#quick f!Hunter drawing
jurassicass · 2 years
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O so that’s what’s under there
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girlrotterr · 3 months
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ellie x fem!reader TW!: mentions of violence and blood. Summary: You were tasked with tracking a female trespasser who has been causing havoc on the WLF, killing numerous soldiers and stealing supplies. It was supposed to be a straightforward surveillance job. You weren't supposed to get caught... a/n: wanted to try a different genre &...I'm kinda obsessed?!?
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As you bolted away, you muttered under your breath, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Your heart pounded hard against your chest, making your head feel light and your vision blur at the edges.
The shadows of the dense forest seemed to close in around you, every snap of a twig and rustle of leaves increased your terror.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to find you! The mission from the WLF had been clear: surveillance Ellie, track her every move, and report back. For days, you’d stayed hidden, watching her every step, radioing in her location, and noting her habits.
Until she fucking caught you.
With shaking hands, you fumbled for the rifle strapped to your back, but your heavy backpack slammed against you with every stride, making it nearly impossible to grab the weapon.
Your breath came in ragged gasps as you sprinted through the forest, twigs and branches clawing at your face and arms like skeletal fingers. The forest around you being a blur of green and brown.
Suddenly, the sharp crack of gunfire echoed throughout the forest, bullets whizzing past you and thudding into the trees. Ellie was firing, her aim deadly and precise. "Goddamnit!" you gasped, terror clawing at your throat. You knew from watching her these past days just how merciless and calculated she was.
You refused to become her next victim.
You risked a glance over your shoulder and saw her slinging her shotgun over her back and drawing a pistol instead. Her movements were quick and stealthy, her eyes gleaming with a predator's intensity.
You pushed yourself harder, your legs burning and lungs screaming for air. The path ahead was treacherous, filled with roots and rocks that seemed to reach up and grab at your feet, trying to trip you. But you couldn’t stop. You couldn’t let her catch you. The memory of the cold, calculating look in her eyes as she took down her previous targets fueled your fear.
Your mind raced, searching for a way out, a place to hide, or something to give you an advantage. But the forest offered no sanctuary, only the relentless pursuit of a hunter and her prey. Your only hope was to keep running, to stay ahead of her just long enough to find a way to escape.
Ellie’s cold eyes pierced through your back, promising death if she caught up. The crack of her pistol shattered the air, a warning shot that whistled past your ear.
"f-fuck!" You gasped, quickly stumbling behind a tree.
Your breath came in ragged gasp as you frantically wrestled your heavy backpack off your shoulders. Your shaking fingers fumbled with the zipper, sending ammo tumbling onto the ground.
"Come onn, come onn," you muttered urgently, trying to steady your trembling hands as you loaded your rifle with bullets. Each click felt like a countdown to your own demise.
Ellie paused, her breath misting in the cold air as she scanned the forest. Her brow furrowed in concentration. The stillness hung heavy, broken only by rustling of leaves. She took a step forward cautiously, senses sharp and eyes darting, searching for any sign of movement or sound.
Your heart hammered in your chest, the sound thumping in your ears like a drumbeat. Your pulse thundered with the realization that she could be closing in, ready to strike. Then, with a sudden burst of courage, you steadied your aim and fired. The shot bounced off a nearby branch, missing Ellie by a hair strand.
“Shit!” She yelled frantically.
Ellie's heart raced as she ducked behind a log, fear surging through her after barely dodging your bullet. She took a moment to steady her breathing, each inhale sharp and quick.
"Damnit!" Her voice was a low growl of frustration mixed with a grudging respect for your skill. "That was close... too fucking close..."
Peering cautiously over the log, Ellie scanned for any hint of movement.
Behind the tree, your pulse thundered in your ears, heightening your senses as you prepared for Ellie's next move. With hands that trembled only slightly, you steadied your aim and squeezed the trigger, the shot echoing loudly.
Ellie reacted with quick reflexes, instinctively ducking as your bullet grazed the air where she had just been. "motherfucker..." Her curse was sharp, frustration fueling her mind.. She couldn't afford any more mistakes.
With a scoff that held a hint of admiration, Ellie retrieved her shotgun from her back, the action smooth and practiced. "I'll play your little game," she muttered darkly to herself, her gaze narrowing with deadly intent.
She carefully cocked the shotgun, the metallic sound slicing the air. Her fingers carefully curled around the trigger.
“I know you're there!" she called out, her voice ringing with command.
Suddenly, a faint rustle caught her attention—a slight to her left. Without hesitation, she swung the shotgun around and fired. The bullet rang through the trees, sending birds squawking into flight and echoing off the distant hills.
Behind the tree, you flinched as the blast tore through the air, shaking leaves loose from the branches above. Splinters of bark peppered the ground around.
"She’s batshit insane…" you muttered.
The realization dawned on you that Ellie was closing in, her determination matched only by her deadly accuracy. You had to think fast, find a way to turn the tables on her before it was too late.
On the other side, Ellie moved swiftly, her shoes crunching softly on the forest floor as she advanced. “You can't hide forever!" she shouted, her voice carrying a chilling promise.
Suddenly, Ellie's ears twitched at the distant, guttural moans that began to echo through the forest. The unmistakable sound of infected—clickers and runners—drawn by the commotion of gunfire.
"Damn it!" she cursed under her breath, her focus splitting between you and the herd. Infected were relentless, driven by primal instinct and hunger, oblivious to anything but the urge to feed.
With a quick, decisive motion, Ellie shifted her stance, her eyes darting between the direction of the approaching infected and the tree behind which she believed you were hiding. Her grip tightened on the shotgun, torn between eliminating you or infected.
You pressed your back against the rough bark of the tree, trying to steady your breathing. Your mind raced, calculating your next move. The infected were close, their unearthly cries sending chills down your spine. Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs heightened your anxiety, urging you to make a move.
Suddenly, a runner burst through the forest, its crazed eyes locking onto Ellie. With a roar, it lunged towards her. Ellie didn't hesitate. She aimed and fired, the shotgun blast tearing through the runner's chest and sending it sprawling to the ground. The sound blared through the forest, drawing more infected towards the chaos.
Taking advantage of the distraction, you peeked out from behind the tree, spotting Ellie as she quickly reloaded her shotgun. The infected were focucsed on her position, and you knew you had a slim window of opportunity. You raised your rifle, aiming carefully.
Ellie, sensing movement, looked up just in time to see you taking aim. Her eyes widened, but she had no time to react. You pulled the trigger, the shot ringing out. The bullet grazed her arm, causing her to stumble back with a cry of pain. Blood seeped from the wound, but she remained standing, a fierce look in her eyes.
At that moment, the forest exploded into chaos. Infected surged from all directions, drawn by the gunfire and the scent of blood. Ellie fired rapidly, taking down several of the frenzied creatures, but their numbers were overwhelming.
Desperation fueled your actions as you ducked behind the tree, reloading your rifle as quickly as your shaking hands would allow.
Ellie gritted her teeth against the pain in her arm, the hot sting of the wound sharpening her focus. Realizing she had little time, she made a split-second decision. With a final blast from her shotgun to clear her immediate path, she broke into a sprint, aiming directly for your position.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you saw Ellie barreling toward you. Panic surged as you tried to lift your rifle, but before you could react, she was upon you. She grabbed your arm with a grip like iron, her eyes locking onto yours with a fierce intensity.
"They're too many of 'em!" she yelled, her voice husky and out of breath. "I won't let those fuckers kill you first."
With that, Ellie yanked you forward, pulling you into motion as the infected closed in. The sound of their growls and snarls filled the air,. You stumbled alongside her..
The infected were relentless, their numbers growing as more were drawn to the commotion. You risked a glance back, seeing the herd spilling through the trees like a dark wave.
“Keep moving!" she shouted. You barely had time to think, let alone question her plan.
An abandoned building loomed ahead, ellie didn't hesitate, her pace increasing as you neared it. She quickly pushed you through the entrance, your body skidding across the cold concrete floor. Pain shot through your hands and knees, the rough surface scraping skin and drawing blood.
"Argh!" you cried out, instinctively pulling your hands close to inspect the damage. Blood smeared your palms, the wounds stinging sharply.
You looked up to see ellie barricading the outside, shoving broken furniture against the entrance. You scrambled to your feet, masking the pain in your hands. The infected's guttural moans grew louder, meaning they were closing in on the building. Ellie finished securing the outside and then hoisted herself onto the roof. She slipped through a gap, landing lightly inside the building beside you.
But before you could react, she quickly lunged at you bloodthirsty. Her movements were quick and precise, a chaos of aggression as she aimed to overpower you. Instinctively, you reached for your pocket knife, the cold steel burning in your hand.
With a swift motion, you slashed at her back. The blade sliced through fabric and skin, causing a pained cry from Ellie.
"Fuck! ngh!" she gritted out, momentarily backing away from you. Blood seeped through her shirt, but the wound only seemed to fuel her anger.
Ellie didn't give you a moment to catch your breath. She lunged again, her shotgun swinging in a wide arc. The end of the weapon crashed against the side of your head with a sickening thud, and pain exploded in your skull. Darkness quickly became your vision, and you crumpled to the floor, unconscious.
You slowly regained consciousness, the first thing you felt was the pounding ache in your head, a relentless, throbbing pain. Groaning softly, you tried to move, but found your hands tightly bound behind a cold, metal pole. The rough ropes cut into your wrists, leaving them raw and sore.
Blinking to clear your vision, you took in your surroundings. The location was different—a small, dimly lit room that smelled of mold and decay. The faint glow from a single, flickering bulb barely illuminated the space. Old machinery and rusted pipes surrounded you, remnants of what appeared to be an abandoned industrial building.
As your senses returned, so did the realization of your situation. The muffled sounds of the infected outside were still present, but now distant, their grotesque growls and shuffles muted by the thick walls of the warehouse.
Ellie stood a few feet away, her back turned as she rummaged through a worn backpack.
"Where...the fuck are we?" you croaked, your voice weak and rough.
Ellie turned slowly, her expression hard to read. "Old warehouse," she replied. "Needed to get away from infected. You were slowing me down, so I had to make sure you wouldn't be a problem."
She then walked over, crouching down in front of you. She held a knife in her hand, the blade glinted ominously in the dim light.
"Talk," she demanded, her tone cold.
You met her gaze, anger flickering in your eyes. You weren't going to give in easily. You remained silent, your jaw set in a stubborn line.
Ellie's eyes narrowed, "Fucking answer me!" she snapped, moving the knife closer.
But your focus shifted, drawn to the dark stain spreading across Ellie's shirt. Blood was pooling at her side, seeping through the fabric and dripping onto the floor.
You stared at it, your voice calm and almost casual as you spoke. "You're bleeding out."
Ellie scoffed, but the tension in her eyes betrayed her concern. She glanced down at her wound, wincing slightly as she shifted her weight.
"That's not your concern," she snapped, "Tell me why you were fucking following me!"
"You can't interrogate me while you're losing blood," you replied, "You'll pass out before you get anything useful."
Ellie glared at you, her grip tightening on the knife. She was clearly in pain, her movements less fluid than before.
"I don't have time for this," she muttered, but the desperation in her voice was unmistakable.
"You need stitches," you said firmly.
Ellie grimaced, her jaw tightening with irritation. "I don’t need your advice."
You glanced around the dimly lit room, searching for anything that could serve as makeshift medical supplies. Your eyes fell on a rusted toolbox in the corner, its lid half-open and revealing a jumble of tools and odds.
"There might be something in that toolbox," you suggested, nodding towards it.
Ellie slowly limped over to the toolbox, her hand steadying herself against the cold metal of the nearby machinery. She opened the lid with a grunt of effort, revealing a disorganized array of old tools and supplies. Among the rusted wrenches and screwdrivers, she spotted the small, dusty sewing kit nestled in a corner.
Grabbing the kit, Ellie returned to where you were seated. She laid out the contents of the sewing kit—a sterilized needle, spool of thread, and a small pair of scissors—on a nearby crate.
"You're going to do it." she commanded, her voice firm and authoritative.
You stared at Ellie, disbelief and stubbornness across your face. "Fuckk no," you said firmly.
Ellie scoffed, “I can’t…reach back there." she admitted, her hands visibly trembling from the strain.
You watched her closely, completely aware of the opportunity before you. A plan came to mind —how you could turn her in this very moment, claim the upper hand. But the flaws of such a plan gnawed at you. Without backup, it was a risk that could easily backfire.
You pushed the idea aside, sighing heavily.
"Why would you ever let an enemy stitch you?" you asked, your tone suspicious. "Just minutes ago, I was trying to kill you."
Ellie's movements were slow as she began undoing the rope, her expression guarded. "Don't fucking question it," she replied bluntly, finally standing up before you, her gaze meeting yours with a challenge.
The intensity of her words hung in the air, the weight of truth echoing in your mind. You felt a surge of frustration and confusion, unable to understand Ellie's actions with the ruthless reputation she had earned among the WLF. In your weeks of observation, you had witnessed her kill WLF soldiers and crew with merciless efficiency.
"It's out of your character," you argued, your voice escalating with each word. "I've studied you for weeks. In that time, you've shown no mercy, no hesitation. Now suddenly, you're trusting one of your enemies to tend to your wounds?"
Ellie's jaw tightened, a flicker of irritation crossing her features. "You think I trust you?" she retorted sharply, her eyes narrowing. “If I wanted to, you'd be dead."
The words hit you like a blow, their implication sinking in with a chilling clarity. You realized then, with a sinking feeling in your gut, that Ellie wasn't acting out of sudden trust. She was going to use you to ensure her own survival.
Ellie crouched down, her back exposed to you as she held herself against a rusted metal crate. Her shirt lay discarded on the ground, revealing the crude stitches you had just finished. The wound, though now patched, still oozed blood, staining her skin and the fabric around it.
"Don’t try anything.." Ellie warned sharply as she glanced over her shoulder at you.
You scoffed, "Just fucking stay still.”
Ellie tensed but remained silent, her gaze fixed ahead as she focused on maintaining her composure. With practiced hands, you carefully inspected the stitches you had made, ensuring they were holding and that no signs of infection were starting to appear. Satisfied with your work, you began to stitch up the remaining tears in Ellie's shirt, reinforcing the fabric where it had been torn by the blade.
The warehouse around you remained eerily quiet, the only sound the occasional shuffle of debris stirred by a faint breeze.
"You're with the WLF, aren't you?" Ellie's voice cut through the tense silence.
You paused midway through stitching, the needle hovering above the fabric. Surprise flickered across your face before you composed yourself, a wry smirk tugging at your lips. "You really don't waste any time, huh?"
Ellie turned her head towards you, her expression unreadable. "The patch on your backpack gave it away," she explained casually, her eyes narrowing slightly. "So it wasn't exactly a mystery."
You rolled your eyes, a mixture of annoyance and amusement bubbling within you. Ellie chuckled softly, “The WLF think they’re so fucking untouchable," she continued, her voice tinged with disdain. "You guys don’t even bother with discretion. Yet it's the very reason why taking you out is so damn easy."
"You’ve answered your own questions," you remarked calmly, your hands skillfully stitching up Ellie's torn shirt. "Congratu-fucking-lations."
