#purple fire bush
cobrakaisb · 3 months
what was i made for?
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summary: everybody hates you, but luke could never see you that way; luke hates himself, but he’s always going to be the center of your galaxy.
word count: 2.3k
featuring: angst, reader and luke share a vape (sue me🙈), but also friend dynamics, and official godly parent reveal 🙌, reader and luke are basically together (without the labels).  
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“i hate it here,” you announce, taking a seat at the hermes table for breakfast. 
chris, luke, and katrina all exchange glances. you can sense their nerves from a mile away, and their unease only seems to heighten when you slam your plate and goblet on the table. chris opens his mouth, ready to comment on your behavior, but he decides not to when you throw a nasty glare his way. 
“wow, you’re hera’s daughter,” katrina teases, nudging your shin with her own from across the table. 
“no shit, really?” you reply, stabbing a lone strawberry on your plate.
“no seriously, your glare is exactly like hers. i can see her staring at me in disapproval and everything,” katrina continues with a wide smile on her face.
you flash a tight-lipped smile in response, but don’t take the bait that’s dangling in front of you. over the past few months, you’ve established quite the reputation at camp half-blood. aside from being something akin to a forbidden child -- because it was always assumed that hera would never have children -- your nasty temper, smart mouth, and enormous ego have led to a number of fights. all of them were petty, with campers making claims about you that were so far into leftfield you were surprised they even caught on. 
“what happened this time?” luke asks, his shoulder brushing against yours when he leans forward to rest his elbows on the table. 
“that stupid fucking lava wall,” you grumble, taking a bite of your pancakes. 
“okay…” katrina prompts, waving her hand in a continue motion. 
you swallow your food before answering, “i love the lava wall, it’s such a good workout, but i hate that my time slot is the same as the ares kids.” 
“nothing new, but what’d they do now?” katrina asks. 
“annoy me,” you answer.
luke says your name in the same tone he uses when travis and connor get caught pulling some master prank. you can hear the disappointment in his tone, and that elicits an eye roll from you. he doesn’t even know the full story, and he’s already picking a side other than yours, typical. 
“sorry, that we can’t all be the golden child like you,” you sneer, getting up from the table to throw the rest of your food in the burning fire pit.
everybody knows you prayed to your mother when the flames flash a deep purple before flickering back to their normal orange. 
“i’ll talk to her,” katrina says, standing up from her seat. 
luke lifts up his hand, shakes his head no, and replies, “i got it.” 
he follows you out of the dining pavilion and into the woods. you know he’s there because you can hear the cracks of twigs and rustling of bushes as he matches your step. only two people are crazy enough to follow you, but only one of them knows when to walk in silence.
“go back to camp luke,” you demand, pushing a branch out of the way. 
“not until you tell me what the fuck happened at the lava wall,” he answers, dodging the branch before it makes contact with his nose. 
you stop short, looking at long island sound through a small gap in the trees. luke knows the spot; you two come here frequently. he waits for a moment, admiring your straight back. even when you’re feeling your worst, you still muster up the courage to walk with the confidence of a princess. 
“the same old shit. you know the story,” you mumble, eyes squinting from the glare of the sun. 
luke sighs. he doesn’t understand why you put up this mask with him. why do you feel the need to continue being the strong, confident, arrogant, and put-together, daughter of hera when it’s just the two of you? he steps closer to you, standing directly behind you so his arms can wrap around your waist. you lean back into his chest, shoulders sagging in defeat. 
“i never used to care what people thought of me, now it’s all i can think about. this was supposed to be different, luke,” you whisper. 
luke doesn’t say anything in return. he drops his forehead against the back of your head, and squeezes your hips just a bit tighter. camp was supposed to be different. you were meant to feel wanted and seen; he was meant to become a hero with ultimate glory. from the looks of it, neither of you are anywhere close to getting what you deserve. 
some days were harder than others, luke knew this. yet, it didn’t make it any easier when one of those hard days came around. each and every time he feels utterly dead to the world, wanting nothing more than to rot away in the comfort of his bottom bunk in the hermes cabin. being head counselor doesn’t afford that luxury. so, he takes a deep breath, musters up every ounce of courage his body could possibly possess, and walks out the door. 
usually, the training arena is quiet in the mornings. nobody, not even the most dedicated warriors, is willing to get up earlier than they need to. sleep is a hot commodity at camp half-blood. and so is privacy. so, luke relishes in the quiet mornings where he’s surrounded by the soft tweets of birds, the slash of his sword, and his heavy breathing. he trains and trains, searching for a way to be good enough again. he used to pray, but after years of going unheard and unanswered, he gave up on connecting with his father.
he thinks of his mother, alone in their house in suburban connecticut. she never doubted hermes, even when he left them for worse; her faith kept her loyal. luke wishes that he had her loyalty, but he doesn’t. instead, all he feels is anger and resentment towards his father. he swings his sword again, cutting through the outer layer of the dummy, and watches as the stuffing falls gracefully to the ground.  
“that’s a lot of slashes,” you comment, and your voice draws him out of his own head.
he ignores you, continuing on with his practice session. 
“you know you can take a break, right?” you ask, coming to stand behind him. 
luke’s arm falls to his side, his sword resting against his thigh. his head falls forehead, and he takes in a deep breath, letting the clean air fill his lungs. your hand sneaks between the strap of his bronze breastplate and his bright orange t-shirt. he takes another breath, and your chin digs into his shoulder before you drop a kiss on the exposed skin by the collar of his shirt. 
you don’t say anything, and luke appreciates that about you. ever since your arrival at camp, he’s tried to pinpoint what exactly draws him to you. every time he comes up empty handed, but at this moment he knows it’s your willingness to just let him be. you never force him to be happy or content with the gods’ and their behavior. you embrace the darkness slowly rising inside of him, even when he tries to suppress it. 
“i just want to be good enough,” luke whispers, finally allowing himself to be vulnerable. 
your arms tighten around him, and you reply, “you are good enough.” 
“not for him,” he mumbles. 
“he’s not good enough for you,” you say assertively. 
luke doesn’t comment on your words. the conviction in your voice is enough to inform him that there’s no changing your mind. he wishes he believed you, but he doesn’t. 
“you’re not the one who failed their quest,” luke mumbles. 
you openly scoff at his words, letting go of him. he waits patiently for your next move and stumbles when you pull him towards your face by the strap of his armor. your eyes met, and luke swear he’s never seen such fury brewing in them.
“don’t ever use that as a determinant of your worth. that quest was impossible luke, and he knew that,” you seethe. 
luke blinks, letting your words sink in. he can’t believe them; he doesn’t believe them. 
“it was my chance, my one chance to show him that i’m worthy,” luke whispers, leaning his forehead against yours. 
you let out a shaky breath and luke can feel the anger and frustration radiating off you in waves. he knows that if he wasn’t holding you in his arms, olympus would fall. he blinks, and you’re standing there, in the middle of crumbled temples and the debris of ancient ruins with the fiercest look in your eyes. you’re hera’s daughter, and you’re loyal to a fault, he thinks.
“i just don’t know how much longer i can do this,” he confesses, kissing your earlobe. 
“me too,” you answer, squeezing him tighter. 
the two of you are sitting on the dock, feet dangling over the edge as your toes barely graze the surface of the water. you always meet here after all the campers in the hermes cabin settled into bed. when he was able to sneak out and away from their curious eyes.
“i hate it here,” you whisper, leaning further back into luke’s chest.
“you don’t hate it here,” he mumbles, fumbling around in the pocket of his cargo pants. 
“i do,” you answer with certainty. “everybody here hates me. except maybe you and katrina,” you continue. 
luke doesn’t accept or deny your statement. instead, he just hands you the orange stick. you scoff at him, but take the vape from his hands anyways. one thing about luke, he feeds your addictions; every single one of them. instead of thanking him, like you normally would, you bring the vape to your mouth, inhaling deeply. you wait a second, letting the toxins fill your lungs, and then release the smoke in one puff. there’s nothing sexy or hot about the action, but luke squeezes your side, pulling you a bit closer. 
“i can’t believe my plug is my boyfriend,” you joke, but there’s no happiness in your tone. 
luke pokes your side. you switch the vape to your left hand, holding it out to him. you wait patiently for him to take it, but he doesn’t. that confuses you. you turn to face him, forehead bumping against his chin. it hurts, but you just grit your teeth instead of saying anything. luke grimaces, leaning down to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
“there are other people here who like you,” luke says.
“name them,” you demand, taking another hit. 
luke takes the item from you, uses it, and then answers, “chris.” 
“is your friend not mine,” you reply. 
luke rolls his eyes. “connor and travis,” he continues. 
“enjoy torturing me, not my company. besides, they’re like ten,” you say. 
“okay then, what about clarisse?” luke asks.
now it’s your turn to roll your eyes, “clarisse tolerates me.” 
“that’s more than i can say,” luke answers, and you snort at his response. 
luke smiles softly at you, and you feel your cheeks heat up. you hate when he does that. when he looks at you like you’re the only person he could possibly dream about. there are days where there's such deep admiration for you in his eyes, you wonder if he leaves burnt offerings in your name instead of the gods.
you turn his face in the opposite direction and whisper, “don’t do that.” 
“do what?” he asks nonchalantly.  
“you know what,” you answer, shooting him a pointed look. 
luke grins. it’s proud and cocky, telling you that he knows exactly what he’s doing. his brown eyes crinkle at the corners, and his scar bunches up with the upturn of his lips. you think he looks the prettiest in this moment; in the dark of the night, with messy curls, grimy skin, and a vibrant smile. you turn again, so that your legs are draped across his lap, and wrap your left arm around the back of his neck. luke’s left hand, the one previously resting against your side, lands on your right thigh, and he squeezes the flesh there as he kisses your temple. 
“do you think we moved too fast?” you ask, taking the vape from his right hand. 
luke waits, expecting you to take a hit, but you just look at him with eager eyes.
“i think we’re doing everything right,” he explains. 
his words hold a deeper meaning that you refuse to acknowledge at the moment. you know what’s going on, but you don’t want to think about it. what would mother say?, you wonder. you lean your head against luke’s shoulder, nose brushing against the crook of his neck, and close your eyes.
“do you think icarus knew he was falling to his death?” luke asks, breaking the silence.
it takes you a moment, but you respond, “maybe. i’m not sure.”
“i mean he was flying the whole time, and then suddenly, he’s plummeting into the mediterranean,” luke continues, taking the vape from your hand.  
“maybe he wanted to die,” you reply, tilting your head to meet his brown eyes. 
a confused expression overcomes luke’s face, propelling you to continue on: “he must have known that the sun would melt the wax, and then his wings would break. i think icarus meant to die, trying to send a message to daedalus or even maybe the gods.”
luke ponders your words for a minute. the gears in his head turning as he contemplates the truth behind your theory. is that what we’re doing?, he wonders. the brewing plans between the two of you linger over his head like a dark cloud, but he can’t bring himself to regret anything.
“so icarus had a greater purpose…like us,” luke observes, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“exactly,” you answer, leaning into his side. 
luke hands the vape back to you, and you pocket it for good this time. he exhales deeply, engulfing you in a cloud of mango-scented smoke. it burns your lungs, but at least you feel something, which is more than you can say as of lately. 
“i just want to be happy,” luke announces. 
“happy and free,” you decide, kissing his cheek delicately.
taglist: @percabethlvr @iwantahockeyhimbo @hottiewifeyyyy @loveryoushouldcomeoverr @used2beee @harrysnovia @cami-is-reading @mxtokko @cxcillia @obxstiles @maraschinocherry3
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officialrocketjumper · 6 months
HOWDY EVERYONE- so excited to FINALLY be able to show off my piece for this year's Bumbleby Big Bang!
Unfortunately no accompanying story as of yet- but I really hope you guys get to read it someday! The premise involves Yang cursed to be trapped inside a sword, which was an idea I KNEW I had to make move.
Details and development stuff under the cut!
Lots of fun collaboration with the author, Celeste! We worked together to find the look-of-picture, Blake's outfit, how the Grimm look, the style of the sword, the whole shabang! I'm really happy with how it all turned out!
When I first saw all the prompts, even before claims opened, I got to work on a handful of exploration pieces based on some of the summaries, to decide which of the stories I was interested in would be the best fit. Here's the initial idea for this one I put together over a lunch break:
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After showing Celeste, we got to work finding the look we wanted! Went back and forth a bit and found this great look for Blake! Also shoutout to Pinterest boards for visdev inspiration I love you Pinterest boards.
