#printable dungeon idea
sincerely-sofie · 10 months
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Could you do me a favor and tell me literally every piece of info abt dnd you can? Asking for an aster
@amethyst-aster (just so you see it)
so. this is long which is why there is a cut. i feel i ought to foreworn you that i read the entire players handbook cover to cover the summer i turned 11 because i was lonely and autistic. i memorized it (mostly. little rusty on some of the magic rules but whatever). /not sarcastic so! this is EXTREMELY LONG.
first up! your basics:
dungeons and dragons is a tabletop roleplaying game first created in 1974 by gary gygax. that's not so important. what is important is this: it is currently in its fifth edition (shorthanded as 5e). that is the one i know the most about and it is personally the one i think is the easiest to play, but thats my own preference. my biology teacher thinks 5e is bloody stupid and he plays the second edition (2e), which i find much harder and more limiting.
There are three core rulebooks, and a number of supplementary books.
The most important of those three (and the only one you need to know, really, unless you're the one running the game) is called The Player's Handbook (PHB). It contains the rules for building a character and playing them.
Because it will run you upwards of $50USD per copy, here is a pdf of it on archive dot org.
The other two is the Monster Manuel (MM) (a book of all the monsters in the game) and the Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG) (a book of how to run a game, but you don't need it as a player). They are here and here.
There are a number of d&d youtubers who have tutorial videos on this type of thing. my favorite is Ginny Di, but there are literally dozens out there.
A Character sheet is the thing you have all the information about your character recorded on. It comes in several variations, but this is a free form fillable pdf version, and this is a free printable (both from the wizards of the coast (wotc) website, but the second is hosted on archive.org) (wotc are the company that owns the copyright to the game).
A class is the vocation of the character. its what they do with themselves, but its not necessarily a job.
A race is the character's species. this is also called their species, but in offical material you'll see it called their race.
A background is how their past shaped the character.
A backstory is that past.
Ability scores are the abilities of the character, they are determined with dice rolls. There are six of them, and many years ago someone explained them with tomatoes and that's still the easiest way to explain them in my opinion. You figure them out by rolling 4d6 and adding up the three highest numbers, for a total of 6 times.
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ID in alt text. [I cannot find the original source, I am sorry, nor the graphic's source]
There are various types of dice, conveniently labeled with this image below:
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The d20 is the most important; its what you'll use to roll ability checks and saving throws and etc.
If you don't have your own physical dice (they are advalible online, at barnes & nobles, and at your local gaming store, but many people don't have a local gaming store (me)), you can roll them on many websites. My preferred one is this one, but any work. Google has its own built in, too.
So. You have your dice, now what?
Now you make a character sheet! there are many videos online explaining how to do this (there is a lovely one here and here), but i'm going to explain it here how I generally do it.
Take your character sheet, and come up with an idea. Who do you want to play? A gay disaster who can shapeshift? a hobbit? a chaotic ginger with too many cats and a habit of making deals with eldritch powers? You can be whatever the hell you want. alternatively, you can look at the options in the PHB first, and go from there.
Step 1- Pick a race/species.
There are well over 30 of these, and I'm not listing them all. But the ones advaliable in the player's handbook are as follows:
Dwarf. Your sterotypical mining, axe wielding, beared fantasy dwarf. ex: Gimli, in Lord of the Rings
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Elf. Traditionally depicted as tall, graceful, and living in the woods. Generally have pointed ears. ex. Legolas in Lord of the Rings.
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Halfling. Literally just renamed hobbits, so they don't get sued. Known for being short and excellent cooks. ex. Frodo, Sam, Merry, & Pippin from Lord of the Rings. (I can't seperate them, it feels wrong)
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Human. We all know what humans are. Generally viewed as very adaptable species in d&d! also in real life. ex. Bill Nye the Science Guy.
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Dragonborn. A bipedal species descended from dragons. They're cool as shit. ex. I literally cannot think of one i'm sorry.
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Gnome. Known for being very tinkery, small, and causing mischief. Also, for some reason, for being in gardens. ex. Pike Trickfoot from Critical Role.
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Half-elf. Half elf, half something else! They generally have a lot of angst, but not always. Sometimes people say they combine the best of both worlds (elf and human), and sometimes people say they have it really shitty. ex. Keyleth from critical role.
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Half-Orc. half orc, half something else! I dunno really how to describe them. ex. Fjord Lavorre from Critical Role
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Tiefling. A humanoid species with horns and a tail, and often brightly colored skin. Extremely Gender in my opinion.
Step 2- Pick a class.
There are 12 core classes, and one more added in a later book. I'll go over all 13!
ARTIFICER. A magical tinkerer. A bit like leo valdez in pjo? Their core stat is intelligence. In my opinion they're very complicated for a first character ever, but do what you want its your game i do not care.
BARBARIAN. If you want to wear no armor, have an axe (or other weapon), and charge into battle shouting, this is the class for you! its fun and decently simple for first time players, in my opinion. Core stat is Strength (and constitution).
BARD. Someoe who uses the magic of creation to do shit. Also known for seducing anything that moves, but that's optional. Core stat is charisma. Seems simple at first, but they have a lot of spells to manage at later levels, but they're not too hard. The main guy in the d&d movie is one.
CLERIC. They're healers and warriors. Generally have got some sort of divine magic, but don't necessarily have to. Semi-difficult? I haven't ever played one, so I don't know how easy it would be for a first character ever. Main stat is wisdom.
DRUID. Person who turns into animals and respects the enviroment. Basically, the lorax, but less orange and with more turning into animals (druid lovers out there i am sorry for saying y'all are the lorax please don't come after me with pitchforks). they're okay for a first character but they can be a little confusing. Main stats are wisdom (and constitution).
FIGHTER. Someone who fights things. The most basic of the d&d classes, and one of the simplest for first time players, probably, but I haven't ever played one so who knows. Main stats are strength or dexterity.
MONK. Person who punches people a lot. Like Aang from avatar: the last airbender. Main stats are dexterity and wisdom. They seem simple, but one of the mechanics is slightly confusing, but they're still really simple.
PALADIN. Your tradition knight. A guy (gender neutral) in plate armor with a horse and loyalty issues. I love playing paladins so much, they're great. Personally I think they're a little confusing. Main stats are Strength & Charisma.
RANGER. Someone who wanders through the forest and fights things, like strider (but not like aragorn) from lotr. Core stats are wisdom and strength. My first ever character was an elf ranger named Thia Nailo. She was awesome. Rangers can also have pet panthers and shit, and sometimes small dragons (not tiny dragons, though. Like horse sized dragons).
ROGUE. A thief. My second ever character, and the first one who I played for any significant length of time (thia's campaign died out) was a half-elf rogue named Enna Helder-Kromlin. Rogues are a really good class for first time players, I feel like. Core stat is dexterity.
SORCERER. Someone born with magic. Main stat is charisma. They can be a little complicated.
WARLOCK. Someone who made a deal with some sort of higher power (eldritch being, god(s), etc) for magic. they make bad decisions for a living and its awesome. my favorite ever character was an elf warlock named Mara. Her patron lived in a shield and she had a wisdom of 5 but a charisma of 20. Core stat is charisma.
WIZARD. Gandalf. Someone who studied magic and learned it that way. Main stat is intelligence. They can get really complicated, really fast, but they're still a viable option for your first time.
Step 3- Backstory
There are other things to do, but its late and i'm tired. What you need to do from here is figure out what your character's life was like before now. Or, if you dont want to, then get a vibe for their personality or something.
When you have a character, your DM (Dungeon master, the person running the game, the ''narrator'') will give you scenario, and you roleplay your way through it.
Literally anything can happen. It's d&d. the rules are suggestions, not actual rules. Make it what you want it to be!!!!
If you have other questions please contact me I love them even if it takes me forever to answer them sometimes.
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kingdoms-of-fate · 3 years
Dungeon Encounter 1
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A set of ice stairs leads down into a hall of stone. Snow drifts have seem to collected on the steps and piles of snow have gathered around the base.
Note 1: Anyone passing through will find it slippery with the snow, which comes up to calf height. You can require players to move half distance or some sort of roll to push through the drifts.
Note 2: Getting into the snow drifts triggers the statue B
A ten foot statue of a snow (angel/demon/elemental) stands on a block of ice facing the stairs.
Note: When any player enters the snow drifts upon the stairs in A, the statue will unleash a breath of snowy air. This effect can be anything from cone of cold to a few points of cold damage depending on the level of party.
A wall of translucent ice seems shattered in the middle as if something long ago has broken through.
Note: This should give the players an idea on how to break the ice wall at H.
This is a chamber of blue and gray icy stone floors with ice covered walls. Several pits surround the area, reaching about ten feet down and are filled with rows of sharp ice shards. Your breath hangs in the cold, stinging your throat and lungs and in the center is a block of ice 10x10x10 in size.
Note: Anyone moving across the room will find it very slippery as a thin layer of ice covers the ground. This will require players moving at half speed or require a Dex related check to not fall Of course any checks made should increase in difficulty the faster a character tries to move. A fumbled roll could see the player falling into an ice pit F
This is a block of translucent ice that glows with a faint ambient blue light. The sounds of a swirling snowstorm can be heard as a whisper if one gets close and perhaps words that are muffled by the winds.