Ellie let out a scoff, a mixture of disbelief and bitter realization across her face. "It all makes sense now," she muttered under her breath, "Every time I settled somewhere new, a swarm of soldiers would magically show up the next day…”
"I knew something was off," she continued, her voice gaining intensity. She furrowed her eyebrows, "I thought I was just being paranoid until I caught sight of... well, you."
You gulped, the pit in your stomach deepening as if you were reliving that very moment. The memory of encountering Ellie, of being face-to-face with the trespasser you had been tasked to monitor.
"You should’ve seen your face," Ellie chuckled amusingly, "You were absolutely petrified."
You finished the last stitches on Ellie's shirt, securing the fabric back together as best as you could.
“Don't worry," you remarked, a smirk playing on your lips, "I'm guessing it was the same look you had when my bullet almost pierced your skull." With a grin, you handed her the now-repaired shirt. "So, I didn't miss much."
Ellie took the shirt from you, her expression unreadable as she inspected the stitches. "I didn't expect a WLF soldier to be an accurate shot," she admitted, "Most of you drop dead before pulling the trigger."
You rolled your eyes, “really?" you asked sarcastically, watching Ellie grunt as she put her shirt back on, clearly feeling the sting of the stitches.
“Because from the looks of it," you continued, your gaze lingering on the bruises and scars crisscrossing Ellie's exposed back before her shirt covered them, "I'm not the only one who's gotten lucky."
Ellie glanced down at you, "Yeah, well," she muttered "Luck doesn't happen twice."
The crackle of static abruptly screeched throughout the room. A voice blared through the radio, urgent and commanding, "Report needed for female trespasser, over."
Your heart leaped into your throat at the transmission. Without a moment's hesitation, you lunged for your backpack where the radio was nestled, but Ellie was quicker. A smirk curled on her lips as she withdrew the radio from your backpack.
"Huh," Ellie chuckled softly, holding the radio up to examine it with a mix of curiosity and amusement. She dropped your backpack to the ground and then turned to you, gripping your arm firmly and pulling you closer.
"Trail them off," Ellie demanded in a low voice, her gaze fixed on you with dark intensity. She held the radio out toward you.
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eupheme · 5 months
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— drinkin’ in sunshine
cooper howard / the ghoul x f!reader
rated e - 1.8k
Tags: softer!cooper, love-at-first-sight, bounty hunting, alcohol, brief sexual harassment, seduction with ulterior motives, manual restraints, semi-public PiV
Request: a sweet request by @victoria-grimesss - ‘the theme of the song “Orange Colored Sky” like love at first sight maybe she’s a bounty hunter too?’
A/N: based on an idea where Cooper would like to visit old bars, a small habit left from the man he used to be
You find yourself having to rethink your strategy, when you’re suddenly struck with feeling for the man you’re supposed to be hunting down.
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The bar you find yourself in might be one of least favorite you’ve been in. A dingy sign marking the entrance, cast in shades of orange with the dip of the evening sun.
It's dark inside - flickering bulbs and oil lamps. Near the fringes of town, the murmur of voices and low jazz notes slipping through what remained of the glass-cracked windows.
Floors stained by god knows what, the bartop sticky against your elbow as your chin props on your palm. Full of all kinds of folk that would like to sink their teeth into you. Tear you from limb to limb.
But, they said you'd find him here. The him still undetermined, but for the amount of caps they're paying you, you were willing to take a leap of faith.
“Know 'em when you seem 'em," The man grunted. Giving you an appraising once-over, arms crossing over his chest, "Hard to miss. Black hat and a long coat. Five hundred caps for 'im dead. Boss don't want him alive."
You pick apart that detail in your head.
Reading between the lines. Either your target pissed someone off real bad, or he was too dangerous to be brought in.
Neither bode well for you, but you've been in this game long enough that you have a few tricks up your sleeve.
The scattering of tables look like campfires out on the open plains. Pockets of light, your eyes squinting - trying to find your quarry. Trying not to look too interested, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. No good could come from a gunfight here.
Eventually you catch him, from the corner of an eye. A tipped-down hat, a hint of that black coat and a leather vest from the bit of light from the table next to him. The dregs of something dark left swimming in a dull glass, the cut edges worn down from years of use.
You send another his way, a sweet smile for the bartender and a couple extra caps to make sure it makes it there.
Easier to get the job done at close range.
A drink paired with another doe-eyed smile. A murmured, well-placed “let’s get out of here” - and he’d be yours. Always worked like a charm, in a place like this.
Nursing your own drink as your legs cross, the collar of your jacket turned up. Shielding your face, as you do a quick check - loosening the snap on your holster. The sheath hidden at the small of your back.
When you look again, a jolt rings through you when you realize his eyes are already on you.
Almost as if he’d noticed you first - his gaze dark under the brim of his hat. The flip of his hand on the table - palm upright, two fingers crooking.
Beckoning you to him.
There’s something about him that you can sense from even here. Hairs on the back of your neck standing up, a stutter of your heartbeat.
You could still run. Cut ties and pass on through to the next town. Tell them it didn't shake out, if you ever have to take a bounty here again.
But you're drawn to him. Curious. It's been a while since a bounty has piqued your interest. It was always the same-old.
Raider with a chem problem. Man who stole something. A no-good scoundrel who ran off with a rich man's wife.
It has you moving. Slipping from the stool. Making your way through the dim room, to where a lean leg extends, kicking out the chair in front of them.
Three tables away and suddenly there's a hand darting out, pinching hard at your elbow. Sending you off balance as you grasp at their hand, nails sinking into their wrist. Your lip curling in a snarl, as you're tugged towards the man that sits, thighs spread wide.
"Been a while since somethin’ as pretty as you's been here." You can smell the sweat that clings to him, layered with the stench of watered-down beer, "What say you spend some time with us?"
His companion leers, and your pulse spikes. A hand drifting carefully towards your gun, the grit of your jaw as your mind races through your options.
There's a shadow behind you. Catching you in it, as the man’s eyes flicker to something above your shoulder.
"This one's mine, " The stranger drawls, “Why don’t you fellas find another toy to play with?”
A flash of something silver at his hip that has the man letting go.
Their eyes shifting away uneasily as you snatch your arm back. Turning to face the stranger, the grateful “thank you” already on the tip of your tongue.
But as you free it, his head tilts. Face catching the light, and you realize your savior isn't a stranger after all.
He's your target.
And... he's a ghoul.
The Ghoul, to be precise. He has to be - no one else talks like him, that old-world drawl. His reputation preceding him, you had heard time again just how efficient and ruthless he could be.
For a moment, you’re transfixed. Stuck staring up at him - across the cut of his cheekbones and the hollow of his eyes. A low flip in your stomach, for more than one reason. Something going soft, and then low and warm inside you.
Oh. You might just be over your head.
“Huh.” His eyes narrow, as he regards you. Doing their own slow sweep, from the top of your head down to the dust on your boots.
Something must have piqued his interest as well - there’s a slow jerk of his head towards the table, though he does not move.
Making you squeeze past him - your hips brushing up against his to pass by.
The drink still sits, untouched. An arm slung across the back of the booth that lines the back wall, as you fold into the chair opposite.
It’s only here that you get a real good look at him. The pulled-tight skin, reddened with radiation. The dark cavern of his nose.
His eyes are pretty. A shade that makes you think of the weather when things grow cool, late in the year. The lingering green before the earth turns brown for the colder winter months.
You think you wouldn’t mind them on you.
Not at all.
The Ghoul's knuckles tap the glass, nudging it towards you - bringing you back from your swirl of thoughts. His gaze fixed on yours, with the rasp of his voice.
"Ladies first."
You blink at him, "I got this for you."
A way to distract him. To open a window of opportunity, a way to get close enough to slip a knife between his ribs.
Or, that had been the plan.
There's the ghost of a smile. The peek of teeth as his tongue runs across them, as his head cocks to the side. Those eyes narrowing.
"Only a few reasons why a lady like yourself would get a fella a drink."
The lightness of his tone is betrayed by the careful way he watches you, down to the minute furrow of your brow - how your tongue peeks out to wet your own lips, “Here for a job, or for something else.”
The mention of a job makes your stomach clench, until you realize he must think you’re there to strike one with him.
"Either way, be in my best interest to ensure it hasn't been... tampered with.”
Perhaps not.
Perhaps you’d have to work harder… though the tight tether you have on your plan has started to slip through your fingers.
"You think I'd be capable of something like that?" Your eyes go wide with feigned innocence. Only half-acting, now.
Elbows propped on the table - a lean that does wonders for the hint of cleavage hidden in the loosened buttons of your shirt.
"Still workin' that out," His eyes sweep over yours, before dipping down to your mouth. And then, lower, "But, I think I got a good idea."
His voice lowers then. "Drink."
And so, you do.
The liquor is harsh when it hits your tongue. Strong and bitter - his eyes trained on the column of your throat as you swallow. A hand extended as you pass the glass to him. Fingers brushing, your bare ones against his worn leather gloves.
It's lifted to his lips after. His tongue dragging over the rim, where your lips had been - before he's tipping the glass back. Taking half of the rest with a long swallow.
"Maybe I just wanted to show my appreciation." You coo, "Heard all about you, after all."
"Is that right?" There’s another smirk - before his head is tipping, appraising, “This the only way you show your… appreciation?”
Your heart races, as you give him your best winning smile.
"Well, let's say you and I find out?"
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Your moan is ragged, teeth biting hard into your arm in an attempt to muffle the sound. Never making it further than the back-alley of the bar.
His voice had been low, as he followed you out the side door. A growled out, “We doin’ this?”
Eyes watching the twitch of your hands, his own tensed at his sides. Twin wires, strung tight.
Your mouth had tipped up to meet his, instead of your blade. Teeth and tongue and the wandering press of hands as he backed you against the building, your shoulders scraping against the worn brick in the darkness.
Would be a shame, you had thought. Not to find out what this was.
This something that almost had a physical weight - that dulled the sharp edge of your senses. Never expecting to feel this way, as desire crashes soundly over you.
You could always find him again after.
Tomorrow, maybe.
Finish the job then.
But that was before.
Before the bottom of your resolve fell out, with the press of his thigh, when it rocked against your core. His hip digging into yours, so you can feel how hard he is for you.
A whine in your throat, a knowing tone in his rough answer.
“’ve got you. Know just what you need.”
He had spun you around - your wrists caught in his hand, the brick biting into your skin where he pinned them.
Legs kicked wide with his boots, the soft clink of belts and spurs and the solid press of his chest into your back as you rocked back needily against him.
You let him take you apart.
Split you open on his cock, as he does nothing to quiet your sounds. Teeth bared - his own moan bitten back as he feels the way you clench down, wet and warm around him as his hips pound into you. Breath hot where it fans against your neck.
“And whose did I say you were?”
It has your eyes fluttering shut, as his hand curls around your hip - slipping between your thighs.
“Yours.” You gasp.
His breath is ragged in your ear, “That’s right.”
You keen when he circles your clit, his fingers slick with your arousal. Everything else fading, expect for how he buries himself deep with each thrust, the way he has you winding higher and higher.
That last grip of the tether inside you loosening, when you finally let go.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” The Ghoul rasps, when he feels how you tremble in his arms, “Don’t you worry, ‘cause when I’m through with you...”
“You’re gonna forget all about why you’re here.”
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how I imagine the cooper pov: “you’re either here to fight or fuck… and for you darlin’, I might just be down for either.”
thank you so much for the request!! I hope you liked this! 💖
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bloody-peach · 6 months
Snake Eyes (Helluva Boss: Striker x F!Reader smut fic)
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(gif edit by me)
Now Playing: Kaleo - Way Down We Go [headphones recommended]
Goodie Bag: flirting, rough sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex (m receiving), deepthroating, masturbation (f), cursing, dirty talk, striptease, vaginal fingering, creampie [let me know if I missed anything].
A/N: Who doesn't wanna fuck Striker? Like, come on. When he pinned Blitzø to the wall in his debut episode, I wanted to be in Blitzø's place so bad. So I decided to make a fic. It's pretty short, but it's still good, trust me. Enjoy!!
Taglist: @omniuravity @pinkhimecat @moths-and-mantids @neonvehk @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered and all Striker simps!
Your life wasn’t the best at the moment. Your bitter ex put a bounty on your head for no reason, and this forced you to be on the run. You were currently in the Wrath ring, trying to outrun this bounty hunter that’s been on your ass for a while. It wasn’t fair that he was riding on a horse, but you were able to keep a good distance from him. Unfortunately, you didn’t know that he had a lasso on him. You gagged when the lasso wrapped around your neck tight, pulling you back and knocking you onto your ass. You tried to pull the rope off of you, but it was on tight. During your struggle, he walked up to you, looking down with a smirk on his face. His tail flicked in a flourish, making the same sound as a rattlesnake’s tail. “Gotta admit, you can run pretty fast. But not fast enough.” a rough male voice said. “I haven’t lost a catch in my entire life, and I ain’t starting today.” He pulled the lasso up and got you on your knees. You had a good look at him and recognized him immediately. This was Striker, the ruthless bounty hunter who hunted down and almost killed Prince Stolas. You were aware of his track record of bounty hunting, and you knew you were just another paycheck. ‘Fuck, he’s hot,’ you thought to yourself.
He eyed you up and down and said, “Hey, you’re a cute one. Not a bad body on you, either. Maybe I’ll have some fun with ya before I turn ya in.” You weren’t sure how, but this man just flipped your switch and you decided to flirt with him. When he loosened the lasso so you could speak, you smirked and looked at him with flirtatious eyes, saying, “Oh? Have I caught the eye of the famous bounty hunter, Striker?” Striker’s eyes narrowed, momentarily taken aback by your smirk. His grin remained plastered on his face, however, as he leaned in further, his breath brushing your cheek. “Famous, eh?” He repeated, drawing out the word. “Maybe I am, maybe I ain’t,” he chuckled softly, running a hand through his snowy hair. “But there ain’t no doubt that I’m the best around these parts.” He paused, looking you up and down with a predatory gleam in his golden eyes. “And now that I got ya, well...you got a few options.”
“Option one, sweetheart,” He began, gesturing to the lasso around your neck. “We could keep things simple and quick. I turn you in, you’re executed, and I pocket that hefty bounty on your cute little head. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right?” He winked, a mischievous smile tugging on his lips. “Or option two, we have ourselves a bit of fun, see how much you enjoy it..or how much I do. And then I decide whether you’re worth keeping around or not. Sound good?” You liked where this was going, so you smile and say, “Personally, I like option two better, wouldn’t you agree? Maybe if we hit it off, we can fake my death and split the bounty. I got quite a bounty on me, so if we split it, we’d be richer than even those Goetias.” Striker’s eyes widened as he smiled, clearly surprised at your words. “Ya reckon? Now there’s an idea,” he said, running a finger along your jawline. “Well, alright. Let’s give ol’ option two a go, see how it feels. But understand something, sweetheart, if I feel like you’re lyin’, tryin’ to trick me, I ain’t above changin’ my mind and sendin’ you straight to yer maker.” As he helped you stand up, Striker adjusted his hat and walked closer to you, looming over you. “Now, don’t think you can run off, darlin. That ain’t an option.” He smirked, his voice low and seductive. “I’m in control here, always. Otherwise, we ain’t got no game here.” You were getting turned on so much the more this went, so you smiled and said, “Well, that’s good, because it wouldn’t be any fun if I was the one in control.” A sinister grin spread across Striker’s face, his eyes flickering with excitement. “That’s more like it,” he growled, grabbing your arm and throwing you onto his horse. Once he got on, he made you wrap your arms around his waist, saying, “Hold on tight now.” With that, you two were off.