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Just about everything stayed to final anim, with the simplification of getting rid of that purple cloth hanging from her belt, (since I already had the rope ends to think about working with), and the light purple strap across the chest, since leaving it out would simplify the linework on her chest.
The sword also went through a bit of change! Celeste had the idea of Yang making the sword catch on fire, which I LOVED. I went with a split design so we can see the fire more clearly start from the hilt and grow to cover the whole blade.
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And from there we brainstormed animation ideas! I went all over Youtube for video reference of sword work (that would be complex enough to be interesting, but short enough to be manageable). I found something we liked from Motion Actor Inc., a channel I've used LOTS for both personal and professional work (I work in 3D Animation, for those who don't know). I edited this together, to see the action from multiple places at once, which gave me the idea for that camera move that's in the final anim!
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Now for the fun part! Make that badboy MOVE. For the cam turn, the first frame she's in the air I'm referencing the top left video, and the frame she lands I'm referencing the bottom left one. While she's airborne I'm just inbetweening that! No reference for the Grimm, just wanted it responding to her attacks, but I end up tweaking the roughs later on to make the block feel stronger.
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Then from there we had to actually figure out Grimm designs! Nimona had just released, and Celeste and I loved it, so she asked if I could take some inspiration from Nimona's shadow form! GLADLY. Here's what I came up with!
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I was going between how the movies and comic designed Nimona, really loving the almost liquid shadow of the movie, but also how the comics had this broken up/held together rougher form. Celeste liked the second to last one the best! The original plan was to have it leave a wispy shadow trail like the concept art, but to simplify the animation we left it solid instead!
Next up is tiedown! Basically just getting the roughs more on-model, so the lineart comes out nice and clean. I've also transferred the new Grimm design to the base from earlier, and fire's also outlined orange so it reads clearer. (SPOILER- if you look REAL close here, you can see Yang visible in the fire! I liked the idea of Blake's slash also doubling as Yang throwing a punch. The idea is in the concept art earlier but now it's working with the action.)
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Next step- final look of picture!! I asked Celeste for sources of inspiration to draw from when thinking about environment design, and we got Nimona, She-Ra, and Owl House! Used each of those as springboards for shading style, colour palettes, and how the fire would look!
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From there, we kept the straight trees/bush/lake/foreground greenery from the first one, the blues from the second, and the fire from the third!
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Once I had this frame, it was a matter of working backwards and making the background work pre-camera turn (which was ABSOLUTELY the most challenging part of this process). Learned a lot doing this! Procreate isn't quite equipped to make something like this efficient, but I'm pleased to say that Dreams would make something like this easier in the future (keyframing objects instead of hand-drawing/spacing duplicates by hand, for example).
From then on it was just colouring the lineart, adding shading, and finishing up the background! Beginning-to-end this whole process was beginning of July to end of October!
I had an absolute BLAST putting all this together. Here's to next year where I find a way to do something even more ridiculously complicated!! It's fun!!!
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kaciidubs · 5 months
Kaciii I know someone sent sungie and jinnie in skirts buttt, what about poly! Skz with you seungie, sungie, lixie, and jinnie in skirts and tail plugs I would melttt.
Oh, I'm absolutely melting and foaming at this thought, Nonnie! ❣ Warnings; Sub Poly! Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin, Fem Dom! Reader, slight feminization, pet play, mommy kink, hint of a foot kink ❣ Additional tags; Usual pet names, Jisung is referred to as Sungie and Seungmin is referred to as Minnie for ease of reading, Reader is referred to as Jagi, Mommy, Miss/Ma'am Previous: Hyunjin and Jisung + Skirts
Play Time [Pretty Puppy, Pretty Kitties]
Having the free time to schedule a play date involving two of your boyfriends was a trial to say the least, but having the grace of gathering all four for one full night of play was a feat only the best could pull off.
Luckily for you, you were the best.
It always started out the same; laying out blankets, rearranging some furniture, and gathering all of the necessary toys for the night, before your pets came to run amok - under your rules, of course.
Hyunjin, your pretty kitty, elegant white tail plug and fuzzy ears to match, was sitting at your feet with sultry, yearning eyes.
"You look like you want something, Hyune," you hum softly, gently twisting a stand of his jet black hair around your finger, "mind telling me what it is?"
"You, Miss." His response came fast and easy, never the one for beating around the bush when it came to his desires.
"Me? My precious prince, you know play time is meant for everyone, right? Why don't you go play with them for a little bit?"
His simmering gaze turned into a soft pout as he looked longingly toward your other partners and you followed suit, easily realizing why he sought you out first.
Jisung, the calico kitten dressed in a baby doll tank top and pastel pink skirt, was eagerly watching the remaining two of your pets happily play fighting each other; Felix, your excitable orange tabby kitten, wrestling with Seungmin, the lone golden retriever puppy among your kitten group.
There was already a dynamic at play, and Hyunjin resigned himself to taking, potentially, the easy way out.
"Oh, my poor baby," cooing in played up pity, you nudged your sock covered foot against the obvious bulge of his purple skirt, "You just need someone to give you attention, is that it?" When his eyelids fluttered from the welcome stimulation, you smirked, "Alright, sweet prince, I've got you. Sungie, can you come here, kitten?"
At the sound of his name, Jisung crawled over to you before nudging your leg with his face, peering up at you with doe eyes.
"Yes, Jagi?"
"It seems like our precious Hyune feels a bit left out..." Leaning down, you danced your fingers down the line of his jaw before pulling his pink bottom lip down with your thumb, watching as it bounced back into place. "Can you play with him, for me? Give him the love he deserves?"
Nodding with no hesitation, the small bells on his cat ears jingled from the motion, "Y-Yes, I will!"
Just as you went to praise him for his obedience, a sharp cry reached your ears and you looked up to see Felix at the will of Seungmin yet again; the puppy pinning him down and nipping at his sensitive skin.
"Minnie! No biting!"
Felix let out a whined moan at a particularly sharp bite, turning his head to look at you with glistening eyes - though, the pleasure flushing his face was unmistakable. "Mommy!"
Scoffing out a laugh, Seungmin glanced at you with the fire of challenge burning behind his eyes - ever the daring puppy to test your patience. "But he likes it, look at him!"
Of course, you knew he liked it without needing further proof, yet your eyes trailed down their lithe bodies to see Felix's white skirt flipped up from the roughhousing and his dick solid and leaking against his thigh. You could also make out the sight of Seungmin's own length poking the fabric of his blue plaid skirt, equally as excited from the push and pull of their little dominance match that he never failed to win.
Coming back to your nerves, you pinned him with a warning glare, "Did I ask if he enjoyed it?"
Conceding with a smirk, he shook his head, the sliver tag of his collar catching the light with the movement, "No, Ma'am."
"Okay, then. Don't make me have to turn this into a punishment." turning your attention to your orange kitten, your gaze softened, "Lixie, honey? You okay?"
He nodded quickly, "'M okay, I- I just want more."
Humming in understanding, you looked back to the previous pair to see Hyunjin on his back, airy moans falling from his plump lips while Jisung's head was partially covered by his skirt - though, judging by the not-so-subtle sucking sounds, you could guess what exactly was happening.
"It's okay, baby, we're about to get into the real fun pretty soon."
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Question: a lot of pictures of bush vipers show them with these astonishingly bright colors. While some are clearly edited, what range of colors do they actually come in? I'm guessing the greens are natural, but what about ones like this dark blue/purple Variable Bush Viper (https://www.reddit.com/r/snakes/comments/rm2rxx/this_is_my_friends_blackpurple_variable_bush/) or this muted rainbow one (https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/3om5gv/bush_viper/)? Is there a sure fire way to tell?
The fun thing about variable bush vipers is they are incredibly variable in color. They can be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, grey, and black, and the (unfortunate) breeding of them in captivity has added to an already large color pool.
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For the specific pictures you're asking about, the one of the black/purple snake is legit, and hasn't been altered much if at all. It's definitely playing up good lighting, but I've seen bush vipers who look like this.
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The second one is altered, though, the eye color and rainbow gradient give it away.
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You can often spot a shopped bush viper picture because they'll amp up the saturation and turn the eyes blue, like in this one:
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It's not a hard-and-fast rule, but most bush vipers will have eyes that are almost the same color as the scales.
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It honestlyl kinda bugs me to see so many edits out there, because these are already such beautiful snakes! They come in an incredible range of colors, but if it looks too bright to be true, it probably is.
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mothandpidgeon · 2 months
The Outlaws (outlaw!Joel Miller x f!reader) - Chapter 3
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Moth's Masterlist - follow @mothandpidgeon-updates an turn on notifications so stay updated with my fics!
pairing: Outlaw!Joel Miller x f!reader
rating: E (18+ MDNI)
wc: 3.2k
summary: Wanted for murder with a bounty on your head, your only hope of escaping the Pinkerton detectives is an outlaw named Joel Miller and his sidekick Ellie. But Joel has other plans for you.
tags: old west au, enemies to lovers, grumpy Joel, handcuffed together, only one bed, riding a horse together, one mention of pee, hand touching, strip tease I guess, Tommy and Maria, morally grey characters, reader has backstory, moth never uses y/n
authors note: Been holding onto this chapter since I haven't finished the next one but I really want to share this with you! Thank you @ezrasbirdie for beta and helping me untangle this mess and being the wind beneath my wings.
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There are six links in the chain that separate you from Joel Miller. You count them over and over again. As you lay awake by the dying campfire. When he rattles them just after dawn to rouse you from the sleep you’d finally fallen into. While you drink the rancid coffee he boils over the fire.
You imagine them leaving an imprint on Joel’s tanned neck. Red, purple, bruising his skin as you use it to choke him to death.  
You spend the morning following him to and fro as he and Ellie pack up camp. 
“You know how to whistle?” Ellie asks you. 
She’s been sticking her forefinger and thumb between her lips trying to get a sound out of them. 
“Afraid not,” you tell her. 
“You’re with me,” Joel says. He stands beside his horse, hand on his hip. 
“I have to wear this damn bracelet the whole way?” you ask. 
He nods. 
“Do you think I’m crazy enough I’d jump off a horse?” you ask. 
His eyes rake up and down your body and you try to ignore the heat that flashes across your skin. “Yep.”
Once he’s in the saddle, he hauls you up behind him. Not like you have much choice. 
“You go for my gun and—“
“I know, I know,” you tell him. 
You have ample opportunity to study the outlaw, at least the back side of him, as you ride behind him. He’s broad and sits tall in the saddle like he was born for it. You watch his shoulders under the fabric of his shirt, tempted to smooth your palms over them. With your wrists connected, you’ve got to keep your hands at his middle. His narrow hips roll with the movements of the animal beneath him, and you grip onto his shirt imagining how powerful it would feel to take him from behind. 
He barely acknowledges you. There are a couple of times when you rest your cheek against his back just because you know it’ll annoy him. It works. He looks over his shoulder at you and you can hear the grumble vibrate through his body. 
The three of you ride all day, stopping only twice to stretch your legs. Both times, Joel helps you down with his hands on your waist. You shouldn’t enjoy it as much as you do but his hands are big and his eyes dart away from yours. He stops touching you as quick as he can, as if you’re a hot kettle that might burn his fingers.
Your amusement is short lived as you have to suffer the indignity of squatting behind a bush with your arm outstretched towards fucking Joel Miller while you take a piss. 
It’s dusk when you reach your destination— an old two-story roadhouse with a sign that reads The Dusty Boot. There’s nothing else around but a barn, an outhouse, and open country. Seems like an ideal place to keep a hideout. 
Joel hands you down from the saddle again but before you head inside, he rounds on you. 
“Now listen here, missy,” he says. “When we go in there, you keep that trap shut. No talking about bounties or the like. Not a peep out of you. Understand?” Joel asks you. 
You twist your pinched fingers in front of your lips as if you’re locking your mouth the same as your wrist is locked in that cuff. It’s a command you have absolutely no intention of following. 
By the frown on his face, it seems he knows that. 
“And you let me do the talking,” he tells Ellie. 
“Maria’s got a stick up her ass,” she laughs. 
“Ellie,” Joel scolds. 
“You said it yourself!” she says.
Joel sighs and trudges forward, dragging you along with him. 
