#purpose expo
anothermonikan · 2 months
I really do hope that the concerts that have happened so far with LED screens are just because of technical flunks because it truly doesn't make. Any sense? At all? To sell tickets that expensive and then just. Have it be a video on a small screen. Miku expo has always been hologramed, it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint to change that?? Cruncyroll is a huge company?? With lots of money?? I brought refund protection for my tickets so if this goes on happening consistently I might just not go but I feel bad for people having to sell their tickets or go to a concert that looks bad or having spent so much money to then not go and all that because of this
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
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New menu idea :^)
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art · 8 months
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Creator Spotlight: @jdebbiel
Deb JJ Lee is a non-binary Korean artist based in Brooklyn, NY. They have appeared in the New Yorker, New York Times, NPR, Google, Radiolab, and more. Their award-winning graphic memoir, IN LIMBO, about mental illness and difficult relationships with trauma, released in March 2023 from First Second.
Below is our interview with Deb!
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
That implies I am over my art block, but I’m still in it! I think about Kiki’s Delivery Service a lot and how she had to stop doing a thing, and that you can’t really force it, and you have to let it come back to you. It’s a pretty humbling moment, realizing there is more to life than just drawing. I’ve been trying to consume other content like reading or watching movies—anything that is not drawing-related—and to trust that it will come back to me. I think not being afraid to do the small pieces before committing to the big pieces is helpful. Because big pieces are what I am known for, I dig myself into a deeper hole, thinking that each piece has to be bigger than the last one. So yeah! Relaxing and doing the small things before overcommitting to a big piece is the best way to go about it for me.
Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
I feel like these are all artists that I have second-degree connections with! Jillian Tamaki, Victo Ngai, and Tillie Walden would be my picks!
What are your file name conventions?
…What file name conventions? I mean, I don’t have specific file name conventions, but I actually have a public Google Drive archive! But I usually put “djjl_whatever-the-title-is_final,” and I would always know it’s the final and legit version.
What is a recent creative project that you are proud of?
I did an illustration for the whiskey brand Johnnie Walker. It’s so wild because I only had four days to finish it, and it usually takes me a week and a half if I rush. And honestly, it’s probably one of my best pieces from this year, which is funny. It was for the Mid-Autumn festival, so I made it as Korean as possible.
How has technology changed the way you approach your work?
I only use my iPad to draw everything now, and if I want to pretend that I have a steady workstation, I’ll use my Cintiq. I still am not as comfortable on the Cintiq as I am on Procreate, but it’s still pretty solid and nice. That’s the good part about technology. The bad part about technology is how AI art has been messing things up for me. I’m currently in a lawsuit about AI art as a class rep. Some of my stuff got turned into AI art late last year, so I have to give a deposition at some point. 
What is a convention experience that has stuck with you?
Honestly, they’re all good! I feel like Lightbox Expo has been really nice because it’s truly been a convention for artists. I feel like that’s where most of my audience is, and they’re all around because their purpose is to be better at art. That’s where a lot of original artists do well because they’re getting art they’re inspired by, not so much fanart. I like the Lightbox Expo because it encompasses the pure love of art very well. 
Top tips on setting up an Artist Alley booth?
Use a Y axis, not just your X axis! Take advantage of it! Branding is also something to think about. It is definitely something I’m getting better at. Having an assistant is also very important. I’ve also heard that 8.5x11 to 12x18 inches is usually a good size for prints, but I also provide postcard-sized prints because sometimes people don’t want to commit to a larger size. 
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
You know this is so funny. I’ve been following @alicexz for over a decade on Tumblr and other platforms. I’ve followed her work since high school, and we’ve only recently become peers. I found her, and we met for the first time in real life, and she recognized me. And then I found all my drawings from when I was in my Alice phase, back in high school, and I was like, “Yo, this is when I was trying to be you so badly!” and she was cracking up and was like “Wow, this is so good!” It was such a sweet moment. I wanted to take a picture of her holding my drawing up. It’s really nice because now we’re peers.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing, Deb! Be sure to check out their Tumblr blog over at @jdebbiel.
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nightgoodomens · 3 months
Since everyone is coming out of the woodworks today, I’ll share this gem that I found the other day:
DT was at a fan expo in August 2022. He was supposed to have been there the day before but apparently had a family emergency. His guard was down a bit and that was pretty clear from his answers.
Around 9:30 mins sb asked about Staged and David said “He [Michael] just wouldn’t get out of my house.” He was on David’s mind.
Another person asked if we’d be seeing him & Michael in something else again, eg. Staged 3? And David mentioned they just finished shooting Good Omens season 2, so we’d see them together there. The moderator then tried to steer the conversation away from Michael (on purpose?) and asked about Neil and what it was like to work with him.
Then, around 12:30 mins the next question was: “which emotional scene did you fake the *least*?”
David was very visibly still with Good Omens in his head. He made a joke at first that he never fakes anything, but then he was short-changed for a proper answer and slipped. He said, rubbing his face and combing through his hair: “that’s hard. It’s probably a scene… where you don’t realise it’s an emotional scene until you’re in the middle of it… I suppose it would be something like that. And I’m thinking of one in particular that you haven’t seen yet, so I can’t tell you about it.”
It’s pretty obvious to me that he’s talking about the final fifteen and The KissTM here, so think about that for a second. Which scene did you fake the least? That one.
(Also, since it was so Michael focused I wonder if the emergency had to do with him, but we’ll probably never know that)
Sweet dreams y’all.
I just 🥺❤️😭😮‍💨
This goes with my theory that that scene snapped something in David and that’s why things have changed so much since. I never knew that he basically said it though.
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currymanganese · 28 days
Richie's journey is not over
I've done my fair share of hating on Richie, but @caiusmarciuscoriolanus 's and @post-woke 's meta on him has gotten to me. As a companion piece to this post about Carmy's future in the culinary world here, here's why I think Richie may be the one to actually leave the industry someday, or at least that he may find a fulfilling secondary vocation by the end of the series.
1. Along with Marcus, but to a greater extent, Richie is Carmy's narrative foil, if Carmy stays in the restaurant world, as Carmy's foil, Richie may want to leave someday:
Before the start of the series and in season one, he was the dutiful "son/brother"-figure that stayed in Chicago and stuck it out with Mikey (since Mikey pushed Carmy away) while Carmy globe-trotted and became a master at his craft. He resents Carmy for not coming to Mikey's funeral and for being MIA after his death, and perhaps also for being absent from pitching into the family business even prior to Mikey's death and the business' decline. He also resented the changes Carmy, and by extension, Sydney, made to the restaurant during season one, and by the beginning of season two expresses insecurities about his place in the restaurant, and by extension, his place in Carmy and the Berzattos' life. Hence, in season two Richie goes out of his way to have Carmy's reassurance that he would not be "dropped" and he also apologized to Natalie for some unspecified long-standing slight or slights, and enjoyed a much improved relationship with the surviving Berzatto siblings until his argument with Carmy in "The Bear".
During this war of words, after Richie called Carmy, Donna, Carmy retaliated by claiming that he should've cut Richie off, that Richie wouldn't be able to make a living or support his child without him, and accused him of being a leech with an obsession with the Berzatto family. Regardless of whether Carmy truly believes these things about Richie or not, and regardless of whether they are true or not, the venom behind this outburst may have left Richie questioning his security at The Bear, and the sincerity of Carmy's earlier promise to not abandon him, which has silently been one of Richie's greatest fears since season one, with his admission to Carmy in Braciole that,
"You're all I have left."
Also, keep in mind, season two already began with Richie questioning his purpose and place at The Bear, while Carmy ended the season questioning his vocation and his place at the restaurant,
"Maybe I'm just not cut out for this."
Similarly, their love interests / the women from their pasts are associated with one another, Carmy's (now ex) girlfriend , Claire, and Richie's ex-wife, Tiffany:
"Tiff used to babysit Claire!"
Since both Richie and Carmy reached a turning point professionally and experienced upheavals in their relationship(s) in season two (with each other and with their love interests a la Claire breaking up with Carmy, and Tiff informing Richie that she's moving on and getting married), we'll have to wait until the dust settles in season 3 or beyond to see whether the words Carmy spoke in anger to Richie may push him away, even if only temporarily, to the point that Richie may be moved to "abandon Carmy / The Berzattos / the restaurant before they abandon me", or even to see if he has truly found the answer to his question of what his purpose and vocation is in life, and whether that lies in customer service and working the expo or overseeing the front of house at The Bear, or elsewhere.
It's also interesting to me that the book Richie is shown reading in Season 2, 'Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect', by Will Guidara, apparently stresses the value of imparting a sense of excellence and care for one's customers and peers / working relationships no matter the industry, and highlights that the lessons the author learned in the restaurant/hospitality industry can also be applicable to other fields.
