#probably wouldn't say it to his face but we all know her diary would be as sassy as Jonathan's entries are
lorereadsclassics7 · 2 years
Day 1:
Van Helsing: Is he there yet?
Mina: No.
Day 3:
Van Helsing: Is he there yet?
Mina: No.
Day 6:
Van Helsing: Is he there yet?
Mina: I'm gonna give you one guess.
Van Helsing: ...Yes?
Mina: No.
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
I have some questions
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Hi... Aziraphale had no way of going to hell in search of Crowley??????
Oh wait that's not a question, that's a statement. Lol nvmind.
And how would Azi even get him back out? Stop blaming her for what the heaven/hell apparatus is doing to Crowley and to her. (Y'know what, I'm gonna be referring to Azi as "she/her" in this post, because we all deserve more of that. So deal with it.) Do you think she hasn't been racking her brains trying to think of a way to save Crowley ever since the Fall, and even before that?
Also - If Aziraphale went to hell and got stuck there, she'd probably be forced to torture people and that's not cool. (She probably wouldn't get a job on earth like Crowley.) Whereas there is no evidence whatsoever that Aziraphale has to actively do harm as part of her current role on earth. There are very good reasons Crowley doesn't want her to go to hell / become a demon / whatever. He doesn't want Aziraphale to suffer the same moral injury that he has.
Also also - Aziraphale mouths "Crowley" instead of screaming it because she knows it'll only get them both in more trouble if heaven/hell finds out they have an acquaintanceship, let alone that they care about each other. As an ab*se survivor, it's one of the most painful moments in the series for me, seeing Aziraphale distraught and having to hide it.
Azi mouthing "Crowley" while frantically trying to keep a straight face is the equivalent of Charles immediately trying to run after Edwin. It's arguably even more loving, I'd say. Aziraphale loves Crowley so much that she saw her worst nightmare come true (or rather, didn't see it? you know what I mean lol) and still managed to keep her "We don't know each other" mask more or less intact. Utterly devastating. This was the ultimate test of her love for Crowley, and she passed it.
*** Side note: If Aziraphale behaved the way fans want to demand she behave, hell would have killed Crowley so many times already lmao. And then of course the fans would be blaming her for that instead. << Babygirl can't win. She's damned (ha) if she does and damned if she doesn't. ***
You can see the horror and terror and devastation in her eyes.
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Here's a really good post about it:
But even if we didn't have that glimpse of her face at that moment... FUCK thinking Aziraphale wasn't worried about Crowley then. There is literally NO reason to assume she wasn't upset about seeing him dragged to hell to presumably be killed. (And yes, Azi knew hell was ab*sive and violent to Crowley, even back then. I'd argue she's known since NLT Uz. After all, she knows Crowley didn't "kill" the goats and the kids because he wanted to. She knows it was because hell made him do it.)
Also also also: She literally did go to hell to save Crowley, later on?
And wtf is wrong with what she wrote in her diary? "That was the last I was to see of Crowley for some time" is (so far as we know) a factual statement. She's writing about an upsetting experience. Journaling is a healthy coping technique. But apparently that's bad now lmao. (Not to mention there were so many things about that diary entry that were so blatantly weird that it's clear we can't take anything about Aziraphale's journals at face value anyway. But I guess we're just ignoring that.)
OH AND ONE MORE THING! That's "husband" or "wife" or "spouse" to you, not "friend"!
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gummie-cat · 1 year
Pizza and secrets.
Desc: Charlie finds you diary and reads what you wrote about him in it.
warnings: Kissing, making out, closeted feelings, fluff, crushes
After school you normally had Charlie over. it was a basic routine you've had in place since the 6th grade. And its now your senior year in high school and you're still doing the same practice. Today your guys agreement was to study. You both knew you wouldn't end up studying and you'd just get distracted but you enjoyed the company. Especially when its a guy you like.
You guys finally got out of school and were rushing to your car which was parked in the student lot off to the side of the school. You were so excited to get home. You absolutely HATED your school. "soooo what did you need help studying with again?" Charlie asked as soon as you guys sat down in the car. "just some homework shouldn't take long." You say as you start up your car and put some music on.
When you guys finally make it to your house the shut off the car and go inside. Both you and Charlie make a b-line to the kitchen to pig out. You see your mom sitting at the kitchen table doing some work (you assume) and say hi. "honey, me and your father are going out in a few for our anniversary. we probably wont be back until late can you please let out and feed the dog?" your mom said following slowly behind you guys as you made your way to the kitchen. "Yeah sure thing mom." You say opening the fridge and pulling out the lemonade. Charlie grabs 2 cups and slides them over to you. "Oh and by the way Charlie can stay over if you want because its a Friday." Your mom adds as she walks away going to her room to get ready.
You nod and you and Charlie walk up to your room with your stuff. "so what class is the homework for? or did you just fool me." Charlie says taking a seat at your desk and turning to face you. "I do actually have homework thank you very much. its for fucking geometry." you say sitting criss cross on your bed. "here lemme see if i can help." He says as he rolls your desk chair next to your bed. You pull out the paper and hand it to him and he takes one quick glance at it and says “yeah fuck no.” as rolls away back to your desk. “ughhhh” you exclaim as you toss the paper to the side. “ya know what. im gonna go order pizza. you stay here loser” You say as you get up and leave your room. “REMBER TO GET-“ you cut him off before he can finish “HALF PEPPERONI GOT IT.” you say marching down the stairs.
You pick up the phone and dial the local pizza place number and place your order. You then walk slowly upstairs and when you get to your bedroom door entrance you see Charlie flipping though and reading your diary. ‘SHIT. i left it out’ you think to yourself as you walk up and snatch it out of his hands. “Jesus y/n…” He says clutching his chest like you just scared him. “Stop snooping around in my room.” You tell him hitting him on the head with it. “Correction, i wasnt snooping. It just so happened to be on your desk.” He said puffing out his chest a little. You roll you eyes dramatically “are you done?” you say crossing your arms. “not yet… did you mean what you said about me? like all the ‘being jealous of kirby because im obsessed with her’?” He replies looking at you seriously. You blush and curse yourself for allowing you to leave your diary out and for this situation to happen. “Maybe…” you say nervously. Afraid of loosing a life long friendship. “So you meant what you said when you said you would kiss me?” He says. Now getting up from your desk chair and inching closer to you. “i- uhm… maybe?” You say obviously blushing even harder. You just wanted to die because of the embarrassment. If he told anyone you would never hear the end of if. “so would it be okay if i kissed you now?” He said slowly walking up to you and stroking your arm gently waiting for your response. But you’re dumbfounded. You can barely think. “y-yes…” you say growing redder and redder by the second.
He pulls you in by the jaw and kisses your lips passionately. Then he pulls back and smiles at you. “w-why’d you stop?” You say looking up into his eyes. “because i wanted to make sure you were okay and i didn’t want to assume you wanted to make out… which now im sensing was what you thought was going to happen.” He said smiling softly chuckling lightly. “I mean I did but like only if you wanted to because i want you to fee-“ you’re cut of by his mouth making contact with yours again. But a lot more aggressive this time. You quickly gather a rhythm and he starts to slip you his tongue. God you’re melting and your core is starting to become soaked just from getting touched the tiniest bit. He bites your lip and you whimper. He quickly swallows your whimpers and grins against your mouth. He starts to walk you back towards the bed and you fall on your back. He pins you to the bed and he starts kissing you. Slowly moving down to your jaw and then you neck to find your sweet spot. He knows he finds it because you whimper his name weakly. And once he finds it he abuses it. He starts sucking and nibbling quickly relieving the bite with his tongue. Meanwhile your whimpering his name as you become needy and sensitive. Suddenly you hear the doorbell. The pizza. He lifts his head from your neck and turns back around to face your bedroom door. “That must be the pizza huh?” He says looking back at you and grinning. “yeah uhm we should probably…” you say gesturing to your guys’s position. “Oh yeah right.” He says getting up and stumbling a little bit. Scratching the back of his next nervously he has a stupid look on his face. You cant help but give him a little smile before running down and paying for the pizza and bringing it back up to your room. You find charlie waiting on the bed for you. You bring the pizza box over and pop a movie on your tv. But its just background noise as you snuggle up into his arms. “ya know… im not obsessed with kirby.” He speaks up over the stupid show you guys are watching. “huh? what do you mean?” You say lifting your head to look at him. “I mean i wasn’t obsessed with kirby this whole time… i was obsessed with you. It was just a cover up. I love you” you snuggle up more into his side. “ I love you too Charlie.” You slowly close your eyes and fall asleep.
word count: 1200 words
A/N: okay so it wasnt really smut but this is what i wanted to start it off with. I’ll work on one thats a lil more smutty next time but yeah hope you enjoyed :) I know this is a bjt short but ive been having sum writers block so i hope you enjoyed!!
this was also posted to my wattpad @Alex66035
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fellthemarvelous · 9 months
Why would Aziraphale need a gun (let's be real, y'all)?
Meta post bought to you by someone who is and always will be processing religious trauma
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Okay, but why did Aziraphale buy a gun though? He's an angel so he can miracle his way out of anything.
He almost shot the antichrist with the Thunder Gun of Get 'em Before They Get You Dalrymple but was physically stopped by Madame Tracy while they were still sharing her body.
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But the only time Aziraphale would need to use a gun to defend himself would be in a situation where he physically can't use his miracles.
What if he bought it as a way to protect Crowley though?
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He knows what guns are capable of. He stared down the barrel of a rifle and hoped Crowley's aim was good enough to miss but still make it look real.
And perhaps the only time he wouldn't be able to use a miracle to save Crowley would be an instance where Hell became involved.
He never says, but being there when Crowley gets dragged down to Hell and then seeing him after his visit to Hell changed Aziraphale. It made him more aware that Heaven was watching too, but his biggest fear with their arrangement always was always the threat of what Hell would do to Crowley.
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Crowley's request for holy water shook Aziraphale to his core. It scared him because he probably started counting the days until he saw Crowley again after their trip to Edinburgh. He probably feels guilt over the incident. He knows what happened to Wee Morag was his fault, and he knows Crowley got into trouble for doing the right thing after Aziraphale did the wrong thing.
It took him 105 years to give Crowley the holy water, and he did it because he didn't want this demon he knew he was in love with to die while attempting to get his hands on the holy water. He accepted the heartbreak that came with the fear of not knowing what Crowley's true intentions were with the holy water.
Yes, Aziraphale is scared of falling. He saw what it did to Crowley, and it broke his heart because Crowley had to suffer in the process.
He loves Crowley so much it hurts. He doesn't care that Crowley is a demon. That's the Crowley that exists on the pages of his diaries.
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Look at Aziraphale's face here, right after Crowley disappears. You tell me to my face right now that Aziraphale wasn't terrified for Crowley in that exact moment.