The inside of the Boot is cozy and rustic. There’s a large parlor with a number of tables, the paneled walls are decorated with antlers and horse shoes. After a full day bouncing on horseback, you’d love to sit your ass down in one of the winged back chairs in front of the fireplace. Most importantly for your new companions, the place is empty. If there are other guests, they’re up in their rooms. 
At one end of the room, a man in an apron with a rag thrown over his shoulder stands behind a modest bar. 
“Hey, brother!” he calls, a smile lighting his face. 
You can see a resemblance between the two men– the same dark eyes and tan complexion, though Joel’s has been kissed by the sun.
“Tommy?” you whisper to Ellie. 
She nods. 
Tommy’s as slim as Joel is broad and he looks a bit younger. If Joel ever bothered to smile maybe he’d lose a few years off his face, too. 
“Been a while, stranger,” he says. “How’s it going, kid? Still giving him hell?”
“We need a place to lay low for a bit,” Joel says, cutting the pleasantries. 
You’re not sure if Tommy’s disappointed that this isn’t a social call but he nods and says, “Yeah, alright. You gonna introduce me to your lady friend?”
Joel bristles at the suggestion that you might be anything other than his prisoner. You give a smile and lift your fingers to your brow as if to tip your hat. As you do, the chain rattles obnoxiously and Joel glares at you.
“What the hell, Joel!” Tommy’s jovial expression has transformed to a look of horror.
“She’s got a bounty on her. I’m taking her to Jackson,” Joel explains. 
“Maria ain’t gonna be happy about that,” Tommy says. 
“Isn’t going be happy about what?” 
A lean woman has appeared at the top of the stairs. She stands tall, shoulders back with a cool air. Her simple, grey dress is neat and spotless just like, you note, the room around you. 
Joel quickly takes his hat off. He nudges Ellie to do the same. He’s tense and you can’t tell if he resents this woman or he’s afraid of her. Maybe a little of both. 
You like her. 
She sighs heavily as she descends the steps. 
“Tommy, please tell me I’m seeing things because it looks to me like your brother has a woman shackled to himself in my parlor,” she says. 
“You ain’t,” Tommy replies. He sounds just as exasperated. 
Maria sizes you up with a look that’s half pity, half disdain. She’s a beautiful woman. Deep brown skin and sharp, appraising eyes. You can only imagine what she thinks of you. A night sleeping in the dirt can’t have done you any favors and certainly neither did a day bouncing around on horseback. 
“How’d she get that bruise, Joel?” Maria asks.
You stroke the spot on your face gently as though it really hurts. In truth, you’ve pretty much forgotten that it’s there.
“She came by it on her own,” Joel says.
“That true, darlin’?” Tommy asks you, his voice full of concern. 
Joel’s face contorts in what you can only describe as disgust that his brother would think him capable of such a thing.
You give a noncommittal shrug.
“That’s courtesy of the Pinkerton man she was with before we picked her up. Joel gave him what for,” Ellie explains.
Tommy nods. 
“We’re just wanting a couple nights to keep our heads down. Ain’t nothing we ain’t asked for before,” Joel says.  
“That’s fine. If you unlock her,” Maria says. 
“She’s a murderer. You want me to let her loose around your nice customers?” Joel asks. 
“I’ve already got three criminals in here. What’s one more?” she says. 
“Come on, Joel. Let her be,” Tommy says. “She ain’t gonna give you the slip. Are you, darlin’?”
“Well, if given the opportunity—“ you admit. 
“Joel, take that damn cuff off her. And you,” Maria turns on you, “give him your word you won’t try to run while you’re under this roof. Or so help me god I will throw all three of you out.”
“The hell did I do?” Ellie asks. 
You’re beginning to understand why you sensed fear on Joel. For a second there, you’re more afraid of enduring her wrath than you are facing the executioner. 
“Yes, ma’am,” you say almost involuntarily. 
“Shake on it,” Tommy suggests. 
You extend your hand to Joel with a saccharine smile. Tommy’s obviously gone soft since he left the gang if he believes somebody like you would be beholden to a handshake promise. It’s sweetly naive. 
Joel’s thinking the same thing. You can see it all over his face. He grinds his molars. 
“You do what I say when I say it,” he insists. 
“Sure thing, boss,” you say. 
He shakes your hand.
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Joel watches your every move. 
He’s been wanting to get Tommy aside to talk but he doesn’t dare to take his eyes off you. You’re unleashed and eager to run and he’s not willing to lose his bounty just because his sister-in-law is so sanctimonious.
“Hey, Tommy. Why did the cowboy go to the doctor?” Ellie asks.
Evening has descended on the Boot. A stage coach pulls in for the night. Its two passengers take their supper at the bar while their driver warms his hands at the hearth. Ellie and Joel sit across from you in the corner, bowls of hot stew on the table. Hers is empty before Joel’s even managed to bring his spoon to his lips. 
Joel notices things about you. He wishes he would stop noticing how attractive you are. 
Your eyes are sharp and fast. He can tell you’re making note of anything and everything that might help you escape. You massage at your wrist which is now naked with delicate fingers. You lick your lips jealously when Tommy sets a whiskey down in front of his brother. 
You don’t have good table manners. The way you stab at potatoes is particularly violent. You probably wish those tines were going into his eyeball.
“How come?” Tommy asks. He wipes his hands with his bar rag, eyes twinkling with delight. 
“He was feeling a little hoarse!” Ellie cackles. 
Joel shakes his head. The kid is a handful but she’s grown on him. Her puns have not. 
He looks up to find you smirking. Not because you find the joke funny. No, you’re laughing at Joel. 
He reaches across the table and puts his hand around yours. He shouldn’t touch you again, not since he shook your hand and felt the softness of your skin on his. He spent all day with you practically pressed against his back, getting hints of lavender each time he turned his head in your direction. Such a sweet scent for somebody like you. It’s been a long time since he felt the weight of a woman on him. His body doesn’t know that you’re as dangerous as a mountain lion and slippery as an eel. It just cares that you’re pretty and you’re closer than you ought to be. And it wants more of that. 
Your muscles tense around the horn handle of your fork. Joel unwraps your fingers from the utensil, focusing on the task at hand not the feel of you under his fingertips or the wide eyed stare you give him. His heart is beating double time when he replaces your pointed fork with a spoon. 
Your shoulders soften when he releases you. You remind yourself to sit up straight. 
“Enough jokes,” Joel tells Ellie.
“He ain’t no fun,” Tommy laughs. 
You continue to keep your big eyes on Joel as you finish your stew. 
“That was good eating Miss Maria,” you say when she clears bowls from the table. “I don’t rightly remember the last time I had a proper meal.” 
You’re a fool if you think you’ve got an ally in Maria. Just because she got you unlocked doesn’t mean she thinks you’re anything better than trash. Her daddy was a justice of the peace and she’s never taken kindly to criminals either. It still vexed him that she’d fallen for Tommy but then again she blamed Joel for all of his brother’s failings. 
“I know a thing or two about cooking. I’d be happy to lend a hand,” you tell her. 
Joel lets out a sharp laugh. Your voice is sweeter than Joel’s heard and you're laying it on thick buttering Maria up. 
“What’s funny about that?” you demand. 
“You don’t know a thing about cooking but I’m sure you’d like to get a knife in your hand,” Joel says. 
“As a matter of fact, I do know how to cook. More than cowboy beans,” you spit. 
“I appreciate the offer. It'd be nice to get a hand in the kitchen for once,” Maria says probably just to get a rise out of him. 
“That’s too bad. I ain’t letting you out of my sight,” he says. 
He stands, stretching out the sore muscles in his lower back. 
“Got the front room for ya,” Tommy says. “I’m guessing you’re not looking to sleep in the common room.” He glances towards the other guests. 
Joel and Ellie have stayed amongst the strangers in the big room on the second floor when the rest of the private accommodations are taken. With you ready to bolt, though, it’s not an option. 
“I want my own room. Take it out of my share,” Ellie tells Joel when he gives her a stern look. “I’m sick of listening to you snore.”
“That’s a wonderful idea,” Maria says. 
Despite her contempt for their criminal lifestyle, Maria dotes on Ellie. Like she’s leaving a saucer of milk out for a feral cat, hoping one day it’ll come inside to lay by the fire. “Tommy’ll set that up for you.”
“I’ll bunk with the kid,” you say. 
“Nice try,” Joel says. 
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“Ain’t this cozy,” you say. 
You’ve stepped into the room you’ll be sharing with Joel. 
Cozy’s one way of putting it. There’s barely enough space to open the door without hitting the iron framed bed. Beside that is a night stand with a porcelain wash basin, a chair, and a window. There’s about two paces of open floor in either direction. It’s hardly big enough for the both of you. 
But that works to Joel’s advantage. He doesn’t want you going far. 
As soon as the door shuts behind him, he clamps the handcuff around your wrist once again. 
“Come on now,” you whine. “What about our truce?”
“That’s for Maria’s benefit. And she ain’t here,” Joel says. 
You’re well beyond arguing and rolling your eyes. 
“Well you can’t expect me to sleep in these dirty clothes again. Can you at least give me my arm for a minute so I can get out of ‘em?” you ask.
Joel’s eyes travel over you and he swirls his tongue over his teeth. It’s not a difficult decision for him. If you want to undress and lay in bed in your underthings, he’s not going to stop you. He unlocks the cuff and moseys over to lean against the door. You’re not going to run out of there.
“You going to stand there and watch?” you ask, fingers pausing at the buttons on the top of your bodice.
Joel presses his shoulders against the door, making himself comfortable.
“How do I know you ain’t got a weapon in them petticoats?” he asks.
“If there was, you’d already be dead,” you say. 
He lets out a chuckle. 
“Suit yourself,” you say.
A cool smile comes over your features. You continue undoing the buttons as you turn towards him so he can see you straight on. Slowly, you reveal what’s underneath– the lines of your corset, a sweet ribbon at the top of your chemise, and an expanse of decolletage. You slide the bodice off of your shoulders and toss it onto the floor, then continue on to your skirts.
“That brother of yours is handsome,” you tell him. One skirt falls away. “Did he leave you for that woman or she come after that?”
Joel doesn’t answer. You don’t seem to care.
“She don’t like you,” you tease.
You square him with defiant eyes, inviting him to look, daring him to stay in control. More flesh is revealed. Your blue corset presses the swell of your breasts above the chemise and you bend forward to give him a little show. Ripe, soft. He salivates. 
Joel tries not to enjoy himself too much. He shouldn’t. And not just because this could easily turn into a trap. 
“She don’t like you neither,” he says.
You shrug.
He could have you any which way he wanted with just the promise of letting you go. He wouldn’t even have to do it. Just say the word and you’d get on your knees for him. It doesn’t feel right, though, taking advantage of somebody so desperate. So he just watches, trying to keep his features indifferent as each piece of frilly fabric hits the floorboards. He hooks his thumb into his gun belt, hoping that it might obscure the growing strain in his dungarees.
By the time you’re undoing the metal fasteners at the front of your corset, he’s biting down on the inside of his cheek. He tastes blood when there’s nothing more separating him from your body than a gauzy chemise and cotton drawers.
You go to the wash basin and splash water on your face and neck. Some droplets fall and make your chemise cling to your damp skin.Y ou moan happily, refreshed. The noise is obviously exaggerated but it still makes Joel ache.
You linger like that for a moment, lazily swaying your bare shoulders. Finally, you step towards Joel, crowding him against the door. The space between the two of you is hot and his breath shallows. He can see the outline of your peaked nipples beneath the flimsy material. The thought passes his mind again, how easy it would be to toss you back onto the mattress and help himself to all of you.
You raise your hand to him and for a moment, he’s forgotten what’s going on here. The sly grin on your lips tells him that you’re well aware of the effect your nearly naked body is having on him. He swallows and slips the cuff around you again. His knuckles graze the inside of your wrist as he locks it. Delicate, warm skin.
Pleased with yourself, you crawl onto the bed. Joel wills his cock to behave as he slips out of his boots and coat. He soaks his bandana in the wash basin and cools the back of his neck. Once he’s in his union suit, he sets his holster down on the floor beside his pillow and swings his legs into the bed. He locks himself to you and tucks the key next to his gun.
“Well ain’t this romantic,” you say from your spot against the wall. “Feels like my wedding night all over again.”
Joel stares at the ceiling. The bed’s a tight fit, his shoulders touch yours when he lays on his back. You’re leaned on your elbow smiling like the cat that ate the canary. He smells that lavender again. 
