#purple is dilly
roereitje · 3 months
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I don't know if it's a purple or a pink rose, but it is a pretty one, so it does not matter.
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katebishopshands · 1 year
You Can See Me As A Secret Mission
(Kate Bishop/Reader)
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Content: (SMUT, 18+, wlw, top Kate bishop, bottom reader, enemies to lovers, hate sex (kinda??), fake dating/relationship, making out, finger bLASTING, strap on sex, reader has pierced tits because I do)
Kate bishop has been a pain in your ass since she joined the “new avengers”. Perky, talented, caring, but only you saw what she actually was, a rich girl that always got her way.
After being put on a undercover mission together, will pretending to be in a relationship with her for the sake of the mission push you farther apart, or will it make your realize maybe your feelings are more than meets the eye?
“Does it always take you this long to get ready?”
Your eye twitched in annoyance as you put the final coat of mascara on your lashes. You knew if you were to walk out of the bathroom you’d see Kate Bishop, sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone looking bored.
You could’ve been paired with anyone on the team. Sam, Bucky..Yelena even. Her experience in the field would be appreciated. But instead you were paired with Kate bishop, the rookie. Clint had said that she was ready to take over his role as sharpshooter on the team but you think he really just wanted to retire. Lucky son of a bitch.
Kate was fine, she was good with a bow and could throw a punch, but she lacked precision. Often going out on her own and putting the whole mission at risk. It was extremely frustrating for someone who had worked most of their late teens and early twenties to be where you were. Her rich girl attitude showed through on more than one occasion, like when she forgot that not everyone didn’t go to a private school for all of their school career, or that most people rely on the subway to go from place to place and don’t get chauffeured.
In return to your shitty attitude to her, Kate had taken a liking to rolling her eyes and scoffing at things you said. Proving to you that she was smarter than you by correcting things you had said, and you most favorite of all, taking any chance she could to embarrass you. The endless nicknames that spew from her lips never ceased to make you want to punch her perfect teeth out.
You needed no further proof that Kate Bishop was an overgrown child, and not ready to be an Avenger.
“I have to look the part, do I not?”, you poked your head around the corner, you were correct with your prediction. Kate rolled her eyes and gave a weak glance up from her phone at you. Her eyes lit up at the sight of you however.She took in your figure, covered in some slinky black dress that showed way too much cleavage for your liking.
You could’ve sworn she licked her lips after she checked you out for what seemed to be the second time. You hated to admit it, but she looked good, too good for your liking.
Gone was the athleisure you normally saw her in, traded in for a black suit, her black undershirt’s top two buttons undone and a thin silver chain was visible hanging over her collarbones. Her hair still up on her usual ponytail and a dark purple polish on her nails. You stared for probably too long than was normal for someone who didn’t like their mission partner.
The two of you were supposed to play the roles of a young millionaire and her fiancé that were interested in purchasing some illegal weapons that were rumored to be made out of vibrainium. Tonight was a party at some exclusive bar for potential clients of the group, so you were to look your best so the two of you could scope out the scene. If your cover was blown tonight, the whole mission would go up in smoke.
Luckily for Kate, the role would come naturally. For you? Not so much. Pretending to be in love with Kate was difficult. Sure she was attractive and funny and considerate for the most part, but you were all business whereas Kate wanted to dilly dally a bit too much. Too different for anything to actually work.
The click of a camera brought you back to your senses.
“Yelena is never going to believe you’re wearing that”, Kate snickers and snaps another picture.
“Kate are you serious!? Cut it out!” You take a step forward and reach for her phone, which she holds out of your reach.
“Aw cmon, you look nice. Gimme a twirl” she gestures a twirling motion with her fingers. she’s sincere with her words, but her actions speak louder as she continues to play keep away with you.
“I’m serious Kate DO NOT send that” you reach across her, cleavage in her face, her phone almost in hand. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think she was looking.
With one slip of your hand off of the arm rest of the couch you were falling. Falling directly into Kate Bishops lap.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, not sure what to do. Searching each others faces for some sort of answer. You took in beauty marks splashed across her face that you’d never seen before, her full lips slightly parted.
Stormy blue eyes that looked into yours. She was prettier up close. You could smell the expensive perfume she had put on earlier for the first time. She had your stomach doing summersaults. Kate flashes you a million dollar smile and your senses come slamming into you like a semi truck. You’re scrambling back up in an instant before she gets the wrong idea.
“I’ll uh, delete the pictures, sorry for embarrassing you “ she looks like a scolded puppy. She avoids looking at you, choosing to fiddle with the hem of her jacket.
“We’re going to be late”, you say ignoring her apology as you rush over to put on your shoes. Your eyes stayed on the floor as you moved. Kate cleared her throat and readjusted her jacket Trying to brush off what had just happened.
You’re grabbing your purse containing the things you need for the night when you hear Kate rifling through all of her pockets.
“What’s wrong?” You say looking up at her. She’s tapping her her suit pockets aggressively, brows furrowed in concentration.
“We’re missing something”
“I don’t think we are, Kate we’re going to be late and it’s gonna blow our cov-“ Kate pulls something small and shiny out of her pocket with a small “aha!”. Your eyes lock with a diamond engagement ring she’s holding up to the light.
“Can’t blow our cover now can we?” Kate says as she positions herself in front of you on one knee, as If she was proposing. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as she shook her arms out, and cleared her throat once more.
“Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest girl on the planet, and being my fiancé?” Kate holds out the ring, and looks up at you. Batting her thick eyelashes a few times, lower lip caught in between her teeth as she smirks at you. She’s completely over the top and ridiculous with it, as she is with most things. But it feels a little too real for your liking.
You swallow hard, why were you nervous? You rub your clammy hand down the front of your dress and hold out your hand,Kate obliges and slips the ring on your index finger. She briefly squeezes your hand before she stands back up. You stand there, becoming accustomed to the ring you now bore on your finger.
“We’re gonna be late!!” Kate nags you, mocking your words from earlier. This snaps you out of your thought and you turn around, letting Kate slip a hand on your lower back, not even minding the gesture, as you’re guided out the door.
Kate bishop is going to be the death of you.
Sam had given you specific instructions that tonight was for observing and surveying what exactly these people had on the market. No contact was supposed to be made with anyone. So here you sat, leaned up against a bar holding some drink that was sweating against your hand and had been for far too long.
The music was loud, it was too dark to see much, except for the few vibrainium weapons that were on pedestals illuminated with a blue light, giving the room a blue hue. You scanned the room once, then twice. Looking for anyone that might be of interest. But as for now, it seemed to be yuppy rich people wanting expensive and deadly toys to play with .
Kate fit right in. You watched her leaned up against the bar across from you, laughing and drinking with two girls that were on either side of you. She wasn’t even doing her job, instead taking the mission as a chance to party. You finished the rest of your drink, slamming it on the bar hard enough to make the remaining ice cubes jostle about.
A strange feeling bubbles in your stomach, one that you almost could call jealousy. Maybe it was that or the expensive tequila that had been in your drink. You smoothed your dress down, starting your way towards Kate and her new comrades. If she was going to not take this job seriously, then you might as well embarrass her a little.
Coming up behind Kate, you latch yourself onto one of her arms. Looking at her with doe eyes. She jumps a bit , but turns slightly to face you.
“There she is!! I was just talking about you!”
She smiles at you, pulling the arm you had grabbed from you and wrapping it around your waist. Kate’s hand found its resting place on your ass as she pulled you into her, giving it a light squeeze. Before you could have any reaction to the previous action, the other of Kate’s hands found its way to your chin. She held your face in place as she leaned down, connecting your lips . A surprised noise escaped your mouth and she deepens the kiss, letting her tongue push into your mouth. You couldn’t do anything but kiss back, not wanting to blow your cover and not wanting to let her win in whatever game she was trying to play.
She pulls away and you’re breathless. Kates face is flushed , eyes wide as she looks from you to her new friends.
“I was just telling these nice girls about how you so badly wanted to come to the party tonight and look at the new catalog they have this season!” Kates demeanor has changed from the goofy archer you normally know, to a socialite who knows what she wants.
“We just LOVE this years catalog, we’ve been buying all the latest models from this company for years!” The blonde across from you says excitedly.
Kate side eyes you, and you pick up what she’s trying to get you to notice. This company isn’t new, They’re just getting sloppy covering up their tracks, letting too many of the wrong people into their inner circle.
The two of you converse for some time more, digging up as much information as you can from the girls. Having moved from the bar to a small area of lounge tables and chairs. You watch as people trickle in and out of the party, some looking more important than others. Your eyes are constantly scanning the world around you.
You’re going to sit in the chair next to Kate when she grabs your hand, yanking you down on top of her. She gives a pat to your thigh and continues talking business with the ever growing crowd of people that surround you. This had somehow turned into Kates mission without you even realizing it.
Two can play at this game, let’s kick it up a notch. You lean back a bit, resting your arm around her shoulders, playing with the ends of her ponytail flirtily. Kate looks up at you and smiles a bit.
She rubs her thumb over your bare thigh in a comforting manner and goes back to the conversation. It’s amazing watching her run the conversation. Somehow knowing just what to say to everyone to get the information she wants out of them. She’s dazzling in the dim light of the party. You could almost get used to this.
“Show them your ring, babe” you’re snapped out of your thoughts by Kate giving you another pat to your thigh.
“Huh?” You blink at her. She shakes her head and laughs a little, her eyes flashing you the “ go along or we’ll blow our cover” look.
“Awh don’t be shy, show them the pretty rock I bought you” she removes your arm from around her shoulders and shows off the glittering ring on your finger.
“Oh my ring of course!” You laugh off your panic and wiggle your fingers in an attempt to show off how shiny the ring actually was. The group is filled with “oohs” and “ahhs” as you show it off, Kate smiling proudly at you the whole time. Your heart swells a bit at the attention. Almost believing for a bit that you’re actually engaged and in love, not in some rich guys warehouse on a mission for work.
You didn’t like Kate bishop. She was aggravating, the definition of a spoiled rich girl. Where were these feelings coming from?
“Where did you two first meet?” A voice from the group catches you off guard. You lock eyes with an older woman who has had way too much plastic surgery done.
“We uh…” Kate starts, you can see her losing her cool. You hadn’t come up with a backstory. Rookie move.
“We actually met in school!” You save the day by stepping in with your quick thinking skills. She lets out a barely noticeable breath of relief it technically wasn’t a lie. You HAD met in a class, a class about hand to hand combat, but a class nonetheless.
“And I guess it was just love at first sight” you say through almost gritted teeth. It pains you to say that, because it wasnt. This wasn’t real love, and you two have never gotten along. Physical attraction maybe, but your personalities continuously clashed.
Kate looks up at you once more, a small smile on her lips, “yeah….love at first sight”.
