#ps: there are technically way more
newtafterdark · 7 months
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It is hard to make your personal Gender™ pinboard when you're also gay as hell - so an overlap with what kinda guy I'm into is simply unavoidable.
Some of these left bigger impacts throughout my life than others, but it's not visually shown. Those specifics are for me to know & for you to scratch your head over. ;]
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potential-fate · 5 months
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“Hey, what’s up?” Ashe picked up his phone immediately when Roman’s name had flashed across the screen. He glanced around the room. Roman hadn’t been gone that long. But he didn’t see anything of Roman’s lying around that he’d forgotten. 
Instead, when he finished greeting Roman, he got a string of almost incoherent and panicked cursing.
“Woah, slow down Ro….” Ashe tried, “Okay, okay… Hey, where are you?” 
It would be easier to just meet the other man, than try to translate through whatever Roman was freaking out about. After repeating the question, Roman managed to tell him he was on his own front porch because he needed fresh air. It didn’t seem to have worked, though Ashe supposed it was possible that he could have been worse before calling.  
“Okay. Come over here? okay? I’ll meet you outside.”  
He hung up, searching quickly for his keys, before he slipped on his boots.
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shotmrmiller · 30 days
written on phone, excuse mistakes.
ps!ghost is spent. physically exhausted. there's an ache in his lower back that he can feel up to the base of his skull. his hip flexors burn with overuse. his head pounds, an unrelenting hammering behind his eyes.
he's working too hard to keep himself in the zone when at work. his co-stars, while so breathtakingly beautiful, aren't his favorite girl. the one with the soft, quivering thighs that glisten with arousal in every video. the one with the pretty tits and even prettier pussy that somehow takes him (technically him, that toy is based on his cock) so nicely, every devastating inch.
he can feel himself thickening at just the thought of you climbing on top, nails digging into his chest as you sink onto him, watching your face through half-lidded eyes as you finally feel the real thing. would your bitten lips part as you draw a sharp gasp? would your eyes roll to the back of your head once his tip gently presses against the plug of your womb? would you let him take you over the peak with just the pad of his thumb rolling little circles over your swollen clit as you try to sit still?
the muscles in his groin tighten, his now hardened erection straining against the metal teeth of his zipper. he rearranges himself from the outside, a palm wrapping around the thick of him when he looks at his watch.
he supposes he's got enough time to squeeze in one last wank. not like he has any issues getting to his finish line, not with your pretty pussy in his mind's eye.
pulling your page up on his phone, he slowly begins to undo the button on his jeans when he notices that you posted a brand-new video. just minutes ago, back when he was still in his driveway.
he leaves an impatient trail of clothes that leads to his bedroom and lies back, head sinking into the soft pillow, his hand lazily tugging his length when—
he springs up, spine snapping straight, eyes widening but pupils narrowing as he takes in what you're wearing. you managed to get your hands on a mask, a skull balaclava to be exact. he's worn that before in older videos.
even though he can't see your face, he can finally, finally get a look at your eyes. long lashes frame them, like feathered wings, like brushstrokes from an artist's hand. your eyes reflect the bright luminescence of the ring light behind the camera, a circular glow that encircles the center of them in a perfect halo.
if he wasn't enthralled before, (which he definitely is, he'd buy you an airplane ticket to come see him in a heartbeat) he sure as hell is now. and he's even harder than before, almost painfully so. ghost leans against the wall, spreading his muscled thighs shoulder-width apart and presses play.
it starts slow, as always. your hand wraps around the base of the toy, the tips of your fingers barely touching. he takes minor pride in that. you're not a teeny thing, he's simply bigger in more ways than one. you give it a couple of pumps, spreading the lube over it when you lean forward— your pretty, perfect eyes looking straight at the camera— and with a thumb, you lift the mask up just enough to—
you spit on the toy. there's a clear glob of saliva trickling down the plastic thing, trailing a warm path down to where your hand is. the wave of heat that rushes through his body, painting his cheeks a rosy hue with embarrassment (because he's seething with jealousy over a bloody inanimate object, for fucks sake) is swallowed up by the molten rush that courses through his veins.
his usual pink tip is flushed a much deeper color as it pre-cum beads up at the slit.
"fuck, do tha' again." he rumbles quietly. "c'mon, love, do tha' again." you've even got him talking to himself, that's how crazy he is about you.
it's as if lady luck smiled upon him because you do it again. a quick drag of your hand, up down, up down, and you lick the side of it with a flattened pink tongue before spitting on the head.
perfect. you're perfect. what he wouldn't do to be there instead.
he sucks in a sharp breath through his clenched teeth when you move around until your sex is hovering over the spit-slick toy. ghost chokes out a groan, a low noise that comes from deep within his barrel chest when you begin to lower yourself onto it.
your greedy cunt swallows it whole in one smooth movement. puffy lips spread wide as it stretches to take it all, walls wrenched apart by the girth. he bets you're squeezing down on it like a vice. ghost grips himself tight, hissing at the feeling. you'd probably be tighter.
he strokes himself in sync with the pace you've set, a slow but firm rise and fall. the sounds your cunt makes is music to his ears— audible squelching, a sticky viscous note. there's a creamy froth around the widened base, slowly dripping onto the floor like pearly drops of sweetened honey and milk.
saliva pools in his mouth, enough to have to swallow.
he bets you'd taste as sweet as you look. like a ripened fig. like the warmth of amber.
another swallow.
a familiar heat begins to flare in his groin, a quiet hum beneath his flesh, tiny pinpricks on his tender nerves. the tell tale sign of his end.
"c'mon sweetheart, come with me. let me—" he bites down on his tongue, meat between his molars when his core pulses, flaring white hot. let me feel you around me. give me wha' i want, wha' i've earned.
my reward.
he hears your breath hitch, snag in your throat, and—
your eyes flutter closed, eyelashes akin to a butterfly's wings. vulnerable. delicate.
he just knows you'd look so beautiful in your surrender.
white-hot, like a star's core radiates from the inside out, a seething inferno beneath his skin, pushing outward, pushing against the threshold— a dam that holds back torrents of euphoria. a crack appears with each stroke, each tug of his cock until he exhales a quivering breath, like fallen leaves rustling in the wind.
it bursts, cascading over him. it's indescribable— pure ecstasy. sublime. it comes in bursts, pulse after pulse. warmth covers his hand, drips down his balls into his bedsheets.
he grumbles as he gets out of bed to clean himself up, making a mental note to ask his manager to email you instead.
it's high time he got his hands on you.
or yours on him.
(+ fat fucking tip, atp he's about to buy a wedding ring someone help him!!!)
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jentlemahae · 1 year
my vapoursynth is not working anymore ?
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teapartyprincess4two · 3 months
can you please do a Nick panic attack fic. where either him or the reader (his bestie) has a panic at school and the other helps them calm down. (your choice on how the story goes. xx) love ya thx. ps. you're a great writer!! xx
4 In The Morning- N. Sturniolo
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pairing: Pregnant!reader x Bestfriend!Nick
classification: platonic angst, fluff
warnings: use of y/n, slight cursing, mention of unexpected pregnancy, mention of bullies/ bullying (brief), short
insirpation: request^^ so technically they’re IN school, but I put a spin on this req :P
summary: Your best friend Nick comforts you after receiving some unexpected news.
“This can’t be fucking real.”
A positive pregnancy test rests on your trembling hands, this was never supposed to happen. A meaningless one night stand was never meant to come with actual, irreversible consequences. You were fresh out of high school, unemployed, and in your first semester of college chasing a dream that now felt impossibly out of reach. How the fuck were you going to raise a child on your own?
Nick is the only person you can think to call, he’s in a completely different timezone halfway across the country, but you know he’s the only person who’ll answer on the first ring. It’s 4 in the morning where he’s at, but knowing him he’s probably still awake.
You hold the phone up to your face with one hand, the other occupied with the pregnancy test. The longer you look at it, the more surreal this all feels.
“Hey bestie bae,” Nick picks up on the first ring, just as expected, his corny nickname for you momentarily easing your nerves. A small sniffle escapes your lips, you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Girl, what’s wrong?”
Silence. You don’t even know where to start. You trust Nick with your life and you know he won’t judge you, but the moment you admit this out loud it becomes real. As soon as those two words leave your mouth, the truth will be cemented into reality.
“You’re scaring me. What’s wrong?!” Nick reiterates. He knows you like the back of his hand, but even he can’t figure out what could possibly have you this upset. You take a deep breath, attempting to calm yourself down.
Finally, when your breathing is stable enough, you finally speak. Your voice cracks, “Nick—”
“Don’t do that. That only makes me more worried,” he interrupts you. You can hear his bed creaking in the background as he shifts around nervously.
“Nick, I have something to tell you,” you whisper, wiping a stray tear away from your face.