It was sunset when he stopped at a hotel and got you two a room. Once he brought you in the room, he pinned you to a wall and gazed down your body, lingering on your chest, before locking back on your eyes. “I bet you taste real sweet, don’t cha?” He murmured, his finger tracing a slow circle on your throat. “Between those legs of yours, you prolly taste like heaven.” He grabbed you and pulled you close to him, his body pressing against yours, the hard lines of muscle evident beneath his clothes. You blushed, but felt so turned on as you said, “Well..only one way to find out.” Striker grinned, his grip tightening on your waist as he pressed his groin against yours. “Oh, I’m gonna,” he growled, his hand sliding down your body and undoing your pants. “Real soon, darlin’. Real soon.” He leaned in, his mouth brushing against your ear as he whispered, “But first, I wanna watch you squirm, feel your body shake with pleasure before I taste every inch of ya.” He broke away, stepping back and fixing his coat. “Strip for me,” He said, his voice deep and commanding. “Slow and sexy, darlin’. Don’t forget, I’m in control here.” He lit a fresh cigar, puffing on it as he watched you undress, his eyes never leaving your body.
You nodded and you started to strip nice and slowly, giving him a bit of a show with a little strip tease. Striker’s eyes widened, his nostrils flaring as he took in the sight before him. Your slow, erotic dance had rendered him speechless, but not for long. He swallowed hard, his fingers drumming on his belt. Soon, you were completely nude, your arousal evident as he noticed your juices dripping down your thigh. “Damn, girl,” He muttered, his voice shaky. “Look at ya, drippin’ an’ ready for me.” He slowly approached, putting his cigar out and throwing it out as he reached for you. He wrapped an arm around you, his hand groping your ass as his other hand brushed against your wet flesh, a low chuckle escaping him. “So fuckin’ beautiful,” he praised, his hand running along the curve of your hips. You let out a series of moans as he started to rub your pussy, his fingers skillfully playing with your folds and clit. Striker couldn’t help but chuckle as he felt how wet and responsive your pussy was beneath his fingers. “Just wait til I’m inside of ya,” he breathed into your ear, his words coming out heavy. “Ain’t nothin’ like havin’ you clench around me, feeling every throb and twitch.” He slid one finger inside you, feeling your walls contract around him. “Fuck, you’re tight.” He pushed in another finger, his cock straining painfully within his pants. “I’m gon’ fuck you so hard, baby. Make you scream my name when I reach that sweet spot.” His hand started moving faster, thrusting in and out of you, rubbing your clit with his thumb. “Feel that, darlin’? Imagine it bein’ me -- my cock poundin’ into ya, fillin’ you up.” Just the thought of his cock stretching your pussy out made you even wetter and made you moan more as he continued fingering you. “Fuck, baby,” Striker swore, his arousal threatening to burst through his jeans. “You ain’t no liar, are ya?” He chuckled darkly. “Your pussy’s so damn greedy for me, already wanting more.” He took his fingers out, watching as they glistened with your essence. You watched as he licked his fingers clean, a sinister look in his eyes when he looked at you, saying, “I was right. Your pussy do taste like heaven.” He cupped your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Tell me, darlin’, do ya wanna feel me inside of you? Then get on your knees and beg for it.” He demanded, his voice thick with lust. “If I’m gonna take ya, you best beg for it properly.”
You nodded and got on your knees, looking up at him and putting on your best puppy-dog eyes as you said, “Please, Daddy..I want your hard cock..give it to me..I need it so badly..please fuck me...I’ll do anything you want..” Striker’s eyes darkened with hunger, his heart pounding in his chest. “That’s my girl,” he praised, reaching for his belt buckle. Unbuckling it, he let his jeans drop, revealing his thick erection standing tall and proud. He smirked, holding his cock and aiming it at your mouth. “Anything I want, huh?” He mused, running a hand through his hair. “Well, since ya asked so nicely, I’ll start easy. Take my cock in yer mouth and suck it like a good girl,” he commanded, his eyes never leaving your face. “Prove how much ya want it.”
You nodded and gently grabbed his cock, stroking it and licking up the shaft. You then kissed the tip of his cock and slid his cock into your mouth, sucking on it as you moaned. Striker hissed, his hand fisting in your hair as you took him into your mouth. “Goddamn, that’s good,” he groaned, his hips jerking involuntarily. “You got some skills with that tongue, that’s for sure.” He tugged your hair, guiding your movements. “Swallow me down, deep throat me,” he grunted, his pace picking up. “Make me feel that warm, wet throat around my dick.” His breathing grew ragged, his hips bucking hard. “Don’t stop, keep going. Show me how much ya need this cock.” You did as he said and took more of his cock in your mouth, feeling it go down your throat and slightly gagging until you were able to relax your throat, making things much easier. Soon, you were able to deepthroat him to the point of your lips touching his hilt. Striker’s eyes rolled back as he tilted his head back, his fingers digging into your scalp. “Fuck, yeah..” he moaned. “Take it all, darlin’, show me how much you love it.” His thrusts became more aggressive, his body trembling. “Keep goin’, make me lose myself in your mouth.” You sucked even more, making sure your tongue massaged his shaft. You reached towards your pussy and you started to touch yourself as you sucked him off, clearly turned on from the experience as your juices dripped onto the hardwood floor. Striker’s eyes narrowed, his breaths coming out harsh and uneven. “You’re gonna make me cum like this, aren’t ya?” He growled, his grip tightening on your hair. “I fucking love a woman who knows what she wants.” He pulled out, his cock glistening with saliva. “But I’m in control here, remember? So, enough of that,” He said hoarsely, grabbing your arm and throwing you onto the bed, soon pushing you down and hovering over you. “Time to get that pretty pussy stretched wide.”
He put his hands on your hips, his eyes locked on your dripping pussy. “Spread your legs wider for me, baby,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “Cause I’mma ride ya so hard, mark my words..” You spread your legs wider, your pussy twitching with anticipation. Striker grinned, his eyes gleaming with danger. “Perfect,” he murmured, positioning himself between your legs. “Now, tell me if you want me to be gentle or rough.” He teased, his tip brushing against your entrance. “Your choice, darlin’.” His eyes bore into yours, waiting patiently for your decision. “Remember, you asked for this. Now choose wisely.” You smirked and wrapped your arms around his neck, saying, “That depends, sexy. How do you want it? You’re the one in charge here. I’m just here to take it like a good girl.” Striker’s grin widened, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Damn right you are, darlin’. I’m in control.” He growled, thrusting into you forcefully. “But don’t worry, I’ll give ya a taste of both.” He began with a steady rhythm, his hips grinding against yours. “Like that, huh?” He sighed, his voice tinted with satisfaction. “Worried you wouldn’t be able to handle me, but look at ya takin’ it like a champ.” As he pistoned in and out of you, his pace increased. You were tight, so fucking tight around him. You just lost it as his size stretched you out so good, moaning as he kept thrusting, “Ohhh fuck..yeah..!” Striker’s eyes heated up, his thrusting becoming even wilder. “You love it, eh?” He snarled, gripping your hips tightly. “Takes a real man to stretch ya out like this, don’t it?” He leaned down, whispering in your ear. “But I ain’t done with ya yet.” His grip tightened as he pulled out of you. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard now, got it?” Without waiting for an answer, he slammed into you again, his thrusts erratic and violent. “Like that? Wanna see how far you can take it?” He snarled, his pace unrelenting. “Show me how much you can take!”
Your pleasure had reached its peak, crying out in pure ecstasy, “Ahh..! Ohhh..S..Striker..! Yes..! Harder..! Deeper..!” Striker roared, his thrusts becoming even more savage. “Fuck yeah, that’s it,” he gritted out, his breathing labored. “Ya like that, huh?” He reached down, rubbing your clit roughly. “Don’t hold back, darlin’,” he ordered, his pace not slowing. “Let me hear you scream.” His cock slid in and out of you like lightning, each thrust driving you closer to the edge. “Goddamn, I’m gonna paint your walls with my cum,” he promised, his eyes blazing. “Can’t wait to hear ya scream my name.” “Y-Yes..! Please...fill me up...make me yours...ohh fuck..!” You moved your hips to match his thrusts, intensifying the pleasure for both of you. “Ohhh fuck, your cock feels so good, baby..!” Striker growled, feeling you meet his thrusts. “That’s it, darlin’,” he encouraged, his pace increasing. “Fuck, I ain’t gonna last much longer.” He grabbed the back of your head, pulling you into a passionate kiss. You kissed him back, moaning in his mouth as your tongues did an erotic dance. Striker broke the kiss and looked you in the eye. “Tell me what you want, Y/N,” he demanded, his voice raw with desire. “Do ya want me to fill ya up?” His thrusts became more desperate, his hips slamming into yours with all his might. “Tell me what you need, baby girl.” “I..I need you to fill me...fuck me in all of my holes...fill me up full of your cum until I can’t take any more..use me..break me..!” you cried out. Striker’s eyes flashed, his entire being focused on satisfying your request. “Goddamn, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” he snarled, his thrusts becoming even more brutal. It’s not too long until he came deep inside you, filling your pussy up to the brim. “Gah, fuck..” he groaned. He quickly pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach, wiping his cockhead on your ass before aligning it with your back door. “Ready for another round, darlin’?” He asked, his voice thick with lust.
With a swift motion, he plunged into your ass, making you gasp. “I’mma fill every hole ya got,” he promised, his thrusts frantic. “Feel every inch of my cock inside ya.” His cock slid in and out of you, fucking you mercilessly. “How’s that, huh?” He panted, his grip tightening on your hips. “Need me to go faster, slower?” You gripped tightly on the bedsheet, your teeth gnashing down on the fabric as you lost your mind even further, moaning as he fucked your ass so good, “Ohh yeah...more..fuck me more...don’t stop..” Striker smiled cruelly, his thrusts becoming even harder. “Atta girl,” he praised. “I ain’t gonna stop until you drain every bit of cum from my cock.” He slapped your ass, hearing you whimper. “Scream for me, Y/N,” he commanded, leaning down to bite your neck. “Let everyone know who you belong to.” “S..Striker...ahh...Striker...I..I belong to you..!!” Striker smirked, biting down on your neck to make sure a mark would be left behind, a sign of ownership. “That’s my girl.” His thrusts grew frenzied, his cock stretching your ass to its limit. “So goddamn tight,” he snarled, his pace ruthless. “I’mma make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.” You soon could feel the knot in your belly starting to wind up and soon, you moan out, cumming hard. Finally, he came inside you again, his orgasm shaking his entire body. He kept thrusting into you, elongating both of your orgasms.
“There ya go, baby,” he chuckled, collapsing beside you. “I hope I filled you up good.” You crawled up to him and laid your head on his chest. “Oh, you did so much more than fill me up, baby...” you said, your voice slightly slurred. Striker chuckled, wrapping an arm around you. “Glad to be of service, sweetheart,” he said, his breath still slightly ragged. “Guess ya liked it rough, huh?” He put his hand on top of your head and nuzzled you, his heartbeat slowly returning to normal. “Don’t worry, darlin’,” he whispered, running a hand through your hair. “Next time, I’m gonna be gentler.” He watched you snuggle into him, making him smirk. “Unless you beg for more, of course,” he teased, his eyes twinkling. “But for now, let’s figure out how to pull the wool over that bastard’s eyes and how we’re gonna split that bounty.”
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bumpkinspice0 · 1 year
Parallels Masterlist
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Miguel O'Hara X SpiderWoman!Reader
Rating: Explicit (Minors DNI!!!)
Summary: You never had a 'spidey sense,' as you came to learn from your time as part of Spider Society. You'd gotten along this far without it and were an excellent spider-woman regardless. Then you meet Miguel O'Hara and it awakens something in you. A strange buzzing in the back of your head.It doesn't stop whenever he's in sight, and you think he knows what's happening to you. Something about Miguel draws you in. What made him so fucking special? Notes: This is my first fic I'm sharing and I'm doing my best 😅
Warnings: Just porn with plot, Oral (M and F receiving), P in V sex, Fingering, Size kink, Praise kink, TENSION, Angsty as hell, hurt/ comfort, Miguel is doing his best with feelings, cannon typical violence, biting, blood kink (Will update as I think of them)
All chapters marked with * contain NSFW content (So, like... most of them)
Spidey Sense*
Training Session*
On My Mind*
Business as Usual
A Mutual Agreement*
Friends and Benefits*
Not a Monster
Efficient, quick an dirty
Let Me Take Care of You*
Just a Little Longer*
Like Nothing Ever Happened
The Hunter
The Predator *
The Cure
Empty *
What Is Meant To Be?*
Worth Everything
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bloo-the-dragon · 1 year
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They protecc, they attacc... but most importantly oneshot fic under the cat!
The day had started out as normal. Sun and Moon were working their part time shift at the daycare, and Bloodmoon had tagged along to volunteer for today. They had been managing quite well too! Usually they could only last so long around kids, especially the rowdy ones but todays crowd was quieter than usual.
Until the man with the knife arrived.
Standing there in the doorway, preventing any possible means for escape. Saying he didnt want no trouble, that he just wanted his kid. But he smelled foul and cruel, and Bloodmoon knew an evil when they sensed it. Their hackles while hidden beneath their hat, raised and a low quiet hiss gathered in the back of their throat.
Sun and moon were quick to confront the man however and kept him distracted while the human daycare attendants ushered the kids away into the naptime area, leaving the celestial duo to deal with the danger.
Bloodmoon was meant to follow suit, as had been long since established before should a situation like this ever occur. And so as much as they wanted to lunge and to bite, they gritted their teeth and followed the protocal.
But then the man took his chances by running at Sun, and all sense of reason left Bloodmoon as protective fury flashed through them in a split second. They dashed forward, faster than anyone else could react. The attacker had barely taken even a couple steps toward Sun before Bloodmoon tackled the human to the floor, pinning him there as their hands found his wrists including the one holding the knife.
Their sharp red gaze bore into the humans terrified ones, their grin stretching wide as their usually triangular teeth splintered into hundreds of needle sharp ones. Their wings spread open and wide like a hawk covering its catch, the thrill of a hunter having caught its prey.
But then a sharp scream rang out, snapping Bloodmoon from their prey drive as they harshly winced. One of the children must have gotten spooked by their actions or were simply overwhelmed by the situation. Either way, Bloodmoon recoiled from the noise as it shot painfully through their skull, bringing their hands up to their ears out of reflex.
A mistake.
They had a split second to process the glint of metal before it slashed across their one good eye, blinding them and Bloodmoon let out a yowl drawing back and falling to the floor, their hands clutching at their wounded eye.
