#quick comic to feed y’all
hotdogstandz · 4 months
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TW- themes of death/murder/suicidal ideation/schizophrenia/hallucinations
Lyrics are from Prince by Deftones
My thoughts on how Dust “snapped” and papyrus appeared
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garrothromeave · 4 years
let’s talk about minecraft diaries rebirth.
and why it’s literally amazing. (warning: this will contain spoilers. lots of them. also, long post ahead.)
i think a lot of people hate mcdr because they were expecting a remake; but the point of rebirth is for jess to rewrite it. it wasn't supposed to be exactly the same.
honestly i went into mcdr with a closed mind. as an og mcd fan, i thought that this was going to suck ass and that i'd rant about how bad it was to my friends later. but actually watching it, i just... couldn't help but immediately fall in love with it.
ik im probably the only motherfucker that likes mcdr, but honestly how could i not? for one, garroth and zenix actually have personalities at the beginning. AND; the villagers? actually amazing. donna made me smile, visher made me laugh and cry, brendan was just bein as good as ever. like... i even didn't despise emmalyn with every ounce of my soul like i usually do?? the characterizations of them were GOOD, man.
and honestly, aphmau like--the way she spoke, her whole thing. it was reallyyy well done in my opinion. she was oblivious to things, but it wasn't overdone and wasn't done in a way to make her annoying. she's a very appealing character in mcdr, a main protagonist i do not mind following along with. her dynamics to the characters are really cool and all very unique.  gonna cut it here so i don’t clog y’all’s feed cuz i got a lot to say :)
the early use of aphmau’s powers was actually pretty cool as well, it also really showed how clueless aphmau really was to everything going on around her. AND UH, THE FACT THAT SHE THOUGHT THAT GARROTH FELT FAMILIAR? GOLDEN. absolutely golden.
AND GENE OH BOY, the early introduction of gene? ik a lot of people are upset about it, but god DAMN i love it so much. his role in the story is very important in original, and i cannot express how much joy this brought me learning that he was actually getting the proper attention for it. and the fact that gene and aphmau were working together?? i mean ik gene was just trying to use her to get back to the "shadow abyss" (pretty pog replacement for the nether, gg) but god DAMN i loved every moment of it. i found their dynamic to be pretty fuckin funny to be honest, would absolutely love to see more of it.
i might be biased considering gene is one of my absolute favorite characters, but i honestly think that introducing gene this early on in the story was a good move. again, he's literally the right-hand man to the shadow lord. it makes you really wonder why he didn't have as much of an important role in season 1 or even 2 of the original mcd plotline. also, we get some of that good-ol-fashioned exposition with seeing early on how vylad and gene interact. vylad’s at a very strange point in the story right now; his motives are unclear, even to the side he’s ‘supposed’ to be taking (aka, a shadow knight.)  another early introduction to a character is zane! this, my friends, is good. really good. i’d say that zane is the main antagonist of season 1 in the original series--and he wasn’t even introduced until like, episode 50. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but him being introduced this early on really gives the audience a better understanding of what threats are out there and what our protagonist will have to encounter in the future. in the original series, there’s not much explanation as to why lords are disappearing/dying left and right--and while yes, that was supposed to be the mystery of it, having some of that early information is a better move in terms of writing. 
AND IVAN?? BEING A PART OF THE JURY OF NINE?? I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR ANYTHING MORE LIKE GOD DAMN that was a very pleasant surprise i'll just say that, thank you jess :)
and no i did not loop the 4 minutes of screentime laurance got in that one episode haha who would do that i would never do that anyways
SPEAKING of laurance, im so glad jess actually wrote him in this early :) she totally could have just waited for the first time aphmau visits meteli and meets him there, but no! she put him in an early episode. i dont even care if she did it just to shut up the fans about laurance but man that made me so happy seeing him, even if it was only for a bit.
okay i kinda wanna go over the guards real fast firstly; garroth. ignoring how weird the helmet showing emotions is, i really like how garroth is portrayed. he's under a lot of pressure because the village is putting a lot of the blame on him for malik's death, and he's trying his hardest to keep things running. the fact that garroth utterly refused the to take up the position of lord and even got a little snappy about it was actually really cool to see as well. and while he doesn’t have that same “reserved, quiet, observant” feel as the original mcd version of him had, this version of garroth is absolutely awesome. he’s more direct and blunt, is significantly more sarcastic, and isn’t as stiff or as much as a pushover as he is in the original. he even has a sense of humour. also, no homo, but he’s kinda adorable.  plus, the desperation that he goes through during the whole thing is just--it’s really cool to see how hard he’s trying to prove himself and help the village. my rating for mcdr garroth? 9/10. the helmet... the helmet is the main thing throwin me off, i can’t lie. next, zenix. oh BOY do i have a lot to say about this man. first of all, his and garroth’s dynamic is incredible. when i saw how the interacted with each other, my first thought was: father and son. zenix has this immaturity to him that is so fucking fun and interesting to watch, and seeing how garroth scolds him is so fuckin good man. and! seeing how he interacts with the rest of the village... honestly, if jess ever picks this story up again, i would probably cry when zenix (literally) backstabs garroth. HELL, i hope that’s something that still happens, it’d be heartbreaking to witness this character that we’ve come to love hurting his mentor, the man who took him in. he’s just a really good character all in all, and much more appealing than the original mcd zenix. ...except season 3 zenix. no zenix can be better than that one.  either way, zenix is amazing written to be the comic relief and he’s just an all-out lovable character in this series.  finally, dale and brian. yes i’m going to group them up because there’s not much to say regarding them, but i do want to address them. for starters, we have brian; who’s already 16 when the story starts. good on jess for doing that, because in the original aphmau watched brian be born and age INCREDIBLY quick, haha. THOUGH i do feel like there’s a slight connection lost there--one of the hardest things about brian’s betrayal in the original series in the fact that we watched him grow up in phoenix drop. we were there from the moment he was born, to the second he betrayed phoenix drop. BUT OF COURSE, this version is a lot more realistic, so it’s understandable. i just think that if it’s brian who’ll be betraying phoenix drop again (if it even goes down that same route), it won’t hit as hard unless jess really takes the time to grow the connection between brian and aphmau.  as for dale; gotta admit, love it. and like, i think one of the main things about how good of a call it was to make him a drunkard from the beginning is considering how much the village is struggling. the fact that the second-in-command is literally drunk all of the time really conveys the message of, “yeah. this village needs help.” plus, he’s another good comic relief character. i loved seeing molly and dale’s relationship too, it was very funny.  PLUS. we were blessed with a well scene, in which aphmau had to help villagers out of the well. i don’t know about you guys, but that was one of my favorite nods to the original series. i cannot thank jess enough for that, there was a smile on my face the entire time. another amazing thing--visher’s character. instead of just being introduced to this quirky lil merchant who only had one or two interactions with aphmau like in the first one, we got to sit there and really get a feel for someone worth remembering and worth mourning over. we had a reason to be sad over his death, it wasn’t just some npc getting blown up suddenly. this was different, and this hurt.  one of the major things that i hope is to come out of this is for jess to fix the major mistakes she had when writing the first series. she’d expressed how unhappy she was with some of the decisions she made, and i’m glad that she’s getting that second chance to undo the things she didn’t like. this series also gives her a second chance to really, really dig into characters and their motives. like, gimme laurance backstory in better detail. or like, garroth and zane’s relationship from back when they were kids? or how vylad died and who killed him? etc etc. she’s already done an excellent job so far, and i can’t wait to see where this goes. that is, if she ever continues it. god, i wish there were more episodes so that i could seriously let you guys know how beautiful of a series this is. there’s so much i want to say about rebirth, but i think i’ll stop here. i might say some more shit about it later, but if there’s anything i’d want you to take away from this, it’s: give minecraft diaries rebirth a chance. there’s a lot of potential, and this is a chance for jess to really change things for the better! ... but again, that is if this ever is continued. 
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wichestergirl666 · 3 years
SHADOW AND BONE (spoilers)
IT IS HERE and I’ve binged it lol
So first off, I’d already decided to treat this show like a fanfic of Grishaverse and nothing more cause well they fucking merged the two series so obviously it’s not gonna be anything like the books and also I have no interest in getting disappointed by book to tv adaptations AGAIN so
Here we go
- My Grishaverse heart I’m so glad it finally got a tv show. I’ve been waiting for years. I loved how they’ve shown the different countries and countrymen. But I do wish it was more fledged out
- The title cards at the beginning of each ep *chef’s kiss*
- The acting was a little awkward but not like cringe. Just awkward here and there. (Excluding Nina and Jesper they literally came to life)
- Ben Barnes??? As Darkling????? It’s that meme Bill Hader meme - Mark me down as scared and horny lmao. My entire feed is people thirsting after Ben Barnes like its 2008 and Prince Caspian just released. And honestly valid
- I hate the Darkling as a person, he may have started as a good person but he did despicable things. One of the things I’ve loved in the books is the nuances of Darkling’s character. And also I like villains lmfao. Anyway the show did not portray it properly. Like the whole thing was rushed. His betrayal did not land, it wasn’t as impactful because we didn’t get a chance to connect with him on screen (if you’ve read the books then y’all have suffered the pain lmao)
- Talking about impact, “Make me your villain” I fucking screamed. That was such a good scene. The way Alina tells him off I was like you tell him girl and then I’m like wait a second is he about to say it and then he DID and I was like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- I like Alina and I like Jessie Mei Li as Alina
- Funnily I liked Show!Mal,, wasn’t a fan of Book!Mal at all so. He’s different from the books so that must be it lmfao
- Malina?? The flashbacks,, “I’ll meet you at the meadow” FUCK. It’s so weird cause I remember I was not into it when I read the books but I’m like rooting for them now
- The thing I HATED was what they did to my girl Zoya. They fucking watered her character down to crumbs. Book!Zoya would eat Show!Zoya for lunch. Actually not even lunch for a quick snack. Fucking fucking terrible characterisation
- Another thing I hated was Darkling-Zoya relationship???? Like what. Ew. Zoya had a crush on him but in the end they had a mentor-mentee bond but like why are shows so obsessed with turning platonic relationships sexual
- Third thing I hated was David’s portrayal. Idk what they were trying to do but that ain’t it.
- Fourth thing- they also watered down Genya. Pls my Grisha Triumvirate deserves better
- Okay now coming to the things I LOVE,, THE CROWS ADSGSHSKKS Like I know the show is about Alina but idgaf my focus was on Crows and I loved them.
- Kaz having Plans A to F mao scheming King
- Kaz is more post Crooked Kingdom Kaz but like it’s still Kaz and I’m whipped so. I like how there was this constant sour expression on his face like yes 10/10 (I did not like that he was beaten so easily by Pekka’s men tho)
- Inej???? Pls thats my knife wife. The scene where she removes 37 knives from her clothes iconic. Also she was more on the emotional and vulnerable side and idk. I would have preferred her to be exactly like the books but alas
- Jesper. Fucking Jesper. I’m. He was the best. I was a little annoyed at the beginning because he was just used as comic relief but then did my mans deliver
- Like just the three of them. Pls. My fucking heart
- Kanej?????? I’m crying. Like all of their scenes. My favorite was when she killed that dude and the bgm just aaaaaahhhhhh
- Kanej had more build up than Darklina which was I mean I’m not complaining I love Kanej but like I wish there was more focus on Darkling and Alina’s relationship with him before the betrayal
- Nina and Matthias were literally exactly how I imagined them. I was straight up quoting the scenes (I recently read SoC lmao) I can’t wait to see more of them
- All in all I liked it. It annoyed me at times but I do like it. And I want season 2 soon.
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
A Day In The Life
This daddy Spencer fic came to be by the thought of me wanting even MORE daddy Spence, so I thought why not write something where it’s just a typical day in his life with his family/the kids/pets? Thus, this was born. Just a heads up, this entire fic is told completely in Spencer’s point of view, just to give the utmost feels, which you should definitely experience in this.
Thank you to @teamkiall for giving me permission to use her real life pupper Hopper in this; he was so fun to write. Thank you to her for some of the phrases I used in this. Also, thank you to everyone who helped me pick which bunny to use as inspiration of Duke for, including: @reidsstudies, @andiebeaword, @lightinthedarkuniverse, @one-sweet-gubler, @nanocoool, @multifandommandy and the anons who all offered their input. I appreciate you all, greatly!
Finally, for a little insight on some of the bunny things I wrote about. For those who don’t know or aren’t as familiar with bunny behavior, I’ve linked a few Instagram posts for y’all to refer to when reading. It really helps when reading if you know what they look like.
Bunny Binky (in slow-mo, usually a lot quicker)
Bunny Flop
Bunny Loaf
Now sit back, relax and enjoy all 10.2k words of daddy Spencer. Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: G (fluff)
Word Count: 10,283
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“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”
Spencer’s eyes opened to not only the bright morning sun, but to a wide awake, hyper, three year old little girl.
“Yes, baby?” he groaned, rubbing his eyes.
His little girl Evie—born Evie Laine Reid—was currently jumping up and down on the bed at his feet. She flung herself on top of him and he over exaggerated his reaction, acting like she was the heaviest thing, making her giggle.
“What are you doing up so early?” he asked, pulling her into his arms.
“It nawt eawly.”
One glance at the clock and he realized it was after 8:30 a.m. 
“Where’s your mommy?” Spencer asked, looking over at the empty space in bed where his wife, Y/N, usually occupied.
In her place though was their German Shepherd, Hopper. He laid his head next to Spencer’s hand and Spencer smiled, giving him some ear scratches. 
Hopper was a giant teddy bear. At only two years old, he’d had enough trauma in his own life that made Spencer want to adopt him even more than he initially had. The poor canine had been severely mistreated and starved to the point his ribs had been showing when Spencer first laid eyes on him. After telling Y/N about the dog, they both decided to make their home his forever home. Despite having been through such hardships, he was such a happy and loving dog. It’s one of the things that Spencer loved about him most.
Patches of brown and white made up his fur color, although he was mostly brown. His face was a majority brown, a few lighter brown patches surrounding his eyes and an almost gray hued spot just about his nose. His ears were almost bigger than his head and as comical as it was, it made him even cuter than he already was—if that was even possible. He also loved his stuffed ducky, he made sure to take it to bed with him every night.
“I no no. I just wake up,” Evie answered his earlier question.
Hopper woofed softly and nosed Evie making her laugh and hug his neck.
“I wonder where Duke is,” Spencer asked, scanning the room to see if he was on the bedroom floor somewhere.
“Pwobably in fwont of da fwidge waiting for bweakfast,” Evie giggled.
Duke was their sassy, gray, 2 pounds of complete fluff, Netherland Dwarf rabbit. Yes, he had a bunny too. Spencer had never thought about owning a bunny before, until he met Duke. 
He, too, was a rescue, like Hopper. After being abandoned in a park by his previous owner, he was rescued by a shelter who took amazing care of him until Spencer came along and fell in love with him. Now, he was a happy six year old bunny who looked incredibly grumpy on the outside but was actually a sweetheart. His favorite things—other than napping and eating—were hanging out on the back of the couch to “watch” TV with him and Y/N and flop next to them—or Hopper, who happened to be his best friend ever. He loved head pets, bananas and licking Spencer’s slippers. He was a cutie that you just couldn’t help but love.
One of his routine things was speeding to the kitchen every morning if he heard even the slightest indication that someone was up. He would sit in front of the fridge until someone fed him his daily breakfast of mixed leafy greens.
He had pellets twice a day, endless hay to munch on and treats every now and then, yet he acted like they never fed him. It was quite humorous.
Also, if you didn’t get him his breakfast in a timely fashion he made sure to let you know of his displeasure and thump. 
Spencer hadn’t known as much about bunnies when Duke first came home with them and about had heart failure the first time he heard Duke thump. Turns out, thumping was just a bunny quite literally thumping their back feet against the floor, something they did to show their displeasure or when they’re startled or frightened. Most of the time now though, it was just because he wasn’t being fed fast enough. 
Despite his demands, he was an essential part of Spencer’s family, just like Hopper was.
He took a quick glance at his phone to see if he had any missed messages and saw a text from Y/N letting him know that she’d gone to the store. He felt more at ease knowing she was just out running errands. It was always a treat to wake up next to Y/N every morning and he missed it when he wasn’t able to.
“Come on sweetheart, let’s get you some breakfast,” Spencer said getting out of bed, lifting Evie up in his arms.
His little girl wasn’t so little anymore. She was heavier to carry now a days and didn’t want to be carried as much anyways, so he always took advantage of all the times she let him.
He headed out of the bedroom with her, Hopper right behind him on his heels.
“What would you like to eat, baby?”
“Pincakes,” she said, causing him to laugh.
She still couldn’t say pancakes all that well and it came out sounding more like “pincakes”.
“Let’s go check on your brother and sister, okay? Unless mommy took them shopping with her.”
Spencer set Evie down in front of the nursery and she pushed the door open, running in. He tried to hurry and stop her in case they were still asleep, but they were already awake.
“MOWNIN BABIES!” Evie squealed happily.
Standing in their cribs, already wide awake were their ten month old twins, Aden James—Y/N’s name pick—and Isla Jade, his pick. The girls seemed to favor him more while Aden looked more like Y/N. All three had his curly, light brown hair and hazel eyes though.
“Good morning my sweet little babies,” Spencer cooed to them.
It wasn’t his first time being left with all three kids, five if you counted their fur children. 
Spencer had been a stay at home dad ever since the twins were six months old. He’d loved his job as a profiler in the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit—still did actually—but after fifteen years in the field he had gotten burned out and burned out badly.
He didn’t technically resign, per se, but with the advisal from Emily Prentiss, his teammate, friend and boss, he decided to take a year long sabbatical. It was a decision that he didn’t take lightly either. He put a lot of thought into it and took his time making the decision. At the end of the day, he missed his family and wanted to spend more time with them. 
Y/N was amazing and always understood his hectic, unreliable schedule and did a great job taking care of Evie, then the twins when they came along, while he was gone so much. But he knew it wasn’t fair to her or to their kids. He wanted to have the time to be with his family, be a good dad and be a good husband.
In the end, he knew work would always be there when he would be ready to return, a promise Emily had made him. For now though, he would often consult on cases his teammates were working on. At most, it only meant a few phone calls and some work time in his study, but never anything to take away from his relationship with his kids and Y/N. In fact, he was enjoying it much more than he ever thought he would.
It was nice, too. Y/N worked from home with a flexible job that allowed her to work whenever she could. As a mother of three, it was incredibly helpful. It also helped to have more family time, as well.
He’d become quite the super dad. Taking care of three kids three and under wasn’t easy by any means, but he’d had plenty of practice lately. He also had a newfound respect for Y/N, doing this all on her own. But for now, he knew he could handle the three of them while she was out grocery shopping.
“I bet you guys are hungry,” Spencer said, picking up Aden first as his crib was the closest to the door.
He picked up Isla in the other arm, trying to step around Hopper who was always people’s shadow. He rarely never followed a person somewhere and had to always know what was going on. With the kids and Hopper in tow, it looked like he had his own little tourist group.
Isla babbled, trying to reach down and touch Hopper’s head and he licked her hand happily. He and Duke both loved the kids as much as they loved them.
“Lead the way ladybug,” he told Evie, following her out of the nursery and down the stairs.
True to her prediction, Duke sat in front of the refrigerator door, as if waiting for the refrigerator god to open it up and sprinkle out some parsley and spinach leaves for him.
“Morning, Duke,” Spencer chuckled.
The tiny eared, grumpy faced bunny stared him from the place he sat, looking like he was judging him for sleeping in late. He most likely was.
“Just let me get the kiddos situated and I’ll feed you guys,” he told his furry friends.
Spencer sat Aden and Isla in their high chairs and sat Evie on her favorite stool at the counter. Hopper was the more patient of the two, so Spencer went to the fridge first. The second it opened, Duke started hopping around his feet in excitement, standing on hind legs to see if he could help himself to a breakfast buffet.
Combining a salad of spinach, romaine, parsley and cilantro, he sat the plate in front of an excited Duke and went about fetching Hopper’s food. It wasn’t even a full minute before he heard Duke chowing down on his breakfast, his munching quite audible.
Spencer filled Hopper’s bowl with his allotted amount of dog food and refilled his water bowl, giving him a pat on the back as he enjoyed his food.
Before starting the pancakes, he poured some puff cereal on each twins’ tray to let them eat while he cooked. To be twins, it was amazing to see how they differed—other than being fraternal twins. 
Aden loved the strawberry flavored puffs, which Isla hated. She much preferred the sweet potato or the banana ones. 
Aden was definitely more laid back and calm whereas his sister was loud and boisterous, something she definitely inherited from her older sister. On the other hand, Aden loved to be more independent and Isla loved just cuddling and staying close to him or Y/N.
“Daddy can I have chocowate chip pancakes?” Evie asked.
He had grabbed her a juice box from the fridge in the process of getting everyone, humans and animals alike, settled. She now sat, happily sipping on it.
“Is there anything better?” he grinned.
“Nope,” she shook her head emphatically.
He’d gotten the batter mixed up and was about to pour it on the sizzling griddle when he heard Evie calling him again.
“Mhm?” he answered, without looking.
“Isla twyin to put a puff in Aden’s ear.”
Spencer spun around just in time to see Aden pulling on Isla’s hair. Apparently he pulled hard enough to cause her to break into tears.
Things like this were just mild considering most days were even more hectic than this.
“Hey, hey. We don’t pull hair,” he scolded Aden, giving him a toy to play with.
He picked up a puff, putting it to Isla’s lips and she calmed down, eating it. They were still just grumpy from waking up and hungry, not actually upset.
“No putting puffs in your brother’s ear either, Isla,” he told her.
She grinned real big like she was proud of herself. He smiled. It was hard to be mad at any of these cute little faces.
Half an hour later after serving Isla and Aden their plain, torn into bite size pancakes, fixing Evie her chocolate chip pancake—with banana slices for a smile and chocolate chip eyes—and dealing with a ecstatic Duke who smelled the banana the instant Spencer unpeeled it, he had finally got to sit down with his own breakfast. He grabbed one more slice of banana, feeding it to Duke before stroking his head.
“That’s all you’re getting, little guy,” he chuckled.
He’d just taken a bite when the back door opened. Isla kicked her legs happily and Aden squealed as they spotted mommy first.
“Mommy!” Evie squealed, “Daddy made pancakes!”
Y/N walked in with her hands filled with grocery bags. Spencer shot up, immediately moving to help her.
