#quill f kipps
skullandco · 1 year
Was listening to The Hollow Boy and in the news article at the end of the book they mention "Quill F. Kipps"??? Hello?? That means that Mr. Quill Kipps has a middle name starting with the letter F and I do not believe that we have any information telling us what this middle name is. (Correct me if I am wrong because I am dumb enough to get this wrong)
So now I ask you, WHAT DO YOU THINK THE F STANDS FOR GUYS GIVE ME YOUR MOST OUTRAGEOUS ANSWERS OR THE MOST GENERIC ONES EVER IDC I want to see the opinions of this strangely wonderful community.
Sorry if this post makes no sense or is weird I wrote it in about a minute and just had a huge amount of ice-cream so my brain is doing 20x more calculations per second than usual so yeah
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ravenfrogsandco · 1 year
I was just thinking out of nowhere about how fandoms call themselves things (e.g. locknation, swifites, harries etc.) and brainstorming (sort of against my own will?) what a fan of quill kipps would call themselves. and after sifting through the obvious kipps + something ideas, I thought of quills which made me think of feathers and I just think feathers is the funniest I'm yet to come up with
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lockwood-fic-recs · 2 months
Lockwood & Co. The Other Side
by itripandfallalot on ao3
Rating: T | Category: F/M | Relationship: Lockwood/Lucy, George/Flo
Continue to follow the adventures of Lockwood & Co after the events of The Empty Grave as they wrestle with the fallout.
Lucy and Lockwood reckon with their feelings, as the team continues to solve cases, eliminate Visitors, and consider what the future might hold.
But does the conspiracy run deeper than they thought and will the Problem ever truly end? As Lockwood & Co. work towards patching society back together, will they discover Marissa’s true past and what lies beyond the Other Side? Strange new Talents and Visitors plague the team, as they collaborate with Barnes in secret. It's a matter of life and death, of hope amongst darkness, and of growing up.
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Crying over the fact that we won’t get to hear all the skulls quips in books 3-5. I was so excited to see if they would make him more like the books. Now i’m just sad.
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aarohisingh25 · 9 days
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The evolution of Quill F. Kipps:-
The screaming staircase: "I hate him." "What a loser" "poser"
The whispering skull: "he's tolerable" "I pity him" "Poor man"
The hollow boy: "he's ok" "like a pitiful Chihuahua" "he's fine I guess"
The creeping shadow: "I am starting to like him" "he cares about them" "New member!"
The empty grave: "MY SONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!" "<3My little orange vengeful chicken<3" " Is this what love feels like?"
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bloodcanbehot · 2 years
I Wish You Would
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(gotta keep that Taylor Swift theme)
Anthony Lockwood x f!reader
Content: Angst? Fluff? Touched starved Lockwood
Warnings: Mention of blood and wounds, also some curse words (I think)
Characters: Anthony Lockwood and (y/n) Kipps. (Lucy Carlyle and Quill Kipps also appear)
Word count: 1.083
A/N: Exactly two people told me to post it, and that was enough (I'm literally about to enter to an online class while typing this). Chronology speaking, this goes BEFORE their first kiss but I'm a dumbass and forgot to post this one first, hope you like it
(I'll attach their first kiss here)
“Where were you?” Quill asked, seeing both Lockwood and (y/n) walk in with dirt on their faces and hair. As soon as he spoke, his sister’s face told him to not speak, unless he wanted to die.
“We’re fine!” (y/n) said, grabbing Lockwood by the arm and walking to the kitchen.
“You guys don’t look-” Lucy started, but the slamming of the door cut her off.
“I’m not your dog”
“And I don’t care” (y/n) said, pointing at the kitchen chair “sit down”
Lockwood did as she said, even though he didn’t want to. (y/n) started taking out items from the first aid kit, slamming them on the table as she cursed.
“I cannot fucking believe you” she said “seriously, why is it so hard for you to take care of yourself while we’re out on a case?” (y/n) asked, soaking a small piece of cotton with disinfectant. She grabbed Lockwood’s arm, forcefully moving the sleeve of his dress shirt up to see his cut better.
“(y/n) I-” Lockwood started, hissing when the cotton made contact with the cut on his arm.
“This might hurt” (y/n) said, after hearing him hissing, a smirk on her face.
“Okay” Lockwood said “I deserved that”
“You deserve more” (y/n) said “actually, you don’t even deserve me doing this for you, should I just tell my brother to do it, so you suffer a bit more?” she questioned, sarcasm all over her voice.
“You know, when Luce told me you were reckless, I thought 'well, he's certainly not stupid' guess I was wrong!” she grabbed one of the big band aids and covered his cut.
“(y/n) I’m sorry, okay?” he said “this wasn’t reckless, I had a plan, it just didn’t work”
“Wow, what a surprise”
“I didn’t know the golden blade was gonna be there!”