He would do anything to make sure Hell can never hurt Crowley again. He thought taking Crowley to Heaven would solve that problem, but we've never seen Aziraphale and Crowley talk about The Fall since they never talk about their feelings.
They've been dancing for 6,000 years but they've never stopped dancing around the one topic that we are all wanting to know about.
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And I think, more than anything, that Aziraphale has been spending 6,000+ years yearning for forgiveness from his demon, but never knowing how to broach the subject. He's not human. They're not used to talking about their feelings because they've been hiding their relationship from everyone for thousands of years out of safety. Talking about your feelings is a very human thing to do, and humans are the only ones who have made progress since being cast out of the Garden of Eden (because they were given gifts by an angel and a demon).
But while both the demon and the angel are emotionally stunted, they have still always found ways to express their devotion for each other.
Aziraphale playfully getting himself captured so Crowley will have to rescue him. Crowley convincing Aziraphale to help save the world so he wouldn't lose their his bookshop.
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Because here's the thing...
Aziraphale had a flaming sword and he handed it to Adam as he and Eve were leaving the garden because he wanted them to be able to defend themselves.
The Bookshop seems to represent the Garden of Eden, and instead of a sword, Aziraphale has a gun.
Adam used the sword to protect him and Eve, and I think the gun is Aziraphale's version of the flaming sword he intends to use to protect his home and his demon.
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It would answer the question as to why Aziraphale didn't get the gun out when the demons invaded the bookshop. Crowley wasn't there, he had helped the humans escape. He used his halo as a last resort instead of his gun. The gun is personal.
And don't forget, we also have this clue that I still can't form any meta around.
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
Do you think you could do a fic about a one on one confrontation between Aang and Zuko over Katara?
Aang bounced his leg up and down in agitation. Katara was late, but that was alright. He had been early. The clock on the wall told him that he had been waiting for an hour, and she was only ten or so minutes late.
He was facing away from the door. He had taken the opposite seat at first, but he thought Katara coming in to see him watching the door door for her arrival would make him look desperate. Which, to be clear, he was not. Still, each time the door opened behind him, it took all his willpower to just cast a quick, casual glance behind him.
That was the word for the evening. He had picked this tavern because it was lowkey. Out of the way. He'd worn a knitted hat and neutral colored clothes so that it wasn't immediately obvious that he was the Avatar. The patrons at the tavern were working class, and stopping in for tea- or something slightly stronger- on their way home. Aang wasn't sure they would care that they were in the presence of the Avatar even if they knew. It was a good thing, though. Aang remembered that Katara didn't like it when he was swarmed by friends when his attention was supposed to be on her. That would not happen tonight.
Fifteen minutes after Katara was meant to arrive, Aang saw a carriage pull to a stop outside the tavern. It was unmarked, but clearly carrying someone wealthy. It was her! Aang was certain. He forced himself to keep facing forward, with his back to the door, holding his teacup to make himself look busy. He heard light foot steps heading towards him, and his breath grew short with excitement. He looked up with bright smile on his face, ready to greet Katara.
"I'm so glad you-" Aang stood to greet her only to be met by a tall, hooded man, instead of the small, lovely woman he'd been waiting for.
"Aang," Zuko greeted him and slid into the seat across from him.
"What are you doing here?" Aang demanded, his face twisted as if he'd taken bite of something spoiled. Zuko motioned for him to have a seat.
"Katara sent me," he explained.
"No," Aang gaped at him and shook his head. "She said she would keep this between us. No way she told you. You must have...have forced her to tell you or read her diary or something." To his ever increasing aggravation, Zuko looked amused.
"You and I both know I couldn't force her to do anything," he said. "And I don't know if she keeps a diary, but probably not. Katara told me on her own. The day you visited the palace, actually. She didn't know what you wanted, but she said she wasn't comfortable coming to see you." Aang just stared down at him in shock. When Zuko bade him to sit again, he complied, if for no other reason than his legs seemed to not want to support him anymore.
"Why would she tell you?" he asked, more to himself than to Zuko. "Why wouldn't she want to see me?" Zuko raised his brow at that. He grabbed a cup from the table between them- the cup that was meant for Katara- and helped himself to some of the tea.
"I think you know why," Zuko said. He took a sip of the tea, made a face and set it aside. Then he sighed and leaned forward with his elbows on the table. "Aang, we need to talk."
"I have nothing to say to you," Aang spat out. He crossed his arms and scowled at the fireplace next to them. This was, he thought, the most romantic seat in the place, and it was wasted on Zuko, his ex-best friend.
"That's fair," Zuko said. "But I have something to say to you. It's been three years, Aang. Why are you still bothering her?" Heat rolled through Aang from his toes to his scalp. He turned his scowl from the floor to Zuko. A few years ago, Aang would have gone into the Avatar State, but after he'd accidentally leveled a farm, Katara had told him in no uncertain terms that he needed to learn to control his power of lose her forever, he'd found Guru Pathik and finished what he'd started a long time ago. His anger no longer led to terrible displays of his power.
"I love her," he told Zuko as if it were the most obvious truth in the world. To Aang, it was the most obvious truth in the world. Zuko, though, just sat there with that pitying look on his face. For a split instant, Aang was tempted to give him another scar to match the one on his face.
"If you really love Katara," Zuko said, "then listen to her."
"I'm trying!" Aang insisted. "But she won't give me a chance to hear her."
"Oh no?" Zuko sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. "So, when she told you she didn't want to be with you anymore and you decided to keep pursuing her for three years, that was you listening?"
"That was because she needed me to master the..." Aang looked around nervously and dropped his voice, "Avatar State! And I have!"
"The world needed that," Zuko scoffed. "What about two years ago, when she told you we were dating, and you still decided to keep pursuing her? Were you listening then?"
"That isn't fair!"
"No, it isn't," Zuko agreed. "It isn't fair that you keep putting Katara in the position to hurt your feelings. She wanted to stay friends with you, you know. She still cares about you."
"Because she knows deep down that we are meant to be!" Aang insisted. "If you would just let her go-"
"I'm not the one who needs to let go," Zuko said. "Katara is a very smart woman who knows what she wants. If she told me tomorrow that she didn't want to be with me, I'd believe her. The only time Katara has ever doubted herself is because she knew what she wanted would hurt someone else. She cares for you, but she isn't in love with you. You have to learn to be okay with that. You're too old to still be acting this way."
Aang's shoulders sagged heavily. He stared at the table for a long moment. At 22, he had faced challenges that would've broken most people. He mastered all forms of bending by age 12, single handedly ended a war, and had begun the process of resurrecting his entire culture from the dead. He'd done it all in the face of impossible odds. And he'd done all of it through sheer force of will. Even getting Katara in the first place had been through persistence. He had been in love with her for over a decade. How could he give up on her now?
"I won't give up," Aang said quietly. He looked up and saw the disappointment on Zuko's face.
"Then you're going to lose her," he said. Aang's face contorted with anger.
"I've already lost her!" he hissed. "I'm going to get her back!" Zuko regarded Aang thoughtfully for a long while. Then he sighed and stood up.
"Well, I tried," he said. "And since you've proven you can't be trusted, you're never going to be alone with Katara again."
"Worried she'll come to her senses?" Aang taunted. Zuko raised his brow, and his lips curled into the most infuriating smirk.
"No," he said. "I'm worried that the world leaders might frown on the Fire Lady decking the Avatar."
For a moment, everything seemed to freeze. Aang's hands and feet felt numb and he was genuinely afraid his heart had stopped beating. Fire Lady. That meant...
"We've been engaged for a month," Zuko told him not unkindly. "We've already told the others. We're going to make a public announcement next week. Katara thought it be best that you find out before then. She wanted to have everything settled between you two before the wedding. She still wants you there, you know. But only if you promise you're done pressing her."
His words reached Aang as if he were speaking underwater. There must be some mistake, Aang thought. Katara- his Katara- couldn't be marrying someone else. Especially not Zuko, who had once been one of Aang's best friends. Aang longed to wipe the pitying look off of Zuko's face. He thought he'd won, Aang realized. He really thought Katara was in love with him, but Aang was her destiny. He had to be. After all, how many women would turn down the love of the Avatar? Yes, Zuko was a king, but Aang was the savior of the world. Surely, that had to trump. Aang stood up before his mind had caught up to him.
"Aang." Zuko was looking up at him with a furrowed brow. Fake concern. Fake like his friendship. Fake like his declaration that he would let Katara go if she wanted to leave him.
"I have to go," Aang mumbled. Then he bowed his head once and hurried out of the little shop. He could feel Zuko's pitying eyes on him as he left, but it didn't matter. Nothing matter except Katara.
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shallyne · 4 months
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch 10
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Chapter ten! Last chapter before the epilogue. Enjoy!! Full fic on AO3
Words: 1.1k
June 29th
Rhys came with me to the Rainbow today. It has been nerve-wracking if I put it lightly. It took me about an hour before I even could step a foot into the artist's quarter but Rhys was there, reassuring me and giving me the time I needed. I actually wanted to do this after work but Rhys took the day off for us both and we walked to the Rainbow. In my quest to ignore it the past years I never realized how close the quarter was to the lounge.
After I managed to actually walk into the Rainbow (I gripped Rhys's hand the whole time like my life depended on it) I got that sudden feeling of nostalgia. Seeing people carrying canvases and paints, even the street musicians who were in their element. It was such a weird mix of emotions, on one side I wanted to bolt in the other I felt at home there, like I belonged. I teared up just standing there, probably looking like an idiot, but Rhys wiped my tears away with the hand I wasn't squeezing.
We even ate lunch there, right beside a gallery. I haven't gone into the gallery but Rhys and I agreed that this would be the next step, for the next time.
I'm actually excited! It's so strange, tho. Having all these different emotions.
July 12th
Tonight I had the first nightmare that I was alone to deal with. Rhys had to work longer and Elain and Nesta were on a double date with Azriel and Cassian. They invited me, too, but I was so exhausted after therapy that I just fell into bed right after dinner. I assume that's also why I had nightmares again, a lot has come up. I wish someone had been there but I managed, somehow. I didn't throw up and I, fortunately, didn't have a panic attack either. That's good, it's something to celebrate. I really don't know if I should tell Rhys, though, because I know he's going to feel bad for not being there and I don't want him to feel bad. I have to do this alone, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I don't know, I'll think about it. He's not in his office later when I work, so there is enough time to debate this until I meet him in the afternoon.
Also, I've bought a new dress. It's not like the others I took from home, this one is much more revealing. Mom would hate it, so I know it's great. Rhys will love it.
July 13th
I couldn't even say hello before he asked me if I had nightmares again? Is it that obvious??