There was more screaming, more yelling and Bloodmoon didn't know if it was the childrens or someone else. Pain shot through their skull, the sharp stinging from their eye mixing with the piercing shouts of others around them.
They saw movement from the corner of their remaining eye, weak and half blind as it was and they kicked out in feral panicked instinct, their foot connecting with something soft sending it flying. Bloodmoon scrambled to all fours, hissing and snarling at anything and everything that came near them, lashing out with their claws whenever they felt something brush them.
Everything was too much, too loud too bright. They couldn't see, everything was a blurred mess of shapes and horribly bright light. Their head was still ringing and even the smallest of sounds were too much for them.
Another movement and Bloodmoon lunged, teeth and claws bared. But something grabbed them before they could, and they swiftly found their arms pinned to their sides as another pair of arms wrapped around them and hoisted the crazed red cryptid off their feet.
Bloodmoon struggled and thrashed about snapping and hissing but the grip on them was strong. There was something whispering in their ears, but they could not decipher it as the excess noise only hurt their head more.
They snapped their head back to headbutt whoever was holding them, which they quickly regretted as it aggravated their wounded right eye and sent more pain throbbing through their skull. Their hissing quickly shifted into a pained whine as they flopped forward pathetically.
It was too much. Everything was too much.
One of the arms that had been wrapped around them came up to cover their face. Bloodmoon automatically snapped at the blurred blob, but it covered their vision making everything go dark. The painful brightness and blurred movement disappeared, and they went still in stunned silence as some of the pain in their head briefly receded.
But there was still noise all around them, and they start to weakly struggle again, this time more out of desperation to get away and to hide but the hold on them remains strong, carrying them away from the commotion.
They barely managed to process the sound of a click and then quite suddenly everything went quiet.
But Bloodmoon was still panicking. They were confused, their face and their head still hurting. The noises may have ceased, but something was still holding them, keeping them from escaping. But then a voice speaks, and it's one they recognise almost instantly.
'Calm down. Safe. I've got you.'
Raspy. Quiet. Soothing. Moon.
Bloodmoon relaxed almost instantly, but not completely. They were shaking and breathing heavily, their head still ringing and their injured eye hurting terribly. But they no longer feel the need to bolt and to hide, as Moon is here and they trusted him.
Now confident they were no longer going to attack, the lunar jester sets them down carefully, but Bloodmoon scrambles around to hold onto him, their hand finding his arm. Their left eye - the partially blind one - is currently the only one working and all they can see is a dark blue and white shape and a red glow where his face is. But they know it's Moon, and that is enough.
They sit there, wheezing heavily and clinging to the lunar animatronic as the adrenaline from before starts to wane and the shock creeps in. They flinch as a pair of hands gently grasp the sides of their head, Moon tilting their head up to face him.
'Let me see' he says quietly.
Bloodmoon can't see his expression, but the worry is evident in his voice. Despite how sensitive their face feels, they allow Moon to inspect the area of injury. They hiss and flinch back when they feel his thumb gently brush over the slash under their eye and they can just barely make out Moons gaze shifting to look at what they can only assume is his hand.
Were they bleeding? They hadn't felt any form of liquid on their face, but then they were in a bit of a panicked feral state before so maybe they hadn't noticed. Moon meanwhile shifts and stands, telling Bloodmoon to stay as he moves across the dark room.
Bloodmoon does as they are told, bringing their legs up and coiling their tail around theirself. They look around the room while they wait. It's dim and they cant make out any details, but they assume its the break room.
Curiously, they draw a hand up to their eye, flinching at the soreness but they manage to feel a gash just under their right eye, which they have kept tightly shut ever since the blade connected.
A hand grabs theirs pulling it away from their face and they squeak in alarm. Two orbs of blurred red fill their vision, and they recognise it as Moon.
'Stop that' Moon hisses, but not there's no real anger to his voice, only concern. 'You'll make it worse.'
Bloodmoon huffed in mild irritation. 'C-Can't… Get a-any worse than… th-than this' they stutter quietly.
Bloodmoon falls silent at the sharp tone. They didn't have the energy or will to talk more anyway, so they sit and allow Moon to remove their hat so he can wrap a bandage around their head and over their injured eye, his hands shaking as he does so. Bloodmoon wisely chooses not to comment on it, their single solid red eye flickering away as guilt builds in their chest.
Their gaze instead lands on a green blob next to the lunar animatronic which they assumed was a first aid kit. Other than the gauze, there wasn't much else in there that could really help them. Even the pain meds would be useless as they were intended for human children, not a cryptid disguising theirself as a robot.
Once he is done, Moon pulls Bloodmoons hat back over their head again before pulling them up onto his lap holding them close against him. Bloodmoon does not fight it and they even cling to Moon, feeling the faint tremors of the other under their arms. They were both shaking they quickly realise.
Suddenly a thought occurs to them and Bloodmoon jolts, the top of their head bumping into Moon's chin making him grunt.
'Sun! Is Sun-'
'He's fine.' Moon cuts them off. 'Dealt with the intruder.'
A pause, and Moon shifts his hold on them pulling them away so they are face to face. Despite Bloodmoon being unable to see his expression, they can tell he is giving them a severe look.
'Police have been called. We're staying here until they arrive. You will do as we say and let us handle the situation from here. Do you understand?'
Bloodmoon shrinks a little under the piercing tone, but they nod. Moons gaze holds them for a little longer before he deflates and pulls them back against him once again, his vents rattling in the robot equivalant of a shaky sigh.
Moon is clearly mad, and they don't blame him. They broke the rules and got theirself hurt in the process. But the way they can still feel him shaking also tells Bloodmoon that Moon was terrified, just as much as they had been. The guilt that had been building up overflows, and Bloodmoon shuts their remaining eye and presses their face against his chest.
'Sorry' they whisper softly.
Moon doesn't immedietely reply, instead burying his face into Bloodmoon's hat and squishing their ears.
'Idiot' the lunar animatronic hisses, his hold on them tightening. 'Never do that again.'
Bloodmoon remains silent, but they increase their hold around Moon a little more. This seems to be enough of an answer as Moon does not speak again after and they continue to sit in silence together.
After a couple minutes Moons music box starts playing, for his nerves as much as Bloodmoons who also appreciates the comforting sound of the tinkling tune. They stay that way, holding onto one another as they await the approaching sounds of the distant sirens.
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Ooo, if your alright doing so, could you be able to make a one shot of that blind reader x Norton 👀 Feel like if Norton was capable he’d use their blindness to his advantage on flustering/teasing them. The drama would be interesting lol!
sorry anon wrote suffering and fool's gold not being normal
Rated Mature | Warnings: dubcon, not the best relationship
Tried to keep the original ask of this being a male based reader (though it can be read as gn)
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The difficulty comes from the hunter version of Campbell, Fool's Gold hyper focusing on you rather than getting rid of the survivor version of himself. No, he rather have you stumbling to set you traps, to recover when he hits you.
Toying with you, he chaired that nurse and the professor to get them out of the way. Norton is too far away by now to get to you.
Plus this is Golden Cave, knowing himself, Norton is likely having a breakdown, heh.
“Let go!” You kick the air as he strings you up with the balloons, struggling to escape. He drops you somewhere within the cave.
“Pity we have to be quick about this, darling.”
Fool's Gold is obsessed with you, the matches you've had with him have always ended with you struggling to escape or having to cipher while Mercenary or Batter get his attention (having to up their game to achieve this). Norton has been trying all this time, but he knows himself.
Once he has you isolated, he grins like a cat that got the cream.
You struggle as he pins you down on the ground with a pickaxe, the large handle pinning you down as the pickaxe itself digs into your shoulder. Painful, greatly, but the panic of the large ore of a man opening your legs is at the forefront of your mind.
It is no secret that the prospector and yourself are sort of a complex item. Very complex, as he is the one who caused your blindness— This blindness that gifted you this strange ability to pick out the sound of certain materials, rocks like gold or diamonds to name the popular ones.
Being a miner is all you know, you swore to kill Norton Campbell.
Now you both are fighting to stay alive in this manor's games.
Fool's Gold laughs at the way you resist him on the pure fact of embarrassment, touching you through your worn denim pants, his solidified hand between your legs.
Up and down with two fingers.
“How long will it take for you to cum like this, hm?”
You growl at those words, “Fuck off!” Choking on those words when feel him applying more pressure.
“Oh, I will. Soon.” licking your cheek, “Next time, I am going to ram my cock deep into your—” He stops when something attaches itself to the back of his upper torso. The Hunter looks behind him as he pulls the pickaxe out of your bleeding shoulder. “You lil’ shit.”
A heavy-breathing Norton standing behind with the other magnet in his hand, his eyes glaring a million daggers at himself.
Fool's Gold is suddenly pulled forward into a crate while Norton grabs you and puts you over his shoulder.
The match ended in a draw.
The post-match argument does not happen this time, it is the second time Fool's Gold has shown he will go out of his way to get you. You figure it is because he is essentially Norton, just unhinged or something. And, clearly, has no problem in taking what he wants from you.
“How long?” Nurse left when Norton showed up in your room. Dark and brooding. You sit on the bed with no shirt on, chest exposed. Like him, you are covered with scars from the blast, and worse is the section of your eyes. The skin never healed properly and most days you are grateful not to see what makes people gasp when they see you without your partial mask.
“Two months into the job.” The door is closed and locked behind him, “You cared.” He starts removing his shirt, you hear it then tilt your head up when you can smell him. His hand touched the side of your face that wasn't too ruined by the explosion.
“Your standards are that low, Campbell?” Teasing him.
“If mine are low, yours must be in the ground.”
You click your tongue annoyed, you pull him forward by grabbing him by the waistband of his pants and falling backward to bring him down with you.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Can you write a Crosshair x reader and him with his shaky hands like we saw in season 3 and maybe reader comforting him...
For The Love Of A Bounty Hunter
Summary: Crosshair goes missing while dealing with your family. You have opinions about it.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Bounty Hunter Reader
Word Count: 1919
Warnings: Mentions of torture
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I decided to make this story a sequel to one of my Event Fics, I'll add the link so people can find it easily. Also, there are no spoilers here, because I haven't watched TBB at all. ^-^
For The Love Of A Sniper - Part 1 of this Mini Series
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You stare, blankly, at the calendar on the datapad in front of you as you draw another red X over another day.
Three weeks.
It’s been three weeks since Crosshair went to deal with the PI who was looking into you on behalf of your family. Three weeks since he vanished.
You carefully set the datapad down on the table and release a shaky breath. Carefully shoving the burning rage down, for now.
Crosshair would sooner cut his own hands off than betray you. You know this. You know him. He would never tell your parents where you are. And, the fact that they haven’t shown up at your ship, is proof enough that Crosshair didn’t tell them anything.
The bigger question is, is Crosshair still alive.
Stars, you hope so. You’re not sure the galaxy will survive your rage if he isn’t. You’re not sure you’ll survive your rage if he isn’t.
You jerked out of your thoughts when your holo chimes. 
For a moment you consider ignoring it, you’re not in the mood for chatting. But, in the end, you cross the room and hit the button to answer the holo, “I’m not accepting any jobs at the moment.” You say bluntly.
“It is me.” Tech’s image flickers to life above the holo, “I have the information you asked for.”
You blink, “Oh. Sorry.”
“No harm done, I know that you are stressed.” He looks down at his datapad, “I am sending you the information I have.”
You pick your datapad back up as it chimes with the information he sent you. “Are you sure this is accurate?” You ask, as you see the information, “Last I heard the people who took him are wealthy.”
Tech sniffs, “Very sure. According to what I have found, they used to be wealthy. But then spent most of their fortune looking for their missing child.” He pauses, “That would be you, I am guessing.”
“Right in one, Tech.” You reply with a grimace.
“I am sure you had your reasons.” Tech says after a moment, “If Crosshair is anywhere, it is there.”
You scan the image that Tech sent you. Figures, it would be your childhood house. Not home. Never home. “Thanks Tech.”
“You are welcome.” He pauses, “Are you quite sure that you do not require aid? We can be there in a couple of days.”
“I have it.”
“They are your family.”
“Not all families are created equal, Tech. And this,” You hold up the datapad, "has been a long time coming.”
Tech sighs, “Comm when you have him back. And if you should think that you need our help-”
“I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks for the intel, Tech. I mean it.”
“You do not have to thank me. Crosshair is my twin brother. I want him safe just as much as you do.”
“Even so. I know you’re not my biggest fan.”
Tech is quiet for a moment, “I will concede that, perhaps, I was too quick to judge.”
“Yeah, well…so was I. Water under the bridge.”
Tech smiles at you, a small smile, but a smile all the same, “I think I am beginning to see what Crosshair sees in you. Happy hunting.”
You flash a small smirk, “Yeah. Right back at you.” And then you kill the holo. You look back at the datapad, and swipe through the information.
“Hold on, Cross. I’ll be there soon.” You whisper to the empty ship.
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“It’s a simple thing,” Crosshair rolls his eyes at the massive Devaronian looming over him, “All you have to do is tell us where the little mistress is.”
“I told you the truth weeks ago,” He drawls, “I can’t help you.” He grunts in pain as a large fist slams into his stomach, “Kriff-”
“Mistress,” The guard says with a frown, “I’m beginning to think that he’s telling the truth.”
‘Mistress’ is a slender woman with white blonde hair and piercing green eyes. Though slender isn’t really the right word. Crosshair would personally call her skeletal, but the first time he asked how they managed to make a corpse walk and talk, he was electrocuted, so he’s learned to hold his tongue.
“He has to know,” The woman’s voice is cold. “Why else would he have gone to the PI?”
“Because you’re offering a hell of a lot of credits, lady.” Crosshair lies.
“You do not speak to the Mistress,” The guard snaps, taking a menacing step towards Crosshair.
“No. Leave him. I tire of this.” The woman says, before she turns to the side, “What do you think, darling.”
‘Darling’ is her husband. Just as thin and skeletal as his white, though his hair is more of a golden blonde than the silvery blonde of his wife. If Crosshair had to guess, one of them bleaches their hair, though which one isn’t something he cares about.
He’s also crueler than his wife. 
Crosshair will likely have scars from the stun batons that ‘Darling’ used against him. If he hates ‘Mistress’, then Crosshair absolutely despises ‘Darling’. How either of these people could parent someone like his Princess is beyond him. Maybe she’s adopted.
He glances to the side when the door to the dungeons slams open and a trembling twi’lek hurries his, “Master! Mistress!” He gasps, “The Little Mistress is here.”
The room falls silent, “Are you quite sure?” The Mistress asks. 
“Yes ma’am,” The Twi’lek bobs into a bow, “She consented to a DNA scan. It’s her. Would you like me to bring her down?”
“No, we’ll-”
The door slams open again, “No need. I thought I’d come and say hello.”
Crosshair has always thought that his Princess is stunning, but seeing her standing in the doorway, clad in tight leather, and with her short hair falling into her eyes…she looks like an avenging angel and he’s never been more attracted to her in his life.
Impressive, since he can hardly keep his hands to himself as it is.
“Sweetheart!” The Mistress takes half a step towards her, “Your hair…your face! Why are you so fat?”