“The what?” (y/n) stood up, forgetting about his other cuts.
“Last year we encountered him” Lockwood explained “we think he somehow works for Penelope Fittes-”
“My boss?”
“Yes” Lockwood nodded “he tried to steal the bone glass from Lucy and I” he explained “he’s also the one who shot me” he grabbed her hand “you have to believe me”
(y/n) looked at his eyes, processing what he had said in silence, enough to make Lockwood panic, the hold on her hand tightening.
“I… I believe you” she said, sitting back down. She wasn’t gonna lie, she always felt a weird vibe from the woman, or the entire agency for that matter. And she didn’t think Lockwood would lie to her.
He sighed in relief “Thank you (y/n)-”
“What I also believe” she started, letting go of his hand and grabbing a new cotton piece “is that your other cuts need to be taken care of” she said “specially this one” she tapped slightly the cut on his forehead, making him hiss again “I thought you were good at fencing?”
“I am” Lockwood shot back “I was just… surprised”
“Your blood says otherwise” (y/n) replied “now, lean closer so I can help”
Lockwood only nodded and whispered a small ‘yes’, letting her do the work and leaning closer as she instructed. As she leaned in, she quickly realized how her back was going to kill her if she did that, so she grabbed her chair and dragged it a bit closer to his, eventually ending up with her thigh in the middle of his thighs.
Lockwood chuckled “you might as well sit on my lap if you-”
“Shut up or I’ll do it” she cut him off with a smile.
He smirked “be my guest”
She ignored him, grabbing the back of his head to steady it as she disinfected the cut across his forehead. She was focused, focused on cleaning the blood and figuring out which bandage to use, but Lockwood’s wandering hands on her knee were distracting her.
It started with his fingers, slowly tapping her knee, barely noticeable, and she wouldn’t have known if he hadn’t kept going at it. His fingers slid across her knee and (y/n) made her best to ignore it, but as she stood up to change the cotton piece, he pushed her leg open, causing her to fall on his lap.
“That’s better” he said, smirk on his lips again.
“Please” he said, voice so quiet she barely heard him.
She looked at his eyes, and for one moment she saw his mask crack. His dark circles and clenched jaw showed her how tired and stressed he was. She couldn’t even imagine how much his muscles ached after the fight, let alone the throbbing of the multiple cuts on his skin.
“Fine” she whispered, not trusting her own voice with the feeling of his hands on her waist.
She kept doing her thing in silence and he just watched her, tracing small circles on her sides with his thumbs. (y/n) just wanted to close her eyes and enjoy it, enjoy his touch on her skin and wish she could feel it for longer, to forget about the case, the fight, everything. She wanted to focus on him and him only.
“There” she said, breaking whatever spell was between them. She grabbed his chin, angling his face to admire the, now taken care of, cut “you’ll live”
He chuckled, smiling truthfully for the first time that night, or since (y/n) knew him, she didn’t care. She liked the small glow on his face.
They locked eyes, the blanket of silence settling on them again. (y/n)’s fingers slid across his chin towards his jaw, making him close his eyes and just enjoy her touch. His hands started moving up her waist, slowly, also making her want to close her eyes and enjoy, but she still leaned forward, closer and closer to him.
He felt it, the weight shift on his lap, some of her curly locks tickling his shoulders.
She could feel their lips almost touching.
The door opened, making her open her eyes wide and snap her neck so hard she wondered if this is how she was going to die. That would be better than the image she saw.
Both Lucy and her brother were standing at the doorstep. (y/n) stumbled off Lockwood’s lap, feeling his hands fly away from her and almost fell. Chair and all.
She gripped the thinking cloth “I was tending his cut” she stupidly said.
She could feel how Quill resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose as she looked at him.
“You sure were”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A/N: I feel like this scene and the other one are pretty similar, so if I do write the fanfic I'll change it, but let me know what you think! (Again, be nice)
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thethinkingcloth · 2 years
quill f. kipps
L&Co Appreciation Week, Day 3: Favorite minor character
Quill Kipps (Moodboard/Phone Background)
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I Hate You
Quill Kipps x (f)reader
Enemies to lovers
No one asked for this but I just think Kipps is such a fun character for enemies/rivals to lovers, definitely the type of guy to catch feelings and be mad about it. I didn't get anywhere near them being lovers so I guess this is a series now? (I'm envisioning 3 parts but I guess we'll find out)
Word count ~3000
Content warning: angst, death, minor injury (no blood), teenagers being idiots
Hope you enjoy :)
You were the latest addition to Lockwood and co, gifted with a talent for touch and a knack for the rapier. Kipps hated you. You'd applied at Fittes, Rotwells, and all of the major agencies, being accepted by most of them but instead chose to work for Lockwood. He hated that you had so many options and instead chose to squander your talents at the smallest and shabbiest agency in London when you clearly had the skills to have ended up on the top team at the top agency in the country. It was ridiculous.
