#pro ana is a disease and not a lifestyle
pinkiemoomie · 1 month
the ana blog for all the anas
what does being bro ana mean?
a movement, largely internet-based, that portrays anorexia (and sometimes bulimia; other eating disorders, such as compulsive overeating, are not part of the pro-ana movement) as a lifestyle choice rather than a disease or disorder. Countless websites devoted to the concept have sprung up on the internet, and it has been the object of much (largely negative) media attention. The larger pro-ana sites tend to feature message boards, chat rooms, or other forums for communication. There is some distinction between sites: sites that are defensive of "ana" (this word is often associated with pro-ana individuals) as a positive lifestyle choice, those who advocate eating disorder acceptance rather than active promotion of such disorders (these may not portray themselves as pro-ana), and sites that support anorexia without offering support to individuals attempting to "develop" the disorder.
what are the two medical types of ana?
Restricting type, in which individuals lose weight primarily by dieting, fasting or excessively exercising.
Binge-eating/purging type in which persons also engage in intermittent binge eating and/or purging behaviors.
Restricting type
People with this type of anorexia nervosa restrict the amount and type of food they eat.
This can include:
counting calories
skipping meals
limiting or avoiding certain food groups (such as carbohydrates)
following obsessive rules, such as only eating foods of a certain colour. These behaviours may be accompanied by too much exercise.
Binge eating/purging type
People with this type of anorexia place severe restrictions on the food they eat and they also purge. Purging behaviours include vomiting (being sick) or misusing laxatives, diuretics or enemas.
Some people may also binge eat — eat a large amount of food and feel out of control.
what does junkorexic mean?
someone who's anorexic but eats mostly junk food / takes up their cals per day with junk food
you can still have a low cal intake as a junkorexic, ex:
Bag of chips (130 calories)
Chocolate bar (200 calories)
Low-cal ice cream (300 calories)
Total: 630 calories
what are the symptoms that an ana girl should have?
Menstrual periods cease
Dizziness or fainting from dehydration
Brittle hair/nails
Cold intolerance
muscle weakness and wasting
Heartburn and reflux (in those who vomit)
Severe constipation, bloating and fullness after meals
Stress fractures from compulsive exercise as well as bone loss resulting in osteopenia or osteoporosis (thinning of the bones)
Depression, irritability, anxiety, poor concentration and fatigue.
bye bye :)
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thisgirllovespasta · 6 months
Background Information
Hi girlies<3 Maria here! To start us off, I think it would be valuable to talk about the background and history of this social justice issue. I'll start with a brief history of the Tumblr site itself and explain what pro-ana/pro-mia culture actually is.
Tumblr was launched by David Karp, a New Yorker from the Upper West Side, in 2007 (Eldridge, 2023). The purpose of the creation of Tumblr was to be home to what Karp called "tumbleblogs", which are smaller blogs to host text, photos, and videos (Eldridge, 2023). During the early 2000s, blogs were a very popular form of media consumption; cooking blogs, lifestyle blogs, travel blogs, etc. What stood out about Tumblr was the fact that Tumblr was a 'super blog' of sorts that hosted many of these smaller 'tumbleblogs'. Tumblr users could follow other 'tumbleblogs' and 'reblog' posts including texts, photos, and videos to their own blogs as well as posting original content. The original atmosphere on Tumblr was "ease of use and a positive environment" (Eldridge, 2023), which drew people to the site in hopes of finding online communities to share interests with.
With all of this being said, one may wonder how a website created for such innocent reasons could so quickly become a dark corner of the internet that breeds self-harming behaviours, including eating disorders (EDs).
Before we go into that, though, let's talk about pro-ana and pro-mia. What even are those words? If you've never been on Tumblr or the weird, niche areas of the internet (lucky you), you probably don't know.
Pro-ana translates to pro-anorexia, and pro-mia translates to pro-bulimia. Anorexia and bulimia are two life-threatening eating disorders that effect about 1 million Canadians (National Initiative for Eating Disorders, 2023). According to the National Eating Disorder Information Centre, anorexia is a mental disorder that is characterized by a fear of gaining weight, obsessive behaviours related to restriction and purging, and excessive weight loss (2024). Again, according to the NEDIC, bulimia is a mental disorder characterized by binge eating behaviours followed by purging behaviours (2024). Eating disorders are extremely dangerous conditions to suffer from. Many people may not realize the severity of EDs, however, here are some jarring statistics that may put things more into perspective from the National Initiative for Eating Disorders: EDs have the highest mortality rate out of all mental illnesses (10-15%), cardiac disease and suicide are the top two causes of death amongst people with anorexia, and the mortality rate of anorexia for girls ages 15 to 24 is 12 times higher than all other causes of death for girls in that age range put together (2023). See below for the DSM diagnostic criteria for both anorexia and bulimia.
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Above images are courtesy of the National Eating Disorder Information Centre (2024).
Stay tuned for part 2!
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pompoms-bones · 4 years
Woah huge rant about ana community!!
I hate that I ever came to ana tumblr. Before i came here, I was in recovery for a similar case of anorexia, but nowhere NEAR as bad as it is now. One day my ed thoughts got the best of me, and all of the sudden i was waist deep in ana tumblr. Pretty much every moment of my life was once again focused on food and calorie counting. I got so deep into it, in fact, that I started to think people saying “ana communities are toxic” were just flat out wrong. My time on ana tumblr made me realize that the people saying “ana tumblr is pro ana,” are actually right.
You can say it was my fault for coming here, “they weren’t responsible for triggering you.” I suppose in a sense you’d be right. But I know that ALL of you know how difficult it is to get out of an ana-based cycle. When food and being thin is the only goddamn thing on your mind, it becomes a genuine STRUGGLE to not browse ana forums and ana communities. You learn to like triggering yourself because its “motivating.” It honestly does feel good to know others have damaging thoughts just like you. You end up wanting it to be your entire lifestyle. You just cant stop logging on. A community that claims to not be proana shouldnt be causing thousands, if not millions of people to dive deeper and deeper into their eating disorders.
