#putting them in a glass case with a security system
elitehoe · 2 years
kennyomegamanx: "Did we just become best friends?!"
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suzukiblu · 2 months
"Lex Luthor's latest character flaw" poll winner, "deciding he wants grandbabies and giving Robin a cloning lab about it". Behold, a new WIP strikes!!
“What,” Tim says, staring blankly at the brightly-lit and airy sunroom full of very obvious cloning technology in the very expensive penthouse that Lex Luthor’s bodyguards just dragged a handcuffed Red Robin and Spoiler into after kidnapping them straight off patrol in the Diamond District in the middle of an active crisis situation with the League of Assassins and disabling all their tech and every single one of their trackers six and a half hours ago, down to the bastardized Kryptonian-tech ones in their back molars and two more in both of their suits that Tim didn’t even know existed, plus the one he put in Steph’s collar that she didn’t know existed. Babs is probably just about feral by now. Bruce is definitely feral by now. 
And Lex Luthor is drinking what appears to be a neon purple protein shake out of a rocks glass while sitting at a neatly-arranged desk in the center of the sunroom lab, looking idly bored and scrolling through whatever’s on his phone with his free hand. 
Alright then, Tim thinks carefully. 
“There you are, I was starting to wonder if I’d gotten al Ghul riled up for nothing,” Luthor says, barely glancing up from his tablet. 
“. . . which al Ghul,” Tim asks with wary dread. 
“All of them,” Luthor says, setting down his tablet to give him a pleasant smile. 
Well, now Tim knows why nobody’s dropped in a skylight to rescue them yet. And also why half of Gotham is currently on fire. 
“Uh,” Steph says, glancing around the sunroom lab. “So like, lead-lined glass in here, then, or . . . ?” 
“We’re in Connecticut, so no,” Luthor replies dismissively. “Anyway, the Boy Scout always gets suspicious of too much lead in one place. Which I personally find darling, since anyone in Metropolis without at least a lead-lined and soundproofed bedroom is essentially asking for Kryptonian voyeurs, whether intentionally or not on said Kryptonians’ parts. Also, privacy laws exist for a reason. As do patents, copyrights, attorney-client privilege, HIPAA . . .” 
“Connecticut?” Steph repeats incredulously. “What the frick is in Connecticut?” 
“Currently, us,” Luthor replies matter-of-factly. “Hope, Mercy, do me a favor and go check the security systems manually, just in case any invasive species of vermin have gotten into them. Also, yes, there is kryptonite, and no, there is actually much more than you’re theorizing.” 
“You have literally no idea how much kryptonite we’re theorizing,” Steph says as the bodyguards both leave with an affirming nod. Luthor gives her a pitying look, then turns his chair a few degrees towards Tim. Tim immediately expects the inevitable threat or ultimatum, and braces himself for–
“I’d apologize for all the fuss, but I don’t actually care about inconveniencing you and don’t see the point in pretending I ever would,” Luthor informs him. Tim stares blankly at him again. What is even happening right now? “Now then, what are your intentions in regards to ‘Supernova’, as I hear someone’s started calling himself now. ‘Themself’? I’m not sure if ‘Supernova’ is meant to be gender-affirming or more a ‘too old to stick with ‘Superboy’ but there are already three ‘Supermen’ active and the whole, you know, general stubborn individualism they’re so fond of. Or ‘he’s’ so fond of. Whichever."
Tim stares at him. 
“Is this supposed to be a trap for Supernova or a shovel talk for me?” he asks, because a) he’s not telling Lex Luthor anything about Kon’s gender or personal choices that Kon hasn’t publicly stated, and b) only Lex Luthor would actually kidnap two active vigilantes in the middle of a crisis he’d apparently pre-arranged to give a–well, no, Bruce would also do that, definitely. But this is not a Batman talk, either way. 
Batman’s “talks” all involve tests, for one thing, so actually so far this is an improvement. 
“It’s an engagement present,” Luthor says pleasantly. 
Tim’s brain crashes, then does the slowest reboot of his life. He’s recovered from concussions faster, he’s pretty sure. 
“They’re . . . not engaged, though?” Steph says skeptically. “Or, like, even dating?” 
“Red Robin’s commitment issues are his own problem, not mine. I’ve got a schedule to keep,” Luthor replies dismissively.
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traveler-at-heart · 1 year
Based on this post
WandaNat x Fem!SuperSoldier R
Nothing too serious, just silly stuff
Can you hear me calling Out your name? You know that I'm falling And I don't know what to say
Wanda hums along as she chops vegetables, glancing over at the casserole to check the water. As she moves over to get a pan, she feels a presence behind her.
“Hi there” you say and she blushes. Coming back from a training sesion, you’re desperate for some water so you reach behind her, trapping Wanda between your body and the countertop. “I’m sorry, I’m all sweaty and invading your space”
“It’s ok” she says, turning back to look at you. Her heart flutters with your half smile, as you finally take a glass and fill it with water. She misses your warmth instantly.
“Smells incredible” you comment, looking to the stove.
“Here” she offers you a taste and you let her feed you. Wanda’s eyes never leave your mouth, especially when you moan at the taste. “I made extra, in case you want some”
“Absolutely. Let me shower first and I’ll do the dishes, yes?”
“Ok” she nods, her hand dropping. Wanda’s too distracted to notice it is dangerously close to the fire, so she lets out a small whine as she jumps away from the heat.
“Come here” you inspect the small burn, and put her hand under the sink so the water helps with the pain. “Better?”
“I can also use magic”
“Well, maybe I wanted to hold your hand” you tease, and bring it to your lips. “There. I won’t be long”
“Yeah, ok”
Wanda smiles as you leave the room. She’s definitely asking you out soon.
“I’m almost done” Natasha mutters, inspecting the mess of wires.
“I’m not complaining” you say. She’s sitting on your shoulders, propped up to get a better look at the security system that was glitching.
Your hands are on her thighs. She’s pretty sure you don’t realize it, but from time to time you run them up and down her legs or squeeze when she seems frustrated with Tony’s stupid system.
Truth be told, she may have done it quicker if she had a ladder. You could be… distracting.
“You’re so tight” you say out of nowhere and she almost falls from your shoulders.
“I meant tense” you look up to meet her eyes.
“Don’t give me those puppy eyes” she complains, upset that you were able to get a reaction out of her. You always can.
“Can a super soldier give puppy eyes? I thought we were big and scary”
“You definitely can”
“What else have you noticed about me?”
Natasha continues to work quietly, and you figure she’s either angry or simply not in the mood to entertain you. Silence lingers for a few more minutes until she speaks again.
“You always smell like cinnamon”
“Do I?”
“Yes, even after the most physically demanding mission. The boys stink, even Barnes and Rogers”
“Thanks, I guess”
“If you tell anyone I said this I will deny it and kick your ass. And I’m all done here so you can put me down”
“Alright” you change your positions as if she weights nothing, but manage to carry her bridal style. Natasha glares, but your laugh is enough to hold her back.
“Since you worked so hard to fix this, why don’t I make you lunch and give you a nice massage, princess?”
She blushes at the pet name.
“Lead the way”
It’s movie night at the Compound. For the first time in months, the entire team is together, no urgent missions or new recruits to train.
Wanda keeps looking to the door, hoping you’ll join her on the couch.
Natasha is trying to be casual about it, but she is also waiting for you.
But minutes go by without any sign of you. Wanda has no choice but to make room for Vision and Natasha hoards a whole bowl of popcorn, feeling defeated.
“Are we missing anyone?” Steve looks around the room.
“Y/N” Wanda says too fast for Natasha’s liking.
“I believe she is out with a woman” Vision replies.
Wanda and Natasha speak at the same time. They look at Vision and then at each other. Wanda tilts her head and Natasha glares, daring her to do something.
“She said it was a special occassion. But I’m afraid I don’t know anything else. I sense you are both upset about it”
“I don’t care” Natasha turns to the screen, sinking in her seat.
Wanda lifts a finger and the movie starts, making it clear that she won’t answer any questions.
“What’s happening here?” Steve says and Bucky slaps his back.
“You really don’t wanna know”
You go back to the Compound a day later.
“Welcome back, Casanova” Sam says with a wicked grin.
“Y/L/N” Steve shows up a second later. “There’s a mission. Wanda and Natasha are joining you for an extraction”
“I’ll go get changed”
“Try not to piss them off any more” he warns, but seems too flustured to explain himself.
His words echo in your head while you get changed and step into the Quinjet. The last time you spoke with Wanda was during dinner; you left after your lunch with Natasha.
Why would they be upset?
“Hi, there” you greet both of them, but are met with silence. “Uh… you want me to fly the Quinjet?”
“No” is all Natasha says.
“Did I do something…?” you begin to ask, looking between both women. With a sudden shake, the Quinjet takes off and you fall to the back, hitting your head against the wall.
Wanda doesn’t ask if you’re ok. You figure it’s better to stay quiet for the rest of the ride.
“So what’s the plan?” you ask as Natasha lands, but both women ignore you and walk in different directions.
Damn it, what the fuck is going on? And who are you supposed to follow?
“Move” Natasha barks and you go after her.
“Six guards ahead” she warns you a second too late. You knock them down while Natasha stares, but still shoots a couple of widow bites and two of them land on your back.
“What the fuck, Nat?” you complain.
“My aim is really bad today”
“Bullshit, your aim is better when you’re pissed off”
“Why would I be pissed off?” she challenges you as more guards arrive.
“I have no idea”
“You think you can flirt with me and then go away with another woman?” she kicks a couple of guys, mainly on the balls. They don’t stand a chance against her sudden anger.
“What?! You mean yesterday when I left for my mother’s birthday party?”
“Huh?” the redhead turns to you, and misses the man that is sprinting straight towards her. You push her aside and crash against him, going through a glass wall.
“Asshole” you complain, making sure he’s unconscious. As you begin to stand up, you notice a shrad of glass sticking out of your abdomen. “Fucking great”
“Wait, don’t take it out” Natasha kneels next to you, but you pull it, groaning in pain.
“It will heal in a minute” you ease her. “Now, the other thing. Yes, I was flirting, but I didn’t think you’d like me back. Or Wanda for that matter. You’re both way out of my league”
“I’m sorry”
“It’s fine, really” you check to see the bleeding stopped and then stand up. “Let’s get the intel”
“Wanda, where are you?” Natasha calls through comms.
“Engaged in battle” the Sokovian says. “Would be nice to have some back up”
“I’ll go” you offer and Natasha nods, heading to the computer room.
“Hey, Wands, I’m he…” you greet and as soon as she sees you, red envelopes you. Wanda uses you as a wrecking ball to knock down five guys. “Ok, that was not nice”
She tilts her head and you feel your blood run cold as her eyes go red. You’re launched across the room to knock down more agents.
“Do you plan to use me like a boomerang every time there’s another enemy on sight?”
“Maybe” she says, shrugging her shoulders.
“I got the intel, let’s go” Natasha shows up, helping you up.
“Oh, I see, she managed to convince you she’s not bad”
“It’s all a missunderstanding” Natasha defends you.
“Oh, yeah, I bet it is” Wanda steps forward and you have to stand between them before they start fighting each other.
“Can we finish this back at the Compound, please?”
But they won’t stop arguing and you’re seriously considering just carrying both of them back to the jet.
You’re ready to do just that when a man throws grenades at you.
“Get down” you warn, pushing them away. You’re thrown back with the blast, feeling how your left arm, leg and a couple of ribs shatter.
That’s gonna take a little longer to heal.
“Y/N” Wanda floats to you, while Natasha covers her back and shoots at the guards. Each woman helps you up, and you jump on one leg to the jet.
“I’m ok” you reassure them as they set you down. “The bones are healing. It’s just a bit… uncomfortable”
“I’m sorry… for the way I acted” Wanda looks between both of you. Natasha sets the jet on autopilot and walks to you, arching her eyebrows.
“I can’t really blame Wanda, Y/N. You were being a tease after all” she says with a playful smirk. “What I’d like to know is how you’ll make it up to us now”
“Well" you smile in spite of the pain. "I can think of a few ways”
Steve knocks on your door.
“Rogers” you open, barely showing your face.
“You ok? I heard you had a rough time during the mission”
“It’s fine. You know how it is. We’re fast healers”
“That’s not exactly what I meant. It seems like you upset Wanda and Natasha. Whatever it is you did, I hope you find a way to fix it”
“She did” Natasha opens the door wider, wearing one of your shirts. “Thank you for your concern, Steve”
“Get back to bed” Wanda calls and Steve blushes.
“Is there anything else?” Natasha says and he looks to the ceiling.
“Good. If you’ll excuse us” she shuts the door in his face and pushes you against the bedroom wall.
“Have I told you I’m really sorry?” you say, mildly scared and very turned on. Natasha pushes you to the floor until you’re on your knees. Wanda follows your every move with eager eyes.
“Yes. But one more time couldn’t hurt”
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
skz with a 9th member who grew up in england so sometimes they use slang they dont understand or sometimes their british accent gets really strong when theyre tired or drunk and the boys think its funny.
it's a brit thing
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: swearing, alcohol mentions
word count: 1.2k
summary: the boys find it hard to understand their british member a lot of the time...
Hi! Sorry for such a late response to your ask! Loved writing this one! Love to my fellow British Stays. Also I love a Yorkshire accent, just putting that out there haha...
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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aka five times the real brit in y/n appeared
1) tired
You were tired, so tired. After a long flight back from LA to Seoul, all you wanted to do was get back to the dorms and go to sleep. Just simply get out of the airport, get into the cars, and listen to some music before ultimately entering a calm, unconscious state.
Yet with the experience of the paparazzi and screaming fans awaiting you, your plans were ruined. They swarmed you, and even as you formed your usual chain amongst the rest of the members and your security it didn't stop the flash of the cameras blaring in your face and fans getting too handsy.
Other times it would overwhelm you but this time it was just annoying. You would say you were just agitated, but the boys thought you were grumpy.
"Oh no, she's grumpy," Seungmin teased from beside you as you squeezed into the back between him and Changbin.
"Fucking twats the lot of them," you grunted in English, digging through your backpack for your airpods as your northern British accent came out.
"That wasn't Korean but I'm not entirely sure that was English either..." Changbin said with wide eyes, only vaguely recognising the swear word and nothing else.
"Chan can you translate?" Jeongin asked curiously, watching as you entered a calmer state when you started playing music.
"Basically she's annoyed at the paps and fans," Chan laughed after translating what you said.
"T-twateu?" Jeongin tested out, and your music just happened to go silent before changing to the next song, meaning you heard what he said.
"You what?!?"
2) vlive
It was time for your bimonthly vlive, which Stays managed to guess when you'd go live, getting used to your system of interacting with them.
"There aren't really a lot of British idols out there, are there?" you chatted with the fans, face near the screen as your eyes squinted to read the comments, forgetting to wear your glasses.
"Haha! Yes Han is our honorary British member," you laughed as you read the comments, hand going over your mouth.
"Wait doesn't Jennie from Blackpink speak with a British accent?" you double checked you theory with the fans, letting out a successful cheer when they confirmed your thoughts.
"Yes!!! Up the Brits! There are too many Aussies I swear..."
"Teach us some British phrases? Okay hmmm, what can I teach my Stays?" you wondered, tapping your chin comically.
"You can say 'I'm gutted', which means you're really upset about something, like you're so sad you feel it in your gut. Or, 'I'm knackered', which means you're tired. Or you're 'pissed off', which means you're angry," you explained to the Stays, frowning when they started saying you sweared on vlive, the staff now staring at you awkwardly.
"Ani, ani, no, no," you pointed to the camera, fake scolding the fans, "I don't think it's swearing, right?"
3) drunk
You and the boys had been out drinking, celebrating the promotions for Case 143. And let's just say, you had a few too many, at least you weren't the only one.
"I'm fucking hammered mate," you slurred, stumbling into Minho who wrinkled his nose at your alcohol breath as all 8 of you walked home from the bar.
"Hammered?" Han asked curiously, his doe eyes somehow more apparent in his intoxicated state.
"Like tkk tkk?" Hyunjin tested, pretending to hammer a nail as he recognised the tool name.
"I'm trollied, I'm so out of it, mate," you giggled, facepalming yourself, well, you thought you did and then realised you accidentally smacked Felix in the face, collapsing on the ground in a fit of giggles.
"Y/Nnie, get uppppp," Felix groaned, rubbing his face drunkenly as he tried to pull you up.
"She's speaking nonsense," Jeongin said with wide eyes.
"Not until you can understand me," you poked Felix in the chest with each word.
"Yah, you're so touchy tonight, Y/N," Changbin laughed at your slow yet somehow affectionate movements as he and Chan lifted you up, you clinging onto their arms for balance.
"That makes me sound so noncey," it was your turn to wrinkle your nose.
"No one can understand you right now, and we are fluent in English," Chan laughed as he supported most of your weight and gestured to Felix next to him.
"I'm too wankered," you groan, now feeling the headache set in and just wanting to be in bed.
"Woah, what did she say?" Seungmin pulled a confused face, his features scrunching up.
"She's uncontrollable," Minho said bemusedly.
4) school memories
In a new episode of SKZ Code, they were all back to school, dressed in different school uniforms.
"Why is Y/N's uniform so different?" Han pointed out.
"It's cute, though," Hyunjin cooed.
"This is what we'd wear," you do a cute spin in your dark green checkered dress, white socks, dolly shoes and bows in your hair. Of course, you wore a green cardigan with it, representing the colour of the uniform designated by your primary school.
Then you went onto other school experiences, and the boys were interested to hear about how yours differed.
"And then, around Easter time, we'd sing a song like this. 'One mother hen sat on four little eggs'," you began singing, doing actions alongside that you remember being taught by your teachers.
"'Keeping them warm in her little egg nest, then one day she heard a crack!'" you widened your eyes as you mimicked the egg cracking with your hands, the boys giggled at this.
"'And a little voice said as the egg was hatched... I'm a spring chicken! I'm yellow and small...'" you sang the song, the mood becoming more joyful as the boys clapped in time for you and you stood doing the actions.
"'Chicken, I'm a chicken! And I'm having a ball!'" you excitedly finished, a big grin present on your face as you flapped your 'wings'.
"Wahh, that's too cute, surely?" Changbin thought it was adorable, copying the last line.
"Maybe Y/N should replace Bbokari!" Lee Know smirked.
"No!" Felix yelled out laughing, hand over his heart.
You carried on reflecting on your experiences.
"Or at our schools we'd be sorted into different coloured houses," you informed everyone.
"Harry Potter! Harry Potter!" Seungmin cheered.
"Woah, so you went to Hogwarts?" Jeongin gasped, a playful look on his face.
"No, I was in yellow house," you I formed, folding your arms.
"Hufflepuff!" Chan pointed at you.
"Noooo," you shook your head, gosh, how did you deal with them on a daily basis?
5) accent
Y/N was on the phone, talking to her friends from back home.
"The British accent really is... woah," Felix whispered to Hyunjin who nodded.
"So pretty," he added on.
"It's kinda, sexy?" Han wiggled his eyebrows, trying to copy what you were saying.
Ah yes, the Y/N simp line, back at it again.
This was all caught on a SKZ talker, and British stays had a field day with it in the comments.
Why is it so funny that the boys think a broad Yorkshire accent is sexy
The boys think it sounds pretty? I'm flying to Seoul rn brb or maybe not
I just googled how to be Y/N
Y/N got bitches but no one here notices me and we literally sound the same lmao, tough times
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain
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fairlyang · 9 months
Kitty 🕷️
you've never had anyone able to stop you when doing crime, until now
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w/c: 5K
pairing: miguel o’hara x blackcat!reader
tags: 18+ smut. stealing, getting caught, chasing, flirting, teasing, falling into temptation, exhibitionism, making out, fingering, blowjob, back blown out, choking, unprotected sex
notes: my fav fics bc I LOVE black cat she’s so hot and I learned sm about her when I was researching
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The notorious Black Cat of New York, loved all things shiny, kicking ass, and using her seducing skills to the best of her ability when needed. Never exactly aiming to have turned out like her father but what can one do when kidnapped by Kingpin and are forcibly meant to be his Guinea pig?
Getting created to be a super soldier that was also a seductress? What else would this have led to?
On the bright side who else was able to rob banks and also be able to stop other criminals from doing so before she gets to hit them herself? None other than yourself, of course.
Obviously no one was able to stop the infamous Black Cat or retrieve all the things she'd steal. The cops were completely and utterly useless, slow and dumb. So you always got away and were able to profit off all the high end jewelry you'd steal.
You were going to hit up a jewelry store, to steal a few brand new diamonds for yourself. In your oh so casual Black Cat attire that consisted of a black spandex suit with the matching mask covering your eyes, along with the realistic long silver wig.
You were somewhat unrecognizable, but it wasn't like anyone from your personal life was gonna be robbing banks or jewelry stores. There'd be no reason for anyone in your life to see you when you were doing Black Cat activities.
And with no one to stop you, you were golden. Or were you?
I quickly turned off the security system in the jewelry store from the alley right next to it, I grabbed my bag of goodies and I hid my special tablet behind some trash before quickly going inside by the side door. It was vacant, as expected.
I went to the back of the store and look at the cases with the newest necklaces and rings embedded with shiny diamonds. I trail a finger along the glass and look down at the casing filled with only diamond rings.
