#princess luigi supremacy
anxious-like-luigi · 1 year
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My Luigi account disappeared so I’m posting my art in this new account
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I'm hopping onto the older mario & younger luigi trend except putting my own personal twist onto it.
tw for bad luck with foster care and child abandonment
Mario was sixteen when his parents abandoned him, leaving him with his one year old baby brother. They battled the foster system and Mario struggled so much for three years to try and gain custody of Luigi. For so long he was only allowed to visit, but he was so desperate to have his little brother (his only family left) back in his life that he resorted to giving up his dreams of becoming a doctor so he could get a stable job in the Wrecking Crew, finally winning custody of his brother, who was four at this point and extremely skittish due to having bad luck in the Foster system.
Mario felt like he failed as an older brother, and deep down he felt like he failed as a parent. But he always tried to do his best for Luigi, trying to keep him in education and give him everything he possibly could. At around six years old, Luigi called him dad for the first time. Mario then sat him down and said he couldn't call him dad, as he felt undeserving of the title. He didn't feel like he deserved to be the dad of this bright and brilliant child, all he wanted was to give Luigi a good life.
Luigi was a prodigy student, graduating high-school at 15. But instead of going into higher education like Mario had wanted him to, Luigi instead insisted he'd start working with him so Mario could start his own business and not have to stay in Spike's company.
This is when movie canon goes down. It's more severe, as this is Mario's *kid* in danger, and he'll do anything he can to get him safely back in his arms. Whilst alternatively Luigi is nothing if not a teenager, who's so dead set on the idea that his dad is going to save him that he doesn't feel the need to be too afraid.
Well, we'll see how long that lasts.
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silly-inky · 11 months
Luigi beats Bowser's Ass
So I came up with this scenario in my head while daydreaming, @skulls-soul told me it would be a good idea to share it. Do forgive me for any poor writing I'm not used to describing/ writing fight scenes
TW // violence, Minor descriptions of blood, mention of swords
Bowser is fighting Mario and all out and Bowser is determined not to loose this time. Mario mostly has the fight under control when out of no where He gets hit by Bowser's tail and Smacked into a wall, this knocks him out and causes his head and nose to bleed which sends Luigi into panic mode.
Luigi was getting Peach free from her cage while Mario was battling Bowser. Luigi sent her to go check on Mario so he could go over and fend Bowser off. Bowser ends up knocking a pillar over to try and crush the defensless Mario, unaware Peach had rushed over there to help him out. Thankfully Luigi was quick on his feet and used his powerup to make himself bigger, he then drop kicks the pillar so It would fall a little ways away from them with a thunderous crash, cracking the stone floor Beneath them.
Now Luigi was Pissed. Bowser tried to crush not only Mario but Peach as well, he didn't care he didn't mean to harm Peach, but he still wanted to kill Mario and it would have ended up crushing both of them if he didn't act fast enough.
Luigi turns to Bowser fury in his eyes, the true definition of death stare. Bowser was distracted, still a little taken aback by the fact he almost actually hurt Peach, so he was late to process that the green plumber had just boosted himself towards his head, he had jumped from wall to pillar to any other surface he could use to eventually launch himself at the massive behemoth himself.
He Strikes Bowser right in the nose to disorientate him as he results himself to land on the turtles shoulder to steady himself, grabbing onto both of Bowser's horns like a bull rider. Bowser growls as he tries to get Luigi off of him but is unable to grab ahold of the man, but he was to fast. Luigi leaps off of Bowser's shoulder, horns still gripped firmly in his hands, with enough force to throw the King forwards and body slam him making the floor rumble and stone rattle and crack as dust fell from the ceiling, if it wasn't for the fact he had seen his brother do this so many times before, he would have assumed the floor was about to give way.
Bowser was laying on the floor for a moment before Luigi grabs hold of his tail and swings him around, throwing him into a wall just a he did to his brother, however he ended up going straight through the wall forcing and Luigi follows quickly after him.
Bowser's troops were outside the exterior of the castle so as Luigi is making his way towards Bowser he now had to fight of the guards, which he does with ease at this point. He headbutts, kicks, dodges and punches his way through them, at one point he's surrounded by so many he waits until they are all close together in a tight crowd before he grabs a few of them and uses his Thunder hand, schocking all of them. This doesn't kill them, but it did leave them incapacitated for the time being.
After he deals with them he returns his attention to Bowser who is starting to get back up, albeit winded. Luigi runs up and kicks him in the gut knocking him onto his side, using one of the guards shields laying on the floor to shield himself from the fire Bowser spews out in an effort to stop Luigi and defend himself. The flames licked at the edges of shield, watching as the metal slowly began to glow red from the heat, but it did its job well at protecting the plumber, by some miracle the metal didn't burn Luigi.
Luigi keeps wailing on Bowser to the point he doesn't try to get up anymore, he waits until enough of his strength returns to throw him off. And when he does it just pisses Luigi off more. Luigi grabs a sword from another guard he landed near and charges towards Bowser. He uses his Thunder hand to shock him enough to put him on the ground again.