You, however, were pleased with your decision, ending up at an agency that perhaps wasn't all that prestigious but seemed to value the right things. Lockwood, George and Lucy had all been very welcoming and friendly and it had just felt like the right decision. The four of you were sat in the kitchen now, all with cups of tea, discussing an upcoming job.
"Deprac have offered us this job specifically, as a one off, because apparently Barnes liked our style with Anabel Ward's case and they want to know what actually happened. Supposedly this is going to be quite high profile so if we can pull it off, we'll have no trouble finding cases," Lockwood announced, though the look on his face was contradicting the supposed perfection of the offer, "however, they want us to work with Kipps' crew."
The bombshell dropped, blowing the perfect case to pieces in front of them. George groaned while Lucy frowned. You just let out a heavy sigh before speaking up, "If the case is as good as you say it is Lockwood, surely we can set aside our feelings for a few nights and work with them. Sure Kipps is a knob but if we can prove ourselves then it'll be worth it right?"
With matching resigned looks, Lucy and George nodded their agreement. "I'm gonna need so much tea to put up with Bobby," Muttered George.
Lockwood grinned, "Excellent, I'll call Kipps and get him to meet us at the archives, George, Luce can you get the kit bags together, and (y/n) I need you to get a large box of doughnuts from Arifs as a peace offering; we're not blowing this case before it even starts." He then sprang from his chair, the meeting clearly at an end.
About an hour later the four agents were sat in the British archives alongside Kipps' crew, an awkward silence over the whole table. You sat between George and Kat and across from Kipps himself. He kept giving you looks like you were something on the bottom of his shoe. You just tried to ignore him.
"I don't see much point in all of this," said Bobby Vernon, cutting the silence, "the Fittes database already told us that the house has had one violent death associated with it, a young actress was pushed through a bannister, murdered by her husband there in the fifties. He was never convicted but everyone thought it was him. Surely that plus the descriptions of the ghost are enough to make a plan?"
George smirked at that, "Well what the database hasn't told you, because it doesn't go back that far, is that according to this record of land ownership for London, before the House was even built, the land was used for a school what was burned down in the great fire of London. The school was rebuilt at a different location and the land was converted into a public park before it was sold to a private developer in the early nineteenth century, when the house was built. Why does all of this matter? Well according to this book on missing people in seventeenth century London, there was a teacher working late on the night of the fire, whose body was never recovered. That death sounds pretty violent to me, Bobby." He finished with a sip of tea, earning disgruntled looks from Kipps' lot and a down right murderous glare from Bobby himself. You had to stifle a grin by the end of his lecture.
Kipps had recovered from the slight embarrassment enough to speak, "That's all well and good Karim, but how do we know that it has anything to do with the case? What makes that story more credible than the couple in the fifties?"
"Maybe nothing," you contributed, earning a sour look from Kipps, "but it would be terrible to go into things without all the relevant information, or does that only apply when it's not your team making the mistakes?"
At that, things seemed just about ready to blow. Kipps stood up, his hand shifting towards his rapier and his gaze fixed on your sly smile. It was Lucy however who spoke next. "It doesn't even matter who made what mistakes, what matters is we have the information now. So why don't we all start acting like grown ups," she shot a pointed look at you and Kipps who both had the gall to look shocked, "and get on with the case. Unless anyone has any more information, I think we're done here and we should meet at the house before sunset tonight."
When no one else spoke she nodded in confirmation before starting to pack things away, the others following suit. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Lockward punch George lightly in the arm and thought you heard the words 'bloody brilliant', earning an eye roll but also a smile nonetheless.
It was about six o'clock when both teams gathered again, this time outside the large, detached house. You noticed the slight peachy tone to the west, indicating the very beginning of sunset. There wouldn't be much time to set things up before ghosts started appearing. Lockwood stepped forward and announced "My team will take the upstairs and Kipps and your lot can take the downstairs." He said it with such certainty and began to walk towards the house.
"Hold on a second, Tony," said Kipps, "the whole point of my team being here is to make sure your rabble do things by the book. I'm not letting you run off and do things on your own. We'll split the teams evenly. You and Lucy take Bobby and Ned, Kat and I will take Karim and (y/n)."
"Fine, but we're still taking the upstairs." Spat lockwood and you rolled your eyes at his childishness before grabbing your kit bag and following Kipps into the house.
You set up an iron circle in the entryway and each of the rooms downstairs while the rest of your team took temperature readings at various points. It seemed that the house was coldest towards the back, though not as cold as would be expected if the source were in that room. You suspected that it was in the back room of the house but upstairs. You surveyed the downstairs room anyway, a kitchen-dining room, clearly renovated recently, the sleek, modern design not at all matching with the exterior of the house.
The sun was setting in earnest now. "Why don't you make use of that talent of yours (y/n)," said Kipps, frowning at you before muttering, "If you insist on wasting it on Lockwood you can at least make use of it now."
