#professor snape x student reader
Pansy: Professor Snape won't trace this back to us, right?
Y/n: Are you kidding? He traces everything back to us. Professor Snape traces things we haven't even done yet back to us.
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ms-snape · 4 days
Ok but perhaps you can please write something about severus having a to take his chubby little one year old daughter to work with him because mom was tired that day? Like just fluff
Title: Hope Eleanor Snape
Warning: Pure fluff
Words Count: 2800+
Severus Snape had never imagined himself the type of man to carry a baby through the halls of Hogwarts. Certainly not on a weekday morning, with a class full of inattentive students awaiting his arrival in the dungeons. But here he was, doing just that, the weight of his one-year-old daughter settled comfortably on his hip as her small hand tangled in the collar of his robes.
Hope Eleanor Snape was everything Severus never thought he deserved—soft where he was sharp, light where he was dark. Her chubby cheeks, flushed from a restless night, were pink against the stark black of his robes, and her eyes, a deep, intense black like his own, gazed up at him with an innocent curiosity.
It had been one of those mornings. Y/n, his wife, had been up with Hope for most of the night, soothing the little girl who had stubbornly refused sleep. When the morning sun peeked through the window, Y/n had barely stirred, her exhaustion evident in the deep circles beneath her eyes. Severus had kissed her forehead gently and told her to rest, knowing full well he would have to bring Hope with him to class.
As he strode through the corridors, Hope seemed fascinated by everything around her. The echo of his boots on the stone floors, the soft flutters of a tapestry as they passed, even the flickering of torchlight caught her attention. She babbled, her tiny voice filling the silence of the usually foreboding dungeons, and Severus found himself listening, a faint smile playing on his lips despite himself.
The doors to his classroom loomed ahead, and Severus sighed quietly, preparing himself for what he knew would be an unusual lesson. He adjusted Hope in his arms as she tried to reach for a lock of his hair, her small fingers grasping at the air with determination.
"Let’s see how you handle this, little one," Severus murmured under his breath. He could already predict the scene that awaited him: distracted students, whispers, stares. Not that he cared for their opinions, of course. His concern was that Hope, with her boundless curiosity and penchant for grabbing things she shouldn’t, might cause a disruption he’d struggle to manage.
Pushing open the door with a sharp flick of his wrist, Severus entered the classroom.
It took precisely three seconds for the room to descend into absolute silence. The students, who had been murmuring among themselves as they set up their cauldrons and ingredients, froze in unison, their eyes wide and disbelieving as they took in the sight before them.
There stood their typically dour, imposing Potions Master, dressed in his usual billowing black robes, holding a small, chubby child who was currently sucking on two of her fingers and blinking curiously at the room.
Severus didn’t need to speak to command their attention; the sheer absurdity of the moment had done that for him.
Hope, oblivious to the stunned looks from the students, wriggled slightly in his arms, tugging insistently at his robes as if trying to gain his attention. She was used to being the center of attention, after all—especially from her mother, who doted on her endlessly. And even though Hope loved his daughter with a fierce, protective intensity, he wasn’t as effusive with his affections as Y/n was. It was just his nature, but Hope didn’t seem to mind.
The baby let out a soft coo, her voice high-pitched and cheerful, and Severus felt the eyes of the entire classroom zero in on her. He could practically hear their hearts melting. He sighed.
"As you can see," Severus said in his usual low, silken tone, "My daughter will be joining us today. Your focus, however, will remain on your potions. I will not tolerate any distractions." He let his gaze sweep across the room, daring anyone to challenge him.
But it was a hopeless demand.
The students’ attention was already fixed on Hope, and there was little he could do to break the spell she seemed to cast. Several girls in the front row were exchanging looks of utter adoration, their eyes wide as they took in Hope round cheeks, the way her tiny fists grasped at her father’s robes, her dark curls tousled in an adorably messy way.
"She’s so cute," someone whispered, followed by a chorus of murmurs.
Severus raised an eyebrow, his lips tightening, though he couldn’t bring himself to truly reprimand them. Eleanor was, in fact, a spitting image of her mother, save for the eyes. Those deep, fathomless black eyes that mirrored his own made her seem more serious than any baby had a right to be. But her chubby face, her sweet, infectious smile—those were all Y/n. It was as if the world had taken Y/n’s softness and poured it into Eleanor, creating this little bundle of joy who had quickly become the center of Severus’s universe, even if he was reluctant to admit it openly.
He walked to his desk, settling Hope into a conjured playpen near his chair. She babbled happily as she was placed among her toys—plush creatures that Severus had charmed to move on their own, a small wooden wand Y/n had given her to wave around harmlessly, and her favorite—a stuffed dragon with large, flapping wings.
"Now," Severus said, his voice sharp as ever, "today’s lesson is on the brewing of Draught of Peace. You will follow the instructions precisely, or you will face the consequences."
But even as he spoke, he could feel the collective attention of the students drifting back to Hope. It was impossible not to be captivated by her. She sat happily in her playpen, one pudgy hand holding the dragon’s tail while her other hand reached for her mouth, gnawing on her fingers as she gurgled contentedly.
Severus began to pace the classroom, his usual routine of observing students’ progress, though today his sharp remarks were fewer. He found himself glancing over at Hope more often than he would have liked, just to ensure she was content. She, in turn, occasionally caught his eye and gave him a bright, gummy smile, causing an unexpected warmth to flood his chest.
She really did look so much like Y/n.
As the students measured out their ingredients and stirred their cauldrons, Severus heard more than a few muffled giggles from the back of the room. He turned just in time to see Hope standing up in her playpen, holding onto the side for support as she bounced on her chubby little legs. She was clearly proud of herself, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
"Sit down, Miss Snape," he murmured, almost to himself, and with a wave of his hand, the playpen gently lowered her back onto her bottom. Hope blinked, momentarily confused, before resuming her exploration of the toys.
The class went on, but the students were hopelessly distracted. Severus caught Hermione Granger looking over at Hope at least three times, her hands hovering uncertainly over her cauldron. Even Draco Malfoy, usually so focused on his potion work, had his attention split between stirring his potion and watching Hope as she waved her little wand in the air, making nonsensical motions.
Finally, one student—a Slytherin girl with wide eyes and a nervous smile—raised her hand hesitantly. Severus nodded toward her.
"Professor, uhm, sir, is she always this—um—energetic?" the girl asked, glancing at Hope as she attempted to chew on the stuffed dragon’s wing.
Severus arched an eyebrow, casting a glance at his daughter, who was now gnawing intently on the plush toy, her face scrunched in concentration. She paused only to look up at her father and giggle softly, a sweet, bubbly sound that filled the room.
"She is… persistent," Severus said at last, his voice a touch softer than usual. It was the truth. Hope, much like her mother, had an unyielding spirit. Once she set her mind to something—whether it was staying awake through the night or trying to stand in her playpen—she did it with all the determination a one-year-old could muster.
The students exchanged looks, their smiles widening. Severus knew he had lost their attention completely by this point. And yet, as he glanced at his daughter, now thoroughly entertained by her toys, he found he didn’t mind nearly as much as he thought he would.
The lesson continued, albeit with more focus on Hope than on the potions. Severus moved between the desks, making the necessary corrections to students’ work, though his mind was never far from the playpen by his desk. Every now and then, Hope would let out a delighted squeal, drawing the eyes of every student in the room.
By the end of the lesson, as the students began packing up their materials, Severus returned to his desk. Hope was beginning to tire, her little head bobbing slightly as she fought off sleep. Her dark lashes fluttered as she rubbed at her eyes with a chubby fist, and Severus could see that she was losing the battle.
He bent down, lifting her from the playpen and cradling her against his chest. Hope sighed softly, her thumb finding its way into her mouth as she nestled into the warmth of his robes.
The classroom had fallen silent again, the students watching with wide eyes as their stern, no-nonsense professor gently rocked his daughter in his arms. It was a sight none of them would forget—a rare glimpse of a different side of Severus Snape, one they hadn’t known existed.
"Class dismissed," Severus said quietly, his voice softer than usual. The students filed out, casting one last look at the sleeping baby in his arms before leaving the dungeon.
As the door clicked shut behind them, Severus looked down at Hope. She was fast asleep now, her small hand clutching the front of his robes, her breathing slow and even. He stroked her hair gently, his heart swelling with an unfamiliar warmth.
"You’re too much like your mother," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "And that’s a good thing."
For a moment, standing there in the quiet of the empty classroom, Severus allowed himself to smile. It was a small, fleeting smile, but it was real. And in that moment, with his daughter safe and warm in his arms, the world seemed just a little bit brighter.
With a practiced hand, Severus gathered the lesson plans and potion ingredients, all the while cradling Hope effortlessly in his other arm. It was a strange sensation—this constant awareness of her weight against him, the softness of her small form in his embrace. He hadn’t planned on being a father, hadn’t imagined this life for himself, yet here he was, completely captivated by the little girl who had somehow become the center of his universe.
Gently, he draped his black cloak over her, tucking it around her tiny body to shield her from the chill of the dungeon air. The familiar sweep of his robes trailed behind him as he strode out of the classroom, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. The journey back to his quarters was a quiet one, with only the soft rustling of Hope’s breathing to break the silence.
As Severus neared the entrance to their private quarters, he murmured the password under his breath, and the door swung open with a soft creak. The warmth of the room hit him immediately, a sharp contrast to the cool dungeons. The hearth in the corner flickered with a soft, golden glow, and the scent of herbs—Y/n’s doing, no doubt—permeated the space, creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere.
Y/n was curled up in one of the armchairs near the fireplace, a book in her lap, though she looked as if she’d only just woken up from a long-needed nap. Her hair was tousled, and she wore a loose sweater that made her look even softer and more serene than usual. As the door closed behind him, she looked up, her eyes immediately softening as she saw Severus standing there with Hope in his arms.
A small smile spread across her face, the kind of smile that made his heart stumble in his chest, though he’d never admit it. "There you are," she said quietly, her voice still tinged with the remnants of sleep. "How did it go?"
Severus crossed the room, moving toward the fireplace as Hope stirred slightly, her little head nuzzling further into his robes. He adjusted his hold on her, cradling her with the kind of tenderness that still surprised him, even now. He lowered himself into the chair opposite Y/n, careful not to jostle Hope too much.
“It was… interesting,” Severus replied, his tone dry, though the corners of his lips quirked ever so slightly.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Interesting, hmm? Do tell.”
Severus leaned back in the chair, one hand still resting protectively on Hope’s back as she dozed. “It seems our daughter has a talent for distracting an entire classroom full of students,” he said, his voice laced with a rare trace of amusement. “No matter how much I tried to focus them on their potions, they were more interested in her antics.”
Y/n let out a soft laugh, her eyes twinkling with warmth. “Well, can you blame them? She’s impossible to ignore.” She set her book aside and rose from her chair, moving over to sit on the armrest of Severus’s chair. She gently brushed a lock of dark hair away from Hope’s forehead, her fingers soft and tender as they moved over her daughter's sleeping face. “She’s always been a bit of a scene-stealer.”
Severus glanced down at Hope, watching the steady rise and fall of her tiny chest. He couldn’t argue with that. Hope had a way of drawing attention without even trying, her innocence and joy a sharp contrast to the darker, more complicated world around her.
"She’s just like you,” Severus said quietly, his voice carrying a depth of emotion that he rarely allowed to surface. “She has your light."
Y/n tilted her head, her gaze softening even more as she looked at him. "And she has your strength," she murmured. "Those eyes of hers—they’re yours, Sev. And that determination? That’s all you."
For a long moment, they sat there in the quiet warmth of the room, the fire crackling softly in the background, casting a golden glow over the scene. Y/n’s hand rested on Severus’s shoulder, her touch grounding him, while Hope’s small form was tucked safely against his chest, her warmth seeping into his very bones.
Severus’s gaze drifted to Y/n, taking in the gentle curve of her smile, the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she looked at him. He had never imagined himself in this kind of life—never imagined that he could feel this kind of peace, this kind of contentment. But somehow, against all odds, it had found him. She had found him.
After a moment, Y/n stood and moved back to her chair, but her eyes lingered on the scene in front of her—Severus Snape, the man who had once been so distant and untouchable, cradling their daughter with all the tenderness in the world. The sight filled her with a quiet sense of joy, one that she had never quite expected, but was grateful for every day.
“So,” she said softly, settling back into her chair, “do you think you’ll bring her to class again?”
Severus raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching in something that resembled a smirk. “Perhaps,” he said. “But I’d prefer not to lose control of my classroom every time she decides to babble at them.”
Y/n chuckled, the sound light and musical. “I’m sure they were all enchanted by her. You know she has that effect on people.”
Severus hummed in agreement, his fingers absently tracing small circles on Hope’s back as she shifted slightly in his arms, her tiny hand clutching at his robe. “She certainly does,” he admitted quietly.
For a while, they sat in comfortable silence, the fire crackling softly and casting flickering shadows across the room. Hope remained blissfully unaware of the world around her, tucked securely in her father’s embrace, her tiny breaths filling the space with a sense of peace.
Y/n’s gaze softened as she watched them, her heart swelling with love for the two people who had become her entire world. She reached over, her fingers brushing against Severus’s hand. “You’re a good father, you know,” she whispered, her voice filled with quiet sincerity.
Severus didn’t respond immediately, his eyes focused on the sleeping form of his daughter. But after a moment, he squeezed Y/n’s hand gently, his voice barely above a whisper as he replied, “Only because of you.”
And in that moment, as the fire crackled softly in the hearth and the world outside seemed so far away, Severus Snape allowed himself to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, he was deserving of the happiness he had found. Because here, in this quiet corner of Hogwarts, with his wife beside him and his daughter safe in his arms, he had everything he had ever wanted but never thought he could have.
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lost-inthe-v0id · 5 months
Young Snape x Reader prompt/idea? Idk
I can’t really write so this is a scenario I made up that I just word vomited
I’ve always had a crush on snapes young actor since I was like 8 so this is js something I made up when I would daydream
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Student!Reader is a ravenclaw pure blood with no strong opinions on wizards/witches with no magic parents and a lot of ravenclaw and slytherin friends
Student!Reader and Student!Snape meet on the train and click right away but don’t hang out at school as much because Lily told Snape she didn’t like reader. They’re still acquaintances until that changes due to Lily getting closer to James and Severus getting a class with Reader. Little by little they slowly start getting closer together.