“Hey baby,” he smiled, kissing her lips as he took most of the bags.
“Hey,” she smiled, setting down the bags she had left in her hands, “I thought I smelled pancakes before I walked in.”
“Chocowate chip too!” Evie piped in.
“Some of daddy’s best pancakes huh, Evie Bear?” Y/N smiled, kissing her cheek as she passed by her.
“Hey there, twinkies,” she said, calling the twins their popular nickname.
She smoothed a hand over each head of hair and kissed the top of both. Isla kept on happily eating and Aden handed her a bit of uneaten pancake which she took from him, eating.
“Thank you Aden,” she chuckled, “Good pancakes, Spence.”
“Want a plate?” he asked.
“Yes, but sit and eat. I’ll get them. You deserve a break for staying here with them,” she said, grabbing a plate out of the cabinet.
“I’m surprised you didn’t take the rugrats with you,” he commented, taking another bite of his breakfast.
“I would’ve, but it’s so much easier to grocery shop when there aren’t three extra sets of hands reaching out of the shopping cart to grab everything.”
It wasn’t easy shopping alone with three kids. He attempted it once and it was a disaster. Now, either Y/N went alone or they tackled it both together with the kids, as a team.
She fixed her plate and sat next to Spencer at the island, pulling Aden’s and Isla’s high chairs closer to her. Spencer pulled her into his side and kissed her head, just enjoying having her near him along with their kids.
“So what’s on the agenda for today?” Spencer asked.
“Well I do need to get a little work done and clean some and take care of our little circus troop here,” she chuckled, motioning to the kids.
As if to prove her point, Aden started screaming when he dropped his sippy cup. Without even missing a beat between bites, she leaned down and picked it up, handing it back to him.
“How about I keep them entertained and watch them so you can get some work done,” he offered.
“Spence, you don’t have to do that. Aren’t you needed for a conference call with the team later?” she asked.
“Yes, but I can easily pop on Netflix for the kids and just step into the kitchen. Easy as pie.”
“Whatever you say, super dad,” she smiled, “But thank you. I owe you.”
“I’ll add it to your tab,” he winked.
He could think of a few things he’d like to ask for.
After breakfast, his little tribe moved from the kitchen to the living room.
He set Evie up with some toys, a coloring book and colored pencils while he changed the diapers.
“Ew stinky!” Evie complained, putting a hand over her nose.
Spencer laughed, amused at his toddler. Of course, being through this twice—now with double the diapers—he was pretty used to the smell. He was pretty sure dirty diapers were worse than things he’d smelled as an FBI Agent though.
“I know, Princess, but unlike you they’re not big enough to use the potty, so me and mommy have to change their diapers.”
“Cause dey too tiny dey would fall in.”
She said it was such a straight face that it was hard for Spencer not to laugh. The minds of children always amazed him, how they put things together, how they understood things, how they saw things. It provided endless amusement, especially with Evie.
“That and they aren’t a big girl and boy like you’re a big girl.”
She smiled big before going back to coloring. Hopper laid curled up next to her. Duke, finished with his breakfast, was zooming around the room, binkying.
Aden and Isla giggled and babbled watching the hyper bunny as they tried to reach for him as they impatiently laid and wriggled while getting their diaper changed.
Eventually after tiring himself out, he flopped near Aden, who reached out to touch him.
“Be gentle,” Spencer cautioned.
It was something they’d been raising Evie to do, both with Duke and Hopper. Evie was getting better about it, but still could be a little rough. They made sure that Aden and Isla would be raised the same.
Spencer took hold of his son’s hand, helping him gently stroke Duke’s head. In return, Duke gave Aden’s hand a little kiss, licking it. 
Finally finished with diaper changes, he set them on the floor to play. They were crawling everywhere by this stage, staying active and wanting to be held less and less. It was bittersweet to Spencer because the period of infancy was so short lived. Although, secretly he hoped to have another kid or two, maybe a few more. Although that was a conversation with Y/N to save for another day.
In addition to crawling, they were in the pulling up stage. They’d figured out how to grab onto things and pull themselves up. They also liked to try and knock things off tables, like it was a game.
Which is what they were currently doing.
They stood side by side, holding onto the coffee table for balance and knocking off magazines.
“Guys, no no,” Spencer said, picking the magazines up and putting them out of their reach.
He knew better than to try and put them back on the coffee table. They’d knock them off repeatedly until they were bored of it, which wouldn’t be for quite a while.
They dropped to the floor, back to crawling around and getting into things they probably shouldn’t. Aden remained happy with one of his toys and chewed on it, while Isla babbled as she crawled.
“Da da da da.”
“That’s my name,” he chuckled, trying to tidy up the messy living room just a bit.
Living with three kids often meant toys scattered all over the place. He figured trying to straighten up would save Y/N from having to do too much of it later.
“Stop it! You wuining it!”
He looked over to see Isla pushing more of Evie’s crayons on the floor, giggling like she was proud of herself. Evie on the other hand, was furious and near tears.
“Iwa stop!” she shouted.
“Isla, come here baby.”
He picked up his youngest daughter, pouring out some blocks for her to play with and setting her in front of them. He turned back to Evie who was crying now.
“Daddy she WUIN it.”
“I know, I’m sorry sweetie, come here.”
He held out his arms and she fell into them, crying out of frustration and anger.
“Iwa meanie.”
“Baby girl,” he soothed, picking her up and setting her on his lap so she could face him, “She didn’t do it on purpose.”
Evie sniffled, but didn’t say anything.
“She and Aden are only babies, Evie bug. They still don’t completely realize that they’re doing something wrong or upsetting you, they think it’s a game. In her tiny mind she probably thought she was playing with you. Besides, I can help you pick up your crayons and put them back the way you want them. Alright?”
She nodded a bit.
“Are you still mad at Isla?”
“No,” she shook her head.
“Good, I’m glad,” Spencer kissed her head, “You’re a wonderful big sister.”
“I am?”
Evie looked up into Spencer’s face, her tears now drying on her cheeks and excitement in her eyes.
“The best,” he emphasized, “How about since you’ve been such a great big sister lately, we bake some cupcakes when they take a nap later? And maybe we can play tea party if you’d like.”
Evie was now grinning big and nodded, clearly thrilled about the idea.
“There’s that pretty smile,” Spencer grinned, chucking her under the chin, “Will you go give your sissy a hug then?”
She wiggled down out of Spencer’s lap and went over to Isla, who was tossing blocks around in an attempt to play with them. 
Evie put her arms around Isla’s tiny body and hugged her, kissing her cheek.
“Love you, Iwa.”
Spencer smiled, his heart warming at the scene.
“That’s my sweet girls.”
It was amazing. Spencer had turned his back for a second and he’d already lost track of one of his kids.
“Did you see where Aden went, Evie?” Spencer asked, after rushing back from the kitchen with no luck.
She hadn’t even looked away from the tv, so he was certain she hadn’t seen where he’d gone. 
He couldn’t have gotten far, but it was truly incredible how fast these tots were when they were on the move.
“Aden? Where are you buddy?”
“Looking for this little duckling?”
Spencer whirled around, seeing Y/N walking in, Aden in her arms, chewing on the toy in his hands.
“Oh thank god,” he sighed, relieved, “Where was he?”
“He came crawling into your study,” she chuckled.
“I’m so sorry, babe. I swear I turned my back for a minute and he was gone.”
“Believe me I know; sneaky little things aren’t they? Don’t worry, I needed the baby break anyway.”
She tickled his cheek slightly making him grin.
“Have you gotten much work done?” Spencer asked, sitting down on the couch, pulling Y/N down with him.
“Yeah. I can finish up later anyway.”
“Daddy, can we bake now?” Evie asked with hopeful eyes.
“Baking?” Y/N raised a brow.
“I told her when the twins went down for a nap, me and her could make something special. Maybe we can even make it a surprise for you,” Spencer grinned secretively, “How about it Eves?”
She was up and racing to the kitchen in a flash. Spencer had stood, ready to follow her.
“Don’t worry, I can take these two in the study with me until their nap time,” she chuckled, “Just don’t make a mess!” she called after him.
Okay, so, the kitchen was a bit of a mess.
“Daddy, I cwacked da egg!”
“You sure did. High five!”
Spencer held up his hand and her small one high fived him as she grinned big.
Evie had picked out a funfetti cake mix for her choice of cupcakes and was currently helping crack the eggs into the mix.
There was some dry cake mix spilled on the counter. Empty egg shells were scattered on it as well in the midst of the chaos of the cupcake ingredients, baking cups, electric mixer and pan.
“Okay, this is the last egg. Think you can crack it?”
“Yesh,” she nodded, taking the egg carefully, a serious look on her face.
She tapped it gently against the bowl and cracked it open like a pro. Spencer couldn’t be more proud.
It was moments like this that made him less sad about her no longer being a baby. At this age he and Y/N could do more things with her that they couldn’t when she was a baby, like this. It was always fun to include her in little tasks nowadays. It made him excited to be able to incorporate Aden and Isla when they got older.
“Now I’ll mix it up with the electric mixer. Stand back, okay?”
She nodded again, stepping a bit further away on her little stool, hands holding onto the edge of the counter as he mixed the cake batter together.
“You think that looks good enough?” he asked, letting her see into the bowl.
“Alright. Daddy’s going to pour them into the pan and then bake them.”
“Then we eat dem?”
“No, they have to cool and then we get to frost them.”
Her face fell, disappointed.
“But how about while they bake and cool we have a tea party? You can go set it up while I get these in the oven and I’ll be right there.”
She hopped off her stool and dashed out of the kitchen faster than the cartoon roadrunner, making him laugh. What a character she was.
Keeping to his word, he got the cupcakes in the oven and headed up to Evie’s room.
“Otay daddy, you wear dis.”
Evie handed him a silver toy tiara and a pink feather boa.
“You be my guest.”
“Sounds good,” he grinned, putting the items on and waiting for further instructions.
“Otay you can’t sit ‘til I say so.”
“Yes ma’am.”
She put out some of her toy, plastic food on the tea party plates and pretended to fix some tea.
“Tea sewved,” she grinned.
It was impossible for him to sit in the tiny chairs, so he sat on the floor next to the table. He picked up the tea cup, pinky out and all.
“May I drink?” he asked, politely.
“Yesh, you may,” she grinned, reaching her cup over to clink it with his.
He took a pretend sip and gave her a grin.
“Excellent tea, my dear.”
They continued playing for a while longer until she started getting sleepy. Spencer knew it was past her nap time.
He was laying her down in her bed when Y/N found him an hour later. Poor thing had been quite literally falling asleep in the middle of the tea party.
“Now that’s a nice look,” she giggled.
He looked at her, confused for a moment before he realized he still had the boa and tiara on. He grinned, pulling them off and laying them down in her room before pulling her door closed as he walked out.
“I took your cupcakes out of the oven half an hour ago,” she said.
“Dammit I forgot about them! Well that just ruined the surprise.”
“I’ll act surprised then when you present them to me,” she grinned, “I thought we could frost them while the kiddos are napping.”
“Twinkies are already down for their nap?” he asked.
“Yup. They wore themselves out crawling after Duke.”
“That poor bunny,” he chuckled.
“Hey it keeps him fit. I think Hopper was thrilled it wasn’t him for once.”
Once they were in the kitchen, Spencer wrapped his arms around her, pulling her towards him.
“Who knew the house could be so quiet?” he smirked, kissing her nose.
“It is a breath of fresh air,” she smiled.
“How about instead of frosting the cupcakes we frost something else?” he grinned, “I mean I already have my own knife.”
She burst out laughing, causing him to laugh as well.
“What?” he asked, grinning.
“Spence, you’re supposed to be a genius. I’m sure you can come up with a better euphemism for sex than that.”
“I was just rolling with it,” he grinned, pulling her close to kiss her temple, “How about it though?”
She sighed, sounding defeated.
“You know I’d love to, but I need to groom Duke after we finish these cupcakes. It’s shedding season, you know.”
She frowned, seemingly upset to let him down.
“It’s okay baby,” he smiled, hugging her, “Come on. We’ve got cupcakes to decorate.”
They were halfway through with the cupcakes when Spencer’s phone rang.
“Hey, Luke. What’s up?”
“Hey Reid, you busy?”
“Not really, just frosting Y/N’s cupcakes.”
There was a pause.
“Is that some sort of euphemism for sex? Cause I can call back later.”
Spencer couldn’t help it, he barked out a laugh. 
“No, I mean we’re just decorating some cupcakes.”
Y/N gave him a quizzical look and he gave her a lopsided grin, mentally reminding himself to share that with her later. She’d think it’s hilarious.
“Oh good cause we need your genius insight, Reid,” Luke said.
“Sure, one sec.”
He lowered the phone to his shoulder.
“The team needs me to consult on a current case, I’m sorry, do you mind?”
“Go,” she shooed him, “I’ve got this. Don’t worry.”
“You’re the best, Y/N,” he murmured, pecking her lips.
“Don’t I know it?” she smirked, turning back to the sugary explosion on the counter as he walked towards his study.
“Okay, what’s up?” Spencer asked, as he settled into the desk chair.
“Alright. So we have three murders in Seattle…”
By the time Spencer had finished bouncing around ideas with the team, it was after 1 pm. 
Walking into the kitchen, he saw all three kids had woken from their naps and was just finishing up their lunches of grilled cheese—bite sized grilled cheese pieces for Aden and Isla though.
Spencer stole one of Evie’s chips as he passed her.
“Hey! Dat nawt vewy nice!” she frowned.
His lips turned up in a smile as he apologized and kissed her head.
“How’d it go? Were you able to help any?” Y/N asked.
She held up a bite of grilled cheese to Aden’s mouth to get him to eat. He seemed to have more interest in playing with his food than actually eating it though.
“Help wiff what?” Evie asked, ever as curious as a typical toddler was.
“Daddy got a call from your aunties and uncles at the BAU. They needed his help with a case,” Y/N explained.
“And you didn’t let me talk to dem?” she pouted, “I miss auntie JJ and auntie Penewope. Auntie Emawee, Uncle Dave and evwyone else I can’t tink of.”
She had actually sat there and counted off all of the names on each finger, amusing Spencer to no end. He knew he was a bit biased, but she was the cutest.
“You were still napping, baby, I’m sorry,” he said, “Next time I’ll make sure you get to talk to them.”
That seemed to appease her and she went back to eating her lunch.
Oh the joys of being a child with no concerns in the world.
After lunch, Spencer took the kids outside and they were soon joined by Y/N, Hopper and Duke. It was such a beautiful day that they had to take advantage of it.
Duke was set up in a good sized space to run and explore, but with a collapsible fence around him, just to keep him safe and from running away. Y/N was still hesitant to take it away just yet, even though so far he did great at staying near them when outside. He loved it, nibbling on the grass and flopping in it. He clearly was living his best life.
Hopper just about sprinted out the door when Y/N let him out. He, too, loved the backyard. He had about worn paths in the grass because he loved his specific running routine. He barked happily as he sped around.
Evie immediately ran to their playground and started climbing the “rock wall” portion of it. Not surprising to Spencer though; from the moment she could stand she had climbed into and over stuff as a baby, practically always giving him and Y/N heart failure.
“You two want to go down the slide?” he asked, carrying the twins toward the play set.
Aden started fussing, reaching for Y/N.
“Ma ma! Ma ma!”
“I will take that as a no,” Spencer said, handing him over to Y/N.
“He’s been fussy since they woke up. I think he’s cutting another tooth,” she frowned.
“Aww, my poor little man. No wonder he doesn’t want to play.”
Spencer rubbed his back as Aden laid his head on Y/N’s shoulder.
“Growing teeth isn’t fun, is it buddy?”
Y/N smiled, cuddling him close.
“Go on and play with the girls, me and Aden will chill on the patio and cuddle.”
“So do you want to slide, Isla?”
She responded in baby talk, babbling away.
“Is that so? Tell me more.”
She continued to babble as he set her at the top of the slide, one hand on her stomach and the other on her back to keep her safe.
“I’d like to see you get on the slide, Spence!” Y/N called from the patio, laughing.
He shook his head.
“Never again!” he hollered back.
He once tried getting on the slide of this same play set with Evie in his lap, when she was younger. It was a disaster to the point that Y/N about had to call the fire department to get him unstuck...after she spent ten minutes laughing.
He’d learned his lesson from that.
Isla squealed as he slowly slid her down the slide. He picked her up, holding her in the air above him.
“You did it, baby!”
She squealed with laughter, grinning big. When he brought her back down, she held onto him trying to give him a kiss with her mouth wide open.
“Thank you; you’re extremely sweet, Isla,” Spencer cooed.
“Daddy, watch me!”
Spencer looked over and watched as Evie slide down the slide on her belly.
“Careful, Princess.”
“I am! Did you see me?”
“I did,” he said, “I’m impressed.”
She ran over to the swings next. The amount of energy this child had was outstanding. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d had this much energy.
“Push me pwease?”
“Okay, honey.”
He put Isla in the baby swing, which she happened to love and buckled her in, starting to swing her a bit as he pushed Evie.
The peals of laughter that met his ears filled his heart with joy. He watched the wind blowing his little girls’ curls as they both swung, happy as could be. 
His eyes panned out over the yard; Hopper still running around, Duke munching on some grass and his wife rocking his little boy on a rocking chair on the patio.
It was moments like this that he treasured the most.
They spent nearly all afternoon outside, although the twins and fur children had meandered inside after an hour or so both hot and worn out.
Spencer stayed outside though spending time with Evie. He always tried his hardest to make sure she knew how much he and Y/N loved her.
After the twins were born, life became more hectic and she entered a new permanent part of life where she’d have to share her parents. He made extra efforts in spending some time alone with her, Y/N did too, just so she wouldn’t feel left out or any less important than her younger siblings.
He spent time jumping on the trampoline with her, watching her do tricks. He then pushed her on the swing until his arms hurt, but it was totally worth it to see the glee on her face. 
They laid in the grass, listening to birds chirp and looked at clouds. She claimed to see one cloud in the shape of the doughnut and he pointed out one he thought looked like a penguin.
They were both hot and sweaty after staying outdoors for so long, so he turned on the sprinklers and let her run through them. Of course, Hopper ended up joining them, sprinting like he had springs attached to his paws as he jumped through the spraying water.
Spencer couldn’t resist joining in, chasing after Evie. The water felt cool and refreshing on flushed, hot and sweaty skin.
“I’m gonna catch you!” he teasingly called.
She squealed, trying to run faster through the water.
“No you nawt daddy!”
He reached down and picked her up, swinging her around. He wished he could keep his babies this small forever.
By the time they were tired of playing in the sprinklers, their clothes were soaked through.
“Mommy’s gonna kill me for letting you get so soaked,” he chuckled.
“No she nawt. She love you. When a mommy love a daddy dey hug. She just hug you.”
He couldn’t argue with her logic.
“Come on munchkin, I bet mommy is wondering what happened to us.”
He walked behind her as she sprinted into the house. He was surprised to see it was nearly 5 o’clock.
“You two must’ve had fun,” Y/N chuckled, eyeing their clothes.
“That we did. Where’s thing 1 and thing 2?”
She pointed to the pack and play in the corner of the kitchen where the two were happily playing with one another.
“Thought I’d stick them in there so I could keep an eye on them while I started their dinner,” she said.
“Let me go change Evie and get some dry clothes for myself and I can help,” he offered.
“I’ve got it covered. I’m making chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese for them since it will soon be bath and b-e-d time.”
He nodded understandingly. They’d been having trouble getting Evie to bed lately. She always wanted to play when it was time for bed, so they’d gotten a routine down. Dinner, bath, story time and cuddle and then time for lights out. So far, it had been working.
“Do me a favor and turn on the tv please? I promised Evie she could watch cartoons before dinner.”
“Sure thing,” Spencer agreed.
He gave her a side hug on his way past her and maybe a slap on the ass too.
“Spencer!” she shrieked, exasperated.
He just laughed, sending her a wink over his shoulder.
He settled in with Evie on the couch and the twins playing on the floor. He held Aden up, helping him practice walking as Evie watched cartoons.
“There ya go buddy! You guys will get this in no time.”
Spencer sat him back on his bottom and Aden turned around, fussing, trying to climb in his lap. Even in his lap, he started crying.
“Brudder too loud,” Evie frowned.
“I know, honey, I’m sorry. He doesn’t feel good.”
Spencer rubbed his back, rocking him a bit, desperately trying to calm his son. He clung to Spencer’s shirt, crying at the top of his lungs, moving his face back and forth from the inability to get comfortable.
Spencer frowned, standing, bouncing him a bit. Y/N came into the living room a moment later, a small tube in her hand.
“He won’t stop crying, no matter what I’ve tried,” Spencer frowned, hurting for his own miserable child.
“I got some teething gel. Let me see your finger.”
He held his finger out and she squeezed some of the clear gel on his finger. Opening Aden’s mouth just enough, he rubbed it gently on the sensitive gums.
He went to pull his finger back but Aden kept a hold of it, gnawing on it.
“Good luck getting that finger back,” Y/N smirked, “I’ve had that happen way too many times.”
So that’s how he sat until Y/N had finished the kids’ dinner; next to Evie, Aden in his lap and his finger in Aden’s mouth. Luckily, Isla seemed occupied enough and didn’t feel the need to be clingy. It was like they’d switched personalities for the day.
“Evie, go wash your hands for dinner please,” Spencer told her.
She obeyed, heading off to her bathroom. In the last year, she’d really gotten to enjoy washing her hands. She thought of it as making her a big girl, which it did. She had a stool in front of her bathroom counter that she’d stand on, get some soap out of the fish decorated soap dispenser and wash her hands, proud to be able to do this big girl task now.
She came into the kitchen just as he was helping Y/N get the little ones into their high chairs.
“My hands all cwean!” she announced, holding them out as to prove her point.
“Good job, pumpkin,” Y/N said, giving her a kiss as she lifted her to set her on the island stool.
“What for dinna?” she asked, trying to peek at the fixed plates on the counter.
“Your favorite, chicken nuggets and mac and cheese,” Y/N smiled, setting her kid plate in front of her and a fork.
Evie’s eyes lit up and she immediately dug in.
“I snuck some broccoli in it for the twins,” she told Spencer, not worried if Evie heard.
They must have been blessed with an easy first child because Evie was always good with eating her vegetables and she loved when mommy fixed her veggie mac, as she called it. Y/N had tried multiple different vegetables in it from spinach to broccoli and even kale once, with positive results. Spencer was definitely impressed.