You shot him a glare but replied simply "fine, George will you watch my back while I'm under?" The boy nods with a smile and moves to stand beside you. Kipps looks on curiously, not having fully seen your talent in action and Kat looked positively bewildered. You reached out to touch the back wall of the house, closing your eyes and opening your other senses.
And suddenly I'm feeling with hands that aren't mine, fragments of images seen with someone else's eyes flash through my mind. I am kneeling, crawling along the floor and the stones beneath my palms that should be cold to the touch aren't. I shuffle along, my muscles protesting with every move and my lungs burning with every breath. The smoke clouds my eyes and my mind but the sharp pain of my burns keep me focused. I must get out. I must get out. I must get out. The mantra repeats in my mind and I am shaking now because I know that I won't. The crack of the ceiling above me is my only warning before it collapses, a whole new agony flashing across my body as I'm pinned beneath beams and buried.
You jolt as your eyes fly open, gasping for air like you've just broken the surface of the ocean. Your mind is still half in its depths as you look around to ground yourself in the present. Kat is looking at you with a frown, not understanding what just happened. George has a hand on your shoulder to steady you, a fact that you're grateful for because you're always a little wobbly and disoriented after visions. Kipps looks at you as though you're a lab animal to be studied, an analytical gase examining every part of you.
"What did you feel, (y/n)?" Asked George.
"I was the teacher, in the great fire. He was trying to crawl out of the building, that way," you gesture towards the garden, "but he was badly burned and moved too slowly to get out. He was buried when the building collapsed." You shuddered slightly at the memory but shook it off.
George was smirking slightly at the news, clearly pleased that he was right and by the sour look on Kipps' face, he knew it too. "Well there's nothing left of the school," said George," so the source must be his bones, and since the blueprints of both buildings show that the school extended further back into what is now the garden so I'm guessing that's where we'll find him."
He received no resistance so the four of you opened the garden door and trudged out onto the grass. Kat set up another iron circle out there while you, George and Kipps surveyed the area.
"Can you tell where he died, (y/n)? Do you recognise anything?" Asked Kipps.
"Not really, sorry. When I use my talent I don't see or hear much, just fragments that are a bit distorted. I mainly feel; emotions and physical sensations." You answer.
Kipps looked frustrated at this and was about to speak up when he was cut off. "So you felt..." Said Kat, trailing off before she could finish her question, but it was obvious what she was asking.
"Him die? Yeah," you say softly, "it was a nasty one too, he knew it was coming."
Kat looked horrified, "That's awful!"
"Not as bad as witnessing a murder from the killer's perspective," you say and the disturbed look on Kat's face somehow gets worse, "I refused to use my talent for nearly a month after that happened the first time."
George, in an attempt to lighten the mood, said "She threw up all over Lockwood. Looking back on it now, it's a little funny."
"Alright enough fangirling over (y/n) and her powers, although I do applaud the vomiting on Lockwood part. We need to focus and find the source. It's getting fully dark now so the visitor should appear soon and that will help with finding the bones." Said Kipps. It was as if the spirit had heard him because no sooner had he finished speaking, before a faint other light started glowing and a charred and mangled body formed in front of the group; a wraith.
Kipps took the lead, "Kat, Karim, you're going to dig in the spot where it formed, (y/n) and I are going to distract it." He drew his rapier, catching the wraith's attention and stepped out of the iron circle. You followed suit and together you walked round, drawing the visitor away from where it formed. As soon as Kat and George crossed to the spot, shovels in hand, you circled back placing yourself defensively between them and the ghost. It was clearly growing more agitated and as the night got later and the sky got darker, it was inevitably growing in strength too.
You planted your feet, rapier raised and cut patterns in the air to ward the ghost off. You could feel your limbs grow heavy and your movements slow as ghost lock began to take hold, the teacher clearly not pleased with you. You shook the fog from your mind though and continued your defensive maneuver.
Kipps slashed at the wraith, drawing its attention and relieving you of the visitor's heavy ghost lock. "How's it going back there guys?" You called to the others.
"We're working on it, there's a lot of earth to dig." Replied George, sounding a little out of breath.
Just then the wraith snapped, once again focused on you, launching itself in your direction. You lobbed a salt bomb as you stumbled back, your ankle folding as you did so. The salt had slowed the ghost enough for Kipps to jump between you and slash at the wraith with his rapier, holding it back further. You let out a small cry at the sharp pain in your ankle.
"You okay there, (y/n)?" Asked Kipps, his attention not wavering from the wraith.
"I think I sprained my ankle, but I'll be okay," You answered, steeling yourself for a moment before pushing yourself back to your feet. You hissed as you tentatively put weight on your ankle. It hurt like a bitch but held your weight, "Yep, definitely sprained."
You pushed forward, limping a little and joined Kipps, slashing your rapier at the visitor. It was only getting angrier, which you hoped meant that George and Kat were getting closer to the source.
