#put some time aside to do something nice for yourself okay? you deserve it!
magnifiico · 8 months
everyone pls remember that
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luveline · 1 year
could you please write something where maybe bombshell!reader hears one of the team members teasing about how she’s torturing spencer and she kinda backs off with the flirting and maybe it’s his turn to hold her hand and call her cute names because even though he always says he doesn’t mind, maybe he does and he just doesn’t want to tell her
tysm for requesting, 1k
Spencer's hair is brown silk in the sun. You bite your tongue to hold in a compliment rearing to come out, saccharine and completely true. Looking sweet, Spence. 
You love to compliment him and especially while Hotch is out of earshot. He and Derek play pairs against two agents from a different unit, their tennis racquets a shiny FBI navy. You start to speak and bite it back —a memory flashes, a shouting stop sign. 
You'd been teasing Spencer as he left the room, something about his indecisive hair. He's cut it shorter but left his curls without product, and you love it. 
Poor guy, Emily'd murmured, lips set against the rim of her coffee cup. 
What's the matter with him? you asked, perplexed. 
Nothing, just that he spins into a total meltdown every time you guys are within ten feet of each other. He must be exhausted.
She was joking and you know that, but something deep down worries she's right. It's not fair for you to keep winding him up… Especially when Spencer might be going along with you because he isn't sure how to say no. 
What if you're forcing yourself on him? 
You're sitting together on a small blanket in the grass with Anderson and a few of the other less competitive BAU agents. You bring your bottled iced tea to your forehead to cool down, condensation wetting your hot skin. The top of your head feels as though it has the full concentration of the sun beating against it. 
Spencer looks up at your movement. He's been reading a book for pleasure, or so he says, so he isn't going a mile a minute but he's still way faster than the average Joe. "Do you want to go find some shade?" he asks. 
"You look comfortable," you say, putting your iced tea aside.
Which is to say, I don't want you to come with me, it would disrupt you. Spencer nods and turns to the brown leather of his familiar satchel, popping the buckle open to dig around inside. 
"Do you think this would be okay?" he asks, bringing out his baseball cap. 
The fabric is starchy and the brim stiff as you accept it and wedge it over your head. You don't immediately cool, but your heart spins strange loops. "Thank you," you say. Thank you, handsome, gorgeous, baby, all beg to be said. 
Spencer stays looking at you for longer than normal. 
"Do I have something on my face?" you ask, swatting self consciously at your cheeks. 
"Nothing. You look really pretty," he says. 
"Thank you." Another loop. You point at his book, fingertip hitting a creamy page with a small thud. "Is this any good?" 
"I think you'd really like it, it feels like that last book I borrowed from you, and you loved that. They're very similar. I can lend it to you when I'm done." 
"Don't rush it for my sake."
Spencer gives you a private smile. "I won't. Just because you could watch a movie at two times speed doesn't mean you should." 
Your returning smile isn't half as nice. No shared lightness, no bright eyes. You're feeling awkward and unhappy —you really like Spencer. Like, you think you could be happy together for a long long time sort of like. He's charming and sweet and no one is ever as kind to him as he deserves, which is why you're trying to be kind now by putting distance between you.
You'll be brash forever. You can't change that, and Spencer doesn't need the stress of dealing with you, not on top of everything else. 
His smile fades as yours does. Quiet, without fuss, he scoots back on the picnic blanket, putting you knee to knee. The subtle muscle of his arm presses to yours and his hand wraps gently around your wrist as he dips his head down, his cheek touching briefly to your shoulder. 
"I know it's nice, but if the heat is getting to you we should go inside," he says, his fingers sliding across your palm to slot between your own. He squeezes your hand. "Heat stroke isn't obvious at first. Do you feel woozy?"
You stare at your twined fingers. He surprises you again, being this soft with you, and being uncharacteristically forward. Or maybe not uncharacteristic at all; Spencer won't let something like timidity stop him from comforting someone that needs it. 
"Spence," you murmur, closing your eyes, face angled down. 
"I'm sorry if I… If I've been messing you around. But I don't think this is a good idea." 
"What's not a good idea?" 
You can't make yourself say it. Instead, you rub the back of his hand, more for your own comfort than his, your tongue like a useless lump in your mouth. 
"You're sorry? Are you sure you're okay?" Spencer asks, no heed to the people sitting with you as he lets go of your hand to put his arm behind your shoulder like a shield. 
"I don't want to torture you," you say. 
Your friends love that word. You torture Spencer with your flirting and your easy affection. 
Spencer makes a face, eyes squinting and nose wrinkled. "They're just kidding when they say that. Emily, Morgan, they like making fun of me, it's like, sibling bonding or something. They don't say it because there's actually something to feel sorry about." He lowers his voice, bashful but sincere at once, "If you're torturing me, I guess I'm a masochist." 
You laugh without thinking, a breathless, girlish sound you'd regret if you had the wherewithal. "You're a masochist?" you ask. 
He takes the brim of your borrowed hat and pushes it up to unobstruct the view of your eyes. 
"If that's what it takes," he says. A hint of wryness creeps into his otherwise smooth tone. 
Despite his brave talk and his steady eye contact, his face has started to blush. A rosy hue kisses the tops of his cheeks and his nose, a dusting of pink splodges stark against his paleness. The curve of his lips seems extra tantalising now. He's very, very pretty. 
And he doesn't mind stepping in to take the reins when you're unsure of things. 
"We really should sit in the shade for a bit," he says. "Let's get drinks from the gazebo. Yeah?" 
You're halfway through a nod when he kisses your cheek too quickly for you to respond. You follow him to the gazebo without any more reluctance, weaselling your hand back into his, and attempt to pull another kiss from him.
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Coyou do Kenan Yildiz x reader being teen parents?
Love this! ❤️
(DAY 5)
Kenan Yildiz x Reader - Only For One Day
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Your son turned five today. As a single mother, you always feard inadequacy. You feard not being enough or doing enough to keep your only child happy. And today was one of those days.
Despite being surrounded by friends and family, with a cake to feed a whole village, your son, Romeo, couldn't be more miserable on his birthday.
"Time to make a wish." Your mom said, having lit the last birthday candle. The cake was set on the table before your son, who regarded it with furrowed brows.
"Go on baby, blow out the candles and make a wish." You encouraged.
His frown deepend, followed by a shake of his head. "I want daddy to help me blow them out."
Your heart dropped.
"Great, I guess that means no cake for us."
"Dad, please." You sighed and knelt down before your son's chair. "Baby, we've talked about this, haven't we?" Daddy couldn't make it today because of his very important job. But he sent you some really nice gifts, didn't he?"
"I don't want gifts, I want daddy!"
It was heartbreaking to see Romeo storm up to his room, abandoning his own birthday celebrations. You were quickly consoled by your family, all of them telling you that you weren't the one to blame. However, it didn't feel fair to blame it all on Kenan. No matter how hard you tried, the two of you just couldn't make the relationship work. The endless bickering brought out the worst in both of you, eventually leaving your son to grow up in a split home, confused as to why his parents never celebrated his birthday together.
You went to bed late that night, retreating to your room after checking on Romeo, who lay fast asleep in his bed. There, seated on the edge of your bed, you made the tough decision to put your pride aside and call your ex-boyfriend.
The phone rang for less than a beat before Kenan's sharp voice sparked through the phone. "Is everything alright? How is Romeo?" He asked, with slight distress considering the late hour of which you decided to call him.
"Romeo is fine." You said, to which Kenan sighed in relief.
"Oh, okay. Good. How was the birthday party? Did he like the things I sent him?"
"Yeah, about that...." You sat with the phone pressed to your ear, imagining Kenan in whatever place in the world he may be. You once made it clear to him that you were to have sole custody of your son. Leaving Kenan to live the life he always dreamt of living, the life of a professional football player. However, as the father of your son, he was free to see Romeo whenever you saw fit. Hopefully, tomorrow was one of those days.
"What? Did something happen at the party?" He asked.
"Yes, Romeo refused to blow out the candles on his birthday cake unless you were there to help him."
"I see."
"Yeah, he was really upset." You said, twisting the corners of your bed sheets.
"You know...." Kenan said, reviving the hopeful beating of your heart. "I'm not too far away. Juventus is playing Turin this weekend, so I'm actually in town tomorrow if you want me to...."
"I want you to." You nodded eagerly, although Kenan wouldn't possible know.
"Great. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Tomorrow." You shirrped, fast to hang up the phone before regretting ever making the call in the first place. Nevertheless, it was done. Your son was getting the birthday he deserved.
The next day you were a nervous wreck, forcing yourself to put on a brave face as you greeted Kenan at the door.
"Hey, Kenan," you said, trying to sound casual. "Thanks for coming."
"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world." Kenan handed you a gift for Romeo. Another one, you thought.
"Thanks again for inviting me," he said, his voice low and smooth.
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked into his eyes. You could see the old spark there, the one that had once made you fall in love with him. However, you pushed those feelings aside, focusing on your son.
Romeo was running around the living room with his cousins, laughing and having the time of his life. Your family had thankfully agreed to a redo of yesterday's celebrations and did not judge your decision to invite Kenan this time around.
As the celebrations went on, you and Kenan found yourselves drawn to each other, not helping to exchange a few pleasantries, and before long, you were laughing and joking again, just like old times. But as the night wore on, you began to feel a pang of sadness. You knew that this was just a temporary reprieve, that the old feelings you had for Kenan would eventually fade, and the two of you would be back to where you were now. Separated. Still, you couldn't help but enjoy the moment to savor the happiness that Kenan brought to your son. He was undoubtedly a great dad.
As the celebrations came to an end, you hugged Romeo tightly, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. "Thank you for coming, Kenan," you said, voice choked with emotion.
"No, thank you," he replied, his voice just as soft. "For giving me the best gift I could ever ask for." He regarded the two you with loving eyes. You smiled, knowing that this was exactly what Romeo needed - to see his parents getting along, if only for one day.
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stemgirlchic · 7 months
secret spy mission for when you're not okay
broken into "really really not okay" "really not okay" and "not okay"
really really not okay: mission stay safe
make sure you're in a safe place
hug your pillow, get under your blankets, anything that can be a little bit of comfort
if you're watching/reading/otherwise consuming something that's triggering you, put it away. or at least put it down for a moment. even if it's your work, even if it's an important news story that deserves your attention, it's okay. there will be other times to interact with it
if you're having bad impulses - rip a piece of paper, hit something soft, hell even throw something (preferably not something expensive but anything is better than hurting yourself or someone else)
deep breaths. i know it's cliche but it helps
ground yourself: 3 things you see, 2 things you hear, 1 think you feel.
really not okay: mission stabilize (pick 1-2 of these mission objectives)
watch funny videos online (i like SNL and clips from the office)
read a chapter of that book you set aside
if you can, get some fresh air, whether that's a short walk or just opening a window
if you're up for it, exercise can help, even just some stretching
work out your feelings creatively: draw, write angsty teenage poetry, sing a ballad in the shower, anything. we are creative creatures.
listen to some music - my friends all like listening to sad music when they're upset, but i find happy music helps. whatever works for you.
text/call/chat with someone you care about, even if it's unrelated to how you're feeling rn. just a meme or an emoji even, remind yourself you are loved.
not okay: mission small steps
get yourself some water
get a snack - it doesn't have to be complicated. a piece of fruit, some cheese and crackers, some chips, popcorn, pretzels, leftovers from last night. don't feel bad. this is productive. you are being productive. this is what you need rn.
turn on some chill music
make a list of the things you have to do - "must do today or there will be severe consequences", "should probably do today", "don't have to do today"
put aside the "don't have to do today". it's okay. there will be other days, better days. dramatically rip off that part of your to-do list, crumble it up, and throw it in the nearest trash can basketball star style.
start with your must dos. work for 15 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. if you can't do 15 minutes straight, do whatever time amount you can do. slow progress is still progress. i'm so proud of you.
take a nice, rewarding break after your must dos. you deserve it. then - reassess. are you up for your "should dos"? if so, repeat the last bullet point with them. if not, that's okay. there will be other days.
you did it. i'm so proud of you. one day you will look back on today and think "wow, i was so strong for getting through that. i can't believe i got through that" and you will be right. because you are so strong. ily <3 you are the best spy ever.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
“ don't think for even a second that you have to prove something to me. i love you just the way you are. “
- JJ Maybank
“ don't think for even a second that you have to prove something to me. i love you just the way you are. “
pronouns for y/n: they/them, gender neutral
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The silence was off-putting, especially for JJ Maybank. He usually spent his evenings talking your ear off about the Pogues and what sort of trouble they'd gotten up to during the day while you worked on homework or watched a movie. But he'd arrived at your place on Figure Eight disheartened and quiet, silently slumping on your bed and staring up at the ceiling.