Reader would like to spend more time with him but he feels a responsibility to stay with Lily all the time since she was the only one who cared to stick around with him. Reader doesn’t like the way Lily treats him and the fact she’s all buddy buddy with his bullies
Finally it’s all solidified when Severus and Lily have an argument their 4th or 5th and he calls her a mudblood. Lily starts to ignore Severus not only everytime he goes to apologize but anytime he comes near her at all. She starts to stand by and just watch James and his gang bully Snape and sometimes laughs.
Reader finds Severus crying and comforts him. Gives him a pep talk about how wonderful he is and how people make mistakes and no one deserves to be treated like he is. Finally after that they start hanging out everyday. Severus becomes good friends with Readers friends but they still usually only hang out with each other.
Reader tells people in Ravenclaw and slytherine how Lily treated Severus and people stopped talking to her, gossiping about her even. Since Reader is a pure blood that’s part of an affluent family she grew up around other affluent family kids. Overall reader was not only friends with higher influence kids but also very respected among them due to her kind and understanding nature. So a lot of these people started to look down on Lily.
Finally it all comes together when Snape and Reader are near a tree talking one day when he starts telling Reader how much he doesn’t deserve her and kind of confessing and rambling when Reader kisses him. After that they start dating, the don’t try to hide it either. They hold hands ALL the time, sometimes you find the pair snogging, other times you find Reader laying her head on his shoulder.
Lily doesn’t like this, she liked the fact Severus liked her and the attention she would get from him on top of that people she use to talk to won’t even look at her now. She tries to talk to him saying she’s ready to hear him out but by then Severus couldn’t really give a shit.
Idrk about the rest
I know not a lot of people like Snape like that so I’m just posting this for myself not really expecting anyone to see this lol
If someone does end up making a full fledged fic plz credit me :<
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signedxoxoviolet · 8 months
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You get detention with Snape for being a bad student.
Warnings: Teacher x Student relationships, reader is 18, smut and nsfw, bad english (english isn’t my first language)
Tags: Age Gaps, Cockwarming as punishment, Detention, Dom!Snape, Sub!Reader, Petnames, P in V Sex, Semi-public sex, Bratty Reader (kinda), Degrading Petnames (Slut and Whore), Praise
Authors note: i’m supposed to be studying rn!! first smut fic (i have no clue what i’m doing)
Guide: H/N: house name, Y/N: your name, L/N: last name, E/C: eye color, H/C: hair color.
read on Ao3 — coming soon…
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You’ve always been a top student in Hogwarts, you cared about grades and what teachers thought about you. During the last year you sort of let go, you didn’t care anymore. Thought it was the most important year.
You arrive tardy again at Potions class. The only place left was front row, so you sit there next to a Hufflepuff guy.
“Five points away from (H/N)”
Snape says with his cold tone. A student from your house groaned in annoyance.
Professor Snape’s broad eyes were burning into your skin, he was walking around the tables before stopping at yours. His tall dark figure made the student next to you whimper quietly in fear, quickly looking down at his potions textbook and pretending to read something.
You look at your professor, almost in a challenging manner. Looking at him up and down.
“Is he trying to scare me? Who does he think he is?” You think, scoffing quietly, looking away.
Severus suddenly leans on your table, his hands slamming against it. You jump a bit.
“If you seem to think that way, Miss (L/N), you might as well have detention with me..after class.”
He says in his usual monotone voice.
Did he just..read your mind?!
Your eyes widen for a moment as you gently nod your head.
“Good..page 367.” He stands up and walks away slowly.
You gulp quietly, suddenly afraid of him, but also kind of surprised and turned on. You bite your bottom lip gently as you open your textbook, the sound of pages flipping filling the quiet classroom. When did you start to think so lustfully about your Potions Master? Maybe it was the fact he was so strict and controlling that made you so hot and bothered.
A reddish pink flush meets your face as you try not to think about that any longer. You stop biting your bottom lip and look up, feeling someone staring at you. It was Snape, his eyes meeting yours for a good 5 seconds before yours snapped away, and he smirked for a second, looking away too.
The bell rang, everyone started leaving the class while you gently closed the textbook in front of you. You were excited, your stomach started turning as you felt butterflies in it. You stand up.
Snape walks up to you.
“So..what? Are you going to make me grade tests or some shit?” You walk up to him, leaning your legs against the table, wanting to make a fight with him for some reason. It turned you on.
“Language, (L/N)”
“No. I wasn’t planning on making you do that, dear” He leans his hands on the table behind you, besides your waists, he lowers his head. Your faces inches apart as you part your lips, letting out a small gasp.
“You’ve been way to bratty. I think you need a punishment..”
He says. You bite your bottom lip and smirk.
“And how do you plan on doing that, huh?” You chuckle. His face darkens as he grabs your wrist and pulls you to his desk.
He slammed you to it, pinning your hips against it, but still keeping a distance.
“Strip for me, whore.”
Your eyes widen again, his words pounding in your head, you blush as you fight the urge to submit to the man in front of you. He gently lets go of your hips as you look away, whimpering quietly, really trying your hardest not to give in to your urges.
You slowly start to remove your uniform, starting from coat, you gently slide it down your shoulders, it hits the floor with a small thud. A smalls smirk meets Snape’s lips as he gets closer to you and cups your cheeks gently, turning you to him.
“Look at me, slut.”
You whimper as you look up at him, continuing to strip, feeling the Professor’s gaze upon your body.
You’re finally in your panties and bra. Snape sits down carefully on his chair as he pulls you down on his lap by your waist. You squirm quietly with anticipation as your hands go on his shoulders gently.
Two of his fingers gently rub your clothed clit. “Severus..” You breath out, pressing your pussy on his hand. It slides away, you whine. “Its Professor for you, darling.” He says, sliding off your panties. You moan bite your bottom lip to keep quiet.
“You can scream as loud as you want, dear. The doors are locked and i used charms.” He whispers in your ear, throwing your panties on the floor. You let out a moan “Y-yes..Professor..”
Two fingers go inside your tight cunt. You moan loudly. “So fucking wet, aren’t you, brat?” Snape says gently pumping his fingers inside your soaking pussy, your fingers grip his shoulders as your nails go in his skin.
“H-haah..Professor..please” You beg, stuffing your head into the crook of his neck. “Please what, slut-face?” He says whispering, his dark tone making you shiver in pleasure. “Need..you in..” You breath out, gently kissing his neck and collar of his shirt. “You want my cock, sweetheart?” He smirks gently, taking his fingers out. “Y-yes! Yes please!!” You beg him as you hear the zipper of his pants getting undone. You look at his boxers; his penis is bulging and begging to be released. You whine in anticipation as he pulls down his underwear, his 8 inches cock springs out and hits his abdomen, already dripping in precum.
You eagerly start to sit on it before he stops you and grabs your hips. “Not so fast, doll.” You grab his arms, arching your eyebrows begging him with your eyes to let you ride him. Instead, he slowly pushes you down his hardness, teasing your folds with the tip, pulling out several moans out of you, until he fully plunges you down on him, hitting your g-spot perfectly. You moan loudly “F-fuck..! Snape!”, you start to ride him, pushing your head back and closing your eyes.
“Do. Not. Move.” He commands, holding your hips down. “This is your punishment. Be a good slut and stay still on my cock.” Your eyes widen and you whine, pressing your head on his shoulder again.
“What the fuck?!” You think to yourself, tears starting to fill up your big (E/C) eyes as you grip his shoulders tighter. He starts to correct essays with you on his penis, still very hard. You gently start crying in his shoulder letting out little begs. “Shh..sweetheart. C’mon be a good girl and you’ll get rewarded after.” You gently wipe away your tears and nod as he caressed your beautiful (H/C) hair. You start quietly kissing his neck again, which he enjoys but doesn’t show.
After 10 minutes of fighting the urge to move around, he pulls you up from his hardness and makes you sit on his desk, you moan in relief as a smile meets your red lips. He stands between your legs as he spread them “Such a good little slut. Aren’t you? You took my dick so well.” He kisses your lips as he grabs your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the desk and alining the head of his cock with your vulva. He slams his cock into you as you moan again, hugging his waists and smashing your face into his chest as he spreads your pretty little clit.
He groans in pleasure as he throws his head back gently, muttering curses and grabbing your hips, smashing him into you. You feel yourself getting close. “God..fuck..Professor..gonna cum..” you whimper quietly, hugging him tighter. “Me too, darling..” He groans as his thrusts speed up. “Cum..in me please..” You beg him to fill you up. “You want me to finish into you, dear?” You nod frantically.
“God..so close..mngh..!” You whine. “Come on my cock, sweetheart. C’mon, you’re close i can feel it..” He says, making his thrusts as hard and deep as he possibly can. You both finish at the same time, feeling his hot creamy load full up your vulva.
You’re panting as he pulls out his dick out of you, both of you riding off your high. He grabs his wand and uses a spell to grab a towel, cleaning you up first then himself. He helps you dress up as he pulls up his underwear and pants.
After you’re both fully clothed he kisses your forehead. “You were so good, darling.” He whispers. “Maybe we should do this more of then, mh?” You nod as you grab your Potions textbook and leave the class.
Suddenly, you’re motivated to be a good student again.
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turvi · 9 months
Hi beautifulll! Could you write a piece were student reader x professor Severus are in long secret relationship - and imagine Harry and reader are in the great hall during lunch talking to each other in hushed voices etc trying to not make too much of a fuss but you can tell something is wrong, which Severus notices. And then Harry gets up and storms out of the hall with reader running to follow. Later they both end up coming in late to their Potions class, to which Severus just eyes them weirdly before taking points away ofc. Anyway after the class is over he asks reader to stay back and asks her what’s going on. She doesn’t tell and then says that Harry confessed he likes her. Severus gets upset and makes a comment about the potter boys always taking his loved ones any from him before reader comforts him and then it’s just pure fluff of them both comforting one another :) sorry ik it’s long was just ranting my thoughts out!
Severus loathed this feeling. His grip tightened around his quill as he saw Y/n laughing with Harry. Y/n’s laughter used to sound like honey in his ears when he was the reason she laughed but now it pricked his heart how that dunderhead was making his girl laugh. Severus hated how beautiful she looked as she smiled at Harry. He wanted to be the only one who saw her smile like that. 
His brows furrowed deeper when he saw Harry whisper in Y/n’s ear. The voices in the Great Hall faded and he felt a tinge in his chest as he saw them leave the Great Hall. Severus felt a sense of deja vu. This was how he had started to lose Lily. This is how he will lose Y/n. He will no longer feel her soft fingers on his skin, he will no longer see her looking at him in so much love, and he will no longer hear her humming as he slowly falls asleep. 
Severus got up abruptly and went to the Potions classroom even though he had 30 minutes for the next class. He couldn’t be in front of so many people while his heart was breaking with mere thoughts of Y/n being with Harry. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t realise when the students came in. He cleared his throat and started looking for her as everyone settled. There was no sign of Harry or Y/n. That was it. He had lost her. 
He was about to turn his back when he saw the door open and Y/n and Harry entering the classroom. Severus noticed how she avoided his gaze, looking everywhere but at him. His booming voice made everyone jump. “30 points each from Gryffindor.” He didn’t bother speaking much and turned his attention to teaching the class ignoring his heartache as he saw Harry glancing at Y/n now and then. 
Severus was so involved in his thoughts that he didn’t realise the minutes passed and the class was over. He held back his scoff as he saw the students hurriedly collecting their belongings in their bags. As usual, his onyx eyes found Y/n, he walked closer to her desk “Miss L/n stay back…we need to have a conversation about your…performance” he demanded and Y/n felt a shiver down her spine. She felt her throat dry when she saw his cold gaze on her. 
As soon as the last student left Severus put his palms on her desk. “Why were you late L/n?” Y/n felt her heart clench as she heard him say her last name with such coldness…as if she didn’t mean anything to him.  
She took a shuddered breath and finally spoke up, “Harry…he…he said he…he….has a crush on…me” Y/n noticed him clenching his jaw and immediately cupped his cheek. Her touch brought Severus out of his rage daze. 
“These buffoon Potter boys are always trying to take my love away from me” Severus huffed and started picking his nails. Y/n gently placed her hand in his, kissing the back of his hand. 
“But he didn’t Severus,” she spoke so softly it immediately eased his heart, as if he didn’t need to hear anything else, “Harry can’t take me away from you…not when I am so stubborn and so terribly in love with you that I am willing to stand by you no matter how rough life gets for us.” 
Us. That was a word Severus had barely heard. Any sense of family was lost for him when he lost Lily but now when he looks into Y/n’s eyes and can feel her hand in his, he feels complete. Severus couldn’t help but smile at the idea of having someone being there for him, someone he could rely on. 
Before tears could leave his eyes he placed his forehead on hers, closing his eyes. Enjoying her presence, the feeling of her breath made him feel like someone had now wrapped a warm blanket around him to save him from the harsh cold.  
“No words can explain how thankful I am for your presence” he couldn’t keep his hands back from touching her, her smile only encouraging him more. “I am so terribly in love with you too.” 
Her giggles warmed him up more, his heart beating wildly in his chest as she peppered kisses all over his face.
A/N: I apologise for the long delay (I got this request in July eshh.) too much happened this year and now I am back feeling fresh after a hectic few months. Again so sorry for the delay I have so many more stories and I will post them soon. <3
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gg-neptune · 1 month
Astronomy Tower
Snape x student reader PLANTONIC
A/n: So this was a request. Sorry it took so long to write but here it is I hope you like it. <333 Requests will be taking a while bc school is starting and yeah. All honors classes when you take 7 classes is hard to managed lolol.
Warnings: Sewerslide, bullying, neglectful parents, emotional distress (if I missed anything pls tell me)
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Wednesday 8:00 AM Great Hall
You sat alone at the end of your house table, hunched over some cereal. It had gone soggy a while ago, so you just picked at it instead of actually eating it; your mind was elsewhere anyway. You looked longingly at your housemates at the front of the table. They all seemed to be happy and content in their lives. They all seemed to have everything they could ever want and everything you could ever wish for. A functional family, friends, family that actually likes them. 
