quordleona03 · 1 year
SO6E19: What's Up Doc
In this episode, the A and the B plot take off from the same moment in OR, and go in very different directions. The A plot is, Hawkeye noting that Margaret seems unusually irritatable in OR - BJ is trying to operate on Lieutenant Tom Martinson, he's shoving the mask away, going "No!" and Margaret moves in and positions the mask to the man goes under, telling the nurse off for not doing her job right.
BJ says: "Don't start a fight, or we'll be sent to the principal's office."
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While Margaret is holding the mask over Martinson's face, BJ's helpful response is "Hey, Margaret, take it easy. She just doesn't like a guy who grabs."
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Margaret tells the nurse off, and BJ tells Margaret "As an officer and a gentleman, you should forgive and forget."
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Hawkeye's move is to follow Margaret and check in with her, find out why she's so irritable, and this is all good stuff, but let's follow the Martinson plot while Hawkeye is focussing on Margaret.
BJ and Charles are sharing post-off duty: BJ is examining the patient he was operating on when Margaret lost her temper: Lieutenant Tom Martinson.
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"How's that shoulder feel, Martinson? I think I did a bang-up job on your bang-up even if I do say so myself."
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Martinson asks unhappily "You're gonna send me back up there, aren't ya, Doc?" BJ says "You're ambulatory now. *checks wristwatch* You'll be out of here by noon Thursday."
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BJ adds "You're lucky. That's when our rates change." Hawkeye isn't there. Hawkeye is focussing his entire attention on Margaret. BJ - I think - is trying to be Hawkeye. Hawkeye would crack a joke to cheer up a depressed patient in post-op: so BJ does. And when the patient doesn't laugh, BJ laughs for him: a very forced laugh.
Martinson rolls his eyes at BJ.
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What would Hawkeye's reaction have been to a patient rolling his eyes at a joke? BJ's reaction is: "I don't remember. Did I remove your sense of humor?"
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Martinson's response to BJ? "
"Knock it off, Doc. This morning I was leading and retreated smack into a minefield. That shrapnel you removed from my shoulder is what's left of my sergeant's helmet. He was right next to me when the mine went up."
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BJ reacts:
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Martinson says "I am not going back. I won't go back."
BJ says: "I know how you must feel."
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BJ, apparently realising that Hawkeye-style jokes aren't going to work, sticks his hands in his pockets, and Martinson says: "You think it's because I'm scared, don't you?"
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BJ, attempting to be sympathetic: If you are, you're not alone, soldier."
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BJ sits down. Martinson says "I am not a soldier. I never was a soldier. I thought R.O.T. C.would keep me out of active duty."
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BJ's answer is "Should've read the fine print."
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Martinson points out he's an art history major, and when he was drafted, he assumed the army would put him somewhere relevant - just as they did BJ. BJ quips "I think the marines are the only ones with an art history division."
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This DOES NOT HELP. Martinson points out that an art history degree taught him nothing about leading men into action, and his inexperience got his sergeant killed.
BJ: "Look, Martinson, you can't blame yourself for that."
And Martinson, quite reasonably, says "Get out of here, will you? Just leave me alone." So BJ does.
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Charles cannot resist a little prodding, but the fact is, Charles' is right: "Bedside manner failing you, Hunnicutt?" - "Lay off, Winchester." "What's this, "Attila the Pun" has lost his sense of good humor? " BJ goes back later to try again. "Look, Tom. I hate this place, this war, just as much as you do. But there really isn't a whole hell of a lot we can do about it except cope with the situation as best we can."
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BJ adds "That or rent a room in Leavenworth."
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That look on Martinson's face. BJ's solution isn't a bad one. Hawkeye would likely have come to the same conclusion and made the same suggestion. But not in that form and not with that kind of visible reluctance - BJ literally coughs and raises his fist to his mouth before suggesting:
"I can recommend you be sent to Tokyo for psychiatric observation."
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To which Martinson responds - irrationally, but BJ's way of introducing it wasn't great either - "I'm not letting headhunters get ahold of me and put in my records that I'm nuts.'This is to certify that Tom Martinson, Associate Professor of Art History - went bonkers in Korea'?"
BJ: "They're not there to brand you. They're there to help you."
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"Will you slow down?"