But where it was easy with Evie, it had been a bit more challenging with Aden and Isla. Aden was more open to trying new things, but didn’t seem to like as many veggies as Evie had at that age. Isla, on the other hand, flat out refused.
So Y/N had resorted to sneaking some veggies in with their food. Sometimes it was in their macaroni and cheese other times it was mixed in with sauces, easy things they could eat. It had been a struggle, but they seemed to finally start liking the flavor.
The sight of food caused a ruckus with the two as they babbled and shrieked, ready to eat. Y/N sat the small bowls in front of them, along with the cut up chicken nuggets spread on their tray. Hands immediately dug in the nuggets and they tried to feed themselves with their spoons. 
The twins eating was always an interesting time. One baby eating was messy enough; times that by two and it was even worse. Thankfully, bath time was after dinner.
Spencer had had his back turned as he fed Duke and Hopper their dinners and when he turned around he swore his two youngest were already covered in mac and cheese.
“Two seconds into dinner and they’re already covered in cheese sauce,” he shook his head, amazed.
“It’s your turn to do baths tonight too, big boy,” she chuckled, patting his chest as she walked by to put something in the dishwasher.
On her way back, he pulled her back to him, hugging her from behind. She didn’t complain though. He loved all the stolen hugs and kisses they shared even during the most chaotic of days.
He tipped her face up to his and kissed her gently, wishing he could convey just how much love and appreciation he felt for her in the simple, soft kiss. 
“Ew daddyyy,” Evie whined, covering her eyes, “I twyna eat!”
He pulled away from Y/N and they both laughed, both amused by their toddler’s outburst.
“Listen to her, she sounds like a teenager already,” Spencer said.
“Just wait ten more years when she actually is,” Y/N commented.
“Evie Bear, are you gonna be my little girl forever?” he asked.
She shot him a grin big enough to compete with his own toothy smile.
Bath time almost always followed dinner in the Reid household. 
Before the twins, it was easy just to bathe Evie and get her ready for bed. Now, it was three times the baths and three times the pajamas.
They tackled it as a team, though. They’d switch off between bath duty and pajama duty. Tonight, Spencer would bathe the kids while Y/N got pajamas ready, fixed the twins’ bedtime bottles and most likely tried to clean the kitchen in between.
He’d left Evie in his and Y/N’s bed to play on her kid iPad—way better than those actual iPads if you asked him—to keep her entertained while he gave Aden and Isla a bath. Their bedtime was obviously a little earlier than Evie’s so they were the logical first bath of the night.
All three of his children were fish. They loved water, so bath time was always a hit.
They both sat in the water, splashing and talking to one another in their own little baby language. They played with their toys: little bath alphabet and numbers, colorful boats, a rubber ducky, even little toy cups.
Spencer washed their hair as they played happily.
Aden baby talked, handing him a cup.
“Is this for me? Did you make me a drink?”
He pretended to drink it, handing the cup back to him.
“That was very good, little man.”
Aden smiled, reaching for another toy, putting it in his mouth to chew on. Spencer took the moment of stillness to carefully rinse the baby shampoo out of his hair. His baby soft curls hung in wet, wavy tendrils, similar to Spencer’s own hair when it was wet.
He repeated the same process with Isla as she was content to play with the boats, pushing them around in the soapy water.
“You two are like little ducks aren’t you? You could stay in here until you’re wrinkled and pruny and still wouldn’t get out,” he said.
They look up at him, serious looks on their faces.
“You wanna know a secret? You may be little ducks but you’re my baby ducks,” he smiled, leaning over to give each one of them kisses.
They were too busy playing to really care, but Spencer didn’t mind. One day, they wouldn’t want kisses all the time like they did now and he would cherish every second he could, of this part of his life.
The typical babbling ensued, including the normal da da’s.
“Da da da da,” one would start, encouraging the other to join in like it was a battle who could say it more.
“Daddy loves his babies,” Spencer smiled.
He finished rinsing the soap off their bodies, giving their faces one last wipe over with the washcloth—much to their dismay—and lifted them from the tub, laying them on the towel by his side.
He wrapped them tight in the towel, keeping them warm and carried them to Y/N to get ready for bed.
Bath time with a toddler was definitely a different experience than bath time with infants.
Evie was a little chatterbox. Something she got from him, undoubtedly. He always enjoyed when he had bath duty, it was special time with his little ducklings.
Evie had a few bath toys that were especially for her since they were a bit too old for the twins at this point. She loved her bath crayons and creating masterpieces on the bathtub walls. She also had a little toy that made bubbles. It was endearing to see her face light up when Spencer made the bubbles appear.
“Daddy, look at dis,” she pointed to her latest drawing.
“I see. What did you draw?”
“Dat Hopper,” she pointed to one blob of red.
“And dat Duke.”
Duke was a blue blob.
“I love it,” he chuckled, “I think they would too.”
“Can we pwactice da afabet?” she asked.
Evie’s bath time recently had become a sort of learning time to practice her letters and numbers. It had started with Spencer writing a letter or two on the side of the tub with her bath crayon and letting her name it. It had become so fun for her she ended up asking to do it more often now.
“Sure, sweetie.”
He took a green crayon and wrote the letter “A” on the wall in front of her.
“Do you know what this letter is?”
Next to it, he wrote a “B”.
“B,” Evie said, confidently.
Another letter was written next to it.
They did this throughout the whole alphabet, until the wall was covered with letters. She’d only stumbled on a few, but she was getting better all the time. The swell of pride he felt in his chest was never ending as he constantly discovered just how smart his babies were growing up to be.
“Let’s try something a bit different, okay?”
He took a different color—red this time—and wrote her name. Using the crayon as a pointer, he pointed to the “E”.
“Do you know which letter this is?”
“Dats E!” 
“That’s right. What about this one?” he asked, moving the crayon to the next letter.
“Um,” she paused, taking a little longer on this one, “V.”
“Correct,” he smiled, “And this next one?”
“And then we have this final one. I’m sure you know this by now,” he grinned.
“Dat E again!”
“Yes, that’s right! Do you know what that spells?”
“No,” she shook her head.
He didn’t expect her to, but it was all part of his little lesson.
“That is your name. E-v-i-e. Evie,” he smiled, “You just spelled your name.”
She smiled brightly, then looked like she was thinking about something.
“Daddy? Why I named Evie?”
“Well,” he said, returning to rinsing her long hair, “Your mommy wanted to name you Evangeline at first.”
Evie scrunched her nose up at that, making him snicker. She really did look just like him when she did that.
“I know, I didn’t like that name much either,” Spencer said, “But she really wanted to name her first daughter that because it was her grandmother’s name and she was really close to her before she passed away. I thought that was a sweet gesture to honor her in that way, so I tried to compromise with her.”
“What’s compwomise?” she asked.
“It’s where two people both get what they want by deciding on something that they both like. For example like your name. Mommy liked Evangeline and I didn’t. A common nickname for it is Evie and we both liked that name so we settled on that. We both chose a name we loved for you and mommy got to honor her grandma that way.”
“Oh,” she nodded, seemingly deep in thought, processing what he had just said, “I like Evie betta anyway.”
“So do I, my little Evie bear. Now come on, let’s get you out of this bath before mommy thinks you were washed down the drain.”
It was probably half an hour after their bedtime and all three kids were still awake, in their jammies on mommy and daddy’s bed. 
Spencer figured he’d let them stay up a little later so Y/N could finish her housework. Bedtime was also another team effort, at least when it came to Aden and Isla. It was hard to hold two babies with bottles—even though they could now hold their own bottles— and a book at the same time, even for the most experienced parents. So one of them would hold one twin, the other would have the other and read them both a bedtime story. It was a system that had been working well for them, so they stuck to it. 
Also, he kinda hoped the later bedtime would slip by Y/N’s attention unnoticed. No such luck, though.
Needless to say though, she was a bit exasperated to find them still up almost thirty minutes later than normal.
“Spencer Reid, I swear to God if my children don’t go to sleep, I won’t have sex with you until they move out of the house.”
Thankfully, Evie seemed too preoccupied with her iPad to notice Y/N’s statement. All they needed was her repeating that.
“Sorry, babe. I thought I’d let you catch up on your housework before we tucked them in.”
“You should’ve come get me, I didn’t even know it had gotten so late,” she said apologetically, “Besides they need their sleep so their brains can grow to be as big as yours.”
“Actually, the brain doesn’t grow. It stays the same size from the moment you’re born. As you learn, your brain makes new neuron connections.”
She chuckled, walking over to pick up Isla off the bed.
“You know what I meant, brainiac,” she teased, “I got their bottles in the nursery so if you can grab Aden and a book, we can get them to bed.”
He nodded, picking up Aden.
“You stay there and play on your iPad, okay baby girl?” Y/N said, “We’ll be back to tuck you in after we get the babies down.”
“Otay mommy.”
Spencer got situated in one of the two rocking chairs in the nursery, Y/N settling in beside him. Bottles were in the twins’ mouths and the twins were each nestled in a set of arms as Spencer opened the book of the night, Bedtime For Baby Star.
He was familiar with this story. His best friend JJ had given them a copy when he and Y/N first got pregnant with Evie. It was a story she’d read many times to her sons Michael and Henry. He and Y/N had read it many times to Evie—and still did—and now they read it to their twins. It was as if this adorable little story had been passed down through many bedtimes of many different kids.
“Once there was a baby star,” Spencer began, gently rocking in the chair.
“He lived up near the sun. And every night at bedtime, that baby star wanted to have some fun. He would shine and shine and fall and shoot and twinkle, oh, so bright.”
Isla cooed as she ate, eyes locked on Spencer and his voice. Aden looked around, but would turn his sight back to Spencer every little bit to make sure he was still there.
“And he said “Mommy, I’ll run away if you make me say good night.”,” Spencer read.
Isla’s feet shuffled back and forth against Y/N’s lap as she ate. Usually, they didn’t fall asleep during a nighttime story, but Spencer loved the routine of it and being able to have some bonding time, so it soon became a nightly thing for him and Y/N.
Aden pulled back from his bottle, taking a break from eating and looking around the room. Spencer glanced down to check on him before continuing reading, seeing Aden put the bottle back in his mouth on his own.
“And then his mommy kissed him on his sparkly nose and said, “No matter where you go, no matter where you are, no matter how big you grow, and even if you stray far, I’ll love you forever, ‘cause you’ll always be my baby star.” The end.”
Spencer closed the book quietly, setting it aside and dimming the lights. This, too, they had found worked best when getting the babies to sleep. They usually sat and rocked them in the dimmed nursery as they finished their bottles and fell asleep.
Looking down at Aden, he could tell that the little guy wasn’t far off from sleep.
As they both sat and rocked the babes quietly, he reached over with his spare hand to the rocking chair Y/N was in. He took her hand and held it in his the entire time until their two youngest were sound asleep.
“Why don’t you go order us some dinner and I’ll get Evie to sleep,” Spencer suggested after they’d tiptoed out of the nursery.
“It’s been a long day and I know you probably don’t feel like cooking a separate dinner.”
“Okay, I’ll go order us a pizza. The usual?” she asked.
“Pepperoni, yes please,” he grinned, kissing her cheek.
“Tell her night and an “I love you” from me,” she called as she headed down the stairs.
Evie was exactly where they’d left her earlier. She was still sitting against their pillows, playing her game.
“Come on rugrat,” he grinned, picking her up off the bed, “Let’s go choose a story to read.”
He carried her down the hall towards her room, setting her down once they were inside. He took her toy iPad and set it aside with her other toys as she kneeled in front of her book corner, deciding on a book.
“Find anything yet, Eves?”
“Yesh,” she pulled one out, walking back to her bed and climbing onto it then holding out the book for him to see.
“Five Little Bunnies?” he asked, taking it when she nodded.
“No,” she took it back, “I read to you daddy.”
He smiled, pulling her into his lap.
“You gonna read to me tonight then?”
“Yesh,” she nodded, her drying, loose curls shaking with her movement.
She opened the book to the first page.
“Once upon time dere five widdle bunnies.”
She turned the page and continued.
“Da fiwst widdle bunny liked to hop and play outside.”
Spencer’s brows raised, surprised that she wasn’t actually making something up, but quoting the book. He knew she wasn’t actually reading, but it still pleased him enough to know that she’d memorized the book to be able to read it to him. He held her close, resting his chin on her head as she continued “reading” to him.
“Da fifth widdle bunny didn’t want to be weft out of all da fun and hopped off to join all his fwends. De end.”
She closed the book, craning her neck to see Spencer.
“You nawt asleep are you daddy?”
“No baby,” he chuckled, picking her up and setting her against her pillows.
“Did you remember the entire story so you could read it to me?” he asked.
She slid under the covers and he pulled them up over her as she nodded excitedly.
“Did you wike it?” 
The hopeful excitement in her eyes just about melted his heart. He had loved kids for as long as he could remember, but there was nothing sweeter than your own children.
“I loved it.”
He handed her the stuffed animal koala—named Pookie—that she always slept with and she cuddled him in her arms. Spencer smoothed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead, making sure the covers were high enough so she wouldn’t get too chilly.
“Next time though, it’s my turn to read to you,” he laughed.
“Otay,” she smiled.
“Mommy says goodnight and she loves you,” Spencer said, turning on her nightlight for her, “Goodnight Evie, I love you.”
“I love you too, daddy.”
As Spencer turned off the lights, the last thing he saw was Evie turn on her side and close her eyes, heading quickly into a peaceful slumber.
“I’ve never been so happy to see food. Or the couch,” Spencer said, flopping onto the couch, a slice of pepperoni pizza in his hand.
Hopper was curled up on the couch, his head partially laying on Spencer’s leg, fast asleep. Duke loafed next to Y/N’s legs, relaxing, himself. They acted so tired, they made it seem like they had been the ones doing the parenting all day.
“Duke I hardly recognize you after your grooming,” Spencer chuckled, reaching over her lap to run his free hand over the soft fur.
“I swear he lost half a pound in fur alone,” Y/N commented.
It was just past 8 pm and the two of them finally were able to sit down to rest and eat their dinner. 
“I tried one of your cupcakes,” Y/N said after finishing her final piece of pizza, “They’re great.”
“Oh really? When did you do that?”
“Around lunch. It technically was my lunch.”
“Our rugrats sure keep us on the move, don’t they?” Spencer grinned.
“And to think you want more,” Y/N half groaned.
“I do,” he said seriously, “But not right now. One day. When they’re a little older.”
“Good because right now I’m too tired to even think about sex.”
“You and me both,” Spencer sighed, wrapping his arm around her. 
“How do parents manage to do this and have a sex life?” she mumbled causing him to snort.
“I don’t know, but I’m sure they take it one day at a time. Besides, I have plenty of time to show you just how much I love and appreciate you in that way, when we aren’t so tired.”
There was obviously more to their marriage than just the sexual part of it. Just making time for each other like this, even when it was at the end of the day, was more than enough. They were a team. They’d do marriage, parenthood and life together. It was all he needed right now.
Some day, they would find a balance. But right now, life was still hectic and intimacy wasn’t always guaranteed. One great thing though was that intimacy came in all forms.
This time right now, was an example. It was a private, cozy and relaxing atmosphere for just the two of them to spend some time together. 
“I’ll be there,” she smiled, laying her head against his chest.
“So will I.”
Spencer was tired, but he was also extremely happy,
They turned on the tv for a little while, not paying much attention to the show that was on since they both could hardly keep their eyes open. They dozed like that for a little while, arms wrapped around one another. 
They knew one twin or the other would likely wake up at least a time or two during the night, but right now even catching a few winks was better than none.
They’d make it to bed eventually, where they’d fall into a deep sleep next to one another, preparing for a new day when they’d do this all over again.
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ngame989 · 5 years
“Brew” - TGG SVTFOE Fanfic Collection Ch. 6
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Writing: @ngame989​
Art: @toxicpsychox​
Editing: @toxicpsychox​, @seddm​, an IRL friend
Alternate fic links - FFnet, AO3
Summary: After close to a year on Earthni, Tom's been dragged back into the princely life, and it's a lot less exciting than he'd expected. With Star and Marco away on urgent business, can Janna help him turn a boring errand into a fun adventure?
Comic Page
This one’s a nice change of pace from the last two chapters, I think. TGG’s still a Starco-focused work, expect these to be the exception not the norm, but I think it’s important to strike a balance. See below for the text, hope you enjoy!
“No results.” Huh? Three eyes narrowed at the screen in frustration. Maybe a different search term? “No results.” Alright Tom, no big deal, man. Maybe you just spelled something wrong. Annnnnd… there. “No results.” How could there be nothing?
Tom leaned back in the chair and sighed, exercising restraint over the little anger demons inside him as he’d trained himself to do. In the past he’d needed a physical bunny to pet if he wanted even a hope of keeping his cool, but at this point suppressing the urge was such reflex that most would think he just had a regular Mewman quick temper and nothing more in all but the most extreme of conditions, but he was getting pretty close to that point now. Grandpa Relicor’s study had everything, or so he thought, but this was the first time he could ever remember being here where it come up short. He’d checked every shelf, everything he could think in the computer, had even fireblasted a few of the shelves just to see if there were any hidden switches or anything. Even Relicor had been at a loss and had been screeching in distress on the floor for long enough that Tom’s brain had graciously tuned it out. What could be so important about this book his mom needed? He hadn’t even had time to change his casual graphic tee from a cartoon he liked, simply tossing his maroon jacket over it before heading out at his mother’s behest. He wasn’t one to say no to her, but it had been hours since he’d shown up here and he was no closer to figuring this out than he had been this morning.
Suddenly his phone buzzed, displaying the familiar beaming face of his ex-girlfriend close up to the camera. A toothy grin erupted as he picked it up, holding the phone up for a video feed. “Heya, Starship.”
“Hey, Tom!” Star beamed into the camera. “How’s it hanging? Long time no see. So,” she rambled out in one breath, “I may have a teensie weensie wittle problem.” She backed up to reveal her hair in complete disarray, sans horns, and black marks all over her light blue dress. Before Tom could even ask the question, her other hand held up charred fragments of her headband. “Someone still hasn’t learned how to use an Earth oven properly!” she forced out through gritted teeth.
“Look, gurl, I said I was like, so sorry! All the Cloud Kingdom kitchens are powered by glitter and horn blasts, like that’s just how ovens are supposed to be, that is all I am saying here,” Ponyhead’s indignant voice chimed in from behind, punctuated by a snort.
“Anyway, we just finished putting out the fires and I need a new headband and their website says they’re almost out of stock and I’ve wanted to show Marco around the Underworld for a while and- wait, is that screeching in the background? Where are you?”
Tom shuffled away from the elder demon still writhing on the floor and cleared his throat. “Just in Grandpa’s study trying to find something for my mom, she really wants it today. I don’t know if I can go- but I can still send the carriage for you guys, if you want.”
“Do you need help with that?” Marco inquired as he peeked his head into the frame, casually wrapping an arm around Star.
“Naaaah, no big deal,” Tom shrugged. “You two should go, though! I can just fly over whenever I finish this.”
Star and Marco looked at each other hesitantly. “Alright,” she said. “Carriage to our house in maybe five minutes?” A fire alarm went off behind her followed by a scream from Ponyhead and an even girlier one from Marco. “Maybe ten,” Star sighed, burying her face in her free hand.
“You got it,” Tom chuckled.
“OK, bye!” Star said with relief before hanging up. He rolled his shoulders from inside his jacket and ran his hands through his hair before stepping into the main foyer, taking advantage of the space to summon the carriage and its horses, the incantations coming effortlessly to him. Demons had been fortunate enough to retain their powers on Earthni, but the location underground and the relative lack of portaling methods available left them even more isolated than previously. While most of the other kingdoms had dissolved or integrated into a loose coalition of government covering all of the Echo Creek area, the Underworld had been content to stay completely under the banner of Lord and Lady Lucitor, and Tom found himself pitching in more and more in his role as Prince. In truth, he would have appreciated the company his friends were offering, but he knew how much it had meant to Star to be able to give this life up, and he didn’t want to drag her - either of them, really, considering Marco had earned an official title on Mewni himself - back into the boring thick of regal errands. Was Prince Thomas Draconius Lucitor really going to let some stuffy old book collection get the best of him? Hah, as if.
With a flick of his wrist, the half-demon shuttled the carriage to the surface in a pillar of flame, barely looking and instead pulling out his new phone. He was still getting the hang of the new and improved Reflectacorp’s Earth tech integration, but he’d at least learned how to open yesterday’s text conversation thread from its new message notification.
Janna: anti-gravity potion attempt 4 failed. affected bottle glass itself and launched into sky. note to self: work under roof. star and marco’s suggestions didnt work either. not all bad though, it went towards cloud kingdom lol
Tom: careful, don’t hit pony’s ego and make it fly even higher ·;) btw pony + starco are going shopping in underworld soon. im stuck working for mom though.
Janna: stores r lame. even in underworld. and srsly dude u gotta stop using starfans dumb name for them. otoh it bugs them so actually nvm go 4 it
Tom: it was mine first >·:( it saves letters when they’re together!
Janna: which is always
Tom: exactly. speaking of which, they’re here ttyl
Star stepped out of the carriage in a nice white polka dotted green dress, quickly followed by Marco, the pair’s fingers remaining intertwined until they gave him a hello hug, and Tom honestly wasn’t sure they’d stopped holding hands even then. Ponyhead burst out a moment later with her phone floating in front of her pointed at herself, and she was in the middle of a monologue to no one in particular.
“-so yeah anyway as you all can see we have now arrived in the Underwoooorld. So yeah this is, like, basically the best place on all of Earthni to go shopping as I’ll be showing you today. Oh yeah, I guess some demon boys live here too. Oh my goodness, say hello you guuuys,” she rolled her eyes as she butted in between Star and Tom, side-eyeing him for a split second before grinning back into the camera. After all this time Pony still hadn’t dropped the passive aggression over his and Star’s messy history; Tom had to admit it was a bit understandable, but did she really have to keep it up in such an annoying way? He rolled his eyes - it was Ponyhead he was thinking about here. “OK, the Ponyhead Experience will be taking a short break. Tune back in soon! Love y’all, buhbye!” She snapped the phone shut and caught it with her tongue. “Ugh, why do all of my vlogs with you dorks get like ten times as many viewers? Tom, you were in the shot for like three seconds and do you know what happened? 2000 more people tuned in! What the heck! It’s like, just because I have one less horn and one less eye I’m not exciting to you? But I can’t stay mad at my adooooring fans.”
