#racism trigger warning
docgold13 · 1 year
Hey. Thanks for having Luna from Boondocks on your villain profiles project. She was more a victim than villain but still happy she was included.
But it brings the question why had there hardly been any Black or Brown villains featured in the project?
Firstly, you're welcome. And I agree that Luna was much more of a victim than villain, but she was great and there was no way I was going to leave her out.
The second part of your ask ventures into a thornier aspect of the animation industry. People of color have been significantly under-represented in animation and it has only been over the last two decades that this has seen any meaningful change.
Of the cartoon villains who are human (or humanoid) the vast majority are white. Indeed very few are Black or Brown and I imagine there have been instances where a creative team has steered away from a villain being a person of color in fear of having the decision misconstrued as a racist caricature (in that such super offensive caricatures were so common in older cartoons). I mean, fuck that noise...
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Unfortunately, omission can be just as rough; under-representation is not all that much better than negative representations. It's kind of messed up that Scooby Doo and the gang have not once foiled the schemes of someone other than white folks.
As it stands, I've only been able to come up with a small handful of cartoon villains who are people of color to include in this project... I have Dr. Facilier (a personal favorite) scheduled for October, along with Yzma, Baxter Stockman, Shan Yu and a couple of others... It's not an impressive number of characters to chose from.
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In any case, I would be greatly appreciative of any recommendation of villains I might not have thought of that I could include as this project continues.
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dollypopup · 4 months
so, let me get this straight
the polin fandom spent 2 entire years hating on marina for being ooooh so awful and sooooo terrible to colin for lying to him and would 'make him miserable' and despised her for getting in between our otp
but also in the same breath said how much they need to see him suffer and for penelope to 'make him pay' and that he needs to be screaming crying throwing up for her forgiveness and she doesn't NEED to tell him about LW, that's HER business
and now in the exact same breath are hyping up mr. monopoly man debling and saying we need to be positive about him and omg he likes penelope for who she is (he doesn't) and he's going to make colin soooo jealous and . . .loving him. . .for getting in between our otp
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"TW: racism. While I think DS9 should have a sequel instead of Star Trek TNG, I'm glad we didn't have one anyway. Most characters of DS9 would have been killed. I think Avery Brooks is a great actors and he was very underused by the producers After the end of DS9. Recently, in an interview Cirroc Lofton said Avery Brooks was blacklisted by a producer. I'm very sad to learn that only now and I feel like there is an awkward silence. So far, only Cirroc Lofton and no one else seem to support Avery Brooks unless maybe he doesn't want to unpack this stuff."
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women-of-malevolent · 21 days
I assumed that the Hag's mother became pregnant when she was an adult (or near adulthood), not when she was 6 years old? So that's why I don't think the warning is there?
Incorrect, not how that works. "It's worded vaguely enough that it could have happened at any point after she was six" doesn't mean you don't have to trigger warn for it.
You can't put "my mother the six-year-old was sold to a religious order and raped before she tried to murder me" in the story and not trigger warn for it, and then turn around and trigger warn for every time a dude sprains his wrist. Seriously look at how carefully Alexander's abuse is warned for and compare it to Anais Lachlann aka "the Hag's mother". Look at how lovingly the trigger warnings are written for all the scumbag manhurt in Part 40
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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I feel like these two libertarians compete with each other to post some of the dumbest memes in existence. And I'm pretty sure the only reason they keep getting shoved in my feed is because Elon follows them.
I remember when opposition research took effort. Now everything just comes directly to me and I think I prefer the effort.
Like, neither of them are smart enough to know how stupid their ideology actually is. But even by libertarian standards, these are some of the smoothest brains in the entire collective.
I don't understand how no one pulls them aside at the meetings and is all, "Maybe memes aren't your thing. You're kinda making us all look like idiots. Maybe just post some Ayn Rand quotes and call it a day."
Not that I have to explain it, but...
Workers share losses by not being workers anymore.
No one thinks insulin is free. We are suggesting that tax money be allocated so it is free at point of service. Perhaps by taxing the wealthy or not manufacturing tanks we don't use.
We use tax money for social good all the time. Insulin is such a weird place for folks to draw the line. Like...
Firetrucks. Yes. Roads. Yes. Public schools. Yes. Life-saving medication... well that is just too far.
And the free cotton thing does not make any sense. How is a capitalist slave owner... nope, not worth trying to figure out.
