#protective husband mode activated
multishipper-baby · 2 years
Thinking about how the whole Deya situation resolved because having the family fight makes me big sad :c
#myocs#derek for his part just couldn't resist the parental bond- he's just too softhearted and family oriented for that#he saw the lil newborn looking all small and weird and couldn't help but want to protect her 🥺#he was scared out of his mind and didn't know if he'd be a good parent but he knew he'd forever regret it if he abandoned her#especially with her being weak and sickly and stuff#he'd always be mentally worrying about what happened to her. if she ever recovered. if her guardians where taking care of her needs#what if he left her with someone and they didn't properly deal with her medical issues? he'd never forgive himself#so. dad mode activate#gold on the other hand couldn't stay mad at red. especially when the situation wasn't fully his fault#did he make bad decisions? most definitely. but red is that sort of guy and gold loves him all messed up as he is#also; red was extremely distraught when he found out something was wrong with the baby#he wouldn't stop blaming himself and started being uncharacteristically melancholic#it was honestly pretty worrying because he'd never been the type to get sad before and now he was acting downright depressed#and there was no way gold could abandon his husband when things where that dire (or worse- give him additional stress)#so he was red's support person like he's always been. and red was able to properly apologize to him once the whole situation ended#I don't think their relationship ever went back to how it was before deya- but they still love each other very much#and red would do anything to make sure gold knows he's loved
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taylorswifts13 · 5 months
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#protective husband mode activated
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sturniolo04 · 1 month
Family Beach Day C.S.
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Husband!GirlDad!Chris x Wife!Fem!Reader
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
Today you and Chris decided to take a day trip to the beach with your 1 year old daughter Layla. Chris has been such a great dad to Layla within in the year she has been in our lives and the way he is just always wanted to protect and show her new things on her journey absolutely just warms your heart.
You guys had arrived at the beach about an hour ago and went swimming already and were now on the beach towel having a mid-day snack.
"is it good"
chris coos out to your daughter as she giggles in response. as you day trip to the beach went on you continued to admire the little things and moments layla and chris shared.
"what is that"
chris gasps out to your daughter as she was sitting in the sand in her cute pastel orange bathing suit, feeling the sand in her tiny hands.
"can you say 'sand' "
chris as his daughter as she starts giggling still smitten with the feeling and the look of grainy texture slipping through her fingers. Layla has say incoherent babbles and you and chris have been trying to get her to start saying simple words. You watch the pair as chris continuously engages with his daughter in the nonchalant activity a few feet away off the beach towel that was laying on sand.
you daughter giggles out as chris looks over to you quickly with his mouth dropped, shocked she even said a full word.
"no way"
you giggle out with just as much shock as your husband had painted all over his face.
"oh my goodness layla did you say a word"
you coo out clapping towards your daughter as chris tickles your daughters sides her giggling from the action.
chris abruptly halts realizing that is the first word she spoke.
you reply to him returning you focus subtly on the book your were reading.
"her first word was boy like does that mean she is going to be boy crazy"
chris huffs out as you giggle at him with the change of feeling f the new found vocabulary your daughter communicated.
"i mean maybe babe"
you chuckles out as he starts aggressively shaking his head.
"nope no NO im not going to let that happen"
he huffs out leaning over to face his daughter once again.
"listen here little girl no boys until your like 30 got it"
chris playfully states to his daughter but also being completely serious going in full on protective dad mode, as layla just giggles.
@mintsturniolo @dirtylittleheart333 @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03 @aaliyahsturn @stayingstromboli
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erellenora · 2 years
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THIS EPISODE WAS BONKERS. Plan 88.. “You have to hide, they’re after-“ HE WASNT TRYING TO ESCAPE, HE WAS TRYING TO WARN THEM, AND PROTECT OMEGA. ITS LIKE DAD MODE ACTIVATED IN HIM. This man would rather die protecting them, and Omega, than give them up. He cares so much about them still. Also, hey Empire, LEAVE OUR HUSBAND ALONE YOU SICKOS.
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
Stacy's Tipsy Musing's - Colin Bridgerton Hot Takes - Part 4
Ok boys and girls, we need to have a little chat about Colin Bridgerton.
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Part 2 has been out now for a couple of days and there have been a lot of hot takes to come out of the season. A LOT of hot takes. I’m going to break this down into 4 parts. 4 questions that I'm seeing really bad hot takes about Colin.
Now none of this is new, I gotta say before Season 3 aired Colin was a hot button topic anyway. He seemed to be the Bridgerton brother that lots of people love to spew hate takes on anyway. But damn I gotta say its painful seeing the Polin fandom have so many bad takes falling from their lips.
So, I figured...having a little drink tonight, sitting down for Father’s Day (Happy Father’s Day, Colin) I’d give you the opinion on some of these takes that you didn’t ask for...Mine!
Last time we talked about Colin’s entrapment statement to Pen and if he truly meant it.  Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, now lets get to Question 4:
How could Colin refuse to listen to Pen and just jump in to fix the situation with Cressida?