"So, what'd you do today?" You attempted, tapping your pencil against the notebook in your lap and turning to look at the blonde. JJ shrugged nonchalantly. You frowned and sighed, closing the notebook and tossing it aside to finish later. His eyes followed your movements and moved back up to your face, closing when you leaned in to peck his lips.
"What's up, J? What's got you in a mood?" You asked and shifted beside him, laying on your side and propping your head up on your hand. You gazed down at him with a tiny smile.
"Nothin'. We, uh, bumped into Rafe and the others. Topper said some stuff is all."
"Christ, what'd he say now?" You grunted, eyes almost rolling at the mere mention of Topper. He'd taken great offense when it came out that you were dating the infamous Pogue. You'd gotten called all sorts of things by him and his goons. Each time you came across him, he brought up your relationship with JJ. One would've thought you stabbed him in the back from the way he acted.
"He... He said he couldn't understand why you're with me cause I'm trailer trash." JJ's fingers fiddled with the end of his shirt, looking uncharacteristically bothered by Topper's words. He typically took his words with a grain of salt. "Said how I, uh, didn't deserve you. Said I wasn't good enough and all that jazz."
"J.." You cooed softly and pushed yourself up to hover over the blonde. JJ avoided your eyes, staring off at the wall with tightly pressed lips. Leaning down, you kissed his cheek. "Don't think for even a second that you have to prove something to me. I love you just the way you are, okay? I love your ideas, the way you think, your stupidly nice hair-"
An amused smile broke out on his face and he rubbed his eyes with his knuckles, finally turning his head to look at your properly. "My hair is pretty nice, huh?" He giggled.
"Yes, it is. And so is every single thing about you, J."
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sugaimhome · 2 years
listener - jhs
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pairing: best friend hoseok x female reader
minors dni !!
genre: smut, angst, maybe fluff if you squint, mostly pwp
warnings: dom hoseok, sub reader, a lot of manhandling, mentions of unsafe driving (?), reader has a praise + degradation kink, some slapping, oral (female receiving), hair pulling.
word count: 2k
summary: hoseok has always been a listener, but when you tell him about your inability to feel good in bed, he takes his listening a step further
a/n: I wrote this after a very nice dream I had, its only short and moves very quick but I love it so...
not proof read
“And, oh honestly, I can’t even begin to explain it.” you turn away from him, blushing. Regardless of who had started this conversation (Hoseok) and how comfortable you knew he was talking about these subjects (very), it still wasn't easy.
“Try to explain it Y/N, you know I am here to listen.” Hoseok replies, tilting his head in the corner of your eye. You look back at him, momentarily, and then look away again. 
“I know Hobi, but-” you pause, maybe you should just tell him. “He hasn’t made me orgasm once. I know it's a stupid thing to leave a relationship for because I think I like him a lot but sexual gratification means a lot to me. Gosh do I sound like a brat?” 
The thing was, you’d been seeing this guy you had met at a bar for nearly a month, he was a nice guy, you’d had sex a few times (a lot) and despite you feeling open enough to tell him what worked for you, he had failed to pull through on any of those requests. 
“Does it even feel good?” Hoseok asks, of course he’s referring to whether or not he had gotten you even close to an orgasm, the answer is a simple...
“No” that has you blushing, because you felt like it was your fault you felt like this. Maybe it was, maybe your weird requests in bed were just a little too odd for the average male. You sigh, resting your forehead on your hand. “I can’t help but think I am just incapable of an orgasm, it's been months.”
There's silence for a moment, it's in this silence that you realise you’d admitted that to Hoseok, you hadn’t really meant to, he was just a really good listener. “Can you make yourself orgasm?” he asks, his voice completely neutral.
Part of you is annoyed that you can’t seem to tackle this subject with the maturity that Hoseok did. “Of course, I know what I like.” 
When you look back to Hoseok, after he doesn’t respond, you’re met with two very dilated, perhaps angry pupils. You stare him right in the eye for a moment, you’re sure his eyes darken a shade as you do. “Are you okay?” you ask him, thinking you’d said something wrong.
“No, I'm just pissed off, so many men don’t know how to please a woman.” he sounds very passionate about the situation and you’re very embarrassed when heat rushes to your core with the thought of that voice commanding you to- 
You stop thinking before you dig yourself a hole. Hoseok looks completely out of it, his fists clenching and unclenching at his side. “He doesn’t deserve someone like you Y/N”
“You’ve never met him, Hoseok, he’s really nice.”
“Nice enough to give you exactly what you want? Nice enough to put aside his pleasure to make you feel good?” 
You gulp, perhaps this wasn’t a good idea to bring up with Hoseok. 
“That’s not nice Y/N that's selfish.” he sighs.
“That's fine Hoseok, but find me a man who respects me but also wants to throw me about in bed, then I'll listen to you.” 
He doesn’t reply, but he sits and looks at you with such intent written on his features that you announce you’re going. He grabs you by the hand before you can even begin to move. “Let me show you.” his eyes tell a completely different story than what they had before, completely soft and sincere, it has you hesitating. What exactly did he mean here?
“Hoseok…” you whisper. You don’t pull away. You don’t think you can. 
“I could make you cum so many times you forget everything but my name, make you orgasm until you see stars. Fuck you dumb.”
You shakily inhale. Heat rushing towards your cheeks and your core. Shock must be evident on your features because he drops your hand, sighs, and says. “Sexual pleasure is key to a relationship, Y/N, don’t let his kindness distract you from the fact there's no chemistry.”
You blink, “Are you suggesting that we have chemistry Hoseok?”
When he replies with a “yes”, you shock yourself by sighing and admitting… 
“I know.” 
It had been undeniable for years. Evident in the way your pulse skipped a beat whenever he touched you, the way your heart had dropped when he announced he had a girlfriend, and risen again two years later when they broke up. Not even mentioning the time you had to sit on his lap in the back of Jungkook's car because there were too many of you to all sit in an individual seat, you could have sworn you felt him against your arse (like his dick), but you'd assumed it was because you'd just been in a club where girls had been grinding on him all night. 
Hoseok looks as shocked at your agreement as you were. There's not many words spoken as he pulls you from your seat so you're standing in front of him. He traces circles on the back of your hand. "Are you being serious?" you ask.
"Of course I am." he replies, "I don't want you to feel pressured"
"I trust you" you'd trusted him for years, ever since you could remember, and you would have done this years ago if given the chance.
Grabbing your waist he pulls you down so you're straddling his lap, your thighs on either side of his. "What do you like?" He asks, sending heat to your core as he kisses your neck and the exposed skin of your breasts.
It's hard to admit whilst he's right in front of you so you hide your face in his neck as he runs his hand up and down your clothed body. "Come on, Y/N, tell me how to make you feel good, be a good girl"
You whimper, he had hit the nail on the head with that one. "A praise kink" he continued "I thought so..."
You don't have time to process what that means exactly before he's speaking again, "now we know you're nothing but a slut-"
Your legs clench together, and seeing that Hoseok is directly between your legs, he picks up on this, only chuckling a low laugh, only making things worse for you as you (again) clench your thighs. "I think I have you figured out, Y/N, you can come out of hiding now" 
When you return from the (very nice smelling) crook of his neck you're relieved to see a smile coating his lips. "You can stop this at any time, just say, please" He says as he squeezes his hands around the soft flesh of your thighs, there was no way he was about to lift you-
You're in the air, your legs gripping around his torso and your arms around his neck to keep from falling to the hardwood floor (this was not the only hard wood in this area.) You're surprised that he can support your weight all the way up your stairs until you're on your back with all your clothes off laying on your bed. 
He regards you with nothing but lust in his eyes as he stands at the bottom of the bed, completely clothed, just watching you. His intense glare has you closing your legs, trying to hide from his deadly glare, but he only grabs your ankles and forces your legs open. "Such a good girl, all wet for me already" 
You nod your head, hoping he'll do something. 
"Who are you wet for, Y/N?" He asks, his voice deeper than it usually was.
"Say my name, who are you wet for?"
"I am wet for Hoseok"
"Good girl" 
He climbs up onto the bed, his head stopping at your core, where he nips into the sensitive skin of your thighs. "So beautiful" he smiles, pressing a kiss to your clit, causing you to flinch away. Most of the men who you'd dated in the past would have needed a 100 step manual to find your clit, or a map (X marks the spot for an orgasm) the instant contact causes an unfiltered moan to escape your lips. Hoseok only hums, sending vibrations into your core. He's licking and slurping away, the sounds so vulgar you want to record them and keep them forever, his hands are on your ankles, holding your legs above you as he continues his attack on your pussy, licking one stripe straight though your folds and into your entrance. "Ohmygod" you manage to say, hardly even breathing, you were shocked to believe you were so close already, all because a man had put a moment of attention towards your clit. "Amclose" you breathe.
And you wish you hadn't said a thing, Hoseok pulls away, the wetness from you coating his chin. "You only get to cum when it's around my cock" 
"Please Hobi, please"
He chuckles again, pressing a few kisses to your stomach and chest, attacking your nipple for a moment before grabbing your waist and practically chucking you onto your stomach. This. This is what you needed. You lift your hips, as he unbuckles his belt, the sound of his zip being pulled down like music to your ears. You're looking around, watching his, not overly long (average), but thick cock escape its confinements as he pulls down his boxers, stepping out of them and kicking them somewhere in your room. The weight of him as he gets back onto the bed almost makes you orgasm in itself. "Are you ready for me?" He asks. 
You nod, "Yes, yes, yes, please"
"Such an eager slut" he sneers as he presses his cock to your folds, holding it at its base and running it up and down to hit your clit. You don't think you'll ever feel something as liberating as Hoseok entering you to the hilt, entering you until you're filled perfectly, his head hitting a sensitive spot inside of you. Him thrusting in and out until you're a moaning mess. You desperately want to watch him enter you, coated in your slick, but he grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing your head down into the pillow and using you as an anchor to push deeper. You're crying, stimulated so well. He changes his angle each time until he's hitting your g-spot with each hard thrust m, his balls slapping your clit. "You're doing so well for me, love"
"You feel so good" You manage to reply, and you realise he had been right earlier, all you could think about was Hoseok, his cock dragging through the ridges of your pussy, his body smothering yours, his hand in your hair and the restriction he had created in this position. You cum. It causes the world to blur at the edges of your vision, your eyes clamping shut as you shake, your toes clenching. Hoseok doesn't relent the whole time, and before you know it you're severely over stimulated moving into your next orgasm as you use your legs to help Hoseok push into you further. 
"I'm really close, love, but I need you to cum with me, okay" 
You nod, obeying him even though you weren't sure you physically could. That all changes when he releases your waist, using his now free hand to smack your left ass cheek, then kneading the flesh, before shaking the right, and doing the same. 
"Cum for me" he demands of you, and you're happy to obey as you again shake, you think you say his name, but your brain can't function past the way he was currently shooting warm fluid into you. It consumed you until you could no longer function, limp from an orgasm you never thought you could access so easily. 
"I told you-" Hoseok breathes, completely out of breath, soft inside your over sensitive, clenching pussy. "It's not you, it's the incompatible men"
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legendofmorons · 1 year
can i request for a oneshot of reader having a bad mood throughout the day (due to stress/overthinking thoughts) while time notices their bad mood but doesn't want to interfere because he doesn't want to make their mood worse but at the end of the day the reader goes to time and they open up to him about the negative thoughts they've been having while time listens and comforts them (romantic)
— 🐺
Bad day (Time)
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Of course! I'm always glad to do hurt/comfort things. And goodness this is an idea!
Pairing: Time x reader
Rating: T for cursing
Summary: When you have a bad day, you choose to see your boyfriend about it. He's supportive as always.
Warnings: None
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
You can admit you haven't been doing great lately. Between stress, questing with heroes, and your geneal unease about things, you're irritable.