A loud whooshing sound was heard overhead, and you looked up to see the post being delivered. You paid no mind to it as you never received mail anyways, but this morning was different. A barn owl swooped down into your cereal, splashing it all over you. It dropped a thick letter in front of you, thankfully not in a puddle of mushy cereal and milk. You take the letter and open it to surprisingly find that your parents have written to you.
Y/N I hope there is someone in the castle that will take pity on you. We have moved into a new house. It does not have space for you unless you wish to sleep in the shed, but we have plans for that, so we cannot let you stay there. You are not welcome back this summer, is what we are saying. You already know not to bother coming for the holidays. But about our new house. It is on the coast with a beautiful view of the sea. 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms…
You did not bother reading the rest of the letter. You did not care for the details of their lavish new house. You already got the point—that you were not welcome to come back. You supposed it did not matter as you were not planning on making it to summer anyways.
It did not really hurt your feelings as you thought over this. You didn’t much like them anyway. You longed for a nice, loving family or parental figure at least, but just not them. There was someone you could consider a parental figure. You saw him every day from noon to two in the afternoon. In the dungeons, surrounded by cauldrons and ingredients, and what not. He had black greasy hair down to his shoulders, a hooked nose, and a demeanor that was supposed to deter people away from him.
You weren't, though. You had a talent for potions, which he seemed to like in you. It started when he offered to give you private lessons a year above the year you were in. He figured you were at that level. You took him up on the opportunity. Every Wednesday night from 5 to 7, you were in the potions classroom brewing potions for the next year. It has been the only thing making your life worthwhile. 
After you got comfortable being in his presence alone, you two got to talking about various things. Anything you could think of to fill the silence. He eventually passively asked why your non-uniform clothes looked so bad. He was never one to sugarcoat. You explained your parents' distaste for you. Conveniently, you found 8 new outfits, a pack of socks, and a pack of underwear on your bed the next day with a small note saying, “If you ever bring this up, I will burn all of it.”
You thought back on the memory with great fondness. You still had all of the clothes he had gotten you that day. He had been the only person at Hogwarts to ever give you a gift of any kind.
You sat in the Great Hall for a few more moments with your thoughts. Now that you were not welcome to come back home, where would you go exactly? It would be better if you did not exist, and you supposed that was always an option, but what exactly would people think of you if you did that? Well, it wouldn’t matter if you were gone.
Wednesday 11:50 AM Dungeons
The Potions master had told you a secret passage to get to the dungeons quicker. You took it every day, hoping to avoid the various people you could stumble across that you did not like. Such as the one that you were looking at right now.
She made it her life's mission to make your life hell. You weren’t entirely sure why, but whatever made her happy, you supposed.
“Saw your letter this morning,” the girl in front of you laughed. “Are your parents finally sending you off for being such a disappointment?” Her friends laughed behind her, almost cackling.
Your shoulder slumped and your eyebrows furrowed; something must be wrong with her, as this one's insults were usually much more painful with this. Before you could question her if she was alright going to make a remark about her boyfriend shagging other girls in the halls again, Professor Snape's voice rang through the halls.
“Good afternoon,” he said coolly. Immediately the girl in front of you straightened up and turned quickly. She was quite terrified of him. He held a strong disliking for her, knowing she was quite awful to you. It grated on her nerves that he did not like her, often taking it out on you since he did like you.
“Professor Snape,” she said with a high, sickeningly sweet voice, “th- they called me ugly.” She stammered out and attempted to fake a cry. Her hands balled into fists as she screwed her eyes shut, trying to force a tear or two out. Immediately all of her little friends began to back her up, nodding their heads and adding on to her story.
Professor Snape nods his head and stares at her for a moment before catching your eye. He narrows his eyes at you and looks you up and down as if he’s trying to see through you. He then looks back to the girl and asks, “Did you know that when you lie, you ball your hands into fists?” His voice was cold as he stared at her as she realized her hands were indeed balled into fists. Quickly, as if she were a child caught trying to sneak a cookie, she and her friends scrambled off down the hall and up the dungeon stairs.
Snape sighed and looked back at you with an overly dramatic, disappointed look, shaking his head dramatically and sighing. “Calling other students ugly. Detention [y/l/n]. My class today. Starting at 5,” he gave you a small grin before quickly dropping it, not wanting anyone else to see it. Before he begins his walk back to his class, expecting you to follow.
You grin back before following right beside him, “What are we brewing today?”
He delves into the details of what you will be brewing as you arrive at his classroom. You already know how to brew it, having learned last year. No one else is there yet, as you are early, and most try to come to his class as late as they can without penalty. You dump your stuff at your seat, which is surprisingly at the back of the class, out of his sight for the most part. He had requested you sit back there as, “I trust you won’t blow something up; others I can’t say the same for.” So you sat at the back of the classroom so he could keep an easier eye on other students.
“My parents have moved into a new house,” you tell him as you lean against one of the tables that is closer to his desk. 
He hums in acknowledgement, nodding his head slightly to show he is not ignoring you, “but apparently they do not have room for me in said house. So I guess over the summer I’m staying at Diagon Alley or something.”
His head shoots up, eyes glaring at you. “That is not something to joke about.”
“I’m not joking,” you grab the letter that you had stuffed in your robes and hand it to him. He suspiciously takes it and reads over the first part of it; you assume he made it about as far as you did before he put the letter down, staring at you dumbfounded. A glint of anger was in his eyes, but he was doing well to hide it. “Well, you could stay at—” He did not get to finish, however, because a group of Ravenclaws walked in, loudly chattering about the latest updates to their common room.
You quickly return to the back of the class, where your seat is. You gather up the ingredients that you know you will need today, occasionally catching the Potions Master's eye. The hint of anger had still not left his eye as the class progressed. If anything, as students messed up their potions left and right, it only seemed to intensify.
Unfortunately, you did not get the chance to speak with him after class either, as some Slytherin boy had somehow managed to explode his potion. Sending shards of his now broken cauldron everywhere. None of it hit you, but others were not so lucky. Leaving Professor Snape to usher some to the hospital wing.
Wednesday 6 PM Potions Classroom
It had been an hour into your lesson, except it wasn’t really a lesson this time. He was just sitting there quietly grading papers some 2nd years had written. Of course you two had had nights like this where you did not brew a potion or he did not give you advice, but you usually talked about something at least. This was plain torture. You had attempted to talk a few times, asking about his day or how the exploding cauldron had gone, and all you would get in response was a few quiet mumbles you could not make out.
So you sat in your chair with your thoughts staring at the wall behind him. You had been thinking earlier that day. During a free period, you wrote a letter. Well, you wrote a few, but there was only one you put any amount of effort into. The letter to Professor Severus Snape. Who now seemed as if he was ignoring you, but that was beside the point. You knew what needed to be done. You did not provide good to the world; you were not wanted at school or home, so it was better to remove yourself from the equation.
As you mulled over your thoughts, Snape stood up and looked down at you, “It’s 7. You should head to dinner. Get something to eat.” He had no emotion to his voice, just a plain, monotone sound.
“Oh, yeah,” you stand from your seat, your knees cracking a bit. You walk towards the door before you stop and turn back around. “Professor, take this,” you hand him the letter, “but don’t read it until dinner is completely over.” Before he can respond, you walk out of his classroom and begin your jog from the lowest point in the castle to the highest.
Wednesday 7:45 PM Potions Classroom
No one ever willingly visited Professor Snape's classroom, and since he had no detentions scheduled for tonight, he was free to do basically whatever he pleases. However, something was poking at his thoughts. The letter.
His students had given it to him and then basically ran out of his classroom. Of course he was suspicious of what it was, but they told him not to open it until after dinner time was over completely. That would be 15 minutes from now. He did not want to go against their wishes, but it was indeed very hard knowing how they ran out like that.
There was also a nagging feeling in his gut that maybe he should go ahead and look. If something was wrong, then he could stop it early. Or if it was a prank letter set to go off after a certain time, he would not get pranked.
He decided to go with his gut and tore into the letter. It was handwritten, and he immediately recognized the students handwriting.
Dear Professor Snape, I wanted to thank you for being so good to me during my time at Hogwarts. I will never forget it. You are a wonderful teacher and a wonderful person to learn from. I see you as more than a teacher but as somewhat of a father. Considering mine is the way he is, I suppose the bar isn’t very high, is it? Oh well. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. I’m sorry I always pestered you so much and took up your time. By the time you read this, I will be gone for good. Thank you, Professor Snape. For everything. Sincerely, [y/n]
His hands shook as he read the letter, not believing what he was reading. He realized he might not be too late and immediately began his search for you. He was not sure where you were, but he knew where most students would go if they got the idea to do this.
The stairs are what would slow most people down; luckily for him, he could fly. So fast as he could, as soon as he got to those stairs, he began his ascent. Flying past them as quickly as he could, terrified he would arrive at the top to find he was too late.
To his great relief, when he reached the top, he saw the silhouette of you standing at the edge of the tower. Carefully he crept up behind you, not making a sound, then suddenly he snatched you away from the edge. He grabbed you by your midsection, wrapping his arms around you and turning forcefully to bring you away from the edge of the tower, giving you no chance to fight him at all.
“You idiotic child, what are you thinking?” He immediately starts to scold you for not thinking about what you might be feeling. He quickly sees the tears and fear on your face and stops a look of shock coming across his own face. “Wait, no quit, stop crying,” he stares at you for a moment before averting his eyes and uncomfortably hugging you.
He’s not quite sure what to do in this situation, but when you melt into him and start to sob onto his shoulder, he goes ahead and makes himself comfy on the floor, determining he will be here for quite a while. You cling onto him, sobbing violently, until you suddenly choke out, “I’m sorry.”
“Don't be,” he just says quietly as he holds onto you. He rubs your back, hoping you will feel a bit soothed by this. He keeps you close to him, just holding on to you and rubbing your back as you cry on him.
Once you calm down some, he carefully pulls you back from him. “Why on Earth would you think of doing something like that?”
“No one wants me, even my parents; they don’t want me.” You start to panic again, tears forming again, but he hushes you quickly, pulling you to him again and rubbing your back.
“I was going to offer you to stay with me if you wanted. There is a program founded by Hogwarts that all of the teachers are required to be signed up for. They are able to take in students that have bad home lives. Almost every teacher here has done it at some point,” he gently explains to you, keeping his arms firm around you, noticing your starting to shiver because of the cold air.
You look up at him shocked, and he quickly starts to speak again. “I mean, if you want, you can always go to Professor McGonagall or Professor-”
"No, I want to stay with you. Can I actually?” you ask excitedly, your heart swelling at the thought of having a place to live this summer. With someone you actually like this summer.
“You can. How about we worry about that later and get down from the astronomy tower?” he suggests.
You nod, noticing how cold you were. You wipe your face before getting up and following him down the stairs of the tower. For the most part, the walk was quiet, the only sound being the sound of your footsteps until he spoke in a low tone, “You know I care about you? You're my favorite student.”
You look over at him, surprised by his sudden words, but nod, “I figured I was your favorite.”
“If you think of throwing yourself off some large object again, how about you come to my office next time? Promise me you will.”
You nod your head, “I promise, Professor.”
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burynr08 · 9 months
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Cassiopeia Black has a bit of a crush on her Potions professor.
Severus Snape x OC
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smittenbyvillains · 1 year
Headmasters Favorite (1?)
Warnings; age gap, headmaster x student, angst, nsfw themes, maybe spanking or any form of punishment
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The train to Hogwarts was so dark and quiet. No one spoke and was just sitting down either reading, looking out the window, or staring off. It was too scary to dare talk. Everyone knew this year and the following just might be the worse. Everyone was already in uniforms. You sat alone as you were the last of Harry's friends to be going there. The only reason you were still going is so no one starts looking for you. No one knew how you were a part of the order.
You looked out the window of your cart the whole time. You didn't move or talk. You were afraid of what might happen. You had heard who the new headmaster was. You are not surprised it was Snape. After all, you thought about it and knew why. Snape was the most trusted in Voldemort's circle.
Soon the train arrived at Hogwarts and everyone was getting checked in. Everything was more secure and awful. You just kept your head down going through the checkpoints. They sorted the first years before a quick dinner. After dinner everyone stood up and the tables disappeared. Every time was a nightmare. You wanted to leave but any chance of leaving was gone. You stared off once you entered your dorms. Severus was still the head of Slytherins and he went through everything that was to be changing.
For the first few weeks, everything was completely worse. Students get in trouble even for the smallest things. You found the headmaster constantly staring at you like he was waiting for you to crack. You weren't going to crack.
You were in potions at the moment and Slughorn was teaching. No classes were fun anymore. It was listening, notes, studying, tests, and repeating. You were glad when class ended as you just headed to your dorm for the rest of the night. You barely ate as you didn't want to be in the great hall or near anyone. You were almost there when you heard footsteps.
"Shouldn't you be going to the great hall?" A voice spoke and you froze not knowing what to say. You turned around and looked at him before bowing your head down.
"Sorry headmaster, I was going to the dorms to start studying sir. I am not hungry." You said with your eyes cast down. He stepped forward and looked at you with a stern glint in his eyes.
"This is not going to be happening anymore. I will drag you personally to the great hall. Understood?" He snarled. Why did he care? Maybe only because he only cared about the idea of a student passing out in the hallways. You looked down in shame. You felt stupid for believing he actually cared. You also did not want to get in trouble.
"Yes, headmaster." You answered. How did he notice? The uniform did look less well-fitted anymore. You stayed quiet as he started to walk to the great hall and made sure you were following. You didn't want to eat or be around anyone. You heard how the great hall was now a silent hall. Once you arrived you sat down and when the food appeared you grabbed only a little bit until you felt eyes on you and looked up to see him staring. You quickly added more to your plate and started to eat. It did taste good but nothing was the same.
It was like this for the next few weeks. Every morning, lunch, and dinner he walked you to the great hall. You thought it was odd that he did it only for you. You felt better eating more but still being here was draining. How could it not? Nothing was fun anymore, and Quittach became more violent. A lot of kids were seen going to the infirmary.
When Professor Snape called you into his headmaster's office you were scared but went up anyway since you knew what he said before. You couldn't help but feel something towards him. It confused you.
"Yes, Headmaster?" You asked standing in front of his desk.
"Miss Y/n.... I would like to talk about your classes." He said as he looked up from his position at his desk. He had been doing some paperwork and his legs were spread a bit and he looked more relaxed. You couldn't help to admire him. "Y/N." He called out. You focused back.