Princess closes her eyes for a moment, and then she turns and blatantly ignores everyone in the room, “Are you okay?” Her voice is soft, and for a moment, Crosshair can pretend that they’re on the ship and it’s just them. 
He slides his arms through the bars of the cell, and holds out his trembling hands, “Better, since you’re here.”
Her sharp eyes linger on his trembling hands, on the burn marks on his arms, chest, and stomach. Her gaze lingers on the bruises covering his face and his torso.
And her eyes go cold.
“Sweetling, why are you talking to that-” His Princess’ father says as he takes a step towards her, reaching out to touch her. 
There’s a flash of silver, only noticed because he was looking for it, and then there’s screaming as ‘Darling’ falls back, clutching his blood soaked arm. His Princess carefully uses a cloth to wipe the blood off the blade. 
“You took Crosshair.” Her voice is flat, emotionless. 
She’s clearly pissed.
“You know,” She continues, some emotion returning to her voice, and she directs her comment towards him, “I really only considered two options when coming here.”
“Oh yeah?” Cross asks as he leans against the bars.
“Hm. Option 1, they took you and killed you.” She continues lightly, “And if that was the case I was going to kill them all, burn this place to the ground, and then throw myself at the Empire until they managed to kill me.”
She shrugs a single shoulder, “Option 2, is that they took you and were using you as bait to make me come here. In this scenario, you were uninjured, just annoyed, and I just threatened great bodily harm and we carried on our way.”
She casts her gaze over him again, “Somehow,” She continues, “The idea that they might torture you never crossed my mind.”
“They are still your family, Princess. I’m not gonna blame you for not wanting to believe the worst of them.” Crosshair says lazily.
She turns to the cell door and effortlessly picks the lock and swings the door open, “Well, you’re the injured party, Cross. What do you want?”
“You have a blaster?”
She smiles and wordlessly passes it to him.
Even with nerve damage, and trembling hands, he’s still the best. 
Three shots. Three blaster rounds. 
Three dead bodies. 
His Princess takes the blaster back and slides it in her holster, before she helps him with a shirt she brought him, “Are you ready to go?” She asks.
“More than ready.” He leans against her, needing her support to make it back to the ship, “Let’s get out of here.”
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A week later, you step into the bedroom on your ship, your gaze lingering on Crosshair. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, glaring at his shaking hands. Nerve damage takes weeks to heal, even with bacta.
His hands will be shaking for a while.
Maybe you’ll take Tech up on that offer for a 3 month long vacation on Pabu.
But first-
You enter the room and kneel in front of him, taking both of his hands in yours and pressing light kisses against the palms of his hands. “Do they hurt?” You ask.
“It’s mostly just an ache,” He admits, bitterly, “I’m not going to be able to-”
“Shh,” You release one of his hands and reach up to cup his cheek, “Crosshair, your only responsibility right now is to heal.”
He scowls at you, though you know he’s more annoyed at the situation than at you. “I feel useless.”
“Nonsense. You could never be useless.”
“You’re biased.”
“Mm, perhaps. A little.” You stand and settle on the bed next to him, “But I’m also honest. You will heal. You will get back to 100%. It just takes time.”
He scoffs.
“Don’t be like that.” You say as you lay your head on his shoulder, “After that Wookie broke my leg in three places, you didn’t accuse me of being a burden or of being useless, even though I felt like I was.”
Crosshair shakes his head, and then leans his head against yours, “You gonna use my words against me?”
“If I have to.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I suppose you did pay for the best doctors to see me.” 
“Yes, I did.” You reply smugly.
“Alright.” He turns to look at you properly, “I’ll be patient.”
“You’re a sniper, patience is your thing.” You tease him, throwing his words back at him.
His arms, strong and steady, hook around you and he pulls you onto his lap, “Yeah, yeah.” Crosshair leans in and kisses you hungrily, nipping at your lower lip roughly enough that you squeak, “So. You gonna tell me what you and Tech have been talking about?”
“...he’s invited us to come to Pabu until you finish recovery. I’m thinking that agreeing might be a good idea.”
He’s quiet for a moment, and then he sighs, “If you think it’s a good idea, Princess, then I won’t argue. But I refuse to stay with my siblings.”
“Of course not, we’ll be staying here or in an inn.” You brush your fingers across his cheek, “I’ll go let him know.”
Crosshair tightens his grip around you, “You can tell him later. I want you for myself right now.”
You beam at him, “I think that sounds like a great idea.”
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
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© PSYCHEDELIC-INK. do not copy, modify, or translate my work.
🔮 personal favorite || ☔️ smut || 🤧 angst || 🧁 fluff || 🩸 dark content
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Live Wire Under My Skin 🤧
Joel comes back home wounded, and as you clean him up the two of you have a little chat.
Can't Get Enough Of Your Lies 🤧
you accidentally hear Joel grieving, and you do everything you can to comfort him.
I'm Yours to Tame 🤧☔️
Not being able to sleep, you sneak in next to Joel on the bed. You're stirred awake with a still-sleeping Joel grinding his hips into you.
Fire Burning ☔️
joel wants you to sit on his face, you have hesitations.
Burn For Me ☔️🩸
joel looks after you, provides for you, fucks you until the sun comes up; his only ask is that you never leave his apartment, not willing to face another loss. One day when you find the door unlocked, you decide to take stroll, promising yourself that you’ll be back before he returns home.
Love Will Abide ☔️
a retelling of the third episode but with you in it. Starts with Ellie reading Bill's letter.
Well, are you mine? ☔️
joel fucks you in an empty alleyway. that's it, that's the plot
Perfectly Wrong ☔️
Joel thinks you have the car battery that he so desperately needs and doesn’t believe you when you say that you don’t.
Ends Of The Earth ☔️🧁
joel brings you a care pack Maria gave him and you find a razor inside but when you confess your insecurities around the topic, Joel offers to help you out.
So My Darlin' ☔️🧁
you convince joel to have a bubble bath with you.
When You're Reading Me (pre outbreak!joel miller) ☔️🧁
If you had to make a list of things Joel Miller might buy you as a gift— nipple clamps, would not be a part of it. 
Reckless ☔️🤧
It starts with soft touches hidden by the dark. In a world where finding one bed is considered lucky, it means that you and Joel frequently share one. He offers to sleep on the floor, or a tattered couch every time and every time your answer is the same. No. 
aquatic rehabilitation ☔️🧁
Joel has been experiencing knee pain for the past two months. When he finally sees an orthopedist, he learns that he has some minor damage to his meniscus. The doctor prescribes him anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy, recommending swimming. At the pool, he meets you.
Spitfire ☔️🤧
joel x tess
To put it simply, Tess did not want to exist but did so anyway. She stared blankly at everyone and everything. Her mind and heart urged her to make the smart choices. She was quick to eliminate the possibilities that might cause her death. She assessed the weak links of the group. Stayed clear away from them. 
Smart choices. She blamed that part of herself for wanting to approach the Millers.
Or alternatively, the story of how Joel and Tess met and how they came to be.
Rises the Moon ☔️🧁
As the man responsible for operating the lighthouse, Joel lives a solitary life on the isolated coast. He has no complaints, enjoying the hauntingly beautiful songs that echo from the sea at night. One stormy night, he rescues a mysterious mermaid tangled in a fishing net. As you recover in the lighthouse, the two form an unlikely bond and find comfort in each other's company.
Cry Baby ☔️🩸
slasher au (still takes place in the tlou'verse) + sex in the woods or somewhere public (added bonus if it includes knife, blood, hunter x prey kink)
bodies have been dropping left and right in the most brutal ways in jackson. as the relentless wave of deaths continues, your mind becomes increasingly restless. however, you find a sense of comfort and solace in the presence of joel. who might be hiding secrets of his own.
On Your Mark ☔️
cyberpunk au + fallen angel au + “i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you.”
you and tess go in to dismantle a cult, neither of you were expecting to find a rugged fallen angel being experimented on.
Distracted ☔️
woodshop teacher!joel miller x f!reader
there are many advantages to enrolling in a woodshop class: drawing you away from not-so-happy thoughts, relearning something that you enjoyed doing when you were a kid, and, well, the sight of watching mr. miller do something he’s undeniably good at.
Hoofbeats (feat jack daniels) ☔️
joel challenges jack to make you into the finest there possibly is in two days.
Biting Down ☔️
body piercer!joel miller x f!reader
you finally go and get your nipples pierced.
That Pretty Girlfriend ☔️
When your boyfriend is desperate to win back what he lost, he bets on you this time without your knowledge. And everyone knows you don't go back on your word when it comes to Joel Miller.
'my girl now ☔️
joel is used to asshole clients, and when one of them calls him an old man and basically demands him to finish his girlfriend's kitchen in time, he expects you to be the same. But you're the opposite. when he learns how you've been treated, he comes up with a plan to get back at your boyfriend.
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Can You See His Silhouette? 🧁
 you get your period and without anything to help you with it, you’re mortified. Luckily Joel is there to help.
From My Skin to Yours ☔️🤧
joel survives and finds life deep inside of you.
Burning Pile 🤧 hero/villain au + one takes care of the other’s injuries
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Wildflower ☔️
after seeing a delivery of supposedly aphrodisiac petals, you give them a try, convinced that they wouldn't work. Joel finds you in a not-so-professional position.
Sleepy Hollow ☔️🧁
a typical morning in jackson.
Light Petplay thoughts w/ joel miller ☔️
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Exile 🤧☔️
Runners. Stalkers. Clickers. Shamblers. Bloaters.
All infected. One unlike the other.
You expect the infection to eat you from the inside out, turning you into something horrid. But instead, you find yourself with leaf-shaped ears and antlers that belong to a deer. While you live out the rest of your days trying to adjust to your new features and survive, you meet Joel, a survivor just like you but with a more grim approach to life.
Both of you adopt the forest as your home. One wants the other gone, meanwhile the other will do anything to not be left alone.
Stay In Bed 🤧☔️🧁
joel miller x reader, onesided tommy miller x reader
After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
Head Filled With Parasites (musician!joel miller) ☔️
One night you decide to visit a bar all by yourself. There you meet a guitarist, Joel miller, and things escalate from there. Here you'll find snippets and one-shots of the relationship.
Dark Hearted People ( joel miller x reader x ezra)
Trying to reach Tommy, you and Joel meet a charming stranger. He persuades the two of you into helping him find his stolen equipment. During your travels, none of you expect to fall for one another.
Behind The Velvet Rope ☔️
(bodyguard!joel miller x actress!reader x dieter bravo)
a grumpy bodyguard, an eccentric actor, and you, who is thrust into the limelight. What can go wrong? The three navigate the challenges of Hollywood, tensions may arise and conflicts may occur but they’ll always have each other to lean on.
Ravish Masterlist ☔️
(webcam model!reader x joel miller, no outbreak)
Joel, only now starting to feel the impending sense of loneliness, decides to listen to Tommy and sign up on an online streaming service called Ravish.
Followed The Beast 🤧
You, both a member of David's group and one of his former victims, are already contemplating escape when Ellie arrives at the resort. Seeking Ellie, you decide to take advantage of the unexpected opportunity to run. But before you can find Ellie, you cross paths with Joel instead.
How Mr Miller Stole Christmas ☔️🤧🧁
enemies to lovers, fake dating, roommates, close proximity, age gap
You're the sole firefly that Joel spared in his pursuit to free Ellie from the hospital bed. You have no idea what it was—maybe it was the fact that you were significantly younger than the other soldiers, maybe it was because you were already out the door when he pointed a gun at you— no matter what it was you were miraculously spared from the bloodshed. Weeks later you find yourself in Jackson, wanting to leave the past behind. But of course, life has other plans. It always does.
No one knows what Joel did. No one except for you. And when you threaten the thinly veiled peace he managed to build for himself, he has you by the throat and against the wall. When people from the town see this in order to save face you kiss him, blurting out that you two are dating.
Rumors spread like wildfire and when a new family comes in, Tommy offers that they stay at your house and you to stay with Joel since you're already "dating".
Now you're stuck with each other with no way out. It's either keep the dating charade going or for the whole town—and Ellie—to learn the truth.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hiii Love you are amazing you know that right?🤩🤩
Can I maybe request one with the Reader being a Jedi and traveling with The Batch and she want‘s to learn how to shoot a Blaster and they do teach her but because of mutual attraction it is very hard to focus for both of them. (Maybe even with Rex?)
Didn't I do something similar to this in a way? But it was with a none Jedi fem reader, I think.
It's not exactly what you asked for, because in my head it didn't work out the way I wanted it too, so I played with a few ideaas. But I hope it's close enough.
The Bad Batch/Rex x Fem!Jedi!Reader HCs - Teach Me
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Mostly Fluff
"We learn to deflect blaster shots," you say, easily deflecting a shot from the training droid, with your lightsaber at a dummy, "But we don't usually learn to do any shooting ourselves."
Hunter offers, "I could show you."
You smile, deflect another shot and say, "That doesn't mean I don't know how to do it"
The sergeant shrugs.
"Then show me what you can do."
You shut down the droid, put away your lightsaber, and walk over to him. With a small smirk, you stand in front of him. In the Force, you can sense that there is a certain excitement beneath his surface, but you can't quite place it at the moment.
"So, Sergeant, what do you want me to do?"
Hunter draws his own blaster and places it in your hand, your fingers touching for a brief moment. The touch feels like a spark, a small electric shock, as if from a static charge. For a second you feel very clearly how intensely Hunter is focused on you, how fast his heart is beating, and your own makes a small, surprising leap.
You need a small moment to collect yourself. You realize that you don't necessarily see him with Jedi eyes, that you see more in him than you should, but until just now you didn't realize it was also the other way around.
You look at the weapon briefly, then open yourself to the Force, turn briefly to the dummies, and fire several quick shots, each shot a bull's-eye.
Looking back at him and seeing the puzzled expression on his face, you ask, "Are you okay?"
"I-yeah, I'm fine. I just thought you never learned how to handle it."
You smirk and remind him, "I also said that doesn't mean I can't."
He nods and says, "Okay, yes I remember, but…. that good?"
"The Force guides my hand. A big advantage on my part," you say, still smirking.
You place the gun back in his hand, again your fingers touch, but this time you maintain contact longer. You take in his feelings, his confusion, how impressed he is, but most of all, the feeling of how much he enjoys this little touch, how much he longs to let his hand move over yours, up your arm to your face. For a moment, you can almost feel him doing it. But Hunter is decent, playing by the rules, even if he doesn't want to here and now. For the moment, it remains a fantasy.
Very slowly, almost languidly, you finally pull your hand back from his. You hear him sigh softly and almost do the same. Your eyes meet, lingering on each other.
With a cautious smile, you ask, "Can you maybe teach me some other things?"
Hunter takes a moment, blinking, finally he smiles gently and says, "I'm sure we'll figure something out."