Colin “Hero Complex” Bridgerton to the rescue! This one is the easiest to answer because it has been coded throughout all 3 seasons to his character.
Season 1: Needed to save Marina from ruin. Even after finding out that she lied to him, tricked him, was pregnant with another man’s child, he STILL would have married her if she had told him she loved him. Like the boy had hero written on his chest and wanted to rip his shirt and fly into the sky to save her. He was the star of his own action story until it all came crashing to the ground the moment the damsel told him she didn’t love him. She thought him a foolish child.
Season 2: We have a couple of hero moments in season 2. He’s still stuck on there being a chance at redeeming himself at saving Marina, visiting her to see if she is happy, if there is anything he could have done differently for her. And once again he is told to stop living in a fairytale. The damsel is not in distress.
Our second hero moment comes in Jack Featherington. This time he gets to be the hero; he saves the ladies Featherington from his schemes. He proves him to be a fraud and runs him out of town. He has no idea that Portia is actually in on the scheme or that it has put the Featherington house into its own ruin at this point, but he rushes in to save the day without thinking ahead of anything else. Damsels in distress, Colin to the rescue.
Season 3: Ok, Pen needs to find a husband, Colin to the rescue. Balloon in Pen's path, Colin to the rescue. Pen is in danger, the Queen has advanced on her, and now Cressida is threatening. Colin does not even hear Pen the moment she speaks, all he hears is danger and he begins to act. His wife is in danger, and he will protect her. Hero mode activated. Again, Colin does not think ahead, he only thinks that his purpose is to protect. So he does not stop to listen to reason, he doesn’t hear Pen’s words or even sense, he just takes action.
The action at hand was apparently to go have a therapy session with Cressida Cowper, because that is what he did. A passionate plea with a woman who had no empathy. It was one of the best scenes however, because it was interesting to me that Colin was unable to tell Pen how he was feeling, but he opened up to Cressida and spilled his thoughts. Why? Because he did not care about her judgement, he did not care about her feelings toward him.
He admitted to feeling loss when Pen did not respond to his letters, he admitted to becoming a fraud, a shell, a person who closed himself off to feelings because he lost the person who opened him up to that piece of himself. He spoke of Pen’s treatment, he also tried to separate her once again from Lady Whistledown as if Pen was simply working for the woman and not actually the person holding the quill.
But Cressida was quick to pass her judgment, she clocked his jealousy immediately. He tried to appeal to her about love, family, fairness, and loneliness. Things he incorrectly assumed she would understand, but Colin, just like Eloise, is a sheltered Bridgerton’s who do not always understand how lucky they are, and he misjudged her reaction.
And our hero returned defeated by our villain. He faced the consequences of rushing in without listening to his wife. She thanked him for his counsel and his heart sank. Once again, the damsel did not need him. Once again, his purpose was gone.
It is only when she tells him she does not need him to be her hero, she simply needs him by her side that he understands his purpose. He doesn’t need to rush in to be her hero. He simply needs to love her. Sometimes the damsel saves herself. Colin truly is that wonderful romance hero I dream of.
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Stick around for a bonus question....
I can’t believe Colin was going to just take 20,000 pounds from the Bridgerton funds, he doesn’t even have a job to take money from the family?
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princessamericachavez · 7 months
I was thinking about how this season of 9-1-1 was described as introducing the show and characters all over again and realized we can see that extremely clearly just from the trailers and what we know of the first 3 episodes so far.
So, like, what would you show a potentially new audience about each character:
118 Captain (with the team’s concern for him and him going into firefighter mode in the ship to save as many people as possible)
Athena’s loving husband
Recovering alcoholic (probably part of his conflict with Athena in the cruise?)
Brilliant and deductive cop (during the ship’s abduction)
Bobby’s loving wife
Cannot turn her cop brain off for a second and relax (I’m guessing part of the conflict in the cruise??)
Leader: interim captain during Bobbie’s absence
Inquisitive: first one to realize the cruise is missing
PREDICTION: introducing her and Karen’s fight to adopt
PREDICTION: stablishing her and Chim as bffs
The heart of the 118, sensitive and kind (reassuring victims in the accident but also probably losing someone on the field based on the promos)
His and Maddie’s love and relationship after the fact
Im guessing more of him and Hen?
Also we are probably going to see a lot of his sense of humor during times of pressure
Very protective of her own (looks for Cap as soon as Hen comes to her)
Her and Chim’s love and relationship
Willing to bend the rules (I’m guessing she wasn’t SUPPOSED to call Chim and tell him this)
Maybe Buckley siblings relationship?
Good under pressure even when her loved ones are involved
Good under pressure. Brave to the point of reckless (him carrying that rocket firing the jet incident?? Probably jumping in to save Bobby??)