“Just tell me already. You’re actually fucking scaring me and I hate this,” he’s becoming impatient. Nick’s mind is racing with all the possibilities, his protective insticts kicking in.
“Promise you won’t judge?” the pregnancy test feels heavy in your hands. The two blue lines stare back, taunting you as they dangle your future in your face.
“When have I ever judged you?” Nick’s voice is soft, he can tell that this is serious. He’s being gentle with you, almost like he’s afraid that if he comes at you incorrectly you’ll break.
You take another deep, shaky breath.
“Okay, so remember how I slept with that guy?” You chew on the inside of your cheek, desperate for a distraction as you try thinking of the best way to relay the information weighing heavy on your mind.
“Did he fucking do something to you?!” Nick’s mind immediately formulates the worst possible scenarios, each one worse than the last.
“No. Well, yes.”
“Y/n I swear to God! Why didn’t you tell me?!” You can hear the anger in his voice.
“Nick he didn’t do anything to me. I’m fine, I’m just…” your voice trails off, how were you supposed to tell your childhood best friend that you were pregnant?
“You’re just…” Nick tries squeezing the information out of you, he’s desperate to know. You’re so close to hanging up or even making up an excuse to ignore reality.
You bite the bullet, deciding that prolonging this didn’t change the truth. “I’m pregnant.”
Silence fills the atmosphere for the second time that night. Nick is both in shock and disbelief, and he feels a wave of sadness wash over him at the revelation.
“I was NOT expecting that,” he whisper shouts in disbelief, he doesn’t know what else to say. He isn’t judging you, but he is extremely concerned. I mean, you’re both just kids, and even if it’s definitely NOT his child he still feels an overwhelming sense of responsibility over it already.
“I don’t even know what I’m gonna do,” you whisper, the tears forming at your lash line. You’re one blink away from sobbing.
“It’s gonna be fine… we’re gonna be fine,” Nick replies, attempting to console you before you have a full breakdown. It’s no use.
“It’s not gonna be fine, Nick! I’m pregnant and I barely even remember the guys face! I’m in college for fucks sake! We’re not even mid-semester and I already fucked up,” you exclaim through loud sobs. Usually Nick would feel extremely uncomfortable listening to anyone cry, but you’re his best friend. If anything he wishes he could grow wings and fly to you so that he could engulf you in the biggest, strongest hug ever. His heart is breaking for you.
“Fuck! I’m gonna be the worst mom ever. I don’t even have a job, how am I gonna buy diapers? Where am I gonna live? With my parents? Dude, I still haven’t even told my parents. Not like they’d ever wanna talk to me again after this,” your words are coming out a mile a minute. You were start to overthink, every excruciating detail only adding to your unease.
Nick can’t get a single word in, your anxiety fueled rant ringing through his ears as you realize that the worst is yet to come, “Oh my God, I still haven’t told my parents. My mom’s gonna kill me! She’s gonna tell my dad and then he’s gonna cut me off and then I’m gonna be homeless AND pregnant!” The more you think, the more inconsolable you become. The cold bathroom tile hits the back of your head as you throw your head back.
“I’m gonna have to drop out, get a job, find an apartment and fucking tell this RANDOM guy that he’s gonna be a dad. What am I even gonna say? ‘SURPRISE! HERE’S YOUR BABY!’ I’m so fucked, Nick. I’m so fucked…” your breathing is erratic, the hysteria causing you to enter an anxiety attack. Nick can tell that everytime you breathe your sobs and hiccups inhibit you from taking a full breath.
Your eyes are shut tight as you clutch your chest, attempting to regulate your breathing. The wind is being knocked out of you, you’re hyperventilating and the snot that bubbles in your nostrils doesn’t help either. Mascara runs down your red face; you’re a sad, hopeless mess.
Nick finally gets a word in, your loud sobs being the only sound coming from you. “Y/n, listen to me. Take a deep breath… Everything is going to be fine!” He listens as you do as instructed, breathing in deeply before releasing a shaky exhale.
“I know this is hard and I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling, but I know that you’re scared,” he continues, pausing briefly to gather his thoughts.
“I want you to know that I’d NEVER let you do this alone, EVER. We’re gonna figure this out, I’ll fly over there tomorrow if I have to, but we’re figuring this out.” No one has ever put their life on pause like this for you before, it almost seems unreasonable and selfish for you to allow it.
You’ve calmed down significantly, your loud sobs being reduced to quiet whimpers. “You don’t have to do that, Nick.”
“You’re right. I don’t have to, but I want to. I’m gonna buy the ticket now, but you get some rest okay?” His voice is soft and gentle.
You know he’s tired, but you really need a friend right now. If you hang up, you’re sure to cry until there aren’t any tears left. “Can you stay on the phone with me?” you ask hesitantly, already feeling like a bother for calling at 4 in the morning.
A small, sad smile forms on Nick’s face, “Of course, anything for my bestie bae.” The corny nickname makes you laugh, the first sign of happiness since you called.
Every shared childhood memory is playing in Nick’s mind from the time he met you, to the time you defended him from high school bullies. There’s no doubt in his mind that you’re going to be an amazing mother, even if the circumstances are completely unexpected.
“Y/n?” he picks at his bed sheets, flicking pieces of lint onto the floor.
“Yeah?” you slowly get up from the bathroom floor, gently placing the pregnancy test on the sink before walking into your room.
“You’re gonna be such a good mom,” he admits. You crawl under the billowy comforter, bringing it up to your neck for some form of comfort. Nick’s words are reassuring and you feel so grateful to have a friend like him.
Suddenly it all doesn’t feel so scary.
A/n: this was honestly (loosely) based on my relationship with my best friend. I hope you enjoy hunny bunches!
luv ya! Thx for the req!
P.s ur the best anon for this request xx
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03 @k-l-a-w-s @hearts4chris @maryx2xx
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
note: requests are open, I will be writing as many as possible because you guys have sooo many good ideas. Please be patient 💗✨
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justmystyles · 11 months
NEED YOU TO WRITE A JEALOUS/Angsty one for the picture of whoever is applying moisturiser to Harry. Your angst is soooooo good
PS: I’m OBSESSED with your work
Business or Pleasure?
read my other works here!
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 2.3k
summary: you return to Love on Tour after an extended break, but after your last interaction, you come back to an awkward situation with Harry.
a/n: first of all, thank you so much for sending in this request, and for your kind words! when i first saw it, i wasn't really sure how to make angst out of it, but i think i figured it out pretty well.
i did take some artistic liberties with timelines here, i know the outfits and tour dates don't line up, but i had to suspend disbelief a little to make the story work out. sorry, don't come for me!
**Hey, so let's try this again! The first time I posted it was answering the wrong ask. That one will still be done snd posted. I promise!**
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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As your car traveled through the streets of Glasgow, you were unable to really take in the stunning scenery around you. You were too busy worrying about what the day had in store for you, panicking about being face to face with him again. 
Love on Tour had been on break since November, so you hadn’t seen Harry in nearly seven months. And the last time you did see him, things got complicated. After the last show, Harry had rented out a local bar to throw what he deemed the ‘Love on Tour holiday party’. Since everyone would be going their separate ways for a bit, he wanted to give this family he had formed a chance to celebrate together. 
As with most holiday parties, the alcohol was flowing rather freely, and everyone was getting loose and having a good time. You noticed that as the night went on, Harry was by your side more and more, his jokes getting slightly more flirty and his touches lingering just a little longer than they usually would. You two had developed a pretty flirty relationship, but he was like that with everyone, so you didn’t think much of it.
Until you found yourselves in a secluded corner of the bar with his tongue down your throat. 
Sure, it was something you had thought about for a while. Harry was one of the most gorgeous people you had ever seen, and to top it off he was so kind, and funny. He was technically your boss, but you would never know it. He treated you like his equal, his friend. Developing a crush on him was inevitable. But you had never expected anything to happen. Then it did, and you hadn’t heard from him since. 
At some point, Harry had gotten pulled away from you to do shots with the band, and you had an early flight the next morning. So you decided to slip out while he was distracted, it would allow you to put off the awkward conversation, at least for a little while. 
You had expected a call or text, anything from him the next day, but you didn’t. You hadn’t heard from him once since that night. You had seen him making appearances and doing interviews, which meant that he had hired someone else for his glam during the break, that hurt. He had regretted that night so much that he didn’t even want to work with you. 
You were contracted for the entirety of his tour, so you knew you would have to go back. When you signed on for the tour, you were excited to see the world, but now you were dreading every second you had to spend with Harry pretending that nothing had happened between the two of you. Pretending that you weren’t heartbroken. 
“Miss?” The driver’s voice brought you out of your thoughts, and you realized that you had arrived.