I walked along the back of the store, looking at everything, the shiniest of rings and earrings until I spotted the most gorgeous necklace.
Filled with diamonds shaped like flower petals all along the neckline with a leaf shape hanging down with more diamonds around the shape, with a red ruby sitting perfectly right in the middle of it. My eyes flicker with admiration and want, I needed it.
I take my bag off from my shoulder and place it on the floor quickly opening it to grab something to open it. Then I stop and stand up walking to the back of the case and scoff. The key.
What kind of dumbasses leave the fucking key out?
I shrug and roll my eyes unlocking the little door and take the necklace out carefully. No alarm.
Odd but I'm not gonna question it.
I close the case and walk back to my bag and stuff it in one of its pockets then zip it up. I pick it up putting the strap back on my shoulder and walk around the store, stopping when something caught my eye.
I walk over to it and chuckle. How ironic... a gold necklace with a cat hanging out and yet another red ruby being held by it's little collar.
How could I not?
I grab a small tool with a pointy end and walk to the back of the counter. I kneel down and quickly unlock the little door and in just a few seconds it clicks open. I slide the door open and grab the necklace admiring the pretty ruby.
I stand up and grab a few other pieces then walk around the counter and back to my bag. I put them all in another pocket carefully then close it shut.
I wrap my bag around my shoulders and head towards the side door, not really wanting anything else. I open the door and close it quietly before making my way to pick up my tablet from where I left it.
Sure enough it was there and I quickly turned the security system back on before climbing on top of the roof.
I walk along the edge of the roof looking at the view, admiring all the buildings and the glowing moon right above them. I jumped off roof to roof for about half an hour, staring out, as I make my way home.
I was hopping off rooftops while admiring the moonlight and feeling the nice cold breeze. I was one block away from my apartment building when I heard a loud thump behind me. I quickly withdraw my claws and turn around, ready to pounce but I look up and see a huge man in front of me, in some kind of superhero suit? "And who might you be?" I ask, looking at the mysterious man up and down. Damn....
"That doesn't concern you." He snarls and I lift my hands up in fake defense.
"Okay sensitive-" I say and snicker.
"Shut up-"
"Okay well if it doesn't concern me then I'll just be on my way." I say and turn to walk away but his hand quickly grips my shoulder and turns me back around.
His hand then went to my back and some talons appeared out of his arms and he brought one up to my neck. I raised an eyebrow and chuckle, "ah so that's how this is gonna be...."
He's about to say something when I quickly shove him off me and lift my knee up to his crotch, hitting him hard, he groans and his grip on me loosened giving me a chance to quickly escape. I push him off me and make a run for it, jumping onto the next roof while he curses under his breath before I soon heard him land on the same rooftop, but I was about to jump to the next one already.
"Shit-" I curse under my breath and run as fast as I could and jump on the absolute last bit of every rooftop.
Suddenly I feel something wrap around my body, I look down, widening my eyes looking at some kind of red rope and the stranger pulling it making me step towards him. I groan and roll my eyes, "this isn't very nice y'know..."
"Good, it's not meant to be." He mutters walking to me and quickly grabs the straps of my bag, slipping it off my shoulders making me growl.
"Cute, you think you can tell me what to do." He says, his tone cocky. The nerve.
I shut my eyes and slowly cut through a piece of the rope with my claws, I did it as slowly as I can to not alert him in anyway, let him have his little victory before I snatch my things back and go home. "So who are you?" I ask, annoyed and wanting to fill the silence.
He unzips my bag in front of me and takes out the flower petal diamond necklace first, I bite my lip and roll my eyes. Oh how badly I wanted to just claw my way out of this-
But no, not yet..
"Ah so the little cat likes diamonds huh?" He tuts making me smirk.
"Only girl's best friend." I say and pout, "and you're still gonna take 'em away from me?"
"'Course," he starts then grins, "don't think you can play me with your little games and antics, kitty I'm not gonna fall for it." He says looking at me sternly.
I smirk and shrug, "Every man has his own weak point."
He scoffs and shakes his head, "You're unbelievable."
"Unbelievably irresistible?" I say in a soft voice making him chuckle.
"You just don't stop do you?" He mutters and looks at what else is in my bag.
He pulls out my tablet and I bite my lip, cutting through another piece of rope. He holds it up to me and I just smile, "find anything you like?"
He shakes his head in disbelief and mutters something unintelligible and I just flutter my lashes at him, just gotta keep him distracted for as long as I can.
He's definitely not a cop, some kind of superhero? Like those corny movies? I shake my thoughts away and cut through another piece.
Just a few more and I'll be able to wiggle out...
"So stranger you're not gonna introduce yourself? Don't you have any manners?" I tease and smirk when he rolls his eyes.
He sighs and puts everything back where he found it, zipping every pocket and swings the straps over his shoulder. My eyes make their way to my bag but then land on his body. Jesus his biceps- broad shoulders- holy fuck the way he'd look so good on top-
"Spiderman." He says abruptly interrupting my thoughts.
"What?" I say and blink, confused.
"Names Spiderman." He says and I chuckle.
"I'm sorry-" I say and laugh, "like a tarantula spider?" I ask and he nods.
"What were you bit by a spider?" I joke and laugh.
He shakes his head and smirks through his mask. Hmm wonder what he looks like-
"I wasn't but others were." He says nonchalantly and I just raise an eyebrow.
"Okay... well that's... something." I say still confused and shrug.
My claws cut through another two pieces and I sigh, "well Spiderman, it was nice meeting you but I really gotta head home."
He raises an eyebrow at me and with a singular pull on the ropes they all fell to the floor, he looked at me mouth agape and shocked. "Would really love to stay and chat but I'm not really in the mood to seduce my way out tonight." I say casually and shrug.
I withdraw my own talons pointing it to his chest only lightly grazing his suit, and quickly take my bag off him and wrap it across my shoulder. I trace along his collarbone slowly while staring at his masked eyes, "but maybe we can do that in the future." I whisper giving him a wink, before quickly running to the edge and jump off the roof.
I landed on a set of stairs of the random apartment building we were on top of, I quickly hop off the side of them and slide down a pipe before sprinting down the alley and running towards my apartment.
I somehow made it without being followed, I made it to side of the building since it was on a corner. I unzipped my bag and took out a jacket before quickly putting it on and zipping it up. I take off my mask and stuff it in my pocket then grab my keys and go through the front door.
I walk towards the elevator and press the button and it immediately opens up. I walk in and press the button to my floor and it moves up. I sigh and lean against the wall, and not a single scratch on me.
It dinged and I quickly walk out and turn to the right, walking towards my apartment. I unlock the door, walking in and place the bag on the floor carefully before closing the door and putting the two locks on them. Another successful robbery.
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And thus the Black Cat finally had someone worthy of being able to capture her. Sure it wasn't completely successful on Spiderman's behalf but it was the closest anyone has even gotten.
That robbery wasn't your first of almost getting caught, if anything it was the start of a long lasting game of cat and mouse.
Sometimes he'd go easy on you. Sometimes you wouldn't try so hard to escape. But every time, both of you would keep your interactions going for as long as you could, not getting enough of each other.
Both feeling the upmost attraction to one another but Spiderman doesn't want to fall into temptation while Black Cat continues to press on.
The thrill of it all being almost too much for both parties, but neither could help but want to continue this back and forth game.
Will Black Cat continue to press on or give up?
Will Spiderman stay strong or fall into his deepest desires?
"Spider! So glad you could make it tonight!" I say enthusiastically looking up at my new favorite person to stumble upon when I'm out stealing.
"Well I can't just let you steal more now can I, kitty?" He says looking down at me.
I bite my lip and can't help but admire his body again, like I do every time. just completely ignoring what he said. "You look good Spidey, have you been working out recently?" I ask as I place my bag down on the floor of the roof we were on.
"Maybe a bit." He says and gets off the edge of the roof and steps in front of me, still holding my gaze.
"Getting prettier kitty?" He says taking another step closer to me as I smile.
"Just for you." I whisper and quickly wrapping my arms behind his neck and lean up.
I felt his breath on my lips as I looked into his masked eyes, curiosity getting the best of me as I bring a hand to his neck and grabbing on the end of his mask slowly bringing it up. He instantly brings a hand up to stop me but I swat him away and only bring the mask above his lips.
Such pretty pink plump lips.
I let my thumb lightly graze his bottom lip, I feel it shake a little making me grin. "You could just give in y'know." I whisper and move my hand to go down and trail along his shoulder.
He chuckles and shakes his head, "you know I can't."
"But we both know you want to." I murmur and move my head to look at his neck.
I leave the smallest of soft and open-mouthed kisses I can give as I feel his breathing speed up and his hands going back to grip my waist. I go up and lightly nibble on his earlobe making him moan and tilt his head back. I pull away and go back down to his neck, leaving wet kisses along his warm skin before I find the perfect spot to suck on.
I suck gently on his skin then let my tongue graze against his skin then leave a kiss on the new bruise. He lets out a moan and I feel him grip my waist a bit harder making me giggle. "Can't even deny it, can you Spidey?" I tease and he shakes his head no.
I leave kisses all along his neck then up his throat and against his Adam's apple, I felt the vibration of a groan against my mouth making me shiver with pure excitement as I squeezed my thighs together. "You know I can't kitty." He purrs making me bite my lip.
I pull away from him and he brings a hand up from my waist and takes off the rest of his mask. I widen my eyes but before I could properly admire him, he smashed our lips together in a very hungry kiss.
I kiss him back with the same intensity, my hands going up to his hair as his went down to my waist, bringing me as close to him as possible. I tug on his hair making him groan so I slide my tongue in ready to explore every inch but I soon felt his tongue on mine.
I felt my breathing getting unsteady quickly and felt butterflies all over my skin as the kiss was growing more passionate. I let him slide his tongue into my mouth when I felt a hard smack against my ass making me moan. His movements become more frantic and fast, I felt both of his hands squeezing and spanking my ass making me whimper against his mouth.
He pulls away since we were both starting to lose our breath, I try to calm myself down as he continued smacking my ass, surely making it red under my spandex. "You're so pretty." He murmurs and moves his head down to kiss my neck gently.
I let out a shaky breath and feel my eyes flutter as I tilt my head back to give him more access. "So pretty." He murmurs against my skin making me moan and squeeze my thighs.
"I need you-" he purrs, moving his hand to my inner thigh.
"Then have me." I breathe out and he groans.
He reached for the zipper by my neck and slowly brings it down. It goes down my chest as he continues dragging it down and stops at my stomach. He looks up and moans as I take my arms out of the suit, revealing my bare tits to him. His hands immediately went to squeeze them not having a care in the world that we were out in public on a random roof of a building.
He squeezed them both at the same time then started pinching both nipples making me yelp because he did it too hard so fast, he muttered a quick apology before he goes down and takes turns sucking on each sensitive nub. My hands went up to his hair as his were pulling the rest of my suit down, "eager are we?" I tease before letting out a moan as he reached down to rub to my covered pussy.
"You can't blame me," he mutters then pulls away and going down to his knees, "it's not my fault you look this fucking good." He says leaving the smallest of kisses on my inner thighs.
I let out a shaky breath and move back to lean against a pole, he scoots forward and leaves a kiss right over my clothed clit. "Spider-"
He hums as his hands slide up and quickly brings my panties down. He gets them off my legs and spreads my legs, gently blowing air along my now exposed pussy. He moans as he brings two fingers and gently rubs along my folds, my slickness enveloping them. "God you're so fucking wet for me baby." He mutters under his breath and I feel my legs shake.
I nod and bite my lip, taking the sight below me in awe. He looked so fucking good.
"Might just have to take you like this baby..." he murmurs before his mouth finally makes contact with my pussy.
"Oh fuck-" I moan and bring my hand down to grip his curls.
He starts devouring it as if it were his last meal and with one finger teasing my entrance making me buck my hips around his face. "Please-" I whimper and slowly move my hips.
He moans against me making me let out a whine because of how delicious the vibration felt and I feel his finger slip in, and slowly make its way inside. My walls clenching against his finger as he quickly shoved it then back out and back in again.
He repeated this a few times and right when I was going to complain when he slowed down, he added another finger and actually started fucking me right.
The only thing being heard on the rooftop being my moans and the sounds that were coming from between my legs, everything else was silent. And thank god for that.
He pumps them inside at a faster pace and curls his fingers up making sure to hit that spot oh so perfectly. "Fuck- just like that Spider-" I moan out, leaning my head back.
"So fucking dirty-" he mumbles not stopping his pace.
"Huh letting me do this to you out in public kitty? Don't even care if we get caught? You like this don't you?" He murmurs and I bite my lip, nodding as he looks up at me.
"Look at me and tell me how much you love it." He demands, going deeper making me a moaning mess above him.
I look down and lock my gaze to his eyes, "I love it so much- fuck! F-feels so good." I whimper and lean back on to the pole.
"That's a good girl." He purrs and I feel myself clench against him, holy fuck- 
He then leans in and starts sucking on my clit hungrily as he continues fucking me. I move my hips against his face and clasp my hand over my mouth feeling my orgasm quickly approaching. "S-Spider-"
Instead of responding he adds a third finger, fucking me deeper as all my arousal spills out. My legs began shaking and I tried to pull away but he quickly wrapped his other arm around me making me stay still. I move my hand away from my mouth and just let out bundles of cries as my orgasm hits.
He slowed down and kept fucking me letting me ride out my high while leaving me absolutely breathless. My heart was beating fast and my breathing was hard, I was trying my hardest to calm myself down but it just felt so good.
He finally stopped moving his fingers and just let them deep inside me, only slowly pulling them out. He pulls away from my soaked clit and looks up at me with a smile, my juices glistening on his lips and dribbling down his chin.
I chuckle and give him a lazy smile as he finally pulls his fingers out, I instantly feel more of my juices come out and I squeeze my thighs together. Can't just leak all over this roof....
I finally feel my breathing being steady and widen at the sight of him sucking on his fingers, having a taste of me. I roll my eyes back and moan, he looked so fucking good.
He slips his fingers out and gets up from his knees, standing up in front of me, "You taste fucking amazing kitty." He groans and I immediately pull him in for a kiss.
He moans against my mouth as I get a taste of myself as well, surprisingly sweet. I let him slide his tongue into my mouth as I have a hand travel down to his hard bulge.
I lightly rub it as I kiss him back hungrily and only start stroking it when he moans in my mouth. I pull away and grin, lips trailing down his mouth, to his chin, jaw, then neck. I kiss around his neck then suck on the soft skin before licking it gently.
I continue stroking him through his suit and the moans escaping his lips were just so delicious to my ears while I kept leaving marks on his neck. "You gotta get rid of this suit Spider." I murmur and he moans in agreement.
He pulls away from me and taps the back of his neck and suddenly the bottom half of his suit disintegrated revealing his thick and long cock spring up against his stomach. I bite my lip and without a second thought drop down to my knees.
I immediately take hold of it and start licking the precum off the tip, making sure to get every last drop. I don't waste anymore time and take him into my mouth, trying to take as much of him as I can. Only able to take half at first and already gagging had me thinking of how this would be a tight fit.
He was going to make me feel so tight as if it were the first time all over again but maybe he'd fit to perfect and fuck me so good. I felt drool drip down my chin and I realized I was taking more of him now.
I pulled out and look up at him with innocent eyes before sticking my tongue out and slap the tip on it. He groans and takes hold of my ponytail, leading me back to taking him.
I moan as he takes control and slowly thrusts his hips into my face, making me more and more wet. I closed my eyes and moved my head as well now taking him all the way that his trimmed hairs lightly tickled my nose. "Just like that- fuck just like kitty." He moans out and thrusts again making me gag.
He pulled on my hair and made me go back to his tip then thrusted his hips forward, then back until he decided to just start fucking my face. I let it happen and just look up at him all teary eyed as my throat was getting fucked.
Suddenly he pulls away and grabs my arm making me stand up with him. He wipes the drool off the side of my cheeks and then flips me over and bends me making me take hold of the pole.
He makes me arch my back and stick my ass out when I feel him position himself to my entrance. He moved his tip up and down my folds even to my clit then down to my aching hole then needed to be filled up again.
As if hearing my thoughts he slowly pushed himself inside making me immediately clench against his tip and having us both moan. He already felt so big and he was only barely inside...
I took a deep breath in then let it out and he takes hold of my hips as I grip on to the pole tightly. He pushes himself in and I could only guess it was about halfway before he slammed the rest in. "Fuck!!!" I cry out and move my ass against him earning myself a hard smack.
"You're so fucking tight." He groans and rubs my skin as he pulls back then slams himself into me again.
I moan and lean my head against the pole as he slowly starts to fuck me. After a few slow thrusts and he notices I've gotten comfortable and use to his size he finally starts going faster.
I bit my lip hard really trying to stay as quiet as I can, almost feeling bad if we wake anyone up but also the thought going away immediately when I feel a hand against my throat. I breathe in and quickly regret it for obvious reasons even though his grip wasn't too tight.
He then forces my throat back, making me stand up straight as he fucks me harder. I roll my eyes back and against his hard chest, his hand still wrapped around my throat as I forcibly hold back moans as he pounds into me. "God this pussy feels so good." He moans making me breathe out and hold on to his arm wanting a release.
He groans and fucks me even harder, his grip on my throat now being slightly tighter. A combination of a mewl and a cry escape my lips making him chuckle as he brings his lips to my ear, gently nibbling on it.
His lips then went down to the side of my neck and his other hand around my waist. His hand then trailed down to my stomach and he pressed it above my belly button making me clench.
He lets out of my throat and I let out cries as he continues pressing on my stomach, it feeling unbearably strange but good. "Fuck!! Spider- fuck- feels s-so- g-good." I choke out and he grunts.
"You're taking me so well baby- fuck- feel that? Mmm feel how much you're taking right now?" He moans into my ear running a shiver down my spine.
He brings his hand down to my waist while the other stayed where he was buried deep inside me. I'd never felt this before and it just felt so good. Also had me noticing how I was able to take all of him at once.
"Please- fuck me harder- deeper please." I moan out and he groans.
He does just that and slams his hips into mine making me cry out and hold on to his arms. "Fuck-"
I felt the all too familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach as he continued ramming into me earning all kinds of noises leaving my mouth. "I'm so close-"
He holds onto me tighter and just this size difference alone might've thrown me over the edge if I really thought about it considering how huge he was compared to me.  "Let go baby. I wanna feel you cum around me." He murmurs and I nod.
With one final deep thrust my orgasm hit hard and i felt my legs almost give up but I was held tightly and didn't worry about falling. I felt my body shake as he shot his cum deep inside me and I could hear his moans in my ear.
I leaned my head against his chest and I felt his chin on top of my head, and I think he kissed it? I wasn't sure if I felt that right but I was too fucked out to question it.
He slowly pulls out and I could have swore I felt him twitch inside me as he was pulling out. Finally I felt his tip pop out and I instantly feel my pussy gush out all his cum. I chuckle and look down as it spills to the floor, guess it was gonna leak anyway...
"You took me so well kitty." He purrs into my ear and I grin turning my head to look at him.
"You fucked me so well spider," I murmur looking deeply into his eyes, "even better than I'd have ever imagined." I whisper and he crashes his lips onto mine.
I kiss back and turn my body to face him as his hands explore my body while mine go behind his neck. "We've gotten so this more often." I murmur against his mouth and he just nods.
"Absolutely." He mutters and smacks my ass.
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chaos-bites · 2 months
📯 Subtle Heimdallr Worship 🐏
Learn about/practice a method of self-defense (weapons included)
Own a ram horn - faux or real; own/craft real wool items (blankets, sweaters, scarves, etc.)
Light a bonfire; gather around it with loved ones or enjoy its warmth on your own
Decorate your space with fairy lights, a pretty lamp, or some kind of light fixture that you like
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Get a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Place a protective rune (or bindrune) at the entrance of your home or space
Invest in household security options (security camera, Ring doorbell, alarm system, etc.)
Have a plan in place in the case of home invasion or medical emergencies (legally storing a weapon in your home, learning CPR, or keeping a tourniquet in your car, for example)
Stay informed about the happenings in your area; keep up to date with world news (take a step back from it if it gets to be overwhelming for you, please)
Make sure to eat a good breakfast to start off your day; try to include meat, bread, nuts, and veggies/fruits if able
Drink something energizing at the start of your day, be it coffee, tea, or something else; dedicate the first sip to Heimdall by raising a glass in his honor
Start a collection of keys and locks - new and old (antique shops are a great place to find these)
Practice mindfulness and self-awareness; try to look at situations with a more nuanced and objective perspective
Have a stuffed animal ram, seal, horse, or rooster/chicken
Have imagery of gates, watchful eyes, ram horns, rivers, the World Tree, Asgard, rainbows, the Milky Way (some scholars believe it to be the OG representation of the Bifröst bridge), the sky, golden teeth, golden maned horses, swords, and shields around
Teach someone how to do something new; educate someone about a topic you're educated about; generally openly share knowledge with others
Be willing to learn about new things; be open to corrections from others; practice not taking constructive criticism personally
Learn about different logical fallacies; learn how to properly argue/debate respectfully with someone
Assert your boundaries with others; take time to learn what your boundaries are and where you draw the line
Ground yourself regularly; make sure you take time throughout your day to reconnect with the present moment
Stand up for what you believe in; attend protests or activism events (be safe, please)
Try to attend social events or hang out with loved ones; put yourself out there if you can
Step outside of your comfort zone; if you're scared, do it scared (reasonably, of course)
Drink/make mead; if unable, drink something with honey in it, such as a tea or warm milk with cinnamon and honey
Exercise/care for your senses; don't blast music in your ears, take breaks from looking at screens, sit in silence once in a while, etc.