The weather only makes it worse, gloomy drizzels have been happening all week. You can't get dry or warm. Your clothes cling to you uncomfortably thanks to the rains.
Despite your best efforts to be nice and to play it all off you know you're failing.
It's all a vicious loop that keeps getting worse.
You can feel Time watching you, he has been since last week. He's watching like he knows something is wrong but he dosen’t want to push.
You can't decide if thats annoying or sweet. But you're starting to think both is the answer.
After the shit show that was today, you sit yourself down by the fire, blanket draped over you shoulders to fend of the chill of the autumn air. The fire is starting to truly light and put out heat.
Thankfully, no one seems to interested in dragging you into a conversation. So you just allow yourself to get lost while watching the fire.
You hear more than see someone move to sit beside you. Based on the steps you'd guess it's Time.
He's got even and very quiet steps, but he makes sure to be heard around you and the others. He's very considerate like that.
When you look over you realize it's not Time though, it's Warriors.
Well shit. You really are out if it. Aren't you?
We're ignoring the fact that you're upset that it wasn't your boyfriend and instead focusing on whether or not you want to go see Time or if you want more space.
You decide after a moment that you do want to go see Time. Maybe he'll have some ideas? At least you'll get some affection.
So you nod to Warriors and push to your feet.
You look around, finding Time leaning against a tree a few feet away. He's polishing his shield.
You walk over to him, drawing the blanket tighter over your shoulders.
"Hello, (Y/n)."
"Hey Time." You say with the start if a smile gracing your face.
"How are you feeling? I know today had a lot of running."
"It was- okay I guess. I'm still kicking aren't I?"
Time frowns at your answer. He knows your beating around the bush. He just dosen’t know why.
"You don't have to talk about it.... but please don't pretend to be okay. I worry about you, dear."
You can feel your shoulders relax a little at that. Time is such a sweet heart. He's always so understanding!
"Okay. I'm sorry, Link. I'm just- stressed out and tired."
You watch his face go soft, his brow relaxes and his eyes start to get the look they always get around you.
You've never had someone lobe you so much you could genuinely see it in their eyes yourself. Sure others could see it- but for him to be so in love with you even you recognize it in his eyes? It always makes you melt.
"Is there a way I can help you?"
"Would- Would it be okay if I vent?"
"Of course, dearest. "
"Thanks." You say.
Time sets his shield aside and sits down, patting the spot beside him in invitation. He figures you've been on your feet long enough and that you more than deserve to sit for a while.
You sit down on his right, taking his hand in both of yours as you trace the knuckles and scars on it.
"So... I've been stressed... I'm worried about everyone back home. And what if I get us all killed? What if my family needs me and I'm not there?" You ask, worries falling out one after the other now that you've set them free.
You continue to vent, still tracing Time's hand. Your words grow more tired with each one but you keep talking.
You allow yourself to vent until you feel light. Until you've said everything and then even found worries you didn't know you had until you said them.
And Time? He just listens, occasionally nodding or throwing in an encouraging phrase. He doesn't push you or ask you to stop.
He wishes he could fix all of your problems, but he's more than happy to let you take space to vent. He knows how important that is.
Once you're done venting, you take a deep breath to re-center yourself.
Then you look to Time gently, finding him to be looking right back. "Thanks for listening. "
He smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I'll always listen to you, dear. You mean the world to me."
"I appreciate it. I love you, you know."
"I love you too."
"Good." You say, letting your head fall onto his shoulder gently.
You realize that you feel better. By a lot. You can't say it's all Time, but some of it certainly is. But venting definitely helped.
"You know, you're really good at taking care of others."
"Thanks." You say, but you get the feeling Time isn't done talking.
"You're allowed to take care of yourself too. I hope you remember that."
"I'll try."
"You have to take care of yourself too."
"I know."
"Can we just stay like this?"
"Of course, (Y/n)." Time says, removing his hand from yours.
He then wraps an arm around your shoulders, kissing the top of your head. "For what it's worth I think you're doing everything you can in all respects. I understand that you are stressed but I hope you know I believe you'll succeed. "
"Oh." You manage, his words sweet and unexpected. "Thank you."
"I'll be here for as long as you need me. Okay?"
"Okay. I'm here for you too."
"I know you are."
"You can rest you know, if you fall asleep I'll wake you for dinner."
"You don't have to tell me twice." You say with a smile.
You close your eyes, listening to the others talk, laugh, and move. But the whole time Time just whispers sweet things to you and occasionally calls you pet names.
It's nice.
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soupiiiie · 19 days
Living with Tyler Joseph
Word count: 1388
Genre: angsty-ish, some fluff
You knew who he was but desperately needed a place to live so when you saw his application for roommates, you pushed aside your fangirling and applied
You agreed to meet him in person so he could see what you were like for real and he really liked your personality
He let you move in the following week, agreeing to split the costs evenly
You had a TON of tøp merch and posters and had to hide them in a box so he wouldn't ever see them
You even had a tattoo of the bands symbol on your body but always covered it up
Tyler and you became really really close, that's when you started to develop feelings for him
He was always so nice and kind, you had tried going on dates with guys and whenever it ended up badly, he would immediately come to get you if he needed, and give you a ‘better date’ as he called it
He never really showed interest in you as a girlfriend but you were falling faster and faster with every day
One night, after a particularly bad date, he picked you up from the persons house and took you home, making you put on the matching pjs you got for Christmas from Josh and out on your favorite movie
“I don’t know why you keep going out with these, pardon my language, douchebags all the time. They never end up treating you right and you deserve to be treated like a princess.” He gave you a big hug and rocked back and forth.
He cared about you so much more than you knew. If it were his choice, he’d make sure you never looked at another guy ever again, only him. He wanted you to be his, but did not want to push you into the spotlight of being his girlfriend to the public
Tyler was under the assumption that you didn't know about his band / how famous he was
You sniffled and sighed “Ty… I think you should know something..” you started, nervous to tell him the secret you kept, “I know… about your band… I'm a fan actually.” you were so scared. Scared that he’d be mad, scared he’d tell you to pack your stuff and move out, scared that you would never see him again.
He silently stared at you, contemplating what to do next. He was angry that you never told him, he would have been okay with it. He didn't know if you’d put personal stuff on social media, or used him to gain clout amongst your peers. He didn't know how to feel.
He stood up and left. Left the apartment and drove to Josh’s place. He didn't want to talk to you right now after he had spent 6 months living with you. He knew it was stupid to be mad at you for being a fan, but he wished that for once, someone would want to be close to him just because. Not for his status, not for his fame or talents, just for being him. He felt used in a way
He explained everything to Josh, how he felt, what he wanted with you, what you were hiding. Everything. Josh told him to take some time to think and figure out what to do. So that's what he did.
You sat for what felt like forever on that couch, waiting for Tyler to come back. When you looked at the time, it was almost 3 in the morning so you decided he wasn’t coming home tonight and went to bed. Crying yourself to sleep.
When Tyler woke up, he had a terrible headache. He thought too much last night, it was almost 3 am when he finally fell asleep on Josh’s couch. He had come to a conclusion though. He was going to talk to you and hear your side. 
His feelings were still there, they wouldn’t go away that easily, but he was hesitant. Scared that you were only his friend and roommate because of who he was.
You woke up to the front door closing and footsteps approaching your room. There was a light knock on the door and you opened your eyes to see Tyler standing in the doorway, still in his matching pjs. 
“...Hi,” you whispered shakily, “I didn’t think you were ever coming back.” Your whole body was shaking. You didn’t know what he was going to say.
“I went to Josh’s to think… I need to ask you something first though.” You nodded, encouraging him to continue, “Did you accept the application because of who I am?” his hands were shaky as he held onto the foot of your bed frame.
You shook your head quickly, “No, I really needed to move out of my parents house, you know why, and you were the only person who accepted to meet me. I wanted to tell you but was scared that it would ruin my chance of having a place. I didn’t want to scare you away… I’m so sorry Tyler, I never meant to keep it from you, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t kick me out before I told you. I know its a shitty thing to do but… I was scared.” Tears started forming in your eyes as you looked up at him. It was true, you were going to tell him, you just didn’t know when.
He looked away and took a breath, letting what you said sink in, “I wouldn’t have kicked you out if you told me. I’m just hurt that you would hide such a big detail from me. I-I need you to promise me that you didn’t use me, or post anything personal about me on social media. I don’t want to just be your famous roommate. I want to be your friend.” He was scared of your answer.
“I promise Ty, I never told a soul that I live with you, not even my sister. I didn’t want to put your privacy in jeopardy.” It was true, you never told anyone, you respected him and his home that he so graciously opened to you.
Tyler let out a sigh of relief and glanced up at you, finally meeting your gaze.
You stared back at him and thought you might as well tell him everything. “I um.. I have a box of all of my twenty one pilots stuff hidden in my closet. I had to make sure you never saw it, or this,” You lifted the hem of your shirt to show the band symbol tattooed on your ribs with lyrics from one of their songs under it, “Your music helped me a lot through rough times and when I turned 18 I got this.” you lowered your shirt and waited for him to respond.
He smiled gently, “I’m glad we helped… Thank you for telling me. Thank you for not being  a crazy stalker.” he chuckled to himself.
“My pleasure,” you giggled lightly. 
He swooned at the sound of it deciding that it’s now or never that he told you, “well… since we’re confessing things, I um, I like you. More than a roommate, more than a friend. I think I’m in love with you.”
Your eyes widened, you had been waiting to hear those words since the first time he saved you from a terrible date. You crawled toward the end of your bed and sat up so you were eye to eye with him. No words were said, you just leaned in and kissed him. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you by your waist, kissing you back. When you pulled away, you smiled, “I think I’m in love with you too Ty.”
He smiled back and pulled you into a hug, “how about we order some food and finish that movie?” You nodded, “No more bad dates for you.”
You smiled and you both walked to the living room to watch your movie, you couldn't have been happier. He was finally yours, you were finally his. 
The smiles never left neither of your faces for the rest of the night. 
Bonus: - Later that night, Josh had texted Tyler how it went and he told him how you confessed to one another his only response was “FINALLY!”
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literatureloverx · 25 days
HIII<3 How have you been doing rn? Are you eating and drinking right? Getting a good sleep? (If not then please do🙏🙏, if you have a hard time to do them then try and make a schedule or a reminder to do it, it's helpful❤️❤️)
The MBTI post was something (in an amazing way obv🤩🤩) Like seriously the amount of work you did just to write them??? Augh truly you are god sent(=^^=). You're so smart, kind and pretty😍😍 that I can't help to turn into dazai and get on my knees and beg you to never ever dissappear. Speaking of that everyday I see myself in your blog re reading everything patiently waiting for the next post(this might come off as desperate I'm sorry😭) you've become a regular part of my life. Okay okay we've lost track I'm sorry, while reading the MBTI post I couldn't help but giggle and stuff cause I'm an INFP which is fyodor type. I'm so in love it's crazy. Istg if I didn't control myself I would've been broke from buying everything about this man.(currently reading white night and why do i find it so funny for some reason🤭🤭 maybe it's cause it's fyodor) and you are so right why is this man not real? How are we not right besides him drinking tea, reading or just simply doing anything? I love him and you😘❤️❤️
Also my baby ryunosuke akutagawa is there too🥺🥺 I can't wait to see more of him🤗🤗he deserves lots of love😔🥺
That chuuya nsfw post🤭🤭 seriously that was so nice to read. The way that this man is so other worldly handsome(... Yk his fictional... ). Of course that's not the only thing I like about him. His very smart mostly street smart which is something I don't really have. I admire his humanity . The way his back story was made and everything else about him??? Love it. He's a lot like my oc who i adore alot and I can't help but be sad over the way they're treated in their respective world. I just wanna dote on my babies🥺🥺😔 but alas.
That was a lot of yapping😭😭Anyway I hope you have or had a good day dear<3
You’re so adorable, 🧛🏻‍♀️🫀-anon!❤️
It’s so interesting that every single dominant Fi user seems to develop an obsession with me. I’m definitely sensing a pattern. I wonder why that is? Lmao.
Jokes aside, how did I not guess it? A vampire and a heart emoji (very Gothic Lolita-coded, if you ask me), the use of many emojis, the excitement in your tone, the sense of humor, the way you express yourself…it all makes so much more sense now. ♥️
And omg, the way you praise me is just 😍. I might actually faint. The most amazing compliment for me is being called smart/intelligent, so… I’m on my knees!