Actively working on his personal growth and happiness (Oliver said the Natalia situation would be addressed early on)
Maybe Buckley siblings dynamic
Willing to walk through fire for the 118, especially Bobby
Buckley-Diaz dynamic having him act as Chris’s co-parent
Single parent (struggling with Chris’s dating life)
Not confident in his romance skills (see above)
His friendship with Buck (turning to him when in need)
Calm and efficient under pressure (the jet mirroring the grenade incident)
Willing to break the rules for his team (going to find Bobby’s cruise)
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shera-dnd · 8 months
Alright I have eaten my mato peach and have gained the amazing power to do literary and thematic analysis of any piece of media, no matter how fucking stupid
and as the first activation of my ability, I'm turning it towards the stupid ecchi reverse slave harem manga, Mato Seihei no Slave (or Chained Soldier if you're not as much of a fucking weeb as I am) in order to prove that this is actually thematically consistent and surprisingly well written
(long pause as I let all my followers block me and leave)
but first to address the two shuuki in the room
Look... LOOK! It's not what you think!
Okay so like a lot of anime and manga recently (primarily isekai) have been including slavery as a thing in their world building, and tho I'm not gonna claim that's the only thing it ever gets used for, it's quite clear that a lot of people are only using that as an excuse for kinky slave play BDSM
and then forget that that stuff comes with like... you know, the horrific implications of slavery as an institution
WELL GOOD NEWS! The author of this manga does not give a shit about disguising his femdom slave play kink as commentary on slavery, this is literally just a BDSM thing and it never pretends to be anything else
...besides, a woman has needs, okay?
YOU WOULD BE CORRECT! By all logical means I should not be able to read this manga without having the most viscerally negative response possible... except that I don't
I'm not gonna pretend that I know why or how this is working
But I read Monster Musume back in 2015 and it somehow helped me get over my fear of spiders, SO WHO KNOWS maybe niche ecchi manga are how I get over my mental blocks
I would rather it wasn't, but I'm having a hard time proving otherwise!
oh god we're already 400 words in and I have only just finished the preamble. Why am I like this?
Okay okay let us get started as I'll give a detailed explanation as to why Mato Seihei no Slave is about the bonds between people, the ways we bring out the best in each other, and what makes a good dom- ahem I mean leader... what makes a good leader
So for those who don't know the central conceit of this story is that this is a world where women get super powers and men get... to be stay at home husbands
Our protagonist is male wife supreme, Yuuki Wakura, whose main hobbies include cooking, cleaning, and day dreaming about one day becoming a hero
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unfortunately for our adorable little boy toy he immediately finds himself falling through a portal into actual literal hell (technically it's called Mato, but like it's just hell) where he's promptly attacked by several giant monsters
BUT GOOD NEWS FOR HIM! He's being saved by a hyper competent hot woman in a uniform (lesbians going "it should have been me!" count should be at 1 by now)
BAD NEWS FOR HIM! She's alone and soon they both get overwhelmed because she can't go full apeshit murder mode while protecting his soft boy ass
Thankfully there is a way for her to save him still, it just requires some collaboration from him
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("it should have been me!" count: 2)
And here we are at the main fucking gimmick. The reason why all the ecchi shit happens, the silly excuse for why this bad bitch decides to keep this guy at her side
Chains of Eternity: Slave
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Kyouka Uzen (the ultimate girl boss) can forge a contract with someone to bind them to her will as her slave. This will bring out their hidden potential and allow them to fight by her side, turning them into a super powerful killing machine at her command.
In exchange once the task is done she must give a reward to her slave based on the difficulty of the task and the slave's "latent desires"
So yeah, Kyouka doesn't get to decide what the reward is, Yuuki doesn't get to decide what the reward is, only Kyouka's magic can decide what the reward is. Which basically just means the author gets to insert whatever horny fuckery they want into this
Rewards vary from giving him head pats, offering him treats, giving him a back massage, kissing him, to...
