#probably the last-minute villian
hazardous-arcadia · 1 year
So I had a completely different theory why Jor-El thought Clark would be able to speak Kryptonian.
After going through the evidence and context clues again, Brainiac does seem to be the chief factor in Krypton's destruction. The Kryptonians clearly put up a fight, but they weren't going to win.
This theory presumes that "Zero Day" is a meta-reference to the Black Zero ship of Zod's in Man of Steel and Zod is the man behind The General's paranoia. Zod was going to make himself Krypton's hero/savior whether anyone liked it or not and fucked off with his group of terrorists (the Sword of Rao) to find a planet to turn into New Krypton. And if that planet was already inhabited? Well, fuck 'em.
Zod never came back and Jor-El, at least, took that as a sign that Zod had found a habitable planet on which to establish a colony and sent Kal-El off literally seconds before Krypton was destroyed.
Either way, Jor-El was counting on a Kryptonian presence.
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milflewis · 2 years
everyday i wonder how max is not embarrassed and today is no different
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redskull199987 · 1 year
Hobie Brown x female!reader
Word count:1.7k
Warnings:slightly getting hurt, some nudity, but it's fluffy in general 
Summary: atsp!spoilers, this sets place before the major events of atsp, but it still features some things from the movie, so spoiler warning to be sure. 
You were the one and only Spider-Woman in your dimension for about three years, when you met him. Hobie Brown. It didn't take long for you to join the Spider Society. And it took even less time for you and Hobie to fall in love…
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Today was probably the worst day, you had in weeks. It felt like everything that could possibly go wrong, eventually went wrong. 
It was supposed to be an easy mission. Go in, get the villian, get out. But obviously, it didn't work out that way.
Miguel had teamed you up with Gwen and Pav today. Not that you minded, but you usually went on missions with Hobie, so it felt unusual. 
Nevertheless, everything went perfectly fine, until you were supposed to leave the universe to get the villian to the HQ. 
You had no idea why and Miguel had yet to figure it out, but your watch malfunctioned and send you on a journey through several universes, you weren't supposed to visit. It took the entire day and finally after fighting off one too many villians, that weren't yours, Miguel finally got to you, stopping you from helplessly traveling around. 
After you and Miguel returned to the HQ, Pav and Gwen immediately went to apologize to you, while latching onto your arm, pulling you to the infirmary. You told them over and over again, that it was not their fault, but you knew your friends. They were always worried. That's what friends are there for after all, you thought to yourself, as the nurse inspected your wounds. 
Fortunately they weren't that serious. You just had a laceration on your head from a pretty nasty fight with a Doc Ock variant and some scrapes and bruises here and there from the day of running around random universes. 
"We're really sorry, Y/N", Gwen mumbled and petted your shoulder, as your wound was being cleaned. 
"It alright, Gwen. Don't worry, you guys", you smiled and nudged Pav slightly. The boy was sitting next to you, leaning his head against your shoulder. He was yours and Hobie's best friend here by far. Sometimes it felt like you two had adopted him. 
Instead of trying to talk to him, you just ruffled his hair and smiled at him. That seemed to lift his spirits at least a little bit.
"Should we take you home?", he offered, as you were finally dismissed, a bandage adorning your head now. 
"Nah, I'm staying over at Hobie's tonight, so don't worry.", you smiled, promising the two of them that you were fine. 
You were about to say your goodbyes as you saw the pained look on Gwen's face. It took you a minute, but then you realized that she probably didn't have anywhere to stay for the night. She couldn't return to her universe and she didn't want to disturb you and Hobie. 
"Hey Gwen", You said and as you hugged her, you pushed the keys for your apartment into her hands, "You can crash at mine today, if you want." 
She smiled thankfully and hugged you once more, much tighter this time. 
"Thanks", she mumbled into your shoulder. 
You only petted her back:"Of course. Oh and, leftovers are in the refrigerator if you get hungry." 
"I really appreciate it, Y/N", Gwen said once more before finally opening a portal to your world and stepping through it, waving one last time at you and Pav before she finally disappeared. 
"And you're sure, you'll be fine?", Pav asked, as you hugged him now too.
You only chuckled:"I'm fine, don't worry." 
He nodded understandingly:"Say hy to Hobie from me." 
"Will do", you laughed and waved at him as he left to his world. 
You Were alone now. The HQ was pretty much empty at this time of the day. The only light you could still see came from Miguel's office. He practically never left. You debated for a second, if you should go to him and thank him again, but you decided against it. Your aching muscles screaming for a bed. 
Finally pulling your eyes of off Miguels office, you looked at your watch and hoped that it wouldn't malfunction again. You cautiously tapped in the code for Hobie's universe and after a few seconds, a portal opened in front of you. 
"Here goes nothing", you mumbled to yourself, pulling your mask back over your head and stepping through the portal. 
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You didn't even realized that you had closed your eyes, until you opened them again. Much to your liking, you were greeted by the familiar city of London, adorned by various street arts, you had grown to love over the months. 
You breathed in the cold night air, as you made your way through the city, swinging from building to building. You heard the sirens of the police and thought about stepping in whatever fight was going on, but for once in your life, you just wanted to get home. 
After a couple of minutes of more swinging around, you finally reached Hobie's apartment. And in typical Spidey Manner, you entered through his bedroom window. His room was shrouded in darkness , but you could see light coming from the bathroom. 
"Hobie!?", you called out for him, as you stumbled over to his bed, flopping down shamelessly. 
"Babe?", you saw his head peeking out from the bathroom, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. As soon as he saw you, he discarded it and made his way over to you. 
"Are you alright? Are you hurt?", he asked, seemingly worried, "Gwen told me about what happened but I couldn't come help you, I was on a mission with Peter B." 
You finally sat up, pulling your mask down, but before Hobie could panic about the bandage on your forehead, you assured him, that it was fine. 
"Don't worry", you mumbled, "I'm fine, just tired." 
"C'mon", he smiled and nudged your shoulder, as he stood up again. You slowly followed him to the bathroom. 
You squinted your eyes at the bright light, leaning your head against Hobie's shoulder. 
"Pav says hy", you mumbled, as he helped you peel out of your suit. 
Hobie chuckled, knowing that your friend would've found a way to greet him, even if they didn't see each other today. 
"Of course, he did", Hobie grinned, as you had finally made it out of your suit. 
"Wanna take a shower?", he asked. 
"You joining me?", you smirked, a bit of your cheekiness returning now that you were reunited with your boyfriend. 
"If you ask like that, my love", Hobie smiled, turning the shower on and discarding his t-shirt and sweats on the floor. You watched as he stopped under the steaming water, letting it run over his head with a sigh. 
It didn't take you long to join him. You leaned into him, as the water ran down your body. 
"Your bandage", Hobie smiled, pointing at the soaked gauze on your head. 
"Can probably take it off now anyway", you muttered. 
"Here, Let me-", Hobie mumbled, carefully taking it off for you and throwing it out of the shower, perfectly hitting the trash can thanks to his spider senses. 
"Thanks", you mumbled, lifting your arms around his neck. You softly kissed him on the cheek, feeling Hobie's hands rise to rest on your waist. 
"I missed you today", Hobie mumbled, as he rested his chin on top of your head, starting to slowly sway to a non existent tune. 
"Missed you too", you agreed, burying your head even deeper in his shoulder. 
You heard him chuckle at your antics and he lightly pulled back to look at you. You had barely time to say anything, as he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on your lips. You sighed contently. Finally feeling his lips on yours again, made the whole day suddenly seem worth it. 
Almost out of breath, you finally parted. You only looked up at Hobie and smiled. He had a dreamy expression on his face. Like he was in heaven. Something that you rarely saw. 
"Let's go to sleep", you said, pecking his lips one more time, before turning the shower off and stepping out. 
You almost instantly felt a shiver run down your neck at the cold air, but Hobie came to safe you, wrapping a towel around you from behind. 
"Thanks", you smiled, drying yourself. 
After finishing your evening routine and getting into comfortable clothes, Hobie had of course given you some of his, you finally found yourself in his bed, snuggling up to each other. Both of your suits Were discarded on the floor, Hobie's guitar was standing at the other end of the room and for once in a while, you felt like a normal human being. 
"I love you", you mumbled into Hobie's chest, as he hugged you tightly. 
"Love ya too, Hun", Hobie smiled and softly kissed the top of your head, "Now sleep, you deserve it." 
You wanted to complain, but your tired eyes voted against it, so you only got comfortable, pulling Hobie even closer to you and it didn't take you long before you drifted off into a peaceful slumber, Hobie not taking long before doing the same. 
As you woke up, you were confused, as to why you didn't find Hobie next to you. It took you a few minutes, for your body to completely wake up, before you realized that you were laying on the floor. You sat up, looking around confused. You couldn't help but giggle, as you spotted the culprit, who had pushed you off of the bed. 