I could put my name on everything you said about Chuuya, and especially for Fyodor. That man is simply ethereal.
There are no words that wouldn’t fail to express and depict his greatness. He makes me talk like Shakespeare in a very obsessive and impulsive manner (which is not like me at all), and it’s not even funny anymore (I’m so in love).
This is me looking at Fyodor:
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helloalycia · 1 year
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moving on [three] // alicia clark
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summary: as you struggle to settle into your new home, Alicia tries her hardest to get to know you, and you certainly don't make it easy.
warning/s: none.
author's note: sorry for the delay in getting this part out! i’ve had a busy few days, but i do hope you enjoy it. This was one of my favourite parts to write :)
one / two / four / five / six / masterlist / wattpad
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I wasn't sure what my plan was for the late afternoon, but after finishing my chores for the day, I was walking back to my room when I saw Madison standing over a pile of wood. Her hands were on her hips as as she sighed, looking over at it. From what I could gather, she was building something.
I didn't intend to stop, but she looked up when she caught me passing by and called out to me. Not wanting to be rude, I approached her.
"You all good?" I asked when I stopped beside her
She smiled. "Yeah, are you free for a minute? I just need a hand carrying these planks over there." Pointing a thumb over her shoulder, she was referring to the small structure of a shed or room she was working on.
"Yeah, sure...," I answered, not wanting to leave her to it alone.
I kneeled down on one side, lifting the planks as she did the same on the other side. It was heavy and I was trying very hard not to get splinters as we carried it closer to the structure.
"Sorry, I should have given you gloves," she noticed when she saw me struggling. "Thanks for this, Y/N."
"It's okay," I said, and we left the wood on the ground. "Are you working on this by yourself? Shouldn't you have help?"
She snickered, slapping her hands on her jeans. "Well, my son was supposed to be giving me a hand, but he didn't show. Probably lost track of time."
"That's the one," she said with a sigh, though she was smiling. Then, she changed the subject as she squinted in the sun to look at me. "How are you anyway? I feel like I haven't seen you around much. You settling in okay?"
I don't know why I stumbled over my answer, again feeling like I needed to show a little more gratitude for all they'd done for me here and not how I was actually feeling. "I– yeah. Everybody is really nice and it's safe and–"
"It feels strange," she finished for me, practically reading my mind.
A little relieved she'd figured it out, I breathed out slowly and nodded. She wasn't judging, nor offended.
"It's gonna be hard, but you deserve a fresh start," she said, and she sounded just like Alicia. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. It should have annoyed me, their inherent optimism, but it was surprisingly refreshing to see them have such faith in this place, even if it was a little misplaced.
She added, "Hopefully this place can help you."
I pressed my lips together, unsure how to reply. I kept hearing that a lot lately, as if this stadium was supposed to be a magic solution to all of my problems. But it wouldn't bring back my sister, would it?
"I don't suppose you have some spare time to lend a hand, do you?" Madison asked, thankfully not pressing on the previous topic any further.
Of course, my plans were to go back to my room or mither the patrols to see if they'd heard anything, so I definitely did have some spare time. The last thing I wanted to do was stay here with Madison, but I couldn't be so rude to her, not when she'd only been polite to me. So, I nodded.
"Sure, but I don't really know much about building," I admitted.
"It's not hard at all, I'll talk you through it," she assured with a wave of her hand.
And she did just that. Aside from giving me the occasional instruction or helping me out with something, Madison wasn't much of a talker. Either that, or she suspected I wasn't in the mood. Either way, I appreciated it and found myself kind of enjoying the task of putting together this shed. That's what it was, she'd told me. A shed to store the gardening equipment.
It was hard work, especially considering I had zero building skills, but Madison was a patient teacher and we'd managed to finish the roof easily enough. As we were admiring our work, we heard someone call for Madison – there was only one girl who addressed her as 'mom', so I knew it was Alicia – and spun around. She was approaching us with two glasses of iced juice and a friendly smile on her face.
"You thirsty?" she asked, quirking a brow.
Madison accepted the glass with a grateful smile and I hesitantly did the same, a little curious to how she even knew I was here. Though I suppose it wouldn't have been hard to spot me.
"Thanks," I said, before taking a sip and damn, did it hit the spot.
She nodded, her smile permanent it seemed, and said, "Anytime."
I hadn't seen her since this morning when I'd left her at breakfast, admittedly a little rudely, so it was rather odd she was being so nice to me. Again, I was a little suspicious, still feeling like I needed to be on edge with everyone I met.
Unable to hold her polite gaze for much longer, I looked away and focused on sipping my drink.
"The shed looks like it's coming along great," Alicia noticed, nodding behind us.
Madison glanced over her shoulder before humming in agreement. "It is. No longer just a flimsy structure thanks to this one."
When they both looked to me, I realised she who she was talking about and blinked.
"Oh, er, it was nothing," I said awkwardly. "You needed help is all."
Madison chuckled. "You're too humble." She looked back to Alicia, continuing, "She could have easily said no, but she didn't and she's been very helpful. Unlike Nick who never bothered to show up."
Alicia tried not to laugh. "Mom, he's with Luci. He probably forgot."
Madison rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course he is."
"I mean, it looks like you got the help you needed," Alicia reasoned, before glancing at me. "Didn't peg you for a builder, Y/N."
"I'm not, but I didn't mind and your mum was quite the help," I said, before looking at the shed once more. Thoughtfully, I added, "If it happens to collapse, it's not my fault."
Madison laughed as Alicia cracked a smile, eyes twinkling in the sun. I'd never really taken notice of how pretty she was until that moment.
"Do you need any help, mom?" she asked Madison.
"I think I've got it from here," Madison assured her, before nodding to me. "Thanks again for the help, Y/N. I'll leave you to go clean up."
"No worries," I said, tossing my gloves to the side. "If you need a hand again, I don't mind. It was, er, actually kind of nice."
"I might just take you up on that," she replied with amusement.
I smiled a little, before finishing off my juice, to which Madison gladly took from my hand and offered to take back to the kitchen with her when she finished hers.
"Thanks for the drink," I said to Alicia, noticing she was still lingering, before walking away to go and find something new to put on.
I realised she was trailing after me, eventually falling into step, and glanced at her questioningly.
"Er, hi?" I said when she didn't speak, simply stared at me with curiosity.
"Are you okay?" she asked, as if she'd wanted to this whole time.
"Yeah... why?"
Pursing her lips, she looked ahead momentarily before saying, "This morning. It's just– you left all of a sudden and I worried I did something wrong."
I chewed the inside of my cheek, shaking my head. "You didn't. Nothing is wrong. Don't worry about it."
It was obvious she didn't believe me, but I wasn't too sure how I could say that I left because her relationship with her brother only reminded me of what I no longer had. No, couldn't say that.
Thankfully, she didn't press the matter further and instead changed the subject.
"Thanks for helping my mom back there. Nick isn't always the most reliable when it comes to stuff like this. If I'd known, I would have come sooner."
I shrugged. "It was no problem, like I said."
She hummed and didn't say anything else. We were still walking side by side and I wondered why she was still here.
"Er, do you need anything else?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She looked up, confused. "Huh?"
I glanced around, then back to her. "You're following me."
"Oh," she said suddenly, embarrassed. "Sorry. No. I'll go. Er, see you later."
I nodded slowly, watching as she walked away. Okay, maybe I was a little harsh, but she left me with more questions than answers. Surely she didn't help newbies settle in as much as she was with me, right? So, why was she so interested?
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Unfortunately for me, it stayed like that for a while. I hoped Alicia would get the hint and stay away from me, or she'd eventually understand that I was as settled as can be and just wanted to get through this new version of my life, but she didn't.
One thing I could say about the Clark girl was that she was as persistent as ever. Despite the clear signs that I wasn't much in the mood to hang out with anyone, let alone her, she was adamant on getting to know me better. It was nice sometimes, seeing her around and engaging in conversation, but I didn't love it. Not when I was still trying to figure out how to go about everything without Y/S/N.
Alicia's determination was admirable though, and I soon gave into it, deciding that part of my new life meant making new friends. And if somebody was quite literally offering up a friendship, why shouldn't I take it?
It was when she stopped by my room one evening when I realised how kind she was being to me and how horrible I was being in return. When I opened the door, I was surprised to find Alicia stood there considering I'd just seen her at dinner eating with her family a few tables away.
"Surprise!" she announced with a bright smile, holding a box in the air.
I furrowed my brows. "Hello to you too... what is it?"
She held it out to me. "Well, you mentioned that you liked a good puzzle, so look what I found?"
Looking down at the box, I accepted it from her grasp, certainly surprised. It was a landscape piece of a garden, loads of tiny pieces that meant it was extra hard, but those were my favourite ones. I'd mentioned it in passing the other week when she wouldn't leave me alone about favourite hobbies, but it was barely a comment, let alone something worthy of remembering. Yet, she'd remembered.
Touched, I began to smile and glanced up at her. She got this for me?
"Do you like it?" she asked, a smile on her lips but the nervousness showing in her eyes.
I was certain I'd never truly understand how someone could be this nice.
"Alicia, I... I love it," I told her, holding her gaze. "Nobody has ever, well, listened to me before."
She shrugged, smiling bashfully. "It wasn't hard to hear you. Besides, I just want you to feel comfortable here. I know it's been difficult for you and if a puzzle can make it a little easier, then so be it."
It was such a small thing to do in anyone else's eyes, but it wasn't to me. She'd gone out of her way to make this place feel like a home to me when it was anything but. She'd pestered me and followed me around and refused to take no for an answer, practically forcing me to live my life when I wasn't sure I wanted to. And I didn't know if it was because she felt like she had to due to the circumstances in which we met or if it was something she did for all the newbies, but I was wholeheartedly grateful.
Instinctively, I leaned forward and pulled her in for a hug.
"Oh, woah, okay," she said, surprised, before returning the hug.
"I never thanked you properly," I said when I pulled apart, eyes flickering between hers. "After you took me in and patched up my shoulder. I should have been more grateful."
"It wasn't all me," she said like it was nothing. "And don't worry about it. You've been through a lot. I wasn't expecting anything in return."
"It was your choice to help me," I reminded her, not wanting to let her dismiss her kind actions. "You decided to. Even when I was mean to you."
Her expression softened as she said, "Y/N, you'd just lost your sister."
I frowned. "Still."
She deserved all the credit, for putting up with me then and especially now.
Exhaling quietly, she said, "Well, I'm glad you decided to stay."
Again, did she say that to everyone who joined the stadium? Was it part of an unwritten script? I had no doubts she meant it, but I still didn't know what to say. Was I glad I decided to stay, too?
"Are you busy right now?" I asked suddenly.
She was understandably confused. "Huh?"
More nervous than I realised, I glanced down at the puzzle in my hands before raising it in the air. "I, er, could use an extra pair of eyes. If you're up for it."
It wouldn't make up for the many times I'd rejected her offers to hang out recently, but it was a start. And when she began to smile, I already felt my nerves dissipating.
"I can stay, but I'm warning you now – I don't usually have the patience for them."
I smiled a little, stepping to the side to let her in. "I'm sure I can teach you a thing or two."
She laughed in disbelief. "It'll be a miracle if so."
Closing the door behind her, I got us settled on the floor next to my bed, tossing some pillows and a blanket down for more comfort. We both leaned back against the side of the bed before starting the puzzle in front of us. It had been so long since I'd done one that I could barely contain my excitement, as lame as that sounded. Alicia must have noticed as she glanced over at me with amusement.
"I don't know why you love these things so much," she said as she tried to find some pieces. "I tried to as a kid, but I'd get so frustrated when I couldn't do it quickly enough. They take forever."
I shrugged, immediately searching for corner and edge pieces. "I don't know, it's just fun. I used to do them with Y/S/N as a kid. Our mum would give us one to keep us quiet and then it became my favourite thing." I smiled at the memory. "Then we grew up and Y/S/N began to hate them, but it stuck with me. Now it just reminds me of the time we'd spend together." Without meaning to, I began to frown. "Now more than ever, I guess."
I didn't mean to bring the mood down, but it was hard not to feel disheartened whenever I thought or spoke about Y/S/N.