As if he had heard your thoughts, George exclaimed "found it!" There was a moment of rustling and then the wraith disappeared. You turned to see both George and Kat, waist deep in a pit, covered in mud, and a large silver net over what you assumed was the teacher's bones. They both looked exhausted.
Kipps reached in and pulled both of them out with a grunt before turning back to you. "How's that ankle?" He asked.
"Hurts like hell and is definitely swelling up right now. It's gonna be a nightmare to get my boot off later, but I'll live," You answered with a small smile, "might have to take some time out of the field though. Looks like you've got a new research buddy George!"
You limped towards your kit bag, the adrenaline wearing off and making the pain in your ankle more noticeable. You went to pick it up but Kipps beat you to it, clearly taking pity on you. The four of you reentered the house and heard voices upstairs.
"Nice of you to help us, Lockwood!" Kipps called up bitterly and was answered only by footsteps on the stairs. The rest of your team appeared looking as disheveled as you probably did.
"We were a little bit busy with the ghost upstairs. How about you? Had a nice little chat in the kitchen, try to poach my agent?" Said Lockwood with a glare at Kipps before he saw the state of George and Kat and frowned.
"Oh shut up the pair of you!" You snapped, "I can't be arsed to deal with your bullshit right now, there were clearly two ghosts so everyone was fucking busy. Now get over yourselves because right now I just want to go home and get some ice on this sprain and my patience is wearing thin!" You grabbed your kit bag off Kipps and stormed past Lockwood who had the decency to look embarrassed.
Lucy joined you and took the bag back off you, rubbing a hand comfortingly over your back. You smiled at her and blocked out the voices behind you.
Later, back at Portland row, you were sat with your foot on a cushioned chair, a bag of frozen peas on your ankle and a cup of tea in hand. "So while you and Kipps were fighting me and Bobby compared notes and we're pretty sure that the renovations disturbed your murder victim and the presence of that ghost got our teacher all riled up which is how we ended up with two seemingly unrelated hauntings at once." Said George. You frowned at the mention of Lockwood and Kipps' argument, it had made it take almost twice as long to get home from the case. You weren't really mad at Lockwood, after all it was Kipps who started it, but you were tired and stupid teenage boys didn't help with that.
Lockwood added, "But however the visitors got there, Lucy got us the real story for the case Deprac were interested in and as a bonus we found the bones of a missing person from the seventeenth century. It's a publicity dream!"
"And your ankle is really okay (y/n)? Because I will break Kipps' leg for you if you want." Chimed Lucy, earning a small grin.
"I definitely appreciate the offer, Luce, but breaking his leg sounds a bit harsh considering I'll be fully healed in a few weeks, besides it wasn't really his fault anyway," You smile, finishing your tea before continuing, "but on that note I think I'm going to bed."
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dangerously-human · 1 year
Bless this news article snippet at the end of The Hollow Boy for informing us that Kipps's middle initial is F. Feel like we've got some real potential to work with there. I bet George gets very creative with it, lol. We didn't ever find out what it actually stands for, right? I'm laying my bet on Franklin, it just feels Kipps-ish, and matches the vibe for the kind of parents who look at a newborn baby boy and call him Quill.
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solticeenery · 6 months
"Lockwood!" Lucy screams when a big grey, black and white ball of fur rolls down the stairs, kind of squeaks and rushes between her feet somewhere under the couch.
"What's wrong, Luce?" Anthony asks leaving his sister's room and closing the door behind him.
"What. Is. This?" she hisses pointing in direction of living room.
"What exactly?" Lockwood smiles cautiously not knowing what to expect. They are officially dating for a year now, but he's still confused and a bit scared, when Lucy is so angry. He slowly approaches her, keeping the distance between them. Just in case Lucy decides to throw something like she sometimes does when she's pissed. And she definitely looks like that right now. "If you... Specify the problem, we can come up with some kind of solution."
Lucy sighs heavily, trying to calm down, and reminds herself, that Lockwood isn't always the one and only reason of every single disaster happening here. George can be responsible for it not less than Anthony himself. Sometimes it's just Kipps with his concerning but harmless sense of humour. Maybe there's apocalypse coming, because Holly suddenly decided to make fun of them. There are variations of what exactly happened. That's why Lucy takes a deep breath and starts again.
"Anthony, my dear, why is there a raccoon in our house?" she definitely doesn't have any strength left to control the way she addresses Lockwood, when everyone is in the kitchen and can hear every single word. Excluding Holly, she's probably in the office sorting some papers.
"A what..?" Lockwood is obviously startled. "Luce, I'm not sure if I heard you loud and clear, could you please repeat?"
"Sure!" nervous laughter escapes her lungs. "There is a raccoon in our house and I'd like to know, why is it there. To be more specific, under the couch in living room."