You saw Hobie laying in the bed, his arms and legs spread out like he was a seastar, snoring softly. His pillow was laying next to you on the floor, the blanket barely covering him still. 
With a small grunt, you pushed yourself up, but instead of going to the couch in the living room or starting to make breakfast, you simply laid down on top of Hobie. He shuffled for a second, but eventually pulled your body closer. You nuzzled your head back into his shoulder, enjoying the slow morning with your boyfriend. 
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nightmyst14-blog · 3 months
What is your top five disliked Cookie Run characters? NPCs include.
Jeez... I don't have many disliked cookies that I just dislike bc they exist, honestly. For the most part.
I do sometimes dislike a character for the role they play in the story. That means they played their role well enough for me to hate. I do like a few villains, but that's for different reasons.
Context matters me to when it comes me liking or disliking a character.
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This goes for least to most disliked. I do have a few for Ovenbreak, so let me know if you want me to add them too.
Carrot: Tbh, I cant defend myself with her Like I can do for the others. She's just... boring to me. I LEGIT forgot she's in the game half of the time And when she does show up, she's so..one sided. There's no substance to her. I like Beet over her, and WISH Beet hanged out with someone else than her. Plus she's bossy.
Affogato: As a Dark Cacao kingdom fan, this man gets on my nerves. HE was going to rule a already struggling to survive kingdom, poison their mentally unwell and probably grieving king, get the only person who the king trust banished, and then run away like a coward once his plan had failed. I Like their craftiness and their story was interesting. As a villain I do dislike him, but I can see a slight chance of him getting a redemption arc.
Elder Custard: Its on sight with this man. I will fight him, hands down and anyone adjacent with him. He's just a abusive, greedy man. He doesn't sit right with me. He made Clotted into a puppet for his selfish reasons, kept him away from his poor mother, Light Cream, since he was a child, and the fact even in a matter of MINUTES of seeing Custard the 3rd, he called him a brat and unnoble-like. Plus he talks down to Captain Caviar.
I honestly thought it was him who stole the soul jam during the Odyssey update. If it wasn't Meuille-Feulle (another I hate) as the villian, I 100% believe it wouldve been Elder Custard, trying to gain more power. I was READY to watch them fight tbh. I can tell he will get his way, one way or another. no matter concequences.
Pomegranate: Last two are combined for her. She's a pretty good villain, MORE threatening than even DE. Like she's manipulating people left and right, hurting them to get her way, or in her case, DE"s way. Honestly her power is king frightening. If she's able to make Dark Choco revisit his trauma all the time, make Dark Cacao, an ANCIENT, turn into a new form, and make the Sugar Swan, the embodiment of LIFE ITSELF, evil....I would stay FAR away from her.
Shadow Milk: KEEP THIS MAN AWAY FROM ME. He's like Bill cipher, but WORSE. He's tried to corrupt Pure Vanilla, killed Elder Faerie, and possessed many of the faerie citizens and make them into jesters, all of his amusement. If it wasn't for White Lily sealing him back into the silver tree, he would be the next big villain, along with Mystic Flour and the other Beasts. We've seen two of the beasts powers now, WHAT CAN THE OTHER BEASTS DO???
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horrorartist23 · 9 months
What if in Trolls 4 and bare with me on this one. What if like they (like the Main cast with the brothers) get into a chase scene again that goes trough mount rageous again and they are in Rhonda. So she runs out of breath or hurts her self so she cant go on for much longer and then SUPRISE!
Velvet and Veneer pick them up and go after them with a car. So it turns out they got released and they are working on thier sibling relationship. And its gotten better between the two. I also kinda imagined that Floyd and Veneer catch up like old friends, share a laugh that sort of thing. Since I believe that Veneer can be redeemed (Velvet too it would just take far more effort for her) they also like befriend the other trolls aswell and there are no hard feelings between them. So they catch up to the villian and oh no end of the road! So Veneer (who is driving) tells Velvet to take the wheel for a moment and then grabs the trolls and Rhonda and launches them towards the villian, so they hang on last minute. Since its the end of the road, the siblings stop at the celebrate once they see them reach the Villian cheering them to go on. Floyd speaks out a thank you to them both.
Tho I must say Floyd would probably be a bit unsure about Velvet considering what happened in the past. But he trusts her aswell
That be kinda cool actually.
Oh oh and while they drive they listen to brozone that be kinda funny actually
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abstract-moth · 4 months
role swap villain!Ambrosius premise
Ambrosius villian AU starts with the same premise as the movie. Except when Amb cuts off Bal’s arm, the weapon aims into the crowd, instead of directly upward.
This changes 2 things: 1) Bal no longer has a hole to escape in and 2) a lot of the audience is now dead. Since Bal has no way to escape, the other knights quickly swarm and kill him. Amb is odiously very distraught over this. Not only did his boyfriend commit treason for seemingly no reason and he has no way to know why but Amb inadvetingly caused Bal’s death AND the death of innocent audience members. He finds himself overcome with grief and guilt, eventually unable to perform his duty as a knight. Seen as a failure, he is kicked out of the Institute.
To make matters worse, cutting off Bal’s arm is seen as the last heroic thing he ever did. Amb becomes the kingdom’s supervillain instead. He doesn’t really have much motivation left, mainly he’s looking for ways to resurrect Ballister. Thinking if he succeeds he will regain his loved one and purpose in life and they can become villains together. This mainly brings him to dark magic (bc ofc it must exist in this timeline) and drains his health and makes his mental state worse
This is also how he comes across Nimona. But while Nimona was expecting a fun supervillain, she was not expecting a depressed unbathed middle aged man with no direction in life. She basically has to take control of his plans (while still calling herself his sidekick mind you loser or not Amb has the villain brand). I would characterize Nimona as a mix of her comic and movie versions.
In helping Amb, she ends up working through her own issues too. It gets to a point where Amb is putting all his effort into resurrecting Bal. However he isn’t even sure that if resurrected, Bal would even still love the man he has become. Nimona also points out that they would basically have no future together bc Bal is still 100 percent a criminal and Amb hasn’t really improved the kingdom in all his years of villainy. Amb decides to put all his effort into exposing the Institute’s corruption (yay!) and also work himself up to a big heroic sacrifice bc that’ll totally fix all his problems (no!).
Amb eventually comes to the realization that maybe one day Bal will be resurrected one day or maybe he will never be; but Amb better not be a flaming hot mess when that happens. Unsure about the ending. I think it would be interesting if they actually do find a way to bring Ballister back and Amb initially is blinded by selfishness, but in a last minute decision he decides to bring back the audience members instead. The life granting deity decides to cut this man a break and returns Ballister too.
Meredith is probably also there somewhere twiddling around
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Hunter x Hunter: the spiders' numbers
guys i have a crazy theory on how the troupe chose their numbers.
so i just spent the last 20 minutes scouring the manga for these details but i propose- with some exceptions- that the troupe chose their numbers based on their casting order in the power cleaner dub.
so for the cast we had:
Green cleaner - Nobunaga
Yellow cleaner - Feitan
Orange cleaner - Sarasa
Blue cleaner - Phinks
Scientist - Shalnark
Disgustking - Franklin
Purple cleaner - Sheila
Pink cleaner - Pakunoda
Misc Villian - Uvogin
Red cleaner - Chrollo
Princess(?) - Machi.
so we know they didn't agree on the spider until 3 years after chrollo announced his plan for meteor city. and so i imagine they didn't choose numbers until then when chrollo has finalized his vision for what this group is going to be.
he chooses the number 13 because in his faith [Christianity]: (quoting from some random religious site) "The number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to the spirit: the passage on a higher level of existence." which just fits so poetically perfectly that i have to use it.
he places himself as 13 since he chose the number and he's the leader. and the rest agree to go down the roster of characters to assign their numbers.
i don't know exactly how they figured it out, since i can't really figure out which cleaner is which except for blue and red.
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that and we don't know if the cleaner team had like an order or anything.
but! we do have the order they called dibs on characters in. paku would probably pass and wait until the boys got their dibs and sheila was absent anyway so priority order would fall to nobu and fei as the first two.
uvo, who wasn't on the main cast, would then choose one of the last few numbers, with franklin maybe originally taking 12 as disgustking and uvo taking 11 as a different villain.
but they do convince franklin to change his mind after they reveal they're going in dibs order.
next then would be phinks but machi steps in and says that the number four is considered the number of death, and since they were going with number superstition - direct look at chrollo here- and claims number 3 in place of sarasa. that or chrollo stipulates that 3 should be kept for either machi or paku since both had integral parts in making the troupe what it is. again for superstitious and symbolic religious meanings XD
and from there it's in order of dibs again. phinks takes 5, shal takes 6- more on that later-, franklin takes 7 and paku wants to give number 8 to sheila since paku is content to be last in the dibs order, but chrollo then reveals sheila has cut all contact with him. still, paku is content with number 9.
back to shal though. he takes the number for two reasons: one being the order they'd agreed on and the other being the significance of the sixth episode where they'd stopped recording dubs.
i know for a damn fact togashi put the dibs order that way for a reason because it lines up too perfectly.
i just cant make the reasoning for a blank 3 or 8 fit seamlessly. i do strongly believe the superstition around the number 4 is what led it to be empty. i just can't come up with something significant for 8.