He rolls onto his side, away from your leering. You laugh to yourself as he squeezes his eyes shut for a very long night.
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Chapter 4
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aemondsbeloved · 1 year
Poppies and Aster
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pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader
summary: on a warm day, Aemond spends his time with you, his lady wife and your two daughters in the gardens at the Red Keep. His duties, what others may think when they see him vulnerable with his family, and everything else does not matter so long as he is with his little family (1.1k)
notes: reader is disabled but what disability she has is not specified (she does use a cane which is mentioned), very fluffy, dad Aemond, this is unedited
If someone had asked you those years ago when you were still a maiden yet to be wed if Aemond Targaryen would be sitting in the secluded patch of grass in the royal gardens having a picnic with you and your children on a sunny afternoon you might have laughed at the prospect.
As cordial as Aemond had been even before you were betrothed and merely two people who attended the same certain events hosted by the King and Queen, he had never been one for slowing down. You would have said all Aemond loved to do in the afternoon was train with Ser Cole or perhaps spend time in the library reading.
But out in the gardens? Where everyone would see and perhaps stare at him? Oh no, you would never find him there.
He had once told you after you were betrothed that he disliked the gardens because people tended to… stare, to say the least. Perhaps in the secluded part of the library or in the training yard no one cared to pointedly stare at his scar or eyepatch. In the gardens this was not the case.
And yet here he was with you and your two daughters. Aerea past her seventh name day and Daena past her fifth. Your eldest sat besides yourself and Aemond with a sketchbook in her lap as she drew the bush not far from your family’s spot in the shaded patch of grass. You smiled at the sight, her face scrunched up so slightly in concentration. She would suck in her small cheeks when she did this and purse her lips in focus, making her look much like Aemond. Her hair so silver highlighted by the sun and the breeze that drew wisps of her hair from her braid made her look even more like him.
Besides her in Aemond’s lap was Daena with a cluster of violet and blue colored flowers in her lap. Her head of silver hair was bowed down in concentration as she threaded them together in the shape of a crown. She always insisted on wearing her hair down, detesting braids of any kind. Gods forbid you keep her hair out of her face. Sometimes when her Aunt Helaena persuaded her she would have her hair braided around her head like a halo if only because that is how Helaena always wore it. But now with her hair down in its natural state you could see how her curls that looked striking like your good mother’s went past her shoulders and were picked up in the breeze.
Aemond insisted their silver locks and violet eyes that looked just like his did not make them look like him at all. Frequently he said they had all of you, your nose, your lips, your eye shape. “A good thing,” he said to you once in your chambers as the sky set in deep oranges and pinks in the early eve. From his seat in the chair by the fire he had a strikingly calm and fond energy about him. “They’ll be as beautiful as their mother.”
Now, his book was long forgotten besides him as it laid in the grass. You were no better as your embroidery was in your lap, the needle having not been picked up in quiet some time. The cane by your side had been placed on the grass was a reminder of how long you had been here.
Daena beamed as she lifted up the finished crown in her hands to examine it. She turned around in her father’s lap to face him. Silently she lifted the crown of purple and blue flowers to Aemond.
“For me?” he asked her, gently moving his hands in front of her.
She grined toothily. “Blue poppies and purple aster,” she looked down at her flowers as if to check she got the color and names right. It would not surprise you as she was as meticulous as Aemond was. She looked back up at him and looked more giddy than before. “Just like your eyes Kepa!”
Years ago when you had first come to court you would have thought Aemond tempermental at best. The very first rumor you had heard from another lady your age was that he had screamed at a servant when she saw him without his eyepatch on when bringing something to his chambers. As you saw him with your daughter, tilting his head down so she could place it on his head, you were glad you never paid attention to those rumors. His hands were strong and could kill but he only held the ones he loved with gentleness and loved them with reverence.
The people of court could never know how much Aemond loved his family.
He looked over to where his elder daughter sat on the grass beside him, finishing the sketch of flowers she had been working on. The charcoals of beautiful vivid colors he had gifted her from Essos had gone to good use as the deep pink of the flower came to life again on her sketchbook. “How do I look?” he asked her with a soft smile.
For the first time that afternoon the concentrated look of sucked cheeks and pursed lips disappeared and she gasped in wonder, reaching the gingerly touch a blue flower. “Ao jurnegon gevie, Kepa.” You look beautiful, Father.
Was it the reverence for her father that made him smile or was it simply that he was with his family on an afternoon of such bliss? Maybe it was something that he did not think he deserved when he was younger and always thinking of the legacy in histories instead of the people around him. Aemond reached out and stroked the side of her head lovingly. “Good,” he chuckled approvingly. “Your valyrian improves every day, jorrāelagon zaldrīzes.” Dearest dragon.
At her father’s approval Aerea beamed much like her little sister, though hers was remarkably less toothy. It was a beam of a smile all the same. Daena went back to making another flower crown which you suspected would be yours. After that she would undoubtedly make her big sister one too.
Your little family was content here in the shade and as another breeze picked up Daena’s silver curls, you had no intention of picking up the embroidery in your lip. Glancing at Aemond who you found already looking at you with a soft, loving smile, you returned his smile and knew that like you, he had no intention of picking up his book either.
If some ladies and lords in the court caught sight of the fearsome Aemond Targaryen with his family they made no move to make it known. Years ago Aemond might have wanted to avenge any slight, even that of a whisper about him that was mere gossip, but now he seemed to care little for that.
taglist: @itsghostgirlyo @rosaryos @cullenswife @whatafreakingloser @witchofthenorthstar @m-indkiller @somemydayy @malfoytargaryen @bellameshipper @targaryenmoony @regandjamielola @tarrgaryenss @khaleesihavilliard @lacunaanonymoused @joliettes @mxrgodsstuff @margaglitterdeath @simplyarryn
comments and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 2 months
For drabble ideas: MQF and SQH feat. rare medicinal plants.
(I feel like SQH doesn't know it but on MQF's side they're totally friends)
Hope you like this one, thank you for your hard work! ^-^
I LOVE THIS. and i liked it so much that i didnt answer for like 3 weeks im s o so r r y. HOWEVER it is also twice as long as my usual prompt fills so i hope you enjoy pt 1
As the Lord of Qian Cao Peak, there are few things which cause Mu Qingfang to make anything like a ‘walk of shame’ across his peak. He is an esteemed scholar, a competent fighter, and a doctor who is considered by many to work miracles. People come to him to solve their problems, and when he must consult his sect siblings, it is with the self-assured confidence of an expert in one field seeking the wisdom of an expert in another.
It is with a heavy heart that he is forced to trudge across Qian Cao, over the rainbow bridge, through Ku Xing Peak, around Xian Xu Peak, and up to An Ding to knock at the Peak Lord’s door in the middle of the night. 
Shang Qinghua answers on the second knock. He appears in the doorway, backlit by the lanterns behind him, accompanied by a wave of cool air and an anxious smile. The man is still fully dressed, guan in place and ink turning his fingers black and smudging darkly across his jaw. No—a bruise, blooming purple. Mu Qingfang’s hands itch to check it, but instead he folds his hands in a shallow bow as Shang Qinghua’s eyebrows go up at the sight of him. 
“Shang-shixiong, this one apologized for disturbing you so late.” 
“Mu-shidi! A pleasant surprise. Don’t worry about it, there’s no way I would be asleep at this time. I thought you were gonna be one of my disciples telling me something was unexpectedly on fire, so really, this is an improvement. What can I do for you?” 
Mu Qingfang sighs. He really hates doing this.
“I’m afraid I must ask your expertise on a sensitive matter.” 
“Oh—? Ooooh. One of those nights, huh? Come on in.” 
Shang Qinghua steps aside, waving lazily over his shoulder for Mu Qingfang to follow him. He calls out, facing his sitting room, 
“Make yourself at home, Shidi. Sorry about the mess, you can push some scrolls over if you need to.” 
Mu Qingfang steps into the front room, taking in the familiar papers, scrolls, and cushions scattered around the floor, the desk, the shelves… he sees one booklet poking out of a plant pot. A Snow Lion Bush, red berries gleaming and viny tendrils swaying as if in an invisible breeze—maybe that is what’s responsible for the unusually cool temperatures Shang Qinghua always seems to keep his rooms at. Mu Qingfang almost wishes he’d worn an extra layer. 
Shang Qinghua starts making tea, and Mu Qingfang moves to take the kettle from his hands.
“Please, allow me. I’m the one who is disturbing you so late.” Best to step in before they both end up sipping bitter tea. 
Shang Qinghua chuckles and raises his hands in defeat, stepping away to ease himself down at his overflowing desk. Mu Qingfang makes a note—stiff, moving gingerly. Fatigue, muscle strain, or an injury he’s avoiding aggravating? He roots around Shang Qinghua’s cabinets until he locates slightly stale dried danshen and curcumin, makes a note to bring more by later as a thank you. 
“So… who’s the lucky victim?” Shang Qinghua asks. 
Mu Qingfang nudges some scrolls aside with his foot and sits in front of the man’s desk, pushing more paperwork aside to set down the pot and two cups of tea with Shang Qinghua’s consenting hand-wave. 
“You know I can’t tell you that, Shixiong.” 
“Ah I know, I know. Can’t blame me for asking. I really want it to be that one guy from Qiong Ding who keeps denying my funding requests for—anyways, it doesn’t matter. What are you looking for, exactly?” 
Mu Qingfang knocks his tea back like downing a cup of wine. “I have two victims of a spring plant. Contact based—their clothes were coated in an opalescent pink powder, fine grained. I spoke with them both individually. One described it as ‘vine like,’ the other ‘bush like.’ Both said the flowers were white and pink, with green stems and leaves and a darker pink tear drop shaped metal emerging from a soft, fur-like white bud.”
“Ahh, ‘Drawstring pulled tight upon sweet fragrance pent within’1?” Shang Qinghua asks, quoting something Mu Qingfang doesn’t recognize. He tilts his head, and Shang Qinghua waves him off. “Don’t worry about it. Those sound familiar! Should I assume the sect members in question are, ah, feeling some effect?” 
“They have refused the… ordinary methods of relief from a trained service worker, myself, each other, and any other member of the sect who might be asked. One of them has a fever that’s making them hallucinate, and the other has developed an unusual rash.” 
1王文英 (Wáng Wényīng) Poems of a Hundred Flowers: number 70 - Purse Peony
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runningfrom2am · 10 months
all i think about is karma
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summary: you and rafe take on a mainland bush party where he knows no one, and you know too many people for his liking.
this can be read as a stand-alone but it's technically a part four to getaway car, big reputation, and this is why we can’t have nice things.
pairing: rafe x fem!reader
wc: 2.1k
tags/warnings: jealous!rafe, highschool au, (some) nondescript nudity, cursing, mean kook!reader, underage drinking, (i think that’s it??)
a/n: hey y’all!! sorry i haven’t posted anything in a little while, i’ve been busy but now im back home and on my usual schedule so there shouldn’t be any serious interruptions for a little while. i missed y’all and i hope you like this! this is what won my getaway car poll quite some time ago so im so happy to finally get it out!
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"No, Y/N/N, I'll be fine. I don't want to dampen your week, you'll have so much fun!" Bella insists, adjusting where her phone is laying in her lap while she lays in bed, surrounded by tissues and snack wrappers. She came down with the flu at the worst possible time: right before you were meant to go on your spring break trip.
"It won't be the same without you! I should just stay home, I can come over and we can have a movie marathon or something. That'll be just as fun." You reply, watching her through the facetime camera while you sit at your vanity.
"No. Absolutely not. You're going- and you'll get to hangout with Rafe! It's worth it for me to get all the juicy details after." Bella giggles, sniffling and quickly wiping her nose.
You roll your eyes, rubbing your forehead. "Okay, yeah, but nothings gonna happen- you know I swore that off."
"Yeah, whatever. The two of you, alone, drunk and sharing a tent? Whatever you say." Your friend teases you. "It's actually worth it for me to stay home so you can come back with tea."
"Okay, fine," You agree, not admitting that the idea is very tempting. "But I'm not sleeping with him again."
"No! Of course not." Bella laughs, shaking her head. "But if you did, at least be safe this time. We don't need a repeat of what happened last time-"
"Okay! Okay! Bye, Bella I'll call you later!" You quickly cut her off, hanging up the phone.