"Nope, I heard everything right on first try, a raccoon, ha-ha, okay, whatever, w h a t. T h e. F u c k ?! I beg your pardon but I don't have other words right now?"
"Don't worry, hon, me too" Lucy smiles, relieved, that Lockwood has nothing to do with this incident, and comes to him just to snug in his arms for a second as an apology for shouting at the most precious person in her entire life. He holds her gently, buries his face against her neck and takes a slow deep breath, presumably processing the existence of raccoon on Portland Row 35. Not an easy type of acceptance, but they don't have a choice. First and foremost because Lucy can already guess, whose brilliant idea it was. Flo (please burn in hell) Bones.
No, she does like Flo when she is helpful, but otherwise Lucy prefers to avoid her as much as possible. Mostly because she doesn't like relic-men whoever they are and however useful they can be. She already learned that it's easier when relic-girl stays out of her sight and doesn't bother her with some stupid jokes and meaningful gazes. Lucy has had enough. The Skull overdid all possible norms in first months of her and Lockwood dating.
"So... Who are we interrogating now? George? Quill? Holly?" Lucy tilts her head and rests it on Lockwood's shoulder, admiring their perfect height difference.
"Uh... Whatever you wanna ask, I don't know anything?" sound of Holly's voice makes her shiver a bit and turn around. And see that their assistant just came to work. "Sorry, I know, I'm late, I..."
"It's alright, Holly," Lockwood says softly and calmingly squeezes Lucy's shoulder. "Just don't enter the living room until I allow it, okay?"
"Okay?" Holly is obviously confused and looks at the room uncertainly. "May I ask why?"
"There is a raccoon under the couch," Lucy answers and an expression of pure shock and disbelief on Holly's face is just adorable and worth every inch of this ball of fur.
"A what now? Raccoon?! How?!!"
"If only we knew. But I have an idea," Lockwood giggles and raises his voice. "George! Could you please come for a second."
The chatter in the kitchen suddenly stops and not long after George appears in the hallway with a mug of tea. Lucy can spot Kipps behind him, sipping his morning coffee and definitely eavesdropping.
"Morning," George yawns. "What has already happened?"
"A raccoon happened!" Holly answers instead of Lockwood. "Who left the backdoor opened? You? Or Quill?" Kipps freezes. They all once saw, how angry Holly can be and how dangerous for everyone else it is. Enough to say, that noone wanted to be the target of Holly's anger. It was scarier than all types of ghosts together in one room.
George blinks couple times. Looks at the couch. Frowns, when he hears some suspicious noises underneath it. And suddenly bursts into laughter.
"Oh, you mean Charcoal!" the noises stop, and a small black nose shows up between two blankets, sniffing. "Come here, boy, it's okay." The raccoon rushes into George's open arms, hides its fluffy head under his chin and silently cries. "Yeah, yeah, I know, she can be rude, don't blame her."
"I bet you won't survive the night," Quill shakes his head. "Either Holly or Lucy are gonna kill you."
"Nah, c'mon, Charcoal is too cute, who's gonna look after him, if I'm gone?"
"Flo," Kipps shrugs. "She brought this fur ball here 'till tomorrow morning, and I'm looking forward to her taking this monster away."
"So relic-girl it is," Holly sighs, rolls her eyes and goes to the kitchen to make some tea for them. And Lucy can already guess on that annoyed-angry look on Holly's face that neither Kipps nor George get their mugs refilled. Not as if it bothers them. Not as if Lucy or Lockwood want to disagree with their assistant.
"So... Are we done for now?" George asks burying his face in raccoon's fur.
"Ew, how can you do that?" Lucy grimaces. "He probably was digging in the trash lately. I wouldn't be surprised I mean, it's Flo we're talking about."
"I bathed him this morning! He's clean!"
"You know what, Lockwood," Holly says coming back to the doorway, "I'm cleaning your bathroom with bleach and vinegar today. Or better. George, you are making it, I don't want to know where this fluffy devil was and what could it bring on him."
"Agreed," Lockwood chuckles and turns to Lucy. "We have to meet the client today, don't you mind if I use your bathroom? I don't want to risk my pretty face getting peeled off after Charcoal's presence."
"Oh, sure," Lucy smiles. "I don't want you to risk it either."
She expects George to say something to it, something sarcastic and funny, but the silence is so loud and Lockwood's grin is so sly that it takes some time untill she understands what did her friends hear in these words.
"Yeah, take your time I suppose," George waves his hand. Lucy can see Kipps biting his lips in desperate attempt not to die from laughter. And Holly just sighs heavily.
"I expect both of you to get down to the front door at the noon. Maybe earlier if you manage it, but not later."
Lucy narrows her eyes ready to answer something sarcastic but Lockwood just pulls her upstairs, winking to the others. As soon as they close the door to her room, Lockwood throws his arms around her waist and gently pushes his forehead against hers.