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well this is a femdom series for a reason
(I think the "it should have been me!" count is at like a 4 or a 5 now)
and now I'm gonna analyze the ever loving shit out of that ability and how it is the crux to all the themes of the show and actually informs us on the nature of Kyouka's character
no, I'm not kidding
Okay so let me just break down what Slave does here from a kink point of view. It basically allows Kyouka and Yuuki to enter into a BDSM relationship where the dom always knows what the sub wants, while still being able to surprise the sub with her actions. She gets to constantly keep her sub beneath her, while also being magically required to reward him and give him aftercare once she's done
Those two have entered a ridiculously healthy BDSM relationship by forging a magical contract that lets them skip all the negotiation bits and go right to what the audience wants to see
(yeah it's gonna be impossible to track the "it should have been me!"s from this point on, so just try to keep your own count at home)
This is also the author's way of like having his cake and fucking it too
Because that way we can have Kyouka as the baddest bitch to ever live AND have her do embarrassing stuff with Yuuki without ever breaking character. In fact the loftier her goals and the more tragic her backstory the more reason she has to accept the reward mechanism as the price to pay for this power
It's also why Kyouka is easily the most developed and interesting character of the manga, to the point that Yuuki is more a supporting character to her arc
This brings us back to those three themes I mentioned waaaaay at the start
Starting with: "how we bring out the best in each other"
For starters it's quite obvious how that works with Yuuki. He wants to be a hero in a world where he should not be able to have super powers, and in comes Kyouka who gives him both the power and the purpose to achieve that goal
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But this also extends to literally everyone in Unit Seven and beyond
We have seen the ways in which Kyouka has helped all of her team mates grow stronger and overcome their past traumas, some times by the sheer confidence and kindness of her presence
Hell we see one of her team mates unlock a rage mode power up because someone said Kyouka was a bad leader
and there's even another team leader who straight up evolved her powers into a new stronger form just out of sheer love and respect for Kyouka
This culminates in the development of Lending. The ability to let others take Yuuki's chain and use him in combat
and like I'm not stupid, I'm not gonna pretend this isn't primarily an excuse to have different hot women give Yuuki rewards in ever hornier scenarios, with the added benefit of being able to design cooler monster forms for him
and I mean... those are some really cool monster forms
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But that's besides the point
The point is that this also pulls double duty by allowing Kyouka and Yuuki to constantly empower all of the people around them and help them through their character arcs
From helping people stand up to abusive family members, to allowing others to gain the confidence they need to grow, to just decking an asshole real hard in the face
And not once does Yuuki steal other's glory. The final confrontation and the catharsis is always delivered by the person who is being helped. Because lover boy here is the supporting character in his own story
This all leads neatly into another point: the bonds we have with others
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Oh are we getting a message about how we're all links in the chain and the stronger each of us gets the stronger we all get? FUCK YEAH
Are we getting chains as a representation of a mutual bond of trust and respect, and get to see those bonds be used as a literal weapon to defeat a foe who is antithetical to that idea? ABSOLUTELY
But wait there's more! We got a character who can copy other people's skills and she also grows like crazy with each person she bonds with
We got teams of heroes besting villains who refuse to work with anyone
(I mean this is technically seinen but who gives a shit, right?)
And that brings us finally to the third point, the series antagonists, and Kyouka's main goal
What makes a good leader?
So far we've focused on Kyouka and her ability, Slave, and how that allows her to help the people around her grow and encourages her to fight on the front line where she can be a shining example for all around her to follow
She treats everyone around her with trust and respect, even the boy who is literally her slave, and is by all metrics BEST GIRL!
Now all of that good shit doesn't mean much if we don't have anything to contrast and compare to
Enter Ren Yamashiro
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gonna give y'all a second to simp for a bit before I continue
done staring at her legs? good. Anyways here's why she's awful!
Ren is the commander of the Anti-Demon Corps and easily the strongest character in the setting by a wide margin
She's also self centered, corrupt, physically AND emotionally abusive, horrifically petty, and likes dogs in the exact same way Makima from Chainsaw Man likes dogs
This is, of course, perfectly translated into her special ability, because this author loves having abilities inform characters
So not only does she have some absurd broken power that she has the power of anime and buddha on her side, BUT the way it manifests is as kanji covering her eyes whenever she activates her skills
Quite literally making so all she can see is her own power and greatness
AND her main use of her powers is to fly around, so she can be ABOVE everyone else
This isn't fucking subtle, but it sure as fuck gets the point across
This is a trait that Ren shares with ALL the main villains of the series. Each and everyone of them is blinded by their own greatness and is constantly looking down on others
Ren is just the least subtle. I guess they had to compensate for the fact that she isn't an actual literal evil god
And so all of those are put in opposition to Kyouka, whose goal is to overthrow Ren, become the new commander, and destroy Mato for good
The woman whose power makes her dependent on others, but that allows her to bring out the best in everyone she meets
A power that grows stronger the more people she helps and the more people help her in return
Standing up against all these people who refuse to rely on anything besides their own strength
That is why Kyouka is the shining example of a good leader!
Now here we are 2k words into this (OH DEAR GOD WHY AM I LIKE THIS), so what was the point of this journey?
Is it me recommending this manga to people and claiming it's genuinely "peak fiction"? OH GOD NO
This thing has so many issues and literally all of them stem from the fact that this is an ecchi harem manga story first and foremost.
Titillation always comes first over anything else, several of the smaller side characters eventually devolve into just different flavors of wanting to dom Yuuki, and that's not even going into all the pet play stuff featuring Ren
This is an unashamedly horny manga with a very specific brand of kink in mind and when I started reading it that was legit all I wanted out of it
But then it refused to be JUST that. It had an interesting story, fun action scenes, compelling characters, and a surprising amount of thought put into its themes
It's not a manga I'd recommend to most people at all, and it requires a considerable amount of tolerance for some capital H Horny anime bullshit
But honestly? If you're cool with that and want a fun and a little unhinged story you can do way worse than this
So what else is left to say except
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wonderwolffs · 10 months
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Protective husband mode activated ✅
(Hi Bradley!)
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Overprotective (harry’s angel au)
pairing: harry styles x female reader (angel)
summary: the constant travelling has you feeling a bit under the weather, but with a few minor cramps harry is sent into dad mode…
warnings: mentions of bedrest, mentions of cramping nothing serious, other than that none:)
a/n: just a little protective and worried dadrry fic i wanted to do, as always thank you for reading and enjoying my work it means the world to me🥹
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Shit, that was the one word to describe how you were feeling at this moment, the constant touring really taking its toll on your body. It made sense considering you were nearing the 5 month mark in your pregnancy, so not only was your daughter far more active, you were sleeping less, dealing with some pretty bad back pain and now you’d started experiencing slight cramps every few hours.
