrangeBackground Christine Palmer/Pepper PottsTony StarkStephen Strange5+1 ThingsTime TravelEstablished RelationshipPre-Movie: Iron Man (2008)Canon Divergence - Iron Man 1Afghanistan KidnappingPanic AttacksHurt/ComfortFluffAngst and FeelsPOV Tony StarkBAMF Stephen StrangeStephen Strange Needs a HugNo beta we die like Obadiah Stane
Of all the things Tony had theorized, he could have never guessed that his fiance is actually a very powerful Wizard who came here from the future. To save Tony.
5 times Stephen acts a little strange, + the 1 time he acts badass.
My Savior (T) 5.6k
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplyTony Stark/Stephen StrangeLoki & Tony StarkPepper Potts/Tony StarkChristine Palmer/Stephen StrangeTony StarkStephen StrangeLoki (Marvel)Pepper PottsChristine PalmerFix-ItCanon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie)No SnapAlternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Diesstuck togetherDeveloping FriendshipAngst and FeelsIronStrangePolyamoryPre-RelationshipPOV Tony StarkCanon-Typical ViolenceTony Stark Needs a HugStephen Strange Needs a HugSick Stephen Strangemagical feverCaring Tony StarkStubborn IdiotsStephen is an Idiot in LoveNo beta we die like Stephen Strangeas in revived only to die over and over again
Tony has limited options to choose from: either stay put in Titan with his unconscious Wizard and risk permanent damage from radiation while they wait for rescue, or take the Guardians’ damaged ship out for a spin and risk being stranded in space.
He makes his choice.
A Stroll in the Woods (G) 3.3k
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplyTony StarkAlternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Tony wakes up alone, in a forest. His memory is foggy. He doesn’t know how he got here. He doesn’t know where “here” is. Sure, there may be people looking for him, but he isn’t going to play the part of a damsel in distress; he’s going to figure out a way home.
Darkness (T) 710w
Tags: No Archive Warnings ApplyTony StarkKarl MordoDormammu (Marvel)Alternate UniverseMovie: Doctor Strange (2016)Sorcerer Supreme Tony StarkMagic User Tony StarkAlternate Universe - Canon DivergenceCanon-Typical Violenceno beta we die like tony stark
Sorcerer Tony Stark defeats Dormammu in his own way. (AU where Tony Stark went to Kamar-Taj.)
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 29 days
My Queen Chapter 5
Steve Rogers is the newly inherited Duke of Brooklyn, struggling to fix the mistakes of his parents while enduring an overbearing, matchmaking mother.  He has no intention of anything romantic in his future, but will a forced love connection with the Queen change his mind?
Warnings: smut, slight domestic violence, minor character death
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Steve came home late from another date one night to find his mother waiting for him.  “Goodnight, Ma,” he yawned, walking past her briskly trying to avoid a conversation.
“Steve, wait,” Sarah called after him, her slippers squeaking against the floor.  “You need to tell me how it’s going!  That was your eighth outing with her—“
“Eighth?  Are you keeping tabs on me now?” Steve accused, his eyes piercing as he looked at her.
“Of course I am, you’re dating the QUEEN, it’s my job to know what’s going on.  Have you talked about marriage yet?  What about combining your homes and families?  Children?  Have you had sex with her yet?”
“Ma!” Steve yelled incredulously.  
“You need to seal the deal, Steve!  Secure our future!” She wailed, clutching at his shirt.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Steve bellowed, shoving her hands away.  “My relationships are none of your business, no matter who they’re with!”  He stepped back, holding his hands up when she tried to speak again.  “Ma, you need to find a new place to live.”
Sarah scoffed.  “Excuse me?”
“I can’t do this anymore,” Steve said, rubbing his eyes and his face roughly.  “Go shack up with Lord Pierce for all I care.  As awful as he is, he seems to be your flavor of the week.”
Sarah gasped and tried to slap him, but he caught her wrist roughly.  His eyes were murderous as she stared up at him in fear.  “Get out of my house,” he growled before shoving her hand away and walking to his room.
The next morning he woke to the sound of his phone buzzing repeatedly.  He grabbed it and saw multiple missed calls from Y/N.  He quickly answered.
“Hello?” He grumbled and cleared his throat.
“Steve,” Y/N whispered harshly.  “Why is your mother here claiming you hurt her last night?”
Steve jolted up in bed.  “What?!”
Y/N sighed.  “She is here, crying and wailing about how her son twisted her wrist last night and kicked her out of her own house.”
Steve groaned at the audacity of the woman he called mother.  “Oh my fucking god,” he spat.  
“You need to get over here now,” Y/N said quickly.  “The Prime Minister wants to try to use this as a way to get rid of you.”
“What?  Why?”
“The Parliamentary takeover,” Y/N said angrily.  “He’s suggesting that I don’t know how to find a good match to be my prince consort, and if my judgment is bad here, then it will be bad for the government.”
“Shit,” Steve grunted.  “I’ll be there soon.”
Y/N didn’t answer, the phone going silent.  He quickly dressed to make himself presentable for the palace then drove like a bat out of hell to get to her.  When he arrived he was quickly ushered into what looked like a study.  Y/N sat at the desk with Sam standing next to her.  She stood when he walked in.  He bowed to her and then gave a slight head bow to the Prime Minister, a stern man named Thaddeus Ross, who sat on a chair next to the desk.  His mother was sitting across from Y/N at another chair, looking at him fearfully when he walked in.  
“Your Majesty, Prime Minister, Mr. Wilson,” he greeted them then looked at his mother.  “Mother.”
Sarah shivered dramatically.  “Stay away from me.”
Steve sighed quietly, trying to keep his wits about him.  He couldn’t lose his cool, not here, as much as she brought his anger out of him.  Y/N gestured for him to sit at a seat closer to her.  “Now, let’s figure this out,” Y/N said gently.  “Mrs. Rogers, how about you start from the beginning.”
Sarah gasped, sucking in her bottom lip as she looked at Y/N pitifully.  “Oh, Your Majesty, it was awful.  He came home and I was asking him about his night with you, and he yelled at me,” she said sniffling.  “Then he insulted me and my character and twisted my wrist.  He bruised me!”  She lifted her wrist, a deep purple bruise showing, shaking it at Y/N and Ross.  Y/N narrowed her eyes at Sarah’s wrist then turned to Sam and whispered something to him.  He nodded and quickly left the room.  “Then, he screamed at me to get out of my own house.  The gall!  I raised him,” she cried again, hiding her face in her arm as she sobbed nonexistent tears.
“I see,” Y/N said, trying to sound sorry.  “Your Grace?” She turned to Steve.
Steve nodded.  “I came home last night and my mother started asking me inappropriate and personal questions about my time and relationship with Your Majesty,” Steve rattled off the events of the previous night like it was a mission report.  He kept his eyes focused on the desk.  “I will admit I lost my temper, I did yell at her when she asked me something highly sensitive, and when I told her to stop and that it was none of her business I did tell her to find somewhere else to live.  My relationship with my mother has never been…a good one,” Steve glanced at Y/N for a moment.  Y/N nodded, her eyes looking sad for him.  “We fight often, and I did insult her by telling her to go, I believe I said, ‘shack up with her flavor of the week,’” he tightened his lips to stop himself from smiling bitterly.  “That’s when she tried to slap me, and I stopped her by grabbing her wrist.”
Y/N watched him for a moment before nodding and looking at her desk.  Just then the door opened and Sam walked in with another man.  “Ah, thank you Sam,” Y/N stood, shaking the newcomer’s hand.  “Dr. Banner, thank you for coming.  I’d like you to check on Mrs. Rogers’ wrist,” she said, gesturing to Sarah.  Sarah’s eyes bulged as Dr. Banner turned to her.  
“Of course, could I just see..?” He reached for her wrist.
“No!” Sarah slapped his hand away.  
“Mrs. Rogers we must make sure that you are not more seriously injured than it looks,” Y/N insisted, leaning against her desk, her head tilting while looking at Sarah.  
Sarah lifted her chin defiantly.  “Please Mrs. Rogers, this is serious,” Ross interjected, his eyes flicking back to Steve repeatedly.  
Sarah hesitantly lifted her hand up to Dr. Banner who gently grasped her fingers and inspected her wrist, turning it slightly.  Sarah winced unconvincingly as his thumb rubbed against the bruise.  He pulled his thumb back and a smudge of purple was on his fingertip.  “Is this…makeup?”
Sarah ripped her hand away from him.  Y/N took a long breath then sighed and rubbed her temples with her fingers.  “Mrs. Rogers, may I ask why you chose to lie to the Crown and waste my time?”  Sarah’s jaw kept moving but no noise came out.  “Right, well, Sarah Rogers, you are hereby stripped of your title.”  
“Your Majesty!”
“You are to collect your things and leave Brooklyn House.”
“You can’t do this it’s my house—“
“You LOST the house the moment your pathetic husband died!”  Y/N exploded, standing to her full height and towering over Sarah who shriveled against the chair she was in.  “Your son is the Duke and inherited that house.  And if it wasn’t for him, you would have lost everything.  And now by your own idiotic actions, you have lost everything.”  Y/N glared at her.  “You will leave this kingdom, and never return.  Do I make myself abundantly clear?”  Sarah nodded as tears streamed down her face.  “Sam?”  Sam moved quickly, gathering up Sarah and bustling her and Dr. Banner out of the room.  “Thaddeus,” Y/N turned to the Prime Minister.  He looked terrified after watching her actually yell at someone.  “If I hear any talk, any whisper, any shadow of a doubt in my abilities, my judgment, my decisions, or of a Parliamentary mutiny again, I will show you and the rest of your decrepit cronies the full potential of my wrath and power in this government.  Do I make myself abundantly clear?”  He nodded.  “Good day.”  Ross stood, bowed, and left the room quickly.
“Steve,” Y/N turned to him, his name sounding more like a sigh.  She looked like she was physically deflating.  “I’m sorry.”
Steve stood and walked over to her, his hands reaching up and cupping her face.  “You have nothing to be sorry about,” he said, his thumbs caressing the skin along her cheekbones.
“I do,” Y/N kept her eyes closed and nuzzled her cheek into his palm.  “For sending your mother away.  For Ross being an ass.  For having to subject you to some bullshit investigation that I knew was false from the start—“
“And that’s why I love you,” Steve said, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers.  “Because you knew I wouldn’t do that.  Because you believed me and stood up for me from the beginning.  And you threatened the second most powerful person in the kingdom just to keep me around.  Not gonna lie, that was pretty hot,” he chuckled as he kissed her forehead.  
“Oh really?” Y/N giggled.  “You like it when I’m being mean?”
“I wouldn’t say mean, but authoritative, no-nonsense, self-assured, confident, badass,” he scrunched his nose and nuzzled it against her nose.  “Okay, maybe a little mean.”
“Masochist,” Y/N teased him, smiling wider as her hands wrapped around his waist as he continued holding her face.  “Did you just say you love me?”