Which leads me to my next point;
2. I believe that Richie serves as an author avatar for Christopher Storer himself on some level, and Storer ultimately left the food service industry to become a writer/ director and work in the film industry, hence it's another reason that it would not come as a surprise to me if Richie ends up leaving The Bear, even if it's only temporarily:
C Storer has expressed before in podcast interviews that Richie's character is based on his older male cousins growing up, with whom he enjoyed spending time with in his teens as an escape from his own dysfunctional home life as a child of divorced parents that lived with a mother struggling with addiction. This explains the "Cousin" moniker and surrogate brother role Richie occupies in Carmy's life clearly enough. However, I also think that Richie and Mikey to some degree, (as Storer also struggled with substance abuse in the past) may be partially based on Storer's own life before he found his vocation and settled into a relationship with his long term partner, Gillian Jacobs, who, interestingly, stars as Richie's ex-wife Tiffany in the show.
This is just speculation on my part, but there is something in Richie's dynamic with The Berzattos that may be a reflection of, or at least partially inspired by C Storer and his younger sister, Courtney's, real life surrogate family, the Zuccheros; which is the family that owns Mr. Beef, the Italian sandwich shop that show and The Original Beef of Chicagoland is based on.
According to Joanna Calo in this podcast, see around the 48 minute mark, Chris and Courtney Storer worked at Mr. Beef when they were younger, before Chris left the food industry to become a writer/director and moved to LA. However, Chris Storer has maintained a friendship with the current owner of Mr. Beef, Christopher Zucchero, since kindergarten, and the pilot of The Bear was filmed on location in Mr. Beef, the rest of season one was filmed in a set that was a faithful recreation of Mr. Beef's premises, and Chris Zucchero also had a cameo appearance as ChiChi, Carmy's meat connect that haggled with him in the season one pilot.
As if all this wasn't enough of powerful testament to the bond that the Storers have with the Zuccheros, Chris Zucchero has stated in interviews that Chris Storer used to direct him and their friends to do recreations of movie scenes when they played together as children, and that there was never a doubt in his mind that Storer would've become a film director someday, a level of faith which mirrors Carmy's faith in Richie's people skills and his aptitude for a new role front of house. Chris Storer also promised Chris Zucchero to make a show about Mr. Beef years ago, and The Bear is a fulfillment of that promise.
The former proprietor of Mr. Beef, Chris Zucchero's father, Joseph Zucchero, also seems to have had a fatherly relationship with the Storers (Chris Storer has disclosed that he and his siblings did not have a close relationship with their own father after their parents' divorce), and particularly with Courtney Storer. Chris Zucchero has even joked in interviews that his father loved Courtney more than his own children, and that Zucchero Sr. served as a surrogate father to many in his community.
In my opinion, even if Richie shares no other connection to Chris Storer's life and personality, beyond Richie being an amalgamation of the cousins Chris Storer grew up with; the tight-knit bond of devotion and affection between Richie and Mikey and The Berzattos certainly appears to be somewhat reminiscent of Christopher Storer's own loyalty to his longtime friend, Chris Zucchero's family.
As such, this may be completely off-base, but hear me out;
3. What if Richie's character journey eventually mirrors Christopher Storer's personal career trajectory and takes him on the path of becoming a writer, perhaps even to the point of publishing a heartfelt article about, or story inspired by: his life, his job, Mikey, The Berzattos, The Original Beef and The Bear?
Since we are unfamiliar with much of Richie's backstory and skillset beyond his time in the restaurant, I'm basing this possible career shift on one aspect of Richie's personal interests we are privy to; Richie appears to be surprisingly well-read, and it is generally assumed that excellent authors tend to be avid readers, just as renowned filmmakers tend to be cinephiles themselves.
In the pilot episode - when the creators took time to create character establishing moments for Carmy, and most of the regular cast, despite Richie's initial abrasive interactions with Carmy, Richie is shown to also be affable and well liked, or at least respected, by the staff and prompts them to have an informal icebreaker over Syd's family meal by asking them to express what they are thankful for.
This moment establishes Tina's (at the time hidden) sentimental heart of gold when she answers, "I'm thankful for all y'all mfs! 😜", and Marcus and Ebra's sense of humour and easy rapport with Richie /their irreverence and lack of fear of him when Marcus makes a joke at Richie's expense and Ebra chimes in to mock his body odour. However, when Richie's turn to express what he's thankful for, out of all the possible people or things the writers could've used to telegraph what is important to Richie, and who he is as a person, in this moment Richie says he's thankful for the classic sci-fi author, Philip K. Dick; who famously wrote the dystopian novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'' which ultimately served as the inspiration for many sci-fi works, including the Blade Runner films. Even if he intended for his answer to be light-hearted or flippant, it may be a case of "the truth being hidden in jest" that he expressed gratitude, not for his daughter, not for any other relationship or personal possession, but for Mr. Philip K. Dick.
In season one Richie makes another offhand/indirect reference to this sci fi author and his story, by addressing the crew as, "replicants" (a term for lifelike artificial humans from Blade Runner, i.e. robots) when he shows up late to the staff meeting wherein Carmy is about to initiate the brigade system by delegating Syd to lead the crew. Since these are two sci-fi story references that Richie makes within the first 3 episodes of the show, after season one would be forgiven for just thinking that Richie may be a fan of classic sci-fi books or films and nothing else, however, season 2 shifted this understanding of Richie's characterization for me when, again, he references yet another renowned writer/novel in the season 2 pilot.
Thanks to fans on The Bear's subreddit - it appears that the writing he referenced this time was Haruki Murakami's 'Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Year's of Pilgrimage' as he paraphrases the story, including the main character being deserted by friends because of a lack of a 'life /interest' besides "trains". Richie uses the book to effectively articulate his own feelings of aimlessness, and fear of abandonment to Carmy. This conversation with Carmy where Richie uses the book as a tool to communicate his own anxiety/ need for reassurance to Carmy also ultimately served as a catalyst for Richie being sent on the opportunity to stage at the 3 Michelin star restaurant in season 2 episode seven.
It is during this episode that Richie undergoes some much needed character development, and is shown studiously reading Unreasonable Hospitality in a montage as he undergoes his metamorphosis into the earnest, professional, and essential FOH/BOH team member with renewed confidence that we see him as in episodes 8-10; apologising to Nat, helping her to vet the new FOH potential hires, even taking over the expo on the soft opening night and helping Sydney to avert disaster as she takes over functioning in Carmy's stead in the season finale. When addressing the new FOH staff prior to the soft open he again quotes a novel by a renowned author with existentialist themes, 'Siddhartha' by Herman Hesse as he urges the new staff to, "listen better".
Whether Richie eventually leaves the industry or The Bear or not remains to be seen, but I'm looking forward to seeing where his character development will take him, and I'm looking forward to Season 3 and beyond.
It is now clear to me, underneath all Richie's machismo bluster and bravado lies a surprising level of perceptiveness, a philosophic/existential curiosity and sensitivity that, in addition to his love for reading and gift for gab, may potentially lend itself to him developing a compelling written voice should he ever have the desire to write stories of his own.
Perhaps he may be steered to do so if he seeks out counselling for himself, whether via Al-anon or otherwise; as journalling / writing and tapping into a creative pursuit is often recommended as a coping mechanism for processing trauma/grief?
I also think that, much in the same way that Carmy confessed to seeing his cooking as an art and a means of communication in his Al-anon monologue in Braciole in Season 1; it is telling that Richie repeatedly uses what he has read as a means to express himself and communicate with others in some of the moments that he is most happy, uninhibited, sincere, and/or vulnerable.
P.S. @thoughtfulchaos773 Thanks for the nudge - I dug this out of my drafts because of you - stay wonderful 😊❤️
If you've read this, thanks for reading and feel free to chime in!
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: Hiii Im back from my mini break :) I wanted to write more, but I wanted the next chapter to begin a certain way so I’m making this one short hehe. Excuse any typos and grammatical errors. Miguel probs being ooc
(Y/N)- Your Name
Cursing, funny little hehe drama, Miguel being Jealous, ansty (?) (Like, If you squint)
Word count: 1k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 9: Until I fall asleep, spilling drinks on my settee.
It’s been 3 weeks.
It’s been 3 weeks since you were in that practice room with Miguel O’Hara.
It’s been 3 weeks since you kissed Miguel O’Hara.
It’s been 3 weeks since you started to avoid Miguel O’Hara.