Your eyes meet each other. Her eyes are soft, pupils blown a bit. She continuously strokes her thumb on your leg. Kates acting is a bit too good for your liking.
A ding from Kate’s phone pulls your attention from each other and the other guests continue to chat amongst themselves. She reads it, biting her lip a little. You scoot yourself closer to her, wrapping your arms around Kate neck and reading the message on her phone.
Party’s over. Get outta there. Put together all information collected and send in a mission report by 9am.
It’s a text from Sam, updating you on what to do next. Kate looks at you, giving you a slightly disappointed look before she plants a kiss on your cheek. It’s a long kiss, one that only lovers share when they know they won’t see each other for a while.
She taps your leg to signal for you to stand up, so You oblige. Kate goes around the circle saying goodbye to the people you had met over the course of the night. You trailing behind her, admiring the way she looked in her suit.
God she was aggravating. Was there anything she wasn’t good at? She could charm people with the bat of her eyelashes. Flirt successfully with strangers. Shoot an arrow with a blindfold across her eyes. She was hot and you hated to admit it. She was perfect and that’s what you hated.
It was like you had come out of a haze now that you were off her lap. You were mad that she had charmed you THAT easily. Just like every other person in the Kate Bishop fanclub. You huff, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the exit, not wanting to play the roles of young lovers anymore.
The room was eerily quiet as you both got unready. Fleeting glances towards each other, never meeting the others eyes.
You swallowed hard as you sat down on one of the couches to take off your heels, “Was tongue really necessary?”. You had broken the silence and now there was no going back.
“What?” Kate looked up from fiddling with her shirt buttons.
“The kiss, at the bar. Did you REALLY need to swap spit with me like that ?”
“Well I thought it was funny”
you scoffed at her. In shock that an hour ago you were thinking about how maybe you could get along and maybe have something more.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” You say with a dirty look in her direction.
“Lyings not a good look on you. The noise you made told me that you were into it”
She laughs at her comment and you roll your eyes, letting a more awkward silence fall over the room.
“I think you might actually like me a little bit, she jokes half to herself and half to you.
She looks over to you, lightly biting her lip a little.
“You seemed a little into the act tonight, that’s all I’m trying to say”
“Shut the fuck up”, you snap at her.
Kate puts her hands up defensively and continues to unbutton her shirt. You sneak a glance at her, catching a look at her toned stomach. It made your face flush a bit before you continued working on unzipping your dress.
The zipper catches midway through your back and you groan. You tug it up and down a few more times in an attempt to free yourself. Kates eyes follow the noise of the zipper and she sees you struggling. She makes her way across the room, her black dress shirt unbuttoned and hanging untucked around her form. The purple lace bra she wore under it being exposed ever so slightly.
You attempted to ignore her, confining to tug on the zipper. But her exposed skin was so tempting to look at.
“Do you need some help?”
“No I don’t need your hel-“, you start to protest her intervention.
“Turn around” Kate demands.
You shut up, listening to her and turning around. Kate sighs and gently moves your hair to one shoulder. Her fingertips are gentle on your exposed back, touching you like you’d break.
You don’t dare to look back at her or else you might do something you regret. You feel her grab the zipper as she begins to work it free.
“Why do you hate me?”
Kate asks casually as she continues her work. It catches you off guard. In the time you’ve known her you’ve never known her to be this blunt. Your voice catches in your throat. The big and bad attitude you had five minutes ago slipping away quickly.
“I don’t hate you”
“Then what’s with the attitude”
You weren’t sure if you were lying or telling the truth when you say you didn’t hate her. The last few hours have been making You rethink everything.
Kate gives a yank to the zipper and it moves freely. Once she’s done you turn to meet her, still holding your dress up. She hasn’t moved, opting to stand and stare at you.
“Kate I-“
What were you going to say? You hated her? She drove you insane? You weren’t even sure anymore. You take a closer step to her,
“You make me feel frustrated. I’m not sure in what way, but I’m frustrated beyond belief by you”
She she searches your face, saying nothing.
“I’m confused, okay? There..are you happy?Did you get what you wanted out of me?” You’re exasperated with her lack of response.
You wait for a response from her for what feels like forever. Her brows are furrowed as she stares at you. You almost could swear that she was looking into your head. You couldn’t decipher what she was thinking. Her blue eyes dark, consumed in consideration. You’re about to walk away when she finally opens her mouth to say something.
“Do you want to find out exactly how I frustrate you?”
She’s close. Closer than you’ve ever been. She’s close and the air is tense, like a bomb ticking about to go off. Her eyes are on your lips, flicking between them and your eyes. She fiddles with a stray piece of hair resting over your shoulder.
“Kate what does that mea-“
She’s grabbing your face, colliding your lips in an explosion of frustrated passion.
You kiss her back hard, harder than you’ve ever kissed anyone before. A whine escapes your mouth. You’re fighting for dominance, and losing pathetically. Your arms are slung over her shoulders. Desperately clawing at her hair.
“Yes-“ you gasp for air when she pulls away, “I want to find out so fucking badly “
Atleast two years of tension had just blown up in your face. Two years of tension that you couldn’t name for the longest time, and now you could.
Kate had upset you so much because you liked her. You liked her giddiness for new things, her almost naivety to how non rich people live. You loved the millions of questions she asked Sam. How she teased you, even if it drove you up the wall. This girl drove you insane and you loved it.
She pounces on you, shoving you up against the nearest wall. Biting at your lip, you submit to her. This was a losing game, there was no point to fighting her. Kate would win, like she always did.
You’re panting when she pulls her mouth off of yours, dragging your bottom lip a little with her. Your unzipped dress finally gives way and falls to the floor. Kates eyes meet yours and then look down to the black dress pooled on the floor. She moans a little, seeing you in just your bra and underwear.
She’s kissing down your neck, leaving little bites in her wake and you’re breathless. Head spinning over the predicament at hand.
“You think I’m insufferable, but..” she trails off, planting a kiss on your collarbone. Her eyes flick up to yours, looking at you through dark lashes.
“The most insufferable thing is how insanely horny you’ve made me all night”
Your breath catches in your throat at her confession. She kisses down the valley of your breasts, her hands gripping your hips. You moan at her actions. A kiss to your ribs, to your stomach, to just above your underwear.
“Kate..”, your hands are caught in her black waves.
“What Princess? No snappy comebacks now?”
Another moan from your mouth. The nickname slips from her mouth so effortlessly, like she had been just waiting to call you it. She was right though, you had nothing to say for once. You looked down at her, Kate’s mouth mere inches from your aching cunt.
She smirks at you, hooking two fingers around the waistband of your underwear.
“Should I take these off?” She asks so innocently. She punctuates her words with a tug on the band. Her blue eyes burn into yours. You nod your head.
“Words please” she’s playing a game with you. Dangling your pleasure right in front of you.
You don’t want to give her the verbal satisfaction. She is still Kate Bishop after all. And she still presses all your buttons. You press your lips into a thin line and stick your chin up hoping she gets the hint. You are not going to use your words. intertwining your fingers with her hair, you give a harsh tug in an effort to show her what you want. Kate moans.
It makes you wetter.
“Oh and I’m the one who’s a spoiled brat” she lets go of your underwear,snapping it back in place and standing at her full height.
“Kate..” you pout at her jutting your lower lip out at her. She wipes her thumb over your lip, keeping it there. She forces you to keep your eyes on her.
You admire her. The freckle that seems to be right under her right eye. The way her eyes are lined with a darker blue than the rest. Her already kiss swollen lips. She’s close to you as she supports herself against the wall. You reach out, running your hand down her abs, almost letting your fingers reach the top button of her slacks. Kate grabs your hand and holds it in place.
“You knew what you were doing tonight” she smirks at you. You look at her through half lidded eyes and smile.
Kate laughs a little at you. It’s crazy hot.
“Sitting on my lap all night,” she removes your hands from her abs, holding them together in front of you, “in that little dress, clinging to me”
She leans close to your ear and whispers in a low voice,
“I am going to fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk”
“In your dreams, Bishop”
You had finally found your voice, her charm had worn off. She laughs again. Looking your face up and down.
You’re whining as she crashes your lips together. It’s messy. Teeth clacking here and there, Kate’s hands grabbing at your ass . You’re grabbing at her back, leaving indents where your nails meet her pale skin.
“And everyone at HQ is going to know that you let Kate bishop, the girl you hate, ruin you” That ignited something in you. Your ongoing feud was no secret, and having everyone know you fucked your feelings out was a little too tempting.
She’s kissing down your neck, sucking bruises that will last longer than you want them to.
“And what if I fuck you?”, You pant, grabbing at the back of Kate’s neck.
“I’d like to see you try”
Kate grabs your ass, picking you up quickly and moving you to the nearest bed. She’s reaching behind you to undo your bra.
“Hardly seems fair that I’m almost fully naked
And you still have your pants on”
Kate snorts at your remark, popping the back of your bra and removing it from your body swiftly. Your nipples perk up at the cold air of the hotel room. The metal bars in them glinting in the light, catching Kates eye. She looks at them, briefly licking her lips, and then back to you.
“Is this what you want?”
Kate stares into your eyes as she undoes the top button of her pants. She steps out of them, leaving her in just the matching lace bra, underwear and and her black button up.
“ shirt off too, please” you sit up, batting your eyes at her and jutting out your lower lip in a pout. She shakes her head as she reaches to take the button up off .
“Now you have manners…but remember.. IM the spoiled brat here” she rolls her eyes and throws the bunched up black shirt at you.
You catch it and toss it off the bed, welcoming Kate back as she crawls her way on top of you. She kisses you again , letting her hands explore down your chest. She kneads on your boobs, grabbing fistfuls of each.
You moan into her mouth, pushing your chest into her hands more.
“Eager much?” She pulls away, letting her breathe fan across your face.
“No chance” you laugh at her, your hands grasp both sides of her face as she leans over you. She rolls her eyes at you again, letting one of her hands stroke down to your nipple, where she takes the bar and gives a sharp tug.
You inhale through your teeth holding back a moan, not wanting to give her the satisfaction.
She gives another tug, this time flicking her thumb over the bud of your nipple. She keeps her eyes locked with yours, smirking at you. She’s expecting you to show some sort of reaction.
Your chest lurches forward, seeking more friction from her calloused hands.
The damp spot in your underwear continues to grow as you rub your legs together in an effort to soothe the ache that’s ever growing in your cunt.
She glances down at the movement and looks back to you while biting her lip.
Kate lets her hand travel from your tit, down your stomach and ending right above the elastic to your underwear.
“This where you want me?” One finger slides its way under. You turn your head to the side, not wanting to confirm you wanted her fingers. Lips pressed into a fine line, you say nothing.