Steve stiffened, realizing what he’d said before.  “I…yes, I did.”
“Did you mean it?” Y/N asked, her tone becoming softer.
“Yes,” Steve breathed.  “And I know it’s too early for me to say that, and I don’t expect you to feel the same–”
“But I do,” she interrupted him, tightening her hold around him.  “I love you, Steve.”
He closed his eyes as he rested his head against her forehead again, exhaling the breath he didn’t realize he was holding.  When he opened his eyes he saw her looking up at him with the fire in her eyes that he loved, a deep want that was screaming at him to do something.  “Y/N,” he whispered, his eyes moving from her eyes to her lips.  
Y/N gave him a slight nod, and he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.  She responded quickly, her lips pushing back against his firmly as her fingers gripped his shirt at his back.  Their breaths became heavier as they kissed, Steve’s hands roaming from her face down to her neck then her mid back, pressing her body against his.  He suddenly lifted her up and onto the desk, making her legs open for him to stand between them.  Y/N hands moved to his front, her fingers skimming from his stomach up to his chest.  Steve nipped at her bottom lip, making her open her mouth and giving him the opportunity to lick along her lip and taste her.  She whimpered as she tasted him back, sucking at his lower lip.
A knock came at the door, making them both stop and Steve stepped away from her.  Y/N closed her legs and patted down her hair.  “Yes?”
The door opened to reveal Sam.  “I apologize Your Majesty—“ he stopped, looking at them both fidgeting with their appearances and Y/N sat on top of the desk.  “Um, did I interrupt something?”
“What is it Sam?”  Y/N ignored his question, a hint of annoyance in her voice.
“Your lunch appointment is here,” Sam said.  
“Right.  I’ll be there shortly,” she nodded.  When he closed the door again Steve let out a little chuckle.  
“Duty calls,” he said before stepping toward her again.  He leaned down and kissed her nose.  “Go.  And I’ll text you about when I can see you again.”
Y/N hummed and gave him a smirk.  “You owe me more kisses, Your Grace.”
Steve smirked back at her. “As Your Majesty commands.”  
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Marvel Masterlist
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Updated Masterlist - HERE -
🜹♡🜹 Steve Rogers 🜹♡🜹
Mirror, Mirror
⤷ Steve Rogers X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 999
Homework Help
⤷ Steve Rogers X Female Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 1.3k
Five Times
⤷ Steve Rogers X Female Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 4.9k
Reunion Disaster
⤷ Steve Rogers X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 3.4k
Steve Rogers Series Masterlist
🜹♡🜹 Bucky Barnes 🜹♡🜹
Under The Surface
⤷ Bucky Barnes X GN Reader - Fluff - 1.9k
What A Reunion
⤷ (Hitman) Bucky Barnes X Female (CEO) Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 1.9k
⤷ Bucky Barnes X Female Reader - Fluff - 2.9k
🜹♡🜹 Tony Stark 🜹♡🜹
Lips Like Sugar
⤷ Tony Stark X Female Reader - Slight Angst and Fluff - 3.2k
🜹♡🜹 Peter Parker Tom 🜹♡🜹
Marry Me, Today, And Every Day
⤷ Peter Parker X Female (Stark) Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 1.0k
Knock Knock, Who’s There
⤷ Peter Parker X Male Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 536
A Prom Night To Remember
⤷ Peter Parker X Female Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 4.0k
Figures In The Dark
⤷ Peter Parker X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 1.5k
⤷ Peter Parker X (Tall) Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 3.5k
My Sky Of Gray
⤷ Peter Parker X Female Reader - Fluff and Angst - 2.1k
Spidey’s Secret Short Series ↴
Spidey’s Secret 
⤷ Peter Parker X Female Reader - Fluff and Angst - 2.5k
Forgive And Churro
⤷ Peter Parker X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 735
🜹♡🜹 Peter Parker Andrew 🜹♡🜹
⤷ Peter Parker X GN Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 1.6k
Pretty Tutor
⤷ Peter Parker X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 4.2k
Peter Parker Series Masterlist
🜹♡🜹 Loki 🜹♡🜹
Let’s Play Dress Up
⤷ (Comic) Lady Loki X Male Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 869
Sorry Not Sorry
⤷ Loki Odinson X Male Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 789
You Don’t Have to Prove Anything
⤷ Loki Odinson X GN Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 569
Meeting And Dating Loki Odinson Would Include:
⤷ Loki Odinson X GN Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 945
Flattery Gets You Nowhere
⤷ Loki Odinson X Female (Strange) Reader - Angst - 2.4k
Beauty And The Beast Masterlist ↴
Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst
Chapter 1 Once Upon A Time… Chapter 2 A Simple Rose Chapter 3 Take His Place
🜹♡🜹 Thor Odinson 🜹♡🜹
Meeting And Dating Thor Odinson Would Include:
⤷ Thor Odinson X GN Reader - Fluff - 1.1k
A Worthy Prank
⤷ Thor Odinson X Female Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 1.8k
Frog Prince
⤷ Thor Odinson X Female Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 1.6k
🜹♡🜹 Natasha Romanoff 🜹♡🜹
Chocolate Ice Cream
⤷ Natasha Romanoff X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 2.9k
🜹♡🜹 Helmut Zemo 🜹♡🜹
Life Of Luxury
⤷ Helmut Zemo X Female Reader - Fluff - 1.0k
Never Gonna Give You Up
⤷ Helmut Zemo X Female Reader - Fluff  - 932
⤷ Helmut Zemo X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 2.5k
🜹♡🜹 Johnny Storm 🜹♡🜹
Just A Kiss
⤷ Johnny Storm X Female Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 2.2k
Burning Flame 
⤷ Johnny Storm X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 1.5k
Part 2 of Just A Kiss
🜹♡🜹 Scott Lang 🜹♡🜹
⤷ Scott Lang X Female Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 2.0k
Monsters vs Aliens
⤷ Scott Lang X Daughter Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 1.7k
Black Widow Baby
⤷ Scott Lang X Female Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 2.5k
🜹♡🜹 Wade Wilson 🜹♡🜹
What A Surprise
⤷ Wade Wilson X GN Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 1.2k
Manic Monday
⤷ Wade Wilson X GN Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 1.4k
🜹♡🜹 M'Baku 🜹♡🜹
Black Widow Baby
⤷ M'Baku X Female Reader - Fluff and Mini Angst - 2.5k
🜹♡🜹 Pietro Maximoff 🜹♡🜹
Grim Reaper
⤷ Pietro Maximoff X GN Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 722
🜹♡🜹 Everett Ross 🜹♡🜹
Unlikely Partners
⤷ Everett Ross X Female (Avenger) Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst - 4.3k
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A Wall Through Hell (Choose Your Own Adventure) Series
Avenger X GN Reader - Fluff and Slight Angst
Chapter 1 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 2 - Darling Diner
Chapter 3 - Hypnotize Me
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2022 - 2024 © Justsomerandonfanfic
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stevetonyweekly · 10 months
Stevetony Weekly - August 20th
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 This week’s list is being prepped early because I’ll be traveling Sunday--so it’s shorter than normal. I’ll make it up to you next week! Remember to leave comment/kudos for the fic you love! 
Indefinitely by complicationstoo 
Recent college graduate Tony Stark is content with his life. He has his bookstore, a few close friends, and he hasn't spoken to his father in over a year. When Steve Rogers, the actor famous for his role as Captain America, walks into the store one autumn morning, Tony's in for one hell of a ride.
  A Notting Hill AU
Say My Name by citsiurtlanu
Steve reminds Tony that there's more to him than the war his weapons were used in.
The Strangers You Call Friends by Mireille
Stark frustrates Sheriff Rogers, but that doesn't mean he wants to see the man drink himself to death. Timely needs a blacksmith, after all.
A Handsome Stranger Called Death by hopelesse, isozyme
Steve Rogers was an optimist, and he had no sense for the limits of one man with a six-shooter and a strong will, but he was canny enough to know that he wasn’t getting any good done as pig food.
A mashup of 1872 and T. Kingfisher’s Jackalope Wives. You could also call it a vampire AU.
Inevitable Conclusion by ohmyloki
Steve wondered what Tony kissed like. Was it hard and fast like so much of Tony’s life had been? Or would it be something slow and methodical like how Tony was in his workshop, always making sure to dot his i’s and cross his t’s?
Architecture by Sineala
Tony decorates Avengers Tower for the new team's first Christmas, and Steve's standing in a very fortuitous place.
take me away to you by complicationstoo
One perfect weekend. That's how it starts.
stars glued to our thighs by starvels (dinosaur)
Steve’s been out of town for a few weeks, doing the superhero thing. To welcome Steve back home properly, Tony clears some space for Steve to slide right into.
you and I are both page and pen by Missy_dee811
I have a good life. I have wonderful friends. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with, and thanks to that, I have a knack for building elaborate tinker toys. They’ve helped me cope.
Through it all, I’ve managed to help some people here and there.
And I’ve been lucky, so very lucky. I manage a disease from which some never recover, for a scotch on the rocks tempts me daily.
But there’s always been the question of my heart.
[Podfic of] Wilt Thou Exchange by exmanhater
"The first time Steve meets Toni is about a week after he wakes up."
Ice Prince by complicationstoo
Tony Stark bought a hockey team on a whim, having never watched the sport in his life. He decides to take a hands-on approach to being a team owner and starts spending time with team captain Steve Rogers. "Hands-on approach" soon becomes very literal.
Toward the Sun by shinysylver
Steve is exhausted. He's spent a decade just trying to survive and somehow forgot how to live in the process. But is it too late to fix what he's broken?
Tony nearly died, but thanks to Extremis he's healthier than ever. However, just because the battle is over doesn't mean the war is won. He's out of retirement now for good or ill.
The only thing that's certain is that the Earth needs the Avengers and the Avengers need both Steve and Tony.
Enemy At The Gates by AvocadoLove
By the time Captain America was found and defrosted, the Chitauri had wiped out the entire state of New York, and Iron Man was the world’s most wanted villain.
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meidui · 6 months
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i'm answering all 30 fic writer asks as seen on kelly@fohatic's blog 😽 HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
1. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again? fool's gold was a 1872 fic and it was one-sided dialogue but with no quotation marks, so it was supposed to read like somebody from timely was telling you about what happened! i liked it but i don't know if i would do it again because it's just stylistic, i think it worked for 1872 because it suited the small town setting
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!) i have too many wips but i posted 56 fics on ao3 this year!