I hate that even though i wouldn’t wish anorexia anybody, me posting ana thoughts on this site literally makes me pro ana. I’m literally furthering peoples eating disorders, and even though it’s the last thing I could ever want, in this situation I am solely to blame for triggering others. It’s the same way that I will follow people who post their anorexic thoughts so I can further motivate my own eating disorder. I can say all I want that I’m using this account to cope, and even though that’s true, I feel like other people’s safety is way more important than me coping in... probably the unhealthiest way possible. I’m indirectly helping to ruin so many peoples lives by posting my ana thoughts and shit. This isn’t a recovery community like i’ve seen so many people claim- if it was, then a majority would be posting tips to recover, not reblogging tips to avoid binging after a 7-day fast. Ana tumblr is “follow each other and trigger yourself” and that’s just the truth.
Of course not everyone purposefully triggers themselves- some people genuinely want to recover and follow RECOVERY ana blogs. It’s awful they even have to have recovery in the name. Ana tumblr should be about recovery and a huge majority of it ISNT. It’s awful that I, and so many others, would go out of the way to avoid recovery blogs because it doesn’t fuel our eds. I’m so used to everything here fueling my ed that I genuinely don’t even want to get better. I see people eat 300 cal a day and think I’m not doing good enough. I see people exercise themselves into the negative calorie zone and think I’m not doing good enough. There are posts that are genuinely harmless that I can relate to and chuckle at and I feel like that’s fine- cope through humor. But holy fuckjng cow all I see is people shaming themselves for eating healthily and all I’m taking from it is “everybody deserves to eat that and be healthy :) and I deserve to eat fucking nothing because I don’t deserve to injest anything at all.” Forums like myproana are called pro ana because. it is. The topics are tips for being anorexic; how to be anorexic and avoid certain diseases, strategies for maintaining terrible diets, tips on what exercises burn the most calories, low-cal recipes perfect for keeping you in your calorie range, just straight up bonespo, and, ykno, just so much awful shit. That stuff BELONGS on a website called myproana because it’s clearly pro ana. You know what’s on ana tumblr? Strategies for starving and not binging, tips on what exercises burn the most calories, low-cal recipes perfect for staying within your calorie range, bonespo but mainly thinspo. A Lot of Thinspo.
We are no better than a site fucking CALLED MyProAna- so why do we act like we are?
Anyways, there’s only 15 of you, but to everyone who sees my feed, i’m truly sorry for triggering all of you. i’m sorry for fueling all of your eds. i’m sorry for never posting about recovery. i’m sorry for never even trying to encourage recovery through my posts. i don’t regret much, but if i could go back and stop anything it’d be the creation of this blog. anorexia sucks. bulimia sucks. binge eating disorder sucks. all eating disorders suck. i wish you all the best in your recoveries- your life shouldn’t end because you were afraid of eating an extra slice of bread or even a teaspoon extra of sugar. you deserve love, support, recovery, and most importantly, food. If you make the decision to recover, always remember that its okay to have bad days. healing is never linear, but i know you’ll make it. one day you won’t have to obsess over food. you won’t say no to hanging out with your friends just because there will be food there. you won’t be scared of family, eat-at-the-table, dinners.
I’m dipping for good. I’m going to eat 3 meals tomorrow and feel good about myself. Idk what I plan to do with this account yet, but I know I’m never going to come back. I won’t let myself continue to harm myself. I wish you all the best of luck :) stay safe everybody and know that you deserve so much more than you know.
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benchgenderstudies · 3 years
Busting Dr Cynthia Buliks Injurious Revisionism of Anorexia and Eating Disorders.
By Michael Bench, MEP, WGSGC
1.Can you tell who has eating disorders?
Cynthia says “no”.
Actual Answer: Yes.
Starvation effects are observable and anorexia is cosmetic starvation. Those females with an early eating disorder (EDNOS) or using Anorexic behaviors should be addressed and reported to school staff or counseling for their safety; Crash Dieting is disordered eating even if not a diagnosis and is part of a larger social problem of aversions to patient and honest physical conditioning. Crash diets are the tools of lushes. The very lushes that publish female targeted media promoting cleanses and ‘quick fix tips’.  Medical and health advice, if from a document, should only come from academic journals. 
2.Are mothers to blame:
Cynthia says no.
Actual Answer: Often
Mothers who have seasonal weight control efforts and use crash diets to cheat their way to a 'beach body” are modeling disordered eating. Crash diets are disordered eating. Mothers involved with pageants have also been known to use other methods like infecting their daughters with tapeworms to reach a desired thinness.
3.Are families to blame?
Cynthia says no.
Actual Answer:Yes.Situationally.
Involvement with sport, social or classist activities that prioritize gender roles before sport itself is a complicity to eating disorders and body dysmorphia. A parent who willingly lets an industry or coach alter her child’s course of physical maturity is actively neglecting their child no matter what the presumed benefits.  Families also normalize some seasonal classism, poor nutritional behavior, and poor communication that can be seen in children using anorexic trope behavior and insincere-suicidal attention getting. Mothers who believe their daughters should be paying attention to female targeted fashion media and other retail or pop culture are poorly guarding their children.
4.Is society to Blame? (Far too general. Go home Cynthia.)
Actual Answers: Media is to blame partly in that it protects its advertisers exploitation and revisionism of need/want psychology. Media also forwards health talking points for the unhealthy. The term “weight control” for example is an index case of tolerating a slothful deviant-leisure society who cheat their way to “good looks” simply for summer exhibition. Then they return indoors for winter with their indoor sloth and lazy nutritional rituals.