"Oh, what is happening with my classes?" You asked him nervous.
"Your potions and defenses grades are dropping... I wanted to let you know for now on, during those classes you will be with me and I will teach you." He said. You were shocked. You didn't like they were dropping that bad.
Oh, you wondered how this would go. This also meant walking longer with him to the great hall for meals.
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gaypanicmode7766259 · 8 months
How am I not dead yet?
Severus Snape x Slytherin!student reader
Warnings: none just fluff??
This is absolutely poor writing because I wrote this a while ago, and I was half asleep- so don't expect it to be great lol
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Y/n's first year at hogworets was going well. They had taken a liking for one of their professors, although they weren't sure if he liked them..he was the potions professor, professor snape. He was so cool to y/n, and they had no idea why, is it because he's also a Slytherin? The head of Slytherin, to be exact. Potions were their favorite subject, something about mixing random stuff together to make cool things was awesome to them (plus they did it when they were little except now it actually makes potions-)
Y/n was heading to potions. They weren't really paying attention and accidentally ran into someone. Who else would it be but professor snape? "O-oh.. I'm sorry, professor. I didn't mean to run into you," y/n said with a nervous tone. everyone around them looked at y/n with pity they were totally dead, and if they get lucky, that is. "It's.. alright, child." Snape said in his normal tone. Everyone, including y/n, was starting at him with shock. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "...shouldn't you all be in class?" Snape said, looking around at everyone. "..shouldn't you also be in class as well.. sir?.." y/n asked testing their luck.
Snape glared at y/n. "...come on..." snape said and turned around. Y/n smiled. 'How am I not dead yet??' They asked themselves following their professor. Maybe their professor did like y/n?... it's possible?.. what ever was happening.. y/n was beyond happy about it.
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auxcordlawd · 6 months
Part Three: Wandering Thoughts of a Ravenclaw
Words: 1024
Summary: You continue your detention with Professor Snape, finding yourself thinking of him a bit too much.
Warnings: PG-13, talk of heavy petting, sexual fantasizing, drinking, 18+ student and professor
Part 3
Tuesday morning instead of going to the Great Hall for breakfast, you went to the library. Your head was buzzing with your dreams from last night. Images of your professor looking down at you with his onyx eyes, with hunger. Straddling over you, kissing your neck with a light bite at the end. Feeling his large hands grab your waist tightly. You felt heat between your legs.
“Uh hello?”
You were startled out of your thoughts when Miles suddenly sat down next to you, tapping your shoulder. “How long were you sitting there?” You asked feeling embarrassed for your concealed thoughts.
“Not long, enough to say hello a few times, you seem kind of out of it. I felt like I haven’t seen you in days between Quidditch practices and detentions with Professor Sprout, thanks to that asshole Snape.” Miles stated with clear anger towards the end of his statement.
“I know, I’ve been suffering too,” you stated meaning it in a slightly different manner, “after Easter break I will no longer be in detention.”
“Yeah but I still have another week after we are back. At least I’m visiting my family over the break. Are you going home for break?”
“No, I would but my parents are on a cruise, so I didn’t see the point. I have studying I want to catch up on though, especially if I want that Potions position.”
“I can’t see how anyone in their right mind would stay here after we graduate.” He said, seeming to regret the way he said it.
“I have to get to class.” You stated before quickly leaving him in the library.
Classes dragged on, you wished you had a DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) today. After what felt like forever it was time for dinner. You thought about sitting down and enjoying yourself, but decided to grab a ham and cheese sandwich and a butterbeer and head to your dorm to primp yourself before detention. You decided to change out of your uniform top and put on a deep v-neck cable knit sweater, and decided on not wearing a bra, wearing a necklace to draw more attention to your breasts. You left your skirt as is, but put your hair up.
Professor Snape was waiting for you at his office door, with a hand full of empty bottles. “We’re going to the Potions classroom, grab the remaining bottles on my desk and meet me there” He stated before turning on his heel leaving you standing near his doorway. You walked into his office, and took a deep breath in. You saw his pensive sitting there on top of the potions cabinet, desperately wondering what a peak in his mind would be like. You found a cloak of his hanging on the back of his chair, and smelled in his stimulating scent. His smell led your dream to creep back in your mind, his lips on your neck, hands gripping your waist trailing down to your skirt, slowly pushing it up to reveal your panties soaked- “Miss (y/l/n).”
You quickly stood up straight to see Professor Snape looking at you impatiently yet with some question in his eyes. “Quickly now, grab those potions, we have much to do.” He stated grabbing a few of the potions leaving me with only a couple to carry. You followed him beet red in the face, grateful he did not question you, only hoping he did not use Legilimency on you.
He had two teas sitting on the teachers desk, one near him, the other in front of the desk. You sat down at the chair in front of the desk, and he pushed the other tea towards you without at word. He was writing down notes, ingredients for his potions you assumed. You sipped you tea in silence as he continued scribbling. After several minutes passed he handed you the list and instructed you to get the ingredients needed while he readied the cauldrons.
“Good,” he stated as you returned with the needed ingredients, “I want to see you create each of the potions. I will watch over you, of course, but I want to ensure you can successfully recreate even some of my most complex potions.” He stood back and allowed you to get started. He leaned on the desk behind you sipping his tea while you worked. You made several potions to his liking over the next hour. You came across one you had never seen. “Professor?”
He was standing next to you before you finished asking for him. “Mm yes, I tweaked that one myself.” He said with a proud smirk. “Care to guess what it does?” After a minute of you attempting to figure it out he announced it was a modified version of The Elixir to Induce Euphoria. He began walking you through it. You’d never seen him so relaxed and in his element. Your arms touched from time to time, as you were standing so close together, you could feel his heat. “I didn’t know how you take your tea.” Snape said in a surprisingly warm tone.
“It was very good professor, thank you.” You stated smiling up at him. He looked down at you, his eyes trailing down to your lips, and then your chest. You followed his eyes down. You felt his large hand on your chin, pulling your eyes back up to his. Your breath hitched in your chest. You thought you were back in your dream. His thumb traced your lip with your chin still in his hands. He leaned down until you felt his breath, close enough to kiss you. “Very good.” He said in a dominating tone yet being a whisper. Heat spread throughout your body focusing between your legs as you looked up at him doe eyed. After a few seconds he released his grasp, shifting his focus back on the potion. You attempted to gather yourself. As he began to bottle the potions you started to clean up. “Alright Miss (y/l/n), lets bring these back to my office, then you are free to go.”As you followed him to his office your thoughts were all over the place, all you wanted was to be locked in his office, on top of him. You didn’t want to be free.
Inside his office you took the liberty of putting the newly filled potions in their appointed places. He seemed pleased by this, but also noticed that you were in no rush to leave. “I have a bottle of red elf-made wine I am going to open,” Snape hesitated unsure of how to continue “if you'd like a glass..” he trailed off. “I’d love that.” You said a bit too quickly. He conjured up two long stemmed wine glasses that looked ancient as well as the bottle uncorked. He poured two healthy glasses, handed you yours, and swirled his around in his glass before taking a large sip. You followed in his lead.
You both sat in content silence sipping wine until he put on some quiet classical music. “Most applicants for the Potions position are atrocious. If I must train someone who has promise, I will do so.” He said staring at you, waiting for a response. You had none so instead you took another drink. “You show promise Miss (y/l/n).”
“Thank you, sir. It truly means the most coming from you. You’re truly the master, I’m lucky to be under you.” You spoke without thinking, realizing you finished your glass. You blushed deep red. He refilled his glass and walked around to the front of his desk and refilled yours. Snape sat on the front of his desk, looking directly down at you. His leg just brushing yours.
“However,” he said in a more commanding tone “I notice you are still distracted.”
“Sir, I have only briefly talked to Miles, he is not on my mind anymore, I pro-“
“I am aware.” Snape said looking down at you. He took drink of his wine as did you. “After your detention is complete I’d like to start tutoring you. But I feel certain things are getting in our way.” His gaze once again drifting to your lips, then chest, then thighs which were now exposed more than planned. You shifted in your seat. “Do I make you nervous?”
The alcohol seemed to fuel your words at this point. “Yes, but not in the way you make most students nervous.” He tilted his head as to let you continue. “I think about you in ways a student shouldn’t.” You look down, silently cursing yourself. Snape grabs your chin like before to look up at him. “I am well aware of how I make you feel Miss (y/l/n), I’d like to say I have no intentions of giving in to your desires.” Snape states slowly while his hand traces down your neck to your shoulder, pushing the sweater to the side revealing your bare shoulder. You get goosebumps.
“Alright Miss (y/l/n)” Professor Snape said in his normal tone standing up, turning to walk behind his desk, “tomorrow, as you know is your final for this term of Defense Against the Dark Arts. I will need time after to grade, so you will be reporting back to be the following day to resume detention.”
“Yes, Sir.” You said breathlessly.
“Take the rest of the evening to rest, as I have kept you here late. I will send food to your common room. Goodnight Miss (y/l/n).”
“Thank you, goodnight professor Snape.”
You quickly made your way to the common room. Still unsure what happened, goosebumps still present, and a needy aching below your stomach. As you walked in you saw a delicious looking charcuterie plate, along with a folder. As you opened it you found something truly surprising.
Miss (y/l/n), I have taken study time you surely needed, although you found yourself in this predicament, I feel you shall find this useful. Tell no one - S.S
A study guide. After a few hours of studying the personalized guide and your wandering mind you found yourself quite sleepy. You dozed off thinking of the day, no need to fantasize.
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andreafmn · 1 year
Kinktober ⛓ Day 2
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Word Count: 3.2K Paring:  Severus Snape x Professor!Fem!Reader Prompt @kinktober2023: Roleplay WARNINGS: SMUT 18+ (minors DNI),  vaginal fingering. spanking, student-teacher roleplay
Summary: (Y/N) reminisces about her times as a student in Hogwarts and wants nothing more than to fulfill one of the fantasies she'd had while within those walls.
A/N:  again, sorry not sorry about my Kinktober works 🤭🤭
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It was weird to walk amongst the walls of Hogwarts as a teacher rather than a student when, only a few years back, that’s precisely what (Y/N) had been. She had been just like the overeager students she now taught, trying her best to get through the day without imploding from the throes of being a teenager. 
But gone were the days that she had to worry about handing in her History of Magic papers on time or failing Divination. Now, the only thing she had to concern herself with was her students’ grades and staying in the good graces of her fellow colleagues who had once taught her—especially the grumpy Potions professor. 
“Oh, good evening, Professor,” a startled Hufflepuff student called out. “I was just…” 
“Don’t worry, Ms. Ainsworth. Just hurry back to your dorm,” (Y/N) smiled at the scared girl. “I won’t fault you for something I used to do.” 
“Wow, really? You won’t take off points?” 
“Of course not,” she smiled. “But run along now, dear. I can’t promise anyone else will be as lenient.” 
After a playful wink from the older woman, the girl ran off, careful not to be caught by anyone else in the dungeons. It brought a chuckle out of (Y/N), thinking of all the times she had been seen in that very situation, and had cost her house many points. If she’d had a teacher like her, maybe she could have spared herself many nights in detention. However, she barely regretted most. 
She walked through the dungeon halls with a purpose, trailing to the place most students dreaded to be in. If she’d had any sense, she would have dreaded it too. Instead, it was the place she wished she got to spend more time in. 
“Knock, knock,” (Y/N) called out as she opened the creaky door to the classroom. 
“You don’t have to knock if you’re already inside,” the man inside grumbled as he looked up from the papers he was grading. “And you definitely do not have to say the words: knock, knock.” 
“Well, Severus, since you can’t punish me by taking house points anymore, I don’t feel any threat from your words,” she teased as she walked toward the front of the classroom, her steps echoing in the emptiness. “I’m not a student anymore, so you don’t terrify me.” 
“It’s good to hear that I don’t terrify my girlfriend,” Severus chuckled, finally standing from his chair and rounding his desk to meet her. “And you know there are other ways I could punish you.” 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, darling,” (Y/N) laughed. “It might remind me of all the daydreaming I did in your class back then.” 
“Oh, how could I ever forget those impure thoughts of yours, love? They got quite distracting at the end of term. It seemed you couldn’t keep your head on straight.” 
A breath got hitched in (Y/N)’s throat, making her swallow a lump. “You knew about that?” she asked in surprise. “And you never said anything?” 
“It seems you forget about my legilimency skill, love,” he grinned, brushing a piece of hair from her face. “And it’s not like you did anything to keep those thoughts to yourself. It was practically the only thing running through your head when you should have been paying attention in class.” 
“You read my mind while I was in class? Out of all the students there, you read my mind?” (Y/N) teased, a mischievous grin on her face. She could only chuckle as her words brought a red hue to Severus’ cheeks, flushing at the admission. “Well, professor, could it be that you were just as interested in me as I was in you? Is that why you agreed to go out with me last year after I bumped into you at the Three Broomsticks?” 
“I need not lie, my darling. But you were still a child back then. I should not have been thinking that way.” 
“I was already eighteen years old, darling. You could have done something about it.”
“I was still your professor, (Y/N).” 
“And thank Merlin, you’re not anymore,” she grinned. “It could get us into a lot of trouble if I had done something like this.” 
The woman stood on her tiptoes, her hands pressed against Severus’ clothed chest for support, to kiss the man firmly on his lips. He placed his hands on either side of her face in response, deepening the kiss to savor her mouth. “You know,” (Y/N) continued, her fingers walking across his chest. “I still have my uniform tucked safely away in my dormitory.” 
“What are you suggesting, love?” 
“Well, it’s a rather quiet night,” she grinned. “And I know a certain wizard that could make sure that door remains shut and no one can listen in.” 
“You’re a cheeky one, aren’t you, (Y/N)?” Severus said with an amused smile tugging at his lips. “Trying to get me in trouble?” 
“There’s nothing wrong with two consenting adults in a relationship to be together.” 
“What if someone did catch us?” 
“Then, you’re not as good a wizard as you claim to be, darling.” 
“Oh, you’ll certainly be punished for that, love,” he laughed darkly. “Now, why don’t you go ahead and get changed while I enchant this place?” 
