#protective Larissa Weems
Prompt idea of @izzietheuselessace thank you for the story idea love 💕
Maybe empath!reader who has a crush on Larissa and accidentally starts to project their emotions onto her.
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You had a problem.
A tall and beautiful one with perfect blue eyes and long blonde hair that cascaded down her back.
Her name, Larissa Weems.
To be quite fair, it wasn't that much the women in flesh and bones that was the issus. It was what you felt for her because honestly, to say you were in love with her would be an understatement.
The women was making you absolutely crazy, at a point that you had difficulty controling your powers when near her. As an empath, your emotions were the center of your specialities so when they were to strong, it just was impossible not to loose your grip on yourself. It was just like an explosion of feelings and emotions that was propelled to your surrounding.
Luckily for you though, nothing like it happened near the women yet. Of course it didn't stopped you from trying your best to keep your distance with Larissa. After all, you were way to worried of letting her know how you felt, so you couldn't really take the risk.
It was painful, terribly so to know you had to keep yourself from seeing her just because of your incapacity to control your talent. None the less, at some extent even if you tried your best to stay away from her, Larissa always ended up meeting you somewhere.
It literally looked like the women was searching for you at all time and you had to admit, it wasn't an unpleasant idea.
After all, you never had the strength to hide your joy each time your eyes met hers and that she sent you one of her perfect smile you loved so much.
It always created tingles within you and brought warmth to your heart.
So you decided to let them pass, thinking that anyways those weren't really the issues since you never really spent more than a minute in Larissa's presence when it occured.
The ones that were actually problematic however, were meetings like the one you have today.
Nevermore's teachers meeting.
They were absolutely forbidden to skip and unfortunately, since you were a teacher you had received a letter on your desk the day before to inform you of one.
You were screwed.
I mean how would you be able to keep yourself in control for like an hour when Larissa would be sitting just asside of you.
It was going to be a pure disaster and you knew it to well.
Anyhow, despite knowing pretty well that it wasn't a good idea, you decided to attend it anyway. Your job at nevermore was everything to you and you couldn't risk losing it. So with that in mind, the next day at the selected hour for the meeting, you directed yourself to the conference room. Your heart was beating so fast and you couldn't deny being absolutely frightened, I mean you had no way to predict what would happen in there and the only prospect of doing a mistake terrifies you.
Luckily for you tho, when you happened to arrive to the right destination, you saw your best friend Marylin Thornhill at the other end of the coridor, coming your way.
Both of your eyes meet and you both sent a smile in the direction of the other. After that, you didn't waist a single second before hurring yourself up a little to joined her and literally trew yourself in her arms to hug the small women's body lovingly.
Lynie god you have no idea how happy I am to see you.
The red-haired woman at your words laughed a little, before affectionately kissing your cheek and running her delicate fingers through your hair.
Well hello to you to my darling.
I don't recall ever receiving a greeting like this from you, I could get used to that.
However, I might be wrong but you seem a little stressed sweetheart, everything's ok?
You backed away a little to be able to see her pretty brown eyes and just bit your lips at her question slowly looking away like nothing happened.
You sigh and took Marylin's hand in yours while walking back to the conference room door slowly.
If you want the truth, I'm just...completely terrified to say frankly. I...I just don't trust myself, what if I loose control and show Larissa how I feel about her in there, I can't imagine what would happen.
I mean she can't be feeling the same thing Mary she's to perfect for me.
While you spoke up, the botanical teacher didn't say anything and just listened to you. Yet when you ended up your last sentences, Marylin stopped in her track, not even a meter away from the door and looked at you seemingly me content of your statement.
With her free hand, the red head brought your eyes back on hers with a simple hold of your chin, then with a serious expression she spoke up to you.
Y/n, I hate it so much when you say these things I mean have you seen yourself love? You are absolutely beautiful and sweet, that without forgetting terribly smart and adorable with everyone you meet really. How can you think that anyone couldn't love you back...
If during this meeting you end up loosing control of your capacity and by mistake show to the wrong person how you feel about her, then maybe it only means that you were meant to do so don't you think?
You didn't moved a inch after she talked, feeling at the same time flustered by her compliments and praises for you and uncertain for the second part. In some ways you could imagine that your friend was right and that if it was to ever happen. That maybe in the end it was just due and you could have done nothing to stop it. Not that it makes the idea of Larissa knowing about your feelings any more reassuring but anyways.
A little bit reluctantly you nod at her statement and took a long breath before entering the room with Marilyn behind you.
The instant you cross the door and that your eyes landed on the center table of the room, you found yourself entranced by beautiful and mesmerizing blue orbs that you knew to well.
You felt your respiration stop for a moment within you and stopped in your tracks, making the women just behind, literally bump on you while making her way in.
You came back to your senses when your ginger friend thug at your hand and lead you to both of your seat with a little amused smile on her lips.
When you were seated at your usual place, juste aside of Larissa and that Marylin followed suit on hers just aside of you, the women discreetly came murmuring something in your ears that brought a wave of warth to your cheeks.
God y/n you really are a desperate cause when it comes to this women.
You lowered your head instinctively because of how shy you suddenly felt and then gulp hoping the women in your thoughts didn't witnessed what just happened.
Some seconds passed by and you finally had the courage to raise your eyes back toward Larissa, that to your surprise and complete stupor was looking back at you with worry and care.
The blonde, that actually have been observing you since your arrival in the room, when seeing that your attention was finally back toward her had moved a hand to delicately caress your cheek.
Y/n sweetheart are you ok, your temperature is really high and you seem all flushed up, do you feel sick love?
Your eyes went directly to the women's entrancing blue ones that shined with worry and care. Then, you stuttered a bit when you tried to answered her loosing all your capacities to talk suddenly.
I...I hum n no im f..fine Principal Weems.
You said with a shy voice and an even more flustered face trying desperately not to look at the women in the eyes. You knew you already were loosing grip on your powers when she touched your cheek and it started to shoots panic within you. You looked at Marilyn wishing for some help from the ginger women, but the only thing you received was a little chuckled and a amused look. Well...it was going to end well.
Larissa on her side just observed both of her colleague with a little frown, wondering whatever was the matter with them and tuned back toward you. Hey blue irises falling in your soft and beautifull face before she took your hand in hers and just placed her fingers under your chin to make you look at her.
Your heart stopped in your chest when you realised what was happening and you took an rushed intake of breath before closing your eyes and....yea you just compleatly lost it. You felt a rush of emotions being propelled out of you and you let out a frank and quite clear...
Oh shit~
Before reopening your eyes and meeting Larissa's that was stunned at what she just felt whitin her.
I...oh god I'm really...I'm so sorry~ I just, I tried principal Weems but I just...couldn't and...
You were speaking so fast and with pure panic and distress. You just wished for a miracle to happen for it to be a dream but when you heard the blondes voice talking to you, it just shut you up compleatly and made your focus went back to her.
Larissa...just call me Larissa love please.
The tall principale after that tighten her grip on your hand and sent you a pretty smile with glossy eyes.
You...you love me don't you...y/n?
Your eyes were still on hers and you just really wanted to answer her. Really bad but when you opened your lips to talk, noting came out and you just whimpered weakly.
Marilyn literally yell in the room in pure exasperation at the scene in front of her. You and Larissa were a bit startled by it but you just met out a shy laugh and look at the botany teacher with a "Are you serious girl" look. Then your attention went back to Larissa and you just let it go, hoping for the better.
I...yes I love you Larissa...more than anything in the world to be quite honest and I've been...trying to stay away from you for the past months now because I just...I just can't control my emotions when I'm near you and I am terrified of what you would say about it all...
When you continue your rambling, the blonde eyes started to get pretty filled with tears of joy and she blushed quite hard. She couldn't believe that you kept this from her. I mean she loved you to, so much and you both would have saved yourself so much suffereing if you had confessed to each other sooner.
I love you to y/n...Since the first day I saw you sweetheart...
Your voice cut net at her words and you just looked at her with your lips semi opened in pure unbelief if what she just said.
Marilyn asside of you both, just jumped in her chair and exclaimed proudly.
Haha! I knew It!!!
Larissa sent her a dark look before looking back at you and biting her lips.
The principal then, stood up from her chair and came just in front of you. Then, gently Larissa took you into her arms like if you were noting and pressed her lips to yours.
At first you just didn't moved or do anything, still frozen in place and in shock. But after a second or two of be soft lips to yours, you just moaned at her taste and kissed her back passionately. The both of you continued kissing deeply and lovingly for a good amount of time before your lips parted and you looked at each other breathing hard and blushing like two school girl in love. The blonde giggled a bit and kissed your cheek softly before passing her fingers into strands of your hair.
You are so beautiful...tell me would you like to be my girl sweetheart?
You blushed even more before nodding weakly and kissing her lips again.
Yes, I'd like nothing more Larissa.
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dianneking · 2 years
omg could you do a marilyn x reader? she’s been leaving little flowers and plants in readers room and office as like a secret admirer (she can be a student but if you don’t like that she could be larissa’s assistant) and one day after getting jealous of reader and larissa she tells reader and they confess feelings and fluff
Secret Admirer - Marilyn x ungendered Reader
‘Tis I, your neighborly Angst Fairy! Coming at you with your recommended angst dose (with a happy ending, worry not). As always, I feel like I didn’t do the fluff part much justice, but there might be a second part in the future (not in the works yet though). Also, I added in a very caring, parental figure Larissa because I never had the chance to write her and I wanted to.
Tags: Jealousy, Angst with a happy ending, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Jealous Marilyn, Protective Larissa, Parent Figure Larissa, Mild swearing, Heartbreak, No gender specifications, no use of Y/N. 
Wordcount: 6131 
Cross-posted on AO3 here!
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Secret Admirer - Marilyn x ungendered Reader
“Larissa, it happened again! It happened again!” You tore through the double doors, not bothering to knock, wrapped as you were in your enthusiasm. You employer looked at you from behind her desk, the beginning of a bemused smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. “Oh?” She enquired, “is your secret admirer back at it?” You proudly presented her the bouquet, a small, lovely composition of whites and pinks and greens, bound together by a round of twine. It was sweet, as all of the presents from the mysterious person were. It had been going on for a while: sometimes you would come back to your quarters and find a flower on your doorstep, other times it was a small potted plant on your desk greeting you first thing in the morning. It was sweet. It was romantic. It never failed to bring a smile to your face, no matter how long your day, or how disturbed your dreams had been.
“Still no message on it?”
You shook your head. There never was any clue as to who had been brightening your days as of late: no envelopes, no initials, no declarations of love either. Just flowers, or plants. It could have been anyone in Nevermore, and potentially someone from outside the school as well…there was no way to tell. You had tried to keep watch on your own door, or to change your routine slightly to catch the responsible in the act, but it had never worked. Of course, that only spurred your curiosity more and more. Was it a student? Or a teacher? Or maybe a normie from Jericho? Of course, your favorite fantasy was to imagine it had been your crush all along, that she returned your feelings, and you would catch her sometimes with flowers in her hands, you would both confess to each other and be madly in love happily ever after. After all, the presents were always plants, and who else could leave them if not the resident botanist?
But Marilyn had never given you any reason to believe it was her all along. The few times you had brought up the presents with her, trying to gage her reaction, she had seemed more interested in the plants themselves, explaining excitedly to you what their meaning was in the flower language: “Oh, that’s fern, it stands for fascination! And the scarlet fuchsia here is a declaration of love, and the Zephirantes, or Zephyr flower…” and so on. It was nice to know what those bouquets meant, they always were a sweet message, if Marilyn was to be believed, and if the sender had meant for them to be interpreted as such. Tender love, devotion, shyness were often the themes of their compositions. And yet, as grateful as you were to the mystery person, every time you went in search of Marilyn to interpret the bouquets, you couldn’t help but wish that this would be the time that she would hold you and admit that it had been her all along, that she knew those feelings the flowers spoke of because they had been put together by her careful fingers all this time. Wishful thinking.
“I wish they would just come out and tell me. Or at least put it in writing.” You complained to Larissa’s patient ear, as you often ended up doing as of late, “I mean, what if it is a student? That would be awkward, not to mention illegal!” Your boss had the audacity to chuckle at your distress “You are barely more than a student yourself, darling. Also, do I need to remind you that some of our students have been here for entire decades? They sure would be old enough for your delicate sensibilities.”
“But I don’t want to date a fang! They always need to feed at the most inconvenient of times.”
“Well, you are very much not required to date someone just because they send you flowers, dear. Now, I believe I pay you to help me with my paperwork, and not to pine for some mysterious Casanova.”
“Fine, you win this time! But just because I need this job.”
“And here I was, thinking you only stuck with me because of my charming personality and sensational looks.” Larissa mock-pouted, her laughing eyes giving her away.
“Well, you are quite easy on the eyes as far as bosses go, I’ll have to grant you that…” You waggled your eyebrows up and down, pretending to ogle her. You loved working for principal Weems, she had taken you in right after graduation, when your parents made it perfectly clear that you wouldn’t be welcome back home. She had given you a job, and room and board in Nevermore’s staff quarters, even though you were barely of age; and even more importantly, she had taken up the role of a parent and a mentor to you. She was your mother in all but blood by now, and these past two years working by her side had been amazing. You owed her so much and the easy-going attitude you two had together showed how tight your bond was. Today, she chuckled at your cheekiness, and playfully swatted you and your new bouquet in the direction of the door, from where a timid knock had come.
“Come in! And you, little brat, keep your flirting under control, or we’ll have to have words!” She winked at you, the wide smile on her face and the affection in her voice warming her teasing words.
“Aw boss, you know you love me! Oh, hello there, Marilyn!” You were laughing as well, almost skipping as you went towards the doors, and found yourself face to face – well, almost nose to nose, given your momentum – with none other than the one who occupied most of your thoughts recently. Your smile got even wider, delighted just at her sight, and you couldn’t help but blush at the sudden closeness, taking a weird half-step to the side to avoid completely running her over – not that you would have minded in the least to fall on her, your body pinning her to the ground in an unexpected, but certainly not unwanted position…
Wishful thinking, your brain unhelpfully reminded you.
“Oh…hello there” her smile seemed a bit forced and somewhat pained, as if she had just received a piece of bad news, or discovered an uncomfortable truth, and you felt yourself asking, almost instinctually, “Are you alright?” She seemed almost surprised at the question, and her dazed eyes seemed to find it difficult to focus on your face, studying you with a sort of distracted intensity, as if seeing you for the first time. “I’m fine, thank you. I wanted to speak to principal Weems about something, am I interrupting something?” Her voice rose a bit at this, as if she felt she was imposing on her employer’s time or something. You smiled at her, trying to dispel her worries as much as you could. “Go on! Our glorious principal is all yours, I have apparently overstayed my welcome by giving her too many compliments and have been sent back to my desk.” You flippantly pointed at the general direction of your work station, just outside and to the side of the double oak doors. You were about to exit, and something came to mind, so you turned once more to her, “Hey, are we still on for our movie night later?”