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer? that i dilly dally a lot to avoid writing smut scenes and that the discord sprinting bot is my best friend
4. What piece of media inspired you the most? probably endgame because we had the @stevetonyisendgame exchange and prompt fest this year, so i rewatched it a lot and ended up writing lots of endgame-adjacent/post-endgame!! they're so soft in that movie i can't help myself
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year? all marvel except for one fic for game changers! i foresee house md fic in 2024
6. What ship(s) captured your heart? stevetony has always had my heart does that count
7. What character(s) captured your heart? i love steve rogers even more than i did last year
8. Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year? new ships!! i wrote steve/thor and steve/natasha for the first time for captain bottom bingo and steve/peggy for the first time for steggy secret santa
9. What fic meant the most to you to write? nobody saves me, baby (the way you do) because kristina@samcky had an unposted draft of it that she let me rewrite 🥺 so it meant a lot to me because she's all over that fic and i just love her with all my heart
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on? i think it's a tie between winged and how porcupines kiss because they're so fluffy! although this might a little biased because @capnstars drew the cutest winghead!steve art you've ever seen in your entire life for winged and @itsmaybitheway drew THIS PRECIOUS PORCUPINE!STEVE AND ARMADILLO!TONY for how porcupines kiss 🥺
11. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing? probably hell and high water because i worked on it slowly for months which usually doesn't happen, and it might even be one of my favourite fics that i've ever written so i was really proud
12. What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it? i don't think anything was difficult to write but new york is a hell of a town (and i'm brooklyn down) was so silly of me because it's set in august, but i wrote the first part in april and the second part in october and didn't really work on it during the actual summer 😶 like what was that?? why did i do that?? i'm so sorry
13. What fic was the easiest to write? into the forever and beautiful sky! it's a rocket-centric fic with rocket & steve friendship, i wrote it right after watching gotg vol 3 and it's just feelings vomit ahahah
14. What were your shortest and longest fics this year? my shortest fic was fool's gold which was 546 words and the longest fic that i wrote by myself (not just this year but also ever in all my life) was a rose by any other name which was 11.6k words! without caveats the longest fic is heartbreak prince, which i wrote with @areiton and it was 12k words!!
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023 a beast of a burden is really special to me so i want to rec that one! because i wrote it for the endgame exchange that i loved so much and it was for mrsgingles, who is my favourite stevetony artist, and it reminds me of this summer, and it also feels like the truest love letter to endgame that i've ever written
16. What were you go-to writing songs? i don't have any! usually it's whatever i'm already listening to or a movie or show that i'm watching, but i listened to exo's lotto on repeat when i wrote hit the lotto because that's what the fic sounds like in my head and taylor swift's timeless when i wrote once in a lifetime because it was based on that song
17. What were your go-to writing snacks? NO TIME FOR SNACKS WHEN THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO NEED TO KISS
18. What was the hardest fic to title? maybe lovelorn and nobody knows? i started working on it before 1989 tv came out and it didn't have a title for way too long, the google doc was literally just called "there are still beautiful things steve pov" and then it took me like 20 minutes of comparing 1989 vault lyrics to pick one 😭
19. Share your favourite opening line from the ice is getting thinner under me and you (a hockey au)
Steve is supposed to be at a bar downtown with the rest of his team. Steve is not supposed to be back in the emptied out stadium, his back slammed against the lockers with Tony's tongue in his mouth.
20. Share your favourite ending line i added the second last line for context but this ending line is my favourite because time has always been against steve and peggy, so i feel like the best show of how happy and safe they feel together is that they finally don't have to watch the clock or worry about time slipping through their fingers anymore 🥺 this is from from we were born to be national treasures
When she laughs, eyes glittering, he has the most peculiar feeling that he was always meant to end up right here, kissing the maroon lipstick off Peggy’s mouth, swaying under the sprig of mistletoe they never took down from Christmas as someone starts to shout a countdown to New Year’s. She cups his face and he smiles into the kiss, and neither of them bother watching the clock.
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue from if my wishes came true (buckynat)
“You got that written down in your notebook?” “I don’t need to write you down to remember you, Natasha Romanoff.”
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene there were so many close contenders aahh but my favourite scene has to be the one from catastrophic blues when tony finally catches steve!!
“Then don’t make me hurt you,” Tony says, raising his palm and lighting up his repulsor. “I know you know what this does. You’re unarmed and backed into a dead-end alley. You’re not winning this one, kid, I can tell you that for free. Take off your mask.” The Vigilante glowers and stands his ground. “My whole life is dead-end alleys. I’m not taking off my mask.”
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out? the whole end part of near-death cliché took some wrangling just because i was trying to make it sound like something kang the conqueror would say haha
“I’ve killed a lot of Avengers and it all starts to blend together,” Kang says, “but I remember you because you always end up fighting for him. I admire the consistency. It’s rare.” “Him?” “You could be with Steve Rogers,” Kang says almost empathetically, and it’s like he has gently wrenched Tony’s heart out of his chest. When the repulsors on his palms falter, Kang continues in the same disarming tone. “I could send you back to the battlefield. You’d open your eyes and he'd be there.”
24. What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story? this is hilarious to me because the recurring motif in but saving what we love was supposed to be steve and tony calling each other's bullshit over the years but it ended up being overshadowed by star wars. so much star wars, in fact, that it warranted a "star wars references" tag
25. What did you use to write? (e.g. writing programs, paper & pen, etc.) google docs
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year? all of i thought the plane was going down (how'd you turn it right around) for two reasons! one is that i feel like maleness informs a lot of their lives and experiences and for a while i didn't really get the appeal of genderbending them, but then i read all of isozyme's lesbian stevetony fics and i had an epiphany about genderbending being an opportunity for character and relationship study, and two is that once i had said epiphany i realised i actually had a lot to say so i wrote captain eve rogers in one go and now i love her so much
27. Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic? hmm i don't think so!
28. How did you recharge between fics? i don't think i really do that either
29. If this were an awards show, who would you thank? oh my gosh. with all the sincerity in my heart, every person who gave me a kudo or a comment or is subscribed to my ao3, recommended my fics or my blog, said in a reblog/tweet/discord message/dm that they liked one of my fics or it made them happy or they were excited about reading one, follows me on tumblr or looks at my gifs or likes/reblogs my posts, runs fandom events, shares their beautiful fics or art or edits with us, all the members of the steve rogers defense squad, truly everyone who i've had an interaction with (except the steve antis and bots in my block list 😠) because i'm so grateful to have this community and that we met because we love the same thing and we can make each other's days better. deactivating for 10 months was the right thing to do but i'm so happy to be back this time because of you
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024? some of these have been cooking in my head for so long that they have TITLES
that famous happy ending (enchanted au)
play house (wandavision au)
plausible deniability (rival lawyers au)
wild and beautiful (feral/tarzan steve au)
yoga instructor steve and discharged air force pilot tony
prequel to kristina's beautiful ocean's 11 au, Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
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bulkyphrase · 11 months
Cap-IM Rec Week - Wonderous Wednesday
Day 3 of @cap-ironman's rec week event!
Apparently I have a ghost problem, so this leans heavily towards a "Halloween in July" kind of theme.
one more moment of this silence by Red (S_Hylor) (@s-hylor) (Marvel | Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 2,227 words)
The AU: Supernatural Elements
Summary: Tony can see ghosts. Not just any ghosts, but ghosts of people how haven't found peace yet, or refuse to. Ghosts of people whose bodies have never been found. The closer to their bodies he gets, the more he sees them, an ability, or a curse, that he uses to help the police find body's of missing people. It's never easy.
there's no dreams in the waves, only monsters by S_Hylor (@s-hylor) (MCU | Teen And Up Audiences | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 70,441 words)
The AU: No Powers, with supernatural elements
Summary: Driving while tired is never a good idea, especially when the weather is terrible, as Tony finds out the hard way. Now in pain, with a wrecked car and no phone service, Tony is stranded at a hotel perched on a cliff overlooking the flooded ruins of an abandoned town in the valley below. With no working phone, only three other people around, Tony isn’t sure who to trust or what to believe. Something isn’t right, something is stopping him from leaving.
Twelve Days by elysianprince (@elysian-prince) (MCU | Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | 22,027 words)
The AU: No Powers, with supernatural elements. Inspired by The Spirit of Christmas, simply the best basic cable Christmas movie ever.
Summary: In which Tony finds himself in a town that looks like it crawled out of a Hallmark Christmas movie, trying to sell an inn he didn't know he owned, all while dealing with Steve Rogers, the resident ghost who has returned to haunt the inn each December during the twelve days of Christmas for the past seventy years. Tony has only one logical solution that benefits them both: break the curse that binds him - but falling for a man almost a century old wasn't among his plans.
More below the cut!
And Time Went On by Morena_Evensong (Marvel | Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 106,811 words)
The AU: MCU/EMH/616 Fusion
Summary: Two hundred years ago the Mandarin attacked Washington, the first stage of his plan for world domination. And the Avengers... vanished. All except Iron Man, who eventually managed to defeat the Mandarin with the help of SHIELD, a few other superheroes, and their friends. Now, nearly two hundred years after the death of Anthony Stark, the current Stark heir, Tony, is moving into the forgotten Stark Manor in order to avoid falling into the clutches of the United World Council. But Stark Manor isn't just an empty old house and mice aren't the only things that have been inhabiting it for the past two hundred years. As Tony uncovers the secrets of Stark Manor, and more than a few horrifying truths about the world he lives in, a powerful threat suddenly arises. One that leaves shattered cities and seas of bodies in its wake as it slowly sweeps its way across a world that no longer has a last line of defense.
Wasted on the Dead and Dreaming by LinneaKou (MCU | Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | 37,554 words)
The AU: Ghost Hunters
Summary: Steve looked right at his friend, and he felt just as disoriented as he had when he woke up in Munich. “What the hell is going on?” Bucky winced. I think you’ve spontaneously developed psychic powers. And well. Wasn’t that just great. When Captain Steve Rogers got back from his tour of duty, he didn't expect to come back with the ability to communicate with the dead. When Tony Stark moved back into his childhood home, he didn't expect his dead father to still be inhabiting it. When Tony hired Steve to investigate the ghosts of his family mansion, they didn't expect to be swept up in cover-ups, corporate sabotage, and murder. Now, time is running out as increasingly disturbing dreams haunt Tony and the ghost of Howard Stark proves to be the least of Steve's problems. If they're lucky, maybe they won't end up ghosts too.
The Little Things Unknown by coaster (@coastertoaster) (MCU | Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply | 27,618 words)
The AU: Ghostbusters fusion
Summary: Tony Stark has three certainties in life: one, that science was where his mind worked best; two, that, since ghosts had become a science, anything was possible; three, that he would never know if Captain America was that much of a paragon because the man was long dead. The subject of Certainty Three might be sitting at the foot of his bed. ~ Steve is a ghost. The Avengers bust ghosts. And Tony isn't sure what to make of Cap here. But hey, at least his other hauntings have stopped, right?
Does not play well with others by usedupshiver (@usedupshiver) (Marvel | Teen And Up Audiences | Major Character Death | 11,588 words)
The AU: No Powers, with supernatural elements
Summary: While sneaking into the Starks' abandoned home, Steve makes the startling discovery that even though no Stark is living in the house anymore, not all of them have actually left.