With a devilish grin, (Y/N) sauntered over to his office, where she accioed the perfectly folded uniform she had left sitting on her bed. It felt rather strange to be dressing in those clothes once more. The skirt fit a bit too snug, the shirt felt a bit too small, and the tie felt just too constricting. But all of that discomfort died when she remembered why she was wearing the pieces in the first place. The thought was enough to send a shiver down her spine and cause warm wetness to pool between her legs in anticipation. Everything she had dreamed of in her last year at Hogwarts was about to come true. 
She walked out of Severus’ office with her house cloak draped across her back, quick to find the seat she had done all her daydreaming in –first row, far left corner, directly in front of his desk. He was already sitting back at his desk, pretending he was still grading papers –or maybe he still was– and acting as though (Y/N) had just walked into his classroom. 
“You’re late for your detention, Ms. (Y/L/N). Ten points from (Y/H).” 
“But, professor!” she whined, her mind reverting to the times that very situation had occurred. “It’s not my fault that I was late.” 
“I do not care for excuses, (Y/L/N). You were supposed to be here right after dinnertime. It is well past curfew hour. I think I’m being rather reasonable by only taking ten points.” 
“That’s not fair!”
“I could take more if you think that would be fair. I’m sure your fellow housemates will be thrilled to hear that you cost them points for complaining.” 
“You can’t do that, professor. I haven’t done anything wrong.” 
“Is that why you’re in detention with me, then? Because you haven’t done anything wrong?” 
“That’s right,” she said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “You gave me a detention for absolutely no reason.” 
The chuckle that left Severus’ throat sent chills across her veins, making her cross her legs tightly in a futile attempt at friction. “I don’t think messing up your potion because you were in your head the entire class is no reason,” Snape grumbled. “You cost your partner their grade and made a mess of my classroom.” 
(Y/N) wanted to laugh as he recounted something that had occurred many years before. The very day that had gifted her with her first detention with Severus Snape. Instead, she said, “I wasn’t in my head. I simply read the instructions wrong.”  
“A brilliant witch like yourself would never be careless enough,” he countered. “And I have ways to prove that you were daydreaming, Ms. (Y/L/N). So, we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. Whichever you decide, the punishment has already been chosen.” 
“Then, it’s not much of a choice, is it?” 
“I’m giving you a chance to admit your wrongdoings rather than taking the truth from you,” he offered. “And, might I suggest the path of least resistance?” 
The woman pretended to think for a moment. It was what she would have done at that moment. She would have weighed her options and convinced herself that telling the truth would at least lessen her punishment. “Alright then,” she said. “I admit that I was daydreaming in your class, which led to my potion exploding.”
“And what? That’s all that happened.” 
“But you haven’t said what it was that you were thinking of, (Y/L/N),” he said as he stood from his desk. “And, in my opinion, that’s what caused this whole fiasco.” 
“I-I can’t say that, sir,” she stammered as a deep-red hue painted her face. “It’s not pertinent to the situation. I admitted to my fault. Just give me my punishment.” 
“That is part of your punishment, (Y/N),” Severus countered, his voice dropping. “So, what was it?” 
“I won’t say it, sir.” 
“It seems you’re under the impression that this is a request,” he chuckled darkly. “Come here, (Y/N).”  
“I said: Come. Here,” the older man answered sternly. “And I don’t like repeating myself.” 
(Y/N) scrambled to her feet and hurried up the three steps to stand before him on the other side of his desk. He towered over her, and she couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated. Severus looked her over, inspecting the uniform he had seen her wear many times before, only this time he was allowed to take it off her. Much more, she wanted him to take it off her. 
Severus had never deluded himself. Even if it always seemed like he held all the power because of his age and his character, it was (Y/N) who had complete control over him. It had been a startling surprise when he had decided to break into her thoughts and find out what had made one of his star pupils so distracted, and he saw some compromising situations staring him, but it had been a bigger one when years later, she agreed to go out with him when they ran into each other. Truthfully, he couldn’t believe that a woman like herself would ever want to be with someone like himself –a man people ran from, not toward. 
“Tell me, (Y/L/N),” he growled. “What were you thinking of? And don’t lie to me.” 
“I, uh, was thinking about some rather indecent activities,” (Y/N) stammered, her chest heaving in nervousness as Severus took her tie in his hands. “Indecent activities with some I shouldn’t have been thinking of.” 
“And who was that, dear (Y/L/N)? Who was the protagonist of these salacious thoughts?” i
“I can’t say that. Anything but that.” 
Severus pulled her closer by the tie, wrapping his hand around the piece of fabric. “I thought I told you I didn’t like to repeat myself, Ms. (Y/L/N),” he said. “Now. Who was it?” 
“It was you, professor,” she answered sheepishly. “I was thinking of you.” 
“How hard was that? Telling the truth shouldn’t be such a drawn-out ordeal,” he chuckled. “As for your punishment, (Y/N), I think you’ll find it rather… fulfilling.” 
“Isn’t you knowing what I was thinking of you punishment enough?” (Y/N) whined. “Why can’t I just go back to my room?” 
“Because I don’t think it’s enough, dear (Y/N). You made a mess of my classroom this morning, and you disrespected my time by showing up late to your detention. Those things cannot go unpunished.” 
“But, sir…” 
“No buts, (Y/N),” Severus interrupted. “You will receive your punishment, you will do as you’re told, and you will not complain. Am I understood?” 
“I said, am I understood?!” 
“Yes,” she answered. 
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, professor.” 
“Alright then,” he grinned. “Bend down across the desk.” 
“What did I say?” 
“Sorry, professor,” she quickly apologized. “I just find that to be a rather peculiar request, sir. I don’t know how that could be a punishment.” 
“Do not question me, you insolent witch.” 
“Sorry, professor,” she mumbled as she did as told. The wood felt cold through her clothes, and it helped to calm the warmth that rushed through her veins. 
“Good,” he acclaimed. “Now pull up your skirt, (Y/N).” 
“I said no questions, (Y/L/N). Didn’t I?” 
“Yes, professor,” she said. Her hands reached to the hem of her skirt, pulling it up and revealing the black lace underwear she would always wear in her student days. “I just don’t understand how this would help.” 
“I do not need to explain my methods, Ms. (Y/L/N). You’re the student here.” 
From behind her, (Y/N) could hear movement, but she did not know what was happening. Until she heard the familiar sound of a belt buckle. She knew exactly what was coming, and she could not wait. Her knees pressed together as she searched for any kind of touch. Not that it was enough. 
“You see, dear (Y/N), I just think you need a punishment that you will remember. Something that you’ll still feel the next day.” 
“I want you to count out loud after every single one.” 
“Every wha…?” 
Her words died in her throat as she felt the sting of leather bite the skin of her ass, the sound of the spank reverberating against the stone walls. “I said you had to count,” Severus reminded her, running his hand over where he just hit. “And this is the last time I repeat myself, (Y/N).” 
“Yes, professor,” she croaked. “That was one.” 
“Good girl,” he cooed.
Severus was relentless once he got started. He switched between his belt and his hand, squeezing her skin after every hit and admiring the way her skin turned red. But what made his erection press on the seam of his pants was the sound of (Y/N)’s strangled voice counting every touch.
He could see how it was affecting her, and he reveled in it. Her knees started buckling after every hit and her panties darkened the longer they went on. At that point, she would cum just from the spanking. 
“Thirty-five,” (Y/N) cried at the sting, swallowing down the moans that threatened to escape. She felt like her skin was on fire, tingling after every single spank. “How much longer, professor?”
“Well, I suppose that thirty-five is enough for you to have learned your lesson,” he tutted. Behind her, the woman felt him bend down, his face close enough to her behind that she could feel his breathing against her sore skin. “And, look at that you’re unbelievably drenched, Ms. (Y/L/N). Could it be that you have enjoyed your punishment?” 
“No… I, uh…” 
“If you’ve enjoyed it this much,” he said, swiping his fingers across her covered slit, making her body shudder. “Then I don’t think you’ve truly learned your lesson. This was meant to discipline you, not turn you on.” 
“I can’t help it, professor.” 
“I should hope you have more control over your body than this, (Y/N),” he scoffed. “But it seems you still require more correction.” 
Before she could answer, she felt Severus stand and press his hand on her aching clit. The lace fabric felt rough against her, but the friction was just what she had been yearning for. He circled the bud, pressing against her at a punishingly slow pace. “You’re not to cum until I give you permission, Ms. (Y/L/N),” he whispered against her ear as he draped over her. “Am I understood?” 
“Y-yes, professor,” she moaned. “I understand.” 
(Y/N)’s hands grasped at the edge of the wooden desk, digging her nails into the table as she tried to prolong the finish she wanted to reach. Severus was unrelenting, changing his speed, bringing her as close to the edge as possible before altering the pace once more. It was a punishment like no other. 
Suddenly, she felt her underwear being moved aside as he moved his hand through the front of her body, allowing two of his fingers to breach her as his thumb continued the attack on her clit. 
“I can’t hold on for much longer, professor,” (Y/N) cried. Her breathing was staggered, and her eyes had fallen shut. “Please.” 
“Please, what, (Y/L/N)? What is it that you want? Beg for it.” 
“Merlin, please! Just let me cum, professor. I need to cum!” she exclaimed as her grip on the desk tightened. “I promise I’ve learned my lesson, professor. I won’t get distracted in class again!” 
“Maybe you should, dear (Y/N). Especially if it leads to having you in such a compromising position,” he chuckled. “But I guess you deserve to cum. So, go ahead, dear. Let go.” 
With a mewling cry, (Y/N) came around Severus’ pumping fingers, meeting their pace with her hips as she rode out her orgasm on his hand. His free hand snaked around her neck, straightening her back against him and twisting her head to kiss her roughly, his fingers still buried inside her. 
“Good girl,” he mumbled against her lips before pulling her lip with his teeth. “You did so well, my love. Truly made me forget that this was all make-believe.” 
“Well, it wasn’t all pretend, darling,” (Y/N) chuckled. “You already know that this very scenario ran through my head during your classes and your detentions, hoping that you weren’t a good man and would act on my wishes. But it seems I had to wait a few years to get you into bed.” 
“You were barely of age, darling,” he chuckled softly, brushing a piece of damp hair behind her ear. “And I was still your professor. If anyone had found out, my career would have been over, and you would have most likely been expelled.” 
“Oh, but what fun it would have been, darling,” (Y/N) grinned as she pushed him onto his chair, straddling his lap. Her smile grew as she felt his erection through his pants, smirking as she knew she would leave a wet spot on the fabric. “Could you imagine?” she continued, moving her hips softly against his length. “If another professor waltzed into your classroom and caught us this way, or even a student. It would have been an absolutely thrilling disaster. But I wouldn’t have stopped. Merlin knows I wouldn’t have. I would have made sure we both came.” 
“What are you doing, love?” Severus said with a strangled voice. “The charms have already fallen. I never meant for them to stay up too long.” 
“I told you, darling. I would have made sure we both came,” she said against his ear, nibbling on the soft skin. “And that’s exactly what I will do now.” 
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Snape: Do you take constructive criticism?
Y/n: No, only cash or credit.
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ms-snape · 28 days
Believe in me (Young!severus snapexreader)
Request: not arequest, but requests are opened, I really need to precise that cause I didn't receive any
Summary: Severus is in love with a close friend to the marauders
Warning: marauder's bully
Word count: 1457
The Great Hall was alive with the raucous laughter and chatter of students. Long tables, laden with food, stretched beneath floating candles that flickered like stars against the enchanted ceiling. At the Gryffindor table, Y/N sat between Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, her laughter ringing clear as she recounted a story from their latest escapade.
“—and then James slipped right in front of Evans ! I thought he was going to fall right into the lake!” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. Sirius nudged her, grinning.
“Yeah, but you should’ve seen his face! Priceless!” he howled, slapping the table with a loud thud.
Across the hall, Severus Snape sat alone at the Slytherin table, his dark eyes shadowed by his long, greasy hair. He watched Y/N with a mix of admiration and longing, his heart aching. She was everything he wasn’t—bright, lively, and surrounded by friends. The Marauders, her closest companions, were notorious for their pranks and teasing, and Severus was their favorite target.
“Hey, Snivellus!” James Potter’s voice boomed across the hall, drawing the attention of nearby Gryffindors. Y/N’s laughter faltered as she turned to see what was happening. “What’s it like being the biggest loser in school?”
“Leave him alone, James,” Y/N said, her voice firm. She leaned forward, her brows knitting together in defiance. “He hasn’t done anything to you.”
James scoffed, and Sirius chimed in, “Oh come on, Y/N! It’s just a bit of fun. Besides, he enjoys it.”
Severus scowled, his hands curling into fists. He wanted to vanish under the table, but Y/N’s presence anchored him. She always defended him, even when it seemed hopeless.
“Fun for you, maybe,” she shot back, her cheeks flushing. “But it’s cruel. You’re just bullying him because he’s a Slytherin.”
“Yeah, and he’s a total creep,” Peter Pettigrew sneered, snickering at the end of the table.
“Enough!” Y/N’s voice cut through the noise like a knife. The hall quieted, and all eyes turned to her. “Severus is my friend. He doesn’t deserve this.”
“Your friend?” Sirius echoed, raising an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious. He’s practically a Death Eater in training!”
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat at the accusation. “That’s not fair, and you know it! He’s not like that.”
“Then maybe he should stop acting like a weirdo,” James said, crossing his arms defiantly.
Severus felt the heat of shame wash over him. He wanted to defend himself, to yell back, but his voice was trapped in his throat. Instead, he turned away, focusing on the food in front of him, wishing he could disappear entirely.
Remus, who had been silent, finally spoke up. “Look, can we just drop it? Y/N is right. Severus hasn’t done anything to us. Can we not make someone feel terrible for no reason?”
Sirius rolled his eyes but shrugged. “Fine. Just thought we could use a little fun.”
Y/N shot Remus a grateful smile, and for a fleeting moment, Severus felt a flicker of hope. Maybe there was a chance for him, a chance to be more than just the outcast.
As the students resumed their chatter, Y/N caught Severus’s gaze. He looked away quickly, his heart racing. She was always kind to him, even when her friends were not. But the thought of her defending him only deepened his feelings, complicating everything.
After dinner, Y/N made her way toward the Slytherin common room, her heart pounding with each step. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she needed to talk to Severus, to understand him better. The Marauders had left her feeling unsettled, their casual cruelty gnawing at her conscience.