The two of you had bonded over the fact that you were the only two in the staff with a passion for fantasy. For most outcasts, whose lives were already filled with the supernatural, there was little appeal in immersing oneself in a world of magic, where wondrous beings fought against the inevitable forces of evil, guided by prophecies and honor. But Marilyn was a normie, and you had grown up with books as your only friends, and by the time your own powers had manifested, you were already in love with the escapism that a thick novel could hold in its hundreds of pages. When you had discovered this shared passion, you had been quick to propose regular movie nights to her, to show each other’s favorite movies and complain how they were totally not as good as the books. Your chats went on far longer than the movies themselves, and were part of the reason why you found herself falling harder and harder for the older woman; you could listen for hours on end to her enthusiastic rants, drinking in how her warm eyes would sparkle as she gestured wildly.
“Sure.” She answered curtly after a moment of silence, and as you exited the imposing doors, you could swear your heart could be heard through the whole corridor for how wildly it was beating. Even if she felt a bit off, she hadn’t cancelled your little movie date, and that was enough to make you glide giddily through the day’s work.
“That has to be the benchmark against which all fantasy movies have to be compared. It’s just such a classic.” Marilyn commented, as the end credits to The Fellowship of the Ring were rolling on the TV in front of you. You were in her quarters, her couch having been unanimously elected as the more comfortable of the two. There had been a bowl of popcorn wedged between you at the start of the movie, but it had found a new home on the coffee table as soon as all the popped kernels had disappeared, allowing you to surreptitiously scoot closer to her, close enough that you could smell the subtle floral scent of her shampoo. Jasmine. Love, purity, and beauty: you had learnt those were some of the meanings associated to the small white flower, as it had been one of the first that had appeared in your bouquets, and one that kept coming back. It had been in today’s botanic present, as well. It was very fitting for her, you thought. She was so beautiful, and when she smiled, her whole face seemed to shine from within with the purest of lights. You had been lying to yourself when you referred to her as your crush, it was way more than that: you were utterly smitten with her, and had been for a while. You tried to focus on what she was saying, trying to engage the passionate side of her that you loved so much.
“I mean, I get it’s a classic, but I can’t help but feel that it would have been much better if we got to see more of Lady Galadriel and her powers. She could have been quite the asset to the Fellowship...and we would have gotten to see more of Cate Blanchett in the movies as well!”
“But it would have made no sense for a queen of elves such as herself to join such a ragtag band of misfits!” Always the nerd, Marilyn couldn’t resist a good tease on one of her favorite fantasy classics, and that made pulling her leg that much more fun: “That’s rubbish! You don’t need for it to make sense for it to be more screen time with a hot elven lady!”
“Oh, come on, she’s not even close to your age! Even in this film, Cate Blanchett was like, what, at the very least ten years older than you are now or something?”
“Oh, let me correct then, a hot older elven lady. And elves don’t really age anyways, am I right?” You elbowed her lightly in the ribs, eliciting a laugh. “Stop it! I’m serious here!” she swatted you playfully on the shoulder, and you noticed that your exchange had brought you closer to each other, and that your knees were basically touching by now. Suddenly the atmosphere felt charged.
“What’s wrong with older women? Age is but a social construct anyways. Who cares if there’s an age gap nowadays? As long as there’s love, age shouldn’t matter.” The electricity in the air felt live on your skin, it felt like a momentous occasion, and suddenly, you weren’t talking about Cate Blanchett anymore. Was that all Marilyn had against giving you a chance? The fact that you were some ten years her younger? In this day and age? Could that be the reason for the secret messages with the flowers – if it was her sending them – , maybe she felt too old to make an overt move?
“How could you even be sure it’s love though? When your experiences in life are so vastly different? A couple of years don’t make that much a difference, but when it’s a decade? Or more? How would you even know?” Marilyn wasn’t looking at you, playing absentmindedly with the armrest of the couch to her side.
“Are you serious? Marilyn, I don’t need a time stamp to know that my feelings are real, no matter the age gap. I might be young, but I am not stupid!”
You turned fully towards her, a leg folded under you, the other left hanging towards the floor. Engrossed in your righteous campaign, you put a hand on her thigh, burning with the unrelenting need to make her see reason. It wasn’t until you noticed that she was gripping spasmodically the armrest, so strongly that her knuckles were white as bone that you realized what you had just said. Fuck.
You removed your hand, but didn’t take what you said back. That you wouldn’t do.
“This…this is purely theoretical, right?” she asked, stumbling on her words, a pleading in her voice that didn’t sit right with you, “You don’t really have feelings for an older woman, do you?” She seemed almost scared at the prospect, not delighted as you might have hoped. This was your chance to back down. You could deflect, and return to your silent pining, for always regretting wasting this one occasion you had. Or you could risk it all, risk throwing away this friendship you had with her, the little moments of joy that made your heart only grow fonder and more restless.
To hell with it. ‘Tis better to have loved and lost, than never have loved at all.
You steered yourself, setting your jaw strong as you prepared to lay your heart bare.
“It’s not theoretical, Marilyn. I am in love with an older woman. In fact, I—”
"But that's just wrong!!" You reeled back, struck almost physically both by her words and by the horror painted on her face as she turned to face you, finally. You thought you could feel your heart ripping within your chest at the way she struggled to put her dismay into words. There went your one chance. What was that about having loved and lost? You couldn't help the tears filling your eyes at her harsh words she chose to reject you. At how venomous they were as they dripped from those lips you had been long dreaming of kissing. Wishful thinking.
Marilyn sat up, bending towards you, a hand finding its way on your arm, her voice almost pleading now, "Please tell me you are joking. You are so young. You have your whole life in front of you…you shouldn't be even thinking about something so…so inappropriate!" Every word was a stab, and then a twisting of the knife. That wasn’t how you had expected her to react to your confession: even when you had tried to steel yourself for a rejection, you had expected sweet, lovely Marilyn – the woman who sang to her plants and cooed encouragement to them, the soft-spoken woman you had fallen in love with – you had expected her to be kind about it. She should have been regretful that she didn’t return your feelings, and her voice should have been gentle as she told you she was sorry, but she only saw you as a friend. You could have dealt with that. You would have accepted it, and told her that your friendship was also important to you and you would not your feelings change what you had.
But this? The horrified disbelief you heard and saw coming from her was worse than any nightmare your mind could have concocted. Nothing could have prepared you for this.
"I…" the words you wanted to say got stuck in the knot that held your throat in a vice. You swallowed thickly, but it didn't change one thing. You staggered to your feet, letting her hand fall limply back on the cushions. You didn’t want to cry in front of her. "I…I think I'll…go" you managed to croak out as you made your way to the door, blinded by the tears. You stumbled against the coffee table, almost falling in your haste to escape. You didn’t even feel the hurt of the hit. The pain radiating from your chest was way stronger.
"No, wait, I'm sorry… I didn't mean to…I-"
But there was no way you could stay and listen to what Marilyn had to say now, after she had just crushed your heart so mercilessly. You let the door slam closed behind you as you ran back towards your rooms, letting tears free to stream down your face, but you came to a halt in front of your doors: you couldn't face your own quarters right now, filled with flowers and lovely plants that you now knew could never come from the one you desperately wanted. So you went just a little further, and you knocked on the door of the one person who you knew you could always count on.
It took less than a minute for Larissa to open, well used to be always on call for school emergencies of any kind. She clearly had been heading for bed, as there was no makeup on her face, her hair was unpinned and falling around her face in waves, and she was wrapped in a tartan dressing gown. Her face fell as she saw you sobbing desperately on her doorstep.
"My darling what happened? Are you hurt?" You threw yourself at her, and she instinctively wrapped you in a hug, petting your hair with one hand and making comforting noises. After a while she ushered you in, and you ended up sitting on her couch, your face still half-hidden in her tartan, your body still wrecked by your heartbreak.
"My darling kid, my precious assistant, What happened to make you so desperate? Weren't you supposed to be watching one of those fantastical movies with Marilyn?"
At her name, your crying doubled in strength. You didn't want to talk about her, you didn't want to even think about her. Of how pain and horror had mixed on her beautiful face when you had confessed your feelings. Of how she had pleaded for you to tell her it wasn’t true, it wasn’t real.
"Did…did you tell her how you feel?" Larissa knew of your feelings for her botany professor. Of how what had started as a silly crush had slowly developed into something more, something deep and meaningful. Something closely resembling love. She had helped you process how you felt, never judgmental, never pushy, but always lending a sympathetic ear to your rambles.
You nodded, unable to stop your sobs as you whispered, "She…she told me what… what I feel is wrong and… inappropriate."
"Oh, sweetheart! I am so, so sorry." She hugged you again, rocking you slightly, like you were but a baby, wailing in its mother's arms. "Love is never wrong, or inappropriate, although sometimes it might be misplaced. Your feelings are precious and beautiful, and the fact that they are not appreciated by her only means that she is not the right one for you. You deserve someone that would make you smile with the light of a thousand suns; you deserve someone that cherishes you, and cares for your well-being and that will wear your love like a badge of honor, the greatest of all prizes known to humankind. Someone that looks at you and sees a wonderful human being, so full of energy, and promise, and vitality. Someone that loves you as much as you do them, and then some more. You will find that person, I promise you. And then you’ll look back to this pain and see it was all part of the road that led you there."
You felt like her arms and her love were the only think keeping you from fracturing into a thousand small pieces right now, and you couldn’t help but thank the gods that had put Larissa Weems on your path.
"I don't know what I would do without you…mom," you mumbled in the softness of her dressing gown, and she took a sharp intake of breath, before she hugged you even closer, pressing a kiss on the crown of your head. Even though she had acted like a parental figure for the whole time you had known each other – more than your birth parents did, even when you had only been one in many students here at Nevermore – you had never explicitly acknowledged the fact that you considered her your mother, and had done so for quite some time. You felt emotion running thick in her voice as she replied, "My baby, my precious darling. I'll be right here for you for as long as I live. I promise you you’ll never be alone in your pain while I’m here."
You ended up falling asleep on her, and when you woke up in the morning, head pounding and eyes feeling puffy and heavy, you were touched to see a woolen blanket carefully tucked around you. No matter the sorrow and the heartbreak, you had someone that loved you fiercely, someone that supported you in your decisions and carefully held you when the world seemed to be collapsing around you. You were blessed. You folded the blanket carefully, putting it on the back of the couch, before tip-tapping towards the door. There was no sound coming from Larissa’s bedroom, and the light filtering through the curtains had still the cold quality of the early morning. You didn't want to wake her up early, and you needed a hot shower to start to feel somewhat human again. You felt like you could face your quarters now, if not the rest of the world.
You closed the door behind you circumspectly, like a thief sneaking out of the crime scene, then turned towards your own door and promptly froze.
There, on your doorstep, unequivocally caught in the act of setting down a single purple hyacinth in front of your door, was Marilyn.
She turned towards you, so many emotions flitting over her face that it was impossible for you to understand any of them, before her eyes moved to the door you had just closed behind you and set into a stony gaze, her lips pressed together and turned downwards in an angry frown.
"I guess you didn't take my words too hard if you're sneaking out of her rooms at this hour." The sharp edge in her words caught you by surprise, even though you were now starting to suspect that you had no idea who Marilyn really was anymore. This angry, poisonous person was a stranger.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Was it a new development or is it just part of your contract? Do you assist her in taking off her clothes as well as with paperwork?" The venom in her voice, the dark, twisted taunting that coated her words made you bristle in anger. Not only was she here on your doorstep in the early hours of the morning after discarding your feelings like yesterday’s trash, but she had the nerve to snipe at you, too?
"Just what the fuck are you trying to imply here, Marilyn? Wasn't it enough for you to break my heart yesterday? What do you want now?" She had the nerve to scoff at you. "Break your heart, oh, please. Spare me the dramatics. I only gave you a good dose of reality, one that you apparently chose to ignore."
"Oh, it's that what it's called now? Reality? Calling what I feel wrong and…and inappropriate?" Even throwing back her words at her caused the familiar knot to climb back in your throat. It was too soon to be having this conversation. The wound was too fresh in your heart, and your mind was still reeling at this new, bitter doppelganger of the woman you were still irrevocably in love with, a woman you were beginning to think never existed in the first place.
But no matter the bitterness, you could see a trace of the old Marilyn – of your Marilyn –  in the way she passed her hand on her face, now looking more sad and tired than angry. Her voice had lost her edge too, as she murmured, "I'm sorry I was so harsh, believe it or not I do care for you. That’s why I’m trying to make you see things as they are. That principal Weems is encouraging you in this…this madness, it’s unacceptable. She's just manipulating you, don't you see?" You seethed. How dare she insult the one person who had made you feel accepted and valid and loved? Suddenly the tightness in your throat was gone, righteous anger coursing through you like a purifying fire. "Don't you even dare bring her into this. Larissa has always been there for me when I needed her the most. You trying to sabotage the only good thing that I have left in my life is what's really unacceptable here."
"But that’s precisely it! You are mistaking your gratitude for something else, and she takes advantage of it. She's just playing with you! And you are just too naive to understand it." You looked at her as if you were seeing her for the first time. Her jaw was clenched, as if she was the one in pain here, her eyes almost begging you to understand what she was telling you. Oh, you understood perfectly. For some twisted reason breaking your heart wasn’t enough for her, she wanted to drive a wedge between you and Larissa. She wanted you to be completely alone in the world. You let your eyes fall from her face, the anger that had enveloped you like a river of molten lava had now solidified in a block of icy stone as you focused on the purple flower she was clutching in her hand.
"It seems to me that the only one playing games with me here is you. You have been my secret admirer all this time, haven't you?" You asked, stressing the term mockingly. The way Marilyn’s head fell, hiding her face from your view was confession enough. And no matter how much you had hoped for this to be the case, it didn't bring you any joy now. It had all been part of an elaborate game, one that didn’t make any sense it its cruelty.
You made your way past her, almost shouldering her out of the way, before slotting in the key in your door. But you couldn't bring yourself to open and finish this conversation before asking the one question that was still burning through you in anguish.
"Why?" You whispered, leaning your head against the door, hoping to find some sort of strength in it.
"..." She seemed unable to find the words to answer. You turned to her again, all the anger long gone, and only sadness left in your voice. "Why did you do that, Marilyn? Leaving me those beautiful flowers, making my days brighter and colorful, and then taking the time to explain them to me, talking about love and devotion and shyness and all of that. Giving me hope, only to crush it when I finally got the courage to confess my love for you…I don't get it. What did you have to gain from it? Do you hate me so much that my pain is fun to you? I… I didn't think you were this sort of person, or I would have tried harder not to fall in love with you." And no matter how much you wanted your feelings to stop, you were still in love with her, you thought sadly, eyes travelling up her hunched figure, over her red hair and towards her face – now again fully visible – and to her eyes. Those eyes that seemed to be even bigger than they usually were, wide, mesmerizing pools of golden brown, alight with passion and a thunderstorm of feelings. You could now recognize surprise and disbelief, and something else that you couldn't quite put your finger on, something softer. And softer was the voice she spoke in, little more than a whisper, in fact: "It…was me? The older woman you meant…was me?"
"Of course it was you. Who else would it be?"
"I… I thought that you and Larissa…"
You couldn't help it, you physically recoiled at the thought, your back hitting the door behind you, painfully. "What? No! Larissa is like a mother to me! I do love her, but I'm not in love with her. That would be so wrong!"