She huffs and leans forward, kissing her way up your neck.
“Cmon…you know it’ll feel good” , two fingers push farther down.
You’re holding back moans. Noises only Kate Bishop has been able to elicit from you and you haven’t even fucked yet.
She’s so warm and inviting. You know it would feel so good if she just stuffed her fingers in your cunt and fucked you stupid. But you can’t let her win. She’s always winning, running circles around you.
Kate bites at your earlobe, those two fingers dangerously close to your throbbing cunt.
You whine,not being able to contain the kind anymore. The scent of her lavender body wash looming around you, clouding your better judgement.
“Kate…” you whine her name out. Kate moans at the sound of your voice, needy and desperate.
“Yeah?” She asks, her thumb stroking gentle circles on your skin, a smile on her lips as they’re pressed to your neck.
How could the girl you had hated for so long be treating you so good right now?
“Please…” you whisper out, letting your resolve break.
Kate bishop had won this round.
Those wandering fingers abruptly enter your pussy, earning a loud moan from your mouth.
You jolt upwards, back arching and pressing your nipples against Kate’s lace covered chest. She continues to thrust her fingers in and out of you, occasionally letting her thumb brush up against your clit.
“I told you it’d feel good” she whispers into your ear. You moan at her words, she’s right. It feels fucking fantastic. She’s managing to hit all the spots that make you see stars. Your head leans back, making eye contact with the ceiling as Kate picks up her speed. She’s curling her fingers as she sucks marks down your neck, eventually leaving a few on your breasts.
You grab at her head, threading your fingers into her hair and pull her face into you chest. Kate gives a groan at that as she latches onto one of your nipples. She slides the bar in your nipple around with her tongue, making you groan loudly and tug at the strands of dark hair clutched in your hand.
She continues her ministrations at your core. Every press of her fingers has your eyes rolling back into your skull.
“I’m gonna..”
“You’re gonna what? Cum?” Kate laughs as she pulls off of you. You nod frantically at her. She’s slamming her fingers into you at this point and you’re a moaning mess, only wanting to finish.
Kate’s moving up closer to your face. She presses her forehead against yours, your noses grazing the other.
“Cum on my fingers then”
She thrusts her fingers into your cunt, your juices leaking down her arm.
“Shit, shit Katie”, you’re grabbing at the hand that’s thrusting in and out of you, curling upwards towards her.
Her thumb brushed against your clit, a purposeful circle and you’re unraveling into her.
Her lips find yours again, silencing the pathetic moans that you’re making. Kate moans into you as you finish on her fingers, exactly how she wanted you to. She works you through your orgasm for a moment, giving a few gentle thrusts before pulling her fingers out of you.
You wince a little as her fingers exit you, not letting the grip you had on her wrist go. Kate gently removes your hand from her wrist as she sits up. She gives it a light kiss before she turns her own hand towards her mouth.
Kate locks eyes with you as she slides her tongue up her wrist, collecting your slick before inserting her fingers in her own mouth. She moans a little as she wraps her lips around her fingers, sucking your juice from her fingers for a second before releasing them with a slight ‘pop’.
You blink a couple times, panting. Kate looks at you, and smiles a bit. A cocky, all knowing smile.
“Enjoy the show?” She smirks as she leans back towards you. Her dark hair falls around your face, pieces of it tickling your cheeks.
“Kate Bishop…” you pant a little, looking up at her, “I didn’t know you were such…”, your hands start to explore the plane of her stomach, touching the toned abs that lay there,
“…..a whore”, you smile at her. Your tone laced with malice as you spit out your last word.
Kate scoffs a bit, stopping your hand before you could get your fingers under the waistband of her underwear.
“I could say the same about you, based off the noises you were making”
She gets off the bed, but not before tweaking the jewelry that sat pretty in your nipples. You jump a little, moaning in pleasure.
“Brat”, she says, flashing a smile and laughing slightly before going to her bag and beginning to dig through it.
You sit up a little, admiring the way her purple underwear fits her ass. Your mind wanders to all the times you checked it out during training. God damn Kate bishop and her too tight leggings.
Kates digging goes on for a little too long and your curiosity begins to peak.
“Is your dick in there or something?” You half joke, wanting to know what she was looking for. You laid there, completely exposed to the too cold AC of the hotel room. You already missed Kate being in the bed with you.
“Yeah…Or something” Kate mumbles quietly. The sound of her zipping up her bag catches your attention.
“Kate is that a fucking strap on?”
“You never know when duty is gonna call!”
You sit up slightly, watching as Kate steps into her harness. The purple silicone dick bobs in between her legs, and you swallow slightly.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that, right?”, Kate joins you back on the bed, crawling over you.
“I know I am, and you’re obsessed with me because of it”, she kisses up your neck. Her confidence oozing out of her, you could almost swear you were breathing it in and letting it cloud your mind.
You grab at the ponytail at the back of her head, pulling her mouth off your neck. Kate gives a groan before her blue eyes meet yours.
“I told you I was going to fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk. I’m a lady of my word”
Kate teases your entrance with her strap, letting it run through your folds.
“Shit Kate..” you half moan half whine as she positions her dick.
“God say that again” Kate moans into your ear . She begins to push her strap into you and you swear you can feel your heartbeat in your throat.
You’re pulling on her ponytail, pulling her head away from you when all Kate wants to do is mark you, claim you as hers.
“Fucking shit Kate..” you repeat, more enthusiastically this time as Kate’s strap finally enters you, fully.
She fills you to the hilt of her strap, your hips almost flush with each another. The base of her dick rubbing sweetly against her clit.
She whines a little, resting her head into the crook of your neck.
“Aw poor baby, do you want to swap?” You coo sarcastically as you rub her back, finding your way to the clasp of her bra.
Kate gives an annoyed groan, punctuated by a hard thrust into your pulsating cunt.
You yelp in surprise, popping the clasps of her bra, watching the straps fall loose around her shoulders. Kate pulls out again and thrusts her hips once more,relishing in the friction she also receives from the motion.
“Just couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, huh?” Kate begins to take off her bra, discarding it to wherever your clothes also lay.
Your hands find her nipples, twisting and pinching them as she snaps her hips into you.
You lean up, swallowing the beautiful whines she’s giving to you as you play with her tits with your mouth.
She kisses you back, letting herself submit to your suddenly surge of dominance.
“So fucking hot..” you mutter as you pull away, letting your eyes drift to Kate’s lust blown pupils, down to where her dick was splitting you in two.
“Could say the same about you” Kate watches your tits bounce with each thrust she gives. Her eyes following the shiny jewelry in your tits. she leans down a bit, taking one of your nipples in her mouth. Her teeth close in one of the bars and she pulls every so gently.
You’re moaning as you grasp at her back, letting your dominant facade fall and letting Kate have the full power once again.
Her hips are slamming into yours, practically humping you like a dog in heat. Your legs wrap around her hips, attempting to put you two closer than you already were.
Kates whining, actually whining. You can see sweat drip down the side of her face, baby hairs sticking to her forehead.
You’re in no better shape. Your back arched up, legs locked around Kate’s waist, sweat traveling down your back and into your asscrack.
“I’m gonna fucking-“ you moan, your sentence not even getting finished as Kate reaches down to rub your clit while continuing her ministrations with her hips.
“Me too…oh my god me too” Kate’s going hard now, chasing her own high. Her thrusts are spastic and uncalculated.
The floodgates open in a minute, and you’re gushing all over Kates cock, and hand once again. A whining, moaning, drooling mess.
She works you through your high, only taking a few more pumps until she’s also finishing. Kate gives a few weak pumps, almost pushing you towards overstimulation before she falls on top of you, leaving her strap on inside.
She gives you a few weak kisses on your chest as you run your fingers through her hair, releasing it from the ponytail.
Kate reached down to remove her strap, making you suck in a breath of air as you an adjust to the feeling.
Once the harness and silicone dick had been removed, she sighs, content as she sinks her face into your chest, fingers rubbing small circles in your stomach.
“I still don’t like you, you know that, right?”, you break the silence first, still playing with Kates dark locks.
“Mhm, and I hate you “ Kate smiles lazily up at you.
You roll your eyes at her. Kate turns to look at you, blue eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Do you think we have to put this on the mission report to Sam?”
Kate bishop simp nation, I have returned.
My apologies, this is not proofread in the slightest lmao
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flx-res · 1 year
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When I am queen, dilly dilly. You'll be my king 🎶✨💞
When I was doing my last comic I was looking for references in my starvs archive and found this screenshot from "The Battle for Mewni" (when Ludo gets rid of Star's family's stuff), I think I saved this because baby Star looks too cute and precious 🥹😭💖💕  but when I did it I didn't notice she was holding a stuffed monster/demon...
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Like she has always had a thing for purple creatures with horns in general since she was a baby 🤭💜💛 I can totally see this princess married with a beautiful demon boy in the future and wearing a horns headband every single day because of him 💖
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zhongrin · 2 years
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, al haitham (poly)
◇ tags ◇ minors dni, afab!reader, poly, threesome, pwp, biting & marking, probably ooc zhongli and al haitham, dragon!zhongli (bc of course it is), nicknames (pet, royal highness), slight dacryphilia, teasing, hints of possessive behavior, creampie, overstimulation, just- this is just pure filth okay? s h u s h
◇ a/n ◇ second submission for my ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ϟᴜᴘᴇʀᴄʜᴀʀɢᴇ collab
ngl this was heavily inspired by the dynamics in azeru’s 3p nsfw asmr jshkdhdks
𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑏 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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little purple flowers marking your body make for the loveliest accessories, they think.
with every bite and tender massage of their lips, the small flowers bloom across the span of your bare skin; from your neck all the way down your thighs, wilting lilacs and fresh rose petals painted directly onto the tissue.
no other pieces of jewelry could compare, especially not those cor lapis necklaces and bracelets that the other man would constantly give you. you look better adorned in silver than gold, shine better in green than dull dark browns. al haitham tells this to you constantly, not with words but with actions and gifts rivaling the ex-archon: glittering silver anklets, silky green gowns that hint at the curves of your body, and quill pens from the feather of a hawk.
and like always, zhongli would merely chuckle and smile, musing about how youths are so competitive these days and how nostalgic it is to see someone so desperate, as if they have everything to lose… yet you’re still swamped by his romantic endeavors nonetheless - traditional gentlemanly courtships, flowers, gifts of gold, necklaces with a shiny looking scale that’s unusually large, dark brown layered with golden sheen, pulsing with geo energy as you tilt it under the sun.
despite all this, however, they make a fearsome duo. a team that works out wonderfully, a dynamic that makes you breathless and crave for more. it matters not whether they work together or against each other, for the end result is always, always the same.
truly, barely anything matters when you’re being pinned under zhongli as your trembling fingers try to wrap around al haitham’s cock. the latter's fingers, calloused and rough from wielding swords and pens, smear the tears falling down your eyes in succession as the ex-archon’s cock pounds into your sopping wet cunt from behind. your lips are lolled open, obscene sounds escaping your raw throat, eyes unfocused, brain muddled with pleasure. rationale and embarrassment have long since unfriended you, somewhen along your... third? fourth? orgasm, leaving you to bask in the assaults of pain and pleasure inflicted by your lovers.
a low growl is all the warning you get before zhongli pins you harder onto the bed, grinding deep in your quivering walls as the thick spurts of cum spill into your deepest parts, warming your belly and making you clench more against the throbbing length. his teeth make their home on a spot on your left shoulder, which is already decorated with bruises and hickeys - the sharp fangs of a dragon sinking against the sweaty skin.