“Must be the Lucitor charm.” He flashed a toothy smile and a pair of finger guns at her, accidentally flinging his phone across the room in the process. “Totally planned,” he blurted out with a much less authentic grin. Marco chuckled and picked it up, handing it back and patting him mock-sympathetically on the shoulder while holding back a smirk.
Star giggled but tapped her foot impatiently, looking around the room nervously. “OK, great catching up, but on the way here I checked the website and the headband shop is almost out of stock! We have to go, now! Let’s move it, people! Tom, can we borrow the carriage for the day?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “Fine by me.”
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou, you’re the best!”
“You sure you don’t need anything?” Marco inquired again.
“You heard the girl, Marco, my audience wants to see us get our shop on!”
Tom blew a raspberry, pushing them towards the carriage. “Relax, it’s nothing. I’m practically done already! Tooootally almost done!”
Marco finally relented, nodding his assent. Star was bouncing up and down so much that she looked ready to launch around the room. He giggled as she wrapped both her arms around his middle and kissed his cheek before hauling him the rest of the way into the carriage. “C’mon boo, mama needs a new pair of horns. Plus we can get whatever you need, too! I saw a few things in the catalog that would look preeeetty good on you,” she sing-songed, walking two fingers up his chest to boop his nose after they plopped down onto the seat together. Ponyhead mimed vomiting at Tom, who silently laughed in response; they were so engrossed with each other that Tom was fairly certain they wouldn’t have noticed even if he’d shouted his laughter, though. He blankly stared at the spot the carriage had been for a few seconds after it exited in a blaze.
“Pretty gross, right?” Tom started and launched a fireball in the direction of the voice, hovering away from the intruder. A split second after, his vision caught up with his instincts and saw Janna in her usual green shirt and beanie and yellow skirt, sans jacket, nonchalantly sidestep the flame. “You do the same thing every time, you really need to work on that,” she chided with her arms crossed and a devious smirk on her face.
He rubbed his temple and gestured at her in sullen disbelief. “How did you-”
“Roof of the carriage.”
“Huh.” An eyebrow up in surprise, studying her expression. “You never usually, you know, answer that.”
She shrugged, kicking a boot into the hard stone floor. “Whatever, guess I’m just bored. Besides, half the reason I do that is to get a rise out of Marco,” she slyly snickered, and Tom couldn’t help but join in. “Alright, demon boy, what adventure are we going on today?”
Tom crossed his arms apprehensively. “Just trying to find a book for my mom, not really much of an adventure.”
“Like I said, dude, I’m bored and shopping is dumb. I don’t mind hanging out here for a study session or whatever, your family’s got great taste in decor.” She picked a skull off the ground and tossed it back and forth between her hands. He grinned back at her, grateful for the company. “So what kind of creepy curses are in this book?”
The pair started walking back into the study as their conversation continued. “Don’t think there are any. It’s called ‘Historia Homewnum’, according to my mom, so it’s probably a history book but that’s all I know.”
“Darn. Demon history’s bound to be pretty cool, though.”
“You’d be surprised how little actually happens down here, it’s just a lot of maintenance. Last month the most important thing I did was a ribbon-cutting ceremony at a new boba cornshake shop, it’s really caught on here since the Cleaving. But man is it good! Marco was right, the little pearls are just so tasty, I like the creamed corn version best.”
“What is it with you and corn, seriously...” Janna shuddered.
“Don’t knock it ‘till you try it.” He knew he’d gotten distracted thinking about the delicious creamy beverage, but that didn’t seem like an adequate reason to look so horrified, especially coming from Janna. Not able to figure out any other reason she might be disgusted by his comments, he got his thoughts back on track. “Really don’t know why she wants this thing so much. Anyway, I already checked the entire study for it, and the search archives don’t have anything either. Oh well, what can you do, might as well just give up and-”
“Found something,” Janna piped up, somehow already in the computer chair with her feet on the desk.
“Really? How?” he asked incredulously, throwing his hands in the air for emphasis.
“OK, I didn’t actually find the book, but maybe we should check this place out.” He leaned into the screen to see a Mewgle search for ‘how to find weird book in underworld’ on the screen.
“I already tried that, Janna!”
“Yeah, but your antivirus was blocking this link to some place called the ‘Librarinth’.”
Tom slammed his palm into his forehead. “Of course, the Librarinth! How could I not think to look there, that’s where all the oldest books are. Why was it getting blocked?”
She clicked on the link and both recoiled at the sight: an abhorrent patterned background with almost unreadable randomly colored text and low quality cartoon images scattered all around the page. “Yeah, it’s awful,” she said in response to his obvious horror. “Seriously, whoever must made this website must be, like, a thousand years old.”
“Probably , yeah, but why does that have anything to do with-” His eyes widened in realization as he clapped his hands together in contemplation. “Right, humans and their lifespans. Go on.”
She scrolled past the despondent, blurry faces of demons of all shapes and sizes in the staff section until she arrived at the catalog, folding her arms triumphantly. Tom excitedly butted in, typing into the search box and being greeted with a loading wheel. “Uh, Janna? It’s not working.”
“Pfft, yeah, I might actually be dead by the time the search finishes. But that doesn’t matter because they have our book. It’s the header image for the whole catalog.” He squinted and brought his face closer to the monitor, and to his surprise the title was clear as day on the cover of the book, although all the other information was too difficult to make out. “Alright, let’s go. Main page says the Librarinth is on Floor 216.”
With a snap of his fingers, the demon elevator was summoned into a bookshelf much as it had been the day they had dealt with the Blood Moon. Relicor’s shrieking, which had slowed to a whimper since they’d left, resumed in full; fortunately they began descending, which quickly put them out of earshot. Tom awkwardly stretched his arms, unsure what exactly to say. She was his friend, yes, but he was never the best at small talk, and Janna being Janna didn’t make that any easier. After long, messy years of broken hearts and misguided feelings, he finally felt comfortable forging friendships, but even though they got along quite well there was something about Janna that made that vibe a lot less effortless than with Marco or even Star. Thoughts of his other friends reminded him of something. “Uh, by the way… how did you even know about the carriage earlier?”
“A girl’s gotta keep some secrets.”
“Pony was posting about it every 15 seconds,” he guessed, calling Janna’s bluff.
“Touché. Every 10, though,” she coolly responded. “Ha, now she’s just flipping out because Star and Marco have way more likes than her selfies.”
“Figured you’d have him bugged or something,” Tom chuckled as he scooted over to get a look at Janna’s screen, and sure enough there was a picture collage of Star sitting in Marco’s lap with tens of thousands of likes and comments already. They were laughing their butts off at themselves in a mirror in front of them with novelty sunglasses, fake mustaches, goofy props, and even a few absurd full-body costumes; Ponyhead joined the fun for a few but just as often butt in trying to take over the mirror by herself.
“Ew, no, I disabled it all months ago. Boyfriend Tom was already too cutesy for me, and you two just had a little flirty fling. Do you think I’d really want to see or hear whatever Star and Marco have going on? They’re, like, deeply in love, or whatever, and it’s gotten even worse in the last few weeks.”
He murmured in tacit agreement. Now that he thought about it, they had seemed even more affectionate than usual, but he wasn’t too keen on uncovering why that might be. The ding of the elevator saved him from any further speculation, and he and Janna stepped out of the elevator into the lobby, which was empty with cobwebs coating most of the weathered stone walls. Janna looked at him with a quizzical expression. “Anyway, so the Librarinth is basically a combination of a library and a labyrinth-”
“Right, I got that,” she curtly retorted.
“The legends say that some ancient librarian demons wanted to challenge any who sought knowledge, so they hid all the books in a giant maze that only the worthy could navigate. But everyone who made it still decided to organize it thoroughly for some reason, and you still had to check out the books and bring them back and all that.”
She ran a finger over the dust on the front counter, and the surface of the desk sizzled in response, causing her to pull her hand back before poking the bubbles that formed with a curious smile. “So why is it completely empty?”
Tom rubbed the back of his neck. “Weeeeeeell, after a few people went missing or insane, everyone realized it really wasn’t a great way to, you know, run a library. Grandpa actually started collecting books to try and get them away from this place. No one really knows what goes on in there, but as far as I know it’s still maintained even though no one uses it. The kingdom stopped staffing the lobby but they could never just shut it down because anyone who tried, well-”
“Went missing or insane. Sounds cool, I’m in.”
“You sure?”
“Dude, you brought me to a wicked hell maze filled with psychotic demon nerds. Maybe there’ll be bottomless pits or a wicked dungeon boss. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re flirting with me, Mr. Lucitor,” she purred, running a finger up his chest and flicking his nose.
“Haha, very funny. And it’s Prince Lucitor,” he sarcastically chided, poking her arm in response before crossing the room with her following, but he couldn’t help but hide that he was flustered. Seeing Star and Marco’s relationship in the past year had reinforced his already-firm convictions about romance: he wanted someone with whom he could be life partners in all ways, not just handholding and rooftop picnics. Otherwise, what would be the point? He’d made that mistake enough times, and even just a light jab at the notion of him casually flirting struck made him feel self-conscious about that past. Finally his reflection was halted when he found what he sought: a large wrought iron door furnished with ornate demonic symbols and various carvings of mythological creatures dwarfed them both. With a soft, steady flame for light, he brought his hand up and ran it over the rusty engravings. He jumped back with a gasp as the fire spread into the lines of the door, lighting up the patterns on it and causing it to creak as it slowly opened.
“Nice,” Janna muttered in awe before strolling inside, with Tom hesitantly following. She was the most eager of their little group to dive headfirst into the unknown, even more than Star most of the time, but he trusted her gut.
They started walking down the long, cramped hallways, hearing only the sound of their own footsteps on the cold floor. Janna peeked her head into a small doorway that appeared to their left, earning herself an explosive blast to the face and getting knocked onto her butt. Tom slammed the door shut and leaned in to read an inscription next to it. “Incinerator for any books too damaged or damaging for further use. Probably not the right place.”
Janna huffed, brushing herself off and finding scraps of paper among the char. “I can see that. Seriously, what kind of labyrinth labels its doors?”
“Maybe one run by book nerds,” Tom offered, gripping her hand to help her up.
“So it’s just as bad at being a labyrinth as it is a library. Neat. Great adventure.”
Tom pressed on, keeping his focus ahead of them. “Hey, I’m just here to help my mom. You’re the one that said you were fine with anything.”
“Fine, fine. Just saying, I could be working on my potions or something.” She pulled a glass bottle full of purple liquid from her skirt pocket and casually tossed it at a wall. Janna snickered at Tom’s yelp when it shattered, but found herself joining him in backing away when a chunk of stone quickly deteriorated and slammed into the ground at incredible speed. She went over and carefully kicked a pebble, finding it impossible to even budge. “See, this was just a stupid pro-gravity potion. Worthless.”
He leaned against the stable wall opposite the hole, sighing. “I’m sure there has to be something interesting here. What if we, I dunno, make it a competition or something?” His frustration with both the situation and Janna were there, yes, but he still wanted to try and get something fun out of the day.
“Go on,” Janna said, eyes flickering up from the bottle that she was tossing between her hands nonchalantly.
OK, maybe he should have thought further ahead. His arms flailed as he scrambled to come up with an idea. “OK, so, uh, whoever finds the weirdest thing in this place in the next hour wins. Just call them out if you think you found something. Or whoever finds the book, whichever comes first, yeah. Mom still needs it.”
“Momma’s boy. I respect that. You’re on, Tom.” Janna cocked an eyebrow, staring at him for a second before pushing off the wall into a sprint, opening the first door she could find. “Empty. Another empty. Three empties, dammit.”
Tom used his flight to travel more smoothly from door to door on his side of the corridor, but still found himself losing ground as he took the time to read the sign posted by each threshold. The ‘Demonic Studies’ room had a very ornately ghoulish aesthetic, with macabre skeletal models throughout. Definitely something to show Janna on the way out just for the aesthetic, and it’d have been weird for most humans, but it wasn’t any more abnormal than what the two of them were used to as a daily routine. Another room for astronomy had an exquisite planetarium dome, but it turned out to be rather useless as the Underworld did not, in fact, contain any stars since it was underground. There was, however, a plentiful selection of guides to stalactites stocked on the shelves. The next four whole sections were devoted to anger management self-help books, which only made him waste precious seconds cringing at old memories.
His pace picked up as he kept going from door to door finding nothing but normal library fare, although he had to admit it was certainly well-maintained. On any other day he might actually enjoy some of the things here, but today he was on a mission to get out of here so they could actually have fun elsewhere.
‘Bookworms’... now that had potential. What sorts of hybrid creatures could lurk behind the inches of wood? “I think I might have found something!” he shouted, throwing open the door only to receive a harsh shushing. Within were only elderly demons in cozy sweaters reading by candlelight, all now glaring at him with an intensity that reminded him of his mom’s own rare reprimands. “Never mind,” he loud-whispered back out into the hall as he gently closed the door and found Janna in a nearby corridor. “Ugh, why is there nothing interesting here?” Sparks trailed behind him from his mounting anger as he paced.
“Tell me about it, even ‘Wormbooks’ was just a bunch of regular novels, somehow,” she sighed. “I was hoping for a big long chain of open books slithering around on the ground, now there’s a party.” She slumped down against the wall next to the streak of flame he’d left on the ground, idly stamping it out with her boot until Tom sat down beside her.
“Wouldn’t a wormbook be the opposite? A big fat worm in the shape of a book?”
“Nah, it’d totally be a book made of a bunch of little flatworms all working together, duh. Still pretty lame.”
OK, now he knew something was up with her. “Janna, is- is something wrong?”
Her body slouched further down until she was almost horizontal on the cold floor, staring ahead of her like a zombie. “Being weird has just felt so pointless lately. Everything’s weird now, all the time! I’m wasting all my time trying to brew potions when there’s a shop that sells them on every corner. I got so bored that I even passed that same dumb test Marco did and now I’m done with high school, like, for real this time.”
“Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself, that’s pretty impressive.”
“It’s easy if you know who to blackmail.” Tom blinked a few times, not sure why he’d expected anything different. “Everyone else is moving on with their lives, but I’m still feeding the same old possums and picking up the same old tennis balls. The whole point of my routine is that it’s different, it’s me, it’s my Jannanigans or whatever Star calls it, but it’s just not the same. I’m still into all that stuff, and Earthni’s actually really cool, but… ugh.” With that, her head fully sunk to the ground.
Tom brought his palms together over her head, opening and shutting his hands while wiggling his fingers around. “It’s a wormbook,” he said hesitantly, not really sure what he was doing. It was silly amusement, but perhaps that was just what she needed right now. Janna frowned and rolled her eyes, so he snapped at her arm with his hand puppet wormbook a few times.
“Alright, I get it,” she barked out, but her sullen demeanor slowly cracked under the onslaught of frivolity as she sat back up with an unusually ponderous look at him.
“Remember that time you took me bootsledding?” She nodded. “You told me that I needed to find a life outside of Star, and- and it was really great advice. Didn’t mean I still couldn’t like spending time with Star or anything, heck, I still do! But I just needed to get out of that rut of depending on it. Maybe you just need to do that, too. If doing your weirdness by yourself is normal, then adding something normal might be kinda weird.”
“That’s it.” Janna leapt to her feet, looking very suddenly invigorated. “That’s it!”
“Well, uh, glad you liked it. It was nothing, really, just trying to be a good pal-”
“Yeah, yeah, that too,” she waved dismissively, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit scorned. “If weird is normal then normal is weird. We were looking for the craziest things we could find here, but everything that should have been weird was normal, so we should be looking for the most painfully boring room here!” All three of Tom’s eyes blinked a few times as her words sunk in. Could it be…? “Tom, over here!” He hustled over to a particularly plain wooden door. Janna pointed at the plaque on the wall, which was far more faded than the others had been. “Look. ‘Government Records’.”
A burst of energy coursed through Tom’s blood, sparking life in him once more, and he could see the same reflected in Janna’s determined brown eyes. “And the book Mom wanted has something to do with history. Maybe it’s political history! Janna, you might be a genius!”
“Pfft, ‘might’. Now we just gotta…” She grabbed his arm, aiming it at the door, and he looked at her incredulously. “C’mon, dude, who knows what’s behind there. We’re gonna bust in with a demon blast, duh. Pew-pew!”
He rolled his eyes, but the corner of his lip turning up in a begrudging smile gave away his agreement. The pair aimed at the door and blew it off its hinges before charging in through the smoke.
“I see you two have finally solved the grand riddle of the Librarinth!” A deep, booming voice greeted them from the smoke. “Janna Ordonia, Thomas Lucitor, you certainly took your time. I expected you to book it here much more quickly. No matter, for this room shall be your tome!”
“How do you know my-” Janna stammered.
“Uh, don’t you mean tomb-” Tom started at the same time before realizing the wordplay and groaning in misery. Wait a second… Epic threats, an obvious personality quirk…
“Dungeon boss!” the teens cheered together, glancing back and forth between each other and the remainder of the room in front of them obscured by shadow.
“It is I, the bookkeeper of this place. I guard the most sacred treasure of all… knowledge!” Paper rustled loudly, echoed throughout the cavernous space, far taller and wider than Tom had noticed when they first entered with a massive array of bookshelves many times taller than him in a single row near the back wall. The ground beneath them began to shake and Tom tossed a puff of light in front of him, exposing the wide chasm that had just opened up in the ground, swallowing all the shelving in the room. Neither were prepared for the sight that greeted them: a coiled mass unfurled from the abyss and slithering with purpose along the ground, finally raising itself up to stand at fifteen feet tall, swaying back and forth with enough force to create an artificial wind within the space. A closer look showed that the body was made of some peculiar segments of… books, of all shapes and sizes. The volume at the top of the chain was much larger and far more ornately embossed than the others, and on the blood red surface of the cover Tom could make out a set of eyes. As the picture became more and more clear, he could finally see what they were up against. Now THIS is a bookworm.
“Aren’t libraries supposed to be, like, public and free?” Janna blithely inquired.
“You are correct, child, but perhaps try reporting that to your friend there! The Lucitor family is the sworn enemy of this great Librarinth! That fiend Relicor pilfered our collection for his own use for millennia, and the rest tried to shut this place down for good. But worst of all, in the most egregious display of contempt I have witnessed since the dawn of writing itself… Prince Lucitor and his ilk have amassed twenty-six dollars in unpaid fees!”
The tension in the room nearly evaporated in a heartbeat as Tom and Janna paused momentarily before bursting out into raucous laughter.
“Seriously, dude? I could just, like, repay it.” He fumbled in his pockets for his wallet for a moment before being interrupted once more.
“Do not condescend to me, children! It is far too late to make up for these sins with mere currency. Revenge is my fee most overdue, now prepare to meet… Overdoom! I shall harness the power of the written word to spell your demise!”
Books were hurled from the depths of the crevice en masse. Tom stepped in front of Janna to blast them away, but they had taken on a life of their own and homed in on him, covers flapping in the air like wings. Behind Tom, Janna snatched one out of the air to thwart a flank attack. She grabbed his left arm and pointed it up, tapping his elbow frantically. He spared a glance and saw the paper tornado coalescing, and understood her intention. Demon flames surged out of both hands with Janna calling the shots for the left side and Tom focusing on his right. They used the opportunity to back up to a wall, letting them cover every attack vector but creating a stalemate they were sure to lose in time as the seemingly endless offense droned on. Overdoom for the time being simply floated out of the abyss, glaring harshly at them as more and more papers kept emerging.
“Wait, Tom, look…” Still using his hand, she pointed to a shelf that had fallen at an odd angle and hadn’t collapsed into the abyss. There was a large, torn-up poster on which he could barely make out the word “Historia”.
“That might be it,” he breathed out, starting to feel the burn from minutes of nonstop vigilant defensive demon blasts. Oddly, none of the books in that corner were joining the assault. Almost as if...
“It’s making them magical in the chasm.” Tom’s heart leapt up in his chest at the revelation, hope and adrenaline mixing in his veins to keep him fully alert. But charging in was a suicide mission and they clearly couldn’t win on raw firepower.
“Have you had enough? Are you children yet ready to come scrawling on your hands and knees to a-tome for the sins of your forefathers?” the imposing figure growled, bristling impatiently.
“Did it seriously just use the tome pun again?” Janna griped, running her hands past her eyes and down her cheeks in disgust. “For a word nerd, that’s just awful.”
“Yeah…” Tom absent-mindedly responded. He knew she was right, though. Book, tome, scrawl… even if the creature’s summoning powers were off the charts, and it wielded them with calculated ease, its cocky wordplay taunts left something to be desired. It struck him then: what if they’d been approaching this all wrong? If the battle couldn’t be won by blows, then they had to find another option, and Tom was ready to put his plan into action.
He quickly shook off Janna’s rather tight grip on his arm and stepped forward, mustering up a confident expression masking any fears he still had left. “Nice try, Overdoom. Your words aren’t scaring us. Learn to read the room!”
Its “body” immediately began wiggling violently in the air as it crawled a bit forward towards them. Tom paid careful attention to its back end, which had climbed a few feet out of the ground in the move. “How dare you! Petulant brats!” Literary fire and brimstone rained down upon them with more fury than ever, and the two backed up into a corner which was the best they could do in a room largely devoid of any cover.
“What the hell-” Janna whispered through gritted teeth. Tom wriggled his tail out and waved it in front of Janna’s face momentarily. “Now is not the time to-” She was cut off when a barrage of index cards launched at them with enough force to somehow chip the stone behind them on impact. Tom forcefully nodded his head towards the worm’s tail, waggling his own once again. Her eyes lit up much like his had and she nodded in understanding.
“Come on, is that the best you got? I’ve heard them all before, at least give us something novel!”
Janna stood beside him, and her grimace even managed to spook Tom a bit. “I’d alphabet you couldn’t do better even if you tried!” Not what he would’ve gone with, but hey, if it helped tick Overdoom off then who was he to say no?
“You can talk up a storm all you want, but no matter what volume of air you blow, all I feel is a not-so-rough draft!”
“ENOUGH!” Overdoom’s tail launched out of the chasm faster than either could follow, crossing the room in a heartbeat. Tom shoved Janna out of the way before it wrapped itself around him, dragging him much more slowly towards the abyss. His jacket and jeans mercifully protected the paper edges pressing into him, but it was still a painfully tight squeeze that left him gasping for air. His arms were uselessly pinned inside the embrace as he was dragged headfirst, but their hypothesis had been proven correct as all the books around them had dropped to the ground lifeless.