A Long, Lonely Time by asktheravens (MCU | Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death | 58,567 words)
The AU: No Powers, with supernatural elements
Summary: Steve returned from the war injured in body and mind- and able to see the dead. At loose ends and desperate to get out of New York City, he accepts a fellowship through the Stark Foundation and retreats to a quiet lake house on the grounds of the Stark Mansion. He's supposed to be there to paint, but he quickly realizes that the house is more than he bargained for. Anthony Stark died here a decade ago, but was it an accident? A suicide? Or a murder? Obadiah Stane still lives in the main house just up the hill, and the past casts a long shadow. When Tony's ghost begins appearing to him, Steve becomes more entwined in the dangerous mystery surrounding his death. Even worse, he finds himself falling for a man who died a decade ago... Features lots of ghosts, murder, secrets, and supernatural revenge. Also Thor and Rhodey.
Catch a Falling Star by tsukinofaerii (Ults | Explicit | Major Character Death | 42,741 words)
The AU: Science Fiction. There's a nicely spooky scene in a damaged space facility, but no supernatural stuff
Summary: When Tony was sixteen, he got to meet his hero, Captain Steve Rogers, the Empire's not-literally-golden boy from the Continuity Wars. When he was twenty-seven, the aforementioned Captain turned Pirate picked him up at the outer edges of space. It would have been a good time to appreciate the abundant nudity that came from spending too much time with space colonists, but Tony had bigger worries than even Rogers' amazing hip-to-shoulder ratio. Something was sending the star-encircling computers that power the galaxy into a tailspin, and it was going to take a lot more than luck and skill to clean the mess up.
The Road Through October Country by indigostohelit (616 | Teen And Up Audiences | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 2,803 words)
The AU: High School, with supernatural elements
Summary: It's a beautiful day in October, and Steve's hiding behind the library, his knee bleeding, when he sees the boy for the first time. Tony makes Steve laugh, and his hands are as cold as ice, and he doesn't leave footsteps in the mud. But in a cold graveyard after sunset, Tony asks Steve to make a choice that will change - or end - his life forever.
Tidal Pull by sabrecmc (@sabrecmc) (MCU | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | 97,740 words)
The AU: Civil War era historical, with fantasy elements (no ghosts, but it does have slowburn + tentacle porn, which even I'll admit is just as good)
Summary: After the American Civil War, Union soldier Steve Rogers takes a chance on an opportunity to sail with the Stark Trading Company down in the Caribbean. During a terrible storm, his ship is lost. To his surprise, he survives, and ends up stranded on an island that isn't quite as deserted as he first thinks. Or, a reverse Little Mermaid tale where Steve has to fall for the fish-man.
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peachyjinx · 1 year
Final Chapter, y'all!
Holding Back [Loki Laufeyson x Female Reader]
Relationship: Loki x Female Reader
Summary: You are a new mutant recruit in training with the Avengers, and Loki is brought in to teach you how to use your powers.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI! Eventual smut
Chapter 8:
The Beginning
Word count: 3,306
Summary: You and Loki fight and make up
Warnings: SMUT 18+, Dom!Loki, rough sex, oral (F receiving), choking, mild bondage
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You feel your embarrassment quickly shift into fury as you grab Loki by the wrist and pull him away from the kitchen, ignoring all the eyes on you. 
 "Apologies for our abrupt exit. A good evening to all," Loki smiles devilishly and mock salutes Steve before turning and following you out of the kitchen. 
You are fuming but do not speak or look at Loki as you stomp in your heels towards the elevators. Arms crossed, you glare at the ground while he casually leans against the wall. What is it about him that he can’t stop pissing you off intentionally??
Neither of you say a word until you get into your room. You slam the door as you walk inside, getting into Loki’s personal space when he walks in behind you.  
"Loki, I asked you to keep this a secret! Why THE HELL would you do that??!”, you yell at him, your rage erupting. You are laser focused on him, your pent up sexual frustration and anger consuming you.
Loki stares hard back at you, "I did not appreciate the way Rogers looked at you. He may appear to be chaste in his demeanor, but I know a man with lust on his mind.”
"OHMYGOD Are you jealous??! Nothing has ever happened between me and Steve, this is ridiculous!" 
Loki looks away and runs his fingers through his dark hair while he walks further into your living quarters. 
"Loki, don't you understand that it should be my choice, too? We agreed that we would not say anything! These people are my bosses and my landlords, and I didn't want to piss them off by advertising that I’m fucking their former enemy!", you throw your arms in the air, exasperated by Loki’s antics. 
“I know you don’t care if people don’t trust you, but I do!,” you look at Loki with scorn as he turns to meet your eyes. 
 A dark look falls over the prince's face as his expression shifts to anger and he swiftly walks towards you. His body moves in close to you, mere inches away, and you instinctively step back, your back pushing against your front door. 
"Did you not enjoy our tryst yesterday? Do you not crave me? Do you want to continue our arrangement?", Loki chides you with a mocking tone while he looks down on you, reminding you of your moment in the restaurant hallway. His dominating presence sends a shiver down your spine, your mind suddenly going blank while your cheeks heat up. 
All you can do is nod affirmatively as you look into his eyes, which are shifting chaotically through emotions, from anger to others you can’t figure out. You feel unnerved, you've never seen him like this. Normally he is in complete control, showing no emotion- but now you can't read him.  You feel yourself begin to sweat, and your heart races while you hold your breath, waiting for his next move. 
"You may work for them, but you are under my protection now. The Avengers will do nothing to you, because I will not let them,” Loki pushes his body up against yours, putting his hands against the door and caging you in. You gasp and begin breathing heavily, shocked and turned on as you feel his possessiveness. You want to protest the direction of the fight, but your body betrays you, lit up with arousal from head to toe.
"You wanted to be courted by a God. You have given yourself to me so now I will do with you what I wish. And right now I will claim you, and all of your precious Avengers will know who you belong to," Loki spits out, his eyes filled with ferocity and lust as he glares down at you.
You feel a rush between your legs and you’re overwhelmed by the desire for Loki that is flooding your body. Your head is foggy and your cunt aches, desperately needing attention.
 Loki quickly leans down and kisses you aggressively and wild, pouncing on you like a predator. He is claiming your mouth and you kiss him back urgently, your teeth clicking against each other as your tongues become enmeshed in each other’s mouths. One of Loki’s hands reaches up to your throat, gently cradling it with long fingers while a low growl escapes from his chest. His strong hips push into yours and you feel his hard cock through his tight pants. Loki’s constant teasing all night acted as foreplay, and your panties are flooded from your wetness. You reach up to his back and pull him flat against you, your body melting into his demanding embrace. 
"You are mine, are you not?,” he rolls his hip into yours, and gently squeezes your throat, staring into your eyes with hunger painted on his face.
“Y-yes Loki, I’m all yours,” you pant insistently. You give up the fight, knowing that all you truly want is to completely submit to Loki. To be the person who he takes his pleasure from, and also gives you everything you need. 
"Then you will take what I give. Right now I'm going to feast on that delicious cunt of yours. And when you scream in fits of passion, I want Steve Rogers to know who you belong to."
He removes his hand from your throat and roughly pulls your dress above your hips, and rips your panties off, throwing them to the side as if they're tissue paper. Loki kneels in front of you, throws your leg on his shoulder, and dives into your cunt like a man who is starving. You let out a high pitched gasp and grab his shoulders and he growls in response while he licks up and down your folds. Loki laps up your juices with fervor, spreading your lips and sticking his tongue in your entrance. His mouth feels heavenly on your wet, tender flesh, and you can feel the coil in your belly tighten.  
You reach down to run your hands through Loki’s hair as he ravishes you, but you feel your arms suddenly shoved upwards. You look up to see that Loki has created leather cuffs around your wrists, and bound them to a rope attached to the wall. You whine and look down at him with pitiful eyes, and he winks up at you as he plunges two of his fingers into your entrance while he teases your clit with the tip of his tongue. 
You moan loudly, slamming your head backwards into the door, a dull pain forming at the crown of your head. You know that if someone is out in the hall, they can hear you, and the idea of someone hearing you only adds fuel to your fire. And even though he is on his knees, you know Loki’s in control and you feel blissfully helpless. 
Loki continues to pump his fingers in you, scissoring them and massaging your G spot while his thumb circles your clit. He nips and kisses at the insides of your thighs, his hot breath on your skin driving you crazy. He is roughly worshiping your cunt, all of his motions intent to show you who you belong to. You don't think you've ever been wetter, your cum dripping down your thighs, with Loki hungrily licking it up. You’re squirming, unable to grab a hold of anything, and your wrists are starting to feel sore as you pull on the rope above.
“Oh my god, Loki!”, you scream, feeling your muscles in your leg tense as your orgasm approaches.
“That’s it pet, I want to feel you spill on my tongue, show me who brings you your ultimate pleasure", Loki purrs while he looks up at you with eyes blown wide in desire. 
He begins harshly sucking on your clit as he adds a third finger to your core, fucking you faster. You close your eyes tightly, and the vulgar sounds of your gushing hole, combined with Loki’s groans as he consumes you pushes you over the edge. 
Your orgasm comes violently and you scream while your whole body tenses and shakes, overwhelming you from head to toe. Sharp pains in your wrists blossom out as your hands pull at the cuffs, your nails digging into the soft leather around them. Blood pumps loudly in your ears as you hear your heart racing, and you start to feel dizzy as you catch your breath. 
Loki does not give you time to recuperate, and stands to kiss you forcefully again. Your juices all over his face are now smearing on your lips, and you taste both of you on his hot mouth. His natural scent and cologne are overpowering now from his body radiating heat, making you feel like you’re drugged from a foreign aphrodisiac.  
“I am not done with you yet,” he smiles wickedly. The cuffs and rope disappear as Loki grabs you roughly by your hips, pushing you towards your living area. 
Loki shoves you towards the back of your couch, bending you forward, your arms bracing yourself on the cushions below. Your head is still spinning as you try to orient yourself to what's happening. You feel the air on your exposed cunt, and find yourself feeling incredibly vulnerable about the sight Loki has in front of him.
A metal click of Loki’s belt as he unbuckles himself sends a thrill through you as you take in his commanding position. Without warning, he aggressively grasps your hips and slowly pushes himself into your weeping cunt, letting out a loud groan. You feel that familiar intensity in your channel as he fills you, and you shudder. The angle sinks his large cock deep within you, making you whine when he stops moving for a moment. 
Loki takes both of your arms behind your back, his large hand grabbing both of your wrists together, making you yelp. You are restrained again, helpless to Loki's merciless attention. 
"This is what you want, right?? To be taken and claimed by a God??", Loki spits out as he grabs your shoulder with his free hand, and begins rutting into you. His pace is punishing, Loki is not restraining himself as he roughly takes you. You moan wantonly, pushing back on his unrelenting hips. 
"Oh God yesss Loki", you whine at him, your voice becoming hoarse and your eyes screwed shut as you feel his large cock plunging inside of you. 
"That's right my pet, you have been such a good girl for me so far. Do not make me punish you. Is that what you want?”, Loki asks huskily while he continues to pound into you. You feel yourself clench around him at the thought, but you feel dazed and can't articulate the answer you think he wants.