But, okay, but that's not what I'm going to write about today. Something happened. Something GREAT!!! Rhys and I had sex last night. For the first time. And the second. And the third. Okay, a lot of times and it was amazing. It was the best sex I ever had. Not that I'm surprised but also I'm a little surprised because I didn't expect that. It was like something you'd read in Nesta's smutty books. I can't stop thinking about it. About Rhys and the last night and well, that's bad because we will have a barbecue tonight with the whole family (Nesta, Elain, Mor, Cassian, Azriel, Rhys's mother and sister, Rhys and me) and apparently you can read all my emotions on my face. Fuck, I have to work on that. I will! I'll try while getting ready. I'm still at Rhys's place but he already had a dress ready for me so I won't have to stress about that. (not in a controlling way like, his mother made that dress. She's a seamstress and I feel really honored to wear her dress but nobody would blink an eye either if I would turn up in pajamas)
I feel like I'm walking on clouds! It's surreal. If someone told my 16 year old self that I am where I am now she would laugh. She wouldn't believe it at all. I barely can.
December 15th
A decision was made!
I'm quitting my job at Rhys's lounge and going to art school. I started painting again around august and I just can't stop. There is so much that I have to tell, to get out. Rhys and I spent a whole night talking about the future weeks ago and the decision was a hard one to make but I made it. I'm going to art school. I'm living my dream, the thing I've worked towards my whole life until we had to leave my hometown. It's happening and I made the decision all alone. Without Rhys (although I've talked his ear off about the pros and cons), without Nesta or Elain, without my therapist. It was my decision! Isn't this exciting? I'm standing on my own two feet again. Baby steps evolved into quite big steps. I can't say how light I feel these days. I can paint it but words can't even begin to describe my feelings. I still have rough patches, especially now that it nears one year since my abduction but I'll get through this. I'm not alone. I'm not there anymore, I am safe now. And I am going to art school! Oh my god!
No words left, just happy.
January 1st
If you like a thing you should put a ring on it!
Okay, well, that's not the exact lyrics. I had to modify it a tiny little bit to fit my situation. Our situation. Rhys and my situation. Well, happy new year! I'm engaged! We are engaged! There will be a wedding. Between me and Rhys. Rhys and I. Engaged. Soon to be married. I'd say I believe I'm dreaming but I am not, I am looking at the ring as we speak. It's a family heirloom, Rhys told me. It's been through generations. The ring is also SO beautiful. It's a sapphire and in is etched with a six pointed star. The band of the ring is twisted of silver and gold. Never in my life have I seen something that beautiful. Sometimes, when the light falls in it in the right way, it looks like there is a star inside the stone.
Which actually brings me to the proposal. It wasn't something big, it was just me and Rhys and we went stargazing. I tried to find a constellation he had pointed at and when I turned around he was on his knee (his bad one, I basically had to pull him up), asking me to become his wife. Of course I cried. Nothing could beat this proposal.
It's Rhys and me. For the rest of our lives.
I'm thanking the stars everyday
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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braveclementine · 3 months
Victoria Tries Killing Me With a Soccer Ball
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
It's been about a week since we got back from Kentucky and both sides of the field- Vampire and Werewolf- was filled in about everything on the trip.
I was preparing for a date tonight with Carlisle. Alice had dropped yet another dress off at the house for me to wear. Honestly, it was starting to get ridiculous. My closet was more full of Alice, Rosalie, and Esmes' left over things than my own.
The dress was Jade green- the best colour on me- and had almost no sleeves and a very swishy skirt. I wore silver jewelry, held a silver purse, and wore silver heels with this outfit. Not to mention after I finished curling my hair, I put in silver pins to hold some of it up. Pearl earrings though.
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I was nervous because Alice seemed so overly excited for this date which made me wonder what was going to happen.
Probably nothing.
She was probably just glad that Carlisle and I were going out on a date. We hadn't been on one since we'd gotten back from Italy.
Carlisle showed up, wearing a tight sweater with a white shirt underneath and a tie. He was always wearing ties. He reminded me of Elijah Mikelson sometimes- just without the three piece suits.
Which reminded me! We had binged watched Vampire Diaries ever since I had gotten back from Kentucky. The guys watched it in interest, mostly to see what us girls liked about it. Bella watched some of it, but it wasn't really her thing.
However Esme, Alice, Rosalie, and I couldn't get enough of it.
We knew the guys got easily jealous and were comparing the guys in the TV show to the guys in real life and saying who we'd rather date. Carlisle especially hated it whenever I fawned over Damon Salvatore- probably because Carlisle was blond and was starting to wonder (according to Edward) if he was even my type.
It was quite fun.
Of course, even if Damon Salvatore existed. . . okay so maybe I'd have to have both Damon and Carlisle but that wasn't really a problem, was it?
Oh well.
I headed down the stairs, making sure the lights and stove were turned off before I answered the knock at the door.
"Hey." I said happily, letting Carlisle scoop me up and zoom to the car. It was raining and vampire speed was far more effective than an umbrella.
Carlisle sild into the other seat.
I stared at him, wild ideas swimming through my head and he glanced over. "What?"
"Just thinking." I said with a small smile.
"About what?"
"If you can drive and cuddle at the same time." I admitted, flushing slightly.
He chuckled lowly. "Vampires can multitask."
And in a flash, I was sitting on his lap, my face, facing towards him as he drove, one hand on the wheel, the other around my waist. I rested my forehead on his shoulder so that he could still see the road.
I snuggled into him, feeling his cool, but strong arm around me. "I love you Carlisle. I love you so much."
He pretty much purred into my ear, "I love you too Davina."
After a few minutes of content silence I whispered, "I think I understand why I was so at home with the wolf pack now. It's because I should be one of them."
"I'm glad you're not though." Carlisle said softly. "It would very hard to be together. Not because I wouldn't like you for being a werewolf, but it's very hard for a werewolf and a vampire to be in the same room together."
"I know." I whispered. "I'm glad I've never transformed either. Although now I'm afraid that I might either not be able to become a vampire at all, or I'll have to become a vampire sooner than I wished so that I don't turn into a wolf."
"I'll keep you happy enough that you won't be angry enough to turn." Carlisle kissed my cheek, slowing down. "We're here."
He pulled into a parking space and I saw the fancy restaurant in front of us.
"Don't worry." Carlisle murmured, running his lips from my ear, down my jaw, to my neck and up again. "Just dessert. Nothing else."
I giggled. "Am I dessert?"
Carlisle's eyes flashed black before turning gold again. "You could be. . . if we don't hurry."
He licked slowly up my neck with the tip of his tongue, making me giggle again and shiver. I pressed my lips to his in fervor. I felt his tongue swipe across the bottom of my lip and opened my mouth slightly, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth, swirling around, colliding with my tongue, fighting for dominance that I knew he would win anyways.
I pulled away slowly, breathing for air. "Dessert. Sounds good."
Carlisle chuckled lowly, pecking my lips before pulling the keys out of the ignition, and opening the door. I climbed out of the car, fixing my dress as he stepped out as well, slamming the door shut, and locking the car.
He held out his hand which I took. The rain had stopped, the clouds swirling above us.
"What's the last name?" The hostess asked promptly without any gawking at Carlisle which was a first.
"Cullen." Carlisle replied.
She looked at the computer, tapped the screen a few times, gathered up two menus, and said, "Right this way."
"All business, I like her." I muttered under my breath for only him to hear.
He chuckled lightly as we followed her through the quiet, romantic restaurant. He squeezed my hand as we got a table in the back which was very close to being empty.
He slid into the seat with his back to the wall, while I slid in the seat across from him, facing the wall.
"I already ordered, just so you know." Carlisle said softly, reaching across the table to take my hand. "I know what you like."
I smiled gently, slipping my heels off, placing my feet on his legs, out straight, one foot on each leg.
"You're very touchy tonight." Carlisle said with a smirk, but also honest curiosity in his voice, "Is anything wrong?"
"No." I said, shrugging, running my thumb over his knuckles. His skin was so smooth. "I just. . . I want to be as close to you as I can get."
The waitress came out a few moments later with the dessert, setting it down in front of us. I smiled down at it as she walked away. "You do really know me." I admitted.
The Hot fudge cake looked so appetizing. The large dollop of whip cream on top of the large chocolate brownie and vanilla ice-cream sandwich. The cherry leaked juices, penetrating into the whip cream, dying it a red and probably tainting the taste. Chocolate sauce leaked over the edges of the cake, pooling on the plate.
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[I'm honestly craving these now that I'm writing about. Someone help!]
"It does look good." Carlisle admitted.
I picked up the spoon, carving into the dessert, popping a piece in my mouth and closing my eyes, nearly moaning at the decadent tastes that melted in my mouth. "Carlisle, this is so good. Thank you."
He chuckled, squeezing the hand that wasn't holding the spoon.
I opened my eyes. His gold eyes seemed brighter, a new emotion I'd never seen behind them. "Say. If you added blood to food, would it taste like anything?"
Carlisle thought about it. "I have no idea."
"Hmm," I thought about it. "I mean, maybe not normal solid foods. But like. . . I don't know. Adding blood to a chocolate smoothie or something. I don't know if it would work. I should experiment later with that."
He chuckled, "Making sure you can get your chocolate after you're a vampire?"
"Exactly." I winked at him.
I finished off the dessert rather slowly. For one thing, I didn't want to look like a slob eating it. For another, I wanted this date to last as long as possible.
"Davina. . ." Carlisle said softly as I finally put the spoon down and dabbed my mouth with a napkin.
I looked at him, wondering what he was thinking about. He stood up and I was going to get to my feet before he got down on one knee, pulling a box out from his pocket.
"Davina," Carlisle's golden eyes were burning. I was frozen in my seat, my heart beating harder than I could've thought possible without bursting out of my chest. "I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. I fell in love with your beautiful onyx eyes and your quirky personality. The way that quotes just roll off your tongue, even if I don't completely understand where they come from. I love the way that you know exactly what to say when I feel down to make me feel better. Your touch makes me feel alive in ways I haven't in nearly three hundred years. I will never love anyone the way I love you. I need you in my life. So, Davina Hermione Michaelson. . . Will you Marry me?"
So many emotions were conflicting in my chest as I stared at Carlisle. Azim's face popped up, the first person that I thought I would marry. But Carlisle wasn't like that. Carlisle was different. Carlisle was my soulmate.
I swallowed. "Yes."
Carlisle carefully took the ring out of the box. It was rather large and definitely old fashioned and he looked at me, slightly apologetic. "I know it's not. . . in the fashion. It was my mothers."
I was getting a ring from the 1640s? Wow.
"That's alright." I whispered. "It's not the ring I care about you know."