Take your promises more seriously; try to always follow through on promises (and especially vows) that you make
Acknowledge your inner strength and resilience; be sure to appreciate and celebrate how far you've come; you've overcome before, and you overcome again
Take time to simply sit and observe your surroundings; listen to the sounds of birds, watch leaves fall from trees, notice the feeling of your feet on the ground, etc.
Practice different forms of divination (you don't only need tarot cards or runes for this, I've literally used Uno cards before; practice with a variety of forms until you find one that suits you)
Learn more about Norse runes; once comfortable, practice using them
Do things that benefit your future/make things easier on your future self (getting chores done ahead of time, setting money aside to save, looking into future careers/education, exercising your body and mind, etc.)
Engage in activities that stimulate your mind (reading, writing, solving puzzles, learning about something new, playing card games, etc.)
Learn to trust your own judgement and intuition; this takes time and comes with lots of practice which is ok
Practice learning when to speak and when to hold your tongue; sometimes it's better to simply listen
Practice finding your voice and speaking up for yourself; advocate for your needs
Explore things you find mysterious and intriguing; replace fear of the unknown with curiosity
Allow yourself to bear an air of mystery; try not to give away all the cards in your hand, so to speak
Go stargazing
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Heimdallr! I may add more in the future, but this is what I currently have. I hope it's able to give people some good ideas! Take care, and stay safe, everyone. 💜
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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pennyluna · 8 months
Misunderstandings Part 1
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (18+) Wordcount: around 1.5k
Genre: New to working together au. Cold playboy au. Future something au.
WARNING: This story contains some bad words/strong language! Contains also spicy scenes, so please be aware before reading it.
It has been a week since my team started working with Yoongi, the week had been filled with meetings about coordination between the teams, some of the meetings were one on one basically so I could get a sense of what he expected from me during this 5 weeks, it was fairly easy to agree on the way we could handle things, starting from the fact that I would have to be available 24/7 just in case I was needed! I had been going home around 8pm every day and always kept my phone on me with the ringer.
Yoongi was going to be in the studio all day tomorrow, which meant I didn't have to go into the office so I decided to relax tonight, took a long shower, moisturized and did my relaxing ritual, put on a grey tank top, no bra and some shorts, wrapped my long wavy dark hair in a towel and walked to the kitchen.
I make sure the bottle of Sauvignon blank that I bought on my way home was cold and put out two wine glasses, one for me and one for my girl best friend Josie, she is on her way over so we can gossip and watch reality shows. Josie has been my best friend since middle school, fun fact her fiancé is also my best friend. Even bigger fun fact, I had been on a date with Zion when we were in college but we quickly agreed that a friendship was the thing for us, I introduced them during one of Josie's visits on campus and now 4 years later they are just a few months away from getting married.
I hear her emergency key to my apartment in the lock and start preparing the popcorn.
"Zion is driving me crazy!!" she says with an exasperated tone while closing the front door.
I laugh at her facial expression, she is going for annoyed but it looks cute on her.
"Hello to you too... what did he do now?"
"He keeps changing our funny dance for the wedding!"
"you mean your first dance?" I say with a confused face while pouring the wine and handing her a glass.
she takes a big sip "Nono, 'Cant help falling in love' is still our song but he saw online that people like doing some funny dance trend after and You know I'm not good at dancing."
Josie comes from a rich conservative family, she is very classy and polished, never late and never a hair out of place, so I was surprised when she told me she was in love with Zion, his style very much the opposite of her but both with a heart of gold.
I laugh at the thought of Josie dancing some TikTok challenge.
"Oh josie...you are a great dancer, just not with the new stuff!" i try to comfort her and we walk to the couch.
We are under the fluffy blankets watching our third episode of love island UK season 10, we had finished the USA one a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly my phone starts ringing, the word OFFICE written in the screen, I look at the time "11:34 pm". Josie and I look at each other with confusion in our faces, she pauses the show and I shake my head trying to shake the 2 glasses of wine off my system and then proceed to answer the call.
"Hello (Y/N), this is the security from the building, sorry for calling you so late, Mr. Min is here at the office trying to access the studio but he had left his keys inside and the other copy isㅡ"
"is in my bag!" I say simultaneously facepalming my face. "I will be there in 15 minutes" luckily I don't live far away from it.
Hanging up I rush to the room, put a pair of skinny jeans on, my classic vans and put my hair on a messy ponytail. The taxi Josie had called for me was here already so I rushed out of the door telling her I would be back soon.
7 minutes later I was in front of my building, greeted the security and proceeded to the 19th floor, were the studio is. Yoongi is waiting right in front of the elevator doors when they open and I get surprised to see him in his very relaxed outfit. Hair covering his gorgeous forehead, his phone in one hand and the other one in his pocket, his eyes rise up to meet mine and I smile at him. We start walking to the elevator, he is behind me and I don't know if its his presence or the wine but I feel my cheeks heating up and warmth running through me. I open the door for him and try to hand the keys to him.
"do you want to come in for a while?" he asks with a blank expression.
"mmm sure." dammit, I am supposed to be just dropping the keys off.
I walk past him and he closes the door behind us. Its a normal studio, with little touches of him, a couple of basketball gadgets and some posters, a couch with some pretty purple cushions and a blanket, he had made it his own.
"would you like some more wine?" his question takes my attention out of looking around his studio.
"mmm sure. thank you. Waitㅡ 'more'?" my face expressing my confusion.
He has a small smile on his face while pouring me a glass "yeah, more! I noticed you have a slight scent of wine on you, so you must have been drinking some before coming here".
aww, he was smelling meㅡ Stop. waitㅡ oh my god did that mean I smell of alcohol?. oh God, that's not very professional.
"hey, its not a problem you know. I like wine, so you know... you smell good" his words snapping me out of my small mental freak out. "plus, you weren't even supposed to be coming here so don't worry about it." he hands me the glass of wine.
We've been seated on his couch and talking casually about the things we like and our passions for a couple of hours now, I feel really comfortable around him and he seems comfortable around me! He said something funny and I pushed his leg in a jokingly manner but when I tried to retrieve my hand he grabbed it pulling me closer to him, we stopped laughing suddenly and stared into each others eyes, he bit his bottom lip and shacked his head no subtly, like if he was shaking away a thought. His eyes started roaming my frame and My heartbeat accelerated once I noticed where his gaze had stopped.
My nipples were hard and he could see their outline through my tank top. Shit!!! I didn't put on bra. I should say goodnight and walk away but why aren't my legs moving?! I feel warmth spreading through my thighs.
"It's late!" He suddenly gets up and it startles me. "Maybe you should go home!"
"huh? maybe you should go home!" I say with defiance, -why cant i just shut up-.
"(Y/N)!" -my name sounds so good in his voice- "You are drunk and I'm afraid you will regret any decision we take after this point!"
He is making sense, he has a point, plus we are working together, we need to maintain a professional relationship so I get up and start walking past him and towards the door, I say goodbye and walk to the elevator. Pressing the button to call the elevator I realize that my keycard to leave the building is in my bag with my phone and my house keys -damm it- I walk back to the studio where Yoongi hadn't closed the door yet for some reason and when his eyes reached mine, I swear there was a little hope in them. I walked past him again and grabbed my bag then turned around to wave goodbye.
He stayed still for a while, like contemplating what to do, he raised his hand to wave back but he seemed hesitant. I started to walk to the door when suddenly he grabbed my wrist. I stopped breathing for a second and my heart started beating faster.
"Maybe you should stay!" he says softly. while pulling me towards him until my chest is flat against his. I can feel his breath on my face. A hint of whiskey on it.
"Maybe you should stay too!"
He smiles at my statement and that seemed to be all the permission he needed because his hand started to travel from my waist to my breast while the other one held my chin up while he watched me and the kisses me.
It was gentle at first and then became passionate, one of those kisses that take your breath away and make you dizzy. He kissed like I belonged to him, like no one had kissed me before and I was loving it.
His hand move to the front of my jeans and start undoing the buttons, his mouth now trailing my neck. my jeans come off and we move around, he leans my ass against his desk and starts trailing wet kisses from my neck down. He sucks my nipples through the tank top and starts rubbing my core.
"so wet for me already huh?" I moan and put my hands on the desk to balance myself a bit. His mouth trails down my body until I can feel his warm breath on top of my core, his fingers slowly move my panties to the side and the he assaults my clit with his mouth. -so much talent in that mouth-.
Yoongi's tongue is all over my clit and I feel my orgasm building. I cant control my moans and thank god this place is soundproof. He starts alternating between tongue fucking me and playing with my clit and I am almost at my high. The minute his hand grabs my hips to keep me still I cant control myself any longer and come. "Good girl! You taste amazing". he smirks.
"My turn!!" I smile at him and fall to my knees, looking up at him and holding the eye contact I start lowering his sweatpants. I was surprised to notice he wasn't wearing any underwear and his erection almost smacked my face when it came out of his pants!
I start holding his dick and licking the tip of it, he exhales a shaky breath and I slowly introduce his erection in my mouth. Starting to suck in and out of my mouth at first slowly and then increasing my pace, I cup his balls in my hand and then continue to suck him off at a fast pace! he is moaning and throwing his head back and I can feel it wont take him long before reaching his orgasm! I slow down my pace to tease him a little and we make eye contact again, he seems hungry for me, he wants me.
"Get up!" after taking the rest of his clothes off, he helps me get up and he takes my tank top and underwear then stares at my body for a second, I can see hunger in those eyes, hunger for me. I can see he cant decide on what to play with first. "Bend over my desk!" he commands -I guess he decided where to start- my boobs are now pressed flat against his desk, it is cold and I feel my nipples hardening.
His hands start caressing my ass and touching my clit "You are a sight. I've been wanting to bend you over my desk ever since the first day when you gave us that building tour" he says and I instantly moaned out of neediness, I need him inside of me now!.
"My god I love how you say my name... keep saying it princess!" -fuuck I want to come again so bad- he continues touching me and then I fill his hand get to the back of my neck pinning me to the desk and his other hand rubbing his dick around my folds.
"Yoongi, I needㅡ" he shut me up with his dick entering me hard, I moaned loudly and he waited a second to let me adjust then started pumping into me hard and at a fast pace. I became a moaning mess and my orgasm started building again, he used his free had to spank my ass and I moaned again, my eyes got teary but I was enjoying this. I was enjoying being fucked senseless. I enjoyed the pain mixed with pleasure that he was giving me. I needed it. After all, it had been almost two years since the last time I had sex.
I notice his pace getting faster and faster "Come for me princess! I want you to come!" he says with a commanding voice. Our orgasms hit us couple of seconds later, his seed all over my lower back!
We are both panting. He takes a second to clean me up, then opens a drawer grabbing a t-shirt from it and giving it to me. We sit on the couch to rest for a bit he kisses my forehead and suddenly the exhaustion and the wine get to me and I fall asleep in his arms!
I wake up the day after with a strong headache, I feel around for my phone that should be on my bedside table but then open my eyes to realize I'm still on the couch in the studio. Yoongi isn't in the couch anymore so I look around and see him working at his desk on the computer. I breathe a sight of relief. I reach for my jeans put them on and then walk towards him.
"Your bag and keys are by the piano" eyes fixed to the screen and monotone voice.
"Thanks!" I say hesitant about what to do next. "Would youㅡ" he cuts me off.
"I will see you at the meeting this afternoon." This time his voice sounds annoyed and dismissive. A bad feeling downs on me.
I grab my things and once I'm at the door I look back, expecting him to at least look at me before I go but nothing. -He regrets it-  that thought hurt, more than my headache!
While waiting for my taxi I realized that its 6am, that I had left Josie at home waiting for me and that I had royally fucked up by sleeping with the VIP, that he seemed to regret it to the point of not being able to look at me and that the meeting where I will have to see him in a few hours will be hard.
A.N: This is part 1 of this story, Hope you can enjoy it. Please if you want, read the prologue of this story too. I am not clear on how many parts it will have but hopefully many more, I have already mapped out how the story will continue but publishing it depends on the readers request.
A.N 2: any feedback would be appreciated! Likes and conditions are appreciated too! Please do not copy my work and give credit if reshared!
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drghostwrite · 22 days
Saints and Sinners
Pairing: Alex Vause x reader
Summary: it’s always the things that you can’t have that make you want them even more. Detective reader meets a locked up Alex willing to trade info for freedom but what happens when they fall for each and the thing separating them coumd destroy your career.
Warnings: smut, minors DNI
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******************************************************** A typical day at the office, but that was never the case for you, you were a detective so honestly there was no ‘typical’ day. Most days were murder and mayhem in all forms, today was no different, you found yourself walking through a women’s prison to talk to an informant.
You took off your guns and slowly walked down the hallways escorted by a guard, once you got to the interview room you took a breath before stepping in, you took slow strides towards the table and sat on the corner. You took in the woman before you slightly taller than you, similar build just a little less muscular, dark raven hair and striking green eyes, her black glasses and thin eyebrows, no make up other than what appeared to be eyeliner.
“Well this is different.” The raven haired inmate spoke.
“mm.. and how’s that?” You asked.
“Usually they send the tough guys.” She started almost mocking you.
“I’m pretty tough…”
“I’m sure you are, and you’re pretty.” She smiled and you chuckled back.
“Package deal.”
“And I’m sure that package deal got you enough catcalling when you walked through those gates.” She pointed out.
“Fair enough… so I heard you have something that might help my case?”
“possibly…” she said smirking at you and sitting very composed in her chair.
“Well I brought a deal, in exchange for trading us with intel we release you early on parole…”
“There’s always a catch so what is it?” She asked eyes narrowing.
“You would be my informant.”
“Give you intel in exchange for my freedom., an eye for an eye”
“sounds right up your alley.”
“can’t say your wrong, when do I start?”
“today… we leave now.” You said and a few short moments later you were escorting her outside where your partner and another car of two officers was parked.
“How much did you have to promise her to get her to come along?” One male officer joked.
“a night in her bed is all i would need…” the other said.
“Behave boys…” your partner finally spoke up towering over the other two men.
“Come on man, can’t say you haven’t thought of it.”
“I have enough respect not to.”
“Besides boys you know I would never swing that way.” You replied, and they both made faces annoyed and pouting.
You let her in the back and shortly after found yourself back at the station, “now that you have your informant you need to protect her.”
“thinking witness protection?
“well yea and no, technically we can’t put her in the program because they would wipe her clean no traces BUT if we could get round the clock supervision?” He said looking at you.
“oh you’re not suggesting?…”
“You wanted her as your informant.”
“But… to leave my house?”
“Okay what if I housed her AT my house, it’s big and has a good security system, almost to good.”
“Y/N I’ve seen your house, it’s a fortress and its up to you, but you need to keep her close.”
“Fine, get her prepped and I guess she’s coming home with me.” You agreed and stepped out to gather some things.
A few weeks later and you were still adjusting to your new living arrangements, she was in the guest quarters while you were on your side of the house, she occasionally used your main bathroom but you mostly just checked in with each other during meals. You were becoming very close, you were earning each others trust and becoming friends.
You observed Alex more than you would’ve liked to admit, there was some chemistry between the two of you when working together. You loved how you always caught her lounging on your couch reading a book, occasionally coming home to find her sprawled her book having fallen to the ground as she was asleep, so you would grab a blanket and gently cover her. She was smart, smarter than most people let alone criminals, it attracted you to her and her sense of caring and how charming she could be, it always made you wonder if it was all a show. Little did you know that she was also attracted to you, your smarts and abilities, you could charm you way into and out of anything, you were caring and passionate and you made her wish she had never been a criminal. She wanted you more than anything and it felt like you were worlds away.
That is until one night…
“Ugh…” you left out an exhausted groan, lifting the glasses you wore and rubbing your hands down you face, you felt two hands come to your shoulder.
“Stressed?” A sultry voice asked.
“Something like that.” You said in a groan.
“What’s going on?” She asked snaking around the counter to dig through the fridge for the bag of grapes that you kept stocked.
“This case, the entire thing just doesn’t make sense, and I’m tired, and frustrated, and I can’t think straight.”
“sounds like someone needs to get laid…”
“Shut up Alex.” You grumbled as she snickered.
“just saying, tends to be a good stress reliever,” she chuckled again at your face that was turning red.
“Maybe just a shower…” you said standing from your chair and closing your laptop that sat on the island.
“Can I join?” She prodded, popping a grape into her mouth.
“Cute, Vause…” you said as you walked away, she watched the sway of your hips, the way your ass bounced in the pajama pants you wore, how you reached up running your fingers through your messy bun, the tight long sleeve your wore showing the muscles in your arms.
“Dammit, Avery…” she said under her breath watching you walk away, as she devised a plan to help you out. She waited until she heard the shower turn on and slowly made her way to the bathroom, seeing that the door had been left open, the only thing keeping you from her was the curtain.
carefully she started stripping away pieces on clothing, standing outside the shower naked, she slowly moved the curtain and stepped in behind you, the scent of your body wash filling her nose and she inhaled, she reached out and ran a hand over your back feeling you tense.
“Alex?” You whispered.
“Y/N,” she whispered in your ear, starting to kiss down the back of your neck, gently moving your hair aside. She slowly wrapped her hands around you turning you to face her. She looked into your eyes and then your lips before leaning forward and pulling you into a lip locking kiss, you felt her tongue and granted her access and she ghosted over your bottom lip.
“Alex…” you whispered pulling apart for air.
“you tell me if you want me to stop…” she said continuing down your neck. Her hand slid onto the small of your back pulling your bodies closer till they were flush against each other. Her lips found your sweet spot pulling a small moan from your lips before she moved down to your chest, pulling a taut nipple between her teeth before sucking on it.
“Baby I need words…” she said in a low sultry tone.
“Shit, Alex I could lose my job…”
“do you want me to stop?” She said her mouth still working on your breasts as her hand snaked down your back running along your butt that she squeezed and then onto your thigh, lifting your leg around her so she could ghost her fingertips over the smooth skin.
“Hell no…” you said a hand coming up to her hair, she lifted her head to pull you into another kiss, but this time you took control, pushing her away and turning the shower off.
“Y/n?” She asked slightly confused but you pulled her down into a breathtaking kiss, “we were getting to the good part.” She teased.
“Almost…” you said pushing her out of the shower, you didn’t bother with towels as you kept your lips locked guiding her towards your bedroom, pushing her inside and slamming the door closed with her body. You pulled her into a bruising kiss, her hands roaming your body as you pulled her closer one hand coming up to run through her hair. She reached down grabbing the back of your thighs and lifted you enough to carry you over and lay you on the bed.
“playing it rough?” You teased, moving back as she crawled towards you.
“who knew the prim and proper detective was such a freak in bed.” She said, bending down to open your legs, she placed small bites along the inside of your thighs. Her hands massaged your thighs before reaching up to play with your boobs, she placed kisses up your thigh teasing you. You looked down making eye contact and watching her as she mischievously grinned, you felt her drag her tongue up the inside of your thigh, you rolled your eyes as her.
Just for that she bent down her breath hot on your pussy, she pulled her tongue through your folds tasting you for the first time before pulling your clit harshly into her mouth, the pleasure jolted your hips against her and she reached a hand down placing it on your lower stomach keeping your hips still. She buried herself in you, her tongue was magic as she explored all of you. You started breathing more heavily, your moans more frequent as your hips tried to buck against her, one hand reached down and brushed Raven hair out of her face only to tangle in it when she looked up through hooded eyes, the other hand ran down her arm that was currently playing with hardened nipples.
“God you feel so good…” you whined.
“And you taste amazing…” she moaned out, pulling your clit in one last time letting out a low moan that vibrated through your core. She helped you ride out your orgasm as you laid there bodies still tangled together. You chuckled trying to steady your breathing as she grinned, wiping her arm in her elbow, your orgasm covering her mouth.
She slowly moved taking in your gorgeous body as it glistened with sweat and water from the shower that had been abandoned. She moved up as if she were going to leave but instead you reached out grabbing her and sitting up, you pulled her close against you, your lips finding each other.
“Y/N?” She sat up in front of you hands on either side of your head playing with your hair.
“I wanna taste you…” you whispered in her ear, running your tongue over the shell of her ear.
“are you sure?”
“just shut up.” You said heated kisses on her lips, you pushed her back until she was laying out in front of you. You placed kisses all along he body some would be seen tomorrow, she watched at first and then tried to reach you, to touch you but instead you grabbed her wrists and held them both above her head.
“Look but don’t touch…” you said bending down to kiss her again. You saw her eyes tracking you so you looked up as you moved down her body, you let your tongue pull a long swipe up between her breasts before pulling a nipple into your mouth, letting your tongue swirl. She bit her lip with a small smirk watching you.
she watched you move to her stomach where you placed more kisses, and licked again making her twitch beneath you. You moved down to right above her mound and placed kisses, moving into place you hovered over her clit, snaking an arm under her leg you pulled well manicured nails over the sensitive skin before lifting it over your shoulder. The smooth milky skin a contrast to your tan, she moved her foot, brushing it over your back.