"That's what I've said!"
"Wait." You felt like you were getting whiplash from all the confusing emotions surrounding you like a maelstrom. “You thought I was speaking about Larissa all this time?”
“You were talking about being in love with an older woman, and the two of you are always together, always teasing each other way more than it’s usual for a principal and their assistant… And you coming out of her rooms early in the morning, still in yesterday’s clothes, I thought…I thought…”
You felt like you could cry in relief, and at the same time bash your head against the wall in frustration. All this heartache because of a fucking misunderstanding? “Marilyn, were you jealous of Larissa? Is that what all of this is about?” You could see the blush rising up her neck towards her cheeks, and again she moved her gaze to her feet. You suddenly felt unstable on your feet, the door behind you holding you up and anchoring you to reality as your mangled heart seem to suddenly leap back to life, stuttering with hope.
“Marilyn, I am going to need a clear answer here. Do you have any romantic feelings for me?”
“I…I do.”
“Good. I do too.” The words came out hard, as you determinedly peeled yourself from your door and crossed the distance between you, your hand sneaking up to grab her lapel. Your eyes were level with each other, your breaths already mingling; you could smell spearmint mixing with her usual jasmine scent. “I am going to kiss you. Is it alright, Marilyn?” Your lips were but a sigh away from hers as she exhaled a Yes that you immediately swallowed, locking your lips together in desperation. It wasn’t a tender kiss at all, it was an eager battle for dominance, as you bit down on her lower lip, and her hands came up to the nape of your neck, tangling in your hair as the kiss deepened, your tongues tasting each other, exploring your mouths as if they held the answers to any question in the world. You distantly felt your back being pushed to the wall beside your door as your hand feverishly moved to her sides, pulling her flush against yourself. She moaned lightly into your mouth, her knee finding its way between your legs, pinning you in place. Not that you wanted to be anywhere else, especially as her lips left your own to travel to the side of your neck kissing, nipping and exploring the sensitive skin under your ear. You thought you might be losing your head, overwhelmed as you were by sensation, elation coursing through your veins mixed with desire. She hadn’t rejected you. She wanted you.
“What is the meaning of this?” A hard voice froze you both, and your dazed eyes traveled a little further up the corridor, meeting with the towering figure of Larissa Weems, standing in front of her open door, hands clenched into fists at her sides, protective fury blazing on her face as she looked at how Marilyn’s body was pressing on your own. A mother bear, ready to face any threat to protect her cubs. You could feel Marilyn’s swallow as she tried to put some distance between you two, but you kept her in place, refusing to let her out of your embrace.
“Uhm. Apparently, there was a misunderstanding yesterday. So uhm, this is us clearing it up…” You sheepishly tried to answer. It would be inconvenient for Marilyn to be sentenced to death by an angry Larissa defending your honor. Or heart, or whatever.  Your mother in all but blood looked at you, clearly unconvinced, but willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. “Very well. I however encourage you to continue this…discussion in the privacy of your rooms. This is a school, after all.”
You sheepishly nodded, and relinquished your hold on Marilyn as you both shuffled towards your door, under the severe gaze of Larissa. “Oh and by the way…” she added, as you were about to close the door. You stopped, a whisper of dread trickling down your back at the dangerous tone of her voice “…I expect you both for lunch in my quarters. It seems like we have things to talk about as a family.” How could she make something so sweet sound so scary? You swallowed, nodding your head in acquiescence. “We’ll be there, mom!”
As you closed the door and turned towards Marilyn’s petrified face, you couldn’t help it. You started chuckling, then slowly your chuckles grew in intensity, to become a full-out laughter at the absurdity at you morning so far. Marilyn watched you as you wheezed with unbridled mirth, your hands coming up to wipe away the tears that had started to accumulate at the corners of your eyes.
“I…I’m sorry,” you managed to choke through your hilarity, “this is just…” but you couldn’t even finish the sentence, new laughter bubbling through as soon as your eyes met her shocked features, that were slowly turning more and more towards a sort of sheepish frustration. “Not funny!” she grumbled, her cheeks bright red by now, letting herself fall dramatically on the couch. “It kinda is though,” you guffawed, “You got yourself in trouble with the in-laws with the first kiss!”
She groaned, picking up a cushion and burying her face in it “Oh God, I’ve never been so embarrassed in my whole life. She is gonna murder me.” You perched yourself in the small space between her body and the edge of the couch, prying the cushion from her hands and letting it fall to the side. “Don’t worry, I won’t let her kill you.” Her distraught face peered up at you, glasses fogged up, hair messily splayed around her in a fiery halo. The remains of your laughter evaporated, as you lost yourself in her beauty, a hand instinctually coming up to cup the side of her cheek. Time stretched, losing any meaning while you were deep in contemplation.
“You are so damn beautiful, Marilyn.” You whispered, drinking in all the details as if you needed to commit them to memory for all eternity. You almost held your breath in awe, your thumb delicately caressing her cheek, her nose, then slowly dragging over her lower lip. How could this be real? Maybe you were still asleep on Larissa’s couch, and this was just an elaborate and very vivid dream.
“Are…are you sure about it?” She inadvertently echoed your thoughts, her voice small and fragile and oh so hopeful. “About the fact that you are beautiful? Of course.” You jokingly answered, thumb still stroking her cheekbone tenderly. She pouted under your hand. “Not that. About this,” she lifted the hand from the back of the couch where it was abandoned, to gesticulate vaguely between you two, “about us.” You brought your other hand up to perfectly frame her face between your fingers. “I think…” you placed a butterfly kiss on her forehead over her bangs “…I would like to give us a try…” you kissed her right cheekbone, just under the rim of her glasses “…to go on dates with you…” the left cheekbone was next “…to cuddle with you as we watch movies together…” the tip of the nose “…and, if you like, to spend the nights making love to you.” You ended your speech placing a kiss on her lips, a sweet meeting of lips, a seal of your love.
“But…why? I’m just…me.”
“You is all I want, Marilyn. If you’ll have me.”
----- The End -----
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alexander-23 · 2 years
Larissa Weems x student!reader headcanon?
Basically student has anxiety attack after seeing the monster themselves and Larissa comforts them.
I was out for a late night walk since I was unable to sleep, one of the many wonderful…. effects of insomnia. I wasn’t far from the building but close enough to the fence that I could see into the woods. I was on edge with the many monster attacks as of late, but the walks always helped me the best. As I’m walking by the fence, the monster slams into it reaching its hand through to grab me. I fall over to avoid it but still get a scratch on my arm. I stare at it in shock as it backs away to climb over the fence. At the sight of that, I stand shakily and run back to nevermore for safety.
As I’m running through the halls, I continuously look back for the monster. I only stop when I run into Principal Weems. We both fall to the ground, but I attempt to scramble to get up.
Principal Weems pulls me closer to herself in an attempt to talk to me, “Y/N dear, what’s wrong? What has you so frightened?”
I look in the direction I came from scared the monster is still coming after me, “monster……I..” I’m gasping for air, “I saw it!”
“Slow down, what do you mean?”
“It atta-“ I try to get more air into my lungs as she squeezes my hands, “it attacked me”
She looks me over and spots the bleeding scratches on my arm. In an instant she lifts me in her arms and brings me through a door. It’s dark with a dim light behind me. Principal Weems holds me tight, “It’s alright Darling, I’ve got you, you’re safe here” she whispers. She places me on her bed and kneels between my legs. She cups my face softly and looks at me with gentle eyes. “Oh honey….we’re going to breathe together, alright?”
I give a small nod in agreement and do as she does.
In for 8 seconds , out for 5
“That’s it darling, keep going”
In for 8, out for 5
She leads me through this exercise until I’m breathing normally again. She lets go of my face and moves to stand. She slowly backs away, “I’m just going to my bathroom to grab a first aid. You can see me from here, I promise”.
She turns and goes into her bathroom squatting down to retrieve the kit from under the sink before returning to my side.
She pulls at the sleeve of my shirt a bit, “do you have anything on under this?” I nod and she helps take my shirt off. I’m left in my sports bra and a cropped tank top.
She slowly cleans my wound and wraps my arm to keep it protected. She then guides me to her dresser and pulls out a long sleeve shirt of hers to cover me back up.
“Would you like to stay with me tonight?” I nod my head and she guides me back to her bed. She tucks me in with a kiss to my forehead and a gently Goodnight. She stays close by until I fall asleep and watches over me for the night.
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milfsntosaturn · 2 years
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can we just talk about how sweet it was that despite her past with morticia addams, larissa weems wanted to protect wednesday, and her reaction to seeing her fit in and have a good time at the rave’n was too precious 😩
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First Visions
Pairings: Thornhill x Weems x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 1.9K
Summary: Reader has her first vision and ends up injured and in need of help.
TW: passing out, blood, injury, concussion, talks of vomiting
A/n Part 2 coming soon :)
You sighed softly to yourself. The day was half done at least. You were on your way to the tower on the far side of the school. Somewhere quiet to sit to eat lunch and sketch. Today there was Mac and cheese, and you were determined to make sure you weren’t subject to the torture of the quad on pasta day.
Stepping up the last step you walked into the small room. It had one big window, but it was pretty overcast today so you turned on the lamp you had brought up here a while ago when you first found your little secret spot. Well, it was secret as much as it was inaccessible. Well… it was inaccessible to anyone who didn’t have a lock pick and a good knowledge of how to use it. You however had a lock pick and knew how to use it. Hence why you had your own private office basically. You shared it with nobody.
Weems had actually found you there once. You had explained how the noise and chaos got too much sometimes and so she had given you a key and promised to leave the space to you on a set of conditions. You weren’t allowed to alter it in any way that can't be undone. It was your space to maintain, and no plates were to be left there. And lastly no misuse of the space or taking advantage of her kindness. In return she would look the other way and make sure you didn’t get into trouble.
Since that day you had made the place like home. You had a small lap desk you could use to draw. You had smuggled in a beanbag chair, a lamp, some art supplies, a charger, a few books and lastly a marvel poster of wanda and Natasha standing back-to-back with finger guns drawn. Oh, and your weighted blanket because you had two and one was in your dorm.
You plopped down onto your beanbag which gave a rustle of approval as the foam beads inside settled with a swishing noise like running water. Your let your head fall back and drew a deep breath, letting it out slowly through your mouth. Grabbing your headphones from your bag you put them on and put on some soothing music from your favourite playlist as of late.
You made quick work of the Mac and cheese. Cracking open your sketchbook, you wanted to get in a good session before you had to go to classes. You had a spare next, so you had penalty of time for once.
After what felt like nowhere near enough time at all, you packed up. Standing your popped almost every joint in your back, your bones and muscles relaxing. After shouldering your backpack, you turned to the lamp to switch it off. However, it seemed your body had other plans.
Your family was full of ravens and doves, a long bloodline of sears and witches. You knew it was only a matter of time before your first vision. So, it was only a half surprise when the feeling of static shot up your arm as it touched the wood of the desk. Your body went stiff, and your head snapped back.
The vision itself was rather short. You saw your botany teacher and principal weems in her office. The botanist seemed stressed while weems was trying to calm her down.
The vision shifted to another time and place, you saw yourself. You were laid on the chaise lounge in weems office out cold with a cut on your forehead. The two teachers standing over you as the door burst open. You didn’t see who entered before the vision ended. There it was nothing. Just endless black. Unconscious, you laid in the tower on the floor out cold.
The afternoon classes passed without you. Being sort of a loner meant nobody really seemed to notice your absence. Your friends were in different classes to you that afternoon, so nobody was any wiser to your predicament. After the afternoon and evening passed it was time for lights out and dorm checks.
Ms Thornhill had been having a good day. She went from dorm to dorm making sure all the girls in Ophelia Hall were in bed and ready for the night. Her day however became a little more different when she reached your dorm. Instead of two lumps in the two beds she counted just the one. Your roommate was already fast asleep, and you were nowhere in sight. Thornhill frowned. Making note to see weems once she had tucked in the Addams child for the night.
Which is how she ended up fretting in larissa office just as the headmistress thought she was done for the night.
“Marilyn I’m sure shes fine. Teenagers sneak out all the time. She will be punished but until she comes back there isn’t much we can do short of a search party and until she has been missing for at least five hours i am not prepared to inconvenience more of my staff.” Weems said softening as she took the botanists hand in hers. Thornhill released a shaky breath.
“Your right. She’s just being a teen, i guess. But it's not like her. Something isn’t feeling right about this. She wouldn’t do this. Shes a teen but shes not that teen.”
“If it will help you settle, we can walk around the school and check shes not simply hiding somewhere. I know just where she may be.” Weems said and stood offering her hand to Ms Thornhill who took it and was hauled to her feet.
The pair left and locked the principal's office and began their way to your tower of comfort. Weems frowned as she drew closer, seeing the light in the window. She had told you not to stay they night there. But she didn’t have any knowledge as to why you may be avoiding sleeping in your dorm.
Making her way up the stairs with Marilyn in tow she sighed. However, once she made it into the space, she was both pleasantly and surprised and horrified at what she found. Whilst she loved how you had decorated and maintained the space while conforming to all her rules, she was less pleased at the sight of you unconscious on the floor with dried blood running down your forehead and cheek.
She was quick to be by your side. She checked your pulse and sighed a breath of relief to find it not only strong but well-paced and steady. She felt the back of your head and around your face frowning as she found a bump on your forehead where the cut was. Thornhill was watching slack jawed. Snapping out of her stupor she crouched beside weems.
“We should get her to my office. She most likely has a concussion and will need monitoring tonight.” Weems said, gently scooping you into her arms and off the floor. She shifted you in her arms until your head was resting on her collarbone. The headmistresses' arms under your knees and back as you rested against her out cold.
The two teachers walked silently back to Larissa’s office. The principal mentally reciting what she would be doing once they got back to her office. You laid unmoving in her arms showing no signs of life. Marilyn unlocked the door and helped the principal situate you on the couch.
“Now what?” The botanist asked looking up at weems with a lost expression.
“Now i call the nurse and have Ms L/n here check out for a concussion.” Weems said and pulled out her phone thumbing through her contacts. She found the nurses and made the call.
Marilyn sat by your head and gently used a damp cloth larissa had brought her to clean up all the blood on your face, making the source clearer. You had a cut over your eyebrow that may need stitches or butterfly stitches at least. As she cleaned you up Marilyn periodically checked the rise of fall of your chest to remind herself you were still breathing with how still you were.
By the time the nurse came both teachers were relieved to see you moving about a little more, but your eyes stayed closed. Just as the knock sounded on the wooden doors your eyes fluttered open. Marilyn stroked your hair back as you hazily looked up at her with a cute but confused bleary-eyed expression.
“Hello honey. On time as per usual.” She chuckled as Weems came over with the nurse who set down her bag on the coffee table.
“Whats going on?” You asked still very tired. It was the nurse who responded first, beating both teachers to the punch.
“Ms Weems here said you may have passed out, hit your head in the process. How are you feeling sweetie.” She said coming over as you sat up. Ms Thornhill hovered nearby as if she was ready to catch you if you fell again. Weems watched on silently, the way she was biting her lip being the only tell she was anxious for you.
You brought a hand to your temple at the pounding in your skull. And sighed as you remembered.