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Charles steps in, evidently believing that as a fellow Ivy Leaguer - Martinson graduated from Yale - he can better help a patient BJ has managed to antagonise. BJ gives up. "Be my guest."
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Charles instructs BJ: "Don't - Don't go away. I think it's important you observe this."
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The expression on BJ's face. It's fairly clear he has emotionally signed off on Martinson and now just wants to see Charles fail, too.
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Charles Emerson Winchester III, Harvard graduate, is speaking to Tom Martinson, Yale graduate, and BJ is only amused.
"I could tell at once that you were a man of education and breeding. I guess the army is no place for a couple of - Ivy Leaguers like us Is it, Lieutenant?" Charles is the one who hands Martinson the backpack with his gun, and who nearly gets shot, but BJ is - having attempted to be Hawkeye without Hawkeye's unshakeable concern - primarily responsible for goading Martinson to the point where he decides taking a hostage to get out is the only option. Charles is only the last straw: BJ loaded it on.
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Tom Martinson: "I'll shoot this man if I have to."
BJ: "Okay. Not that okay."
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cdchyld · 2 months
Just added to Etsy!
~ "The R.O.T.C. Manual Cavalry: A Textbook for the Reserve Officers' Training Corps" (1942)
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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siphoklansan · 7 months
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In the meantime, have my sister as a TWST wonderland character!
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design notes ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡
IRL, my sister and I look pretty alike! But I guess it depends on each person. Some people think we don’t look alike at all while others think we look like twins :O! Our height doesn’t really differ either. I tried to incorporate some of Sippy’s qualities (physical appearance vibes) but my sister and I have completely different aesthetics qwq
Piggybacking from the first point, my sister is a coquette girl. She literally looks like a pinterest girl- like Sabrina Carpenter vibes. If I were to describe her properly, I’d say she’s Princess Aurora but as a brunette!
My sister, we’ll call her Allim, has really long eyelashes (especially the bottom ones like gah dayum) so I made sure to add that in the piece!
She really likes pink and ruffles, so I added those as well! I want her to look pretty and cute without leaning towards Epel’s look, so I made her look kind of like a business woman…coquette style.
Fun fact: her ear rings is what she wears daily irl! It’s a gift from her friend💖
others ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡
You guys might notice the Savannaclw Armband. And if you’re wondering, yes, she’s sorted into Savannaclaw!
She’s not in the TWST fandom, but I let her read an analysis of each dorm-sorting-requirements and let her choose which one she’d be most fitting in. I guess it would be Pomefiore because istfg her face card never declines but chile anyways-
Imagine how surprised I was when she said, “I think I’ll be in Savannaclaw☺️” and I’m like WHAT-
Cuz imagine a coquette girl in a place like SAVANNACLAW NJDHDSUHFSUBVOSII THE THOUGHT OF IT IS SO FUNNY TO ME😭 Just a brunette Aurora walking in with bulky beastmen running laps around the dorm n shit. But I do believe that she fits that dorm. Just…not aesthetically💀 She was in the R.O.T.C once so I think she’d do pretty well knowing the dorm.
I initially wanted to draw her with the dorm uniform but BY GOD IT IS NOT COQUETTE GIRL FRIENDLY. I’ll draw that one day once I figured out the design </3
She’s really good at cooking and has a main business; she sells cookies! Her slogan is “Cookie 20 Brownie 25” in Thai. That’s why she says it in the second panel of this post! Her cookies sell out within 3 days at MAX. She has an online shop in shoppee but only sells within the country at the moment :,))
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michellecathlene · 11 days
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PAGE, BETTIE MAI "The Secret of success is constancy of purpose." Academic-Commercial: Dramatic Club '38, '39, '40; Production Manager, '40; College Club, '39, '40; Program Chairman, '39, '40; Pep Club, '39; Student Council, '37, '38, '39; Secretary and Treasurer, '39; Regimental Sponsor of R.O.T.C., '39; Smartest Girl Sophomore, '38; Smartest Girl and Girl Most Likely to Succeed in Junior Class, '39; Girl Most Likely to Succeed in Senior Class, '40; D.A.R. Winner, '40; Co-Editor of Senior Echo, '40; Salutatorian, '40; Girls' Declamatory Contest, '39, '40; Hume Debate, '40; Fogg Horn Staff, '38, '39' 40; Co-Editor, '39, '40; President of Session Room, '38, '39; Honor Roll, '37, '38, '39, '40
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princetonarchives · 1 year
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Princeton University alum Lisa Bryant '93, 21, had just graduated when she headed off for an Army training program. Having completed the Army's R.O.T.C. program at Princeton, Bryant was a lieutenant. She was only intending to spend the summer there before a more permanent assignment, but she never got to leave Fort Bragg.