You didn’t do it on purpose, at least not at first. The day after the very overdue make out session, you told yourself that you would wait a day or two before you talked to him about it, in an attempt to get all your thought in order. Then, that day or two turned into three… then four, then a week, then 3… and at this point, it would be too awkward if you finally decided to face him. What were you even supposed to say after ignoring him for 3 weeks? “Hey Miguel, sorry I basically ghosted you after we made out, even though I said I’ll talk to you afterwards.” You’d rather die of embarrassment. So now you found yourself purposely avoiding him, and although your boy problems should be the last of your problems, they wouldn’t leave your mind.
As you came out of the bathroom, tossing your hairbrush onto your semi-messy bed, you let out a heavy sigh as you saw Kate finish fixing the whiteboard calendar that hung in your dorm room for the new month of October, on the third Friday, she had wrote “MIDTERMS,” in big red Expo marker, and on the following Friday she had written “REGIONALS” in the same way. The two words made your stomach twisted, and for once in the past three weeks, your mind was finally off the topic of the hockey player you had kissed.
“You know staring at the board won’t make those words go away.” Kate said, snapping you out of your thoughts as she capped the Expo marker, you let out lips curl down into a frown and your thumb’s fingernail started to tap repeatly on the surface on your ringer finger’s nail, a habit you've developed when you're nervous, because you knew she was right.
“Can’t you let me pretend at least?” You were joking of course, before making your way over to where you had your gym back half-hazardly thrown at the foot of your bed, zipping it open and checking of all your skating gear was in the bag.
“You’re overly stressed, what is it? Midterms, Regionals, or Miguel?” She asked with a head tilt, hey eyebrow going up with the question.
“All the above…” you mumbled under your breath as you finish rummaging through your bag before zipping it close and throwing it over you shoulder.
“You’ve got this.” Kate sent you a sympathetic smile, which you returned before leaving your shared dorm.
You told yourself no skating on the weekends as an attempt to keep yourself from over stressing yourself, but here you were, in the middle of the rink on the first of October, on a Sunday. To be fair, you weren’t practicing, you were just going to practice some jumps and spins, holding to get your mind off everything that’s been transpiring in your messy life. It was honestly a miracle that when you arrived that the rink was empty. You were in the middle of going over your triple lutz, each time you came back down on the ice your landing was wobbly, that is if you landed it. Most of the time you couldn't land it at all, it’s a move you’ve been trying to perfect for months now. Hoping to have it down before coach Kavinsky could have choreographed the long program in hopes to get more points from the judges, but unfortunately you still had too much trouble with it. It would have been a risky move to put it in the program.
“You should probably take a break from that move before you end up black and blue.” The voice rang out through the empty rink, causing you to lose concentration and fumbling the move again.
“Fucking hell, Logan. You should know you can’t do that shit…” you groaned as you slowly gathered yourself to get your body off the ice after falling. Logan chuckled and shook his head, his hands going into his pockets as he walked towards the entrance of the rink, taking the guards off his skates.
“Sorry, sorry, you’re right…” He mumbled with a small smile as he helped you up, “I just wanted to check on you. I know you like to come here when you’re stressed.” He added in a more serious tone.
“Yeah I’m…” your words trail off, a heavy sigh leaving through your nose instead. Logan, already knowing your answer just gave you a sympathetic frown, rubbing your shoulder before pulling you into a hug.
“She’s already told you that she’s not dating Logan-“
“I don’t care Peter.” Miguel growled, leaving the stadium, shoving past the front doors and angry stomped to his car in the parking lot. Peter followed behind him. While you and Logan were in the middle of your beautiful friendship moment of reassurance, neither of you noticed Miguel nor Peter making their way to the ice with their gear on and hockey sticks in hand. But upon seeing you embracing your skating partner, he quickly turned back around and made his way back into the locker room, changed back into his regular clothes, then (quietly) storming off and out of the building. “You expect me to believe that bullshit!? She’s all over him, like she wasn’t all over me 3 weeks ago!” He yelled as he throws open his back car door and angrily throws his bag and hockey stick into the back seat, Peter also putting his stuff in the back, but in a more calm manner.
“Miguel, that’s her skating partner. Not to mention her best friend.” Peter tries to reason with his friend as they both go into the car. “Obviously they’re gonna be close. If she was dating Logan, do you really think she would have let you kiss her? Let alone return the kiss?”
Miguel didn’t respond to Peter’s question, instead just letting out a small huff of air and a grunt. His hands gripping onto the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles began to turn white.
If you wanted to play that kind of game, then fine. He’ll play. He’s the best player on the team after all, this little cat and mouse will be easy for him.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @migueloharaspookiebear @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch @darksidescorner @sukioyakio
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tulliok · 5 months
i just wanted to ask if you have any tips for line quality/confidence/etc ?? ur lines are always so good !!!!
Line confidence is developed exclusively through time and practice. Some habits that helped the most are 15 second/ 1 minute gesture drawing and drawing traditionally with pen.
Quick gestures are a really good way to train your head to simplify shapes and to let go of any worry that you’ll make a mistake. The purpose of a gesture drawing is to capture a pose and personality with as few lines as possible, and this will really help you figure out your style and line confidence. You’ve got only 15 seconds to capture this model’s essence, make these lines matter!
These are some quick gestures I did at my visit to CTN expo.
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My second tip is draw with pen! There’s no undo button and no way to erase, so just deal with the mistakes head on and just keep doodling. Pen will keep you super loose once you’ve become comfortable with it. This stuff took me years and years of practice, and I still have a long way to go! Just keep practicing : )
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shinakazami1 · 1 year
Oh gosh, I took this so seriously but hope someone will enjoy my rambling ;w; Just will say it here - this essay is game interpretation, it doesn't talk about Fernator AU (only mentions it).
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0. What is Fernator AU?
 “Stanley, this fern will be very important later in the story.” (Confusion, Bucket Destroyer & Figleys Endings – Fern)
“It's all out of my control now.” (Skip Button)
“Yes, I have something very exciting to show you!“ (TSP 2 Expo)
“And Stanley was happy.” (Outdoors - Freedom Ending and Memory Zone)
“The office could use a bit of decoration.” (Other plants in-game, Games Ending, Epilogue) 
(Click 'Read More')
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Fernator AKA Fernnarrator AKA Fernie is my TSP AU where the Narrator takes the form of the Fern and gets moved into the Bucket.
His form can change into any plant, either through a conscious decision or subconsciously, based on his emotions. While some of his flowers blooming can fit the conventional flower language, he creates his own based on his own bias for the plants.
The AU isn’t purely cosmetic – depending on his and Stanley’s relationship before the discovery of Narrator being the Fern, it splits into 3 main pathways. 
Each one of them has different ending alternatives and on top of that, the AU has a linear story.
This post will NOT be focusing on Fernator AU - instead, it will talk about the plants of the Parable and my theories about their meaning. These do influence Fernator AU as a whole but I will leave AU talk for another time if anyone would be interested. 
Instead, let’s talk about the two main inspirations for the AU: Fern and The Skip Button.
1. “STANLEY, THIS FERN WILL BE VERY IMPORTANT LATER IN THE STORY.” (Confusion, Bucket Destroyer & Figleys Endings – Fern)
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This Fern is one of the few plants in the game and the only one mentioned in dialogue. 
Its placement in the Confusion Ending is a set-up for a joke: something gets mentioned, said to have a big importance and then gets forgotten. Maybe that was its whole purpose - a gag about misplaced foreshadowing or there is more to it.
A reverse situation is the Broom Closet – it can represent the “show, not tell” rule in storytelling where an object isn’t mentioned through text but more through actions. Narrator is displeased with that and on the third reset in a row after interacting with it, the Closet gets temporarily boarded. 
That changes in the Bucket version– you can come in it as many times as you want and Narrator doesn’t get mad at Stanley (which overall is a theme in post-Skip).
So, these two are a perfect contrast:
Narrator doesn’t even mention the Broom Closet at first. However, it ends up getting new unique lines and gives long-term effects on the story (boarding the door).
The Fern gets mentioned in the story but doesn’t show up later in the ending.
However, the plant does appear in the alternative of Confusion – the Bucket Destroyer Ending.
 “We're the ones that matter Stanley! Classic characters from the first game.”
Each of the objects in this picture symbolises a person in Stanley’s life:
the Broom Closet = Player, since in the original version, if you stay longer, Narrator talks about them;
the pencil sharpener= 432 – in lore, madness through never being given a pencil to sharpen;
Stanley’s computer= Boss, due to the orders;
Wife mannequin;
Baby cut-out (might also represent Stanley’s kids);
Adventure Line ™ – it isn’t a person but is said to be conscious;
and the Fern.
(EDIT: Beau in Stanarr server also said that the mugs on the table could symbolise the Employees while the Baby could be The Essence of Divine Art. That could potentially mean that Adventure Line™ could also symbolise curiosity - just like, while TEDA seems to be a conscious being, might just be human creativity. )
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We already have the Line ™ from the Confusion Ending. Other objects could have been used for this scene but somehow, it is the Fern that ends up being showcased. It could be just due to it belonging to this pathway but it could be also something else.