You thanked the driver as he handed you your bags and made your way through the backstage area. As you walked down the hall, you stopped to say hi and caught up quickly with people you’d run into, sharing quick stories about your break and promising to catch up soon. You found your way to the glam room, and took your time setting everything, partially because of how particular you were, but more than that, you wanted to kill as much time as you could so you didn’t have to go out to the common areas and socialize. You knew he’d be there, and you didn’t want to face him. 
Once things were set up, you killed time alone in your space, scrolling through your phone. You heard voices coming down the hallway, one of them was unmistakable. You put your phone down and took a deep breath to prepare yourself. As he walked through the door, you plastered your best fake smile on. 
Harry saw you, and you noticed his expression falter slightly, but he quickly corrected it. “Hey Y/N, welcome back.” He said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into a quick side hug. It was significantly shorter than your past hugs, but it was long enough for his scent to overtake your senses. 
“Thanks,” you mumble as you step back, signaling for him to take a seat. You and Jeff say your hellos, and you make your way to your kit. The sooner you got started, the sooner you’d be finished, and you’d be able to get some distance from Harry. 
Jeff stayed by Harry’s side while he was in your chair. No doubt a calculated measure by Harry to make sure you weren’t left alone. As grateful as you were for that, you were also annoyed. He was the one that kissed you, and he wasn’t even man enough to reject you and apologize. 
“You’re all set.” You said once you were finished. You noticed Harry flinch slightly at your tone. You didn’t mean for your words to come out so stern, but you would only be able to hold back your emotions for so much longer. 
“Oh… okay, thanks Y/N.” Harry said cautiously as he got out of the chair, walking out of the room with Jeff. 
Once they were gone, you sat down into the chair Harry had just been in and dropped your face into your hands. The rest of this tour was going to be a nightmare. 
“Y/N, we need you backstage real quick.” Jeff sticks his head in the door only a couple of minutes before showtime. “And grab that lotion.” 
You furrow your brow, but comply. Grabbing the bottle and following Jeff down the hall. You find Harry standing shirtless amongst the hustle and bustle of pre-show preparations. 
“Um…” You got Harry’s attention and held up the bottle. “Jeff asked for this?” 
“Oh, right. I um… well…” He gestures to his bare torso. “I can do it if–”
“No no,” you interrupt him. “It’s fine, it’s my job.” You pump some lotion into your hand and set the bottle down. You rub your hands together and step up to Harry, taking a deep breath to center yourself before placing your hands on his chest and rubbing the lotion in. 
As your hands run along his body, your mind flashes back to that night. Your hands on his, his on you, your tongues entwined. You shake off the thoughts.
“Are you okay?” Harry asks, you look up to meet his concerned, almost sad gaze. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You lie. Your eyes remain locked on each other, Harry opens his mouth to say something. 
“The internet is going to go nuts for this!” You both snap your attention over to Lloyd, who was snapping pictures of your interaction. 
You feel your face heat up and look down, trying to hide your blush from Harry. You hurry to finish applying the lotion. “All set,” you finally say, unable to look up at him. He thanks you as you’re scurrying away, rushing back to your area. 
All you wanted to do was go back to the hotel and hide, but you knew you’d need to stay for a few touch ups before the encore. So you spent the entirety of the show sitting alone in the hair and makeup area lost in your thoughts, wondering how you were going to make it through. 
You kept an eye on the show through the monitor, making your way to the backstage area as he was finishing up his final song before the encore. He rushed over to you, breathing heavy, and adrenaline running high. You made some quick adjustments to his hair, and handed him a towel so he could wipe down a bit before going back out there, avoiding his gaze the whole time. 
He thanks you quietly before he returns to the stage, and you return to your space. While he’s finishing the show, you pack your things, hoping to get out of there and back to the hotel before he’s off stage. As you're closing up your case, you’re startled by a knock at the door. You look up and silently curse yourself for not moving faster when you see Harry standing in front of you. His chest rising and falling rapidly, still catching his breath, his body glistening, a combination of sweat and the lotion you had applied earlier. He was the last person you wanted to see, but you couldn’t look away. 
“Hi,” he breaks the silence. “Can we talk for a minute?” 
“I can’t, my car is waiting. I’ve gotta get back to the hotel.” You pick up your case and move closer to him, but he refuses to move from the doorway. 
“Please,” he pleads with you. You look up and see determination in his eyes. He’s not going to let you go without talking. You relent, dropping your case by the door and signaling for him to come in. “You’re not going to pull some fancy footwork and run past me if I move away from the door?”
You shake your head, you know he’s making a joke, but you can’t bring yourself to laugh. You move further into the room, hopping up to take a seat on the counter. “I’m here.” 
Harry takes a seat, running a hand through his hair as he tries to form the words. “I think I owe you an apology for the last time I saw you.” You remain silent, hoping he continues. “I was drunk, I crossed a line that I shouldn’t have, it wasn’t professional.” 
“It’s okay, we were both drunk.” You say, your feet swinging back and forth. 
“The last thing I wanted to do was screw up what we had,” he confessed.
“It’s fine, like you said, you were drunk. It didn’t mean anything.” 
Harry looked up at you, his brows furrowed. “I said I was drunk Y/N, not that it didn’t mean anything.” 
Your eyes went wide at his words. “I… what?” Before he could continue. “I just assumed it was a dunk fling or whatever.” 
“Have you ever heard the phrase ‘drunken words are sober thoughts’?” You nod, trying to put the puzzle together. “Well in this case, it’s drunken actions.” He stood from his seat, stepping closer to you. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a long time. I had liquid courage running through me that night, I knew I wasn’t going to see you for a while, and you looked so beautiful, and you smiled at me like that, and I just couldn’t help myself.” 
“Oh,” you said softly, it was the only thing you could manage to get out. 
“After the guys pulled me away, I tried to find you. I wanted to lay everything out, tell you how I felt, but you left.” He looked down, but you could see the pain in his eyes before they dropped. “We had kissed, it was this amazing kiss, and then you just left without saying goodbye. I realized I had fucked up.” 
“I didn’t, that’s not why I left, I…” You were about to apologize for leaving, but he could have just as easily called you. “Why didn’t you just call? Text? Anything?” 
“I felt so bad. I didn’t know what to say. The more time had passed, the harder it got. And before I knew it, it had been seven months.” He saw the tears welling in your eyes, and his heart sank. “I missed you so much during the break, but I miss you more now. You’re right in front of me, but it feels like you’re a million miles away.”
“I’m right here, Harry.” 
“You’re not though, we’ve barely said anything to each other, and there’s this awkwardness between us. I hate it.” His voice starts raising, frustration growing in his tone. “It was one of the best kisses of my life, but if I could go back in time and stop it from happening so that we could be us again, I would.” 
“Harry?” He looks up at you and you see a vulnerability in his eyes that you’d never seen before. “I wanted that kiss too. It meant so much to me.” 
“But… but you just left…”
“I had an early flight, and I didn’t want to pull you away because you felt like you needed to let me down easy. I just assumed I’d hear from you the next day, hungover and apologize. But I never did.” 
Harry stepped in between your legs, his hand coming up and brushing across your cheek. “You’ve wanted to kiss me too?” Your breath hitched from how close he was, all you could do was nod. He smirked at your nerves, relief washing over him. “You know, when you were putting that lotion on earlier, when your hands were all over me,” his face moved closer, his lips just a breath away from yours. “You were driving me crazy.” 
You couldn’t contain yourself, his husky tone, his breath against your face, you closed the distance and kissed him. He groaned against your lips as his hands rested on your thighs, squeezing gently. This kiss was different than the last, that first kiss was sloppy, desperate. This time, it was slower, more deliberate. 
When you finally separated, you were both breathless, silly grins plastered on your faces. “So, what now?” You ask, unsure about where this leaves you. 
“Well,” Harry sighs, his thumbs running back and forth over your thighs. “We definitely still have stuff to talk about, but I’m hoping it leads to a lot more of that.” He smiled, kissing the tip of your nose. 
“I have a feeling it will.” You smirk, pulling him in for another kiss. 
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Death of Peace of Mind - Part 1
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Summary - We all believe Eris has a cabin hidden in the Autumn woods that he keeps his mate in, but what if she wasn't there willingly?
Warnings - technically kidnapping, sighs of setting in Stockholm Syndrome, technically signs of abuse/neglect towards a partner, inferred smut
A/N - this part is fairly mild, but the ending should tell you all what's coming. This is a pretty big time jump between this part and the little preview *link coming soon.* at this point our "unnamed" oc has been trapped in Eris's cabin for 7 months now
Ps- do we think Eris and Lucien need their own foxboy dividers? (I low-key do)
Part two
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*6 months into her entrapment*
Eris had left his mate alone in his cabin for a  month now. Warding her within the 20 foot radius he gave her for exploration. 
It had taken time to tame her. More time than he had wanted it to, but he still knew it was what was best for her. 