Note 1: The block is a transformed Water(ice) elemental. Depending on the difficulty you wish to use, the block of ice can have hit points as per an elemental of a certain size, a block of ice of its size, or stone. As the block of ice is mostly an obstacle encounter, I suggest going with higher hit points so the players are forced to solve the challenges around the room G, H, while avoiding the ice block. Fire should do increased damage. For added challenge, the block can deal cold damage upon contact, regenerate drawing in the cold of the room to heal damage, or even spawn small ice elementals that break off from it to protect the block from players' attacks. Once the block is at 0 hit points, it will shatter.
Note 2: The whispered words are the elemental trying to communicate in its native tongue. It could be for aid in transforming back to its original form, or a warning of the chamber beyond or gibberish, depending on the DM's choice.
Note 3: Once the players have entered the chamber for two full rounds, the block will activate sliding across the ground trying to ram the players into pits or into the walls. You can use an attack score vs their AC, or have them roll a save to dodge. If hit, they take d6 ram damage, are knocked back 5 feet and must roll a DEX related check or fall, with a critical fail being launched into the pit F. They will also fall into the pit if within 5 feet of pit F when failing.
An icy pit that drops 10 feet into a bed of sharp ice shards.
Note 1: Falling into a pit deals fall damage (ten feet but the pit can be deeper) plus d6 damage for the spikes with an added d6 for each ten feet a players falls. Example: 20 feet - 2d6 falling 2d6 spike damage The spikes can do additional cold damage for added difficulty and force the player to roll a freeze check as if hold person, their bodies freezing or becoming stuck to the spikes.
Note 2: Climbing out will require a climb check but the walls are icy so it will be an increased difficulty.
Several chains ending in loops come out of the wall.
Note 1: Pulling on the chain requires a DEX related check to not fall, a fumble of a 1 resulting in falling into a pit F.
Note 2: All four chains must be pulled to open the portcullis at H For an added challenge, all 4 chains may need to pulled at once, or strength checks required to free the chain from the frozen walls
A large wall of translucent ice gives only vague images of the room beyond, a faint aura of blue and orange coming from the other side. Before the wall, a portcullis bars the way.
Note 1: If all 4 chains are pulled G, then the portcullis will rise.
Note 2: The wall of ice can be broken through once the portcullis has been raised. For an added challenge, the ice wall can be impervious or resistant to damage requiring the block E to break. A player can stand in front of the wall trying to get the block E to hit them and then with a successful dodge, the block will slide past them into the wall, breaking it open.
This room sends out a blast of frigid air that stings the skin upon contact. Snow and ice cover the ground and spending more than a few moment within the frozen chamber begins to hurt. Upon an altar of blue ice, an orb of frozen blue pulses with light. Several bodies frosted with snow lay at the base. In the upper part of the room, the remains of a titan lay half buried in the snow, a large two handed sword, its metal glowing a deep red embedded into the rib-cage.
Note: Upon entering the room, anyone not immune to cold begins to take cold damage, the strength of which can be determined by the level of the party. I suggest d6 damage per 3 levels of the party max of 5d6 - saves should be allowed.
An icy sphere hovers inches above a solid cylindrical block of ice. It hum's like the sounds of moving ice-sheets cracking in the far north and slowly spins. Encased inside is the item you have come for (key, magic item, prisoner, etc)
Once the door is opened, the players escape, popping back out the same door they came in.
Note 1: Cold damage to the players should double within 5 feet of the sphere.
Note 2: Touching the sphere will result in the titan corpse K to animate and attack.
Note 3: Using the fire-blade placed in the titans chest can break the sphere allowing the players to get at the item.
Note 4: The bodies are of dead adventures. They should have equipment ice-coated and stuck to the floor. However if thawed, the players could find treasure and magic items. The treasure can be random or geared to the players. (Maybe some solid ice potions of healing, useful once thawed)
Titanic size bones lay frozen in the snowy mounds with a large two handed sword, its metal glowing a bright orange, the end embedded through the rib cage. The blade has a series of runes in ancient script glowing a bright yellow with engravings of flame along the pummel and handle. It stands nearly 10 feet tall and casts a reddish glow on its surroundings
Note 1: When any player touches the orb J, the skeleton will animate and attack. You can use huge skeleton stats for the fight.
Note 2: If the players touch the sword before the orb, the bones will turn to ash. However, the sword is hot to the touch and weighs nearly a 100 pounds. It will deal d6 fire damage to anyone who tries to wield it. The sword cannot be welded in any useful way in combat, however, a STR roll can be used to swing it at the orb J, shattering the magical field encasing the item.
This could be a small encounter or one part of a much larger Ice themed Dungeon.
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tumbleweedtech · 3 years
The Witcher TTRPG
The current English version of the Witcher TTRPG is created by R. Talsorian games. They have a bunch of great, in depth worldbuilding stuff for you to use. It's wonderful, and I've used quite a bit of it for my fics- including characters and lore that are exclusive to these ttrpgs!
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All you really need to play is the first one, of course. I do a lot of writing using the second, though. The Witcher's Journal is absolutely fantastic, with a lot of backstory of the Founders of the Witcher Schools. Erland of Larvik is whollly owned/created by R. Talsorian. to buy >> https://talsorianstore. com/collections/the-witcher-trpg However, sometimes complicated RPGs are hard to get into! Or you aren't sure how to remove/ignore/homebrew what it is you want, because you're just so used to D&D 5e.
Please remember- Dungeons and Dragons is a brand name. Just like Kleenex. We may use it interchangeably with any role playing game, but it is something owned and defended by Wizards of the Coast as their Intellectual property. They can and have sued people in defense of it!
Now! If you need something a little easier!
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Free! >> https://www.drivethrurpg. com/product/281212/Witcher-Easy-Mode
But R. Talsorian has also recently released the Manticore School Expansion- filling in a portion of the world we didn't have before. I really love it, and have been working on a Witcher OC that's a Manticore. Their entire philosophy/creation is so different and intriguing!
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This is another expansion that's totally free! In order to get your hands on that, check out https://rtalsoriangames. com/downloads/ and you'll find quite a few free downloads and expansions, including printables!
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NOW onward to my *favorite* thing that delights me greatly, as I have a WIP I've been working on that isn't using this expansion, but I was pleased to see how we have/had similar ideas on a certain topic: This isn't technically R. Talsorian, but it is created by some of their folks, and is yet again, free. So it's ... fanwork of fanwork, I suppose! But if you wanted to see more representation in the Witcher!Verse, please enjoy:
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IThis is a TTRPG Suppliment you can use regarding disability in the universe, and is great to read as a writer, gamer, DM or player. It's totally free, and has some fantastic new Witchers to play with! Free>> https://rpggeek. com/rpgitem/347542/medicine-path-disability-supplement-witcher-pen-pa And if you'd like to learn more about the Pondsmiths (As this is a family-run company) you can check more out here: https://rtalsoriangames. com/the-r-talsorian-crew I hope you've enjoyed my little loveletter to the work that the Pondsmiths have put into making more representation, accessibility, and enjoyment into the CDPR Witcherverse. <3 I'm not putting any of this under a cut because fuck you look at the art xo
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onlyawfulrpgideas · 7 years
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Struggling to cobble together background characters on the fly and want to avoid a world full of generic stock characters? 
Fill out a stack of these simple NPC books. They print out four per A4 sheet (one sided) and fold to make a little book - general profile on the front, combat on the back and a blank middle to record notes about events which occur involving this NPC.
I invested the time to roll up over a hundred of these (using the DM guide, chapter 4) and now whenever I need a new minor character to deliver a plot hook or something, I just shuffle through the stack of ready-to-play characters and choose one that suits.
“Loyalty” scale is something I came up with, so it might not be an actual feature of the game, I don’t know. Essentially, this is a measure of how likely they are to help or hinder: +3 being devout following and -3 being deep dislike. Maybe use this as a modifier to any social interaction roles with them, to add a touch of the cantankerous.
The combat page does not have a stat block or much detail because these are intended for characters which are unlikely to see combat, except in the (not too) unlikely event that one of your PCs goes rogue.
Feel free to print these, use them and distribute them. Credit would be nice, but I won’t hold you to it as long as you have fun playing!
Check out Brom, our love-sick Dwarven artist as an example!
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the-fabled-flame · 4 years
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Just launched! My new The Fabled Flame newsletter is now available! And as a thank you for signing up, you get free printable initiative trackers!
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brightload6 · 3 years
Dmg Pdf Dnd 5e Map
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Dnd 5e Monster Manual Pdf
Dnd 5e Players Handbook Pdf
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Resources & Links Page. The 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide was released in 2014 as the last of three core rulebooks for the new edition. On the staggered release schedule, Jeremy Crawford wrote 'our small team couldn’t finish the books at the same time and also ensure their high quality. We could either stagger their releases, or we could sit on the books until all three were finished'. The D&D Fifth Edition Dungeon Master's Guide on p14 suggests using three map scales: Province - 1 mile per hex, 5 miles per inch; Kingdom - 6 miles per hex, 30 miles per inch; Continent - 60 miles per hex, 600 miles per inch; The DMG suggests that these scales are useful in that a full page map.
Once download this dungeons and dragons character sheet 3.5 pdf. You can also print this sheet. D&D 5e(5th Edition) Character sheet Fillable Form PDF. This sheet can be used for filling your 5th edition character sheet. In this, you can able to fill the character name, strength, and other options.