You’d already checked in with your doctor while you were in London before Harry played two nights in Coventry, and she had assured you both it was completely normal and to take it easy. When asking if you were okay to continue on tour with H, she gave you the green light. Harry had been extremely cautious with you over the past few days, really taking your doctors words seriously, ensuring you were comfortable and resting as much as possible. He was in ‘over protective dad mode’ as you’d been calling it, you knew he was only worried about you and your baby girl so you wouldn’t fault him on it.
“What are you doing?”
Your hands froze, your eyes moving up to see Harry standing at the entrance of your closet looking down at you as you sat crossed legged packing your carryon full of outfits for the tour
“I see…any reason why?”
Here he was, dad Harry checking in on you knowing you were technically supposed to be relaxing in bed
“Well we go back on the road tomorrow so..”
“Uh huh”
“I had to get some packing done H, i’m fine”
He shook his head motioning for you to get up, his hands outstretched for you to grab onto
“I told you i’d pack for you, you’re supposed to be in bed and relaxing y/n”
“I got bored! All i’ve been doing is laying around, it sucks!”
He helped you up before you frowned, crossing your arms because let’s face it, you were tired of being ‘lazy’ and getting nothing done
“Angel you’re supposed to be resting, I know it’s boring and you’re getting antsy but we leave for tour again tomorrow and I don’t want you overexerting yourself”
You went to fight him on it again before wincing as another cramp hit which sent Harry a bit into a panic and he was quick to wrap an arm around your waist
“This is what I mean m’angel, come on, sit at the end of the bed and you tell me what to pack for you okay?”
Once you were sat down and Harry was content that you were okay and your pain dissipated he crouched down and rested his hands on your thighs
“Y/N, I love you so much and I know lately you’ve been feeling frustrated with bed rest and not being able to do anything, not to mention i’ve been a bit overbearing which honestly I won’t apologize for”
He smiled after hearing you laugh at that, albeit the few tears slipping down your cheeks out of a mix of probably exhaustion and hormones
“A bit overbearing…but I know it’s because you care, and I love you for it plus you’ve been very entertaining over the past few days”
“Well that’s good then, gonna keep me around?”
His face dropped in faux shock as you paused to think, a smile creeping up on your lips
“Yeah we’ll keep you around”
Leaning forward you placed a kiss to his lips before leaning back
“Now, I got halfway through packing before you interrupted me..”
He laughed loudly before nodding in agreement
“Well I better get my girls packed then huh?”
“Yes please and thank you most perfect husband in the world”
You watched his cheeks flush at the new title you’d been calling him, it wasn’t common knowledge to everyone yet but you and Harry had gotten married, you’d celebrate and have a ceremony after your baby girl got here, but you both wanted to get married before she arrived. So doing so in front of your family and his was just perfect for the two of you, going out for lunch and celebrating just between the families was a memory you’d forever cherish
“Love it when you call me your husband…”
“Well I love it when you call me your wife..”
“Cause I got the prettiest wife around don’t I?”
You shrugged
“Yeah you got pretty lucky”
“I certainly did”
He placed one more kiss on your lips before making his way towards your suitcase and letting you point out what you wanted to take and didn’t, and of course he was the worlds best packer, so maybe it wasn’t so horrible being on bedrest…Harry might just be the new family packer
and let’s be honest, he was okay with that..
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xecutivecucumber · 6 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on The Bad Batch 03×12!
Spoilers under the cut
Let start out by saying holy heck that was the cool down episode I needed. My sister watched it before me and was able to tell me that Tech/CX-2 wasn't in it for a significant amount, so I was able to get past my disappointment and not be stressed out during the episode. Yes, I'm still on the 'Tech is CX-2 Bandwagon.' I do think they should have revealed him to the audience earlier, because I have to actively avoid Bad Batch social media (*cough*reddit*cough*) for my own mental health because of the negativity around the idea. It's really draining.
Anyway, on to the actual episode!
Today I realized that I might be triggered by Omega being trapped at Tantiss because of some past experiences. (And yes, if you've read my fics you know that I've done it to her too, but I have control over that and I think the problem is the lack of control I have)
Hi Tech! I love you! Please be un brainwashed soon!
I want to murder Hemlock. I don't know if I've ever hated a Star Wars villain like this before. It feels so personal.
It devastates me that they're going to take Omega's clothes away. Clothes that were given to her by people who love her. Ow.
Also you're playing a dangerous game, not keeping those binders on her, Hemlock.
'Is everything all right, Dr. Karr?' 'No, the Jango parent gene got awakened in me and that does not go away'
Why does Emerie think she HAS to do this?
I'm a little disappointed we didn't see Hunter find out about Omega. He's probably just in 'go' mode, honestly. Adrenaline and all that.