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totally-ikea · 3 months
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fuck-customers · 1 year
So, a little while back, the local sports team changed their racist name and mascot to be not racist anymore. Naturally, that meant I had to listen to a bunch of people (mostly white + 1 black lady) whine about it. It's mostly died off by now, but just a minute ago a white guy loudly called it "the most retarded thing ever."
The name of a sports team is not affecting your life at all please get over it.
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zerosuitsammi3 · 7 months
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Lol here's another one for the blocklist my loves. Thos one is a racist of nazi proportions. Funny how a lot of his world views and rhetoric align with those of #terfs 😉😉😘
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So this is what SPVM has resorted to after the new Quebec supreme court judgement that police officers can't stop people without a motive to reduce their stops of Black people. They just threaten them with death.
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Translation: The police officers showed up, with no sirens, I had 2 flashlights blinding me and I hear: You move and we shoot you. I was sitting alone in my care. I showed them the [car] key. They repeated. "You didn't understand. You move and we shoot you." No one cares. #polqc
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Translation: Renzel: Because they believed that I had stolen my own vehicle. When they left I was shaking. The police officer asked me "Did you take any drugs?" I told him no sir I'm just not used to having a gun pointed at me. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Black people = not human to them. #polqc #blm #spvm
Shaman: I lived through the exact same experience because they profiled me as [Arab] or Latino. When they saw that my name was of French origin then they immediately apoligized.
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supahstarrr · 23 days
i'm surprised i don't hear more people mentioning, quoting, or referring to Smith's study when talking about whitewashing vs "blackwashing" and the impact of these phenomenons—although, particularly when speaking about films. i really recommend reading Whitewashing v. Blackwashing: Structural Racism and Anti-Racist Praxis in Hollywood Cinema by Alyssa M. Smith.
Despite this study focusing on these phenomenons in the context of films and Hollywood, i'd even say that there's points written here that can easily apply to these phenomenons' manifestation in the context of art (⟵ using the less broader definition of "art" here) and the art community itself ^^
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What You are Called
Prompt: When an unpopular species of the current federation rescues humanity from their dying world, they never knew how much it would affect them and the galaxy.
Prompt Source: user AnthonyisClueless; subreddit "Humans are Space Orcs"; approx 3rd week of march (cannot find more specific date)
"I'm sorry, the Federation calls your people what?"
My head had ticked sideways involuntarily at the word I hoped I had heard wrong- but with the new hearing aids (free. Free.) I had been issued I was pretty sure I'd heard it right.
My Alien (personal ambassador? Health Concierge? Translator? They were all of these things and more) made a hand motion that indicated nervousness. They often were nervous when I ticced, but the super-sharp angled motions disturbed them most. Said they looked like I was bending my body wrong.
"They call us- [Revolting Aberrations]," they repeated dutifully, and the translator gave the secondary chirp in my hearing aid that promised it was as accurate a translation of another-nother alien language. As opposed to my alien language or my Alien's language.
I inhaled so fast and deep I felt the discs in my spine pop and my ribs strain and my head straightened on my neck.
"I was afraid of that. You do know that's- that's not acceptable, right?"
They blinked and their ears were slicking back, one pair at a time in descending order. Their body language for 'I don't think I'm going to like what I'm about to hear'.
"I'm assuming you know what that translates to, right?"
"Naturally," they said slowly, about half of the scattered eyes on their torso and arms blinking out-of-sync.
"I don't know if I've made this clear to you before, but Fangnar, you're my friend," I stressed the second half of this, and watched their quills slick down. Not sure if that was the fear response or the pleasure response, quills went flat for both.
"And, and I don't know if you've overheard me arguing with my mates about their brain-voices who are jerks, right? Where I threaten to yank the voice out of their skulls and force them to stop being mean to my friend?"
"Ye-es," and now their pupils were dilating, unevenly as so much of their body functioned, shifting uneasily from one set of back legs to the other.
"You are not exempt from this form of love, Fangnar," I finished, feeling the flush of rage from my chest to my hairline.
"The United Federation of Planets calling my friend's entire people revolting abominations is them being mean to my friends. Which is violently unacceptable. So I just have one more question."
All their various limbs pulled in, even as their eyes were dilated wide- familial fear response, definitely. Afraid of how angry I was on their behalf.
"What is your question, human friend?"