"You can't kill them, Luce."
"Yeah, yeah, as if you would ever allow it."
"Or injure them in any way."
"Not even nudge someone?"
Lockwood frowns, thinking. "George. For the raccoon. He deserves it. But noone else."
Lucy wants to remind him, that he also doesn't like whenever their friends are joking about their relationship. But his soft warm lips meet hers, and in an instant the world stops existing. They won't be ready at the noon, of course Holly understood it.
The last thought Lucy can catch before loosing herself in Lockwood's arms is that maybe — just maybe — she should thank Flo for bringing Charcoal at their place. Because she definitely heard the most awaited words whispered against her lips.
"I think my last name suits you better."
And Lucy can deny it.
It surely does.
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skullandco · 1 year
Okay soooo
According to my (probably incorrect) calculations, these are the top 5 possible middle names for Kipps which have been elected(?) by you all.
Place your votes everybody
This is the decider.
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deadsnothere · 2 years
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Fluff = F , Angst = A , Mature = M
Anthony Lockwood .
HE WAS AWAKE?! - PT.1 & PT.2
Someone who's to stubborn finally asks for help but also gets a love confession in their "sleep" Gender neutral F & A
After a "sleeping" confession gone wrong, Lockwood try's to ease the tension but only makes it worse for himself. Can these obviously idiots figure it out with the help of their friend or are they just that stupid! Gender neutral F & A
"i'm sleeping with your sister." - PT.1 & 2 soon
While Alias and Lockwood are on a date Alias's brother, Quill Kipps, find his sister and his enemy enjoying a "conversation and a cup of tea." (warning: it gets a bit spicy at the end, no actual smut but hints at it!!). Fem!reader M & F
I wanna be dirty!
- After a case went a bit south, Lockwood came home and got bandaged up by Alias on his bed. While talking quietly and mindlessly they somehow moved to the subject of their sex lives, leading to something more. Also known as a song fic from the rocky horror show song - Touch-a Touch-a Touch me. fem!reader M & F - Song based
"One love, One lifetime"
- Lockwood & Co finally get a rainy day off! but what happens when a blanket gets stolen from its rightful owner?
F - A bit song based
End the barrel
- What if instead of Lockwood at the end of Fairfax's gun, it was Alias?
F & A
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lockwood-fic-recs · 3 months
The Soulmate Problem
by SeeMaree on ao3
Rating: T | Category: F/M | Relationship: Lockwood/Lucy, George/Flo
They call it Dimmed. The way that kids with Talents seem to have a matching lack in their normal senses. It usually goes away on it's own, but for some kids it's more profound, and takes a lot longer to unlock.
Lucy Carlyle might be a powerful listener when it comes to visitors, but she's never heard music. Anthony Lockwood knows he's one of the most powerful seers around. Which is why his world is locked in monochrome gray.
Both of them are still waiting to meet that one person who can give them music and colour.
And George Karim stands ready to study it all. Because who knows? Maybe somewhere mixed up in the whole thing lies the secret to understanding The Problem itself.
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ao3feed-janeausten · 1 year
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lockwoodstie · 5 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Fandom: Lockwood & Co. - Jonathan Stroud
Relationships: Quill Kipps/Jessica Lockwood, (Background) Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood, Quill Kipps & Jessica Lockwood, Anthony Lockwood & Jessica Lockwood, Quill Kipps/Other
Characters: Jessica Lockwood, Quill Kipps, Anthony Lockwood, Lucy Carlyle, George Cubbins (Briefly), Celia Lockwood (Briefly), Donald Lockwood (Briefly), (Mentioned) Bubs
Additional Tags: 1960s, Historical AU, Bands, Bars, Drinking, Cigarettes, vaguely romantic, Phone Calls, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Brother-Sister Relationship, Secret Santa Exchange
In the 1960s, Jessica Lockwood accompanies her younger brother to see his girlfriend's band perform. At the venue, she meets a young man and they begin to talk.
Created for the Lockwood and Co. Discord Secret Santa Exchange. Title comes from In My Life by the Beatles.
Created for @allthatbubbles
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bloodcanbehot · 2 years
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
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Anthony Lockwood x f!reader
Content: angst, kissing, bit of fluff?
Warnings: some curse words, but other than that none (kinda proof read)
Characters: Anthony Lockwood, (Y/N) Kipps and one mention of Quill Kipps (not directly his name). Also one or two mentions of the golden blade
Word count: 1.011 (according to word)
A/N: Just a heads up before you read, this scene is from a lockwood fanfic that I'm working on, the fanfic is with an oc but I changed it to y/n to post it here. Is this basically that scene after the auction with Lockwood and Lucy but in here y/n kisses Lockwood? Yes, leave me alone.
(here's their almost kiss if your interested)
I promise, he'd said before letting go of her hand and the cold water of the river hitting her skin brought her back to reality.