Coaching & Fashion: Females are not males. Training them as males or believing diet is a form of genetic engineering is magical thinking that can injure the athletes. Instead, minimum ages in sport should be raised so children in gymnastics ,for example, are not used as carnival acts. Lacking a period, a females maturity/fill out has not been “stalled”. She is amenorrheic whether with or without a visible menarche; an event itself that’s been postponed. Females cannot sustain low BMI male thinness to appear his heterosexual-binary-other. In fashion , the binary roles are actually the same , only at smaller emaciated sizes and not androgynous as reported. Fashionistas who take their model's health for granted as an act of 'luxury artification” are long guilty of endangering her health/assault , among other violations like complicit child trafficking  (Set aside whether the female volunteers the risk, the runway’s terms are decided by the foolish and nihilist cosmosexuals having very little competence about human physiology. Respecting ‘who we are” ,eh?) Females normalizing anorexic/disordered eating as a justification of their (model) career or fame are themselves a microphone for social blame. 
5.Are Anorexia and Eating disorders a White race problem/Female problem.
Actual Answer: Yes.
The democratization of Western and American market views of ideal beauty and ideal sexuality has not changed the core source of toxic constructions of binary gender. The manipulation of the female body to conform to eras if disinformation and beauty trends, ie Gibson girl and the Heroin Chic waif, show that 'disordered eating' and its long term effects are practiced as luxury fads. Actual mental disorders escalated to Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa stem from European and South Asian religio-social pacts of personal virtue(Breatherism/Inedia). Ever since the first London and American reports of Inedia or fad fasting the practicioners lied about how little they ate. Anorexia, breatherism and inedia have always been appropriate religious rituals used by desperate zealots for attention.. The vulnerability to this sort of radicalization around fasting links to psychological vulnerability and distortions of their self  (a specific form narcissistic personality disorder)
6. Consider the remainder of her list debunked.>>(will add the rest later)
>>Anorexia is NOT A CASH COW.
If researchers want to do genomics research, have at.   Anorexia itself has provably been found occurring as fads. If the 'formal' uppity journal community don’t have the courage to admit mental illness can be market caused and that the external sphere of society can be toxic..  it is their own failure to confront it and demand regulation. Gibson Girl, Heroin Chic, and proana ‘lifestyle’, are fads whose females are too often seen as ‘victims’ of a male privilege error rather instead their own stubborn choices and long term effects there of : I reject the notion Anorexia should be tolerated as a go-to for researchers that simply need grant money and repudiate those that attempted to distract its identity. The democratization of Anorexia as ‘everyone’s disease’ leads me to be highly suspicious of Buliks motivations as a professional  and what diet/pharm companies are handing her NCEEDUS checks. 
“ Aye , I hear you was gonna go on a crash diet. You dont wanna be one of those wanna bes..  A real crash diet , ya cut your own brake cables , go for a drive on elevated roads and see how many cliffs you can climb back up from.”
What is Anorexia Nervosa:
Behaviors of Disordered Eating are not themselves the source of the problem. All persons using crash diet and anorexic symptom behaviors however should be considered ‘eating disordered”.  Anorexic behaviors are actions of solving a problem the subject appears to suffer even if originally having a healthy proportioned body.  Current research suggests that between 3-10 exposures to any message makes an audience more willing to oblige and 'know' its message. This also means a female convinced that eternal youth is where she must rest her physical body to be beautiful is not technically a mental disorder yet. In the struggle to keep her body looking prepubescent the damages of malnutrition and gray matter deterioration lead to distortions of thought. These distortions then create  new symptoms, unoriginal symptoms that are signs of a narcissistic depression and helplessness.
Starting at that point for internal pathology....
If Anorexia is a mental illness aside from market learning then it must be recognized a problem of extreme dissatisfaction with the self that has escalated.  Anorexia Nervosa , or the most extreme form of cosmetic starvation is then to be recognized : A narcissistic depression formed from the conflict or inability to adapt to adolescent body changes. Social messages denouncing the mature female body and independence may solidify these formerly inert cautions. Further, body changes of the teen are used by marketers to embarrass and humiliate the teen for imperfections; a classic 'witch hunt' scenario of threatening the girl with being burnt at the stake for not being a sexual object. The anorexic is faced with that environment daily; an environment where she has no choice to identify as an adolescent among peers and media , whether she’s ready to adapt or not. There is a clear ‘at adolescence trigger” that points to an adaptation difficulty in a soup of marketing that denounces the aged female as roast beef, spent, junk in the trunk and other negativity. The Youngest females.. healthy or by pathology would have a difficult time concluding what is good about being female when the unhealthy deposition of fat at the waist and hips is normal for her maturity.  That is mainly due to problems in the fitness community media leaving no appreciation for fitness itself. Magazine imagery is purely body sculpted or body building.. actual athletic conditioning with the time allotment it requires. 
 I am also referring to Anorexia as a form of Gender Dysphoia who's conflicted social and internal views of teen maturity can lead to traumatized states.  This should not leave room for stable anorexics or unstable females to characterize the adoption of their injurious methods for 'an in-crowd” elitism.
Anorexia Nervosa and its less severe 'eating disorders..  should actually be called #BodyDysmorphicSIBDieting ( Self Injurious Behavior-Dieting)..It includes caloric restriction, multiple stimulant abuse, dissociative abuse and abuse of prescribed medicines,  poor choices in recovery foods which adds to their narcissistic shaming. Pro Ana websites and groups must be understood part of the symptom of a sociopathic “narcissism supply”. Because Anorexia is so well known, applying its known traits can mimic actual anorexics but these body dissatisfied people are factitious disorder candidates. (they are still disordered and mentally unwell. Thereby groups calling themselves pro Ana that taunt new members as ‘wannabes’ are not doing their job as a support group; Support groups and other health resources pages welcome members  and hope to spread positiivity. Instead pro ana sites often feature a core group functioning as an exclusive cliq who give merit to the identity of ANOREXICS as it surrounds her; the actual board member is of no consequence. The Pro Ana board is an active process of denial/bargaining by making their narcissist affliction sound positive and trendy.
