#rachel wann
barbiiecams · 6 months
Can you write about Drew with his little family visiting him for his days off from filming? 🩷
Also I love that you write about black oc readers!! It’s rare in this fandom to find that.
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dad!drew starkey x mom!reader, not proof read, & yes more black representation for the obx fandom pls! also this is kinda long soo enjoy 😖
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drew had been gone filming for about a month now.
for you, it was easy not to get so hung up over the fact he was gone for such a long time.
when you first started dating, it was definitely a tragedy. and it pained you everytime that you couldn’t just go with him.
and even now, of course you missed him like crazy. but after all these years of being together, you’ve learned how to deal with it and it got easier.
but for his baby aaliyah who’s never been separated from her daddy? oh this was hell.
she couldn’t even stand the sight of him walking out the door for 10 minutes, so now that he’s walked out the door, and hasn’t come back for weeks?
she definitely was not having it.
you knew how she was going to react as well, so for weeks you prepared yourself for the endless tears and tantrums.
“you know she’s going to be a pain when i’m gone, right?” drew reminds you while you guys get ready for bed.
“trust me, i know. im getting myself ready for it as we speak.” you reply as you start to wrap your hair up for bed.
he chuckles. “you guys can always come with, though. that’d be a good idea especially for her.”
“maybe like a visit for a few days, but i don’t think her being out of the country for that long is a good idea.” you said as you laid down in the bed. drew agreed with that statement and you both moved on to the next topic.
that was weeks ago. but now? you were starting to consider whether or not you should’ve just taken drew’s idea.
you tried so many resolutions with liyah, and nothing seemed to work.
the girl never seemed to tire herself out either. she just recently turned one, yet you were already seeing the tunnel to the terrible 2’s somehow.
to be fair, she was an angel. but once she got started, you didn’t know if and when she was going to stop.
currently you were trying to feed her. you had ms rachel on your phone in front of her because that seemed to calm her down in the tiniest bit when she would get upset.
it was going good, until drew had started to call you.
and as soon as she saw the picture of you and him pop on the screen, waterworks flooded all over again.
“i just calmed this baby down and now he wanna call me.” you mutter to yourself, partially annoyed even though he couldn’t control it.
facetimes never seemed to make her feel better and it actually quite made her even more upset, but maybe hearing his voice at the very beginning of a breakdown could ease her, so you went ahead and picked up.
“hello?” you propped the phone up on the table then picked her up and tried shushing her.
he didn’t even need to ask ‘how are my girls?’ because he could clearly tell.
“awe, i miss my baby too.” he pouts.
you picked up the phone and put it in her face so she could see him. “talk to her, your voice might help.”
“hi my love. shh, it’s okay daddy’s right here.” he says through the phone.
she stops wailing, but she’s still making whining and crying noises.
“she’s taking this even worse than i thought,” you say. “i knew it was going to be bad, but not this terrible.”
“she’s just a true daddy’s girl. what can i say?” drew smirks through the phone.
“you might find this funny but i have real life headaches from her, joseph.” he laughs at the use of his real name.
“i bet you do, im sorry baby.” he says, “why don’t you guys come and visit for a little bit?”
this time, you were quick to actually be on board.
“i think that’s a good idea too.” you started bouncing aaliyah up and down and gave her kisses. she wasn’t as loud with her whining, but she was still continuing. “i think it’s time we go see daddy.”
drew smiles, “i can’t wait. i’m gonna take some time off and buy your tickets. when do you wanna come out?”
“shit, tomorrow.” you sigh.
he laughs again at your comments but knows you’re being completely serious at the same time. “get to packing then baby.”
that’s all he had to say for you to pick the phone up and make your way upstairs with liyah.
first you started in liyah’s room. drew was still on the phone with you, talking way more than you were because she seemed to be getting quieter and quieter. it bothered her that she couldn’t feel him, but right now she’s was taking whatever she could take.
you showed him outfits, he decided whatever or not he liked him. you made sure to pack a whole separate bag for all of her baby necessities as well.
because you were connecting with drew in some way, it felt like an easy task you were able to accomplish. you knew for a fact if he wasn’t on the phone it would’ve taken you the rest of the day with her wailing and screaming.
when you were done packing her bag, you tried putting her to sleep. of course it took about an hour, but eventually she was soundly asleep. all you could do was thank heavens.
placing her in her crib, you had to really tiptoe out the door. if she woke up while you were in the middle of trying to walk out and leave, that would be another meltdown waiting to happen.
you and drew stayed on the phone even after she was liyah was put to sleep, but you made sure to keep the volume of the phone down so that his voice didn’t travel to her. now it was time to pack your clothes. he helped you pick out your outfits, and you did a mini fashion show for him with your outfits.
he loved them all, and occasionally gave a ‘do a little spin for me.’
every moment with him, or even just talking to him was great. no matter if you were actually next to him, or through the phone.
but unfortunately, you guys couldn’t stay on the phone forever. it was soon time for him to start filming again.
“i gotta go baby, but i love you so much, and i’ll see you two soon.” he said while walking back to his set. “kiss my baby for me.”
“i will. i love you too.” you smile then hang up the phone. you sighed and rubbed your face, thinking about how quick this was happening, but how ready you were at the same time. if it was going to get her to stop crying so much and was also going to get you to see your man again, a win is a win!
after everything, it was about 5 pm. this was a late nap for liyah and she would be up end up being bouncing up off the walls, but maybe that was good cus then she would sleep on the plane ride tomorrow.
heading back downstairs, you made dinner for yourself & made sure to leave a little for liyah cus she’ll get hungry out of nowhere.
you also made it a chore to clean the entire downstairs of your house, because coming back to a clean house after a few days on vacay is always a nice thing.
surprisingly, liyah didn’t wake up once. you weren’t too loud, but loud enough for her to start yelling, waiting for mommy or daddy to pick her up.
you love that girl to death, but her tantrums are for the birds.
after you were done, you went to check on her. she was still soundly asleep, most likely for once tired herself out with all the noises. soon, you were going to have to wake her up so she could take a bath. but you weren’t worried about that at the moment. you were finally able to pamper yourself for the evening, then deal with her later.
your phone dinged, and knowing what the message was you opened it right away.
2 attachments from drew, and they were your tickets to morocco for 10 days at 6 am.
hearting both of the attachments, you started to get excited.
one month wasn’t too much of a long period of time, but it was always enough for you and your baby to miss him more and more each day.
you could finally see him again, and you’d be reunited as a family.
the night went smoothly. she only woke up once, and that was to bathe and eat a bit of what you had made. she was easy to put back to sleep, and that’s what matter the most. you could’ve had more sleep for yourself, but the hours were efficient enough.
sooner than later your alarm rang for 4:30. you weren’t a morning person whatsoever, but you definitely did not have a problem waking up right now since you knew what was to come in only a matter of time.
it was going to be a real long ride of 11 hours, but the outcome would be worth it.
getting up out of bed, you brushed your teeth and washed your face with your products, then put those into your suitcase.
you let liyah sleep for a few more minutes, then woke her up knowing you were just going to put her in her mini uggs and throw a coat over her pajamas.
and as for you, you were keeping your hair the way it was and throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants.
you took this time to order the uber to the airport, and bring both of your suitcases and her baby bag downstairs.
walking back up to her room, you picked her up from the crib and started to pat her back while bouncing her. the movement would keep her asleep and peaceful instead of awake and cranky.