He watches you, as he often does. You feel his gaze on you, his fascination, his admiration for you are so honest, so open and intense that sometimes your heart beats faster. Wrecker adores you, and you can feel that abundantly clear in the Force. But he's a good soldier, a decent man, he would never approach you without being asked, even if it's hard for him not to confess how much you mean to him by now. You sigh softly, take a deep breath, try to clear your thoughts. "What about blasters?" you suddenly hear him ask. You turn to face him. "Blasters?" Wrecker nods, pulls out his blaster and holds it out to you. You put your lightsaber away, step closer, and hesitantly reach for the weapon. You look at him questioningly, feeling that he's just trying to make contact with you, to spend time with you, and you feel flattered, but also nervous. You shouldn't actually like him as much as you do. "You know how to handle that?" You nod. "Yeah, I think so" You demonstrate your skills and Wrecker lets out an impressed whistle. "Is there anything you Jedi can't do?" You laugh softly and say, "There sure is a lot. For example, I barely know anything about explosives, grenades, and mines." He laughs happily, thumps the crate he was leaning against and says, "You've come to the right place! I can teach you anything" "You would do that?" You can feel Wrecker radiating pure joy, joyful anticipation, and the feeling passes over to you, putting a smile on your lips. "Of course. Little Jedi, I'll be happy to teach you everything I know"
You like it when he calls you that, it's so loving and full of affection.
He can't hide from you what he feels, even if most of the time you can't see it in any way, you feel the devoted longing he feels when he looks at you, thinks about you, it is omnipresent.
To the outside world no one would suspect it, Echo has himself under control, he is calm, reasonable, follows the rules. You've already caught yourself thinking about trying to draw him out.
During training, when he is watching you again more or less secretly, you speak to him. Echo almost falls off the ramp, startled, when you speak to him. He didn't expect you to have spotted him already.
He clears his throat, "Uh, yeah? How can I help?"
You pick up a training blaster and ask him to come closer.
"Would you teach me how to use this properly?"
Echo blinks, not responding immediately. His gaze drifts from your face to the blaster in your hand and back again. He seems puzzled, but he nods amiably and says, "Sure. What exactly do you want to know?"
"Well, anything important in theory," you say with a wry smile.
A small smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. Echo begins to explain to you how to load and unload the gun, and how to set the various modes, standing close to you, his eyes gazing deeply into yours every now and then. You can feel him looking forward to being useful to you.
"Understood so far?" he finally asks gently.
You nod.
"I think so"
"Maybe you should try it sometime, General".
There it is again, that impersonal word, that formal address. You know he's just doing what's theoretically expected of him, but you wish he'd call you by your name.
"What's the best way to aim?"
Echo stands close behind you, carefully grabs your hand and guides it. He talks, explains, you hear his voice, but the meaning of his words bounces off you, off the feel of his hand on your wrist, his chest against your back.
"General?" he finally asks in amazement.
"Did you just hear what I said?"
There's a tingle under your skin, you look for an excuse and say as calmly as you can, "I'm sorry, I sensed something in the Force that I can't place, I'm not supposed to let it distract me, but every now, and then it still happens"
"Oh. I see. Do you want me to explain it again?"
You smile, the tingling under your skin getting stronger.
"'Please do."
A soft shiver runs through your body as his hand closes around your wrist again.
He's a little harder to read than others, his emotional world seems to function differently than you're used to from most. He is often completely silent, and the next moment he is radiating a thousand things. His thoughts are always in motion, and often you feel he can't quite reconcile his emotions with what he's thinking.
Sometimes it feels like he is stumbling, even though he is calm and clear. This happens more often around you. It takes a while, but you eventually realize that Tech is attracted to you, very much so. His way of evaluating and looking at things logically, gets in the way. He feels intensely, but differently. As said before, it's hard to read him, despite the Force.
But his nervousness always comes through quite clearly, noticeable in the Force. Tech stands near the training area, with his datapad in hand. His gaze wanders back and forth between you and the device in his hand.
He admires you, the elegance with which the Jedi fight, especially you. In his head, he automatically calculates how efficient your approach is.
As you finish and approach him, he says, "You were 20 seconds faster today."
You blink in surprise. But really, it shouldn't surprise you. Tech remembers everything, and it's actually typical for him to evaluate everything.
"Is that so?"
He pushes his goggles up the bridge of his nose with one of his, long, slender fingers and replies, "Indeed"
"Do you have any ideas on how I can be even more effective?" you ask with interest.
He looks at you in surprise, not expecting you to be interested in his opinion.
"Quite," he says with a small, barely noticeable smile.
Tech is on fire with the idea. He explains things to you, shows you a few things, touching your hands now and then to show you what he means. At the moment he radiates pure joy, he feels useful can be close to you, you listen to him.
He has a wonderfully lively moment with you, which you both enjoy very much. When you're done, you smile at him, sensing his curious, affectionate feeling for you.
"Maybe you can show me more things when you get a chance," you say softly.
Tech nods, delighted.
"I'd love to, General."
You perceive him as strangely reluctant. He's fascinated by you, in many ways, and at the same time he seems frustrated by it. There is always a restless wavering beneath his surface. He is attracted to you, but is all too aware of the prohibition of this feeling.
But still, he keeps coming to watch you train, and today is no exception.
"Effective," he says tersely, chewing on his toothpick.
"Thanks," you say with an implied smile.
He doesn't smile back; he almost never does.
You tell him with genuine interest, "I'm always amazed at how someone, without access to the Force, can be as effective as you."
Now a smirk does appear on his lips. He is flattered and that you of all people are giving him this compliment triggers a real wave of joy under his surface.
"Hmm, I was bred, trained and genetically programmed for this," he says, shrugging his shoulders as if it's nothing special.
"Still, your reaction time, your focus, your accuracy, are very amazing."
He laughs softly.
"I know."
He takes the toothpick out of his mouth and flicks it away. Then he takes his Firepunsher and holds it out to you.
"You want to try it?"
You blink in surprise and finally say, "I've never fired a gun like that before."
"I can show you," Crosshair offers.
A nervous tingle travels through your body.
"Okay. Teach me," you say with a small, nervous smile.
At first, you're almost overwhelmed, Crosshair seeking a lot of physical contact as he shows you the proper stance and what to do. Every little touch, every graze of his on your skin, leaves you with a hot, wild tingling sensation. You clearly feel that he feels the same way and have difficulty concentrating.
He is intense, you feel his hunger for more, that every touch is not enough for him, only ignites a longing for more. It makes you nervous, but still, you don't withdraw from him, on the contrary. Every contact is a small fire, a camouflaged caress, chaste on the surface but underneath, hungry and intense.
Finally, you stand there, both quite breathless, hearts racing and neither of you can really name why.
He asks, "You didn't understand a word I said, did you?"
Crosshair laughs softly and asks, "Again?"
You nod and say softly, "Again".
"General, if I may interject, you are holding the blaster far too tense".
You glance over your shoulder, you've felt his presence before and you've become nervous. You like Rex, more than you should, much more. Your desire to impress him has thrown you off track, destroyed your focus, and you've tensed up. You sigh softly.
"Of course you're allowed to weigh in, Rex, I always welcome your constructive criticism. I'm just not used to this kind of weapon."
Rex steps closer to you, removes his helmet and places it on a nearby crate. He smiles, a small, very gentle smile. For what feels like the thousandth time, all you can think about is how gorgeous he is.
He gently reaches out a hand to you and asks, "May I?"
His fingers touch yours, and for a moment, your whole body tenses.
"You need to relax a little," he says gently, leaning lightly against you from behind as he tries to loosen your fingers with his.
First you're too tense, then the blaster slips from your fingers. You laugh nervously and say, "Sorry."
"It's okay," Rex says gently, picking up the blaster again, and placing it back in your hand, "Just handle the blaster like you would your lightsaber, fluid but firm in your grip"
"That makes sense"
You get the hang of it, pleased that he is pleased with you, and at the same moment you regret that his lesson is over. However, you sense that he doesn't want to leave yet.
"Could you maybe show me again?" you ask cautiously.
His brows go up at first, but he nods, gets back into position, and gently guides your hand on the blaster. You sense something deep inside him, an affection so real and deep that it almost takes your breath away for a moment.
"Are you all right?" asks Rex with concern as you stiffen again.
You relax your muscles, take a deep breath, and say, "Yes, everything's fine, Rex."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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Hunting for Sport
Summary: He was seen as The Outlaw to many. But to you--especially after what you’ve done to him--he was your hunter.
[Contains plot spoilers for Final Fantasy XVI]
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: F!Reader/Clive
i was up until 4 am yesterday to finish ff16  🚬🚬
There was a bounty on your head.
A piece of parchment with your face illustrated across, a hefty lump sum of gil stamped right beneath.
Who could resist trying their luck for such a splendid prize?
But being wanted so much was why you were currently meandering through the bustling streets of Kanver. Grand boulevards lined with shops and stalls offering the finest wares and goods in all of Valisthea, enticing big crowds to peruse–which, in turn, allowed for you to blend in easily without being noticed, especially with the hood of your cloak drawn over your head.
Even in the case of drawing suspicion amidst the hubbub, a quick turn into a nearby alleyway or striking up conversation with an earnest merchant was enough to shake off any attention.
Of course, there was one point to be made: Why go through such lengths when you could seek comfort in the shadows?
And the answer to such a question was simple.
It was as you were approaching a busy intersection at the heart of one of Kanver’s beloved marketplaces when a shadow loomed above you from behind, a soft yet gruff “Pardon me” uttered before you felt someone shift beside you to move on ahead.
The calm expression on your features broke into mischievous glee as you immediately took a few steps back.
That towering herculean physique, clothes, cape and armor of fine crimson and sturdy obsidian, the fine brisk hairs of a beard along his chiseled jaw that barely masked the strikingly distinct scar on his cheek, a grand and gorgeous sword sheathed on the scabbard that hung on his back, and–most captivatingly of all–those darling deep blue eyes that stared out ahead, narrowed ever so slightly in focus.
The Outlaw.
By his infamous renown, he was the only man you would ever entertain the thought of being apprehended by.
You readied to disappear back into the crowds.
That would have to wait for another day, another city, however.
But as you stepped back once more, it was right when you turned that you realized that those captivating blue eyes were no longer facing forward.
They were facing directly to your direction, straight right into your eyes.
His gaze thinned and his eyebrows furrowed as he shifted into a far more hawkish stance while his mouth uttered one word.
A word that made your eyes glitter with thrill and your lips curl into a wide grin.
Your name.
Your instincts roared at you to flee and so you did.
The hunt was on.
Kanver’s streets were to be the playing grounds while The Outlaw was to be your predator.
And as appealing as it sounded with how utterly handsome he was, you were in no mood to be easy prey.
Prior to this encounter, you had your means of discretely slipping back into the shadows. Yet for every moment you heard the heavy thuds of his armored boots a bit too close for your liking, you went from trying to slip back into the crowds to barrelling yourself through as much as you could, for ven a moment’s hesitation could result in being seized by the clawed grip of The Outlaw.
Forward, onward. 
A sharp turn around a corner. 
Kicking at a barrel to obstruct a path. 
Weaving in and out from street to shop.
The threat of his hand finally grabbing at the back of neck felt closer with each attempted swipe.
It was as you rushed through the empty storage hall of an abandoned store front that you then decided to tear off your cloak, tossing it back behind you as one last effort to hold him up before you would try to find refuge elsewhere.
Not that you needed your cloak to begin with.
Even with your hood on, The Outlaw had gazed upon your hunting bill far too long much within his personal quarters to mistake you.
After all, you were the one to send the parchment to him in the first place.
Your fingers immediately tugged at the front tie and clasp of your cloak just before tossing it back behind you while you dug deep into the well of your energy to sprint as fast as you could.
And then, you heard a burst of flame behind. 
The cool seaside air behind you was replaced by the brush of scorching heat, soon replaced by the natural warmth of flesh as a big sturdy arm immediately wrapped around your waist before pulling you back against a broad and chiseled chest, an action that was more smooth rather than brutish.
You barely could get a gasp out, your eyes wide and jaw slack in surprise.
The hunt was over but The Outlaw was far from done.
Your name was uttered once more right as you were drawn into a turn, your eyes soon finding themselves gazing right up into his.
All while your lips were soon claimed by his own.
So hungry, so yearning.
Passion was in the heart of its ferocity.
One that you were happy to reciprocate in return.
Yet as the two of you pulled away for air, you finally got a few words out in a huff.
“Using magic? That’s not fair, Clive…!”
You were met with a small grin in response. 
“Did you expect an outlaw to play fairly?” He chuckled just before kissing you once again, all while his hands reached to grab at your backside. “Then again, I’d say we’re eye to eye on this after what you did…”
Your pout was replaced by a satisfied smile as you recalled the last night you spent together, just before you took off for a mission towards the Easternmost coast of Storm.
You and him at his study, his desk a mess of paperwork and letters. His wrists were bound behind him while he remained seated, his teeth gritted tight as he fought back to groan and snarl too loudly while you rode his cock, bouncing up and down his lap. You made sure to brush your breasts right against his chest, knowing fully well that all he craved was to have his hands on you, to please you as much as you pleased him.
Though, you were more of the mind to be far more wicked, for it was as he was ready to release that you suddenly got off of him, breaking your kiss with him to instead bring your lips to his ear while your hand wrapped around the base of his cock to bring him to orgasm, his seed staining your fingers instead of spilling inside of you as he so desperately wanted.
The devastation on his face was too precious for words.
Joining you, being close to you, being one with you–that was what he cherished most.
It was teasingly cruel, you knew.
Yet how could you resist wickedness around him?
Witnessing those deep tender blue eyes of his become stormy with burning desire was a sight you were simply addicted to beholding.
And thus, if he wanted to receive what he wanted from you, he would just have to hunt you down, as you sweetly murmured into his ear.
You were gone before the last knot of the ropes around his wrists unraveled.
Now you were here, caught and caged against him while he kissed your mouth, his hands caught between pulling at your clothes to outright tearing at the fabric, urgency in his pace and touch.
What a joy it was to be hunted by him.
Your body, his bounty.
Your heart, his prize.
You, his.
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craftyangelpainter · 2 months
Wild love Chapter 3
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Thanks for reading this and hunter and luz being siblings
I had been studying the textbooks I stole for a few days now and had learned some new glyph combinations with Luz. One of the ones that Luz figured out is an invisibility spell, which she got by studying a ton Lilith's textbooks, though, you do have to hold your breath to continue to stay invisible. "Is this really the only way that this can work?" I ask Luz, concerned that I might not be able to hold her breath for very long.
"Well, I haven't exactly found any other way that it can work." Luz replies, continuing to look for more glyph combinations.
I sigh and gather my stuff and talking vix with me , planning on heading to the library for the day. "I'm going to the library! I don't know what time I'll be back!" | yell into the house so that everyone can hear me.
"Say hi to Amity for me!" Luz yells in response, and I shake my head as I close the door, making a mental note to say hi to Luz's crush.
As I walk into the library, I make sure to say hi to Amity for Luz, leaving her a blushing mess, before I start to look for any books that I can find relating to wild magic and glyphs. The only section of the library that I could possibly find that has information on glyphs at all is in a restricted section of the library. I ask Amity if she can help me access it, but she says that she can't and that only people staff and people from the Emperor's Coven can access it.
"How convenient..." I sigh. After my mission essentially failed, I instead moved onto just looking for and reading (F/G) books. I had been reading them for long that I lost track of time, realizing after looking outside that it was almost completely dark outside and that the library was about to close. And vix is eat some food and where she found it we will never know.