“You see, your friends and I are concerned for you, Stanley.”
He could be meaning himself just as the voice – after all, the separation between him and his friends is not that uncommon. He does use the word ‘friend’ positively only in the UD version of the game. He calls Stanley his friend only once and then, proceeds to call the Bucket and Stanley friends a few times, making it obvious the man projects on that object.
Here though, Narrator is against the Bucket - so, why couldn’t he start to project on something else? That way, he could visually show the group of friends with himself. 
So you know,,, Fernator real,,, maybe,,,,,,,
(Big thanks to Chris from Crowsx3 Discord for reminding me about this next part)
I was also reminded that Fern makes one more appearance - in the Figley Ending, Confusion Ending room.
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You get to this room after a Red-Blue door choice that doesn't matter at all, leading to an open door. It perfectly blends so many parts of the game together - the choice between two pathways, the illusion of the choice and also brings something new - backtracking. In most of the game, we are unable to do so - the doors close behind us and that's it. But, just like in Confusion - Narrator wants to backtrack, to change the pathway, for one last adventure with Stanley.
Maybe that was the importance of the Fern. For it to show up when Narrator wants to do something fresh, something new, WITH Stanley.
"Oh, I want more memories, Stanley! I want to keep going!"
In the end, he wants to retire and move on. If he does and only leaves his recording, if he stays with everything TK has done - that's up to a debate for another time.
But one thing is known - we all remember the Fern, even if it doesn't heavily impact the story. Unless you know - Narrator took the form of it and then-
Ok ok, but this was the nice task – now let’s talk about The Skip Button.
2. “IT'S ALL OUT OF MY CONTROL NOW.” (Skip Button)
I will talk about the Memory Zone later – here, I want to focus solely on the Skip Button room.
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The Skip Button plant is the only thing in the Parable that shows actual ageing. Sure, there are some other symbols of time passage - i.e. clocks, and scratches on objects but nothing else shows decay besides this one single plant.
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Changes happen in Skips #5 and #6. 
In Skip #5, Narrator says it’s been a week or two. I know that people have done the math on how much time passed through each skip takes but we will base it only on the plant alone. While a week is too short for a plant like that to show signs of severe dehydration, 2 weeks is more plausible.
In Skip #6 - when he says he had stopped counting once it was over a year - the plant is dead.
Death is overall a bit of a theme in the Parable – the Countdown, Museum, Apartment and Zending especially have a lot of lines about Stanley’s death, which should cause permanent effects. Instead, the game just resets, not making any deal about it. This plant, however, does not return to its original form.
In Skip #13, concrete falls on it, leaving the plant trapped for the rest of this pathway.
I think the room overall (together with the plants and the clock) symbolises Narrator’s psyche. 
The first few Skips are alright for him - sure, the time in-between seems to grow but he still thinks it is a good idea. He starts to panic and begs Stanley not to press the button in Skip #4 and in Skip #5, both the plant changes and the lights dim down. This is when he has been left for those two weeks all for himself and just sounds so tired - and with each skip, another part of his psyche breaks.
The clock stops working and falls around #8 and #9. It’s still long since in #6, Narrator where he says he lost count but he might have just exaggerated it, only losing it in these runs.
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After such a long period in solitude, any mind would start to decay - the plant, the pipes letting the water escape through them, the fire alarm going off (since batteries are low), the walls getting destroyed with time… Together with how silent Narrator gets at times, I genuinely believe this whole section is us being in his brain.
But then in Skip #15, (after the sunlight in #14) this happens: 
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These skips are special because they are a glimpse of hope. Sunbeams, birds chirping, new life in the form of plants showing up – just for it all to disappear next Skip.
While the last time we hear Narrator talk is in #11 (The end is never), this feels like he is trying to talk to Stanley indirectly. The destruction of the ceiling feels like an attempt to break Stanley free, which, unfortunately, was a bit misplaced since we don’t have the jump option (curse you, jump circle for gatekeeping them / silly).
These can mean several things. 
Narrator hopes that the situation would soon end, as mentioned in the previous part.
It could also show that he is making new ideas and growing. I think it would be a poetic way of personal growth. It is visible in the Bucket version of the game - lack of Red-Blue doors, Countdown becoming silly birds ending, him calling Stanley his friend through the bucket - he wants to change for the better.
“You are not beyond redemption. You may change, and you may become more, so much more than you were before.”
And what better way to show that than through physical growth?
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Even if his mind, in the end, becomes the sandy landscape we all know - he had tried to get better and, in some way, succeeded. 
I sometimes wonder if the New New Content & Bucket parts of the game are what Narrator wants to turn the game into during these Skips. How he wants to acknowledge Stanley, show that he cares for him and that he matured.
But, let’s go back a bit. The New New Content happening during these skips in Narrator’s mind are a cute theory but, it’s just that - a theory.
What is real though is the game content, like the plants in the TSP 2 Expo.
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This part alone has 4 new plants that were never seen before in the rest of the office (they later make an appearance again in the Bucket Apartment Ending).
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Three of the plants have some resemblance to the one in the Skip button - a long office plant put in a pot, while the smaller ones seem similar to the Fern.
(Small note: these plants are based on real-life ones that are common in offices and are low maintenance but I am too tired to figure out their types. Possibilities from a bud: “the first one in the basket is prob Dieffenbachia Seguine, down in middle is calathea makoyana, low right kentia palm”. )
Interestingly, the whole Expo is red-themed so, to compliment that with the opposite colour - green - could seem like it’s a bolder move. It to be fair isn’t - there are a lot of greys, whites and browns that tie everything together, not letting this become a Christmas-themed event.
Expo gives us a lot of new and fresh Narrator ideas - the Bucket, Figleys, and Infinitive Hole. I think these plants also deserve a mention - they all tie perfectly to the theme of Narrator’s growth.
He wants to be better, to please Stanley and I think, maybe, to fit in more. He could have reused the same plant from the Office but no - he made new ones.
And just like the Broom Closet - they never get acknowledged in the dialogue.
Show, not tell.
4. “AND STANLEY WAS HAPPY.” (Outdoors - Freedom Ending and Memory Zone)
Stanley felt the cold breeze, blablabla, you know the drill by now. Most of us will remember the current Freedom Ending - lots of grass, some trees, blue sky…
But that wasn’t always the case.
The 2011 Mod had a way different ending screen.
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The difference is probably due to the limitations of this being a mod but comparing it with the future renditions, it might portray how Narrator had gotten softer throughout the games.
In this one - the outside world is urban. You went out of the building you were mind controlled in into a town of some sort. It doesn’t look too appealing. Trees without any leaves, very short grass - it is SOME freedom but it feels rough. Just like the only other outdoor area in the Games Endings (more about it in the next part).
The newer versions, however, are WAY different.
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More saturated colours, some rock roads, trees, and mountains in the background - nature is ALIVE and well. Just like Stanley is, being freed, in Narrator’s eyes.
Because it is Narrator who chose to make this the end screen. It is just visible, time and time again, how much this man adores nature. Sure, he might be scared about the open world (next point, again) but he could have just remade the buildings from the original. But he chose not to - instead, upgrading it into something more beautiful.
This isn’t just an ending for Stanley - it’s an ending for HIM.
I think that’s why Memory Zone is just so similar, in my eyes, to Freedom in this aspect.
“(...) I made something special and tucked it away here where the game’s developers won’t find it.”
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Some things do not match - the tree types seem different, the sky is a different colour, and small flowers pop here and there that aren’t in Freedom.
But there is a key element that does match - mountains.
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These two areas may be connected - Memory Zone seems to be on a higher standpoint, maybe on a hill rather than a mountain but due to just that, it is possible they are both connected, just in different parts of the world.
Memory Zone is special to Narrator - it is supposed to show his achievements and happiest moments. It would make sense that it was placed in a similar area as Freedom - just hidden so that the other game developers Narrator mentions, would not influence it.
The Maintenance area of the Memory Zone, however, is everything Narrator tried to repress. That is why he might not remember the reviews in there - it’s all hidden in his subconsciousness.
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“I don’t recall this part of the Memory Zone before.”
Narrator had been probably working on the Memory Zone way before he shared it with Stanley. It was his safe space, or so he thought. The memory in the name seems to be the most important clue - it’s not like some remembering zone, history zone or something - it’s memory.
And memories like to get hazy.
As I mentioned - to me, Skip Button's room is a visual representation of Narrator’s mind, at least a part of it. And since it’s a part of this area - I headcanon the whole Memory Zone to be that.
