#my understanding of fanfiction is that if it’s free at a base level then it’s legal
sincerely-sofie · 10 months
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I think everyone will benefit from properly tagging posts. xreader fics abd ship fics ONLY include the relevent _x_ tags but none of the character's name on its own, allowing all the usual fanart, theories and such to stay on the main name tag and not be crowded out by horny fanfiction (I say this as someone who very much enjoys very horny, very smutty xreader fanfictions. I want to be able to search the fics I want directly without having to trawl through headcanon posts, fanart, unrelated ship posts, etc.).
No one really has a tailored experience on the internet (I'm glad tumblr is at least a little more user dictated than advertiser algorithm based), but I do get the frustration and discomfort that comes from the abundant hornyposting feeling inescapable.
It's tempting to take offence to persistent cries against xreader stuff. I like special POV episodes of shows for the same reason I like xreader fics. My favourite characters WERE the company I kept, my only real form of companionship (albeit simulated) for many many years. Not because I am allo, basically. I sought something to meet my social needs growing up where I was unable to find community or companionship in real life.
Unfortunately, because they are usually sexual in nature I just came to associate a need for human connection with sex (so am I allo or just conditioned to blend sexual, platonic and romantic feelings and actions together?). I was just happy to feel like I had someone to hang out with. I knew they weren't real and that I needed to find real people to connect with (not for lack of trying, kids are just cruel. Finally made friends as an adult, yay).
Didn't intend for any of that to be so sad or pathetic, but hopefully it gives context for the prevalence of xreader fics. Alongside the varied reasons people write / read them (no just blind allo horniness), especially in light of the widespread loneliness epidemic over the past decade.
It's still more than ok to not want anything to do with them either (be it due to being aroace or not - I know plenty of allos who find xreader fics cringe).
Something I need to clarify here – we get it. Well, we don't fundamentally get it, but trust me, we've been told time and time again why people would write/draw/be into xreader content (it's all part of the package of "aroaces MUST put themselves in allo people's shoes at all times"), and we know they're perfectly legitimate reasons, and we don't find it sad or pathetic, or cringe. At the very least I don't at all. That's not what it's about. It's not something as surface-level at that.
The thing is... The same kind of understanding effort is VERY rarely put forward in return for us. And the fact that we're perceived as naysayers is symptomatic of this. We're not crying against xreader content. People are free to do whatever they want. We just want it to be tagged to keep ourselves safe, and so we can appreciate some variety and find fandom content we can properly connect with with the identity we have.
The issue isn't that there is xreader content, or heck, that there's lots of it. It's that, as @kaoruko-han put it, "everyone is assumed to be into this", and that you can't express something as simple as "I'd rather read something else" without being finger-pointed as a villain.
Yeah, no one has a tailored experience online, but there's still a very clear lack of balance on what is acceptable to tailor to or not (and for us, that includes tumblr). And trying to find fan-content while being sex-repulsed? Bruh, you'd better pray on your lucky stars and be ready to trudge through an ocean of stuff that's loaded with the very thing that makes you scared, uncomfortable or downright triggers a feeling of sickness in you, because a lot of it ain't tagged. An alarming amount of people don't bother, because why would people like you exist, right? There's only ever them, and puritan bigots. It's that black and white in a lot of people's heads.
Here's the difference though: we, too, want people to be able to vibe to whatever fan content they want. We just wish "people" included us properly in this case. As it stands now, trying to find fan content that won't give you an uncomfortable feeling as a sex-repulsed person feels kinda like this (I'll try to illustrate that to the best of my ability as a vague comparison, please no one take that as a clear parallel, I'm literally just trying to explain how it feels in a way people who have no idea how it feels might understand): you're not into gore at all, you don't wanna look at it, but your streaming platform keeps recommending you those series that are loaded with gore. You try to filter it out, but no matter where you go, you keep being recommended those series. And no one ever gets your discomfort and you're being branded as nothing but a wet blanket for not wanting to see gore. It's kinda like that.
At this point I admire sex-repulsed or romance-repulsed people who still TRY to find anything at all in fandom spaces. I've stopped reading fanfic altogether and I've largely stopped engaging with the large majority of fandom spaces for those reasons. And that wasn't an easy choice, or one that I find fun because it feels incredibly lonely, but it's the result of years of exhaustion and strain on my mental health trying to navigate something that's so hostile to me at its core, even if it's unintentional.
So... Yeah. We know the reasons, just like the content itself, they're kinda impossible to ignore. But we are largely being ignored in this, and it's not just something at an "ick" or "picky" level ; for a sex-repulsed person, being spammed with sex entails much more than that. It's not even frustration anymore at this point, it's downright despair a lot of the time. So... Yeah, like you said, everyone would benefit from stuff being more properly tagged. For us it'd be so huge to know our safety is taken into account – that we're taken into account at all. Thing is, we're not, and we're so invisible in this and most other things that at this point, I don't have much hope. Sex-related controversies allo people can understand would sooner create a change than anything done for our sake.
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bellalove69420 · 7 months
My main struggles with the percy jackson fandom, but its an ADHD rant, that ended up being wayyyy longer than i meant it too.
I can't wait for them to do a heroes of olympus show (I hope so), and most of these leo girls are so surprised when he isn't this super hot, conventionally attractive guy, because in the book he isn't supposed to be conventionally attractive. He's supposed to be kinda ugly, that's one of the reasons he's so jealous of Jason.
It's one of the things that frustrates me most about the percy jackson fandom, is some of the erasure that goes on, in lots of characters. I mean so many. Not only Leo, but also Nico, Piper, Hazel, and Frank. People think of these characters in such ways that are so base level.
There are probably many others, that is just off the top of my head. Now there is things that are understandable, like how Hazel is just a cutie pie, but even then, I feel like people erase how truly powerful she is.
Also, minus nico, this happens mostly to the characters that are people of color, and I'm white, so I don't want to speak to much on something I don't understand. But it is something that happens very much, is that people see these characters as what they are on a base level, but not on a deeper level. Whether that is Piper and how she is barely brought up to be Native American anymore, and Rick Riordan hasn't done this, but I feel like this fandom has majorly white washed her. This has also happened with Frank, who, yes, in the book he does say many times "I'm from Canada, I'm not really Chinese" but thay doesn't mean as a fandom we erase that from him entirely.
This also happens with LGBTQ+ characters, I STILL find people writing nico di angelo x FEMALE readers. Which is unexeptable and not okay. That man has been out as gay for 10 YEARS, and people are erasing that as such a huge part of his character. What is wrong with u, there is a whole chapter that made me SOB as a 13 year old, that you people are not going to take away from me. Especially from someone who was outed.
Also, there are so many fanfictions I read where I feel like everyone's ADHD is just gone, like not there at all. What happened to that? That's such a huge part of how people discovered they were demigods. That's coming from someone who struggles from ADHD, also, if you don't know how to write it, do research, Google is free, and easy to use, and there is many good resources for ADHD research.
So, yeah, as a whole for such a wildly inclusive book series, that I love so much, I feel like this fandom needs to work on the erasure of minorities, as a whole.
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luvlloyd · 5 months
[🌺] hi Aiden Clark lovers!! (and anyone interested lol)
quick question for y’all,
if I were to write a Aiden Clark x reader fanfiction and post it on Wattpad (and or maybe here depending on how many are interested), would you guys read it? I provided an excerpt and additional details of the story so you guys can read my writing style and get the flow of the story. Its just an a portion I took out from my story.
Would this be something you’d guys like to read more about? I just wanna know whether or not I should actually publish it 😭
Thank you sm and have a good one!! <3
excerpt and additional details below cut
feel free to skip, this is just a brief introduction
welcome to tunnel vision by @PR0D13Y
Aiden Clark x Reader
★﹒WARNINGS | gore, violence, death, mentions of bullying, angst, trauma, manipulation, kinda absent parents. (NONE OF THIS IS MENTIONED IN THIS EXCERPT THOUGH)
…As I gazed at my phone, my anticipation was bubbling for a response back. I waited at least two minutes until it dawned on me that she had deliberately left me on delivered. With a scoff, I tucked my phone into my jacket pocket.