“Hey, Severus,” she called out softly as she approached him near a dimly lit corridor.
Severus looked up, surprised. “What do you want, Y/N?” His voice was a mix of curiosity and caution.
“I wanted to see if you were okay,” she said softly, stepping closer. “I’m sorry about how they treated you. They can be—”
“—insufferable?” Severus finished, his tone biting. “I know. But you don’t need to defend me. It won’t change anything.”
Y/N frowned, crossing her arms. “You deserve better than their bullying. You’re smarter than them, Severus. You know that.”
“Smart enough to be a target,” he muttered, his gaze dropping to the floor. “You don’t understand. They’ll never change. And neither will I.”
“Stop saying that!” Y/N exclaimed, frustration bubbling over. “You’re not a lost cause! You can be more than this.”
“What more can I be? A rejected Slytherin? The boy no one wants to be friends with?” he retorted, his voice rising. “You think I want to be in this position?”
Y/N took a step back, her heart aching at the pain in his voice. “I’m trying to help you. You don’t have to be alone, Severus.”
“Alone is all I’ve ever known,” he said, his voice cracking. “Why do you even care? You’re friends with them. You could be popular, happy—”
“I care because I see you!” she shouted, her cheeks flushed with emotion. “You’re not just some Slytherin. You’re smart, talented, and you’re my friend. I won’t let them treat you like this!”
Severus’s heart raced at her words, a mix of anger and something softer churning within him. “Y/N…”
Before he could finish, she took another step closer, her heart pounding. The world around them faded, and it was just the two of them in that narrow corridor. Without thinking, he leaned in, and their lips met in a tentative kiss.
It was electric—soft at first, then deepening as they both surrendered to the moment. Y/N’s hands found their way to his hair, pulling him closer, while Severus’s hands rested on her waist, as if he were afraid she might disappear.
When they finally pulled apart, breathless, Y/N searched his eyes. “See? You’re not alone.”
Severus’s expression softened, the walls he'd built around his heart beginning to crumble. “But they’ll never accept us,” he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur.
“Then we’ll show them they’re wrong,” she said fiercely, determination shining in her eyes. “I won’t let them bully you, and I won’t let you push me away either.”
Severus nodded slowly, feeling a warmth spread through him. “I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
“Then don’t be,” Y/N replied softly. “We can face them together.”
As the tension faded, a new understanding blossomed between them. They stood in silence, caught in a moment of shared vulnerability, a fragile connection that promised to grow stronger.
Days passed, and the dynamic between Y/N and the Marauders shifted as well. While Sirius and James were still quick to tease, they hesitated to attack Severus in front of her. It was a small victory, but it felt monumental to Y/N. Remus remained a quiet support, often stepping in to diffuse tensions when things got too heated.
One afternoon, as the sun cast golden light across the grounds, Y/N and Severus found a quiet spot by the lake. The water shimmered like glass, and the air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers.
“Do you ever wish things were different?” Y/N asked, her gaze fixed on the water.
“Every day,” Severus admitted, his voice heavy. “But I don’t know how to change.”
“You already have,” she said, turning to look at him. “You’re not just a Slytherin. You’re Severus Snape, and that’s enough.”
He met her gaze, searching for doubt but finding only sincerity. “What if they never accept me?”
“Then we’ll make our own path,” she said boldly. “We don’t need their approval.”
Severus’s heart swelled with emotion. “You make it sound so easy.”
“It’s not easy,” she admitted, her expression softening. “But it’s worth it.”
As they sat together, a comfortable silence enveloped them. The warm breeze rustled the leaves, and for the first time, Severus felt a sense of belonging—a feeling he had long thought impossible. He turned to Y/N, seeing her in a new light, not just as a friend but as someone who saw him for who he truly was.
“Thank you,” he said quietly, his voice filled with gratitude.
“For what?” she asked, tilting her head.
“For believing in me,” he replied, his heart racing. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Y/N smiled, and in that moment, everything seemed to fall into place. The weight of his insecurities began to lift, and for the first time, he dared to hope for a future where he wasn’t alone.
As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the lake, Severus took Y/N’s hand in his. It was a simple gesture, but it held a promise—of friendship, of understanding, and perhaps something more. They sat together, watching the sun sink below the horizon, feeling the world around them
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
Bittersweet Beginnings
This is the highly requested part 2 to The New Potions Professor! I highly suggest you read part 1 before you read this one as it is a continuation! I apologize that it took so long, but it's finally done!
Minors DNI 18+ Only
Synopsis: With your impending graduation date soon approaching Severus Snape breaks your heart once again. Years later you see him again in the least place you'd expect, a meeting of The Order of the Phoenix. You enact a plan to get revenge, but it soon goes south and you fall head over heels for the heavily guarded man once again.
Notes: Reader is 18 years old and a 7th year student at the start of the fic and Snape is her Professor (he's 21 at the start of the fic), Preestablished relationship (See part 1), reader has a vagina, use of she/her pronouns and references to the reader with feminine terms such as lady etc.
Warnings: NSFW, questionable morals, age gap (two and half years), student x professor, pet names, master kink, unprotected sex, fingering, semi-public sex, arguments/yelling, overprotective Sev, if I missed anything let me know!
Genre: Smut, a bit of angst, happy ending though!
Word count: 4,948
Tagging: @smilingformoney because she requested this the most lol I really hope I did it justice!
Each of your detentions with Severus had been better than the last and still, you continued to act like a brat in his classes and he happily continued to dish out the devilish punishments. The only problem that faced you both was your ultimate graduation in a few weeks' time. You’d had several job offers, but none of them felt right, not yet. You were holding out hope for anything that would allow you to continue having your secret meetups with Severus. Hope has been running rather thin lately and both of your nerves were rather shot. You’d been fighting more than normal and you were beginning to question if Severus was worth all of this. Sure, the sneaking around was fun, but what would it become when it was no longer something deemed worthy of concealment and questionable morals? You had been of age the entire time, but still, seeing a professor behind the backs of everyone was nothing short of a rush of adrenaline. Would that feeling go away after your graduate? Would Severus break your heart again, or would you break his this time?
“You need to learn to behave, little slut. What are you going to do when you graduate and your master’s not here to punish you?” Severus tuts, ramming into your hole with delicious force threatening to split you in two as you snap back to reality.
Your eyes roll back in your head and the only thing that tumbles out of your mouth is incoherent nonsense. The ball of pressure swells in your stomach, you’re right there on the edge again and you need release so badly, but Severus refuses to give it to you. Groaning your hips snap up searching for anything to get you off quickly before he can deny you your high for the third time tonight.
“Words or I’ll make you use them,” he demands. 
“I — don’t — know!” You screech through his thrusts. “I need you, Sev! Please let me come!”
“I think you’ve performed well enough, pet. Come for me, darling,” Severus demands.
Back arching off the desk, your hips meet in one last thrust as your high pulses through you like lightning. Fireworks explode through you and your breathing stills as you work your way through the pleasure, finally gasping for a breath of air as you come down, your face contorts as one last ripple pulses through you as you feel Severus come with a guttural grunt. Several moans reverberate through the room as he paints your walls with his come.
Severus chuckles and slows his assault on your hole, a whimper escaping your lips at the overstimulation as he withdraws and lays beside you on his desk casting a cleaning spell and redressing you both. As he gazes up at the ceiling of the cold, dimly lit potions classroom, he conjures an image of the night sky outside. Throughout his life, the stars have always provided him with comfort and strength. The strength that he so desperately needs right now to do what he knows is the only way forward. The only way that things will work out for you in the end.  “You need me, huh? Well, I don’t need you,” he says finally, cringing at how harsh it sounds.
“What?” you question, tears brimming your eyes. “You don’t need me?”
“No. I have to have you,” Severus says, wiping your tears away. “I simply cannot live without you but I think I’m going to have to learn how to again.”
“I don’t want to hold you here, I want you to find your own path. I want you to follow your dreams and your passions. You can’t do that if you are attached to me. I’m bad news. Bad things are coming. It’s faint, but my mark is returning.”
“The fuck?” you whisper, your eyes falling on his left forearm. Sure enough, you can make out the remnants of a black smudge on his arm. It doesn’t wipe away when you touch it.
“He’s not dead,” Severus whispers. “He can’t be or this would be gone completely. He’s still out there and you can’t be associated with me. He will return.”
“I don’t care –”
“I know, but let’s just enjoy the time we have left together, okay?” Severus says softly. “Please, promise me after you graduate, you won’t come looking for me and you won’t get hung up on me.”
Swallowing down everything screaming at you to stay by his side, to protect him, to hold him close and say he’s being ridiculous, but you don’t. “Let’s enjoy the time we have left,” you agree, a feeling of dread growing in your gut.
“Remus, Sirius,” you say in greeting, grasping each of their hands in a firm shake. “It’s nice to see you two again.” You hadn’t seen either of them since your school days and even then it was only in passing, you knew of each other, but never really knew each other.
“You as well,” Remus smiles, leaning down to kiss your hand gently bringing a blush to your cheeks. He had always been quite the gentleman and fairly handsome. You’d had a crush on him once upon a time during your first few years at Hogwarts, before – no you refused to think of that bitch. Fuck him.
“Kreature!” Sirius calls. “Take these bags up to the guest room. So, your first Order meeting?” Sirius asks presumably. 
“Yes, I just recently joined though I’ve always been very adamant about my views. Dumbledore persuaded me, said my new position at the Ministry could prove to make me very useful.”
“He’s quite good at that,” Remus chuckles, placing an arm over your shoulder. “Here, let me give you a tour while Sirius here gets back to cleaning his pigsty of a home with the rest of the ladies in the meeting room.”
“Hey!” Sirius says, jabbing Remus in the side. “Fuck you, mate! When you’re done playing house how about both of you come to help us out.”
Remus and Sirius throw around a few more lighthearted insults and you giggle along. It’s nice to feel welcome and included after spending so many years in isolation focusing on your career. You wish this meeting could be for happier reasons, but with You Know Who having returned, it really puts a damper on things knowing that a war is coming anytime.
“So what have you been up to after graduating from Hogwarts?” Remus asks. “You were three years behind us in school weren’t you?”
“Uh yeah, I was,” you say counting the years back in your head. “I went off to work at the Ministry immediately. I took a temp job at first and worked my way up to my current position in the Department of Mysteries. What about you?”
“Oh,” Remus starts, his gaze lowering to the floor. “I’ve been unemployed most of the time due to my – illness. I taught at Hogwarts for a school term, but my illness got the better of me. Enough about me, though. What exactly do you do at the Ministry?” Remus jokes with a smile.
“Can’t say,” you laugh. “But, of course, you already knew that.”
“Caught red-handed,” he belly laughs, his hands thrown up in the air in defense. “Ah, here we are. This is where you’ll be staying while you’re here,” he says pushing open the large mahogany door. “I’m the door to your right if you ever need me… for anything,” he says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, I better be off. Gotta go help get everything ready for tonight. See you later?”
“Yeah, see you later,” you smile, deciding to use your spare time before dinner to shower and freshen up. Remus has only gotten cuter with age, perhaps it’s time you allow yourself the chance to move on from him. Given his current allegiance you are positive you’ll never see or hear from him again. Good riddance.
It turns out you were wrong. So very wrong. 
As soon as you walk into the kitchen downstairs, you feel his dark orbs following your every movement, but you refuse to even spare him a glance. Instead, you throw yourself on Remus, laughing, joking, and flirting with him the entire meal. Fuck him. He deserves to rot in hell. You’re going to make him regret ever letting you go.
“Snivellus, you old lap dog,” Sirius jeers, taunting him during the meeting after the children and other non-members cleared out after dinner. “How is your master?” he sneers, spitting in his direction.
“I am loyal to Dumbledore,” Snape says emotionlessly. “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
“Report in Snape,” Remus demands, ignoring the rising tension in the room. “What new information do you have for us?”
“I hate to come here empty handed but unfortunately I don’t have anything new to share.”
“Hiding something are ya, Snivellus?” Sirius demands, his voice snaking around the room.
“No,” Snape responds, his hand twitching, ready to grab his wand and fight to the death if it comes to it.
“Alright you two, stop fighting like ex-lovers,” you scoff, placing your hand over Remus’s and rubbing his thumb gently with yours. “Do continue with your reports.”
“O- of course,” Remus stutters, continuing on with the meeting.
You listen half-heartedly, trying to focus on what Remus is saying, but really, your attention is fixed on Severus. You can see him out of the corner of your eye, squirming in his seat, and you can't help but smirk to yourself. You had been so wrapped up in him, so sure that he was the one, only to be left heartbroken and alone. Now, you thought it was time to show him that you could move on, that you had not one ounce of love left for him.
Seeing him doubled over in the corner in an attempt to make himself small and disappear you have no doubts that he will scurry away the first chance he gets. He’s always been nothing but a coward and you can’t help but feel a bit of satisfaction seeing him like this; nothing wrong with pretending Remus is your boyfriend for a few hours, right? After all, he deserves nothing less than seeing you happy and in love with someone else. So, you scoot closer and closer to Remus until your bodies are as close as possible in your separate chairs. Severus’s dark orbs never leave you, his gaze constantly burning your skin.
As the meeting draws to its close, you begin formulating your escape plan, deciding to rush back to your room as quickly as possible. Remus has other plans though, pulling you to the side and away from the crowd.
“How was your first meeting?”
“It was fine, I suppose. A bit overwhelming. I’m actually pretty tired, I was thinking I would head back to my room for the night.”
“Mind if I join you for a bit? It’s a bit crowded and loud down here. I - I enjoy talking to you,” he says a blush creeping up his ears.
“Sure,” you smile, gripping his arm. “Lead the way.”
Remus begins to lead you through the crowd but abruptly stops when Severus blocks his way. 
“Mind if I have a chat with the lady?” he sneers.
“You two know each other?” Remus questions, his eyes wide as he senses the ever-growing tension. 
“Yes,” Severus says, “and I would love to catch up with her.”
“Of course, I’ll see you later then.”
“Fuck off,” you say, pushing past him and up the stairs to your room, attempting to shut the door behind you but Severus sticks his foot in the doorway.
“It’s been a while,” Severus says. “Please, just let me in. I want to chat somewhere in private.”
“Fine,” you huff, crossing your arms as you let him inside and shut the door behind him. “Five minutes that’s all you get.”