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teenandbeyond · 11 months
Shoto. T x Fem. Black Ex Villain Reader
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 🎶Guess who's back? Back again. Guess who's back, guess who's back— 🎶 Edit: Lemme know if y'all want more oneshots on their lovestory and such (50 notes if you want a back story, if you pass it by even one, I'll give you a backstory and a smut if you want it.)
The prequel, part 2 is out! Here.
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Rainy Days
Warning(s): Fluff, (hints at suggestive language) adult Shoto
You and Shoto's dating life after you leave your villianous past behind.
When you wake up, the first thing you see is hetrochromatic eyes already looking at you.
"Good Morning, [Name]."
"G'Mornin," you mutter into a pillow (his intense gaze with no preparation led to you resetting there).
"Your sleep talking is cute every time."
"Ony yud tink tat (Only you'd think that)." You finally turn to meet his eyes, "Want breakfast?"
He nods, "I've been hungry for a while."
You groan as you roll out of the bed, shuffling on some slippers, "Why didn't you wake me up sooner, Sho?"
"You looked peaceful. I could wait," as he got up to follow you, he re-tied his pajama pants.
As you made your way to the kitchen, you yawned, grabbing all the dishes you needed robotically; it was like a seamless routine.
Shoto made himself helpful and helped grab ingredients (which also subtly hinted at what he wanted).
Once everything was set out, he obediently sat at the kitchen island and watched you.
At this point, you'd taught him a little about cooking...but Shoto couldn't be awesome at everything.
After years of teaching him, he'd only managed to master eggs, toast, tea, and cutting vegetables on a good day.
The minute he started your playlist, you sang along like it was your duty as an R&B nerd.
And as he watched you in your element in his kitchen, he felt glad that you were given another chance.
His gaze went down your figure, from your blindingly beautiful smile and plump lips that he could never stop finding attractive no matter how much time passed...
To your hips that swayed with your head to the music; your legs that he loved to hold and have around his—
"Why're you looking at me like that?"
His eyes slid up to meet yours, "I just...I glad that you're with me. I love you."
You didn't know how those three words still managed to fluster you after years.
You smiled, "I love you, too. Wanna try this? See if there's too much seasoning for you?"
Shoto chuckled, "I've been with you long enough to handle some seasoning by now, [Name]."
But he didn't object to being fed, of course he didn't. He loved your soul food no matter what time of day it was.
He was glad that the others weren't here to see this time, sometimes the whole 'you two are a married couple' teasing would get on his nerves.
Let him get spoiled from his Queen in peace.
As he thoughtfully chewed, you kissed his forehead and got back to work.
"Should we go out today?"
"You might want to wear more than just my shirt before we do that."
You rolled your eyes, "Obviously. I hate to see what you'd do if anyone else saw me like this but you."
He stared at you in silence for a long time, you didn't realize he was until you placed the plate in front of him.
Not a twitch.
"Hm?" he blinked back to reality. (Oh, there goes gravity.)
"You okay?"
"I was thinking about what I'd do...Probably not the best thing to happen."
You weren't any less confused as he got to eating.
"What does that mean—?”
"—It'd be better if you didn't know."
Well, okay then...
"Besides, it's raining. There's nowhere to go."
Only now did you notice the rain pounding on the window.
"And on your day off, too..."
You felt fingers intertwine with yours before lips brushed against your knuckles.
"That's okay. We don't need to go out for me to enjoy time with you. Last night, for example—"
"—Anyway. We could watch a movie or binge a show."
"If we get to cuddle, deal."
Cuddling was admittedly Shoto's favorite form of physical affection with you.
He loved the way your head fit perfectly in the crevice of his shoulder and head.
He loved the smell of your shampoo while your hair brushed his cheek.
He loved that the curve of your body fit into his, he loved your warmth.
He loved the little whispers of love and affection passing your lips.
He loved the soft neck kisses.
Your nails grazing his back.
He loved your random muttering in English, hearing the slang he understood, the slang he didn't.
He loved the intimacy, he loved how close he could be to you. The pure affection. Something he'd craved for a long time.
He loved the vulnerabilty.
He loved what it represented, the first time the two of you cuddled after a long night of talking.
He loved the trust. The safety.
He loved cuddling with you because you were truly his home.
He needed you.
Absentmindedly, he began to kiss your neck as he went deeper into thought.
More than he realized sometimes.
His friends made him learn what friendship was.
But you taught him what love was like.
He handn't realized his hands had traveled.
"What happened to inocently watching the movie?"
He smiled into his shirt, "I never said anything like that...besides, what else is there to do to repay you for the breakfast?"
Shoto loved rainy days.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 9 months
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So here's my thing
Dreamworks has created nothing but absolute BANGERS lately. Movies like "the bad guys" "puss in boots and the last wish" and "trolls band together" ("Teenage Kraken" fell a little short for me during the second half of the movie but the beginning was great) They have a history of making absolute banger sequels, trilogies and movies in general like the previous Kung Fu Panda movies, How to Train Your Dragon, Trolls, and others I'm not thinking of off the top of my head.
Honestly I reacted to Kung Fu Panda three going "really? another one?" and Trolls 2 and 3 going "really? another one?" but Kung Fu Panda 3 ended up being i think my favourite of the trilogy at the time (i havent watched em in a while so this may have changed) and I haven't stopped thinking about Trolls 3 since I watched it. I can't say I think this fourth kung fu panda will be awesome, I can't say it'll be even half as good as some of the stuff Dreamworks has been putting out--not every single one of their movies is gonna be an absolute winner--but I know they seem to respect their movies and treat their sequels with just as much creativity and fun as they do the previous movies.
Honestly I haven't seen anything for music wise, but I also think its okay to give a character a theme and let them keep it to show they've retained that part of their development. Heck, httyd had one of the most iconic scores of all time and that is in all three movies. It's part of the storytelling.
Dreamworks isn't Disney. They aren't going to do what disney has been doing. so you can bet i ain't gonna be bashing them like I would probably be bashing disney. Re-using old villian's powers is a great way to bring in cameos of old villians, like, bRO I BEEN WANTING TO CATCH A GLIMPSE OF TAI LUNG AGAIN FOR Y E A R S. I honestly was a little disappointment we didn't see him in the third movie what with the spirit realm being in it and all. So even if he's only in there for a minute, I think its really cool to see him again.
Point is, dreamworks hasn't done antyhing to make me assume its gonna suck. it looks like a kung fu panda movie and i'm probably gonna enjoy it like a kung fu panda movie whenever i get around to watching it
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frootloopscos · 8 months
What’s with all the Demons?! (Chapter 2)
Welcome to the Villians’ World (2)
The two, unfortunatley didn't find any information on (Y/N)'s home county, much to the Enby's dissapointment. It was then that Crowley truly believed that the demon slayer was from another world completely. (Y/N) was upset to say the least, one moment asleep in the butterfly mansion, and the next in this random world. However Dire Crowley was "very kind" in his words and informed them that they could stay in the definitely not abandoned dorm known as ramshackle. 
He led them to said dorm, it was on campus and seemed to look like an actual home....it reminded them of their pop's mansion. They missed their moms, pop...and dad... it was then that they realized Crowley was speaking to them and they looked to him, catching up on the last bit of the speech. "And because I am so kind you will be staying here as a janitor and guard for the school, you do have the tools required after all." (Y/N) looked at him confused, "guard?" They asked, "if you're talking about my blade, then I suppose if demons arrive I'll slay them, that is my job after all." They stated crossing their arms. "Wonderful!" Crowley said with a smile, "I'll let you get settled in then, and you'll get your first assignment in the morning!" 
With that the demon slayer walked into the run down dorm, "I can see why they call it Ramshackle now." They mumbled to themself as they began walking around. Eventually going up the stairs and entering one of the rooms, it was in a bit better shape than the other ones so they decided that was to be the room they'd sleep in. They spent a good thirty minutes or so cleaning it out until it looked decent enough. They smiled at their work and moved to the closet to see what may be in there, opening it up their eyes widened. Their haiori, two other swords, their spare demon slayer uniform, and the bird seed bag they usually kept on them were all in there. "How?" They questioned and quickly removed the ceremonial robes they were wearing, hanging them up in the closet, then they took their haiori and hugged it before putting it on. 