“Tom!” Janna called out. He strained his head to see she’d removed her beanie and had something purple in her hand that she lobbed at that moment. Through the haze of pain he recognized it as another of her potions. The arc was due to miss until he summoned his energy reserves and redirected it with a weak burst of flame from his boot. Though the glass was durable enough to not melt or shatter, the demonic heat changed the potion into a bubbling olive green milliseconds before it contacted a random segment of the behemoth they were fighting. All at once, its hold on Tom and the rest of its body went limp as it began floating lazily into the air before bouncing off the ceiling a few times like a balloon. Janna ran over and helped Tom up as Overdoom screamed inarticulately from many feet above. They traversed the chaotic mess towards the pile they’d spotted previous. After some digging around, he found ‘Historia Homewnum’ miraculously unscathed and protected by a large, sturdy slab of mahogany that had fallen flat on top of it. “I got it!”
“Cool, potion is wearing off. We need to go.” Janna calmly stated. Twin jets of fire erupted from his feet as he swiftly passed the book to Janna and scooped her up in his arms, carrying them across the room towards the door. After setting Janna down, he hesitated for a moment as she stood in the doorway.
“Do you think I should still pay the late fee? I feel kinda bad and-”
Tom sighed in resignation with a very unimpressed expression. “OK, yeah, never mind.” And with a quick slam of the door, they were both out scot-free. They didn’t stop running until they arrived back at the elevator. Once inside, they slumped down onto the ground as they began the journey back up to the main surface of the Underworld.
“Woo!” Tom was caught off guard by Janna expressing visible joy, and it was immediately infectious. “Now that’s an adventure. Of course, demon fire is what makes the potions work. Makes a lot more sense. Stupid ink smudge, I burned all those lemons for nothing.” He belly laughed, falling over to the floor and clutching his gut as Janna kicked him in the arm.
“Sorry, sorry, couldn’t help it.”
Her foot backed off after one last good hit. “So now you just have to give that book to your mom?”
“Yeah, should only take a minute. Want to come with?”
“Dude, she’s half a story tall and cries lava. I’d be honored. Oh crud, Pony’s current stream title is ‘WHY Y’ALL CARE MORE ABOUT EARTH TURD AND B-FLY THAN ME?!?!’” Janna showed him the notification on her phone. “That can’t be good.”
Tom pulled out his phone and called to see what was up. Pony picked up after only one ring and didn’t even bother with a greeting as she screamed so loudly that he lost hearing for a moment in his right ear. Her voice carried through the elevator car even without being put on speakerphone. “Yo Tom, why do all my Pony Pals just want to watch those two idiots kiss and cuddle? What is up with that? I even gave my fanbase a stupid nickname, they eat that stuff up, so why won’t they looooove meeeeee?” Business as usual with Pony, it seemed. “An-y-way, this whole shopping spree was amaaaazing, I am all kinds of extra fabulous now. B-Fly and Earth Turd took over the stream cuz the viewers, like, wanted a Q&A sesh but I’m only giving them twenty minutes! Hmph!”
“Might as well just make a whole show about them,” Janna chimed in, rolling her eyes a few times for good measure.
“Wait, demon boy, is Janna there? What the heck have you two been getting up to? Don’t tell me you too are getting your freak on too, I could not handle that T.M.I.-”
Yeah, there was nothing more to gain from that conversation. Tom flipped his compact shut, disconnecting the call. Wait, ‘too’? Did she mean- he shuddered involuntarily. You know what, nope, just not going to think about that one.
“So glad I turned off the cameras,” Janna mumbled, curling up into a ball on the floor, clearly not wanting to touch that whole situation either.
He opted to make contact with the other group via Marco instead - why he hadn’t just done that in the first place, he’d never know - and sent a quick text. “Marco wants to get dinner at the Waterfolk Kingdom in, like, an hour and a half. Apparently Star found some earrings she wanted at the last minute, and Pony got arrested for shoplifting three seconds after I hung up.”
Janna cackled in response. “Let’s just meet them there. My jacket got ripped to shreds by the possums last week, might as well get a new one while I’m down here. Been thinking about changing it up. I kinda like that style.” She lifted up his arm and poked at a button on the sleeve of his own.
“Uh, yeah, sure, I can show you where I got it.” He stumbled over his words, still caught off guard by this new normal-person-Janna. The elevator dinged and the teens began their trek through the Lucitor castle in search of the queen. “So, the Librarinth... we’re definitely going back there at some point, right?”
“Totally, bet’s still not over. We should do this more often, you’re not so bad a friend.”
“You too, and yeah, we should.” Looking back on the day, it had honestly been one some of the most fun he’d had in a while, despite almost dying at least once. Tom still wasn’t sure what to make of this friendship brewing between them, but if it meant more days like this to look forward to? Maybe he could get used to that.
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Crisis on Infinite Earths - a Primer
So, maybe you’ve never read Crisis, and wanna know what all the fuss is about...or maybe you have read Crisis, but it’s been a while, and you could use a refresher...or maybe you’re avoiding that thing you gotta do and you’re looking for a convenient distraction. Whatever the case may be, this post aims to provide a relatively quick* and painless breakdown of the crossover comic to end all crossover comics (literally), CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS.
*It will not be quick.
Crisis on Infinite Earths is a twelve-issue crossover event comic that came out in 1985, written by Marv Wolfman, with pencils by George Perez (and inks and colors by a whole bunch of guys.) The thing most folks know about COIE is that it took the then-current DC multiverse, and merged it into a single earth/continuity. (That, and the deaths. OH, the deaths.)
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
THE MONITOR: The Monitor is a cosmic being comprised of positive energies, who starts gathering a bunch of heroes and villains together in order to save the multiverse. He also recruits... HARBINGER/LYLA MICHAELS: Lyla Michaels was orphaned at a young age and saved by the Monitor. He raised her, and gave her the powers that would make her HARBINGER. She helps the Monitor, but also kind of screws him over. PARIAH: Forced to watch worlds die as penance for three terrible sins--he’s drawn to earths just before they perish, but can’t really do anything about it. As such, he almost always looks like Munch’s The Scream. ALEXANDER LUTHOR JR. OF EARTH-3: Son of Lex Luthor and Lois Lane of Earth-3 (the earth where the bad guys are good, and the good guys are bad.) Lex sends his son away in a pod to escape the anti-matter wave destroying their universe, and as such, Alexander has both positive and negative energies within him, making him a kind of conduit, and vital component for the Monitor’s plan.
On the flip side, we have...
THE ANTI-MONITOR: The negative entity to the Monitor’s positive entity. He uses anti-matter to destroy universes and feed off their positive energies. He’s also got his own posse... PSYCHO PIRATE: Anti-Monitor steals him from Team Monitor and uses his emotion-manipulating powers to control people on various earths, forcing heroes to fight other heroes, as well as rush towards their doom in the anti-matter waves. HARBINGER: Yes! Harbinger is briefly controlled by the Anti-Monitor, and is used to betray the Monitor and kill him.
The Anti-Monitor also has RED TORNADO and THE FLASH imprisoned on his ship.
CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS--THE EARTHS: Earth-1: The main DC continuity earth. It’s got the Justice League, the Trinity, etc. etc. Earth-2: Justice Society of America earth, home to folks like Jay Garrick Flash, Alan Scott Green Lantern, Power Girl, and Old Superman (Kal-L). Earth-3: Crime Syndicate Earth. The Justice League, but evil. Earth-4: Home of the Charlton Comics heroes. (The Question, Blue Beetle, etc.) Earth-6: Technologically advanced earth ruled by superheroes, home of Lady Quark. Earth-X: Earth where WWII has lasted for 40 years; home of the Freedom Fighters. (Uncle Sam, The Ray, Dollman, etc.) Earth-S: Home of the Fawcett Comics characters, AKA, the Marvel Family. Earth Prime: Home of Superboy.
- So, earths are being destroyed by a mysterious anti-matter wave. One of the first earths to perish is Earth-3, home of the Crime Syndicate (evil Justice League.) Lex Luthor, hero of Earth-3, sends his son to a different universe so as not to be killed. His pod is found by the Monitor, and Alex is taken aboard the Monitor’s satellite. - The Monitor starts to summon various heroes and villains; he sends Harbinger to get them. Harbinger splits into multiple versions of herself to go to the various time periods/universes. One of the Harbingers comes under the control of the Anti-Monitor, unbeknownst to the other characters! - Various heroes are brought to the Monitor’s spaceship, but before the Monitor can explain anything, they are all attacked by stranger creatures known as Shadow Demons. This makes all of the heroes and villains a bit mistrustful of the Monitor. - Still, the Monitor tells them that the multiverse is in peril, and that he’s set up some machines (‘vibrational forks’, I believe is the technical term) to stop the destruction. He’s going to dispatch teams of heroes and villains to protect the machines (which are placed in different universes and time periods) and activate them when ready. - There’s a whole portion here of the various heroes going to each machine, and really, it’s just an excuse to get These Characters to hang out with These Other Characters, and visit all of the various earths/time periods DC has going on. (i.e. Old West, WWII, Kamandi future, etc.) Shadow Demons arrive and attack the machines. - Meanwhile! Evil Harbinger brings Psycho Pirate to the Anti-Monitor! Alexander Jr. rapidly ages from infant to adult! And the Monitor creates a new Dr. Light! - And thus it seems like all of the pieces are in place for the Monitor’s plan to save the multiverse...BUT! Evil Harbinger KILLS the Monitor! GASP. - It’s okay, though, because the Monitor totally saw this coming, and prepared accordingly; he brought Earths 1 and 2 into a kind of pocket dimension to save them from the anti-matter wave, but now there’s a NEW problem--the vibrational frequencies separating the earths are slowing down. Soon, the Earths will occupy the same space, and when that happens, they’ll be DESTROYED! - This slowing of vibrations manifests as not only the earths merging in certain spots, but also all of time collapsing on itself--dinosaurs and cavemen run into WWII pilots and Batman. - And it only gets crazier--Harbinger, no longer under the Anti-Monitor’s control, uses the last of her powers to bring Earth-4, Earth-X, and Earth-S into the pocket dimension. So now FIVE Earths are gonna potentially merge together. - Six representatives are called before Pariah, Alexander, and Lyla. Five of them are from the remaining five earths, and one from the now-dead Earth-6. A lot of exposition follows! - In short: Long ago, the multiverse was formed, and along with it, the ANTI-MATTER UNIVERSE. That dark universe in turn gave birth to the ANTI-MONITOR, who sought to conquer all! He was kept in check by the MONITOR, his positive-universe counterpart! And then, one day, Pariah opened a portal to the anti-matter universe which allowed the Anti-Monitor to grow strong enough to attempt to conquer the positive-matter universe. This also gave Pariah his powers--being drawn to the Anti-Monitor’s destruction--which the Monitor used as a way to kind of track him. - STILL WITH ME????? - So the plan is to take the fight to the Anti-Monitor, by using Pariah to lead the way to his ship, and using Alexander as a way to transport all the heroes there. (Because, you know, comic book science.) - So the heroes arrive on the Anti-Monitor’s ship! They fight creatures which appear to be made of living stone, while Superman and Dr. Light discover a machine that the Anti-Monitor is using to speed up the merging of the Earths. Anti-Monitor finds Superman and Dr. Light, and attacks them both. Supergirl hears the fight, and intervenes. She very nearly destroys the Anti-Monitor’s outer shell/armor, but is ultimately killed. The Anti-Monitor escapes, the heroes return from the anti-matter universe, and Earth-1 mourns Supergirl. - While the Anti-Monitor is healing, Psycho Pirate contemplates killing The Flash, who is still imprisoned in the anti-matter universe. The Flash escapes, and uses Psycho Pirate to turn the Anti-Monitor’s forces against him, inciting an uprising. As the Anti-Monitor’s warriors riot, Flash finds an anti-matter cannon. He destroys it, and is killed in the process. - The earths seem safe for the moment, however, Brainiac has been collecting all of the villains previously recruited by the Monitor. They attack and conquer Earths 4, X, and S, issuing an ultimatum to Earths 1 & 2 to surrender, or they’ll destroy the other three earths. -The heroes travel to the other three earths via the Flash’s cosmic treadmill-- operated by Wally West and Jay Garrick--and fight the villains stationed there. Both sides sustain losses, and only cease fighting when the Spectre intervenes! He tells them they all have to join forces in order to stop the greater threat of the Anti-Monitor, who plans to travel to the beginning of time and destroy all life. - The heroes and villains agree to work together; the heroes travel to the dawn of time to distract the Anti-Monitor, while the villains travel to the birth of the anti-matter universe and multiverse, which occurred billions of years after the dawn of time but billions of years before the present, when a proud Oan named Krona opened a gateway to the dawn of time. - (Yeah.) - The heroes are succeeding in distracting and weakening the Anti-Monitor, however the villains fail to stop Krona from opening the gateway. Just when all seems lost, the Spectre appears once more. Using the combined powers of the various earths’ mightiest magicians and sorcerers, he fights the Anti-Monitor, and seems to win, BUT IN SO DOING, prevents the formation of the multiverse! - (Two more issues to go, y’all.) - Kal-L of Earth-2 awakes the next morning, thinking the whole ordeal has been a dream. He goes to the Daily Star, only to discover that it’s not the Daily Star, but the Daily Planet! He’s not on Earth-2--He’s on Earth-1!!!! - Except, not quite. Earth-1 has been changed, and only those heroes present at the dawn of time for the fight with the Anti-Monitor seem to remember the Crisis, and know that something is amiss! - Kal-L is anxious to return home; he, along with Clark of Earth-1, go to Jay and Wally to use the cosmic treadmill to get back to Earth-2. When they do, however...they discover that Earth-2...IS NO MORE! - All the heroes gather together again, THIS time to try and determine what’s going on. They all realize that there’s only one earth, meaning that the residents of the other earths have had their lives erased! Harbinger appears, her powers returned to her in the rebirth of the universe, and explains further. The various histories of the different earths have merged; some heroes are remembered, like Power Girl, but others are forgotten, like Helena Wayne, and Kal-L. - If that’s not bad enough...THE ANTI-MONITOR RETURNS! The skies over the new singular earth go dark, and not just any dark! A complete and total darkness that causes a panic, and turns out to be...SHADOW DEMONS! - Harbinger gathers the heroes (again) to stop the Crisis and the Anti-Monitor (again) while the Shadow Demons run rampant around the globe. Those who are caught by the Shadow Demons are erased from existence! - Meanwhile, another group of heroes, separate from the ones fighting Shadow Demons and the ones with Harbinger, stumble upon Brainiac, who agrees to take them to someone who will be able to help with this Crisis business. - Namely, Darkseid. - Harbinger takes some heroes back to the anti-matter universe to face the Anti-Monitor, while the mystic-powered heroes concentrate on the Shadow Demon problem. Those heroes in the anti-matter universe discover Psycho Pirate--and the Flash’s costume and ring, finally learning of his heroic sacrifice. - They attack the Anti-Monitor (again) who appears to be defeated (again) and Alexander serves as a portal back to the positive matter universe (again). - BUT THEN...the Shadow Demons--which had been imprisoned by the mystical superheroes--are absorbed into the Anti-Monitor’s corpse! And he lives! AGAIN AGAIN. - Alexander can’t hold the portal open much longer, though; all the heroes need to get through, or be FOREVER TRAPPED IN THE ANTI-MATTER UNIVERSE! - (We’re getting close to the end, thank goodness) - Kal-L and Superboy (the sole survivor of Earth Prime) stay behind to fight the monitor, as they no longer have earths and loved ones to return to. They’re losing, but Darkseid has science on Apokolips that allows him to not only observe the battle via Alexander’s eyes, but also launch a (seemingly) fatal blow against the Anti-Monitor! - Darkseid sends the heroes away, their tenuous truce done for now. - And then it’s over! YAAAAY!!!! - Except it’s NOT. Because GUESS WHO’S BACK, NOT EVEN A PAGE AFTER HIS APPARENT DEATH? THAT’S RIGHT. ANTI. MONITOR. - Kal-L’s had enough of this, though. He punches the Anti-Monitor so hard that the guy explodes. - And then it’s over. - Kal-L, Superboy, Alexander, and Lois Lane of Earth-2 (who was saved from destruction by Alexander, kept in a kind of pocket realm) retreat to said pocket realm, happy to live out the rest of their existence in a kind of nebulous afterlife. - Harbinger records the entire account for posterity, and conveniently ties up some lose ends while dictating the story; heroes mourned the fallen, Wally West became the Flash, etc. etc. - Lyla, Pariah, and Lady Quark decide to explore the new, singular Earth, looking to the future, rather than dwelling on the past. - EPILOGUE: Psycho Pirate is in Arkham Asylum, ranting about Infinite Earths...Worlds that lived, and Worlds that died...
CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS--THE DEATH TOLL (PARTIAL): -Dove -Flash (Earth-1) -Kole -The Losers -Solovar -Nighthawk -Supergirl -Loir Lemaris -Aquagirl -Green Arrow -Huntress (Earth-2) -Robin (Earth-2) -Hawkman (Earth-2) -Rising Son -Wonder Woman (Earth-1)*
END NOTES: - In the interest of brevity, I’ve forgone mentioning which specific heroes go where, who fights who, and so on and so forth. If you’re really curious as to what, for instance, Halo’s up to during the Shadow Demon attack in issue #12, I recommend just reading the comic. It will probably be quicker. - I’ve done my best to specifically name the ‘main’ characters; characters that play a significant role within the story, or characters that have an ‘arc’. - Also in the interest of brevity! I’ve tried to simplify various concepts where possible; for instance, I refer to the Anti-Monitor’s base of operations ‘his ship’ when in actuality, it is three separate locations within the anti-matter universe; a fortress, a ship, and the planet Qward. (Qward is the anti-matter universe equivalent of Oa, which the Anti-Monitor conquered shortly after his creation.) As the specific location within the anti-matter universe is not terribly significant to the main plot, a generic term was used. - Like any comic crossover worth its salt, Crisis had lead-ups and tie-ins. There are characters and plots introduced in Crisis that show up briefly, and then are never mentioned again, presumably to be picked up or referenced in other titles. As this post is primarily concerned with the main crossover event, they’ve not been included. - The cosmic origins of various characters, universes, and anti-universes are perhaps only slightly less confusing and vague as the summaries in this post. - Lastly: I’d treat this a bit like a translation--it’s one person’s view of the important bits of a written work, and as such, the source is always going to be the best place to look if you want to accurately judge the plot, characters, etc. If you have the time and the means, I recommend checking it out. (If only for those INSANE George Perez group shots...my god, so many characters on any given page.)
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nijuuuu · 5 years
Fire Hazard
As y’all could apparently tell, a certain fic author has inspired me to write some gay. So here’s some fluffy gay.
Original fic for @fictober-event​.
Prompt 19:  “Yes, I admit it, you were right.” 
Rating: T+
Title: Fire Hazard
Warnings: Alcohol mentions, light harassment
AO3 mirror here.
Sophie moved like a skillful calligrapher’s brush, leaving behind deliberate, knowing strokes with every footstep. When she got close enough, the scent of freshly brewed lattes drifted through the air, and when the sun was shining, you could see pretty auburn dots run along the nape of her neck. Even her dorky glasses paired absurdly well with the gently cresting waves of her umber hair.
Sophie was beauty. Sophie was grace.
And Sophie was irritatingly straight.
“Why don’t you take a picture, paintcan? It’d last longer,” she smirked, shimmying into her usual chair.
Cait glared and stuck her tongue out. “Tough luck. I’m stuck with you until the lease runs out. And… I was staring at your shirt. You have a rough night?”
Sophie tilted her head to the side and absentmindedly ran two slender fingers over one of the holes in her shirt, revealing just a little more of her smooth, pale skin. “Hmm, I seem to recall you having a rough night yourself a while back. Or, more accurately, waking up next to one.”
“She was a mistake. A drunken, mistake, you overpaid coffee machine, and that was three months ago.” Cait avoided her roommate’s gaze by lifting her mug of scalding tea to her face. HOT HOT HOT. Keep it together.
Sophie giggled, a sound so bright it could make the sun wear sunglasses. “Well. It’s costume day at the cafe! Isn’t that exciting?”
“You going as ‘laundry night’? You’re gonna be freezing your butt off.”
“Think more ‘drop-dead gorgeous werewolf,’” Sophie shot back, a hint of honey in her voice. A few keys jingled, and suddenly she was waltzing her way to the front door. “I’ll post the finished look on Insta, ‘kay? Look forward to it! And I’ll get tonight’s groceries. Just grab a good lunch, sleepyhead!”
And just like that, the scent of lattes disappeared, and the sky was downcast again.
See? Irritating.
Cait let out a beleaguered sigh and sank down in her chair. “Sleepyhead” was a new one. And with every new one came a new emotion she didn’t know she could have, and certainly not one she knew how to deal with.
She didn’t sign up for this. Not at first, at least. Despite their constant bickering, the two had been good friends since high school. When they managed to get into the same university, they decided to move in together. Sophie was kind of a mess back then, and she had terrible taste in men. So moving in was for her own good. Yep. That was it. Cait could think of no other reason.
Until Sophie became less of a mess. She started to go through boyfriends slower than one a month, thank god, until the number finally dwindled down to zero. Then came her brushstroke movements and the way she would gently lift that lucky soup spoon to her lips. She started to do heart-melting little gestures, leaving fresh plates of cookies on the countertop, placing little sticky notes on the fridge to wish her roommate a good day. And then she landed that new job at the cafe. Cait was always weak for a good latte. She never stood a chance, really.
It had been almost two years since then, two tantalizing years. “Never get with your roommate,” her friends had cautioned her. “It never ends well.” That, plus the fact that Sophie had loudly proclaimed her love for men after a drunken night or two of revelry. Ah, how love can fizzle out as quickly as it sparks. Really, Cait never stood a chance.
“So can my dumbass heart stop for just one second!!” she yelped, leaping up in her chair. She couldn’t think straight with her roommate around, damnit! How inconsiderate. How irritating. She had commissions to finish, and a strongly worded letter to send to her professor, and that 200k slowburn wasn’t going to read itself.
That last one sounded good right now. Drawing could wait. Cait slapped her mug into the sink and trundled her way over to her laptop.
A few tear-jerking hours later, she felt her phone buzz on the tabletop. She took a glance. The barista of her dreams had just shared a post on Insta.
Cait had never unlocked the screen faster.