He smiled as he slid the ring onto my left hand ring finger. It had a simple gold band with an intricate. . . almost flower like design with a large diamond in the center. Smaller diamonds circled around the large one.
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"It's beautiful." I murmured. "I love you Carlisle."
"I love you too." Carlisle murmured, bending down to kiss me. I leaned into the kiss eagerly. The ring rested easily on my hand. "I suppose I should've asked Sam for permission first though."
I chuckled, "He's my brother, not my father."
Carlisle nodded a little. "Ready to go home?"
"Yes." I said softly, standing, taking his arm and we went home.
"Stay in La Push today." Carlisle warned.
"I know." I said sincerely.
Alice had foreseen that Victoria would be coming back today. Edward and Bella were in Florida at the moment. Edward had wanted to get Bella out of Forks when she came. Meanwhile, the others would be hunting Victoria. Alice knew exactly where she was going to be.
"Please stay safe." I said, kissing Carlisle fiercely. He wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"Carlisle, we have to go." Alice said. "We have twenty minutes."
"I'm going." I murmured, hurrying from the house, climbing on to the motorcycle, and taking off for La Push. I arrived there in under ten minutes, pulling up to Harry's house. Seth was already waiting for me with his soccer ball.
"Hey Mom!" Seth said happily as I climbed off the motorcycle. "Are you ready to see my wicked moves?"
"Of course." I grinned. "But we should stay along the treaty line."
I had already called Sam and let him know that Victoria was going to be here. Seth wasn't allowed to participate which was slightly annoying to him.
"Come on buddy." I said, ruffling his hair.
We headed into the forest, laughing. We were going to head to the creek and stand on either side and make ridiculous throws at each other for the other to catch. It was going to be fun. Alice hadn't seen any problems, so there shouldn't be any.
We arrived at the stream and there were no problems. The water was rushing past quickly though. "You gotta be on the other side." Seth said. "You know, treaty line and all."
I giggled, "Sure thing werewolf boy."
I walked evenly across one of the logs, making it to the other side of the river. The water wasn't too deep, maybe six feet. Swimmable, but not drownable.
"Alright Seth! Let's see what you can do." I said with a grin.
Carlisle P.O.V.
We waited, still and silent, in the place that Alice had said Victoria would come to. Alice was in front, Jasper closest to her on her right with me on the outside of Jasper. On the left side of Alice was Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett.
I tugged the sleeves of my navy blue sweatshirt up slightly.
Alice was staring out into the woods while we checked the surrounding area. I was nervous- not for myself and only a little bit for my family- but say Victoria crossed the treaty line. . . would the wolves be able to protect Davina?
I liked to think so, especially after they'd discovered about Sam, Davina, and. . . Embry being connected by the same father.
"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" I asked Alice.
Jasper stepped closer to Alice who said, "She's almost here."
Everything stayed silent. I didn't even hear any animals, much less a vampire rushing through. But we were counting on Alice for that part if we didn't catch it.
"On your left!" Alice shouted.
I turned, running as fast as I could towards my left. This was near the werewolf territory, near the treaty line. That was most definitely worrisome.
I was gaining on Victoria, but Emmett got closest. He reached out for her, not breaking speed, grabbing down on her shoulder until she flipped him over it and he crashed into the nearest tree, tumbling to the ground.
I sped up, trying to gain on her. I had to kill her- Lord and I both agreed on that- for Davina's sake. And for Bella's too.
And then, we neared the treaty line and she jumped, landing on the wolves territory. We skidded to a stop. "Wait. She's on their territory now." I said, holding out my arm. I knew she wouldn't go in deep, and we could track her from across our border.
And then the worst thing imaginable happened. A voice- a human one- was carried upstream.
"Wow Seth! That was a good one!"
It was Davina's voice.
Victoria's head snapped up, lips curling back into a grin, and she took off running. We ran parallel to her and I had to hope that Davina was on our side of the treaty line or else I was going to break the treaty.
"She'll get away!" Esme shouted.
And that was when two wolves hopped down. They were the larger ones, the older ones and I knew they cared about Davina greatly.
"NO SHE WON'T!" Jasper and Lord roared together.
We didn't see Davina or the boy she was hanging out with for a long time. She jumped back to our side, far ahead of us, to avoid the wolves snapping at her feet. That was when the soccer ball came out of nowhere, almost hitting Victoria in the face.
Victoria snatched it out of the air- I couldn't see her face.
"SETH LOOK OUT!" Davina screamed and then I saw her go flying through the air, the soccer ball to her stomach. I leaped, away from Victoria and everyone, as Davina plunged into the water, after her.
Davina P.O.V.
Seth had kicked the ball high and I laughed as it disappeared into the forest.
"Well damn," Seth said, crossing over to my side. I gave him a warning look which he ignored. "We're going to have to-"
And then he froze, "Vampire."
"Well, duh." I chuckled, ruffling his fur. "The Cullens-"
And then the redheaded blur came towards us, holding our soccer ball tightly in her hands. She flung it with vampire speed.
"SETH LOOK OUT!" I screamed, pushing Seth into the trees, catching the soccer ball in my chest.
The breath was knocked out of me, and the force that the soccer ball hit me in the stomach sent me flying off my feet. I had definitely broken a rib or two. I flailed around before I hit the water.
The cold water shocked my body, making me inhale the water, I tried coughing, but as I was underwater, all I did was succeed in getting more water into my lungs. I thrashed around, trying to break surface, panicking.
Something else hit the water, I could hear it. Something else had entered the water. Something smooth so it definitely wasn't a werewolf.
Of course, I doubted Carlisle would let her get close to me. I hadn't thought there would be a problem along the treaty line? Especially not out here. . . but maybe out here was exactly where a problem would have been.
My vision started to go black and fuzzy as two hard arms pulled me closer to their body, erupting out of the water. I tried to inhale the air, but I couldn't.
I was flung onto the rocky ground, hard hands pressing against my chest, hard lips on mine, trying to get me to breathe.
"Come on Davina." Carlisle begged.
"Mom!" Seth's voice was frantic and I felt a warm hand on my arm.
"What happened?" Sam's voice roared across the river.
I could hear growling from a wolf and Emmett. "Paul, back down." Sam ordered.
"Emmett, come back here." Alice's voice said, laced with worry.
Had Emmett tried getting across the treaty line? Where was Victoria?
Water trickled from my mouth and I gasped, starting to cough. I spit the water out of my mouth, sitting up.
"Ow." I said, gingerly putting a hand to my stomach.
"You've got a broken rib." Carlisle said, his golden eyes laced with worry but also professionalism. "We can get you back to the house and I'll wrap it up."
"Are you okay?" Seth asked, his eyes round with worry, shaking but only slightly.
I reached out, ruffling his hair. "I'm alright. You okay?"
"Perfectly fine. I could've taken her."
I chuckled, "I'm sure you could've. Speaking of which, is she dead?"
I looked from my vampire family, to Sam, Jared, Paul, and Embry.
"Well. . . no." Carlisle said, looking between the wolves- specifically Paul- and Emmett.
I got to my feet gingerly. "What do you mean no?"
Carlisle sighed, "Emmett tried leaping the boundary line to go after her. One of the wolves stopped him. The two of them bickered instead of going after her. She's gone."
"It's not my fault." Emmett muttered.
I stood there for a second, looking from Emmett to Paul, and then I said angrily, "Are you kidding me?"
All the vampires quickly backed away from me and I knew why. If I got angry, there was a chance I transformed, and none of them wanted to be to close when I did that. Seth on the other hand, stepped closer, and Carlisle wouldn't step to far away from me.
I turned to Paul, "Emmett wouldn't have magically turned from hunting Victoria to hunting La Push residents! And you-" I turned to Emmett and gave him an annoyed look, "-you knew where the treaty line was. You shouldn't have tried crossing the river."
"Sorry Mama bear." Emmett muttered.
"Sorry mom." Paul muttered.
I sighed, turning to Alice. My anger was completely burnt out and Carlisle wrapped his arms around me loosely, not wanting to hurt me, "When is the next chance she's coming back?"
Alice made that head movement like 'I don't know.'
I sighed, "Alright, Carlisle, take me home."
I didn't even get to say good-bye to the other wolves as Carlisle was already running through the forest back towards the house.
He yanked the door open, bringing me to his study, settling me down on the long, soft couch he had in here.
"Well today was very fun." I muttered, trying to sit up, but he kept a hand on my upper chest, forcing to me to continue to lay back.
He pushed my shirt up so that only my stomach was exposed. He grabbed the bandages, feeling deftly along my ribs, noting when I winced.
"It's just the lower one." He sighed, finally allowing me to sit up so that he could wrap it tightly. When he was done, he sat down on the couch and carefully pulled me onto his lap, my back flush against him. "That. . . don't do that to me ever again."
I chuckled, "Don't worry. I don't plan on being near Victoria ever again. I hadn't planned on it today either."
He shuddered, holding me closer. "I should've sent you to Florida with Bella and Edward."
I snuggled into his chest, ignoring the pain in my ribs. "No thanks. I'd rather be here with you."
He sighed, "Me too."
I turned around completely so I was facing him. He lowered his head slightly, bringing our lips together. I wrapped my arms around Carlisle head while he wrapped his under my shoulder blades, pulling me closer.
My fingers delved in his hair, ruining is normal wavy hairstyle, and when we broke away from the kiss- so I could breathe- I ruffled his hair to make it messy. He grumbled lightly, but didn't try to fix it.
I chuckled lightly.
"Do I look like that Elijah guy now?" He asked, raising his eyebrows which made me giggle.
"Maybe a little. But you know I love you the best." I said, holding his stone cold yet smooth face in my hands. "Oh, and you should know that Alice plans on having us married in two weeks."
Carlisle sighed, "If only it could be sooner."
I chuckled. "If only."
"You're letting Alice plan the whole wedding?"
I was silent for a moment. "I told her to invite only people in Forks. I think Marcel likes me and I don't want to hurt him. I definitely don't want to invite Joshua. And I told her that every wolf was invited along with the council elders. Oh and that you could invite the Denali clan if she wanted. And. . . I told her to send an invitation to the Volturi so they knew. I thought that might stop them from coming."
"I see." Carlisle said, his arms tightening just slightly. "You should invite Marcel. Jasper read his emotions and doesn't believe he read any emotions of lust or love. Not that kind of love anyways, though he cares for you like a little sister."
"Well that's good. I'll let Alice know." I murmured.
"Are you staying the night?" Carlisle murmured, brushing black curls back from my face.
I smiled up at him, "Sure. Why not?"
He leaned down to kiss me again.