“taking it all without complaints... how very nice of you,” the velvety voice is a tad hoarse, the gravelly texture of his voice sending shivers down your spine, “we’ve trained you so well, have we, darling?”
“quit dilly-dallying and switch with me,” your other partner huffs with a gruffer tone, green-red eyes narrowing at the half beast who is still curled on top of you like a dragon protecting its hoard of jewels, “your time was up since a long time ago, old man.”
“my, how generous of you to wait,” zhongli chuckles darkly, unfurling from above you and shushing your whines when you feel his half-hard cock grind against your sensitive pussy as he slides out, “apologies, my stamina is quite above average, you see.”
al haitham grunts in annoyance, though his expression quickly shifts into sheer adoration as soon as he repositions himself to take the lord of geo's place. with a lick of his lips, he presses a warning kiss and a nibble onto your right shoulder, before easily grinding the head of his cock into your leaking hole, the sensation ripping a deep groan from his chest.
“hmmm? what?”
like a hawk playing with a mouse, he teases you; never giving you his full length, just rubbing against your outer lips, sliding in but never all the way. just his flushed tip prodding, poking, giving you a taste of what you could have.
“s-stop teasing….! j-jerk!!!”
“oh dear, someone made the royal highness displeased,” zhongli hums, kissing your knuckles.
“you shut up,” al haitham hisses, before affixing his gaze back onto your adorable pouty lips, “and you. what did you just call me?”
your lips part to form the insult, just as your boyfriend slams into you in one thrust. the syllables break into a high-pitched moan, haughty tone melting into needy desperation. your hips, bruised by the fingers previously digging into the flesh, tries to meet his sudden movements.... until he stops, presses your lower half back down, and repeats the teasing grinds on the lips of your pussy.
“i asked, what did you call me?”
“i’m sorry i'm sorry am sorry love, please-”
“that’s what i thought,” al haitham smirks cruelly in satisfaction at your compliance and you barely have the time to admire him when he starts jackhammering into you, his grip adding another set of bruises as he tries to keep your body steady.
your eyes rolls and your back arches, too far lost in pleasure to notice the two pairs of eyes admiring how your body twists and jolts so erotically. how the layer of sweat from your overexertion makes you seem to glimmer and glow, like a mesmerizing crystalfly that captivates their senses, fluttering and asking to be caught. how the spots of cum and the specks of dark lovebites spanning across your skin taunt them to leave more - more marks of ownership, more memory of heated lovemaking, more proof that you’re theirs and only theirs.
the gasps and moans from your lips are akin to a siren’s call to their ears, and it spurs al haitham to relent one grip in favor of playing with your throbbing clit. you’re mewling and trying to escape as soon as he touches the oversensitive bundle of nerves, but zhongli quickly grasps your hands, pinning them in place as he delves in for a kiss; a ploy to keep you in place and to muffle your pretty noises, much to the scribe’s displeasure. though, he makes no move to push the older man away, and instead immerses himself in the tightness of your pussy and the way you clench and gush every time he flicks your clit a certain way. it’s so addicting, the feeling of you around him, that he can’t help but indulge, indulge, indulge.
between a kiss that’s trying to steal your breath away and being ravaged like no tomorrow, the coil in your abdomen snaps, and you jerk against zhongli’s hold, knocking your teeth together as you squeeze your eyes shut. and yet, instead of retreating, your lover doubles down on the kiss, gulping down your cries and screams like they’re the finest aged wine. meanwhile, al haitham buries himself inside you as your cunt spasm around him, getting impossibly wetter with each pulse, with his fingers continuing to help you ride your orgasm in the best way possible. you’re still twitching when he starts moving again - just a few sloppy thrusts as he too reaches his end, spilling more of his seed inside you. your stomach feels hot and full, your legs weak from overexertion, and your breath so ragged it almost hurts to inhale.
with a satisfied groan, the platinum-haired male collapses beside you, trying to catch his breath and admiring your post-orgasm, blissed-out face.
zhongli, on the other hand, has kindly swept his hair back and given you some breathing space, although he’s still looking at you from his original position, a serene smile on his lips. his slender fingers lift your left hand and he places a fleeting kiss on your inner wrist. you give him a weak but appreciative giggle at the gentle display of affection.
the half-dragon hums melodically and moves to press his soft lips onto your palm, then your fingertips. and to your surprise, his lips open, long tongue flicking out to lick a strip from the base of your pinky up to the top.
you yelp as sharp fangs start nibbling on the base of your finger, transfixed at the erotic sight of half-lidded, lust-driven amber eyes staring right into your soul, a slight smirk on his lips as pearly white fangs flashed dangerously under the dimmed light, the pink muscle lewdly circling around your ring finger. it’s hypnotic, almost, and your mouth unconsciously falls agape, a shudder racking your body as the canines start to scratch and nibble and then bite. more tears prick your eyes, and you whine in alarm. zhongli relents, relaxes his jaw, and only then do you see the teeth marks around the base of said finger… it stirs something inside you; a ring of flowers, of promise-
ragged breaths hit your right ear and your eyes squeeze shut as another set of canines assaults your nape, along with a set of fingers still slightly damp with your juices interlocking with your free hand.
“ready for another round?”
“there’s still plenty of canvas space, after all.”
𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝑢𝑛𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠, 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑎 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟?
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @clovcly | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee
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halevren · 3 months
Never Stop Blowing Up Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 2
I'm so ready for this chat
The intro is so so cool I love it
oh Brennan you are rocking that leather jacket
The turbo tokens kind of look like pomegranate seeds. Man now I'm craving pomegranate
The decor....
"Wow so we're like a sandwich...." "Yeah! And we're the bread"
"I'm just being... Funny today..."
"Don't worry boss, we killed them."
Kingskin's so hit
I am eating watermelon rn so I won't be doing every single reaction
"You threw that punch like 6 feet away from me"
"You're not mad at me?" I resonate with you liv
The empresario is kinda hot... Even though he's got purple man fnaf vibes
I love Izzy she's so much in her element
"My pepper spray is black...."
"Did I love him?"
we're on a train building helicopter
it's so hot
shout out to Russel for immediately playing as Ms. Drips
He's thinking about Dang 😢😢
Kirk Blade is kinda...... 👀
oh no he's rolling the car
if Wendell's character doesn't make it..... Does that mean he dies in real life
I should listen to Blink-182 again. It's been a bit since I've listened to any of their songs because I'm super into like sigilkore and stuff rn
Wendell channeling his inner vin diesel
I feel so stupid I just unstood why his name is Vic Ethanol. I forgot Ethanol gas is a thing
he's cool, leave it
usha might be dead
usha my beloved I love you
doin a lil jig
That was so sick I love you rekha
Saint Jude is kinda...... 🫦
St. Francis.... Hm
"Don't tell me that again." "Don't tell me what to do"
I wanna shoot a car
"I'm going to leave this interaction"
I have a gun and I have a penis
Computer blizzard wizard
"What Brennan?" (Hostile)
"You doin okay?" "No." "Oh." "It just feels good to be touched." 😭😭😭
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starlightrosa · 5 months
LEE POMNI PLSS lers jax or ragatha or both maybe they had a sleepover in the circus or pillow fight turned tickle fight <33
Oh anon, that's such a wonderful prompt! I hope you enjoy, my dear :)
Giggly Jester
Summary: A simple pillow fight ends in a very ticklish way for a certain jester.
Word Count: 2.0k
Warning: slight intrusive thoughts for Pomni (in bold, there's only one though)
Enjoy! (First time writing TADC ever, hope u like it my dear :D)
Life in the Digital Circus was… interesting, to say the least. And very… unique characters too. A ringleader with a pair of teeth for a head, a doll who was probably the nicest of the lot, a sarcastic purple bunny, a chess piece who was slowly going insane, a sentient ribbon who cried when her mask was broken, whatever the hell “Zooble” was supposed to be… yes, that was what Pomni was given to work with when she had put on that fateful headset, and was transported to The Amazing Digital Circus.
The ringleader, a guy called Caine, had set up adventures with the whole crew on Pomni’s first day, which consisted of gathering up some creatures called “Gloinks.” Unsurprisingly, Caine’s latest “adventure” wasn’t very well received by any of the Digital Circus members, least of all Pomni. A new girl to the circus and its whimsy wonder, it was very easy for the poor dear to get a bit overwhelmed, and Pomni was trying her best to process in her very colourful room.
That was when Caine popped into existence in her room, scaring the poor jester so much that her jester hat fell off and hit the floor with a comical splat, her little musical bells jangling as they made contact with the ground of her room.
“Wake up, Pomni!”
“AAAH! Oh my God! Caine, don’t do that!” Pomni implored, the jester clutching at her digital chest, feeling her heart pumping beneath the pale skin. Caine tutted and waggled his gloved finger as Pomni picked her hat back up and jammed it back on her head.
“Now, now, Pomni. Don’t be such a jumpy Josie! I just wanted to make sure you’d hear me. Jax and Ragatha would like to meet you at the main stage. They have an idea to help you get acquainted with your new life here in the Digital Circus. And we all know that I, as the ringleader, fully endorse any idea to make you comfortable here.”
“Ragatha and Jax? Oh no…” Pomni muttered. Ragatha was nice, sure… but Jax? That sarcastic lilac rabbit only ever liked to see funny things happen to people, regardless of intentions. Pomni was sure nothing good could come from being with Jax.
“Come along, Pomni! Let us not dilly dally, or dally dilly for that matter!” Caine urged, grabbing Pomni by the waist. With a snap of his gloved fingers, Pomni was transported to the main stage. She felt really dizzy after the fact, her colourful irises whirling about in her head briefly before her vision managed to correct.
She turned around to scold Caine for doing that, but the AI had vanished. Pomni sighed and looked around.
“Ragatha? J-Jax?” Pomni called, walking forward in the dark. Why were the lights off?
“Heads up!” came the only warning call before Pomni’s face met something soft, startling her. BIFF!