 “Ohhh….”, you moan louder. 
Loki sniggers, “Well I will forgive you for your indiscretions this time, pet, but be forewarned you will be punished for any future offenses,” he snaps his hips harder into you, making you shout out. 
Your walls are sensitive from coming earlier, and you feel a wave of ecstasy building inside again. Sweat is beading at your hairline and running down your neck, you don’t know how much more you’ll be able to take.
“OH LOKI!”, you scream as his cock continues to assault your overstimulated G Spot, your sensitive walls tightening around him.
Loki’s free hand moves to your hair, his fingers threading in and firmly taking hold of it. You feel your head pulled back and the fire on your scalp as his grip tightens. 
"YES, say my name, pet! Let everyone know who's claiming you!!", Loki demands with a strained voice. His words cause the tightness in your stomach to snap, and you come undone. Loki loudly growls, your walls tightening around his cock spurring him on, pounding himself inside you harder. 
You’re a mess, strangled moans and cries filling the room with the sounds of your smacking flesh. His hands on your wrists tighten, and you can feel the circulation being cut off to your fingers. The mixture of pain and pleasure is flooding your senses, overwhelming you as Loki takes what he wants from you at a punishing pace.
His rhythm begins to falter as you begin to moan his name, writhing on his cock as he brutally claims you. Loki begins shouting curses entwined with your name, tightening his grip on your wrists and hair as his rush to finish consumes him. 
A loud primal grunt erupts from Loki as he comes inside of you, his deep voice echoing in your ears as you feel his hips stutter while he pushes himself a few more times as deep as he can go. You feel his pulsing cock inside as he cums, spilling inside of your aching cunt and making you whimper underneath of him.
Loki rests his head in between your shoulders, releasing your wrists and bracing himself on the back of the couch. The two of you are breathing loudly, spent from his vigorous fucking.  
You feel Loki's hot breath on your back, and his brow sweat drips down your shoulder blades. You feel the soft fabric of his designer sweater on your back, now soaked in both of your sweat. He kisses you in between your shoulder blades, and you move your arms back in front of you, your joints sore from being held in place.  
Loki leans back up and pulls himself out of you, putting his length back into his pants and zipping up. Panting, you slowly stand up, shaky and feeling a bit weak but tingling with pleasure all over. You’re suddenly lifted into Loki's arms, as he picks you up and carries you to your bedroom. Your eyes drift upwards to him and see that his hair is wild, the curls swirling around his head, and a sheen of sweat coats his glowing pale skin. You smile up at him through your haze, and he looks down at you and gently kisses your forehead as he drops you onto your bed. 
Loki lays down next to you, magicing his clothes off and creating a pillow next to yours as he turns on his side to face you while you quietly pant while staring at nothing on your ceiling. He gently caresses his hands down your body, ghosting his fingers over your soft curves. The two of you lay there quietly coming down from your high for a few minutes, Loki gently massaging and soothing your body with seidr where you are sore. 
You close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath- you feel so content, your body relaxed and not a care in the world. You didn't care if the Avengers knew about you dating, or heard everything- Loki is addictive and you don't want to hide it.
Loki lifts your wrists to examine them, and frowns a bit as he sees a slight hint of red chafing, “Are you okay? Does it hurt terribly?”. He waves his hand and a vial appears in his delicate but strong fingers. He pours a violet colored lotion out onto your wrist, and you wince a little at the cool feeling of the fluid on your hot skin. 
“No, not too bad…maybe just a little,” you look at Loki’s face, and see his eyebrows knit in concern as he massages the lotion into your wrists. 
“I really liked it though,” you softly smile at him, appreciating his care for you. The bottle disappears in green wisps of light, and you watch in awe of him. You don't think you'll get used to his casual magic use. 
“Ah, I’m glad. I may have gotten a bit carried away, but I’m pleased you enjoyed yourself. I had a feeling you would,” Loki winks at you and you softly giggle. 
You think about what he said before he roughly claimed you. You pause for a moment, wondering how to phrase your questions about your relationship. 
"Loki…", you look into his bright blue eyes, seeing the storm in them from earlier has calmed down. 
"Yes Darling?", he responds as he looks at you curiously while he gently massages your breast. 
"When you said you wanted to make me yours…does that go the other way? Does that mean you're mine, too? Like, are we dating? Are you my boyfriend or what?", you ask sheepishly, feeling a bit embarrassed about having to ask for clarification. 
Loki chuckles softly and leans down to press a sweet, gentle kiss on your lips, and you lazily kiss him back. 
"Yes, I am yours if you want me. You have captivated me, Y/N, and I have no intention of having relations with anyone else,” Loki replies earnestly, giving you a warm smile. You feel yourself blush at his confession, and smile while you move onto your side and cuddle closer to him. You tuck your leg in between his, and feel his warmth laced with his pine musk scent envelop you. 
“Plus, I do enjoy taunting your teammates,” Loki adds jovially, making you shake your head. You think about how just an hour ago you were in a heated fight and how quickly things changed between you two. 
“You know, you also can’t just fuck me every time I’m mad at you,” you poke your finger onto his strong chest to make a point.
“Oh is that so? I think it turned out rather well for both of us," he mischievously smirks down at you and squeezes your hip. 
You roll your eyes and open your mouth to argue, but a yawn slips out and you lift your hand up to stifle it. Exhaustion begins to set in, and you decide you don’t feel like fighting anymore, not when you have a naked Loki in bed with you.
“I hope you have no intentions of sleeping, Darling. We have an hour until midnight, and I still have to bring you to release at least three more times before then,” Loki proclaims while pulling you closer to him, his growing erection pushes up against your stomach.
You bite back a moan, and theatrically sigh, “Well, if you must, I guess I should hold you to your promise."
Loki chuckles as he dips his hand on the small of your back and runs his long finger down your spine. You feel your heartbeat pick up again, and the tiredness you felt suddenly melts away at Loki’s touches and promises. 
“And how would you like it this time, my pet? Rough? Or Soft?,” Loki purrs into your ear, and moves your hair to pepper kisses on your neck. A rush floods through you at his question, at Loki’s desire to please you. 
“Oh are you going to let me be in charge?,” you coo back at him, playing into his game, your hand reaching down to his hard cock to gently stroke it. 
“I claimed you for my own, I believe it is only fair that you are allowed to do the same,” Loki sucks at your neck now, his teeth gently scraping your skin and making you moan. You smile, thinking about his “allowing” you to be in charge. 
Both of your hands move to the back of Loki’s head, pulling him in for a kiss. You eagerly push your tongue into his mouth, moaning and whining while his large hands gently guide your body on top of his. The kiss breaks when you realize you’re straddling Loki's strong thighs, and you sit up, taking in the sight of his hard cock now flush against his stomach. His smug smile reaches his eyes, revealing his perfect teeth while he looks up at you.
“Are you ready, Loki?”, you tease him, gently thrusting your hips forward as you run your fingers down his perfectly chiseled stomach.
“Oh yes, pet. Are you?,” he sinfully responds, and you can’t hide the wide grin that spreads across your face.
Chapter List
Peachyjinx Masterlist
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sapphicsaus · 2 years
regal ties (pt.6) - wanda maximoff
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a/n: this is a shot update, but i promise the next chapter will be longer
i ii iii iv v vi
“This is not right!”
You sat in the kings throne room, now silent, despite how you were a few weeks before. Your face was bound in a wrap, and you were sulking before the throne.
Pietro was heated, and King Erik was being dismissive. “I understand your anger, son. But she is now Commander once more, and she does not oppose my motion.” A lie in many ways.
You hated it.
You hated being away from Natasha and Wanda. Although you spent not too much time with the latter as Natasha, she became easier to tolerate as you rested from injury. “What of her injuries from our last deploy? Will you take those into consideration?”
Everyone looked at you in anticipation, considering this is the first time you’ve spoke in these briefings at all. “I’ll be fine. I swear it.” He’d known you long enough to know that when you would caress the hilt of a sword, that you were beyond angry.
“My shoulder has healed, my knee is steady to run. I need no rest, Prince.” In the corner of your eye, you notice the king smirk. “See?” Pietro sighs, shaking his head. 
“What of your face? Will that heal fast enough for him to send you to injure it more?”
“My Prince, I understand your concern.” You look up at the king. “But I can handle myself, you know this.” You could feel Wanda watching you sadly and you clenched your jaw and swallowed your pride. 
“So, you’re truly leaving in a few days?” Natasha asks, rubbing your bare stomach. She feels you nod as you hum, kissing her on the forehead.
“I will be back, I always come back.” She shifts to look up at you. “I trust it. But will you come back whole?” You couldn’t answer that. You never could.
“You know I do not have the answer, my love.”
She grabs your face, and connects your lips. “You should’ve had sense and became a maiden like Yelena and I.” 
“If I hadn’t aspire to be knighted, I would be a horse trainer, you know that.” Natasha chuckles, laying back down. “I do.”
You became quiet, think about if your life had been different or if you hadn’t aspired to be a hero. How different would you be? Was this scar worth it?
“If I hadn’t picked up a sword, I’d be less grotesque.” You mutter, and Natasha shoots up in disbelief. “Do not.” She demands. “What?”
“You are still the most handsome knight in all of Sokovia. The scar is hot.” You burst out in laughter, and place your hand over your face. “You flatter me.”
You waited on the dock as men began to file onto the boats. Pietro stood beside you as calm as he could be. 
“I’m coming with you.” He says, making your head shoot over to him. “You are not.” 
“I am.” He mutters, not meeting your gaze. “If something happens to you, I will never forgive myself, Pietro.” He looks at you silently. “Nothing will happen to me.” 
You watched him worriedly as he walked to the ship. A hand grasps you shoulder, and you look over at Wanda. “Be safe, I’ll be waiting for you.” She whispers almost in a tender way. “If that is your way of saying you’ll miss me, than I’ll take it.” You smirk. 
“I retract my statement.” She says, making you smile. “I hope your next guard is rigid.”
“No one can replace you.” You wish to believe she is joking, but she looks at you seriously, and your smile falters. “Y/LN!” You hear called out to you, and you focus back on the ship. “Duty calls.” She nods, and walks up to where her family is. 
You walk onto the ship, your gloved hand on the hilt of your shield as the board up the ship. “Are you ready?” You hear Rogers ask. “No. I get seasick.” You chuckle. You look over at the man with a strained expression. “He’s running us into a trap, I just know it.” Steve nods. “I know.” 
“But, it doesn’t matter because I will fight to the depths of hell before I let you all and the prince die.” 
@wlwfanfictionss @nothingisrealanyway @sadpiscesheart
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popculturebuffet · 3 months
Batmarch Finale: Batman (1989) Review: At Long Last Joker Dancing on Parade Float
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Hello all you happy batpeople and it's time for the finale of Batmarch! It's been a fun ride that really made me love the character again and it ends here with something i've been wanting to do since the start of this blog: IT's time to talk about Tim Burton's Batman, the 1989 classic blockbuster that created the first superhero movie boom, solidified the caped crusader as a dark brooding vigilante in the public eye, and gave us not one but two iconic scenes of joker dancing to prince music that live rent free in my head forevermore.