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tzaharasykes · 4 months
I would love to hear all the reasons you don’t ship Donna with Eric and don’t think they were right for each other because I totally agree and we’re such a minority! They want really different things out of life and I feel like Eric needs someone more romantic, supportive and loving than Donna is while she needs someone more unconventional and adventurous than Eric (I say this as someone who likes Eric but isn’t crazy about Donna, and she honestly seem to believe she was way too good for him)
Hi! Yes we really are in the minority here. I pretty much don't like them together primarily for the reasons you have stated. What they want out of life will take them in totally different directions, especially Donna. Donna is probably the biggest issue for me, and you can't exactly be a shipper of a ship if you simply dislike half of it.
Donna has always seemed like she thinks of herself as better and smarter than Eric, and is not afraid to disrespect and belittle him. She mostly says nothing when their friends put Eric down in order to prop her up. When there is a problem, he is primarily to blame before she can even think of apologizing for her mistakes.
She thought so little of him throughout season 3, specifically before the episode of their breakup. Main examples I can think of right now: interjecting and belittling him when he's trying to tell his friends a funny story, ditching him for hours after a concert night out and feeling entitled to do so, and her diary entry about wanting Eric to be, like, edgier or something, which led him to attempt to get a tattoo for her. It is Eric's fault for reading her private diary, and he should not have done it. But this specific point goes back to what you mentioned about Donna needing someone more "adventurous". Eric was not that for her.
These were the true feelings that she was yearning for, but chose to settle with Eric after her failure with "bad boy, exciting" Casey because Eric is safe and practically "worships" her, which naturally gives her the upper hand. I just think that's a horrible way to look at someone, in my opinion. At the end of season 3, once she was made to face the reality of being with Eric in the long term, she rejected the idea and didn't want to give him a real answer.
I don't think I need to talk too much about the crap in season 4. More belittling, more pettiness, vengeance (unapologetically slandering him in the school paper and then getting upset when she gets a taste of her own medicine), and rubbing Casey in his face. Eric wouldn't think to treat her the way she treated him. Yet he is somehow still the bad guy and in the complete wrong.
Season 5-7 were basically the same type of behavior. Season 6 brought back Mitch, which really brought some of Donna's worst qualities (ego and pride) in the way she treated Eric. Season 6, Eric ditches his own wedding, knowing this conjugal life will only fill Donna with regret. Imagine knowing that the person you love is going to regret spending the rest of their life with you. Just wow. Season 7 Eric seems to have grown disillusioned with his life and this shitty relationship and just left. I'm glad he did.
In the end, it was all a rollercoaster and while Donna and Eric had their (few) sweet moments, so much of it was overshadowed by these lame negatives for me. As for Eric, he threw himself into this relationship and made Donna his whole world to the point where he had no aspirations besides wanting to be with her. Naturally, this made him insecure, especially when he felt he was being left behind. This wouldn't have happened if he had some solid goals for his future, rather than just sitting around, smoking pot with his friends, and thinking of Donna all day. In Donna's defense here, I can see why her feelings about the promise ring were so hesitant.
So, these are my main reasons for not liking the ship. No matter how many years go by and I rewatch, this minority opinion remains the same.
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Thoughts on Rollo's Backstory
By now everyone's very confident in the theory that Rollo has a younger brother whom he lost to magic, which fuels his desire to rid the world of magic.
There are strong implications to this. First one is that Yana Toboso herself recommended via a tweet to watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame play. The play follows the original novel more closely, in that (a) Esmeralda dies, and (b) Frollo actually has a younger brother named Jehan whom he saw as "corrupt". In the play version of Bells of Notre Dame, Jehan "grew more wild and defied and defiled all the laws of Notre Dame". Frollo even tried to bring him back and say that he'll "heal" his brother.
On the subject of corruption, we know by now that Overblot is a manifestation of this. Mages who overblot from what we've seen used up too much of their magic and succumbed to their negative feelings. The black ink also kind of seals in the corruption imagery too. 😅
What also adds to this theory is Idia's reaction after reading Rollo's diary. While Azul and Malleus weren't as shaken, Idia is silent. Azul even had to remind Idia that Rollo is their enemy no matter what, and since this event seems to assume chapter 6 had passed (based on Epel's UM), Azul already knows about Idia's traumas with Ortho's death.
Finally, when it cuts to Rollo saying, "All of Twisted Wonderland will be rid of magic. No one will have to go through what 'that person' did.", he refers to 'that person' as 'aitsu'. Aitsu is a very informal way of referring to someone, and it can be rude. It makes sense to refer to a sibling as aitsu due to its casual nature.
Also adding here that with that, there is no specific gender that Rollo alluded to here. No, it's not confirmed that whoever he is referring to is a boy yet.
Now with all that being said, I want to challenge this theory for a bit. 😋
What if the person Rollo is referring to is not a younger brother, but someone else who cared for him?
Rollo is not just ctrl c + v Frollo. He has similarities to Quasimodo, one of them being that he's the one who takes care of the gargoyles in the school (as mentioned by the talking gargoyle in the latest update).
With that being said, Esmeralda was the first person to ever be kind to Quasimodo. She saved him from being mocked in the Festival of Fools, and she touched his face without being disgusted by him. He started being fond of her because of that.
Esmeralda is also from a people who was scorned. Like Jehan, Frollo perceived her as "corrupt". But an additional thing is that Esmeralda was accused of witchcraft and sorcery (she did do the handkerchief trick).
Now in the play, aside from Frollo having a younger brother, another big difference between the movie and the play is that Esmeralda dies. Jehan was only expelled from Notre Dame, but Esmeralda perishes at the end.
Even the evidences that support Rollo having a younger brother can also support this idea.
Idia did go silent from reading Rollo's diary, yes. But it can be argued that he sympathizes greatly with the tragedy of losing a loved one to Overblot in general. His sympathy would be much greater if it's a younger brother, that's true. Still, I think he can relate to the scenario of losing someone he cared about to overblot regardless.
As for the aitsu part, it's possible that 'that person' Rollo is referring to is someone he's just very close to that isn't necessarily a sibling. After all, Azul has referred to the twins as 'aitsura'.
I think that Rollo having a younger brother that he lost makes a lot of sense and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the direction the story is going to. But I think there's also a possibility that it could be someone else that he was close to.
Regardless of whoever he lost, I do think that Rollo had been excluded and isolated at some point in his life. Maybe he was scorned for being a mage. That person whom he lost was probably the one person in his life that cared for him, and when they left, that definitely shook him horribly. Solidified his belief that magic is bad because it took away the person he cared.
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pinksirensong · 2 years
you can make an imagine of Morpheus being freed by his wife, I'm a big fan of the vampire diaries universe, so I thought of Morpheus's wife being a tribid (witch, wolf and vampire) imagine a furious wife with a thirst for revenge for her imprisoned husband I'm sure that would be chaos in the mansion
Okay...this got out of control, it's probably not really what you wanted kkkkk but it's in this vibe and I really liked writing it! I'm a big fan of TVD universe too so it was super fun writing it! Thank you ❤️
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"NIKLAUS!" the screams of Y/N echoed through the Mikaelson's mansion at New Orleans. It wasn't unusual for the family to be locked away or daggered because Niklaus was paranoid, but this time it was different. As a tribrid – part witch, part vampire and part werewolf – it was a little harder to contain her, but Nik always found a way, especially to protect his twin. This time a witch who owned him a favy helped him lock her in the basement to make sure she wouldn't look for her husband.
Dream of the Endless and Y/N Mikaelson were not on very good terms the last time they saw each other, it wasn't something awful but just a little fight between the couple because Morpheus wouldn't share the burden of his duties with the kingdom with her. For Y/N it was like he didn't trust her enough to do so, but for Dream it was just a way to protect her, she might be a powerful tribrid, but she was still his wife and he would protect her with everything he had.
A few days after that Dream was imprisoned by Roderick Burgess and Y/N was naive enough to think she could count on her family. They hated Morpheus since day one for taking her away from them and the one who hated him the most was Nik. One would think that after more than half of a century she would lose hope and stop fighting back, but that was not who she was.
With time no matter how much she screamed her twin would never come for her and Y/N was now completely alone missing the being she loved the most.
"Why are you screaming?" she heard the voice of a little girl and when she turned towards the owner of it she saw a kid that reminded her too much of Niklaus for her own good.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Hope Mikaelson, ma'am. And I don't understand who and what are you doing here?"
"Mikaelson? As far as I remember my brothers and sisters are the only Mikaelson's around." seeing the confusion on her face, Y/N couldn't help but find it funny. "I'm Y/N, Niklaus' twin sister. That fuc…forking. That forking hybrid locked me here."
"I didn't know my father well enough to know why he would put you here, but if you're his sister then you're also my aunt." she smiled brightly and Y/N couldn't imagine how that child was Nik's kid. "I'm gonna help you, because we are family… Always–"
"–and forever." the tribrid completed her niece's sentence. The only way to let her out would be through Niklaus' blood, perhaps a descendant of him would work the same way, but Y/N didn't like that idea. She might not know Hope, but she was family and they protected each other above everything. "It's too risky for you. I assume from your late statement that Nik is…not around?"
"No, he…isn't. It's mostly me and mom. There's also Jackson and the rest of our pack, but the others are…gone. For now." her semblance was sad when saying it, but it quickly changed to her happy face once more. "But you're here and I've to free you!"
"I…cannot stay here once you do that, child."
"Why not?"
"My husband is in trouble, I can feel it. I must help him, he…needs me." through the century she could feel it, the way he seeked for her and worried about her wellbeing.
"But can you…come back? Please?" there was no way she could say no to that, perhaps Hope would be the first Mikaelson to not hate her beloved husband.
"We're Mikaelson, Hope. Always and forever." and that was worth a thousand promises. Once Y/N was free from that place she didn't even look for her siblings, all the tribrid did was run. She could feel him, Dream was in distress and far away from New Orleans. Y/N Mikaelson would burn the whole world for him.
Roderick Burgess was no longer alive, yet his son Alex still kept Dream of the Endless locked and deprived of his freedom. It angered her that he was still there, alone and thinking about the consequences of his absence to the world. No matter what others thought, she knew her husband was kind, he had a good heart. Oh, how the tribrid missed him, her body and soul were calling for him every single moment. To exist without him was like dissecting slowly, feeling her body lose strength until there was nothing more. She needed him as much as a vampire needed blood.
Dealing with wanna be magicians would be hard if she wasn't part witch herself, especially because they didn't know a tribrid could ever exist, Y/N truly was an aberration of nature. Firstly she had to compel Alex's husband, Paul, to invite her in and the rest was easy. Taking down every single guard was almost fun, mortals and their weapons thinking it could hurt someone like her. Killing was in her nature, but now she felt the need to do it for revenge. They were all guilty for imprisoning or helping keep him there. But the owners of the house would have their fate chosen by Morpheus, all she did was compel them to go upstairs and stay quiet.