“I had a vision. I must have passed out and hit my head after.” You said with a wince as the nurse began to probe the small cut on your face. She hummed and grabbed a small clear packet with some white strips inside.
“It's not too deep but we’ll stick on some butterfly stitches to help it heal. Don’t get them wet and come to the infirmary in two weeks to get them off.” She said and stuck two white stickers on your brow.
Once she was done Marilyn took the rubbish and deposited it in weems office bin.
“How’s the head?” The headmistress asked and you grimaced.
“Not great.” You muttered and all parties in the office looked concerned.
“Well, we’ll have a look and see what we are dealing with. But i suspect you will be staying with either one of these fine young ladies tonight to keep an eye on you. Heads are tricky.” The sweet old nurse said with a smile and Weems flushed slightly at being referred to as young.
The nurse held your chin in her hand and shone a light in each eye. She ran a few more tests before making a tutting noise with her tongue and began to pack her bag.
“As i suspected you have a mild concussion. You will defiantly need monitoring tonight and will need to probably stay with Ms Weems as she has a spare room.” She said and packed her things.
“What do I need to do?” The principle asked, not taking her eyes off you as the nurse tuned to address her.
“Wake her every few hours to make sure she’s not getting worse. If she is… call me straight away. She may be a bit more confused and even nauseous. So, I recommend a bin or a basin just in case. Give her two Panadol for the headache when the packaging says and keep her out of classes tomorrow just so she can rest. No phones. Dim lights and no strenuous activities while she recovers. No reading either or television.” She said and counted the things off on her fingers. Thornhill helpfully scribbled it all down on a notepad she found on Larissa’s desk.
Both teachers knew it was going to be an interesting night.
Part 2
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Alright, say it with me ya'll
🗣🗣Principal Weems Deserved Better ❗️❗️❗️
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
hiii!!! can you do a larissa x student story based on the song teachers pet? like they are in a secret relationship and they are very kinky together but they need to be careful and the reader sometimes doesn’t like being kept a secret so she tells her but larissa says it’s just for their protection though it’s okay and then larissa gets touchy and seduces the reader and they have dirty hot sexy time🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Under My Thumb ~Dark!Mommy!Larissa Weems xFem Student!Reader
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Summary— Reader, a student at Nevermore, has found herself in a complicated, toxic, manipulative explicitly sexual relationship with the one and only principal of Nevermore, Larissa Weems. What happens when Reader tries to talk to Larissa about it, when she starts to get tired of all the mind games and secrets…? Anon Response— Hiii @mxmmyviolet !! Thank you for the request! I love how detailed it is, and I would love to write it for you. Great song choice as well, very fitting. Hope you Enjoy! ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, darker, smut, themes of manipulation, age gap, grinding, humping, implied fingering, implied g!p, implied g!p fucking and smut, taunting, teasing, mommy kink, manipulation, guilt, guilt tripping, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
You were having a shitty day. You had a lot on your mind, finals were going on and a bunch of mental health crap that you just didn’t have the time for.
And like any shitty day by the end of it, you ended up in Larissa’s office. It was an unhealthy habit, you had to admit. It bugged you. But you couldn’t get enough of the woman. And your feelings overrode the logic on this one. Most of the time anyway.
You entered Larissa’s office after she called you in from knocking. Larissa stopped her work and looked up at you with a smile.
“Darling, I— what’s wrong…?” She began to enthusiastically greet you, but quickly changed direction as she saw your face.
You threw your things aside and by her fireplace, before coming around the woman’s desk. Larissa opened her arms and indicated for you to sit in her lap.
You didn’t hesitate, plopping into the older woman’s lap and curling up into her figure. Larissa looked down at you with care and concern, her hands wandering and caressing you lovingly.
“Talk to me, Darling… please…” Larissa pled.
You nodded slowly. You sat up a little more in her lap and took a deep breath, meeting her gaze.
“I… I don’t like being a secret…” you whispered, tears threatening to come to your eyes, “It’s— It’s destroying me…”
Larissa’s eyes widened and she nodded. Her one hand came to your hip, while the other tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear.
“Oh Darling… I know it hard, but it’s what’s best… We need to keep it a secret for your own protection…” Larissa purred,
Larissa’s hand then began to wander from your face to your collarbone, to down your curves, where it stopped at your hip.
When you didn’t seem swayed by her words, Larissa’s eyes darkened and she smirked lightly. She leaned in and let her lips ghost the shell of your ear, making you shiver.
“It’s all for you, Darling…” Larissa purred in your ear, her hands starting to grind your hips against her lap.
You squeaked lightly and immediately moved your hands to her shoulders. You tried to say something, to use your logic and explain to Larissa, but then she started to bite you… bite your ear, bite your neck, bite any exposed skin… and you were a goner…
“You know I’d never do anything with the intention of hurting you…” Larissa darkly cooed, sucking on your pressure point and making your eyes roll back and your hips jolt into her lap.
Your breathing was shallow and spiked, as your hips began to give in to the grinding that Larissa’s hands were subjecting you to. Your eyes started to roll back as more and more jolts of pleasure ran through you, your core being stimulated oh so deliciously and working you up to your climax.
“Just want to take care of you, Darling…” Larissa husked in your ear, continuing her assault on your exposed skin with her mouth and tongue.
When your grinding became less controlled and more desperate, the blonde began to bite your sensitive spots along your neck, shoulders and exposed chest. She drew more and more whimpers and mewls out of you, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Don’t you want mommy to take care of you, sweetheart…?” Larissa seductively husked in the shell of your ear, nipping the side of your neck rather hard after her question.
Your hips jolted against her frame with even more vigour and a desperate yelp escaped your lips. Larissa then suddenly stopped, bringing your humping to a swift stop as well as her mouth assault. She looked at your with a wicked grin and twinkling eyes.
“Right, Darling…?” Larissa cooed darkly, “You want mommy to take care of you, right…?”
Your breathing hitched and your pupils were already blown out. Your head was swimming, and all you could think about was Larissa Larissa Larissa…
Larissa’s firm hands… Larissa’s sultry and seductive tone… Larissa’s sharp tongue… Larissa’s assaulting mouth… Larissa… Larissa… Larissa…
“I… yes m-mommy—” you stammered followed by another needy mewl.
Larissa quirked her head and grinned like a Cheshire Cat in delight.
“Good girl…” she cooed wickedly.
You were still feeling slightly guilty and a little manipulated, but not to worry… Larissa was going to make that all go away with her shapeshifting cock.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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weemssapphic · 1 month
Lipstick Stains - Pt. 24
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Larissa Weems x fem!reader
warning: this chapter contains smut (g!p)
words: ~ 4.2k | ao3 link in title
“My mom wanted me to thank you for all the restaurant recs you gave them. By the sound of it I’m pretty sure my parents were in a food coma all weekend.”
Larissa let out a sound between a chuckle and a snort, her gaze briefly flicking up from her laptop. You were sitting cross legged on the chair across from her, a textbook flipped open in your lap and your phone in your hand, the soft, cool glow illuminating your face as you glanced up at Larissa with a grin.
“I’m glad your parents don’t seem to hate me entirely,” Larissa quipped with a small but genuine smile.
“They could never hate you, Larissa… I think my mom was just being weirdly protective,” you said with a shrug. “Wouldn’t your mom be the same?”
You could see Larissa’s shoulders tense, her smile faltering, and you frowned. Larissa didn’t speak of her parents much, or at all, really - all you knew was that they were still alive, and that they lived somewhere near London. 
“Sorry, you don’t have to-” you started quickly, worried you’d struck a nerve, but Larissa interrupted you before you had the chance to finish speaking.
“My mother has never cared for anyone I’ve chosen to be with, I doubt this would be any different.” Her voice was cool and weirdly distant, and her gaze flickered back to her laptop under the pretense of reading her emails - you could tell, though, that she was just scrolling idly, without really absorbing anything on the screen.
“Oh, so she’s, like, super critical of your partners…?”
“Of everyone. Not to mention homophobic.”
Your stomach dropped at that, your heart breaking into a billion pieces for Larissa. “What about your dad?” you mumbled, your mouth feeling a bit dry as you feared the answer.
Larissa shrugged, snapping her laptop shut and interlocking her hands in her lap as she leaned back in her chair and fixed the smooth, rounded edge of the desk with a distant, pensive stare. “I don’t think he minds, but he wouldn’t dare speak out against my mother, so it doesn’t matter.”
“It matters a lot, Riss, that’s really shit, I th-”
You were interrupted by a pounding on the door to Larissa’s office - it opened behind you with a bang, an alarmingly loud flurry of footsteps spilling into the room. Larissa’s brow furrowed as her gaze snapped to the source of the interruption, and she immediately straightened up in her seat. 
A small group of students you hadn’t yet met all flocked around her desk, their anxiety clearly palpable - until they noticed you, fixing you with curious stares as the girl at the front of the group opened her mouth to speak, glanced over at you, then shut her mouth again.
“Should I…?” you asked Larissa quietly, your voice faltering a bit as you struggled to come to terms with the sudden interruption, subtly shifting in your seat so that you were sitting properly on the chair. 
Larissa shook her head gently. “It’s alright,” she said firmly, turning her attention to the girl and raising an eyebrow. “Ms. Barclay, I hope you have a good reason for barging into my office so late in the evening.”
Larissa was in principal mode, and you sat as still as you could to not draw further attention to yourself as the students, mercifully, turned their heads to look at their principal, and the girl started speaking.
“Principal Weems, Wednesday’s gone off the rails.”
Larissa’s face fell at the mention of Wednesday, and she instantly rolled her shoulders back and placed her interlocked hands atop her desk. “Would you care to elaborate?” she hummed coolly, irritation clear in her voice.
“She’s literally torturing Tyler out in Xavier’s art studio, she thinks he’s the hyde and that tasing him is going to unlock it or something.”
Your jaw dropped at the girl’s words, your stomach churning - a glance at Larissa told you she was having a similar emotional reaction, though she was infinitely better at hiding it, her eyes widening almost imperceptibly and her knuckles turning white.
“We tried to stop her, but she was weirdly into it, she said she had a vision,” offered one of the boys.
“I’m not going to ask how you know this - quite frankly, I don’t believe I want to know. I am, however, going to have to alert the sheriff…” Larissa picked up the phone on her desk, her nostrils flaring as she dialed the sheriff’s phone number. She leaned back as she lifted the receiver to her ear, waiting for him to pick up. “Sheriff Galpin, we have a problem. And her name is Wednesday Addams.”
Larissa quickly relayed the most important details to the sheriff, giving him permission to come to Nevermore to pick Wednesday up and agreeing to meet him at the station afterwards. As she hung up, she let out a frustrated sigh before turning back to her students. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will be dealing with Ms. Addams accordingly and I would be very grateful if you could return to your dorms for the evening.”
The students shuffled back out of the office with mumbled ‘goodbye’s and ‘thank you’s (and a couple curious glances in your direction), and Larissa closed her eyes, a frown on her face as her lip twitched. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave for a little while,” she said slowly, her tone laced with annoyance and regret in equal measure. “I would be very happy if you would stay and wait for me, though I understand if you’d rather go home.”
“Of course I’m staying,” you replied firmly, placing your textbook on the edge of Larissa’s desk as you leaned over and took her hand in yours. Larissa’s eyes fluttered open, her gaze instantly softening as it landed on your hand gently but insistently intertwining itself with hers - she gave it a squeeze, before pulling her hand away and standing to fetch her coat.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” she said, pressing a light kiss to the crown of your head as she passed you to leave her office in a hurry.
The tell-tale click of heels just outside the door and the turning of the lock alerted you to Larissa’s return, and you closed the textbook you’d been studying and turned on the little sofa in front of the fire, craning your neck to watch the door as it opened. 
Wednesday stepped into the room first, her gaze instantly meeting yours but giving away nothing of what had transpired - aside from looking a tad spooked.
Larissa stepped through the door next, closing it gently behind herself. Her hard gaze seemed to soften just a fraction when she realized you were up and waiting for her. “Darling, could you please wait in my quarters for me? I’d like to speak with Ms. Addams alone. I won’t be long.”
You nodded in understanding, standing and making your way across the room, feeling Wednesday’s eyes on you the entire time as a soft clicking told you that Larissa was making her way over to her desk. You slipped into her quarters and closed the door behind yourself - the urge to eavesdrop was overwhelming, but you were certain Larissa would tell you what had happened later, so you took to rummaging around her kitchen for a snack and playing a game on your phone as you waited.
And tell you what happened, she did. It took a while but eventually Larissa returned to her quarters for the night, immediately finding you and pulling you in for a hug - one, it seemed, that she sorely needed. She told you she’d had to expel Wednesday, that she didn’t put much stock into the girl’s visions as Morticia’s had been just as unreliable, that she hoped, with Wednesday gone and Xavier locked up, the attacks would cease and the students could sit their end of semester exams in peace, life at Nevermore returning back to normal. 
You hoped she was right.
Then Larissa caught you yawning and glanced at the time - it was well past midnight, and she had a guilty look on her face for keeping you up as she insisted it was time to get some sleep. As you crawled into her bed and tugged at the sheets, a new addition to Larissa’s bedroom caught your eye - the painting, your painting, hung on the wall opposite the bed.
Larissa’s gaze followed your own, a blush rising on her cheeks as she realized what you were looking at. “I wanted to be able to see it every day. I think of you every time I look at it,” she murmured, almost too softly for you to hear - but you did, and it made you grin as you nuzzled into her side.
“Are you tired?” you asked Larissa softly. On the one hand, she looked absolutely exhausted - on the other, you could somehow tell she wasn’t going to fall asleep easily.
“No,” she confessed sheepishly, confirming your suspicions. 
You hummed thoughtfully, tracing your fingertips languidly over her collarbone. Larissa’s arms wound tightly around your waist, her lips pressed to the crown of your head in a firm, never-ending kiss. “I’m not tired either,” you said finally, your mind beginning to wander to all the ways you could potentially tire yourselves out, and Larissa chuckled in response. 
“You could hardly keep your eyes open a few minutes ago…”
“Well I’m wide awake now…” You slid your fingertips down Larissa’s sternum, towards the top of her silky camisole, and Larissa watched you with an amused smirk on her face.
“You’re not trying to seduce me, are you?” she teased, playfully narrowing her eyes - it made you blush as you realized you were doing a poor job of both hiding your building arousal and being seductive, and you averted your gaze.
Larissa laughed. “Come here,” she murmured, adjusting herself into a seated position against the headboard and gently tugging at your waist. She placed a firm hand on your shoulder and turned you so that you sat between her legs with your back to her. You could feel her pillowy breasts against your back as you melted into her, her lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“You’re so beautiful,” she whispered, her breath caressing the side of your face. She paid no mind to the ever-present blush on your cheeks as her left hand began to play with your breast through your t-shirt, her thumb flicking over your slowly hardening nipple. She lifted her right hand to her mouth, sucking her middle and ring finger between her lips for a moment, then released them with a pop - they glistened with her saliva as she brought the hand down to the waistband of your shorts.