Several long hours after texting Rafe the update that Bella wasn't going to make it, you found yourself in his truck on the mainland, driving into what seems to be the middle of nowhere for a bush party you caught word of from some friends you met playing soccer on a local team. You were excited to see them, and meet some new people, but you're honestly so glad Rafe still wanted to go. You'd rather not go alone if you didn't have to.
Judging by the large space in front of you full of various groups of kids your age putting tents together or starting fires around makeshift campsites at the edge of the water, you assume you're in the right place and get to work setting up your own tent off near the edge of the lake.
It wasn't long before the sun started to set over the abandoned gravel pit, and you just finish up when you crack open your first drink from the cooler. "So like... are we actually going to talk to anyone or just hide over here and be weird all night?" Rafe asks as you bring the can to your lips.
You roll your eyes a little and nod. "Well, duh. My friends are coming. I don't know what your plans are." Rafe looks around at that, seeing if there's anyone he might be able to talk to, but he was counting on hanging out with you.
"Wow, you're ditching me?" He asks, reaching into the cooler as well and grabbing a beer. "Cold."
You go to reply with a matching, somewhat snarky attitude the two of you almost always share when you recognize the purple jeep that's pulling in. "That's them! Good luck making friends!" You call back, jogging over to where they parked.
Rafe flips you off as you turn your full attention to your friends, sighing a little to himself as he lays eyes on a group of local boys who look enough like his friends that he's comfortable talking to them.
By the time that the area is lit only by the orange glow coming from the several cooking fires and the large bonfire everyone is centered around, you're already stumbling over your feet with a half-drank bottle of some liquor you didn't bring, and you're not even sure where you got it.
Rafe has been trying to keep an eye on you from a distance, but now he's lost you. He's drunk himself, so he's not overly concerned, but he would just at least like to know where you were. He looks around frantically, trying to keep his cool as the boys around him are laughing about something he didn't care to pay attention to. His eyes land on some figures out in the lake, and he squints to see if he can make out the shape of your hair in the dark. He takes a few steps away to get a closer look, hearing you laughing and shouting over the music coming from an on shore speaker. He walks down to the shore with a smug look on his face, polishing off his beer when he looks down and notices piles of clothes on the shore. Are you naked?
"Hey, Y/N!" Rafe shouts, waving to you in an attempt to grab your attention.
"Rafe!" You shout back, smile never fading as you push your wet hair out of your face. With the liquor warming you, the water feels amazing and so soft on your skin. "Come out here! Come join us!"
Rafe sighs as he finds your stuff, relieved to find only your shirt, shorts, and bra. At least you weren't fully naked in front of all these strangers. He strips of everything but his boxers and grabs your bra, wading out into the cool lake water to you and your friends as they cheer and laugh.
"Rafe! Where have you been?" You giggle, throwing your arms over his shoulders once he gets close enough for you to reach.
"I've been around- apparently I should have been babysitting you ladies." He chuckles, trying to hide any frustration in his tone as he avoids looking at your friends who are just as well clothed as you are. "Put this on, at least." He adds, pulling away from you and handing you the article of clothing, crossing his arms to watch you put it on despite his better judgement.
"Hey! Girls! Come on in, we're going to play chandelier!" One of the guys Rafe had the pleasure of talking to for the last couple hours shouts, and quickly everyone makes their way in to shore.
"Y/N, hey, we don't want you to get sick. Come warm up." Rafe turns his head as he gets his shirt back on, watching as one of the other guys, Jesse, is quickly wrapping you in a small blanket and guiding you up to the bonfire with a hand on your lower back. He scowls at the two of you behind your back, following as he urges you up the small hill and towards the large fire pit ahead.
You walk side by side with the boy, until you can feel the warmth of the flames on your skin where you stop and stand to dry off both your skin and what little clothing you have on. You don't know you're shivering until Jesse is tugging on the blanket around your shoulders. "Here, let me help you warm up.." He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you from behind and draping the blanket over both of you.
"Oh, thanks, Jesse." You say, teeth chattering from the soft breeze. You lean back into him, swaying from the alcohol still in your system and he steadies you.
"Anytime, sweetheart." He mumbles, pressing his lips to the back of your head.
You are well aware of his hands wandering, fiddling with the waistband of your underwear as you have your arms crossed tightly over your chest. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you gaze across the fire and your eyes land on Rafe, who's staring at you intently.
You smile and wave at him, but he just rolls his eyes in response and looks away. Is he upset with you for ditching him? In hindsight it wasn't very nice, even if that is the kind of relationship you normally have. If it was you you'd be upset- he didn't know anyone, and he was left to fend for himself, granted; he was clearly fine.
"Hey, Ashley?" You find yourself calling over to your other friend, but she doesn't hear you as your eyes well up with tears. Why do you feel so bad right now? Does Rafe being upset with you really bother you that much? You've hardly felt like this before.
"Ashley?" You ask again, but she hardly glances at you as she's got another boy draped over her shoulder- one who is definitely not the girls boyfriend.
"You okay?" Jesse asks, leaning his head over your shoulder to get a better look at you.
"Uhm, yeah, I just have to go to the bathroom and I was hoping she would come with me." You explain, watching Rafe again as he buries himself in conversation with the two girls standing next to him.
"I'll take you." Jesse offers. "Come on, I won't watch. Swear." He says, already guiding you away and tossing the blanket back to his friend.
You glance back at Rafe over your shoulder as Jesse walks you off into the dark. Just as you look forward again to try and watch your step, Jesse's hand is smacking your butt playfully, making you jump. You laugh it off and give him a shove, but he's grabbing your hand and pulling you in the direction of his truck.
The swing of Jesse's arm to where his hand hit your exposed skin drew Rafe's attention again fully, and he furrows his brow as he watches you stumble away. You were sharing a tent with him and you were really about to hook up with that mainland loser? He quickly downs the rest of his beer and storms after you, fists clenched at his sides after discarding the bottle on a nearby pong table.
"Hey!" Rafe shouts, making the two of you turn just as Jesse backs you up against the side of his truck and starts kissing down your neck. You're confused, but not one to turn down an opportunity like this- especially when you never have to see him again. As soon as Jesse turns his head, though, it's snapped back again with the contact of Rafe's fist into his nose.
He groans and quickly brings his hands up to his face, tipping his head back as blood pours from between his fingers. You gasp, reaching out for him but hesitating, not sure what to do.
"You think you can hook up with any girl who accepts a blanket from you when she's cold? She came here with me." Rafe spits, and you feel your features pull into an expression of anger as you quickly step towards him and shove him back. "What?"
"Come on." You mutter, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the now bleeding boy. "What the fuck was that about?" You ask, storming back to where your shared tent was in the corner. "Do you think you have some stupid claim over me just because you drove me here?"
Rafe rolls his eyes, stopping with you next to the tent as you drop his arm and turn to face him. "He was taking advantage of you!"
You scoff, shaking your head and crossing your arms. "No, Rafe. He wasn't. Did you ever consider that maybe I wanted that?"
"Whatever, Y/N- don't act like you weren't eyeing me up for the whole drive here."
"Oh. My. God." You find yourself laughing suddenly, realizing what this is about. "You were jealous."
"What? No I wasn't." Rafe replies defensively.
You smile at him cockily, tilting your head and waiting for him to spiral on it.
"I wasn't! I tried to help. That's what I get, I guess!" Rafe throws his hands up.
"And here I was thinking you were mad at me for ditching you. Turns out you were just horny." You smirk, knowing you were just pushing his buttons this time for fun.
"Oh, fuck off, Y/N, you're just trying to piss me off now for fun."
"You're not denying it." You shrug, looking back over to the fire for a moment, seeing Jesse sitting there with paper towel pressed to his nose and a few girls surrounding him.
"You're making it difficult not to be when you’re walking around like that.” He replies, smirking as he looks you up and down.
“Don’t be gross, Rafe.” You smile, dropping your arms from they were crossed over your chest.
He takes a step closer at that, delicately placing his hands on your hips. “You love it, Y/N/N, you know you do.”
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy @madelynie , @whore-4-drewstarkey , @slut4drudy , @winterrrnight , @totalswag , @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron , @urfaveluvr , @chenslucy , @hxnnah-397 , @s-we-e-t-t-ea , @tahliac11 , @ragingsammie , @ietss, @dee127
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jesuisici33 · 3 months
Inspiration Saturday
tagged by @daffi-990 @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz
inspiration comes from the fact that apparently we're getting a crossover with the bachelor???
which made me want to start working on my buddie bachelorette au! snippet under the cut for those interested!
His limo is getting even closer to the mansion where Taylor Kelly is. Honestly he doesn’t know what he was thinking when he agreed with his Tia Pepa to do this show. Eddie’s only thought is that he hopes he gets to go home soon so he can see Christopher. He can deal with the teasing and laughter from his family and coworkers after this airs. As soon as his humiliation is over, the faster he can be back with his son.
The limo stops, and someone comes over to open the door for Eddie to let him out. For a second the only thing he sees are the cameras pointing at him. There’s a rustle from some bushes - probably where Bobby and Athena are hiding to see how Taylor’s interactions with him and all the other men play out tonight - that catches Eddie’s eye. Then he sees her.
Taylor Kelly is…pretty. 
She’s dressed in a long, sparkly purple dress with her hair up in a bun, smiling picture perfect. The short bio of her Pepa read out to him when she was casted resurfaces in his mind. She’s a reporter. Mainly puff pieces - that must be why she has such a Barbie smile. As he gets out of the limo and walks towards her, he doesn’t see any substance towards her. No genuineness in that smile or in the eyes, just selling it for the camera. 
“Hi,” he puts his hand out for her to shake, not knowing what else to do.
Taylor quirks her eyebrow at, head tilting down at his hand. “You sure you don’t want to try that again? I’m sure the crew will let you. You don’t seem too enthused to meet me. My ego is a bit bruised. What’s the story there?”
Feeling slightly caught off guard, Eddie stiffly places his offered hand in his suit pocket. “No - no story. Just not used to cameras being on me.”
Taylor laughs. Eddie thinks it would be a nice laugh. Maybe if they were in private and Taylor’s eyes weren’t shifting towards the camera currently pointed at them. “Well, I hope you get used to them soon! What’s your name, anyways?”
“Edmundo.” He doesn’t know why he gives Taylor his full name. Perhaps because he knows Eddie is reserved to close friends and family. Perhaps because he wants to see Taylor stumble over his full name. 
“Edmundo. I like it. Well, Edmundo-”
She’s cut off by the sound of sirens wailing in the not too far distance. 
One of the contestants is coming in driving a firetruck.
“There’s another firefighter?” Eddie mutters, slightly impressed, slightly annoyed. Impressed because he loves these outrageous stunts during the first meeting on the show. Annoyed because he can’t believe the show paid for an actual fire truck to be used for a stunt that will be used for two seconds of footage. What house allowed this?
“Another?” Taylor’s sharp sense is going to be nauseating, Eddie can already tell.
The man in the truck honks his horn, shouts of “TAYLOR KELLY!!!” followed by whoops and cheers coming out of him. He’s wearing his uniform. Not the full gear, but the more laid back version for non fire emergencies. He’s blond with what appears to be some sort of birthmark next to one of his eyes. A blinding smile that holds the warmth of the sun in it. Eddie can’t help but give a small smile back.
“I heard you were in need of saving.” The man’s dazzling smile turns towards Eddie, where it hardens slightly. A your time’s up clear in his expression.
Eddie doesn’t bother looking back at Taylor. “All yours, man.” 