“you’re teasing…” she whined pretending to be annoyed.
“well you know what they say about payback… she’s a bitch.” You said licking through her folds but stopping before you reached her clit. She went to reach her hands down to tangle in your hair and you pulled away. She moved them back in a defensive motion slightly annoyed that she couldn’t touch you like she wanted to.
“behave…” you said and she locked eyes with you, this time though you latched onto her clit, pulling a gasp from her lips that quickly turned into a moan.
“Mm… you do taste amazing.” You moaned into her sending shockwave to her core, you bent to let your tongue explore her and as you did, your nose pressed deliciously into her clit, her hips jolted against you pushing you closer. You reached up and placed some pressure right above her hips, hitting the spot, your other hands snaked up to grab her nipple but instead met her hand as she let go, she intertwined your fingers as her other hand gripped at your sheets.
you knew she was close as she moaned and her back arched off the bed, you squeezed her hand and applied a little pressure with the one on her lower stomach, going up and working your tongue around her clit, hearing her orgasm come over her, her loud moans turning into soft little pants.
“Shit Y/N…” she laughed.
“better than you thought?” You teased.
“it’s always better when it’s some thing you can’t have.”
“you know we can’t tell anyone, not yet at least…”
“keeping secrets is my specialty.” She said pulling you in for a kiss. You laid in you bed next to her before she wrapped an arm around you pulling you to lay on her chest.
“Do you think we could ever have a future?” She started.
“like together?” you asked.
“Like together, like a life?”
“I’m not sure, I mean technically once your a free woman, you can do whatever you want.”
“but as your informant…”
“It’s dangerous…”
“A risk is be willing to take.” She said and you sat looking into her eyes trying to figure out if she was serious before laying back down and wrapping an arm around her waist. Silence fell as you started to doze off exhausted from your work week, she slowly laughed, that signature laugh filling the room.
“what’s so funny?” You asked sleepily against her.
“I fell for a detective, what I thought was the enemy, I fell in love with you.”
“funny how that works…” you trailed, “love you to…” you sleepily ran a hand over her side to let her know you meant it before falling back asleep.
~it’s funny how bad you want something you can’t have, until you have it~
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atiny-for-life · 3 months
I apologize if you’ve answered this before, but is there a reason why the Kingdom performances are not included in the Ateez lore masterlist? Thank you!
No one's ever asked before, actually! I'm happy to explain:
There are multiple things making me hesitant about this right now. For one, I wouldn't expect them to assume all Atinys will watch these performances and look to them for lore clues since most only go by official MVs and the albums.
To me, these performances have always had the energy of getting people hyped and excited about their lore themes of revolution, pro expression, anti oppression and their team was likely working on putting together The World series at the time so it made sense to trial run some of their ideas here.
I actually tried to fit these performances in before but I could never find a place where it'd make 100% sense - they seem to be a blend of real lore and stuff just meant for Kingdom.
To start with: in "The Awakening of Summer" (the Rhythm Ta performance), Hongjoong breaks the Cromer out of a glass case at the end. Based on that, timeline wise, this would've had to happen in the Z-World before Ateez ever got there because the only time they lost the Cromer after was when Yeosang smashed it and the recovery of that was in the A-World and we know how that went down (Museum heist gone wrong) and it was nothing like this.
However, with it happening before Ateez's arrival, I wouldn't expect to see them distributing flyers (with the anarchy logo from Guerrilla) and for Hongjoong to hold a speech at a podium because something of that scale didn't really happen before they hijacked the Strictland transmission system in Guerrilla.
From everything we know, the Black Pirates were only doing street performances before their movement picked up speed after Ateez got there. They didn't have the manpower and means to pull off large scale heists prior to that; they were operating out of an abandoned warehouse and they didn't really start getting allies until Left Eye set up the Black Link where people could reach out after waking up.
And on top of that, it was A-World Yeosang's tech know-how that got them spy gear and everything so I kinda don't see them breaking into a Strictland government facility full of armed guards in their early days.
But, if I did have to fit it in somehow, I'd put it pre-Ateez's arrival as the event in which the Black Pirates first got hold of the Cromer:
The Awakening of Summer
They caught wind of the government having found the Cromer and heard it has unique abilities like teleportation, entering the dreamscape - powers that could help them free their world
So they get all the guns they can find, hop into their bulletproof van (like in Guerrilla) and take off
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They shoot down the guards stationed at the facility but then also somehow manage to bring them back to life with the magical masks they own (?) or maybe they used rubber bullets or stun guns or something
Regardless, the masks presumably contain breaker technology (somehow) which separates the guards' microchip link connection which means they can now feel and think freely
However, Ateez aren't dumb so they keep the guards tied up for now so thy can't run off and rat them out
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While some of them are looking for the Cromer, San straps a bomb to a security guard's chest and ties him to his desk chair (pretty extreme - that's some Halazia universe Matz shit)
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During the heist, Yunho and Wooyoung find their Wanted Posters and a bunch of newspapers
The front page headline of the newspaper reads: "The Central Government defined The Black Pirates as a terrorist"
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San then goes off on his own and climbs up a rope to an emergency button which opens the massive double doors to a high security section of the building (the one with the Cromer)
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This allows the rest of Ateez to waltz right in and Hongjoong immediately goes off to the section with the confiscated art
Which should normally be stored in the Android Guardian bunker, the converted museum on Guardian Island, but I guess they must've used another type of building before - maybe they changed it after the Black Pirates broke into this place (I digress)
Either way, the former guards are now freely raiding the place, making me assume they've switched sides after discovering what art is and that the government's intentionally been withholding it from all of them
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While Hongjoong's raiding the place with the guards they captured in the beginning, Wooyoung, Jongho, and Yeosang are handling the guards stationed in this section
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During the following dance break, Hongjoong's walk off right before something interferes with everyone's ear pieces (I assume they were using them to communicate while they were separated)
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Immediately after, Hongjoong begins his speech, indicating he hijacked all frequencies, including the one they'd been using, so he could broadcast this to the entire city:
"People, open your eyes! For our lives! Keep your mind! Now is the time for freedom, if we try! Listen, look, write! Open your eyes!"
(Note the slogan "Hearts Awakened" on the podium and the small-scale version of the blimp we saw in Guerrilla above Hongjoong - these, plus the van, are part of the reason why I think this was a test run for The World series and the Guerrilla mv in particular)
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After the speech, they walk off and Jongho throws up a handful of flyers (which, again, look exactly like the ones from Guerrilla)
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During Jongho's high note, Hongjoong walks off again and we next see him putting on the Black Pirates' getup (signature fedora) and break the glass case in which the Cromer is kept
(The clothes are likely just to ensure we as the audience know this isn't A-World's Ateez but the Black Pirates)
Cromer in hand, he smiles and walks off. Mission complete. The performance ends.
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Ode to Joy
Now, regarding Ode to Joy, this one feels like it's more so meant to connect some dots between the former two series and the (then) upcoming one.
To start with, they filled in the small gap between the Fever and Treasure series by exploring how they, Ateez and the Black Pirates, managed to break out Yeosang after he was captured by the Android Guardians at the end of Deja Vu/the Fever Pt. 3 Diary Entries since the only canon thing we know about this event is from Say My Name and this one section from the Fever Epilogue Diary Entries:
"Somebody please get me out of here! Please!" The light that I hadn't seen for ages slid in when the door opened. Men in black fedoras were fighting with Android Guardians behind the opened door. "Hey, Yeosang." I heard a warm voice calling my name. A guy came near my glass room and pulled down his black mask. Tears of relief burst out of my eyes. It was Seonghwa.
We open on Yeosang in the glass prison during the Full Moon (meaning reality jumping is possible with the Cromer right now so Ateez can switch over from A to Z World)
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One of the Android Guardians walks in and the camera moves to the moon where we get to see the Cromer in action (sand disappearing from the bottom, indicating it's flowing up like we saw in the Diary Film)
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Seonghwa, holding the Cromer, then appears in Yeosang's cell (small deviation from Yeosang's diary entry but I'll take it)
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Yeosang and Seonghwa then, together, turn the Cromer again, causing Yunho to appear who immediately starts fighting the Android Guardian
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After distracting the Guardian for long enough, Yunho pushes him away and runs off, leaving the Guardian to turn around and realize the cell is empty - Yeosang escaped
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Following this, we move right on to Answer and that one iconic meeting where Ateez and the Black Pirates got together and formally established an alliance - they're even on the same sides
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We then see Hongjoong walking along during his verse while, behind him, people in different get ups are throwing each other guns, etc., indicating the spread of the movement we later read about in the Movement Diary Version: The Revolution
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And then we get to the part where I first went "eh?" which made me realize I can't see this performance being fully canon:
San, during his verse, tries to run off but Wooyoung grabs him, clutching him by the jacket, to stop him from leaving
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But it doesn't work - San's made up his mind
He holds eye contact, yes, indicating they would've exchanged words if this weren't a song (likely something along the lines of "Stop, don't do this, it's suicide!" and "I have to, I'm sorry.") before he removes Wooyoung's hand from his jacket and runs off-
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- and literally hurls himself at an Android Guardian - presumably sacrificing himself by knocking them both off this ledge for the sake of protecting the others
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Then we've got Jongho fighting an Android Guardian while Hongjoong is blindfolded and gets captured by four more
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Jongho wins his fight (potentially) and makes his way to the grand staircase where he receives a crown on the way up, only to hold it out and toss it aside once he makes it to the top
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However, I'm quite certain this isn't related to the lore at all but rather the concept of the show which wants all groups to compete for the crown and see each other as opponents
Ateez refused to align with this idea - they wanted to make their time on the show about friendship and collaboration, having fun, which is very obvious when you watch their performance of The Real
But to really drive this point home: the song "An die Freude" ("To: Joy" as in it's addressed to Joy), which is being sung here by a guest performer, is actually a famous Germany poem by Friedrich Schiller, and an ode all about an idealistic society in which everyone is connected through joy and friendship
While this is being sung, Ateez, the Black Pirates, and the Android Guardians are all dancing together - a truly idealistic and unrealistic outcome far removed from reality but one that wouldn't have required the loss of life we just saw with San throwing himself off a ledge and Hongjoong getting surrounded and captured
The implication is clear: in a world where everyone treats each other kindly, a world without oppression, peaceful coexistence is 100% possible
But in a world of injustice, of oppression, the loss of life, the deaths of some of the kindest people, are inevitable because the ones who are oppressed will always rise up to free themselves of their shackles, even when they know some of them will have to die to make it happen
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In conclusion: I think the performances do hold lore beats but they're not fully canon and the lore gaps they fill in are small enough that I always thought it was easier to toss them entirely than to potentially confuse anyone by telling them to disregard some aspects and embrace others. I hope this helps!
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dyslexic-mess · 2 years
Suits and Stars AU part 2
(Part one)
Suits where not really Dannys thing.
For one, the shoulder pads made him look much too square for his liking. The fitted waist was all to exposing and three layers? Absolutely not. As he approached the building, a shimmering skyscraper that practically screamed ‘you can’t afford to look at me’, Danny decided it wasn’t worth the hassle and took off his blazer. A vest and tie where enough, right? Besides, its not like he actually worked there. The dress code wasn’t really his problem beyond looking vaughly like he fitted in.
The stiff fabric hooked over one arm, he strutted into the building with all the zeel of a man who worked a wall street office job.
“Nicholas Halden” he said to the receptionist, putting his hands in his pockets as she clicked on her computer. “Your not on the system” she replied, eyeing him suspiciously. “First day.” he countered, easily. “Inturn?” damn, what was this girl, a cop? Danny brightened his smile a little more “new P.A, actually”
She gave him one last look over her glasses, scanning him. “I don’t have any ticks or fleas. Promise.” He crossed his heart with that, leaning into his smile so it became more of a smirk. The woman finally cracked a little, huffling through her nose with an up turned lip before flipping through a folder. She handed him a lanyard “make sure you keep it that way, Mr. Halden” Danny took it and began to walk backwards in one motion, towards the security gates. “Nick” he offered. She finally smiled at him. “Nick.” she corrected in a slightly warmer tone. “Get a proper security pass before next week”
“Will do!” He responded as he turned to walk properly, shooting a finger gun over his shoulder as he did.
Receptionists. They held the keys to the castle and they knew it. Thinking about it, Danny would rather get grilled by a cop. They where easier to charm.
The office itself managed to be both claustrophobic and far to big. Rammed with people in suits of varying quality, tapping on keyboards and scribbling on paper. They chattered to each other about one thing or another and it was absolute murder on Dannys over sensitive ears. He fought the urge to cover them as he made for the office at the top, of course, that was sectioned off by a glass wall and a door twice as big as it needed to be.
He recognized his employer inside, looking more commanding in his own set of shoulder pads and dress shoes. Danny would almost believe you if you told him this guy and the tussled looking dude from last night were different people. Almost.
They were still the same in some very key ways. The tightness in his movements, the way his eyes scanned his surroundings so he noticed Danny long before he approached and, of course, that scowly tilt to his brow that darkened his features and shadowed those mottled blue eyes.
It was a shame, really, and Danny found himself, briefly, wanting to make the man smile.
He did not smile when he clocked Danny. Infact, that serious scowl seemed to deepen slightly as he waved him in, dismissing the other men in equally stuffy suits he'd been talking to.
"You got past reception?" He questioned, seeming surprised. Danny shrugged "don't panic, most people wouldn't"
Tim just hummed, positioning his laptop so it faced away from his office facing window. He pulled up a very official looking document with 'Nicks' ID and employment files. "Nicholas Halden. That's a little on the nose" Danny crossed his arms. "Does that make you Burke?"
The other man snorted "yeah. It dose." He handed Danny another lanyard, this one looking more official than the 'guest' card he was wearing. "I'm not dumb enough to let a known criminal walk around without keeping tabs-"
"-I'm not known" Danny butt in, a little prideful. Tim waived a hand at him.
"I know. In any case, this'll track your movements."
"Your not a convicted fellon so you can leave it at the door at the end of the day but if your on the clock, your wareing this."
The way Tim was debriefing him made Danny wonder if the nervous, flighty looking man he'd met last night had been a mask. This guy was clearly no stranger to being in authority and had no problems dolling out orders. It was, in a way, reassuring. He just hoped Tim could back up his thunder.
He directed his attention back to the computer, where Tim pulled up work schedules, fake contact details and a bit of fabricated history for nick. Just in case.
"Nick is my new P.A, employed with good recommendation, on a probationary period. That gives you clearance to do most things on the grounds I asked for it. Just don't go abusing the privilege-"
Danny rolled his eyes, Tim didn't bother acknowledging it.
"You work the job. You find my rat. When we've tied the loose ends, Nick starts underperforming and we let him go."
It was Dannys turn to hum as he looked over the startlingly good fake documents. Damn, even tucker would struggle to produce something like this! Did it make him curious? Hell yea but for now he was gonna mind his business.
"Its a good plan" he commented, flicking through the tabs a few more times as he did. "Though I don't remember you mentioning I'd have to do actual work around here when we spoke last"
Tim glanced at him "What, think you can't handle it? Or do you just have an aversion to legit work?" Danny huffed and rolled his eyes again "whatever, sure. Book you a taxi and reserve you a restaurant between actually doing what you're paying me for. Piece 'a cake"
"Better be" Tim sighed, closing his computer. "This has a time limit. The-"
"Yeah, yeah, the longer they get away with it, the more confident they'll get in what they leak. I got it." Danny finished and Tim raised an eyebrow. "Don't do that infront of the other employees. You might not answer to me but Nick does." He dead panned.
Danny just gave another one of his easy smiles, picking up his new ID, which felt more like a tracking collar, and spinning it on one finger. "You got it, pretty boy"
Tim puffed out his cheeks in the biggest expression Danny had managed to get from him, pointing a finger in his direction as Danny went to leave. "And don't call me that either!" He called after him.
Oh yea. This was gonna be a fun couple of weeks.
(Part three)
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Entering and Breaking
(tw: gun, break-in, kidnapping, chain, zip-ties, chains, gore mention, cat scratch) [Drabble Masterpost]
Shoutout to @hidden-dreamland for this idea - I just had to write it <3
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Too remote.
The burglar knew that. 
They knew that they shouldn’t be going somewhere quite this remote - people who live out in the middle of nowhere like this tend to do their own hunting. Which means guns.
It’s an old house. Older car. Well unkempt.
And most importantly no cameras.
Since the burglar had been living large, jumping house to house in the town, not only had people started installing their own security systems, but the fucking city started putting up cameras, too.
It just wasn’t safe anymore. They couldn’t afford to go to jail - they just couldn’t. Too much was at risk.
So. That meant driving. That means rural homes. That meant rural homes that weren’t estates that weren’t crawling with security systems. That means places like this. 
The burglar stood in the treeline, watching the owner of the home as they came home - unlucky break, that. Should have gone in while they weren’t there. Of course, the burglar didn’t know they weren’t there at that time. 
They watched as the owner moved around a warm-lit kitchen, singing along to music that barely tickled at the air through the windows. Watched as they cooked. Watched them fold laundry and throw a penpoint laser around the room, kitten chasing it. 
Strange thing, that kitten.
The burglar could swear it saw them when it sat in the windowsill, wide yellow eyes dilated out into the night. All-knowing, overly saturated whole moons that someone shoved and pushed into the little thing’s skull until it was able to see some desperate little creature sitting in the treetops of a darkened timber, shrouded in leaves with a deflated duffle bag strapped to their back.
Unsettling, that kitten. 
Stripes that blended into the blinds until the burglar wasn’t even sure if the cat was there at all. Maybe they were just staring too long into windows.
Regardless, the lights were out for hours before the burglar finally worked up the courage to shimmy down their little pine tree, sap screaming across the front of their black hoodie and catching at their long hair, before their feet hit the ground, greeted by damp, muggy leaves. 
They moved to the house as swiftly and simply as they could, sliding a thin, metal ruler into the gap between the window and sill, persuading the latch to oonch a little more little more littttttle more to the right with tiny nudges and taps until it finally popped free. 
Carefully, they pressed the window up, careful to touch only the pane, not the glass. It creaked and shuddered as wood ground against wood, but they kept the ascent as smooth as possible.
In a moment, they were able to curl upward, heaving themself over the edge and setting one soft foot onto the hardwood of the living room.
Their eyes skittered around the room, immediately searching for any sign of threat or notice. A flick shocked through their silent body as eyes flashed in the darkness - kitten perched on the piano with those haunting yellow eyes shining at them. Just watching. Uncaring and all knowing. 
The burglar swallowed, snugging the window back down to avoid outdoor noises that might alert their victim of their presence.
Carefully and silently, the burglar began to shift through the house. Checking. Stashing. Silver spoons, identified by the tarnish. A slightly outdated but still valuable console. An ipad that they tucked under their arm - not wanting it broken by the other contents of the bag. They needed to wipe it before they left anyway in case there was a tracking option on it. 
They moved carefully, plucking up small electronics and…..stepping around the damn kitten that insisted on weaving between their legs as they moved. “Shoo- shoo, I need to nodontgothere-” the burglar groaned as the kitten started climbing up their leg. 
They stumbled as a tiny claw dug into their leg, hissing at the pain as they clattered to the ground. Evidently their main priority was cradling the ipad like a baby- keeping it perfectly safe while the burglar landed on a bag full of sharp, cold, and hard. They managed to keep their yell to a minimum as corners and edges bruised into their back and side, pinching the kitten by the scruff and setting them aside. 
Floorboards creaked above them, the owner of the house shifting out of bed. 
“Fuck-” that was a lot of noise- shiiiiiiiit- they pushed up to standing and slipped into the closest closet they could find, pushing the kitten out after them as the staircase groaned and shuddered under the oncoming footsteps of doom. 
The burglar’s breath slammed so hard against their ribs as they stood behind the door they didn’t dare close completely - it would make too much noise to latch, focusing instead on the -fucking KITTEN TRYING TO CLAW IN AFTER THEM - SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHI- 
Without thinking much, they found a random, jingly cat toy at their feet and flicked it through the crack between door and pane, holding painful breath in tight lungs as the sound echoed through the moonlit house.
The kitten followed, skittering and pouncing on the fuzzy thing.
The burglar heard a sigh - footsteps wandering up to the kitten. They could barely see a hand reaching into frame, scritching behind the kitten’s ears. The little terror, in turn, rolled over, grabbing and biting playfully at the hand in a viciously harmless attack. 
“Precious thing, you need to learn to be quiet at night..” the voice was soft. Groggy from sleep. Clearly a little relieved it was ‘just a kitten’ they heard. 
The burglar took a small step back, away from the crack in the door lest the owner glance up and see the streak of light glinting off a wide brown eye through the crack.
Panic snapped through them and their breath caught as their heel dropped into nothing. In a flash, all the burglar could see was them tumbling - stumbling and flailing through the darkness into a cool, cavernous pit of nothing - bones crunching against stone as they hit the bottom. 
But they didn’t fall.
Their hand slipped to the side, gripping a wooden rail their instincts must have deemed there. 
They turned, eyes wide in the darkness now illuminated by that strip of light. 
….not a closet.
Basement stairs. A landing.
The burglar took a deep, shuddering breath.
They were too loud. Breathing too loud. They could swear the owner of the house could hear their heartbeat slamming- echoing off the walls.