I loved Ashlyn, truly I did, but there were moments when her actions got on my nerves. Take now, for instance. Every time I tried to talk with her on a deeper level, she always pushes me away. While I understand that she craves space, her cold demeanor towards me has yet to unfrost, even after seven years from once we first met. We are inseparable, at least in the eyes of others. But in reality, there always seemed to be an invisible wall between us when we talked…
I sighed as I equipped my helmet and mounted my motorcycle, a sleek black base adorned with line art in my favorite color, a cherished gift from my parents on my sixteenth birthday. I gave the bike a pat, murmuring,
"Just you and me, buddy." Glancing at my hand, I hesitated as if waiting for a response that never came… The silence clung onto the morning horizon, leaving a distance feeling of emptiness inside of me.
With a roar, I ignited the engine and maneuvered onto the main road from my driveway, the morning breeze caressing my skin. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a gentle glow on the indigo sky. It felt like a moment of pure freedom from worries and thoughts, just me and the open road. Humming softly, I navigated the quiet streets of my hometown. Arriving at the modest school building, a familiar sight in our small town, I parked my bike and removed my helmet with a smile.
I sat on a bench outside the main door, tapping my feet impatiently, waiting for Ashlyn. My fingers idly scrolled through apps on my phone until I heard the groaning of wheels and the slow halt of a yellow bus. A flurry of students emerged, I spotted a familiar redhead with two braids, her green eyes scanning for me until they locked onto mine. With haste lacing her steps, she made her way over to me.
"Let's go," she muttered, and I rose from the bench, amused by her slight irritation.
"Surprised you have friends!" a playful voice chimed from behind her. She turned, her expression tightening but saying nothing. And then I saw him…
His eyes, a deep crimson, reminiscent of the darkest rose, held a mischievous excitement as they met mine. His slightly disheveled blonde hair caught the early sunlight, casting a soft glow around him. He was an unfamiliar face, but an attractive one if I were to be honest…
He looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and amusement, glancing up at me up and down as if saying, well well well, look what we have here...!
Behind him stood a taller figure, with a boyish face. He was rather lean but had an awkward demeanor to him. Ashlyn shot me a warning glance, but I couldn't resist the urge to open my mouth.
"Hey, I'm (name). You guys must be new here," I greeted, flashing a friendly smile despite Ashlyn's audible groan. Aiden's face lit up with enthusiasm…
Thank you for reading!! Please let me know what you think <3 This is just an excerpt of the text and isn’t the complete chapter.
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evanpeterswifeyyy · 2 months
I’m probably gonna get dog-piled for this, but as a fan of OBX, I don’t understand the hype about Rafe at all.
I can see his visual appeal and the fact that some of yall are into more violent characters (can’t judge, me too). But the entire time while watching the show, I only saw him as a whiney bitch who acted like a numbskull who could only get things done through violence and acting like a big guard dog for the wrong people. I mean, maybe I misinterpreted his character, but that’s how I see him.
So other than at a very basic level, I don’t see the appeal. Feel free to enlighten me if you feel strongly.
Quick side note for those who don’t see my additional replies:
Thank you everyone for your input, I respect your love for the character and this is not an attack.
I kind of worded this wrong, but I do think Rafe is a good and emotionally developed character in the show. The way I described him was more of a summary/ based on an idea that he is not some big dom ‘throw you across the room’ daddy as I’ve seen him portrayed in countless fanfictions. His character has integrity and potential, and I genuinely feel it has been diminished because of the sexualization of the actor instead of understanding his actual character. I don’t think Rafe is violent because that’s how he is (or that he’s some dommy daddy type action). That was my point when describing him that way, which looking back was messy.
My point was—Rafe and his violence is not supposed to be attractive because it’s not who he is. He uses it to get approval. You can tell that underneath he has heart and is redeemable. But I think that there are people in the OBX community that took his violent nature to heart instead of understanding the character and used it to make him more desirable. Hope this clarification helped in this discussion.
I do read all of your replies but I think I said what I needed to so far.
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copper-16 · 5 months
why do you reckon mapi and ingrid may be being more private with their lives? im not tryna be a freak or anything like that, im just curious if something happened for them to do that? or is it just a suspicion you have? again, not tryna come across as weird, i just wish the best for them and totally understand why they wanna be more private considering the eyes on them and especially more if something happened x
Okay so we did end up getting a birthday post (I’ve never been more thrilled to be wrong about something!), but I definitely have seen some discourse about Mapi and Ingrid becoming a little bit more private on social media. Not a whole ton, obviously they still post each other quite a bit (I haven’t really noticed a difference to be honest), but I have seen some people discussing it for some reason.
I think it feeds into a bigger discourse of footballers and the line between their private versus public lives, and where fans fit into that.
Mapi and Ingrid both have been very open in the past, but they are both getting more famous. And with more fame, comes more online abuse and just overall more dialogue about their lives and choices. Perhaps they just want to live their lives as they please, without having to appease or perform on social media, or be subjected to any sort of abuse/homophobia/whatever it is. Everyone has their limits.
I think it’s important for people to remember that these are real people, with real lives, and we cannot grow so attached to people or the idea of a person in our mind that we aren’t still respectful of their boundaries. I probably sound like a huge hypocrite saying this, but as much as I enjoy writing about these women, I don’t find myself in any sort of like para-social relationships with them, and I caution anyone against growing so invested. When I write about them, I’m not attempting to write about real people, but more along the lines of a character that is based off of that person (utilizing the fact that my audience already understands the characters and often the setting, and I don’t have to do that myself). Thats one of the reasons that fanfiction can be so enjoyable for people to write and read, is this idea that it’s easier to understand because both the author and audience already have an idea of the world/people/setting, and the author doesn’t have to spend the time and word count setting that up. It’s not that writing about these people is us trying to invade their lives or change history, but rather utilize our own creativity to think of our own stories. No writer, including myself, should ever claim in this sphere of writing to be writing the truth, because we don’t know these people!
I know there has been a lot of discussion on invasions of privacy, and I might get some push back on this but I figured I would state my own thoughts. People are more than allowed to disagree, I think there’s room for healthy discussion without being cruel toward one another:
I don’t see that big of a problem with writing about or discussing football and footballers on platforms like Tumblr and ao3, where the chances for these people to actually view what is being discussed is very, very low. In my mind, players would at that point be seeking out that information, and that is their choice and within their boundaries to do or not do, as they see fit. People are naturally curious, they have questions and want to connect with others about things they enjoy, and I see platforms like Tumblr and ao3 as a way to do so. People can learn, discuss, debate, etc with the freedom that these players are not on the platform, and will therefore not see what they are saying. I think it’s healthier that way, for all involved, to have a level of disconnect. I do think there are still lines to be drawn on these apps, I’m not saying it’s a free for all, but I tend to be more forgiving of potential mistakes or more risqué posts because I doubt that these people will ever see them.
I personally see a much larger problem being had on platforms like Instagram and Twitter and TikTok, with heavy amounts of abuse and overly harsh criticism about honestly all aspects of their lives. There is a difference between discussion and constructive criticism and bashing someone, or being abusive. Players see these things, we clearly know this, they are people too with feelings and bad days and people need to respect that and have some empathy. I find fault with Tumblr posts when someone on twitter/instagram/tiktok pulls a post and put it on one of those platforms. Why people would do that and open players up to seeing these things is beyond me, and feels disrespectful to all parties involved honestly.
I also see a lot of issues on those apps with invasion of privacy. My take on the issue has always been if a player has posted something, that is public knowledge that is allowed to be consumed, because they have made the choice to post and share that with the world. There’s a difference between scrolling back a few years to find a funny picture of a player when she was younger on her instagram page and ending up on her aunts friends Facebook page, digging up pictures from 2012 to use in some facet. Or taking something that someone has since deleted, or somehow getting a photo from a private account that might be a personal photo. There’s a line, and sure, it might fluctuate a little depending on the person because we all were raised differently and have different boundaries, but I still believe there is still a universal level of respect that can be upheld. We are not entitled to anything, the fact that we get to engage with these women and learn about their lives is a PRIVILEGE, and not a RIGHT. I think people often forget this.