As he’s walking towards the mansion where the rest of the men are sitting in the lounge area, he thinks he hears something about a firehose, followed by a feminine laugh.
tagging @911-on-abc @eddiebabygirldiaz @monsterrae1 @bonheur-cafe @watchyourbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @tizniz @loserdiaz @giddyupbuck @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @pirrusstuff @your-catfish-friend @liminalmemories21 @carlos-in-glasses @wikiangela @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @diazsdimples and anyone else who is feeling inspired! <3
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gorgugplushie · 7 months
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THE LET ME BE THE FIRST. PLEASE STAY. got a bitt lazy w the bg/rendering. BUT GOD I LOVE EM!!! Took abt 4 hrs. Rbs are greatly appreciated <3
[ID: A Digital drawing of Fig Faeth and Ayda Auegfort. Fig faeth is a half-tiefling with red skin, an arrow pointed tail, red pointed ears that flop down, dark brown hair with purple streaks, white horns, eyes with yellow sclera and red iris, yellow teeth, and facial hair. Fig wears a dark leather jacket, blue jeans with a red bandana sticking out of a back pocket, and a nose ring. Fig looks up to Ayda with a pleading expression as she holds her in her arms. Ayda is a half-Pheonix with dark skin, Multiple eyes with black sclera and red iris with two on her wings, small red and orange feathers that  cover her face, neck and arms, winged ears, tall fire like hair, orange nails, and red and orange wings that sprout from her back. Ayda is wearing a black leather vest with a white shirt underneath, a red pirate sash around her waist, brown pants, and a brown leather book holster. Ayda has a soft expression of shock as she looks down at Fig, holding her by the shoulders. The two stand in bushes and grass, the background is of a dark starry sky with light coming down on the two of them. /END ID]
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ryxiez · 1 year
Lazy Day
Leviathan x gn!Reader
Super Fluffy, comfort, and almost tooth rotting
This is just a short fic I made while feeling touched starved
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You were not feeling your best today. The combination of school work and the chaotic brothers fighting all the time had your energy running low but your stress running high. Homework and tests were thrown at you left and right, almost like nobody could understand that a human couldn't comprehend this amount of work.
However, you knew just what you needed to fix burdening crisis.
*knock knock*
"What's the password." His voice called from behind the wooden door.
"The second lord... blah, blah, blah." You respond with a sigh, not wanting to play these kinds of games at the moment, no matter how many times you found it to be the cutest thing in the past.
"Fine, come on in." He said as you already had the door open, knowing that he wouldn't deny you access anyway. You were his one "true friend" after all.
You shut the door softly behind you as you entered the dark blue room. Your eyes remind half lidded while adjusting to the change in brightness and your over sized comfy clothes absorbed your whole figure. Levi didn't bother to turn around to look at you however, he stayed fixated on his gaming device in hand, playing something about fire and emblems.
"Hey Levi?" You said in a hushed voice, almost ready to fall asleep on the floor as you approached him in his classic gaming chair.
"Hmm?" He said while turning his head slightly your way, but his eyes were still glued to the action packed screen. Pressing buttons non-stop, he seemed unbothered by your presence, but on the inside he was panicking. Did he do something wrong? Did you never want to see him again?
"Can I please just cuddle with you, I need a little attention to help me rest at the moment..." You stated, getting straight to the point of your sudden visit. You didn't have the energy to beat around the bush anyways. Moving towards him, your hands spun around his gaming chair once he paused his game and finally looked at you.
Your hair was a little messy while you had the most comfortable looking outfit on. You could say he was jealous of your coziness, but he was too consumed in how cute you looked right now to even care. His heart melted and skipped multiple beats as his face became red in color.
"W- why would you come to a g- gross otaku like me? I bet I'm the least comforting person out there." He asks while he lowers his gaze, no longer looking you in the eyes.
"Levi, please don't say those things. You are the only person who can make me feel better right now... so please?" You said as you fiddled with your sleeves before reaching your arms out, inviting or asking the purpled haired demon for a hug
"O- ok." He stuttered as he finally set the gaming device aside and opened his arms up for you as well. Smiling, you crawled into his lap. Your arms snaking around his waist, bringing him into a tight hug.
You may have squeezed him a bit to hard at first and broke him for a minute, but soon he wrapped his arms around you in return. Resting his chin onto the top of your head, simultaneously rubbing small circles into your back. Taking a deep breath, he finally started to relax along with you.
His face still burned red from the close contact, but the biggest smile also rested on his face. It wasn't like he was going to admit it anytime soon, but Levi enjoyed your touch very much.
He loved the way he could listen to your heart beat if he tried hard enough. He loved the way his breathing would automatically start to match yours after a while of being in each others embrace. He loved how you came to him, out of all of his other brothers, for comfort and relaxation.
But most importantly he loved you and nothing could change that.
His hand continued to trace little shapes into the small of your back as you were already off in dream land. His touch finally putting you to sleep after the long day you had.
However, he soon felt him self do the same. Sinking into the cushion of his chair, he nuzzled his check onto the top of your head, his hold on you getting tighter as he breathed in your blissful sent.
Before he knew it, he was off dreaming with you by his side. You were the royalty and he was your knight in shining armor.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
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katyahina · 1 day
Fingercreepers lore (?)
Okay so these thoughts started from me watching a video by Zullie the Witch, so bear with me for the start as I'll get to my point soon enough:
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I kinda struggled to count them in the game (was too busy getting my ass kicked dsfhfhd) but yes, they do have 12 fingers, so, two hands merged together; Rykard's hands have 6 fingers:
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(Also interesting how blue scales that Rykard has showing are very similar with the blue nails on Fingercreepers)
The description:
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I agree that this is likely, especially with how Fingercreepers are primarily found in Caria Manor! They are also found in Gelmir of course, and in the severs under Leyendell; interestingly, guarding the cell where Dung Eater is trapped. Seeing that not only his Seedbed Curses are found in Ephael but also one is found in the Volcano Manor itself I would not be surprised if that was Rykard's deliberate decision to lend a hand (haha...... ok sorry it was bad) in imprisoning this Tarnished! He abused the family's kindness personally! Can't risk just executing him because for all Greater Will concerned it might simply make him raise again lol. Similarly, the hands are guarding Ranni's residence since they're so close.
But also I was discussing their nature with @val-of-the-north and we kind of had a disagreement on the origins of these hands! I considered that it could have been one of the curses of the Fell God that Marika slandered that yet persists in Radagon and his children - Radahn's gigantic size or 'the eye' on Trina and Godwyn come to mind!
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Trina and Godwyn are especially interesting because in their case, the 'eye' appears through extraordinary means but not present in their 'actual' body! (Granted I am making this post just a week before the DLC so maybe Trina = Miquella theory will get nuked, but we'll see). So maybe the weird hands appeared in Rykard only after he became a monster, but the 'gene' was already there? Because interestingly, Fingercreepers are ALSO found in Mountaintops, but they big variant is missing the rings!
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They have the traces of where normally they have the rings still visible, which creates an impression of them having worn the rings for a long time and then removed. I do not know whether it is a deliberate implication or something to do with how they made a variant of the model, but what IS certain is that ring-less Fingercreepers can't cast magic!
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I wish I knew how to record the clips from PS4 playing really, I am a complete and utter idiot at such things :/ I was running around these hands for such a long time to make 1000% sure they don't cast magic. This screenshot is from when I trapped one of them with the bush model glitch, and it still never attempted magic while I was standing at different distances around it.
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The ringed variant, on the other hand (haha- *gets shot*), cast that annoying spell which binds you! Interestingly enough, if you don't die from being grabbed, when the spell wears out it pushes you away, which is similar with how Onyx Lords, one of the types of masters of the Gravity magic that Radahn studied, use it:
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So, 1) Fingercreepers can only cast magic if they're using the catalyst and 2) The magic they're using is akin to gravity magic with function and purple spells coloration, and might come from the purple glintstone they have in their rings. It is possible that they might use different kind of magic with different catalysts, for example, fire sorcery if they equipped fire glintstone!
So, I thought that the Fingercreepers as a concept come from the Fire Giants, since they're ever increasing in size and the Fire Giants are known to lose their limbs due to hypothermia effects! It is shown in both the Fire Giant boss (his hands rotting and him losing his leg before our eyes) and the statues of frozen Fire Giants:
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@val-of-the-north at the same time, thinks they're inherently connected with the powerful sorceries, since their nails are nothing like those of Fire Giants hands even in Mountaintops yet look very sorcerer-ish being blue and shiny, and that it is weird that ringless Fingercreepers can't cast fire magic instead as an option because THAT is the natural one for them. Not only Fire Giants themselves can cast it, but even their relatives, the trolls in Mountaintops:
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( x ) (Sorry I didn't take a screenshot :\ ) They still have fire magic even after their betrayal, and severing the ties with Fell God as evidenced by their guts, where his third eye mark would be, missing. So, yeah, I don't know if separate body parts gaining their own lives thus would be enough to explain absence of fire magic in the 'wild' variants not connected with Rykard.. Fire sorcery and fire magic are different, and the latter would not require a catalyst, logically? Besides, Fire Giants do not have any connection with the phenomenon of six fingers like what Rykard develops in the end. You know who does, though? Astel!
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His front hands do have six fingers, and sharp claws too, albeit not blue! However, he is connected with the stars that were the very essence of Astrologers' research and lives! Needless to mention that despite being supposedly a unique one of a kind boss, he is found in Mountaintops/Snowfield as a boss too! (Put a pin on this, we will return to it)
By now, I wonder whether it is kind of both, after all:
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Both Trolls and Sorcerers descend from the ancient people that lived in Mountaintops that forsaken their roots, so no wonder they've found some solidarity both working for Carians in the end! However, Fire Giants and Astrologers were allies and the Sword of Night and Flame signifies that. Not only that, but also descent from the Giants is a thing too:
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+ Pre-patch 1.00 version of their Ashes, currently their Ashes don't mention anything like this but..... :
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Sorcerers have a strange relationship with their bodies, as not only their soul crystallises and can be transferred into another body, but they also have very unusual way to astral-project. Sellen's real body is trapped in the dungeon and is suffering, yet her astral projection is fully eloquent and more aware? On the other hand, Ranni left an "auto-receiver" of herself that reacts if you harmed her mother, whereas real Ranni doesn't have reaction/awareness if you did beat up Rennala in the end. And.. yeah, remember I addressed the weird 'two Astels' problem? This might just be the continuation of it considering he is literally the being of the stars, the splitting entity situation! Parts of their being are able to exist as their own entity even separated from their real selves, and that might apply to separate body parts too!
In other words, these hands' gigantic size could link to the Fire Giants, but affinity with the sorcery that yet requires a catalyst and ability to live on their own could link to the Astrologers! Sorcerers have still picked up a lot from Astrologers so Rykard, both being a strong Sorcerer and carrying a curse from the Giants in his genes, developed a similar feature? Back in the times of Fire Giants and Astrologers they might have had a lot of inbreeding as neighbours and allies since again it is possible in the lore just like inbreeding with the dragons. I am not sure yet whether all mixed people like this could always lose and regrow the weird hands or only Rykard can have like 50000 of them due to his new nature though!
So yeah, this is kind of an interesting (and frustrating af) enemy to study! Let me know please if I've missed or forgotten something important though;
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Welcome Home Fae AU x Human Reader (Prologue? Concept?)
While trying to figure out what type of fae folk the other neighbors would be, I kinda came up with this idea if how an x Reader fic might start out. It only really has Wally and the Reader interact, since he is the only fae character I have made, and Eddie is stuck in the Fairy Realm. I just wanted to write it down before I lost it in all my other thoughts. As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated! OwO
TW: Small Mention of Threatened Harm
You watch your father cradle the small baby in his arms, which, in all the years that it has spent in your family, has never grown at all. How many years has it been? Fifteen? Twenty? It doesn't matter exactly. It disturbs and saddens you that this baby, who was acquired before you were even born, has not grown an inch, while you are now an adult.
Your father sighs, rocking in his rocking chair. His hair is a mess and his shirt covered in dirt. "It will be okay, little fella," he says, letting the small babe in his arms grab onto his finger "the wet nurse should be here, soon. Mom may have left, but we can still feed you once the nurse arrives. Isn't that right, (Y/N)?" You weakly smile, nodding "Yeah. She should be here in a couple of minutes. Let me light some candles to warm you up, Liam. I know you don't like fire, so the candles will be a bit better than the fireplace." You hurry over, lighting a few candles as your father mutters a soft "Thank you, sweetie. That would be lovely."
Once you return with the candles, you set them down on the table near your father's rocking chair. He hums, seemingly trying to soothe the now crying baby in his arms. Then, he looks over to you as he asks "Did I ever tell you why I never leave Liam alone?" You nod in response "People want to hurt him, right? They want to hurt him because he never grows." "Yes... but there is more. You see-" the front door to your little cottage resounds as the nurse knocks on it. "I will tell you later. Would you be a dear and go pick some berries from the forest? Some mushrooms, too. I will make us some dinner to eat while we talk."
With that, you take your daily stroll through the woods. Your cartage is close to Faeshire, but not so close as to be able to see the village. There is no path to and from the village from your cottage, either. Your father explained it as a way to protect Liam from the people who wish to hurt him. He even said that it was why he left his mother. She wanted to hurt him, too. The only situation you have heard about that is similar to Liam's is... well, fae folk got involved somehow and messed things up. Despite this, it is clear that your father loves Liam very much, despite his oddities. Who wouldn't? Liam is so sweet and has done nothing wrong...