They had to get further away.
So..down the stairs they went.
Carefully - so carefully - they stood on the crosses of wood, walking only where they could see nails.
The wood was new. Unfinished. Barely sanded. Handmade.
But strong. Strong and sturdy.
It, blessedly, didn’t creak under their weight as they slowly descended into the darkness. 
Foot tapping blindly out at the air on each step, they clutched the duffle bag and ipad close, terrified of dropping either of them and making a clatter. Terrified of hitting the ground before they realized it was there. Terrified of…everything, really.
Their breaths came a little more freely the further they got from the door, quiet, wet pants all but echoing off stone walls. Close. Telling them at least that the space was small. Fairly bare. Mostly for storage, then.
….maybe there would be things there? Family heirlooms or even a safe? People keep shit like that in basements, right?
They could bide their time here while they waited for the owner to fall back asleep - which meant waiting a couple more hours to make sure they were dead enough up there that they could sneak back out the window without the hell kitten waking them up again.
Then they’d get out and it would be fine and no one could call the police and everything would be fine. 
Breath choked against their throat as their foot hit a little too hard against concrete - the bottom of the stairs now.
The little colden slit of light didn’t extend nearly far enough. Eyes still adjusting, the burglar reached blindly out in front of them, hand moving through cool, musty air. Touching nothing as they blindly shuffled forward with eyes plastered open - wide with the desperation to see.
They didn’t dare turn on a light - maybe they would if it were one on a dimmer - just to get a little glo- OH-!
They stopped, turning around the ipad in their hands. They pulled the cover around to block the flashlight, at least mostly, then opened it, swiping and flicking on the flashlight option.
A spit of light swarmed out from the area in a small arch, and the burglar clamped their hand down over it.
They just needed a glow. Just enough to know they weren’t going to hit someth-
Their heart stopped dead and painful at the sound of footsteps groaning against the floorboards above their head.
They were breathing so hard it came in a round, muffled panting breaths coming so sporadically and echoing that it almost sounded like there were two of them here. 
Eyes wide and plastered to the ceiling, they kept their breath dead still and the light clutched and covered against their chest as they blindly tracked the steps across the room. Through the kitchen. Up the stairs again. A soft cooing and chittering as they did.
They were bringing the damn cat with them.
The burglar took a deep breath, peeling back the cover of the ipad again and squinting against the fresh wash of white light as it turned around the room.
Shelves. Desk. Oddly…clean - no storage? Closet an-
The burglar’s breath clattered to a stop as the ipad slipped from their fingers at the flash of eyes staring back at them - haunted face outlined only briefly until the light fell and flickered away. 
They stumbled back against the floor, fear and panic tangling up their stomach and squeezing at their lungs in an icy, branching fire. They choked on it, breaths harsh and desperate. New threat located.
Their fingers scrabbled for the ipad again, hand raking across the broken screen to force the light back on again. Hitting the side of it with the heel of their hand as they shoved themself back - dufflebag forgotten on the ground in the middle of the room - until their back hit the wall.
When the light finally did turn back on, it was flickering - sporadic. They shoved the light at the face they saw, begging the universe to let it just be a trick of the light. A strange marking in the store or an old coat hanging strangely on a chair like the ‘monster in their closet’ when they were a kid. That they’d see the creature’s face and it wouldn’t be real at all. Please please please-
But that didn’t happen.
They saw bloodied, dirty hands and elbows, forearms crossed up over a face they couldn’t see anymore. 
Torn clothes..
On the wrists…zipties..
The burglar’s breaths were coming so fast now they were starting to get dizzy. Then softly sob - no - no that wasn’t them - no, that was the creature. The person. The person who was chained up in a fucking basement.
The burglar took several deep, shuddering breaths, keeping the ipad pointed at them.
A small, hoarse voice cracked across the room, not even amounting to a whisper. “pl-ease-”
The burglar stared, beam of light trembling over the wall - shaking like a projector with far too aggressive a fan rattling the image during a grade school movie day. 
The burglar couldn’t think of a response. Couldn’t think of..anything. But they did point the light away.
They set the ipad down on the ground, light pointed up so it scattered a gray haze over the entire room. 
Tear-sparked eyes peeked out from behind shaking hands as they light moved away from the poor creature. 
They were small. Frail. Littered in bruises. Tear-tracks slid down their cheeks, cutting through the dirt, blood, and grime.
“Wh-hho a-re you-??” they dared to ask..
The burglar..didn’t know how to answer that either. “I…n..I’m not anyone- I j….wh-ats going on??”
The little human scrubbed at their eyes. “Y-oure not with him?”
The burglar shook their head in small twitches. “No- just…I….I was..no I don’t know him.”
They seemed to breathe a little easier now - eyes flicking swiftly up to the ceiling - then descending to the burglar again. “C-ccan y-ou get me o-ut-?”
The burglar swallowed down the knot in their throat. It caught on dryness and fear, but they forced it down anyway. 
“Yeah- y-yeah I can …do that-” they glanced around the room, whisper growing in pitch as they moved up to a crouch, looking around for..a key..? “..how?”
The human stood carefully, chain around their ankle chafing and rattling slightly - it echoed through the room. “Th-eres bolt cutters i-n the cabinet-??”
The burglar did not want to think about what the fuck this sicko needed bolt cutters in their torture basement.
Their mind filled in the answer to that question anyway.
Bile rose to the back of their throat, but they nodded, standing and tugging it open. They felt around in the darkness for the thick, heavy metal, and dragged it out with a grumbling scrape and a small clatter. They winced at the sound, but heaved it up against them - fuck it was heavy-
They carried it across the room to the captive, anyway. 
“..wrists first-?”
The captive nodded desperately, holding out their wrists. 
The burglar took a moment of heaving to get the teeth of the bolt cutters properly in place where they wouldn’t bite through skin, but snapped them together fairly easily. 
The captive shuddered a soft sob, relief dripping from their eyes as they rubbed at their wrists. 
The burglar didn’t wait for further instruction, they needed to move.
They knelt down to the captive’s feet, slotting one link of the chain between the thick metal teeth, then braced one handle against their thigh as their hands pulled back.
It bruised and dug into the flesh of their leg, but they didn’t stop.
The metal didn’t relent, but they didn’t stop.
Teeth grit, fueled by fear and desperation, the burglar pulled harder and harder, feeling the bruise work against the bone and listening to their back crackle at the strain. 
They shifted, readjusting - maybe just one half of the link?? It was dented- that was a good sign - but not nearly enough. 
They had to break it.
The captive rested both hands on the burglar’s shoulders, steadying both of them as the burglar groaned under the effort. They flinched hard as a hand pressed over their mouth, indicating quiet. They were making too much noise. 
They were so stupid.
Silencing their voice with a small nod, the burglar moved back to the agonizing pull, jerking the handle to and fro, desperately trying to force the iron link to submit to iron teeth, crumbling to the ground.
They almost cursed as a little body brushed soft against their leg. “Not the time-” they scooted the kitten away from their leg with their foot, resuming their posi-
..how did you get..h..-
The burglar straightened immediately, terrified eyes turning to the stairs.
The owner sat there, crouched in the shadows.
The softest glint shone off the barrel of the pistol that was lazily pointed at the pair of them. Footsteps moved all but silently down the stairs - heavy all the same. The burglar flinched at every muffled step.
Silence clattered away as the owner’s shoe crunched against the discarded ipad, sending the world dark.
A ‘click’ and the room flickered into blinding, garish, rotting light from the dusty orange of a dangling bulb. 
“Ohhh honey, did you pick the wrong house..”
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[Drabble Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @uvanuva @a-whumped-tea) 
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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elitehoe · 2 years
LOOOOOOK AT NICKY AND MATTY GO *kicking my feet. head in hands. giggling.*
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Assigning each ASOUE book a TMA entity (+why)
*Also taking the Netflix show’s portrayal/atmosphere into account.
The Bad Beginning: Web 🕸️
The Baudelaires are beginning to realize that things have been going on behind the scenes that they can’t understand; they are almost completely trapped in Olaf’s scheme til Klaus finds a loophole.
The Reptile Room: Hunt 🦷
The Incredibly Deadly Viper is initially percieved as a threat, if short-lived, and the Baudelaires are surrounded by dangerous creatures. Simultaneously, this is the book in which they truly realize Olaf is determined to keep chasing them.
The Wide Window: Lonely ☁️
Imagery of a large, empty house in a grey, foggy lake setting combined with the theme of grief. They are also without their guardian for a while after she faked suicide and was temporarily presumed dead.
The Miserable Mill: Dark 🌑
The Baudelaires do not know what happened with their parents here; information is being hidden from them. Klaus’ vision is literally impaired at several points in the story due to his glasses being damaged, in addition to the mandatory nightly “lights out” immediately after dinner.
The Austere Academy: Slaughter🔪
Vice Principal Nero’s fixation on the violin provides frenzied music, a common theme of the slaughter. The children are collectively cruel to the Baudelaires via Carmelita’s leadership. They demonstrate moblike behavior at the pep rallies.
The Ersatz Elevator: Spiral 🌀
The penthouse has hundreds of rooms and corridors in which one can easily be lost; there are repeating patterns on walls and furniture as well as the children’s clothing. Proportions seem exaggerated, ie the scale of the house, the limo, Esmé’s hat and fur coat, etc. The elevator is a false door that acts as a deception. Esmé is the first character to convincingly lie to the Baudelaires, and the contradictory rules of the In/Out system are nonsensical and confusing. And, of course, there is literally a Red Herring at the auction.
The Vile Village: Buried ⚰️
The Baudelaires are, in a literal sense, in a dry and dusty desert village full of sand. In addition to this, Duncan and Isadora are trapped together in the cramped, dark space of the fountain for the bulk of the story. In a more figurative sense, the Baudelaires are also buried under extensive suffocating and restrictive laws.
The Hostile Hospital: Eye 👁️
Heimlich Hospital contained files of information on nearly every conceivable subject; a massive gathering of knowledge by a man who ironically has poor vision. Olaf keeps a constant watch through the security cameras, and when Klaus is being forced to operate on his sister, an entire theater is seeing him.
The Carnivorous Carnival: Flesh 🥩
While the “carnival freaks” are of course not actually examples of body horror and are just people with deformities, they are still viewed as such by audiences within the narrative. Additionally, Madame Lulu is literally eaten alive by lions.
The Slippery Slope: Vast 🌊
In this case, the Vast mainly refers to the sky and heights, though the ocean is incorporated at the very end leading into the Grim Grotto. Falling off the mountain is a constant background fear; Sunny’s cage is thrown off the edge, and we see Kit do her little falling-and-flying trick with the dragonfly wings.
The Grim Grotto: Corruption 🪰
I was tempted to put the Vast here, but honestly the ocean itself was more of a unusual setting than a legitimate source of fear. The major conflict of the story was the infection/contamination of the Medusoid Mycelium.
The Penultimate Peril: Stranger 🎭
The Baudelaires do not know whether they anyone are speaking with is trustworthy, especially Ernest vs. Dewey.
The End: Extinction 🏭
The island is partially covered in garbage and debris, and everyone there is poisoned by the Medusoid Mycelium and will presumably be wiped out.
*Honorable mentions to the Desolation (fire, suffering) the Lonely (very few believe or help) and the Hunt (Count Olaf’s constant pursuit) as overtones of the entire series.
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bnha-headcanonss · 5 months
Suggestion :)
Yall really like your Dadzawa fics lmao. I opted to not take the header image seriously, you’re welcome
Words: 1940
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I was walking home from school, had an earbud in listening to some city pop. I live in an apartment with my father near my school, U.A. high school, my dad’s a teacher there.
I was down a less busy street, had some shops here and there but it was a bit more sketchy than the more crowded streets.
I felt a tingle up my spine, you know that feeling when you’re being watched, or followed.
I look down and to the side, try to see in my peripherals just in case I am being followed and sure enough, someone was there. I kept walking, maybe a coincidence. I knew I was being followed for sure after taking 3 right turns and he was still there.
I ducked into a store and pulled out my phone. I dialed my emergency contact, it only took one ring until it answered.
“Is everything okay?”
“No I think I’m being followed. I’m at Midwest on 1 Chrome-6-1. Next to Whitely.” I gave him my location.
“Okay, is there people in the store?”
“Yes, it’s a bit crowded.”
“Stay close to the counter. I’ll be there soon.”
Dad hung up the phone and I presume left where he was.
“My daughter needs some help somewhere in town. I’m just letting you know I’ll be gone.”
“Take all the time you need. Hopefully everything is okay.” Nezu says. With that, I’m off.
I run down to Midwest and it’s empty. Merchandise is everywhere, you can hardly see the store floor. Glass is shattered everywhere, shelving is uneven and some even thrown off the walls, displays knocked over. This place is a wreak.
I rush to a back room, behind the counter, look under bigger shelving and displays, there is nobody, everybody who was originally reported here is gone, including my daughter.
“Hey man, you gotta get out of here. Some big dude just wreaked the place.” Some guy, I’d imagine the owner, said from the front door, he came from somewhere on the street.
“Did you see a girl? Teenage, black long hair, school uniform come through here?” I questioned. I have to find my daughter.
“Oh yeah. She stumbled in here all panicked and what not. She was on her phone, then looking behind her, then on her phone again. She was a mess. She stood up at the counter with me, the dude came in here and wreaked the place trying to get her. She put up one hell of a fight though. He got her and got away. I called the cops rights after.” His voice was shaky, all of him was very shaken up.
“Which way did they go?” I asked, he pointed to the manhole on the ground.
“Shit. Thank you for your help. Get somewhere safe until police arrive.” I phoned a personal contact on my end.
“Tsukauchi, I need some help over at Midwest on 1 Chrome-6-1. There was a villain attack here and a kidnapping. The owner said the villain took off with the victim in the manhole closest to the street. I’m going down but I’m going to need assistance.”
“Do not go down there alone. I’m coming along with some of the force. Stay put.”
“There’s no time, I’m going down.” I hung up, sent him my location, removed the cover and dropped in. Typically I would not have been this reckless but considering this is my daughter here, I’d say it’s justified. I’m not saying I wouldn’t do this for anybody else, this particular matter is just… personal.
Luckily, I know the underground system well enough to figure out where he went due to past chases. The underground system gets used a lot, it’s convenient and very open. It’d be a risk to shut them completely so we installed safety features to ensure our success in stopping and capturing villains. I move to my phone and open the security software all pros have enabled. It allows us to look through certain security footage around our home bases. The store front isn’t one of the locations I can see, but the underground system sure is. I scan the footage for any sign of him or my daughter. I manage to track them, she’s unconscious and slung over his shoulder and he’s bolting for the outskirts of the city. I continue on this trail until I come up near an old warehouse. A little cliché honestly.
I climbed out of the manhole and scoped out the area. Some voices inside trading details and information about deals, money, a big boss, and “the girl.”
I look in through a worn part of the warehouse and see her, still unconscious, on the floor. The men are huddled around her. I don’t see any intention of hostility so I remain put, listening to what they’re saying. If they’ve done this to my daughter, what if they’d done it to others? Or plan to? This could bust them all together.
After a couple minutes of listening I’ve gathered that these men are from the Hassaikai. A know Yakuza group around here. We’ve had issues with them in the past that led to much, much bigger things. This one needs to stop here. They’re looking for powerful quirks. My daughter has a quirk like mine which I would argue, is powerful. One that can temporarily disable a quirk. And if it’s combined with the enhancers they used previously, she may even be able to completely get rid of a quirk. Knows to really say and I’m not attempting to find out.
I hear rattling behind me, it’s Tsukauchi and some members of the force following on the surface level. I give the gesture to slow down and keep quiet.
“I told you not to run off, what’s going on?”
“They took my daughter. They’re with the Hassaikai, still on the hunt for powerful quirks. I don’t know how many times they’ve done this or if they plan to continue.” I relay to the detective.
“What? We put a stop to them. The leader is still in a coma in the hospital.”
“That’s what I thought. I’m guessing someone stepped up to carry on the organization.”
“They took your daughter?”
I pointed to her on the floor. Tsukauchi stepped away to converse with the other guys and report this issue to higher ups before making his way back over to me.
“Okay. This is your kid in there, what’s the plan?”
Tsukauchi and I devise a strategy.
Then we start kicking ass.
Mostly me to be fair. I have the badass quirk and combat experience, not that the others do, but this is also my job.
I take out the two guards they had positioned at the front. The first one went down easy but the second put up a fight. After seeing what happened to his buddy, and on a sneaky attack, he sure as hell wasn’t going to put up with it.
Tsukauchi and a couple men go around the back to secure my daughter. The men that were with my daughter attempted to stop them but my scarf got to them first.
The rest of the force charge with me. We had contained the main villains that we’re discussing plans over my daughter and we bring them in for questioning.
I left that to the police, I’m more concerned about somebody else who’s remained unconscious, I have no idea what they did to her, for precaution, I brought her to the hospital.
She was hit with some kind of sleep quirk. They put her on an IV to maintain hydration. I refused to leave her side the entire stay. This happened because I couldn’t make it to her quick enough. Or I let her go home alone. Some things may have to change if I want to keep her safe.
She woke up after about three hours.
“What’s going on?”
“The villain you called me about got to you. We took care of them, you’re safe and in the hospital. They just have you on an IV, nothing else is wrong I promise.”
“I’m so sorry.” She apologized.
“What are you sorry for? You did everything right. I need to be apologizing to you. You never should have been put in that position.” I tried to reassure her. She’s already been through a lot today as it is, I don’t want her to stress over this.
“I should’ve been smarter, I don’t know. Not have gotten myself caught. I tried using my quirk but nothing happened to him.”
“What do you mean?” Her quirk should have worked just fine. She should’ve been able to stop his quirks effect easily. She knows how to. I’ve had her practice on me and other hero’s at the school since she first developed her power. She’s practically mastered it.
“I don’t know. I did it, I know I activated it, but he remained as he was.”
“What was his quirk, do you remember?”
“I thought it would have been strength or speed, or some kind of enhanced abilities with the way he tore up the shop, and how quick he moved. But he just kept going and going.”
Is he naturally that strong? Or fast? I need to report this to Tsukauchi when I’m done here. That’s something that needs to be looked into because that was only the doings of a quirk. Naturally, that should be impossible.
“Yes Musume?”
“Can we go home?”
“Of course. Let me check you out of here and we’ll go. You need rest. And you won’t be going to school tomorrow. I want to keep an eye on you just in case anything else happens with that sleep quirk they hit you with.”
“No complaints here.” She doesn’t hate school by any means, but if she gets the chance to ditch, she’ll take it. Given her grades are excellent. Frankly, they could use some work, but she gets a pass today.
After I get her checked out, we stop by a shop before heading home.
“Dango? Really?”
“Yeah. I was thinking you could use a little pick me up. Or an ‘I’m sorry you got kidnapped’ treat.” She laughed, that bright smile of hers.
“Thank you.” She kept smiling. I purchased the treat, we snacked for a moment then headed home.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re very quiet.” I questioned. Usually we talk a lot while we walk home and yes, she’s been through something traumatic but this is still slightly out of character. Just consider it good fatherly love and checking on his daughter.
“Yeah. Just shaken up. Tired. I really want to sleep.”
“Okay. We’ll get you to bed as soon as you get inside.”
We reach the apartment, she gives me a hug goodnight and heads to her room. Her light is off a minute or two after shutting her door. I stay out in the living room an extra hour or so, to make sure she doesn’t need anything and so I can finish grading papers.
I finish my stack and head to bed. Tomorrow’s a different day, and hopefully a safer one at that.
*Musume (mu-su-mei) - Daughter
I try to keep the main character as nameless as possible. I do this for self-insert reasons and a general lack of knowledge for Japanese culture in which names are a part of. This is why I use Musume a bit, it one of the only words I’ve done the research to use properly and still have it go with the story and even then, I use it when absolutely necessary.
I was thinking of using Rei as her name but I believe that’s Todorokis mother’s name and just decided to her her nameless.
Thank you for the suggestion! :)
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ragnarokhound · 11 months
“Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.” for the h/c prompts? 💞
Thank you for the prompts!!! I was going to respond to both of them today but uh. This one got a little out of hand lmao
I hope you enjoy!!
9. “Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.”
Jaytim, warnings for: Thoughts of self-harm, canon-typical violence, panic attacks/triggers w/heavy emphasis on breath, Jason being a defensive, self-deprecating asshole <3
Jason doesn’t like to think of himself as a couple cards short of a full deck, but some nights? Are harder than others.
It’s so stupid. It’s always so stupid. Half the time it’s not even a trigger— and Jason knows his triggers, intimately. Has them filed away in a corner of his mind so that when the glass descends and his hands stop feeling like they belong to him, he can think to himself, oh, it was the beep of that guy’s wristwatch that set him off. That’s why he needs to be outside right now. That’s why he wants to punch brick until his knuckles are red and white and mangled.
Take tonight for instance.
He was doing his rounds. In between cases and expecting a slow night, when he found some guy getting worked over by a couple of mobsters. This would be easy, he thought. I eat chumps like these for breakfast, he thought. They aren’t even packing.
But a few meaty thwacks in the exact wrong rhythm, followed up by the poor sucker screaming in the exact wrong tone, and he’s left playing fifty-two-card pickup with only jokers to substitute. 