Sophie always looked cute in her uniform. But today, she was positively heavenly. Her apron caressed the generous curves of her torn shirt, giving the slightest peeks to a sight that could make anyone’s stomach churn. Her black stockings stretched over her short but heinously delicate legs, ending inside her fuzzy brown boots. She was holding a drink and biting the straw with a vengeance while wearing a playful expression on her face that really did not help Cait’s problem. Actually, the adorable creature was even baring a set of fake fangs, which really, really did not help the problem. Her hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, and a soft wolf-ear headband sat atop her head. And she was winking, her long lashes practically kissing the lenses of her big round glasses, showing off a hint of her brownish-red eyeshadow that unfortunately drew the line of sight directly to those irritatingly honeyed irises.
She was probably violating a few dress codes. She was a fire hazard. A horribly dangerous fire hazard in Cait’s heart.
Another notification broke the silence. This time, it was a DM.
Soupie: Paintcan!!
Soupie: New look uploaded!!! ;>
Soupie: Pretty fired up today.
Kitcait: Oh. Didn’t notice
Soupie: Well, NOTICE!!!
Kitcait: Still wearing that shirt in the freezing cold I see
Kitcait: Blogger to the core
Soupie: ...
Soupie: If you didn’t like the look, you can just say so.
Kitcait: No!! No. I actually think it’s really cute. Really. I don’t think anyone else could pull it off as well. Cute and seasonal. Nice ears lmao
Soupie: I--
Soupie: Thanks.
A moment passed.
Soupie: Suspicious thanks, but thanks, Cait.
Kitcait: Ye
Soupie: How’s your lunch going? You eating well, you vampire?
Cait snorted and sent Sophie a quick selfie with her half-eaten cup of instant noodles.
Kitcait: Meal of champions
Soupie: HEY!!!
Soupie: You’re gonna pass out from malnutrition some day!
Soupie: We’re going to have a decent dinner and I will cook the whole thing and feed it to you by hand if I have to.
Kitcait: Looking forward to biting your hand
Soupie: Worth it. Break’s over gotta go see you in 4
Oh, jeez.
That adorable, kindhearted, devastating idiot.
How was she supposed to concentrate on anything now?
“Deep breaths, dumbass,” said Cait, clutching her comically pounding chest.
It was a bright, crisp autumn day outside. Some fresh air couldn’t hurt. A quick stroll might help. Maybe she could go get those groceries instead. But she would have to meet Sophie as she got out from work. You know, so they didn’t accidentally double up on expensive produce. Yeah, that’s why. Not because the short, peppy woman happened to be Aphrodite in an apron.
Cait stood up tugged on her overcoat. She paused as she saw the enormous orange blanket scarf that hung by the door, a relic from the previous tenants of their apartment.
Well. Just in case, yeah?
Cait lifted the fabric and hung it on her arm, and she was out the door as well.
Her arms were starting to get sore from lugging around two full bags of food, but luckily for her, she had the gift of long legs and a quick gait. And she was already getting close to the cafe. It would be all worth it if she could just see--
Sophie, standing right outside her workplace, in all of her ‘drop-dead gorgeous werewolf’ glory. The bottom of her shirt was tied in a little knot now, lifting above her midriff and her long plaid circle skirt. Cait tried her very, very best not to get lost in the sight of the most dazzling roommate in the world.
A roommate who, to her immediate dismay, was chatting with a local frat boy.
“Jerry, I’m too tired for this, I really have to get home--”
“Come on! Hey, you look great today.” His voice rumbled up and down the street like a revving engine, attracting more than a little attention from passers-by.
“I really have to--”
“Just one drink? I’m buyin’! We can go get the good stuff!” The wild gorilla-man gesticulated a little too enthusiastically. Enough was enough.
“Sophie!” Cait stepped forward and ruffled the barista’s hair. “Funny I should see you here.”
“Hey!” Jerry’s tone soured. “I saw you at that party. You’re that dy--”
“Six-foot-tall, MMA-certified lesbian,” snapped Cait, “who would love an excuse to smack your scrawny ass into the leaves. Or, you know. To call the cops.”
The man scoffed and thankfully began to trundle away. “You’re no fun anyway.”
Cait let out a shaky sigh. It really wasn’t like her to pick a fight, but hell if she didn’t look at least a little bit cool in the heat of the moment.
She turned back towards Sophie.
“Hey. Are you hurt?”
Her roommate shook her head and stepped a little closer, holding the sides of her arms. “I’m okay. I don’t think he was going to do anything, he’s just kinda pushy, but...” Sophie looked up with soft eyes. “Thanks. Cait.”
Suddenly, fireworks.
So irritating!
“Anyway, MMA? Really?”
Cait chuckled, thankful for the change of topic. “I did taekwondo as a kid. Same difference.”
Her roommate let out a heart-stopping giggle, and they started walking back home. Somehow, up close and in person, she was a couple thousand times cuter. And suddenly the sidewalk became an object of close scrutiny.
Cait quickly glanced back over and let out an involuntary snort. Sophie was shivering in her scandalously frayed top, her nose and cheeks growing pink.
“Come on, wolfie, let’s sit down somewhere.”
As they made their way to a park bench, the taller girl slipped off her overcoat and draped it around Sophie, who let out a noise somewhere between a grunt and a breath of appreciation.
“Told you you’d get cold,” said Cait in a hushed tone, tucking the scarf around her friends’ neck.
Sophie scrunched up her face in a way that made the lesbian say a quick internal prayer of thanks that the two could exist at the very same point in time, just centimeters apart in this cold, cruel world.
“Yes, I admit it, you were right.”
Even her pout was perfect.
Then she flipped around and pressed up against Cait, filling her mind with nothing but coffee grounds and confetti. Sophie’s hair was on fire in the golden-hour glow as she leaned her head against her roommate’s chest. A couple stray threads tickled Cait’s jaw and positively set her cheeks ablaze as well.
“You know,” Sophie said with a playful sigh, “you’d be pretty good boyfriend material.”
Cait gave a slightly bitter scoff. “What about girlfriend material?”
They said nothing for just a moment too long.
The world passed by a mile a minute around them, and the feisty barista was uncharacteristically silent.
Suspiciously silent.
Sophie buried her face in that annoyingly orange scarf.
Cait fought back her heart as it threatened to leap up to her throat. She’d felt this before. But something was different this time. Oh gods, maybe, just maybe, something was different this time.
“Soph,” she whispered softly, her voice breaking with every heartbeat. “Can… can I see your face right now?”
The shorter girl disobediently turned the other way.
But Cait leaned forward, reaching out, and suddenly she was slowly easing her pouting crush’s head to face her own and gently prying the warm, soft scarf back downwards. It revealed a constellation of vivid freckles set aglow. And Sophie’s face was the most beautiful shade of red in the world, even redder than Cait had imagined in her wildest dreams.
“Holy cow,” Cait exhaled.
And for a single, heart-stopping moment, all the two could do was stare.
Until all of a sudden, fingertips were combing through umber hair, and slender hands were clinging on to the others’ back, and lips were meeting each other in near-painful desperation.
Sweet, soft, tender paradise for just a few seconds.
“I thought--”
“Cait. Hush,” whispered Sophie, looking directly into her roommate’s eyes this time.
And they both obliged and came together once more, a whirlwind of emotions kicking up in Cait’s heart that managed to settle on something warm and almost tearful. The kiss was gentler the second time around, a little kinder, and just a little harder to pull away again.
Then they both sat back into the bench, wide-eyed, looking off into the treetops.
“Weren’t you straight?” blurted Cait.
“Back then? I said I liked guys, you disaster, not that I exclusively liked guys.” Sophie seemed to be fighting back an enormous smile, cheeks still holding their brilliant rosy tint. “Plus, you didn’t hear what I mumbled after that. That I was maybe starting to think about girls. Well. Girl. To be accurate.” She continued, voice trailing off.
“Oh,” was all said girl could manage, as she felt soft arms wrapping gingerly around her.
For a beautiful moment, Sophie was all there ever was.
“You know,” the barista giggled mischievously into her roommate’s ear, “I can maybe. Think of some other nicknames I’d like to call you now.”
And Cait was on fire again.
“How about we make dinner first?”
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Is Stephen King's IT Based On A True Story? The 7 Real Life Stories of Evil Clowns
With autumn just around the corner, that can only mean one thing: Halloween season is finally upon us!
But you can snort your pumpkin spices and layer your scarves all you want. There’s only one thing I am in anticipation for this autumn.
It’s the horror flicks.
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Every October, a chaotic mix of horror films hit the cinemas, leaving us paranormal fanatics spoilt for choice.
But only when you cut out the rushed screen time plays that were written purely to coincide with the most wonderful time of the year, that is.
I’m not here to talk about crap, however.
I’m not here to bitch about clunky jumpscares, and the movies with more holes in a plot than in your prep school tights (“Mum, they’re fine!”).
I’m here to talk about IT Chapter 2.
The IT sequel – alongside Stephen King’s other horror hits – is set to complete one of the cinema phenomenons of this decade, and its influence on pop culture is just one echo of the incredible story the movies tell.
If you’ve been trapped in the sewers with Pennywise for the last 27 years, let alone the Clown Craze that’s followed us in and out of cinemas, here’s a quick rundown of the book/film:
A rag-tag group of misfits start noticing odd patterns in their small town. Namely, kids start to go missing. And this tends to happen roughly every 30 years, just like clockwork. Cue some freaky shenanigans evoked by an evil entity who is represented by an image of a clown/whatever you fear, and here we are.
Now, the book/films sits on this 27-years rule. It’s set between when they were young, and when they were several decades older and once again face It.
We last see It half kinda dying (but if there’s a sequel y’all know that’s BS) in the midst of the 1980s. And the new film brings us screeching back to the phenomenon that is once again haunting Derry. 
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Like I said – and as you will well remember – when the last flick came out, there was a Clown Craze. There was this cultural obsession, even a criminal wave using clown masks and attire to scare the innocent bypassers. Viral videos were scored with Pennywise-esque thumbnails.
(I’m pretty sure I even went a club night that was clown themed…)
So, it got me thinking: have evil clowns ever actually existed? Has anything ever emulated the character that titled one of Stephen King’s most famous books?
Unfortunately – in more than one case – the answer is yes.
Why does the answer have to be ‘yes’.
In today’s edition of the Paranormal Periodical we are going to be discussing why we all hate clowns, the cases of actual evil clowns, and urban legends that echo these cases.
Let’s get spooky.
Why are we so afraid of clowns?
I’m pretty sure that no one in the history of ever has liked clowns. In fact, that’s actually a key part of the book.
Pennywise supposedly thinks children love clowns, and that it will entice them so he can take them away for his feeding purposes.
And believe it or not, Stephen King wasn’t the first guy to write an evil clown into literature.
Clourophobia – or the fear of clowns – is a common phobia, and has been played upon since the 19th century by the king of horror himself, Edgar Allan Poe.
And only a decade before King published It in the 1970s, several mock comic books hit the stores with ‘Evil Clown’ blaring across the cover. ‘Frenchy the Clown’ as he was known might not be the malovalent entity that is core to King’s novel, but he does echo the dark themes we pick so easily out with clowns.
Even academics have outlined our unease when it comes to these supposedly comical figures.
The University of Sheffield did a study which confirmed this universal fear of clowns today.
In particular, they deduced that children don’t like clowns as they are unknowable. The thick layers of makeup, the potential threat that could be disguised by jokes and silly clothing.
And why wouldn’t they be?
*Ok, this has nothing to do with like spooky shit but can I just air my thoughts right why and how do clowns exist now like surely we teach kids not to talk to strangers who act weird and you don’t know and that’s literally the purpose of clowns and like yall can say I’m a trigger libtard whatever but a lot of the basis to clown makeup must be based on blackface look at the lips and the hair or even trying to mock disabled people by how they act*
Even academic figures lie Wolfgang M. Zucker take this point further. Zucker claims there are strong similarities between clown figures and the cultural depiction of demons and other terrifying creatures.
Deathly white faces, the freakish features.
This is what makes Pennywise the Dancing Clown such a standout character.
And it’s also what makes the following real-life stories of evil clowns quite so distressing.
Here are the 7 cases of Evil Clowns that you have to hear about:
This might be the Paranormal Periodical, but there is nothing supernatural here. And its probably the lack of ghost-based legend that makes these evil clowns so like Stephen king’s iconic character.
And we start with probably the most horrific case: John Wayne Gacy, aka Pogo or Patches the Clown.
From 1972 to 1978, John Wayne Gacy murdered, tortured, and raped over 30 underage and young adult men. Most of the bodies were buried around his home, and some were even disposed in a nearby river.
He even made plans to fill the crawlspace in his home – where he had crammed over 20 corpses – with concrete and essentially make a new mass grave on top of it.
This twisted and depressing tale carries further into the innocent image his community impressed upon him.
Gacy frequently performed as his clown alter-egos at local parties, charity events, and at children’s hospitals. Even outside of this, he met a First Lady, was active in politics, and was even awarded the title of Precinct Captain for his services to the community.
And if all this wasn’t terrible enough, the reasoning behind his clowning days further darken his tale:
Gacy claims his clown alter-ego allowed him to regress into his childhood which was fraught with emotional and physical abused from his father.
And so, the ‘Killer Clown’ label has been bestowed upon this case.
Interested in hearing more? Check out the full story here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne_Gacy
Our next evil clown doesn’t stray too far from the predatory behaviour of John Wayne Gacy.
The man behind Klutzo The Clown – A. Paul Carlock – was charged with the possession of child pornography and of child molestation back in 2007.
Like Gacy, he was a force within the community, working as a police officer and a volunteer for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters scheme. It was even noted when he was alive that he had a fondness for children.
In fact, he was categorised as a ‘Christian clown’ before the accusations were brought to light.
He was hired as a police officer in 1973, yet they only found evidence (pictures on his laptop when he returned from an overseas trip) in 2007.
Upon finding the evidence of his predatory and paedophilic behaviour, he immediately began to show signs of illness, dying 39 days after his arrest. And its for this reason that his case is seen in a different light to mine.
The disgusting details tend to be overlooked as his death brought in a lawsuit regarding whether he was neglected and mistreated after his arrest.
Following on from this, we have Martin Evanick.
His clown alter ego, Vlad, certainly expressed a killer-clown vibe synonymous with Pennywise, but it seems his intentions didn’t actually stray to far from the character he sought to emulate.
This metal-band drummer pleaded guilty in 2013 to creating child pornography. He was also found prior to this to be a child molester and rapist.
Another clown to fit the bill of evil is actually a relatively recent case.
Back in 1990, a woman opened the door to a clown who promptly handed her balloons and a floral gift.
The clown then proceeded to shoot her, leaving her for dead.
For 27 years, there was no answer for this bizarre and deadly attack.
Well, until now, that is. Sheila Keen was charged with first-degree murder. She married the husband of the victim, and the later developed DNA evidence provided the key to the case.
Unfortunately, evil clowns don’t always act alone.
And it’s these next cases that vouch for this.
Across many countries in the last few years we have witnessed random groups of people dressed as clowns or donning clown masks who chase, harass, and even attack innocent people seemingly in broad daylight.
One of the most documented cases of this is actually from France. Back in 2014, the French were apparently terrorised by a group of clowns who physically attacked anyone who just so happened to get in their way.
One of these clowns was arrested for beating a pedestrian with an iron bar whilst clad in a clown costume.
A student even had a severe cut to his hand whilst defending themselves from a clown wielding a axe, and Schoolchildren were eve chased down the street by a clown following close behind with a chainsaw.
Shit bro.
But it was only in 2016 that the phenomenon was fully realised.
The 2016 Clown Sightings – which even feature on Wikipedia, now – summarise the frequent reports of people disguised as evil clowns.
However, as this is evidently a broad case, we cannot pinpoint the extent or nature of the ‘evil’.
For some it appears a practical joke, possibly even playing on the build up to the 2017 release of IT.
But the original cases have actually been traced back to 2013, from which a creepy clown was spotted in Northhampton. It was eventually found out to have been created by filmmakers to drive up traffic and fame for their Facebook page. In fact, they used the ‘sightings’ to evoke the fame they sought.
From scary clown pranks littering Youtube, to urban legends feeding on upvotes from Reddit, it appears it has not been grouped as an ‘evil’ or ‘criminal’ set of occurrences.
Even on October 25, news outlets in the US reported on threats of a potential ‘purge-like’ event carried out by clowns on Halloween. The only attack resembling this – which I assume was merely a hoax – was an attack carried out by 20 people in clown masks on a family in Florida.
No arrests were made.
There were many cases in the UK, but these only amounted to petty crimes, threats, and scaring people passing by.
But the widespread nature of it certainly confirms it as a phenomenon. 80 percent of US states witnessed this phenomenon, and the Wikipedia page is crawling with country-by-country listings of ‘killer-clown’ cases.
Do you remember the Clown Craze?
And do you have a personal tale to share about any creepy ass clowns?
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Make sure you let me know!
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cards-onthetable · 5 years
Emotional roller coaster
I just have so, so, so many feelings about last night’s episode. I’m not going to sit here and waste time onhow Maria Baez is too good for this trashcan show, or how ridiculous it is that every damn thing is a huge conflict of interest now (Erin being sent to deal with her dad re: some controversial issue? Frank saying “if I can’t get my daughter to do what I want...” or something like that? Me still watching when every scene nauseates me? Gross x 3). Today I’m just going to talk about Jamko. I went back and forth between (almost) 👀😍 and like, crying in misery every scene so join me on this emotional roller coaster of ridiculousness.
Scene: crossing paths in the precinct between shifts
OMG this scene is actually almost cute.
Eddie in a t-shirt (even if it’s pink)? Jamie in short sleeves? Omg omg 😍
“You look like a partner I used to have.” Is this... an attempt... at old style bantery Jamko?!
I can’t figure out what’s up with Jamie even after watching multiple times (thanks @jamkosarmyoftwo). He looks better/less dead than he has in a while (maybe it’s the short sleeved uniform? 👀👀) But lol his voice/inflection/line delivery is still a little off.
It feels noteworthy that not only did Eddie volunteer to be the decoy driver in this operation to catch the cab passenger — the whole operation is her idea.
A steak sandwich waiting in the fridge after a long night at work? This is like the first Real Evidence that Jamie actually loves her. Let me tell you, I’d pretty much marry anyone who feeds me after a night shift on the spot.
Eddie waving at him is cute not gonna lie. 😍😂
Sidenote: what’s the status of Jamie and Eddie’s relationship at the precinct? We know their superiors know they’re married at this point, but what about the other cops? Are we just ignoring that little detail they spent a year apparently hiding? Yes? Okay cool.
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Scene: Eddie and Witten at another cab robbery
😂😂😂 someone else besides Eddie now gets to be the STEP BACK yeller! Amazing! Eddie’s moving up in the NYPD y’all.
Why is it daylight? Is it the next day after the precinct scene? What happened to these middle-of-the-night robberies? I have many questions about this, folks.
I legit cracked up when Eddie goes to check on the victim and he falls forward, dead. Is this meant to be some comic relief? Why do I watch this show?
Scene: Jamie and Eddie’s apartment
Eddie’s making Jamie dinner after he left her a steak sandwich. Again, I have questions about the sequence of these scenes... Eddie’s already had another shift so it has to be the next day right? Nothing makes sense.
I’ll try to ignore Eddie choosing to make Jamie a damn salmon (because that’s a reasonable, quick-ish weeknight dinner before rushing off to work) and apparently only making one (would she not have like, fed herself too???) because omg for a second, they’re almost cute 👀👀
I would’ve liked to see a quick little kiss when Jamie walks in like they’re some kind of normal couple but it’s whatever, I guess
“Aw, you didn’t have to do thaaaattttt!” Again with the weird inflection. Maybe this means he’s trying for something other than ugh-just-get-through-the-scene-without-dying? But lol.
Aaaaand then we go from almost-cute to cringey super fast.
Eddie asks about the decoy operation (reasonable) and then gets weirdly upset about the wrong things when Jamie updates her.
Old Eddie would easily have understood the selection of a decoy who closely resembles the victim profile. Like don’t even with me @ her getting all butthurt over not being chosen for a role where they need a male.
It bothers the fuck out of me that Eddie reacts the way she does to Jamie getting the driver job. Again, objectively, she should realize why she was passed over. And Old Eddie would not have expected Jamie to give her this ~special treatment~ she’s asking for here when she says he should have told the sergeant that she wanted that job. And... she wants it because the last scene “got to her”? And she claims Jamie’s being “overprotective”? God I hate it all.
Talk about an inappropriate ~work-life balance~ when they’re having these emotional Disagreements about work-related matters at home. Gross gross gross.
Oh we’re mentioning last year’s decoy op when Jamie jumped out of the damn bushes to save Eddie (which was totally overprotective and inappropriate)? GOOD LET’S file this away for later shall we?
Now Eddie’s basically storming out. Nice. I hate it. I feel like this ~argument~ was done completely the wrong way and I can’t take either of them seriously right now.
Scene: family dinner
Remember that time Eddie waltzed into Jamie’s apartment all “you got ESPN?” And that deleted scene where she tried to win Mets tickets? And the general idea in earlier seasons that she’s a sports fan?
SO WHY THE FUCK does she get this horrified look on her face all “that’s part of the game?!” when Sean says he hit the opposing pitcher with a pitch?
Yes dude. Payback in the form of intentionally hitting opposing players with pitches is a part of baseball. I will withhold my personal opinion on this topic but the point is, yeah, it’s a common thing in the game of baseball. So gross @ Eddie up in here acting like she’s never heard of that before and she’s all horrified by it. I don’t buy it.
“Where’d you get that, G Gordon Liddy?” Lol when I asked @ontherockswithsalt who tf G Gordon Liddy is, she was all “ASK YOUR DAD THAT’S WHO” so cool @ Eddie casually referencing this Watergate dude when she was not born yet when that went down.
0/10 I hate it.
Scene: decoy discussion after dinner
WAIT Tell me more about Jamie’s past sports gambling. 👀👀
Last time we talked about this, Eddie was pissed that Jamie was chosen instead of her and accused Jamie of being overprotective. And here she is being overprotective asking if there are any safer alternatives? 🙃 I’m tired.
Yes please Jamie. Explain to Eddie ~how the job works~. Good good.
They don’t annunciate at all in this scene and I can barely understand what they’re saying. Glad to have you back, Will “just-get-through-the-scene-without-dying” Estes.
Sidenote: Lol @ his short sleeved button down. Dad Look on point.
