#professional basketball
macrosoft98 · 8 months
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デニス・ロッドマン - なりたいほど悪い
NBA の偉大なリバウンダーであり、アメリカで最も率直で傍若無人なアスリート、デニス ロッドマンの輝く頭の中のワイルドな乗り物。
『スポーツ・イラストレイテッド』誌が「アメリカで最も挑発的なアスリート」と呼ぶ人物を表紙に据えたところ、この10年間で販売したどの号よりも多くの部数が売れた(水着号を除く)。 なぜ? なぜなら、1996年シーズンにシカゴ・ブルズに入団したスーパースターバスケットボール選手のデニス・ロッドマンは、新しいチームメイトのマイケル・ジョーダンよりもミック・ジャガーとの共通点が多いからだ。 体を覆うタトゥーと常に変化する蛍光色の髪で、ロッドマンのサイドラインでのふざけた行為と有名なベンチ入りは、コート上での記録破りのパフォーマンスと同じくらいスポーツファンを魅了し、彼は衝撃的な行動をするのと同じ傾向を持つ反逆者としての評判を獲得しました。 彼のオンとオフのスクイズ、マドンナ。 『Bad As I Wanna Be』では、名声、お金、人種関係から、セックス、ドラッグ、ロックンロールに至るまで、あらゆるものについて、驚くべき率直な意見を述べ、また、自分の人生についても語ります。 彼の人生の光である娘の時計を盗んだ罪で刑務所に。
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qweenofurheart · 5 months
i love professional athletes bro they're like celebrities with fear
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sainz · 1 year
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these pics are doing things to me just imagining them like this🥹
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Need someone to sit down with me and explain basketball (specifically women’s idk if there are any differences) to me like I’m five years old
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trashpocket · 2 years
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steddie sketches 💖 (mostly fluff) but here! i offer increments of what if steve and eddie were dancers from two different styles??? or what if steve was a professional basketball player and eddie, the rockstar, was his boyfriend??
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lovvecherrymotion · 6 days
The boys (or just Jance) go to a funfair for some time off. In between all the fast moving rides and abundant sweets for sale, there is a game stall offering Pokémon plushies in exchange for shooting hoops. Among the many, many Pikachus and slightly fewer Bulbasaurs, Squirtles and Charmanders is one single Gengar. The temptation is there, but Nace is the worst Jordan at basketball. Time for Jan to shine.
anon, i feel like you know me too well, because i love the idea of jan winning prizes for nace in any of those games!!! he would win that gengar for nace and nace would be so happy 😭 and then they'd bring it home and i feel like it'd also become igor's favorite plushie because it's soft and perfect for him to do some biscuits
(one of my personal hcs is jan winning nace all the pokémon/gengar merch in every single crane game when they finally travel to japan for their honeymoon 🥺 dkjfd sorry this is very self indulgent but your ask reminded me of it)
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findafight · 1 year
part 1
It's a bright May morning, and the commentators are discussing who the Indiana Pacers are going to select. It's a bit of a buzz, there's a rumour of a dark horse candidate. The Commissioner steps up and shakes out the paper, saying clearly into the mic "the Indiana Pacers select Steve Harrington, from Roane County Community College." His face makes it clear he has no goddamn clue who or what college this is. It's fine.
Steve stands, smiling. Robin kisses his cheek and Dustin throws his arms around him before he's shuttled off to get a Pacers ballcap and take a picture with the NBA commissioner, and then to the press room to answer questions.
The reporters have dozens for him, a buzz with the shock of a community college getting a player drafted. It's the first time they'll really be able to talk to him, and he's a bit nervous. He handles it all with as much grace as he can, until someone from the Chicago Sun-Times asks
"you're from Hawkins, a town that's seen its fair share of tragedy over the last number of years. Did that have any sway over your decision?"
Steve's smile turns softer as he answers "Oh, yes. I went to R-tripC because it was close. I've got friends and family in Hawkins still, and I wasn't planning on moving any farther than Chicago. It's...a hard place to leave, after everything." he can tell which reporters have no idea what Happened in Hawkins, the confused brows, scribbles in the margins of notebooks. The Chicago Sun-Times report simply nods. "My being here is just...the result of a few lucky circumstances. The Ospreys, we're a div-four team. Not even supposed to be in any competition for March Madness. But the NCAA decided to try letting non-div one teams on the bracket...not sure if they ever will again considering our loss." there are a few chuckles around the room. The RCCC Ospreys had lost pretty spectacularly in the first round. "But, that's the only reason a scout saw me play. And the fact that the scout was for the Pacers..." Here, he doesn't mention being approached by a representative of the Sacramento Kings as well. "That was something that worked. I've always loved playing ball, but if it hadn't been with the Pacers, I'd be content playing with small local leagues in Indy."
"Has this not been a dream of yours? Playing in the NBA?"
Steve chuckles. "I've played sports my whole life. Obviously when I daydreamed about winning the Championships, or swimming at the Olympics, who didn't? But. Ah, it really came out of left field, if you pardon the baseball analogy." he swallows some of the water in front of him. "I wasn't expecting to be approached by anyone about the NBA. I played on a college team that most people don't know exists, that barley qualified for march madness and got eliminated by the end of the third quarter. I was getting my teaching degree, with guys who were getting horticulture certificates or degrees in Art history or business to help their family Ma 'n Pop store or bio degrees to use to go to masters programs in Indy. We weren't playing for dreams or glory. We played because we love the game, and like each other enough to be a cohesive team." he shrugs. "I was going to move to Indianapolis or Chicago with my wife anyways. This is just...sprinkles. Y'know? I have what I need, my loved ones are happy and healthy and safe, this is just sprinkles on the sundae."