Contrasting with the wild flora of the main Memory Zone, the maintenance seems very run down and secluded. The colours in Memory Zone are already desaturated in comparison to the rest of the game but this part looks dirty thanks to the focus on browns and greys. While some of the lovely nature is in there - birds, a big water pool, the trees are dead. 
These dead trees, just like the Skip Button tree or 2011 Freedom Ending ones might be a pattern for Narrator when he is not in his best shape.
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Once again, the game shows just how important the nature aspect seems in the key part of the story. Narrator made the conscious decision to change the Freedom Ending and probably also had some saying about the Memory Zone, until the parts he wanted to repress that got run down.
Narrator keeps on repressing things a lot throughout the game. He shows denial and shifts the blame - on Stanley, the Player or the reviewers. At the end of it all - during Skip - he finally realises his flaws and mistakes.
But that realisation happened way too late.
Maybe that’s why he later tries to separate himself from that Memory Zone, putting it in the Executive Toilet.
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Or maybe, it’s some not-so-hidden poop joke. But that’s not as important.
So let’s get to the rest of the game.
5. “THE OFFICE COULD USE A BIT OF DECORATION.” (Other plants in-game, Games Ending, Epilogue)
Besides Fern, there is another plant that keeps on being with Stanley a lot. It is there, never in the foreground but it’s always there. It’s like a hidden companion - maybe, as a symbol for not so hidden one.
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This plant shows up in most of the Left Door pathway to the Boss’s Office - 5 times in different rooms:
desks 431- 436,
desks 418-424,
left-right door choice,
Meetings Room, 
and the entrance to Boss's office.
It also shows up in rooms we see around the pathway:
room with 456, 457 doors,
413 room,
Executive Bathroom
and two in the room with Elevator Music.
The plant shows up 4 times in Confusion Ending (including the earlier mentioned 456, 457 area)- and thinking how the Fern is also there makes me just feral. Narrator joins Stanley on his little adventure through the unknown territory - so he inserts himself in the story.
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In the Right door pathway, we get through the first 3 from the Left door and 2 more - the Loungue and the Games Ending.
The Games Ending has very different alternations between the game version but one thing is stable - nature in the open words games.
“I wonder what he found.”
In 2011, once again, nature is quite dead and dried up. RIP all the plants in this version of the game.
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The next alternations, however, take a different approach and make the plants more alive.
The 2013 version uses Minecraft as it outdoor area.
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Narrator doesn’t focus at all on the nature aspect - more on the crafting one which is fair, he is a storyteller and a game designer.
In Ultra Deluxe, there are two areas - Rocket League and Firewatch.
Rocket League won’t get that much attention from me - it’s just a typical grass for sports fields. The Firewatch, however, is a direct parallel with Minecraft. And it’s due to it being open-world.
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This brings me to the last issue with Narrator and nature - he likes it quite a lot, but it HAS to be limited for Stanley.
Freedom makes you stuck in a cutscene, you can only go to mines in Minecraft due to no jumps, Memozy Zone has barriers, so Stanley has one path to follow, and most plants are potted- expect, for one thing.
And it’s the plants that show up in Skip #15.
I think it’s no coincidence that in the Bucket runs, the Red-Blue choice is off-limits. I think it’s due Narrator not wanting to go through things that hurt. But they hurt not only him - they also hurt Stanley.
We could focus on the fact that each of the Games runs ends up with Stanley being trapped in the 2011 version. But I think that lack of freedom to explore beyond the main area - the set path, the game, is what got Narrator more, in the end. Maybe he is scared about full freedom and lack of full control over the story and Stanley.
And maybe that’s why the Epilogue seems to be a never-ending desert. It’s Narrator’s last attempt to give Stanley the true freedom they both needed.
“An epilogue would be fun. Wouldn’t it, Stanley?”
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(Shoutout to a Rammy who gave me the idea to talk about this screenshot.)
The desert, for me, fits the Sandman story (no, not just the song though now it is playing in my head so I hope it will play in yours, too). It shows up at the end of the Skip run and just like the room itself, I think it keeps on symbolising Narrator’s mind.
Once a mindflow, where his thoughts could drift anywhere they pleased became quite stagnant. He fell in hibernation or the mind was just no longer there.
The Sandman brought him the sand and let him rest, cope with the near eternity of solitude.
And to think, during it, Stanley uses wood he finds in this place to bring some light. Lighting up the neurons that still are active.
And this one last time a plant in any shape is present - it is there to serve Stanley.
Narrator, I see you. You probably never left because you are unable to but, you still care about Stanley.
And we care about you.
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(painting in the background: The fairy grotto, 1867)
I could mention EVERY single plant in-game: all the nature paintings, plants in Demo and all the Infinitive Hole nature backgrounds, apple in Pink room, try to get through every plant and try to find its significance but at the end of the day- this whole thing is over 3k words IOSFAIHOSAFHIOFSA
I know this post didn’t talk much about Fernator. I could talk about how Narrator’s need for control and being in a confined space makes him want to be in a Bucket that he also projects a lot onto. How plants often symbolise his psyche, show up in important parts of the office and as the only other visible living being besides Other Stanley and Mariella, maybe, just maybe, Narrator, who seems to not be human, might have decided to take such form, for comfort and safety. But I will leave that for another time.
So if you reached this point, I hope you realise that Fernator AU is a superior AU to the point it’s canon /silly/nsrs /j (,,,, or is it / silly)
If you are reading this - thank you so much for reading this ramble or just skimming through it. I do appreciate you.
Thank you and-
“I'm out... I'm out... I'm done! It's over! Thank you for playing! Your input was extremely valuable.”
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miimo96 · 7 days
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 4
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Alright 2 things, 1 I love how General lane Not only set up an entire bunker like fortress in Clark and Jimmy's apartment, but also made them Use a Code word in order for them to Even get in, 2 I Reallly love Clark's reaction to Jimmy's achievement, it really shows how much he cares about his friend and is really happy for him 😊 Also is it me or has the Animation gotten So much Better this Season, they really stepped their Game up since the Spiderman fiasco, especially when it comes to the lighting and faces, I mean just look at Clark's smile here >_<
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Bruh I'm calling it right now, by the end of this Season Jimmy is going to lose ALL of his Money, that Money meter keeps going down each episode, if that isn't foreshadowing Idk what is ^^;
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Once again I'm really loving the relationship between these 2, the fact that Jimmy wants Clark to come not because he's an Alien but because he's his best friend is really sweet, and it really shows just how much the writers Really know about Superman and his world and want to make it to the best version, also the fact that Clark is LITERALLY deciding which outfit seems more "Hype man" is Really funny to me, especially Jimmy's comeback line after this
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Judging how Waller is clearly making another Task force X I wanna say this Blockbuster, but I'm not entirely sure, so far this guy's only appeared in like a few episodes this season, So if they kill him off I Wont entirely be mad, because he serves No purpose other than filling out the Villain slots, and the reason why I'm saying this might be Blockbuster is because I can't recall another Villain with super strength and Built like this in the suicide Squad other than blockbuster, who coincidently died IMMEDIATELY in a Suicide Squad comic run
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Even though the episode is clearly about lois and father, it's Super obvious that it was actually focused on the relationship between Clark and Jimmy, and how they feel about 1 another, this scene with Clark telling Jimmy about how he's made him feel was really beautiful and Ngl, I kinda teared up at this point, the relationship between the 2 is some of the best I've seen in a Long time since the animated series back on WB Kids, they really put a lot of effort into fleshing out each character and making us Fall in love with them even more ^w^
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The whole Superman Debate Scene was great, I really loved how Lex and Jimmy are basically two polar opposites, 1 supporting superman and his pureness and the other being Superman's biggest Hater, with both literally being incredibly rich rn, and it's kinda funny, while Jimmy is losing money, Lex is Gaining money, gaining everyhing that we know him for; Lex brought up a lot of good points regarding Superman and how "Dangerous" he is, Stuff that I think will Return in Season 3 with people Gunning for Superman or trying to Eliminate him, maybe we might actually see Batman Show up Next season 😏
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I find it So CONVENIENT that general lane's Rendezvous point Just so happens to be near the STAR Labs EXPO, almost like if this was planned for this to happen here, So that when Superman shows up he could be made out as the Bad guy *looks intently at Lex*
As Sad as this scene is you're really telling me He DIDN'T HEAR THAT!? I mean the dude has SUPER HEARING for a reason, you're REALLY telling me he Didn't hear that? Ok whatever Sure, I guess super hearing Only works when the Writers Need it huh, even though they made a WHOLE episode about that Last season 😒
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🥺🥺🥺 I don't have any words for this scene other than Seeing Clark like this really hurts my soul, seeing him come to the Realization that he's Never gonna truly fit in and that He NEEDS Someone like him to Really understand him just shows how much Clark has repressed these feelings by trying to be Something he's not, which is human, Now he's Finally starting to accept his Alien/Kryptonian half, with the 1st step being to find someone Truly like him
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Also I Officially dub these Days "Superman Saturday's" ^^ 🦸‍♂️
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Things That Happened At Dallas Fan Expo Day 2
Got to do Ineffable Husbands with Merlin, my first couples cosplay ever and it was everything I ever could’ve hoped for :)
cosplay came complete with a genderfluid bracelet thanks boyfriend!!!