Batman took almost a decade to get going, with Producer Micheal Uslan, a comic book historian who taught a succesful course on comics as literature, wanting to take batman back to his earlier days as a mysterious figure of darkness. His timing was great as by the late 70's when he started his crusade for the caped crusader, Batman had been on a course back to those very roots thanks to the works of Neil Adams and Denny O'Neil. Comic fans ate up a darker batman and Batman returned to being a creature of the night.
The problem was for most audiences.. he was a creature of camp. While I adore the Adam West Batman, i'm honestly shocked i've only covered ONE episode of that gloriously goofy series, it left a mark on the character, with everyone assuming "Well that's what batman is". It's a common trait in comic book adaptations: TV and Movies reach a wide audience. It's why most people think Scott Summers is a plank of wood instead of a tatctical genius with a lot of baggage.
Thus studios either flat out rejected them or wanted a comedy in the vein of the adam wast show. Or rejected it for reasons like "It would be called Batman and Robin and we just had a film with robin in the name tha tbombed" or "It and Annie are both "from the funnie" pages and Annie just bombed (yet did INCREDIBLY well on home video)"
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Thankfully the film got rescued as, with John "Giant Mechanical Spider Peters" getting on board, he suggested they do what they did with superman: promote the hell out of the film and the script they had and hope someone buys into the hype. Sure enough it worked as Warner Bros picked up the film and to my suprise they already owned DC Comics, the rights simply got sold off for the reasons film rights to properties often do
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So Warner was eager to get the property back in house and profit off it.
With that it was time for a full script by Tom Mankiewicz who based it largely on Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers short but memorable run on Detective Comics I wasn't aware of till doing research for this review, but now happily own. Rogers was even brought on to do concept art. The script went through NINE revisions according to wikipedia, but all were based largely on tom's original. Directing wise Joe Dante and Wes Craven were both considered and i'd loved to see what their version of the film would've been like. Ivan Reitman also was, but wanted a comedy starring billl murray with the studio eyeing eddie murphy for robin.
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Thankfully the success of Pee Wee's Big Adventure lead Warner Bros to go with their new golden boy, who was just coming off production of another soon to be hit, Beetlejuice, Tim Burton, pictured here looking like Batman's goth best friend he takes in the batmobile to get him out of the house.
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I'd pay so much to see that version of this movie.
Burton wasn't a comic fan , but upon getting the project was a fan of recent hits The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke, and was fascinated with what batman could be. Meanwhile Warner brought in Englehart himself to make a draft. Burton then brought in Sam Hamm, a rookie screenwriter and HUGE fan of the character who quickly proved to be the perfect fit, tightening up the screenplay: he removed Robin (something no one was sad about as he was a studio mandate), replaced Silver St Cloud (Bruce's love intrest during the Englehart Run) and Rupert Throne with Vicki Vale and Carl Grissom and the script was set.
So casting began. After a number of more traditional leads were considered, Burton went with Micheal Keaton at the suggestion of Peters, who felt Keaton has the tortured quality batman needed. It was a great call as he fit both sides: he was stoic and comanding as batman, but as bruce was perfectly absentminded, as if he was far away, yet still charastmatic and likeable. It was a good contrast and also made it easy to see why no one suspect this guy was batman.
Unfortuantely the fans.. were not pleased. Yes even then peopl ewere liable to throw hands over casting decisions before seeing them proper. I've not been imune to this: I liked Ben Affleck but wasn't sure he fit batman, only to be proven wrong when he was easily one of the saving graces of Batman V Superman and it's regretful he couldn't be batman in a better movie.
Fans worried that Keaton , who up to this point had mostly been in comedies, meant the film would be camp like the tv series and film again, to the point this MADE HEADLINES. The studio even breifly considered reasting, but burton held firm.
If your curious other actors considered were Pierce Brosnan (who had no intrest in doing a comic book movie), Mel Gibson (dodged a bullet there), Kevin Costner, Charlie Sheen (Another bullet dodged, too much tiger blood to be a bat man), Tom Selleck, Harrison Ford and Dennis Quaid. None of these really.. feel right, and it's burton's first choice before realizing Keaton was it , the green goblin himself Willam Dafoe, that woul'dve worked with what he was going for. None of these actors are bad, even sheen and gibson are good actors just..awful human beings, they just don't fit the part. Sheen in paticular feels like the worst timeline and I pity the earth that got saddled with frat bro batman.
Naturally every hero needs a good villian and while another row of talent was considered, the studio and Peters heavily pushed for Jack Nicholson over other competiors such as Brad Douriff, Tim Curry, and David Bowie, all versions of this film i'd LOVE to see in some other timeline. That said Nichelson was the perfect choice.
How they finally nailed him down is my faviorite story I found from the documentary: So Nicholson was open to it, liking the part but to lock it down wanted them to meet him for horseback riding. Burton , nature's perfect indoor kid, was naturally deeply uncomfortable on a horse and i'd pay good money to get the picture they claimed existed of Tim Burton on a horse with Jack Nicholson. I find it fascinating in of itself that Jack Nicholson rides horses and has a deep love of horses. That's a thing that fits, but just never occured to me. The most uncomfortbale horse ride ever netted him the part and Nicholson trusted burton completely on set and spoke highly of him in the documentary.
The final main cast addition came due to , of all the possile reasons, a horse riding accident. No it wasn't tim burton himself, but Sean Young, who'd been cast as Bruce's reporter love intrest Vicky Vale and had to bow out, replaced by Kim Bassinger.
Rounding out the cast we have Robert Whul as local reporter and only one digging into this batman case Knox, Cool School owner and operator Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent, Pat Hingle as Comissioner Gordon, acting legend Jack Palance as crime boss and the joker's boss Carl Grissom, and Tracey Walter as Joker's NUMBER. ONE. GUY. Bob.
Promotion for the film was something unique. Nowadays we're used to big, omnipresent ad blitzes with our blockbusters, a huge swath of adds to let you know THIS FILM'S A COMIN. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THIS FILM. I DON'T CARE IF YOUR AMBVILENT ABOUT ARTHUR AND THE KING YOU WILL GET 20 ADDS FOR IT JACOB. THE HYPE MACHINE HATH SPOKEN.
To start Jon Peters helped cut a teaser trailer, wanting to get SOMETHING out to show that no, this wasn't going to be like the Adam West show stop calling me about it dennis. The trailer was only a minute and a half, had no music behind it, something I only found out, and is clearly just whatever clips they had that were ready. You can find it here. It's throughly intresting.
It also.. works. While it's only a short teaser, it gets across what this film is, shows both joker and batman enough to get hyped, all while not spoiling the film. Granted they probably didn't have enough footage yet TO do that but still, it's a well done teaser with only one or two bits feeling like their just.. thrown in there and given the time crunch to get this in front of a teast audence, I can salute that it's still works.
And it worked MASSIVELY. People bought tickets JUST to see this teaser, bootlegs of it sold like hot cakes. It was meant to get people hyped up for what this film actually was.. and it DID, erasing doubts Keaton wasn't batman and showing people just what they were getting.
Warner then went all in promoting the hell out of this film, to the point Marvel's she hulk did a parody of this where a new super heroine does a simliar add blitz: There was cereal, tiger games, merchandising of all kinds. It was a huge gamble as if the film failed to live up to the hype... it'd be a joke NOTHING could live down, would sink the careers of everyone involved from production on down, and possibly destroy warner.
Naturally though.. it didn't. The gamble paid off. It's almost like if you actually RELEASE a film and have faith in the creators, you'll make money. The film was a massive success leading to three more films in this series and a mind boggling 11 theatrical and 60+ total films JUST starring the batman. That's not getting into team movies.
So join me under the cut as we see if , after 35 years of excellence, this film still lives up to the hype in a genre now packed with classics.
Bat Class and Bat Style:
Starting out with the style of the film, it can't be overstated the sheer impact this film had on Gotham city as a place. Before this it was mostly a standard city, just more of a crime hole than most. It was weird reading some of that very Steve Englehart run I mentioned and seeing Gotham. .as a pretty standard metropolis, if not obviously THE metropolis.
Batman is where , to my shock, Gotham was first portrayed as this art deco 40's style hellscape, a city of old buildings with the crime built into it's very foundations: a city of frequent nights, heavy shadows and plenty of places for an up and coming here ot perch and brood. It's an atmosphere that almost feels consuming: you can't escape gotham and it won't let you. It's a monster as much of a city. Batman the Animated series would build on this, making this what gotham was: a city with it's dark history seeped into it's stone that feels massive and endless, like no matter how much batman does the city is almost too big for him to ever fully save.
The rest of the style is after the 40's, a nice nod to batman premiering JUST before they started in 1939. We have large flashes on the cameras, reporters in suits the like.
I also realized this wasn't just a cool style choice, it's a thematic one: Most of Gotham wears these types of clothes, fitting with how Gotham is: a city with a long proud history.. but one it finds itself stuck in. A lot of those men in suits are either helpless goverment types who WANT to make things better but can only do so much like Gordon or Dent, or outright corrupt men like the various mob bosses who control it from the shadow. Even Knox , who tries to go for the scoop, is stuck in the old behaviors of sexisim, hitting on his photographer and creative partner vicki a lot nad being a possesive dick about her romance when it's none of his damn buinsess.
The people who may actually change this city are the ones who come off more with the time: Bruce most of the time wears looser suits or , in one scene casual clothes. The one time he dosen't is to fit in at his own party, to blend in so well Knox and Vale don't even notice he was behind them for a whole scene. When he's himself he's awkward, but also kind and charming. When he's his truest self batman he's calm, intmidating and of course dressed in a lot of rubber. He dosen't fit with Gotham.. but by doing so he can change it for the better.
Vicki is diffrent, fitting in a bit better but her hair and styles tend more toward practical, often wearing her glasses which look neat. Wish I had a pair like that. She brushes off Knox's comments, dosen't want anyone taking ownership of her and rightly calls bruce out for ghosting her (Granted he's also right ot try and get her to stop for one minute so he can tell her she's batman). She's trying to change it more by simply finding the batman, but it's still someone diffrent.
Finally we have the Joker, who stylistically dosen't deviate greately as jack.. but once he becomes something else, he changes. he wears the suit sure... but it's a bright purple with a giant boutiner. He wears makeup, but it's barely covering and by the time of the art heist there more for a joke than actual cover. His attempts to fit in are really more a joke than an actual attempt. Napier never really fit in... he simply stopped putting on the pretense once he became the joker.