He leaned back in his chair, listening to the advisor his father was allowing to drag on speak about how they need to tax the lesser fae harder. It wasn't a sentiment he argued with despite his face showing neutrality towards the idea of continuing to rob the poor and hungry, but he knew better than to start an argument.
An argument would mean he'd be there longer, or have to deal with his father's wrath and whatever punishment he felt fit. Being quiet meant getting back to his mate sooner. It meant seeing if his isolation plan had worked sooner. And when it did, it meant in a few more hours, he'd be buried inside of her. 
She knew he was coming home soon and tucked her legs into her chest. The silence had been welcomed. Wanted even if she was honest with herself. But she was lonely. He'd left her with one hound instead of the usual 3, and not even a hound who wanted to be with her.
She was confused by him. Her body begging and pleading to bend to his every wish and want, to be his, but er mind screaming to run, to fight. Her heart stood tore in the middle. She'd always wanted a mate, she just have never wanted this isolation.
She jumped as the door opened and familiar claws ran across the wood floor rushing to come greet her. She turned to pet little fluffy heads, one hound in each hand as he took off his jacket and shoes.
"You told me it'd only be a few days," her heart tightened. "You were gone for a month."
Eris quickly hid the tugging smile. "Did you miss me then?"
"No." Yes. She realized she had answered too quickly. His brow raised indicated he didn't believe her. And who could blame him when she didn't believe herself. "It just isn't something a proper mate would do." 
Eris felt his shoulders grow stiff, his head turned to the side slightly as if he were assessing her. "So a month of loneliness is all it took for you to acknowledge the bond? To acknowledge you are mine?"
She felt the weight of his questions hit her. That had been his plan all along, to force loneliness so deep it cut through her sanity. He moved to her, hands falling to her hips and gripping tightly. He was waiting for an answer. "Speak, fox." He said to her, "Tell me of your nights without my body and magic keeping the sheets warm, of how cold the cabin grew without me keeping the fires lit. Tell me how desperate you were for me. For my touch."
His gaze was serpentine. Staring her down as if she were no more than a wounded animal. "I didn't mean it that way," her voice was weak.
"You know better than to lie, little fox," one hand moved up her body. "Now greet me like a proper mate who missed her other half." She shook her head, refusing to give him that one carnal desire. Eris clicked his tongue. "Maybe I was mistaken in thinking you were ready for time apart. I thought we were past this." His hands on her hips grew tighter and warmer. She felt her lip tremble. "Do you need a reminder of who this body belongs to? Of who makes it sing?" His right hand moved up her body. "Not a single day went by where I did not miss and think of you. Of the good girl I left at home."
His words were a soft confession and opening. His Amber eyes met her doe ones. The offer shining brightly. If she gave him this one thing, he would be gentle with her tonight. "Well, little love," his hand tilted her face to his. "Will you give me a welcome home kiss?"
Her mind screamed for her to fight longer, to fight more. Her heart begged to cave to this new gentleness he was offering. Her body screamed for it as well. It screamed to be reunited with her mate, despite his isolation methods, despite his cruelty.
She caved, hands finding his chest, her soul, and heart, singing from finally having contact and socialization again. She began kissing him deeply despite the dimming protests in her mind.
Eris knew of her independence when he ripped her from her parents home. He had begun to use it as a reward against her.
If she behaved, he allowed her a taste of freedom, of what they would have when his father was gone. And last night had behaved beautifully. 
She had allowed him to take her, the way he truly wanted, with soft caresses and whispered words of adoration and worship. She had cried and begged for him as if he was her savior and salvation all in one. 
So today, he took her to Spring. Allowing her to explore the once destroyed but now flourishing market.
"Good girls get rewards," he had murmured into her naked skin as he took her again this morning. 
He didn't even notice her plotting. He only finally noticed when they had reached an area that was more lively than others and she was no longer at his side. 
But if she wanted a game of chase, if she wanted to ruin this beautiful day the two of them were having. He was more than happy to oblige and trap her back in that cabin until she understood one simple fact.
She wasn't going to go home. 
Her heart was racing as she pulled the scarf further over her hair and weaved between bodies. 
She didn't bother looking at anyone. Didn't return their joyful good mornings. She had to focus on her escape. On crossing that border into Autumn and getting home.
She quickly made it to that odd edge between courts, were bright green grass contrasted deep golden orange and burning red hues. 
She took off running when the bond warned her he was close. Her home was a 3 days journey by horseback from Spring. She had no clue if she'd make it there, or how long it could take, but this kiss of freedom was worth it.
She was near the cabin when nightfall came giving away to cold air. She was starving, exhausted, and her body felt as if she had been laying on hot pokers all day.
Every step to keep herself warm was tedious as her legs grew heavier. Every rustle of leaves had her on edge.
She stood at the small clearing, knowing a right would take her back to the cabin, to somewhere safe and warm. A left would take her towards the border of Winter. Continuing straight would take her home. 
She knew these woods weren't safe. That she was not safe. I was safe in the cabin, her mind whispered. He may be cruel, but I was always safe.
Eris watched her from up in the trees unknown to her. He had found her hours ago with the 9 hounds that were also stalking her like prey. 
One of them paused, ears folding back and his body going low to the ground as he growled. Eris smelled the beast before he heard it or saw in. He gave the signal for his hounds to hold and waited, a bow and arrow notched. 
Soulless black eyes stared at his mate, long claws emerged from its hands as it stalked around her and she stood there frozen in fear. "The dark mother has brought me a blessing," the creature hissed to her. "A treat wandering into the forest all by herself." 
Eris kept his arrow lined and true with the beast but never released it. The hounds were growing restless, itching to destroy the monster, threatening the female they considered their mother. She didn't even move as it raised a clawed hand to brush her cheek, only whimpered out of fear. "Your screams will be delicious." 
It's other clawed hand raised and Eris took the opening, shooting the beast in the ribs and heart before it could harm his little mate and giving the hounds the signal to attack.
He jumped down, and she looked at him, eyes welled with tears before running into his arms.
"I'm sorry," she kept whispering. "I'm so sorry. Take me home. Please. Please don't make me stay out here." 
Eris put her at an arm's length, faking a look of indifference. "I offered you my love, my safety, my protection. I gave you a treat for your good behavior, and you repay me by running away?" Her lips trembled as her tears fell faster. "You truly expect me to take you back to the cabin you seem to hate so much?" He whistled for his hounds, signaling them to stop the attack and head home. "Why shouldn't I leave you in these woods, alone and cold?"
Her body shook with sobs. "Eris please. I'm so scared."
"And you could have been home safe. If you would have played your part, had you been a good little mate. A night out here would be the consequences of your own actions." 
A whimper ripped through her. "I'll give you anything, please. Please take me back."
Eris cocked his head at her, "Anything?" He purred in delight. Holding his hand out. "If I bring you home, you never run again, you will serve me a meal, and you will move into my chambers when I place as high lord with no further arguments."
It was a slap in the face. Her mind was reeling instantly, pleading with her to just leave. To turn towards winter, to turn towards anywhere and leave. "You can shake my hand and seal the bargain, or you can stay in these woods. Cold, afraid, and alone. Thousands of females would slaughter each other with no hesitation for your spot at my side."
The mating bond growled in possession inside of her, her heart shattered at the idea of him with someone else. Her body moved on its own choice, her hand slowly raising and holding his. 
Eris growled in satisfaction. "I expect my dinner tomorrow night, little fox." He picked her up, warming her freezing body with his own as he walked to the cabin. "Let's get you inside and safe."
He tucked her naked body into the bed. Warming the sheets to fight the chill that had sunk into her bones. She was covered in evidence of his love for her. He grinned with male satisfaction before moving to the living room and checking over the 9 sleeping hounds who had been treated to her love and treats. 
He walked out of the door, whistling three times for the last three to come in. They jogged to the door happily, little scraps of her clothing still attached to their collars. He took the clothing off of them, throwing it into the hearth where the rest of the dress had burned early, and he patted them each gently.
"Good hounds," he spoke softly. "You lead it straight to her."
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qsycomplainsalot · 9 months
AI isn't Art it's just Illegal Predatory Randomized CGI
Reposting this because OP blocked me, can't begin to guess why.
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Photography, collage, readymade and various of the more abstract styles of painting and drawing are all art, and AI isn't. Why is that ? Simply, there are skills required to make technically interesting artpieces using these media, let alone meaningful ones. A skilled photographer might not be skilled with a pen, but their knowledge of composition and observation will always be transferrable to a new medium, in a way that they'll never start their art journey from scratch again. Because they're already an artist, because they've already done art and are skilled at it. Speaking for myself it took me a decade to get to a level where I was able to get paid for my work drawing traditionally, and once there it took me less than a year to reach a somewhat similar level switching over to digital. The skills are more comparable than with say collage or sculpture but the core principle still stands: I had gone and learned traditional art in art school, and while there I learned a slew of skills that were not at all limited to one tool, and when it came to switching I did not have to learn these skills again. Because by that point I was already a trained artist. I could just switch to sculpting with clay tomorrow and the biggest challenge would be to find a new market more than any skill issue.