Merlin’s mom had a handmade Touchstone As You Like It costume and it was GORGEOUS
saw so many fellow Aziraphales and Crowleys today, the couple that we talked to were just so lovely!
got recognized on sight by someone who watches my videos which has NEVER happened before
Photo with David and Catherine was so goofy we tried to do the hand pose and no one knew what face to make except David, then I almost went out the wrong way and David was like “you’re walking with purpose!”
they instituted a no hug policy before I could get my single photo with him bc some asshole decided to ruin it for everyone, but the photo was sweet anyway I got an arm around and he touched my hair it was neat
he loved mine and Merlin’s outfits!
I had David Matranga (voice of Shoto Todoroki) make a video message for a couple of my friends and he was lovely and generous with his time
David’s autograph line was super clogged again but it did go better, I apologized for the weirdness and he was like “there’s no weirdness!” And he was so kind and I told him he was so kind and generous, and then I asked the One Question I had time for which was “what’s your favorite proclaimers song” which made him VERY happy he was like “that’s NOT one question” and I was like FIRST ONE THAT COMES TO MIND and he was like “let’s get married!” And I was like “mine’s life with you! Which you walked down the aisle to at your wedding!” Which made him very happy. It was sweet and a good memory I’m totally okay with how it went
@kookiecamera @better-be-daydreams
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very-straight-blog · 1 month
In light of that wonderful expo, which gave us so much TGC content, can I just say that Aegon's "I've done everything you ask me to... and I try so... I try so hard, but it will never be enough" line would've hit harder (TGC's acting was so fucking good tho) if hotd would bother to show us scenes (just flashbacks, literally anything) of a young Aegon doing anything, from his studies to his training and showing off his talents/knowledge by trying to interact with Viserys and doing anything to get his attention but seeing/realizing that Viserys was never interested in him no matter what which would kick off his spiral to alcoholism and the frequent ventures to flea bottom (and finally see his book traits of being a sullen boy) and eventually becoming lazy. Instead, they included some dumb af scenes that serve no purpose other than shock factor or trying so hard to be got. They were so allergic to giving/having sympathetic scenes for the greens that some even hated the idea of Aemond being bullied instead of being the bully. Like, I laughed at the praise the show gets when it clearly suffers from so much "telling everything to the audience" instead of letting the audience come to a conclusion by describing the events and actions. BUT, then again, seeing as most of the reaction to Alicent being maritally raped, Aemond being bullied, Aemond claiming Vhagar (and literally losing an eye), and Alicent snapping in Driftmark was clearly so different, never mind lmao. But, that's just my opinion lmao. Sorry for the rant, I've been thinking about it lately but do get ready, just in case some get pissed at this lmao.
Feel you! I even had a big post on this topic - here. I won't repeat myself, but yes - there's a huge problem in the series with describing things instead of showing them. If we talk about Aegon - literally everything we know about him - we know from his words or the words of other people, and this is very annoying, especially considering the difference between what others say about him and how we see Aegon on the screen. Tom plays a depressed alcoholic with mommy issues, who makes vulgar jokes and has some dildos on the bedside table. This is his maximum. We're even shown his disgust at the sight of cruelty - I wrote about it here. However, other characters describe him as a rapist prone to sadism. What? Who wrote this script? I think about it quite often and I get terribly angry every time. Aegon was an amazing character in the book - interesting, dramatic, but in the series all the positive qualities were taken away from him, even in those scenes that we see - like the fact that he wants to escape, while in the book he agreed to accept the crown to protect his family. It's all incredibly frustrating.
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scramblecat · 1 year
okay scramble’s gonna get a lil unhinged with this one. But I already wrote it out for a server and all I gotta do is copy and paste SO:
About the Narrator and his Fears
[Putting it under a cut because it is. REALLY long as in like 700+ words long]
The Narrator is usually really good at keeping his composure when it comes to negative emotions, I feel like. He expresses happiness and excitement often enough, but the only times he cries (as in, voice audibly breaking) are the Zending and the Real Person ending.
So he’s shown to be distraught before. But panic? Full-on panic? There’s also only two instances where this happens, and that’s in the Skip Button Ending, and interestingly, the second time you go to the expo.
Now, the skip button ending is completely understandable. He’s being faced with the idea of being completely and utterly isolated for the foreseeable future, over and over and over again, getting longer and longer each time. Anyone would be afraid if they were in that position. At its surface, it’s a completely rational fear from the get-go.
But the expo? It’s… odd. He goes into the achievement room prepared to pop off with his whole ‘it doesn’t work YET’ thing, and then it does.
In the expo, it’s different. It’s not a high stakes situation, not by any means. But when the achievement machine works against all of the Narrator’s expectations, he panics. But not just in like an ‘ah uhm this is definitely what I meant to happen aha!’ way.
It takes him a moment to realize, but he verbalizes his train of thought, so we know exactly when he does.
The machine didn’t work before —> the Narrator didn’t do anything to it to fix it (implying that he didn’t have any sort of solution for it yet) —> it’s fixed anyways and he doesn’t know how —> someone else might have that knowledge —> there’s someone else here.
And that is the moment where he starts to panic. He sounds almost faint when he talks next, and he has to verbally tell himself to keep his composure— something we’ve never, ever heard him do before.
His breathing gets audibly strangled as he tries to finish his whole pitch, telling Stanley that everything is working as intended to cover up the anxiety he’s feeling. But he stumbles through it, and he finishes it with telling himself to breathe, to regulate the panic.
He straight up has like. A whole anxiety attack in front of us. It’s so UNLIKE him to be that afraid, and that REALLY makes it a moment that stands out.
There IS something that links the Skip Button and the Achievement Machine together— and that is CONTROL. Or, rather, lack thereof.
In the Skip Button Ending, yes, he’s scared of being alone. He makes many discoveries about his thought processes and how he works in that solitude, and realizes that talking isn’t his main purpose— it’s telling a story. Telling a story TO someone. He doesn’t feel like he has a purpose otherwise. And that’s the big root of the isolation part.
But otherwise? He spends the first few skips desperately looking for a way out. He panics when he can’t touch the room around him, when he realizes he’s trapped, and that he can’t do anything about it. He’s lost his control.
And it’s the same thing with the achievement machine. He THINKS he has complete control over the Parable and its contents. He really does. And then, something— or someone— fixes the machine for him. And all at once, his perception of what he can control comes absolutely crashing down on him. In that moment, he’s having a LOT of huge realizations:
He doesn’t have the control he thinks he does
He doesn’t know how much control he actually HAS, and it could be NONE
He and Stanley are not alone in the Parable, and are being watched
Whatever being is watching them has more power than he does, and could very well strip all of his control away from him
These realizations— that last one especially— are fucking terrifying to him!
The Narrator is obsessive about maintaining control over the events that transpire in HIS PARABLE, and the only times he shows negative emotions are when he cannot control a situation. It most often presents itself in annoyance at the very least, or a complete breakdown at its worst. And it’s all because he needs that control. He’s fearful of the idea that he can’t control a situation, because it makes him feel helpless and weak. He’s USED to having control, and when it’s taken away from him, he has no idea what to do.
He’s desperately trying to keep up this facade of ‘this is all fine and working as intended’ in front of Stanley after Stanley gets the achievement, even though it’s clear that he’s barely holding it together. His entire perception of his own control has collapsed in on itself, and has given in to one of his worst fears. And he’s really, really shaken up by it.
The Narrator’s greatest fear has been shown to be a lack of control. It’s quickly followed by the fear of isolation, obviously, but the fear of helplessness/weakness is present all through the games.
And THAT, folks, is why the Narrator freaks out in one (1) ending that nobody ever talks about!
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peonierose · 4 months
Moja Ruža
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Book: Crimes of Passion
Pairing: Rose De Luca (F!MC) x Trystan Thorne (M!MC)
Words: 2,5k
Rating: General
TW: None
Summary: Trystan has a surprise in store for Rose on Valentine‘s Day.
A/N: Moja Ruža is a Bosnian term of endearment, and it means ”My Rose“ or even ”Rose of mine“. There will be other mentions of Bosnian culture so I hope you give this story a try.
Side note: I added some social media edits and some edits for cocktails inspired by this story. I am by no means a cocktail expert, so please let me know if you try any of the cocktails and if they’re good 🥰
What do buy for a woman you love and for a woman who’s not exactly a Valentine‘s Day type of woman?