Ha. Ha. Ha.
Bloody shins aren’t as satisfying as busted braincaps no matter what Tim and the other bats say, but relationships are about compromise. He puts the guys in cheap suits on the ground and calls them an ambulance.
Their hapless victim gets a talking to about when it’s smart to borrow from loan sharks (never), directions to Leslie’s clinic (yeah, no, you’re gonna wanna take 15th—), what to say when the Red Hood personally intervenes on your behalf (thank you, strange man, bye), and Jason makes it to a safehouse without once giving in to the burn of the goading green fire in his blood.
See? Compromise.
Now he’s on the couch with blood on his bare knuckles, and the shards of glass in the bathroom are all that remain of his mirror. He sits and tries to breathe, but his brain is full of static; shuffling and shuffling and shuffling the deck but there’s no one to tell him when to stop. He’s not really sure how much time has passed when he hears the quiet whir of his security system shutting down.
There’s a gun in his hand with the safety off, pointed at Tim before the window’s even open.
Tim’s voice is loud in the quiet room, casual and light like the liar he is, but to Jason it still sounds muffled. Boxed up. Buried.
He takes another breath.
“Bad time?”
“Fuck off,” Jason says, just as faux-casual, because that’s what they do.
Only it wheezes out of him instead, thready and weak. The gun shakes in his hand. Tim pauses on the window ledge.
Jason can practically hear the gears whirring as he reassesses the scene: Jason’s bloody knuckles and the distant sound of water still running in the bathroom sink. Haphazard parts of his uniform shucked off almost at random, the helmet nowhere in sight, but his top missing and the holster straps hanging off his waist. 
Air whistles in and out of his tight chest in shallow, streaking streams that get closer and closer together the longer he looks at Red Robin’s expressionless white eye sockets. He knows what Tim sees. 
The silence weighs on him. It pisses him off.
The only thing worse than being a scattered mess is having a witness. The only thing worse than having a witness is if that witness is Tim. They haven’t been fucking that long, but it’s been long enough that Tim probably came over tonight with more than one item on his to-do list.
“Not tonight, princess,” Jason bites out when Tim still hasn’t said anything. “Daddy’s tired.”
Tim steps inside.
The gunshot rings sharp and stinging in the air before he even realizes he’s pulled the trigger. The smoking hole on the floor by Tim’s foot is the only warning Jason feels capable of giving right now.
“Did I—did I fucking stutter?” He tries to say, but black spots bloom at the scattered edges of his vision, and he wavers.
One second Tim is frozen with his palms out, showing that they’re empty, and the next he’s easing the gun out of Jason’s hand and letting Jason twist a fist in the front of his costume. He helps Jason sit back down, and Jason doesn’t want to look at his face, to see the pity there. 
He gasps, muscles tensing, and under his fingers he catalogs the new mesh Tim is trying out with his suit. It’s probably something with a stupid, long name and the word “polymer” thrown in for added pretension. It sounds like something Tim would do.
“...something happen tonight?” Tim is asking quietly.
It’s not Robin-steady, because he knows Jason well enough to know how bad an idea that would be, but it’s not the levity they fake with each other either. Whatever it is, it’s making Jason itch.
Then he catches Tim taking his pulse and peering into one of his eyes with intense scrutiny, and what he’s said catches up to him. 
Jason laughs. It’s an ugly sound.
“Oh, quit it. I wasn’t gassed,” he snaps. “There’s no toxin, there’s nothing wrong with me.”
“That’s not what I—” Tim tries to backtrack but it’s way too late for that weak shit.
“Except for the everything that’s fucking wrong with me,” he snarls. He didn’t know he was going to say that until he'd already said it, bubbling and burning out of his mouth like melting plastic, acrid and noxious— but he feels afloat, drifting; like he’s watching himself from the other room. So it doesn’t matter.
“It’s not going to be fixed, there isn’t any antidote for you to cook up in your cute little lab for this—” he whirls a sharp-fingered hand around his temple, “fucking garbage.”
“Jason,” Tim says, fingers tight and prying at Jason’s grip.
“There’s no cure for being beaten to death, no little step-by-step handbook for kids who don’t fucking stay dead, so you can take your shitty costume and your knock-off batarangs and fake-ass fucking concern—”
“Jason, take a breath for me.”
Take a breath? Oh, he’ll take a fucking breath, alright—
He’ll take a breath and then he’ll—
He’ll take a breath and—
He’ll take a—
He takes a fucking breath.
Tim’s face is bare.
His eyes are very blue. It takes Jason approximately three years to realize that the heavy weight on his shoulders is Tim’s cape, unclipped and pooling in their laps.
It takes another five to realize that the heavy weight in his lap is Tim himself, straddling his thighs and breathing steadily under their joined hands. Tim’s heart beats an alternate rhythm, almost three beats for every breath in, almost four for every breath out, and Jason closes his eyes.
“Hey,” Tim says.
Jason doesn’t say anything more.
What else is there to say when your kind-of-colleague, kind-of-booty-call, complete-pain-in-the-ass comes over when you’re in the middle of some kind-of-mental break? Fucking ‘sorry’ ?
“Sorry,” he says. “Not exactly fit for company right now.”
Tim smirks. “I noticed.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“You gonna shoot at me again?”
Jason scowls.
“I fucking might.”
Tim only rolls his eyes. Jason finds it oddly settling. He finds all of it oddly settling; bickering with Tim is normal. Easy. It reminds him of what he’s like now. The full fifty-two.
His fingers are still trembling, but Tim is stroking absent-mindedly over the skin on the back of his hand. He might not be aware he’s still doing it. Tim exudes an air of total comfort, like the only place he wants to be right now is literally babysitting Jason; but Jason knows better. He sighs.
“Listen,” he says, staring at a point past Tim’s ear. “I could have picked a better way to say it, but I’m— I’m really not up for anything tonight—”
Tim stiffens.
“Jason, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“Sex, obviously.”
He watches in real-time as Tim processes that. It’s honestly kind of fascinating, in a terrible, gut-stabbing kind of way. Tim takes a deep breath.
“Dude. I get that you are in an emotionally vulnerable place right now—”
“—but I’m not that much of an asshole,” Tim says flatly. “You really think I’m gonna bail the second I see that you’re having a bad night? Or that I’m only gonna stick around if you put out after you’re done having a panic attack? Very sexy. Fuck you very much,” he finishes, hissing and affronted. 
Jason stares at him.
“You can’t tell me this is how you wanted to be spending your night,” he says, but his hands creak convulsively around Tim’s, as if to hold him in place. The traitors.
“You don’t know how I want to spend my night,” Tim retorts.
“Oh, come on. I’m not gonna ask you to babysit me and check the closet for monsters before I go to sleep so I don’t have wittle nightmares—” Jason scoffs.
“So don’t ask,” Tim says, eyes burning; Jason’s breath catches. “Tell me to stay. I’ll be here.”
“You’ll be here,” he says skeptically. But Tim’s hands squeeze around his, so hard and fast it hurts. The pain is grounding.
“As long as you’ll have me.”
He wants to scoff again. It’s the kind of saccharine after-school-special corny bullshit that he always hated coming from Bruce.
But his grip is just as tight on Tim, their bones rubbing together through the barrier of their skin. The thought of letting go makes his stomach swoop, like the moments just after stepping off a plane with no chute. That window between stepping and being caught; when his heart still needs convincing that someone else will save him.
(It’s the kind of earnest, rock-solid sincerity he always craved from Bruce; the kind he always ate up, hook, line, and sinker.)
He swallows his pride. His dry throat clicks.
Fine. Stay. If you’re so fucking eager, is what he tries to say. 
But all that comes out is, “Stay.”
Tim leans forward, and drops his forehead onto Jason’s bare shoulder. Jason’s shaky breath stirs the fine black hairs beneath his nose, the mild scent of his shampoo wafting gently into Jason’s nose. After an uncertain beat, he lets his cheek fall. Then the rest of him. They stack against each other, two cards forming the foundations of a house. 
When Jason shakes apart, Tim holds steady.
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fairlyang · 9 months
you get recruited and slowly convince miguel you're on his side
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w/c: 12K
pairing: miguel o’hara x blackcat!reader
tags: 18+ smut. mention of guns, blood, murder, death, grief. teasing, seducing, goes both ways, tension, slight choking, groping, kissing, interrupted, more tension, caves in, blowjob, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it up!!), size difference, more choking
notes: my longest fic up to date which is a bit sad bc I think she flopped bc the hornies hate reading more than 1K sometimes 💀
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The notorious Black Cat of New York but also happened to be the city's very own Spider Woman. An incredibly unexpected combination but what can one do when kidnapped by Kingpin and are forcibly meant to be his Guinea pig?
Then almost right after escaping getting bit by a radioactive spider....
On the bright side who else was able to rob banks and also be able to stop other criminals from doing so, before she gets to hit them herself? None other than yourself, of course.
You kept your two different lives separate, to the best of your ability anyway. Obviously no one was able to stop the infamous Black Cat or retrieve all the things she'd steal. Spider Woman on the other hand, stopping every other criminal or asshole on the streets, besides your alter ego.
You were going to hit up a jewelry store, to steal a few brand new diamonds for yourself. In your oh so casual Black Cat attire that consisted of a black spandex suit with the matching mask covering your eyes, along with the realistic long silver wig.
You were somewhat unrecognizable, but it wasn't like anyone from your personal life was gonna be robbing banks or jewelry stores. Or be anywhere near when you would be robbing one. There'd be no reason for anyone in your life to see you when you were doing Black Cat activities.
Or so you thought, before your whole world came crashing down.
I quickly turned off the security system in the jewelry store from the alley right next to it, I grabbed my bag of goodies and I hid my special tablet behind some trash before quickly going inside by the side door. It was vacant, as expected.
I went to the back of the store and look at the cases with the newest necklaces and rings embedded with shiny diamonds. I trail a finger along the glass and look down at the casing filled with only diamond rings.
I walked along the back of the store, looking at everything, the shiniest of rings and earrings until I spotted the most gorgeous necklace.
Filled with diamonds shaped like flower petals all along the neckline with a leaf shape hanging down with more diamonds embedded on its shape, with a red ruby sitting perfectly right in the middle of it. My eyes flicker with admiration and want, I needed it. I take my bag off from my shoulder and place it on the floor quickly opening it to grab something to open the case. Then I stop and stand up walking to the back of the case and scoff. The key.
What kind of dumbasses leave the fucking key out?
I shrug and roll my eyes unlocking the little door and take the necklace out carefully. No alarm.
I close the case and walk back to my bag and stuff it in one of its pockets then zip it up. I pick it up putting the strap back on my shoulder and walk around the store, stopping when something caught my eye.
I walk over to it and chuckle. How ironic... a gold necklace with a spider hanging out and yet another red ruby being held by it's arms and legs.
How could I not?
I grab a small tool with a pointy end and walk to the back of the counter. I kneel down and quickly unlock the little door and in just a few seconds it clicks open. I slide the door open and grab the necklace admiring the pretty ruby.
I stand up and grab a few other pieces then walk around the counter and back to my bag. I put them all in another pocket carefully then close it shut. I wrap my bag around my shoulders and head towards the side door, not really wanting anything else. I open the door and close it quietly before making my way to pick up my tablet from where I left it.
Sure enough it was there and I quickly turned the security system back on before using a web to swing up onto the roof of a building.
I always tried to be careful when using my webs but considering it was past 1am and it was empty out, i didn't have a care.
I walk along the edge of the roof looking at the view, admiring all the buildings and the glowing moon right above them. I jump onto the next roof and continue walking, keeping an eye out just in case. I jumped off roof to roof for about an hour, patrolling around, nothing out of the ordinary happening so i decide to make my way home.
I was a bit far from my apartment so I started swinging in the direction, feeling the cold breeze and going through the dimly light streets when my spidey senses go off when I'm one block away from my place. I swing on top of a roof and look down at an alleyway and widen my eyes to see my best friend, Ben getting mugged.
I curse under my breath and feel my heart start to race. I put my bag on a corner of the roof and look down before carefully climbing down a set of pipes, unbeknownst to the muggers.
I was right above them now and I take a deep breath then jump on top of one, knocking him off Ben and giving him space to catch a breather. I punch his jaw once I tackled him down to the floor then continuously punch him in the face against the hard floor.
I stand up and turn to look at the other guy and he gripped his gun. Ben had taken a few steps back making me feel a tad bit more calm. I sprint towards the bad guy somehow catching him off guard and kick him in the balls instantly making him groan and drop down to his knees.
I punch him on the stomach multiple times as hard I can, not able to control myself, almost like I needed to make sure he wouldn't be able to hurt Ben. Then I hear his voice and I feel his hands on my shoulders. "Hey- hey hey it's fine- I'm good now- it's fine." He says with widened eyes as we both look down to see the man with blood coming out of his mouth, his breathing slow.
I step away from the man and try to control my rapid breathing, before turning to Ben and asking in a softer voice, "are you okay?"
"Yeah- me? Oh yeah I'm fine, I'm good- I- uh-thanks..." He trails on and I take a deep breath.
"Black Cat." I say and look down at my masked hands covered with blood.
"Right! Thanks a lot- I uh just didn't expect 'em-" he savs and I cut him off.
"Of course." I say in my normal voice and I mentally curse myself, he can't know.
Suddenly my spidey senses go off and I turn around withdrawing my talons and claw at the guy behind me but not before hearing a gunshot. I feel my heart drop and I widen my eyes looking down at the gun.
I pull it out of the man, his body instantly dropping and turn around to see Ben covering his stomach then slowly starting to fall. I quickly run to him and was able to catch him, as we dropped to the floor, and my hands immediately going to put pressure on his wound but he was losing blood fast. "Hey look at me- B-Ben- keep your eyes on me- please-" I cry out, already feeling the hot tears streaming down my mask.
"'Wha-" he tries to say but I shake my head and bring a hand up to cover his mouth.
I bite my lip and then take my other hand off his stomach. I carefully take off his jacket and make him press it against his stomach. "I-I"
I bring my hands up to take off my mask and I look down at him with a sad smile. His eyes immediately grew wide and he tried to speak again but I shake my head. "You're gonna be okay- I promise-" I whisper and then move my hands back onto his stomach, the jacket already being soaked by his blood.
I swallow back a sob and wipe my tears, trying so hard to remain optimistic, "Don't waste your energy okay? I promise you'll be okay." I say breathless and he just shakes his head.
I feel my heart break into pieces and more hot tears stream down my face. "It's okay." He whispers and holds onto my hands, slightly gripping them.
"N-no- no B-Ben p-please-" I cry out and he lets out a small smile.
"It's... okay..." He says slowly and I see how slow he's breathing now.
I look down at his eyes, and he lightly squeezed my hands and nods. I curse under my breath and shake my head, "I'm so sorry-"
He coughs, some blood coming out, then shakes his head, "it's.. not your... fault..." he whispers making me want to cry even harder.
"I love you." I whisper and hold his hand softly.
"I love you." He murmurs and then his eyes close. His grip on my hands loosened completely and his breathing stopped.
I'd never felt such heartbreak in my life, I've never dealt with instant grief like this, or anger at myself. I cradled him in my arms, now silently crying unable to move and slowly not able to breathe. I started sobbing uncontrollably after looking down at his face, what was always so happy and lively was now never going to look at me, scold me or roll his eyes at me.
I stayed like that for who knows how long until I heard a noise behind me. I turn and look at the man who murdered my best friend, slowly crawling away, letting out groans for every little inch he moved. I move Ben's body to lay down flat on the floor before standing up and taking a few steps towards the fucker who just took my other half from me. I grab him and turn him around, slamming him against the concrete and make him look at me. With pure anger and malice I withdraw my claws and in an instant slash at his face then withdraw a talon again, lifting it up and stabbing him in the heart repeatedly.
I stopped after my arm started to hurt and I looked down at the mess. My body started shaking and I look down at my talon, hands, legs. All covered in blood. I shake my head and walk back to Ben, moving the hair out of his face and making sure his eyes were closed.
I let the tears fall down as I looked at his face, how much I'd miss his contagious laugh, his smile, the way he'd ramble on about his current interest. God I'm gonna miss him.
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I was front row at his funeral, holding hands with his mom and sister, I made sure to tell them that the person who took him away from us was dead. They didn't even ask, not wanting to know the details, but were happy that Ben got his justice. But at what cost?
Nothing broke my heart more than hearing his sister tell me that he was on the way to see me, to have a surprise movie night because he missed us just randomly hanging out.
I let more tears fall, as I saw his casket going down, I'd never have my best friend back. What will I do without him?
I let them go as they went to stand by to watch. I let more tears fall as I grip the matching bracelet we had bought years ago when we were in high school. Mine was purple with a charm of some milk, his was blue with a charm of cookies. What was once such a silly little buy between two friends was now another reminder of all our memories together.
I stand up and drop to my knees in front of the designated spot for his grave and look down. Saying my final goodbyes in my head and look up at the sky knowing he'll always be watching over me.
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"Jess you said you found a possible new recruit?" Miguel asked looking down at Jess as his platform was going down.
"Yep. You might want to consider her..." she says and walks onto his platform after it fully stopped, handing him the file.
He quickly skims through it then scoffs, "Jess this is a Black Cat variant-"
"Keep reading!" She exclaims and takes a seat on his chair, leaning back against it.
He rolls his eyes but does so anyway considering he trusts Jess' judgement. He keeps reading and suddenly his eyes widen making Jess laugh. "Considering it huh?"
He doesn't say a word, raises an eyebrow, and looks up at her, "when was the last time she did Black Cat activities?"
"Four years ago, exactly today." She responds and he cocks an eyebrow.
"Just keep reading Miguel." She says letting out a sigh.
He groans but looks back down at the paper, now carefully reading through everything. His eyes soften for a singular second before he has a serious look on his face again.
"Go get her." He says as Jess carefully stands up.
"You got it." She says as she takes a step down his platform.
"Just be careful-"
"Yeah yeah-" she says waving him off making him groan.
"I'm serious Jess- Black Cats are unpredictable-"
"Which would make her a great fit here." She retorts and walks out of his office.
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It was four years since Ben was shot, you had struggled a lot especially in the beginning. But with all the support of his family, your family, close friends, and tons of therapy, you were able to grieve, and move on with your life but never forgetting your childhood best friend.
I was sitting down next to Ben's grave eating his favorite food, mac and cheese, along with some chocolate nesquik. God he really had the appetite and taste of a five year old.
I shake my head and smile at his grave, "Ben Parker, beloved son, brother, and friend"
"I sure do miss you." I mumble and look up at the sky.
I sigh and scoop up the last of the mac and cheese putting it into my mouth before taking a long sip of the nesquik. I pull the bottle away from my mouth before spilling the rest of it on the grass in front of the grave. "This one's for you." I say and chuckle.
I sigh and lean my back against his grave, looking at all the new dandelions that grew all around. I thought of it as he was giving us something to show he was with us. I let one hand gently caress one and smile.
Suddenly I feel something coming, I quickly stand up and look around. Nothing. I squint my eyes but there was no one around, no car or anything. Then just as I was about to sit back down some weird portal appeared out of thin air.
I straighten up and widen my eyes. I take a step back unsure of how it got here or who was about to come out. I look down at Ben's grave and sigh, quickly do a cross across my forehead and chest. I get in a fighting position when a woman steps out, a pregnant woman at that. I furrow my brows and watch as she steps in front of me cautiously. "Who are you?"
"Call me Jess..." she says and I put my hands down slowly.
"You're a spi-"
"Yep- sorry to be the one to burst your bubble but you aren't-" she starts to say and I gasp.
"The only one." I finish and widen my eyes.
"Wow...." I murmur taking a close look at her suit, it didn't even look like a suit more like a cool outfit.
"And you're pregnant?" I say and look down at her belly.
She nods and smiles, bringing a hand down to gently rub her stomach, "four months." She says softly and I give her a small smile.
"So not to be rude but why are you here? And how?" I ask and cross my arms against my chest.
"Think of this as... recruitment." She says and eyes me up and down.
"Recruitment?" I mumble and shake my head, "for what exactly?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"You'll find out soon enough." she raises an eyebrow at me, "you have a suit?"
I chuckle and shrug, "haven't really used it in a while...." I say and she smiles.
"Well you're gonna use it now." She says and opens a new portal and motions for me to follow her.
"This might feel a bit weird." She says as she walks in and I slowly follow.
We walk for a bit until another portal opens and it's in... my living room. "Go on, I'll wait." She says and I scoff.
"How the-"
"You don't mind if I get some water do you?" She asks as she walks over to the kitchen.
"Make yourself at home....." I mumble as I walk over to my room then look back to notice the portal was gone. What the fuck.
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"Y'know when you said you had a suit, I thought you meant-" Jess starts to say and I cut her off. "My spider woman one?" I say and chuckle, as I turn to look at her and she nods.
We walk out of the portal and are in some kind of lobby, my eyes widen and I gasp. I look around and there's hundreds, maybe thousands of spider people. And animals? "Was that a dinosaur?"
"There's all kinds of spider beings here." She says and I nod.
"Clearly- holy shit-" I say and admire all the different suits, designs and colors people had.
"So why did you decide on wearing this suit?" She asks as she leads the way walking past working spiders.
"Uh well let's just say my other one got fucked in my last fight and I was getting too lazy to fix it." I say and laugh.