A cone in 5e is defined such that. A cone's width at a given point along its length is equal to that point's distance from the point of origin. That is a 53-degree cone, not a 90-degree cone as 3.5e used. Thus the diagrams given from the Pathfinder SRD are not applicable. If you don't want to just eyeball it you have 2 choices.
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I'm looking for printable maps of dungeons and combat locations for published D&D adventures that are sized for minis. More specifically I'm looking for the Lost Mine of Phandelver, and Princes of the Apocalypse. I find that pausing a game to draw out an area is both time consuming, and creates an awkward pause in the game flow. Being able to bust out some printed maps would really help. I don't mind paying a few bucks for good maps. Does anyone out there know of a website that might offer a product like that? Any personal experiences out there? Thanks!
With a little elbow grease, a pen, and some white sticker paper I doctored up a D&D character sheet that incorporated my house rules as well as some of the optional rules from the DMG. You can download a PDF of this here (if you would care to). https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5q-SrbFhJetT1l6QmZPT29NSWc/view?usp=sharing I talked about most of the optional and house rules that I'm going to use here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaFWNggKkVE 'O5R' is a combination of some of the ideas from the old school renaissance (OSR) and 5th Edition D&D. See below for more information and for some links. http://samwise7rpg.blogspot.com/2015/05/o5r-dungeons-dragons-5e-optional-house.html Character Creation: Step 1. Determine Ability Scores via 4D6 drop the lowest straight down the line. Start at the first stat, roll, and then record the total for that stat. Page 13, and 173 in the PHB). Step 2. Choose a Race. Page 11, and 17 in the PHB. Step 3. Describe your character. Choose your character's Background and Personality details. Page 13, and 121 in the PHB. A character's starting equipment will be given out based on the details in their Background and Class. Step 4. Choose a Class. Page 11, and 45 in the PHB. The Classes will be limited to the Cleric, the Fighter, the Ranger, the Rogue, and the Wizard (the 'Big Four' plus the Ranger in other words). The Cleric and Rogue will be modified to show the rules changes found below. Step 5. Come together. Page 15 in the PHB. Optional/House Rules: 1. Remove Charisma and all of the associated skills that go along with it. Players will engage in role-playing without any social mechanics. Those skills that are listed in Classes and Backgrounds will be replaced with other skills. Spell descriptions that call for a Charisma saving throw will instead be a Sanity saving throw (see below). 2. Add a Sanity stat, with one skill under it called Mental Stability. This new skill will be one of the ones that replace some of the social skills that I removed in the class descriptions. Seem DMG page 258 and 264 for details on Sanity and Madness.
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3. Instead of a static Proficiency Bonus I am going to use the more random Proficiency Dice optional rule found on page 263 of the DMG. 4. I won't be using any of the feats. 5. Inspiration can also be spent like Plot/Story Points which is an optional rule found in the DMG on page 268. I am going to use Option 1 and Option 2. Option 3 is more for GMless games. 6. The XP character advancement chart will be modified to stretch out levels 1-6 a bit, as those earlier levels are my favorite in D&D games. 1st lvl 0, 2nd lvl 1200, 3rd level 2400, 4th level 4800, 5th level 9600, 6th level 16300, and 7th level and above are the same as those found in the PHB. 7. Success at a Cost, found on page 242 of the DMG. 8. Side Initiative, which is also in earlier versions of D&D. DMG page 270. 9. Slow Natural Healing which is on page 267 of the DMG. 10. Lingering Injuries which is in the DMG on page 272. 11. Massive Damage found on page 273 of the DMG. 12. No Opportunity Attacks. They are listed in the PHB on page 190, and 195. Reactions to spells and class features still happen as normal. 13. Instant Death happens at negative constitution instead of a negative maximum total of hit points. PHB 197. Make one single Death Saving Throw with Con modifier as a bonus. 14. Traps don't always go off, and they will fail a certain percentage of the time. I still need to figure out how often they should fail. 15. Spellcasters will need to announce BEFORE initiative is rolled if they will be casting a spell or not (remember that I will be using Side Initiative). This is to show how obvious it is with they waving their hands all over the place and muttering dark words that a spell is close to being cast so that they can be targeted by the enemy. If a spellcaster takes one hit point of damage before it is cast (before their initiative) the spell fizzles and it will not be cast that turn. They do not lose any spell slots however. 16. Shields can block successful attacks a percentage of the time. This will be a roll of the dice, but I'm not sure which die to use for this yet however. If the roll is successful then the attack is blocked entirely. This makes shields more important and I just like the way it feels in play. This rule is from the game Dragon Warriors.
Dnd 5e Monster Manual Pdf
O5R Google+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/109886975214721228437
Dnd 5e Players Handbook Pdf
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hydralisk98 · 4 years
Still trying to figure out my niche
So I like linguistics (natlangs and conlangs alike), vintage editors, retro-style games/mods/demos/engines, collages, mood/stim-boards, vector graphics, early-mid web design, grand strategy sims, tarot, dice, TTRPGs, QGIS, FreeCiv, foldable 3D papercraft toys, pseudocode, printables, Gashaupon, desktop customization, 2D animation, explorative writing games, writing prompts, 
Use of multiple conlangs and natural languages at once
Exploration and documentation of little-known technologies
2D layered animations
Ideas to record
Video dictionary per theme
Photo collages
Photo albums
Card decks
HTML5 CSS3 ECMAscript11
SVG animations
Desktop customization (Shimejis and more)
Alone in Cyberspace
Dwarf Fortress
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Dungeon Crawl Soup
GB Studio
from HTML5.2 down to SGML tutorial
CSS3, CSS2 and CSS1 tutorial
JavaScript and crafting libraries tutorial
Markdown+Argdown tutorial
Explorable explanations
5x5 chess
Century spice road
What do you meme?
ZX Spectrum
Commodore 64
Apple II
IBM-compatible computers
DEC VT-180
DEC Rainbow 100
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Linux Mint
Arch Linux
Inferno OS
MS-DOS 6.11 >> Windows 3.11 for Workgroups
Windows 2.02
Paper sprites
Paper models
Cylinder worlds
HP 86B
Lisp machines from Symbolics
Xerox Daybreak and Star and Alto
Pflaummen & Aperture Science compters
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infinitemachine · 5 years
Minis Gazeteer: Fungi
Being an overview of  various fungus minis available for your 28mm RPG.  
I was actually surprised at the lack of weird fungus creatures. For D&D, aside from Myconids, you usually get Violet Fungus and Shriekers, and that’s….that’s about all there is. Let’s cover those first, anyway. And let’s be honest — there’s nothing spectacularly different about anyone’s violet fungus or shrieker minis that set them apart from anyone else. Here is Reaper’s Bones Black version of the violet fungus:
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And their Shrieker: 
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Here’s the Pathfinder version, the “Purple Fungus” (links to an ebay listing).
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Any particular reason to prefer one over the other? Not really. You could even make your own pretty easily by following DM Scotty’s directions.
With that out of the way, let’s talk Mushroom Folk. They come by a variety of names. The unfortunate thing is that mushroom-folk tend to be really cartoonish. Indeed, you may as well use the nearest Nintendo Toad or Toadette or even Goomba minifig as use most available minis. I’m going to save myself and you a lot of time and only mention the ones that stand out to me. The official D&D version are the Myconids, and honestly the WizKids Myconids are some of the better mushroom folk minis around. They avoid most of the cartoony pitfalls, they have lots of little details that make them fun to paint. They are inexpensive (like most WizKids minis). Solid.
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After the WizKids version, things start to turn Toadish rather quickly. However, I would recommend checking out a couple others as well, including:
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Otherworld Miniatures’ myconids,
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Krakon Games’ Mykelings
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Mirliton SG’s Fungoid
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Song of Blades’ Fightin’ Fungi line, which is a mixed bag but has some winners.
You can find a few others on this thread over at randomplatypus, but a few of the links don’t work at the above are mostly the best I’ve been able to find.
One last stop for our Mushroom Folk category, is the Fungus Queen, Zuggtmoy. The official Gale Force 9 mini is really all you’d ever want for it:
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Reaper also has a Fungus Queen, which takes it in a different direction. I suppose they could both be aspects of Zuggtmoy?
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If you want your bard to seduce a mushroom demon, I guess.
Moving on from mushroom folk, we come to Mushroom Beasts. Here we have some more variation and creativity. Let’s start with this 54mm “Myconid” by A Villain’s Lair, available as a 3d Printed mini from Shapeways. (I have tried to stay away from 3d Printable minis for this guide, since i don’t have access to a 3d Printer, but apparently Shapeways prints the items for you? I’m not sure.) I know this is called a myconid, but it’s going to be too big to use as a standard mushroom guy, and looks-wise, it’s not going to be something you parlay with in a darkened alleyway.
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Pathfinder has a couple good fungal creatures, including this Ghost Fungus:
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See also this undead-ish “Fungal Guardian“:
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(The Song of Blades line that I linked to above also has some fungal zombies if you want to go this route.) WizKids has another take on a fungal zombie as well, this time from their DND Ravnica line, the Fungus Drudge. I have not seen one in person, but all the pictures I’ve see make me very iffy on the paint job of this one:
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Another MtG: Ravnica mini, which I like a bit better, is the Saproling. It’s not my favorite version of the saproling from the card game (I like the more recent tokens with bright colors) but it serves as a smaller fungal beasty:
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(I actually bought a couple of the saproling minis, and I think they go very well with the WizKids shambling mound mini -- they look like very small mounds themselves, or perhaps the mound looks like a giant saproling. Either way.)