Joker's moderness also comes through in othe rways; his biggest scheme heavily involves the rise of cosmetics and the television, using his then modern Smilex adds to stow paranoia. He vandalizes classic art for funsies to a dope prince song. And for his final masterstroke he captalizes on the greedhead nature of the 80's: he correctly figures if you throw enough money at people they'll forgive anything, and throws a ton of money into the crowd in the film's best scene, capering and hamming it up as he prepares to kill them all by luring them into one place. It's telling that the only two places in the film itself Prince's songs show up are with the Joker, who embodies the excess of the 80's while still having his classic 40's born design.
And since we're talking about him...
The Devil in the Pale Moon Light
Nicholson's joker is fantastic. I wasn't big on him for a long time.. but I realized on rewatch it wasn't the performance. Nicholson fucking nails it, having that manic energy hid with a genial calm that makes a good joker to me, that sort of charisma where you geninely can't tell if you'll end the scene as his NUMBER. ONE. GUY. or with a bullet in the belly. He's hammy as hell when he wants to be, deathly calm when he wants to be, and the only one who truly understands himself always.
Nicholson's joker strikes me as a mad Performanceartist, an interpretation I like: his jokes are carefully crafted pieces always done for a terrified audience of some kind. Only one of his kills or crimes post putting a smile on that face dosen't have an audience, Grissom, and he STILL puts on a show for him, shooting him to opera music while giggling like a mad man. Every other crime is a big show, which isn't inconsitant for joker. Every joker has theater kid tendencies, this joker is just the one who has the most thespian energy.
His schemes are also fantastic, props to Burton and the writers: their the right mix of operartic performance art and ghastly crime. From defacing a museum for the attention, to the utterly brillaint smilex ad which parodies the hell out of 80's ad trends and is one of the best joker scenes in media, perfectly capturing his sort of scheme, this versions love of a good performance, and the time it was in. The poor editing and his "Chances are you already own some" and the laugh after.. it's genius. Every piece is great. I also love the pen stabbing which I didn't really pay much attention to before but the mimes, the awesome as hell outfit, the "Uncle bingo" line.. it's so damn fun and the mundanety of the stabbing, feather quill or not makes it a shocker
The two best though are the ones embeded on my mind from childhood to present day: THe art scene is awesome and I love the way he says lawrence, with him just getting into general dicking around shenanigans because it's fun, saving a picture because it's horrifying. I also love his dickish "date" with vicky where he just calls all her glamour photo's crap. You can tell Jack Nicholson is loving EVERY second of this. Granted who wouldn't love grooving to Party Man, which is a truly awesome song. Prince didn't half ass it for this album and while his inclusion is a clear studio mandate Tim Burton didn't seem enthused about in the documentary, Burton still made it work perfectly. It's really hard to not make prince work granted, but it's still flawlessly used.
My faviorite scene of the film though... is Trust aka "Jack nicholson fucking destroys while riding on a blimp" Those hand moves, his expressions, bob and lawrence's grins as they throw money, the banger that is Trust behind him. While Partyman is good and really fits Joker, Trust is a fun banger jam that fits the party atmosphere of Joker's final gambit. The sight of joker throwing money everywhere while mugging is just.. peak joker and one of the best moments of the character and in superhero cinema period.
While Nicholson's joker is mostly celebrated there are two big points of contention, two elephants in the room to tackle.
The first is the fact we get Joker's name at all, that we know anything about him before he became joker as a huge part of his mystique is being this mysterious murder clown who just.. fell in a vat one day and that's all we know before he started chasing batman.
I prefer his past to be a mystery, it adds to the charm and the terror of this guy... but on this watch I felt the Jack Napier version still really works. Nichson does a good job making both Jack and Joker feel like two very diffrent people: Jack was a fairly unambitious hood who WANTED to run everything, but had no real plans for it, content to screw the bosses mistress and be done with it. It's easy to buy into corrupt cop Eckhart's view Jack has no future.. because he didn't. The second Grissom found out what he was doing, he set Jack up to die. Jack ONLY escapes ace chemicals alive due to pure luck: Gordon got informed in time to take over and stop a potetial execution and Bob turned out to be the best guy ever and held said Gordon hostage to get batman to let Jack go. And even then Jack's own impulsiveness nearly killed him, falling into the vat. He's ONLY alive because of sheer luck and knowing a good back alley doctor using tools he got from a dentist who mysteriously died a few decades back.
Jack is an impulsive trainwreck.. the joker.. is Jack with all his inhibitions stripped.. and tha'ts why knowing Jack works. Jack was a pretty common hood: even the Wayne murder, we'll get to that shortly, was just buisness as usual. Jack had ambitious DREAMS, but seemed content to just wait for Grissom to die naturally then take his empire.
Joker by contrast is a mad artist: he sees gotham as his canvas, a toy to play with. He has all of jack's greed and drive, but none of his hesitance to act on it. He's impulsive but unlike jack, he thinks out his impulsive plans. He wants vicky kidnapped, but has his minons bring her, has a bunch of stuff ready and has a whole music video ready after. He barges in on her apartment but brings goons just in case. He's still impulsive enough to be the joker: He dosen't have a plan b for the parade, the pen stabbing comes off as "wouldn't this be neat let's do that", but it's still more than jack ever thought. Jack is truly gone: vestiges of him remain in his new self, he makes sure Grissom dies and wants to control gotham.. but he's now got the higher calling of mayhem: ruling gotham isn't because it's there.. it's because it's FUN. It works because it shows just how FAR joker can go, going from a midly high level enforcer, to a mad god whose only stopped by batman yanking hard enough. Jack works because, ala killing joke, it shows a mostly normal person becoming something far worse. The Joker has an origin and it informs him a bit.. but who jack was is gone by the joker and it's fascinating watching hwat he became.
So that brings us to the OTHER big change: Jack Napier killed Batman's parents. Now this one I agree was a bad idea: the tragedy of the wayne murders. .is that it was just some guy. Some random hood, sometimes named joe hill, shot two innocent people and doing so broke a child and created a bat. It being his future arch enemy feels contrived. Like IT HAD to be someone important because it was his destiny to be a vengeful orphan man! It can't have been just some guy it had to be a number one guy yes yes. It misses the point entirely and it just feels dumb and that reveal clouded my judgement. Jack on his own isn't bad but making him batman's parent's killer is just.. too much. That part sucks but everything ELSE about Uncle Bingo rules and one bad decision, that writer Sam Hamm swears wasn't his idea and came after it was in Burton's hands so blame accordingly, shoudln't negate such a fine performance.
Let's Get Nuts
Speaking of fine performances, let's talk about the Batman of the hour himself. While I went Joker first, Keaton's batman is awesome and has gotten it's due praise over the last few years.
Ironically a lot of what fans hated about him, his everyman looks and not being "muscular" are what make this bruce work. Much like Robert Pattinson's brilliant turn after, this is a Bruce who doesn't really socialize. Unlike Pattinsons he does put in the bare minimum, throwing parties and such... but it's clear while bruce is a known philanthropist, he's not really a big name figure in gotham beyond that. He's an inconspcious guy, so much that Vicky and Knox dont' even notice him or realize it is him. And that suits what he does great: he's so nondescript that once people start looking for batman they won't look there.
Not tha this secret identity being in danger is a big issue at first: Batman's experinced here, but also early enough he's just a myth: Only Knox thinks he's real and even he has no idea what this guy looks like. The criminals know, but both bruce and batman are unknowns at first and prefer it this way.
Bruce is a kind, gentle, down to earth guy: he quickly wins Vicki Vale over.. simply by showing an intrest in her work. It's subtly contrasted with the other two men in her life: Knox first notices her legs, hits on her mildly agresively and is a possesive tool, while Joker outright claims her and tries to kill bruce for stepping on his territory. Bruce wins Vicky over.. because he sees her as a PERSON and not boobs or a prize to be one. Basinger and Keaton have really great chemistry and while the two don't get a ton of scenes together, you see why Bruce takes to her so quickly.. and why he pushe sher away. His war on crime is ALL he has, and he dosen't want her getting caught in it, ironically taking away the agency that brought him to her. It's only when he realizes HOW much she means that he tries to open up. Then a clown shoots him but you know , thems the breka. It's telling when Alfred, to finally break this will they or won't they stalemate, brings her down he's not the least bit mad and is honest with Vicki and continues seeing her.. until she didn't come back for the sequel but that's a review for another day. A christmas day.
I bring up the relatoinship because it's what defines bruce, and while romances can be rushed in these movies.. this one works and fleshes bruce out. It creates a nice divide between the man he thinks he should be, the creatue of the night who scares a cowardly and superstitious lot, who dosen't flinch in any situation and is always calm.. with the all too human bruce who simply dosen't want to be alone. Well he has alfred but he can't rely on his dad forever.
As batman.. there isn't a ton to talk about as he's mostly stoic and badass. Keaton does a really good job of that.. but there's not a ton of expression other than "scowling and it's only in his final confrontation with the joker, his parents murderer he really emotes with pure unyielding rage. It's not bad.
There is one aspect that needs to be talked about though: This batman.. kills. It's a divisive idea as by this point batman's no killing rule was in place... but it's one I get Burton not using. He and those around him based this film on the earliest works, and in those.. Batman had no issue killing if he had to.
It works for me largely because Batman isn't wontonly killing: he uses the machine guns primarily to clear the way and presumibly, like the dark knight returns which is where Burton probably got the machine gun, their likely rubber bullets. The only person he truly tries to kill repeadetly is Jack. Not at the plant, as while it's said he drops him .. it really dosen't come off that way. It's left ambigious if batman did it on purpose or simply COULDN'T hold onto jack much longer. The only person Batman truly wants dead.. is the man who created him. Any other kills are mostly just life or death struggles. I prefer batman not to kill... but one who does so judciously still fits the character.
Finally before we move on we have the way his origin's done: While I said I didn't like the jack part the film tries to treat this as some big mystery.. with the problem being even in a post adam west pre burton world.. most people probably knew batman's parents were dead. It works to a point, but out of all the things in the film.. it feels like padding. We know why he's doing this, we're just waiting for Vicky to catch up and i'd be fine with that but ther'es juts.. nothing really added. She finds out his parents died. A matter of public record he didn't really bury. The only shocking reveal she finds is who killed his parents, which while a decen tswerve, couldv'e been hidden until the reveal. It just.. pads the film slightly, but not so much it obstructs it
The People of Gotham
Now for our side cast. Starting with our third lead we have Vicky Vale, she of the 80's hair, neat glasses and inconstient spelling in this review. Kim Bassinger does a great job with the character and they do TRY to flesh her out: she's been both a war reporter and a fashion photographer, is great at her career and while enamored with Bruce only takes his shit so far.
That being said while I do LIKE Vicky, it's largely down to the performance: Bassinger is a talented actress and i'd like to see her in more films. I mean i've only seen her in this, Wayne's World 2 and bits of Cool World. She did fine in all three, it's just clear she has talent and I hope to see her make a comeback if she wants. She makes a character given just enough sparkle.