In no way should statements of recovery or links on these proana sites be presumed to be safe.  Anorexia Nervosa is technically an umbrella term for three or more groups necessitating 'shortcutting dieting techniques” to achieve a desireable body. One is truly a mental illness of its own, another is a sociopathic illness that has adopted anorexic traits for its factitious parading.. but is also as serious. Also be mindful that persons starting pro anorexic boards might also be sadists and psychopaths who find artificial arousal in providing a place for harm.  All persons utilizing starvation and self abuse for an undisciplined 'thinspired body” are all heading to the same fatal end; including fashion models. Anorexia in name, in diagnosis, or in method IS STILL ANOREXIA. A refusal of recovery and presumption that anorexia is a lifestyle in name , point to a group still in denial that their practices are injurious. Denial of self failure/deception is one narcissist flaw even if the personality disorder symptoms dont apply to the factitious supplicants 
Third is a general category of body dissatisfied females who use encourage each other with SIB Diet techniques rather than actually go to a gym and perform both cardio AND resistance-exercise-for-STRENGTH.. which will infact lead to hypertrophy and better metabolism. This third group is often heckled by the others as fakers and wannarexics. In fact it is the other two groups proving the sociopathic tendencies of their guilt being made manifest on others. Since they cannot empathize, they neither should be empathized. Those yelling 'wannarexics” can be considered social trash and treated accordingly. A combined trait among all 'anorexics' is they mistake strength as an inside characteristic to excuse responsible self conditioning. .. or to justify their fears lifiting weights .. as a behavior is too masculinity  defining.  Her ego exploits her physical body and the body at times will take back such time to demand fueling.  It is then rightful the ego feels shame but not for eating .. rather for the fasting that causes binging in excess of regular fueling of activity.  This singular matter has a strong motivation to be fatally thin and is their excuse to avoid most legitimate forms of  balanced physical conditioning. The thinness is of no consequence. Those who intend to crash diet their way to a perfect body will eventually succumb to the cheapness of their diets. There is no diet that achieve what physical benefits come from physical conditioning. Research addressing diet as more important than exercise in weight control addresses a foolish society terrible at both.   MB.
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hi everyone, i know it’s been a really long time since i’ve posted but i wanted to share something with anyone who is/or has ever gone through an eating disorder. last spring of this year is when mine started. i just wanted to lose a few pounds, i started cutting out carbs and eating less frequently and working out. but it wasn’t happening fast enough and i was getting impatient and frustrated, that’s when i started to look into other options. i learned about crash diets which lead me to pro ana pages online and soon tumblr. that’s when it all started. i started cutting out entire food groups, refusing to drink anything but water and hydroxycut powder, and started buying diet pills and laxative tea. i went on fasts, juice cleanses, and did jumping jacks till i could barely breathe. if i had more than 500 calories a day i wouldn’t eat the next 2 days to make up for it. i cried myself to sleep one night after i ate dark chocolate covered almonds because i didn’t realize how many calories they were. i stared at myself in the mirror for hours a day hating myself, i had to lose more weight, it was an addiction. i wanted to purge, but could never make myself, so i made up for it by eating nothing at all. i had a headache 24/7, cramps, nausea, dizziness, painful constipation and soreness from loss of muscle mass. i actually thought i had kidney stones at one point which completely terrified me. the whole room would spin when i moved and sometimes when i went to sleep i was scared i wasn’t going to wake up. everyday was like a living hell, but none of that stopped me. i continued it for months, from april all the way to late august. i went on a trip with my family in august to go visit other family and i was terrified someone would notice something. i spent the first three days refusing to eat and made myself miserable and ill. i was supposed to be enjoying myself and visiting with family i almost never see, but instead i was counting calories and seeing how long i could make it in 99 degree heat and humidity without eating and barely drinking any water. towards the end of the trip i gave in. i ate like a normal person for two days, and that’s all it took. that night i threw up for hours, it was one of the most miserable things i’ve experienced. i was violently ill. the next morning everything hurt, and everyone was trying to figure out what made me sick, and i cried on the inside because i was the only one who really knew: it was finally eating like a normal person after going months starving my body from everything but a few grapes and some water. by the time the trip was over i had gained back almost all the weight i had lost over the four and a half months. school started up again and i realized suddenly that eveything i did over that summer, not eating out with my friends, not going out because i felt so sick from not eating, crying every night because i hated myself or the scale didn’t read what i wanted, pushing away my family and friends, all that completely fucked up my entire summer. i ruined everything, and for nothing. i ended up right back where i started. i am 5’3, and my starting weight was 114lbs. tell me why i felt such a strong need to lose weight that i ruined my whole summer for it.
i am still struggling with my body image and what i eat. some days are good and some days are bad, there are times when i just want to starve myself again, and i know i should be eating more than i am right now but it is a hell of a lot better than what i was doing before. i am still triggered by weight related things and i have my days or even weeks where i feel horrible in my own skin. i don’t know if i will ever be able to eat without guilt, or not go to the gym to work off extra calories, but i do know that i am trying to get better. and that’s what matters.
eating disorders will RUIN you. they suck out the joy in your life and make your existence about only one thing: you’re weight. it will consume you and it will destroy you. if i could have just one wish i would go back to that day in april and stop myself from looking up “diets to lose 10 pounds” and “ana diets”. one little thing can lead to something so much bigger than you could’ve ever imagined. i would give anything to be in the mindset now of how i was a year ago. NOTHING is more important than your happiness and your health, you shouldn’t sacrifice that for anything! i still want to be skinny, and i still sometimes hear that little voice inside my head telling me not to eat and to starve instead, but i know now that that voice isn’t my friend. if you are scrolling on here because you want to “test out anorexia” or look through thinspiration to “motivate you”, i beg you to log out and delete this app for good. and if you are currently struggling with an ed, i want you to know that things can get better, but you have to make that choice for yourself. eating disorders are so glamorized in our society today, but they are nothing but toxic and brutal. they are not a lifestyle or a fad, they are a disease and they will take your life away from you. i hope that by sharing my story i have helped someone out there who is struggling. if you made it all the way to here, thank you for taking the time to read this. stay strong guys, it will get better<3
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20kgtogo · 5 years
You are not invalid!