I checked out the books that I was reading and placed them in my backpack, leaving the public library and heading off to a more...private library.
After a bit of time of flying , I made it back into the Emperors Castle, getting into the library and finding some more books on glyphs, sitting down in a secluded corner so that I would stay hidden from any...leaders, that decided to walk in. "Fire and Ice makes...steam! But how do you draw that combination?" | said to myself as I began sketching out different glyph combinations and testing them out. Vix being the fox she is says Don’t be so loud you are going to get caught I ignore her and continued the process for quite a while, becoming so focused that I didn't even notice the Golden Guard sitting directly next to me.
"Working hard there huh?" He said to me while I still had my head down, sketching.
"Oh, hey Goldie." I said, looking up for a quick second before looking at my paper once again.
"Didn't even notice you there."
"First of all, stop calling me that." He starts
"Psh, okay Goldie." I respond, chuckling
"Second of all," He continues, sighing, "are you not gonna try to get away? I'm still the leader of the Emperors Coven after all."
"Nah, I beat you the last time, so I think I'll be just fine." I say, trying another glyph combination.
"You didn't beat me-"
"Who exactly was on the ground last time?" | interrupt, looking his straight in his... mask. "Also, do you ever take that thing off? Maybe you actually have a gorgeous face underneath."
"I will have you know that you're still speaking to-
"The leader of the Emperor's Coven, I know I know. Yeesh, don't you say anything else?" I say, still working on glyph combinations. "I know I'm going to win if we fight again, so are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna engage in a nice conversation?" I look at him once again, as he looks down at me in disbelief.
"Fine, I'll bite. For starters, what's your name?" he asks
"My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I respond
"Well, it's...nice to know your name, Witch ."
"Can I know yours?" I ask back
"That's classified."
Annoyed by that response I ask “So is everything about you classified.
“Not everything but most of it. He responded
"Ugh. fine then. Be that way." I huff.
"Um, I don't really know many questions to ask Wild Witchs ...do you have a favorite book?"
"Of course I do, it's (Y/F/B)." I answer.
"Woah, You like that book ? I love that book it’s my favorite book to!" He looks at me, and thought I can't see his eyes, I can tell that he's quite excited.
"Yeah, I love it too!" I respond, sounding just as excited
From that point on, we continue talking to each other, slowly starting to become friends with one another and learning more about each other's interests, still being a little mean to each other along the way. Then he noticed my palisman.
“ those things are dangerous.He says
“No they are not.! Yes they are …. Actually I don’t care you are a wild witch and you should be arrested.
Annoyed by him once more and because I have enough stuff for Luz I get ready to leave, I begin to put the glyph textbooks in my backpack and stand up. "Well this has been fun Goldie, but I have got to go." I say, packing up my backpack and notes.
"You aren't going anywhere, remember? I still can't let you leave." The Golden Guard says, standing as well and grabbing his staff.
“Damm did our conversation mean nothing to you coven boy? I dramatically say
“We are not friends I was just …. “Just what face it goldie you going soft on me. I say
”No I’m not! He says
"Really? Fine then." I say, using a couple of light spells to create distraction and getting vix before running out of the library. The Golden Guard is startled but eventually catches up to me as I'm beginning to leave out of a window, "Not so fast." He says, forcing me backwards.
"Ow!" I say, dropping one of the glyph textbooks in the process, but still managing to get back on my feet and using a glyph combinations to try and stop the Golden Guard from catching me. Eventually, I make it to the window before the Golden Guard can catch me, "Bye Goldie! See you soon!" I say, unintentionally forgetting Luz textbooks and landing on the ground below. After I land, I remember my forgotten textbook, and as if the universe knew what I was thinking, the textbook drops on my head and falls into my hands.
I look up and see the Golden Guard's wrist poking out for a split second, waving goodbye, and smile as l head leave the castle and flying back home.
As soon as I get to my room , I get vix some water and food for her and me careful not to wake anyone up.Then I go to my room and fed vix She says sleepy Thank you and then falls asleep after she is in her bed I start to look through the textbook, but as I begin to look through it, I find that some of the pages are invisible, and a note at the end of the that has a drawing of the Golden Guard waving goodbye with a "Have Fun!" written in a little speech bubble.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" | exclaim, waking up everyone in a 300 mile radius.
Author note : do you guys want me to to a backstory for Vix. Fun fact Vix is one of the rarest fox’s in existence in the boiling isle
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twinksrepository · 7 months
So much for myths and legends
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Dante X F!Reader
CW: Vomiting, canon typical violence, panic, shock
Word count: Roughly 1.5K 
A/N: Chapter three, where you try to process everything Lady told you while sitting in a cabin. You’ve really had a day haven’t you?
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“What the hell is this?” After almost freezing his ass off Dante scowled at the lush forest laying before him. “I dropped off that Doctor and it was snowing.” Not missing the white-haired young adult from earlier standing nearby. Dropping a mention of you to see if he could get a rise out of him and see if you were the world's greatest actress.
“The hell did you do with the Doc!?” Drawing his pistol Nero pointed it at the center of mass of the older man watching him with narrowed eyes. “Did you kill her like the Vicar? She’s got nothing to do with the order or are you just out to kill as many people as you can?” 
“Must be the effect of the gate.”  Keeping his back to the youth as he waited for the reaction, to see if there was more to you than you let on or if this kid knew more about you.  
“Answer me you asshole!” Darting forward “You like killing innocents?!” Screaming at Dante as he hovered over the edge.
Turning on his heels with a flourish “Sorry Kid, this is gonna have to wait.” Pushing himself off the edge as the sound of boots slamming against the ground rings out, smirking as the youth leans over the edge with his revolver pointed at his center of mass once more. 
As Dante disappeared into the trees and swung his body to land on a thicker branch he hummed. “Innocent? Guess that kid doesn’t know anything about the Order’s so-called plan, or what Lady thinks. Trish said in her message that the Vicar had revived himself somehow, why does this have to get so complicated.” Groaning before dropping down to the ground. This gig was starting to become more involved than the devil hunter wanted it to be. 
“One good thing about that little meeting, guess the doctor doesn’t have a clue what is going on. Here’s hoping being with Lady keeps her ass out of the fire, it’d be a shame if something that nice got burned.” Sauntering off through the woods headed towards what was supposed to be the order’s headquarters. 
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You still feel nauseous even if your feet have been on the ground for the last few hours, tucked inside a small cabin with the woman known as Lady for the last few hours. The twisting of your guts has nothing to do with the quick movement across rooftops and the impossible speed you had arrived at. No. It had to do with the undeniable fact that demons were real.
Sparda was real. 
The famed figure that had according to the order of the sword been the feudal lord of the city was real, had been an actual demon that fought for the freedom of mankind and had not one but two sons. 
“You doing alright there Doc? You're looking paler and paler all the time.” The large-chested woman is bending in front of you as the sweat drips down the back of your neck, you're not.
“I'm in shock. I'm processing the fact I watched people be killed by demons which prior to today I never believed were real. I've learned what I thought was a bunch of suspicious nonsense is real and I was almost killed because of it. Add to that how I was saved by the son of what amounts to this city's local deity and he's a devil hunter.” Looking up at the dark-haired woman with part of your brain trying to figure out how she isn't cold with her amble chest on display while you try to calm your racing heart. “So short answer. No.” 
“You are a funny one Doc.” Shaking her head before holding out a sealed water bottle for you to take. You don't know where she pulled it from but you'll take it, inspecting the plastic before cracking the cap and taking a sip. “Did you think I'd drug you or something?” 
Raising an eyebrow at her as if surprised she'd ask. “I met you just a few hours ago, and you've spun a rather crazy tail. So suspecting psychoactive drugs slipped into a tampered water bottle to make all of this seem even more real is not out of the realm of possibility.” The water flowing down your throat to ease the dryness you were feeling helped, and your rational mind realizes it's been several hours since you ate anything.
No wonder you feel as disgusting as you do. Well, the vomiting hadn't helped but even that had mostly been bile, so much for taking better care of your diet after you stopped working at the hospital. 
“You're entitled to think what you think.” Shrugging her shoulders as Lady stalked around the small space before pushing part of a curtain blocking the view into the cabin from the window and looking out. “I'm surprised with how cautious you are that you took a job running a small practice outside of the city.” 
A small cough that you hide behind your hand as you narrow your eyes at her turned back. “Now how would you know about that?” You have to shove down your body's reactions to everything that had happened today because now the warning bells are going off in your head. 
“You might not realize it, but you're the first person in almost a decade to move into Fortuna. So you moving in would make waves, and being a devil hunter myself investigating the order of the sword there was no way I wasn't looking into the newcomer.” Lady doesn't even seem the slightest unfazed by your question, answering you bluntly. 
“I'm not really with the order.” You don't know why you're trying to make the distinction now. “I mean sure they pay me the difference to make up for my pay in the city, but I came here to help people. In the city, I never saw people a second time, so I just started thinking no one cared what I did to help them or their families.” 
While looking down at the water bottle in your hand and processing the fact her line of thinking makes sense you miss Lady biting her lip. A look of concern flashed across her face as her emotions rolled back and forth inside of her. Should she tell you that you didn't see people a second time because they thought you were a miracle worker? If Dante was right that you knew nothing about being part demonic yourself then maybe you were clueless as to the abilities you had. 
“I think it's great you came to help people, I just think those people who brought you in might have done so under a false pretense.” Lady wasn't stupid. She had learned from her own experiences how easy it was to fall prey to false hope and offers that were too good to be true. 
“What are you talking about?” You're tired of all these flip-flopping emotions and honestly, you just want to eat something or lay down and hope you wake up to find out this was all just some crazy dream after all. 
“The people of the order of the sword are a cult, and for some reason brought you in.” Turning on her heels and striding towards you. “I think there might be more to you than you think, I don't think they just picked any old doctor to come in and start treating people.” 
“They aren't a cult.” Snapping back at her as you think of Nero and Kyrie. Sure some of them were beyond strange, but you can't see someone as sweet as Kyrie being wrapped up in a cult. Wouldn't they have to offer her more than just singing during their ceremonies at the church? 
And Nero? That boy was suspicious of just about everything that had to do with the Order even if he was a sweetheart under that tough guy exterior. Thinking back to when you had wrapped his arm in a cast and he kept trying to hide as if he was ashamed of getting hurt. Yet you think of Angus and how he often muttered under his breath about you, or the way the Vicar seemed to respond to some of your questions when you first came to Fortuna. “Well. Maybe, but not all the members are in on whatever is happening.” You aren’t stupid. If Lady keeps talking about the Order the way she does you have to assume they have something to do with whatever is happening around you and the town. 
“Be that as it may, it's probably a good thing you're not in the line of fire anymore.” Lady turned as your stomach made a noise and she lowered her sunglasses down her nose. “Sounds like you could use some food Doc.” Only for Lady to turn on her heels and moments later have one of the walls of the cabin implode. 
Raising a hand to shield your eyes before screaming at what looked like one of the suits of armor that the Order used came crashing in and looked directly at you. The point of its spear bashed Lady on the side of the head and sent her careening into the far wall as another suit swept in and grabbed you before flying out through another wall. 
This has not been your day. Not at all. 
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Chapter Two
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OC Reddit AITA Tag Game!
Thanks goes to @mysticstarlightduck for the tag here!
Gently tagging: @avoidingcertaindoom // @winterandwords // @stesierra
@harleyacoincidence // @valentinerose529 // @queerlilchinchin
@concealeddarkness13 // @adie-dee
Rules: Make an Am I The Asshole post (look at r/amita for examples if you haven’t seen them ) for an OC
And the OC wheel calls out for Lily!
(One of Becks' kids)
AITA for looking for my mom?
So, it's probably not what you think. First for context (and I'm trusting you with this info, don't spread it around, that's not cool); I'm a 244 F but I look about...maybe 15. It's a whole magical bloodline thing, don't worry about it. Anyway, soon after I was born my "real" mom ran off and left me in a cave where my "adopted" - and I have it in quotes because really, she's my real mom, idc what anyone says or if she's blood or whatever - mom found me. We stayed together for a long time, and somewhere around the...maybe early 1900s I think they say, we got split up. There were mages hunting me down because I'm some kind of abomination (which was shorthand for "we don't understand her existence") and mom finally got cornered between the mages hunting us and an old ex that was really really mean and tried to kill me showing up and basically putting mom in that corner. So she did her thing, got me to safety, and got herself captured to take the heat off me.
I was maybe 50 at the time and looked like I was 10.
So of course I wound up in the system. And I got out of the system. And got shoved back in it. And broke out. Learned how to hack when computers came around so I could take myself out of the CPS database which only worked about half the time. Mom taught me how to get around people, how to do things like pick locks and the best ways to get out of a house fast, where to hit people to make them go down, how to use my surroundings against hunters, etc. Basic survival stuff, really, as we were on the run all the time. So when I wasn't hacking the system I was jimmying open windows and cutting screens, and sometimes encouraging other foster kids to come with me - but only in the houses that really weren't good foster houses. I got to learn how to see the good ones from the bad ones real quick and had no problem drawing the line. Might've set a few of those houses on fire.
But when I wasn't doing that, I was living on the streets and doing two things; whatever it took to survive, and whatever it took to find my mom. This meant tracking down leads, following rumors, kidnapping people, and working for some...really really not good guys. Magical and not. Like at one point I found myself working for a vampiress that was aiming at taking over the entire vampire community so she could rule them all?? I guess??? Anyway that was against my will but the only reason I crossed paths with her in the first place is because I was on the streets and I stole her wallet to buy some food. Another point saw me get involved with an annoying trickster thief "guy" and he told me he'd help in trade for me giving him info on some of the other organizations I'd been in. Be his spy, basically. And another point I worked for a bookie...and then again I was helping some dealers by getting into high school chem labs and stealing the equipment...and helped an arsonist escape...and joined a carjacking ring...um...Well let's just say I broke the law. Several kinds of laws. A lot. And people got hurt. A lot.
But I didn't mean it. And I did what I could to minimize the damage. To help people when I could to try and balance out everything. I never willingly, intentionally hurt people, and I always made sure to look out for kids younger than me.
All I ever was trying to do was find my mom. Make sure she was okay. The people hunting us were...I just didn't want to see her punished because I made a stupid kid mistake. And I wanted to get her back.
I just wanted my mom back.
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queenariesofnarnia · 2 years
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 gif not mine! credit goes to @sergeantbandana​
Crosshair x F!Reader
Crosshair goes back with the batch because my heart can’t take the separation. 
Another day, another mission for Cid. The intel that the batch received was about a former princess who is being held hostage after the empire took over her planet. Of course, they were wandering why Cid would have them rescue her and not retrieving something of value. 
“Why exactly do you have us rescuing a princess Cid?” Hunter asked after they were given all the information they need for the mission.
“She’s a good kid, came here a while back when her ship was having problems” Cid answers before going back to her desk. ‘Her planet isn’t safe anymore so you will bring her here” she continued. 
“Bring her here?” Tech questions, the look on his face confused. Why would someone bring a princess to this dingy planet?