Luigi climbs on top of him and is screaming at the top of his lungs as he holds the sword high above his head glistening in the shine of the lava around them as he planning on swinging it down on Bowser's head. Bowser has genuine fear plastered across his bloodied face as all he can do is stare and watch as this once very meek plumber was about to kill him. Everyone watches on, the guards that have come back to consciousness can only look on, and Peach looks on in horror from the other room. Was Luigi really about to kill Bowser? No.
Luigi screams again and as he brings the sword down Bowser closes his eyes, waiting for the metal to slice through his scales and flesh. Then he hears the clanging of metal next to his head. He's almost to scared to open his eyes until he just hears Luigi's harsh and heavy breathing. He opens his eyes to see Luigi still stood above him on his chest, but no sword in hand. He was seething, but he was also scared. Luigi got off of Bowser and walked back towards Peach and Mario, still trying to control his own breathing, but before leaving Bowser he said "please don't make me do this again." and then walks off to go help Peach and Mario. Bowser doesn't chase after them, he only watches, his eye's never leaving Luigi as he helped his brother stand up, his right arm swung around Luigi's shoulders while his left was swung around Peach's.
How come he has never seen this side of Luigi before? He can't decide if he wants to fight him again, or not to test the man in fear, what if next time he didn't throw away that sword. He took the blade that was left laying on the ground next to his head in his hand. He almost killed him.
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Round Two of our Smash Bros Sexyman contest is concluded! Here are the results!
Match 1, Mario v. Samus: Samus Victory! (Hello lesbians, nice to see you. Though it would been funny if Mario won the entire contest.)
Match 2, Dark Samus v. Luigi: Luigi Victory! (And Luigi's win streak continues. Is he doing absolutely nothing? Who knows, this is in text form)
Match 3, Princess Daisy v. Princess Peach: Princess Daisy Victory! (Tomboy supremacy remains supreme, it seems)
Match 4, Sheik v. Falco: Sheik Victory! (Better shape up, furries. You're losing ground!)
Match 5, Lucina v. Ganondorf: Ganondorf Victory! (it seems not even the lesbians can stand against the unstoppable force that is the villain fuckers)
Match 6, Chrom v. Meta Knight: Meta Knight Victory! (Himbo supreme loses to literal goth kickball. More at eleven)
Match 7, Zero Suit Samus v. Solid Snake: Zero Suit Samus Victory! (Bisexuality: Civil War)
Match 8, King Dedede v. Lucario: King Dedede victory! (Hail to the King, baby. He is peak male performance, after all)
Match 9, Wolf O'Donnell v. Rosalina: Rosalina Victory! (The Furries have fallen! I repeat! The Furries have fallen!)
Match 10, Little Mac v. Robyn: Robyn victory! (Fire Emblem sstill got shooters baby!)
Match 11, Palutena v. Shulk: Palutena Victory! (Horny Bisexual Goddess eradicates Shulk Nation, more at eleven!)
Match 12, Cloud v. Corrine: Cloud Victory! (Sad wet cat anime boy victory. Whoda guessed?)
Match 13, Bayonetta v. Ridley: Bayonetta Victory! (Man, not even the monster fuckers can stand against her, can they?)
Match 14, Richter Belmont v. Isabelle: Richter Victory! (I guess cuteness can only get you so far...)
Match 15, Joker v. Banjo: Joker victory! (And like that, the Furries have gone. They have passed away, into the west.)
Match 16, Bealyn v. Sephiroth: Sephiroth victory! (Yeah... bout what I expected.)
And that was round two! Round three of our Smash Bros Sexyman Contest, coming soon!
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tabuuatfacetroid · 9 months
What has happened to the Nintendo Realms?
Everything I could have possibly wanted. Finally, I have complete unadulterated power in my Hands, and the Realms are close to being mine, and when they are, they will be consumed by the depths of Subspace forever.
I supposed I have @motheratfacetroid and @dsatfacetroid to thank for my rebirth. After years of Master Hand and Crazy Hand domineering the Realms as if the so-called Guardians were their puppets, the overlords of supremacy within the Realms had gotten sick of the Hands' antics and decided to take the reins for themselves. They sieged Final Destination, laid waste to both of the Hands, and incidentally destroyed the Monolith Crystal within the heart of their fortress. That infernal crystal had kept me bound ever since my last conquest ended in failure, all because I foolishly believed I could rely on those same puppets to fulfill my vision... but their inadequacy was the chink in my plot. But with the crystal obliterated, I felt my strength regaining like never before. All those plans, all those dreams, all those vendettas I swore to enact were finally tangible once more, and I finally took vengeance on them: the Guardians, the Hands... All of them.