If you have been struggling with an ED but you are at a normal weight. If you started on a normal weight and are still there:
Ive been struggling with bulimia/anorexia for 6 years and my weight has never been *really* underweight, and rn i am at a more than normal weight.
Just because you are not jut skin and bones does not mean you dont have an ED.
Just because you are not underweight does not mean you dont deserve help.
Recover now before it gets too late
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drsudhirgiri · 3 years
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The Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS) under the aegis of Shri Venkateshwara University organized a seminar ‘Cardiac Transplantation 2022’ with support from the world’s renowned heart institute ‘Mayo’ located in USA. Doctors from US, UK, Canada, & over 16 countries took part in the seminar. Dr. Sudhir S Kushwaha Director Heart Transplantation department of the Minnesota based world renowned Heart Institute ‘Mayo’ was the chief guest & Speaker. He enlightened the gathering on successful heart transplantation, leading to a healthy heart. UK’s renowned Doctor M Y Khan explained the benefits of a healthy lifestyle & the ways to prevent blockage of arteries & their remedies to the august gathering of Doctors & students of the medical institute. Along with this, VIMS fostered collaboration with Mayo for research on Heart Transplantation & research on heart diseases. The Chief Guest Dr. Sudhir Kushwaha, Dr. Fillip Williams, Group Chairman Dr. Sudhir Giri, Dr. M Y Khan & the Pro-chancellor Dr. Rajiv Tyagi inaugurated the event at the Dr. CV Raman auditorium by lighting a lamp to goddess Saraswati. In his address, Dr. Sudhir Kushwaha said that heart transplantation is fully safe & after transplantation, a person can live happily for another 25 to 35 years. Those present on the occasion included the VC Prof. Dr. P K Bharti, Registrar Dr. Piyush Pandey, Dean Academics Dr. Sanjiv Bhatt Dr. Deepak Agarwal, Dr. Jasveer Singh, Dr. S S Thakur Dr. Ikram Elahi, Dr. Priyanka Thakur & Dr. Arshad Ikbar. Also present were Meerut Campus Director Dr. Prabhat Srivastava, Director of Admissions Dr. Rakesh Yadav, Director of Admissions Alka Singh, & Dr. Ana Brown. Also present were Dr. C P Kushwaha, Dr. SN Sahoo, Coach Abhinav Rana, Arun Goswami, Dr. Mohit Sharma, HR Head Mr. Shiv Shankar, and National Athlete Sumaira Javed. Noticeable participants were Purjeet Singh, Former Player Joginder Singh, Vishwas Tyagi, SS Baghel, CO Gurdayal Singh & the Media In charge Mr. Vishwas Rana. To Know More Visit: https://www.drsudhirgiri.com/ #Organized #InternationalSeminar #CardiacTransplantation #VIMSHospital #SVUGajraula #DrSudhirSKushwaha #DrSudhirGiri #DrRajeevTyagi #CardioVascular #Medicine #Consultant #USA #UttarPradesh #India
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So here’s the thing...
Yeah yeah I know we’ve all seen a thousand of these posts ranting about pro Ana and whatever and it’s all the same old stuff but I need to vent because I’ve seen a few that have really irritated me today and it’s not like I have anywhere else to go so bare with or keep scrolling ❤️❤️
Anyways you see all these hundreds of pro Ana posts or whatever triggering young people who are sick to the point that they are craving anorexia just so that they can get thin, or because they are misguided into believing that starving yourself is a suitable method for losing some weight. But I think what a lot of these fail to understand that anorexia isn’t about weight loss. We’ve all seen those posts, you can have an ed when your overweight, or a healthy weight, or under weight. Getting thinner is just a side effect in the end.
Before I became anorexic I was probably what you’d consider skinny. I was a completely healthy weight for a girl my age and height and literally didn’t give a second thought to body image. Then I lost a few pounds due to stress or whatever and people began to comment, and the fucked up part of my brain said “hey you know what might be fun? Let’s see how far we can take this if we actually try?”
That’s when I developed anorexia. That’s when the voices came. The fucking voices in the back of my head saying I needed self control, I needed to disappear, needed to deny my body the nourishment it craved. I’d lost weight before they started and I continued to lose weight at their encouragement but that wasn’t what the disease was. It was just a side effect. And ironically I was totally convinced I was fine.
My hair fell out and my skin went grey and my parents and friends cried and begged and watched in terror as I literally began to die right in front of them. My doctors and teachers whispered the words anorexic and disordered eating when they thought I wasn’t listening and I would laugh it off because this was just control, it was just for fun, I knew what I was doing and I could stop if I wanted to. Or so I thought.
I couldn’t stop. My joints cracked and my heart showed and even I started to get scared but I was so deep into this lifestyle I had walked into I couldn’t see a way out, and even then I couldn’t admit to myself that I was sick. My teacher stepped in and said if I wanted to sit my exams and stay in school then I would have to eat with her twice a day everyday to prove I was committed to getting better.
She almost definitely saved my life with that decision. The whole process was agony, the most humiliating thing I have ever undergone and it lead to a steady weight gain that took me out of the danger zone so to speak. And it’s only now that I’m here, still underweight, still sick, still anorexic, but not quite as bad as I once was that I actually get what an eating disorder is.
The voices are still there. They still encourage me to skip meals and lie to my loved ones and fast until I’m so tired I can’t stand, walk and walk into the middle of the night until my bones are literally screaming in protest just in an effort to burn calories. Some days I listen and some days I don’t but I still want to lose weight, I still hate my reflection and I’m still terrified of food even though I’ve gained a few pounds. I might not look the part of the anorexic anymore, but I have to be honest with myself and say I still am sick, and I will be sick until I accept that this isn’t a way to live my life and I actually try and get better.