“we’ll see daddy sooner than you know it, mama.” you whispered to her.
not even bothering to make breakfast since it was too early for the both of you to be eating, you turned off everything in the house and waited for the car. it was now 5:15 and the car was going to pull up any minute.
liyah woke up for just two seconds, “mama?”
“yes baby?”
“where dada?”
“we’re gonna see him in a few hours, don’t worry.” you softly laid her head back down so she could close her eyes again. as she was falling asleep, the car pulled up and it was time to go.
stepping outside with a baby and one hand and dragging suitcases in the other, the driver stepped out to help you load up, and you placed aaliyah in the car seat you had requested the driver to have.
he closed the trunk and hopped right back into the car. he pulled out from your driveway and made small talk with you. you tried your best to keep up, but it was just too damn early.
after a 10 minute ride to the airport, he unloaded your things for you and helped you bring them inside while you carried liyah. you thanked him, then did all the stuff you needed to do before waiting to board the plane.
aaliyah was still asleep, clearly all the tantrums finally caught up with her.
you texted drew a few times, even though he was most likely resting.
but about 30 minutes later, it was time to board the plane. you had all your luggage ready, and you guys were finally able to start the real travel.
the plane ride was long, but it wasn’t bad.
you kept liyah busy with movies, coloring, and eating a few things.
she didn’t eat everything since plane food isn’t the greatest, but she ate some and so did you.
you had boarded the plane around 6 in the morning, well now it was 4:30 and you had just landed.
aaliyah had a burst of energy, and you knew she was ready to just play and be carefree again.
thankfully, the passengers were nice enough to help you walk off the plane and help with your luggage when they saw you with a baby, so the plane experience overall was definitely a 10/10.
you had called drew on the plane, and he let you know he’d been waiting with open arms. you were overjoyed, practically jumping with excitement on the inside and out.
but if you think you were over the top happy, seeing the look on aaliyah’s face while you walked to find drew waiting at the morocco airport had you all the way beat.
“DADDY!!!” she screamed in your arms once you started to make it towards him.
you giggled at her her volume, and was also just happy enough yourself to laugh at anything knowing you were finally with drew again.
he walked towards the two of you and met you halfway, “is that my baby girl?” he smiled and took her from you. their bond was something so special to you, and you were so grateful for how strong their relationship was.
he gave her many kisses and tickles, which made her laugh. this was the first time you saw her so excited in a while.
“and my other baby girl.” he turned to you, pulling you in and giving you a passionate kiss. you weren’t holding back either, you hadn’t seen your man for far too long now. because of this, you covered liyah’s eyes which made drew laugh.
finally pulling away, he kisses your forehead. “i got our whole week planned out.”
this made you smile. “and what will we be doing?”
“there’s restaurants i want you guys to try, there’s a really nice beach, and i got us a really nice hotel. i promise you these 10 days are gonna make up for the month i left you with this little drama queen,” he started liyah a bit at the last part which made her laugh again. her laughs were always so contagious and it made the two of you laugh as well.
“i know they will, you never disappoint.” you kissed his cheek.
he gets close to your ear and whispers so liyah doesn’t hear, “and i promise once we wrap filming, i’ll make you finish everynight, baby.”
this gets your cheeks hot. you can’t lie at all, you really did miss being tossed and turned by him once she was asleep at night.
“be careful with what you say,” you point a finger at him, “i’ll make you a daddy for the second time.”
he laughs, “please do.”
you roll your eyes at him, then start walking out to where his car is.
drew spent the wholeeee time talking to liyah, even though she mostly still speaks in her baby language.
he was having so much fun too, constantly giving an occasional ‘oh really’ and ‘what happened after that?’
it kept him entertained and so did you. you stayed recording the entire thing and could barely hold in your laughter.
you made finally made it to the hotel (not before stopping for some real food though of course.) and he was definitely not lying when he said it was really nice.
nice wasn’t even a good word, it was gorgeous.
“wow,” the three of you walked in. your hands dealing with the cart of luggage while his carried aaliyah. “this really is beautiful.”
“i know,” he looks like he’s in awe himself while he takes in the hotel. “only the best for my girls.”
you smile at him and he wraps an arm around you, the three of you making your way to the hotel room.
you were very happy you took this vacation.
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crimsonicarus · 1 year
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song: "I wann be yours" by Artic Monkeys
quotes: Unknown work, Aristophanes - "Letter to Eleni Samiou" by Nikos Kazantzakis - "April 18,2017" by Rachel Mennis - unknown - "Identical" by Ellen Hopkins - "departure" Louise Glück - "Escam" by @/scribbleshrimp on tiktok- "A letter to Allen Grover" - "I'll give you the sun" By Jandy Nelson - "quotes: Unknown work, Aristophanes - "Letter to Eleni Samiou" by Nikos Kazantzakis - "April 18,2017" by Rachel Mennis - unknown - "Identical" by Ellen Hopkins - "departure" Louise Glück - "Escam" by @/scribbleshrimp on tiktok- "A letter to Allen Grover" - "I'll give you the sun" By Jandy Nelson - "Eurydice" by Sarah Ruhl
paintings: "Весна начало" by Наталья - "Oil Painting Flowers Palette Knife Painting on" by ForestSandandAir - "Lavender field" by Nataliia Vyaz - the painting for the 4th banner was taken from @queenliza4728 on pinterest - "Floral" Ann Marie Coolick - Flowers Magazine Lorelai - "Unknown Piece" Marina Matkina Artist
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theart2rock · 1 year
Everdawn bringen am 8. Dezember Venera in den Laden