Meanwhile fucking about with a computer to generate new pictures randomly has NO transferrable skills whatsoever. So much of the work has been taken out of your hands by a pattern seeking piece of software that it is impossible to learn anything from the experience. It's just plain to see when before you click the doodad to generate a new picture, you have NO IDEA what it will look like, none whatsoever unless you've been iterating on it before. You're not having an idea, formulating it in your mind and applying your skills to getting it out into the world, you just sort of have an idea and then a machine does the actual art work for you.
The only way you could possibly get better as an artist from doing this is if somehow you were deluded enough to think the process of scalping every artists' work in history was ethical, while also being observant and caring about art history enough that you'd learn critical skills from looking at the result of your quotation mark work end quote. Which is something you can do by going on a museum, or the internet. And if being an art historian isn't good enough for you, I invite you to actually join the elite exclusive vip club you're funding the death and automatisation of, by simply picking up a pen and piece of paper and starting to draw. It's that fucking simple.
PS: People trying to compare writing prompts with poetry: poetry does not include a stage in its process where all your artistic intent is surrendered to a machine to churn out a mash up of unethically sourced content. Nobody is going to buy a small book of computer generated picture prompts to keep on their night stand. You guys are delusional.
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mastercrownmonday · 12 days
You know how everyone shows Magolor, Taranza, and Susie as besties?
Well do you think the Master Crown, Dimensional Mirror, and Star Dream would also be besties?
Ok this ask reminded me of a shitpost I've been meaning to make so let's get that out of the way:
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You see, I always envisioned the Ultimate Evil Trio as Star Dream, Queen Sectonia, and Traitor Magolor. (I guess the Master Crown and Dimensional Mirror are technically along for the ride in this case?)
Anyways: you might be clairvoyant! I've been thinking A LOT about Star Dream in particular lately, including how it might feel about other Ancient Artifacts---like the Crown! (Note: okay the Star Dream brainrot is extremely obvious on my main account now but I swear that wasn't the case when I started writing this answer, ever so long ago. Lol)
I never considered a sentient Dimensional Mirror though... maybe someone else in the fandom has really juicy headcanons (feel free to share in the tags), but at the moment, I only have theories on its magic properties and relation to the magicians of the Mirror World. For example, I like to think that Simirror is from that world, and so they know a lot about the Dimensional Mirror.
As for the Master Crown and Star Dream: they would, theoretically, have a lot to commiserate about together, but I don't think they would actually get along. I won't reveal too much (since I'm still hoping to post some tangentially-related comics and stuffs in the future), but basically: their motivations and sympathies are completely different.
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If we are going to make a trio of Ancient Artifacts/eldritch abominations from the distant 10s, I would make it the Crown, Void Termina, and Star Dream. (this way we can preserve the holy domesticated trinity of cat, dog, and bird)
PS: Since you mentioned it, I'll give a small disclaimer... I actually prefer grouping Magolor, Taranza, and Susie as a bestie quartet with Marx. He may not be a 2010s girlie, but I think he balances the rest of them out and makes the dynamic more fun :)
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Random features of my BSD age swap au
Kyouka and Q (Yumeno Kyuusaku) were the equivalent of Double Black, but I haven't figured out what to call them instead. Either way, they were a terrifying duo where between Q's raw destructiveness and Kyouka's stealth, as well as Q's psychological manipulation and Kyouka's resourcefulness and logic, basically no one could beat them. Until Kyouka left anyway
PS Q did not take Kyouka leaving as well as Chuuya took Dazai leaving. There is So Much Bullshit going on there
Atsushi is Oda, RIP. Akutagawa is Ango if he'd been a PM spy in both the government and Mimic
Gin is an Executive
Aya is Ranpo. Fukuzawa is a girldad. She actually has an Ability but has trouble accepting it due to her (now dead) birth father's abuse.
Ranpo and Yosano are the Agency's resident teenagers (14 and 15 respectively). Ranpo is still in his 'everyone is a monster and I'm scared' phase because Fukuzawa hasn't quite managed to get the lie to click; him and 18 year old Dazai bond oddly well over this.
Tachihara was Rimbaud, technically. There's some logic in my head that makes this make sense. Yes, this means Tachigin is Rimlaine in this AU, and Gin is every bit as pathetic as Verlaine is.
Where are actual Rimlaine? ...Good question.
Kenji is Kunikida, technically. Q is not jealous at all (lie)
Higuchi is a Black Lizard commander. Don't ask me how this works.
Kouyou is unfortunately locked in the Port Mafia's basement because Golden Demon is a lot more destructive than Demon Snow was. (She's Q).
Chuuya attacks Dazai on the train (how Kyouka attacks Atsushi) though he's significantly less inclined to blow himself up. Unfortunately for him he winds up blown up anyway.
Mori gets to traumatized even more children - he gets to directly mentor Kyouka and Q, then Dazai, and Yosano.
Does Yosano join the Agency before or after Dazai? Yes.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
03/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; OurFlagTurns2; AdoptOurCrew Rhys Cameo; Samba Schutte; Vico Ortiz; Nathan Foad; In Soup Now Fundraiser; Watch Party Reminders; Wrecked;Newark Newark; Our Flag Means RTL; Fan Spotlight; Taika Cast Card; Captain's Orders Cont'd; TX OFMD Meet Up - Well and Truly Docked; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Happy 2nd OFMD Anniversary Crew!
So many things were going on for the 2nd Anniversary! @AdoptOurCrew were putting out questions/prompts to increase community engagement! Did you all send any stories their way?
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Thank you to @PaulineKnip for catching the #OurFlagTurns2 tag trending!
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@adoptourcrew was kind enough to get the crew a Cameo from our esteemed Captain! They were having some technical difficulties getting the full thing uploaded, so I've included it here for now, but you can access it via their @AdoptOurCrew Tiktok
== Fundraisers ==
In Soup Now is now live! Interested in helping raise funds for Team Haven Belfast to support their work to feed unhoused neighbors? Check out: InSoupNow: In Aid of Team HAVEN for WeeJohnWonday
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== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba posted a couple of things in honor of the 2 year anniversary of OFMD in his Stories!
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== Vico Ortiz ==
Just some photos of Vico and what they've been up to lately!
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== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan has a bunch of stuff on BBC this week! Please give some a watch to support him!
Monday 4th 11:15pm - BBC2 - "Our Flag Means Death; s2e5'
Tuesday 5th 10pm - BBC2 - 'Newark, Newark' Ep 1
On iplayer (&repeating tonight, 11:40 pm bbc3) ' Things you should have done' ep two.
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
For all current watch parties, check out Watch Party Calendar
Mar 4 - Mar 8: Wrecked Season 1
Wrecked is no longer on any streaming platform, and it is not available digitally on US sites. (Apparently, it is available on German Amazon?) There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th. 
Season 2 watch from March 11th to March 15th. 
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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= Mar 5: NewarkNewark with @adoptourcrew =
Please join @adoptourcrew for a @NewarkNewark watch party on March 5th at 10 pm GMT/ 2pm PS / 5pm EST!
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== Deutsche Nachrichten / German News ==
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Twitter-Watch-Along von Our Flag Means Death:
Streamt Staffel 2 ab dem 15. März.
Samstag, 9.3. 17:00 Folgen 1 bis 3, 
Dienstag, 12.3. 20:00 Folgen 4 & 5, 
Mittwoch, 13.3. 20:00 Folgen 6 & 7, 
Donnerstag 14.3. 20:00 Folgen 8 & 9, 
Freitag, 15.3. 17:30 Folge 10
Und anschließend bingen wir zusammen Staffel 2! 
Schaut und tweetet mit! 
 OurFlag RTL.
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards! ==
Our crew-mate @melvisik is back again, this time with a Taika trading card! So glad to see Taika joining the rest of the cast!
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== Captain's Orders ==
Two more of our crew-mates, @amuseoffyre and @pehmokoira were kind enough to share their #CaptainsOrders pictures with us! Thanks for getting out everyone, even if the weather wasn't perfect!
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== In Person Events! ==
TX: Sept 21/22 - Well and Truly Docked on the Strand Hey Crew! Some of our crew-mates in TX are holding an in-person OFMD Fan Gathering on Galveston Island in Galveston, TX - September 21/22! Learn more! For tickets, visit Truly Docked 2024
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. It's been two years. Two years since OFMD started the journey to bringing all of us together. I know a lot of us are later to the party than others, but I just wanna say thank you to OFMD for helping so many of us feel loved, and included, and safe-- and for this fandom for always being so welcoming.