 Moving on,  Epic Salvatore Creations has this Phantom Fungus:
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I’m sure there must be some other fungal monsters out there, but these were the few I was able to come up with so far. I have a couple other left-field non-standard suggestions before we’re quite through, though. The first is, the Mi-Go. These are monsters from the Cthulhu Mythos, and are from the planet Yuggoth, and are fungal creatures. They’d fit in perfectly but be a surprising addition.   
Reaper has a great Mi-Go:
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Pathfinder has a Mi-Go as well:
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The Dust minis game has Mi-Go with ray guns!
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The board game Mansions of Madness includes two Mi-Go minis which are pulling brains out of human heads!
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Other Mi-Go minis you might want to check out:
Fenris Games
Black Cat Bases
EM4 Miniatures
The Ancient Evil miniatures
Modiphius’ Achtung! Cthulhu
All right, that’s all the “official” fungus minis I have to talk about. Here’s one more item, though: a while back, I postulated that perhaps — just perhaps — unicorns were just horses that had been infected by a fungal parasite, much like the cordyceps fungus. And that their horns were just parasitic extrusions. This idea had been touched on previously, apparently, by Charles Stross in his short story “Equoid”. Given this idea, I think a few undead unicorn minis would fit in with this list. (Really, if you want to mess with your players, you could just a cordyceps extrusion onto virtually any other mini to make a fungal parasite variant of it. Take it to the extreme: have a dungeon where everything is infected, it’s all one fungal organism.)
So here is an undead unicorn mini:
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“Flaming Undead Unicorn” by Stonehaven Miniatures
And here is one more (Chromatiz from Zombicide)
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There we go. Have I missed anything important? 
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oldschoolgaming · 6 years
Gary Con XI
Last year’s trip to Gary Con was supposed to be a one off, a ‘Trip of Lifetime’ but as you might have read in last year’s blog post it was an experience I was keen to repeat.  I worked hard, I saved my pennies and with the support of my ever amazing (& non gaming) wife I planned a return trip to Lake Geneva.
Sadly my good friend and travel buddy Isa couldn’t join me on this year’s trip so I traveled to Chicago on my own, this time on a direct flight from London.  
I’d planned to arrive a day early to allow my body clock time to adjust.  Asking around about sharing transport from O’Hare to Lake Geneva I got a message from a friend I’d met at last year’s convention.   Jason Hobbs was kind enough to bring his trip forward a day, picking me up from the airport and driving up to our B&B in Lake Geneva.   We made plans to head over to Madison and meet Alex Kammer, another acquaintance from last year’s event.  Alex runs Gamehole Con, another Wisconsin gaming convention held in the autumn.  He is also a big collector of old school D&D books and memorabilia  We were able to check out his amazing collection, housed in a custom gaming space he calls ‘The Gamehole’
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The Gamehole
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This is a 1st printing of the 1st Edition AD&D Monster Manual, signed by Gary Gygax.
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As well as books Alex also has some unique artifacts.  This is the original map of the Forgotten Realms, used to define what is now the default setting for Dungeons and Dragons today.
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The exceptionally rare English module ST1 ‘Up The Garden Path’
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Me, with a rare first printing of Chainmail, the ruleset written by Gary Gygax and Jeff Perren.  Chainmail preceded Dungeons and Dragons and was intended to be used in the original edition of D&D to resolve combat.  The system we use today for D&D combat has evolved from what was originally intended to be the ‘alternate’ rules for folk who didn’t own a copy of Chainmail!
We got back to our B&B around 10pm, but my body clock wasn’t fooled, it knew it should be 4am and I’m sure I entertained Hobbs with some pretty hard core snoring on the drive back!
Now I’m a believer that if you do something twice it becomes a tradition so on Wednesday we met up with Bruce Heard for our now traditional pre Gary Con lunch, at the ‘Next Door Pub’  Bruce is always good company and it was great to catch up with him.  I was pleased to hear his latest ‘Calidar’ product is taking shape, I’m excited to receive my copy from the Kickstarter later this year.
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After lunch we headed off to the Geneva Grand Resort, home of the convention to pick up our badges and get settled in.  
We arrived a little early so I had a short wait before my room was ready.  It was while I waited in the bar watching people arrive that I started to realise that this trip really was going to be at least as magical as the previous year.  You see, the magic of Gary Con, for me at least, is the people.  Having just picked up my badge and not even rolled a single dice I was happy so see more friends arrive.  Much hugging and laughing ensued, setting the standard for the days to come.
On Wednesday evening I ticked off ‘Dawn Patrol’ from my ‘want to play’ bucket list.  Michael Bolam facilitated an awesome intro game for a bunch of newbies and despite rolling badly (winning initiative is a bad start in this game!) I survived my first game and even got my first ‘kill’
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After the game I had time for a couple of beers in the bar, catching up with friends old and new before getting an early night (well, midnight?) ready to start the gaming the next day.
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On Thursday morning I ran my first game of Dungeon Crawl Classics (The 13th Skull) for a great table of players, most of whom had some experience of the system.  I felt like it took me a couple of hours to hit my GMing stride but the pace accelerated pretty quickly.  The party making good progress until my dice suddenly ran hot and we finished with a TPK!
My afternoon game was the session I was most anxious about.  I was running my own adventure for ‘The Umerican Survival Guide’  and I whilst the table was full of familiar faces I was nervous running for so many creative folk!  I think it went down ok, we certainly laughed a lot and I’ve got some ideas to tweak the adventure before I run it next at the UK Games Expo.
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Thursday evening was another great social night, both in the hotel bar and at the party I was invited to by my roommate. 
It was great to have a few minutes with Luke Gygax.  Luke is the driving force behind the convention and Gary Con is a fantastic tribute to his dad.  I’m sure Gary would be happy to see thousands of people gathering to play games in his memory.
“I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else.”
Gary Gygax
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I also got to chat and hang out with bunch of other well know D&D faces.
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Satine Phoenix 
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Stefan Pokorny, aka ‘The Dwarvenaught’
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with Jon Peterson (”Art & Arcana” & “Playing At The World”) and Mike Carr (”Dawn Patrol” and “In Search Of The Unknown” for D&D, amongst others!)
Whilst it’s great to see the new wave of D&D ‘Rock Stars’ promoting the hobby I think chatting with Mike Carr and him shaking my hand to congratulate me on my first ‘Dawn Patrol’ kill the previous night was a highlight of the convention!
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Back in the bar I met up with more of the tribe, including Tom Tullis of Fat Dragon Games who produces the amazing 3D printable minis and scenery I use in a lot of my games at home.
Friday was my Birthday.  I started an epic day of gaming running Operation Whitebox, a World War 2 RPG by Pete Spahn.  It was really good to finally meet Pete and once again he had generously donated copies of the rulebook to all my players. He stopped by during the game to sign books and hang out.  I had a great table of friends new and old who worked well together to complete their dangerous mission behind enemy lines with only two casualties!
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I ran straight from my own game to sit at Stephen Newton’s table for his DCC adventure.  Stephen’s a great judge and I was pleased to be back at his table this year. This was a completely new adventure to me and I was playing with a great bunch of players with a wide age range, kids through to adult.  I’ve had some really great experiences playing at mixed tables with kids recently and this game was no exception! 
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After this game Stephen and I headed off to the next game, we were both playing in ‘Blacklisted in Lankhmar’ run by Jen Brinkman.
This was my first time playing with Jen and I was excited to grab a spot in this game at almost the last minute.  Normally coming to the end of 12 hours of gaming my mind and attention would be wandering but Jen is a captivating judge, and DCC Lankhmar is a lot of fun - a great game perfectly reworked to fit this classic setting from the works of Fritz Leiber 
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I was planning a couple of quiet birthday beers before another early(ish) night - but it was not to be!  I certainly wasn’t expecting to have the a couple of hundred people in the bar singing happy birthday before I was presented with this amazing cake by friends Dave and Kathy.  I may have been a little drunk and emotional that night!
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Saturday Morning’s game was my Dark Trails funnel adventure.
I squeezed a couple of extra players around the table for this and although I’ve added to it since it’s first outing at the UK Games Expo it’s clear I still have some work to do, but I think everyone had fun.
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One of the extra players was a fellow twitch mini painter, Ali, it so good to meet her and take delivery of the minis she had painted for me!
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Saturday afternoon I found Carl Heyl’s drop in/drop out Basic D&D game.  Carl is the current host of long time Classic D&D podcast Save Or Die and I loved sitting in on his game for a little while.
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I had to keep my time in Carl’s game short because I’d signed up to play at 5pm in a ‘Super Secret Playtest’ with Michael Curtis.  
By the time I sat down the secret was ‘out’ and I was excited to find I’d be taking part in the first public play test of Goodman Games 5th Edition conversion of the classic module ‘Expedition to the Barrier Peaks’   This game was a lot of fun on so many levels.  I was out of my comfort zone playing a Bard and in 5th Edition D&D too!  However we had an absolute blast playing through some fun encounters and it ticked several things off my bucket list.  