You go and ask her friends and colleagues for advice.
”Luke. How’s it going? I brought you some coffee and a cherry Danish.“
I placed a steaming cup of coffee and a freshly baked cherry Danish on his table.
Luke eyes both those things, before he looked at me. I smiled back innocently as if I had no care in the world.
”Yeah that innocent act isn’t going to work. What do you want?“ Luke asked as he bit into his cherry Danish.
”Well if you’re calling me out like that, I need a favor. It’s for Rose. As you know Valentine‘s Day is coming up and I wanted to plan something romantic for Rose.“
”Then go and do that.“ Luke shrugged.
”Well I don’t know what she likes or doesn’t like.“ I said pleading.
”Well then go and ask her.“
”I know I should’ve asked Ruby.“ I muttered.
”Asked me what?“ Ruby‘s voice came from behind me.
I turned as the door to the office opened and Ruby walked in. She was in her lab coat, her dark skin glowed beautifully in the dim light. Luke is a lucky guy to have found Ruby.
”Great, let's get everyone involved.“ Luke groaned and I sighed.
”Well I was asking Luke for some advice,“ I admitted.
”You thought asking Luke was a smart idea?“ Ruby asked while she chewed on a bite of cherry danish.
”Come on. I can be romantic.“ Luke exclaimed.
”Really? Remember last year on Valentine‘s Day?“ Ruby asked.
”That tech expo was fun, and we had some amazing dinner afterward.“
”You’re right, dinner was great.“ Ruby smiled and kissed his cheek, making Luke blush fiercely.
”You want some real advice?“ Ruby turned to me and asked.
”Desperately.“ I said and Ruby laughed. Luke turned to me and snickered, Ruby moved his head and turned it towards his computer screen shutting him up in turn.
I tried to hide my grin but failed.
”Look Trystan we both know that Rose isn’t into big romantic gestures. She loves romance, but that doesn’t mean she’d enjoy a romantic 12-course meal at some fancy restaurant. You know Rose. I’m sure you’ll find the perfect Valentine‘s Day gift or activity for her.“
I kissed Ruby on her cheek.
”You’re a lifesaver Ruby thank you.“
”Hey I helped too.“ Luke chimes in. I grinned and shook my head at him.
”You really didn’t. Enjoy your cherry danish.“ I said and noticed the cherry danish was eaten by Ruby.
”Oh man, my bribe.“ Luke said, getting sad eyes.
”Lucky for you. I brought another one.“ I said and handed him the Danish.
”You’re the man.“ Luke said and bit into his cherry Danish, a blissful look crossed his face.
I waves and left them in the office to go and plan a date for Rose.
My mind was made up, as I walked with purpose to the bar owned and operated by Rose‘s uncle Tommy.
As I entered the bar a few stragglers and regulars looked up from their drinks. When they noticed it’s just another bargoer, they returned to their drinks and conversations.
Tommy was wiping down the mahogany bar counter and he looked up when I entered and took a seat at the bar.
”Trystan what brings you by?“ He asked while he pulled out his top-shelf whiskey.
”Oh I’m not here for a drink.“ I said and Tommy placed the bottle back onto the shelf.
”Is the world ending?“ Tommy chuckled.
I grinned as I played with a wooden coaster.
”I truly hope not. Listen, I'm actually here to ask you for a favor.“ I said.
”Valentine‘s Day is tomorrow and I was wondering if I could rent your bar for the night? I’ve been racking my brain about what to do for Rose and I thought something nice and intimate would be a good idea. So what do you say?“ I bit my lip, unsure if Rose‘s uncle will agree.
”Look, I'll set everything up. You don’t need to do anything,“ I tried to sell the idea even harder to Tommy.
”Trystan.“ Tommy said and I closed my mouth with a snap.
”Listen Trystan, Rose is my niece and I want her to be happy, and you make her happy. So you can have the bar for as long as you need.“ He said and smiled at me.
I leaned over the counter and gave him a kiss on his cheek, Tommy winced.
”Alright, enough with the gratitude. A simple thank you is enough.“ He put his right hand on his cheek and wiped away my cheek kiss.
”Oh, my dear Tommy. I don’t do simple. Mile grazie Tommy.“
”Yeah. Yeah.“ He grinned and I waved goodbye as I raced home to prepare everything.
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God. I’m bone tired. Every case is difficult, but this one was hard on so many levels. I am so glad to finally be home.
Telling a woman her husband is cheating and bringing proof? Yeah, it’s heartbreaking.
Ms. Bukowski hired me two weeks ago because she had a hunch about her husband being unfaithful. We both wanted it to not be true, but sadly it was.
Now Mrs. Bukowski filed a divorce and is moving to her sister in New Jersey. Maybe a change of scenery and the company of her loved ones will help her to soothe some of the aches and pain.
I put the key into the lock and after a few turns I entered the apartment I shared with Trystan. The lights were out, and only the busy street lights of downtown New York shone into the apartment. Casting a bronze and golden glow.
I put my keys on the small dresser by the front door.
I walked further inside, and saw there’s a light pink envelope sitting on the kitchen table.
I turned it around and it said, »Otvori me« in Bosnian, then I saw an arrow pointing to turn the envelope around and I saw the English translation »Open me«.
I sighed and looked around the apartment we share.
”Trystan? This isn’t funny. If you are playing some weird cat-and-mouse game or hide-and-seek? It’s not funny.“
I noticed I’m alone at home. I pulled out my phone and speed-dialed Trystan’s number.
His deep timbre greeted me.
”Why hello Rosa. I assume you’re on your way?“ Trystan asked me.
I could hear glasses clink and wondered what he prepared this time.
”I found the letter just now.“ I said.
”Alright then I’ll let you read the letter and then you can call me back.“
With those words, he disconnected the call and I stared at my phone in disbelief.
”Alright I’ll read the letter.“ I sighed as I read the letter inside the envelope.
All it has is an address. An address I know very well. It’s the address to my uncle Tommy’s bar.
Then I read on.
»P.S. Wear the dress and shoes. You’ll find the outfit in our bedroom.«
Note in hand I followed the instructions only to find a light pink box on our bed, it’s the same color as the envelope.
When I opened the box I found a red satin dress. With spaghetti straps and a leg slit. As well as black strappy heels.
I sighed and smiled. This must’ve been Marguerite’s work. Trystan’s sister is a genius when it comes to fashion.
I’m not exactly the type for heels but I’ll wear them for tonight and only for Trystan.
As I hugged the dress I smiled because Trystan can always make me smile even on a bad day.
I took a quick shower in the adjoining bathroom. Put on the dress Trystan chose for me, the shoes, and some light make-up.
Deciding to leave my shoulder-length dark brown hair open and free. I put on some spritzers of my favorite perfume ”Black Opium“ and I’m ready to go. I give Trystan a call as I’m about to exit the building.
”I take it you’re ready Rosa?“
I smiled at the warmth in his tone.
”Yes I’m ready to go and I’ll be there in a bit.“
”Alright Rosa. I’ll be waiting.“ We hang up and I‘m on my way to see Trystan’s surprise.
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I put my phone on the counter and I got everything ready.
From the food, to the special cocktails, I’m going to mix. I figured I’d just make us a special drink.
I wanted tonight to be special, not because it’s Valentine’s Day, but because I wanted us to have a nice dinner and drinks. Without other people being there.
We’re not big on romance but from time to time we need to relax too.
I’m about to set the table when I hear the door opening and turn around.
And it’s like the first time we met. Rose still makes my heart beat faster and simply takes my breath away.
It’s the simplicity that drew me in. I walked closer to her.
”You look stunning, Rosa.“ I have started using that nickname and it stuck.
She smiled at me, her hazel eyes imbued with hints of green are lit from within with joy and I smiled back at her.
”Well you chose well. Give Marguerite my thanks.“
”What makes you think Marguerite had anything to do with choosing the dress? Maybe I chose it myself.“ I smirked.
”And did you?“ She asked as I scooted the chair back and she sat down.
”Well fine. Marguerite did help me. But I knew you’d look good in red which you do.“ I said.
”Thank you. So what’s all this? What are we celebrating?“ She asked as she discarded her coat and put it on an empty chair. Meanwhile, I went to the bar to get the food.
”Well I thought it would be nice if we had dinner. Just the two of us, and not just because it’s Valentine‘s Day. I thought something intimate would do the trick. I tried writing a poem but I suck at poems. I just couldn’t find the right words so that it actually rhymed.“ I admitted a flush of embarrassment staining my cheeks.
”That’s okay, I don’t need fancy poems or gestures. I just need you. That’s all.“ She smiled softly at me and I can see the sincerity in her eyes.