"In my house, it was Monopoly," Alicia said, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked to her, watching as she focused on doing the puzzle, and she continued, "I'd play with Nick and my parents... It was something that, again, I didn't have much patience for. The games could last forever and I hated it." She smiled to herself, a nostalgic smile that was bittersweet. "But that's also why I loved it because it meant it would never end and I'd get to have more time with them."
I wasn't sure why she was telling me this, but it admittedly felt good to know that she trusted me with something so personal and meaningful.
"It's funny how parents would beg us for family time back then and now that's all we have, huh?" she asked, glancing at me, but she wasn't all that amused.
I hummed, watching as she looked down at the pieces in her hand, her smile fading a little. It was my fault we were suddenly reminiscing and I didn't want the rest of the evening to take such a turn, not when she'd done something so thoughtful to make me feel better.
"What piece did you play as?" I asked, hoping to cheer her up.
I nodded as I got back to the puzzle. "In Monopoly. What piece did you play as?"
She paused, then answered, "I always wanted to be the dog, but Nick always got to choose first, so I was stuck with the hat."
I cracked a smile. "Nice one."
"What about you?" she asked, glancing sideways.
I looked up, trying to remember because I hadn't been a huge Monopoly player, so it had been a while. "Er... I think I was the boot. That was one, right? Or am I totally making that up?"
She began to laugh quietly. "No, yeah, that was one. Interesting choice."
I raised an eyebrow, meeting her glance. "Interesting choice? Why does that feel like an insult?"
She shook her head, eyes bright with joy. "It's not. It's just–" She shrugged lightheartedly. "It's not one I would have picked."
Playfully offended, I said, "It's more original than the dog. I mean, a dog, Alicia? Really? Predictable much?"
"Hey, the dog was cute!" she insisted, laughing, and the room suddenly felt a lot brighter. "Besides, like I said, I never got to be the dog. I was stuck with the hat."
I fake pouted. "Aw, no, what a shame."
She rolled her eyes, unable to hide her smile, and slapped my knee gently. "Shut up."
My own smile crept back on my face as I watched her, gaze lingering for a few seconds because her happiness was contagious, her eyes lighting up briefly, complementing the pink on her cheeks.
We kept at the puzzle for a little longer, talking a lot more than I intended to. She was surprisingly very easy to let loose with, if you could call doing a puzzle and talking about stupid memories letting loose. I was enjoying it, more than ever now that I'd finally let go of my stubbornness and was giving this friendship a chance.
Just under a quarter of the puzzle had been completed when Alicia sighed dramatically, leaning back against the bed.
"How have we been here for literally–" she paused to check her watch, "–two hours and still got nothing?"
Tired, I too leaned back. "It's not always about completing it in one sitting, you know."
She narrowed her eyes my way. "It is. It really is."
I smiled at her honesty. "How about this? If you're so eager to see the finished result, why don't we work on it together? I won't touch the puzzle until we're both free to do it whenever we get the chance."
She didn't hesitate as she said, "You're on."
Chuckling at her mixed messages – did she like doing the puzzle or not? – I stood up and held out my hand. "Come on. Let's call it a night. I can tell you're tired and so am I."
She accepted my hand, letting me pull her up to her feet. After leading her to the door, I held her back for a moment longer.
"You okay?" she asked patiently.
I nodded, swallowing hard before locking eyes with her. "Thanks for tonight. The puzzle and staying here and– yeah. It helped a lot more than you know, Alicia."
She gave me a half smile. "It was my pleasure. Thanks for having me around. Even if I totally invited myself."
Trying not to laugh, I replied, "Right... well, goodnight, Alicia. See you tomorrow."
Smile softening, she nodded. "Goodnight, Y/N."
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Inviting Alicia to complete the puzzle with me was a very spur-of-the-moment decision and not one I regretted, but I definitely considered that she may have just agreed to be polite. So, when she stopped by the next evening, ready to do it, it was a pleasant surprise.
And as agreed, she'd stop by whenever she was free – which was coincidentally every night – and aid me in completing the puzzle. It was a routine we'd unintentionally developed for the week, her spending an hour or two at mine and the two of us chatting mindlessly as we worked. I half expected her to throw in the towel on the third night because of how frustrated and impatient she was getting, barely having made a dent.
I loved it, don't get me wrong. She'd scrunch her nose up adorably and glare at the pieces like it would magically transform into a complete puzzle, and it was very much amusing. But it was clear she hated it.
"You don't have to do this, you know," I reminded her, reigning in my smile in case it agitated her further.
She sighed, shaking her head, before straightening up with determination. "I want to finish it."
I had nothing to say to that – if she wanted to finish it, then so be it – and merely nodded before getting back to work.
Besides, I quite liked it when she came around, feeling more at ease than I expected. I got to know her more than I possibly could have in those evenings, and probably vice versa. There was something about the relaxing atmosphere, nighttime vibes and mildly tired mood that made it too easy to talk, to not be so angry or upset like I had been.
A week passed when we finally finished it, myself having the honour of putting in the last puzzle piece to complete the artwork. I grinned, admiring all of our hard work, but when I glanced over at Alicia, she only smiled.
"Oh, c'mon," I encouraged her, nudging her in the side slightly. "You've been dying to see it completed and now it is! I thought you'd be happier."
Her smile widened a little as she looked at the puzzle. "I am, it looks great."
I lifted a brow, knowing something was up. "Then what is it?"
She shrugged, her lips sealed as she continued to look at the puzzle. My eyes bore into the side of her face, hoping to get her attention.
She hesitated, as if deciding whether to share, before shrugging again. "I don't know. I guess I kind of liked that we hadn't finished it. That it was dragging out... It meant I got to talk to you more. Get to know you better. But now it's over, just like the Monopoly game."
I certainly wasn't expecting that, taken aback at her honesty. That and the fact that she was willing to trade her impatience just to get to know me better. I suppose I hadn't made it easy before, but her persistence made my heart warm.
"It's not the end," I told her gently. "I'm still here to talk to. And to hang out with."
She glanced at me, as if not believing me, and I couldn't help but smile.
Her own smile grew as she nodded, looking down.
"Maybe we can get another puzzle to do, who knows?" I joked, expecting her to protest, but she didn't.
"If that's what you want," she agreed, meeting my gaze.
"Or maybe you can pick what we do next," I continued, though I was touched that she would endure it all over again if I only asked. Nobody had ever been that nice to me before. "It's only fair."
She laughed, and all I could think about was how she'd made it fun for me to enjoy things again.
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6 months later...
"Okay, team, we all look great and I know we're gonna absolutely nail today. But even if we don't, it's all about having fun!" Alicia announced.
I glanced around at our team, consisting of a dozen or so residents of the stadium who had signed up to take part in today AKA the one year anniversary of the stadium's existence. Alicia had organised a day full of mini games and activities for everybody to take part in to celebrate the anniversary of everything her and her family had built. Those who wanted to take part did and the rest were either judges or our audience. The day would then be rounded off with a bonfire and barbecue. Honestly, Alicia had done an amazing job at planning everything.
In the opposing team to ours were Nick, Luciana and more residents of the stadium. The only reason I was taking part was because Alicia had practically forced me to, and since we'd become quite good friends over the past six months, I had no choice but to agree.
"We're gonna win!" someone shouted, and then everyone else hollered in agreement, making Alicia's smile widen because as much as she wanted to play the 'it's all about having fun' card, I knew she wanted to beat her brother.
A whistle blew, signalling the approach of the first challenge – an egg and spoon race, and everybody began to move over to the space we'd cleared out to conduct the challenges.
"I understand the matching shirts, I do, but was the face paint really necessary?" I asked Alicia, stopping by her side.
She looked at me excitedly. "Yes! It's all about the intimidation. We've gotta throw the other team off, don't we?"
I tried not to laugh, too busy admiring her commitment to today to tease her. That and she looked adorable with some black face paint swiped on her cheeks, accompanying the matching t-shirts she'd created for everyone that she was wearing. Like I said – committed.
It wasn't a surprise though, considering she was naturally a persistent and committed kind of person. If not with this, then with many other things like befriending me. After completing our first puzzle together, it became a fun activity for us to do every now and then. Either that or just hanging out with each other around chores. If she hadn't been so kind, I wouldn't have began to trust that she had no malicious intent and therefore given her the time of day. I was very glad I had.
I suppose trusting Alicia and growing closer to her contributed to the ease of settling in here at the stadium. It no longer felt like I was forced to stay, like it was my only choice. I began to talk to other residents more, actually enjoy the work I was doing. As time went on, I found myself worrying less about Y/S/N, no longer pestering patrol units about her or Jeremy. It was hard at first, but I'd accepted that she was gone and I needed to move on. So, even just standing here today, about to take part in a special day Alicia planned, was enough to make me truly appreciate my new life.
The competition began in no time, a few people from our team going against a few from the other in the egg and spoon race. And that was how it went for the rest of the day with numerous childish games that Alicia deemed appropriate for everyone involved, including but not limited to a short sprint, an egg and spoon race, a sack race and a tug of war.
Madison and Victor Strand, someone who had helped build this place with the Clarks and Luciana, were judges on a panel amongst a few other residents. They counted up the points, awaiting a winner.
I personally partook in a few activities, surprisingly winning a few, and annoyingly coming in last place in the three-legged race. Mostly because Alicia, my third leg, grew a bit too competitive, adamant on beating Nick who was in the lead.
"Alicia, you've gotta slow down, I can't keep up," I warned her, attempting to fall into stride with her, but she was taking the lead and marching forward, haphazardly dragging me along with her.
If she heard me, she didn't make it obvious. Instead, her eyes were glaring daggers into the back of her brother's head, clearly wanting to beat his first place positioning.
"Alicia!" I shouted, almost tripping over my own foot as I struggled to keep up.
"We're almost there, just move faster!" she encouraged, not listening, and I tried very hard to do just that, but she wasn't helping.
All it took was one too-big step from her to bring us tumbling to the ground with a harsh thud. Alicia took the brunt of it, myself landing right on top of her and our heads banging together like conkers, leaving me dizzy momentarily. There was laughing in the distance, no doubt Nick, and then cheers as he, I assumed, crossed the finish line.
Meanwhile, my vision was spinning as I groaned, attempting to push myself up.
"Shit, that hurt," Alicia muttered from beneath me, rubbing her head.
"It's almost like you should've listened to me when I said slow down," I couldn't help but reply, wincing at the mild throbbing at the front of my head.
She huffed quietly, knowing I was right, before her eyes opened and she looked at me. "Are you okay?"
"Are you?" I asked right back, pushing myself up a little more so I could see her better.
That was very much a mistake, as that was when I really took notice of how green her eyes were and the little golden flecks in them that could only be seen up close. They were actually quite beautiful. And I was suddenly distracted.
Oh, no.
"C'mon," she said, helping me sit up as she did, too.
We stayed sat on the ground, our ankles still tied together, and she was still sat too close to me, seemingly unbothered. I was unbothered too, for a second, and then she met my gaze again and lifted her hand to touch my forehead, and I suddenly forgot how to breathe.
"Sorry, Y/N," she said, smiling apologetically and dropping her hand.
I swallowed hard, hoping she didn't see me falter for a moment. It's not like I'd never noticed how pretty she was, but this was definitely the first time I'd acknowledged it. The first time I'd felt butterflies in my stomach at her attention.
Oh, no.
"No worries," I brushed her off, attempting to stand up.
I tried to push away any strange thoughts I had about the Clark girl and focused on getting us to the finish line, even if we finished in last place.
"You girls okay? You took quite the tumble," Naomi said to us, hiding a smile as she checked over us at the finish line.
"Totally my fault, but I'm good," Alicia answered with a slight smile, before glancing over at me. "Y/N?"
"I'm good, too," I assured Naomi. "Thanks."
She left us alone and I began to kneel down to untie Alicia and I's ankles. The only way to get over this odd feeling was to act normal, like I always did, so I tried to do that.
"Did you ever think that we might have won if you weren't so focused on your brother?" I asked, looking up at Alicia.
She was staring at Nick across the grass, eyes narrowed as he winked at her playfully, holding up his medal in a bragging manner.
"What?" She looked down, expression softening. "Sorry, yes, you're right. He just– he has to be good at everything, doesn't he?"