With the pathetic pantheon of the Realms weakened by Mother Brain, I enslaved both Master Hand and Crazy Hand to my Chains of Light once more, I began my conquest across the Realms with an army of Primids at my side. I started at the precious beacon of innocence and hope for the Realms... Mushroom Kingdom, and in the middle of Princess Peach's 30th Birthday Party, I succeeded in the unthinkable: I killed Mario. I smote him with my amber-blood dagger, trapping his soul inside to fuel my strength. Not even the purest of Green 1UP Mushrooms could save him. The retaliation that came thereafter was violent as I slew Rosalina, the Alpha Yoshi, Wario, Donkey Kong. A select few like the cowardices Luigi, Waluigi, and Princess Daisy managed to escape my blade... but it didn't matter. After I executed Princess Peach, I took her crown, the Relic of Super Mario Galaxy, and crushed the crown in my hands. With the Realm destabilized, I could permanently shroud it in darkness. The left over R.O.B.s I had helped set up a Subspace Bomb, which detonated in the center of Mushroom Kingdom.
It bores me to go over all the little details that followed afterwards, but my conquest only became tedious after that. The crumbling of Super Mario Galaxy sent a rippling warning to the other Realms of my arrival, which only made me move up my timeline instead of relishing every moment of their demise. The next to fall was Hyrule, as I slew the virtuous Zelda and that traitor Ganondorf, using the power of the Hands to extract the Triforce of Power and Wisdom from their souls and into my hands. In the center of Hyrule Castle I detonated another Subspace Bomb, one so powerful it consumed the entire Realm. Only Link and his despicable Master Sword—the Sword that Seals the Darkness—remains as that hero fights in the shadows. But even he cannot survive the depths of Subspace for long. As my shadow bugs hunted down the Ancient Guardians of Hyrule and consumed them, they became my new agents. It won't be long now until the Triforce of Courage, the third and final piece, is mine.
The same story occurred with the Lylax System, Ivalice, Angel Land, and various alternates of a planet known as Earth. I admit, the power I faced when I came to most of these Realms was significant, but once their Guardian and their Relic was crushed, they bent to my will. There are a select few Realms that still evade my submission... the Realm of Pokémon and the Realm of Archanea and Valentia, to name a couple. But the most difficult I had faced after that was Dreamland. It is quite difficult to imagine that such a small, seemingly adorable, pink puff ball could cause so much damage. Kirby was my greatest threat yet... the power of the Star Rod enabled him abilities that could free the Hands. But once I captured his friends and smote Meta Knight and King Dedede, and took the demon's soul, Kirby was without allies any longer. Kirby escaped on a Warp Star, but with him no longer in Dreamland, that gave me the leverage I needed to consume Dreamland in eternal darkness, erupting the largest of Subspace Bombs in the center of Planet Popstar.
The grand conquest has been tiresome, but the consumption of the Realms, devouring the souls of the Guardians, and vanquishing the power of the Relics now leaves me eager to satiate my thirst for total control. I have decided to save the Metroid Realm for last, in gratitude for the inadvertent service of Mother Brain and Dark Samus of releasing me from my bonds. But when I am certain Kirby and Link are destroyed, then and only then will I begin my dominance of the last of the Realms.
And then all will fall under me.
All will fall under Tabuu.
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anxious-like-luigi · 1 year
My Luigi blog just disappeared when I went to reblog some stuff to it so I’m trying to remake it
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Here are my posts from the account I’m talking about:
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anxious-like-luigi · 1 year
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My Luigi account disappeared so I’m posting my art in this new account
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anxious-like-luigi · 1 year
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My Luigi account disappeared so I’m posting my art in this new account
Based on art and an au by: @arrowsperpetualcringe
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Slipping through my Fingers.
Luigi & Mario, Mario/Princess Peach
Luigi, the kid he had named.
The kid he had raised.
The kid he had fought for.
Was now somewhere Mario wasn't sure he could reach. Now all he could hope was that this wasn't the end, and that he'd be able to get him out of whatever mess he had gotten into.
Like he always did.
An Alternate AU of the Mario Movie where Mario is Luigi's older brother by 16 years, and has done everything in his power to make sure he's safe. But when the events of the movie go down, he's faced with the hardest challenge he's had yet.
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Luigi in my au
Bowser: *sings Peaches to him to get his human advice* so, what do you think?
Luigi: you REALLY don't wanna know what Peaches stands for where I come from
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Guys I became too absorbed in the mareach content in chapter 6 we r now at 5k words SOMEONE STOP ME
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Chapter 4 of 'Slipping Through my Fingers' is out!!
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Chapter 3 of 'Slipping Through my Fingers' is published! Buckle up for the angst train, choochoo!
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apologies if this isn’t within the spoiler free era wjfjdj, but did luigi ever consider going to college/finding a well paying job after high school, or was it always stay close to mario and help ease some of his burden?
Hehe! That's a spoiler so I cannot share, however, I am nearly done with the first chapter and I will be posting the link on here to it so you can read and find out then. Tysm for leaving an ask, I get so excited when people do! Feel free to leave more questions about any topics, for example, Peach's childhood (cuz Peach is also going to be a main character in this), or Mario's experience fighting for custody, stuff like that!
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So I'm halfway done with chapter 3 of 'Slipping Through my Fingers' and... well, brace yourselves.
Incase you haven't read it yet, you can check it out here! Chapter 3 hopefully should be out at some point today! ♡
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