"Dream…" there he was, trapped in his own cage with no clothes. At this moment she thought that their deaths were too merciful. When his eyes finally met hers it felt like her heart would explode, her dream was so vulnerable and…quiet. "It's me, my dream. I'm sorry for not being able to find you sooner, but I'm here. They will never harm you again." he finally stood up, at that moment Morpheus knew it wasn't a mirage or an illusion made by the others, it was his wife and she was here for him.
"Y/N…" it was the first time in a century since he said a word to anyone. "You came." Dream too remembered very well of the last time they saw each other, the hurtful words he threw at her and the way he left her at the waking world. If it wasn't for Roderick Burgess he would've come back to her, apologized for all he did wrong and begged for her forgiveness. But his wife didn't know that…and yet here she was.
"Of course I did, my dream. Nik…He…He trapped me, I was unable to find you. If it wasn't for that I would've come sooner!" Morpheus cursed himself for ever thinking she would leave him for something as silly as a little fight, that she would give up on him…on them. "All that matters is that I'm here now and you will never leave my sight ever again." Y/N put her hand in the glass and closed her eyes, she could feel his hand on the other side. It was as natural as killing, just like with any other part that made her a tribrid, her power strong and controlled making the ground shake until not only the binding was broken but the whole glass cage. The little pieces of it floated in the air like feathers until her eyes opened and it all fell into the ground.
"I'm sorry!" Morpheus was holding his wife like she would vanish any moment, it was as if this was all a beautiful dream. How many nights had he wished to see her face, to feel the warmth of her skin, the smell of her scent? Now here she was and he would never let her go again. "I love you." he did, he would always love her. Y/N didn't waste another second, pulling him in for a kiss, it was filled with passion, lust, but most of all…it showed how much they missed each other.
Many "I love you" were said while they kissed as if time had stopped and the rest of the world didn't exist. At that moment it was just Morpheus and Y/N, a husband and wife who were separated for too long. Revenge could wait, but not for long…the Mikaelson's were known for their cruelty and the tribrid wouldn't let Burgess get away messing with what was hers. Blood would rain in this house…more than already did.
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sande5098 · 8 months
Hello! Could you write Ava Bekker x Fem reader is could literally be anything with fluff smut and angst.:D
In the Aftermaths
Requested: Yes, by anon
Description: Ava's death ate you up and spat you back out
ships: Ava Bekker x Fem. Reader
Warnings: suicide, mental illness, distress, (If you're struggling with your mental health, please talk to someone in order to get the proper help you need).
Word count: 800
The call that came from Mrs Goodwin as soon as you heard about Ava was definitely the start of the end of it all. You'd done so much for her, to help her get better. You had known exactly why she had murdered herself, although it didn't make it any easier for you. When the funeral came around, not even Connor Rhodes was there, or hardly anyone from med, Adam, Kim and Kevin were there to accompany you. You knew that it was mostly because they felt bad for you but you couldn't bring yourself to care, not now, not anymore.
Weeks after the funeral, you found yourself still not back at work. The team dropped by every so often, tried to get you to come back to work or go out for drinks but you wouldn't hear of it. Instead you stayed in bed, crying. You had found Ava's diary it had the most awful of things in it, but it also talked about how much she wanted to be with Connor. Y/n knew that Ava had an unhealthy obsession with the man, probably loving him more than she did her, which was true by the way. She had also found that in her diary. It was that moment that she broke, she couldn't keep anything of Ava's anymore.
"911, what's the emergency?"
"Hi, I uhh think that there's been a break in in my neighbours apartment?"
"Alright, and what's the address."
"Apartment 33C on -----" (A/N: Make up your own street name. I live in NI and have no clue of US street names)
"Do you know if the homeowners home?"
"I would assume so, she's hardly left after her partner died about a month ago."
"Alright, we have units dispatched to the address"
"Units in the 21st and citywide, we have reports of a possible robbery at apartment 33c on -----" It was Kim who picked up the radio to reply, immediately recognising the home address. "5021 Eddie and 5021 Ida responding, be advised plain clothes officers responding."
Kim gave Adam an apprehensive look as the started the car to Y/n's apartment. "Should we loop in the others?" Adam kept staring at the road, unresponsive for a minute before finally saying no. Kim nodded and stared out the road, it wasn't long to get to Y/n's apartment and as soon as they did they could hear the commotion from outside, glass and ceramic shattering. Adam nodded to Kim as they went inside and up the flights of stairs, ushering civilians back into their homes.
Once they reached her apartment door, they knocked... no answer though it did go silent. "Y/n, It's Adam and Kim. We were called to come check up on you. Let us in please." Adam shouted in at her, another crash came from inside and that was the last straw, Kim kicked the door down and cautiously walked into the room, both of them had their guns drew. What was once a clean and homely apartment had been well and truly trashed "Y/n? are you here?" Kim asked.
"Here" a shaky voice called from behind the sofa. Kim looked back at Adam and put her weapon away before rushing to her friends side, spitting on shattered and cracked glass on her way over. "Hey N/n, what happened sweetheart?" Kim asked as she grabbed Y/n's hands, they were covered in blood, but the rest of her looked fine.
"I...I She... She never loved me Kim, she didn't love me!" Y/n practically shouted and Kim immediately pulled her in for a tight hug, tears streaming down the broken girl's face, "She never loved me and I thought she did. I'm so fucking stupid." "Y/n shhhh please, It's okay, she'd not here anymore. You can get over her, we'll be here to help you, right Adam?" "uhh yeah of course, we'll always be here for you hon."
Adam was observing the room, It was clear that Y/n must've had some sort of mental break. But who could blame her, she had lost the love of her life only to find out that the woman she loved with all of her heart never really loved her in the first place. "I don't think I can do this anymore," Y/n cried. Adam was the first to react, "No don't say that Y/n, ever. Come on, let's get you out of here."
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c0dmic · 1 year
Regina and Leopolds Marriage
I don't know what to start with so Ima jump straight into it. I saw a post a while ago made from.. well years ago, stating that Regina was a grown woman.. Let me say this, OLDER ACTRESSES PLAY TEENS ALL THE TIME, (Nbr). For all we know Regina is 18 at the time when Leopold proposed. Some people say that if she was 19-25 (she was actually 18 during 'Stable Boy') it would not be weird. Yes, it would. Leopold was literally Regina's Father's age, if not, older. It would still be very weird for an 18 and 50-60+ year old to be married.
Some people say, "this takes place a several decades ago, it would be normal-" It doesn't make it right! Just because it takes place decades and go and it would be considered normal, it doesn't make it right. 
(just for example):
A 18-year-old in the times when arranged and forced marriage was normal, was forced to marry a 50-year-old man. Some would say, "That was normal then for 18 and she was old enough, it doesn't make it weird," ... what. I hope you see how stupid and ridiculous that sounds. Even if it was okay a long time ago, that doesn't make it okay. And again, it's still fucking weird.
Now back onto the marriage. "Regina didn't say no-" Stfu. The look on her face when Leopold kneels down and proposes is very obvious. Regina would have probably screamed out loud saying no if she could. But she didn't because her mom was nearby, and she didn't want to fuck up her already fucked up relationship with her mom by ruining her mother's advantage by saying no to the royals and she was in shock.
Now onto the rape topic. I keep reading that 'Leopold Raped Regina' , and I personally don't have a opinon on that because it was not stated and I don't want to get any backlash lol. But the most thing I believe about their marriage was the Regina was neglected and (ofc) forced to marry him.
For Leopold, he only listened to Regina's mothers 'yes' and not Regina's. And if he couldn't see the absolute shock and fear on Regina's face, idk what he saw there. If I proposed to someone (my own age bc I'm not weird) and I saw that look that Regina had on her face, I would get off the floor taking her physical and mental 'no' and 'wtf' for an answer and say sorry and leave. But Leopold didn't do that and when ONLY Regina's mother approved, he went along with it. And Regina's mother just handed Regina to Leopold probably knowing that Marital Rape could happen (ik it probably didn't, but I was just saying that what if it did and Cora just handed Regina over to that knowing that it could've be common at the time.).
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Now, Leopold reading Regina's diary is disruptive of her privacy. And Regina put all those fake stuff in it and Leopold reads it. Regina is the type to always plan things out (evil or not), so she knew that Leopold would read her diary because he (probably) did it all the time. Even if she used the method of, making her diary out in the open to her father, thinking that her father would hand it over to Leopold. Or the other method of, putting it out in the open for Leopold to see, but if i was him, I still wouldn't touch the diary.
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Leopold, in a scene specially states that "I know Regina is unhappy" and Leopold never does anything about it. Then he proceeds to say, "And yet I never imagined she would betray me like this," What?? Like, after being married with her KNOWING that she was unhappy and (most likely) never loved you, and you are betrayed?? Excuse me?
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Then later on, he asked the Genie to "find the man who took his wife's heart". Genie asks "What are you going to do when you find him?". Then Leopold replies with, "Nothing you can be concerned with". So your saying you knew she was unhappy and feeling unloved and NEVER loved you and then your going to, what? Possibly murder? Shame? The person who might have given her hope in this terrible neglective unloving marriage?!
Not only that but him KNOWINGLY marries the woman he almost married (technically dated still engaged)'s daughter, KNOWINGLY. Adam Horowitz had also confirmed that Leopold REMEMBERED Cora. He remembered the woman he almost MARRIED.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 months
Last Days
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(Some entries from my oc Silver's "Book of Shadows" / diary, leading up to her death. The photo is of my actual doggo who passed away eight years ago. 🥺🥹).
24th June 2003
Confidence Spell
In a cleansed space, dress a small orange candle with oil and coat with mixed herbs, most notably rosemary, chamomile and lavender. State your intention before lighting the match. Sit and watch in a comfortable position while visualising the light glowing within yourself.
I did it.
I told them.
The spell worked, it gave me the courage to stand in front of them and finally come out. In hindsight I should have remembered to cast a ward of protection around myself for the aftermath. But Derek at the shop told me that focusing too much on protection magic can actually attract harmful energies. And, to be honest, a part of me wanted the drama. I wanted my family to give a shit, even if it was thrown in my face. Wow, gross imagery there, Silver.
I suppose it went better then some. Reading posts on some gay and lesbian forums, some folks have it a lot worse, especially over in America. This one girl's dad was a pastor (I think that's like a Vicar? We only ever called them that around my town). When she came out to him, he had her sent to some preachy conversion therapy camp and she ended up having to run away to live with her cousin, now her immediate family act like she's dead. Yikes. I didn't get it that bad.
My sister rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Sure you are. You're totally not just doing this for attention, like the witchy thing." And my brother was cringing like I'd tried to flash him or something. "How do you even know? You've not even had that many boyfriends!" Ugh! What the fuck?! What kind of older brother wants his sister to sleep around more than dudes until she "can be certain"? I've had enough experience as I need, bruv! Think he just feels weird now as I've probably ruined all that lesbian p*rn I know he's into after that time I used the computer after him and he forgot to delete his history.