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Playing with Michael Curtis had been a long standing ambition - he didn’t disappoint, even when he teased me with “Do you want to burn any luck? Oh, sorry, wrong system!”  It was also cool to play a classic Gygax module at Gary Con!
Saturday night was another party night.  After my game I met some more friends in the bar.  Alex, Zach and Greg seemed to have been gaming non stop all weekend but we made time to hang out and enjoy a couple of ‘Old Fashioned’s before the unofficial ‘Cultural Exchange’ social night.  
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With Jen and my roommate Jobe Bitmann
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with Jim and Hayley Skatch
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I did it!  Last year I failed to get all the Spellburn podcast folk together in a picture but here’s proof it can happen without incurring a Phlogiston disturbance!
The cultural exchange ran on and I enjoyed sampling and sharing local beer and food with friends, although the handful of Wisconsin cheese with Ghost peppers that I inadvertently almost inhaled nearly choked me!
As the unofficial event wound down in the early hours I noticed the bar filling up and managed to grab a couple more photos with the celebs.
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Joe Manganiello - my wife is a big fan, clearly she’s just into guys who like D&D, right?  
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Matt Mercer came across as a really nice guy, clearly really passionate about the hobby.
Sunday arrived with even less sleep than previous days but I was able to grab a quick breakfast bite and a chat with my buddy Victor as we walked down to our morning game.
I ran my Red Box D&D adventure ‘Return To Lion Castle’ which is a tribute to the first D&D adventure I ever played.  I only had three players - I’m assuming the other three who signed up were more hungover than me, which is quite an achievment!  We still had a lot of fun and I hope to run this one again soon.
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In the afternoon I sat down with Jen, Bob, Nick and Marlene for lunch.  This is the second year Jen and I have had lunch on the Sunday so I’m calling this a new tradition too!
Speaking of traditions another one that I’m pleased to be part of was my last game of the convention.  Bob Brinkman’s ‘Dead Dogs’ game ran past midnight.  Bob once again did a fantastic job guiding a very full table of twenty (!) players through an amazing improv pirate themed DCC adventure!  I laughed so much I almost cried.  When I eventually had to hug everyone goodbye and walk back to my room I might actually have done so...
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I checked out of the hotel on Monday and had good company for the day having been offered a ride back to Chicago with Doug, Stefan and co, the DCC art contingent.   We had a great pub lunch and checked out the Chicago Art Institute before I took the obligatory selfies at ‘The Bean’ 
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I caught my late flight home and Gary Con was over for another year  
The memories live on and with a little bit of luck (and some hard work!) I hope to be back next year.
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sheridan86bojsen · 5 years
RWBY-Inspired Minecraft Maps
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Epic Jump minecraft maps turned really widespread in 2013, taking minecraft parkour to a new degree. Explore Minecraft world with 1000's of up to date info Minecraft 1.7.10 Maps. Minecraft maps, world save video games and map evaluations. For extra Pc news, evaluations and features . For all the most recent Pc gaming news, . Olann Island latest version: Incredible Minecraft world to explore and play. Some are world or location maps to assist navigate a dungeon or sidequest. MCPE Box: World of Minecraft Pocket Edition MCPE Box .. Most maps that need to make your survival more durable than vanilla Minecraft take their cues from this gem. I believe that my maps constitute Fair Use as Transformative Works. Note: Map Chunk Survival - New Edition works only on Minecraft PE 1.Eleven and later versions of the sport, so be certain to obtain a required one. Mods will be released, and that is just one other one.
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As in an peculiar survival world, you'll have the prospect to seek out ores and other priceless issues underground and even to meet some zombies in one of many featured chunks. You'll be able to decide any in our Download Minecraft section, where you will see not only free downloads for all the MCPE versions but also their detailed description. Where can I download CTM maps like “Uncharted Territory 3”? Survival Maps. Like regular Minecraft survival, however with a twist. Must full the Sky Eden statue of your minecraft character to become .. The most well-liked Epic Jump Map launched in 2013 was the Sky Butter map, in which your rating was butter and the points didn’t matter. Minecraft PS3 Hunger Games Map, Minecraft PS3 Maps, Download and . Minecraft map .. Category Archive: Minecraft PS3 Survival Maps. In early 2012 his Super Hostile Maps had over 1,385,000 downloads and he has since misplaced track of the stats.
The truth is, I tweaked my arthritis whereas making it and needed to limit typing and gaming for over a month, so please, USE IT IN GOOD Health. Not the very best builder but wanted to share my work-in-progress great Deku tree for my adventure map I’m making! I think on Pc you possibly can outline a map for an even bigger area, .. This suggests that any person can create a recreation title on high of the default Minecraft. This means that anyone can create a recreation title along with the default Minecraft. To illustrate there are maps with command blocks that might be part of the map to cross or with them you can create a brilliant-weapon. Hope to see more maps of Final Fantasy, perhaps some of FFIX. CplElio: I will be replaying FFIX in September, so we'll see! Room names specify your place; see the important thing at right. See my information to the great Crystal for big printable versions of these maps, a proof of what the names actually mean, and treasure looking ideas.
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Use a large map dimension and biome scale. ⥋ Variant Amigo Pas, Large Si Spaces, Complete Challenges. On this map you need to complete 20 challenges while surviving on this island! As the maker reveals, ‘you wake up with a rucksack and a torch in hand…’ Your challenges here embody you constructing a home, wheat discipline, lighthouse, forest, small circuit minecart and land complete with a tiny lake and waterfall. The game has developed considerably since these early days when i began taking part in, a time when even animals weren't in the sport and it was totally a sandbox type experience targeted solely on constructing. I've been engaged on building three completely different game maps in Minecraft Bedrock that have been inspired by RWBY. Nevertheless, there are extra tale driven survival maps supplied as nicely, which merge experience with survival. Download the SkyBlock Survival Map for Minecraft, a novel new method to to experience Minecraft, where you begin on a small floating island with few resource.. Ideally, after scanning this text, you currently have an excellent idea on what survival maps are all about, how to outlive the original stages and a few forms of standard survival maps. The largest distinction with survival map is the fact that it is a selected Minecraft map engineered to turn out to be extra sophisticated to outlive when put next other sorts of map.
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OpenDnD Resource Library
So as part of the pro-diversity discord server I run called OpenDnD, which you can join here, I made a master document of dnd-related resources. It’s stored on a google doc [link], but I also figured I’d make a rebloggable version. 
Topics include: make your gaming accessible; creating player characters and npcs; map design; encounter building; worldbuilding, making homebrew content, and music & immersion.
Rest under the cut: be warned, it’s long.