Jamie picks up the suspected perp in broad daylight with a huge ass black van not at all discreetly following him. Nice.
Eddie anxiously listening to police radio somewhere in her own car. Nice.
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“Just drive.” Lol @ everything.
By the way cabs in NY have partitions between the driver and the backseat to protect the driver so this entire premise is bullshit and they would’ve done better to make it like, Uber drivers getting whacked or something. but who cares about realism?
“What the hell are you going?” Like he’s so damn casual @ having a gun held to his head. I’m dying. 😂😂😂
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OH NO THE HUGE ASS BLACK VAN LOST THE FEED. WHATEVER WILL THEY DO?! Also highkey dying @ this ridiculous graphic. 😂🙃
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The fuck @ this entire car ...chase? Whatever you’d call it when Jamie is driving with his knees for blocks and blocks while holding an armed attacker at bay.
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The “find my phone app” is more reliable than NYPD technology? Nice.
And then Jamie rolls his eyes before they do this weird jerky grab-each-other thing and I hate it all.
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SOME ISSUES: Eddie listening in on a police operation while off duty. Eddie using the fucking FIND MY PHONE APP to interfere with said police op. Eddie shooting a perp while off duty.
Normally this would prompt a huge ass investigation into all of Eddie’s activities, including off duty discharging her gun. This seems like very clear evidence that they can’t safely continue working out of the same precinct. Yet I’m sure there will be zero consequences and we’re just supposed to be all 😍😍 @ Eddie saving the day.
It’s all so ridiculously absurd, y’all. I can’t take this shit seriously. I mean is the show even trying anymore? When I watched this scene live last night, I literally thought “wow this is it, this is where I stop watching Blue Bloods.” And I mean that may or may not be true but like... I hate it so much.
Scene: Eddie and Jamie’s apartment again. Sitting Like This on the couch.
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Lol @ this casual transition from watching a cooking show to “that’s the second time you’ve saved my life. Thanks.” 🙃🙃🙃
This discussion that “if we accept the risks for ourselves we have to accept the risks for each other” is actually a great line and it’s a thing they should’ve talked about a long time ago, way before getting married. But that doesn’t mean I’m cool with Eddie taking it on herself to be Jamie’s guardian angel (who the fuck basically calls themselves someone else’s guardian angel? 🙃) for the rest of their careers.
THIS KISS. Geez I’m not here for it. Like every kiss they’ve had since getting engaged has looked just like the 2 kisses they had before that. I need to feel something different in these married people kisses okay?
IN SUMMARY: These contrived Jamko work situations are about to get really old really fast and I need a change if I’m going to keep tolerating this bullshit on my tv every Friday night. They don’t have a healthy coping strategy re: each other’s inherent risks as cops and they don’t have a healthy coping strategy to allow them to work out of the same precinct and constantly be aware of/involved in the other’s work activities. It’s stupid from a marriage standpoint, stupid from a work and realism standpoint, and ridiculous all around. Do better, folks. I hate it.
17 notes · View notes
This headcanon is a long ass time coming but it’s going to be my go-to post in explaining the dynamic I have for The Winter Soldier and Bucky Barnes. As a forewarning this post covers major abuse, mental health talk, suicidal ideals, deliberate triggers, emotional manipulation ect ect ect - if you’re having a bad day please skip ahead.
So after combing for too long through the Winter Soldier comics and re-watching the movies I started to notice a re-occuring theme in Winter and Bucky that had my attention and it mostly delves down to the terminology Bucky uses as well as Winters reactions to outside stimuli.
We all know what happened to Bucky, Hydra caught him, experimented on him with tests of the super soldier serum and began first trials of a new mind control and neurological adaptive technique. Under his time with them Bucky went through a lot of intrusive testing and mind fuckery - it was abuse down to the bone, plain and simple. But it didn’t just come in strapping him down and pumping him full of painful concoctions.
Hydra wanted to wipe all loyalty and personalisation of Bucky from his head and make him an asset that was entirely loyal to Hydra, but they didn’t want to loose his skills or experience in the field. Keeping in mind that Bucky was a sargeant at that point and a hell of a renowned sniper in his own right it would be a waste to rid of talents by setting his mind completely, they may as well have just raised children as they did with the red room for that.
No. They wanted to keep the skillset and tacticians mind but change his loyalties and obedience and in doing that they took away everything that made him Bucky. They rewrote his personality, they used reward techniques so that he would associate disobedience with pain and loyalty with reward. Hydra took away everything that influenced Bucky’s morality (his family, steve, his background) and finally his name so he wouldn’t be able to look into that should he actually wiggle out of their grasp.
They were left with an empty husk of ability but not mind so they gave him a name, a handler to become emotionally dependant on and they taught him their own version of morality. Winter’s a weapon, no doubt, but he’s still a person. He has to be. A weapon can’t think in the field, it can’t react, it can’t make calculated choices and a weapon can be loyal to anyone that handles it.
Winter is loyal only to his Handler. A way to ensure loyalty isn’t split and keep the amount of hands holding the leash to a minimum. A handler was enforced, stayed and given control of him. The Handler and the Handlers superior were the only ones who knew the trigger words for him, anyone not given control was beneath winter and the one holding him.
Every time Hydra wiped his mind they didn’t remove Winters training, they didn’t remove WINTER they just wiped BUCKY. The resets ensured Winter was the fronting personality, otherwise it’d be a waste of time. With the amount we know Bucky kept breaking out if they had to restart from scratch every single time and re-train winter it wouldn’t be worth the trouble.
This specific strain of abuse, forcing someone to take an act that isn’t them, punishment for acting out of character - that strain of abuse caused Winter to have his own mindset entirely and a case of Dissociative Personality Disorder is honestly extremely likely.
Obviously it’s not canonly confirmed but - DISCLAIMER - as someone with DID the way that Bucky speaks of memory lapses, of whispers, of voices and actions he doesn’t remember and the way Winter so violently responds to being called Bucky, the visible dissociation when Bucky starts coming forward? It all fits the box.
DISCLAIMER PART 2: Don’t take this as me feeding a stereotype I’m very much not. Not everyone with DID is evil, DID isn’t a violent horrible thing and it isn’t the string of serial killers and shit. This is me acknowledging that the abuse Bucky went through was also put on Winter and that the mind simply had to cope in some way, Bucky through canon states that he knows Winter is still in him, that he can feel / hear him in his head and Winter recoils from Bucky entirely. They act as two people, for obvious reasons.
DISCLAIMER 3: I wont be having either of them use terminology nor will they be diagnosed, Bucky doesn’t want a therapist and in order to diagnose it they’d have to study winter which just isn’t a safe thing within Marvel universe. I’m letting y’all know this purely so you can see where my mentality lies and why I’m writing them as I do.
Which brings me to further points - Winter as a person and not just an asset. Despite what Hydra trained Winter for and despite the abuse forcing him to obey we see in the comics and slightly in MCU that Winter isn’t thoughtless or heartless. (As much as I hate the ship) It’s shown most in the comics in regards to Natasha. It wasn’t BUCKY who was with her, it wasn’t Bucky in that room, it wasn’t Bucky who fell for her. It was Winter and it’s Winter who she betrayed which is why Bucky’s dumbass was willing to hop around and see what happened whilst Winter went boi stop that.
Winter is a case of a personality regressing to what its abusers demands. Hydra demands him to be violent, Hydra demands him to be cruel so he is but Winter also makes personal choices. He chooses to pull Steve out of the river in search for whoever Bucky is and he chooses to Run rather than keep fighting Steve when Bucky starts fronting.
I’m not dismissing everything Winters done, before anyone starts getting on my ass about it, I’m simply pointing out the cold hard fact that whilst Bucky was abused, Winter wasn’t much better off.
HOWEVER due to the nature of Hydra’s reward and punishment system Winter’s morality scale is fucked and he has an idealisation of whoever is his handler. They’re his best bet at safety, they’re his best bet at surviving. Winter very much see’s a handler as his protection, as long as he behaves and pleases them they keep him safe.
So what about Bucky and Winter? Well, Bucky fucking hates Winter and Winter fucking hates Bucky. That’s probably not going to change, at all. Bucky for obvious reasons blames Winter for everything and is terrified of him and Winter is… angry. He’s pissed that he wouldn’t exist if not for Bucky but he’s also pissed that no matter what it’s Bucky people see. He thinks of Bucky as a weakness, an error in his system that he’d get rid of in a heartbeat. ( This isn’t usual DID mentality, this mentality only comes about in late term DID development e.g. when adults develop it because it’s rarely done. It typically occurs in children who haven’t got developed personalities anyway. )
Aaand we come to a big question. Can Shuri actually get rid of Winter? Hard no. She can’t. What Shuri did do was undo the conditioning and the trigger words that would force Bucky down but it doesn’t stop winter fronting if needed and his reactions can’t be predicted. I really hate to tell MCU this but trauma can’t be undone with a fancy machine and MCU can absolutely choke for trying to tell me that. What a goddamn quick fix dismissive mentality to character growth fight me infinity war -
anyway lmao
Bucky was given rest, she did what she could the rest should’ve been done with therapy but Bucky ran off before that could’ve continued.
So where am I at?? Winter & Bucky aren’t becoming just Bucky, Hydra are pieces of shit who should burn, they both need a hug though winter would probably stab you a little bit, mental health isn’t a gloss over for shipping marvel I will @ you on that and I think that’s everything!
I might come back and update this as and when I remember things! IF you’ve got any questions feel free to ask I hope I explained it right and heed those disclaimers thank you!
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resbangmod · 6 years
The Resbang Art Tools Masterpost!
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YEETHAW resbangers, hope you’re enjoying Resbang 2018 so far! This post is specifically for our talented artists, but we have a similar one for authors right here.
Welcome to the Resbang Artist Resource Masterpost! 
This is a collection of handy advice, tools, and tutorials to help you create amazing fanworks in your partnerships.
Your health is just as important to take care of as our writers’, so first things first: Treat yoself.
stretches you can try at home to help desk monkey fatigue
Help your hip flexors – that’s the front of your hips, yo
did you know chewing helps your brain do the thing?
get comfy, don't forget to feed yourself, and remove pants (optional)
Set the mood with some music, should you so desire.
transformative -indie, alternative, shoegaze, soundtrack 27 minutes
i'm not your killer - vidya game musics, ambient, medieval, 1.5 hrs
sounds like childhood - Up, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, 35 min
delicate fantasies - folk, acoustic, chill, 1 hr
RAISE HELL - write stuff and feel awesome while doing so. 1 hr 11 min.
This String Is Moving Your Bones  - 3hrs, ambient, alternative. that’s right I’m plugging myself
Exam Cram II - it's not exam time but it can be cram time  11hr 32min
Songs I Love that Don't Have Words - like it says  52min
Femme Finesse - relaxing female vocalists  4hr 22min
Audible Adderall XXXR - pumped up and productive  3hr 1min
Writing - fairly self-explanatory  55min
Thou Shalt Hit The Books - no idea how long it runs, so i guess you’ll just have to work until it finishes
long vid: Classical Music for reading
long vid: Late Night Vibes
long vid: Studio Ghibli relaxing piano collection
long vid: Space walks ~ lofi hip hop mix for studying
long vid: Fantasy music for inspiration/studying
playlist: Ambient Study Music
playlist: Chilled Cow chillhop/jazzhop/lofi hiphop collection
playlist: Skyrim OST
stream: Calm Piano Music
stream: Chillhop lofi hiphop studying stream
Would you rather have some nice noise generators instead? Take these.
mynoise.net - customize a billion different noises to your liking
get it free on iOS
get it free on Android
White Noise Lite - a free app for iphones
Relaxio - free app for Android
A soft murmur
Coffitivity - live the coffee shop AU you’ve always dreamed
Okay, enough of the reruns, how about some art-focused links.
Get warmed up with some practice:
Quick Poses - free, timed sessions for gesture drawing practice
Mechanical drawing exercises - flex your built-in pen stabilizer lying dormant in your meat container
Art Warm Up & Exercises - by sinix
Reference material:
Sketchfab - 3d models you can move around and view from any angle!
Basics of using references
Skin color swatches - with a downloadable!
Heads at angle/perspective - what are chins, anyway
More heads!
Models of color - blogs that are exclusively PoC
Morguefile - a whole lot of legit stock photos that aren’t painfully goofy or watermarked
Human action/pose stock photos - dA is a goldmine y’all
An Ear - a whole one, even
The color zones of the face - and also the body
Semi-realistic eye tutorial
Simple eye tutorial
Mouths from an angle
Lighting angles - for the body
Single source lighting
Period clothing - from medieval to modern
Even more period clothing - all on individual boards on pinterest
Sketching hack for two point perspective - this is just witchcraft tbh
Anatomical guide to BOOTS
Coil foreshortening technique - by Sycra
Foreshortening with unfamiliar angles - by lovelifedrawing
How to (properly) source an image - coz we want you to source your images you use in things like aesthetic/mood boards.
Watercolor tips
Quick and dirty guide to making comics
Digital art resources/tutorials:
a bunch of art cheats - a small collection of useful skills in digital painting
understanding your lineart - and how to separate lines on a scan to its own layer
forest interior tutorial - by dpaint
another forest/lighting tutorial - by ninjaticsart
some SAI brushes - with some explanations
The Ribbon Technique - for rendering hair
Digitalbrushes.tumblr - just. a ton.
Painting like a sculptor - sinix design
Anatomy quick tips video playlist - sinix design
DesignDoll - posable 3d models for reference. (beware, free version does not allow you to save your pose, so take lots of screenshots! full version is 80 cash dolla) 
Three awesome tools - as listed below
PureRef - an easy way to view and sort your references without bogging down your art program
Work Timer - tell it which programs you work in, and it times how long you are in that program (also silently judges you when you’re not). Great for commissions!
Carapace - add an image, create vanishing points, profit (this link works; the one in the tumblr post does not)
Deskpins - pin a reference photo on top of any program
Holy Free Art Programs, Batman - coz adobe don’t give a damn about our budget
Krita - free, photoshop-esque
Mischief - free version has no layers, but has an infinite vector canvas. paid version is full and a modest 25 dolla
A ton of videogame (2d/3d/animation) software resources
GifCam - a painless way to make animated gifs via screen capture
CamScanner - don’t have a scanner for your traditional work? use ur phone!
find it on android and ios
chain headpiece DIY - youtube
wire wrapping for beads and findings
foam and worbla tutorial - by amenokitaro
Tattoo Tights/Stockings DIY - by crissey8
How to dye fabric - by mangosirene
PosteRazor - scale images/reference to size by dividing into printer-paper-sized sections
Cosplay Library - ohicosplay
Basic hand stitching - by ladycels
Sewing basics for beginners - by kamuicosplay
Detangle and revive wigs - by iwasaka miyuki
Free Music/Composition/Sound editing programs:
GarageBand - digital audio workstation - mac
Tracktion - digital audio workstation - mac/windows/linux
AmpliTube Custom Shop - virtual guitar rig. mac/windows
SyndtSphere - slick, minimalist synthesizer - mac/windows
Audacity - the classic multi-track editor and recorder. mac/windows/linux
Reference/Inspiration blogs/channels:
artutorials.tumblr - art tutorials
anatomicalart.tumblr - focused on anatomy
digitalbrushes.tumblr - custom brush presets
youtube/Sycra - art tutorials
youcancosplay21.tumblr - cosplay tutorials
cosplayblog2.tumblr - more cosplay tutorials
cosplayfortheplussize.tumblr - tutorials and resources for plus-sized fam
theartofanimation.tumblr - art inspiration
youtube/wlop - timelapses of digital painting
simonist.tumblr - wide collection of various art techniques
youtube/sinix - useful illustration tutorials and speedpaints
Need some motivation or community support?
Grigori Wings/Resbang discord - come chat with us!
find a beta here (2018)
request a beta here (2018)
Remember, Resbang isn't a competition. Just remember we are all here with you! We’re all working together to kick this challenge in the butt. We love you guys!
Have more recommendations for artists? Add them to this post! Share the wealth of knowledge <3 Be gay do crimes!
Questions about Resbang? Have some links!
FAQ | Rules & Requirements | Schedule 
Discord | Email | Twitter | Askbox
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notcompliant · 5 years
Winter and Bucky
This headcanon is a long ass time coming but it’s going to be my go-to post in explaining the dynamic I have for The Winter Soldier and Bucky Barnes. As a forewarning this post covers major abuse, mental health talk, suicidal ideals, deliberate triggers, emotional manipulation ect ect ect - if you’re having a bad day please skip ahead.
So after combing for too long through the Winter Soldier comics and re-watching the movies I started to notice a re-occuring theme in Winter and Bucky that had my attention and it mostly delves down to the terminology Bucky uses as well as Winters reactions to outside stimuli. 
We all know what happened to Bucky, Hydra caught him, experimented on him with tests of the super soldier serum and began first trials of a new mind control and neurological adaptive technique. Under his time with them Bucky went through a lot of intrusive testing and mind fuckery - it was abuse down to the bone, plain and simple. But it didn’t just come in strapping him down and pumping him full of painful concoctions. 
Hydra wanted to wipe all loyalty and personalisation of Bucky from his head and make him an asset that was entirely loyal to Hydra, but they didn’t want to loose his skills or experience in the field. Keeping in mind that Bucky was a lieutenant at that point and a hell of a renowned sniper in his own right it would be a waste to rid of talents by setting his mind completely, they may as well have just raised children as they did with the red room for that. 
No. They wanted to keep the skillset and tacticians mind but change his loyalties and obedience and in doing that they took away everything that made him Bucky. They rewrote his personality, they used reward techniques so that he would associate disobedience with pain and loyalty with reward. Hydra took away everything that influenced Bucky’s morality (his family, steve, his background) and finally his name so he wouldn’t be able to look into that should he actually wiggle out of their grasp. 
They were left with an empty husk of ability but not mind so they gave him a name, a handler to become emotionally dependant on and they taught him their own version of morality. Winter’s a weapon, no doubt, but he’s still a person. He has to be. A weapon can’t think in the field, it can’t react, it can’t make calculated choices and a weapon can be loyal to anyone that handles it. 
Winter is loyal only to his Handler. A way to ensure loyalty isn’t split and keep the amount of hands holding the leash to a minimum. A handler was enforced, stayed and given control of him. The Handler and the Handlers superior were the only ones who knew the trigger words for him, anyone not given control was beneath winter and the one holding him.
Every time Hydra wiped his mind they didn’t remove Winters training, they didn’t remove WINTER they just wiped BUCKY. The resets ensured Winter was the fronting personality, otherwise it’d be a waste of time. With the amount we know Bucky kept breaking out if they had to restart from scratch every single time and re-train winter it wouldn’t be worth the trouble. 
This specific strain of abuse, forcing someone to take an act that isn’t them, punishment for acting out of character - that strain of abuse caused Winter to have his own mindset entirely and a case of Dissociative Personality Disorder is honestly extremely likely.
Obviously it’s not canonly confirmed but - disclaimer - as someone with DID the way that Bucky speaks of memory lapses, of whispers, of voices and actions he doesn’t remember and the way Winter so violently responds to being called Bucky, the visible dissociation when Bucky starts coming forward? It all fits the box. 
Disclaimer part 2: Don’t take this as me feeding a stereotype I’m very much not. Not everyone with DID is evil, DID isn’t a violent horrible thing and it isn’t the string of serial killers and shit. This is me acknowledging that the abuse Bucky went through was also put on Winter and that the mind simply had to cope in some way, Bucky through canon states that he knows Winter is still in him, that he can feel / hear him in his head and Winter recoils from Bucky entirely. They act as two people, for obvious reasons. 
Disclaimer 3: I wont be having either of them use terminology nor will they be diagnosed, Bucky doesn’t want a therapist and in order to diagnose it they’d have to study winter which just isn’t a safe thing within Marvel universe. I’m letting y’all know this purely so you can see where my mentality lies and why I’m writing them as I do. 
Which brings me to further points - Winter as a person and not just an asset. Despite what Hydra trained Winter for and despite the abuse forcing him to obey we see in the comics and slightly in MCU that Winter isn’t thoughtless or heartless. (As much as I hate the ship) It’s shown most in the comics in regards to Natasha. It wasn’t BUCKY who was with her, it wasn’t Bucky in that room, it wasn’t Bucky who fell for her. It was Winter and it’s Winter who she betrayed which is why Bucky’s dumbass was willing to hop around and see what happened whilst Winter went boi stop that. 
Winter is a case of a personality regressing to what its abusers demands. Hydra demands him to be violent, Hydra demands him to be cruel so he is but Winter also makes personal choices. He chooses to pull Steve out of the river in search for whoever Bucky is and he chooses to Run rather than keep fighting Steve when Bucky starts fronting.
I’m not dismissing everything Winters done, before anyone starts getting on my ass about it, I’m simply pointing out the cold hard fact that whilst Bucky was abused, Winter wasn’t much better off. 
HOWEVER due to the nature of Hydra’s reward and punishment system Winter’s morality scale is fucked and he has an idealisation of whoever is his handler. They’re his best bet at safety, they’re his best bet at surviving. Winter very much see’s a handler as his protection, as long as he behaves and pleases them they keep him safe. 
So what about Bucky and Winter? Well, Bucky fucking hates Winter and Winter fucking hates Bucky. That’s probably not going to change, at all. Bucky for obvious reasons blames Winter for everything and is terrified of him and Winter is... angry. He’s pissed that he wouldn’t exist if not for Bucky but he’s also pissed that no matter what it’s Bucky people see. He thinks of Bucky as a weakness, an error in his system that he’d get rid of in a heartbeat. ( This isn’t usual DID mentality, this mentality only comes about in late term DID development e.g. when adults develop it because it’s rarely done. It typically occurs in children who haven’t got developed personalities anyway. ) 
Aaand we come to a big question. Can Shuri actually get rid of Winter? Hard no. She can’t. What Shuri did do was undo the conditioning and the trigger words that would force Bucky down but it doesn’t stop winter fronting if needed and his reactions can’t be predicted. I really hate to tell MCU this but trauma can’t be undone with a fancy machine and MCU can absolutely choke for trying to tell me that. What a goddamn quick fix dismissive mentality to character growth fight me infinity war -
Anyway lmao
Bucky was given rest, she did what she could the rest should’ve been done with therapy but Bucky ran off before that could’ve continued. 
So where am I at?? Winter & Bucky aren’t becoming just Bucky, Hydra are pieces of shit who should burn, they both need a hug though winter would probably stab you a little bit, mental health isn’t a gloss over for shipping marvel I will @ you on that and I think that’s everything!