I smiled as I brought over two plates and cutlery.
Then I put down a pot of ”Bosanksi lonac“ it’s a slow-cooking Bosnian stew. It’s a hearty dish. Using beef, various vegetables among some of the main ingredients. And of course some freshly baked bread to dip into the stew.
”Oh my god this smells incredible.“ She closed her eyes and a look of pure bliss crossed her soft features.
”Wait until you try it.“ I said and put some on her plate.
We both dug in. And talked here and there in between the meals.
”I can’t remember the last time I’ve had such a good meal.“
I grinned, proud I made it. Well, I called the kitchen staff in Drakovia, and our head chef ”Alana“ guided me through the steps of making it.
But still, I made it myself. It’s my go-to dish for when I need something warm and nostalgic. Today I got to share it with Rose. Nothing beats that.
”I do have one more surprise.“ I said as I cleaned the dishes away.
”What else could there be?“ Rose asked and wanted to help me with the dishes but I waved her away.
”I made us some cocktails. Or well I gathered ingredients to make us some cocktails.“
She grinned and leaned on the bar counter.
”Really? This I got to see.“
I grinned and gathered all the ingredients to make it. Jasmine and rose gin, raspberry syrup, elderflower and rose tonic water, a dash of pink pepper and some rose petals for garnish
”It’s called ”Kiss from a Rose“. It has jasmine and rose gin, raspberry syrup, elderflower and rose tonic water, a dash of pink pepper and some rose petals for garnish.“ I said and Rose grinned widely at me.
I mixed everything up, shook it and poured it into coupe glasses.I handed her one glass and she took a sip.
”And?“ My voice had an impatient clip to it.
”Mhh. This is actually really good. It has a kick to it because of the pink pepper, but the sugarcane sugar cuts away some of the spice. It’s really nice. And you made this for me?“
I nodded and she smiled.
”Alright then let me return the favor.“
I put my head to the side not following her words.
”What do you mean?“
”Let me make you a cocktail?“ She said and I moved to the side.
”You know how to make cocktails?“
”Move over. And yes I do know how to make cocktails.“
I watched her take some ingredients, add liquor, mix it all up, and serve it up to me.
”Enjoy your cocktail.“
”Oh this looks nice. What’s the name of the cocktail?“ I stared at the drink.
”It’s called ”The Thorne.“ Rose grinned.
”My heart melts knowing you named a cocktail after me. Also since when do you know how to mix up cocktails? Do you have secret talents I know nothing about?“
”Really Trystan? My uncle owns this bar. But to answer your question it was usually when I was high-strung working a case. I found when I was stuck with a case, I tried mixing cocktails or baking. One of those two. It was helping me focus on something else besides the case I was working on.“ She leaned on the counter as I take another sip and finish up the drink.
”Just be warned I’ve had a lot of alcohol in my life. So I have high expectations.“
”No? Really? Drink up, Thorne.“ Her eyes went wide before they returned to their normal size.
”I love it when you boss me around.“ I gave her a kiss on her cheek.
”Stop stalling and drink the damn cocktail.“ She laughed.
I took a sip and I’m pleasantly surprised. Hints of orange add a nice contrast to the sharpness of the liquor. I’m guessing a smoky whiskey.
I put the glass down and looked at Rose.
”And?“ She asked.
”A little impatient are we? Let me savor the taste.“
”You’re impossible. Just tell me.“ Rose groaned, making me smile even wider.
I leaned over to her and kissed her deeply.
”I take that as a good sign?“ She says, biting her lip nervously. Wondering if I’ll like it.
”Oh yes. It packs quite a punch, but there are subtle notes that make me go back for more, like orange and something else I can’t name.“
”It’s cinnamon. And it’s just like you. You always make me want you more. So I’m glad the drink could represent that.“
”You know we could combine our cocktails. They’re both excellent.“
Rose grinned and pulled me closer for another kiss. Until we’re both chest to chest. Our hearts are beating in sync.
”Or we could combine one. And call it Thorns and Roses.“ She suggested.
I smiled against her soft lips.
”I just hope the cocktail will taste good if we combine it.“
“Oh, it will. Trust me.“ She put her hands against my chest and we reveled in the glow of our love.
They both grinned at each other. I extended my hand to Rose.
”May I have this dance?“
”There’s no music.“
I clicked on a button on my phone, and suddenly the first notes of Nora Jones ’ live song »Sunrise« play softly in the background.
”You put on my favorite song.“ She sighed as she took my hand and we slowly danced together in the dim light, while enclosed in our pink bubble of love and serenity.
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greghatecrimes · 10 months
more neurodivergent headcanons:
adhd kutner
cannot ever be completely still and thus is always fidgeting with something in his hands (see: stethoscope in canon, but also: pens, stress balls, hair ties, rubber bands, expo marker, anything he can find in the outer office while they’re doing a ddx)
bad habit of interrupting people to finish their sentences for them or to say what he needs to say before he forgets it. if you’re talking to him, his brain is already three steps ahead of whatever you’re saying. he tries really hard to not interrupt during ddxes and when talking to patients and sometimes it takes a lot of energy
can’t use those squishy stress balls because he fidgets so much that it’ll break open in less than an hour. has definitely accidentally broken one while working in the diagnostics outer office and gotten the water inside all over paperwork foreman was doing (and house thought it was hilarious)
i bet adhd medication was his savior in med school. needed it to help him function in classes/be able to pay proper attention
inevitably doodles (without realizing it) on any paperwork he’s given to sign or fill out
uses his foot to tap out the rhythms of songs stuck in his head when he’s working in the lab. sometimes does a lil dancey dance when he gets really into it
prefers red bull or monster over coffee unless the coffee is ridiculously sweetened
constantly losing his phone in the funniest places (the office fridge; leaves it on a patient’s bedside table; forgets it in the MRI room, etc.)
loves to stim by making goofy/funny faces
His apartment abides by the rules of “organized chaos” thanks to The Pile Method. Definitely has an ADHD doom drawer he hasn’t opened in like three years
Loves socks. Always wearing socks with a cool or funny pattern on them and usually never wearing a matching set.
neurodivergent/autistic thirteen
keeps her hair tied back, or curls it and uses a ton of hairspray, to avoid touching it. (she runs her fingers through her hair or twirls it as stimming and grounding when she’s anxious, and she wants to hide that she does that when she’s around other people)
became an absolute master at sarcasm and banter in high school (to always have the upper hand in conversation)
is constantly analyzing the conversation, tone of voice, expressions, and mannerisms of her coworkers and others around her, and tracking the patterns she notices. she’s so used to it that it’s an automatic/instinctive process for her by the time she gets a job as one of house’s fellows
in college, purposely sought out alcohol and weed on her own time in order to build up her tolerance and get used to the feeling. that way when she gets drunk or high around other people, she can be reasonably intoxicated and fit in with the group while also still being in control and staying cool and detached.
knows kutner is adhd, and keeps a spare hairtie on her that she can “accidentally leave on the table” when kutner needs something to fidget with
Prefers the sensory feel of tighter clothes on her lower body and looser clothes on her upper body. Only likes tight clothes on her upper body if the fabric is thin, it’s short sleeved, and it’s not restrictive to her movement
Gets headaches/sore scalp when she wears her hair up too much. keeps it in looser ponytails at work to lessen the pull, and uses scrunchies to put her hair up at home.
Loathes socks. She wears only the lowest cut no-show socks, the kind that are even invisible with sneakers like converse or vans. rips off said socks the moment she steps into her apartment after work.
Prefers to be organized and makes sure everything has a set place for the sake of convenience. Doesn’t always have the energy or motivation to put things back in their set place (probably because masking is exhausting)
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Carmy, Richie, and being forgotten.
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We start season 2 of the Bear with Richie telling Carmy his fear of people changing, becoming better versions of themselves, and moving on from him and we end their dialogue in the last episode with this very interesting framing.
Carmy on the opening night of his first owned restaurant in the cold dark, frazzled, surrounded by badly torn tape (which if we remember is one of those things that he taught the staff not to do) and on the other, Richie in the light, his clean black suit, finding his purpose by manning the expo with surgical precision.
Richie's worst fear is now Carmy's potential reality: being forgotten by your chosen family.
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thesleepysystem · 2 months
i really wanna go to the miku expo concert but im terified to bcuz i dont now if i'll be able to physically cope with going
i really dont wanna be in any more pain than i already always am, im so sensitive to sound that between the music and screaming i might have a meltdown or panic attack, but i so desperately just wanna have FUN. i just wanna be a normal 15 year old.
i wanna be a normal kid and not be fucking punished for it. im so angry at my body, at covid, at my dad for purposely giving my family covid, at the world, at nobody fucking LISTENING to me and getting me help, at the whole fucking universe
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