Once I finished untying our ankles, I stood up, smiling with amusement. "What happened to 'it's all about having fun'?"
"Do I not look like I'm having fun? Because I am. Totally am."
"Oh, yeah, you're having the best time right now," I played along, stifling my laughter. "Now quit pouting and c'mon. I need some water. I think your big head broke mine."
She scoffed, eyebrows raised. "Rude!"
"No, what's rude is almost killing me over a three-legged race," I said knowingly, before dodging her attempt to slap me on the arm.
I grinned making her roll her eyes, but a smile ghosted her lips too, and then the strange feeling came back.
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erxxi3 · 1 year
« Better Than He Ever Could.
Pairings: Older! Leon Kennedy x F! Reader
Genre: Smut w plot || Word Count: 9.5K
Sypnosis: You break up with your now ex-boyfriend and get together with someone who is a couple years older than you and he treats you better than anyone ever could, like a princess. He works as a officer or a federal agent. He is desperate to let him make you his in order to plan for a honeymoon to get married! :)
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It’s been months since you broke up with boyfriend and found someone new to replace him but every time you look at that manila folder full of papers, it brings back the memories. You were seeing someone who was a bit older than you, but what was his name again? Leon. Leon Kennedy, a officer probably a federal agent due to his looks. You weren’t entirely sure when this all started or where your relationship ended. It wasn’t like you had a problem with his job.
The fact was he did more for you than some other men ever would more than youd ex-boyfriend. But, there was definitely a age difference by couple years between the two of you. While your current relationship may have been good at times, you always felt a little bit out of place with Leon being an older man although it didn’t matter since he treated you well.
When you first met, he was one of those type of guys to spoil you and show you off, and even though he was an FBI agent, he never got too bossy. He knew you needed space and time away from work to think about how you feel about his life choices. He knew enough not to pressure you or pry into your thoughts too deeply so you could get things off your chest and process things.
The one thing that pissed you off all the time is the fact he calls you princess. He calls you “my darling” whenever you’re out in public with other people.
Why am I so uptight about this name?
Why is it that im easily wrapped around his finger?
Why do I want to be around a guy who will treat me better and give me the love I deserve?
And why does this stupid feeling keep popping up everytime i remember? It’s just a name. I can live without it. I’m over it anyways.
So why is my heart aching with so many emotions?
“Something bothering you, princess?” Leon said leaning against your door frame as you stared down the folder of paper in front of you, reading through every single one of them until you finally got sick of looking at it and threw the file on the floor behind you. Leon sighed and made his way over to where you sat. He leaned forward and rested his chin on your shoulder, “Take a break and don’t overwork yourself.” He murmured before planting a kiss on your cheek. His stubble tickled you as he moved back and rubbed your shoulders.
He was always trying to take care of you, always wanting to make sure you’re okay.
It was a little embarrassing honestly, you’ didn’t mind it though. In truth, you really liked it. “Just relax and let the paperwork sort itself out on its own.” he added.
“Yeah yeah.” You chuckled lightly. Leon smiled. He loved making you laugh and you loved seeing the happy smile appear on his face. It meant so much to see him happy. It always helped put a grin on your own face.
Leon walked over to your bedroom and came back after a minute with a bottle of water. He tossed it to you, “Here sweetheart, drink. It’ll help calm your nerves.”
“Thanks, babe.” You mumbled taking the bottle and drinking from the bottom before putting it aside. You turned towards him as you rested your head on his shoulder, “Did something happen today?” he asked softly running his fingers through your hair.
You shook your head, “Nothing big.” You shrugged and took another sip from your water bottle before laying your head back onto his shoulder. Your breath hovered over his collar bone as you looked up at him with your lips parted slightly.
Leon’s arms wrapped tightly around you and he pulled you closer to him. You sighed happily as your eyes closed, “Mmm..your arms are nice.” You said in a sleepy voice before letting your eyes fall shut.
Leon smirked, “My hands, they’re pretty cool too.” That earned you a giggle which sent a shiver down his spine. The sound of your laugh, it was music to his ears. “Hey…” Leon’s voice brought you out of your light doze, “What if we went on a vacation? Maybe somewhere warm?”
You looked at him with glistening eyes “Like a honeymoon…?” you whispered softly. Leon grinned and kissed the top of your head before resting it on your shoulder once more, “Yeah, like a honeymoon. We could get married on our next trip. What do you say?”
Your face lit up at the idea and Leon couldn’t help but chuckle at how adorable you acted. “Yes, please~” you whined playfully wrapping your arms around his waist. Leon chuckled again pulling you closer. “Now, now princess, no need for such dramatics. If you want to go on a honeymoon, we can start planning right now.” Leon said with finality, pressing his forehead to yours with his hand resting on the back of your neck.
“Let me take you…please let me make you mine.” He said desperately. You giggled lightly before nodding your head and kissing his cheek. “Of course.” You whispered before leaning up to steal a quick kiss. Leon grabbed your hand as soon as you pulled back.
Your fingers intertwined together and Leon lead you to the bed where he laid down so you straddled him. You rested your head on his shoulder and Leon gently stroked your hair. “This is my first time…” you murmured as the two of you began to undress each other. “Oh baby, I know. I’m gonna go slow okay, so we both can enjoy this experience?” Leon said reassuringly while rubbing circles into your hipbone as you removed your shirt and his.
He was holding you close to his bare chest, “I’ve wanted to have you since we first met. I want to savor this moment.” He whispered against your temple. “We won’t rush into anything, okay? Just...let us love each other. Let this last as long as possible.” You smiled lightly into his skin and nodded your head. ‘Yes, that sounds great…’ your mind echoed in reply.
Leon gently pushed himself up on his elbows and kissed your forehead tenderly before settling you in his lap.“Ready?” Leon questioned and you nodded your head smiling brightly at him. “Okay, hold tight then.” Leon said softly kissing your lips slowly. “I love you, Princess.” He said between kisses. “Always will.”
He slowly lifted you down onto his cock and moaned as soon as your slick pussy touched his throbbing shaft. Your head fell onto his shoulder as you tried to suppress a moan. You were already dripping wet, your juices soaking into Leon’s cock as you gripped his sides firmly. “God— your so fucking tight…” Leon groaned as his big hands held your hips. “….is it good to move now?” He questioned breathlessly. You smiled at him before nodding your head in response. Leon thrust forward pace quickening, he was going to fuck you dumb on his cock. “Fuck….fucking hell— I’m gonna cum inside ya…” he moaned.
“Le— Leon ah—!” You moaned his name, while gripping his shoulders as your hands went to his back your nails leaving scratches. “Thats right, princess. Keep moaning my name like that…” Leon continued to fuck you roughly against his hard length. You bit down on his shoulder and started moving faster on his cock, “Fuckkk… I’m coming, baby…” As your legs started to shake aggressively, your back arched up as your muscles spasmed around Leon’s cock.
“Oh fuck…I’m close.” Leon groaned as the last of his climax hit him deep inside you. He buried his face in your neck and kissed it before releasing himself in you one final time. “Fuckkk--I love you so damn much.” He said panting heavily and holding you tight as he tried to catch his breath.
“And haaah— I love you too…” You mumbled softly closing your eyes and nuzzling your nose into his neck before sighing contentedly. Leon kissed the side of your head and ran his fingers through your hair. “Are you tired?” he asked quietly. You nodded your head and yawned, “A little.”
“Alright, well, I think it’s time for bed, princess.” Leon said lifting you up and carrying you to the bathroom getting you cleaned up, then taken back to the bedroom where you changed into some comfortable clothes.
Once you were done, you crawled back into the large bed with Leon. He pulled you close to him spooning you with his arm draped lazily across you. His breathing had calmed significantly, you could tell because you felt his chest rising and falling beneath yours, and his heartbeat was calming. “Goodnight, babe.” Leon muttered drowsily. You hummed an acknowledgment in response and snuggled further into his chest, “Love you.” You said sleepily. “I love you too, sweetheart.” Leon replied with a soft smile. He pressed a gentle kiss against your forehead, “Sweet dreams.” He whispered and you let out a small sigh as you settled deeper into him.
The next morning
“Honey? Are you awake?” Leon questioned, poking your side lightly. You groaned a little but remained silent otherwise. “Y/n?” he spoke a little louder still poking your side, “Baby. Wake up.” You rolled over in his embrace and opened your eyes slowly. “Hm…” you hummed looking at him with half lidded eyes. “Can’t seem to remember what day it is anymore huh?” Leon laughed as he brushed your hair out of your face, “It’s Monday.”
He chuckled when you made a face, “Don’t worry baby, I don’t mind staying home today.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead, “Go back to sleep, alright?” He asked placing a soft kiss on your lips. “Promise me you'll stay here with me?” You pouted up at him with puppy dog eyes and his heart melted, “Of course I will, princess. No matter what happens I'll always stay.” You smiled at him happily before curling yourself closer to him and falling asleep. Leon watched your figure disappear behind the curtains of the door. He smiled as he turned over and placed a gentle kiss on top of your head, “I promise, sweetheart.”
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Les Caryl
Not wishful thinking. Not a ruse. Carol is coming back, and I’m grateful. Mainly, to Melissa McBride for everything she’s given us over the years and for everything she’s willing to give us in order to keep telling Carol’s story. It’s easy to see how much of her heart and soul has gone into this character, and I never want to take that for granted. We all have different reasons for loving Carol, but I think a lot of us draw inspiration from watching an underdog like her turn into the hero everybody needs. It’s been nice to see that mirrored in our fight over the past year to remind AMC how imperative she is to TWDU’s success. 
Whether you participated in blitzes, sent letters, spammed AMC’s/TWD’s social media accounts, or just kept Carol in the conversation on your own terms, you persevered just like she did and now you’re reaping the rewards just like she better will. It just goes to show that when people come together to support a female lead with as much talent and grace as Melissa, that and a little bit of hope can make a huge impact. 
For anyone who didn’t have hope or didn’t want to set themselves up for more disappointment, that’s more than fair. Maybe yesterday’s confirmation will give you something to look forward to again. Nothing is ever guaranteed, but if you find comfort in these characters, it’s perfectly okay to let yourself feel that too. Love what you love.
I know there are some who wanted Melissa to just walk away and leave Norman/AMC in the dust, but unlike Carol, she isn’t a fictional character. We aren’t entitled to her relationships with other people, so we just have to trust she knows how to navigate them on her own. Like I mentioned earlier, landing new roles comes with its own set of challenges regardless of one’s reputation or talent. Casting is a meat market and options for actresses over 35 are limited, especially when execs want to factor in their hair color (because how can they appeal to men 18-49 if they have gray hair 🙄) or their social media presence (because if they’re not active on Twitter, what audience will they bring 😑) All of this is to say, it’s perfectly reasonable for Melissa to choose another path, and no, it doesn’t mean she’s gritting her teeth while she does it. I’m comfortable believing she’s happy to co-lead Caryl’s show. I mean, you saw that smile, right?
I realize that at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to do right by someone we admire, which is tricky from our vantage point because it’s so easy to treat her like she belongs to us, and we have to keep reminding ourselves that she does not. I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, the intention of campaigning in Melissa’s name was to leave the door open for her to come back on her own terms. If she’s getting everything she wants, if she’s being treated with the respect she deserves, then that’s a win in my book. If this whole ordeal motivates AMC to create a better work environment for all their female talent/employees going forward, even better. 
I know this isn’t news, but I’m still going to hold off on watching the show until Carol comes back and if that sounds biased, let me stop you right there. Let’s put aside the BTS fuckery for a second. Let’s ignore the fact that Carol and Melissa are the ones who got the short end of the stick and need my support the most right now. Not only does S1 sound unappealing to me, it actually hurts too much to think about the ways Daryl’s character has been used for personal gain rather than story integrity, which pretty much guarantees a retcon no matter how long it lasts or how drastic it is. His growth over the past 12 years was some of the best I’ve seen on any show let alone TWD, and I want to preserve the version of him I was drawn to in the first place, the version three out of four showrunners actually took the time to nurture. This version. If it’s all just a marketing ploy, trying to target Carylers’ biggest fears to relieve them later, well, I can’t support that either. Caryl fans have been put through enough over the years, especially in the last season, and I think it’s wrong to try to manipulate them into settling (and paying) for less than what they really wanted. 