Steve leans back and sighs. He's being signalled to wrap it up. "I'm not taking this opportunity for granted, and I am looking forward to working with and getting to know my teammates. I'll be working hard to make my hometown proud. Thank you."
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 month
I fear I am in my women’s basketball hyperfixation era
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Ezi Magbegor —-Seattle Storm
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lesbianarsenal · 2 months
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Unrivaled player announcements as of 7/15/2024
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commsroom · 9 months
ok here are my eiffel questions
-do you think he ever played sports (and enjoyed it)
-had ever watched the show 'community' he kinda reminds me of a mix between abed and jeff and idk if you've seen it but it's interesting
-what kind of pet did he have a a a kid? he's giving me cat or lizard vibes idk
anyway love your blog tyy
aw, thank you! okay, in order:
oh, god, no. definitely not. eiffel is from a generation of nerd guys who made a point of defining themselves opposite to jocks, and he does not exercise on purpose. i doubt eiffel even watches sports that aren't like, motorsports. to get eiffel to enjoy exercise you've gotta trick him into it by giving it a counterculture image. i'm so sure he wanted to learn to do sick skateboard tricks as a teenager. he still wants to do sick skateboard tricks. but his coordination is terrible.
he has almost definitely seen community, but i have not, so i can't give any further opinion on that. but he's the right demographic.
i don't think he had a pet as a kid, but not for a lack of trying. eiffel is absolutely a dog person; he was a lonely kid, and i know he begged for a dog. and maybe his parents even promised him one, but it just never happened. i actually think eiffel is allergic to cats, just based on his general misfortune. guy with ailments. he just seems like the kind of guy cats would love to climb on while he sneezes horribly.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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“Professional” white women have disrespected Angel Reese and told her to “shrink don’t shine” ever since she was in high school
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“I was sleeping when she came into my bedroom at about 11:30, and she was really upset,” her mother, also Angel Reese, recalled. “Then she showed me why.”
The 17-year-old Reese had become unnerved after seeing comments about her on a social media post.
Overtime women’s basketball Instagram page had posted a video clip praising Reese on Tuesday. But that post prompted the user of the Instagram account of an opposing coach to send a direct message to the Overtime WBB page, criticizing Reese and claiming her success was because she was “genetically blessed.”
Chloe Pavlech, who curates much of the Overtime women’s basketball content, was going through the messages when she discovered the message:
“Celebrating a player (w god given height and talent) and zero humility or impulse control. As a female coach of female high school ballers, I find this behavior repulsive, unacceptable, unflattering and unnecessary. You can have swag while not acting like a punk. Highlight some other girls in the conference who aren’t as genetically gifted …”
Pavlech found a second direct message from the coach’s account in response to a different video in December celebrating Reese:
“She’s not the greatest player that’s ever come out of this area. She’s genetically blessed. And lacks any humility. Guess you haven’t watched the film of her…”
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not acting like a punk. Highlight some other girls in the conference who aren’t as genetically gifted …”
Pavlech found a second direct message from the coach’s account in response to a different video in December celebrating Reese:
“She’s not the greatest player that’s ever come out of this area. She’s genetically blessed. And lacks any humility. Guess you haven’t watched the film of her…”
The area that was whited out (by Pavlech) is the coach referencing a fight that Reese was involved in during a scrimmage last season against a non-league opponent, an altercation that earned her a three-game suspension.
“Angel had to apologize in front of the student body, and she’s played this year knowing if anything else happened she’d be off the team for the year,” her mother said. “People come at her, but she plays at a college level against high school girls. When she steps on the court she doesn’t hold back. She’s going to go at you until you sit down.”
Pavlech took a screenshot of both messages from the coach and posted them on her personal Overtime Instagram page (that post, as seen above, has since been removed). Pavlech included her own message at the top of her Tuesday post: “Why do women try to tear down young girls?”
“I was shocked that an adult — especially a coach — would be talking about a young girl in that manner,” Pavlech said. “The context of those remarks was also surprising; she was DMing in response to a very positive video Overtime WBB had posted about one of the country’s most gifted young talents.”
The direct messages came from the Instagram account of Lisa Smith, who, as of Thursday morning, was listed as the head coach of Archbishop Spalding High School girls basketball team. Later Thursday, Smith’s name had been removed from the site, with athletic director Jeffrey Parsons now listed as the current head coach of the girls team.
(continue reading)
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1onescu · 2 months
guys i'm bored talk to me 😞😞😞😞
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mikafever · 6 months
yea I believe in the first amendment, EXCEPT.. maybe it should not be applied to professional sports games… Nobody should have to listen to that teenage boys critical opinion of EVERY imperfect play. Nobody should have to hear him call the players whom you BOTH came to support “sloppy fucks”. Nobody should have to be the ones witnessing his advice for the coaches and players when he is 200 rows away from them and has never played hockey in his life.
If you go to a pro sports game you WILL be within hearing range of at least 2 people like this and that is sad. People are there to have FUN. If you didn’t know, NOBODY wants to hear you shout “You suck!” at YOUR team. Nobody. You are seriously ruining someones night. Please think about other peoples feelings when you are in public. Thanks.
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dionysus-complex · 5 months
honestly it's really interesting to me how much I've gone from almost-performative rejection of professional sports to caring quite a lot about them - I think in large part that's developed out of how soccer fandom has become a way for me to connect with my parents and especially my dad while living in different states, but like I really didn't foresee being into baseball or hockey until it happened
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