The lights clicked on and Pomni looked down to see… a pillow? Just a regular pillow that had been thrown at her. She looked back up to see Ragatha making her way towards her.
“Jax, you didn’t need to do that! You could have hurt her!” the doll scolded.
“Calm your stitches, Ragdoll. It’s only a pillow. Couldn’t hurt the new sucker with one of these if I tried.” Jax muttered, the rabbit’s ear twitching a bit in slight annoyance. He couldn’t do anything fun here, geez.
“You aren’t hurt, are you Pomni?” Ragatha asked, gently searching her face for injury. Pomni shook her head, her nerves hitting her again.
“Why are we here? Why do you have pillows?” Pomni asked, noting that Ragatha was holding one too.
“Hey, Kinger wasn’t using ‘em for once. He’s enjoying his little bug buddies, so me and Ragdoll decided to come up with a plan to make ya relax more.” Jax responded.
“Are you familiar with the concept of a pillow fight, Pomni?” Ragatha gently asked, smiling softly at the jumpy joker with her pinwheel eyes.
Pomni racked her brains. She used to have pillow fights with friends back when she was little. But trying to remember her life in the real, human world was becoming more difficult by the day. Pomni didn’t want to forget, but it seemed like that was an eventuality. She couldn’t even remember her human name.
I don’t wanna forget. But I can’t remember.
“Hey, shortstack. You still in there?” Jax asked, getting bored at Pomni’s long silence. “Don’t tell me we gotta teach her what a pillow fight is.”
“Shut up, Jax. Pomni? You in there?” Ragatha asked, keeping her voice calm. “Pomni, come on out of there. Don’t fall down the rabbit hole again.”
“S-Sorry…” Pomni stammered, coming back to reality again. She already had blushing makeup on her avatar, but Pomni still felt a slight red rush claim her pale face.
“Don’t apologise, Pom. You’re gonna be okay. Promise.” Ragatha smiled, and Pomni felt her shoulders gently untense the tiniest bit. Ragatha was very comforting in this strange world of whimsical wonder.
“This is all so adorable, but can we get this goin’ already?” Jax asked, holding a pillow in his arms.
“Oh yeah. So Pomni, basically this is just a way of goofing off, having fun, y’know? We’re gonna have a pillow fight. Pick up that pillow over there and when I say go, we begin. Okay?”
“Alright, sure…” Pomni said, going to where Ragatha instructed and scooping her feathery weapon off the ground. The pillow felt weirdly comforting in her arms. Maybe she could keep it.
“Alright. And… go!” Ragatha called, the three of them immediately whirling their pillows around. Pomni got a good few shots on Jax because of her smaller height, only for Ragatha to even the score. Feathers were comically flying everywhere, showering the trio in a fluffy rain. Ragatha was giggling, Jax was snickering, and Pomni slowly joined this melody of laughter as they whacked each other with pillows. This was actually… fun!
But feathers tend to stick, my friends. Specifically, tend to stick on clothes. And the first one to feel this was Pomni. She began to feel something lightly brushing at her collarbones and neck. She stopped and put her pillow down to try and pull these feathers from her clothes. Which meant she was no longer on guard.
And Jax hit her with a pillow. But he had sneakily opened his pillowcase and upended the feathers inside Pomni’s clothes. Pomni squeaked and started to wriggle immediately, the feathers brushing and reaching to more places the longer she wriggled.
“Ha! You look like a moulting chicken, shortstack!” Jax teased. Pomni’s laughter grew louder as she could no longer remain standing, the jumpy jester now lying on the floor and giggling to herself as these feathers were stuck deep in her clothes.
Jax chuckled at Pomni’s little predicament. “Welp. Guess that’s feathers one, Pomni zero.”
“Jahahahax! It’s tickling! The f-feheheheathers! They’re tickling mehehe!” Pomni answered back. Ragatha chuckled and put her pillow down, approaching Pomni with Jax in tow.
“C’mere, Pomni. Try to hold still, and we’ll see if we can get these feathers out of your clothes.”
“Ah, c’mon. Can’t we just leave her like this, Ragdoll? It’s much funnier seeing her laugh, you know~” Jax protested, a particularly shrill squeal from Pomni cutting off the next thing he was going to say.
Ragatha wasn’t listening. She gently sat on the left side of Pomni, as Jax took the right side. The two flashed a cheeky smile down at Pomni, as Ragatha saw the amount of feathers stuck in Pomni’s clothes. In her collar, her shirt, her sleeves too. And all the while, Pomni was lost in a world of tickle-induced giggles.
“Hehehelp mehehe!” Pomni begged, causing Ragatha to chuckle as she held Pomni in her arms, while Jax reached for the feathers. He snuck his gloved hands up her shirt and grabbed some of the feathers. He began to slowly drag them down her stomach as he worked to pull them out, taking his sweet time just so he could hear more of Pomni’s laughter.
“Nohohoho, Jahahax! D-Don’t dohohoho thahahat!” Pomni squealed, trying her best to squirm, but Ragatha held her still. Pomni’s legs kicked in an effort to release some of that ticklish energy. Jax just laughed.
“We’re tryin’ to help ya, kid. And you just keep laughin’! What’s so funny, Pomni? Are these feathers t-t-tickling? Are they, Pomni?”
Pomni felt herself blush even more at Jax’s words.
“No teheheheasing!” Pomni squeaked, trying to cover her face. But then Ragatha simply held Pomni’s hands in hers, preventing her from shielding any tickle spots.
“Your smile is adorable, Pom-Pom. Tickle, tickle, giggly jester~” Ragatha cooed, smirking mischievously as Pomni’s laughter increased on hearing the nickname.
Pomni could barely fight back. These feathers tickled like anything, and Jax removing them so slowly was not helping. Pomni was lost in a world of tickly feathers, and she just couldn’t do anything but laugh and half-heartedly squirm in Ragatha’s arms.
Yet somewhere in the back of Pomni’s mind, she supposed this wasn’t the worst thing to happen to her in the circus. Not by a long shot. Compared to everything else that had happened, this was actually… nice.
“Enjoying yourself, Pomni?” Ragatha asked, gently smiling down at her. Pomni nodded, and relaxed in Ragatha’s arms as Jax removed the feathers, pulling the softest, most honey-sweet giggles out of Pomni’s mouth.
“Y-Yeaheheh. It tickles…” Pomni murmured, giggling up a storm. Ragatha smiled.
“I know, Pom-Pom. I know.”
“Got to admit, kid. This is kinda adorable.” Jax continued. “Alright. Flip her over for me, Ragdoll.”
“Not my name, but whatever.” Ragatha muttered, flipping Pomni so the jester now laid on her stomach. The movement made the feathers on Pomni’s back move. Pomni was pretty ticklish on her back, so the jester’s laughter spiked. “AH! They’re ohohon my bahahahack! Ah, gehehet them ohohohout, Jahahax! Please!”
“Goin’ as fast as I can, kid. Just don’t move~” Jax challenged, even as he grabbed one of them, lodged at the top of Pomni’s spine. He gripped the feather and slid it slowly down her spine, enjoying Pomni’s reaction. The jester was absolutely shaking with laughter!
“Ha! Are you kidding, I’m not stopping for anything, kid! You’re so ticklish, it’s hilarious!” Jax fired back, but he still removed the feather. Once that one was out of the way, there was only a few left. But they’d formed a clump. A very ticklish clump, if Pomni’s choked back laughter was anything to go by.
“Ooh, Pomni. Hold on to Ragdoll, this clump is right on your ticklish little back. I’m gonna have to get them all at once. Ready~?” Jax teased, making a show of cracking his knuckles dramatically as he leaned over Pomni’s back, his fingers wiggling in preparation.
Ragatha held Pomni’s sides as Jax dived in, grabbing the ball of feathers and slowly sliding them down Pomni’s back in an effort to pull them out. Pomni pounded her fists on the ground, tears in her eyes from how much it tickled. She squealed and laughed like never before.
Eventually Jax pulled out the clump of feathers, finally giving Pomni some relief from those maddeningly soft tickles. She relaxed and sighed as Ragatha softly ran her hands over Pomni’s back, getting rid of the ghost tickles as she helped the giggly jester up.
“You sure are ticklish, Pomni.” Ragatha chuckled. Jax nodded.
“All that yelling, though. Think I’m deaf.” Jax joked. Pomni rolled her eyes.
Yes, life in the Digital Circus was strange, random, and confusing. But honestly, it felt good for Pomni to laugh and forget her problems for a little, even if that meant being at the mercy of a bunch of feathers in the aftermath of a ferocious pillow fight.
“We gotta do this again. What do you say, shortstack?” Jax asked, smirking. Pomni chuckled and made a non-committal noise as she walked back to her room. When she reached it, she opened her door and laid on her bed, staring back up at the ceiling with a soft smile on her face.
Maybe they could do this again, indeed.
The End! Hope you enjoyed!
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thalvanna · 7 months
✧・゚: ✧・゚♡ ovwrarepair 2024 - day 6 - future / past ♡・゚✧:・゚✧ its gotten a lot worse since i last heard your voice
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ovwrarepair24 posts :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5-1 / 5-2 / 6 / 7 ✧・゚: ✧・゚♡ ( list of CC used below ) ♡・゚✧:・゚✧
Clothes :: get to work scientist outfit recolor by me (will post for download soon)
Skin details :: About face by Pyxis / Milktea by Capital Co / Floral body and face freckles by Peachyfaerie / Torrada blush by Simandy
Eyes + eyebrows :: Undotted eyes + heterochromia by Nords-Sims / 201920 eyebrow by S-Club
Makeup :: Au naturel eyeliner N78 by Pralinesims / Jin lip tint and Myung blush by Simandy x Infiniteraptor
Hair:: moira hair by puna-sims
Nails :: WM nails 202010 by S-Club 
Purple arm :: me (will post for download soon)
Pose packs
Loki smoking pose by Musae / hound dog by Mel Bennett / gentleman poses by akuiyumi / reverence pose pack by natalia-auditore / walk + talk by simmerberlin
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browneyesandhair · 1 month
Tagging Game
I was tagged by the incredible @cvhsquill (sorry it took me so long!)
Favorite Color: Purple
Last song listened to: Back to Me (with Jeremiah) by Murf Dilly, Jeremiah https://open.spotify.com/track/4XxG85YkCYEZWeNZaXCF5I?si=HWMzDibbT5OfZUimFnOjcw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3oZacEwezWIGz2oMXyOpJ4 from the Release Radar on Spotify.
Currently reading: from the library - Her Country: How the Women of Country Music Became the Success They Were Never Supposed to Be ; Fanfic - rereading the wonderful Colubrina’s The Green Girl
currently watching: Dropout’s Gamechanger (season 6 Episode 2, here we go!)