“Yes goggles. Here, she trusts me and I will get her somewhere safely. Now go” Cid dismisses the batch as they all head out Cid’s office and out the bar. Everyone had a different reaction about this mission. Crosshair thought this was a stupid mission, why would they need to rescue a princess. He’s prepared for the worse regardless of Cid saying she’s a good person. Once aboard the Marauder Tech punched in the coordinates to the planet the princess is on. 
“Do you think she’ll be nice?” Omega asked breaking the silence. 
“She’ll probably be a spoiled” Crosshair drawled. Omega looked disappointed in that answer. 
“She could be nice” Wrecker chimes in. 
“Only thing that matters right now is that we rescue her and get back without drawing too much attention” Hunter says putting an end to the conversation. 
“How about you get rid of the armor and you can kiss me as much as you want handsome” you tell him dragging him into your room locking your door before the others come home.
~time skip~
“According to the building plans, the dungeons are on the lower levels and she’s the only prisoner according to the records.” Tech says. Each of them were given a job, Omega was to stay on the ship with Tech who is going to guide them through the coms. Crosshair is location on an abandoned tower as a lookout. Wrecker, Echo, and Hunter are going into the compound  to rescue the princess. 
“Take the lift that is on your left once you get down the hall” Tech’s voice comes through the coms. The three get into the lift and take it down to the lower levels luckily without it stopping on another floor. They split up to check each of the cells, Hunter being found the princess first signaling the others. 
“Please don’t hurt me” a soft voice came from the dark corner of the cell. 
“We have no intention of doing so ma’am” Echo informs you, using a soft voice. ‘Wrecker get this door’ he says before backing away. Wrecker easily rips the cell door off the hinges setting it to the side. 
“We’re here to rescue you. Cid sent us” Hunter tells the princess slowly approaching her. Your eyes lit up at the mention of Cid’s name. 
“Then you must be good enough if she sent you for me. I’m surprised anyone was sent for me” you say honestly. Hunter offered her a hand; which you gladly accepted it getting off the cold floor. Being dressed in a night dress, sheer robe, and barefoot must have been awful due to the cold cell. Each of them introduced themselves and in return she smiled softly giving you’re your name in return. They began making their way back through the compound. They had to take an alternate route through the kitchens and you grabbed a frying pan for protection. The guys looked at you curiously. 
“I promise it’s sufficient” you say followed by a laugh. Wrecker chuckled along with you, while Echo and Hunter shook their heads. 
“You have incoming visitors” Tech warned them through the coms. “You’re going to have to make a quick right to avoid them” he instructs. Hunter gently guides the princess to make the turn since she has no idea. As Tech guides them through the building, it was inevitable for them to not run into trouble and when they did the princess took out a couple troopers with the frying pan. It was a sight that would make them laugh later. Wrecker asked her for permission to pick her up, so she doesn’t cut her feet on the ground outside. She nods and he gently tosses her over his shoulder. She watched how they fought together in amazement; she hasn’t seen fighting like this since during the Clone Wars. Once they made it back to the Marauder, Wrecker placed her down gently. 
“Tech get us out of here” Hunter ordered after the door of the ship closed. Holding the frying pan close to her chest she looked around shyly seeing new faces. 
“Hi I’m Omega! What’s your name?” Omega runs up to the princess excitedly. This caused her to relax visibly. You gave Omega your name and Omega grabbed your hand to pull her into a seat. 
“This is Tech and Crosshair” she said pointing to her brothers. The princess gave a polite wave. 
“I just want to say thank you for rescuing me. Is there anything I can do to repay you? I know Cid is paying you but probably not all it is worth.” You said quickly. Five voices chimed back saying it wasn’t a problem.
“I don’t understand why we had to go through the trouble of rescuing you” Crosshair says looking down at the princess before walking away. She wondered what she could’ve done wrong within the minutes she has been on board. But stopped worrying when Omega grabbed her hand dragging her to her bunk asking her a million questions on what it is like to be a princess.
Dropping out of hyperspace and landing on Ord Mantell could not come quick enough. The princess was given a blanket to cover yourself due to the cold and your attire. Walking into Cid’s bar you felt safe walking to the back to greet Cid. 
“Good to see you doll” Cid says getting up from her desk, letting the princess giver her a hug. Though Cid didn’t like affection she allowed it with you. “Let me send someone to get you some suitable clothes you take a seat.” Cid gave you a light push towards the couch. Cid left the office closing the door before heading out to the bar, she had the twi’lek bartender head to the clothing store a few buildings down giving her orders on what to bring back and have the keeper put it on her tab. 
“Thanks for rescuing her boys. Here’s your cut”. Cid says tossing them their share. 
“Is she going to be alright?” Wrecker asked. Cid nodded after letting out a deep sigh. 
“She’ll be fine. Kid would you mind going back there to keep her company?” Cid asked Omega who excitedly agree before going to the back. “I’m going to let her have the last room above the place. I know you are all squatting there but I would like to keep an eye on her before letting her back out in the galaxy.” She says to them going behind the bar to serve drinks. 
“So first we rescue her and now she has to stay with us?” Crosshair asked with distaste evident in his voice. 
“Listen grumpy, it’s my place so accept it or sleep on your ship. I don’t care.” She answers him before turning to her customers. The batch sat in a booth together with the drinks they got from the bartender before she left to do what Cid asked. 
“Why are you being more of an ass than normal Cross?” Hunter asked taking a sip of his drink. 
“Why do we have to babysit her?” he sneered back.
“She was not an issue on the way here and I highly doubt that she will be one while she is staying with us Crosshair” Tech says without looking up from his data pad. 
“She was nothing but polite to us and you act like your head is up a bantha’s ass” Echo chimed in. 
“Plus she’s pretty” Wrecker adds. Crosshair just rolled his eyes at his brothers. He was quick to judge you, but he doesn’t care. He thinks you’re going to be a hinderance while staying with them. 
The twi’lek rushes back with a bag in her hand heading to the back of the bar. You thanked her giving her a kind smile that she returns. Omega grabbed your hand trying to pull you off the couch. 
“Cid says you’re staying upstairs with us in the last free room. I’ll take you up so you can use the fresher. I’ll stay by so you don’t get lonely.” She tells you dragging you out the office and out the bar. Ignoring her brothers calling her name. She guided you to the fresher and brought you towels. The door to the apartment slammed shut causing you to flinch at the sound. “ It’s probably Hunter. Let me tell him why I left so quickly, and you can have some time to yourself. I’ll be waiting on the couch.” She informs you and you thank her and smile. 
 “Omega why did you leave and not say anything?” Hunter asked with a little bit of anger in his tone. 
“Cid instructed me to take care of her. That’s all I’m doing. Sorry for leaving.” She answers him smiling at him so he won’t be mad. Hunter’s anger leaves as she explains her reasoning, telling her to not let it happen again. She nodded and went down the hall to her room. As she scrolled through her data pad you finished your shower and dressed in the clothes the twi’lek bar maid grabbed for you. The sleep shorts and giant sweater felt lovely compared to what you were arrested in. You climbed in the bed curling up in the middle of it going to sleep quickly. Omega came to check on you quietly seeing you sleep she closed your door heading back to her room. Until her brothers came in loudly from the bar. Groaning she got out her bed going into the living area with her hands on her hips. With Hunter behind her. 
“She’s asleep so do me a favor and keep it quiet” he orders his brothers using his sergeant voice. Each member of the batch went to their own rooms and fell asleep for the night. Once the sun began to peek through your curtains you were wide awake. You did you’re a quick morning routine and threw some socks on your feet. Heading into the kitchen, you checked what there was to cook and you ended up making them a full breakfast meal with caf and juice ready for them as well.  Loud footsteps came into the kitchen which you instantly knew it was Wrecker joining you. 
“You made food?” Wrecker asks excitedly. You could only smile at his excitement nodding. That was enough for the gentle giant to scoop you in a hug. You put your arms around his shoulder giving him a squeeze. They each came into the kitchen one by one after Wrecker. Each one said thank you except for Crosshair who just looked at you and made his plate before sitting down. You made yourself a plate and tried to leave the kitchen. Hunter stops you.
“You made this meal and deserve to eat with us” he says scooting over to make space between himself and Omega. 
“This is better than rations. Thank you ma’am” Echo says after swallowing his food. You just gave him a small smile as a thanks. You haven’t been super talkative so many things you did were through gestures. Once the meal was done everyone went their own way for the day. You cleaned the kitchen before heading to the room for some time to relax. 
This cycle went on, you made the batch meals while they weren’t on any missions each of them except Crosshair would accept the hugs you gave them as they returned. Your kind spirit gave them hope in the dark times the galaxy was facing. Omega was now curled up into your side as you read her a book about pirates. You enjoyed spending time with her, it made you feel welcomed and important. Sometimes you decided to offer Tech some help with repairing the ship, he was shocked that you offered to help and even more so when you were doing a great job. You helped each member in different ways, however Cross still avoided you. It hurt your feelings but never understood why it bothered you so much. Until one day he was fed up and decided to approach you with his problem. 
It was after a mission they returned, you greet them with hugs and placing a kiss on their cheeks. You were affectionate with these guys, and they allowed it. Each of them thought it was adorable, what made Crosshair snap is when Hunter’s hand lingered too long for his liking on your hip, and he kissed you on the cheek. It didn’t stop there though, each of this brothers gave you some sort of kiss. Echo kissed your other cheek, Tech kissed you on the forehead, and Wrecker kissed the top of your head. Crosshair decided enough is enough, he grabbed your wrist gently and dragged you out the bar and upstairs to the apartment. 
“What’s the matter Crosshair?” you asked him curiously voice full of innocence. 
“Why are you the way you are?” he asked with a displeased look on his face. 
“What do you mean? Did I do something to offend you?” You asked him head tilted to the side in confusion. 
“Why are you so kriffing affectionate towards them?” he asked his voice full of irritation. 
“I’m sorry, I was not aware it is a problem. They seem to be okay with it, does it offend you? I’ll stop.” You began to ramble more apologies about if your affectionate ways began to make him uncomfortable. He lifted your chin for you to look at him. Your rambling came to a halt when your eyes met his. 
“Cyar’ika you being affectionate doesn’t bother me. It bothers me that you aren’t that way with me.” He tells you releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Your body froze at the term of endearment he said Mando ‘a. Crosshair has always avoided you and you didn’t want to push his boundaries by being affectionate with him like you were with the rest of the squad.  
“You don’t seem to like me much Cross. I didn’t want to push your boundaries by giving you hugs” you admit softly. 
“So you showed it by buying and making me little gifts?” he asks with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“I wanted to make sure you were included somehow. So, I thought gift giving without being too affectionate could show you that I care.” You tell him your eyes flicking between his eyes and lips. You haven’t been this close to someone in quite some time, and it was making you nervous. 
“Well if you don’t mind cyar’ika show me you care through that affection you share with my brothers” he demands. You throw your arms around his neck pulling him into you for a long overdue hug. He pulls away first leaning into kiss you softly. You pull away hiding your face in his chest. He chuckles kissing you on top of your head. “If you’re going to do this every time I kiss you I can’t wait to do it more.” He pulls you as close as he can given he’s still in his armor. You pull away from his embrace grabbing his hand, starting to drag him down the hall. 
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
Hunter and Prey
Part 2 (Part 1) and more to come!
Eddie never thought he would end up here.
Sure, he always knew he'd stay with Wayne, even through the occasional dreams of getting out of this shithole of a town. Staying here, with Wayne and Chrissy, was something he had imagined when he thought about the future, but he never thought his life would become this. Growing up, vampires and werewolves and swamp monsters were figments of people's imaginations. Stories to be told around the campfire. The right stuff for movies and books, but too scary (or campy) to be real. The Munson Doctrine was pretty clear on this.
That is, until Eddie walks in on an actual vampire sucking the life out of his best friend his senior year. He's not proud that his first reaction was to freeze in absolute horror, his mind rejecting what was happening right in front of him. Chrissy was lying motionless, a tall guy with dirty blond hair leaning over her, his teeth prolonged into fangs and dark blood dripping from his mouth. Eddie's body felt numb, but he stumbled over to Chrissy as fast as his shaky legs could carry him and tried to help her, but nothing he did would dislodge the vampire. It actually seemed like the bastard thought it was funny.
Just as Eddie was about to go into full panic mode, ready to do something probably very stupid, the doors to the gym slammed loudly open. Both the vampire's and Eddie's heads whipped around in perfect harmony at the sound, something he would have found hilarious under any other circumstances. Before Eddie knew what was happening, the vampire gasped, a choked sound of utter surprise, and clutched at his chest, where a stake protruded from where Eddie thought his heart must be.
Right in front of Eddie's eyes, the vampire made one last garbled sound before simply turning to ash. Eddie slowly looked up from where a monster of the night had just been feasting on his best friend to a tall, broad man holding a crossbow at eye level.
"What the —" Before Eddie could finish the thought, Chrissy started coughing and his attention was drawn back to helping his friend. The man walked over to them, watching as Eddie pulled off his shirt and pressed it to the wound at Chrissy's throat. After a long moment, he said, "She'll be all right, son. Probably saved her life."
And that was the moment that changed his life forever. The man who introduced himself as Hopper helped him bandage and clean Chrissy, and in the process opened his eyes to a world he never dreamed existed.
His earlier run-in with the strangely helpful vampire made him think about that day. He had to remind himself that this was the true nature of vampires. They don't help humans out of the goodness of their unbeating hearts. They are soulless predators. He'd do well to remember that.
"You got everything, son?" Wayne asks, filling a large pitcher of water from the sink.
"Yeah, I think so." Eddie watches as Wayne finishes filling the pitcher, then picks up a worn book, muttering under his breath over the water. Meanwhile, Eddie checks to make sure he has everything he needs, patting himself down to do a quick inventory. Wayne fills the assortment of water pistols on the table with the holy water he just consecrated and hands them to Eddie. Eddie holsters the guns. Wayne's eyes roam over him, double-checking that he's got everything he needs.
"Hey," Eddie says, drawing Wayne's attention to his face and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll be fine, Uncle Wayne. These leeches won't know what hit them." He punctuates the statement with a broad grin.
Wayne huffs with a small smile, but Eddie sees the twitch in his eyebrows. "You better, son. Remember, if you get even an inklin’ that things might head into something unsavory, you call —”
"You and Hop, I know, I know," Eddie interrupts. Wayne smiles at him, but it doesn't reach his eyes. Eddie knows how much it stresses Wayne out to see Eddie put his life on the line like this, but Wayne also knows how important it is for Eddie to go out night after night. "Batten down the hatches and I'll be back soon."
"Just come back in one piece and with all the blood still in your veins, 'kay?"
Eddie gives Wayne a two-finger salute, backs up to the door, and pushes it open. Wayne follows him as Eddie steps through it and into the night, watching as he gets farther and farther away, the darkness quickly consuming him.
Part of an ongoing series @legitcookie​ and I will be doing! We’ll be going back and forth posting parts, so keep that in mind.
This is dedicated to our Elle Woods-coded, big brained, fabulous friend @yournowheregirl​ We’re taking your twilight loving heart, corrupting it with a show you’ve never seen (btvs), and making our blorbos smash together like barbies. We adore you immensely and we would be nothing without you 💜
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