Google drive of 5e core books and some supplements (free)
Assortment of TTRPG books (free)
Roll20 DnD 5e Compendium (free)
DnD 5e System Reference Document - breakdown of the rules into topics (free)
DND 5e sortable spell list (free)
Printable Spell Cards (free)
DM campaign binder template pages (with example photos) for organising  information
Collection of DM assets - tokens, map building things, and so on (free)
DM tips:
Skyflourish’s DM tips (free); “The Lazy Dungeon Master” series (paid)
Haze-Zero's Session 0 Topic List and Guide (free)
Skyflourish's "Getting Player Feedback" (free)
Tips for first-time DMs (free)
Critical Hits archive (free)
The RPG Athenaeum post index (free)
Accessible Gaming:
Dyslexia friendly character sheets - Pathfinder and 3.5e (free)
Dyslexia friendly character sheets - 5e (free)
Large-font character sheet (free)
Braille dice: 64 Ounce Games; Shapeways; Thingiverse
"Dungeons and Dragons and Disabilities" - article on accessible gaming (free)
"Dungeons, Dragons & Disabilities" - another article on accessible gaming (free) 
Converting from other editions to 5e:
“Conversions to 5th edition D&D” by WOTC (free)
Nerdarchy’s “Converting D&D Published Adventures to 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Modules” (video, autogenerated captions only)
Understanding Bounded Accuracy (free)
Player Character Creation:
Starting Out:
Step-by-step playable character creation from the PHB (free)
DND 5e point buy calculator (free)
Character creation tables compilation - referencing all the available character options for D&D 5th Edition by Wizards of the Coast, including the Unearthed Arcana articles, as well as the Plane Shift supplements (pay what you want)
Class character sheet bundle (free)
Monster player races (pay what you want)
Fantasy random name generator (free)
Non-human name suggestions - taken from Xanathar's Guide (free)
Pre-made 5e character sheets - from WOTC (free)
More pre-made character sheets (free)
Fleshing them out:
Comprehensive background generator - automates the process of rolling on all the character generation tables that can be found in the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player Handbook, Volo's Guide to Monsters, and Xanathar's Guide to Everything (free)
We Are Adventurers collective members list - each blog is kinda like an endless moodboard regarding specific classes, e.g. rogue/druid (free)
Searchable database of character portraits of women in realistic armour (free)
Pathfinder random backstory generator (free)
8 extra homebrew backgrounds for a DnD character (free)
Hack and Slash homebrew backgrounds (free)
"Knife Theory" for backstory creation (free)
Personality generator (free)
62 ideas for character flaws for creating a well-balanced character (free)
Skyflourish’s "Four Tips for Character Development" (free)
DnD disability mechanic (free)
Non-Player Character (NPC) creation:
Generating NPCs:
RPG Tinker - NPC creator tool (free)
SkyFlourish's "Instant NPCs" (free)
Random NPC generator; Villain generator (free)
NPC Statblock Compendium - 64 new statblocks for 82 published 5e subclasses (free)
Character Cache - TTRPG character concepts with Fate Core, Savage Worlds, and DND 5e stat blocks (paid)
"Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game" (paid)
Fleshing them out:
Skyflourish’s "Three Motivations for Villains" (free)
The Chatty DM's "Making Memorable NPCs" (free)
Vanir's villainy series: "Proper Villainy"; and "Proper Villainy: The Crockpot Of The Damned"; and "Crockpot Villany" (free)
DM's Deep Dive "Bringing NPCs to Life" (video/podcast with summary below)
Matt Mercer's GM Tips "How To Create Non-Player Characters for RPGs" (video, captioned)
Matt Colville's Running the Game: "NPCs!"; and "NPCs 2! High Level NPCs, Followers, and DMPCs"; and "Bad Guys!" (videos, auto-generated captions only)
International Dialects of English Archive (free)
“Accents 101” masterpost (free)
Map design/ creation:
Premade maps:
2-minute Table Top (free and paid)
Axebane (free)
Dungeonmapster (free and paid)
Venatus Maps (free)
Fantastic Maps (free)
Elven Tower's Map-Adventures Vault (free)
D&D Wiki (free)
Deven Rue (free and paid)
Cartographers’ Guild (free)
Map-making/cartography tips:
Fantastic Maps (free)
Deven Rue (paid and free)
Cartographers’ Guild (free)
Dieter Rams Design Principles - for Dungeon Design (free)
Map-making tools/ map generators
Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator (free)
Dave’s Mapper -  tile-style map creation (free)
Dungeon Painter Studio - Steam app (paid)
Donjon Random Dungeon Generator (free)
Hxtml - hex-tile map creator (free)
Medieval fantasy city generator (free)
Cartographers’ Guild (free)
Random trap generator (free)
Encounters & Encounter Building:
Encounter-building tools:
Token creator (free)
Kobold Fight Club Encounter Generator/ Calculator (free)
Encounter difficulty calculator (free)
DnDBeyond's "A New Dungeon Master’s Guide to Miniatures" (free)
Skyflourish's “Guide to Theatre of the Mind Combat” (free)
Skyflourish's “Guide to Set-Piece Battles” (free)
How to spice up combat! (free)
World Anvil - a worldbuilding/writing tool (free)
A resource guide (/masterpost) for world and map generation (free)
Make your own calendar (free)
Alternative fantasy calendar maker (free)
Candlekeep Forum - Glossary of Phrases, Sayings & Words of the Realms (free)
Drow language info and translator (free)
Fantasy name generators (free)
Random settlement; building; tavern; monument; weather etc generators (free)
20 Random Ancient Monuments (free)
Random magic shop generator - generates lists based on settlement size and shop type (free)
Player rewards:
Random treasure generator (free)
Single-use magic item list (free)
Random trinket generator (free)
The Monster Harvester Handbook (free)
Fur and pelts prices (free)
Pricing magical items/ “Sane Magical Prices” (free)
Unearthed Arcana (UA) rules for downtime activities in 5e  (free) - also see Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
Make your own:
"Beginner's Guide to Homebrewing" (free)
GM Tips - "Creating Homebrew Content in RPGs!" (video, captioned)
Skyflourish's "Reskinning Monsters"; and “Making Monsters Interesting” (free)
"Marasmusine's meter" - a 5e Homebrew Race Design Guide (free)
GM tips - "How to Customise Creatures!" (video, captioned)
GM tips - "Creating Magical Items!" (video, captioned); Magical Items template (free)
"How to write the best D&D adventures ever" (free)
GM tips - "Write One-Shot RPG Campaigns!" (video, captioned):
"The Five Tips You Never Hear When Creating a Homebrew Setting" (free)
The Homebrewery - makes your homebrew writeups look like the official guides; and this thread can help you with text formatting if you're unsure (free)
DM’s Guild
DnDHomebrew Subreddit (free)
Basalt-dnd's homebrew monster statblock directory; and their "other" directory - incl races; spells; items; diseases etc (free)  
DND 5e Homebrew (tumblr blog, free)
Music & Immersion:
Music/ sound effects:
Phanary - atmospheric sounds (free)
Tabletop Audio - TTRPG ambiences and music (free)
Radio Rivendell - medieval-style music (free)
RPG Sound Mixer (free)
Soundsnap - Sound effects and loops (free)
Syrinscape - sound design/ soundtracks (paid)
"Weem’s DM Tips for RP Prompting and Immersion" (free)
"Performance Anxiety - Helping your players hit their RP potential" (free)
“Getting Characters to Roleplay” (video, captioned)
"How to be a better roleplayer" (free)
DndBeyond's "Improvisation in D&D for New Dungeon Masters" (free)
"Creating a sense of immersion in roleplaying games" (free)
"Four tips for writing effective D&D read-aloud text" (free)
Creating atmosphere (free)
RPG races-inspired food platters (free)
"7 props for your D&D game" (free)
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nerdarchy-blog · 6 years
I have been getting Dungeon Crate subscription boxes since box No. 1 and I am, as always, generally pleased with every unboxing to discover what’s inside. The rumors according to the Dungeon Crate newsletter are there’s some changes on the horizon.
July 2018 Dungeon Crate unboxing
From the Dungeon Crate July 2018 insert:
“Summer is here and it’s hot. Like, Shifara hot. In this months crate we feature a new adventure that starts to explore the eastern portion of the Halcyon world, the deserts of Shifara ad the Wailing Plains.  Our new adventure from Floyd Cocklin is deadly and our own treasure for July will enhance each bloody encounter.”
I always like getting these Dungeon Crate subscription boxes each month because inside is a mystery of goodies I will like. And since I did not manually select what was inside it is like a little present. A few months ago they started putting dungeon tiles on the back of the resource card so they are getting more use out of it and I find that so smart. It looks like that is here to stay. This time it is a room with a cool spike pit. Very Nice!
The insert is so cool, it finally made it onto the list of one of the things you are getting: “Sturdy cardstock, glossy finish, and all the info on this crate. Don’t throw it out! Turn it over and collect our line of DC Dungeon Tiles. Each month the insert will feature a new section of the dungeon.”
Inverted Invocations is an adventure for 8th level characters written by Floyd Cocklin. The adventure comes with art, new monsters and magic items. It is 12 pages as opposed to the 4 pages that used to be in Dungeon Crates past. The boss at the end looks like a real challenge for an 8th-level party. If you play this good luck.
Next up is tracker card and warlock pin, representing one of the most popular classes in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. This wet or dry erase allows you to track everything about your warlock. It really is a little mini character sheet ready to use and flavored towards warlocks. It is cool if you are currently playing a warlock. Sadly I am not. 😦
We now enter the miniature portion of this Dungeon Crate. This one comes with two minis, and it looks like they are themed again for use in the enclosed adventure. I always love when they do that. We get Damien, hellborn wizard; and Deladrin, female assassin. (Reaper minis 77149 and 77035 respectively.)  Reaper bones are great assets to anyone who is interested in painting minis. I just so happen to be one of those types of people. I look forward to painting these figures.
The subscription box is not empty yet. The next thing I pulled out is unlike anything I have received from a gaming crate. Stamped with this month’s adventure and Dungeon Crate we get a laser pointer and ruler in one. It measures out 4 inches on one side and 10 centimeters on the other. But on top are two buttons. I am sure you can guess one has a laser pointer as I already said, and you would be right. We see laser pointers used frequently on Critical Role and maybe that is where Dungeon Crate got the idea to add one to their crate. The second button turns on torch light so you can see what a torch might offer you. It is a nice flashlight. I think this is a fun and creative item to get in the crate. I’m happy to have it, but it will most likely get more play with my kids and the cats than at my gaming table.
The last item up on the block is a set of dice — Chessex set 25418 standard black with red numbers. My first favorite d20 was black with red numbers and I never collected a full set, so it’s cool to see that my die of old has some new friends.
That’s it for the physical stuff in the crate but that does not mean the unboxing party ends there. Inside there is always the digital crate!
A full PDF of the adventure Inverted Invocations
Maps of all three levels
Printable Warlock Tracker cards
Insert map
Paper craft sarcophagus
Dungeon Crate Kids Mysterious Message Sheet
NEW FEATURE! Maps from Justin Andrew Mason
So there you are. Lots of great stuff and rumors of new and better stuff to come. Thanks for reading and until next time, stay nerdy!
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Celebrate the spirit of summer with a deadly desert adventure and all the other #RPG #DnD goodies from @Dungeoncrate I have been getting Dungeon Crate subscription boxes since box No. 1 and I am, as always, generally pleased with every…
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lichlairs · 5 years
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Checkout our new post over at https://lichlair.com/5-diy-initiative-tracker-projects
5 DIY Initiative tracker projects
When it comes to Dungeons and Dragons, there’s very few moments more exciting that that coveted “Roll for initiative” from the Dungeon Master. But between setting up maps, preparing your sheets, and actually rolling, it can sometimes be a bit of a tedious process even for the most well oiled machines. But what if we could make that process a lot easier?