I smiled, reminding them without words that the Federation was made up of 77% prey species and 15% declawed predators who had been taken advantage of by the Federation when they'd made it to space. The remaining 8% accounted for approximately three species: the one that had uplifted us, the -- I wasn't using that name, I would NEVER use that name, but they had forms that were asymmetrical, that didn't work in sync, that weren't the same across species because they were from a Death World that made Terra look like it was made of cotton candy and pillows. They only slept with a maximum of 3/4ths of their bodies at any given time, because to be fully asleep was too dangerous, they literally couldn't do it, and they had claws and sharp teeth and multiple pupil types to handle every type of light for changing conditions.
"You actually fit a human concept called [Eldritch]," I told them abruptly, because I couldn't finish my thought without a proper name to call them.
"My translator says that is a very complicated concept," they said doubtfully.
"Yes. Ever-Changing, like yet unlike those who look upon you, unknowable without your consent or aid, no two of your own the same, sometimes inspiring loathing in the foolish or stupid or stubborn, sometimes inspiring blind worship or loyalty in the same people. I'm going to nickname your people that for now, because I'm NOT calling you that other thing," I failed to control the hiss for the other name, and felt sorry when they flinched.
Anyway, there were three Predatory species that hadn't been forcefully handicapped and de-clawed. A species no one was even sure still existed that looked like bipedal tigers with backwards thumbs called Kartcha, the Eldritch...
and us.
"My question is this. Where is the Federation Embassy? I hear they have a policy where they are required to listen to objections from common folk to keep the officials of the councils from getting too big for their britches."
"Oh. Oh no. Human friend, human friend this is a terrible- I- how did you get the GPS directions so fast- Human friend!! PLEASE COME BACK HERE HUMAN FRIEND!"
I waved over my shoulder.
"I'll be back in a few hours at worsssst," I licked the teeth formerly tucked into the roof of my mouth, complete with venom-sacs, another medical miracle that the Eldritch who'd given me the rattle-tail to use as a third leg and to balance with had apologized profusely for because of 'unintended mutational consequences'. I couldn't wait to see if the shark one- for cartilage repair, not for more potential teeth, they wouldn't play with our DNA like that- gave me gills like I'd been hoping.
I hadn’t yet found the words to explain to their scientists that the people signing up for those medical services were actively gambling on getting those unintended mutational consequences, and making bets with their God or Gods that they would get particular ‘side effect’ mutations they desperately wanted. If they ever figured out the process to do things like my teeth and the heat-pits nestled in my temples on purpose, people would be lining up in the thousands. It was just awkward to try and explain all that to a scientist-physician who was apologizing profusely for whatever delight you had just woken up to and offering to let you rip off one of his nonessential limbs as reparations.
How dare the Federation pass judgement on the Eldritch based on nothing more than their looks? Their culture, their science, their willingness to packbond with humanity like excited puppies...it made me flush hotter and angrier, until the diamond pattern of nearly microscopic scales was visible from forehead to collarbones.
"I'm jussssst going to tell them how UNACSSSSSEPTABLE their nickname really isssss, that'ssss all," I promised. I didn't cross my fingers.
I maybe crossed the forks of my tongue as I jumped over their haunches to get through the doorway before they could block it and took off as fast as my legs would go.
I wanted to be able to argue back if they tried to tell me they were in the right, after all. I also reserved the right to bite people who try to touch me, as I always have and always will.
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I think that Celia is beautiful, so I'm sorry that a differing anon feels that way, and was so mean about an opinion.
Celia is literally so pretty??? And she's very feminine as Uhura?? They're also not fat at all, she has a flat stomach and toned legs and a thin waist.
Like, if you argument for the fact that she doesn't meet your standard of black woman and looks like a mammy is that she's not reed-thin, and their facial features are very defined by their short hair, and that their hair is a short afro, then you're saying that maybe millions of black women are ugly and masculine-looking?? And what is this if not the residue of centuries of racism that likened black women to men (ans animals!) because of their more robust build, their hair, their lineaments?
To me, the concept of "black woman is deserving of love" is not "black woman is capable of looking just as conventionally attractive as white woman does", it's "black woman is beautiful and deserving of love always, whatever hairstyle she chooses, whatever figure she has, whatever shape her face has." I'm sorry I can't seem to find the right words.
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haven-marlo-green · 2 months
⚠️Trigger warning for Racial Violence, Guns, Tanks, Gaza, and Murder.⚠️
I witnessed another murder on my 15min break.
I watched as the white cop fired three rounds into Sonya Massey's melanated face while she sat on her kitchen floor.
He last words were "I'm sorry." She was scared. She'd called for cops to come to her house to protect her from a prowler, and they killed her point blank in her own kitchen.
And then I had to get back to work like nothing happened.