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Everdawn bringen am 8. Dezember Venera in den Laden Die Symphonic-Metal-Band Everdawn aus New Jersey wird am 8. Dezember "Venera" veröffentlichen, den Nachfolger von "Cleopatra" aus dem Jahr 2021 und ihr erstes Album bei Frontiers Records. Die erste Single und das Lyric Video aus dem Album, "Cassiopeia", sind heute erschienen. Über die neue Single sagt die Band: "Es ist wirklich faszinierend, über den schmalen Grat zwischen Selbstvertrauen und Arroganz nachzudenken und darüber, wer entscheiden darf, wann wir zu sehr ins Letztere gehen. Wie viel von uns selbst dürfen wir auf ein Podest stellen? In der Tat versuchen viele von uns, das Gleichgewicht zwischen Selbstachtung und Stolz zu finden, und in diesem Song geht es darum, den Mythos der Königin Kassiopeia als Allegorie zu verwenden, um die fragile Beziehung zwischen den beiden zu erkunden. Es stellt sich die Frage: Wie weit dürfen wir gehen, wenn es um den Glauben an unsere eigene Macht geht, bevor die Welt versucht, ihn uns zu nehmen? Wie weit sind wir bereit zu gehen, bevor wir alles und jeden, der uns lieb ist, um unseres Stolzes willen verlieren? Genau wie die Königin Kassiopeia müssen wir von ihr lernen und darüber nachdenken, ob wir bereit sind, die Folgen unseres Stolzes zu ernten - und schlimmer noch, zuzusehen, wie andere durch dieselbe Hand leiden. ' EVERDAWN ist eine Symphonic-Metal-Band aus New Jersey, die von Frauen geleitet wird. Die Band wurde ursprünglich im März 2014 unter dem Namen Midnight Eternal gegründet und umfasste die Gründungsmitglieder Boris Zaks, Richard Fischer, Dan Prestup und Mike LePond. Anfang 2016 unterzeichnete die Band Deals zunächst mit Intromental Management und später mit Marquee/Avalon (Asien) und Inner Wound Recordings (Europa/Nordamerika) für die Veröffentlichung des selbstbetitelten Debüts. Das Album wurde von Eric Rachel (Skid Row, Symphony X) produziert und von Tommy Hansen (Helloween, Pretty Maids, Jorn) gemischt und gemastert. Das beeindruckende Artwork wurde von Jan Yrlund (Apocalyptica, Korpiklaani, Delain) entworfen. Die Band begann eine Nordamerika-Tournee als Support der erstaunlichen Prog-Veteranen Queensryche und tourte in Europa als Support für die Avantgarde-Könige von Therion auf zwei erstaunlichen und ausgedehnten Touren, die die Band auf ein neues Niveau brachten. Plötzlich war die Band ein Name, mit dem man rechnen musste, selbst nach nur einem Album. Nach einigen Änderungen in der Besetzung und der Aufnahme der erstaunlichen Stimme der jungen und sehr talentierten, in Russland geborenen, kanadischen Sängerin Alina Gavrilenko, die einen energiegeladenen Gesangsansatz in die neuen Songs der Band einbrachte, wurde der Name in EVERDAWN geändert, um einen Neuanfang zu signalisieren. Das zweite Album der Band mit dem Titel "Cleopatra" wurde am 5. März 2021 weltweit veröffentlicht. Es wurde im Sommer 2019 aufgenommen und von Dan Swano gemischt und gemastert, der für seine Arbeit sowohl als Musiker als auch als Produzent (Opeth, Evergrey, Oddland, Omnium Gatherum, u.a.) bekannt ist, und taucht noch weiter in den melodischen Ofen ein, in dem die Hits entstehen. Das atemberaubende Artwork des Albums stammt von dem übertalentierten ungarischen Künstler Gyula Havancsak (Annihilator, Grave Digger, Tyr, u.a.) und zeigt eine atemberaubend schöne Version der alten ägyptischen Königin und die Umgebung in ihren Tempeln und Ländern. Ein Muss für Sammler! Nach der Veröffentlichung von "Cleopatra" musste ein Ersatz für LePond gefunden werden, da er mit seiner Hauptband Symphony X viel zu viele Verpflichtungen hatte. Der Ersatz war der einheimische Bassist Alan D'Angelo, und die fünfköpfige Band ging auf eine ausverkaufte Europatournee als einzige Vorgruppe des weltweit gefeierten Gitarrenvirtuosen Michael Schenker, während sie gleichzeitig ihr neues Werk "Venera" schrieben, das im Herbst 2022 aufgenommen, gemischt und gemastert wurde (Jacob Hansen @ Hansen Studios kümmerte sich um den Sound, wie er es schon bei so vielen Bands getan hat, u.a. Volbeat, Amaranthe, Destruction, Pretty Maids). Der melodische Stil der Band ist unverkennbar, und mit hochfliegenden Gitarrensoli und einer wirklich einzigartigen Stimme beweisen EVERDAWN, dass sie eine Band sind, mit der man rechnen muss. Tracklisting: 1          CASSIOPEIA 2          CENTURY BLACK 3          SILVER LINING 4          KARMIC PARTNER 5          NORTHERN STAR 6          JUSTIFY THE MEANS 7          THE PROMISE 8          CRIMSON DUSK AND SILVER DAWN 9          VENERA 10        ORION'S BELT 11        IMAGES EVERLASTING 12        SAMSARA 13        TRUER WORDS EVER SPOKEN 14        BENEATH THE WELL   Line-up: Alina Gavrilenko - vocals Richard Fischer - guitars Alan D'Angelo - bass Dan Prestup - drums Boris Zaks - keyboards SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook Instagram YouTube   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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slowlymadeart · 5 years
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I'm sure you have some questions. A half-decent sandwich sure did, so I'll tell you what I told it. 
 1. She's been like this since birth. Probably. 
2. They do not take energy or focus to grow, much like hair or toe nails. 
3. The rolls are gluten free as humans do not produce wheat. 
4. And yes, they do in fact continue to keep growing unless other wise removed. Again, much like toe nails.
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princessmovieticket · 8 years
Interveiw- Living with Chronic Illness
● When did you first notice/realized you had an illness and what/how did you notice first about the illness?
It was subltle. I watched myself decline through high school. I didn't know it was illness, I thought I was merely physically inept. You come up with explanations like this for yourself in these situations. The problem was I was not educated enough on the body to know that my issues were way out of the norm.
I would feel faint when standing for long periods of time, which seemed normal enough for a 110Lbs 17 year old girl. But then I began to have these episodes of extreme insomnia, which while also seemed normal enough, lead to episodes of the craziest hypersomnia you'd find in sleep speacialist's patients. (During my first appointment with a sleep specialist in 2015, he was CONVINCED I had narcolepsy).
I missed an average of 30 days of high school per year, mostly due to days where it was literally impossible for me to wake up no matter what I did. I got worn out easily. Gym class was the worse. I had a lead role in a school play and was very often to tired to make it to rehearsal even though I wanted to badly. (I have social anxiety, which I talk about later, but a musical is one thing I'm willing to lock it away for).
I felt guilt all of the time, maybe my best wasn't good enough? Maybe everyone else felt this way and I needed to push myself? Slowly I started to guess that something was off,  at some point I could tell this was a condition specific to me. Sadly I just assumed it was something I could try to control on my own by making healthy choices.
● How did you manage the symptoms before professionals became involved? At what point did you get professionals involved?
I started to let myself rest. In college I'd sit down in class when we were suppose to be standing for a demo. I tried not to guilt myself for all the (expensive) Ringling Classes I missed. Sophomore year I focused on going at my own pace, eating as best as I could, drinking TONS of fluid, working in my dorm room. I adjusted my sleep schedule to a strict 7-8pm bed time so I wouldn't over sleep, putting my phone on the opposite side of the room, an alarm clock app with math puzzles I had to solve to wake up to.
The problem was as I did this I continued to grow more fatigued. By the end of my Sophmore year at Ringling I only managed to get to each class once a week, if at all. Sometimes I woke up barely being able to move, I'd often spend 2-3days in my dorm room in bed before resurfacing. Even my roomates were way to busy to notice.