If you’re new to this, if you searched thinspo or whatever out of curiousity and there’s still time for you to escape, then get away. I know not many people will read this, but please please I cannot express enough that you can’t control this, it controls you. You never ever get away. With this disease you probably won’t ever reach a low enough weight to justify hospitalisation or inpatient treatment, and you will never ever be satisfied with how you look. But it will certainly give you months if not years of misery and loneliness and self hatred. No amount of progress is enough.
Right now all I want is to starve myself until I literally disappear. I can’t bare my own existence at this weight and I tell myself I’ll be happy if I get back to where I was. But I know deep down I won’t be, that ultimately my only options are to recover, truly recover, or die. And that terrifies me. This isn’t living, and it’s not worth any weight loss to sell your soul to this illness.
So yeah, minor tangent, rant over. I’m not and never will be pro Ana. I’m in far too deep to back out now, and I know many of you are as well, in which case I hope you stay safe and find the strength to make a change some day. But if you’re not, then get the fuck away from this shit as fast as you can. The rational part of my brain tells me if I could turn back time and do so I would.
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demolitonlover · 6 years
who on earth is felice fawn
lmao it's irrelevant but she was one of those big online bloggers who make their anorexia their aesthetic (and heavily photoshop additionally) and fuck up young teens with a damaged body image that way.. those types of online celebs (and the whole pro ana movement) will (unfortunately) always exist and promote a deadly disease as a lifestyle (which our society with its gross beauty standards and diet culture does support after all), but felice fawn was one of the biggest deals bc she used the fame she got from being this pale skeleton in goth outfits to scam people online... big style. I'm talking so much legal trouble bc of her frauds that she legally changed her name, moved into the middle of nowhere and vanished online several times. she pulled some big shit. but it doesn't matter now. I was just surprised to stumble across how many fan blogs are inactive but not deactivated (which means there's still ppl reblogging that shit)
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deftatsu · 7 years
30 day thinspo challenge
Day 24: How do you feel about the terms pro-ana/pro-mia
Honestly no shade to anyone who considers themselves pro-ana/mia. But it’s just ridiculous I’ve been around for a long time so I don’t know if the definition of pro-ed has changed. This is a disease not a lifestyle choice. I honestly don’t even think you could bshould pro-Ana/mia I equate being pro-ed is the same as being pro-cancer you can’t really be pro something that is killing you or encourage others to have the same self destructive behaviors as yourself.
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comingdxwn-a · 7 years
mini rant about pro ana/mia {{not directed at anyone I follow
With the whole ❝These are my goals. I want to be xx lbs and be able to measure my thighs at this certain number and asdfhgklw;aklfjewaigkweajl -- BUT I DO NOT GLORIFY OR PROMOTE EATING DISORDERS❞
Like, shut the FUCK up. What you’re doing is harmful to yourself. It’s harmful to other people.
I have a god damned eating disorder. It almost killed me three months ago. I know what it’s like. And I know how sick you have to be to be so obsessed with it
but that’s the thing, love
YOU’RE SICK. you’re literally probably dying and you’re glorifying the fuck out of it
I don’t want to sound so angry. But I’m only angry because I care.
Because I know. I know that the more you obsess over it, the more you fall in love with it. And you listen to music and all you can think of is ED and you pass a restaurant sign and all you can think of is ED but let me tell you something, people
anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, arfid? these are diseases. not lifestyles. they’re not a god damned choice and they’re not beautiful. they’re evil. they’re manipulative. they’re fucking deadly.
but i mean you go ahead and keep posting pictures of stick-thin girls -- and I’m not trying to body shame here. I’m not talking about naturally skinny. I’m talking about girls (and boys) who starve themselves and purge and overexercise to get their body to look a certain way
You keep reblogging that. it’ll make the person feel better about themselves. so then they’ll want to lose more and more weight. congrats
stop denying that you are pro-ana. stop saying you don’t promote eating disorders. just stop. 
//gets unfollowed by 30 people probably, whoops//
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Funny thing about self diagnosis now is how people use it as a pride thing. When I was a teen on the internet(10+ years ago) I had an eating disorder and was part of pro-Ana boards to help me hide the disease. I knew the dsm criteria, and everyone shared tips to avoid having people know and getting caught. I was living on 500 cal a day and weighed 90lbs, so not a hard call, but the whole point was to hide it completely not to wear it as a sign of how edgy you were. Also there was a side of 1/2
Recasting the disorders as simply a lifestyle choice, like being vegan or no carb or something. I just find the transition from a 'we're not sick we just have to be able to avoid detection' variety of self diagnosis to the 'look at my cool disease!' form is weird. And no one seems to pick ed as their diagnosis special. Also in recovery, eat vegan because I fucked up my system so bad and I love cows, and weighing a hefty 115 :p. Go redheads.
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Hi, Pandalicious here!
So I’m a 22 yo girl who suffers for a condition called Hashimoto thyroiditis (its and autoimmune disorder, non curable) since I was 11. So I just get used with it.
The major trouble of this disease is that changes your whole metabolism. We all have the 'normal metabolism' and the 'basal metabolism' (this one, is your minimal metabolic activity), so people with hipothyrodism has as 'normal' levels of metabolic activity equals to a basal metabolism... So you can imagine how low is the basal one.
In other words: we digest slowly, so we absorve much more food, so we get fat faster with less food.
Living this sadly life of loving the food, but be prohibited to eat too much because you get fat faster than other people. In this rhythm me with 17 yo was weighing 100kg. I went to college like this (believe me, the thought of suicide and depression was with me all the time).
When I was 19 to 20 yo, I did an ultimate diet + exercises full time and achieved 78kg. But the next year all came back and I was weighing 90 kilos.
So now, after treating my depression and lot of problems I started to think: I need to train my body to hate food, to love being skinny more than love eating.