Anyways, this got very long and waxy, which I apologize for. I’m sure I’ll get some pushback for this, because everyone feels a little differently on the subject, but this is simply where I stand. People are welcome to disagree and discuss as long as it is done so respectfully!
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jmdbjk · 2 years
The maknae line
Much has been seen, said, done, thought and fought over when it comes to Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. 
These are just my opinions about Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung from spending hours and hours watching content. I am missing years of witnessing content as its released, but hopefully I have done my due diligence, gone back and watched and I’ve seen enough to come to logical conclusions. 
And like everyone, I noticed the connections between these three as well as their relationships with the rest of the group. They all share closeness due to their respect for each other, their commitment to the group, and their passion to their craft. 
All I want to do is write some stuff down about each of their personalities and my impressions of how they act with each other and what it might mean. These are my opinions and might be stuff you all have heard before but here they are anyway. Feel free to disagree and form your own opinions. Also, please feel free to point out if any of the images I used were edits because I just searched and grabbed some just for illustrative purposes.
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I formed my opinions based on my fandom experiences throughout my life including my journey with BTS which began early 2020 because that is when I actually started paying attention to the individual members. Ok, it was Jimin. Jimin is who I paid attention to at first. (hahahaha) 
Then I started this blog as a way to discern what I was seeing between Jimin and Jungkook, so I will use this as a jumping off point to describe my interpretations of the relationships between Jimin and Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyungie, and Jungkook and Tae.
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RelationSHIPS...I knew what shipping was before BTS, but it wasn’t until BTS that I learned there was an actual word for it. Shipping is a construct of fan culture (as we know) and involves pairing two individuals together and creating romantic or sexual fantasies and imagining extended narratives about them based on what is observed. Or actually, based on nothing other than a fan being (sexually) attracted to at least one of them. Fanfiction and fanart are sometimes manifestations of this shipping mechanism that allow fans to have something “real” that bonds them to the objects of their obsession. Fanfiction and fanart can also be simply expressions of fandom and have nothing to do with shipping.
Most rational people still understand that shipping is fictional, but some are not able to distinguish the difference and believe their fantasy is reality. Please hear me out.
All the members are aware of shipping culture. It’s been part of Kpop since the get go. There’s no way to NOT know about it. And because Army is so huge, there’s a lot of shippers. I think the members most likely don’t pay much attention to it.
Anyway, because I am going to talk about pairing them off, I wanted to speak about my opinion of what shipping is. Now to say my thoughts about each member of the maknae line:
Talking about Jimin first because I’ve been paying attention to him the longest: He is a deep thinker. He is meticulous when it comes to details. 
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Jimin is very empathetic, has very strong compassion towards others. We call him emotionally intelligent because he can sense when someone needs support and doesn’t hesitate to offer it. He can be openly emotional. He feels emotions at a very deep level. At the same time, he can be very closed off and we have no idea what he’s going through. This would be the super-private Jimin. 
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And we know he cares very very deeply about those he loves. I also think he has a hidden need to feel that appreciation and care and trust reciprocated because of deep-seated insecurities about himself that he’s had to work through over the years. 
When it comes to his work, he can be extremely laser-focused on goals. He has a work ethic and ambitious drive that is off the charts. He is a natural self-starter and a natural leader. 
Other words that describe Jimin: Professionalism. Perfectionist. Constant self-reflection. Humility. He has stated a few times that when he realized Army was still standing by them throughout the pandemic, he thought he could have or should have done more in return. 
Jimin lives to be an idol, we’ve heard him say that and we know from years of content that he puts his heart and soul into his singing, dancing and performing. He used to be so hard on himself if he wasn’t perfect. This is his perfectionism and insecurity. 
He has said when he dances he is in his own world. To me, that means he feels a high level of confidence and freedom when he dances and this allows him to be the bold and assertive Jimin that we saw for so many years.* (refer to notes at the end of this post)
In his WeLive last week, he assured us he was living a very emotionally calm and routine life these days. His days are filled with the work it takes to make music. He looks forward to a return to the stage soon to see us because he’s an idol and that’s what he does. He is actively taking care of himself to be the best idol he can be. Jimin has found a version of himself that makes him happy right now. 
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We know Jimin is not really a loner. He reminded us during Festa dinner in June. He is not a soloist, he is part of a group. It is part of his MBTI make up. Personality tests like that will ask the same question over and over, just in different ways. His answers would have leaned toward feeling more comfortable with people, most likely his circle of friends, and not being comfortable when alone. He needs someone to play off of socially otherwise he shuts down. 
And apparently his “recharging” mode is sleeping.**
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As I said, Jimin LIVES to be an idol. He thrives when he’s with the other members. 
Because Jimin is not a loner Jimin needs people in his daily life. People that he trusts, that know all of him. It would make sense that it would be people who can really relate to his lifestyle and life’s work.
At Hobi’s party, after getting over his initial apprehension in an unfamiliar environment, Jimin mingled and spent time with many guests. Instagrams are full of pics of him and others at the party. 
Let’s talk about Kim Taehyung now. 
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Social butterfly Kim Taehyung is definitely an intensely playful personality. He has a great imagination and is very skilled at spinning up a character on the spot and thus acting comes easily for him. 
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And this leads to one of the main things we love to see in he and Jimin’s relationship: their ability to spontaneously jump into roleplay with each other without saying a word.
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Tae has hinted that he’s felt “trapped” (maybe not the right word) in his BTS persona. We’ve heard him talk about wanting to show us other sides of himself as well. He has said that he tried to keep V of BTS and Kim Taehyung separate. This might be something they’re conditioned to do as trainees? I’m not sure, but in Kpop, it’s been said that group members are given a role to fulfill. I don’t know if BTS adhered to this much. If they did at first, they eventually shed this as not being authentic. 
But being one to “act out,” Tae can look at people like they are the love of his life, he has this gaze where it looks like he’s about to take them back to the hotel and jump in bed with them and it is not limited to anyone in particular. The times I mostly remember seeing this are during performances. When he does this it is Tae in full “V of BTS” mode. 
As much as he’s said about wanting to go beyond V of BTS or to find Kim Taehyung, I don’t think he realizes his idol persona TODAY is really not going to be too far off center from his real self because typically as we mature, we just tend to naturally and unconsciously shed behaviors we no longer need to fit in with our peers and social circles. All the members have experienced this. 
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Writing this, I realize I probably have not seen enough of the real Kim Taehyung to really say as much about the private Tae as I can about Jimin and Jungkook.
I think private Tae can be very sensitive emotionally. His family is important to him. He doesn’t like rules much (actually I think all three of these guys pick and choose which rules they want to adhere to hahaha).
Tae explores what’s out there in the world, he is more cosmopolitan and lately, he’s really shown us how far and wide his interests span in his tastes in art, fashion and other passions. He’s kind of an old soul with an avant garde streak.
Tae makes friends very easily and is very at ease with his other male friends.Tae is the kind of person who can maintain many friendships at a high level because of his very social nature. He has no problem introducing himself to others as we witnessed during the Grammys this year.
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Of all the members, I believe Tae would be the one to handle his album release in a similar manner as Hobi did, having a listening party and it be like a laid back piano/hookah lounge vibe type thing where everyone is sitting around on sofas drinking martinis and eating canapes and couple dancing.
At Hobi’s party, Tae flitted about from person to person, danced in the middle of the dance floor like nobody was watching and pretty much was in his element. 
Here’s Jeon Jungkook:
I don’t know how you can hate Jungkookie. He’s like an open book. What you see is what you get. What triggers people to hate on him? I have no idea.
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But Jungkook’s personality... to describe him is to just watch him in action ... I would say Jungkook is the most quirky personality of all the members... the weirdo of the bunch. 
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Jeon Jungkook is an anomaly: starting so young and then finding such global success at such a young age in the cutthroat Kpop industry and still be the sweet, unassuming person that he is, is a testament to how he was able to handle the hard work, grinding schedule, and good luck of having god-given talent and the influence and support of the other members...ESPECIALLY the influence of the others that surrounded him as he grew up.