“May I?” she husked and, when you breathed out a ‘yes’, slipped her hand beneath the waistband of both your shorts and your underwear - you immediately spread your legs to allow her better access. “Good girl…” 
Larissa’s wet fingers began to rub your clit, slowly and firmly, drawing a throaty sigh of pleasure from your lips as your head lolled to the side, your cheek resting against her shoulder. Her fingers dipped lower, gliding through your folds as her lips found your neck, pressing a series of soft kisses to your skin. You gasped when she bit into the junction between your neck and your shoulder, then moaned as her tongue soothed over the little dents her teeth had left in your skin.
“F-ffuck… Riss…” You bucked your hips against Larissa’s hand, wordlessly urging her towards your entrance - your silent request worked, two of Larissa’s fingers slipping inside you with ease and slowly sinking deeper. Your walls clenched around them, your eyes fluttering shut as you started to roll your hips, eager to have Larissa fill you.
Larissa’s fingers felt so damn good, the way they curled into your sweet spot, stroked your walls, made you mewl and whimper and moan - each ministration showed you how intimately Larissa knew your body, how dedicated she was to bringing you over the edge.
Your mind quickly filled with dirty thoughts and your arousal skyrocketed as you pictured Larissa above you, filling you to the hilt, pounding into you, and, suddenly, you ached for a stretch her fingers couldn’t quite provide.
“R-riss…?” you murmured between gasps of pleasure. Larissa let out a questioning hum that vibrated against your neck, causing you to mewl softly and briefly lose your train of thought. “C-can you… I m-mean would y-you want to - mmmh, fuck…” 
You’d never asked Larissa to shift for you before - during each of the few times she’d done it in the past, she’d always been the one to suggest it, and you suddenly found yourself unsure if she would take it the wrong way, as if you didn’t think she was enough for you just the way she was.
“What do you need, darling?” Larissa prompted directly into your ear, her voice so raspy with desire that it nearly made your eyes roll back in your head.
“C-could you shift and - mmh - f-fuck me?” you finally stuttered out, holding your breath as you waited for an answer - your nerves rising when Larissa’s fingers briefly stilled inside of you. “It’s okay if you d-don’t want to, I shouldn’t h-have as-”
The breath was knocked from your lungs by the sudden feeling of Larissa’s bulge pressing against your tailbone, the rest of your sentence dying in your throat as your mouth went dry.
“Shh…” Larissa murmured in reassurance. “I’m glad that you asked… I want to.” You could tell from the way that the words dripped from her lips like honey, her voice low and velvety, that she did want to - the second your mind was free of doubts, you pressed yourself back against her, the breathy sigh tumbling from your lips mixing with the deep moan that emanated from Larissa’s chest.
Larissa pulled her fingers out of you, her hands trailing up your body, slipping underneath your t-shirt and tugging it up, up, up, until she’d freed your upper body entirely. The t-shirt was tossed haphazardly aside, and Larissa’s hands immediately found your breasts, groping and squeezing, toying with your nipples, pulling moans and whimpers from your lips as she subtly rocked her hips against you from behind, grinding against your tailbone, teasing both herself and you.
“R-riss…” you warned breathily, your arousal so intense, so burning, so all-consuming that you could hardly stand it. 
“Sorry,” Larissa let out with a chuckle that was just as breathy, just as laced with desire, and she gripped your hips, urging you from between her legs and encouraging you to lie back against the pillows, so that she could get on her knees between your legs to make quick work of your shorts and underwear and toss them onto the floor beside the bed. She slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of her own trousers and gave them a tug, revealing black, lacy underwear that clearly wasn’t made to contain the bulge straining inside of it. Your legs spread a little wider without you realizing it, revealing your dripping cunt to Larissa, who quickly removed her remaining clothing to reveal her hard cock. 
She leaned over you, placing one hand beside your head to prop herself up as her other hand began to caress the outside of your thigh, sliding down to the back of your knee and urging you to bend it and spread yourself open as far as you could. She took hold of her cock and ran the tip up your slit, her cheeks flushing and her eyelashes fluttering as she felt how wet you were. “Fuck…” she mumbled, finding your entrance and slowly pushing in.
The stretch felt incredible, and Larissa was careful to go slowly, taking her time as she sheathed herself inside of you. It was hard to keep your eyes open but you wanted to watch Larissa, wanted to see every micro-expression crossing her face as she fucked you, so you fought against your fluttering eyelids, one of your hands reaching to grab Larissa’s forearm next to your head, needing the physical contact.
Larissa gave you a moment to adjust to the feeling of being full once she’d bottomed out inside of you, her now free hand reaching up to cup your cheek and draw you in for a kiss that was so tender it made your heart clench. 
Your cunt followed suit, your walls fluttering around Larissa’s cock as you started to subtly rock your hips against hers. “Mmmh… p-please…”
Every single nerve-ending in your body seemed to light up as Larissa began to thrust, the drag of her cock in and out of you feeling heavenly against your tight, slick walls. Larissa’s hand slid from your cheek to your throat, closing gently around it as her tongue pushed your lips apart and flicked eagerly against your own, her hair falling in waves around your face, acting as curtains and shutting out everything that wasn’t her.
There was something about her moans when she was fucking you with her own cock that drove you mad - they were deep, guttural, loud, a tangible representation of how good you made her feel as she started to pound into you. The air filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, your moans mixing with Larissa’s grunts, the occasional bump of the bed frame against the wall. It was obscene and it made your head spin - judging by the arousal written plain as day across Larissa’s face, she was feeling exactly the same way, her eyes scrunched shut in absolute bliss.
You managed to pull a vulgar groan from Larissa’s chest when you sucked her tongue between your lips, humming against it, and her hips picked up their pace, your body jolting with every thrust. You reached a shaky hand between your legs, rubbing your clit with desperation, your breath hitching audibly in your chest.
Feeling the coil behind your navel tighten rapidly, you released Larissa’s tongue from between her lips to mumble out “f-fuck, g-gonna cum…”, your head tipping back against the pillows and your back arching as you tried your best to keep it together so that you and Larissa could cum together.
“It’s okay, d-darling,” Lariss murmured hoarsely against your lips. “‘m - ahh - c-close… let go…”
With Larissa’s permission, you came undone - unraveling completely beneath her. No longer able to keep your eyes open, you rode out your high with your eyes slammed shut, stars exploding against the backs of your eyelids, your orgasm prolonged by the feeling of Larissa trembling above you as she came as well, emptying her load into your cunt.
“Mmmm…” Larissa let out a breathy hum as her muscles began to relax and her cock went soft inside of you, and you could tell that her orgasm had tired her out - which had been your goal in the first place. She slumped against you, her hand releasing your throat and fisting at the sheets next to your head instead, her breath hot and heavy against your collarbone.
Your arms wrapped around her automatically, pulling her tightly against you, her skin warm and sweaty against your own. Her head rested in the crook of your neck, and she brushed her lips against your pulse point with a soft sigh and a sleepy smile.
The following morning was a slow one for you, with Larissa rising early to take care of some things before she had to drive Wednesday to the train station. 
You curled up on what had unofficially become your side of the bed, your eyes heavy-lidded with sleep as you watched Larissa get ready at her vanity, prying each and every bobby pin open with straight, white teeth, holding them between long, nimble fingers and sliding them into her hair, her usual updo slowly taking shape. It reminded you so much of the first time you woke up in this bed, a little confused and a little embarrassed and just a tad nervous - only this time, you were none of those things. 
Nestled beneath the covers and looking up at Larissa, who twirled her silvery locks between her fingers, whose bright blue eyes danced over her reflection in the mirror as she made herself presentable, you felt a sense of safety, content, of love so overwhelming that it stole the air from your lungs. And this time, instead of frantically trying to cover your bare torso with the sheets, you simply nuzzled against your pillow and allowed sleep to pull your eyes shut again, drifting back to sleep as Larissa took care not to wake you.
You woke a few hours later and took your time getting dressed and making coffee before heading for the door to Larissa’s office with two mugs in hand. You listened first for any signs that Larissa could be on the phone or in a meeting, before using your elbow to gently ease the door open just a crack and peeking into the office.
Larissa’s head turned automatically at the sound, her frantic typing ceasing almost instantly and her lips curling into a soft smile. “Good morning, darling,” she hummed, beckoning you into her office.
“Coffee?” you asked as you strode over to her desk, placing one of the mugs in front of Larissa and the other at the edge of her desk as you leaned down for a kiss, which the principal eagerly returned.
“Thank you,” she murmured against your lips, cupping your cheek as she pulled away. She brushed her thumb across your lower lip for a moment, her eyes tracking the movement, watching your lip snap back into place as she retracted her hand. Her attention fell to her coffee and she closed her eyes as she took a sip. “This is so much better than the coffee in the teacher’s lounge.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep in so late…” Your brow furrowed as you saw the empty mug on Larissa’s desk, not one of her own. “Why did you go all the way there instead of just coming into the kitchen?”
“I didn’t want to wake you,” she replied simply. “You deserve the sleep.”
Your heart swelled at that, so much so that it was hard to keep the smile off your face. “And you deserve good coffee,” you countered with a raised eyebrow.
“I mean it, sleep in while you can.” Larissa smirked. “When you get to my age, your body will start to wake you up early against your will.”
You started to giggle, which turned into a full belly laugh, drawing a chuckle out of Larissa as well. Larissa returned to her work shortly thereafter and left you to prepare some food, as it was almost lunchtime. A meeting would cut Larissa’s lunch break short, but you joined her at her desk to soak in her company while you ate.
At a quarter to four, Larissa snapped her laptop shut and stood from her desk with a heavy sigh. “I want to take you to dinner tonight,” she declared as she slipped her phone into her handbag and rummaged around the top drawer of her desk for her car keys. 
“Yes, ma’am.” You grinned up at her, rising to your feet as well to meet Larissa halfway for a quick kiss.
“Wednesday’s train leaves in an hour, I should be back around 5 at the latest,” Larissa added as she headed for the door, and you called out a goodbye before she shut the door to her office behind herself. You figured that, if Larissa would be back at 5, and would probably want to check her emails again and get changed, you’d be heading out for dinner around 6:30 at the earliest - plenty of time to just chill. 
You ended up getting more time than you’d bargained for - when Larissa still wasn’t back by 5:15, you shot her a quick text, asking if everything was alright. Perhaps Wednesday’s train was delayed, you figured, that wouldn’t surprise you considering how public transportation could be around these parts.
Still, it wasn’t like Larissa to not answer at all, to not even read your text, and you found yourself growing increasingly worried when the clock hit 5:45 and you still hadn’t heard a peep from your partner, your stomach churning uncomfortably.
You stood from where you’d been seated in front of the fire, pacing about as you wondered how much she would have to be delayed to warrant calling the police. As you stood by the window, watching the sky slowly darken as the sun disappeared on the horizon, two figures came into view, crossing the courtyard and heading straight for what appeared to be a large conservatory at the edge of the school’s property.
The back of the young boy’s head looked vaguely familiar, though you couldn’t be quite sure. What you were sure of, however, was that you recognized the girl at his side - and that she was not supposed to be here.
Taglist: @littledollll @nlr-33 @mysaviorfalsegod @imlike-so-gaydude @rainbow-hedgehog @enchantressb @alder-saan @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @amateurwritescm @brienneswife @principal-weems09 @messynessi @larissaoftarthweems @anti-bright-places @lvinhs @catechristiesstuff @ladyzmilf002 @milfsloverblog @opheliauniverse @orangeisnttheonlyfruit @im-a-carnivorous-plant @alexusonfire @bigolgay @kimiinou @wastdstime @scream-queenlover @imprincipalweemspet @justcallmelittleone @willowshadenox @milfsloverblog @leftoverenvy @yahaqueen @peggycarter3 @lilfartbox1 @makemyworldworthliving @crow-raven-crow @mosscoveredcrucifix @opalthefrog @barbarasstar @giogwensversion @theswordmaiden @sapphictacobomb @jadewolf22
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queerfanfiction · 1 year
Could you write a fluffy smut where reader has mummy issues who cancelled on her for taking her bra shopping and Larissa offered to go with her and helps her pick out the perfect set but then it ends with smut idk you chose :)
Mummy Issues
Prompt is shown above. :)
word count: 3.6k includes: mommy issues, public-ish sex, discussion of trauma, fingering, fluff, mommy kink, praise kink
Your therapist is actually the one who suggested you ask your mom to go shopping with you to find a bra set for an upcoming performance. You’re not saying this specific reparenting technique doesn’t work, but there was no way in hell your mother was going to follow through. Still, you tried anyway. You were vulnerable anyway.
You’re exhausted from parenting your own parent, always considering other’s needs before your own. Fresh out of university and you still have never had anyone else take care of you for a change. The shopping idea was intended to be a low-stakes role reversal where your mom would step up to the task at hand.
Earlier that morning you texted your mom to confirm the meet up in Burlington. You never heard back, which wasn’t uncommon. Since you were coming all the way from Montreal, though, you expected some sort of acknowledgement. You even texted her as you were driving over to no avail. Downtown Burlington was not where you would have picked to shop if your mother was not involved. It was close to where she lived, and she loved the hustle and bustle of Church Street. To you it always seemed like a hot mess. Now you were in the middle of that mess alone.
After waiting in your car for 15 minutes, it doesn’t take a genius to know you got stood up once again. You contemplated just driving back right then and there. This wasn’t exactly something you wanted to do alone, yet none of your friends are in the area any longer. They all had moved away. Overwhelmed by the sheer fuckery of nothing ever working out, you were frustrated and tired. You consider breaking down into tears over the wasted trip and the years of parental neglect represented by this one instance.
The only person who you can think of still in the area is Ms. Weems. You suppose it’s Principal Weems now (thank you social media for that one). Is it weird to invite a former teacher you once had a massive crush on to go shopping? It’s been so long that it would be nice to catch up. You’re not going to lie, you were yearning to see the older woman. Impulsively, you dial the number she gave you for emergencies back when you attended Nevermore. To your surprise, a firm but sweet voice answers—the same voice that you’d fantasize about in your dorm when your roommate was out. You try to control your voice, but too many conflicting emotions make you croak and sniffle a bit when identifying yourself.
“My dear, is everything alright? And, please, it’s Larissa.” A tone of worry was inflected back to you by the other woman.
In an attempt to dodge the question about your wellbeing, you respond, “I’m actually back in Burlington, trying to find an outfit for an upcoming performance. Any chance you’re free?” You tried to sound as nonchalant as you could.
Larissa returned with, “Oh, I don’t wish to intrude, but it was very kind of you to think of me.” Shit, apparently too nonchalant…
You reflect on all the times Larissa had comforted you back at Nevermore. She was protective of all her students, but it truly meant the world to you. You had always thought it was just another day, another student problem for her. There were many times you were neglected or mistreated by your mother that Larissa was privy to back then. Knowing this, as a Hail Mary, you softly let slip out, “I was supposed to meet my mom…”
Without missing a beat, Larissa’s voice turned tight, “Where are you?” You glance at the cross streets, give her your location, and let her know the specific store you’re at. She concludes, “I’ll be there in 20 minutes, love.”
Your heart flutters at the familiar pet name.
You’re already occupying the changing room when Larissa arrives. She calls out for you, and you crack open the door to let her into the small fitting area.