Crosshair is so proud of Omega oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh Tech told Phee about Crosshair. That implies that had more time than we saw. That makes me so happy and sad.
Phee talks about Tech with such fondness. You can tell how much she cared about him. I feel like I'm watching a widow who's processed her grief but still talks about her husband because she loved him.
Also, looking at Phee, she doesn't really have any implied make up on. She's very natural. Good for her.
...Rampart looks kinda good with a beard.
Okay Tech would find the stunt Phee pulled extremely attractive.
This is the closest we've gotten to the original Batch we've gotten in a very long time. It feels good to see them go mission mode with Crosshair.
This is reminding me of Eriadu and I don't like it.
Crosshair asking Wrecker if he remembered whatever plan and then patiently waiting for him to remember lives rent free in my head he's so sweet.
Also, Crosshair's theme is played in this really fun way?
Crosshair should be allowed to kick Rampart in the balls. As a treat.
Rampart you snake. Crosshair should have shot him in the leg instead of stunning him.
My sister pointed out that the juggernaut represents how the Batch is right now. You cannot stop them.
Man, it's nice to not to be as conflicted when the TK troopers die, as opposed to when clones were sent against them. Quick thought though, does Wolffe have all the remaining clones?
Man these guys get BRUTALIZED.
Them throwing around passed out Rampart is amazing and should continue to happen.
Okay Wrecker has his knife out HE IS READY TO TORTURE A MAN.
Frick you Rampart. He is the worst replacement for Omega.
Aww they probably didn't bring Batcher on the mission to protect her. (Plus she a half trained dog and it was a stealth mission)
And then the boys spent the next hour arguing over who has to call Echo and tell him.
Hemlock you FOULE you're giving Omega ALLIES. Also why are you telling her all this. She will use it against you.
Gall, I hate Hemlock.
Again, I really needed this cool down episode. Though I'm afraid the final three episodes are going to hurt. THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHOW WHY IS IT STRESSING ME OUT SO MUCH. ALSO WAITING A WEEK FOR EPISODES ALSO SUCKS. A LOT.
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ericvelseb666 · 8 months
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I'm tired.
Ezra: "May I please, uh... "borrow" Nina? I need her for something!"
Zara: "He'll use her as void bait, please don't..."
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***Protective Husband Mode Activated***
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chenfordsbee · 2 years
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tim bradford + protective husband mode activated
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russellsppttemplates · 11 months
I love how we all cal mick and y/n, mick and mama. And me, personally, always see his gf face when reading those!
I'm also really enjoy the little blurbs where mick and mama are a bit more frisky, specially the kids.
What do you think about Mick and Mama in each one of their babymoons? I can see them enjoying some tropical beaches in some of those, but they're so adventurous I feel like they'd come up with something else to relax and be frisky before they're little ones arrive.
Note: me too! I hadn't thought much about it because it never happened before, but since the soft launch, it happens to me too!
Tw: small allusions to smut, pregnancy
Aurora's babymoon
"Do you want to stay in?", you asked Mick, feeling him kiss every bit of skin that your maternity pyjamas didn't cover. The cabin was warm despite the snow outside, and while you had booked the trip so you could enjoy a few activities just the two of you before you became parents for the first time, you had to admit that staying in between the sheets and loving on eachother was a great plan.
"I would like that, yes", he mumbled against your skin, moving down to kiss your chest as he worked the buttons on the piece covering your torso, the sight of your baby bump looking nothing short of endearing and a constant reminder of your growing family and always getting him to smile, "you're growing our babygirl", he kissed your belly button, "and you look so good, liebling. Everything you do is amazing and should be valued, but growing our baby, keeping her safe and comfortable, that's on another level, I can't possibly ever thank you enough", he placed his hands on your bump, soothing the skin and laying his head next to it, planning on caressing it for as long as possible.
Sebastian's babymoon
"Let's go this way, it's not as steep", Mick urged, letting you walk in front of him as he kept a watchful eye on you. He knew you were capable of it. After all, it wasn't the first time you were on that particular trail, but he couldn't help his protective nature, especially when it only took a good look at you for him to grow into papa bear mode. This time around, your bump grew a lot quicker and bigger, so the image was hard to ignore and not act up on it.
"Soon, we could be doing this with two little ones", you smiled as you sat in one of the benches, "and we can have those carriers we see other families with, and show Seb and Rora all of these wonders", placing your hand on top of Mick's that was on your bump. The warm weather and the exercise made you feel warm, so you had discarded the sweatshirt and stayed in your sports bra and shorts, so the bump was on show and taking some sun, "speaking of Rora, how jealous do you think she'll be if we send my mother a picture of us so she can show her?", he nudged, unlocking his phone at your question.
"Maybe we begin with that, a big promise of family hikes, and maybe she won't be so mad at us for not bringing her", Mick said, taking a selfie of you two before getting up and taking one of the view and sending them.
When you got up, you took the opportunity to stretch your body a little, knowing that otherwise the pains would be unbearable and making the way down even harder, not noticing your husband taking pictures of you with a loving smile on his face.