He is a free-spirit creative. Passionate about singing and dancing and whatever thing is fascinating him this week. The man has perfect pitch vocals and dance skills that are world class. He has a desire to be different. He’s not very outgoing, but like an expressive introvert. Almost what we call a wallflower. Not exactly moody. Aloof? Anti-social is not really correct either. I will find the right word... but definitely NOT an alpha to all you fanfic writers HAHAHA! Definitely NOT the conversationalist that Jimin and especially Tae can be. 
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Half the time, he appears to just be along for the ride, but I don’t think much gets by Jungkook. Very observant. Very intelligent. Very good memory. But sometimes just can’t stay focused which manifests in being fidgety.
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Not an instigator. But not really a follower either... A FREE SPIRIT I SAID! I think he is slightly impulsive too. Has a competitive streak. He has stated he is lazy which to me says he is not a natural self-starter but when he puts his mind to it, will learn a skill or become very disciplined... examples: his boxing pastime and adhering to his conditioning regimen for performing.
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Jungkook has matured enough to take care of himself well these days. When in situations that make him uncomfortable or with unfamiliar people, he can now handle these types of instances with confidence but he had to learn how to do this. Jungkook being the type who is not a self-starter, he needs a motivator in his life, but once he gets started, watch out, the golden maknae will become the master. 
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At Hobi’s party, after checking out his surroundings, Jungkook mostly either sat alone or danced with Hobi. 
NOTE: Of course, I was not at the party, no one except the people who attended can really say how the members were while there and who they hung around most. I only have the available photos to illustrate my points. 
Jimin and Tae:
Their documented history is well-known. They have talked about and displayed their emotional connection many times. I already touched on their roleplay and their soulmate relationship. 
Jimin and Tae butted heads at first, same-agers, young and hungry to be successful at their careers when they debuted, still rough around the edges.  We’ve heard from the other members that Jimin and Tae were most likely to have disagreements pre-debut and in the early years. Still learning how to live and work as a team. Which led to the infamous dumpling fight. The dumpling fight supposedly led to what sounds like an emotional soul-to-soul talk. 
The story goes, they went around sulled up for a while, then got together, talked it out. Probably some (alcohol-fueled) words were said to each other that peeled away layers and layers of emotional self-protection. If you are able to  reach that point, it is very liberating to bare your soul to someone and have them accept you as you are.
I think Jimin’s natural compassion touched something in Tae so profoundly, it made Tae look at Jimin in a totally different light. I think Jimin allowed Tae to feel like he could take (emotional) risks (as a male) that maybe he had not considered or was uncomfortable to do before. And this is the foundation for their level of comfort and ease with each other. They worked it out and the word “soulmate” got stamped on their relationship from there on out. 
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Today, I believe all the members would consider each other mutual soulmates on some level, but Jimin and Tae were the first to reach that level and maintain it to this day.
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Jimin and Tae have told us they speak to each other often. I think they are great supporters of each other’s well-being but I don’t think they spend a lot of time together when not working. Their interests are too divergent.
Tae and Jungkook:
From what I’ve seen, it’s a classic close sibling relationship. I see a lot of rough housing puppy play especially when they were younger. They were partners in crime when it came to being mischievous back then. A lot of physical closeness and skinship. Teasing, some big brother/little brother love going on.
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Nowadays they just seem like best buddies slinging their arms around each other. I think Tae naturally falls into his hyung role very easily with Jungkook. I think sometimes Jungkook is done with it though. It’s like super-intense Tae clashing with laid-back Jungkook... a push and pull that is very subtle but it’s there. 
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I watch carefully but I don’t see a really noticeable emotional connection. 
Jungkook and Tae have a great work relationship as does the entire team. That’s what makes them the top of the game. I see A LOT of interactions between Tae and Jungkook while performing, while they are in front of cameras. I don’t hear much about what goes on between them when they aren’t performing.
I don’t think Tae and Jungkook spend much time (if any) together when not working. Their interests are too divergent. 
Jimin and Jungkook:
Though they basically grew up together, Jungkook was able to mature into adulthood under the watchful eye of Jimin who was years ahead in maturity.
I would say everything Jungkook knows about being compassionate and empathetic toward others, he learned from observing the other members but mostly Jimin. Everything he knows about work ethic, he learned from Jimin. Everything he knows about enjoying life and celebrating other people, he learned from Jimin. How to navigate uncomfortable situations, he learned from Jimin. He’s said more than once that he watches Jimin and its obvious in all the years of content that he’s always watching him.
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There is a palpable level of chemistry between them on-camera. This is the type of thing you can’t really fake. You either have it or you don’t. We’ve seen movie actors have such great chemistry on screen, and then we hear about them actually dating and sometimes getting married in real life. You can’t fake the chemistry. 
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I think Jungkook enjoys a comfort level with Jimin that he does not possess with the other members. I think we all agree on that. There is an intimacy and closeness in their body language and tone of voice toward each other. It’s been a documented fact by staff and people on the street that they spend a lot of time together during work and off work. What they have in common is their approach to their work and what they choose to do off-work.
There is also a push and pull that is sometimes noticeable between Jimin and Jungkook but they are not really like the others. The thing that sets them apart is the lack of honorifics, the body language and the facial expressions. You just have to watch closely. This push and pull is more about their personalities than the age difference/honorifics customs. 
I could go on and on about Jimin and Jungkook because, in my opinion, they have the closest bond amongst the maknae line. I am certain we will continually see this bond between them express itself no matter where they are. 
What does all this mean “shipping-wise”? Since in my mind, shipping means an imagined romantic/sexual relationship, I will say I am not a shipper. Vmin are not dating in real life. Taekook are not dating in real life. 
I will be honest here, when I see taekook trending, I DO look to see what it is and it will be Tae and Jungkook next to each other in whatever the latest content drop is and that’s fine! But I can never scroll very long before I reach a post that is an edited image (edited Jimin out and inserted Tae with Jungkook, etc.) or toxic/negative/hating on Jimin so I stop looking. I never see this level of toxicity with any other shipping groups.
If any of them are dating in real life, it would be Jimin and Jungkook. Not fantasizing, not creating a narrative. Just watching and seeing things as they happen. We know what we think from the things we’ve seen, but the truth is something only they know. 
Further explanations noted with the asterisks:
*That long break during the pandemic almost shattered Jimin’s ability to hold on to those parts of his idol persona that were what we call “shameless and bold”. Where did “shameless” Jimin go? Why are we suddenly confronted with so much “shy” Jimin? We heard him say he wondered during the pandemic what his purpose was since he could no longer perform. Jimin lives to be an idol. I would venture to say all that anxiety really wore him down and made him question everything. And the lack of immediate feedback of an audience during all those recorded performances made him lose his confidence somewhat. His subconscious was telling him “what’s the point of this?” But as they returned to performing with live audiences, we saw hints of the old Jimin returning. During the Vegas concerts we really witnessed Jimin getting his mojo back finally. 
**Comprehensive personality tests will also describe a person’s natural recharging/rest mode. Some people get recharged by being active like participating in sports, being outdoors, or some other highly physical activity, some recharge by reading, gaming or doing another low physical energy/high brain energy activity, others recharge by socializing with people, and then there’s those who recharge by sleeping. All are valid and natural reflexes according to personality research.