They took their other swords and attached them to the other hip, "now I'm complete again." They said with a sigh and left the room, closing the door behind them before going back downstairs. "I suppose I have to clean the other rooms in here as well...it's still early so I could probably get the living area and the kitchen done..." they said to themself as they walked to the other side of the living area, only to realize that it was raining outside....and the rain was coming through their ceiling. "Of course," they mumbled to themself before beginning to look for a bucket. While in the kitchen they heard the front door open. "Is that crow man back?" They asked themself as they walked back to the living area, only to find the cat demon from before complaining about his claiming ears potential going out. 
"Nyah?! What are you doing here?!" The cat asked seeing the Enby, said Enby glared at him and grabbed at their singular sword. "I could ask you the same thing demon." "Hah?! I told you already! I'm no demon! I am the great and powerful grim and I will be the greatest mage!" The Enby unsheathed their sword and pointed it at him, "why are you here? I thought that person had banished you." The demon cat crossed his arms with a frown, "they can try all they want but it was easy to get back on to campus!" He said, a smirk now placed on his face, the Enby sighed and sheathed their sword. "Well, if you're going to stay with me, you need to earn your keep demon," they said crossing their arms.
It was then that some of the previous residents of the dorm decided to show up...as ghosts. "I just don't get a break do i?" The slayer asked themself as they took out their sword, the cat fired literal fire from his mouth. (Y/N) smirked getting an idea, "you said your name is grim right? Well, this is how you earn your keep. Get rid of these demons with me and you can stay for two weeks." They said before crouching down and inhaling deeply, "flame breathing, First form," they said before quickly moving forward and slicing through two of the ghosts, right where their heads would be. "Unknowing Fire." 
Only for nothing to happen, the ghosts began to laugh at the slayer. "We're ghosts! Already dead!" They said to the Enby. They narrowed their eyes at the spirits, "then begone, this is my home now." They said putting their sword away as Grim began to freak out. "I thought you didn't have magic!" He yelled, they looked down to him with a raised brow, "I don't, I'm a demon slayer, I use breathing techniques." They said bluntly and pointed at the ghosts, "use your fire to get rid of them." "You want me to get rid of them?!" Grin yelled, his ears flattening to his head in fear before he closed his eyes, "grrrr, I'm a master sorcerer! I ain't afraid of any dumb ghosts! RRRRRAHHHHH!" And he blasted blue flames at the ghosts...only for him to miss. 
"Grrrr, they keep disappearing and reappearing!" Grim yelled in frustration, "calm down, your eyes are closed, you'll set the dorm ablaze." (Y/N) said to the fire cat, "Shut up! I don't need any lip from you, human!" (Y/N) sighed in annoyance, "perhaps if you beat them the headmage will let you enroll?" Grim's eyes widened as he stares at them, "hmmm, well how come I can't hit a single one of them?!" He yelled to the ghost's amusement. 
This only made the cat angrier, "you're hanging up on us! Y-you're a bunch of cowards!" (Y/N) hummed trying to think of something before they smiled, "Grim, fire to your left." They said seeing a ghost approaching the furry creature. The ghost shrieked as it was hit with a blast of fire and Grim grinned happily.  "Got one! You keep telling me where to hit 'em human!" "Right!" 
Together the demon slayer and the monster successfully removed all of the ghosts before Crowley finally returned. Seeing Grim in the dorm, holding onto (Y/N) as if his life depended on it he was shocked. "Child what is that creature doing here?" He asked (Y/N) as they gently patted Grim's head, "removing your ghost problem! You're welcome by the way!" Grim yelled at Crowley as he leaned into (Y/N)'a affection. After explaining the situation to Crowley he hummed in thought before nodding, "I see I see so you two joined forces to drive them away." He stated, "That's not how I'd describe it. More like I drove 'em all away and the human watched. And I only did it 'cause I want tuna! Hey wait! You still owe me tuna human!" He yelled jumping away from (Y/N). "I never said I'd be giving you any tuna." (Y/N) said raising a brow and looking at the cat. "Would you two be so kind as to demonstrate your eradication method you used for me?" Crowley asked the two. 
"One, no I already wiped 'em all out! And two, no where's my tuna?!" Grim yelled, Crowley crossed his arms, "I'll play the part as the ghosts. As for tuna, you'll receive it when you defeat me, oh how generous I am." He mumbled to himself with a grin. Then pulling a vial of some liquid out of nowhere and drinking it he turned into a ghost. (Y/N)'s eyes widen, one of their hands going to their sword at their hip. "Grim, this is your chance, are you willing to do it once more?" They asked the now grumpy cat, "hrmph, fine! But you owe me a lot more tuna!" He yelled before jumping in front of (Y/N). 
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long! Updates will be coming more frequently I promise! 
Word count: 1366
Published to Wattpad: Aug. 30th, 2023 
Published to Tumblr: Jan. 30th, 2024
Edited: n/a
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snoelledarts · 4 months
ooh tell me about re-aliving!
Since someone already asked about it, I'll hand out another snippet! This was the original version of my long-fic, Grace of Gods, and it STARTED with Nico resurrecting Jason. Here's a bit from when Nico is looking for Jason in Elysium! (Sorry for how long it is! I really liked this bit LOL...)
It could be hours or mere minutes before Nico finally sees a face he recognizes. A young boy, probably about as old as Nico is now, with shiny black hair and a black eye-patch. The last time Nico saw him was at Camp Half-Blood, following Luke around like a lost puppy. What was his name? Erin? Erick? …Ethan! It was Ethan. Nico almost feels ashamed that he doesn’t remember, but in his defense his memories from before Tartarus are a little shaky at best. 
He remembers Ethan being smart. Particular, but not unkind. Before the war, Luke wouldn’t surround himself with anyone he thought was unkind. Broken demigods, maybe, but not villains. Luke was a beacon for demigods who wanted a second chance. It should have been clear from the start who was behind it all, really. 
Here, now, seeing Ethan sitting and chatting idly with the people around him, Nico has to choke back the guilt and sadness that crawls up his throat. 
They were all so young.
Sure, at the time Nico was younger, and these demigods were technically responsible for him having to witness war as a child, but Nico also would have witnessed war as a child if he grew up in Italy like he was supposed to, so he chooses to call that one a draw. (Though, he probably wouldn’t have had to fight in Italy. …Right?) 
Can this boy, who was clearly barely 17 when he died, really be blamed for being talked into raising Kronos? Can any of them be blamed for giving in to what they thought would be a better world for them? For their friends? 
And for his efforts, Ethan and all of Luke’s demigod followers who died in battle gained Elysium. Now that is fair. Kronos rotting in Super Hell forever while the children he emotionally manipulated enjoy eternal happiness? A wise and just decision. 
Funny, now that Nico thinks about it, Kronos was a really shitty villian. Exploiting angsty teenagers with mommy and daddy issues and then failing at exploiting said teenagers well enough that they don’t turn on you at the last second hardly counts as being a successful evil Titan. What a loser. 
Nico makes his way over to the small cafe table Ethan is situated at, sipping at a bowl of soup cupped gently in his hands. Scars crisscross like a star-map across his knuckles and the backs of his hands. They’re small enough that Nico has to wonder what caused them. They certainly don’t look like battle wounds. More serrations than cuts. 
When he’s finally close enough, the crowd parts and Nico sees a blip of messy blond hair seated across from Ethan. At first, he thinks it’s Luke. Until he remembers that Luke chose to be reborn. In fact, the closer he gets the more Nico realizes he couldn’t have been more wrong. The boy sitting across from Ethan is clearly younger than Luke was when he died, despite Nico not being able to see his face. He’s taller, more built compared to Luke’s lithe frame, and much paler. He also lifts a bowl to his face, and Nico catches a glimps of an SPQR tattoo on the inside of the demigod’s right wrist, which is strange because he’s wearing a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, not a Camp Jupiter one. And the only person Nico knows who has both is…
“Jason!” Nico breaks out into a sprint. Gods, Elysium had really sucked him in for a second. All that reminiscing, he had almost forgotten why he was here. Or, rather, who he was here for.  The demigod sitting across from Ethan turns around slowly, mouth parted with polite shock, as Nico barrels through ghosts to get to them. 
“Sorry-- excuse me! Pardon me, if I could just,” Nico’s voice is apologetic but he doesn’t take his eyes off of Jason. The Underworld can be tricky, and Nico knows better than most that just because Jason seems close by doesn’t mean he is, or that Elysium won’t rearrange itself the second Nico looks down. Instead, he choses to run straight through any ghosts in his path at full speed, vanquishing quite a few of them with stock apologies. 