So I started to read lot of posts in the Pro-Ana Lifestyle comunities, and since than I am training my brain and body to treat me.
I have a heatlhy diet with low calories and a regular exercise series 5 times/week. But, for the next 5 weeks I'll incorporate the Pro-Ana Lifestyle and see if it works.
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easosnowchik · 8 years
The Pro-Ana Lifestyle
As I read Susan Bordo’s “Unbearable Weight”, I thought immediately of a website called The Pro-Ana Lifestyle. This blog site was created by a woman who calls herself “L”, with the intention that women who struggle with anorexia can share their helpful tips and tricks for staying thin, not about their journey getting help with their disease and changing their health for the better. The website was created with a list of “Thin Commandments”, a “why I starve myself column, laws, creeds, and psalms all worshiping anorexia. Here are Ana’s list of commandments…
1) If you are not thin, you are not attractive. 2) Being thin is more important than being healthy. 3) You must but clothes, cut your hair, take laxatives, anything to make yourself look thinner. 4) Thou shall not eat without feeling guilty. 5) Thou shall not eat fattening food without punishing afterwards. 6) Thou shall count calories and restrict intake accordingly. 7) What the scale says is the most important thing. 8) Losing weight is good, gaining weight is bad. 9) You can never be too thin. 10) Being thin and not eating are signs of true will power and success.
Women are placed under this unbearable weight of society and what is a socially acceptable appearance, and Susan Bordo attempts to make an understanding of this weight on women’s shoulders. For the majority, Bordo explains how especially in magazines, women are portrayed as pencil thin without any flaws. The “Pro-Ana” Lifestyle is exactly what these magazines, social media outlets, etc. have let anorexia become an acceptable and normal condition.
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Common Questions About The Lemonade Diet
http://ketothermo.net Motivate you to ultimately change your eating habits. Try to lead a stress free life. Get enough sleep. Rope in your family and friends supprt. Tell them your plans too lose bodyweight. Ask them to help out for underpin. Pat yourself, even generally if the going is slow. Fat in a health manner. In all honesty this doesn't work well either. Any diets that tell you to cut a food outside of your diet is not a good an. The main part of any diet should be to supply system needs with the calories, proteins and minerals that it needs. Fad diets fail using the promise of permanent decline because people will always like to have the forbidden foods and they end up breaking the rules and giving up on the eating plan. The major key to weight-loss is more exercise to avoid eating various foods that make you fat meaning that a well balanced diet. The hardest part on this diet is numerous of the favourite foods are forbidden. It focuses on protein foods to obtain the required quantity of calories very important. Another problem is probable of nutrients brought on by carbohydrate foods. Permits the users to eat such foods as bacon and cheese which goes a far way to increasing amounts of. These diets do result in rapid fat loss but it's not just fat that individuals are losing. Are likely to lose lean muscular body and filtered water. Thus kidneys work harder to rid the body of excess waste from protein and stored fat. Because of this the added stress with a kidneys isn't healthy. It can result in dehydration, headaches, nausea and light headedness. So in the end a balanced diet could be better for chance of heart disease with out hurting your body.
Did you'll observe some odd phrases when you scroll lower down? Along with diet, weight loss, and skinny jeans, could possibly read ana, mia, pro-ana.what does which means that? 2 Option, as well the critical person is actually expecting Mr/Ms Right touts regardless of the fact that we have explained rigorously that the Entre Nous program is a process. Firstly we should try to learn about our members. Draught beer ready to get a relationship or maybe it destined to be a end preparing them for this item? One of your more gains of a suitable liquid Keto Weight Loss is that you are getting all of the essential nutrients naturally. That is, of course, purchase follow program properly. Better of all, you'll surely be able get associated with all the poisons in human body. So make sure that your liquid eating habits are going to consist of fresh drink taken from fruit grown organically. Now consider the actual in the actual. Half of them are as a result of chemicals within the platform. Some of them are due into the preservatives, may part of the stuff we ingest. So, you should not be astonished at all the large associated with toxins may be powerful and are also going to interfere an issue normal functioning of the body. Feb. 20: From a gynecologist's insights into myths versus truths to fitness guru Shaun T excellent five-week in order to fix issue areas, this action-packed health show. They provide you with Entre Nous for assistance get them out on the hole might in. Are generally happy to assist but coaching a in order to individual change their lifestyle needs time to work and the majority of are seeking an instant cure.
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lenaglittleus · 7 years
Is Obesity Genetic?
Do you have a harder time losing weight than your workout buddy who eats more than you? Do you struggle with your weight despite eating right, and wonder if your genetics are to blame? Is obesity a disease dictated by genes?
Obesity affects 78 million adults and 30 million children in the United States, and is defined as having a height-to-weight ratio score, a.k.a. body mass index (BMI), of 30 or above. For example, a person who is 5’4″ tall and weighs 175 pounds has a BMI of 30. This is the metric used to classify obesity as a disease by the American Medical Association, American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, The Obesity Society, the Food and Drug Administration — even the IRS — and most of the doctors and dietitians interviewed for this story.
Is Obesity a Disease?
The National Institutes of Health categorizes diseases as either chronic or infectious, and says that chronic diseases are long-term and affect people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. According to the NIH’s website, “Many chronic diseases have genetic components, which raise disease risk in certain people… the environment can also contribute to risk, and so can lifestyle choices, including your diet, physical activity, and whether or not you smoke.”
By definition, obesity can be considered a disease because it impairs normal function. “When people gain excess weight, there are abnormal changes that occur in the body, including abnormal signaling from fat cells, the endocrine system, and other organ systems, and dysregulation of appetite and energy balance,” says Adrienne Youdim, M.D., director of the Center for Weight Loss and Nutrition in Beverly Hills, California, and associate professor of medicine at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.