You are met with the most comforting hug. Larissa stroked your hair and squeezed you tightly. The last time an embrace has felt so all-encompassing was also from Larissa, which is a bit embarrassing. You guess you just don’t have a lot of good huggers in your life, and it felt so nice to be held close by someone. You breathe out a long sigh, as if all your troubles are muted by the closeness of the woman in front of you. Her scent replaces the air in your lungs, and you consider how nice it would be to never end this embrace.
When she pulls back and sees that your eyes are slightly red and puffy, she bends down towards you to cup your face with both of her hands. All that comes out of her mouth is “Oh, sweetie.” You give her a half-hearted smile in response. Her hands immediately begin stroking your face, brushing hair from your eyes, and occasionally resting her thumb and index finger at your chin. This. This is what being cared for is; the realization hits you and radiates out through your body.
“I’m here for whatever you need. Would you like to debrief about your mother? Or carry on with what’s needed here?” Larissa gestures to the garments in the fitting room without taking her eyes off of you.
Noticing how close she still is to your face makes your head dizzy, and you stutter, “I-I need s-something to wear under a strapless dress that won’t show during a piano performance.”
Reassuringly, Larissa states, “We can do that. You know I have an eye for those sorts of things. We’ll have you sorted in no time.” She then moves her hands to your upper arms and rubs them before turning to examine the items already set out.
“Piano? It’s no wonder. You always played brilliantly at Nevermore,” Larissa continued elatedly, brandishing a supportive smile. You think back to times when you’d be practicing in Nevermore’s music auditorium alone and feel a comforting presence at the back of the concert hall near the doors. You always assumed it was your imagination, not daring to get your hopes up that someone cared enough to support you or cheer you on. Your mother made sure of that…
You feel so much more at ease with Larissa here. Now that you think about it, she has always provided stability and nurtured you. You remember that she would sometimes give you rides to Jericho when the only Nevermore vehicle at the time was in use. You credit a lot of your success with the piano to her too, because she would encourage you to do open mics at the Weathervane and signed you up to play at a parade that Jericho had every couple of years. 
Yes, you felt indebted to the tall, gorgeous woman before you. The years since you’ve seen her have only emphasized her beauty. Her demeanor is both commanding and protective. It’s as if she is more comfortable in her skin than before; there is a sureness in her stance that is nice to see and that you wish you had. Even though you always considered her fashionable, her clothes now exude a kind of pride and carefully crafted style. Larissa’s perfectly-coiffed updo accentuates the smooth, supple skin of her neck before disappearing beneath her expertly tailored dress.
These thoughts invoke a light blush from your cheeks, and you know you can’t speak about your crush on her in the past tense. Your immediate dry mouth while watching her is proof that it never went away. Now you’re wondering if you shouldn’t have sought her out to assist in purchasing the perfect underwear, especially because you see her turn towards the garments and an emotion flashes across her face when she realizes the kinds of items you’ve picked out and need assistance with.
You’ve always liked the idea of dressing up underneath your formal outfit. To you, it made it feel more special, gave you extra confidence. For instance, knowing a sexy lace set was underneath your clothes made you feel as if you had a fun secret. Though, you realize it’s probably inappropriate to expect Larissa to help with this. If she felt uncomfortable, she was hiding it well. You tried to continue on as if everything was normal, even though doing so felt impossible.
When Larissa sits on the small ledge provided in the dressing room, you emphasize, “Thank you again for coming. I just drove from where I am now in Montreal.”
Realizing you should continue trying items on, you reach to unbutton your shirt when you hear, “You poor thing! Have you eaten?”
At this, you scrunch your face and shake off your blouse. “I’ll get something after this.” So many conflicting emotions swirl inside of you. You’re conflicted at whether to relish in the desperately needed maternal care or to shrug it off as a defense mechanism.
You begin to unhook a bra from its hanger and feel like you should ask, “Do you mind?” Larissa interprets that you’d like to change from your bra into the new one, waving her hand dismissively and saying, “Go ahead” in a delicate manner.
Without looking too awkward and challenged, you attempt to put on the new bra while taking  your current bra off in quick succession. It would have worked if the one you were trying on actually fit you. You had a hard time getting it on, and once you did, your breasts spill out of the top half, giving you the illusion of having four boobs. With you panting from the endeavor, you and Larissa begin to laugh at how silly it looks. You’re surprised that you’re not mortified, but instead having fun.
With some of your own tension released, you turn away from Larissa and towards the mirror to decide if you like the bra enough to go up a cup size. As you do this, what you don’t see is Larissa’s curious gaze, as if she is wishing she could reach out and touch the pillowy softness of your breasts.
“So, this one is NOT it.” Your playful declaration pulls Larissa from her lustful thoughts. It’s short-lived, though, since you immediately begin to try on more items. This time you choose a deep maroon matching set, and you turn slightly away from Larissa in order to pull up the bottoms over your current underwear. Because of the limited space in the room, your ass accidentally winds up in Larissa’s face. As if it is all in your head, you pretend the enclosed space is not rife with sexual tension.
“That’s gorgeous,” Larissa coos moments later with her hand reaching out. With both hands, she rubs along the intricate lace detail at your hip bones, and it feels as if your skin is set ablaze. You fight the urge for your breath to turn heavy and wanting.
Even if all of the tension is in your head and one-sided, it doesn’t change the fact that you’ll need to stop trying things on soon. Well, at least stop trying on bottoms, because you can feel yourself getting wet under Larissa’s stares and encouragement.
“That fits you so very well.” “I love this on you.” “It looks absolutely spectacular.” “You look stunning.”
Not to mention Larissa has taken a hands-on approach to her support. After briefly touching your hips, she began dragging her long fingers along bits of your exposed skin when she was discussing an area. There’s no way she doesn’t notice the goosebumps that arise each time her touch lingers. At least being half naked in the chilly changing room is an excuse for the tight buds of your nipples. 
The juxtaposition between this experience and what your mother would have had in store for you is dizzying. No doubt she would have critiqued your strong shoulders or the cellulite on your thighs. It would have ended in a fight, you just know it. However, everything out of Larissa’s mouth was refreshing and electrifying. Maybe even healing at times?
The final set you had picked out was a delicate mesh thong bodysuit that was almost entirely see-through. You hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should you stop trying things on. Larissa must have noticed, because she uncrossed and crossed her legs a few times before voicing, “Go on, honey.”
Embracing the process sheepishly, you slip into the item and turn away from Larissa to look at yourself. You study the outline of your breasts in the mirror, trying to determine if the subtle texture of the mesh would be noticeable under your dress. Or would the distance between the stage and the seats obscure the texture?
You then see that Larissa seems to be studying them too, except her eyelids are hooded and her pupils are dilated. Almost in slow motion you watch her involuntarily lick her lips. Your heart beats quicker, a flash of heat moves through your body, and you suppress a low moan.
Your eyes meet Larissa’s in the mirror.
You couldn’t say who initiated what next. Only that you were on Larissa’s lap, straddling her, while her hands were on you, roaming over your body and settling on your hips. Your mouths are working in tandem with each other, and you welcome her red lipstick staining your lips and neck. Your hands go to Larissa’s face—one cupping it possessively and the other slinking back to grip the nape of her neck. You want desperately to wreck her perfect hair, turning it into physical evidence of your connection and closeness.
Both you and Larissa can feel the heated energy building between you as you frantically attempt to take off the mesh bodysuit. Before you can, though, Larissa steadies your hands and inquires breathlessly, “Is this okay, darling?” Her eyes search your own, and you can make out desire and worry in her eyes.
You have to take a moment to let what she is asking sink in. This feels like such a natural (if not slightly expedited) progression of your feelings for Larissa. You wonder if there is more underlying her question. You know you two will have to debrief your feelings but right now the hormones raging through your body make it hard to focus too much on the worry or questions around if this should be happening. Instead, your body wiggles on top of hers, begging to continue the friction of your hips against her. You involuntarily whine and nod. “I want this, Larissa.”
Seeing your need and the sureness in your gaze, Larissa regains her composure and utters, “Shh, let me take care of you.”
Larissa rivals your intensity with her own fierce need. Her kisses are passionate yet soft. Her hands are gentle but unyielding in how they explore your body once the mesh bodysuit is off. With her every caress and tender nip over your skin, you feel so wholly wanted, cared for, and desired. A fire underlies Larissa’s behavior, as if each touch begets more longing and thirst for you. At the same time, you couldn’t have anticipated the fervent need you had to be validated and devoured by this woman.
Once she has marked your neck with her lipstick and teeth, Larissa moves downward to take one of your fleshy, beaded nipples in her mouth. Barely audible to you, she breathes out, “Absolutely beautiful” before flicking it with her tongue and causing you to arch your back.
One of Larissa’s hands runs over your thighs, teasing you and drawing circles and zigzags on your delicate skin. You can’t help but whimper in need every single time her fingers get closer to where your thighs meet. After almost resigning to her pace and authority, she trails up to cup your arousal. Your legs twitch with the sudden contact, and you emit a gasp.
“You’re so wet for me.” Pleased, Larissa enunciates every word, drawing the words out and reveling in how at her mercy you are. “It’s intoxicating.”
Unable to withstand not taking action, you press your lips against hers roughly, trying to close any distance between your bodies. Breathless after many kisses, you move to suck on her neck and whisper, “Larissa.”
Only after this plea does Larissa finally dip a finger into you. It doesn’t feel like nearly enough. You would usually appreciate a sexual partner pacing themselves, but the need for her to fill you is overpowering. You wriggle your hips back and forth impatiently and breathlessly request, “More.”
Larissa delighted in your clear hunger for her, fully intending to give you everything you want. She eases in another finger past her second knuckle before adding a third finger once she realizes how slick and open you are for her. You unintentionally bite down on her shoulder, not expecting to get what you want without more begging.
 You couldn’t have imagined how good her fingers feel inside you. And you absolutely had imagined it. You remember pretending your fingers were hers after late nights riding back with her from Jericho. Or the time she gave you her coat on a chilly night and forgot to get it back, so you ended up masterbating to her scent surrounding you. Okay, you’re not super proud of that one, but at the time it felt world-changing the desire you had. Her fingers working inside of you now are of a different caliber. In fact, you never understood the metaphor of sex as worship or religion, but being on top of Larissa with her half-lidded eyes roaming your body changes things. You want to make her feel a sliver of how good you do right now.
Your hands begin to grab at the fabric of her top, desperate to remove her clothing and pleasure her as she is inside of you. Larissa lets out a low, throaty chuckle before asserting, “Ah, ah, ah. I want to focus on you, love. Let me please you.”
Her interjection just makes your heart swell more for her, and noticeably your noise level swells, as well. You’re not used to undivided attention and care—someone wanting your happiness above all else. It’s more erotic than you could have ever anticipated. At the increase in breathiness and moans, one of Larissa’s hands clamps over your mouth while the other continues to pump in and out of you. Out of the corner of your eye you can see the reflection in the dressing room mirror of you riding her long fingers completely nude while she is fully clothed. The sight makes your knees weaker, and you groan, “Oh, fuck.”
Larissa’s whispers and affirmations throughout only brought you closer and closer to release. She has to know how her words are affecting you. Her hot breath over and over in your ear, inching you towards the edge.
“I’ve got you, sweetie.” “I’ll give you anything you want.” “Shh, stay quiet for me.” “That’s a good girl.”
You feel yourself tighten around Larissa’s fingers, becoming more breathless and spacey as she presses the pads of her curled fingers inside you toward your pelvic bone, urging you to come undone. So, you do. Your entire body tenses, and you feel as if you will crumble under the anticipation and pressure. Tingles shoot down your arms and legs in waves, threatening overstimulation.
Larissa’s fingers still, and she presses you close to her, clutching you tightly. After a moment of your eyes being closed and your breathing slowly relaxing, Larissa asks you to bear down with your pelvic floor muscles. Confused, you obey. She gingerly removes her fingers from inside you, and your body aches at the loss. She proceeds to lean forward with you still on her lap, wrapping her arms around you and begins to rock you.
“You did so well, my love,” Larissa murmurs while stroking your hair away from your damp forehead. “You were so good for me.”
You can’t remember the last time someone was so attentive and sweet with you after sex—if ever. You also have never felt like an exposed live wire due to euphoria either, so… Her thoughtfulness makes your heart swell, and you’re hoping it’s not just due to the hormones flooding your body right now. As if you can’t contain the disbelief and gratefulness, you blurt in awe, “How are you real?”
Larissa pulls away from the embrace, searching your eyes for understanding. “I ask myself the same question about you.” At that, you rest your forehead against Larissa’s, exhausted and happy.
After sensing your heart rate has stabilized, wanting to make sure you go to the bathroom and hydrate becomes Larissa’s next priority. Her voice breaks the comfortable silence. “Let’s get you some food now. I’m sure you’ve worked up an appetite.”
You two pick up the items in the messy dressing room and sheepishly leave the clothes on the courtesy rack outside. A grin blooms over your features as you think about how being stood up by your mom feels like such a nonissue now. Even the dilemma of what underwear to wear for your upcoming performance seems trivial. Walking out of the store with Larissa’s lipstick all over you, you decide that you won’t wear anything under your dress, especially not if Larissa is in the audience.
@sapphicbeloved Remember when you sent this request literal months ago????? Oops. Apologies, and please enjoy!
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littledollll · 7 months
Hey 😊 I love your littlespace oneshots. They're so comforting to read when struggling/in a small headspace.
If you take requests at the moment, could I please ask for a larissa weems (caregiver)& Reader (little) oneshot where the reader has been struggling with nightmares due to it being a trauma anniversary so she's getting flashbacks in her dream. Larissa comfort her with cuddles and stories. Maybe uses a pacifier and Teddy for comfort.
(If you aren't taking requests that's okay)
I've had a hard time myself irl and need the comfort fics aha
In her arms
Cg!Larissa Weems x little!reader
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A/n: listening to a little kid sneeze as I write this, lovely entertainment.
Warnings: nightmares mentioned, nothing else I think.
“Darling.., little one, what’s wrong?” Larissa mumbled, still half asleep as she felt your body practically clinging to her own. She was woken up by you tucking yourself tightly against her, and then she heard your quiet sniffles, feeling your silent tears bleed through her nightshirt.
You had hidden yourself against her the second you were startled awake by yet another nightmare, this is the third one of the week.
“Did you have another nightmare?” She asked softly and you nodded. “Oh sweetheart..” she spoke through a soft sigh, wrapping her arms tightly around you now. One of her hands gently massaging your scalp.
“You’re safe here with me. I promise you that.” You nodded once more.
You knew that. You felt it. If there was anyone in this world you’d want to be with you in this moment it would be her. You truly did feel safe with her, but it didn’t stop you from getting shaken up.
“Here, sweetheart.” Larissa’s voice brought you out of your thoughts as she handed you your favorite teddybear. Of course it was immediately received with a smile and a big warm hug. “thanks you mama..”
“You’re very welcome, little one. Now, would you like to talk about your dream, or do you just need some comfort and your paci, hm?”
“ask that every time..” you complain, and she nods. “One day, you may want to. And I just want that option to be out there for you.” She placed a kiss on your cheek before she got up, heading out of the room. You missed her for a moment, but knew exactly was she was doing, so your mind was eased of any worries.