Once I left, my family spent the summer moving to Illinois. I was determined to fix this. For some reason, I thought all the fatigue was from Depression and that the symptoms of my (unknown) Hyperadreangic Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia was an anxiety disorder.
So I immediately got into one of the best psychiatrist in Peoria. By Novemeber 2013 I became totally bedridden, which opened the door to a lot of depression, and my uneducated self assumed depression was the problem rather than a result of other things. After about 5 months, they told me they we're not going to prescribed anymore meds because they were convinced this was something physical. They sent me on my way to an Endocrinologist and that's when the ball got rolling.
● What did you think your symptoms meant? What were your first thoughts?
Somehow, in the back of my head, my instincts anticipated for a long time where this was headed. I had asthma as a kid, and I apparently had pneumonia 33 times. Countless episodes of strep in highschool, along with stomach issues. So I figured my body was very sensitive to getting sick and becoming upset over anything it was able to respond negatively too. And as I said before, I have struggled with depression for a long time, early high school, so I assumed fatigue was an extension of that.
(An important fact, one of the first symptoms of autoimmune issues and other chronic illnesses like Multiple Sclerosis or Lupus, is Depression).
Once Psychiatric causes were off the table the causes of the chronic fatigue was a wild card. EVERY PATIENT with chronic fatigue knows it's basically the wildest card there is. It can be caused by a slew of things. I read about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and it made a lot of sense. That's when I started to take things seriously and began researching and going down paths beyond it. Becoming educated is also how I was finally able to give myself a break.
● How was it talking to your family about your initial symptoms and the illness itself? How does it feel when you talk to people about it outside of your family?
Family is the number one reason I went so long without a diagnosis. As I look back I can see how absurd my life was due to my health complications, it's incredibly obvious. My dad would hound me on how “It's a choice, Rachel! Everyone struggles, you have to just push through it.” (That's the polite version of his words). My whole life was centered around going above and beyond just to do normal things, and often do them in an exceptional way to compensate for being rather unreliable.
Once the door was opened to the fact this was physical, I panicked to find every answer I could, not so much as to fix it, but so I wouldn't be constantly beat down by the incredible guilt that came with thinking this was my fault and that I wasn't trying hard enough.
Once I came up with solid answers, I'd tell my parents, I'd explain things to them, show them articles, so I wouldn't have to risk being eaten alive by criticism. This was a major turning point for me in my life because having answers, knowing it wasn't my fault, gave me my power back.
Telling others is a mixed thing, usually I am very happy to inform them, illness symptoms and what causes them is a very relateable conversation for almost everyone. I have made good friends who met me after I became bedridden, who know to embrace it. One friend who was turned away by doctors who I told to go back because he had narcolepsy, and that week he was diagnosed with narcolepsy. Friends who had had trouble with their medications, friends who were struggling but didn't know how to approach doctors with their issues. There have been far more positive interacts from people I tell than negative. There's always going to be those who try to compare their situation and don't grasp the levity of what you're explaining, but you know you've found a new friend when you see them take a step back and suddenly re-evaluate how they are seeing you. You're suddenly in a much more personal and encouraging conversation, and those conversations go a long way.
● How did your family react? Did your immediate family react differently than your extended family? ● Who did you perceive to be helpful or not and why?
My mom has many of the same issues I do but less severe. Before me, she didn't know what to call them, and she didn't pay them a lot of attention, she didn't have to. My dad was slow to accept. It was several months of walking him through everything and always fully explaining myself to get him use to everything. My extended family was a little tricky, my mom's side understood very well. (My mother has...nine? Sisters? She's one of eleven children). I remember one time when visiting my Dad's Parents, and his brother, wife, and daughter were there. After a few hours I went to a bedroom to lay down and take a break and my uncle picked a fight with my dad claiming he was letting me get away with being lazy and destroying my life, to which my dad told him he didn't understand and began to explain P.O.Ts. This was the one time I've seen my dad stand up for me. My uncle was shocked because he was not expecting cardiac involvement, he himself has struggled with severe heart problems the past couple years. He realized this conversation was over his head and kind of just shut up after that.
I perceived my family as more on the unhelpful side. With the exception of my mom. Truthfully, everyone has let me down 97% of the time. Everything that has been diagnosed or treated has been from my persistence. No one tries to involve themselves, I spend months alone in the basement. My family member s don't come down to “talk”.  For the past few years I have not been bitter or too upset over it, but during the past 8 months, specifically the past 3, I've gotten visibly worse. I developed brain damage and began to struggle with speech, planning, flexible thinking, unable to multitask, sydenham Chorea, a form of shaking, in my hands, and tics. Because of the brain damage, it took me a while to realize what was going on, because I couldn't processes exploring the symptoms. I was blocking out doing so out because it took extra energy so I wanted to focus on other things. Hadn't I done enough analyzing of symptoms in the past? I couldn't analyze like I could a year ago, and I didn't understand that yet. I didn't realize it was the biggest road block.
Eventually, as it got totally debilitating, I was the one to figure it out and I wish to God that I wasn't. I wish that someone else would have gone “okay, something's different. Something's really wrong with Rachel.” but that's not what happened. I couldn't really be there for myself and no one that was supposed to be showed. It is a fresh wound and I am still royally pissed. I wish someone else was here for me in they way I've had to be here for myself.
The most helpful people have been my friends. My friends genuinely care even though lately I haven't seen much of them. They have an empathy that I just don't think runs in my family, unlike the health issues.
● How does your illness affect relationships with others including family, friends, and strangers?
Illness leaves me incredibly isolated. There's not a lot of people to interact with in my bedroom. I barely get to see friends anymore due to their busy schedules and my living situation. As my illness has gotten worse over the past year I've started hiding away more. Conversations and interactions can be very over stimulating, even ones online. Prior to get sick I was rather introverted with social anxiety, a social anxiety I have even in my own home that only goes away for a tiny handful of people. (When it does it's like night and day, full of passionate monologues and musical numbers, I kid you not). When someone messages me online nowadays, I get an adrenaline rush I can't curb. My body turns that into an anxiety that completely freezes me up and wears me out for the next several days. If a family member comes down during a time when I'm not feeling well that sudden adrenaline starts, I may become a little catatonic, and my speech problems will start to show. The stutter/dysaphsia due to neurological/brain damage tends to become more apparent when I'm stressed, flaring up, or have been talking to long. It can make communicating difficult and awkward.
Strangely enough, it's easier to handle it when it happens with strangers. They tend to be more inclined to listen when this happens, and not take it as personally as my family and my recent boyfriend have. But all these things have left me hesitant to communicate with people as it is one of the most exhausting things I've faced so far.
● What messages did/do you receive from the larger society about your illness?
It depends on what part of society were talking about. In the real world, the message can suck. Mostly because it's either “suck it up” or worse, it's non-exsistent. A passive, non communicative society is dangerous. It leaves the door open for things to becomes worse, for millions of others in my position to go disregarded. We are in need of your attention, of your advocacy, and a chance to represent ourselves. Whatever you do, don't become Chronically Ill or Disabled in a Capitalistic society. Unless of course, you plan on not being so chronically ill or disabled that you can monopolize on your life by writing books or creating a website filled with health tips and allergy safe recipes. Even then, that can be a soul-draining endeavor, so I don't recommend it.