And Mum? Well.
She cried. She didn't wail or scream or anything but if was kinda like the cry of a little kid who got told they weren't allowed to get some Pik n Mix at Woolies. I asked if she was angry and she just threw her hands up and said she was disappointed I wouldn't "at the least" give her grandkids. Then she stormed outside to smoke with my sister.
I felt so cold and numb afterwards. What did that even mean? How would being gay mean I can't be a mum? We've all watched Friends, we saw Ross' ex Carol be a mum, Susan was his adoptive mum, that could happen to me. Or I could adopt. Fuck, I want to be a mum, someday...way, way, way off. And anyway, she has a grandkid! I'm surprised my brother didn’t pipe up to remind her of that. It was just me and him left in the room and it was awkward as fuck. Bri and I have butted heads but I'm closer with him than Lisa, which is not saying much. Think my confession ruined whatever little sibling bond was there.
Shit, I wish Dad had been there. He'd have been cool with it. He'd have been so proud of me for being brave enough to tell them all and he'd have given me one of his epic bear hugs.
Except that's a lie.
According to Brian, anyway. When I mentioned Dad to him, he scoffed and said "You're joking, right? Dad was homophobic as shit. This the guy who refuses to watch Star Trek TNG because a 'poofta' was the Captain."
That hurt worse than any reaction the others had to my coming out. At first I hoped he was just saying it to get a rise out of me or just to be a dick. But the more I looked back through my hazy memories, I can recall those tiny little bigoted comments which as a kid you just don't care about. Because they didn't matter to me back then. All I cared about was that Dad was fun, that he spoiled me rotten, that he'd take me to McDonalds whenever I asked and to the cinema and Stone Henge.
I needed some air after that. Jess always provided an easy excuse to go for a walk around the fields to clear my head. While she bounded off after squirrels once I let her off lead, I sat under a tree and cried my fucking eyes out. Not for the reactions of those I got, but for the one I would never get.
Those breathing exercises Derek showed me helped a lot. The throbbing in my head died down a little. Chanting the names of the Goddess while I tried to focus on letting go of that useless worry over a dead parent's opinion of me.
It sounds awful but, given how many father-daughter relationships I've seen break down when girls reach their teens, maybe I was lucky to lose my dad as young as I was before he could truly disappoint me.
But either way, I did it. I'm now and out and proud gay (or bi, I'm not 100%, just definitely not straight) witch. Love me or leave me.
So mote it fucking be.
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31st October 2003
And the fires shall burn, and the wheel of life shall turn, and the dead come back home on Samhain!
Happy Halloween!
As it's the Wiccan New Year, I guess I should make a resolution? I resolve to start living my damn life.
Ever since I dropped out of college, it's like I've been drifting through life. The few jobs I've had haven't gone anywhere and I just don't know what to do with myself. Actually, no, I fantasise about the life I want all the time.
A cottage in the woods. I wanna wake up and breathe in nature every morning. I want my own garden where I can grow fruit and veg and herbs for my spells. I want to be able to sit and read my fantasy books in the sunshine for hours in peace. Obviously Jess will come with me, I'm pretty much the only one who walks and takes care of her, she's my bestest girl. And I'll adopt three or five more dogs. Maybe a couple of chill cats. It would be so cool if I could tame a fox like that woman who was on This Morning the other days. Foxes are basically cats inside little dog shells, they're so cool. And I want a wife...I think. Part of me would be happy living alone with nature and pets but then I get this niggle of desire for someone to wake up with and appreciate all that beautiful stuff with me every day.
But that life is just not gonna happen unless I find a way to make a shit ton of money to move out of my town and set up somewhere in the West Country or Surrey or Kent etc. For now I'm trapped in this tiny shitty town in the arse-end of Essex with almost no bus routes. Driving lessons have all ended in disaster, fucking dyspraxia I'm blaming you.
Gods, please, if you're going to trap me anywhere for the rest of my existence can it at least be somewhere better than this?!
What few friends I had have all gone off to Uni or abroad. One girl even asked if I wanted to go to Australia with her but the idea of working in a bar gives me chest pains. Plus the spiders! Sorry, little dudes, I love and respect you but I can't help but get the creeps! I keep up with what they're doing on MySpace and MSN but a lot of it depresses me to realise how stagnant my life is. Not only am I trapped but I'm also lonely as shit.
LOL. Jess just rested her head on my knee as I wrote that and gave me the biggest saddest labradoodle eyes. Of course I'm not totally alone, I've got my bestest girl. And my deities. Enough to keep me sane.
Speaking of mental health, gotta remember to make an appointment with my GP about these headaches. Mum blames the incense and reckons I'm dehydrated. Says the woman who smokes like a chimney and needs a glass of wine a day to get through the week.
Doing my Samhain rite later but first gonna take Scarlet out trick or treating. Her little witchy costume is so cute! I know the whole hat and warty nose stereotype is offensive to Wiccan culture but OMG she is adorbubble with her little plastic cauldron! Can't believe she's nearly three, she's growing up so fast. Even if I never get to be the cottage core mum I dream of, I can be the awesome witchy aunt.
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11th March 2004
A spell to attract friendship
Cleanse an empty bottle with incense. Fill with pink or white salt to protect from toxic relationships, cloves for friendship, cinnamon for happiness, lavender for calm, rose quartz and amethyst for healthy friendship, sugar for sweetness, a dandelion for loyalty, seal with yellow wax, carry in purse or pocket often - remember you need to leave your room to find those friends you seek.
I might have just discovered something really cool!
We're staying at my great uncle's house in Surrey for a couple of weeks to help him out while he's not well. Uncle Bob's always been a cool old dude, I wish he'd lived closer when I was growing up. Anyway he knows how into the supernatural I am and started telling me legends of this really old house literally just a twenty minute walk from where we're staying.
And when I say old I mean OLD. Like Henry VIII old, if not before that! He even has this book telling the history of it. Apparently the rich lady who lives there used to host tours but she's getting too old to do it now and has mostly become a recluse. There's all sorts of shit that went down in that house, some Tory prick who died in a sex scandal, ROFL, it was used for all sorts of soldier stuff during WWII, a bunch of rich folk whose names I still see dotted around the village lived there. Even before there was a house there were settlements were there were plague outbreaks and witch trials. Actual fucking WITCH TRIALS! I always wanted to visit Salem but screw it I got some history on my doorstep now.
And theres all sorts of ghost stories! Some dude who tried to kill Queen Elizabeth I got his head chopped odd and rumour is his headless body can be seen wandering the grounds. There's this famous 'Grey Lady' ghost who falls out the window screaming in the middle of the night. Some freaky creature like a wannabe Bigfoot roaming the woods.
I gotta go there. Sounds like it's buzzing with untapped magical energy. Just looking at the photo of the building, I feel like it's calling to me.
Honestly one of the coolest bits of history was there was said to be a stone circle which the house now stands on. Don't think I can get myself in there, even if I ask the old posh woman really really nicely. But there should be enough power around the site for me to call to.
Screw it. I'm sick of trying to find my own coven to do shit like this. I did a quick scope of the place while walking Jess and it doesn't look like she has much in the way of security. There's not even that high a fence around the wood. I can jump over that easy enough.
Gotta take the opportunity while I'm here. Uncle Bob might be being moved into residential care so chances of us coming back to this part of the county is slim.
Still got those mushrooms Derek's nephew gave me. Been really hesitant about taking them, I don't like doing drugs more than a little bit of weed and even that ends up making me paranoid and thinking the world hates me.
But he swore that if I wanted to properly see the gods, they were the best tool.
So tonight, I'm gonna sneak out and make my way up there, set up an altar and ground myself. It's gonna be like taking a bubble bath in pure magick! I got all that history and ancient energy as well as the full moon. Helped bake some cakes for Uncle Bob earlier and gonna take a few crumbs of the leftovers as offerings. Pan especially has such a sweet tooth.
This is the night I'm gonna take my life into my hands and summon everything I want. Love, friendship, freedom, excitement....oh and mustn't forget healing for these stupid migraines.
Jess keeps staring at me from the foot of my bed, whimpering for attention. Maybe she wants to play fetch. Maybe she wants to come with me. Should I take her? Hekate likes dogs so she might appreciate her there. And I am going into the dark woods all on my own. A lot of scary stuff has happened to young girls and women on the news lately. But they were children, I'm twenty next year! If I take Jess with me and she starts barking, it might wake the Button lady or her neighbours.
No, babygirl, best you stay here. It's gonna be boring for you watching me do my ritual high as a kite while I tie you to a tree. Once I'm back I'll sneak you up some chicken from the fridge.
It can be our little secret. ;) and I'll do a spell to make sure my best girl has plenty more years of treats and belly rubs to come.
So mote it fucking be.
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sweeethinny · 2 years
Hinny Fest - Day 13
Talking about the War - day thirteen
it was the most different way I thought of writing Hope you like it i love domestic hinny
''Today Wendell and I talked about the war,'' Ginny said.
Harry was washing the floor after taking a bath in Sir, their dog, who had been playing in the mud along with the children who were already taking an afternoon nap, while Ginny finished folding the clothes Harry had washed in the morning.
The sun was strong, they would have a family dinner at night and they wanted to be able to enjoy their yard, so they were trying to keep everything there clean and organised, cleaning the tables and chairs that were there, washing the floors, cutting the grass that Ginny had promised she'd cut it two weeks ago, taking care of the clothes they'd let pile up because of the rain and laziness...
Harry looked at her, holding the hose that was on as he pointed at the soapy floor. ''How it was?''
''He said I might need to see a psychiatrist,'' She kept looking at the pile of clothes, which was getting bigger by the second. ''He said we're still going to have one more appointment before he really says if I need it or not, we're going to talk more about it and my insomnia, but that's probably going to happen... He wants me to be prepared and comfortable with it. I said that I would talk to you.''
''Do you agree with him?'' Harry had already been to a psychiatrist, in his first year of therapy after a hellish sequence of panic attacks that kept him from going to work, and when that happened, Ginny was there with him, in the waiting room, holding his shaking hand until Harry was called.
He would do the same without a second thought for her, of course.
''Yes,'' She looked at him, smiling a little sadly. ''You've seen how things have gotten worse, don't say no,'' Harry shrugged, not knowing how to respond. ''I told him about the time James wanted to buy a diary and I... freaked out,'' Ginny looked away again, going back to folding her clothes. Harry turned off the hose, leaving the squeegee for a second and going to his wife, even with his wet and cold hands, hugging her.