He’s panting by the time he makes it to the little table Jason and Ethan are sitting at, hands on his knees. Surely he’s not that out of shape, right? Must be a trick of Elysium. …Must be. 
“Jason!” Nico says again, unable to keep the smile off of his face. “Alright, time to go, come-on. The longer I’m here the greater the chances that I get caught.” He gives a polite nod to Ethan, and focuses back on Jason.
Looking at Jason’s face more closely, something is off. His eyes are so blue they’re almost white, nearly blending in with the rest of his sclera. Ghosts here are fuzzy at the edges, enjoying the timelessness of eternal happiness, but even taking that into account Nico is sure Jason did not look like this before.
Hesitation flashes across Jason’s features. “...Nico?” 
“Uh, yeah. It’s me-- What happened to your eyes?” Nico asks before he can stop himself. Practicing not filtering himself so much really has backfired quite a bit as of late. Nico isn’t so sure that was one of Will’s best ideas. But if it keeps Will from mumbling all day about “masking” and “Nico mentally draining himself” then he’ll take the consequences of his stupid thought to mouth connection.
“My eyes?” Jason asks, lifting a hand up to his face as if he had forgotten they were even there. 
He doesn’t get a chance to expand on that thought, though, because Ethan leans across the table and speaks up. “Nico di Angelo? As in, the little Hades kid who ran away from camp?” He’s looking critically back and forth between Nico and Jason, as a child of Nemisis does. 
Taken back for a second that Ethan recognized him, let alone can acknowledge him here, in Elysium, Nico dumbly responds with, “Uh, yeah?” 
Maybe demigods can see through the Mist enough that they retain it in death? Half the ghosts Nico just ran through acted like he wasn’t even there… Or maybe it’s just because he’s talking with Ethan directly? Nico’s not really sure, but he doesn’t plan on staying long enough to find out.
“Interesting… What are you doing here?” 
“What’s wrong with Jason’s eyes?” Nico asks, instead of answering Ethan’s question. Because he can’t. They both know he can’t. Admitting it out loud in the Underworld would be like using a megaphone to announce you are going to rob a bank outside of the nearest police station. Ethan seems to get it immediately, eye going wide and leaning back in his seat, setting his cup of soup down for the first time since Nico laid eyes on him.
Ethan raises his one visible eyebrow, a twinkle in his eye that makes Nico a little bit nervous. He opens his mouth to answer, a shrug halfway finished in his shoulders, but then his eyes glaze over and his posture drops. 
“Who are you, again?” He says instead. 
See, that’s the sort of greeting Nico was expecting. But now that it has come after their initial conversation, Nico can’t help but be a little nervous.
“Alright, time to go! Enjoy eternal life, or whatever,” Nico stutters out, grabbing Jason by the arm and pulling him up from his seat. “Oh--” Is the only protest Jason puts up, letting himself be pulled by the son of Hades through the streets of Elysium. “What’s going on?” He asks, as they round a corner. It’s the first hint of actual fear and concern Nico has heard. Which is strange, because he shouldn’t be able to feel fear and concern in Elysium.
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futurewriter2000 · 8 months
The Daring, Forbidden and Evil - pt. 10
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A/N: I wanted to complicate this so much but I just love these two so much and I wanted a cute ending. That's why I'm planning to writing an epilog as well. But just imagine if I could combine all of these fics I wrote, I'd have a whole book. Like damn. Anyways enjoy.
You stood in front of the mirror, not knowing exactly how to react to the reflection that ws staring back at you. You didn't want to smile at her anymore. You didn't want to look like her anymore.
He said she was sick but she chose another man, a villian over you and there was rage inside of you that didn't want to look like her anymore. You didn't want that anymore.
You grabbed a pair of scissors and choped a big chunk of your hair. You cried as you did so. You always heard people cried when they chop their hair and you thought that was the most pathetic thing to do because it's only hair. In your case, it presented your lineage, the lineage of family that you weren't really proud of.
You held a big chunk of her hair in your hand and you cried as you threw it in the toilet. You grabbed the other half and just started to cut it up. You didn't want her hair. You wanted your hair. You didn't want her smile, you wanted your smile.
All those years of repressing your emotions for your own mother, finally came to light and you- well, you were ready to literally cut her off. Your hair presented that for you. It styled your whole image, the image you portrayed to be all these years and now you were becoming somebody new. You became somebody you've always wanted. Yourself.
You won't tell anybody about your actions. You decided that. You won't tell George about what you did by telling the Malfoys about their secrecy and to be honest, it wasn't anything new. They couldn't get to it and you never told them about Sirius- which now, you knew it was the right choice. You won't tell the Malfoys that over the break when you stayed there, it was their last time seeing you.
You planned to stay in Hogwarts until you graduate and then immediately move back to France. Your grandmother's friend is a traveller, they wouldn't find you even if anybody searched for you.
But then there's George. Sweet boy George...
George hasn't heard from you until he got back. He wrote you a couple of messages and sent them over but there was no reply. It wasn't like he could just go over the Slytherin house without knowing the password that you always told him to whenever he was about to sneak in. He also knew that you'd probably had a rough week over the Malfoys.
"You alright mate?" asked Fred, seeing his brother staring at the ceiling for 15 minutes straight as he only played with the Rubic's cube, not intending to really solve it.
George slowly sat up and looked at his brother. "I know you don't like her, Fred." he said and Fred only watched. "I've wondered how I trust he when I shouldn't- her mother did monstrousities... but..." he shook his head and looked up at his brother. "You, out of all people know what's it like being judged by your family."
Fred turned on his chair and let out a deep breath. "I won't give you shit about it, Georgie." he said. "I don't trust her but she hasn't done anything to prove that- either way anyway." he said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I just think-" he was suddenly interrupted by a knock on their door.
Fred and George looked at each other with a confused look on their face. Literally nobody knocks except the Head of the house. And he can't just shout to come in if it is professor McGonagall.
Fred got up and opened the door only slightly. When he saw who it was, he widened his eyes and opened the door completely.
He grinned at the sight and crossed his arms again, leaning back. "Trying new looks?" he asked and you gave him a matching smile in return.
"Here and there." you replied. "Is George here?" you asked but his brother appeared closely behind him, gaping at the sight.
"Your hair?!" he gasped but you flushed as he did so, feeling embarrassed at the sight.
"Is it horrible?" you said, trying to fix what you had on your head.
He took a step forward, blocking Fred away when he lifted your chin and ran his hand through your short hair. "On you?" he quirked an eyebrow. "Never."
"I guess, that's my cue to leave." said Fred as he slithered through the doorframe and left the room.
You came in as George closed the door and as soon as he did so, you hugged him tightly. His arms immediately, as always, wrapped themselves around you and pushed you closer against his chest.
It was safe. It was always safe... why would you ever leave this?
The two of you were laying in his bed, quietly and comfortably. To be honest, you felt extremely hot with him but the weight of the blankets were a nicely added comfort. You laid on his chest and he rubbed his hand on your back and your hair.
"I really like this pixie cut. It suits you." he smiled and you put your head up, smiled at his smile and went back down on his chest.
"I didn't think it would suit me. I was always scared to try it." you said.
"What made you do it?" he asked and you went quiet for a while.
"My dad..." you replied and felt his hand stop caressing your back.
It was the loudest silence but you knew he gave you a great opportunity to explain this statement.
"When I came back to the Malfoys... he came and..." you lifted your head up, seeing his eyes watch you intenseley. You weren't going to betray Draco like this, just like you knew he wouldn't betray you. You laid your head back down and continued. "He said I should leave before a war breaks loose." you said and felt his heart start beating faster.
"Oh..." was all he said.
"He said to leave before I get to choose sides, especially because of my family, I might be forced to choose the wrong one..."
"Tonks didn't."
"Tonks isn't a pureblood like me." you said, finally sitting up and so did he. You ran your hands through your face and let out a loud groan. Then finally you looked at him again, to find him staring at you with petrified eyes.
You knew what he was asking of you.
He asked what about us- with his eyes pleading for an answer.
"I have a friend of my grandmother, who is willing to take me in when I turn of age... even sooner, she said. She knew Malfoys can't and won't do anything if I do decide to go. I think for Lucius it would be good ridence." you tried to force a smile and so did he.
"In France..." he said, telling you what you didn't.
"Not really..." you said, mumbling a bit. "She travels a lot and it would be safer for me to go with her."
As soon as you said that, you could feel his legs tense up underneath you. You quickly placed your hand on his cheek before he could start thinking his own thoughts.
You smiled... safely and with comfort. "I thought about us." you smiled with a glimmer only he and the whole other lot could see from a far. It calmed him down, gave him hope for a good outcome.
"You did."