Online, it is a world of empathy where others who experience similar issues continuously try to support each other. Where spreading information is a major positive. You are allowed to be sick online. I don't think I would have made it this far without the internet. So many others say the same thing. The internet has allowed so many people with Chronic Illness and disability to find ways to cope, regain a sense of community, and continue living a life. A life that is still worth living, that keeps them hanging on.
● How does your illness affect your daily life?
Illness likes to plan my days for me. It's the perfect custom prison. How long I spend on a activity is usually up to my illness, and what activity is pretty much up to my illness. For instance, pretty much everyday when I wake up, I will need to use the bathroom. But my body will be so difficult to move it will be 1-3 hours before that happens.
I can't drive anymore, I can't take walks (believe me, when Pokemon Go came out I tried), and I exclusively leave the house for medical related things.
Let's say I want to shower today, and I'm kinda feeling up to it (Yay!). But my muscles are stuck, my brain keeps freezing and I'm having trouble processing the steps to gather clothes for after the shower and walking myself to the bathroom. It can be several hours before I finally get there. Maybe I'd like to draw. After 15 minutes I'm becoming catatonic, the lights are to bright, and my brain becomes inflexible, I suddenly can't processes how to continue on the drawing and my entire being is frozen. I still want to draw, but my everything can't figure it out.
I've made a rule when planning a day, that I only have 3 task to do. For example, shower, important phone call, and ordering something I need online. This has worked really well for me.
● What is your perceived quality of life?
This past year has been rough. I don't have an actual bedroom, and having no walls or doors messes with a person's head. I developed brain damage and no one took notice. I got worse and we still don't have very solid medical explanations. I shower once every four days. And I can't clean up my guinea pig's environment as much as I like.
Everything is exposed, interactions are shallow, my body's terms are unknown, everything's a mess, and life is rather out of control despite my quiet but continuous drive to take care of all I can. It's hard to get my head outside of feeling these things.
I can't continue living like this. I'm currently doing everything I can to fix what I can and get out into a new environment.
● What are your hopes for the future?
Currently my friend Victoria and I are looking for a place to move into together. Which is a enormous step, but it's a start. It's my hope that this will be an environment where I can feel more relaxed and have friends over to visit, and that I'll be able to rebuild skills around my independence.
My hopes are very controlled by my expectations. I want to be able to find some sort of groove, find a way to manage illness and be able to do something.
I hope that medical research will advance, that information will become as popular to share in everyday life as it can be online. That people like me will be advocated for, represented, and not forgotten and hidden away.
I hope there will be more in my life than what there is now. A significant other, my own home filled with plants and large windows.
I hope that my life will be something that makes waking up and feeling like I was Daredevil-style fighting crime in my sleep, everyday, a little less crappy.
● What role does your illness play in your expectations?
It's funny you asked that, one of my most popular Tumblr post was
“People: You shouldn't give up on your dreams just because of Chronic Illness!!!*~*~*~*
Me: The only dream I have now is to recover or reach a point of slightly functional stability”
(1,153 notes, hahaha).
It's true, I had to let go of all my dreams. When you can only shower every 4 days you don't have a choice. At that point you can't even dream that big. All your day dreams become more realistic and there's no way to stop it. But ultimately, being able to establish some form of independence is a big goal of mine.
A good “expectation killer” example: I started singing again back in August on a Karaoke app called Smule Sing!. It took all my energy to just do a couple songs a day, but I was invited to an elite group on the app and got a couple hundred followers pretty fast. Singing on there was the most consistent activity I've been able to do since getting sick. Most days I had to take Lorazepam to avoid catatonia and muscle stiffness, some days I couldn't find the energy. I did well until I took the antibiotic Flagyl and developed the neurological/brain damage. It was unexpected and sudden. I've gotten some skill back, but it's so much harder now, and truthfully I don't know if this issue will ever reverse itself or improve fully.
As much as I would like to, I can't spending everyday writing or drawing, or creating some kind of job that would generate an income for myself, or even just create fulfillment for myself.
I have no idea what my future's going to be like and I'm not really planning for it, not at this moment anyway. There's too much up in the air medically to tell how I might be....heck, 2 years from now. Remember, I'm still adjusting to this past year of becoming worse. So many things are beyond my own control, and I just want to hone into the things that are so I can have somewhat of a secure footing through it all.
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Nachdem wir ein Poster mit einem unbekannten Partisan aus der Sovieunion gedruckt haben, kommt hier, wie versprochen der zweite Teil der Plakat-Reihe. Es erinnert an die jüdischen Partisan_innen in Vilna. Das Bild von Sara Ginaite haben wir einer Orginal-Fotografie von 1944 nachempfunden. Dr. Sara Ginaite ist Autorin des Buches "Resistance and Survival" und hat als 18-jährige Überlebende des Ghettos Kovno mit russischen Partisan_innen in einer jüdischen Partisanen-Einheit bewaffnet gegen die Faschisten gekämpft.
Es gibt jede Menge pannende Literatur zum Thema, die wir euch an dieser Stelle wärmstens ans Herz legen wollen:
- Ingrid Strobel : Mir zeynen do - Rachel Margolis - Als Partisanin in Wilna - Lisa Fittko - Mein Weg über die Pyrenäen - Rachel Margolis - Als Partisanin in Wilna - Primo Levi - Wann, wenn nicht jetzt
FILM: - Die Flucht aus Sobibor - Defiance
Sara Ginaite was born in Kovno (now Kaunas), Lithuania, in 1924. During the first large Aktion of October 1941, the Gestapo selected 9200 Kovno Jews, including over 4000 children, to murder in the nearby Ninth Fort. Sara, then a teenager, survived and joined the Anti-Fascist Fighting Organization (AFO) in 1942. She met and married the charismatic leader of its youth group, Misha Rubinson. Sara and Misha were among the first group of young fighters smuggled out of the Kovno Ghetto to join the Russian partisans in the Rudninkai Forest 50 kilometres away. One of Sara’s assignments was to return to the ghetto to bring out more young people. About 300 were eventually able to join the partisans. In July 1944, Sara and Misha participated in the liberation of Vilnius and Kovno but were too late to save 90 percent of the Jews, including most of the members of their families, who had been murdered. Only Sara, Misha, Sara’s older sister, Alice, Alice’s husband, and a young niece left hidden with Lithuanians survived the Holocaust. In spite of still rampant antisemitism, Sara completed her doctoral studies in Political Economics and obtained an appointment as a professor at Vilnius University. There she published studies in her field and on the Holocaust in Lithuania. Her book Resistance and Survival: The Jewish Community in Kaunas, 1941–1944, which was enlarged, translated into English, and published in Toronto, won the Canadian Jewish Book Award for Holocaust History in 2006. After her husband’s death, Sara joined her two daughters in Canada in 1983. For the next 15 years, she was an Adjunct Professor at York University and lectured widely in Canada, Israel, Europe, and the United States about her World War II experiences.