Excess weight is the most common sign of obesity, and it can affect every organ system in the body, according to Youdim. Obesity may contribute to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoarthritis. Caroline Apovian, M.D., director of the Center for Nutrition and Weight Management at Boston Medical Center, also considers how obesity reduces mental health and overall quality of life.
But, do all experts agree that obesity is a disease?
There is some controversy. On the one hand, declaring obesity a disease legitimizes it for treatment (and insurance coverage), which transfers more of the ownership for addressing it to physicians, and reduces the burden and stigma for the individual. All positive things.
On the other hand, some think BMI is not the best measure of obesity. Michael Coords, M.D., chief medical officer for MST Consulting, a medical education services company, admits, “It may do a decent job for the average person,” but he says it fails because it doesn’t take muscle mass into account.
A simple measure Coords thinks is more useful: belly fat, or abdominal obesity, which is a waist over 35 inches for women, and over 40 inches in men. “Ultimately, the best way to classify obesity would be to look at body fat percentage.”
Coords adds that many of his physician colleagues consider obesity more of a condition than a disease, but, “if classifying it as a disease allows patients to receive better access to appropriate care, then I can agree with that position.”
Is Obesity Caused by Nature or Nurture?
The rapid increase in obesity rates can’t be due to genetics alone, according to Katie Anderson, Ph.D., vice president of science for AthGene, a company that provides consumers with access to their DNA information. She points to the rapid rise in global obesity rates in the last 100 years. Today, nearly 40 percent of the world’s adults are overweight.
In the United States, it’s higher: two out of three adults are overweight. In just the past three to four decades, global rates of obesity have more than doubled. “This time span is simply too short to be explained by changes in genetics, which take hundreds to thousands of years to change significantly in a population.”
Instead, genes (nature) and the environment (nurture) intersect to contribute to obesity. The term for this interplay is “epigenetics.” Coords explains: “Epigenetics is basically an on/off switch. DNA provides all of our potential options but it doesn’t mean your body is using all of them at once. You can silence certain genes or express others without actually changing the DNA you have.”
Obesity is caused by a complex interaction between genetics and the environment, confirms Apovian. She provides this hypothetical example: If two children eat a high-fat, high-sugar diet for a month and child No. 1 is genetically susceptible to obesity and child No. 2 is not, their bodies will respond differently. Child No. 1 may develop pre-diabetic symptoms in a few weeks, her body weight set point (the number on the scale the body wants to return to) will change, along with a metabolism adjusted to keep her at a higher weight. Her hunger hormones would adapt to be consistently high, while satiety hormones would drop. Complex signaling from the brain would be altered as well, causing weight gain. In contrast, the second child would only experience these consequences if the high-fat, high-sugar diet is kept up for much longer than one month.
Child No. 1’s genes — the blueprint inherited from her parents that encodes everything from physical attributes to her likelihood to develop disease — favor weight gain. And it turns out, minute variations in DNA can have this effect. “Most of our genetic code is the same, with only very small changes,” says Anderson. “Quite often, the change is just one nucleotide that is mutated, and while this change is tiny, the effect it can have is huge.”
For example: a variation on the “FTO” gene.
What Is the FTO Gene?
The fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene is the first and most studied gene in connection to obesity. One study published in Nature Genetics concluded that FTO contributes to common, or polygenic, human obesity. Polygenic obesity is obesity caused by multiple factors, of which, genetics is but one part.
Higher levels of a specific variation on the FTO gene are linked to overeating (especially fatty foods), always feeling hungry, and difficulty feeling full — and this was seen in both kids and adults across African, Asian, European, Pima Indian, South American, and South Asian ethnicities.
While this doesn’t sound good, on it’s own, it can only predict 0.34 percent of obesity; and actually, FTO is essential for normal development of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems in humans. The FTO variation most studied as contributing to obesity is not strong enough of a link to predict obesity; however, there is still an association between FTO and multi-cause obesity. But the FTO variation alone isn’t what’s causing obesity.
In fact, our lifestyle choices, combined with our genetic makeup, can make some of us more likely to become obese than others. There is growing evidence that our eating habits interact with genes to influence our chances for becoming obese. For example, authors of a study published in Current Genomics noted that a high-fat diet can amplify the effect of the FTO genotype on obesity risk.
Anderson explains that this FTO gene variant helped our ancestors store fat and survive food scarcity. Over a long period of time, natural selection favored this gene variant, as those without this new mutation would have been less likely to survive periods of starvation, and pass on their genes. Since it confers such a strong advantage in times of food scarcity, Anderson hypothesizes that is why this particular gene variant became very common in the human gene pool.
“While this mutation in FTO served our ancestors well,” says Anderson, “when we fast-forward to modern times, the ability to convert food to body fat stores is in many cases no longer an advantage. Obesity is now a larger problem than starvation.”
Tell us something we don’t know.
Do Genes Dictate Future Health?
“There is a spectrum with genes and disease,” says Ana Reisdorf, M.S., R.D., and obesity specialist. “Some diseases are 100-percent genetic, for example, Cystic Fibrosis.”
Thankfully, genes are not destiny when it comes to obesity. To begin with, our best estimates, which are preliminary, suggest that only up to 10 percent of obesity can be explained by genetics. Reisdorf notes that obesity is in a category of disease that may have a genetic predisposition, but lifestyle and environment determine if the disease will actually develop or not.
“It might be better to say that genes influence future health, rather than predict,” advises Apovian.
What Can You Do if Your Genes “Want” You to Gain Weight?
Sure, a genetic predisposition to gaining weight means having to work harder at a healthy lifestyle, but think about it as if you had a family history of heart disease. Apovian says, “As with any disease, knowing that your risk is higher, it is important to guard your health closely regarding triggers for obesity. ”
It’s possible to impact genetics with healthy lifestyle habits such as filling half your plate with vegetables at every meal, getting enough lean protein, enjoying healthy fats such as olive oil or avocados, and being physically active every day.
from News About Health https://www.beachbody.com/beachbodyblog/weight-loss/is-obesity-a-disease
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