"Plus this one was the next best thing.... And gives me more strength." I add and shrug. "And I wanted to see if it still fit..." I mutter and smirk.
"At least you didn't put the wig on...." She says playfully rolling her eyes making me laugh.
"Well you didn't give me much time to." I joke and bring a hand up to my ear to fix my earring.
"So, everyone's boss, Miguel O'Hara, is something special.... Long as you don't flip on us then you'll be fine and he might be alright with you sticking around." She says and I raise an eyebrow.
"So this is gonna be like an interview?" I ask and groan.
I roll my eyes and curse under my breath, "mi suerte." (just my luck)
"Oh and he's Mexican so might have to be careful if you curse at him in Spanish." She says and i scoff.
"You're joking-"
"Nope, so watch that mouth." She warns and making me smirk.
"Then this just might be more fun than I thought." I say keeping the smirk on my face as she just shakes her head.
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"Be chill." Jess said as we walked the long hallway to Miguel's office.
"I'll try...." I say and shrug.
"No doors?" I mutter and see all the machinery all over the place as we make a turn and yet another long hallway but with a lot of space at the end of it.
She ignores me as we keep walking and I trail a finger along all the tech things. I walk behind her admiring everything, then see a tool I knew all too well and chuckle. I shrug and grab it, unzipping the front of my suit, hiding it on the underside of my bra before quickly catching up to Jess while I zip my suit back up. You never know when you'll need it.
We walk into a room with a high ceiling and we both stopped and looked up as a platform was coming down, with who I assumed was Miguel. Wow he was huge-
I shake my thoughts away and bite my lip, crossing my arms across my chest and watch as it goes down. So slowly.
I blink and turn to Jess, she just sighs and shrugs, "just be patient."
"That isn't really in my blood...." I whisper and she chuckles.
"Well with him it'll have to be." She says making me roll my eyes.
It eventually came down, his back was facing us which I found to be very distracting... he was very wide, broad, and definitely not like the other Mexican men back in my New York. I bite my tongue and push back my thoughts... for now...
"Why are you wearing that?" He suddenly asks now turning around to face us and I raise an eyebrow. Why?
"Just felt like it." I say sarcastically making him narrow his eyes at me.
He turns to look at Jess and gives her a look, I roll my eyes pretending I didn't see it and take it upon myself to walk around as he steps off to talk to her.
I look up at the orange screens on top of the platform. It was showing tons of video clips, of different spiders but also of people out of their suits? Was this dude stalking people? This looked fucking insane.
I look at a specific screen seeing two teenagers talking, both their eyes filled with admiration and love. Cute.
"Oye gatita-" The voice and snap of Miguel fills my ears and I turn my head to look at him, "no es bueno fisgar." (Hey kitty, it's not good to snoop around)
I smirk and shrug, "just curious."
"Don't care that it killed the cat?" He responds quickly and I laugh.
"Did you already have these ready?" I tease and he rolls his eyes letting out a scoff. This was gonna be fun.
I walk back to him and Jess, looking at them, waiting expectantly. He lets out a deep sigh, running a hand through his hair and looks at me, "so the last time you've robbed anything was four years ago?"
I nod, not exactly shocked he already knew. He did have screens that were practically cameras.
He narrows his eyes at me and I tilt my head to the side keeping my eyes on his. We stayed like that, few feet away from each other just holding each other's gaze.
I was captivated, I couldn't look away because I simply didn't want to. And to not lose this silent staring competition. His eyes were a gorgeous color of red, and like all men, had pretty long lashes. 
It had me thinking of how he was really handsome, the kind you'd find on a night out but not get the chance to ask for his number and you slump all sad for the rest of the night. Or the kind you and all your girlfriends would be fighting over wanting to go talk to him. The kind you'd grow the balls to ask to dance with you or maybe not even ask and just grind up against him-
Suddenly there's a loud clap making us both blink and groan at the same time. "Sorry just wanted to say I'm leaving." Jess says as I turn my head to look at her with a semi-surprised look on her face.
"But I want the credit for bringing her in considering it seems you already don't mind her presence." She adds and I laugh.
I look at Miguel as he scoffs and shakes his head, interesting reaction. "Who said-"
"Alright I'll leave you to it." She cuts him off and turns to me.
I look at her as she puts her hands on my shoulders and leans into my ear, "maybe use your magic on him, to make him less grumpy." She whispers very quietly making me smirk. Ah so he needs a distraction....
I bite my lip to hold back my laughter and just nod as she pulls away, "don't gotta tell me twice." I whisper back and she grins.
"She's a keeper." Jess says turning back to Miguel and he sighs.
"We'll see about that." He mutters and I grin.
Jess gives me a wave as she walks off and I look at Miguel again, "You definitely blinked first."
He shoots me a glare making me snicker, "you're very easy to tick off huh?"
"Shut up." He snarls making me grin.
"I can tell this is the start of a very beautiful relationship." I say and give him a wink.
He rolls his eyes then throws something at me, I catch it with ease and look down at it, a watch. "Welcome to the spider society." He says and goes back up to his platform without another word.
I admire it for a few seconds before quickly slipping it on and smile, wow.
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Jess was kind enough to show me the ropes of how to use the watch, more specifically how to make portals to go to my earth and back here. Then she made another spider give me a tour and the overall breakdown, she was very sweet.
"So, Gwen, is it usually busy here?" I ask and turn to the blonde haired girl as she shrugs.
"Depends on the day, sometimes it's chaotic..." she says as we turn to see some spiders in the middle of an argument and she gives me a smile, "but sometimes it's chill."
I laugh and nod, "sure seems like it'd be a good mix of both."
She nods and smiles, "you'll fit right in! And don't mind the stares, there's already not too many women here so they're just-"
"Yeah... y'know what it's fine, could be way worse..." I say and chuckle, already have felt the stares since I got here.
"Trust me I get it, a lot, it'll calm down after a bit." She ensures making me laugh.
"We'll have to see about that, guess I'm not your ordinary spider woman." I mutter, shaking my head in disbelief.
Have these men never seen a woman before?
"It's whatever, but I really didn't expect this many people-" I say and look all around us casually looking at the amount of suits there were.
So many colors.
"Yeah we're a big bunch..." she jokes as we walk around the halls of HQ.
"And Miguel recruited everyone?" I ask turning to look at her.
"Pretty much." She responds letting out a chuckle.
"What a job huh?" She adds and I nod.
"It's a job of it's own." I mutter under my breath just shocked how one man can find and say yes to a shit ton of people.
"His main focus is his work so it shouldn't be too shocking y'know?" She responds and it had me thinking.
Main focus huh? Very, very interesting.
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It was your second day and after getting a full tour you had gotten your first mission. You caught the anomaly easily and thinking you'd get another one, you went to Miguel's office but he said that was it.
"What do you mean?!?" I ask confused.
"You're still new alright gatita? I'm not going to immediately give you a handful of anomaly's to catch, I'm going to ease you into it." He explains making me groan and roll my eyes to which he sighs.
"If you keep up the momentum of your first mission then maybe I'll give you two per day." He says slowly and I smile.
"So kind of you Miguel." I say and wink at him.
He rolls his eyes making me grin, oooh I love a challenge...
"Entonces Miguel estas soltero o que...." I ask looking up at him, lightly fluttering my lashes at him. (So Miguel are you single or what)
"Get out-"
"Alright alright cálmate- it was just a simple question." I say in an innocent tone biting my lip to not smirk or laugh. (calm down)
He gives me a look and I just ignore it, keeping my eyes on to his pretty crimson ones awaiting an answer. "Why don't you look over some reports for me?" He says and I finally let out a laugh.
"Sure." I respond then chuckle, shaking my head. This might be harder than I thought...
He goes up to his desk and grabs a handful of files, before explaining what I had to keep an eye for and correct or whatever, I wasn't sure, just looking at how huge he was while he rambled and looked at his screens.
I wanted to take another good and close look at him while his back was facing me. I've never seen any of those gym guys back home look like this- I mean he was on a whole other level of jacked and fine...
The muscles on his back extended and became more prominent with every movement and swipe he did on his screens only making me eyes widen and more thoughts coming in to mind.
He would look so fucking good hovering over me- towering over my body looking down at me with those eyes- god those eyes had something in them because I felt like every time I looked I was hooked and couldn't bare looking away for a single second.
The way his biceps were so toned and looked absolutely perfect because of his suit that laid on every curve flawlessly. Every inch of him was just incredible to look at and I might've been drooling a bit from how much I was gawking.
"Gatita pon atención." His voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I slightly jump before quickly gain my composure. Oops. (Pay attention)
"I am-" i retort and he scoffs. I bite my lip looking at the back of his head as he shakes it.
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"So why can't I go on the mission anymore?" I groan looking up at Miguel while he's typing away on a tablet with Lyla by his shoulder.
"I already told you." He mutters and I scoff.
"You didn't! You just told me I wasn't needed-"
"And I think that's good enough-"
"Well it isn't!" I exclaim and cross my arms against my chest, annoyed and confused.
He ignores me and doesn't even look at me, "Lyla tell Peter B to fill in-"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!?" I scream and roll my eyes.
The fucking audacity of this man-
They keep talking to each other and I just close my eyes and take a deep breath in, because I unlike others know how to control my anger and annoyance. I hear Lyla's chirpy voice disappear and I open my eyes to immediately glare at him. He shakes his head, sighs then turns to me, "no hagas tus berrinches-" (don't throw your tantrums)
"Como no lo voy hacer si no me dejas ir a ayudar!! Estoy aquí para trabajar o no?!?" I retort and groan. (How am I not going to do it if you don't let me go and help!! Am I here to work or no?!?)
“You are-"
"Then???" I question and groan.
It's been a week since I got here and everyone's been cool and helpful. Except for him.
It was like he was my number one hater and couldn't fathom the fact that I was actually serious about wanting to help people. If he had his doubts why did he even bother let me join the society?
"You still don't trust me? Is that it?" I say and he stays quiet.
I roll my eyes and sigh, "I haven't even given you a reason not to." I mutter and walk out of his office.
"Then prove me wrong." I hear him mutter and just continue walking.
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I was sat on Miguel's desk waiting for him to get back from his mission to hand deliver him my first set of reports. I went over each other making sure everything was correct, slowly growing bored as he was dragging ass.
"Waiting for Miguel hun?" Lyla appears in front of me and I nod.
"He'll be a while more." She says and leans in looking at me intently.
"Jess said they were finishing up so i thought I'd wait." I say looking at her tiny body and she raises an eyebrow.
"You literally see the papers on me right now-" I say and she sticks a finger up shutting me up.
"I didn't accuse you of anything..." she responds making me scoff.
"But all of you are so paranoid for no reason anyway! I stopped my bullshit years ago." I mutter and cross my leg over the other.
"Then what about the flirting?" She asks widening her eyes and moves her face closer.
"That's just in my blood." I retort and shrug trying not to sound smug about it. I mean how could I resist?
She hums and closes an eye, widening the other just staring me down. I roll my eyes and play with a piece of my hair twirling it between my fingers while she's trying to read me, figure me out. I sigh and look at her, "well can you really blame me?"
Suddenly she snickers and shakes her head as I smirk and shrug again, no way she could deny it either....
"Hmm I guess." She says nonchalantly then we both turn to the entrance of Miguel's office to hear his footsteps.
She turns to me and puts her fingers to her lips and pretends to seal them then gives me a wink before turning to look at Miguel again, "kitty is here to see you."
I chuckle and hop off the desk as Miguel walks up to his platform and looks at me expectantly, I hold the reports up to him and he takes them from me quickly reading through them.
"Lyla mute all notifications for the next hour unless it's an absolute emergency." He tells her then looks back at me.
"Sure thing boss." She chirps, giving me a quick wink then disappears.
"You've been doing fairly decent..." he says almost hesitantly.
"Don't be so shocked Miguel, I'm obviously here to get work done." I say and shrug, straightening up.
"I see you are." He mutters and walks towards me then puts my stack of reports on the desk behind me.
I try my hardest to ignore our close proximity, knowing if I pay attention to it I will start having immediate thoughts I shouldn't be having.
"You've surprised me." He says looking down at me as we're merrily a few feet away from each other.
"How so?" I ask and cross my arms against my chest.
He shrugs and takes another step closer, I bite the inside of my cheek lightly and hold my breath looking up at him curiously. "Just thought you'd be a bigger problem for me."
That sounded like a double entendres.... interesting..
"I can behave when I want to." I say taking a step forward, getting closer to him and feeling my heart race.
"I find that hard to believe." He mutters making me smirk.
He didn't have to say another word. He wants a problem, he can get it.
I take the final step forward, our bodies so close to touching, I slowly bring a hand up to his neck then lightly trail along his collarbone. His breath hitches but he quickly regains composure, not moving nor pushing me away. I bring my other hand up and trail along his shoulders slowly.
Our eyes were locked the entire time but his eyes were softly fluttering and his chest was heaving the slightest bit. I smile sweetly at him and then bring my hands up to wrap them around his neck, removing the tiniest bit of space between us. I lean up a bit, lightly breathing against his lips, then lean in as if I was going to kiss him and only pulling away after our lips were millimeters apart. "Maybe I don't want to." I whisper and let our lips touch very lightly for a split second then pull away.
"Or maybe I do." I whisper then let go of him completely and take a step back looking at his very shocked expression.
"Cat got your tongue?" I tease making him groan.
He takes a step forward and wrapping his arm around my waist then turns me around. I gasp in shock then he quickly brings a hand up to my throat, making the back of my head hit his chest. His other arm was wrapped around my stomach as I felt his breath on my nose and a shiver travels down my body when his hand that was on my throat was off for a second to move my hair back. He leans down and leaves a soft kiss on my neck. Oh fuck.
He placed his hand back on my throat, barely squeezing making me wish he'd just apply a bit more pressure.  Sadly he doesn't read my mind but does leave more soft kisses up and down my neck making my heart beat out of my chest.
"Think you're hot shit teasing me like this gatita?" He growls in my ear making me bite my lip.
I squeeze my thighs together subconsciously rubbing my ass against his crotch. He groans and moves his hips, grinding himself against me. I let out a shaky breath and feel my eyes fluttering, he moves his hand from my stomach down to my thigh. He lightly squeezed the right one then moved to squeeze the left. "Tan bonita." He whispers in my ear making me moan. (so pretty)
Suddenly he lets go of me completely and I can no longer feel him on me, at all. I turn around seeing him with the cockiest smirk I've ever had the displeasure of having to look at and groan then roll my eyes. "Two can play at that game gatita." He teases as I clear my throat and give him a sweet smile.
"Then just make sure it's one you know you'll win." I say then walk out of his office feeling so empty and needy...
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Anytime you had the opportunity to be alone with Miguel you took it, made sure to keep teasing him like he'd tease you.
At first it was innocent "accidental" touches like hands brushing against each other or even catching each others gaze.
Then it swiftly changed from that to you purposefully bending over to get something. As well as grinding yourself on him in crowded rooms to get past him.
He'd repay it back by snaking his arm around your waist then let his hands wander for a few seconds before letting go. At some point he couldn't handle all the teasing and would smack your ass whenever you both were alone.
You were going back and forth for days on end and it really shocked you considering he almost didn't even want you there, based on how Jess told you her conversation with him went.
But you were glad you were able to prove him wrong, and somehow were able to get him to flirt with you back, felt like a miracle considering what the other spiders were telling you about him. But you weren't going to complain.
Definitely won't complain.
I was coming back from my earth after finally deciding on giving my wig a go again, mostly because I loved the feeling of the long ponytail swinging back and forth when fighting. And for everyone's immersion since people were still staring.
Maybe I should fix up my other suit... though it's more fun to be in this one...
I shrugged my thoughts away and walk around, heading towards the training room simply minding my business when I walk past one of the many gyms and take a quick peek because my spidey senses went off.
I peep through the window and smirk, Miguel was in there. Perfect.
Impeccable timing.
I open the door and walk in, walking towards him then lean on the pull up machine Miguel was using and watch as he lifts himself up and down. The sweat glistening off his biceps and shoulders, absolutely perfection for my hungry eyes.
He continues his reps not paying attention to me at all which I didn't really mind, considering he was the perfect eye candy. I take a step back and walk behind him almost moaning at the sight, his back muscles and the way they were stretching and tightening with every movement.
It wasn't the first time I saw him shirtless but something about seeing his bare skin just had my mind and body going wild every time. He was different than any of the men I've ever seen or seduced back home which had me feeling excited because this was like brand new ground, or more so fresh meat. I couldn't help but want him.
I bite my lip and just stand there watching in awe and unable to peel my eyes from him. I take a step to the other end of the machine and lean against it, him still not stopping and letting out occasional grunts.
God he sounded as good as he looks...
He side eyes me and looked away before doing a double take and stopping, hanging off the machine for a second before letting go and standing in front of me with an eyebrow raised, letting out a chuckle then a smirk forming on his lips. "Silver looks good on you, gatita."
"Crees que si Miggy?" I ask and do an exaggerated little twirl then flip my hair back. (Think so?)
"Absolutamente." He breathes out making me smirk. (Absolutely)
"Thought everyone would like it." I say and give him an innocent smile.
I bat my lashes up at him as he grabs a towel from the bench behind us and wipes down the sweat from his forehead. He looks so fucking good.
I kept my eyes on his, fighting my dirty thoughts like wanting to trail down his body but somehow remaining focused on his eyes. "Nomas te encanta la atención huh?" He teased and I chuckle. (You just love the attention huh?)
I shrug them nod, "Tal ves... pero no creo que me puedes culpar..." I say and take a step closer to him, reaching a hand up to trail along his bicep. (Maybe... but I don't think you can blame me...)
"Menos porque agarre tu atención." I whisper and smile. (Especially because I got your attention)
"Siempre tienes mi atención gatita." He murmurs as he snakes his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him. (You always have my attention)
I felt my heart race as well as a familiar heat arose in my core, I needed him. Badly.
I wrap my arms behind his neck and look deeply into his eyes, he wants this just as much as I do. I can feel it.
I feel myself leaning in and watch as he does the same, our lips now millimeters apart from each other, craving for just a small taste. My stomach was fluttering as I felt him softly breathing on my nose, my face getting warm and I didn't even mind.
We both lean in at the same time, our lips finally meeting in a slow dance together. I couldn't help the small smile that popped up when he kissed me back softly, it felt so right.
Suddenly my spidey senses went off and I pulled away, taking my hands off him. I turn to look at the entrance of the gym and sure enough was Peter B Parker walking in mumbling to himself with Mayday chilling on his shoulder. I let out a disappointed sigh, shaking my head as I hear Miguel groan and see him gritting his teeth out of the corner of my eye.
I clear my throat and turn to him, "I guess I'll catch you soon."
I walk past Peter and lightly ruffing Mayday's hair then turn my head to look at Miguel giving him a wink before turning back and walk out.
So close.
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You were assigned on a mission to capture a Kingpin who wasn't where he was meant to be, along with Peter B Parker who had accompanied you because he didn't have Mayday with him that day and apparently wanted some thrill on the random Wednesday night.
You were prepared and ready to do whatever it took to get him, and already mentally prepared to possibly use some charm if needed...
And you'd already escaped him once so surely you could capture just as easily as he did you.
"Peter what kind of surprise attack is that?!?" I yell and groan, swinging away from the hidden position I was in at the bank Kingpin was at. Peter just had to announce we were here...
"I couldn't help myself! The big guy was rambling on and on to himself-" Peter starts to defend himself but gets cut off by said big guy going in for a punch to his face but he quickly backs up and gasps.
"That was not cool-" Peter tells Kingpin, pointing a finger in his face then shoots balls of webs at his face making him growl.
"Y'know he's not the only one who rambles to himself..." i mutter and snort thinking of the events from yesterday.
"Oh yeah! Y'know I wanted to ask you about that, what's going on between you and Miguel?" He asks looking up to face me as I look down with an unamused look on my face.
Normally I would've told him, but after yesterday no fucking way!! How could a man be a cockblock like that and expect to still get gossip??
"Nothing..." I say casually and jump down from the railing and onto Kingpin's back.
He starts moving back and I climb up his long back and shoot out ropes of webs and wrap them around his throat. "Then why do his eyes light up every time you enter a room?" He says and folds his arms against his chest in front of us.
My eyes widen and I almost stop webbing when I snap myself out of it and shake my head, "do they now?"
"Maybe... maybe not but now curiosity's gonna kill the cat huh?" He teases and I roll my eyes. Devious little fucker.
"Well...." I start but Peter immediately opens his mouth. "Ha! I knew you wanted to spill-"
"Who the fuck is Miguel-" Kingpin breaths out and tries to pull on the webs which just makes me tug on them harder.
"Shut up!"
"Cállate pendejo!!" (Shut up asshole)
Peter then webs his entire body, swinging around all the empty space of the bank and making sure it was extra tight so he couldn't get away. I jumped off and stood in front of Kingpin who looked only slightly different than the one from my earth. Still had a huge ass body and annoying but he looked much younger.
"Easy!" Peter exclaims and pretends to wipe off dirt from his suit.
"So...." Hs says and wiggle his eyebrows at me.
I burst out laughing, shaking my head in disbelief that he wanted to know so badly. I mean surely he talked to Miguel after I left?