You are so lost in though, you didn't realize that you were also physically lost in the woods. You look left and right, unable to spot your cottage or Faeshire. You do, however, see a berry bush nearby, deciding that you might as well check them out. They... LOOK edible, but you have never seen them before. Neither have you seen the oddly colored mushroom ring a few feet from the bush, or the singular apple tree a few feet further. Stepping closer the the strange ring, you instantly recognize it as a fairy ring. Blues, reds, yellows and even purples and greens all dust the mushroom tops. You stand a few feet away from the fairy ring, knowing full well that it acts as a transport to the Fairy Realm.
A rustle in the apple tree catches your attention. You look up, expecting to see a squirrel getting ready for winter. It is late autumn, after all. Instead, you see a pair of dark eyes peering through the leaves, as well as a few specks of yellow and blue peeking through. Letting out a yelp, you step back a few paces, causing a snicker to emit from whatever is in the tree. "Hello, human!" A monotone voice says, followed by a few more rustles as the creature climbs down the tree to a lower branch.
Within moments, you finally get to see what it is. A man... no... thing is sitting on a branch. Its yellow skin contrasts its blue hair, which has a few tree branches seemingly tangled or growing alongside it, neatly styled alongside the hair itself. The large, dark eyes stare you down as it grins, a set of pearly white teeth seeming out of place for this clearly inhuman creature. You point to it, your hand shaking as you ask "You are a fae, right? What are you" "Wally Darling, dear human! Do not be afraid. I'm a simple dryad. A kindly dryad. Much better than a pixie or a troll."
You relax slightly. Yes... The dryad are naturally kind, as long as you do not harm the trees. You haven't done so, so this dryad should be kind to you, right? Might as well shoot your shot and see if it can point you in the direction of home, or to Faeshire. Either one is good. "Okay... I am so sorry for asking, Wally, but... Can you help me home? I live in a cottage not far from Faeshire. I lost my way while searching for berries and mushrooms for my father. I am not asking for much more than a simple point of the finger towards either place." He leans back in the tree, resting his back against the bark of the trunk as his legs lie along a large branch. "Hmmm... That should be easy. Too easy. There is something else on your mind, I can tell. A little-big brother, perhaps?" Your eyes widen. How does he know?
He then chuckles as your expression, pointing to you "Here's a little deal for you, human! I know that you want help with his situation. I'll point you in the direction of your cottage, like you asked so kindly for. Once you get home, I'll give you... let's say three days to bring your little-big brother to me. After that, we shall make another deal that gives me something proper in return. The first two days should be spent getting both yourself and your brother prepared for the cold. Then, on the third, simply walk in a straight line through the woods, and I shall put you on course to this exact location. Got it?"
You stand as still as stone, staring up at him. This deal is a bad idea, you know for sure. Deals between humans and fae almost always go wrong. In fact, you are pretty sure they never go right for the human, which... well, you are the human in this deal. The sky is growing darker, though, and the cold is slowly seeping through your cloak to the very marrow of your bones. You didn't dress for the weather, due to only expecting to be out for an hour or so. Soon enough, when the sky goes pitch black with night, the air will freeze you as you wander blindly through the forest. Not only that, but this dryad seems determined to make a deal. Yes, the dryad's are naturally kind to good humans... but what if this one doesn't see you as kind? It may use whatever powers it has to make you even more lost if you don't agree.
"Okay... I agree." It grins, with a smile as wide and sly as a cheshire cat. "Good human. Now, let me see... Over there is the best path. It has the most edible berries and mushrooms, and will lead you straight to your cottage." It points somewhere behind you. As you take a few steps in the direction it pointed in, the dryad calls out "I'll be sure to keep you safe on your way." Then, you hear it scuttle back up its tree.
It was right, as within a mere minute, you have mysteriously arrived home, your basket full of berries and mushrooms and your father holding you tightly. "Never go missing like that again, (Y/N)! I was worried someone might have hurt you, or worse..." "Don't worry, dad. I was just a bit lost. On the bright side, I have brought us a lot of berries and mushrooms for dinner. I don't know what you would make with these... but whatever you make is fine."
You look down into your basket to count how many mushrooms you got, only to be surprised by an odd fruit in the basket. Picking it up, you see a nice, ripe, red delicious apple has somehow found its way into your basket.
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freesia-writes · 10 months
If you're okay with taking requests at this time, could you write something hurt/comfort with a fem!reader x Wrecker? Maybe they are on a mission and the reader gets hurt pretty bad and Wrecker has to get her to safety and treat her injuries. (I haven't seen many fics where Wrecker is the one having to save and provide aid for the reader....which is confusing bc I'd assume he would have had the same training that the rest of them did and Tech probably would have taught him some extra stuff too!) I really loved your most recent chapter of the Hunter x Vel fic and it's got me wanting some more hurt/comfort/medical stuff from you!
Hiiiii! First of all... (to all of you out there)... Thank you for being so patient and gracious with asks! I've been so much busier and also in a total writing funk, so I didn't want to force it and give you any less than my best! That being said... there are some really sweet and fun asks in there, and I'm excited to get to them! <3
SO... for this sweet Wrecker piece... I wanted to give you a lil somethin extra (I may have a few more of these up my sleeve for future works)... You'll see some words that are *hyperlinked*. Go ahead and click it if you want to hear Wrecker actually say them! :D
Wrecker x GN!Reader Word Count: 1.4k Content Warnings: wartime violence, reader injury, pain described, not too graphic (shot in the leg and hurting ribs).
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Wrecker’s heart was pounding as he saw you fall. You disappeared down the side of the hill, tumbling through brush and ferns. They would have been a beautiful addition to the lush mountainside the team had been forced into, but now they were obstacles that were only increasing your injuries as you crashed through them. A feral roar escaped him as he charged after you, going into BAMF mode as his blaster fired ceaselessly. A few tactically-tossed grenades disabled the closest tank, which he then pushed into the one next to it, crushing both of them against the rocky mountain wall. The rest of the team was closing in, working seamlessly and effectively as always. But this time, he was flushed with more than just the thrill of battle. 
You finally came to a halt at the base of a large tree, lying flat on your back with one hip slightly tilted up where it had met the tree trunk that stopped your descent. The pain radiating throughout your chest was suffocating, and every shaky breath you took caused a stabbing sensation throughout your ribcage. The blaster bolt that took you down had hit your thigh hard enough to make you lose your balance, and in the split second before you hit the ground, you cursed yourself for your momentary distraction. And then you were falling. Part of you wished you were still falling, because in your stationary position, it was hard to focus on anything other than your injuries. You tried to pick your head up, immediately feeling dizzy, and flopped it back on the ground, seeing white spots begin to creep in at the edges of your vision.
The clouds were beautiful, at least. Bright orange and yellow against a hazy purple sky. It would have been an enjoyable place to rest and daydream… In fact, that was precisely what you wanted to do. You felt so heavy, and despite the waves of jaw-clenching pain coursing through you, there was an irresistible pull to surrender to the sleepiness that was overtaking you. The last thing you remembered was the sky slowly fading to white, then darkness.
“Where are you… Come on….” Wrecker grumbled, slipping and sliding down the hill with reckless abandon. He ran from tree to tree, using each one to stop himself and allow for a quick scan of the ground. A panic was rising within as he kept moving, convinced that he should have seen you by now. Perhaps he missed you on the way down? No, he had been careful. He just needed to keep a straight mind. He took a deep breath, pulse still racing, and then he caught a glimpse of your robe.
The bushes separating you from him were trampled to smithereens as he came to your side, dropping to his knees with a loud thud. You weren’t… you couldn’t be… He reached for you, pressing two large fingers delicately into the side of your neck. There it was – a pulse. His arms twitched; he was yearning to pull you into his lap, but hesitated, cautious of internal injuries that may not be apparent to the untrained eye. The blossoming red patch on the thigh of your dark green pants caused his eyes to grow round for a split second, and then he was moving. He didn’t have all of Tech’s pouches, and he found himself choking on his own taunts that he’d always flung at his brother as he wished he had more on him at the moment. 
The hem of your robe caught his eye, and he muttered a brief apology before carefully pulling out from under you and tearing off the entire bottom of it. He fashioned the thick fabric into a makeshift compress to stop the bleeding and stabilize your leg, then moved up to your face, cupping the side of your cheek with utter tenderness. Your eyes fluttered open, sending a thrill through his chest as he willed with all his might for you to be okay. 
“You’re awake,” he said, more of a wish than an observation. Your bleary vision was nothing but shapes and shadows for a moment, then he slowly came into focus. 
“Wreck…” you breathed, wincing at the way the sound rattled inside your own head. “I’m–”
“You’re okay. I’m here. Gonna get you back to the ship.” His voice was loud, or maybe it just sounded that way to you, but it definitely had an undeniable alarm to it, beneath his attempted facade of calm focus. 
You reached an arm out and tried to sit up again, but the immediate spasm took your breath away. You froze in place, unable to move without wishing you were unconscious. “I can’t…the ribs…” you said through gritted teeth and shallow breaths. 
“We’ll figure it out. Take it easy,” Wrecker reassured, wrapping one strong arm around your shoulders so you didn’t have to hold yourself up anymore. He tapped the side of his helmet with the fingers on the other hand, touching base with the rest of the team. They’d finished “cleaning up the mess”, as Crosshair put it, and were en route to the Marauder. Wrecker looked back to you, considering the options in his mind. “Listen… I need to carry you back to the ship…” 
Your eyes were tightly shut, tears squeezing out the corners. “It hurts too much,” you whimpered, dizziness threatening to rob you of consciousness again. “Leave me,” you said, not meaning a single word but losing your coherent thoughts by the moment.
"Hey! Hey... Look at me... You're gonna be alright. You hear me? I’ve got you. It’s okay." His words were sharp and urgent, the fear inside him crowding out the softness and affection he felt for you. You gave a small nod, fully expecting to pass out from the pain. Moving with a rapt awareness of your fragility, he slid his other arm beneath your knees, lifting you as he stood up with every attempt to keep your body in the same position. You cried out, the sound of your pain piercing him to the core. He apologized profusely, heading back to the ship as quickly as possible. It felt like hours. The agony washed over you again and again, and by the time he got you onto a bunk on the ship, you were almost delirious. Tech was quick to take off, lurching into hyperspace within minutes. 
Wrecker ripped his helmet off with one hand, kneeling on the floor next to your bunk. He was furiously rummaging through the medpack next to him, gathering precisely what he needed with shaky hands. You just wanted it to be over, but his sudden closeness brought a warm feeling that temporarily bloomed throughout your abdomen as he leaned over you with a stimpack, pressing it against your arm. It dispensed with a loud hiss, and after a few seconds, a sweet relief began to spread throughout your limbs. 
“Thank you.” Your breathy gratitude softened the intensity in his eyes, and he stroked a large hand down the side of your hair before pressing his forehead to yours with feather-light touch. The cocktail of bacta, painkillers, and anesthesia slowly reached your head, and as you drifted off into sleep again, his whisper soothed away the last vestiges of pain. “I’m gonna take care of you.” 
* * * 
You woke up a few hours later, discovering as you tried to peek at the clean dressing on your leg that you were immobilized around your middle. You took a tentative breath in, slowly expanding your ribs against the dull ache. The sudden appearance of a round head peering over the edge of the bunk above you made you gasp in surprise, followed by an immediate wince at the discomfort it caused. 
“Shoot, sorry,” he muttered, clambering off the bunk to the ground beside you. He took one of your hands in his, resting his elbow on the edge of the mattress. “How do you feel?”
“Like garbage,” you said with a smile, rolling your head to the side to take in the tender affection on his expressive face.
“Well you’re beautiful garbage,” Wrecker chuckled, stroking the back of your hand with a thumb. “I got ya all patched up… For now,” he admitted with a sheepish tone, although you couldn’t discern why. 
“You’re amazing,” you said quietly, giving his hand a feeble squeeze. “That’s twice now…”
“Ah, who’s countin?” he murmured, leaning in to kiss your cheek and flushing you with tingles.
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danicadenniss · 5 months
DreamWorks Trolls
Branch: Troll Of The Wildglade
Chapter 3: Branch Meet Poppy
In the Trolls Brotherhood AU, the brothers grew up, Spruce became a blacksmith and a father who got married and had 11 children, his wife is pregnant, Poppy as the village grump, Branch became a strong adult.