Do I think we can still get something worthwhile in S2? Yes. I just don’t want to risk torturing myself to get there. Anyone who’s read my blog for a long time knows I would generally give the show the benefit of the doubt because I assumed the payoff would come sooner or later. Needless to say, it didn’t. I know why it didn’t and I hope those issues have been properly dealt with, but if I want to maintain that Caryl/Carol are important for viewership, then I need to watch and subscribe for Caryl/Carol. If I want Melissa to get the pay hike she deserves, then I need to tune in when she’s on my screen, not before. I do trust her judgement for what it’s worth, and I want to look forward to S2 provided there are no irreparable damages beforehand and TPTB put their audience first, meaning they deliver on the promises they made.
The biggest promise, UNAMBIGUOUS CANON, is crucial for story integrity, character growth, and representation. It shouldn’t be a huge undertaking when the chemistry can practically write itself. Daryl and Carol never have nor ever will need gimmicks to keep me invested. 
While we wait for Caryl to reunite, I hope the fandom can start to heal and get back to spreading endless love for one of the greatest ships on television. I’ll never stop mourning the loss of the spinoff we were supposed to have, and part of me still hopes we can get it back someday. But I’ll hope for the best on the show we’re getting right now. Caryl deserve it, Melissa deserves it, and the fans deserve it. 
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m4xence · 2 months
𝓜𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱
Dottolisa smut 🧪🌹
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"Dottore, do you remember when you promised me that on my birthday I could do whatever I wanted with you?" Lisa leaned against the elder's shoulder.
"What are you planning, witch?" the man looked at his beloved.
"Relax, I won't hurt you," the brunette giggled. "Okay, maybe it'll hurt a little." After a moment, she pulled the mask off his face and connected their lips in a kiss.
The Doctor placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer. He gently pushed her against the desk, still not breaking the kiss. Lisa's hands slid under his shirt. He hissed as he felt her cold fingers brush the sensitive spots on his skin.
"Not so fast Dottore," she slipped her hands from under his shirt then grabbed his harness and pulled him closer. "Today we play as I want," she got up from the desk and then dragged him towards his bedroom.
When the door closed behind them, Lisa pushed Dottore onto the bed. The man bit his lower lip in excitement.
"Get undressed, I have something else to prepare," Lisa walked over to the nightstand next to the bed.
"I'd rather you undress me, Lisa~" The Doctor put the mask aside.
"What an impatient boy. You have to do it yourself today," the brunette opened a drawer and pushed aside a pair of harnesses.
Dottore, on the other hand, slowly began to unbutton his shirt. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at what Lisa was up to.
His eyes widened slightly when he saw that the brunette was holding a fake strap-on. It wasn't the first time they used a dildo. After all, Lisa loved having Dottore under complete control.
After a moment he took off his shirt. There was a bulge in his pants. Lisa placed a fake strap-on on the bed next to a small bottle of lube.
"Now be a good boy or you will be punished," Lisa sat on the man's lap as his penis twitched. The doctor can't stand the wait. He connected their lips in a passionate kiss and then slid the corset off her body. His fingers began to roam over her body. He tried to take off her underwear but immediately drew his hands back when he felt a gentle slap against the back of his body.
"What did I say, Dottore? You are a very naughty boy. Don't you think you deserve to be punished?" Lisa got up from his lap. "Bend over and take off your pants." 
The man muttered something under his breath and did as he was told. The brunette gently stroked his back. The doctor grunted in satisfaction. But then Lisa's hand slapped him hard on the ass. Dottore hissed and dug his nails into the sheets.
"Count to ten and maybe I'll forgive you further punishment," Lisa slapped the man's ass again.
"One.." Dottore bit his lower lip.
Her hand met his skin again.
With more spankings, Dottore's fingers gripped the sheets so tightly that his fingertips turned white.
"Good boy" Lisa praised him. "You'll hold out for me a little longer, won't you?"
The Doctor just nodded. His skin was getting redder and redder, and a trickle of sweat ran down his neck.
"Nine... A-ah~ "
The last slap was so hard that the Doctor almost came. Pre-cum flowed from his penis, staining the clean sheets. Dottore was breathing heavily as if he had just run a marathon.
"Good boy, very good." Lisa gently brushed her fingers across his back. "You deserve a little reward, don't you think?" the brunette pushed him more onto the bed. She spread his legs, and Dottore muttered something under his breath. She grabbed a bottle of lubricant and poured some onto her fingers. Then she gently slipped two fingers into his anus. The man moaned in pleasure.
"Relax more darling. You're too tight and I don't want to hurt you," Lisa whispered in his ear. She was especially nice to him today.
The doctor just grunted and relaxed his muscles. Lisa pushed her fingers deeper, and Dottore moaned again, louder this time. The brunette smiled as she found his g-spot so quickly.
The man moved his hips wanting more and more pleasure. But Lisa wasn't going to give him pleasure that easily. She stuck out her fingers, which made him growl in displeasure.
"Lisa, I was fucking close" he turned his head and looked into her green eyes.
"Zandik you've been so loud lately," the green-eyed girl leaned closer and slipped a strap-on into his hole.
The man moaned louder than he expected. The toy was much larger than the previous ones they had used. He felt a slight pain as Lisa pushed it even deeper. He dug his nails into the sheets and whimpered.
"You're such a good boy, Zandik. So good to your mistress," Lisa placed soft kisses on the back of his neck.
" A-ah~ Mommy~ " Dottore moaned softly and immediately bit his lower lip as he realized what he had just said.
"Oh? I didn't know you had a mommy kink, Zandik," the brunette laughed softly and gently brushed his chest digging her nails deeper into the skin near his sensitive nipples.
"I don't have a mommy kink!" growled Dottore, then turned his head to Lisa. However, when the girl thrust harder, the man moaned louder than before.
" Mommy, I'm begging you harder... Please don't stop~!" Dottore threw his head back in delight.
Lisa's hand slapped his ass again. They had barely started when the Second Harbinger had tears in his eyes from overstimulation. The dildo is so deep that Dottore feels the tip hit his g-spot. His moans and pleas for more are getting louder. Lisa is sure the guards can hear him even from a distance. She knew no one would question that unless someone had a death wish and wanted to become another lab rat. It will be worse when the other Harbingers hear it. They won't let the Doctor off that easily. They'll be teasing him for a couple of weeks.
" Mommy please fuck me harder~! " Dottore groaned as tears ran down his cheeks. Lisa pinned the man to the bed and began to move harder and faster. She wiped the tears from his cheeks and started kissing the back of his neck.
"Good boy," she purred praising him.
"Lisa... I'm close..." he moaned and tightened his fingers on the pillow.
The green-eyed woman slipped her hand between his legs and started stroking his cock. Shivers ran down his spine. His legs were trembling slightly. He wasn't sure if he could last even a minute.
"Cum for me, Dottore. You deserve it," Lisa sped up her movements.
Harbinger finally came moaning her name loudly. His cum stained the clean sheets. The man collapsed on the bed from exhaustion. He was breathing heavily and single tears ran down his cheeks. Lisa slowly slid the fake strap-on out of him. She put the toy aside and stroked Dottore's hair.
"Honey, get up, I have to clean the sheets," she wiped the tears from his cheeks.
"Not now..." he muttered before dropping the sheets to the floor. He pulled Lisa closer so that he could snuggle into her bare chest. The brunette smiled under her breath and started stroking his back. When Dottore wanted love and attention, he acted like a puppy.
"Tell anyone I called you mommy and you'll be my next lab rat," he murmured, snuggling against her bare breasts.
"Oh yeah, I forgot that the Second Harbinger doesn't like it when someone knows he likes to be pampered in bed." Lisa giggled before kissing the Doctor on the forehead.
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mr-writes · 1 year
so @akindofmagictoo asked for stories on my options in my hyper specific poll (which honestly i was expecting someone to ask some of them were very out there) so i’m gonna put them below the cut
1. i have had exactly three seizures
pretty much self explanatory. i have photosensitive epilepsy (which only 3% of epileptics have) so my seizures are triggered by flashing lights. the first seizure was in 2005 at my 7th grade halloween dance after the DJ put on some strobe lights (which he refused to turn off even though i was actively seizing). the second was 4 years later in 2009 when i was sixteen. i had just gotten my eyes dilated and the sunlight coming through the trees while i was in the car just hit me the wrong way. the third was 5 years later in 2014 two weeks before i turned 21. i was on a carnival ride that lied and said it didn’t have strobe lights. he refused to stop the ride. i got a concussion that time.
2. i have an unhealthy obsession with disney’s hercules
the year is 1997 and i am 4 years old. i watch a disney movie that has a character with the same name as me. i imprint on said movie and now 26 years later it is still 90% of my personality (forever bitter that disney doesn’t care about it because it didn’t make enough money)
3. i told an american idol winner to his face that he didn’t deserve to win
okay so it didn’t happen exactly like that but it’s close enough. i met kris allen before a free concert he was having at the navy base where my dad worked. i told him that i voted for adam lambert and this fucker’s response was “well i won” (which he shouldn’t have because adam only lost because he’s gay. anyway) i have not gotten over it and he is my nemesis
4. i do most things (including typing) with one hand
i have cerebral palsy on the right side of my body so my right hand doesn’t work so good. when i was little my mom called it my magic hand so i would use it more but i’m perfectly comfortable just using lefty for everything
5. daveed diggs once defended me against some dude who was being ableist
i saw hamilton on broadway in february of 2016. it was freezing cold but i went to the stage door after the show because obviously. (i also met christopher jackson and renee elise goldsberry. they were also very nice). this douche bag in front of me who had literally pushed his way to the front of the barrier literally would not let me through (like literally kept stepping in front of me blocking my path) because “you should’ve gotten here sooner. i’m saving this spot for my daughter because she got held up” (hypocrite much? also the daughter never showed up so i’m pretty sure he was lying. anyway) i said “i’m disabled and got here as fast as i could. and since clearly you don’t want to be here for yourself you should step aside and let others through” normally i wouldn’t pull the disabled card but this dude was a royal jackass. he then proceeded to step on me and at this point daveed was in front of us and heard/saw the whole thing so he took my phone and more or less shoved the guy out of the way so we could take a picture. he then completely ignored the man who was demanding a signature on his playbill for the daughter who doesn’t exist. i love him.
6. i don’t drink anything that has caffeine in it
self explanatory. threw that one in so people had something to vote for
7. i once got drunk, tripped, tore up my knee, and then went to the movies all bloody
yeah so basically i went out with my family and when we were going to walmart to buy candy to sneak into the movies i tripped over my own feet (a common occurrence for me) and went down hard in the parking lot. it shredded my jeans and tore up my knee. it was bleeding more than it normally would have since i was drunk so we bought some gauze and medical tape at walmart and i went to the movies like that. and yes my jeans had blood on them
8. i broke my arm and no one realized it until like 12 hours later
it was the summer of 2001 and i was 7 years old. i was riding my bike when i toppled over. my wrist hit the curb and then my handle bar hit my wrist. i insisted it was broken but i’m a dramatic little bitch and it was swollen or red or bruised or anything that would indicate an injury so my mom told me to brush it off. but i was still complaining about it at bedtime so she had me sleep on the couch so i was closer to her room. i rolled over on it at like midnight and screamed so loud neighbors came running. i had a hairline fracture on my wrist and never rode a bike again
and that concludes The Only Interesting Things That Have Happened To Me
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legendofmorons · 1 year
How to fall in love twice -Time Malon)- Part two
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Pairing: Time x Malon x reader
rating: g
Summary: As the second day at Lon Lon Ranch goes on you try to supress your feelings while Time and Malon try to fluster you. They also try to figure out how to get you to date them.
Warnings: None
Other: Let me know if I missed anything
The second morning at the farm dawns with the cuccos sounding the sun. For better or worse you rise on autopilot from summers spent on your grandparents farm. You dress quickly, leaving the barn with little more than a yawn and wave at the still dressing Twilight.
You make it to the house just in time to find Time starting the coffee.
“You’re so fucking awesome.” You say sleepily, biting back another yawn.
“You have some low standards then, (Y/n).”
“Look if I don’t get caffeine I get real bitchy.”
“I’m sure.”
“(Y/n)!” Malon calls, walking into he kitchen with a smile. “You’re up early.”