1# Printable initiative tracker
Let’s start with probably the most simple of our entries. These printable cards are easy and quick to customize and there are tons of premade options around the web. If you’re artistically inclined you could even make your own! If not, there’s plenty free templates or ones you can pick up for a couple of bucks. Here’s some of my favorite:
The great thing about these ones is that they are completely customizable. Want to add pictures of your characters? Done. Wanna keep it simple with just names? Also great. Some of them even have clever ways to mark conditions.
The downside to printable initiative cards is dual. First, they are mostly used along with the DM screen. If you don’t have access to that, it might be a no go on this one. Secondly, paper, specially when handled often, tends to have a not so great life span. Granted if you have access to some higher quality paper, or even plastic this might not be an issue at all.
If possible I’d definitely suggest laminating the cards. Not only will you be able to write on them with dry-erase markers, but you won’t have to worry about rips and tears.
Paper clip initiative tracker
This is more of a quick solution in case you find yourself in a bit of a pinch. Perhaps you forgot your tracker at home, or find yourself DMing on the fly. All you need for this one is a couple o paper clips and some cardboard or just about anything really.
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Definitely not the fanciest, but it’ll do the job for any impromptu sessions. Unlike simply using paper a pen, you’ll be able to update this one as you go along and can probably relinquish the upkeep to your players as you focus on what’s going on on your side of the screen.
Clothes Pin initiative tracker
This one has recently become one of the most popular options and for a good reason. It is cheap, somewhat customizable, and easy to use. All you need are some clothespins and a sharpie and voilà. Of course there’s pretty awesome designs for these things too. Here are some of my favorites:
That’s a lot of things on the board!
I’ve seen these little initiative pins on a similar setup as above or even simply clipped to the top of the DM Screen. Unlike printables, these shouldn’t cover up your notes. Less is definitely more with these!
Magnetic initiative tracker
This is definitely the most expensive of the options discussed in this article, but even then it’ll probably only set you back a couple of bucks. Hear me out.
Who doesn’t love magnets? As with all other entries in this list, the idea is to have a final product that A) your players can set up on their own with minimum input from the DM, B) is distinctive, easy to understand, and clearly visible, and C) can be updated/isn’t static.
This one you can actually buy, but where’s the DIY in that?
I think this could be a pretty fun and inexpensive project. All you need are a couple of magnet sheets, a pair of scissors, and your imagination. Heck, there’s really nothing stopping you incorporating this to the back of your DM Screen. Got a dice tower? Why not make it magnetic?
Boom. Easy.
The wildcard: Initiative ball
Okay so this one I came across online and I couldn’t stop giggling at how silly it sounded, so I just had to add it in.
Tired of your players getting distracted and forgetting when they’re next in initiative? Why not have an initiative ball? If you’re wondering what that is, well, it’s literally just a soft ball (maybe one of those stress toys) that players can pass around the table. Kind of like a hot potato game. Keep your players grounded by chucking a ball at whoever is looking at their phone.
Your turn, Jim.
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payment-providers · 4 years
New Post has been published on Payment-Providers.com
New Post has been published on https://payment-providers.com/derby-dragon-con-and-burning-man-go-virtual/
Derby, Dragon Con And Burning Man Go Virtual
Every year, Americans cap off the summer with a collective mini-vacation called Labor Day — an event marked with barbecues, trips to the beach, catching a ballgame and pretty much doing as little labor as humanly possible. It’s something of a unique entity, insofar as it’s the only holiday considered best celebrated by strenuously avoiding the thing actually being celebrated.
But like almost everything else that’s happened since COVID-19 lockdowns began in March, Labor Day 2020 will be something of an oddity even by its own unusual standards. This Labor Day will come and go without parades, hot dog eating contests at the beach or various other local festivals. They’ve been called off as too likely to draw large and uncontrollable crowds.
Home barbecues will likely go on, albeit with social distancing in place to prevent COVID-19’s spread. And almost everyone will still get a long weekend off, although how noticeable than will be for work-from-home employees who’ve long since lost track of what day it is remains to be seen.
But we come this week not to bemoan the losses of Labor Day 2020, but to praise the innovators who’ve worked overtime to keep at least some of the holiday’s events going — albeit in digital form.
For example, the Kentucky Derby will be run on Saturday (Sept. 5) for the 146th time this weekend after being postponed from its normal May. However, the new date won’t be the only thing different about the derby this year.
Instead of a packed house at Churchill Downs dressed in suits, dresses and hats fancy enough for an English royal wedding, the racetrack will be fan-free. It will only host socially distanced jockeys and enough track personnel to actually run the race.
Going to the race as a spectator isn’t an option — but in the COVID-19 era, if you can’t go to the race, the race will come to you. Fans can watch via NBC TV or one of the various streaming services one might have chosen to replace cable.
NBC’s app and Web site will also carry the “most exciting two minutes in sports,” although the network doesn’t just want you to see the race, it wants to help a socially distanced home audience actually experience the event.
That’s why NBC Sports’ Rutledge Wood will be hosting a virtual watch party from his home. The event is proving popular enough that the online registration to party with Wood has actually filled up.
And for those who want to have their own derby party, NBC Sports has released a “Kentucky Derby at Home Party Pack” for downloading. By NBC’s description, the pack contains “recipes for traditional Kentucky Derby foods and cocktails, printable decorations, at-home fashion tips, kids’ crafts and more.”
But there are those who may be thinking, “Learning how to make a mint julep or getting fashion tips from sportscasters on how to work a Kentucky Derby fascinator into my end-of-summer look sound great, but I’m just not that into horse racing.”
Well, good news — we have other iconic options for you that are happening virtually this weekend.
Dragon Con 
For those who prefer dragons to horses, there’s “Dragon Con.”
What, you ask, is Dragon Con? Well in a normal year, it’s Greater Atlanta’s annual answer to San Diego’s Comic-Con, a gathering of fantasy and science-fiction enthusiasts.
Dragon Con usually includes celebrity appearances, panels on upcoming media projects and a public venue where it’s not only considered acceptable to be dressed in a full set of chain-mail body armor, it’s highly encouraged. But this year, the costumed mingling is on hold because Dragon Con is going online — creatively renamed “Dragon Con Goes Virtual.”
Running on three streamed channels, the event will feature the ability to catch greatest-hits moments of conventions past or watch exclusive content created for this year’s event. There will also be live panels, online social mingling and even the annual costume competition (with attendees taking part from the comfort of their living rooms).
And yes, the merchandising experience has made the digital jump with the rest of the festival. There will be a Virtual Vendors Marketplace, art show and Comic and Pop Artist Alley. Dragon Con is promising attendees a six-day, around-the-clock shopping experience “with our amazing vendors and artists” — and the first “infinite-aisle” shopping experience the convention has ever presented.
Burning Man 
But what if dressing up like a Star Wars stormtrooper to play virtual Dungeons and Dragons (one of the advertised events) with sci-fi and fantasy fans worldwide isn’t enough of a draw for you? Well, we’ve saved the weekend’s best and biggest digital event for last — Burning Man.
The annual trip out to Nevada’s Black Rock Desert for the world’s cool, trendy, technologically sophisticated and truly dedicated party animals has been called off this year, replaced by Burning Man’s online version. There will be eight online “multiverses” meant to give fans (known as “Burners”) a chance to experience Burning Man minus the desert experience.
How’s the weeklong event (which runs through Sunday) going so far? Well, according to one Mashable reviewer, “the experiences were designed by volunteer Burners themselves, so it is no slight to the org to say that many of these multiverses are a mess. The Ethereal Empyrean Experience crashed my computer. The app page for Multiverse IIR is full of reviews from Burners who paid $8 to enter but couldn’t get it to work. (Some multiverses are free, others cost a few bucks.) The Infinite Playa‘s paid experience is still coming soon’ at time of writing, halfway through the official event week.”
But the same reviewer also wrote that the overall experience is “fun as hell,” particularly for someone wearing a virtual-reality headset. Apparently, hugging another Burner’s digital avatar is incredibly cathartic, and bringing VR capability to Burning Man does in fact create new experiences one has never been able to enjoy before.
“I’ve had the experience of waiting for a friend to join me at the Man many times before, but I’ve never done so 60 feet in the air while chatting to a random dude from the Netherlands,” the Mashable writer noted.
But some Burners aren’t buying into the virtual experience and are heading by the hundreds to the Black Rock Desert itself to celebrate Burning Man in their RVs.
What exactly they plan to do without the people, art exhibits, foam parties or giant Burning Man effigy is a bit unclear. But whatever it is, those interview by local media confirmed they’d stay some 6 feet apart to prevent COVID-19.
“It’s a socially distant ‘burn’ this year, and everybody is really spread out across the desert,” attendee Mike Fowler told local media. The Burners say they plan to leave after Labor Day weekend and that they will leave no trace behind, as is the Burning Man tradition.
As for the virtual Burners, will this be their new tradition? That seems doubtful.
Most reviews have branded the multiverse concept as fun and highly reviewed certain parts of it, like the VR journeys or the beautifully designed “Temple” setting for congregation among burners. But many have noted that it still isn’t really a stand-in for experiencing the real thing live, in person and possibly on acid. Given the chance, nearly all surveyed responded they’d like to get back to the real Burning Man as soon as it’s safe to do so.