"Obviously." you rolled your eyes. "You've grown on me Weasley." you pulled yourself closer to him and he reached to pull you closer until you were nose to nose together. "I thought about changing my hair completely... my name too." you smiled and he smiled back. "Thought something foreign- like Novak or Rossi." you said but he only watched you with sweetness in his eyes.
His eyes suddenly looked away, blushing away that made you quirk an eyebrow.
"Nothing." he said. "You'd hate it."
"Hate what?"
He looked back at you; your eyes, lips, nose. "How about mrs. Weasley some day?"
You closed your eyes in surprise then opened them up again. "You'd want to marry me?" you asked, not processing everything.
"One day, i'd like to keep that option open." he continued to smile.
"Why would you think I'd hate that?" you smiled brightly. "I'd love that." your voice squeeled a bit but you quickly covered it with your mouth.
He laughed at your reaction, then back he became serious. "I want you to be safe too." he said, caressing your hair again. "If that means that you'd have to leave for a while until the war is over, do it."
"And you'd stay here... with your family?" you said, feeling sadness overtake your whole body. Sadness and love- nothing else but it mixes so well together.
He smiled. "I'd stay here with my family and wait for you."
"Wait for me?"
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Who Broke It?
*The Nick Jr. Villians gather around a broken coffee machine.*
Crusher: So... who broke it?
*No one answers*
Crusher: I'm not mad. I just want to know.
Big Trouble: I did, I broke—
Crusher: No, no you didn't. Swiper?
Swiper: Don't look at me. Look at Marmalady.
Marmalady: What? I didn't break it.
Swiper: Huh. That's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Marmalady: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Swiper: *Leans on Marmalady* Suspicious.
Humdinger: If it matters, probably not… but Zeta was the last one to use it.
Zeta: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Humdinger: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Zeta: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles, everyone knows that, Humdinger!
Big Trouble: Ok, ok! Let's not fight! I broke it, let me pay for it Crusher!
Crusher: No! Who broke !?!
*Marmalady looks at Little Trouble*
Marmalady: Crusher… Little Trouble's been awfully quiet.
Big Trouble: REALLY??
Marmalady: Yeah! Really.
Big Trouble: Oh, my god!
*Everyone starts arguing.*
Crusher: I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
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r0-boat · 2 years
So like, Imagine.
Emmet is ranting to the substitute hero.
"Honestly, Months of scheming all for some Nobody to waltz through the door."
"Wow harsh."
"Ah well, even with your sub optimal brain activity you'll make a verrry good meal for my Joltiks."
"Wa-wait a minute I didn't Ask to cock block you. Ya know! I've got my own nemesis who's probably really confused why (Reader Hero Name) is crashing our work date instead of me...crashing my own work date. You get the idea!"
"I am Emmet and I am confused. You did not Choose this assignment?"
"Nope, I'm supposed to be down town watching a terribly adapted book flick. I mean, stopping my nemesis from destroying a movie theater...playing the terribly adapted book flick. We'd throw some one liners, throw some debris, Accidentally destroy those awful movie files in the process. Then sit in the wreckage and eat some popcorn together."
"But instead I'm Here being insulted by, you, because one of our company supervisor's doesn't believe Hero Nemesis relationships should be encouraged. So neither of us is having a good day."
"I see...and what is the Name of this supervisor?"
A few minutes later after the Substitute hero is untied.
"Okay so this is the Supervisor's name and image on the company website. Asshole doesn't even set Foot in the office half the time. Just constantly telling us 'lowly workers' where to go otherwise we get our asses chewed. Last week he said if he catches us taking 'too long with our villian interactions' we could suffer a pay dock. Can you believe that shit?"
"How awful." Ingo agrees as he buzzes around readying their transport.
"Verrry unprofessional. But please continue." Emmet prompts taking notes.
"Oh that's the Tip of the iceberg, there's also a gag order on heroes communicating with their nemesis on the clock otherwise it's Major disciplinary action. Like how does that make sense!? How are heroes supposed to go Meet their villains in battle if we can't communicate!? Also his car looks like this...and..."
Meanwhile at the Movie Theater. The Hero Reader is consoling the Substitute Hero's Villan.
"Like, we planned this date for Months. I know Pookie said work was really cracking down, but I never expected they'd pull This!" CRASH! "IT'S SO NOT FAAAAAAAIR!"
You patted the now monstrous form of the villain on the shoulder as they sobbed. Slow day at the movie theater meant minimum evacuations and without your own villains your heart really wasn't in it for battle.
"There there, I know the feeling you're going through. My day as a hero just isn't complete until I've heard my villains' monolog at least once."
The hero reader swivels to see the twins and the substitute hero standing in the entrance to the movie theater with snacks from the concession stand.
"Hi babe! OOF!" You were too stunned to laugh as your coworker was engulfed in a twirling hug by their nemesis. "I'm So sorry babe. I wanted to tell you what happened but-"
"Shh," The other villian assured, now back in their more humanoid appearance. "I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings Pookie, I'm just happy you found a way to be here."
"Well, I can't take full credit for that idea." You coworker gestured to your own villains. "Now, let's go tear that movie to shreds!"
The two ran further into the complex with a STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP to find the flick that had apparently offended them so.
You were still a little bewildered but smiled after them. Two peas in a pod it seemed.
"What's on your mind, dearest?" Emmet cooed, draping his arms over your shoulders and pressing his lips to your temple.
You leaned into the warmth. "That was a sweet thing you two did." You commented. "Giving up your own plan so those two could have their date I mean."
"Technically it was a mutual exchange." Ingo supplied coming to your side and taking your hand so he could bring it to his lips for a kiss.
"Indeed, coming here led us to you. We would not have done so otherwise." Emmet assured, with almost complete confidence.
"True, but you could've goaded my coworkers villian into coming to You. But instead you did the opposite." You felt Emmet tense. "Gotcha, you big softie."
"I am Emmet and I am Not Soft."
"Okay but you are though."
"I am Not!"
"No-Mmph! Mmm...mmm..." His protest was cut off by him melting into your affection.
You smiled against Emmet's lips as you broke the kiss. Then you whispered "are~"
Emmet blushed and grumbled, but didn't release you from the hold he had on your back. Ingo even let out a small chuckle before taking his turn for some of your affection.
"Mmm," Ingo's lips parted from yours only briefly before he went back for more. You'd all missed this.
"But don't worry. That's why I adore you both so much. My nemeses." You cooed happily. "Now Ingo could you step back a moment dear?"
"Hm? Of course." He did so. "But may I ask wh-?"
You wrapped your arms around one of Emmet's and fuckin TOSSED his ass, (but landed him gently) over your shoulder onto the movie theater carpet.
He was stunned for a moment, before a huge grin broke across his face even as he lay flat out on the floor. "You are going to regret that Hero!"
You felt warmth pool in your cheeks and body. "We'll just have to see about that. Villians!" You hopped back, feeling your power course through your veins as your twins readied their offense.
"En garde Boys!
And so on that day a new loophole was discovered regarding heroes and nemesi double dates, the public loves a good collaboration after all.
Well, there was One person who wasn't thrilled about the outcome. But as one person might say "They had barely enough brain activity to satisfy a Joltik, so who cares what they think?"
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Can you imagine a giant monster of a villain just sitting in a tiny seat being consulted by the hero and the just hand them a small tissue. The huge monster thanks them politely and takes the tiny tissue with their sharp claws.
Also thank you so much for this Beaker! this describes exactly the kind of tone this Au would have.
Also also, I would like to imagine the Board is confused and very concerned when all of their Heroes just started banging their villains, and they don't know what to do. Obviously, they couldn't fire all their workers, so they basically just said no work PDA...lol.
Emmet had "no talk, me angry" energy and I love it.
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popculturebuffet · 7 months
Batmarch!: BTAS: See No Evil Review
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Hello all you happy batpeople and welcome to batmarch! For the next few weeks expect some caped crusader content same bat whenever I get to it, same bat blog all through march! This fine theme month came about thanks to Kev having a bunch of bat-ideas, me wanting to cover the 89 film for it's anniversary, and it all swirling around till eventually it became a theme month. I want to give bat-credit where it's due after all.
To kick it off we've got a return to what's become a recurring guest on this blog: Batman: The Animated Series. Last time I covered it after the sad loss of Richard Moll, I talked about wanting to cover this episode and when the theme month came up.. well.. I couldn't resisist.
See No Evil is one of my faviorite episodes of Batman the Animated Series and a great showcase of just about everything that makes the series as good as it is: Letting sitcom stars try out something diffrent that shows off their dramatic chops? Check. Awesome animation. Check. A great unique premise masterfully staged in 20 some minutes yup. An intresting and hearbreaking villian? Yupppp. This is one of the most stacked episode sof the series and rewatch only made me find MORE to love about it. And if you haven't heard of this one... your in for a treat. I highly recommend going to watch it first as my review isn't a substitute for the full episode. It is worth a look under the cut to spotlight WHY this episode shines so much.