“Yeah.. Years of summer farm work.”
“Oh- another farmer!”
“Oh, not really. The work’s nice enough but I didn’t think I could be a doctor and a farmer so I had to stop going to the family farm."
"A doctor?"
"Yeah, there's a reason I'm good with blood."
"I see."
"Do you think waffles will be okay for breakfast?" Malon asks, leaning over Tkme to pluck a mug off the counter.
"Hm, probably. Why?"
"Just wanted to make sure you like them."
"Oh, I do. But you really don't need to worry about what food I like I'm not that picky."
"Don't start that," Time says, "There's enough food that you don't have to eat thongs you don't like."
"I know. Bit I don't ever want to make things hard for you either."
"You and those boys, so considerate."
"Haha, I try." You say, unsure how to respond.
How the hell is it considerate to have feelings for both members of a married couple?
At least you know you won't act on them.
"I'd wager that you're too considerate." Time says, "Putting yourself out to male sure others are happy."
"And if that's true?" You counter, ignoring the fact that it is true.
"Ypu should live for yourself more."
"Thank you. But I think it's best some thongs stay the way they are." You say quickly, really jot ready to get into what or why.
"If you say so." Malon says, "But don't let love be something you ignore."
"Me? Never." You lie with a laugh.
"I hope you mean that." Time says, and even with your own feelings put aside there's a gleam in his eye and a weight behind his words.
"Of course I do. If I find love I'd like to to be like what you and Malon have."
Why did you say that? Is that creepy?
Is it obvious?
"I'm sure you'll find that." Malon says with a smile, "You more than deserve it."
"Thank you."
You turn your gaze away from the couple and to the window where the boys can be seen trudging towards the house in various states of wakefulness.
Twilight waves at you, grinning in a way you don't like.
You wave back.
"Hey, (Y/n)? I have to go to town in two days, would you come with?" Malon asks, pouring coffee into a mug.
"Hm- oh. Sure!"
She smiles, passing a mug of coffee to Time.
Oh thats very domestic and sweet and you need to not dwell on that.
You need-
Malon passes you a mug of coffee, the ceramic your favorite color. "I'm not sure how you like it."
"That's okay, thank you for pouring it."
Time just watches, his gaze soft as he watches you and Malon interact. His mind supplying a future where the three of you take turns making coffee for the others and hold eachother in the mornings.
"Of course."
You set about fixing your cup the way you like, feeling far too domestic for your own good.
"Mornin' Malon, Old man." Twilight says as he walks in, "Have you seen- (Y/n)! There you are we were wondeirn' where you ran off too."
"Towards caffeine. "You say dryly, staring holes into Twilight as a warning.
"Isn't it rude to thirdwheel a married couple?" He asks, feigning curiosity.
"Not if the couple likes your company's!" Malon chimes in.
This does nothing to help you burry your feelings.
"It's not third wheelie if I came here solely for coffee."
"If you say so." Twilight says.
"(Y/n) is never a third wheel, they're always welcome." Time says evenly, as if this is a normal and not odd thing to say concerning someone intruding upon time with your wife.
"Old man must really like you." Wind says with a smile.
"I'm going to gather the eggs. And when I get back if you are still on this I'm kicking each of you." You say evenly, not neatly patient enough this morning to deal with teasing.
If the boys gave away your feelings, you'd actually die of embarrassment.
You take the basket on the counter and grab your mug before pushing past the group to go outside.
Your form retreating as you slurp down your coffee like it's nectar.
Time shakes his head, "They're so weird." He says softly to Malon.
"They're just being considerate. "She says with a smile.
"They're being-" Wind starts only to be elbowed by Sky.
"All right, if you boys can start feeding the animals, I'll start breakfast." Malon says with a nod to herself.
The boys share a look but leave again to do the assigned task, knowing they really don't want to make more work for Malon.
Malon and Time set about gathering the ingredients fir breakfast together, moving with ease that comes only from exposure.
"I know you've just met them... But I really think you'll love them like I do."
"I can see myself loving them." She says, "I really can."
"Can you see them being with us forever?"
"Mh- yeah. I think I can. But before that we have to figure out how to ask them on a date."
"And how to make sure they don't feel out of place."
"There's a good bit to do. But I'm hoping the trip to town with (Y/n) will help."
"They already have a crush on you, I'm almost sure of it. They seem nervous around you."
"Well can you blame them?"
"No. Godess no."
Malon smiles at her husband as she pulls down a large bowl, "Exactly. "
Time shakes his head as he grabs the waffle iron.
"You're ridiculous. "
"Maybe. But you love me."
"I really really do."
Malon looks out the window, and watches you with the cucoos. You seem genuinely at ease with the work. Mug resting on a bench by the coop.
You kneel by the egg collector, pulling eggs out and ignoring the birds as the circle you.
"You know... It's nice, watching you interact with them. And with Twilight. "
"Is it?"
"Yeah... I just know you're going to be a good dad- you're so good with all the boys."
"I hope so. Those boys- I worry for them."
"I know you do. And it's nice to see you and (Y/n) together, you both genuinely make eachother happy. They don't even know, do they?"
"I doubt it."
"Well we'll fix that. Do they like festivals?"
"I think so. Why?"
"There's the Lover's festival coming up in a few weeks, we could take them to that as a first date- they say it's good luck."
Time smiles softly, wrapping his arms around her from behind, "Do you think that's what Boney and Darling did?"
Malon laughs at the memory of the ever smitten couple, "Maybe."
"I like your idea. I was just gonna take them on a hike."
"Where’s your romance?"
"A hike to see the Great Deku tree."
"Ha!" Malon exclaims in suprise, "meeting the parents on a first date? No way."
"I met your father well before our first date."
"True. But that dosen’t count."
"I'll take your word for it."
After lunch you find yourself cleaning stalls out with Twilight and Wild- both very willing to tease you.
"You looked very cozy with the old man and Miss Malon." Wild says from the side, leaning on a pitchfork as if second nature.
"I was exhausted and they had coffee."
"You like them both." Wild says again.
"I do, they're great together and Time is a good friend."
"You know what he meant." Twilight crimes in.
"I don't want to deal with this. I just want to get over this whole thing."
"Good luck. You're down so bad you make cow eyes at 'em all the time." Twilight says with a knowing look.
"I wish I'd left you all in the lost woods. I'd have saved myself so much trouble."
"You love us!" Wild grins.
"I don't know why."
"You wound me." Twilight says with a glance at you.
"Can you help me win the bet?" Wild asks, leaning closer, "I bet that you would confess after a disaster and miscommunication."
"Nope. I bet on never, remember?"
"Spoil sport."
Twilight laughs, shaking his head as he pulls the old hay out of the stall.
You just go back to work, helping Twi much the stalls out. Though you're much more vicious about it.
You need toblet go of the feelings you have. They need to wither and die.
Which seems unlikely since fate keeps pushing you together. Not to mention how sweet Time can be. And Malon- well you doubt you're going to stop crushing on the woman.
You should probably go talk to Legend about a magical item. Though that's a whole new level of embarrassment you're not quite ready to subject yourself too.
Maybe Sky will have some advice. As one of the only Link's whose love life isn't a disaster he might have some honest advice.
Time is definitely not an option, even if he would have the best advice.
"Seriously, you should just tell them." Twilight says from beside you, disturbing your spiraling thoughts like the rude man he is.
"Ah yes, because that conversation would so well. I could just say 'hello Time and Malon, I have a big gay crush on both of you'."
"Yeah, just like that!" Twilight grins.
"I think I'd rather bare knuckle box Gannon than have that conversation. "
"Please don't. "
"Look man, I'm a force to be reckoned with. Gannon came looking for my cousin I smacked him with a rolling pin hard enough to knock his ass out."
"I know."
"If I can one hit KO gannon, I can suppress my feelings."
"Your choice. But I stand by what I said." Twilight says with a sigh.
"Then I choose not to."
"Is it a bad time to tell you Time wants you to help him with repairs tomorrow?" Wild asks, sounding far too pleased.
"He said he'd ask you after dinner."
Time is have a great day. His wife is at his side, and most of his day has been spent with her.
And! And! And you are here too. You fit so seamlessly into his life. You are just as bright a light as Malon.
Having you here has left him giddy and excited for a possible future where you never leave his life.
Where you and Malon and Time all wake up in each other's arms. Where ypu raise any kids together.
Where you're all three grey and still happy and in love.
He sees a new wedding for the three of you.
So yeah, after you go to town with Malon and get some one one one time with her he figures they'll talk to you and ask you on that first date.
Nothing can go wrong.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@rejectshumanity said: ♡ ♢ ☼ for the munday meme!
(what is this? an interrogation? come back with a warrant - open)
//hehe thank you <3 i'll put these under the cut b/c i never fucking shut up lmao
♡ What are your top five favorite things about yourself?
//how daaaare you make me be nice to myselffffff
no jokes aside <3 anyway.
i like that i'm generally a nice person! i think that it's important to be kind when you can, because there's enough darkness in the world. why not be kind when you have the chance?
... on another note, though, i'm really happy that i'm getting better at standing up for myself and handling conflict. because being kind is important, but sometimes you gotta be a bitch and that's life! i was rereading something i sent a friend years ago regarding a conflict i was having at the time, and i was astounded by it lmao like... oh my god. my dude. you have very good reasons to be upset and it's okay to say "i'm mad at this person" without adding a million disclaimers that it's probably not their fault!!
i genuinely think i'm *so* fucking funny, and for better or worse, you will certainly hear my jokes.
i'm a good listener. when people are having a hard time and need someone to talk to, i'm good at like... just offering a listening ear. i may not always have advice but i can generally listen and chat and help someone talk through it if that's what they need.
i don't like to judge people unless they give me very, very good reason to, especially if i don't know them. i try to assume ignorance more than i'll assume malice, though i'm also trying to get better at recognizing when the line between those can get a bit blurred haha.
♢ What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
//gimme that salted caramel <333 though honestly a long-time favorite is like. anything with cherries. that's the good shit.
☼ Who are your top five favorite fictional characters?
okay for the sake of not going on forever, i'll just list five characters that aren't muses of mine (at least not on this blog). because we all know mr jack townsend is number one but like. others deserve a shot. for fun, i'll also explain myself a bit :3c
dr. robert langdon - the da vinci code (and other dan brown books)
i was obsessed with these books a completely normal amount as a middle schooler (lying). something about this like... charming middle-aged professor who keeps finding himself in the middle of massive conspiracies usually related in some way to religion and frequently having his life put in danger? and saves the day by being a fucking nerd? what a dude!
arthur morgan - red dead redemption 2
if you were there for my rdr2 fixation (which most of you definitely weren't lmao) then uhhh yeah <3 genuinely i had a huge crush on this character and was so obsessed with him for so long. the yearning was out of control, folks. i do still have a lot of fondness for him, but tbh some not-so-fun interactions in the fandom really put me off of the whole series for a while. he still means a lot to me though!
rhys - tales from the borderlands
would it be exaggerating to say that rhys tftbl is the reason i'm trans? probably. but y'know something about him really resonated with me at a time when i was really going through some gender fuckery and trying to figure myself out. idk what it says about me that that shitty little twink helped me figure myself out a bit, but anyway.
evelyn mckinnon - accounts from a lonely broadcast station
had to list at least one woman lmao- but yeah i really love evelyn. she's such an incredibly written character and every time i reread (or. rather. re-listen to) the series i actually get a little choked up because her narrative is so *fascinating* and well-done to me. like wow we love a tragic cringefail woman who has to face her own mistakes and become better, not just for her own sake but for others'!!! and face the fact that her fuck-ups hurt more than just herself!!!
evelyn is one of the many characters i'm considering for the horror multimuse i talk about sometimes. and maybe i'll even let her stay a cis woman- i'm kidding ASDFJKL; but like. fr. we'll see.
charlie kelly - it's always sunny in philadelphia
honorable mention for the trashiest man i'm currently thinking about lmao- so i started watching iasip because i wanted to see the insanity for myself and. wow all of these characters are terrible. but god it's so fun to see them in action. and charlie is by far my favorite. he's illiterate. he drinks paint. he eats cat food for fun. he's an artist. he makes a living beating rats to death with a stick. he's a wet paper bag of a man. he's very deeply traumatized and doesn't realize it.
he's the perfect man.
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