That’s the same way we imagine horse racing and dragon fans feel this weekend as they attend virtual versions of their favorite events to send off the summer. While some parts of the digital transformation will likely stick, we imagine these events might not quite be among them as replacements for the real thing.
But as extensions of them instead of full-on replacements? The idea of Burning Man or comic-book conventions becoming both physical and digital events every year going forward doesn’t sound like such a fantasy-like possibility.
The How We Shop Report, a PYMNTS collaboration with PayPal, aims to understand how consumers of all ages and incomes are shifting to shopping and paying online in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our research builds on a series of studies conducted since March, surveying more than 16,000 consumers on how their shopping habits and payments preferences are changing as the crisis continues. This report focuses on our latest survey of 2,163 respondents and examines how their increased appetite for online commerce and digital touchless methods, such as QR codes, contactless cards and digital wallets, is poised to shape the post-pandemic economy.
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hey! Nathan from Project Hatch - Recently spoke to Ricardo Evangelho about creating a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign Setting.How did Hit Point Press come about?Hit Point Press builds and develops third-party gaming accessories for tabletop and role playing games. We started out as a company making unofficial tokens for Magic: the Gathering (M:tG) before branching out into other tabletop and roleplaying games.ImageThe product you've just launched is called “Humblewood.” How does it work with Dungeons and Dragons?Humblewood is a world in which you get to play as birdfolk and other forest animals instead of the usual human, elf, and dwarf races.Humblewood was made to be compatible with the 5th edition. Wizards of the Coast released an Open Gaming License (OGL) which allows creators like us to build within a defined scope. As a result, we can use the specified subset of 5th edition rules to create our campaign setting.You launched Humblewood on Kickstarter. How did you get so many pledges?We’d been building the Humblewood community for almost a year before launching the Kickstarter. We previewed the campaign using teaser images and a free early playtest document. Additionally, we have garnered experience through previous successful Kickstarters. We invest in our community and because of that, we are lucky to have a group of people that have backed us on multiple projects.Our backers also enjoy how collaborative the Humblewood project is. We have a Discord channel that is quite active. We use the Discord to listen to community feedback and share previews of some of the content we’re building.Additionally, we work with 30+ artists - the artists are very engaged with the work and have been invaluable in the development of the visual language for Humblewood. We are so lucky to have such a strong artist team who are excited about the project. The Humblewood team actually found a lot of our artists through their social media or creator channels so it is extremely rewarding to have them, in turn, post and share their Humblewood work with their fans.What other forms of marketing do you use?Our main method of marketing is Youtube sponsorships. We sponsor channels that talk about role playing games. We also enjoy actively seek out newer channels that have a passion for roleplaying games.Towards the end of the campaign I saw you made $150k in a single day and the total campaign reached over $1 million. How did you manage that?!Again, really, this goes back to our amazing community. Getting a $150k in one day was in large part because of community members and content creators supporting us. The Humblewood Kickstarter reaching over a million dollars was all thanks to them. We had a sizable group right there with us on the Discord chat, cheering the campaign on.Updating the stretch goals on the fly was also a big help in getting the campaign to $1 million. I think promising that we would immediately begin work on a follow up to Humblewood if we hit $1 million dollars helped. Some existing backers told us the commitment to a Humblewood sequel motivated them to increase their pledge to the $300 tier.It was an emotional day for us. We spent every second we could communicating with the community. I will admit though, a last minute advertising push didn’t hurt.How did you push the average pledge value up?It is going to sound like a broken record but it comes down to understanding and listening to what your community wants. We don’t design the campaign, launch it, and forget it. The team continued to engage with our backers and regularly update what we offered at the different tiers based on the feedback.With our Kickstarter, we also incentivized backing at higher tiers with strong savings. Normally, the Humblewood book will retail for $50 and while it was offered to backers for $30. The box set was also offered to backers for $30 under the retail price. It’s important to us that we acknowledge those who believed in the vision from the start.Furthermore, we offered a limited edition box set at $100 that was only available through the Kickstarter. The box set included the contents of the base box set, but had an alternate foil cover for both the box and book. Collectors especially like the exclusivity of items like these.Finally, we had a $300 tier that included everything that the campaign was offering.You received a lot more pledges for the Humblewood campaign than your earlier Kickstarters - What lessons did you learn from your earlier campaigns?Our other Kickstarter campaigns helped us get our sea legs and helped us deliver a solid Humblewood campaign for our backers. In a previous campaign, we didn’t properly account for shipping rates. During the fulfillment of another campaign there was an unannounced customs inspection and so we learned to incorporate surprises like this into our timelines. The other campaigns, each increasing in size, helped us work out logistical kinks, and therefore, when we had a campaign as successful as Humblewood, we were seasoned. Even on Humblewood, there were some new lessons learned. Every Kickstarter is definitely a learning experience!Did you actually make a profit on that first campaign?This may sound a little strange but we don’t expect to make a profit on our Kickstarter campaigns. We use them to raise funds for the production. We think of it a little more like a pre-order. The campaign for Humblewood raised over $1 million but most of that was already allocated for the production of books, miniatures, art, writing, and the additional commitments unlocked through stretchgoals.We usually recover and, if we are careful, make profit afterwards with our post campaign sales.You almost use Kickstarter like a launch pad then?Exactly! The Kickstarter helps us pay for the initial production. When the campaign ends, we typically try to purchase enough inventory to cover double the amount of orders we’ve received. That way we have some product to sell after the campaign.How do you go about building a game and testing that people will actually want to play it?We knew Humblewood was a significant undertaking and it’s why we offered a free playtest through our website six months prior to launch. We thought Humblewood was special, but needed to know if this was something people wanted.Every time we updated the playtest, everyone got sent the new version as a free update. Overall we released five different versions of the playtest, which were downloaded over 20,000 times.Providing these playtests allowed us to build a community, as well as get good, constructive, feedback from them about what was and what wasn't working.What is it that tips the balance? What would make you say we're going to dismiss this idea? And have you dismissed an idea in the past?Usually ideas get dismissed before we even start sharing them with the public. We do a lot of behind the scenes research and prototyping, only putting an idea out to our community if we feel confident about it.We've had many projects where we'd start, talk, create prototypes, and then discontinue the project entirely. There are even projects we haven’t taken the first steps with and are sitting on a list of “things to explore.”It’s been a few months since the Humblewood campaign finished. Have you shipped? How are post-campaign sales?For the base book and box set, we're still on track for our projected goal of October. Right now we're preparing the final assets and getting them sent out to the printers. After that, our miniatures will be ready for November.Post campaign sales have been encouraging and we anticipate that during the holiday season will be really busy. After backers have gotten their rewards we will be refocusing on post-campaign sales. Going to PAX Unplugged this December is part of this refocus and will give us the opportunity to get a sense of how the community is receiving Humblewood.Are you working on other projects at the moment? Or are you working on reinforcing this game and its sequel?We actually have about ten other projects on the run at present, not all of them related to Humblewood.We have dedicated Humblewood team working on the Humblewood Kickstarter stretch goals that were unlocked. The Humblewood artists are also working on style guides and more art.At the same time we have others exploring new concepts and building ideas for future projects.How did you break into the industry?I started Hit Point Press (previously Cardamajigs) as a company that focused on M:tG. I began by selling my own designs as tokens and giving them away free as a downloadable printable PDF.I had another full time job when I started Cardamajigs, so as sales started to pick up I brought in someone to help with fulfillment. Being an avid D&D player, he suggested that we use the newly released OGL to create reference cards. His thoughts were, even if the project didn’t succeed, at worst, he would have reference cards for his own campaigns.To gauge interest, in-house, we printed 500 test sets and mailed them to interested players around the world. That helped us understand who our audience was and enabled us to see if the reference cards were something players would use.How do the unofficial Magic: the Gathering tokens sell now? How is that part of the business doing relative to Dungeons and Dragons?Comparatively, the tokens are now a fraction of the business. Most of our team is now focused on the 5th edition content we're building. That being said, given my love for the game, I don’t think the M:tG side of the business will ever go away.You're based in Canada, I guess you sell a lot to the U.S. and nationally within Canada. Where are your other markets?Eighty percent of our market is the U.S, eight percent is in Canada, four percent is in the U.K, two percent in Australia, and it dilutes from there.‍Day to day, what apps do you find useful running the business?For communication we use Discord which allows us to talk with our community and internally with our team and collaborators.For building, we use Adobe Suite. Without it, we couldn't build our projects.For e-commerce we love Shopify, it's a great sales platform we use for all of our sites. Plus, it’s Canadian!For project management we use Teamwork. This software helps us organize the many projects we're building simultaneously and keep in contact with our remote team members.Are you looking into launching into any other games apart from Magic: the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons?There's always new games coming out. It's a matter of finding where we fit in with the game’s community.Right now, the market we're in aligns with our vision so we want to keep expanding our existing offerings.My final question, would you ever sell the company or is it a project you really love?I am really in love with the work I do. Hit Point Press is 100% passion for me. Loving my work is important to me and I believe it shows in what I make. So, at the moment, I couldn’t dream of selling Hit Point Press. I am too excited about what we are doing, about our community, and I wake up everyday reinvigorated because I have the opportunity to build new things.If you enjoyed this post, the original post is here.
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