She felt him fall onto the water a bit later, grabbing her to get to the surface. She gasped for air, swimming away from his embrace and crawling to shore.
She laid there, gazing the stars on the sky and trying to make her heartbeat calm down with her mind. The image of her fist or palm on Lockwood’s face was helping a bit.
She saw him getting out of the water of the corner of her eye, falling next to her for a moment with a heavy sound.
“I promised, didn’t I?” he breathed out. She could even hear his smile. His annoying smile.
She wanted to punch him.
“Are you stupid?” she yelled, sitting up in one go and making her sight go spotty for a second as she did it “I know you're Anthony Bloody Lockwood and all but that was... fucking mental!”
He got up too “(y/n) listen-”
“No, you listen!” she snapped back “That wasn’t just stupid, it was… fucking reckless! And I understand crazy plans, I do! But I'm not the one who jumped from the top of a building! Twice!”
“Actually, three times but the first time was a house so I don't think it counts-”
(y/n)’s eyes opened wide “What?” she said “No, you know what? I don’t wanna know” she started walking away, hugging herself to somehow shield her freezing skin from the wind.
She heard his steps trail behind her, his dress-shoes hitting the small rocks from the river. She didn’t even want to imagine how she looked like. Mascara running down her cheeks, because of her tears or the water from the river, she didn’t know; her wet hair felt heavy, her new dress too, she only wanted to hide under the warm covers of her bed and forget all about this night. About the mission, about the fight, about everything.
About Anthony-fucking-Lockwood.
“(y/n) wait, oh god you’re fast” he finally caught up to her fast and heavy steps. She had learned from older agents under the agency to not just walk well on heels, but also fight with them on, “please”
There was that plead again, the one he had used on her last time they encountered that golden blade-bitch. She didn’t know why his begging caused her to stop, but she did.
She turned around, the knot on her throat growing back before she could even speak “I hate you”
“And you have every right to”
“You dropped me onto the fucking river!”
“I had a plan, things went wrong, I didn’t want you to get hurt” he explained.
“I can protect myself just fine!” she yelled.
“Yes, you can!” he yelled back “but you would also step in front of me and the blade, I would never forgive myself for that!”
“From the moment he appeared I knew the plan was fucked, but no, you risked it, again" she said “What were you gonna do? Fight him? You were going to die! Do you think I could forgive myself if that happened?” and I wasn’t there, she thought as she pushed him “Your sight might be great but you sure are blind when it comes to-”
“When it comes to what?” he cut her off, taking another step closer.
My feelings.
“You know what” she said instead “you think you're so good, you think you're the next big shit, but you’re just reckless, a reckless coward”
That what he needed, a punch to his ego.
“I’m not a coward”
“Then look at me in the eye and tell me how you feel” she almost whispered, feeling her hands shake at the thought of his answer “look at me in the eye and tell me you didn’t understand what I told you back at the library”
He didn’t say anything, and even when (y/n) thought she’d had enough, his silence was the last straw.
“I’m done” she said “I’m so done with you, if you want someone to help you with a case, call anyone else, not me! Call my brother for all I care!” she started walking away again, getting closer and closer to the steps leading to the street.
“(y/n) please-”
“No, don’t you ‘(y/n) please’ me” she yelled, not even bothering to turn around to look at him, missing just for a moment how he got closer before he grabbed her, forcing her to stop just a few steps away from the stairs.
“I did get it” he said “not just what you told me, but why you told me” He said, caressing her cheek like how he had done merely hours ago “and I… I do too” he said “I don’t know for how long, but I have feelings for you too (y/n)”
Maybe it was just a thing between them to panic each other with silence, but (y/n) enjoyed for just a moment the spark of fear growing on his eyes.
She grabbed him, smashing their lips together. He froze, but (y/n) didn’t care. She was about to pull back and yell some more when he grabbed her cheeks and pulled her in again, his hot breath fanning against her, bringing some relief to her cold aching skin for a moment.
She had completely forgotten what she was going to say after the kiss, probably insult him, but her mind was filled with fireworks.
No thoughts, just him. His lips, her lips. Their lips. (apocalypse)
“This- this should be- against some sort of rule” he said in between kisses.
(y/n) only hummed, barely registering what he’d said. Her fingers slid up his neck and grabbed his wet hair as he grabbed her by the waist, walking them both backwards till her back hit a wall.
They separated.
“Kissing me won’t make this go away” (y/n) said, breathing heavy and gazing at his eyes and lips.
He chuckled “I don't mind”
“You owe me a dinner” she said, straightening her back and stabbing his chest with her finger “A very nice dinner”
“Are you asking me on a date?” he asked.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A/N: Last night I had the idea to post it here to ask you guys what you think. Tbh I feel like it need a bit more editing, like, there's a piece of dialogue I wrote for this scene but idk where to sandwich it.
Please let me know what you think! Feedback is appreciated as long as your polite
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