“I’m sorry, I was so wrong to let you go again. I’ve regretted it every single day.” Severus stares at you, waiting for you to speak, when you don’t he tries again. “I’ve followed your every movement since you graduated but I’ve been too cowardly to attempt contact until now.”
“Stalker now, huh? Four minutes.”
Severus starts talking faster, he knows you weren’t kidding now when you said he only had five minutes. “No, no. It’s not like that. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to make things right. I am truly sorry.”
“Two minutes.”
“You know what! Fuck you!” Severus screeches. “I don’t even know why I thought I’d get anywhere with you. You’ve always been such a stubborn brat. That must be your middle name, huh? Or maybe it’s ‘ruin Severus’s life’ cause that’s all you’ve done since I’ve known you!”
“Oh really! I’ve done nothing but ruin your life! You’re the one who has pushed me away not once but twice! No, fuck you, Severus!”
“I know! And I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Both times have been to protect you from me! I don’t deserve love, I don’t deserve you. You’re right. You’ve always been right! I’m nothing but a traitor and a coward and now I’m giving my life making up for my mistakes!”
“What do you mean you’re giving your life?” you ask, eyebrows furling.
“I gave my life to Dumbledore,” he whispers. “In exchange to protect you, to keep you out of this shit! But he got to you too! You shouldn’t be here, this war doesn’t concern you. I fucked up, I fucked up so bad when I was a kid. I can never right those wrongs. People died because of me, fuck he’s back partly because of me too! I just wanted to keep you safe –”
You don't know what possessed you, but before you know it, you're kissing him with an intensity you thought you had lost forever. His lips feel soft and inviting against yours, and you get lost in the moment, feeling a warmth and happiness that you thought was lost in the past. You feel a deep connection to him that you never knew existed, and you revel in the sensation of being in his arms. As you deepen the kiss, you feel as though you're coming back to life and out of the darkness you’ve been trapped in for years.
“Fuck, I hate you, Severus Snape,” you pant. “Isn't it strange that we keep returning to this place of love and hate?”
He stands there, his gaze imploring you to hate him. His voice is soft yet desperate. "I'm asking you to really mean it," he continues, "to take out all of your frustrations on me. I deserve it for what I have done." His eyes are wide, his expression a mixture of sadness and guilt. He takes a deep breath, his chest heaving with emotion. "Please," he whispers, "I need you to hate me. It's the only way.”
“I can’t,” you admit.
“Please, try.”
“I’ve tried and I can’t.”
“We can’t be together.”
“Who said that other than you?”
Severus stops, his lips pursued together. “No one,” he says finally after a long silence.
“Exactly. Stop overthinking everything, Severus. What do you want? I want you to listen to your heart,” you plead, poking him hard in the chest. “What does your heart say?”
“My… heart?” Severus asks, clutching his chest. “I can’t hear my heart over the screaming in my head that tells me I need to stay as far away from you as possible to keep you safe.”
“Enough!” you shout. “Just get out if you want nothing to do with me.”
Severus stands, his fingers lingering on the doorknob as he hesitates. He knows he should turn it and leave the room, but something inside him can't make himself do it. He pauses for a moment, weighing his options, before finally giving in and turning the knob. He takes one last look around the room before taking a deep breath and stepping out into the hallway. His heart plummets in his stomach and he turns around. “No, I can’t leave you like this,” he mutters, shutting the door behind him again and standing in front of it, unsure of what to do with his body. “I was right before, I can’t live without you. I have to have you.”
He could feel his heart racing as he stepped closer to you, the voice in his head telling him to stop and turn away pushed further and further away until it was barely a whisper. He was drawn to you, captivated by your beauty and grace, and he could no longer resist the temptation. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly, and brushed his fingers lightly across your cheek. His touch was gentle, like a feather, and he felt you leaning into it. He smiled softly and bent down to kiss you. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, brat,” he taunts, his words lighting a fire deep within you.
“Show me all we’ve missed then.” Your eyes sparkle with promise, but your cheeks blush a little at the implication behind your words. You start walking back towards the door, taking a few steps before stopping and turning back around to face Severus, your eyes flashing dangerously.
Severus watches you saunter towards him. His cock has never been more ready for this moment. The blood rushes through his body as if his body is actually feeling the force of his arousal. He grabs you roughly and pulls you close, pressing you up against the wall, just short of where you can reach him. Your arms come around his neck, holding on tight as you press your lips hard against his. You kiss him deeply, your tongue exploring his mouth as your hips begin to grind harder against him. Severus groans and starts grinding against you, driving himself closer to you. His hands slide under your skirt, squeezing your ass. You bite his lip as you continue kissing him. You want so badly to rip off your clothes and throw them across the room; to strip yourself naked and beg him to ravish you.
You slowly release your hold on him and push him away, breaking the kiss. A wave of sadness crashes over you as you feel the warmth and passion leave him, leaving him cold and alone again.
“Let’s go downstairs and make some noise, Severus.”
He looks at you, astonished. "But what about the Order? They are still down there!"
"Trust me," you say taking his hand and leading him down the stairs.
The whole time, Severus stares wide-eyed at you, mesmerized by the change that’s happening in front of him. You don’t even look at him. Instead, you stare straight ahead, like prey keeping a watchful eye out for their predator. You know that if anyone spots the two of you together, the jig is up and you won't get to have your fun. Luckily, you manage to maneuver your way around the crowd thanks to the tour of the house Remus gave you earlier. 
“In here,” you whisper ushering Severus into the broom closet that just so happens to share two walls with the meeting room where everyone is blissfully unaware of them.
Severus catches on quickly, muttering a silencing and concealment charm to further hide your whereabouts. “You want to fuck me in a broom closet? In Sirius Black's house? With him just a room over?”
“Yes,” you breathe. “And I need you to help me do it without anyone finding out.”
That gets his attention. It doesn't take long before he moves closer, kissing you hungrily. His hands wander down, seeking you out. You aren't sure if it was a part of his charm or simply because he wanted to fuck you and make up for all the lost time as fast as possible. Either way, you didn't stop him when he pushed you against the wall, the brooms clanking to the floor in the small space as he tore off your underwear and stuck a finger between your legs. It did nothing for a moment, allowing you time to adjust to his thick finger but soon he began curling it, searching for that gummy spot that would have you writhing in pleasure.
It was heaven. Everything about this felt right. The cinnamon and herbal smell on his clothes; the frantic pounding of his heart; the sultry sounds escaping from his throat. The hot intensity of his skin pressing against yours; the feel of his still-clothed cock rubbing against your thigh. His hand moved slowly up your body, lingering on your breasts as his fingers caressed your nipples. Your toes curled as pleasure shot through your whole body.
His hand continued to travel upwards. You tilted your head back, welcoming him to gently squeeze your throat, wearing his hand like a necklace proudly. 
You had never experienced anything like this. Never had a man taste, touch, and kiss like Severus Snape. Never experienced how everything inside you reacted to his touch. How it quivered through your body with each soft brush of his fingertips driving you mad.
You closed your eyes and arched your hips, grinding on him. Moaning softly into his mouth, your nails dug into his shoulders. It was almost too much, his warmth invading your very soul. And then another finger pressed into your entrance, slick and warm, making you whimper and squirm beneath him. His other hand left your throat and cupped your breast, teasing your nipple.
The waves built and broke, becoming more intense than ever before. Severus started moaning your name into your ear. There wasn't any thought in your mind, no care for what might happen if you were discovered. All you can think about is the pleasure you are currently experiencing, nothing else matters.
Your hands claw at the shelves, searching for any sort of leverage to hold yourself upright on shaky legs. He snakes his hand behind your back, holding you in place and giving you the support you were seeking moments earlier, allowing you to fully focus on your climax. Which comes hard and fast, your juices flowing out thick and staining Severus’s pants as you continue to grind down on his thigh. “Fuck, give me a minute, Sev. It’s too much,” you cry out and Severus slows his movements before removing his fingers from you. The absence leaves you feeling empty and cold. “I need you, Sev. Please fuck me.”
“Needy brat,” Severus huffs, dispelling both of your clothes with a simple spell. His hard cock is red and leaking already as he lines himself up with your entrance. “Okay?” he asks as he slowly slips into you.
“Mhmm,” you whine as he slowly starts moving, his pace increasing bit by bit.
It didn't matter who knew about this, if you were caught, or if they saw what you were doing. It didn't matter. This was everything. When Severus wrapped one leg around yours, driving himself deeper inside you, thrusting and squeezing as hard as he could, it all became meaningless.
His body bucked against yours, driving deep and fast. His muscles flexed as his legs tensed and drew you in tight. You started shaking, shuddering beneath him as your second climax approached fast. It didn't seem to affect him at all. If anything, he tightened his hold and sucked your neck harder.
Then he was shaking uncontrollably as well, both of you on the edge, seeking relief. He lowered his forehead to press it against yours. "I love you. I love you forever and always,” he whispers, grunting as he continues to fuck you.
“I love you too, Sev.”
The rumble coming from his chest and throat was enough to make your insides go wild. Your fingernails left red lines on his shoulders as you held onto him for dear life. Gripping your ass, he slammed into you again and again. Filling you with so much lust and passion, you would've done anything for him. No one else in the world mattered except Severus, taking you with all the ferocity of someone who was scared of losing you.
With a screech you both come at the same time, Severus gloriously painting your walls with his come as you tighten around him. He pulls out and his slick and yours run down your legs. It’s a beautiful sticky mess showcasing all of the passion you’ve both been keeping buried and locked away for years.
“Maybe the sounds coming from here,” you hear Remus saying from outside the broom closet.
“Fuck! I thought you put up a silencing charm,” you whisper, hitting Severus in the side.
“I did.”
“Then why isn’t it working?”
“Because I set it up so that Remus and Sirius could still hear us a bit, but no one else. Don’t worry, the concealment charm was set for everyone, no one will see us even if they open the door.”
“Severus Snape!” you exclaim, slapping him. A gasp escapes your lips as the broom closet is opened, light seeping in.
“Hhmm,” Remus says. “It’s empty, Sirius. You must have another boggart somewhere we are hearing but something has definitely been in here. Look at that shit on the ground.”
“Ew,” Sirius says. “Looks like come. That is disgusting,” he gags. “I’ll get Kreature in here to clean it up and go hunt for a boggart I guess.”
Remus slams the door shut and the two men’s voices outside fade away.
“Severus! Oh my god! That was so close!” you shout. “How naughty of you!”
“Hey, you’re the one who said we should come downstairs and make some noise. Or have you forgotten?”
“Fuck you, Sev,” you grumble, kissing him on the cheek. “Now clean up this mess, please.”
“Oh, Severus! What are you doing here so early?” Molly asks, finishing up breakfast and passing out the plates.
“I slept over.”
“I didn’t know you were staying last night, dear! Where on earth did you sleep?”
“Oh, um…” Severus’s eyes search for yours for help.
“He slept in my room,” you say with a shrug. “We’ve been together for… a while.”
Remus chokes on his tea and he and Sirius exchange a glance, their expressions unreadable.
“Oh really! Congratulations! You make such a cute couple!”
“Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley!”
Severus grumbles some thank yous and sips his coffee. 
“You’re dating Snivellus? You could do way better than him,” Sirius scoffs, resting a hand on Remus’s shoulder. Remus brushes his hand off as he stands.
“May I have a word really quick?”
“What was the deal with last night? Why were you leading me on? That was a low blow,” Remus says softly.
“I - I know and I’m sorry. Severus and I had a fight, I was trying to make him jealous. It was wrong of me to do that to you. Please forgive me.”
“No worries. I always had a crush on you when we were in school, by the way,” Remus smiles. “I wish you two the best.”
“Honey, what are you doing here?” Severus asks, looking up from grading papers in his classroom late one night.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“Oh really?” he hums, placing his quill down. “Do share.”
“I think this will suffice,” you say handing him a parchment which he unrolls to read.
“You withdrew from your position at the Ministry? Why on earth would you do such a thing? I thought you loved your job.”
“I did, but I don’t see a future there for myself anymore.”
“Why is that? What changed?”
“Well, Sev. I - I’m pregnant.”
“What? Are you really?” Severus jumps to his feet when you nod and scoops you up into a hug. “I must hide you. No one can know,” he says suddenly very solemnly.
“Why not?”
“I’ve got to protect you and my unborn child now. No one must find you.”
“Sev, we aren’t doing this again. I’m staying with you, I’m staying here at Hogwarts.”
“I’ve already talked to Dumbledore. He’s getting us a bigger living area set up and he’s offered me a job as Minerva’s assistant. It’s all taken care of.”
“Of course, he wouldn’t tell me any of this,” he grumbles.
“This was all on me, Sev. I wanted to tell you.” 
“So when do you begin?” 
“So we’ve got approximately two days before the whole castle knows I have a girlfriend and that she’s pregnant? Great. I can sense all the rumors already.”
“Hey don’t think about that right now, Sev. Just think about us starting our family. You’re going to be a great dad.”
“I sure hope so.”
“You know, it’s a bit bittersweet,” you say softly, staring out into the night sky from one of the small windows.
“How so?”
“To bring a child into the world when it’s in such turmoil. I’m happy, but we are in for a wild ride.”
“We’ll face it together, honey. I promise. I’m done being a coward. I’m done running.”
“Good, 'cause if you pull that ‘I’m protecting you’ shit again, I won’t come back this time. Got it?”
“Got it.”
You lied. You know that you lied so very hard. No matter what, you’ll always be pulled back to Severus like the ocean gets pulled back into itself as the waves crash upon the shore. You’re connected, intertwined, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Who knew banging your professor could turn out so good?
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lyraoftheevergreens · 8 months
In The Morning
Chapter 5
Professor!Snape x Female Student Reader
Summary: What happens when Snape falls in love with a 7th year student at hogwarts just 8 years after the death of his first love. What will happen when she discovers the darkest sides of him and brings up trauma from her own past. Will she stay with him despite what she learns? Reader is of age.
Warnings: she/her pronouns. Mentions of eating, torture and murder
Age 13+
Word count: 1,600
Tag list: Open 🖤
Authors note: thank you to those of you who have waited years for this chapter, and welcome to those of you who are new.
For the sake of the story line Sinistra is not the Astronomy professor.