Whether you've been here since the first trailer was shown, or since the cancellation of s2, you are part of this found family and we're so happy to have you.
I know a lot of folks are worried right now, and we've been going for so long, but we have something to celebrate today! 2 years! Can you believe it?
I've had more fun in the last half a year with you all, than I have in nearly a decade. The love and support I feel in this community is so strong that I feel like there's hope for just about anything. I fully believe we're going to get our s3 at this point because everything we're doing means something. This show is all about queer joy, and we need that on tv, and we're showing everyone exactly what it means to us. It's gonna happen. We're manifesting that shit.
You are wonderful lovelies, every last one of you. Don't ever forget that. I hope you have a fulfilling, restful evening/day, and everything good you could need happens for you. Stay strong, we made it this far, we'll make it through <3.
= Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika =
Sorry but I can't speak with these gifs here:
Fingers. Palpable Fingers.
Darby Courtesy of @wastingyourgum
Taika Courtesy of @waititi-tho
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ihavethedreamies · 2 months
First Kisses | WayV
WayV - All Members
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Rating: E for Everyone
Word Count: About 300 for each, so about 1.8k total
Pairing: WayV x GN!Reader (Separate)
Genre: Reader-Insert, Drabble, Fluff
Summary: Your first kiss with each member of WayV!
Author's Note: I have never wrote drabble-length things before, so I am proud of myself I kept these so short.
I tried to keep these gender-neutral, so let me know if I didn't, but it might still be slightly implied in these the reader is AFAB, I don't think so though…
PS. Kun is not only my WayV bias, but my NCT bias, and even past that, he is my ultimate bias.
PSS. I used Google Translate for Yangyang's part, so if its wrong, sorry~
-> NCT 127 <-
-> NCT Dream <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"Can you stop eating my ingredients, you're almost as bad as Chenle." Kun sighed, lightly smacking your hand as it went to the bowl of carrots he had cut up. You pouted with a huff but pulled your hand back. You loved watching him cook… Honestly, you loved watching him do everything and anything. Your eyes travelled over him once again, lingering on his handsome face. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He teased, that trademark smirk of his spreading across his face. Kun fully smiled when you scoffed, trying to play it off, looking away. "I don't need to take a picture; I can see you whenever I want." You rested your chin on your palm, trying to sound dismissive. Your best friend hummed, dropping the issue, continuing to cook as you continued to watch him. Your night continued as normal leading up to you sitting on the counter next to him as he did the dishes. "Are you sure you don't want help?" "Nope, stay there." He didn't even look your way. From your elevated position, you were eye-level with him, and close. The proximity never used to mean anything, but now you had the biggest crush on him, unlike any before. You had been lost in thought, staring at his hands, only snapping out of it when he moved to stand in front of you. Kun stood between your legs, bringing him even closer; your face grew warm. "You can see me best like this, but you're only looking at my lips." He had that stupid smirk again, so you leaned in to cover it with your own lips. Kun sighed, deepening your somewhat bashful kiss, hands resting on the counter at your sides. "You can do that anytime you want too."
"If you don't want to go so bad, why are you?" Ten glanced up from his phone to look at your reflection in the mirror. You were finishing up your hair and touching up your appearance. He was glad at least he was going to the work even with you, which should prevent any of your coworkers from asking you out. You weren't officially together, but that didn't mean he would let anyone approach you. "My boss heavily implied its mandatory." You sighed, messing with the various implements on your vanity to get the next one. You looked at him sitting behind you on your bed through the mirror. He looked stunning as usual, and you felt bad that, technically, your third date was going to be some company dinner party. After you were ready, you both headed off, and were immediately ambushed upon arrival. Your mostly female coworkers were all over Ten, no surprise. Eventually you stepped out onto one of the ballroom's balconies for some fresh air. "You okay?" Ten joined you, leaning on the railing next to you. You hummed, rubbing your temple and he huffed a laugh. Putting his hand on your shoulder, he turned you toward him, hand sliding down your arm to hold your own. You avoided his gaze, looking at your hands. His other one went to your chin to lift your head. He kissed you, not caring that anyone looking out could see. You whined when he pulled away, wanting it to continue despite the public setting. Ten winked, chuckling, "more later."
It's not easy being desperately in love with your best friend of nearly twenty years. It's also not easy to not see your precious Sicheng as the cutest thing ever. You were in an odd predicament, not sure how to act with or toward him. You decided to go with the status quo, but apparently that was the wrong choice. "Why can't you treat me like a man?" He shouted as you got into the apartment, it took you aback. He never yelled. You could tell earlier he was upset, but you were not sure why. Was it that you wiped sauce off his face? You did that a lot though… "I-I didn't mean to treat you like a child-" "What?" "With the…" You motioned around your face. "Not that! The…" He licked his lips then pressed them together, the act drawing your gaze. "The, 'that's just Sicheng,' comment. Like I'm just another one of your siblings, or something." He sighed at your confused expression. "I want you to treat me like a man, like as a boyfriend. Not like a man as in an adult." He finally got out, not used to having to spell things out for you. "Like a boyfriend?" You repeated back, more to yourself, trying to process the information. Sicheng huffed in exasperation, stomping forward. His hands cupped your jaw, pulling you closer. Instead of the soft, gentle first kiss you had fantasized, it was intense. His little nibble on your bottom lip granted him further access, his tongue tasting yours. When you both pulled back for air, your face flushed a deep red. "Oh…"
"Bella, wait!" You heard them before you could see them. You were taking your shoes off in the entry way and you heard claws scrambling on the floor, then the beagle dashed down the hall to you. "Hi, girl!" You beamed, kneeling to pet the excited pup. You heard Dejun's feet following and he stopped at the end of the hall, slightly out of breath. "Sorry, (Y/N)." He joined his pup, motioning for you to hand him the convenience store bag and you did so. Trying not to trip on the dog, you followed him into the apartment, joining him at the table to eat your snacks. "She loves you; you know." He nodded at the dog who was happily gnawing on the treat you got her. "I love her too. She's such a sweet dog…when she listens." You giggled and he rolled his eyes, groaning in agreement. Later you were sitting on the floor with her while he played some game on his Xbox. His eyes flitted down to watch his dog kiss you, licking all over your face and you sputtered where her tongue ran over your lips. He was feeling ridiculous, getting jealous over his dog licking you. "Bella, down!" He scolded and the dog sat down, both of you surprised by his sudden scolding. Getting off the floor, you sat next to him on the sofa, and he exhaled hard through his nose. "You okay?" "Why do you just let her kiss you like that?" He grumbled and you rose a brow in question. He huffed, pausing his game, and leaning over, pressing a quick kiss to your mouth. He smirked at your gaping face, continuing his game like nothing had just happened.
Watching him dance really made you wonder what he was made of. It was like his joints were jelly, or he had no bones. How did he move like that? "Guanheng, what are you made of?" You asked from the couch. You two were the only ones in the dance studio. He stopped his wiggling in the mirror, and he laughed, coming to sit with you. "What do you mean?" "How are you so…loose." You flopped your wrist, letting your hand be limp. "Oh! Uh…" He chuckled, looking deep in thought. "I just always have been." He shrugged and you hummed, looking him over. He was so weird that you sometimes forgot how handsome he was. But just sitting there with you, he really was so gorgeous. "What? Is there something on my face." His fingers came to his cheek, rubbing at the skin and you shook your head. "No. You're just…" You blushed a bit, shy to finish your sentence, "really handsome." You couldn’t meet his gaze, but you felt him shift closer to you. His fingers gently rested on your chin, making you turn to look at him again. A small smile rested on his face, not a goofy or playful one. "You're gorgeous, too." He smirked, pulling you a bit closer so he could seal the compliment with a short kiss. Your eyes were still wide when he pulled back and he huffed in amusement at your reaction. "One day I'll show you how loose I can be~"
You wanted to give up. German just wasn't a language you could learn. There were too many similarities to English, just enough that it confused you. Yangyang sighed, trying again to get you to repeat after him. It wasn't like he was trying to get you fluent, not even conversational; he was just teaching you basic phrases. "If you ever go to Germany with me, you'll have to stay with me to communicate!" He insisted and you huffed. "Why can't I use English there, huh? It’s the international language!" "Yes, but people will like you more if you speak like them. Come on, at least try and learn how to order food." He tapped on the paper he had printed out again and you leaned forward to look closer at the black print. Sneering he rolled his eyes. "You're lucky you're so cute." He grumbled, taking the paper, and flipping it over so could try the words on the other side. Your reaction to his comment was delayed, and you finally snapped your head to look at him. "I'm what?" "Cute. Now try this one, it’s easy." Yangyang tried to brush off what he said, but you couldn't. "I'm cute?" "Yes." "Look in a mirror, Yang." You huffed, embarrassed, but looked over the prompts on the page. "I'm cute?" He grinned playfully and sent him an exaggerated glare. "Adorable." Your tone was aggressive, making the response hilarious, so he burst out laughing. You had a hard time not giggling along with him. "Kann ich dich küssen?" He spoke but you had no idea what he said. "Yes?" You replied, not knowing what you just responded to. Yangyang then hauled you closer, kissing you for one, two, three seconds, then pulled away. You blinked. "Niedlich~"
-> NCT 127 <-
-> NCT Dream <-
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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whole-circus · 11 months
I was wondering if you'd put your depiction on the creepypastas if the reader was a Tomie Kawakami like entity. I don't know if you have ever read or seen this character by Junji Ito or not so only do this if you're comfy
PS: have good day, hydrate and rest °v°
Creepypastas with Tomie Kawakami like!