We open in a little girl's bedroom. Her name is Kimmy and she has a special friend. His name is Mojo
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No not him. He didn't exist yet. No Mojo is an invisible man, and Kimmy is played by future star Elizabeth Moss... who sadly would not escape being stalked by invisible men in high tech suits as an adult, but would get at least another amazing story out of it. Or we would.
Mojo then finds out some news that while he tries his best to hide his reaction from Kimmy, clearly bothers him: Their moving soon and Mojo may not be able to find her.
Before he can give up the game, Mojo disappears when Kimmy, the girl in question,'s mom shows up: Elizabeth, played by the legendary Jean Smart of Designing Women and Hacks royalty. It's neat to see her in a dramatic roll like this, and despite growing up with Desining Women.. I NEVER knew this was her but i'm happy she's here. Elizabeth assumes Mojo is just imaginary.. even though a kicked can and movement in the earlier scene shows not so. Granted while Imaginary Friends are possible in the DCU, it's still at the early point where I get her not going to that: Most of batman's rogues are criminals with gimmicks and what few meta human foes he has are downplayed a bit here in their powers: Ivy isn't at full control plants levels yet, using more toxins and trained plants, Killer Croc just has a skin condition and Clayface.. well okay clayface still counts. But most every day people probably don't know every foes batman's fought and evne if they had don't assume this is one of those situations. I bring this up because after so many damn works where "oh well this can't be real even though superheroes exist" come up, it's refreshing to see one where that's.. actually entirely plausable and you don't feel like the characters an idiot for not knowing this. Most superheroes in this setting hadn't publicly debuted yet and those we know had by this time like Zantanna or Wildcat were either other street level heroes, or in zantanna's case protected by the veil of stage magic.
Mojo's next target is a jewlery exchange.. which has low security for anywhere, especially Gotham: Costumed Crime Captial of the World. I was going to gripe about this scene as Mojo's big plan for having an invisiblity suit.. is to just straight up rob people with it, stealing the jewelery as their brougth out of their cases and basically doing a smash and grab. But I realized something as I wrote this: Mojo being this clunky with his suit.. is deliberate. Mojo is, as we'll find out shortly, is a petty criminal. He dosen't have the need for theatrics Batman's normal rogues have, and he dosen't have the experince to pull off an elaborate heist. Of course he's going to see an invisiblity suit as more of a blunt tool to use rather than the very dangerous and versital one it is.
He's not entirely stupid, he knows how to use it as we see when Batman, who naturally was at the exchange as bruce either on rich person buisness, wayne corp buisness or "oh my god these idiots barely hired any security better be ready" buisness, fights him. Bruce is thrown off as even if he knows from Mojos's crimes t his opponent is cloaked that .. dosen't really help when your cowl dosen't have infared or anything. It just looks dope. And yes later cowls do but this one clearly isn't high tech to the gils like later entries, it's just dope as fuck. Batman does do the obvious when fighting an invisible opponent: Spill shit on them, in this case plot convience paint... but whoever built Mojo's suit thought of that or Mojo himself did as he has a setting to melt it off, a clever subversion of the usual tactics that gets batman a batassbeating. And that again shows Lloyd's style: even though we don't know exactly what he went away for, his style is all smash and grab: blunt force. He only beats the more experinceed combatant bruce in one on one. .because Bruce can't see him and dosen't hav etime to listen closely.. and even if he did it'd be too late. It's what makes "Some guy what got an invisible suit" work as a batman villian: Yes he's not as flashy and yes he has a simple gimmick.. but sometims all you need is a simple power. It's something I never thought about before but most of batman's clever gadgets.. are sight based. Even the gas bomb would only be mildly useful at figuring out WHERE he might be and with a full face mask, it woudln't do any actual damage, while Lloyd could pull down batman's gas mask and make him go sleepy bye. Batman.. isn't invincible and his stories are at their best when the writers remember that.
Mojo slinks back to his place and we get the shocking reveal that he's...
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A guy who looks like a human ventriquist dummy? Did Slappy finally become human and end up fighting batman? Because i'd pay good money for that instalment of goosebumps, just saying.
No this.. objectively weird looking man is Lloyd Ventrix aka Kimmy's Dad. As a kid I found the idea of mojo creepy.. as an adult I find it deeply unerving. Part of this is having a passle of nieces and nephews, so the idea of an unstable man, let alone one the parent dosen't want seeing thier kids, sneaking to see them in a way their unaware of and that the kid impliclity trusts is fucking terrifyign. Part of it is just the idea of a person your trying to escape being able to find you and do whatever he pleases no matter how far you run is fucking horrifying. It's why the 2020 invisible man film is so good.. and so terrifying I haven't watched it since I saw it theatrically. It is a LOT on the nerves. It's also why both can coexist as this episode captalized on a different kind of fear: instead of an abusive ex, it's an abusive ex spouse who you are COMPELTELY unaware is contacting your kid till it's too late.
It's also what brilliantly creates the episodes tension: by the first commerical break WE know who this invisible man is to a point and what he wants, but not HOW he got invsible, or if Batman can solve the mystery of the how and who in time to get to Llloyd before he kidnaps Kimmie.
Before we move on i'd like to spotlight Lloyd's voice actor: While I always loved the performance here I didn't know the man behind the invsible man until this review.. and it was a nice reveal too: Michael Gross of Tremors and Family Ties fame. It's the latter that helps this role as in his scenes as "Mojo", Lloyd has that same kind warmth Gross had on Family Ties as Steven.. when he wasn't comically breaking down or reacting to his children's shenanigans. And that.. makes it ten times creepier coming from someone whose activley manipuating and stalking a child.
Not only that he transitions well to Lloyd in the rest of his life, wether it's his cockiness ast his power when fighting batman or his assuredness when trying to win back elizabeth, which we'll get to in a second. It's a brilliant performance that makes me wish he could've come back or they'd brought him back in another roll: Gross is just damn good portraying a man whose determined to get what he thinks he's owed no matter what it takes.. but can't understand WHY no one wants him around.
Case in point, that trying to win back his ex wife thing. He shows up at her work, and his defense to his wife understandably not wanting anything to do with him isn't "i'm changing as a person I just want a chance ot see my kid" or "I know I screwed up and you have every reason not to listen to me but hear me out" You know stuff that shows your contrite and genuinely reformed. Instead Lloyd shows he learned nothing from prison a his only response is "I got why you needed the restraining order when I was a bum but i'm bigger now". Yes really. Elizabeth tells him to shove it and stay way from his daughter then to just "disappear" unfortunately for her she's in a horror story and said something tragically ironic.
The good news is she's also in a batman story and thanks to plot convience turns out the inventor of the cloak of invsiblity pitched it to them last year, and he has his tech guy bring up the info on the man's assitant.
Batman decides rather than talk to said assitant, who could be the invisible man, to .. rifle thorugh the guys cabinets
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Naturally when the man hears Batman bat rifling through his shit, he tries to throw a rack on him.. and batman's response to this entirely resonable reaction is
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Gee your just.. so likeable bruce. Thankfully he does actually stop when the guy makes it clear he was here the last few days. And look jokes aside I get bruce dosen't know if this guy did it.. but there are more subtle ways to deal with this shit or someone understandably thinking your trying to rob them than the bat fist. There are better uses for the bat fist. And yes I meant that sexually, I will not be taking questions.
The Science Man explains that he's actually destroying all the fabric. Turns out while he was able to make it turn stuff invsible it's highly toxic. He was trying to correct that problem but coudln't, so he's destroying it. And i'm baffled why there was an entry on tv tropes saying "Well why can't he use it on cars" as we see it used. And to this I say this guy is picking up his old mentor's work, probably sunk a lot of money into remaking this and testing it, and has had some time to do so. If he COUDL salvage this project he would've.
Turns out Floyd was their old assitant though in a pompus way Science Man says he was "really more of an errand boy". Gee I can't imagine why he stole from you. Such a puzzler.
At any rate this slightly douchey science man has given Batman all he needs and he goes to talk to Elizabeth. To Bruce's credit his prorities are in order: he wants to save Lloyd from dying rather than get the jewels back.. I mean he will, he's the goddamn batman, but he'll save the guy who stole them first. Maybe punch him a bit.