''We're in this together,'' Harry kissed her forehead, thinking of all the times she'd been the one who'd taken care of him, calmed him down during a crisis, made sure he didn't freak out and go crazy. ''We all love you so much.''
''It was nice to talk you know?'' He felt her tears wetting his shirt, her choked voice made his heart fail. ''It was nice to get it all out, but at the same time it was so sad,'' Ginny sobbed. ''I told him that I felt almost a rage that we had been robbed of our adolescence. That I saw Teddy and Vic living like they should, having problems their age, and I was annoyed because I wish we'd had the opportunity to one day worry only about the fact that our parents wouldn't let us put a piercing or some school gossip.''
''I know,'' This was one of the subjects that Harry thought he and Ginny managed to share the pain almost equally. Still different, of course, but still similar. “I feel that way sometimes too.”
''Wendell said the right medicine will help me sleep and continue with the treatment,'' She looked at him, a few tears still streaming down her face. "Do you promise that even if I go crazy, you'll still love me?" Ginny pouted, all adorable and cute, softening Harry's heart and forcing him to kiss her, squeezing his arms even tighter around her. 
“Forever and ever.” He promised. ''Even if we both freak out and need a straitjacket.''
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We're NOT just friends! Yandere fae townx black fem oc!
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I'm back on my yandere sh*t🤦🏾‍♀️🚫⚠️🤣 18++! Minors Do Not Enter! Mention of death, gore, blood, dismemberment, yandere behavior, protective behavior
The guys reaction to her saying their just friends in the Royal court basically she's insecure despite her being beautiful and sexy
Jesse: I didn't know friends had deep feelings for each other and had sex. That's his thoughts when his darling said that he was her friend.
"Friends?! We are not friends we're more than that!" He was heart broken 💔 what about the time they had dinner together? Or he invited her to his chambers? Walked in the diamond planes field??
He was insulted until he found out that his court was making fun of her and making her insecure. Insulting his future ice queen?! How dare you?! And your head is cut off. Was it worth it? Loose your head because of your sharp loose tongue? He takes their now frozen corpses and heads laying them for display as he said he said a surprise for her.
Walking in with him covering her eyes he uncover them revealing dead frozen bodies of the people in his court she screams at him and cried seeing the dead bodies he kneels to her cups her face and smiled as his cold hands made her shiver. "It's alright my love there is no need for us to hide our relationship anymore!"
" There's no need for you act the way you did and hide anymore your free to roam in my court once again free of the judgmental sneers snares of those bastards your mine my diamond.. Don't you ever forget it."
Robaire: Friends?? What? That's not true we're lovers! He is surprised by this sudden change in mood and behavior so what does he do? What any other future king/husband would do and investigate why his future queen is acting this way? She's denied him of physical touch and love it hurts him he is angered after finding out his subjects are talking about her in a awfully disrespectful manner!
What future king of the Fall Autumn Kingdom would he be if he doesn't teach them a lesson and manners? He then tells her to come with him that he has a surprise for her. Like Jesse he shows a display of dead bodies of the higher level faes of his court and lower rank dead, slaughtered and their corpses were sitting on Stands as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead smiling as she screams he is shocked but at least he has her speaking to him again.
He is happy she's talking to him again she's asking him things like do he know what he's done?! Why did he do this?! Why would he do this? All he could do was smile at her caressing her cheek looking at her lovingly and tenderly "Because my love I wouldn't allow you to feel the way you felt because of them and I apologize for not realizing it sooner but from now on this moment forward my queen I'll take it into consideration of you and your feelings and prevent this from happening again."
"I'll kill and send everyone's soul to hell before letting anyone disrespect you again you are my love, my darling, my queen I love you very much don't forget it my dear."
Aaron T: Friends? I don't think that's right princess. He thinks to himself laughing thinking she's probably shy and blushing so he saids their together and she.. denies it? In front of everyone?! Thank the gods his parents weren't here that would be hard to explain her behavior.
Like Jesse and Robaire he's going to see why she said that and acted that way. He looks in her diary and nothing so he continues until he hears maids talking about how the people of his court were cruel to the poor girl and made her cry say she wasn't fit to be his lover and other awful things.
He's pissed he walked in the room and there they all were mocking her, laughing at her, talking about her badly behind her back, his back! He looked mad as the heat from his wings went through his body he told the guards not to let anyone in and after that screaming was heard and was sounded like fire.
He was roasting them alive! Dear gods it was awful no one and I mean no one survived he came out with steam coming from him as he smiles telling his guards to get his summer flower. Arriving at the door it was hot and it smelled of burnt flesh she walked in seeing blood and burned corpses on the floor she screams as Aaron hugged her
"My beautiful summer rose it's alright I took care of them all of them no one will make you cry again I mean that my queen." "Of course I killed them darling what kind of king of the summer court would I be if I didn't take action on those who hurt the one I love? Plus they were going to be replaced anyway I simply helped my parents in their disposal."
"I love you so much my love you are mine and no one gets away with hurting what's mine."
Tae young: He's in denial and confused as well as upset. My darling poppy flower that's not true we're no friends we're future king and queen of the spring court and husband and wife. He tries to kiss her but she just pushes him away saying that their not lovers after all they did together and been through meeting his parents, siblings, his grandfather and friends, making love!
Spring faes for decades gets one true love and he knows that she it and she's the fae princess for him why was she acting like this?! He cries but hears the others in court laughing at her body, her dress, why was a ugly thing like her doing with a beautiful creature like him?
His saddened face was turning red with anger and his blood boiled like never before. He had vines with thorns come up from the ground and then it was screams, tearing of flesh and blood everywhere and then silence. Nothing could be heard other then his footsteps walking with the blood of his now ex dead court members on him and at the bottom of his feet as he told a terrified guard to bring him his love.
He showed her their bodies being held by thorned vines and being put together as if their corpses were puzzles and he smiles kissing her "I finally found out what made you sad..my blossom I'm so sorry for not seeing it sooner why didn't you tell me darling I'd have their heads chopped off ages ago?"
She cried as she saw them dead and blood everywhere "Tsk tsk my lotus blossom your so pure, so sweet crying over the very people who hurt you now I know for sure that you must be protected by the evils that lie about in this cold, dark, cruel world of ours from now I will protect you from all danger and harm."
"My darling I love you my rose and as your future husband and king of the spring court I will not let you endure such things like this ever again I promise for I will have the king in red and I don't mean the roses we planted together."
Aaron Z: Friends? That's incorrect. False, not true what so ever! You are my love, my mate, my future queen and bride and the mother of the next ruler of the Night court and kingdom.
He's sure she is no he's positive that she's his future queen and wife but why would she say something like that? He loves her and she loves him tell the truth they are lovers, engaged as a matter of fact and are happier than ever at least he thought he was until she began to become distant and she wouldn't hold him or touch him the way she use to.
She was the only one he could be weak with and around she was his strength and weakness and he wasn't going to let this matter go so easily. So he investigate why his moonlight is acting strange only to hear the snares and disrespectful manner of his court now this angered him. How dare you offend him this way?!
Speaking like that about his lover and the queen of the Night court and kingdom?! His power was powerful to be felt through his body sending powerful shock waves through the kingdom causing a rumble. With his sword they were no more he cut off their tongues and eyes that looked at her in displeasure.
They were killed painfully it is the price they pay for what they have done and the pain they caused his queen. She was summoned by him as she walked in he was in his throne as she saw their body parts displayed in order by tongues, the head in which the disrespectful tongues belonged to she screamed as she almost fell to her knees only for him to catch her in speed of lighting he lift her chin to face him as he smiled at her with that gentle smile.
"My starlight it's alright I've taken care of the issue at hand now you will no longer weep my love. Why didn't you tell me?" " For you my star I would have beheaded them for you I love you enough to have them burn in hell for their disrespect towards you and the crown and celebrate your existence as my future queen who will rule the kingdom of night by my side forever until our hire takes over as king or queen."
"You are my love and my queen I cannot have anyone or anything hurt you I will protect you at all costs even in your dreams I will destroy the fear in your nightmares as long as your by my side I will love and protect you from all harm you are too precious to me you are mine and mine alone my darling starlight."
Fae town goes to the original creator who I can't remember @ but if you know comment 🙂
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
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#i rbd a post from robin but i didn't check to see if robin pyt anything on it and ibtagged u in it i think so i might ahve just tagged u whe
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That reminds me my mom let me get the sims 4!!! So i played it today and i made a sim with the like "answer these questions and well make a sim" thing (her name is stacy) and then she went to the library and made some food for herself and then she went home and slept and then i stopped playing
20 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
HFJOne 8 theory
spoilers for one 6, 8, 13 and 17 under the cut
TL;DR: Airy explodes in one 8 and spends the next 7 months trying to get back to the plane.
So we all know in one 8 airy shattered his fucking face right? I have a theory on what exactly happened
It appears airy is an oil lamp as seen earlier in one 17 (he's fumbling around in the dark and turns on and there's a flame in him) and if you don't care for or use your oil lamp properly the glass will crack and shatter and it will explode.
Considering how stone opened liams zipper and out the notes in, how liam unzips open later in the episode, byrce cant go underwater because he is a bottle, and airy can turn on: peoples objects probably function just like objects would normally, at least from where airy and liam are from (liam asks airy if hes from earth and he says yes if i remember correctly)
My theory is that since airy is living in the middle of god damn nowhere he wasn't able to care for himself properly or maybe he was trying to turn off but he fucked up and exploded halfway through eliminating liam, causing his bulb to shatter and him to die. He would then go to the waiting room, and see Julien (toothpaste) waiting there. He'd then probably use the radio to try to get back to the world with the plane. However: he doesn't know the number so he's stuck trying to guess it for 7 months until he finally makes it back.
Now you may be thinking: if Airy was in the waiting room then wouldn't he see Julien and revive him when he gets back? The answer is yes, but no.
When Liam first dies in one 6, he goes to the waiting room and skts down next to Julien. Later on when he, Byrce, and Texty get struck by lightning in one 13, they aren't on the plane anymore and they go to a waiting room without julien and a bunch of other people, probably dead.
This leads me to believe that each universe has it's own waiting room, where people who die in that universe go to. So if you die on the plane you go to the plane's waiting room, if you die on earth you go to earth's, etc.
If Airy is transporting himself to different universes for 7 months, and then dying in those universes to get back, then he'd be in a different waiting room each time. Doing 7 months of the same thing repeatedly would probably make him forgey Julien was even still waiting in the first place
So that's my massive theory hesdcanon thing
20 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
Do you think fictional men with poor morals and me could on purposed kiss
23 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
hello I tried to make a quiz but I didnt want to sign up for uquiz or quotev
I give you a character from my kinlist
31 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Witchs heart spoilers probably idfk
Ashe, writing in his diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
42 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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