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kellyscowboy · 1 year
how do you recommend getting into writing for newsies, i really want to but i lack the confidence as i’m worried about being inaccurate???
hi ml!! honestly, i just threw myself in head first. the newsies fandom, in general, has such a little following that most people are happy with whatever content they can get. at least, that's my opinion.
however!! if you want to fully immerse yourself, LOTS of people do character studies on here. i also recommend checking out a couple of other blogs and reading what they have written for newsies! a couple of good blogs (for character studies & newsies fics) are:
(sorry for any unwanted tags)
also here is a newsies resources masterlist which might help!
aside from all that, i truly think the newsies fandom is one that strives on headcannons. as long as something you write for your character can make sense based on something from canon, you're set. and even if it isn't based on something from canon, who's gonna tell you no? people might disagree with how you write a character, but at the end of the day its YOUR fanfiction and YOUR interpretation.
when it comes to newsies, i think that as long as you understand the characters on a surface level, you can't be too inaccurate. which isn't to say that you shouldn't take the time to dig deeper into the characters, you definitely should! but i think if you understand the basics of a character, that's a really good place to start. you may even find yourself learning more about the characters as you write for them.
also interviews from the actors are good. while not technically canon, they have a better understanding of the characters then i think a lot of us do. uksies specifically has a lot of interviews where they talk about character interpretations.
i hope this helps, i am all over the place rn so if none of this makes any sense i am so sorry. & for anyone else in the fandom, PLEASE feel free to reblog this with extra tips and notes!! (and on a side note, flo i love your works & i think either way, what you write will be amazing!!)
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broomsticks · 1 year
me, seeing if i can bait anyone into diving into BL fandom drama with me 😈
transcript (pdf) here
v interesting episode bringing together some really different perspectives! podcast hosts are australia-based academics who usually focus on china politics—i haven’t listened to any other episodes but they’re definitely on my to-do.
they also brought on an american(?) scholar of chinese history/ art history lecturer at HKU, who reads fanfiction and is interested in chinese tv dramas from the state censorship/regulation pov — and a(n asian?) BL (+ thorki, johnlock, etc) fanfic author 幻想症患者 (love the nick. means smth like ‘suffers from delusions’)
it’s no easy feat to be the lone fanfic writer in this discussion, to have to fairly represent the many aspects to these really complex issues, and there were a couple of rather - honestly not even fandom 101, more like fandom 100-level type questions you’d only get from people with no fandom experience.
on the whole though the hosting was good, you can tell the hosts did a lot of prep on the untamed show and the controversies re. the actor and his fans/his real-life fans fandom
though, on that note, i thought the discussion was a bit muddled between these different groups of ‘fan/fandom’. i have no doubt that everybody in the discussion was clear that these were separate things and which they were talking about at any point in time, just maybe didn’t have the language to signpost/ organize it more clearly, but i could’ve used more structure imo.
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i especially appreciated huanxiang’s point about how (very grossly paraphrased) there is safety and protection and freedom in nicheness and obscurity and (less grossly paraphrased) drama draws unnecessary attention from outsiders who don’t understand fandom - particularly this bit:
I would be very, very careful to link [fandom trends and phenomena to anything (LGBTQ issues etc) in real life], not that it cannot be done. But please don't do that before like, before you have finished like 100, 200 BL novels or something like that with like a full understanding of the space
understanding before judgment! please! yes!
but also — while n=1 is just that, n=1, but i’d be lying if i said i didn’t giggle a little at the undertone of the cultural value(?) that attention, standing out, is a negative thing and viewed with this like default-aversion/suspicion. idk
that said, my main thought re. this hesitation wrt people who don't belong to this community and understand the norms of this community wasn’t so much kinks and fantasies and premier zhou/chairman mao RPF, but rather not showing celebrities rpf of themselves / creators fic of their characters. neither type of wank is great, obviously, and the two types do often go hand in hand, but i’d almost rather wank be brought into the community than leak out of it
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another point alluded to (not really discussed) on the pod that might be new to western media fandomgoers/ my usual mutual circle is that the untamed netflix tv show originated as original fiction published on a site that hosts both OF and FF both pay- and free-to-read. there were fan translations and all, that were taken down after official translation rights were sold (there is a lot of wank & drama on this issue. a lot.)
a 2019 censorship crackdown on the site, unrelated to (predating) the untamed/xiao zhan controversy discussed on the pod
anyway, point being - the coexistence of the two camps — intended-for-commercialization amateur fiction, presumably sanitized and lowest-common-denominator and all that, and niche not intended for wider popularity-type writing — is fascinating. good to know that they can stably coexist in some form, given how much concern there often is re. commercialization of fanworks that the former will outcompete the latter!
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BY FAR THE BEST TAKE - MY FAVE part of the podcast - was dr angie baecker’s response to the question is BL (response is also applicable to slash fic) subversive?
BL is and can be an extremely subversive space. But I also think BL can replicate a lot of structures that are not subversive. I also want to draw attention to the fact that many people in the LGBTQ community, some enjoy BL, some read it, some don't, some hate it.
when you have largely straight women writing romances about gay couples without having much access to knowledge about what those relationships are like, I think that there is [huge potential] for misunderstandings about queer identities and the LGBT community
It can be really freeing to see [to see the range of different types of M/M relationships], to explore not just homosexuality, but also homosociality
But at the same time, when you have such an emphasis on the male relationships, like everyone in the Untamed is a gay man or in an M/M relationship, that often comes at the cost of erasing a lot of female characters. And so you have this drama that may have started in some ways from the lack of agency given to female characters, but then it replicates a lot of the erasure of women as centres of agency within stories, too. So, I think it can be subversive, yes. And it could be very unsubversive, actually.
definitely some food for thought there. obligatory (and i do mean it!!) preface that fandom is not meaningful activism, does not have to be, you are not a bad person for not engaging with it — but i do wonder… in my view, there’s an element of - ‘with how oppressive the power structures of mainstream media, wider society, etc can be… why not take the opportunity to push back against them a little, here in this space where we can?’
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also had a laugh at dr baecker’s unfortunately prescient prediction, their hesitation, that while I feel like right now we're really on the cusp of a rising trend in terms of seeing BL represented in pop culture - we're only going to see more and more of it -
I am a little worried that there might be some kind of like a foreclosing of this space because there's always this kind of Icarus phenomenon of when something gets too popular, right, it gets clipped back a little bit. So, I do worry about that.
😬 hahaha. that aged well.
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misc pieces of fun fandom drama:
whether character name tags should include diacritics/tone marks! on the side of no: convenience - up until recently, tone marks wouldn’t autocomplete correctly. and for all the incorrectness, it’s not (any more) ambiguous. on the yes side: tone marks are objectively (more) correct. does their omission amount to racism?
it seems like (some sections of?) chinese webnovel fandom apparently have the fandom culture of not messing with the creator’s stated preferences — not just canon ships, but sexual preferences (topping and bottoming). fascinating!! fandom etiquette 👀
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Hello, random ask, why do you think that a pretty character with bad personality is famous in the fandom (epsecially anime/manga)? Yes, one of them (that I mean) is Gojo Satoru from JJK. Do you watch or read the series?
So 4 months ago, I'm not into the fandom, but my friend made me watch it with them, so I binge watch s1, the movie, then s2, and now I'm one of Gojo fan and SatoSugu shipper (even if I'm late)... Sorry for the rambling, feel free to just ignore my silly ask.
I'm also into Merlin BBC kinda late, just in 2022, when I first watch it. At first I thought it will be hard to find Merlin fan blog (because the show ends in 2012 or 2013), how wrong I was. Thanks to you @that-nerd-who-writes-fanfiction I can be more understanding of their characters, especially Merlin and Arthur's dynamics. Thanks for sharing your posts.....
So I haven’t seen much of jjk, I watched the first few episodes while I was very medicated in hospital last year (I’m okay) so I don’t remember much of it. I need to rewatch it at some point, from what o do remember it was pretty good.
As for the character archetype, I’m honestly not sure. Usually the characters tend to have more than just the bad personally, think Denki in MHA and Mineta, Mineta is just there for the “comedy” of being a perv where Denki doesn’t take it too far, backs off when told (when he asked Uraraka out and accepted her rejection) and has more than just that to his character, and Gojo was a mentor or something, wasn’t he? I can’t remember enough to comment on him.
But anyway, that’s not always the case, I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head while I’m on Merlin brainrot but I know there are some. SAO, SOTE and possibly Beastars (I’ve only heard from friends on that one) probably have some interesting characters that have varying levels of morality and reasons. Other times, they’ve got a tragic backstory that people can relate to, MHA villains or harlequin, also assassination classroom characters for example.