Elizabeth connects the dots about the invsiblity suit and mojo.. but Lloyd's already one step ahead as during this scene he's been talking about taking kimmy to a special place
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She does as he takes her to a drive in theater nearbye and plans to take her away but she dosen't want to get into a car with an invisible man. So he takes the mask off.. and credit to Kimmy she instantly realizes "Shit this wasn't my imaginary friend". I mean granted it probably wouldn't be BETTER if it was
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Fun fact: I did not realize this was coming out the same week as this review. Dates are fun
Anyway, Kimmy realizes it's not just her imagination and won't run away with him, so he reveals himself as her father.. and her reaction is not what he expected
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Yeah it turns out Elizabeth isn't stupid and it's something I love about the episode: Elizabeth didn't make that mistake you see in 87 percent of tv parents who don't trust their shady ex. She TOLD kimmy about him. She didn't hide it, she didn't try to keep ti as some dark secret so he can manipulate it later: She just told her in terms a kid would understand: her dad is a bad man and should not be trusted. Granted the fact he looks like if archie andrews became a vampire should tell her that but the point stands.
This is also the great tragedy of Lloyd Ventrix: he wants his family back.. but he can never understand WHY they don't want him back. Floyd could've worked his way back to his daughter by staying clean after prison, staying at his job, finding another if he didn't work for Errand Boy Man, which is a fair thing not to want. Am I saying it would've been remotely easy? No, our country isn't set up to help ex-cons and treats them like pariahs, like every former prisoner is lloyd when some genuinely want to change and others were victims of circumstance. But he could've had his daughter back or at least a CHANCE at it had he genuinely tried. Elizabeth is reasonable, while she wouldn't want him around the guy she'd at least give him a chance to see kimmy if it was shown he really changed.
That's the rub though: Lloyd dosen't WANT to change. He's a smash and grab guy and that's who he wants to be. It's in most things he does: He has an invsible suit.. yet uses it for smash and grabs and his fighting style when fighting the bat is hit him with a blunt insturment. or maybe it's more of an object. But i'ts blunt hard and blunt. He says he's not a two bit hood when talking to elizabeth.. but that's relaly ALL he is. He could've conquered the gotham mafia, conquered the city, or even gone the other way and became a hero himself, fighting to make the city better. He has all this power.. but he still thinks in terms of "how can I smash this thing in my way" "what can I grab". He's emotinally and creatively empty.. and thus he can't understand why Kimmy won't accept him just for being her dad.
As a production note, the only one I have for this episode Kimmy was SUPPOSED to be in the final chase scene for a bit, but standards and practices were like
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Because a child's lost criminal father pretending to be her best friend and her being in danger every time he's in the room? That's fine. But oh no she can't have a car chase.
So Kimmy runs home to her mom and Batman and Llloyd begin tussling, with Lloyd turning the car invsible with him and a passerby assuming batman can fly now which.. is fair. I'm suprised he dosen't have a bat jet pack.. wait did he have a bat jet pack? Questions for later
Bruce takes another beating, begging lloyd to consider but it's clear he's drunk on his own power and we see while he's a blunt intersturment/object/whatever he is it's hard and blunt, he gets this suit means no matter where Elizabeth and Kimmy go they'll neve rbe safe. Thankfully for him Lloyd made the mistake of fighting batman on a water tower and Batman's able to douse him, shorting out the suit. It's a clever set up: While water is also a common invsiible man fighting tool, when explaning how it worse it runs on an electric currrent. It's probably why it has the dohicky to steam stuff off.. but LLoyd can't get rid of that much water and he's out
The ending is masterful as we get a repeat of the opening scene: Kimmy is once again talking to a special friend, telling him that their move is final and Lloyd will never find her again. The vistor exits.. but thankfully it was batman, and we get a nice echo of the first scene: this time instead of playing it off.. elizabeth's relieved. Kimmy lost an imaginary friend, lost a father.. but gained a batman.
See No Evil is excellent and highly underated: It's a tense tightly packed 20 minutes with a nice twist on the usual batman detective formula the show uses: we know WHO did it but it's all about HOW and if Batman can find out in time. Smart and Gross are fantastic in this and it results in a tense, eerie little tale packed with tension. It's 22 minutes of perfection and worth checking out if you have max.
Thanks for reading and i'll see you some bat time, same bat blog.
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princesssszzzz · 2 years
Why are your predictions so funny lmao. Why would Daemon kill Rhaenys or Jace tho😅 Rhaenys will be killed by either Aegon or Aemond and people will hate them sm
😂😂 I was so serious about my theories your the third person who said that. I have a long answer to the Daemon theory because it includes Daemon’s end, the Targ dynasty, and some other characters. Condal wants villian Daemon so I’m leaning towards him killing Jace unless the writers change Daemon last minute then everything I’m saying makes no sense. Killing Rheanys is less likely but if she wants to make big moves with Baela and Rhaena (taking them somewhere to be safe and away from drama) and he doesn’t I can see a fight between them. I don’t think him and Corlys agree about the names vs blood thing when they interact in S2 and Daemon’s real feelings start coming out more bc so far he’s been standing back and observing mostly. In my opinion he’s waiting for an opportunity. Condal implied in some interviews Daemon’s outrage is about Viserys. So it’s emotional need to fight them and losing access to the throne to Alicent’s line that doesn’t use the Targaryen sigil and they’re a detached branch from House Targaryen with Andal blood. If we’re getting book!Daemon who’s more Rouge Prince, his goal for the throne comes first but now the crown’s being controlled by Otto/Alicent and taken from House Targaryen. Plus like the Hightower faction, Jace only has one parent with Valyrian blood. My S3/4 predictions is that Daemon tries to marry Baela or Rhaena to Aegon iii and the irony of his death would be him dying before he gets to see his son as king.
It’s completely in character for him to want his own children ruling, not Strong/Hightowers. One of the big parts with Daemon’s Targ supremacy is the difference between Rhaena and Nettles. Rhaena to Daemon should be peak Targ, she wears black/red (Laena and Daemon’s daughters are like 80-90 something % pure blooded with their parents and Rhaenys’ Baratheon blood) and Laena rode the biggest dragon so I do understand why they wrote him neglecting her for not having a dragon despite complaints. He’s in Pentos reading and obsessing over Valyrian history and their ancestors. Legacy is important to him and he refused to even consummate a marriage with an Andal woman. So unlike Rhaena, Nettles who I personally believe has no Targaryen blood, claiming a wild dragon would be a big deal for Daemon. I think Nettles’ heritage is some non-Valyrian from Essos. One role Nettles would play is changing his views about Targaryens, purity, dragon riders and he finally changes his outlook but dies right after when he sends Nettles away and fights Aemond. This probably won’t be added to the show but it would make sense for him to want to kill Aemond and the Hightower bloodline, but not Vhagar. Dragons dying off weakens the house and I don’t think Daemon wants to do that, but he has to fight them and kill dragons in the process. His obsession with blood and dynasty would effect his decision making during the war so since his kids have the most Targ blood I’m sure he’ll be in his Otto era and want to marry a teen to a baby so he has control over the future of the house. He could be given some Tywin traits where he wants to win by any means necessary and in the process his kids are traumatized by all the loss and stress they endured. Of course if he killed Jace, Baela wouldn’t know but one of his kids could have some suspicions 👀 If they really want to show his seriousness over wanting to win for Team Targaryen instead of Team Black him being willing to kill Jace who he’s already butting heads with is so perfect. Jace is protective over Baela and Rhaena like if Daemon is #teamdoingtoomuch and putting his daughters in danger it’s just another thing they would fight over. Daemon doesn’t have to kill Jace, but if he does it out of tunnel vision during the war and desperation, it says a lot about his character. He could honestly send Jace to the wall to get him out of the way but Jace has to die.
Some Targs in Westeros generally have had understandable god complexes because of the power dragons give them. Daemon is the perfect Targaryen to focus on that complex when they’re losing dragons and dealing with Jace. He could kill Jace and grow to regret it before he dies, and I think that would make sense for Daemon and be an actual arc. After everything that happens Daemon gets what he wanted; Rhaena is finally a dragonrider with Morning, Baela chills with the smallfolk and goldcloaks, Viserys is doing whatever he’s up to lmfao that kid is my Rickon. Aegon iii is paralleled heavy with him only having kids and being happy when he’s with Daenaera, a Velaryon and the Targaryen bloodline continues with pure Valyrian blood. For Daemon, his punishment is that he never gets to see any of this come to fruition. Long story short it makes sense for Daemon to kill Jace or have him killed because Daemon’s storyline should be “I won but at what cost” and feeling guilty about Jace, alienating Rhaena, and the dangerous situation his children have to live in now.
•Side comment for the Rhaenys/Aegon fight I hope in their attempt to make Aegon redeemable they don’t demonize Rhaenys and make it seem like she deserves to be killed by Aegon or make it seem like she attacks them and they have to defend themselves. Aemond fought little kids and told Rhaena to ride a pig lmfao the general public already doesn’t like him they really don’t need to do anything extra on that part plus Vhagar is kind of a cheat code I kinda want Meleys v Sunfyre
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