I might come back and update this as and when I remember things! IF you’ve got any questions feel free to ask I hope I explained it right and heed those disclaimers thank you!
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fmdsohee · 6 years
older, wiser, prettier
date: various, december 4th 1998,  2001, 2006, 2011, 2018 word count: 2170 triggers: emotionally abusive parenting, neglectful parenting, general shitty parenting, underage drinking,  forced drinking, abandonment, general terrible family  notes: me?? being literally like twenty fucking days late on her birthday solo ( it was meant for dec 4th but whatever i dont give a shit ) ?? yes, of course because indeed, i, am terrible, in fact, this is terrible and none of y’all should read it, i’m only posting it bc i won’t let myself not do it.
1998, age one. she spends her first birthday crying.
she was never a quiet baby. when she was first set into her mother’s arms by the nurses, she was crying; she cried through the nights from when she got home into the empty estate. her room is white, adorned with lace and silk, toys and it looks like a showroom – the perfect “socialite’s first baby room” for her mother to giggle about to her friends, show off as she barely takes a glance over the infant dozing in the bed. adjacent to her parents’ room, close enough to be heard, far enough for her not be seen, like most of the problems in the son family.
“come on,” it’s two in the morning, her mother, usually polished and a gushing smile on her face, was tired, “i don’t know what’s wrong with you.”
“she’s hungry, i don’t know, why don’t you feed her?” her father was skulking in the corner, head in his hands as she slumped over in the pristine rocking chair in the corner of the room.
“i already tried, she’s not hungry – she always does this, i don’t know what to do.”
“then work it out,” he lights a cigarette in the corner of the room, drawing in and out without a thought, “i don’t know what you want me to do – move her into one of the other rooms, i would like to sleep – do you think creativity stems from this? do you think i can write another best seller if i never get any sleep? what do you expect from me – you can’t keep walking around pretending you’re even something without money rolling in; even your body’s gone after her.”
her mother didn’t even react to his words – it was normal. “as if you’re the peak of creativity – you’ve been writing the same thing for years.”
“as if you know anything, you’ve made a living of being on your back.”
“i’ve made a living out of working hard, unlike you, how about you actually release something if you’re such a bestseller and stop pretending you’re some starving artist locked away in your study.”
“i’ll stop locking myself in the study when the baby’s gone and you’ve decided to stand there and look good again, quietly.”
“oh, but you’re fine to get yourself out of the room when the cleaner comes over, or the cook, or any of the other young women that seem to come and go a little richer than their contract.”
“shut up,” her father grumbled, “not exactly like you’ve held up well.”
“how about w-“
the two were cut off by the loud cry of their daughter.
“i’m leaving.” with a few slams of doors, her father left.
and her mother was alone, eyes shifting around the sickly room to her daughter.
“you better be worth it.”
and she left the room with her daughter crying out, far enough that she didn’t have to think about her for a second.
2001, age four. she spends her fourth birthday on stage.
she’s been dressed up like a doll: the dress is bright pink, puffy and encompasses all of her; her face felt tacky, sticky, and was covered in heavy makeup; and her eyes can barely stay open. she’s spent the hours of the morning walking around in circles, her feet ached, and she’d made a picture perfect routine.
before she could walk, she had been in beauty pageants, her mother was trying to shill her to industry connections to get her into ads and modelling jobs; sohee hated it. she screamed at her mother, she cried all the time, but it didn’t stop it, so eventually little sohee learned to deal with it.
her friends had teased her relentlessly the days before, playing in the park with wide smiles ( sohee hadn’t even noticed her father had sulked off instead of watching her ) before they started poking fun at her for not having a birthday party; they didn’t mean it, they were young, barely enough to know anything but they’d all been able to have parties, so why not her? sohee had ran home, tugging at her mother’s dress, and she just shook her head. she woke up on her birthday early to practice, nothing else was new.
she smiled, she twirled, she sang, and she got some stupid crown at a no name beauty pageant.
she went home a winner, and her mother yelled at her for her foot placement.
2006, age nine. she spends her ninth birthday lost in the woods.
her father’s writing process was something he called an art, it was something that her mother called stupid and a waste of time, sohee never even noticed any sort of backwards routine before her ninth birthday. one of his writing rituals included packing his bags, getting on a plane and flying out to a woodland cabin across the pond to “cleanse his thoughts” and that time, much to his dismay, chipper, young sohee was along for the ride.
she’s gleeful the entire way there, and it gives her father a headache, but she doesn’t notice. the car’s silent apart from her remarks as it always was. he didn’t have much to say to her, but with what ran through his mind it was better that way. she doesn’t know how to communicate with the people there, she knows how to ask basic questions and greetings, but when her father has short conversations with those they meet at pit stops, sohee stands there by his side wide eyed and confused.
the house isn’t the rustic, cold and damp place that bleeds information as he pretends it is – it’s a vacation home, without a doubt. and when they walk in, it looks like the type of extravagant place that families in movies sohee’s seen come to get together for christmas celebrations before slapstick chaos. but when her dad went into his office and slammed the door, she felt so cold.
she spends three days sitting around the house, flicking through magazines and watching dvds that she’d packed with her. and then her birthday rolls around, and it’s more of the same – her father’s locked away in his office smoking up a house fire and barely touching pen to paper and she’s pacing around the house pouting and crying that she hasn’t heard happy birthday once.
the hands on the clock hit five and little sohee decides that she’s had enough with all of this. shoelaces hastily tied, a backpack stuffed with her favourite stuffed animals for company and snacks for the trip – she decides that she’s going to have an adventure by herself if no one else wants to have fun with her.
it’s a few hours before she realises that she has no idea where she is, and the cold air starts to brush harshly over her skin. she’d not thought to bring any sort of torch, or even a warm jacket, with her mind clouded for a want to simply do something cool – and now she’d been trekking through the woods into the breaking hour of the night. and she was scared.
she’s out there for around three more hours, sitting herself atop of a log crying before by luck a group of hikers come by her, patient with her lack of understanding, and comfort her before leading her back to her father’s house without a hitch. she’s so thankful, she tries her best to talk to them, she exclaims that it’s her birthday in the best way that they can understand, and she makes it back inside. she tries to get them to stay, but they just smile at her, and wish her a good night – they try to speak with her father, but he doesn’t even answer the door.
cold and exhausted, sohee decides to end her birthday as quick as she can when she gets inside.
her father checks on her to say one thing,
“why did you track mud through the house? can’t you do something right?”
2011, age fourteen. on her fourteenth birthday, she decides that she’s grown up.
her parents decide to make some ill fated attempt to go to dinner on her birthday, but she doesn’t care, the most acknowledgement she gets of the day is that her mother makes some offhanded comment about how many years she’s been suffering because of her. in all truth, sohee’s happeir that they’re out of the house – she skips going to her training that night, she calls it a gift to herself.
so she does what she thinks the grown ups do, she reaches up to her father’s liquor cabinet and she pours herself a comically full glass of whiskey – it’s her first drink, she just wants to feel cool, grown up, independent. she takes one sip and she decides she’s done, and then she sets the glass down coughing up the fire in her throat.
“what are you doing?” her mother’s voice cut through the air, and sohee’s heart skipped a beat.
“nothing,” sohee dismissed, curtly, her chest pounding with anxiety, “i thought you’d be gone for the night, i believe you said that you couldn’t stand the reminder of me being born, or whatever.”
“doesn’t seem like nothing,” her mother hummed, glass now in hand and examining it like something priceless, her gaze practically cutting through it back through to her daughter, “your father was getting along with the waitress, i left them to it.”
that didn’t even dignify a response from sohee, who instead huffed, shrugged, and returned to a point of apathy.
“drink it.” her mother sits the glass in front of sohee. she’s confused.
“i just said drink it, you poured it, and you’ll finish it.”
“i don’t want to – it tastes shitty, and you can’t tell me what to do.”
“i can,” her mother is completely unbothered by sohee’s argument, “want your tuition paid? want to continue to live somewhere? you’ll finish it.”
“i can’t,” she knows she can’t, she already feels sick to the stomach.
“i didn’t raise a quitter,” her mother’s tone is harsh, firm.
and so sohee drinks it, raises the liquor that burns like fire to her lips and takes a drink. but it’s not enough.
“the entire thing.” her mother states again.  
so she does, it’s every drink makes her feel sick to her stomach – it’s an overwhelming type of sickness that she’s never felt before, her stomach a ship at storm, and then she runs off to the bathroom. she barely catches her mother’s content smile, before a sigh.
she spends the rest of the night curled over the toilet.
2018, age twenty one. it’s her first birthday as an idol.
she doesn’t really celebrate birthdays anymore, ever since she spent the fifteenth birthday holed up in her school library – which she considered the best day that she’d had up until that birthday – acknowledging it just felt better to her than acknowledging she was an entire year older.
but she turns around in the morning, eyes barely open and her hands reach out for her phone.
━━ [ 💌 pretty flower sooyeon 🌺 ] : my sohee!!!! ━━ [ 💌 pretty flower sooyeon 🌺 ] : happy birthday~ ━━ [ 💌 pretty flower sooyeon 🌺 ] : i hope your wishes will come true and u will have the greatest birthday ever!!!!!!!!!!! ━━ [ 💌 pretty flower sooyeon 🌺 ] : lmk if gold star ever gets too much 4 u and u need 2 hide in the wish dorms i'll call u my emotional support human
she smiles, she doesn’t quite know how to respond to the message – and she notices that there’s more notifications behind it – she rarely ever told people the day she was born in high school to avoid any hype around it for bad memories sake but now, her chest feels gentle, and she’s smiling from ear to ear. she makes a note to respond to it later, when it’s processed for her.
so she walks out into her kitchen and she sees seunghee standing there, a huge, motherly grin on her face that she’s grown to adore seeing on her close friend. “what’s got you smiling like that?” she questions, pacing around the room.
“i have something for you,” the leader shifted to the side, a dainty, well decorated cake sitting behind her on the counter. “it’s for you, a you’re getting old signal,” she laughed, bringing over the cake to be in front of sohee, “i’m only kidding, happy birthday.”
the leader rushed to shove a candle into it, “i know we’re going to have to go soon, so i’m going to do this now,” she lit it up, “now make a wish.”
it’s the first birthday cake she’s ever had, and she doesn’t quite know how to approach it. so she doesn’t make a wish, but instead she just smiles and blows out the flame.
it’s her first happy birthday
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Punk Goes Pop-Klance au
I’ve got a lot happening in the next few weeks, so I’ll try to get pt 9 up in the next day or so, so y’all have something in case I don’t have time to write. Enjoy!
Pt 8
The rest of the day was spent playing video games and eating junk food, allowing Shiro to let loose and Keith to feel a bit of normalcy after his stressful weekend. It neared 9 when Shiro called it quits, so he could grade a few papers before bed. Keith powered down the X-box and retreated to his room to go to bed early, so he could maybe get a decent amount of sleep.
PJ-clad and ready for bed, Keith crawled under the covers and unlocked his phone to pull up a podcast to listen to. He remembered Hunk telling him about the new video from his “internet rival” and switched from his podcast app to Youtube to check it out quickly. He looked through the comments of his Rihanna video and sure enough there it was.
BlueTailor69: I warned you, Brogaynes <www.youtube.com/fakelink>
He snorted and clicked. The page redirected to the video and Keith shook his head when he saw the title, smiling at its ridiculousness, Bring Me To Life Evanescence Remix- also known as Brogaynes is a terrible person and I hate him.
The song opened with an instrumental bit, heavy with anticipation, the beat gradually growing through the first verse. After the first line of the chorus, it dropped hard into a stretch of classic dubstep. The song repeated that pattern, slow build with samples of the original song and heavy drop, one more time before ending on a synthetic trill.
If Keith didn’t have a predisposed hatred of all things dubstep, he would have liked the song. He clicked into the description expecting another snide comment like last time, but it was empty. He scrolled through the comments and saw nothing there either. He thought that was a bit odd and out of character, but dismissed it because they’d never interacted, so there was no reason for him to know anything about this person’s character or be concerned.
He switched back to his podcast app, pulling one up, and closed his eyes. Before he knew it, the hosts said their outro an hour later and Keith was still very awake. He groaned and rolled over to grab his phone. He debated playing another one, but he didn’t feel anywhere near falling asleep, so he opened Twitter with the hope that some mindless scrolling would do the trick.
The racing in his mind gradually slowed as he went through his feed. He passed a list of recommended users, quickly scrolling back up for a double take. No way, he thought, his mind fully alert again, and clicked on the user profile. Sure enough, there it was. BlueTailor69 had a twitter and it was exactly what could be expected. The profile picture was a black background with Fuck You, Brogaynes in white Comic Sans and the description read, I exist solely to spite Brogaynes. Besides, he started it.
Keith couldn’t fight the disbelieving laugh that bubbled up as he scrolled through his tweets.  They were pretty much all replies to Keith’s tweets, consisting mostly of various snips and jabs at the songs he covered. He looked again at the most recent tweet, linking to his Evanescence cover, his brows furrowing as he read the caption. Had a shitty weekend so cut me some slack. I can still hate you in any headspace though @BrogaynesMusic ;) That must have been why there was no sarcastic commentary on the video.
Before thinking it through, Keith hit the message button and typed out a quick You ok? Once it sent, he realized that that was probably a bad idea. This guy was likely some troll who just enjoyed fucking with people because he had nothing better to do with his life and wasn’t worth Keith’s time to be worried about. Before he could fully second-guess his decision, his phone pinged.
BlueTailor69: ???
Keith stared at the message bubble, just as confused as to why he was messaging this guy as he was.
BrogaynesMusic: You said you had a shitty weekend. Just asking if you were ok
You stalking me now brogaynes? Was ruining Beyoncé not enough for you?
No, you popped up in recommended and I was just trying to be nice. Sorry for caring. Keith huffed indignantly as he typed the message and sent it.
Dude im kidding lol
… oh
Sarcasm doesn’t translate well over messaging lol knew I should have used an emoji To answer your question, not really? I found out some stuff that upset me and then I was a dick about it Still need to apologize for that
I had a bad weekend too if that makes you feel better
You want me to revel in your sadness to cure mine?
No? just trying to sympathize
ik I was kidding again I really gotta use emojis with u dude
leave me alone
you messaged me broski
…fair sorry I shouldn’t have bugged you
Nah youre good man cant sleep anyway
we can talk to each other til we fall asleep, how romantic!! Rivals to lovers! They can make a movie about us! I totally ship it
why are you like this
I didn’t get enough attention as a child im sleep depraved and lucid I hate myself and veil my insecurities with humor take your pick
Oooooooo fancy how u do that??
skill, you scrub
That’s it ive decided your emoji game is too fly for me not to be in love w/ you
I just declared my love and all you have to say is k? K?
you bastard to think I ever loved you
are you always this dramatic
I was an attention-starved middle child. I learned fast
Makes sense going to school for acting then? wait, you’re not some creepy 56 year old who preys on people on the internet right??
Lol im a sophomore in college, music production major actually and I bet you really insulted some lonely 56 year old who scours the internet for companionship to fill his empty soul
Just checking
wbu? You’re not some 56 year old who lures people in with his deceptively youthful voice are you?
Nope, college sophomore too
See! That can’t be a coincidence, we were meant to be together!
Youre weird
Thx I try what are you in for?
Performing arts
Imma take a stab and say singing?
Nice you could go far with that
I thought you hated my music
Subject matter, not quality you have a really good voice
Youre supposed to say, you too
Fishing much?
I have a fragile ego and no concept of self worth, I need constant validation
Relatable I hate dupstep, but you’re not terrible
That was painful for you to say wasn’t it
A little, not gonna lie
Well Ill take it anyway :) u tired yet
Keith stifled a yawn as he got the last message.
Yeah a little
Im that boring huh
Shut up, you asked
ik lol feel free to sign off if youre ready to sleep
nah im goodigeudjlflllllllll
you feel asleep in your phone didn’t u lol good night dude
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raquellejac · 3 years
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(Swipe) You may remember seeing a version of this piece on your feed in the last week or so! I deleted the original post because I had remembered that @doppelgangermag prefers artists to hold off on posting the work that’s gonna be featured in the issue until AFTER the issue comes out! But they messaged me a few days ago and let me know that a sneaky peek is ok, so here it is again!! (Please still pay tribute with a “❤️” and a comment tho xoxo 😭.) HOWEVER, the next couple of slides are brand new so check em out even if you saw the deleted post! Anyway, while you’re waiting for @doppelgangermag “Issue 3: Shadows,” head over to their link-in-bio to snag a copy of “Issue 2: Doubles”!! An insanely talented collection of artists is featured that issue! Also, I’m in there, haha. It is such a beautiful publication! The weight is beautiful, the printing is beautiful, the binding is beautiful—you don’t wanna sleep on @doppelgangermag !!! See the second to last slide for a little video of my hand dripping in @dyspnea_ , showing y’all my copy of @doppelgangermag “Issue 2: Doubles.” In the vid I show a quick scan of my 2-page comic spread that was featured. IN OTHER 📰 NEWS 📰: THE SAN DIEGO NORTH PARK BOOK FAIR!! Come and see me on the 17th @ 10AM ! I’ll be selling stickers, zines, prints, and I’ll be selling and signing copies of @fantagraphics ‘s NOW 9! Also, most of y’all might not know this, but my ENTIRE inventory is marked down during in-person events!! Since shipping & handling isn’t necessary when a sale is done in person 💕. Come out and see me and all the other amazing artists @burn_all_books is featuring!!! JULY 17th! Swipe to the last slide to see a photo of the #northparkbookfair poster xox. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #comics #comix #undergroundcomics #undergroundcomix #comicsart #comicsartist #raquellejacqueline #sandiegoart #austinart #austinartist #atxart #texasart #sdart #sdartist #fantagraphics #fantagraphicsbooks #graphite #carlyung #psychology #graphicmedicine #philosophymemes #inkdrawing #rapidograph #rapidographdrawing #artmagazine #zine #doppelgangermag #doppelgangermagazine (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRU2cCPFEzH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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batneko · 7 years
tiger and bunny rewatch ep 9
my mouse suddenly stopped working in the middle of this episode so please appreciate these caps
also we’ve finally reached the point where I feel too bad about how long these are not to put them under a cut.
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so let’s talk about the Dragon Kid episode!
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Dragon Kid’s conflict is that people keep telling her she’s not girly enough. she doesn’t like flowers and she uses “boku” and does martial arts and eats a lot.
something which is great is that she never changes this attitude throughout the series. in fact in the sequel movie The Rising she’s only gotten more boyish.
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and I just love that. she doesn’t need to be “fixed,” she is who she is
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anyway we’re back in the tubes
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Bunny cares
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Kotetsu gets called in for a special job, which is... babysitting.
there’s been a rash of kidnappings and the mayor needs his son watched. Bunny says this job is perfect for Kotetsu, and Rock Bison agrees, which makes me think both of them know about his daughter
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especially since Bunny doesn’t react to this, while everyone else is really surprised. gotta assume it just came up in conversation at one point, they are partners, but I still wish we’d seen that moment animated.
Kotetsu also tells them that his wife passed away four years ago. :c
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so the baby starts crying and stuff starts flying all over the place which WOULD HAVE BEEN USEFUL INFORMATION A MINUTE AGO, AGNES.
the baby is crying for “mama” so they try to pass him off to one of the girls
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baby likes her!
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good fucking question that place cannot be childproofed
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sure enough, baby starts crying again, and Bunny saves a little toy robot instead of his computer or picture of his family.
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after all, the computer can be replaced and the photo can be reprinted, but that toy is one of the few physical mementos he has left
yeesh, I just realized, Bunny’s birthday is Halloween and his parents were killed right before Christmas, so he would have had that toy for barely two months before he lost them.
it’s no wonder he doesn’t want the baby to play with it
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I mean, Kotetsu’s not wrong, it’s a fucking baby. he doesn’t know shit.
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this prompts a discussion about the flower pin Dragon Kid’s parents’ gave her and how she doesn’t like it at all
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and gives Bunny a good excuse to reclaim his robot.
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Kotetsu made dinner!
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Kotetsu is gonna feed that baby if it kills him
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baby’s latest tantrum switches on Bunny’s Big Digital Wall of Crazy
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kiddos stole the only bed
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and suddenly Kotetsu is drinking without a shirt on
I don’t
I am not complaining but why?
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I am...
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I am definitely not complaining.
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surprising everyone, Bunny actually starts opening up to Kotetsu and showing him all the info he’s collected on Ouroboros
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always worrying about Bunny’s feelings
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he can’t remember it.
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let me comfort you with my shirtlessnes
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god dammit look at how much Bunny loves him
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good morning!
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what the fuck happened last night?
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I would pay many dollars for a depiction of how they ended up like this, seriously. comic, ova, anything. many dollars.
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hey quick question the fuck y’all wearin’?
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Dragon Kid takes the baby for a walk and they immediately get kidnapped. this is why good babysitters don’t go on drinking binges.
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I want to know what happened so bad.
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somebody’s ringing the doorbell
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when your last hookup meets your latest hookup
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Agnes brought more baby stuff, but where’s the baby?
(also Kotetsu is still shirtless, just sayin’)
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have I mentioned that I love Agnes?
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so Agnes goes in undercover as the mom to pay the ransom
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but whuh-oh, turns out the kidnappers have powers. one can smell lies and one can smell money.
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Agnes and Bunny almost have a moment, until she realizes the kidnappers ruined her skirt and orders him to get revenge for her
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I love Agnes.
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kidnapper tries to flirt her way out of trouble (and we learn that Kotetsu is a leg man, despite denials)
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danger-sense would probably be a really useful power for a hero, like Spiderman’s, but she went serial kidnapper instead.
I mean. it pays better.
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or he just looks good in yellow
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baby throws another tantrum and some junk crashes into barrels of gas or whatever and now FIRE IS HAPPENING
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oh right Dragon Kid is a hero too
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our boys show up just in time to not be needed at all
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seeing Kotetsu in the fire gives Bunny another flashback, and he takes off through the roof.
next day!
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baby is going home and Dragon Kid is wearing the hair pin
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head pats
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one last shot of shirtless Kotetsu to take us home.
the after-credits scene is Bunny brooding alone in his dark apartment. his default state of being.
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but he’s starting to remember a face...
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and we cut to some weird naked dude in a white room, apparently making a mural on the wall by burning it with his finger
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that’s... that’s not ominous at all.
(I legit do not know why he’s naked)
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