It was now the end of spring break and y/n found her self dreading the start of class after her blissful week in Severus is arms. There was no other place she ever wanted to be, she could have died and she would have been content as long as her death was in his arms. One week of just him, never having to leave his arms. She learned everything about him, his child hood. As she laid in his arms he caressed her gently and told her stories of his child hood. His talented mother and muggle father. She told him of her childhood. How it was growing up in manor. The disappearance of her sister Eloise. He held her every night into the day. The night terrors continued through the break, they were tolerable in Severus is arms. She woke up one night screaming and crying.
“I remember when Eloise left, she left a note on my bed. Dear sister, I love you but I must go, I hope you can find in your heart to forgive me, love Eloise.”
“I’m so sorry my dear.”
“That’s the issue though Sev, I don’t think she left. They did something to her. She has to be kept on the grounds someplace. She would have never left such a generic note. Love Eloise. Thats just not like her.”
“Where would they keep her.”
“The grounds are so large, deep underground. All the underground passages are connected, so large.”
“I believe I remember seeing them. How far do they go?”
“Far, all the way to grounds keeper’s shack. It’s the length of the house and then some. It’s all concrete, she would freeze to death down there.”
“Are you sure she could have just escaped.”
“Id love to believe that, but I know it in my heart, shes not safe. And it doesn’t help that I’m such a coward. I can’t go back Severus, I’ll be forced to marry, or worse.”
“You’re not a coward, you endured so much at that house.”
That was over now, it was a new week, back to courses, first class of the morning, potions. She put on her necklace from Severus and didn’t tuck it under her shirt she wore it out and proud. The man who loves her gave this to her and she loves him to. While they haven’t said it out loud to each other she knows deep inside that he loves her. As she entered the potions room and helped gather supplies for that mornings lesson as she always did Severus appeared behind her. He leaned down, lips to her ear,” are you sure you should be wearing that for everyone to see.”
“Yes, I’m certain.”
“You’re not worried about what people will say, question. Where you got it from.”
“Family heirloom.”
“Hmm.” The vibrations of his ‘hmm’ on her neck tickled, his lips kissed and nipped. His tongue soothed. She was ready for him to take her right then and there and that room but nonetheless, he adjusted her shirt for her and they went into the potions class room, she took her seat and others began to enter, Edith took her seat next to. “Nice hickey you have going on.”
“What?” Y/n questioned.
“Your hickey, it’s like you had a leach on your neck.”
“Oh my bad.”
“So who is the lucky lad you shagged over break.”
“Oh nobody. Just a strange reaction to something.”
“Oh alright, I suppose. Touch yourself to Snape plenty?”
“Ms. Y/l/n, Ms.Carrington am I interrupting something important.?” He said
“No, sorry professor.” Y/n replied quickly
“Professors pet.” Edith mumbled.
Class went on as usual. Y/n stayed behind and waited for the first years to arrive in class. She sat and watched as Severus made two first years leave the class crying.
“You’re so harsh on them.”
“I don’t see how, I shouldn’t have stuffer do to there idiocracy. You were so bright as a first year.”
“Yes because my parents wanted to make sure I wasn’t a reflection of their failures the way they saw Eloise.”
“I suppose so.”
She sat in his lap at his desk and ran her fingers through his hair, she loved his long black hair so much.
“I have something to tell you,”Severus began, “we won’t be able to meet in my quarters before dinner. I have things to discuss with Dumbledore.”
“Oh okay, I understand.” She responded, her hand now gently on his chest.
“I promise I rather be with you than that old fool.” She gently kissed his lips and said, “I know, I trust you.”
She carried on her day, lunch with Severus, herbology, defense against the dark arts, she studied for her OWLS with Edith and a few other girls in her sleeping quarters and walked with them to the great hall for dinner. She couldn’t take her eyes off Severus, scowling at Dumbledore the whole meal. Something’s happened and she knows it. She doesn’t even finish her meal and she’s off to Severus is living quarters, Edith is yelling for her and she doesn’t flinch, simply carries on. Once she enters it’s not long that Severus arrives as well.
“Tell me the truth Severus, what happened in your meeting with headmaster. I’m not an idiot, you were sat there scowling at him and not touching your meal.”
“I told him.”
“You told him what.”
“That I love you.”
“That’s lovely, you told him before you’ve told me.”
“Why would you do such a thing. You could have gotten your self fired. or worse sent to azkaban.”
“you have nothing to worry about, no such thing will happen, there are no laws in place about teachers and students and besides your of age.”
“I dont understand though Severus, why.”
“I wanted to learn more about your father. I never learned much of him even though I was in his home nearly once a week for meetings. Other than the fact that he has two daughters and a wife.”
“We have two house elves. My mother and father are both the last living relatives of their respective bloodlines. Besides Eloise, Lucy and I. So what else did you learn by visiting the headmaster.”
“I learned that Eloise is not your full sister. That your father killed his first wife.”
“I know. That’s why he has no problem marrying me off to someone who killed his own wife as well. My father is 15 years older than my mother. She was 16 when her father arranged for her marriage. Frankly they are match made in hell. They’re both just as cold and thats why my mother never cared to protect Eloise from my father. She always used to say that it was Eloise is mums fault that she got her self killed.”
“I swore to my self the first day you cried in my arms I would protect you till the day I die.”
“Severus, you simply can’t, believe me, i wish it was that simple.”
“Move in with me, if you’re with me at all times I can at least try.”
“Oh Severus, of course I will, but hold on we’re not finished discussing what happened between you and Dumbledore.”
“I had to find some way to protect you, after the school year, after the summer. I cant leave you alone at home unprotected. So I went to Dumbledore. He remembers your father from when he attended Hogwarts. Your father has begun training Lucy.”
“No, he couldn’t be, she’s only 9.”
“Now that you’re not returning home he needs to prepare her for the return of the dark lord.”
“Severus I have to do something, I have to protect her.”
“We will figure something out, together. For now you will stay here at Hogwarts where you are safe.”
“Why else did you tell Dumbledore about us?”
“He’s prepared to offer you a job, you will no longer be my assistant, the astronomy professor wishes to retire, you will take over for her in the next school year, but you must study under her from now on in preparation for the fall.”
“Severus, thank you.”
“Of course, I love you.”
“I love you too.” But she didn’t know how much Severus truly loved her, he would die for her if thats what it took to protect her. For now he knew she could go no where near y/l/n manor, who knows what torture they would inflict upon her.
~Severus’ meeting with Dumbledore ~
“Albus.” Severus began, as he entered Dumbledore office.
“How can I help you severus?”
“It’s Y/f/n.”
“Ah yes, her family is sending for her to be retrieved directly from the school the last day of term.”
“We need to protect her.”
“Albus, they will kill her. I can’t loose her the way I lost Lilly.”
“Severus I warned you to be careful.”
“They will kill her, she doesn’t know it yet but they’ve killed her older sister Eloise.”
“I know, it’s a shame what happened to that poor girl. Does y/n know?”
“No she does not, and no one shall tell her. She has night terrors from what she witnessed in that house.”
“Please, keep her safe.”
“It appears you are capable of doing that on your own.”
“She’s coming back with me to Hogwarts in the next school year then.”
“She’ll no longer be a student Severus. She can’t return.”
“Offer her a position here.”
“I suppose i could offer her the astronomy position, but she would need to study under professor Alveston and not you Severus.”
“That’s fine, I’ll discuss it with her. I’m certain she will accept.”
“In that case she begins in the morning, no time to waste I suppose.”
“No, I suppose not.”
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ytace · 1 month
The Firecracker Conundrum
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[ I honestly recommend playing this song while reading haha ]
Warning: Slight swearing
Pairings: Professor Lupin X Student Reader [Platonic]
Summary: You, an apeshit student who's known to cause trouble in hogwarts, might have just started a firework mayhem in Lupin’s class when Umbridge came in to send someone to detention
[Characters included don't go by timeline]
The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was filled with the usual chatter of students walking in and preparing for their next lesson.
Your Professor, Remus Lupin, was sorting through some papers at his desk. Often casting occasional glances at the door, giving slight nods acknowledging the students who walked in, greeting him. Before his eyes were once drawn to a familiar face — the notorious and infamous troublemaker, whose name is often heard through the halls of Hogwarts.
Whispers From mouth to ear, words of your pranks got out quickly and people often talk about stunts that you used to pull.
As you sauntered in, you had a bouquet of what seemed like "harmless flowers". However, Lupin's keen eyes quickly noted the subtle signs of mischief. The flowers were, in fact, cleverly disguised firecrackers and fireworks purchased from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
As you made your way to your seat, Lupin's mouth curled up into a smirk as he decided to taunt you abit, Attempting to see if he could make you spill the beans.
"Ah, [Y/N], welcome to class," Lupin said, his tone light and teasing. "I see you’ve come prepared with a lovely bouquet. Are you planning on decorating the classroom for the occasion? Interior Too boring for you I assume?"
"Well Infact Professor, the Interior of the class seems... A little dull. I thought that I'd do us a favour and try to lighten up the mood abit!" [Y/N] replied with a sly grin, balancing on the edge of their desk.
Some giggles and suppressed laughters could be heard around the class over your witty remark, knowing you most likely have something in plan.
“Just a friendly reminder,” Lupin said, catching [Y/N]’s eye, “we’re here to focus on learning defensive spells today.. I trust you’ll save your little floral arrangements for another time?"
“Of course, Professor,” [Y/N] said with an exaggerated bow. “I'll try my best to resist the urge to spice things up.”
As Lupin began the lesson, he guided the students through practical exercises and theoretical discussions. Despite his serious tone, his eyes occasionally darted towards [Y/N], who was playing their part well by pretending to pay attention but clearly scheming something.
The lesson continued, with students practicing defensive spells. The Sound of students muttering spells, and the flipping of pages filled the air that surrounded you. As you looked up catching the sight of Professor Lupin offering corrections and encouragement to students who needed it.
The air of normalcy was then abruptly broken when the door to the classroom came flying open, and Dolores Umbridge, one of the professors in hogwarts, strutted in.
“Professor Lupin,” she said in a disdainful tone, “I need to speak with one of your students. Is Emily here?”
As Umbridge eyes darted around the class before spotting Emily then approaching her
She grabbed onto Emily's Robes. "Your Coming With Me, Ms Emily." She said before further dragging her away. She was apparently called out to detention just because she was talking in umbridge classes earlier.
The whole class stared at the scene unveiling infront of them, Unable to intervene as most of them wouldn't want to know what happens Under Umbridge Wrath. Who knew what she would do if someone were to intervene.
But However, You didn't take the chance for someone to be simply dragged away to hell under such small circumstances. You appeared nonchalant, but your mind was already working on a plan.
Lupin’s gaze met [Y/N]’s, a hint of amusement in his eyes. As you dramatically threw a stack of textbooks onto the floor.
"Fuck this shit!" You exclaimed before you groaned loudly, catching Umbridge’s attention.
"Excuse me?" She slowly let's go of Emily's Robes, before she walked towards you.
“She's being unjustly accused! I demand a trial by wizard’s jury!”
You declared before pointing towards Umbridge with the Bouquet of flowers in your hands.
Umbridge, irritated but trying to maintain her composure, reached out towards You.
“I'll deal with Emily Later. You come with me, now.” she demanded before a flick of her wand, casting a spell to manoeuvre the bouquet of flowers from your hands to hers.
"And I'll Be taking these for myself" she said as she looked at the different coloured flowers with slight adoration.
In a swift move, You used your wand to set off a spell that ignited the hidden fireworks.
The "harmless bouquet of flowers" exploded into a dazzling array of lights, filling the room with an eruption of sparks and colors. The classroom was instantly transformed into a scene of chaotic brilliance. Fireworks whizzed around, and sparkling lights dazzled and danced across the walls.
The crackling and popping sound of the fireworks shooting off in every direction sends the whole class bustling with different sounds of chatter that was filled with amazement and awe. Not only was the class filled with laughters and cheers, it was the deffinition of a perfect ambience.
Umbridge, caught off guard, looked around in disbelief as Lupin’s face broke into an incredulous grin. He was clearly enjoying the spectacle that you have just pulled, trying to hold back a chuckle.
“Honestly, [Y/N],” Lupin called out over the commotion, “I’m beginning to think you might be a more talented performer than a student.”
"Oh? What if I'm both?" You replied before you held out your wand casting a spell to close up all the classroom windows plunging the classroom into semi-darkness.
Amidst the chaos, Umbridge frantically tries to find her wand that she dropped after getting caught off guard by your little trick. The room, now illuminated by the remaining fireworks that was still lit up with the sparks glowing like it's a magical lightshow, it almost looked like a starlit wonderland. The effect was mesmerizing, even as Umbridge’s temper flared.
Lupin, enjoying the spectacle, moved among the students, ensuring everyone was safe and helping to contain the situation. He couldn’t suppress his chuckle anymore as he watched the fireworks slowly dim, leaving behind a soft, magical glow. After the last of the effects was gone, Lupin took out his wand. With a wave, all the windows were now reopened, filling the once dim classroom with light.
“Alright Class, Settle Down.” Lupin said, as the students all went back to their seats. Lupin turned his attention back onto restoring order. The classroom was slowly returning to its original state.
Both in an impressed and teasing tone, Lupin approached you. “I must say, your sense of timing is impeccable. If only I could reward you with extra credit for such creativity.."
You gave a cheeky grin, brushing the remnants of fireworks off your robes. “Well, if you’re offering, I might just show up to class on time next week.”
As Umbridge got a hold of her wand, her impeccable anger was clear that she wanted [Y/N] Gone. She was even more pissed at the fact that she had just been embarrassed infront of the entire class, adding onto how Lupin did not offer her any assistance when the mayhem started.
It was time that she used her own way of dealing you herself.
Before she even got the chance to grab you, with a final flourish, You leaped out of the high classroom window, deftly landing on Your broomstick that was cleverly hidden outside and bellow of the class window.
"Till Next Time Professor!" You yelled from outside the classroom windows. With a wink and a smile, [Y/N] disappeared gliding off on their broomstick leaving Lupin shaking his head in amusement.
The Students all leaped out of their seat, to run off to the edge of the windows, witnessing [Y/N] Fly off into the air as they let out a huge playful laughter punching the air in triumph and victory.
Lupin watched from afar as [Y/N] made their escape, a mixture of admiration in his eyes. Before he said softly
"And the show goes on..”
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