Personally, I’ll overlook a bad character aspect if it’s only like 10-20% of the personality, any more than that and I can’t get myself to like them, but that’s just me and it’s different for everyone based on their own opinions and a bunch of other things. I don’t pretend to understand people, I really don’t.
My thing with character analysis is that in media, I can see all aspects of the character. I can go back and analyse parts and sit watching situations for as long as I need to work out whatever I want to work out. In real life, or when it comes to real people rather, I’m lucky to get anything about a person from the types of interactions you get in fandom spaces so I can’t really speak for other peoples opinions on characters or why they have them.
I’ve seen people who feel the same about Morgause and Morgana despite them having entirely different personalities and reasons for their varying levels of dubious morality, I’ve seen people heavily stan Meliodas from seven deadly sins and say he’s “just flirting” while others will not like that part of his personality but like him overall.
Mostly, I’ll just live and let live. As long as discussions aren’t hostile and everything is kept respectful, different opinions than my own are what keep fandom spaces (and conversations in general) interesting so I’m always interested to hear what people think.
And as for coming into Merlin late, welcome, happy to have you here. I only started watching 2020, rewatched a few (understatement of the decade) times since, and joined the fandom mid to late last year but the fandom is still going strong. It’s definitely one of my favourite fandoms, so I’m glad it’s growing.
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🪷𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓰 {𝓟𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓧𝓲𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓕𝓲𝓬 𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓼}🪷
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First of all, I AM NOT the authors/writers of these fics. I DO NOT own any of these amazing fanfictions. I WILL NOT repost these fanfics without authorization. I will only recommend them to you. If you find that it is inappropriate to recommend the fanfic here. Please let me know, I will delete it immediately.
The link (if there is any) will only lead to the fanfictions that the authors/writers posted themselves, such as AO3, Lofter, Weibo, their personal websites, etc. After much deliberation, I will only share the author's personal website link via private message.
I will try my best to provide the link, but some fanfictions are quite old and difficult to track down. However, if you are really interested to read that fic, you can search it directly on web browser. Since I couldn't confirm the authorization and because of the strict rules, I can't share it here.
The fic recs here are based on my personal preferences. Everyone has their own standard and level of acceptance. So, please be considerate. It is also because of this matter that a warning is needed to serve as a precaution, I have no intention to offense anyone. I will put a warning if it is necessary, but I will not give any OOC warnings (unless the author/writer said it themselves). If you think there is something more to add on, feel free to tell me.
Most of the fic recs here are probably in Chinese, of course it does not mean that I am against English fics. It is all the same as long as it suits my taste and also it is no secret that there is a lot of food in Chinese fandom.
Chinese fanfiction is different from English fanfiction, sometimes there is no summary, no tags, and the rating is basically just "no R (without restricted content)", "with R (with restricted content)", or "high R/H (explicit content)". Therefore, I added some additional details that were intended only for better understanding of what you are going to read and I by no means have any intention to disrespect anyone, especially the authors/writers.
Please note that I cannot speak Chinese (but it didn't stop me lol). I just like to wander in PingXie Chinese fandom and desperately use machine translation apps to read. That being said, it is hard for me to completely capture the real nuances of a fanfic in Chinese. I may only understand the gist or the vibe of it with my reading comprehension. So, if there is any weird translation, misinterpretation, and misunderstanding, I apologize in advance. Maybe you can kindly help me to fix it :)
I hope someone will translate them properly someday, and of course with their permissions >.<
I will only recommend the fics that I have read before. So, if you want to recommend/submit a fanfiction it will take some time to put it here, and of course it should be under my fanfic criteria that I've mentioned in the pinned post.
No regular updates, and the number does not represent anything.
This is my first time doing something like this. If there are some small changes here and there, sorry for the inconvenience. Any suggestions are welcome :D
Last but not least, this blog is PingXie ONLY 【瓶邪ONLY, 不拆不逆】 ☆𝓟𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓧𝓲𝓮 𝓘𝓼 𝓘𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓤𝓷𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 ☆
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🪷𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓜𝓮🪷
No one seems to care about my preferences here, but due to the huge difference between Daomu Biji Chinese fandom and English-speaking fandom (it seems the attribute is important in Chinese fandom), I feel like to explain it here just in case to avoid misunderstanding.
I am PingXie Only/瓶邪Only, which means that I do not ship any ship/pairing/cp(s) who break PingXie apart or multishipping, and I do not accept switching either. My recommendations are all PingXie and I only like PingXie, but it is not always the case with the author/writer of the fanfic I've recommended/recorded here (I put a warning for those who mind).
I was so clueless back then that I didn't pay attention to the food I'd eaten, and there was a moment when I didn't care about it all. My preferences and way of thinking have changed since then. I apologize if there are any crumbs left from the past or even some changes here and there. My attitude towards other ship/pairing/cp(s) are basically "neutral" or to put it bluntly I don't really care about them, anyway it is normal to have different preferences and opinions, but please do not cross the line and cause unnecessary troubles, everyone respects each other like an adult should be.
That's it, the most important thing of shipping a ship/pairing/cp is to be happy :)
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🪷𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷❢🪷
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starwrote · 1 year
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ind & selective genpact & honkai multimuse written by binx ( 21+ they/them ) headcanon based, divergent, and open to ocs. drama free zone, but not spoiler free. please read rules and muse roster with links listed here or on blog. icon border & dividers cred here. // mobile navigation including roster here. all new muses will be tentatively added here.
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revamped 9/24 w/ new roster. always accepting memes to initiate things, but only accepting starter requests from the new starter call. a study in : testing fate and exploring what destiny means. a sense of loss and fear of the unknown. bountiful silver linings and overcoming failures. a written connection of the stars above.
feel like i missed a reply? please msg me or view this post for info.
welcome to a multimuse loved dearly by binx (they/them, but will also respond to she. 21+ and CST.) I work fulltime as a pediatric pharmacist and have very limited time to be active on tumblr much, therefor I rely on a queue system to get me through workdays. aside from lack of freetime, my health often staggers me from doing anything due to a lot of pain and immense anxiety. If you do not like waiting quite a bit for replies, then I am not the writing partner for you sadly. 
credits. my blog theme was crated by MARUJA/HYRULESHOP with the link on the bottom right corner of the page. my icon border is made by poetryrph, and the psd was made by me. gold/yellow/pastel purple/blues.
this blog runs off of mutual exclusivity to interact. unfortunately my draft count is super high and i have to limit myself to what i can realistically take on in my small free time. i ask that if we do not have a mutual basis (aside from the exception of sideblogs) please do not interact with my starter calls / send in memes to interact. i also tend to hardblock personals who spam my posts or rb things not intended for personal fanfiction.
please to not pressure me to reply faster or into a ship. sometimes i go all week without a single post other than ooc updates. those who are in the medical field would understand my levels of exhaustion. i never ignore anyone, dms or discord, including posts tagged for me - tumblr eats things and i am most likely napping. please have chemistry or some sort of partnership with me before assuming a ship.
no hate zone, none what so ever. this again falls under the lines of me having 0 time to even know whats happening on the internet/tumblr itself. if i am writing with someone known to be problematic please let me know. i don’t involve myself with callouts even if they are helpful, and anon is off to keep unwanted issues even if it’s to bait drama. 
triggers. this goes with the rule listed above, vague blogging and callouts actually spike my anxiety pretty bad. i deal with a lot of negativity within my workplace and rely on this place to be safe for me. aside from this, i ask for all topics and images tagged regarding: spiders, eye gore, domestic abuse, pregnancy, and trypophobia.
i do not do commissions for edits / borders / etc. i just casually make things as i feel inspired. if anything it helps me ignite muse. if you need commissions i’d be happy to reference @hyruleshop.
let’s be kind to each other. that is all. always feel free to message me if you feel a need to connect muses, or just chat.
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Dude looking at the screenshots you are innocent of what you are being accused of. I dont think you should have to leave the fandom for the comfort of others, but i also understand that so many people blindly hate you (because the moment you get labelled as a pedo none of them are willing to listen to your side of the story which was a Great move by your accuser) that being in the fandom is no longer comfortable for YOU.