Currently craving: Cookues! Three new cookie places are opening in my neighborhood and we just got two new bakeries too! I need to get my butt over to them all to try them out.
coffee or tea: hmmm okay generally coffee for the morning (I’m your basic vanilla latte girlie) but if it’s winter it has to be this cinnamon cardamom spice tea.
If anyone wants to do it, go for it but tagging some people for fun! @blacklicoriceaddict @devdevlin @kristeristerin @nauticalparamour @zimeyebright
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wellhalesbells · 9 months
wip wednesday
Taking the opportunity from @piratefalls for the tag! Even if I just start the year out strong (like this year lol), I would like to get this fic out before I fall totally apart [snorts]
Derek’s standing at the door, counting the pack out under the guise of being an attentive host, when Stiles pivots, plops down on an ottoman that’s only recently been repurposed as an extra chair because Derek (reluctantly) has that many people now, and sprawls out as though his mere presence is as good as planting a flag.  He tries not to stare as Stiles reaches into the dregs of a plastic bowl of cold and mostly unpopped popcorn, dropping it into his open mouth without much effort at precision (or embarrassment about the lacktherof).  Derek hates that he’s so aware of him, so aware of all of them, counting them in his space, resenting their greedy breaths that seem to steal air reserved for his lungs. He’s trying to welcome them under his guard, but it’s hard when that welcome is suffocating. “I’m staying,” Stiles tells him, and Derek’s shoulders pull in as his teeth loudly crack a kernel.  Stiles sits up straighter, drags the same book from earlier into his lap, and says, “We’ll figure something out.  There’s endless information on vampires; some of it has to be relevant, right?” Derek takes a breath, because he can, tells himself that again when his vision starts to narrow, and looks pointedly to the stack at the end of the table.  “That doesn’t excuse you bringing those.” Stiles continues to leaf through the tome on his lap and hums.  “If any of the Twilight series ends up being relevant, you owe me a Dilly bar and an apology, okay?” Derek rolls his eyes. * Derek walks back to the edge of the lake.  Stiles is still soaking, blinking, sluggishly bleeding when Derek thrusts his gas station purchase into his hands.  He’d gotten some looks, his appearance closer to an pint-sized swamp thing than a paying customer, but the ten dollars left for a dollar fifty purchase had stopped anyone from mentioning out loud the puddles he’d left in his wake. Stiles blinks some more, carefully reaches for it, plastic crinkling under his fingers, the last two nails already bruised purple.  His lips tilt up at the ungainly, permanent-markered scrawl of ‘SORRY.’  The plastic had creased and bunched under Derek’s hand, the skeptical attendant tracking everything he did with the borrowed Sharpie and adding an unwelcome level of scrutiny.  In the end, the word looked childish and messy but it kept his promise.  Stiles unwraps the Dilly bar, takes a huge bite, shivers, and says, “Apology accepted.”
no pressure tagging: @andavs, @rosieposiepuddingnpie, @kikiroo, @callunavulgari, @wolfspurr and anyone else who wants to! Like Kel said, just tag me if you saw this and got inspired to post :)
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jessythebunny · 10 months
💞 official ships 💞:
💙•Jessy(me) x Jonathan (oc)•🤎
💗•Messy(my twin sister) x Liam(oc)•💛
💜•Lucy(oc) x Rami(oc)•💙
🩵•Venessa(oc) x Ken(oc)•🤍
💜•Saiko(oc) x Alex(oc)•🩷
💙•Anna(oc) x Otis(oc)•💜
💙•Thomas x Rosie•❤
❤•James x Emily•💚
💙•Gordon x Rebecca•💛
🤎•Toby x Henriata•🧡
💚•Duck x Oliver•💚
💚•Henry x Hiro•🖤
🖤•Donald x Jamie(@jammyjams1910)•🩵
🖤•Douglas x Emily(@just-a-douglas-simp-existing)•💗
🖤•Diesel x Mavis•💛
💚•Percy x Lady•💜
💚•Boco x Daisy•💚
💚•Luke x Millie•💙
💙•Edward x Molly•💛
🧡•Murdoch x Mia(oc)•🖤
🤍•Skiff x Marina(oc but she's a mermaid)•💛
🧡•Rusty x Duncan•💛
❤•Skarloey x Rheneas•♥
💙•Sir handel x Peter sam•💚
💗•Caitlin x Spencer•🤍
🩶•Cranky x Carly•💛
🧡•Nia x Paxton•💚
💙•Timothy x Marion•🧡
🩶•Timothy(ghost train) x Hannah•💛
🩶•Toad x Dilly•🤍
❤•Bertie x Bulgy•❤
❤•Mike•❤ x 💙•Bert•💙 x 💚•Rex•💚
🤎•Diesel 10 x Bert•💛
🖤•Sir topham hatt x Lady hatt•💜
❤•Rocky x Harold•🤍
💙•Captain x Butch•💛
💛•Stephen x Glynn•❤
💜•Ryan x Arther•❤
💚•the flying scotsman x connor•🩵
💛•Kevin x Philip•💚
💙•Porter x Salty•❤
💙•Belle x Flynn•❤
💚•Edd x Ell•💚
💙•Tom x Tamara•💙
💜•Matt x Matilda•💜
❤•Tord x Tori•❤
💙•Sportacus x Robbie Rotten•💜
🩷•Stephanie x Ziggy•🩵
💛•Stingy x Trixie•❤
🤎•Milfred the mayor x Miss Busy Buddy•💙
💛•Cuddles x Giggles•💗
🧡•Handy x Petunia•💙
💚•Flippy x Flaky•❤
💜•Lammy x Truffles•💙
💙•Splendid x lovely(oc)•🤍
❤•Splendont x Patty•💛
🤎•Xebas x Liz(oc)•🧡
🧡•Nicky x Gina(oc)•🤍
🤍•Snowers x Winter•🤍
💙•Sniffles x Nutty•💚
💙•Lumpy x The mole•💜
💜•Toothy x Kira(oc)•🩵
❤•Splendien(oc) x Disco bear•🧡
💙•Splendiana(oc) x Wonder Wanda•🧡
💚•Sneaky x Mouse kaboom•🧡
💚•Green x Light green(oc)•💚
💜•Purple x Red•❤
💙•Blue x Pink•💗
🧡•Orange x Cyan•🩵
❤•Remzi x Kadriye•💜
🤎•Merkit x Faride•🩷
🩶•Talking Tom x talking Angela•🤍
💙•Talking Hank x talking Becca•🖤
🧡•Dogday x Catnap•💜
💚•Hoppy hopscotch x Bobby bearhug•❤
🩷•Picky pig x Craftycorn•🩵
💙•Bubba bubbaphant x Kickin chicken•💛
❤•Miss delight x Baldi•💚
💙•Hefty smurf x Smurfette•💙
💙•Handy smurf x Marina•💚
💙•Brainy smurf x clumzy smurf •💙
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 11 months
Perfectly Normal
Word count: 1355
Rating: Gen
Pairings: none, implied future Roloceit, possible minor Moxiety
Warnings: I'm being haunted by memories of middle school, super minor references to self harm which are very iykyk
Happy Ace Week 2023!! 🖤🩶🤍💜 ♠️ (Oct 22-28th)
The realization hit Remus like a ton of brick in the hallway one day in seventh grade.
For the past year or so, he hadn’t understood why everyone his age was pretending. He hadn’t understood why his peers were so eager to grow up, why they couldn’t be satisfied being kids for just a little longer.
And it wasn’t like there was any big catalyst to his discovery, it was just like the facts were suddenly sliding into place. The puzzle he hadn’t even known he’d been working on was suddenly laid out in front of him, completely solved.
No one had been pretending.
Distantly, he heard the bell ring, and noticed that the halls had cleared out around him, but he had too much to think about without adding in trivial things like passing period into the mix. Besides, he had lunch now, it wasn’t like anyone could mark him tardy if he dilly dallied just a little bit longer.
The summer before sixth grade, Remus and Roman had sneaked downstairs after they were supposed to have gone to bed and ended up watching most of Bros. Their cousin Remy had been meant to be babysitting, but with their charges put to bed, they’d ended up crashing on the couch almost immediately after putting the movie on. It had been an enlightening experience for both of them, and Roman especially changed afterwards.
He was into boys after that, and not in the normal way where he wanted to recruit them to be knights in his games. No, after that summer, Roman started having crushes, he referred to certain boys as cute, and expressed to Remus privately that he wanted to kiss Nerdy Logan. He even went as far as to write Nerdy Logan’s name in his notebooks surrounded by little hearts!
Remus had found it strange.
Obviously the movie had impressed upon him the nature of Adult Feelings and Adult Relationships, but that didn’t make him an Adult. He didn’t have Adult Feelings yet, and he didn’t understand why Roman — and most of the rest of their classmates — were pretending to.
But he understood now. No one had been pretending, it was just Remus who wasn’t feeling it.
Remus was the odd one.
Not that he wasn’t used to being the odd one. He always seemed to be the one taking jokes too far, or coming up with ideas that were too dark. He didn’t even have any real friends besides Roman and Janus, everyone else just kinda tolerated him because he was Roman’s twin and there was no getting rid of him.
He needed to talk about this new realization, but who to go to? Roman would think he was crazy for not having noticed sooner, and while Janus wouldn’t say it out loud, he would think Remus was stupid too — after all, had Remus just been thinking Janus had been doodling “Roman Kingsley” in his notebooks to conform to society this whole time?
Besides, neither Roman nor Janus even had this lunch, so it wasn’t like he could have gone to either of them anyway.
No, Remus needed to share his discovery with people whose opinions didn’t matter. And he had just the emos in mind.
The two of them sat in the corner of the cafeteria every day. No one sat near them, no one even liked them — the other emos sat clear on the other side of the cafeteria! The purple one and the pastel one.
The purple one, Virgil, had gone to Remus’s elementary school. Two years ago, he’d shown up to school with short hair that his dad had let him dye purple, a new name, and new pronouns, and since then, he’d only had two friends: the pastel one, and Nerdy Logan.
The pastel one hadn’t gone to their elementary school, but he and Virgil had been attached at the hip since the first day of middle school. He didn’t dress dark like Purple did, he didn’t have the swooshy hair or the eyeliner like other emos, no, the thing that made him unmistakably emo was the impressive array of kandi bracelets covering his arms. Small ones, chunky ones, ones with intricate patterns, ones with unmistakable emo song lyrics on them — the only kandi bracelets Purple had were a couple the pastel one had clearly made for him. In the kandi bracelet economy of the emo population, the pastel one was clearly a millionaire.
And yet, that clearly wasn’t what bought someone emo-popularity.
Pastel’s eyebrows shot up when Remus took a seat across from the pair. Purple glared.