Ein Buch über Sarahs Leben: Sara Ginaitė-Rubinsonienė (Ginaite-Rubinson): Resistance and Survival: The Jewish Community in Kaunas, Lituania, 1941–1944. Mosaic Press, Oakville (Ontario) 2005
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abcnewspr · 3 years
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The following report highlights the programming of ABC’s “GMA3: What You Need to Know” during the week of June 21 – June 25. “GMA3: What You Need to Know” is a one-hour program co-anchored by Amy Robach, T.J. Holmes with Dr. Jennifer Ashton as chief medical correspondent. The news program airs weekdays at 1:00 p.m. ET| 12:00 p.m. CT on ABC and 4:00 p.m and 6:00 p.m. ET on ABC News Live.
Highlights of the week include:                           
Monday, June 21 — GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis; author Rachel Rodgers (“We Should All Be Millionaires”); Chef Jet Tila; comedian Jim Gaffigan (“Luca”)
Tuesday, June 22— International President of the Association of Flight Attendants Sara Nelson; author David Yi (“Pretty Boys”); a performance by Lucky Daye
Wednesday, June 23—Mayor of Austin, Texas Steve Adler; Psychology professor Dr. Daniel Wann, Sports Center co-anchors Elle Duncan and Kevin Negandhi; actress Mignon (“Sistas”); Deals and Steals with ABC e-commerce editor Tory Johnson
Thursday, June 24— Color of Change President Rashad Robinson; ABC News Contributor Mike Muse and attorney Ann-Margaret Carrozza; a performance by Jon Batiste
Friday, June 25—President and CEO of The Food Industry Association Leslie Sarasin; Faith Friday with Reverend Angela T. Khabeb; host Doug Thron (“Doug to the Rescue”)
  – ABC –
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solatgif · 3 years
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While Asian American churches tend to get lumped together, there are actually important distinctions between them. To facilitate more dialogue about the needs and growth of ethnic-specific churches, SOLA Network hosted a conversation with four Chinese American pastors about the Chinese heritage church. Check out Part 1 and Part 2, featuring pastors Casey Young, Hanley Liu, Ben Pun, and Joey Chen.
2020 looked promising for David Yoon, also known as Kindred Worship. He had dropped his EP, Edmund, the previous year, and he would be leading worship for SOLA Conference 2020. Then the pandemic hit. I spoke with David about Worship Artistry and Worship Leading in COVID-19. We talk about his journey in creating Kindred Worship, leading worship through a pandemic, and how the church can better support worship leaders and worship artists.
We may have done an exceptional job on Mother’s Day, but how can we continue to love and cherish our mothers throughout the rest of the year? Our editor, Hannah Chao, shared Ten Questions to Ask Your Mom After Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to view our new Moms and Motherhood collection, and check out our monthly newsletter for more popular articles -- read it now and join for free. If you have an article or link to share, reach me on Twitter or Instagram.
1. Matthew D. Kim and Daniel L. Wong: Preaching to the Heart of the Asian American Experience
“To love our neighbor means to speak up for the voiceless and those who need our defense. To love our neighbor means sacrificing our rights and freedom to care for the other person. To love our neighbor means not protecting our comfort, but seeking out opportunities to promote reconciliation, harmony, and peace.”
2. Eric Constanzo: 7 Ways to Serve Our Immigrant and Refugee Neighbors During a Pandemic
“We can demonstrate the love of Christ to our immigrant and refugee neighbors by helping to meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in his name, and share with them the most important message they could ever hear.”
3. Liz Wann: Mothering at the End of Me
“God used the challenges of motherhood to expose my self-sufficiency in motherhood.”
1. SOLA Network: Leaders One Day Video Recap
A long year of pandemic, social unrest, and lockdown have left many church leaders discouraged, confused and tired. SOLA Network invited a select group of leaders to gather to break bread, listen and collaborate. We also filmed several plenary and panel sessions for an upcoming digital event! Watch this new short video recap, graciously provided by Hannah Kim and Living Hope Community Church.
2. For the Church: Adam McClendon on Counseling Those With Porn Use
“The key thing that he needs to remember is recovery is possible. Freedom is possible. You do not have to live in this addiction.”
3. Aaron Lee: Related Works
Summer Sessions: Turn Your Eyes, It Was Finished Upon That Cross, Yet Not I, and more. Book Reviews: Brave by Faith by Alistair Begg, A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really) by Rachel Jones, and 7 Reasons to (Re)Consider Christianity by Ben Shaw. Like our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.
1. Aaron Lee and David Yoon: Worship Artistry and Worship Leading in COVID-19: An Interview with Kindred Worship
“What we're seeing in this season is that corporate worship is so important and so necessary for the believer.”
2. Casey Young, Hanley Liu, Ben Pun, and Joey Chen: The Future of the Chinese Heritage Church (Part 2)
The pastors talk about how their Chinese heritage has helped shape their identity, whether Chinese churches should become multiethnic, and their hopes for the Chinese heritage church.
3. Casey Young, Hanley Liu, Ben Pun, and Joey Chen: The Future of the Chinese Heritage Church (Part 1)
While Asian American churches tend to get lumped together, they are actually important distinctions between them. A Chinese heritage church is ethnically Chinese with congregations that speak in Chinese dialects while also developing and growing in an Asian American context.
4. Hannah Chao: Ten Questions to Ask Your Mom After Mother’s Day
“See your mom not only as a parent but as a woman made in the image of God who you are called to love and serve.”
5. TGIF: Roundup for May 7, 2021
Your One Wild and Precious Life / Survey: Half of U.S. ‘Christians’ Say Casual Sex Is Acceptable / Young Mom, You Can Read the Bible
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.
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healthupdatede-blog · 5 years
Wie Powerfrau Laura ihr eigenes Business rockt – Heroine Stories
Laura ist eine Powerfrau, wie sie im Buche steht und hat gleichzeitig das größte Herz überhaupt. Wir kennen und noch nicht lange, hatten aber sofort eine besondere Verbindung. Laura zieht mich täglich mit ihrem Über-den-Tellerrand-Schauen in den Bann und bei jeder Instagram Story hänge ich an ihren Lippen. Mir war schnell klar, dass Laura eine meiner Heldinnen bei Heroine Stories sein muss. Ich wünsche euch viel Freude, Inspiration und Gänsehaut beim Lesen.
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Wie würdest du in 3 Sätzen deinen derzeitigen Job erklären?
Als Business Coach unterstütze ich Selbstständige dabei, mehr zu verdienen und weniger zu arbeiten. Mein Job ist es, ihnen dabei mit hilfreichen und andersartigen Fragestellungen zur Seite zu stehen. Es sind nur zwei Sätze – ich kleiner Rebell
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Warum und wann hast du mit Instagram gestartet?
2014 oder so?! Ich kann mich gar nicht mehr erinnern! Gestartet bin ich als passive Followerin auf der Suche nach Fitnessmotivation, Workouts und inspirational quotes (denn die habe ich vorher auf We <3 it gesuchtet :D). Mit meiner eigenen Message und einem „richtigen“ Account habe ich erst 4 Jahre später richtig angefangen. Vorher war ich lange auf der Suche nach meinem Platz in der Welt, was ich überhaupt mitzuteilen hatte und wo ich im Leben noch hin wollte.