I wish you the best in all endeavours and i hope you can put this bullshit behind you. The hate campaign you got for a few slight missteps at worst was incredibly undeserved, and i will never stop wondering what warranted your accuser starting it.
I have my own beef with them and i really didnt want to discredit their accusations based on that alone, but seeing them unable to provide proper evidence (and being mad when people asked for it, because god forbid people want to at least see a screenshot before they agree that someone is a Pedophile, The Worst Thing You Can Ever Be) and you supplying context and messages where you Ask about their comfort level really confirmed my suspicions. Either it was malice or a massive overreaction.
Thank you for your support and kind words anon,I’ll take this opportunity to again acknowledge that I’m not free of wrongdoing. Obviously I did something that left a lasting and unpleasant impression on them. I do think this was a knowingly malicious attack of my character, since it started about a day after I joined The Hatchetfield Bang, a writing/ art event for Hatchetfield. I was reached out to by a mod of the community who initially allowed me to stay in the discord and collaborate with people until about a week later.
In all fairness, the bang kicking me out, as well as every other server I was a part of within the Hatchetfield universe, was the right thing to do. Pedophilia should always be treated this seriously when accused, but that also makes it a powerful weapon to use against someone else you don’t like. It actually brings me hope to see how quick and strong the reaction was, but I will NameDrop who is responsible for this false accusation.
Jay, also known as Vespirone. And Kitt. They live in the UK. Vespirone is a prolific Fanfiction writer on AO3, which is why I believe they may have been in the Hatchetfield bang server and started this whole thing off. Either way, those individuals have revealed themselves to be vengeful, untrustworthy, and completely manipulative in their high pressure tactics to get people to agree with them. I’ve seen conversations mostly from Ves/Jay hounding server owners and random tumbler users to be on their side instead of mine. Also Kitt is currently a part of some sort of team doing some bugger project in the Hatchetfield fan community that I’ve seen on instagram. So again, look out for those individuals because apparently if you piss them off, you’re a pedophile.
Yeah, that’s about I’ve got to say. Thank you again for your support anon, it’s nice to see someone actually bothered to read my counters and agreed with me.
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extinct-fish · 2 months
Welcome to another episode of Coela Rambles!
today's topic: Writing yanderes! (this little ramble coming straight from a doc I wrote ages ago about the same topic, albeit with modern additions)
Hello, and welcome to one of my many hyperfixiations of the time. Today’s subject is Yanderes. You may be asking, “what is a yandere”. Well, according to Dictionary.com, 
“Yandere is a portmanteau of two Japanese words. The first is yanderu, which means “to be sick,” and the second is deredere, used here for “lovestruck.” A yandere is often sweet, caring, and innocent before switching into someone who displays an extreme, often violent or psychotic, level of devotion to a love interest.”
Commonly, they are portrayed as females and is a common trope in anime and anime-based games, although there are some male yanderes. This trope is often found in many media, and some games, including stardew valley, have mods that can make a certain character become a yandere. It's also a prevalent genre in fanfiction, and depending on how it's written, I might enjoy it like fine dining.
Still using the same source as previously, its origin dates all the way back in the 80’s, though it really took off in the early 2000’s. It is considered one of the five types of Deres. I know I sound like an otaku but bear with me, this is important. Though some of the traits of the yandere seem excessive, it is rooted somewhat in reality.
To understand Yanderes, one must understand the psychology of a yandere. Yanderes essentially can be compared to sociopaths and psychopaths, though they lean more in the psychopath category. Google the difference, because I will jump into the symptoms. Signs of psychopathy/sociopathy include three or more of the following habitual/continual behaviors:
serious violations of the law (ex: murder)
deceitfulness for personal gain or pleasure (ex: swindling, tricking, lying)
impulsiveness/failing to plan ahead
aggression and irritability resulting in violence
recklessness for themselves/others
failure to be an adult (ex: getting fired constantly, neglecting/abusing family, etc.)
lack of remorse/guilt (note: apathy is also a part of this)
Oftentimes, you can catch this as a kid when you see a kid being cruel to an innocent animal or killing them. However, diagnosing a kid is the hard part, since they're still learning how to be a person.
Now, let's look at the traits of a yandere, and see what lines up:
violations of law (murdering)
lying (framing others)
aggression (killing rivals)
recklessness (the more desperate, the more risky they get)
lack of remorse (feeling justified, focused on gaining love interest's heart)
Look at that! 5/7 traits that lines up with the diagnosis of psychopathy! Keep in mind this is from my current understanding of Yanderes, and you can be free to add onto this post.
Writing Yanderes
Now we get to the fun part of this essay post!
Yanderes, from what I understand, are essentially like narcissists when it comes to some of the methods, but far more deadly. What did I mean by that? Well, hear me out!
Narcissists use the flytrap method in order to snag their victims. We know this through the commonly-used cycle of abuse, which is divided into 4 parts: the Honeymoon Phase, alternatively as the Calm Phase, in which the partner is lovey-dovey and lovebombs you with affection, and generally acts like a green flag to get you invested. Then comes the Tension phase, in which the partner is starting to show their true colors, and you may mistake it as them being pissy from a rough day. This reaches the peak with the Incident Phase, in which the red flags are waving furiously in that hurricane and there's where the abuse is at its peak. Finally, we hit the Reconciliation Phase, in which the abuser then pretends to feel sorry for their behavior and promise to change and starting the lovebombing again. From there, the cycle repeats, but most often, the honeymoon phase and the reconciliation phase both get smaller with each repeat. It's very convincing if you don't know the signs, and since you now are cursed with this information, you know that it's time to leave.
Now, in a way, Yanderes also use the flytrap method, but instead of the cycle of abuse, we have the Coin-Flip cycle, which has two contrasting personalities: the Nectar Side, which only their love interest and bystanders see, and the Venom Side, which is what the rivals and those who try to save their love interest from the yandere see. The Nectar side is a mere façade, as it is a carefully-constructed side of them they chose to display, portraying themselves as sweet, innocent, and harmless. However, the Venom side is their deadlier and more-liberated selves, finding it freeing to drop the sweetheart act in exchange for the sadistic pleasure of harm, torture, and ultimately, killing those that stand in their way.
With that in mind, writing a yandere is quite easy for me because it's essentially start with green flag and slowly shift the shade to red by adding in little details that would hint at something being wrong with them. Then, finally, have it culminate with kidnapping the love interest, or killing someone in front of the love interest as a sort of breaking point. bonus points if you write in the fact that the police get more and more involved in the story.
And that's what I specialize in, since I love when something is utterly wrong with a character, and it almost becomes a guessing game of how it may go wrong or who the yandere could be.
Here's I build my yanderes:
Start off with a small meeting, make it casual.
make it so the love interest and the yandere can bond.
sprinkle in little bits of affection (gift-giving, praise, things like that), but also sprinkle in some deviation from the norm (taking small things like pencils, or small notes of apathy for others)
build the tension (murder or intimidation is good for plot reasons) and have the love interest be unaware of the perpetrator. At the same time, build the relationship
have these incidents become a sort of declaration of obsession, and have the mask start to slip in the yandere.
it's free reign what you do from here, but I like to make it where the yandere still doesn't get what they want in the end, and make it dramatic as hell.
That's how I'd do it. How you guys would write it is all up to you, but I like to look at it with a psychological approach.
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bleezebrew · 2 years
I walked up to the Ao3 check-in kiosk, fanfiction in hand. "Hi, I'd like to enter this for display," I said.
The clerk smiled at me, passing me a form. "That's great. Thank you for choosing to share it with us. Just fill that in and we can post it. There are some required categories, but there's also a freeform tagging system that you can use to let readers know if they might enjoy your work. You can put anything you want there."
"Anything?" I joked, filling in the boxes.
"Within reason," they added, pointing over their shoulder at a tag list—a tag list that went on, and on, and on.
"I could probably fit the entire story in that. Well, this story. I've made a series," I babbled, patting my bag. "I broke my previous word count record with it."
"That's great, good job," the clerk said, pleasant but not at all impressed.