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Eyeless Jack, "Ticci" Toby, BEN Drowned, X-Virus
Hi! I just LOVE that idea!! I must say I enjoy reading Junji Ito's works (even if Tomie wasnt my fav)! Here you go hun, if you want some other characters feel free to say! >:3 Good day for you too, take care! Also you waited so long im sorry, I had to made small break and now I feel like my "work" is shitty!!!!
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Jeff the Killer
Okay I feel like at first Jeff would pretend that he is not into you..who knows why? His own deep insecurities? Or he just doesnt like the idea of how flirty you are? You know, he usually is the one making first move and toying with others (making them obv uncomfy, he act like definition of "white straight good guy" lol). But no worries, he does find you absolutely cute, thinks you are prettiest person walking on earth (and you are all that actually). Listen, he wont magically turn into huge simp..but! you make him feel things. Congrats, you have high chance to broke Jeff and make him lovely-dovely on his weird way towards you! No matter if you are already in relationship with him or not, he gest pretty possesive and jealous over you! Come on, you cant be all pretty and cute AND have everyone all over you! People who adores you might end up dead before you will be able to kill them. Definitely would try threaten people to stop talking to you..its up to you if you find it cute or scary tho!
Jane the Killer
Jane gives me huge femme fatale vibes so i feel like you would really vibe together (no matter your gender)! And come on!! She understands the need of revenge like no one else!! Jane wants to beat Jeff ass! Adores you so much..not only you are absolutely gorgeous but also pretty smart too! Appearance matter in some way to her, but I think she would actually be into intelect and personality more than how you look like. And the fact that you are such a great manipulator!! You will make her fall in love with you even more. She is such a cutie im telling you! Jane is jealous but she puts that aside all that aside and she just worries about your yeah well technically you cant die, but what damage your brain will damage your brain and stay for long time! She doesnt want you to get hurt, even if you are doing the big scary job here!
Eyeless Jack
Demon partner with demonish partner? Isnt that perfect? Yeah yeah, you are diffrent from eachother but definitely have common ground, arent you? Dunno why but I feel like your charm wouldnt work on him just becasue of what he is. That doesnt mean that he doesnt find your ass cute tho! He just you know..its not really obsessive but more of actual feelings. Even if other pastas fell in love with your character too, then Jack would be a bit diffrent and at first fell for who you are and not what you look like! When it comes to possible of jealousity, he is not that much of envious about people who you flirt with/or they flirt with you! He clearly understands that you do it more for your..entertainment and to cause chaos (and maybe some sort of revenge). Also he is immortal, you are immortal - best couple to ever exist! You will spend eternity with eachother so he doesnt have anything to worry about!
"Ticci" Toby
Damn reader, you will break Toby! He gets so shy and so blushy around you.. Especially if you are flirting with him! Doesnt really like the idea of you and other people being a bit flirty. He gets jealous easly and it leads him to being insecure and doubtful of himself - he knows that he is not perfect, and all your actions make him even more anxious. Toby does care so much about your opinion so he just bottles it all up, not wanting to mess up even more! But I bet you are smart human being and feel that something is wrong. Just reassure him that you love him a lot and he is way diffrent than people you talk to (well, he is in fact atill alive, isnt he) and he is good to go!
BEN Drowned
Ben is Ben, not a simple thought in his head. Yeah kidding, but he just cant help but simp over you so so much! Like he is down on his knees at your service the second he sees you! Dont get me wrong, you are not only what you look like but its the first thing he notices about you! It would be almost too easy to manipulate him, but we dont do that here..(at least I hope so). Anyway, he literally worships you, you are the most good-looking person out here! And he is a ghost, he has seen a lot. About your habit of flirting around and then watchin somebodys downfall? I cant say he is not jealous, but he wont show it. Also finds your actions pretty funny. Who doest like to see someone dying becasue of their stupidy? Yeah, definitely not Ben, loves the chaos you cause.
Cody enjoyes how flirty you are! Okay well, maybe he only enjoys that if you are flirty with him! For real, you get him all giggly and blushy to be honest. Its so easy to tease him and so fun to look at! Propably tries his best to do the same but fails miserably. Your relationship give me a bit of nerd x popular partner vibe lol! You know, he literally spends half of his time in lab or studying for fun + Cody propably stinks. Now here you are, having such a mesmerizing appearance!! (You are fun to be around to, lets not be so vain!) . At the same time he asks many question, its just in his nature to enjoy knowing things. He just cant help but wonder what or who are you..but who wouldnt want to know that?..And please try to get idea of testing you or making small experiments out of his small silly head!! He is weirdo like that! But at the end of a day he is your weirdo!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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in Defence of Creek ( warning if your an Avid Creek Hater you may not want to read this 😂😂 )
ps. Branch will Hair strangle some guy he Barely knew who he didn't even care about for betraying them but doesn't do the same to his Jerkass Brothers who let him down his whole life 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.
anyway onto the topic at hand 😂😂😂😂
Creek gets an unfair Rap in my opinion sure he technically betrayed the village but when you examine the story of the first film he literally had no other choice.
as there's no other scenario that didn't end with him being Horribly Eaten as soon as he was picked by Chef for Gristle Jr to eat and taken out of the cage his fate was sealed.
unlike the rest of the snack pack he didn't have the option of sitting around waiting on the off chance Poppy would Rescue them.
we see in the Betrayal scene he was literally in Gristle's mouth before he finally played the only card he could and said he'd do what ever they wanted him to do.
and from then on he was kept in Gristle's locket around his neck which I have to say was Horrible poor guy was stuffed in their with no space or light or even air given how tight it was.
and he was kept there until eventually being moved out of the locket and put into Chef's waist bag just before the snack pack got the Locket from Gristle and were then captured by Chef.
and from that point like Creek himself said there was literally nothing else he could do that wouldn't result in him being killed straight away by Chef.
this is what rubs me the wrong way about the movie trying to make him into a villain he has no real agency in the betrayal it'd be a little easier for me to Judge him.
if he was kept in the cage with the Rest of the Snack Pack so he had the option of just having faith in Poppy someone he claimed to care about.
coming to save them but instead he took the more cowardly action and offered to sell everyone out early on in order to save himself then I feel it'd work a little better.
but having him be plucked from the cage early on and literally only betray everyone when he was on the verge of being eaten just makes him a victim in my eyes.
like I'm sorry but he can't be blamed too much for anything he does at that point he's just a normal civilian who's life was put in danger by negligent leaders ( cough Peppy cough ).
he technically wasn't obligated to die then and there and the whole situation with him selling out the Village is a classic Trolley Problem sure its easy to Judge.
from the outside but when we're on the verge of being gruesomely murdered who's to say what each of us would do in the moment to stay alive.
basically its Chef's actions and she's the one to blame not Creek dude was a literal Hostage who had been kidnaped Humiliated by being shoved in a taco and sprinkled with spicy stuff.
and then nearly eaten and then crammed into a tiny locket for presumably Hours and then crammed into a waist bag like how is this guy not the victim here?
and some people do like to point to how he behaved about the whole thing telling Poppy he's doing it for her but I'm sorry that doesn't change anything in my eyes.
sure its an unusual reaction but its also an unusual situation and I see it more as him weakly attempting to justify it to himself since he does admit he wishes there was another way but is promptly reminded by Chef that there isn't.
his Reaction isn't Great but it doesn't change the situation and make him some pure evil person.
a little autistic maybe? given the weird response to an emotional situation he has but yeah it doesn't make him worse in my eyes.
basically to end things the film as well as the fandom that villainise him seem to basically be saying that he should have just laid down and accepted his gruesome fate the first time.
and the movie even ends on a cruel irony of still being eaten along with Chef.
which for Chef is ironic in a karmic way but for Creek its just kinda sad tbh so the film's saying his death was decided at the start and he's a villain for not accepting it the first time.
and as punishment he meets the same fate in the end anyway.