On July 10, 1993, Sergeant 1st Class Ervin Graves, 33, asked Bryant to dance multiple times, and each time, she turned him down. In response, he followed her and attacked her. The events ultimately resulted in Graves's conviction for murder and attempted rape in a court martial trial. Graves had reportedly shot Bryant because she resisted him.
At Princeton, Bryant was captain of the cheerleading squad (shown here in her cheerleading uniform). She wrote a senior thesis on Army families.
Undergraduate Alumni Records (AC199)
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unimatrix-420 · 1 year
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otoso · 1 year
A proud history reblog
In a handwritten letter to himself, dated December 13, 1990, Specialist Alan Rogers, a twenty-three-year-old African-American chaplain’s assistant, grappled with the issue of fear as he prepared for his first combat tour.
Rogers was an unusually soft-spoken and cerebral enlistee—voted “most intellectual” in high-school class, Rogers went on to a distinguished military career. After earning two Kuwait Liberation medals with the 8th Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery, which provided Patriot-missile support against Saddam Hussein’s Soviet-made Scuds.
He returned home and on a R.O.T.C. scholarship at the University of Florida, earned his bachelor’s degree in Religion.
He pursued a second master’s in policy management at Georgetown, part of an élite Defense Department internship program offered to twenty captains across the services. It included an assignment to the Pentagon—in Rogers’s case, as a special assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Gordon England. [Then], he worked at the Pentagon as the lead biometrics officer in Army Intelligence — “the stuff that you see on ��C.S.I.: Miami,’ ” as one of his friends put it.
After he began his third tour in Iraq, he took note of the weather in Baghdad, which wasn’t so different from Florida’s, and declared, “This is an ideal time to be here.”
Rogers was sitting in the right rear seat of an armored Humvee, in East Baghdad, on a routine morning patrol, as it passed a guardrail concealing an I.E.D. The force of the explosion blew straight through the vehicle, knocking an Iraqi interpreter, in the left seat, into the street. The interpreter and an American gunner who was standing beside Rogers in the Humvee were injured. Rogers died instantly. He was forty.
An obituary in the Gainesville Sun mentioned that Rogers was divorced and a Baptist minister - news to many of his friends at the Washington, D.C. chapter of American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER) formerly Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Veterans of America. The minister claim was accurate — Rogers’s troops on Team Stiletto called him the Preacher, on account of his frequent sermon like pep talks, Before his burial at Arlington National Cemetery, a “homegoing service” was held for his casket at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Starke, Florida, where he was ordained in 1995. Governor Charlie Crist ordered the flags at the statehouse flown at half-mast for the occasion.
The mention of a divorce was not accurate; it may have been a story some acquaintances passed on to explain why Rogers did not have a wife or a girlfriend. “We made a statement that he was married to the Army,” one longtime friend told.
As word of Rogers’s death spread in the gay community, some began to wonder if he might not qualify as the first known gay casualty of the Iraq war. Opponents of the military’s policy, noting his impeccable résumé, and his work with the Deputy Secretary of Defense, saw in Rogers a transformative figure and began soliciting media coverage...