"So what Peter?" I ask and look down at my watch, pressing a few buttons and watch a portal spawn in front of us.
He grabs the ends of the rope and begins tugging Kingpin towards the portal. "Well obviously there's tension... there's something there." He says and I merrily smile.
"It's complicated but it makes perfect sense for us i guess." I respond and shrug walking into the portal with Peter following right behind me.
A portal opens at HQ, luckily right where we drop the anomalies to the go home machine. Some spiders jog over to us and put Kingpin in a force field cage before taking him away.
I sigh and turn around only to have Peter looking at me with narrowed eyes and his hands on his hips. "Peter-"
"I wanna know how bad I should feel for interrupting the moment yesterday." He says making me shake my head laughing.
"Peter it's fine-"
"Tell me."
I sigh and shrug, "I don't even know myself. I mean I guess we're both flirty?"
"So it's mutual?" He asks and I shrug again.
"Very interesting..." he says and brings a hand up to exaggeratedly pretend to rub his invisible beard.
"Yeah people keep saying that...." I say raising an eyebrow at him and he finally looks at me normally.
"Well I'd say give it a shot, grumpy men need some lovin' too y'know?" He replies with the most serious tone ever.
I chuckle and nod, "yeah I guess we'll see..."
"Just have patience with him." He says and I sigh.
"I will."
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You had a mission then another straight after, the first being a breeze but the second being much harder than expected.
A Doc Ock, much stronger than you had anticipated, and you thought you had it under control. You had to think fast to save yourself.
I widened my eyes when I felt a tentacle quickly grab me from behind, thinking I had maneuvered fast enough him to not catch me. I was wrong.
I groan as it slams me against a wall then makes another go to my throat and repeatedly punches me with a third. The tentacle around my body had a very tight grip on me, and i didn't have any choice but just to take it.
With every punch from the metal tentacle I felt more and more pain on my cheek and jaw, my skin felt hot, it was starting to sting and I could taste the blood in my mouth.
Thinking quickly and before losing consciousness, I have in mind of giving good ole Doc some bad luck. It usually took a while but right now I didn't have time so I just closed my eyes and thought of all the possible bad luck that could happen to this man right now.
My spider senses go off making my eyes shoot open as I look up to see a billboard above us falling down towards us. He raised an eyebrow at me and look up as well, his grip loosened for a singular second which was enough for me to slip out of his grasp before harshly pushing him out of the way.
We both fell a couple feet away as the billboard fell where we just were within seconds. I let out a deep breath before standing up and quickly use my webs to tie him up. I walk behind him as he groans and press a little button behind his neck and see as the tentacles detach from him.
I sigh and gather them before webbing them up together then press the buttons on my watch to spawn the portal. I grab him by his collar and make him stand up as I drag the tentacles by the end of my web.
I walk us through the portal and it opens up to where we put anomalies after capturing. A few spiders come up to me and quickly take him and putting him and his tentacles in a force field like cage.
I sigh and wipe my forehead, suddenly feeling the pain on my face. Shit.
I bring a hand up to my cheek and am instantly met with blood, i sniffle, slowly feeling some blood drip down onto my lip. I groan and quickly swing away heading to the medical center to put on some bandaids.
I drop down and walk in, looking for an available room to go in quick then leave. I make a turn and accidentally bump into someone. "My bad." I mumble not looking up and went around whoever I bumped into until I'm yanked back.
I yelp then look up to see Miguel and sigh, "Oh sorry Miguel-"
He looks at me for a millisecond before interrupting, "Come with me." He grabs my hand leading me towards a room.
I groan but follow anyway, not really having a choice since he was practically dragging me with him. He peeps through a door then walks in with me right behind him. He lets go of my hand and motions for me to sit down, which I oblige not really in a mood to argue or protest.
He quickly collects stuff from a cabinet then walks back to me. He puts the alcohol, bandages and gauze down next to me before bringing a hand up to my face slowly. His fingers grab my mask gently, and he peels it off making me groan as I bring a hand to the bridge of my nose. I feel his hand gently on my chin, moving it up, "it's not that bad..." I mutter, mostly trying to convince myself that the pain could be worse.
I lightly bite my lip, tasting the blood as I look up at his eyes, trying so hard to not look worried. He looks away and grabs the bottle of rubbing alcohol and putting some on a gauze pad. I sigh and place my hands on my lap as he brings the pad up to my forehead hesitantly. "I can handle it Miguel." I say looking into his eyes again.
He nods and places it on the wide wound I had along my forehead, remembering how many other bruises and slashes I had was the only thing distracting me from the stinging of the alcohol. Soon enough the pad was off and he had opened a bandage and placed it over the wound before gently placing a hand along my jaw and looking at my cheek.
He pulls away and gets another pad, adding alcohol to it then looks into my eyes. I nod slowly and he puts the pad against my cheek, it instantly burning making me fight back tears and a groan. He bit his lip fully concentrated as he wiped along the wound carefully and I couldn't help but think of how gorgeous he was. At a time like this?
Well to be honest I couldn't think of a better scenario for us.
He places the bloody pad down and opens another bandage, it being slightly bigger this time and gently placed it on my cheek. He sighs and rubs his finger against the bandage softly, making me melt into his touch. "The rest are just little scratches, but take a rest day tomorrow, I'm not giving you any missions and it's not up for debate." He says sternly and I just sigh.
"I guess..." I mumble and he pulls his hand away making me frown.
It felt nice.
A silence filled the room as we looked at each other, my mind going straight to our short lived kiss from the other day. His lips were so soft and warm, I had still felt their touch lingering after I pulled away and there's nothing I've wanted more than to feel them again. It's all I've been thinking about even on missions, it's always in the back part of my mind.
I couldn't help it, out of all the men I've flirted with in the past he was just different than all of them combined. He was attentive, and stern but sweet when he wanted to be. I've grown closer to him in the past few weeks and even if it's unexpected for everyone, for me it feels great. It feels right and I couldn't get him out of my head if i wanted to.
With the way he was looking at me I felt like he was thinking about it as well. Lips parted staring down at my own while I looked at his eyes then down at his lips. I lightly bit mine and feel a sense of nervousness in my stomach. This effect he has on me was intense. Now more than ever.
He cleared his throat making me look back up to his eyes, his pretty crimson eyes that I could stare into forever if I could. "How are you feeling?"
I shrug and clear my throat as well trying to hide my thoughts, "I'm fine, just hurts a little." I say making him nod.
Another silence.
He coughed and took a step back, his eyes seemed almost worried which had me a tad bit confused, my wounds weren't too bad and I know he has had worse. Unless.... he was starting to care?
"I'm serious about no missions tomorrow-"
"I know."
He sighs and folds his arms across his chest, this almost feels like it's going to turn into a lecture. Or something along those lines...
"What's bothering you Miguel?" I ask and he shakes his head.
Right as he opens his mouth I interrupt him knowing he'll try to lie, "No digas que nada porque ya te conozco mejor." I say and point a finger at him. (Don't say nothing because now I know you better)
He shakes his head again and sighs, I raise an eyebrow and feel my heart beat faster as he takes a step closer to me. "I just-"
He sighs and faces me, looking me directly in the eye, "I can't get you out of my mind and I hate it."
I bite my lip and nod, "I haven't stopped thinking of that kiss," I say and reach out to grab his arm, pulling him towards me, "but I don't hate it." I whisper and spread my legs so he can stand right between.
"Gatita..." he murmurs and I just hum, innocently wrapping my legs around his waist and pull him in as closely as I could.
"We shouldn't...." He whispers looking away, but I took notice of the redness in his cheeks and the way he wasn't shoving me away as a good sign.
"But you want to.." I whisper back and he sighs.
I bring my hands up and wrap them behind his neck, making him visibly breathe harder, "estas bien Miguel... just let me..." I whisper inches away from his lips. (You're okay)
I then lean in and peck his lips, testing the waters out, when I felt him kiss back I started kissing him with no worries. I felt his hands go down to my thighs, lightly squeezing as I brought mine up to his chest.
He squeezed my inner thigh and with the other hand brought it up to cup my cheek, kissing me so gently. I trace around his chest and trail up to his collarbone when he pulls away making me pout but he moved my head back and to the side. His lips then latched on to my neck making me gasp at the quickness he was moving but it was perfect.
He leaves kisses all over my skin while one hand continued squeezing my thigh and the other was now by my lower back, sneaking it's way down to my ass. I let out a sigh and bring my hands up to grip his curls as he chooses a spot for him to mark.
"Am I a problem for you now?" I ask out of breath and bite my lip to fight off the laughter.
He groans and pulls away to look at me, i fight back the urge to laugh as he rolls his eyes then sheepishly smiles. I grin and pull him in for another kiss which he doesn't complain about.
Until he pulls away and grabs me carefully, making me step off the bed, bringing me down to my knees. I fight back a moan and look up at him, batting my lashes at him.
Suddenly the lower half of his suit disappears and with that revealing his cock. Long and thick, already dripping precum as it sprung up and hit his stomach. My eyes were wide and I may as well have been drooling. Wow.
I quickly get to work, grabbing the base of it and licking off the precum that was falling off to the side and down a vein. I lick it off slowly while looking him directly in the eyes, making him moan and tilt his head back.
I smile, going back up to the tip I give it a few kisses before sticking my tongue out and lightly slap it on my tongue. "No juegues conmigo gatita-" he says and I pout. (Don't play with me)
"De verdad ya estas tan desesperado?" I tease and he groans. (Are you really already so desperate?)
"Me vas a matar-" he mutters but I cut him off by taking him on my mouth, slowly taking him in. (You're gonna kill me)
He moans and shakes his head then groans, "Tómalo- tómalo todo gatita-" (Take it, take it all)
I take more of him, feeling my mouth already be filled and I was barely getting halfway. I controlled my breathing as best as I could and took another inch, now feeling his tip nearing my throat.
I move my head back and forth, trying to keep up a decent pace but considering how thick he was, I was struggling. But he didn't seem to mind.
Suddenly he thrusts his hips making me gag on it and I quickly pull back then move my head forward taking as much of him as I could take down my throat. He moans and I feel his hands on my head, making me stay in place.
He groans then lets me go as I pull it out of my mouth and showcase all the drool that was dribbling down my mouth and on to my suit. I slap it on my tongue again then give him a wide smile as I wipe the drool from my chin.
Then back to business I take his cock in my mouth and start deep throating him again, feeling more comfortable now. I look up at him and see him with his mouth open, letting out groans then biting his lip. He is fucking incredible.
"God I can't believe this is finally happening- you have no idea how many times I've thought about this- just s-stroking myself thinking of y-you on your k-knees like this." He confesses and grabs my hair, pushing me deeper. "Just for me." He breathes out and groans.
I moan against him and squeeze my thighs feeling the arousal between my legs swirl around in my panties. He's stroked himself thinking of me on my knees? I couldn't believe what he just said, am I dreaming? How is this real? How'd I get so lucky?
I move my head faster and kept my hands to my sides as i made sure to take every inch of him. How could I disappoint him after he's had wet dreams about me? I couldn't do that...
I close my eyes, feeling them brink with tears as he now started to fuck my throat slowly. The little hairs at the end of his happy trail tickling my nose every time he thrusted all the way and stayed there a few seconds.
He groaned and continued thrusting into my mouth still holding onto my hair like it were helping him. I just let him and felt myself growing more and more wet as this continued on.
I open my eyes and feel a few tears slip but then notice Miguel's legs were shaking and he was slowing down. I felt giddy that was I able to take him and make him cum when he suddenly pulls away, slipping himself out of my mouth making me whine. "Miguel you were about to-"
"I don't care-" he growls and reaches down, grabbing my arms pulling me up with him.
He then turns me around and bends me over the bed making me yelp. He moves my hair to the side and starts undoing my suit. He zips it down as fast but carefully as he could and when it got down to the bottom which was by my lower back, his hands quickly came up to start taking it off.
His hands went straight to my shoulders peeling the spandex off as i was taking it off my fingers, god this suit was so frustrating.
He groans as I fumble with the spandex on my right hand and I bite my lip, "How mad would you be if I ripped your suit?" He asks and I scoff.
"You mean my only suit?" I say and finally manage to slip it off every finger.
He groans again and takes the sleeves off my arms then brings it down my body slowly as I lift myself up a bit. He's taking it off my stomach, then down to my hips when I head him take a deep breath when he finally brings it up and over my ass revealing my red thong.
I then feel a hard smack against it making me jump and moan,  fuck.
"Te gusta eh?" He teases and I feel myself melt into the bed, speechless and in awe. (You like that)
He's so perfect-
"Contéstame." He demands then gives me another smack, this one stinging more than the first, leaving my legs shaking a bit. (Answer me)
"Si- si me gusta..." I whine and lay my face into the bed. (Yes- yes I like it...)
"No fallas de sorprenderme gatita." He murmurs and gently rubs my ass. (You don't fail to surprise me)
I move my head to the side and chuckle, "Es bueno verdad?" I ask quietly and he hums. (That's good right?)
"Ni te imaginas..." he responds and blows a bit of air against my aching cunt. (you can't even imagine...)
I take a deep breath in, not at all prepared for whatever he has in mind. I didn't think we'd ever actually get anywhere near this...
But I couldn't deny how happy I felt that it was happening...
Definitely worth the wait.
"Estas tan hermosa gatita." He whispers and I felt a kiss against the back of my thigh. (You're so gorgeous)
My cheeks immediately grow warm and I just sigh, feeling his fingers slip onto my folds. I feel my eyes flutter as he continues his slow movements, tormenting me. "Miguel por favor." I whine and move my hips up, needing more. (please)
"Paciencia nena." He coos softly and teases my entrance with the tip of his finger. (Patience baby girl)
"Please-" I whine, earning myself a hard smack against my ass.
A whimper escapes my lips when he suddenly slips a finger inside, excruciatingly slow. But how the hell could a singular finger feel so fulfilling? Even if he wasn't moving it yet...
I close my eyes and bring my ass up, making sure to arch my back with my head still against the bed. "Good girl." He whispers softly and adds a second finger.
I couldn't help the moans that came out as he slowly starts to finger fuck me, my arousal enveloping his fingers as he starts to pump them faster. I didn't think his fingers would feel this fucking good otherwise I would've tried harder to get him to fuck me. I feel myself clench against his fingers with my thighs shaking to top it off.
He hums and pushes them deeper then curling them up to hit that spot that has me practically seeing stars. I let out some whimpers and let myself be fully indulged in the moment.
I lazily lay down, ass still somewhat in the air with him still fucking me but now my stomach was now directly on the bed. His fingers continued going deep but he was going faster now and it was getting hard to control the noises that left my mouth.
Deep down I didn't care if we were caught, i don't think either of us would want to stop, but still I knew I should keep my volume somewhat quiet. Especially considering we were in the medical area where there's likely to be tons of spiders getting fixed up.
And the fact that we definitely shouldn't be doing this here specifically...
My thoughts are cut short when I don't feel his fingers inside me anymore, giving Miguel my full undivided attention I turn my head around to look at him, "What the fuck-"
My breath hitches in my throat when I feel the tip of his cock rubbing against my wet folds. I feel my pussy clench onto absolutely nothing as he continues swirling his tip with my arousal. "Miguel-" I breathe out, letting out a shaky moan.
"So fucking soaked." He mutters under his throat and moves his tip down to my aching clit.
He rubs circles against it instantly earning himself whimpers slip out from me. I move my head back facing forward again, covering my mouth and biting my lip as an extra precaution but it was so hard being quiet when he was teasing me like that. "Fuck-" he moans as he positions himself, now feeling his tip by my entrance.
He pushed into me slowly making me bite my hand, really trying my hardest to stay quiet. After the past weeks we've been tormenting each other and all the possible sexual tension that's been building, he was finally fucking me. I finally had him where I wanted him all along and it was so fucking good. Perfect even.
I was able to feel myself stretch around him and he just felt better than I'd have ever imagined. He stretched me out but fit oh so perfectly and it was as if he was a missing puzzle I so desperately needed.
He grunted as he buttomed out and brought his hands down to my hips, helping me bounce against him. I lifted my lower half up, now no longer lazily laying down. He digs his fingers into my skin as he pulls back then slams right back into me.
I let out a whimper as he moaned and finally started moving, at first slowly fucking into me before he suddenly started pounding into me. I cried against my hand and bit my lip again, it's like he wanted me to make noise, or to let us get caught.
Not this time.
He let out strings of groans and moans as he continued his fast pace, not having a care in the world if we're heard. "Me estás tomando tan bien gatita." He moaned out and left a hard smack against my ass. (You're taking me so well)
I whimpered and felt myself clench against him, making the both of us moan at the same time. I was already noticing my vision get blurry and my legs feeling like jelly all while he thrusted his hips into me not ever stopping or slowing down but instead going harder.
"Shit! Miguel- se siente tan rico-" I whine and press my cheek against my hands now freely letting out moans. Fuck it. (feels so good)
"Ya se mami, ya se." He groans and I feel one of his hands grasp onto my ponytail. (I know, I know)
He pulls my hair tugging it a bit so I move my head back making him moan and completely stop, but buried deep inside me. I whimper at the loss of his pounding but then gasp as he brings me up carefully with his other hand and letting go of my hair.
I was now sitting up right on my knees with him still inside me, I felt a shiver run through my body as he brought his arms up and wrapped them around my waist. "You're so beautiful." He whispers in my ear, leaving a small kiss against my neck.
He brings a hand down to my stomach, right where the bulge of him was. He presses lightly making me sigh and lay my head against his hard chest. "You feel so perfect baby." He murmurs and I bite my lip then bring my hands to wrap them around his arms for stability.
"Y te ves tan perfecta." He purrs making me melt into him. (And you look so perfect)
"Shh..." he hushes and moved the hand from my stomach and brings it up, grazing my skin softly.
His hands lands on to my left breast, he squeezed it gently then moved his hips back. I sigh and grip onto his arms as he slams back into me making me moan in surprise. "Mi-"
Finally deciding where to leave his hands over my body he starts moving again, thrusting his hips into me as he holds a steady grip on my body. My tits bounced in the same rhythm he was fucking me and it already felt so overstimulating. He pinched my left nipple and moaned out sweet little nothings into my ear as he kept his pace and making sure I wouldn't just drop onto the bed.
His body towered over me even though I was on top of the bed, taking notice of his size compared to mine was starting to make my head spin. He was just so tall and wide, buff even, I was much smaller compared to him and it made me shake in pure excitement. I've never had a man of his stature just ravage me like he was doing right now and that thought alone was pushing me closer and closer to the edge.
"Just like that Miguel-" I breathe out but then feel a hand against my throat cutting me off.
"Fuck baby you're taking me so well." He groans and lightly squeezes my throat.
What sounded like a muffled whimper slipped from my lips making his hand around my waist grip me tighter. He rammed into me as if there was no tomorrow and I gladly let him. In what world would I tell him to stop?
"This is what you wanted isn't it gatita? Hmm?" He grunts and I nod.
"Just needed me to manhandle you and take you how I want." He mutters and another combination of a cry and moan leaves my lips. Holy fuck-
The mixed sounds of our joint moans of pleasure and him senselessly pounding into me filled my ears and I couldn't think of better things I could possibly listen to.
His hold on me made it seem as if he thinks I'd disappear out of thin air if he let me go, it wasn't a complaint more of an observation that had me squeezing his arms, needing him as close to me as possible.
He finally let go of my throat which made me breathe in then pant followed by whines as he snaked that hand down to my clit, rubbing slow circles against it. My back arches against him and I subconsciously tilt my head to the side which he quickly took advantage of and latched his lips onto my neck.
He sucked feverishly and I felt my eyes flutter at the overstimulation. He moans against my skin before licking the new branded mark. I bring a hand up to his face and look up at him, as if reading my mind he smashed his lips onto mine in a needing passionate kiss.
I kissed back as best as I could, feeling my legs slowly give up on me but his grip on me never loosened and his pace now slowing down. I felt him twitch inside me and i quickly felt my orgasm approaching, that all too familiar feeling in my tummy that has made my legs become a shaking mess and my sex leaving a creamy ring against Miguel's base with every thrust.
He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I tried to match his energy but that knot in my stomach was ready to explode. And it did.
My walls pulsating against him as my orgasm washed over my entire body, leaving me a shaking mess on him. I let out cries in his mouth as he gently held on to me and moaned into my mouth as well, feeling him shoot ropes of his warm cum deep inside me. He pulled away and gently pecked my lips which i happily reciprocated.
We pulled away, he leaned his forehead against my head as we both caught our breath. I felt my heartbeat calm down as he held me now gently. I didn't even notice when his hand moved from my clit to properly hold me but I just ignored it and melted into his arms.
He then slips out of me making me whimper at the empty feeling but look down to see his cum oozing out of me and onto the poor medical bed. I stifle a laugh and look into Miguel's eyes, he was already looking at me. I feel my cheeks burn up and I can't help but sheepishly grin, him returning it back.
He lets me go and sets me down on the edge of the bed then sits down next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I instantly snuggle up to his chest making him move his arms to wrap them around my body.
"You did so good gatita." He whispers and I nod, my breathing now completely normal but now feeling butterflies all over my skin.
"It was about time, don't ya think?" I joke quietly and he laughs.
I sigh and just listen to the thumps of his heartbeat as he caresses my hair gently and leaves kisses on the top of my head. He really was perfect.
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