I thought this was a Trolls film not a Final Destination film lol.
anyway even tho its separate cannon I was Happy when he was Revealed to still be alive in TBGO sure I feel his Return could have been written way better.
but Regardless I'm Glad he's still alive he didn't deserve to die and also the movie cannon never contradicts the tv show cannon in Terms of Creek's survival.
so yeah he could very well still be alive in the movies as well sorry Haters 😅😅😅😅.
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NSFT Alphabet: Antonio Paganini
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@turbulentscrawl screaming wonderwall with me
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Antonio massages the sorest parts of your body (wrists, arms, hips, legs), and would draw a bath for you both to enjoy (def the type to enjoy stay intimately close). If the devil was in charge though, you need to supply the emotional aftercare, yes you may have granted permission but it is taxing on Antonio. Would def cuddle after sex and likes the weight of you on top of him, again likes skin-on-skin contact. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His face especially his nose, has a beautiful profile and he knows it. Hands but like Frederick is a man of his time and would like your feet too. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Realistic he has none, his body is technically undead`` So yay no cleanup (sorry ppl who like creampies) but unrealistically I wish he had glowly cum hbfvhbbvbv (devil skin and crescent knight)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He is an older man and like Luchino and Alva he pretty open with what he likes (he is this way with your wants too be open about it)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
No virgin, there is no way this man didn’t get laid (ps though most of them was when he was drunk)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes to be ridden 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Can match your energy with this so if you start giggling he will too (esp for those who are ticklish this is great!)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Ngl prob a brush down there and you know it prob soft and you just touching it cuz wow it soft wtf 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Again bounces from your energy 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Stress masturbate probably or the devil does it (sir go get your own body!)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Foot fetish, bondage with his hair, spit in his mouth or he spit in your mouth, you pulling his hair
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Okay so if you are in-game with him, he might get frisky but not always but happens, has fucked in the music room (fuck off Frederick!), his or your bedroom
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Flirting can get him good, but so can deep conversations the type where you are genuinely trying to get to know him. There is something very intimate about that for a man whose whole life revolved around his talents and people being fake about their intentions with him. The deep connection gets him going and when you are expressing romantic intentions after awhile that gets him going.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Will say devil but he does not have a choice in that manner, it will come out and he hates it. It is complex and he fears one day hurting you-- The devil hurting you but again there is not much of a choice in this.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This man, this man’s fucking nose, bye working legs.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depending on the mood he can be fast and rough or slow and sensual or between that or a damn tease; maestro just built like that
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Depends on the situation but not one for quickies (the devil is though)
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Because of the Devil’s involvement, you need to expect risks. Whatever Antiono has, he expected to know he will be forced to share. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
He can go as long as you need him to go
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Use them on him, no really use them on him. I think it important to show him he can be safe and in control while being the one submissive. Show him is safe while using these and constantly be with him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
You both need to be unfair but not too much there needs to be an endgame
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Antiono can be vocal, and you might even try to be quiet just so you can enjoy how pretty his voice is
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Looks at that Devil that trying to get in your pants….
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
IT GOOD OKAY (it got bigger)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Antiono has the average sex drive but then you got the hellion that is always ready to go so…
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He doesn’t actually need to sleep but he does relax with you enjoying the peace
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melanieph321 · 29 days
If you can write for Kenan yildiz where he gets jealous because you’re friends with your ex
PS I like your work and I hope you have a good day😌🫶🏼
Ugh, love this! 😩
(DAY 5)
Kenan Yildiz x Reader - The Perks Part 1/2
Part 2
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You stared at the invitation in your hand, feeling your heart sinking into the depths of the school grounds. "Marco, what is this?"
He stood before you with a cheap smile and box of chocolates in his hands. "Don't play dumb Y/N, it's an invitation to prom, what else?"
"Why are you inviting me to prom when you know that I have a boyfriend?"
"Who, Kenan?" Marco laughed. It was hard to believe that you used date him once. Marco was technically your ex boyfriend, but sharing the same friend group made it nearly impossible for you to avoid him.
"Be real Y/N, Kenan is not coming to Prom. Juventus has a game on Saturday."
"He might make it." You hissed. Although you knew how important Juventus game against Napoli was. The perks of dating a professional football player.
Kenan wasn't like any other guy though. He was muture and very determined about his sport. You met him through family connections, and what started out as an innocent friendship quickly turned into something more. Kenan however, never finished high school. A tradition like prom probably had little significance to him.
"Okay, let's say he does make it...." Marco explained, "Don't you think it will ruin everything?"
"How so?"
"Well, you'll never get any time for yourself, let alone on the dance floor. People, especially the girls, are going to flock after him like wild chickens, meaning the two of you won't have a moment for yourself. Is that really what you want your biggest night in high school to be like?"
You thought about it and remembered the last time Kenan came to visit your school. Along with your parents, he came to watch your performance with the school orchestra. However, all hell had broken lose, with even faculty members jumping Kenan, asking him to sign their belongings. Where you came from in Italy everyone was a fan of Juventus. It was as simple as that.
"Fine." You nodded. "I'll be your date to the prom."
"Yes." Marco punshed the air with his fist.
"But don't get it twisted, we're only going as friends."
"And we'll have a great time together."
You rolled your eyes, accepting the chocolates that were handed to you.
"See you Saturday beautiful." Marco blew you a kiss before running off. He was such a kid. But he did have a point about taking you to prom. Question was, how would your boyfriend feel about it?
Instead of going home that afternoon you went straight to Kenan's house. However, his car wasn't in the driveway when you arrived, meaning he had yet returned home from training. Instead you were greeted by the maid, Rita, who made you a snack as you waited.
After a long day of school you ended up falling asleep on Kenan's couch, only to be woken up by wett kisses serenading your face.
"Stop it." You muttered.
A chuckle. "Why? You look so cute when you sleep."
"Kenan?" Your eyes flung open.
He smiled down at you. "I didn't know that you were coming over. I would've picked up some food on my way here."
"No need." You sat up, rubbing your tired eyes. "Rita made me your favorite..."
"It was delicious."
"You little..."
Kenan threw himself over the couch. You were pinned down with your arms above your head as his weight fell on top of you.
"Say you're sorry."
"Say your sorry for eating my Kisir."
You squealed as lips targeted your neck, searching for your tickle spot.
"Say your sorry."
He continued to trace the kisses downwards, one had letting go of your pinned arms.
"Kenan, please." You giggled. Your laughter quickly turned to soft moans as Kenan's free hand slipped down your skirt, snaking it's way between your  trembling thighs.
"Relax." He whispered. "I'll make you feel good baby."
Although it felt good, really good. It was not what you came here for.
"Kenan, we need to talk."
It was the panic in your voice that made him stop. He sat up, cheeks flushed. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No!" You pushed off your elbows. "Of course not, no."
"T...then why did you want me to stop?" The worry in his eyes was heartbreaking.
"Beacause..." You sighed, never having imagine how hard it would be to confess to him. "I have something to tell tell you. It's the reason why I'm here, not to..."
A moment of clearity appeared on his face. "Right..." He coughed. "Shoot...I guess."
He sat back on the couch, stretching for your legs to rest in his lap. "What would you like to tell me?"
"Well..." Where to begin? "I told you that my high school prom is coming up...."
"The party?"
"Yes, the party." You nodded. "With all of my classmates.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Sounds like fun."
"And it's gonna be. It's just that..." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "...Marco asked me to be his date and I said yes."
"Marco, as in your ex boyfriend Marco?"
"Yes, Marco Lazzarini."
"Okay, but why would you want to go to prom with that fool?"
"He is though, a fool. You told me so yourself."
"Yes, but he's also one of my closest friends, ergo, I'm going to prom with my friend."
"Your ex boy-friend."
You legs fell as Kenan stood. He was clearly upset.
"Kenan, you know I would've asked you to go with me."
"So why didn't you?"
"What do you mean, Juventus is playing Napoli on Saturday, remember?"
He stiffened. "It's this Saturday?"
"Yes." You sighed, finally getting your point across."
"S...so you're only going with Marco because I'm not able to?"
You nodded. "That and other things?"
"Other things?"
You thought about what Marco said, how Kenan coming to Prom would ruin things.
"It's better this way." You nodded. "People would have bothered us if you came with me to prom."
Kenan frowned. "So that's it? I'm a burden to you?"
"What, no."
"Sounds like it."
"What, no Kenan? That's not what I meant and you know that."
"That's what it sounded like to me."
"Kenan, you got it all wrong."
He shook his head. "Nah, if you want to go to prom, go. I hope you and Marco Lazzarini have a great time together."
"Kenan?" His gaze, his tone. It was all spiteful.
"You heard me Y/N, go! I have to rest anyway. "
It felt like a shot to the head. You stood from the couch, your body trembling like noodles. You left Kenan's house with a lump in your throat soon replaced by hushed sobbing as you made your way home.
Part 2
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