That being said... plot wise.. Vicky's just there for exposition and as an object. They give her some depth, being a former war photographer, but the film's unintrested in exploring her as a person, instead having her explore bruce.
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And get put in danger three diffrent times. I mean she only gets kidnapped once but it feels like she's mostly there to get scared or romance bruce. The romance plot IS important as it fleshes Bruce out as a person... but it's telling it's mostly to flesh HIM out. Vicky and him have chemistry.. but again that's because her actress is that good. I can kinda see why she didn't want to return for the sequel, and feel bad that her replacement of sorts got way more with her character. Vicky.. deserved better.
Onto Alexander Knox, who is probably confusing those of you who haven't seen the film. Knox is a reporter and is intended as mild comic relief at times. In practice he's aged like fine cheese on a sidewalk covered in radioactive ants and pudding. His first words upon seeing Vicky "Hello Legs"
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He then offers to do nudes and in general just.. tends to hit on her often, while she clearly just wants to work with him and is only putting up with her bullshit because she's so clearly used to sexist bullshit and come ons at this point. I DO think some of this is intetional as there's a contrast in how he greets her and how Bruce greets her: Knox recognizes her work, but is mostly interested in
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While Bruce you know.. sees her as a person. That said Knox.. is also creepily posessive, telling her not to go out with bruce, not getting what she sees in him, and clearly being jealous. He's just kinda there to set up that batman's been a thing and is mostly seen as a myth then ceases to be relevant but sticks around the film anyway. He does go after some guys with a baseball bat but it's too little too late.
Finally out of our heroes side, we have Alfred. Micheal Gogh dosen't get a ton to do, but really owns the roll, giving you the impression of a man who simply dosen't want to see his surrogate son spend his whole life in a cave. he says as much outright but you can see just how HAPPY he is that Bruce has Vicky and how much he dosen't want him to loose her. He dosen't get to do much.. but his one big action was a source of contention for Sam Hamm, as it was added after. Alfred takes Vicky to the batcave. In Hamm's words "That would be his last day of employment"
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Alfred... is Bruce's dad. Not biologically, that we know of, but he raised Bruce. Even by this point in the comics it was clear Alfred was just as much a faithful retainer as he was Bruce's dad. Bruce would get mad about something like this.. but he'd never fire Alfred as a snap judgement, especially when Bruce WAS GOING TO TELL VICKY ANYWAY. Alfred likely knew this. All Alfred did was eliminate a step. It wasn't like Alfred invited his acapella group, the Alfredpellas, down there.
We then have Alicia. Alicia dosen't get much to do as this script REALLY wasn't intrested in women but is intresting. My friend Jess the Vampire pointed out when we watched this she's kind of a proto harley quinn: someone deeply intrested in the Joker despite how he abuses her. At first it's fairly equal: Jack gives her attention Grissom isn't and him becoming joker shocks her but isn't bad. Then he horribly scars her as an art piece, and abandons her for Vicky and the sheer trauma causes her to throw herself off a building. It's a tragic story as she didn't relaly do anything wrong, she just had bad taste in men: first Grissom then Jack then Joker. It's not as layered as poor harley, but it's a good first draft and adds to what a monster Joker is. He just makes her into his horrifying art then throws her away when he's done.
Finally out of the major characters we have Bob. Bob is a quiet MVP in this film, Jack's best friend and #2 and Joker's Number. One. Guy.
What I hadn't noticed before is even pre joker.. Bob is LOYAL to Jack. He gets Eckhart not to shoot jack, and most importantly saves Jack from Batman at Ace Chemicals, holding Gordon hostage. From the go he's invauable to his bestie, helping make up for Jack's impulsivness. And while Jack just kinda shrugs, as he tends to, Joker recognizes this. He instantly makes Bob his NUMBER. ONE. GUY. and unlike grissom, who only said it in jest and as a veiled threat, Joker really seems to mean it. He has Bob stalk vicky for him, lure her to the musuem, all creepy shit sure but all stuff Joker needs vitally done and trusts Bob to do without any ulterior motive. And he does. Bob's also just fun: he capers a lot during partyman and is one of the best parts of Trust, his expression as he's throwing money gives me life. It also makes his death tragic. Bob was not a good guy, again he stalked a woman because he was told to.. but he was loyal and friendly.. and joker kills him simply because he got pissed off. His death is, fitting the joker, hilarious, just the casual way he asks for a gunt hen shoots bob with it, but it's a sad end to a NUMBER. ONE. GUY.
The rest of the side cast.. is pretty one note. Gordon is just the police chief, something that carries over to most other versions we've seen on film, Dark Knight being the exception. He has a great moment at ace chemicals but does fuck all the rest of the film except light up the bat signal. Harvey Dent is there to set up a future role that never comes for Billy Dee Williams. Grissom is memorable thanks to Jack Palance's delivery of "NUMBER. ONE. GUY. ", but otherwise is just a standard gangster man. The rest of the cast is mostly there to do plot and they do do it well but don't do much else.
Conclusion: And with that Bat March comes to a belated end. I enjoyed this review as it made me take a close look at a film I loved... and ended up loving it MORE. Batman has rough edges, some due to age some due to simply being one of the earlier comic book movies, but it' sstill damn good even today. It's a classic, a fun ride with banger performances, a lot of detail and deft direction from Burton. If you haven't watched it in a while, please do. If you have.. well do anyway it's that good.
Thanks for reading and thanks for enjoying batmarch
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purpleprincessonfyre · 8 months
Hello doll, just checking in how you doing this weekend or week, whenever you’re getting this. Haha we have been decorating the house a bit today and answering some scheduled questions. So keep an eye out for that!
Answer to you, if you could be trapped in a Disney movie for a day, which movie would it be? And who are your favorite Disney characters in general? I think your definitely an Rapunzel girl. - Steve 
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Hey Rogers! And I'm doing good, thanks! You are right, I am a bit of a Rapunzel girlie, even had a turret bedroom in my childhood home so I really got that trapped in a tower experience....
But to answer your question, I think if I had to be trapped in a Disney Movie I do I would probably choose Frozen? I get a supportive sister and reverse powers and I get to build an ice palace? Hell yeah! And I'd almost get beheaded by an evil Prince but eh, what's new?
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Rapunzel is definitely my favourite Disney princess, but I was also a Daisy Duck girlie and my favourite unofficial Princess was Elodie in The Black Cauldron. Sassy, doesn't let people boss her around. Favourite character in general though Marie from The Aristocats. Cute but fierce kitten.
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Hope that answered your question, now I'll turn the tables back on you...
@askstevella what Disney Movie would you be trapped in for a day and what are your favourite Disney characters in general?
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Open to you guys too! @ask-missparker @finlayholmes @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @thechoooooosenone
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endlesstwanted · 8 months
Sam Wilson Bingo R3 Masterpost
My pasterpost for the latest round of @samwilsonbingo!
I only got to make five fills this time, no bingo, with a few pairings that were new to me like Bucky/Joaquín/Sam and Sam/Thor. All info below the cut, enjoy 🫶🏽
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G2— Joaquín Torres
Slide In, Came With Perfect Timing
Bucky Barnes/Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson | Explicit | 4,1k words Summary: Sam and Bucky find their baby asleep when they arrive home from a mission, so they decide to try something new and swap places for the night. When they wake up, Joaquín catches up on the surprise of the change as his Daddy and his Papi remind him how good it felt to be fucked in his sleep.
O2 — Phone sex
Magic Morning Sounds
Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson | Explicit | 1,5k words Summary: Steve’s away for the weekend, and Sam wakes up missing him. Well, Sam and his cock.
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N3 — Free space
Sky Holds All Our Hopes
Thor/Sam Wilson | Teen | 1,1k words Summary: The Wilson Royal family receive the visit of Lady Darcy and her bodyguard, which to the prince and princess means to reunite with their lovers.
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I4 — Pet names
Midnight Snack For Good Boys Only Snack For Good Boys Only
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson | Explicit | 1,3k wordsSummary: Midnight finds Sam catching up with some reading when he realised they've skipped dinner. Bucky, as the well-behaved boy he is, hasn't complained about it, and his dad agrees to give him a treat.
O4 — Steve Rogers
The Hell I Can’t!
Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson | Teen | 1,8k wordsSummary: After Sam gets hurt on the job, he hides so Steve doesn’t find out. Literally. Because he can’t look like a fool in front of the man he’s in love with, right?
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ao3feed-sambucky · 3 months
[Podfic] nothing like a princess - by napricot
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BwDojeL by Abraxas Sam Wilson's fugitive life, post-Accords: taking refuge in a kingdom that might as well have been magical, in a sprawling palace set against beautiful mountains and jungles, where there was a handsome man cursed and trapped in a deathly sleep in a glass coffin, and a kind and just king who was working to heal him, and a stalwart warrior from a far-off time who wouldn't leave his cursed friend, and, hell, Sam even knew a witch. Surely Sam could be forgiven if his thoughts turned to fairy tales and Disney movies. Bucky's kind of like a Disney princess. Sam would maybe like to be Prince Charming. Words: 5, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 7 of Adventures in Podficcing Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson Additional Tags: Post-Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), Sam Wilson-centric, Bucky Barnes's Notebooks, Hurt/Comfort, Podfic, Podfic Length: 3-3.5 Hours read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BwDojeL
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granatkoroleva · 6 months
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨
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Ongoing Masterlist for @cabottombingo
Current fill status 2/25
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Ⓑ ① Prompt: AU: Camboy
Ⓘ ① Prompt: Porn Collection
Ⓝ ① Prompt: Mourning ✪ The Mourning After ✪ Modern!Steve Rogers x Ghost!Bucky Barnes ✪ Link
Ⓖ ① Prompt: Impact Play
Ⓞ ① Prompt: Man Out of Time
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Ⓑ ② Prompt: Improvised Bondage
Ⓘ ② Prompt: Lipstick
Ⓝ ② Prompt: Secret Sketchbook
Ⓖ ② Prompt: AU: Lawyer
Ⓞ ② Prompt: Image Prompt
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Ⓑ ③ Prompt: Holding Hands
Ⓘ ③ Prompt: Interrupted
Ⓝ ③ Prompt: Free Space
Ⓖ ③ Prompt: Rendered Mute
Ⓞ ③ Prompt: “Who the hell is Bucky?”
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Ⓑ ④ Prompt: Road Trip
Ⓘ ④ Prompt: Filth Kink
Ⓝ ④ Prompt: Kid Fic
Ⓖ ④ Prompt: Three Wishes
Ⓞ ④ Prompt: AU: Royalty ✪ Lost In The Depths ✪ Kelpie!Bucky Barnes x Mer!Prince!Steve Rogers ✪ Link
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Ⓑ ⑤ Prompt: AU: Personal Chef
Ⓘ ⑤ Prompt: AU: Fairytale
Ⓝ ⑤ Prompt: Grooming
Ⓖ ⑤ Prompt: Image Prompt
Ⓞ ⑤ Prompt: Speed Dating
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A/n: graphics created by @rookthornesartistry
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