-20 Years Later-
Years had passed since then and Branch grew up into fine, handsome and strong adult. He wore a brown patched up pants, he wear a leafy green vest with it, a blue dragon scales bracelet and necklace on it, given to him by his dragon friend named Sky. It has been 20 years since his father's sacrifice and now Branch had reached the age of 20 and has become more mature, responsible, cautious, but as usual, he still have some faults. He can still be quite naive and his curiosity can get the best of him. But he's loved by everyone by the clan for his heart and fairness.
John Dory became a second captain, his hair got shaved in the back and the sides, he wear a brown leather jacket with a white and dark brown spotted fur collar, green pants that go to his knee and signature green skiing goggles with a pink lenses.
Spruce became a blacksmith, he wear a necklace around his neck, black loose shirt, and white pants with styled back hair, he is the second taller and he has a plump face and body, and his lost physical fitness and still attractive. He got married with his wife Brandy who is a Vacay Islander, as she is pregnant with her baby. He has a daughter and 11 sons.
Floyd became a swordsmen, his became dark magenta pink, and twisted around his head partly covers his face. He is shirtless, as he wore a black ripped shorts with a black belt around his waist and a black stud earring, he have a black tattoo of his father Thorn on his upper back, he having shy and meek personality.
Over the years, Ivy and Rosiepuff have grown as well. Ivy's had a light grayish pink streaks and some wrinkles, but she is a grandmother of Spruce's 11 kids but Alder help watch over the clan. Rosiepuff grew wiser and also gain various white streaks, but she's young at heart, at least that's what Branch like to says. Ivy proudly decided to step down and gave their father's leaders to Branch.
Branch: Let's go, bud! Sky took up, spreading his wings gallantly. As they headed towards some trees, Branch saw several of his handmade targets that he had set of arrows. Pulling back his bowstring, he fired and hit a perfect bullseye. Branch hit perfect bullseyes on each and every one. Sometimes he would hit one target with two arrows after another just for the fun of it.
Branch: Great work, Sky. Now let's pick up some speed!
Sky didn't hesitate and the two of them flew like a rocket. Flying across the valley, they passed mountains, and even some creeks on the way. Branch held on to his friend tightly but would let go of hold, spreads his arms out and shouts of joy as he felt the breeze through the air. It wasn't long when the two of them reached whooped happily.
Branch: That was great, my friend. Never cease to amaze me. (Floyd walked to them and saw taught, he smiled proudly)
Floyd: Bro! This is amazing! How did you do this?
Branch: Floyd, like our father before me, I'll becoming a leader of the Glade Clan and with that honor, came responsibility. (A sudden growl had alarmed them, they turned and saw John Dory running in horror)
John Dory: Bros! Come quick!
Floyd: What is it, John?
John Dory: A purma is gonna to kill the trollings. But we got to warn the whole clan, right now.
They look and saw a Purma creeping into the bushes. Purma are feline creatures that resembles a mountain lion, only they have purple fur with red spots, white underbelly and long tails. They are dangerous considering they are ambush predators, taking their prey when they least expect it. Branch set his eyes onto three trollings playing on the soft grassy away from the clan that were located on top of a hill having picnics and fun together. The clan was too far and busy the danger the children were in. Ignacio Carapax became older, he wear a khaki hat, a black collared button up shirt, dark brown cargo pants with gray belt around his waist and tan combat boots, he patting it's head, as smells.
Ignacio Carapax: (smiled evilly) Ahh, trollings I got to tell Reyes about we'll hunting today, now my pet! I want you to grabbed the trolls and bring them to me. (Purma run to the grass, with an evil laugh)
Bounty Troll Hunters #4: We almost got them now!
Taking action, the brothers quickly warned their clan and the trollings.
The clan raised their heads in alarm, including Ivy, Alder and Rosiepuff who became alert of the situation. A few seconds later, Purma jumped out of bushes, heading towards to the children. The three kid gasped and ran away with the Purma chasing after them. Ignacio walked out of the tent with the other hunters are watching them, as they ran, Harper suddenly tripped and fell. The Purma pounced towards her, Arthur Slugworth walked toward her with a butterfly net.
Arthur Slugworth: Little trolling is scared of my butterfly net, and you can't escape from the hunters.
He looked at an arrow suddenly landed between them, preventing him and the beast from hunting Harper. At the moment, Floyd jumps in to save Harper from getting caught by him.
Floyd: Run, Harper!
Spruce: John, what is your plan (threw a rope at Arthur Slugworth's feet as tripped and fell down to the grass and his butterfly net, the Purma whipped it's tail at them) Ow!
John Dory: Ow!
She didn't hesitate to quickly got back on her feet and safely run towards the clan as the Purma focused on Branch. Branch stood definitely with a loaded arrows at the Purma. John and Spruce got up, they got his dagger and his spear. Floyd got his sword fighting against the Purma. The animal attacks with it claws, but Branch rolled away and shot an arrow at it, grazing the cheek. It started to ran off. Thinking he had scared off. The brothers relaxed a little, only to hear warning shouts from the clan.
Ivy and Rosiepuff: Boys, look out!
Brandy: Behind you four!
The brothers heard him and looked back. The Purma pounced behind them pinning him down John, Spruce, Floyd and Branch immediately started to started to try to shove him, using his bow to prevent its fangs and claws from getting to him. Nothing a big stone near them, Branch then thought of an idea. The brothers stretching their hairs, they grabs the Purma's tail, twirled him around and threw it against the stone, hard towards Arthur Slugworth's lap.
Arthur Slugworth: Oof! Don't just stand there! Gets those little creatures! Not me! Not me! Why!
John slashed it tail back, Spruce and Floyd stabbed it's underbelly and pulled out, the beast roared in pain and panicked when Arthur got up and ran away from them, when Branch loaded an arrow at his face for the finishing blow, only for it to fire near its face, giving it a warning to stay away.
Branch: Never come back! (Glared and the Purma rose and ran away with Branch in pursuit. Shouted) Get out of here! Nobody gets hunt on our watch. (Snort and then he and the brothers smiled victoriously.)
The Purma screeched and disappeared into the woods.
Ignacio Carapax: What! NOOOOOOOO! (growled angrily)
Bounty Troll Hunters #4: It's no use, we most go back to the village now. Madame, we explained to ourselves.
They turned back and the whole clan ran to them happily.
Alder: You boys, were amazing! (Rosiepuff and Ivy ran to hug them)
Rosiepuff: (checked all over them) are you boys alright? No scratches or bruises?
Branch: (chuckled) We're fine, Grandma,
John Dory: We're heroes!
Rusty: That was amazing!
The purple trolling: We are now!
Harper came to them and hugged them gratefully.
Harper: Thank you for saving us, my heroes!
Floyd: My pleasure, Harper!
John Dory and Spruce: You're welcome!
Branch: Anytime, Harper.
They looked around, being surrounded by their trolls, all of them cheering and congratulating them on their heroic rescue. The brothers felt proud of themselves. Including a grayish pink troll clapped to them. She was walking in the village carrying sticks with her bare hands, she looked around the forest, and she met Branch. She rarely ever sing again because of her sister's disappearance, she's always depressed with emotions, excluding happiness.
Grayish pink troll: Bravo, Branch, what do you want? That's cat is looked scary. Huh? In my bunker, it wrote Your NOT welcome here. The hunters almost captured my sister, 20 years ago.
Branch: Poppy! We defeat the Purma, Alder want to keep the villagers safe from bounty hunters.
Poppy: What's the hell, are you talking about? But thank you, Branch. My mother died from her natural cause of illness, 10 years ago, since I was 10 years old and I miss her so much.
Branch: Sorry to hear about this, (sobbing) I kept having nightmare, since Clay's disappearance along with your sister during the fire cause explosion, in the forest, since father sacrifice himself to stop the hunter's leader as he burned to ashes, heard his last words until he died, since I was six months old. I will take his place as a new leader of Glade Clan. (Wiped his eyes trying stop his tears from flowing) He is in my heart.
Poppy: One day, you're going to be leader, I'm going back to my bunker. (She walked away from him and going back to her bunker.)
After finally reaching their home, They saw Rosiepuff serving some tea for herself and Ivy whom tell to Spruce's kids a story about her husband's sacrifice himself to save them from hunters during the fire cause explosion in the forest. When she saw the br, they walked towards them as they shared a hug together.
Branch: We love you, Mom, we love Grandma.
Ivy: We love you boys too! Sweeties. Your father would be so proud of you boys and so are we forever. (Made a candlelight vegil for her husband's sacrifice in the picture frame) I hope Clay will be okay.
Branch: Good night, brothers. Good night, mother.
Ivy: Good night, boys.
Floyd: Good night, bro.
Spruce: Night, brothers. (Yawned)
John Dory: G' Night, brothers. (As they watched Branch leave)
He walked out the pod and climbed towards a branch where he not only could see the Wildglades, but also the clear, starry night sky. Clutching his necklace, he stared at the night sky.
Branch: Dad, I know you're out there somewhere watching over us. I never knew that someone like me could be a hero as well as a leader until today. My brothers and I are heroes, even though I'm doing fine, I still miss you a lot. You must be so proud of me and my brothers, but I have a feeling that you always will be. I see a grayish pink troll who's live in her bunker, she looked very depressed without her happiness. I will always remember you and love you for all time. (wiped his eyes, trying to stop his tears from flowing.)
He smiled as much as a troll could as he watched a shooting star streaming across the sky above him.
Fun Fact: The Purma was inspiration for the cougar scene. Poppy as an over cautious, unpleasant and cynical princess who hates singing, dancing, hugging and music, after she turned gray due to her mother's death just like Branch in the first movie. Protect The Wildlife from hunting them, then I donate for Night To Shine next month.
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handweavers · 2 months
Do you have a favorite kind of plant? A favorite tree?
chinese hibiscus are my favourite flowers, next to star jasmine and tiger lilies. all grow in my grandparents' yard in malaysia ❤️
in a wider scope, i study dye plants and trees and thus the plants i can identify and feel most connected to are dye precursors, especially those used traditionally across southeast asia. when i think of my favourite trees i think of all these tropical hardwoods and plants. so here is a non-exhaustive list of southeast asian dye plants:
🌻 sappanwood (biancaea sappan) also called brazilwood not to be confused with another, different tree also called brazilwood; it was taken from southeast asia by the portuguese and brought with them to the americas - red, pink, purple
🌻 indigo (called tagom or tagum in various filipino languages, tarum in malay) - blue, blue, blue, there are several species but japanese indigo as well as a few other varieties are commonly grown
🌻 annatto seed (this is the most common of filipino dyes from what i've read) - yellow, orange, red 
narra woodchips (national tree of the philippines) - brown, red, pink, pinkish brown 
asthma plant (tawa-tawa) - yellow
indian almond tree (talisay) - the roots, leaves, bark, all rich with tannins, yellow dye naturally but can give greys and blacks
mahogany (mahoni in malay) - reddish brown
taro plant (called gabi, aba, abalong) - leaves give yellowish green
🌻 turmeric root (kunyit in malay) - yellow. not very lightfast so usually combined with other dyes
🌻 ceriops tagal (mangrove - soga tinggi in indonesian) - reddish rusty warm brown, a vital and very rare dye now due to deforestation. the dyers in bali i know who use it source it from a fair trade org in papua that harvests small, controlled amounts. i have been very lucky to use this and the colour is magnificent
yellow flamboyant bark or yellow flame (soga jambal in indonesian, peltophorum pterocarpum) - warm yellow to red to dark brown, using peeled bark
cudrania javanensis (tegeran in indonesian) wood - yellow
🌻 cockspur thorn (maclura cochinchinensis) - yellow, very strong high quality yellow
mango - leaves, bark, peels give yellow, especially when processed as lake pigment
angsana - wood shavings make honey brown
🌻 jackfruit heartwood - clear strong yellow
🌻 symplocos - natural bio-accumulator of aluminum, used as a mordant in dyeing
🌻 fire flame bush (woodfordia fruticosa) - flowers contain strong tannins, combined with mangrove mud and fermented to raise the iron in the mixture to create a dye that is the primary traditional way of achieving grey through black
pandan leaves, mangosteen leaves and peels, cassava leaves, and lemongrass are all also used as dye plants. i have seen recipes where cassava leaves and mango leaves are pounded together in water and left to ferment in the sun to create yellows and greens
🌻 = i have personally dyed with these
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