She came back only a few moments later with your favorite paci in hand, and she sat against the headboard, letting you get comfortable against her once more along with your teddy before giving it to you.
“You always look so cute with your favorite paci.” You giggled, hiding your face in your hands.
“Rest your head little one, we can talk and cuddle until you’re back to sleep.” Immediately you burrowed yourself against her, the soft, cool fabric of her pijamas felt comfortable against your cheek.
“When I was younger, I use to have only nightmares. If I went to sleep it was either nightmares or nothing… obviously I preferred nothing.” You nodded in agreement as you nuzzled ever closer against her. You nudged her hand, encouraging her to continue playing with your hair as she was before.
Larissa silently complied while she continued speaking. “But after some time those nightmares started to fade away. Being less and less each night an eventually they became rare.”
“I have no doubt in my mind that soon you’ll be resting easy just like before.. and with time those nightmares will be only a far away memory in your mind. You’ll start forgetting all about it. Of course sometimes it’ll still hurt, but it won’t haunt you as it is now. And I will be right by your side through it all, okay?”
Larissa looked down to find your eyes attentively on her. You looked tired, but calm.
“okay..” you mumbled through your paci and against her skin, sinking into her. “Very good. Just close your eyes, sweetheart. I’ll be right here to protect you.”
She felt you sigh deeply, a sense of relief and calmness making you feel warm and comfortable as her arms hugged you just a little tighter.
This was the safest you could be. Wrapped in the warmth of her love, she would let nothing in this world harm you.
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Are we soulmates?
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: angst, toxic!Larissa, pregnancy
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“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?” You asked Larissa as she sat in your living room “are we even soulmates in this one?” She responded with your daughter on her lap.
It crushed you
You had given everything up for the woman across from you, your daughter had been born during your time at Nevermore. Larissa said shifting was safe and didn’t require protection who knew the teachers pet could be such a liar.
So you dropped out letting Larissa live her life while you raised her baby, taking up a second job so she could continue her studies. Larissa had big dreams to become the principal of Nevermore and you lost the motivation to have any.
You had been dating the blonde since your first year of Nevermore, things had been perfect until that stupid girl came- no it wasn’t her fault.
Morticia had become of the object of Larissa’s desires causing visits to become scarce, you knew she wasn’t attracted to you anymore. Not since you had given birth to Delilah, your body had changed it was only natural it would’ve.
Your little Delilah Brienne Weems meant the world to you
“I love you” she smiled but didn’t take her eyes off the girl playing with her rings, you nodded of course she said that. You wanted a family it didn’t need the white picket fence as long as you had Larissa and your daughter. Unfortunately Larissa didn’t want that just yet.
It wasn’t until Delilah turned three, you sat at the dinner table in the middle of the night Larissa still hadn’t returned. Your head in your hands as you sobbed, who had you become? A shell of a woman begging to be loved.
Larissa had woken you up when she finally got home, liquor on her breath and lipstick smudged she looked cocky. You were tired not sure if it was only physically anymore as you followed her up the stairs watching her get ready for bed.
You laid down facing away from her as she slipped in next to you “I don’t love you anymore” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around your waist. She was only drunk you told yourself as you fell asleep, when you got woken up the next morning Larissa was gone Delilah now on her side of the bed.
She was too young to understand where her mama had gone too little to just see mommy everywhere but you hoped it didn’t last. That Larissa would change her mind but she didn’t and things flushed themselves down the drain.
You loved Larissa violently
Losing yourself
Larissa had gotten her way, she had broken you
It had been thirteen years since Larissa had left never looking back she often wondered how you had been, how Delilah was. But now as she waits for her next interview she knows she no longer needs to wonder about her family the one she left behind.
You walked in behind two children a hand on each of their shoulders, your eyes blank as you stared at her she now wondered had you been married. “M-mom?” Delilah whispered her voice cracking as tears welled in her blue eyes it broke Larissa’s heart she had caused that.
The boy only looked confused as he watched his older sister “my little flower” Larissa smiled sadly “Don’t” Delilah stunned the older woman. “You don’t get to call me that” she sneered as she turned to hid in your side “who’s this?” Larissa asked “Theo” he whispered.
She looked up at you with a silent question but you shook your head no as you took a seat in-front of her desk. “You know Delilah, your mama and I used to attend this school” Larissa spoke gently only to receive a lashing from her daughter.
“I apologise Delilah for leaving” she sighed making matters worse as the girl got up quickly leaving, Theo chasing after her.
You sighed sadly “I do apologise for leaving I wasn’t in the right headspace Y/n” she pleaded almost, you looked away not wanting to give her a reaction. “I found I regretted it, I got the job but nobody to go home to, nobody to hold, I have everything but at what cost?”.
“Well who’s fault is that Larissa?” I asked sitting up straighter in my seat “mine” she whispered staring at her hands. “I was pregnant and I planned to tell you but you left… you just left” you shrugged biting your lip still not facing her.
“I’m sorry”
“Sometimes sorry isn’t enough”
“I know”
“You know?”
Finally your eyes met now staring into the eyes your children shared “I loved you Larissa” you laughed “I love you in every universe” she whispered. “Do you take it back in every universe?” You scoffed shaking your head “we’re here for our daughter’s enrolment”.
You might be single but you had moved on no longer begging to be loved by someone who’s love had terms and conditions.
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Idea of dear @lmn23op tysm 💕 Hope you like it 😊
Maybe having a professor be smitten by Larissa but said professor isn't good with words. So she'll appear as if she's not interested. So confessions will be made by action or lingering touches.
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✨ ̲W̲a̲̲y̲ ̲t̲̲o̲ ̲s̲̲h̲̲y̲ ̲f̲̲o̲̲r̲ ̲t̲̲h̲a̲̲t̲ ✨
Obsessed, yes we'll that was definitely the word to describe your feeling for Larissa Weems because let's be honest, saying you were in love with her was just not enough.
Everytime you were in her presence or just close to her, you looses yourself completely and started freaking out when she addresses you. It was literally like if god wanted you to look like a fool in front of the only person you cared about.
Her voice was so soft, so perfect and you just was getting lost in her deep blue eyes that makes you think about the deep ocean each time. Larissa Weems was just to perfect and you couldn't muster the strength to tell her how you felt.
It wasn't like you haven't tried before, that you did. Perhaps tree or four time already. Yet all of them ended up with you babbling incoherently in front of the women, and your face blushing like a tomato. What a shame really. After all, you were one of Nevermore teacher and normally being able to talk like a grown up human was a qualification needed to be one. Yet it seems like every time you wanted to talk to the blonde it ended up unsuccessful.
That's why at some point you changed your tactic, hoping it would be more successful than the other.
This time, you tried to show her in actions instead of just trying to tell her your feelings with words. After all you always were a tactile person and touch was something you were comfortable with.
So you tried more and more to sit asside of her in meetings and sometimes brush your body with hers or delicately touch her hand like it was a mistake in some occasions. You still was quite shy and overwhelm by her closeness but honestly it was going pretty well compared to the talking...
The most surprising part thought, was the discovery of Larissa not minding them at all. In fact, she quite looked like she liked this new side of your relationship and you were delighted to see her smiled at you more and even sometime instigate the touch. Those occasions were making your stomach flip and butterfly start a waltz in you.
After a little while of executing your plans in the moments you could find yourself in the blonde compagnie. You start finding them not enough, so you started to write short anonym love message that you attached to flowed you bought for her. Then you asked the flower delivery guy to ship them in her office.
It was cliche yes but since writing was much easier that talking in your case, you found it a good alternative. The only sad part about this stratagem, was the fact you wouldn't be able to see her face when she received the flower of read the message.
It made you sad to be fair, after all you were convinced that the principal would have been a sight and you could only imagine the surprise and the happiness on her face.
You'll have to wait until and hope she talks about it you supposed.
Yet, you didn't.
Because the next morning, you received a email on your laptop asking you to meet her in her office. You felt your heart hammering in your chest and you stopped breathing for a moment.
Did the flower guy turn you over ? I mean she couldn't be summoning you for fun could she...
Anyhow, even if you were absolutely terrified and expecting the worst you found the courage in you to walk to her office in time and knock on the door. The other side of it, you heard Larissa's perfect voice asking you to come in and you didn't wait for a second demand to do so.
You then entered and walked to her desk stopping yourself in front of it, your head falling to the ground and your fingers played with nervously.
That's when Larissa's eyes fell on you and she smiled delicately.
Not that you saw anyway since you were way to concerned about it all to look in her eyes.
The tall blonde after over a minute of observing you, stood up from behind her desk and took the poem you had written in between her fingers. Then, with her cheeks becoming a little bit pink, Larissa walked around her desk and ended up just asside of you, taking your chin with her free hands delicately.
Darling look at me please.
A shaky breath left your lips at her command before you raised your eyes to hers obediently.
The women you loved so much in front of you smiled at that, before delicately caressing your face with her fingers.
I received a letter this morning that was accompanied with my favorite flowers.
The beautiful poem wasn't signed sadly. I've been thinking about who this mysterious sender could be all morning and honestly at first I wasn't sure. But then, I looked at the hand writing and found that it looked quite alike one of my favorite teacher...
That was it, you were screwed she knew you were the one that wrote it and you couldn't help thinking that you might get fired for that. Then, there was a part of her word that flashed back in your thoughts.
Favorite teacher...
After reading that, I allowed myself to have some hope...that maybe my feelings could be reciprocated... y/n. Did you send it to me...
You were completely stunned, you had no words and you didn't know what to do. Did she just say reciprocate feelings... was she implying that she had feelings for you. No it couldn't be real right? But... at the same time she was quite clear about her words.
Your lips were half open and you stood dumbfounded in front of the poor Larissa that seemed to start worrying she might have been wrong about the person that wrote the poem.
You wanted to answer her, you really did but when you found the courage to do so and confess, the only thing that came out of your mouth was...
I euuuu I'm...humm I mhh... and then you started blushing in pure shame, hiding your face with your hands.
Larissa at first looked at you with surprise, then when she realised how dumb you were in her presence she just giggle and bit her bottom lip. Her eyes were still on you and she couldn't help but feel special to be able to make you fell like that.
Awn darling, it's ok don't be shy I'm not mad I promesse. I actually think it's quite...adorable.
You heard her words and her little giggle and then let your hands fall down a little just to allow your eyes to look at her for an instant. Then, when you saw how full of love her look was when observing you, they fell down completely and you blush even more.
You didn't wished to speak again after that, not feeling like making yourself look like a fool again. So you went with what you knew best and brought yourself closer to the blonde. Then, you took her hand in yours and kissed the top lovingly while looking Larissa directly in the eyes. Then you continued up her wrist and arms before you layed a last kiss to her cheek.
This time it was the tall blonde's time to blush and she sent a loving smiled your way, making your heart tighten in your chest.
So it really was you sweetheart...
You nod at her statement with a loving smile on your lips tightening your hand on hers.
Happiness flood on the tall women's face when she realised her feeling were reciprocated and she lowered herself at your level a smirk on her lips. She waited for you to do the next step and you did, crashing your lips on hers without a second thought.
You moaned in the kiss, your hand tangling in her hair that was loose today.
Larissa on end, sight happily before picking you up in her arm and hugging you to her. She layed multitude of kisses to your face, making you giggle and wrap your arms around her neck happily.
I love you Larissa sayed to you with a last kiss to your cheek before you whispered it back to her with a timid voice.
I love you to.
You said it.
Without stuttering! Well, now that you had made the move that was so hard to do maybe things would be different when you tell her next time. Because their was no way this kiss was the last.
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dianneking · 6 months
The Affair - Chapter 1 (Larissa/Reader)
Hiya! As part of my weekly writing challenge, I wrote this chapter over two writing sessions, and I chose not to wait for the fic to be finished before posting. It'll probably be a couple of chapters all together.
Pairing: Larissa Weems/You Rating: Mature
Tags: Morally Ambiguous Character, Swearing, Boss/Employee Relationship, Infidelity, Second-person POV, Teacher Reader.
Link to AO3 in the title
Next Chapter >
The Affair - Chapter 1
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Waiting in the snow for a married woman , you thought, moodily pulling your scarf up to cover your freezing nose as yet another car passed, how the fuck did my life come to this?
You had never been one for thrills in life. If anything, you had been pretty boring: you’d always liked English class at school, always got straight As, never stepped a foot out of line. You never felt the need to, nor the appeal of being rebellious. You’d gone on to get a bachelor’s degree and teacher’s certification, and then you’d gone on to teach English in a string of small town schools.
There was only one aspect out of the ordinary in your life up until now; you could never settle down in one place.. You felt a restlessness, a pull towards something you still hadn’t found, and after a couple of years in a place, it inevitably built up until it was too strong to resist. And so you packed your bags, applied for a job somewhere else, and started anew. 
You didn’t think Jericho would be much different. Small town, 5 thousand inhabitants, only spots of interest a tacky historical reconstruction site and a school full of outcasts. The same one you had applied to. Nothing much to offer. You’d give it a year or two at most. 
You didn’t really care about the fact that you were teaching outcasts. They might drink blood or howl at the moon or whatever in their spare time, but they were teenagers that had to learn to write a proper essay just like anyone else. You prided yourself in your work ethic and told that to the board when they interviewed you. Apparently they appreciated that. Or there was nobody else who had applied. There had been some accidents during the last school year, apparently. The board had repeated several times that it had been a one-off and it had been taken care of definitively.They had all seemed very defensive about the topic. 
Once again, you shrugged it off. You had no time to waste on rumors and things of the past. The school had its quirks, sure, but all schools had, each in their own way. You settled in your quarters on the school grounds, and started reviewing your lesson plans taking into account the notes left by the previous teacher. You settled in for your usual routine of lessons, tests, marking that you were familiar with by now. 
And then she barged into your life, throwing routine and predictability to the wind. 
Even with your aversion to gossip, you’d heard about her. Larissa Weems, the best principal Nevermore had ever had, mysteriously injured in the line of work, supposedly trying to protect the school, and hospitalized for months after that. When talking about her, voices dropped to a whisper out of respect - or fear, you hadn’t been able to ascertain that. 
The day she had come back, you’d have thought royalty was about to visit the school, with the amount of fretting, of preparations, of nervous energy filling the halls and rooms. You’d had to let your classes work on assignments because they had been unable to listen to one word of what you were explaining. You had rolled your eyes in the privacy of your room. Seriously, you’d seen plenty of disruptive principals in your years of teaching, but one who could be so distracting even before she had set foot back in school? That was a first. 
You felt obliged to show up as well to the welcoming committee. The whole staff was there, as well as the student body. Some had even prepared signs, and there was a white banner draped along the balcony on which was written, in red paint, a very wonky Welcome back Princ. Weems . 
It was cute that she was so beloved by her school, you thought, but you were also thinking of how to recover the day of missed lessons, and how to optimize the next days’ so as to go back on track. You tried not to be too miffed about it. 
All of the thoughts of lesson plans and all of the lingering irritation at them being disrupted fled your brain at the sight of the first foot stepping out of the car. Shiny, varnished black shoes, showing off a milky ankle, and a shapely calf that look longer than any you’d seen (not that you made a point of looking at women’s legs all the time, but sometimes your eyes did wander…)
The skin on show was sadly cut off below the knee by the modest hemline of a woolen dress and it was at that point that Nevermore’s principal exited the car in all of her towering beauty, and your mind went completely blank, cause in all of their gossip everyone in Nevermore had forgotten to mention a small, key detail about the principal.