I winced, embarrassed. "Sorry. You probably hear a lot of that."
The clerk shrugged. "Well, yes."
I finished the core categories and added a few relevant details to the free form box, then tapped the pencil against the counter in thought. It was what would let people find or exclude my story based on their preferences. The Archive was massive—it was important to tag correctly.
"Having trouble?" the clerk asked. "We do provide suggestions, to an extent."
"It's fine, I just...I need to get this right."
They watched me for a moment. "Honestly? Close is good enough."
I nodded, because it was true—when reading, I only skimmed the tags, just enough to get a feel for the author and the work. If I kept seeing a tag connected to something I didn't want to read, I could filter it out easily enough.
"What about edge cases?" I asked after a moment.
"Like what?"
"Like...what is angst, really?" I asked. "How is it defined? Is dwelling on the pain a requirement of the genre or does it simply act as an intensity modifier of it?"
"I can show you some samples, but it's defined by community consensus. If you think it fits, it probably does."
"But I don't know if it fits. I aimed to give the reader increasing levels of dread, not go 'oh poor blorbo.'"
"You could tag it as horror," the clerk offered.
"But it's not. It's really not. Drama with notes of tragedy at best."
The clerk bit the inside of their cheek before turning on their headset. "Hi, I have a question about common tags for...." They read off the fandom from my form. "Character 5, I think? Right, thank you."
They turned back to me. "Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, romance, and friendship are common tags for this character."
"Yeah, I'm familiar," I said with a sigh. "Most of the angst belongs to a more popular character, and what little that doesn't is connected to the romance." I waved at the fanfiction. "This is not a romance."
"That doesn't have anything to do with angst."
"Yes, but if I tag it angst will they expect romance?"
They gave me a look. "If you tag angst, the reader will expect angst."
"But I don't even know if it is angst! You don't understand, I can't be wrong on the internet."
They sighed, pinching the bridge of their nose. "It's a simple decision, and you can always change the tags later. Just—you wrote it. You know it, right? Do you think it has angst?"
I started to speak, then stopped. "What about another tag?"
"Alright. What's one that would fit your work?"
I looked down at the fanfiction, and I could feel it staring back at me even without eyes. I turned back to the clerk. "You know what? Never mind. I've never seen this thing before in my life."
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Based on the responses to my post yesterday wanting to know more, here's my guide to
🧑‍💻Code in Hermitcraft (and other SMP) Fanfic🧑‍💻
Note: This is just the interpretation of one Jr Software Engineer. If other developers have a different interpretation, I'd love to hear it in the comments or reblogs!
It's super common in Hermitcraft (and I'm assuming other SMP) fanfiction for the plot to revolve around errors in the game itself and how they affect players. The problem is, as a software engineer, this almost always immediately pulls me out of the story as the ways the game errors are described frequently don't make sense.
This is not a condemnation of writers who use game bugs as parts of their stories, as nobody expects all SMP fanfic writers to have a CS degree. Some even do it well and I adore those stories when I find them! But here are some high-level suggestions to have your glitchy plot points make a little more sense. Usually, it's just a slight change in wording that's required.
Code vs Data
"His code is glitched! He's evil now!"
"They carefully pulled at the strands of her player code, trying to find the bug that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your code is so ancient! You're from Alpha, right?"
These sorts of phrases are probably the most common ones I see that yank me right out if a story. Why? Because they're confusing data and code!
So, what is the difference?
Think of code in this scenario like the laws of physics. It's the rules that guide what can and can't happen in the world. It's what says "if you walk, you move forwards", "if you eat, you'll be less hungry", "if you use a shovel on a dirt block, it will end up in your inventory".
Data is the actual "stuff" in the world that the code changes via its rules. Data is the specific blocks in that building, that item hovering above the ground, the mobs staring at you from under the trees, the player character, the player's health, the player's inventory, the player's skin, and, in the fanfic context, the player's personality and memories.
In other words, if it's an action that can happen, it's probably code. If it's a specific thing, it and everything that makes that particular thing unique is data.
Of course, there can be bugs or glitches in the code which means that data does something it shouldn't, such as "if you put some TNT, some dead coral, and a minecart in this very specific configuration, you can duplicate the TNT." In this case, the act of duplication (ie the rules that let duplication occur) is a glitch in the code (the rules allow something they shouldn't), but the duplicated TNT itself isn't code; it's data. Data that shouldn't exist but does anyway because of that glitch in the code.
So, how could you rework the sample phrases above to make more sense?
"He got too close to a glitch, and his personality data got corrupted. He's evil now!"
"They carefully prodded at her player data, trying to find the broken property that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your data structures are so ancient! You're from Alpha, right? I can't believe you've survived so many updates without compatibility issues!"
Code vs Logs
"Xisuma looked through the code to find the source of the glitch."
This one's a little less clear cut, as there are circumstances where players could look at a version of the code. Some of the Minecraft code is Open Source (ie free to look at), and the rest can be decompiled from the Minecraft .jar (ie turned from machine-readable ones-and-zeroes back into words and stuff, although much less human-readable than what the original code would have been). The super-technical players such as the SciCrafters and I think Doc too will look at the code, which is how they make their super efficient farms and find and exploit glitches to, say, put 8 spawners in one chunk.
But generally, the code is not the first place you go when encountering a glitch. I mean, if it were that obvious from the code alone, it probably would have been caught before being shipped!
When something goes wrong, the first place to look is the logs. The logs of what the players have been doing, the logs of previous commands that have been run, the update changelogs for the game, the version history of the (admin-editable) config files, any warnings or error logs from the server itself. For example, if you have a malicious user such as, say, a Helsmit in your story, the logs would show when they entered the world and where, unless they also did something hacky to cover their tracks.
Personally, I also wouldn't say you'd have to stick to exactly what a server would realistically log if it makes your story more interesting. It's easy enough to hand wave that an admin has a mod in place that surfaces more information if it'd make the story better!
In a multi-server setting, this is also the point where the admin of your world could also reach out to the admins of other worlds and discuss if they've seen the issue before and how they solved it. The in-universe equivalent of looking it up on Stack Overflow or Reddit if you will!
Once the admin has looked at the logs and maybe chatted to others, if they still can't fix the issue via commands or config file changes, then it might make sense for them to try looking into the code if they can. Note that not all server admins are necessarily confident at programming as it's not a core part of their job.
But at the very least, at this point the admin should have a better idea of what part of the code could be bugged. This will make it easier to either a) make a patch for the bug or, more likely, b) understand what circumstances trigger the glitch and avoid those circumstances.
TL;DR: The code is not the first place admins will go when glitches cause issues; the logs are!
And as before, example sentence:
"Xisuma trawled through the logs, trying to find any indication of the source of the problem."
To Conclude
Code is the rules that govern what stuff can do and how stuff interacts. The stuff itself is data. When something goes wrong, that typically results in the data being in a state it shouldn't be in, wether that be because that thing's velocity is much higher than it should be after taking advantage of the ravager flight glitch, or because a player and a mob's data structures got combined on accident to leave them a player-mob hybrid.
Of course, this broken data is likely caused by a bug/glitch in the code. It could also be caused by somebody malicious who's purposefully trying to break things by messing with the memory in another way. It could also be because a cosmic ray hit a piece of RAM and flipped a single bit (this is an actual thing that happens believe it or not).
Either way, when something goes wrong, the admin's first point of exploration is the logs, not the code. The logs will give the admin a better idea of what the cause of the issue is, and talking with other admins could give them a solution without ever touching the codebase. But worst-case scenario, it is indeed possible for an admin to go spelunking through the codebase to find the cause of an issue and create a patch for it.
This just covers the most common code-related plot points that I personally see in Hermitcraft/other SMP fanfiction. If you have any further questions about writing code-related plot points, feel free to ask! And also, just to reiterate, this is all just my interpretation. Others may interpret differently, and if you do, I'd love to hear what your alternative interpretations are!
PS: I was also planning a section on hacking here, but this post is already getting long and that's complicated, and also I'm bad at hacking. But let me know if you have any questions related to that that you'd like to see in a follow-up post!
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