Welche Dinge geben dir Energie und lassen dich Kraft tanken?
Meine bessere Hälfte, um 22 Uhr ins Bett gehen, aber auch unvergessliche Gespräche um 2 Uhr nachts, sonntags nackt unter Bademantel verbringen, die strahlenden Gesichter meiner Studenten nach einer Coaching-Session, Zeit mit meiner Familie, einen ganzen Tag lang in der Sonne und einem Buch in der Hand räkeln, meine Morgenroutine, barfuß im Wald stehen und atmen, jeden Monat mindestens eine Sache machen, die absolut außerhalb meiner Komfortzone liegt. Und SO vieles mehr.
Wie sieht deine aktuelle Morgenroutine aus?
Zwischen 5:30 und 6 Uhr aufstehen, ein Glas Leitungswasser auf Ex trinken, eine kleine Journaling-Session mit Fokuskarte starten, dann mit einem Lauf, einer Trainingsession im Fitnessstudio oder einem Spaziergang abschließen. Hauptsache Bewegung! Da ich im Home-Office arbeite, kommt die manchmal zu kurz – mein Arbeitsweg sind genau 3 Meter vom Bett zum Schreibtisch. 
Was waren deine bisher größten Meilensteine im Leben?
Oh, ich liebe Meilensteine! Oder auch: Die Errungenschaften auf dem Weg zu den eigenen Zielen. Da gab es so einiges. Spannend ist ein Blick auf die Situationen und Entscheidungen, die mich am meisten geprägt haben.
Meinem Vater beim Sterben zusehen zu müssen, war eine unerwünschte und gleichzeitig wichtige Erfahrung. Versteh mich nicht falsch, ich würde sie gegen alles in der Welt eintauschen, um ihn wieder zurückzuholen, aber das geht nicht. Also ist es eine Frage der Perspektive: Wie gehe ich möglichst gestärkt mit dieser Erfahrung um? Wie nehme ich das Leben jetzt wahr? Und wie kann ich anderen helfen? Das sind meine drei wichtigsten Begleiter seit letztem Jahr. 
Meinen 9-5-Job zu kündigen und den Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit zu wagen. Das war die erste Entscheidung, die ich wirklich nur für mich gefällt habe (nicht für meine Eltern, Freunde oder um andere zu beeindrucken). Und bisher die beste meines Lebens. Sich während der Selbstständigkeit noch einmal umzuorientieren und das Business auf den Kopf zu stellen, war ebenfalls aufregend, mit viel Tränen verbunden und doch wunderschön.
Etwas, was noch bevorsteht – mich aber ausflippen lässt und auch einer meiner größten Meilensteine sein wird: Ich starte nächstes Jahr ins digitale Nomadentum, kündige meine Münchner Wohnung und reise um die Welt – all by myself. Meine Hose ist bis zum Rand voll, aber ich freue mich
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Vielleicht komme ich nach zwei Wochen wieder voller Heimweh nach Hause, vielleicht wird es eine Mischung aus Reisen und in Deutschland arbeiten. Ich weiß es nicht, bin ganz offen und denke, dass diese Zeit ganz großartig wird.
Welche Tipps würdest du jemandem geben, der sich gerne selbstständig machen würde?
Ein Ziel ohne Plan ist bloß ein Wunsch. Wenn es dir wirklich Ernst mit der Selbstständigkeit ist, dann komm ins Handeln – auch wenn du vielleicht noch nicht den perfekten Plan hast. Frage dich jeden Tag: Was kann ich heute tun, um meiner Vision einen Schritt näher zu kommen? Und dann setze die Antwort um. Wenn du allein nicht weiter kommst – frag um Unterstützung! Ich habe die weibliche Szene der Selbstständigen als sehr hilfreich und warmherzig kennengelernt. Das Wichtigste: Du wirst Fehler machen. Und das ist okay, wenn du aus ihnen lernst. Du kannst das und das wird eine ganz große Achterbahnfahrt!
Wer ist dein größtes Vorbild?
Oh schöne Frage! Sorelle Amore, die als digitaler Nomade um die Welt reist und die wunderschönsten Advanced Selfies schießt, Rachel Bell als mein Business Mentor, Tony Robbins und du wundervolle Seele von Mensch <3 Du zeigst täglich, dass es okay ist, seinen eigenen Weg zu gehen und der Welt mit Liebe zu begegnen.
Ein Song, ein Zitat, ein Gesicht, das dich berührt oder inspiriert?
Das sind momentan zwei Zitate: It’s okay to be scared – it means that you’re doing something very, very brave & I have a new address – I am living outside my comfort zone.
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HIER kommt ihr zu Lauras inspirierenden Artikeln, ihrem online Coaching und ihrem Programm.
Der Beitrag Wie Powerfrau Laura ihr eigenes Business rockt – Heroine Stories erschien zuerst auf julesvogel.
Quelle: julesvogel https://www.julesvogel.com/2019/08/22/wie-powerfrau-laura-ihr-eigenes-business-rockt-heroine-stories/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss via IFTTT
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olgipolgi · 7 years
honestly wanne replay Before the Storm now just so i can get punched in the face by that one dude and get fixed right up again with Rachel’s makeup skills!
god dammit im gay, i just want her to touch Chloe’s face tbh haha 
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fitundheil · 5 years
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Mit dem Tod gerechnet
Zum Trauern hat Darrell Scott kaum Zeit. Seine Tochter Rachel starb am 20. April 1999, ermordet von zwei jugendlichen Amokläufern durch einen Schuss in die Schläfe. Zwölf Schüler und ein Lehrer mussten an diesem Tag in der Columbine-Schule in Littleton bei Denver (USA) ihr Leben lassen, bevor sich die zwei Jungen selbst töteten. Die Nation schaute fassungslos auf das Blutbad.
Seit über einem halben Jahr ist Darrell Scott unterwegs, um den Menschen zu sagen, dass der Tod seiner Tochter einen Sinn hat. Er ist überzeugt: «Gott gebraucht diese Tragödie, um nicht nur Amerika, sondern die Welt aufzuwecken.»
An vielen Orten predigt Darrell Scott vor Tausenden in Kirchen und Gemeindehallen - mit einer bewegenden Botschaft. 
Die Tochter wurde laut Augen-zeugenbericht Sekunden vor ihrem Tod von ihren Mördern gefragt, ob sie an Jesus Christus glaube. Sie antwortete mit Ja. Dann drückten die Täter ab. Das mutige Bekenntnis hat die Amerikaner tief beeindruckt und herausgefordert. Christliche Jugendgruppen erlebten ein explodierendes Interesse an ihrer Tätigkeit. Seit dem Massaker von Littleton geht es nicht mehr nur darum, ob Christen sich die Haare färben oder in der Schule abschreiben dürfen. Plötzlich stehen junge Leute vor der Frage: «Wenn jemand einen Revolver an deinem Kopf hält und fragt: Glaubst du an Gott? Was würdest du sagen?»