She was stunning. 
The most beautiful woman you’d ever seen was standing before you, waving and smiling regally, as the whole school cheered. You almost didn’t notice all the jubilant ruckus, your eyes too busy raking all over her figure, as if trying to commit every single detail to memory. Her slender, elegant hands, wrapped in leather gloves. The perfectly-tailored coat, in the same fabric and color as the dress. The sparkle of her gold jewelry in the pale winter sun. The perfect proportion of her face, the way the bright red lipstick brought attention to her smile.
Her light eyes were roaming all over the crowd, as if taking stock of known faces and new entries. Finally her gaze fixed on you, and you could see a spark of amusement flicker on her face at seeing you.
You belatedly realized that you had been gaping at her like a fish out of water.
The day after you had still been beating yourself up about the humiliation at being caught slack-jawed staring at your boss when she visited you in your classroom after you were done with the day’s lessons.
She rapped against the doorframe, but strode in before you could say anything. You scrambled to your feet, awkwardly, while she covered the distance from the door to your desk in a couple of long steps. She was wearing another dress today, a tartan dress with a belt that cinched her waist, underlying the shape of her hips and chest while still being completely work-appropriate.  
“So you’re the new teacher they have hired to replace poor Collins.” It wasn’t a question, but you nodded anyway. “I’m Larissa Weems. Usually, I have the final word on new hires. The board does a wonderful job but sometimes they lack a certain sort of practicality in their assessment of candidates, as it happened with the last hire. I wasn’t convinced by her spiel, but the board insisted and…well. I should have trusted my gut instinct.” Her eyes grew distant for a second, before focusing back on you with a hard gaze. You could see the speckles of lighter and darker blue mixing in her irises, and the perfectly applied make-up that highlighted their natural beauty.  You tried to shake yourself out of her charm. She could be trying to fire you, and you were busy ogling her! That’s not the kind of person you were! You cleared your voice, trying to think up something to say to help your case.
“I know you have been hired already, and I am sure you are a perfect fit for the role. I’d just like to have a little chat together, nothing too formal, just getting to know each other a little bit better.” She smiled as she said that, and while you were sure it was supposed to be a polite smile, you couldn’t help the shiver that went down your spine at that. 
She looks like a predator closing in on prey , your mind unhelpfully suggested. 
You swallowed, suddenly conscious of your sweaty palms and increasing heart rate. 
“O-of course, ma'am." was all you could meekily say. 
"Perfect." she purred. "Meet me at seven sharp at the Lilac Lounge. I'll have a private booth reserved."
To be continued...
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Leonora Lesso (Lady Lesso)
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Soft Spot
Once Upon A Dream
Oh, Lesso
What Does It Mean (1), Leave (2), Sharp and Heavy Hand (3)
Time For Myself
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Larissa Weems (Principal Weems)
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Slow and Steady
What A Sad Sight (1), Her (2), Take It (3)
The Girl
Time For Myself
Prophecies (1), Canis Minor (2)
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Melissa Schemmenti
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Oiled Paintings, Protecting French Fry (2)
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Rita Calhoun
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I Know
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a/n: this is all my works here in this blog only.
p.s. my requests are open!
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marilynthornhilllover · 10 months
Simply because, she cares
Larissa weems x fem reader
Warning: slight depressive talk, fluff and care
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Larissa immediately knew something was wrong when your entered her office. There was simply a shift in the peaceful air of tension of the atmosphere. You sniffed as you slammed the door harshly the rage building back up as you stormed into your shared bedroom with larissa. Larissa lifted her gaze making brief eye contact with you. Her heart sank completely.
You looked like you wanted to curl up and die, you had tears in your eyes threatening to spill out as your nose flared, clearly showing that you were on the verge of having a mental breakdown. You quickly averted your eyes from her gaze and disappeared into the room slamming the door.
You felt tired, hopeless, depression, utterly exhausted beyond sleep fixation, and mostly worthless. Before you could even reach the bed a loud painful sob escaped you. Larissa's heart was deeply troubled, it was at that point she placed down her pen and got up from her seat.
She sighed as she took off her heels and her jacket. She slowly approached the door and softly knocked.
" my love?" Her voice was soft and filled with deep concern. True sympathy - one you never understood. Larissa's love for you ran deeper than the ocean. She truly cared, she truly loved, she truly protected and provided for you.
"Y/n please don't shut me out again.... darling?" You were getting more agitated by the second. You wanted her to be mad at you.... probably because you were mad at yourself, or maybe it's because everyone else was. You needed everyone one, including larissa to scold you for making mistakes and simply being human.
You were far to harsh on yourself, you knew that obviously but you found comfort in that pain. You were your biggest rival. There's times where your soul desperately wanted to be happy - needed to be happy but that everlasting pain was all you knew, all you ever felt. So that's why when larissa came into your life with so much love and joy, sympathy, understandment it was hard to accept it. It was hard to understand it.
You didn't even know why she loved you so much, as if you died she would be the loneliest woman on planet earth. Maybe it's because you don't quite understand what love is because you never had it or practiced it on yourself.
Larissa twisted the door nob then finding out that the door was unlocked, from there she gently sneeked her way in. There you were on the bed curled up into a small ball crying. Your mascara ruined and your face completely tear ridden. Larissas shoulders dropped, as if she wasn't expecting what she saw - again with the sympathy.
" Oh darling come here" she cooed gently sitting on the bed and tapping her lap. You looked up at her from the pillow, the mascara remains taking the stain on the white material. You looked at her deeply. Trying to figure out if you were one, dreaming or two maybe she was lying.
Her deep caring blue eyes stared back at yours, truth,meaning and love shined through them. She looked like she had all the answers to your troubles and problems and was willing to help if you would just let her in. You couldn't help the feeling of feeling like an equation. Waiting to be solved and placed away in a box and labeled as useless. But larissa would never do that.
No one hurts you more than yourself, your a big overthinker and that's the sharpest part of the knife for you. You sniff as you carefully got up and laid in her lap. Larissa laid back against the pillows and placed pulled you up with her, making you lay on her chest.
She doesn't say anything. The silence was killing you. You needed to know what she was thinking. If she thought she should divorce you, go on a break, take you to see a counselor, scold you for being the way you are. But again that's not who larissa is. That's not the woman who proposed, the woman who's vows where to love you even in your illness.... she simply cared for you and you didnt know why your heart refused to believe it.
As If she was reading your mind she spoke up, her voice cracking as though she shared your pain - felt your pain.
" rest your mind, my love, it's been quite mean to you" she whispered kissing your temple. And there it was. The kiss of love. Her soft voice and cold gentle finger tips running through your hair as you slowly started to drift off to sleep. Your body fought against it, larissa is busy and has better things to do, your disrupting her work, you own her an explanation. Oh shut up mind, you stopped fighting the sweet desire and fell stead fast asleep.
You were slowly brought back from your depth when you heard larissas sweet voice mumbling some sweet nothings in your ear while her nails lightly strached against your scalp. Somethings like ' I genuine love you' ' your pain is my pain' ' your ok in my arms'. Your heart felt weak and fluttered. You felt like your were in heaven.
You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the lighting of the dim light on the bed side table. It was most definitely past 6, which meant you were probably laying in larissa ls arms sleeping for atleast 2 hours. Larissa is a busy woman who has almost a thousand things to do and for her to chose to lay here with you will always be appreciated and cherished from the deepest depth of your heart.
" she's back, are you feeling OK my love?" It was a stupid and rhetorical question, she knew that. Obviously you weren't ok, you didn't even tell her what was the problem yet.
Tha pain of the world immediately came back to you, and she noticed it. It was as of sleep was your only escape but she wanted it to be her, and only her. She wanted you to trust her with all of your problems.
She took your chin in her fingers and brought your face up to hers, sapphire eyes piercing into your dark soul setting light upon it. She kissed your nose and you gaved her a faint smile before giggling when she proceeded to leave pecks of kisses all over your face. It's a good thing her lipstick is stain proof or your entire face would be red right now.
She chuckled as she left one final kiss to your forehead.
" since i've got you to smile and laugh what monsters have been clawing at you?" She asked sincerely, your smile faded quicker than it appeared as guilt and that never ending cycle of pain filled your beautiful eyes. Your eyes started to gloss over again as you avoided larissas inetesene and worried stare.
She quickly grabbed hold of your face and forced you to maintain eye contact but you pulled away. You quickly got up and stood facing away from her. Larissa sighed in defeat, she really thought she was making progress but still she was not mad at you. And will never be.
Not because she has to put up with it but simply because she cares.
" darling come here" she spoke softly voice breaking as tears filled her own eyes. When she got no response she stood, still keeping her distance, choosing to give you the acquired space you needed.
" please my love, y/n just tell me what the problem is your breaking my heart!" She shouted, not intentionally but she did. You looked up at the mirror infront of you, meeting her gaze quickly. She looked stressed, you were adding to her stress. Your pain hurts her as much as it hurts you and possibly even more, and if not it leaves her scared.
You turned around and slowly walked up to her before hugging her. Wrapping your arms around her neck as she wrapped hers completely around your waist pulling you in to get you as close as she can. Her body heat brought your peace and harmony. Happiness even. You felt refilled, refreshed.
Her hugs always give you hope and possibilitys.
"I'm sorry for shouting" she mumbled and you shook your head pulling back a bit.
" I get it your upset and stressed, I would shout as me too" you said handing your head low.
" that doesn't justify my actions y/n, I had no right to shout at you regardless of my emotions, as your partner i should have control of that and not get upset every time your broken" she spoke sternly. She held your hand and placed it over her chest. Feeling her heart beat you smiled and looked up at her.
" my heart beats for you by y/n/n, it whispers your name and this is not poetry I'm speaking the truth. When your sad I'm not like oh my gosh this shit again, no, I always wanna help you in everything and with everything, so please don't leave me in the dark" her words were like a soothing melody. You sighed and sat down on the bed pulling her with you.
" have you ever felt like the majority of the things that happen or are said to you are your fault" you asked her and she looks at you like she's either confused or doesn't know how to answer the question without making you feel worst about the situation.
"ok like, I dont know how to explain it" you said in defeat sighing. Larissa held your hands clasping your fingers with hers.
" you don't have to know the answer to every problem my love and that's ok. Life is a dark unfair exhausting mystery and on some days it might get darker and harder to find that spark of joy and happiness but just know I'm always by your side no matter what and your not in this alone" she whispered looking at your reaction to her every word carefully.
" thank you rissa, I love you and thanks for supporting me and always going that extra mile" you whispered. She chuckled rolling her eyes playfully.
" I'd travel to the end of the world for you" she cooed kissing your temple.
" promise me something darling" she said all of a sudden in a very serious tone. You turned your body in her direction, giving her your undivided attention just as she always does. She tucks a strand of hair behind your ear behind speaking up.
" stop being a monster to yourself." There's so much more she wanted to say, could have said but she chosed not to. She simply chosed to comfort you in this storm of pain and distress.
" I promise " you spoke confidently. She smiled brightly causing you to reflect it.
The both of you began kissing passionately, you slipped your tongue into larissas mouth in hopes to win for dominance but that's simply a game she was way to good at. She pulled you onto her lap and held the back of your head as she deepened the kiss making you moan before pulling away.
" there she is" she chuckled holding you tightly.
" here I am" your spok before she held you flush against her chest pulling you to lay down with her.
" hey what about your work?" You asked looking upbat her. She looked down and smiled at you.
" what about it, sweetheart? Now sleep" she muttered, slowly starting to drift off to sleep when her eyes began to get heavy. You smiled at her, slowly drifting off to dream land aswell. She simply loves you......
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sinsdaycorp · 2 months
Enid never attended nevermore bc her parents were ashamed that she’d never turned. Enid had been showing ‘normie’ traits all her life and her parents kept her hidden, homeschooled her, lied and said that she was adopted and they found her all alone. Enid, being the youngest and the only siblings were boys, believed them when they said they desperately tried for a girl and were “so happy” when they found her that they just kept her. Enid wanted to believe that, but they were so mean- well, she didn’t actually know any different kind of “love” than what they showed her.
So, Wednesday was always in Nevermore, her powers did start showing a lot earlier, and Morticia and Gomez decided to keep her in Larissa’s schooling system. Besides, Aunt Weems was and always will be Wednesdays fave.
Somehow, it comes around that there’s a high school reunion and Wednesday is forced to attend. But, it’s a fake dating thing too. She hires Enid online, pugsley helps her, of course. A fake date to Jericho. A high school reunion.
Enid, never having much luck in the money line, having been so sheltered and “protected” only sought jobs in the outcast line because she was sick of hearing normies gossip about them and snicker and be downright racist to them.
She followed her brothers to Jericho for schooling, but staying homeschooled. Her parents thought that if she ever one day started developing signs of wolf-like behaviour, they’d tell her the truth. That she wasn’t adopted and she was their kid.
So, Enid stuck around Jericho, because although racist towards outcasts, Enid had made some friends with kids from her brothers’ school, Nevermore Academy.
She did work Weathervane Cafe for a while, worked as a sales attendant at the place she liked to spend all her earnings on, and, on the side, sold her services on the internet. NOT IN A CREEPY WAY! She offered advice, for a small fee- girl gotta get cash! She offered a fake date to get parents or other people off your backs for a night, and a decent sum. Lying made her feel yucky inside.
Fake date, Wednesday hires Enid for the reunion, and because none of Enid’s brothers were in Wednesday’s year after she did some quick math to make sure she’d know no one before agreeing, Enid was suddenly being met with a woman dressed in all black and a folder being handed to her.
“Wednesday?” Enid asked hesitantly.
The woman nodded. “I assumed you were Enid after my brother described you as “exact opposite and best for the ruse”. He was right. You’ll do nicely.”
“What’s this?” Enid asked, looking at the folder and flipping it open, her eyes widening. “F-Fifty Thousand?” She squeaked.
“I apologise, I would prefer to pay you a decent fee, your sight seemed too low a price for my askance, consider this a persuasion fee after you’ve read the list of, I suppose you could call them demands. And then, if you decide not to go along with this, I’ll pay you fifty for your time I’ve wasted already. And if you decide you’d like to help me this coming weekend, but the fifty is not enough, I’ll be happy to meet whatever your fee. You have until Thursday, at noon, to let the number on the top of the page know. A simple yes or no is all you need to write.”
Enid watched at the woman dropped a twenty on the table beside her untouched coffee and left the cafe.
Enid stared at the folder, closed it and stood. She had some thinking, and probably drinking, to do. Enid had to get home.
One of the conditions, she’d be Wednesdays fake wife to get two ‘boys’ ( t*ler and x*vier) off her back.
“You think they’d still be holding a flame after fifteen years?”
“Those boys started their idiotic fight over me since our parents were in school and we met when we were merely months old.”
“So they know you’d’ve gotten married?”
“An Addams Wedding is the most private thing, Enid. We do not invite anyone other than blood. Those boys are not blood.”
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