Harriet's babymoon
The breeze was helping your body regulate from the warm temperature and the natural demand that was growing a baby, and the feel of your husband's hands in your bump was making the whole scene quite perfect.
"Have you given it some thought?", Mick asked you about the subject you had discussed recently, "I have", you started, "and I still stand by what I always did. As long as it makes you happy, we will be here to support you", you smiled, grabbing his hand and kissing it before placing it back in your bump, playing with his fingers, "I would never want you to give up something that you love so much, but if you want to do it, then me, Rora, Seb and Harriet are going to be here for you".
"I feel accomplished, for now, at least. And I want to be involved in their lives. I never felt like my father was not involved because he always made the effort, and I want to do the same. And I want to be there when they wake up, to get them from school, and three kids will require a lot more juggling. I don't want you to have to do all of that juggling", he reasoned, "we're in this together".
"Okay then", you smiled, settling the subject for now, "you know where I want to go together, too?", you smirked, "that beautiful ocean looks incredible, and its salty water is going to make me feel like all of this weight has just been lifted off of me, and I'd really really really appreciate the company of my handsome husband", you smirked, seeing Mick get up and help you up with his hands, "let's go then".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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nitrozem · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag @natolesims ! I love doing these.
Think I'll do my werewolf boi, Ajay this time (I did Miguel for the last one)
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1. What uncommon/common fear do they have?
The dude acts fearless but he has one fear and it's stink bugs. Why? Well werewolf pups like practicing their hunting on small insects and stuff that cross their path and young Ajay decided to pounce on a stink bug and had a very bad time lol
bonus pic of smol pup Ajay
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2. Do they have any pet peeves?
He doesn't like it when people move his stuff around. He's not organized but it works for him cause he has his weird disorganized places he keeps his things.
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
his werewolf toy, this crystal light shaped like a moon that Sid made for him, something random he may have dug up during a rampage and forgot about (usually shoes, rocks and trash)
4. What do they notice first in a person?
Their smell, werewolf super smell and all. He can figure out if a person is an occult by the smell.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
A 10, he's been in so many werewolf brawls, and running through the forest, it takes a lot to actually get him to be very bothered by pain and he heals quickly. He wears his scars like badges of honor lol
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight fight fight! He likes fighting and hates to appear like a wimp.
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
No, he was an only child, had a mom and dad and that's it. He has a big family now though. (4 children, his husband, and his father who is still kicking) I would say he is a family person, he loves all his kids and is protective over them and his husband.
bonus family photo :)
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and grandpa (ajay's father, Ravi) cause we love him and his terrible dad jokes
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8. What animal represents them best?
Well...a wolf
9. What is a smell that they dislike?
Vampires have a necrotic undead smell he hates like most werewolves. He also hates coming across somewhere that was "marked" by another werewolf and gets territorial.
10. Have they broken any bones?
11. How would a stranger likely describe them?
Depends. If he's dressed nicely and calm, people see he's sure of himself or confident. When he's high fury/wearing his torn or rocker clothes, he still has that confident vibe but in a more intimidating way.
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Night Owl because werewolves are nocturnal, he'll be up in the morning anyway because he doesn't sleep much.
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
He hates all artificial fruit candy, as for a flavor he loves, a steak, seasoned right (and very very rare)
14. Do they have any hobbies?
Yes, he likes to knit and paint mostly. He likes to read and likes tor forage/hunt for crystals or mushrooms that Sid might need
15. Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
I'd say he's pretty stoked
16. Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yeah, his moon necklace his mother gave him and other bracelets Sid makes him
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It's actually very neat!
18. What are two emotions they feel the most?
Energetic and confident
19. Do they have a favorite fabric?
really soft fleece, he'll fall asleep real quick in a pile of fleece sweaters lol
20. What kind of accent do they have?
subtle indian accent (mother had an indian accent, father has a southern usa accent so it's a mix of that)
The closest voice claim I have for him is Dr. Carrington from Fallout 4 I like imagining that he sounds very eloquent and chill (well at least until his fury gets high enough, then he's just loud, rough sounding and growly)
If you just want to talk about yours OC's just do this and say I tagged you or w/e, use all excuses to talk about your OC's and stories 👍🏼
(that and I'm not very active on here atm due to not wanting to play sims, social media detox and attempts at better habits in life.)
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mushroomb0i · 8 months
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A thing about D.G. Project SC5 Twitter posted today
I don't know Japanese well and also wasn't able to recongnize some of the kanjis and also couldn't make out the highlights in the photo. All the highlights that I couldn't make out are written as "XXX"
Some of this stuff was said in an old blog on the Space Channel 5 website and can be seen with the web archive, but there is new information here as well
Also I still don't know how to do text formatting
DG Team Yoshinaga Takumi
☆ Main female character
XXX 【F・22】
Public figure.
A rookie. She is a strong and energetic Channel 5 reporter (female journalist) with a great sense of style.
She is in "Normal Reporter Mode" for normal incidents, and transforms into "Super Reporter Mode" during emergencies to give a "groovy report" while being active and steaming herself.