Darrell Scott hat seinen Beruf als Verkaufsleiter bei einer Lebensmittelfirma aufgegeben, um den Amerikanern vom Glauben seiner Tochter zu erzählen. Er liest aus ihren Tagebüchern, die verraten, dass Rachel mit einem frühen Tod rechnete. 
Am 2. Mai 1998 schrieb sie: «Mein letztes Jahr beginnt, Herr.» An einer anderer Stelle heisst es: «Gott wird mich gebrauchen, um junge Menschen zu missionieren. Ich weiss nicht wie, ich weiss nicht wann.» Zwanzig Minuten vor ihrem Tod malte sie in ihr Tagebuch weinende Augen, aus denen 13 Tränen auf eine Rose tropfen. Kurz danach wurde in ihrer Schule 13 Menschen ermordet. Kein Wunder, dass ihr Vater das Massaker von Littleton als «geistliches Ereignis» wertet.
Gottes Hand sieht er auch darin, dass Rachels jüngerer Bruder Craig überlebte. Er hatte sich an jenem Schreckenstag in der Blutlache eines Mitschülers liegend tot gestellt. Die Amokläufer liessen sich täuschen.
Der Tod der Tochter hat Darrell Scotts Glaubens vertieft. Landesweit wirbt er für die Wiedereinführung des Schulgebets und plant den Aufbau einer Jugendgruppe. Bis Ende 2000 war er mit Predigten und Vorträgen ausgebucht. Aus zahllosen Anrufen und Schreiben weiss er: Der Tod des Mädchens hat Zehntausende in der USA zum Glauben an Jesus Christus geführt.
Wenn Gott beim Lesen zu dir gesprochen hat, und du den Wunsch hast, Jesus Christus als deinen Erlöser und Herrn anzunehmen, dann kannst du zu ihm in beten: 
«Herr Jesus Christus, ich habe das ewige Verderben verdient. Ich glaube, dass du auch für mich gestorben und auferstanden bist. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe. Vergib mir alle meine Ungerechtigkeiten. (Zählen Sie auf, was Ihnen bewusst wird.) Befreie und löse mich von allem Bösen. Ich will begangenen Schaden, wo es möglich ist, wieder gutmachen, und jede bewusste Sünde meiden. Komm in mein Leben, und führe mich nach deinem Willen. Danke, Herr Jesus, dass du mir alle Schuld vergeben hast, und nun in mir lebst. Danke, Vater im Himmel, bin ich jetzt dein Kind, und darf den Heiligen Geist haben, der mich in alle Wahrheit führt. Amen.»
Wenn du dieses Gebet aufrichtig gebetet hast, dann hat Jesus dir alle Sünden vergeben (1. Johannes 1, 9) und dir das ewige Leben geschenkt (Johannes 10, 28). 
Dein Glaube wächst, wenn du täglich die Bibel liest, mit Gott redest und Kontakt mit anderen Christen pflegsts. Was ich mit Gott erlebte, schrieb ich im Taschenbuch www.wirsuchtendiewahrheit.ch das ich allen Interessierten kostenlos und unverbindlich zuschicke. Gott segne dich.
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slowlymadeart · 8 years
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tacogrande · 7 years
i was cleaning out my room and i found a couple of those glee novelizations... BrUh it was wild settle in for the ride. at one point Tina roasted all the cheerios for being shitty at art then saved the entire school dance with her decorations. Santana and Quinn gave the glee club a faulty fog machine and Kurt fucking fell off the stage in the middle of the performance and everyone else in the club started coughing and trying to escape but rachel just kept fucking singing til the end. (1/4)
it was heavily implied that beth was conceived in puck’s car that was parked right outside quinn’s house at like 11pm. they had foreign exchange students and one was clearly gay and in love with Finn and then they pulled a wild no homo at the end like the dude spent the entire book stalking finn and you’re trying to tell me he’s straight? Lmfao no. Mercedes got pissed at Santana and crashed her party and started doing karaoke with Kurt and the basketball team was like high school musical (2/4)
levels of into it and started requesting songs. The cheerios put on a performance to a techno version of its a small world during culture appreciation week while carrying flags with racist stereotypes on them. Rachel tried to fucking snitch on everyone and then Quinn manipulated her into not speaking to Finn for a week despite Rachel holding all the cards. All these french girls fell in love with Kurt bc they thought he was the perfect boy (they’re right tho) Mercedes went to homecoming (¾)
with Kurt and got huge platform heels for the occasion. The books describe, in my immortal detail, every single outfit rachel wears and they’re all horrendous. They were written before Santana being gay was official so that’s painful but she also was driving a red convertible in the middle of february in ohio?! Mr schu made them come in before school for an important message then just gave them some fucken croissants? i need to find the rest of these books bc this shit was ridiculous idek (4/4)
honestly this sounds..raelly interesting i WANN ASEE SANTANA IN A RED CONVERTIBLE 
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new Antifascist partisan Poster in our Shop: www.disorder-berlin.de
Hier ist unser neu gestaltetes Plakat unserer Reihe zur Errinnerung an die Männer und Frauen, die sich den Widerstandsbewegungen gegen den deutschen Faschismus im Zweiten Weltkrieg organisiert haben und die auf sich allein gestellt gegen Nationalsozialismus und Barbarei gekämpft haben. Oftmals waren Menschen, die sich in Partisanenverbänden oder in der Resistance zusammen gefunden hatten nicht nur Kämpfer_innen gegen den Terror und Besatzung, sondern auch Kämpfer_innen für eine gerechte und solidarische Gesellschaft.
Dazu gibt es einen Haufen spannender Literatur, die wir euch an dieser Stelle wärmstens ans Herz legen wollen:
- Ingrid Strobel : Mir zeynen do - Rachel Margolis - Als Partisanin in Wilna - Lisa Fittko - Mein Weg über die Pyrenäen - Rachel Margolis - Als Partisanin in Wilna - Primo Levi - Wann, wenn nicht jetzt
FILM: - Die Flucht aus Sobibor - Defiance
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claytonkkeller · 7 years
i was tagged by @eichs and @cargojorts thank u ilyyyy
rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
name: rachel
nickname: rach i guess? everyone calls me rachel???
zodiac sign: pisces 
height: 5'3″? or 5′4″ can never remember
orientation: not,,,,,sure,,,, bi? pan? one of those
nationality + ethnicity: american and white i think
favorite fruit: oranges or strawberries
favorite season: summer
favorite book: maze runner or tbh the night world series love those fantasy books
favorite flower: dahlias
favorite scent: vanilla! 
favorite color: blues and greens? doesnt really matter the shade 
favorite animal: octopus? i guess i dont really have a fave but i have an octopus tattoo so 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
average hours of sleep: 6-8 or smth idk recently its been closer to 6
cats or dogs: cats
number of blankets you sleep with: 1 lmao
dream trip: i really wann ago to ireland or australia idk what id both in either place but ive wanted to go to both for y e a r s 
blog created: November of like 2012? like 5 years
number of followers: 732!
tbh idk who to tag so well go with the originals @mkkorantanen and @pavszacha
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