“Do you ever feel like everyone knows something that you don’t?” Remus started.
“Um…” Pastel started, visibly confused — though that was probably more to do with Remus coming over to talk to them. Purple rolled his eyes and turned back to his food.
“Like, I thought everyone was just faking it, but no, I’m the only one!”
“Did I miss the part where we became friends?” Purple finally demanded. “What do you want?”
“I thought everyone was pretending to feel the Adult Feelings, and I just now realized that they actually were,” Remus informed the pair who, in all likelihood, already knew that people already had Adult Feelings.
“Adult Feelings?” Pastel asked. Neither emo looked like they understood what Remus was getting at.
“Y’know,” Remus shrugged. “The Adult Feelings of wanting to fuck.”
Purple choked on his food. Pastel tilted his head to the side in confusion.
“What does that mean?” He asked genuinely.
“No!” Purple shrieked, clamping his hands over Pastel’s ears. “Do not tell him!”
It was Remus’s turn to roll his eyes, but he backed off a little. “You know when you want to kiss someone?”
“Yes,” Purple said at the same time Pastel said “no.”
Now Purple and Pastel were looking at each other in confusion.
“That’s my point!” Remus crowed excitedly. “Most people already want to kiss people, and I thought they were just pretending to want to kiss people!”
“So, you’re asexual?” Purple asked, turning his attention back on Remus. “You came over here to tell us you just figured out you’re asexual?”
“What’s ‘asexual’?” Remus asked. Pastel was also looking curiously at Purple, who shrunk slightly at the attention.
“It’s– uh, it’s when you don’t feel, um, when you don’t feel… it’swhenyoudon’tfeeltheneedtofuckpeople.”
Pastel tilted his head once more, but Remus sat back.
“Oh,” he said. Apparently, there were a few more puzzle pieces because the picture was even clearer than before. “So, no Adult Feelings?”
“Yeah, that’s one way of putting it,” Purple agreed.
“And it’s normal?”
“Perfectly normal.”
Remus nodded. Asexual. He turned the word over in his mind. A-sex-ual. It felt right. Comforting.
“This is the flag,” Purple continued, turning his phone to show Remus an image he pulled up on google.
“You’re shitting me!”
Pastel frowned at Remus’s language, but chose not to comment.
“What?” Demanded Purple, checking his phone screen before turning his confused look back to Remus.
“It looks like you just color-dropped a flag from yourself!” Remus laughed.
“Whatever,” Purple rolled his eyes. “Can you leave now?”
“Nope,” Remus grinned. “We’re friends now.”
“Okay!” Pastel cheered.
“Nooo,” Purple groaned.
“Here,” Pastel — not knowing his name was about to become a little awkward considering they were friends now, but Remus would smash that bridge into pieces and build a boat out of the wood when he got to it — took one of his simpler bracelets off his wrist and handed it to Remus.
It was a single band with alternating green and black beads. Remus accepted it with the utmost honor.
“I’ll treasure it always,” Remus promised reverently, slipping the bracelet into his own wrist.
Purple rolled his eyes, but seemed to accept Remus as one of them now.
Pastel and Remus continued to discuss Adult Feelings for the rest of lunch period with Purple (clearly the most knowledgeable of all of them) interjecting periodically. At one point, some of Roman’s friends who tolerated Remus came to try to “save” him from the emos, but Remus told them to go away. He had his own friends now.
I think this is the hardest I have ever projected onto a fic. It’s left me a little dizzy 😵‍💫
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling
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xylomane · 2 years
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Hi!! Quick little message, sorry for the long break! Update: I just really got busy and lost 50/50 to Qiqi on Nahida banner so I didn't get her but I got ayato but then instead of Haran I got Ei's purple spear. Have fun with my suffering as an F2P. Anyway for the long break, I decided to write a cyno x reader with a twinge of jealous, protective, and caring Cyno (no smut for now lmao). (This'll be part one, there's gonna be a part two so wait—) I just love him sm although he tortures criminals :3 I'll be making long charac x readers like this one but they are considered short fics since I've probably seen longer ones. I hope you like it!!! I might also start making ship fanfics! Btw bonus character involvement here: Alhaitham <3333 Enjoyyyyy <3333333 Always remember that you matter and you have so much more good things to experience in your life! This'll be my christmas gift to you! If you feel like reading it ofc (❁´◡`❁) Part 2 out now! Here
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Daybreak, yolk of warmth rises, and the clock above Cyno's bedside table beeps on cue. The moon's counterpart had taken over the horizon and Cyno knew it the moment his eyelids fluttered to the stabbing ray of sunlight through the white blinds. The opening of another day has invited him to wake. With acceptance, he sat himself up, a sensation of burning excitement building up in his stomach. Whatever today holds set the young scholar eagerly looking forward.
The usually time-efficient scholar Cyno couldn't simply dilly dally in his day, in fact, it barely even exists in his routines and vocabulary. Perhaps to him the hands of clocks move faster that a simple five minutes of idling affects the time for his other activities like a trail of knocked-down dominoes. A short time spent for meaningless dawdle would only affect his time to finish his homeworks, pushing the weariness caused by day further through the night where silence sends him asleep. But just staring at the blazing morning sun from his opened bed window had him feeling the sudden urge to sit for a while, having time to notice this strange tranquility and wonderment he always felt every morning, as birds flew by the blue sky canvas and hearing their songs as the winds stroked his face.
Such a pleasant and delightful greeting of nature to him, birds chirping and one even landing by his window sill. Everything is as peaceful as it should be, like a golden Paris morning. Cyno couldn't believe that he never stopped himself every morning to admire such an experience. Why did he never stop to take a peaceful break? He sighed, leaving the thoughts behind. What was once adoring a peaceful moment became a time to think of somebody special.
Cyno couldn't help wondering, "How does his friend wake up with such a view? What must they be doing now? Are they still asleep?" Your existence in his life has affected him immensely. Now he just couldn't go about his day without thinking of you. Perhaps, you must be getting ready—preparing to wear that plain ol' hoodie of yours, ruffling your hair into a mess for supposed volumes, and picking that perfect scent that never fails to turn him on. An attracting aroma, indeed. Cyno inhaled the fresh morning air as if the scent was really there but then, he ends up shaking his head to full wake, deciding to finally wave the reverie away—he should be getting ready too. The idling scholar brings a hand to scratch his disarranged silver hair, closing the short break to an end, and making his way to the kitchen.
Sunny side-up, golden rice, and a few cuts of fish meat on his plate. Cyno swallowed down a bite as he stared at his phone. Opposite of him is the always empty wooden chair, painted gold by the sunrays through the window. The sight of it empty had his mind desperately picturing you on it, the atmosphere of your smile, the spark of sheer joy in your loving gaze, and the lovely tune of your voice. He would play cards with you, wanting to watch you flip cards and shouting hoorays or grunting your disappontments in defeat as you play against him. He bet it'd be a fun challenge for him once you get used to his tricks. What if he wins over you and then suddenly you'd give it to him back—like a clever backfire?
Cyno shook his head. If that happens, his cheeks would burn red with embarassment the entire game... But it would also be very impressive of you, doing great with only a few matches. It seems you've got quite some talent with cards.
Looking down at his food, the remaining portion is still half many. Cyno's eyebrows furrowed at the new unlikely hobby as he stared confusedly at his unfinished meal. All those daydreaming as time ticked away... and he hasn't even finished his food yet, what a waste of time. What is he doing?! Daydreaming leisurely or without a care for time is such a seldom thing to happen to him but it's a rather strange day today... For some reason, he suddenly felt too lazy to have himself follow his usual proper routine. He even somewhat felt disappointed for himself, but he'll let himself slide for now since it rarely happens anyway. Cyno brings a hand down to his pocket, grabbing his phone, and opening social media to pass time for a bit.
Scrolling through his phone, Cyno skipped posts—fragments of captured moments, smiling strangers, random news... and then... he stumbles upon an image of you.
He took it all in. The strands of your hair, outlines of your face, that smile that makes him blush even more. Cyno cracked a smile at it before typing in a comment, showering as much subtle praises as he can. He didn't know how else he could express his love for you aside from a few hints but if it is to raise your confidence a little higher, he doesn't mind.
'You look great. <3 Please never let that smile fade, I love your smile.' He typed in.
Cyno sent the comment successfully. His phone made a cling and a checkmark on his screen informed that his comment has been posted, it made his heart skip a beat. Cyno couldn't help but chuckle slightly to himself at the silly reaction.
The little heart on his comment is something Cyno liked the look of so much, even though he felt shy to admit it to anyone and to himself. The idea of putting it there came from you. You always sent him that heart at almost every end of most of your messages. 'Hello Cyno! <3' 'Hey Cyno! How have you been doing lately? I'm doing great! Can you help me with my history notes if ur not busy? No pressure ofc <3' 'Don't forget to take care of yourself! <3333'
It makes him feel feelings he is very well scared and aware of.
Finally having the urge to look at the time, Cyno looked at it on his phone. 30 minutes before classes start. Hey... it's not that—No, he should be going to school now. What made him stall like this? You really made an impact to him, huh.
The woolgathering scholar, still sitting on his dining chair with a person in mind, just couldn't help replaying all your lovely phrases. But when time finally worried him enough, he reluctantly stands up, reminding himself that the faster he moves, the closer he is to seeing you. Cyno quickly headed to the bathroom for an ice-cold bath.
Cyno closed the gates and headed out. Black hoodie and earphones on, Butterflies playing on loop as he stuffed his phone in his pockets.
I won't stop getting butterflies~ I get 'em every time, I look into your eyes~
Cyno hummed the tune, aware he's alone on the road, someone pictured before him as he reached the intersection. Their hair bounces as they take each step, and the winds tangle their fingers at a few strands. Their hand suddenly reaches to fill in the gaps of his own, like branches meant to be intertwined as they walked and the figure in his head smiles so brightly that nothing else mattered in his view except their face. Your touch traced his palms with warmth and he tried to feel it as soon as he clasped his hand into a fist. Just imagine how well your hand would fit in his... it would feel so good. The underlying question is...
You won't stop running through my mind For the rest of both our lives You give me butterflies And I keep on getting Butterflies~
Up on a bus and the light of day poured over his face as he sat beside a window with open curtains. 'What a day...' His mind grumbled. Almost half the time he spent thinking is only about you and the bugging existence of time. He stared out onto the blurring street as the bus zoomed ahead on the road, the longing for you to be by his side gnawing constantly at the back of his mind. You could put your head on his shoulder and sleep at the quietness of this bus, morning gold all over your face and he would stare at your pretty eyelashes. Your presence close to him is enough to make him feel at peace and contented... If only—Ugh. Cyno buried his face in his hands. He should stop feeling like this. It's only going to make him more disappointed that you're not even his yet. He just wants you to be his and this wish is slowly eating him whole.