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theonegod420 · 2 years
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junebaby · 6 months
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nononohorsemen · 7 months
⚖️ // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ ❤️
❤️ // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ 🩷
🩷 // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ 🧡
🧡 // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ 🫠
🫠 // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ 💚
💚 // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ 💙
💙 // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ 🐾
🐾 // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ 👾
👾 // .::[[[.R.O.T.C.]]]::. \\ ⚖️
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cupidswhispers · 7 months
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PEACE, LOVE AND WAR DAVE THE POET Joe, Hitched to Canada in 1964 Left behind, A home and family He wouldn't, Go off to war Now, He lives alone In a cave, Up on a hill Slowly, Dies each day 'Cause, When drafted He refused, To kill While Tommy, Was in high-school Joined, The R.O.T.C. Grandfather, A sailor in Korea Father, A decorated Vietnam marine He, Was just a farm boy Raising cattle, Chopping wood Thought he would make, His family proud Do the world, Some good Looked polished, In his uniform A soldier's, Chiseled face When he couldn't kill, On demand To the army, He was a disgrace Tried to step away, Find some peace A deserter, He sits in Leavenworth As lonely, As can be Twenty years, To life Guest, Of the U.S. Army When decisions, Have to be made Could, You answer the bell Choices, Made in life In Death, Could be hell A mother watches her son Lie in bed in constant pain The morphine and her tears Flow like poison rain On patrol in Afghanistan He stepped on a homemade bomb Both his legs and all his dreams Are long, long gone Just stares out the window His blue eyes now blood red He is the lucky one His partner found in pieces dead I speak from my heart Knowing one thing for sure A lot of pain is needed To feed a blood thirsty war Demonstrate in peace Paint your protest signs We can change this world Save some innocent lives Maybe someday our leaders Will see, Unite and believe That more love and compassion is required In the land of the brave And the home of the free Read the full article
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dojoe-tokyo · 7 months
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1930’s U.S. ARMY”R.O.T.C
size (実寸ML程度)
*174㎝ 着用
肩幅 49cm
身幅 55.5cm
着丈 81.5cm
袖丈 61.5cm
¥24200(tax in)
old 30’s、プルオーバー・ウールシャツ
0 notes
All the Difference
All the Difference https://ift.tt/Ja4dKSA by cakeisnotpie Sometimes, late at night, he wondered how he’d gotten to this point, deep in debt and sleeping in alleys. He’d had a plan. College paid through Army R.O.T.C., a couple of tours of duty where he’d save as much as he could, grad school in history or poli sci, maybe a Ph.D., become a college professor, and write books about military history. When the brass came to recruit him into special ops, he shifted a little, added another four years after the training, but he knew what he wanted for his future. But then Paraguay happened ... A story about PTSD, government conspiracies, bureaucratic red tape, and a really smart dog who brings people together. Written for Kabe and Stillcentre, winners of my MTH 2023 auction. Words: 18007, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel (Comics), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Darcy Lewis, Lucky (Hawkeye), Skye | Daisy Johnson, Jasper Sitwell Relationships: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson Additional Tags: Minor Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Homelessness, BAMF Phil Coulson, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Vigilantism, Veterans, VA paperwork, Graphic Violence, descriptions of a bloody battle, Phil is a BAMF, Homeless Phil Coulson, Nick Fury's a good bro but has his own agenda, Canon-Typical Violence, a dog is hurt by the bad guys, but don't worry, our boys save him, Marvel Trumps Hate 2024
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siphoklansan · 10 months
Here’s a speed paint on my first commission✨
Ft. Malleus and an OC
I do not own any of these characters/ I got permission from my customer before uploading
I made a terrible mistake— I drew Malleus first. My dumbass thought I could calculate on what part will be covered. So it took me an hour or so to render in the missing chunks😭 also another mistake on not charging more for the outfits, since both took so much time omfg—
I remember drawing this on the bus while im on my way to my R.O.T.C training hshjdhhsujsi but all of that aside, I loved how this turned out so much and I had a lot of fun💖
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chez-mimich · 10 months
1. Ho suonato in gruppi criminali di Long Island in cui spesso facevamo a scazzottate;
2. Ho frequentato diverse scuole e ho sempre avuto una band, come “Pasha and the Prophets”o L.A. and “The Eldorados”;
3. Sono stato espulso dai R.O.T.C. per aver minacciato di sparare a un ufficiale;
4. Dichiarato inabile alla leva per problemi mentali;
5. Ho lavorato come autore di canzoni e non ho avuto successo;
6. Con Warhol e i Velvet Underground in varie formazioni + ho contribuito a creare «ambienti multimediali» che nei felici anni Sessanta si chiamavano «psichedelici»;
7. Ho lasciato Warhol, riorganizzato la band e poi anche me stesso;
10. RCA, dischi solisti, soddisfazione.
(Il curriculum di Lou Reed presentato per la campagna promozionale del suo Tour. Da Will Hermes, “Lou Reed Re di New York”)
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