When in "super" mode, she wears a headphone XXX to maintain tension, and hides her body by listening to music sent from Channel 5. Tension Blaster products equipped in both hands.
The tension baster she emits is also amazingly thick and XXX.
She was saved from the incident 10 years ago, and she is inspired by XXX (though she didn't know what it was) to become successful. She is secretly hoping to be like that person someday.
Jaguar  【M・35】
Currently under contract with XXX Channel 69 XXX.
Formerly Channel 5, he was disposed of 10 years ago for shady XXX activities. Since then, there has been a constant black noise. There are rumors that there might actually be someone else.
He is a leading expert in the field of "XXX reporting" and is known for his highly detailed and accurate reports.
He has no mercy for anything that gets in the way of truth reporting.
XXX very quiet and unfriendly.
XXX human but with blue colored clothes.
He's kinda cool.
Blank  【M・ 44】
One of Channel 5's executives. Increasing ratings is his only satisfaction, and is willing to do anything for their sake. He is a man who is willing to do anything for ratings, and he is the one behind the "incident" 10 years ago drama with Jaguar.
This time, he is trying to create a spectacular fake show using aliens he met by chance when he was linked with them in outer space.
He is ambitious and aspiring.
Gigigigi  【・?】
A visitor from outer space who works with Blank and goes wild.
He seems to be a simple man, but in fact, he is a filmmaker from his planet, and his purpose is to film a huge sensational film ("How will the people of this Galaxy die out?" (Tentative title))
He is collecting light energy to generate enough negative energy to obliterate the galaxy (he intends to make the resulting collapse drama the climax of the film).
Mimimimi  【・?】
East visitor from outer space.
He seems to be a simple action captain, but in fact, he is a cult star of their planet.
He is the main character of a big, huge, and mysterious story that belongs to Gigigigi.
He looks like Mitsuhiro Oikawa.
He is the comic relief in the game.
XXX  【F・ 58】
She is the president of Space Pirate Channel 69 and the everybody's boss.
(Her husband used to be the boss, but after his death, she took over.)
She always wears an elegant outfit that doesn't look like a space pirate.
She also uses a long-handled pipe.
She is very protective of her friend "windmen" (a space pirate).
She is a bit like Doronjo, except older and more relaxed.
Space Pirates
Space Pirates who mess with the space broadcasting. They broadcast in a partisan manner from all over the galaxy.
They are a bunch of free spirits who are relatively springy and open-minded.
Although they do some "pirate" activities at first, they are basically a family of righteous people.
Reverseman  【M・ 32】
Formerly Channel 69's signature reporter, currently a backup, he was injured in an incident 10 years ago and can't call Jaguar, who was (allegedly) responsible for the incident, a friend.
Blast  【M・35】
Sound Operator. Huge performance. Except for emergencies, he plays loud music on his old-fashioned boom box (?). Knows a lot.
Wave 1st 【M・19】
Camera operator. Older twin brother. Talks fast.
Wave 2nd 【M・19】
Multi-engineer. Younger twin brother. Talks fast.
(I wasn’t sure how to write their names but since after the number there was go (号) i think this way is closer to the original)
Howling 【F・ 24】
Helmsman of the Space Pirate Broadcasting Vessel. Domi's real daughter.
XXX  【M・60】
Channel 5's bird-chief.
Although he is like Blank in that he's a ratings supremacist, he has a strong social rationale.
He has high expectations for the protagonists' special reporting team.
Noize  【M・15】
Channel 5's prodigy boy operator.
He backs up the main character from the space relay Astrobeat.
He also customizes the supplied camera and repairs and adjusts various items (as a hobby).
He is a toy-enjoyer and an ironist.
He and Channel 69's Wave 1 & 2 were classmates in school (although they are much different in age because of the Noize's leapfrogging). They are not close friends at all, but he recognizes their abilities.
Fuse  【M・ 40】
Channel 5's sharp director.
Boss of the main character. He used to work with Jaguar.
He is suspicious of Blank's activities and is conducting his own investigation.
As his name suggests, he is scary when he loses his temper.
He always drinks coffee (or its equivalent).
Gunya  【Unclear・ ?】("Gunya" is like an sfx of sudden realization or smth like that)
Reporter for Channel 88.
Whole body is something like an agar-agar state. Tall. Can transform the body to some extent.
Tachibana  【M・ ?】
Channel 1
Beast-shaped, large in stature, but very sensitive in soul. A man of common sense and motion, he is also an NHK (The Japan Broadcasting Corporation) announcer. A veteran.
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queenvhagar · 2 months
The sweetest moment of this episode was when Cole talked about his love for Alicent, and Gwayne also activated the protective brother mode. And then I remember that Alicent revealed these two these two to Rhaenyra. Poor boys deserves better :(
I might fast forward the episode to this point just to see what happened in this scene (or I'll wait for the gifsets to post) but yeah she apparently don't gaf about either of them / she cares much more for the woman who didn't do anything about her husband killing her grandson ://
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