Cyno opened his eyes as he put down his hands to his lap. At this point, you being in his life and living in his head rent free is both a blessing... and a curse. Being hoplessly inlove sure has its pain.
The music went on, but then Cyno finds himself not listening. He has been thinking, what if... what if you started having a crush on somebody else? Like... if it's not him but maybe one of his friends? Would he be able to survive knowing it? He looks up at the bus roof and imagines your bright smile being for someone else to own, his gut wrenches at the idea of it. What if that figure in his mind one day disappears? As if... he never loved them? What if after he admits to you that he loves you, you become disheartened and leave him? Then the buds of love wither away into oblivion... Cyno closed his eyes.
Dark. If one day he would no longer see that smile as something meant for him... His world would feel dark. Strange. Unusual. Lonely. Having not a place in his mind and his life for you at the future... it would feel so wrong. Like something's missing and the feeling is just so unfamiliar to him. He might be being overdramatic to himself but it's the most sincere he can get about his feelings. It's better to be honest than confuse oneself with one's own feelings when it comes to love. He wouldn't dare face the consequences.
Cyno felt himself torn into two sides, he could allow you to love somebody else for your better but. But... if he has a chance, he'll stay by you. He can't tell for now. But one thing's for sure, he won't stop loving you. And that's a problem if you reject him.
'12 minutes before classes start', Cyno mutters to himself the moment he opens his phone. Thank goodness there's no traffic. He'll reach you by anytime now and the strange excitement building up in his stomach is getting wilder than ever. Cyno tried to discipline his body not to do stupid things but just the sight of you sends him crazy, even if he was imagining it.
It didn't take long for the bus to finally reach Cyno's school. The moment he saw the signature white and blue walls of it at a distance behind a cluster of trees, he has already began walking through the bus aisle, ready to go down. Cyno deeply regretted wasting his time at home and had he been here early, he would've had 30 minutes of chatting with you. Maybe not all of it was a waste of time though, especially when he commented on your photo. That's actually spending time wisely for him.
When you walk into the room I'm as nervous as the day I met you~
Cyno panted heavily up the school stairs as his feet quickly dragged him towards you with the second verse of the song playing on his red-tinted ears. He stopped himself before the gates and the pebble floor tiles to breathe—bending himself down, catching his breath and as Cyno straightened himself, he saw it there. The very person he feels so excited for, the smile he very much cherishes, and that presence... the way your gaze meets his... those sleepless nights.
The bright light of the morning sun blinded him for a few seconds so he squinted at your sweet infectious smile.
"Cyno!!!" You cried happily, going up to him to give him one tight bear hug. That smile, the feeling of stomach butterflies... Cyno went stiff.
Cyno's stomach burst with funny feelings. The way you smiled at him—so cheery and when you put your arms around his waist— He felt bashful. He opened his arms for you and your body closed around his, his heart battling to come out of his chest. Cyno prayed you don't feel it while hugging him.
Cyno returned the warm welcome by hugging you back. The feeling of your body warmth against his own... Cyno blushed. This feeling is sending him nervous, almost close to an inner panic. He hesitated, is it really alright to hug you like this? Doubts suddenly formed in the corners of his mind, questions voicing out his inner anxiety. Cyno asked himself, is this hug really fine? Especially that it's clearly not just a hug for him. It's like feeling your body extremely close to his. What if you won't like him if this is how he reacts with your hugs? Does he really deserve to fall in love with his unaware best friend? Isn't that painful to the person he just shared an intimate friendship with? But now's not the time. Cyno thought the better of it and decided that better cherish the small moment before it fades. Relax now. R e l a x , he told himself.
Cyno burried himself into your shoulder, ready to smell your signature scent—Hm? What was that?— Cyno buried himself deeper onto your clavicle. 'It's... something new.' Cyno thought. He sniffed the scent, it smelled like a masculine perfume and a twinge of... lime fragrance? It smells so good but it's definitely not your signature scent. Has that cologne ran out? Cyno looked at the fabric of your hoodie only to realize that this is not even the color of the hoodie you always wear. It looked... oddly bigger than you before you hugged him but it probably wasn't that obvious earlier because the sunlight had been blinding him. Something feels off here... Cyno's senses suspected.
Just when he started feeling that he has had enough and the hug was beginning to become suspiciously longer than you had anticipated, he let loose from the hug but didn't let go, his eyes gazing overhead, only to see a shadow blocking the sunlight. And then he realized something.
There's... another something.... something serious... that even Cyno couldn't help feeling gut wrenched to besides a hard question in an exam. Jealousy. When he realized who was blocking the sunlight, further paces away from him, he felt the gut wrench.
It's not because the man before him that you must've been talking to before he arrived here is quite the rational and attractive man, or because he seemed to have more manly display. It's not any of that. It's because he's none other than the sly, untrustable, and mysterious Alhaitham. Why is he here? Did you two talk to each other? Why would you talk to somebody like him? Do you trust him? For what reason? What kind of mission has this man involved you in? Cyno couldn't help but keep his mind occupied by buzzing questions of confusion. And as it was happening, his gaze sharply meets the other scholar's. But of course, Alhaitham doesn't seem fazed.
Sharp stares are just another one of Cyno's old tricks and Alhaitham still vividly remembers that same day he met those eyes when Cyno and him went against each other during a supreme student government debate. Should he tell you the story? Alhaitham chuckles to himself. The glaring scholar before him hated every bit of that small smile. He really hated not arriving early now.
**To be continued**
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missazura · 1 year
*You are chilling in your house, relaxing and celebrating your special day. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, which weirdly enough sounds more like an actual bell chime than anything else.*
*A bit worried, you answer the door, but... there's no one at the door. Instead....
*...there's a small, white present box, adorned with a cute little red bow and everything.*
*You know you shouldn't open suspicious boxes that have appeared without a reason. But curiosity is killing you, so you open it.*
The moment the box opens, a surge of purple and yellow energy blasts out, accompanied with a loud, boisterous ghostly laugh. It lasts for a few seconds, but it's enough to send shivers out of your spine.*
*When it's all over, you check the actual content of the package: a cake, all purple and yellow and decorated with creepily endearing smiles. Near the dessert, a small card. The moment you read it, it makes you smile.*
Hey, kiddo! I've heard it's your birthday! I personally don't care about all of this meaningless celebration you mortals have, but, as your boss, it's my duty to ensure my underlings are in good shape and taken care of, which includes you! So, no contracts for you today!
But don't dilly dally too much. You never know when I'll be back to torment you, so, take your time to celebrate while you still can. It's your special day after all, right? So make it count!
Or else you'll have to answer to me! So... have fun!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
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shewhowas39 · 3 months
sneak peek of J&S chapter 17
hello hello! working on chapter 17 of Juniper & Starlight now in hopes of posting it by Sunday. but have a little sneak peek! in which Astarion mentions Cazador to June for the first time.
Astarion closes the tent flap behind himself before turning to June with a smile that she immediately registers as being too perfect. Overly charming. It’s not the smile he gives when they are just chatting and bantering. It’s the smile he gives when he wants something. And since he already knows he can have her blood, June suspects he’s here for something else as well. 
She narrows her eyes at him. “What?”
Astarion blinks, but he keeps the false smile. “What what, darling?”
“I can tell you want something,” June says. “And you know I’ll let you feed on me, so it ain’t that.” 
The smile falters, but only for a second. “You certainly cut straight to the point. Not even a bit of foreplay first?” 
She shrugs. “No point dilly-dallying. Might as well get it over with.”
“Darling, I do hope you don’t take that approach to things in the bedroom,” he teases. But when June just folds her arms and waits for him to answer, he sighs, shoulders slumping as he sits cross legged on the bedroll, facing her. “Fine. You are correct that I’m not actually here for your blood. In truth, I wanted to speak to you privately. Away from our beloved companions.” 
“All right. About what?”
“About that book we found yesterday.” He fishes in his pocket for a moment before producing a crystal of dark amethyst and holding it out for her to see. “I think I found what goes in that slot on the cover… What might unlock it.” 
June leans forward, instantly curious, and examines the glossy purple stone. It does look nearly identical to the one on the cover of the unsettling tome from the necromancer’s lair. Her heart begins to race, stomach fluttering with excitement at the prospect of uncovering hidden knowledge. But then she leans back, shoving that eagerness down. Because she does not trust herself with whatever dark secrets that book holds. 
Astarion must notice her reaction, because he closes his fingers over the gem and clears his throat before saying, “I know you expressed disinterest in the book for yourself. So I’d like to ask for it for myself.” When June raises her brows at him, he scrambles to explain. “Not for any nefarious purposes. Unless you’re all right with that.”
She cocks her head and frowns at him.
“Fine, fine. No nefarious purposes, then. My main reason for wanting it is…” He trails off, eyes darting to the side as he seems to try and gather the words to explain himself. “You’re an intelligent woman. I assume you know enough about vampire spawn to understand that we are beholden to the vampire lord who made us. That we are physically incapable of refusing an order we are given.”
June’s arms fall back down to her sides again. “Y’all are essentially slaves,” she says quietly. “Like I said earlier, I didn’t wanna pry. If you didn’t feel comfortable talking about it, I didn’t wanna force your hand.”
“Thank you. I don’t want to talk about it, but I will explain enough for you to understand my request.” His eyes turn back to hers, his expression softer and more earnest than she’s used to seeing.  “His name is Cazador Szarr, and he has been my master and my tormenter for two hundred years.”
it's so fun writing these two slowly getting closer now that they are in the "friends who kiss" stage.
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craftedcircuitry · 3 months
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Some Appearance Revamps, not only can you change your Plume Color, you now have the ability to add and switch Sword Skins. This was actually a feature in the game, I just didn't introduce it anywhere because I was not sure what to do with it yet. I decided to fully revamp it so you can switch skins in-game and not have to dilly-dally with moving files, etc.
It also doesn't require some sort of Mod/Skin API. Just need to follow a template of a PNG and you're done. The problem I have for this right now is how do I add it for Android(since the folder for such is not typically accessible on recent Androids).
There's something I wanna add in the next few weeks with this functionality. I might add Armor Skins/Trims eventually but I think the Plume Color and Sword Skin are good for now.
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EDIT: I did eventually settle on just putting some Swords available no matter what to the Android version. I don't know if I'll revisit how it works in the future. It's kinda like a version exclusive for now.
Here we have the Stygian Sword, basically a dark and purple version of the Default Sword. The yellow sword on the other hand was supposed to be a Beta Tester Sword I would've given out.
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a-simple-tear-drop · 1 year
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Art dump part 10 this star character is called little star and he's a little friend for the daycare. And the purple one is dilly
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