I listened to six year old Hind sob and pray on the phone while Israeli tanks rolled towards her and the corpses sitting with her, and I saw the car after she'd been brutally crushed to death.
She was six.
She was six.
And then I had to get back to work like nothing happened.
Smile for the customers.
Smile for my managers so they know I'm a good little worker.
I witnessed another murder today.
I witnessed another murder today.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
So the mass shooter turned out to be a Hispanic nazi and white supremacist with giant nazi tattoos and a love for right wing social media figures like Tim Pool and Libs of TikTok.
And instead of denouncing nazis and saying white supremacy has no place in their right wing conservative ideology...
They are all upset that a "Mexican" tried to infiltrate their clubhouse.
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(That's the wrong picture of the shooter, btw.)
They've completely skipped the entire faux outrage at the idea a white supremacist would share their values. They're more upset that the wrong kind of person claimed to be one of them.
They are trying to pretend this is all a "psyop" meant to "disarm the populace."
Because the previous several thousand mass shootings worked so well at banning firearms.
Sure, we technically have more guns than ever, but this psyop is definitely going to be the one that results in confiscating all the guns.
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t4tpumpkinduo · 14 days
i keep seeing your posts about iwtv and being like ohhh i should watch that and then i see the fandom discourse posts about it and im like actually.... maybe i am good.... /SILLY
PPFFB nono that's fair like. my god. the level of media illiteracy and horrific racism this fanbase spouts sometimes is sm of the most ghoulish, most evil and cruel i have ever interacted with and that's putting it Light iit's Like. it's extremely disheartening and awful, and unfortunately, very very rampant.
HOWEVER!!! i must say that despite my (warranted) haterisms to parts of the iwtv fanbase, it's also one of the most intelligent and creative ones i've interacted with. the art is amazing, both written and drawn, the analysis (when not done by the morons in the previous paragraph) is deeply engaging and thought provoking work! i've legit lost track of time more than once just reading iwtv meta, and i'm more than happy to share the blogs of sm of the ppl who's posts have done that if anyone is interested :] i've for sure reblogged some of their posts here!
and for iwtv itself, it's a fantastic show! the music, the framing, i have like. v v few complaints about it. it's truly incredible idk how to even describe it in a way that does it justice. don't let let one wack ass fanbase bar you from such a great piece of media smile if you're interested i definitely recommend it!
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dailylooneys · 1 year
Happy 80th Birthday to Private Snafu!
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Snafu.......Situation Normal All........All Fouled Up!
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A series of World War 2-themed animated short films screened for young military men. They were mainly instructional, educational films, but still contained that same irreverent, slapstick comedy style of humor of the Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies, thanks to the contributions of the boys of Termite Terrace: Chuck Jones, Bob Clampett, Friz Freleng and Frank Tashlin, and voice legend Mel Blanc.
The intention these cartoons had on the military audiences was that, the titular character, Private Snafu was an incompetent soldier that was meant to illustrate, in more straightforward way, what NOT to do (true to his name that is), with practically each short ending with Snafu getting blown.
Imagine how different it could've been if Disney had done these instead of Warner Bros., as that was the United States Army’s first choice. But that didn't happen as Leon Schlesinger would bid lower than Disney.
These shorts, of course, generally remained obscure in the minds of the mainstream audiences (until recently that is) as they never were intended to be shown in public theaters. As Martha Sigall, a staff of the ink-and-paint department at Leon Schlesinger Studios, stated these Private Snafu cartoons were top secret. They wore ID badges, did fingerprints, got FBI approval and were given ten cels rather than the usual thirty cels, to prevent them from knowing about the stories.
Therefore, it was never made for a general audiences of kids and adults as the publicly released Looney Tunes shorts were, especially considering it’s content; mild swearing (i.e., damn, hell) and fanservice displayed all over these cartoons that couldn't have been possible in the days of the Hays Code (it's especially surprising to note that Ted Geisel, AKA Dr. Seuss, of all people, was the main writer for THESE!!! Wowie!!!!). 
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Fun fact: (one of the shorts titled “Censored” was shown on Cartoon Network’s trivia show Toonheads late at night with half of the scene featuring a topless Sally Lou cut out!)
And, naturally, because this was a WWII-themed series, featured a good deal of derogatory depictions/imagery of Japanese/Germans and Nazis (which will not be shown here).
It's interesting to see not only how strongly connected Private Snafu is to the Looney Tunes, considering, not only the same style of humor, but the two cameo appearances of Bugs Bunny (Gas and Three Brothers), which could make Snafu himself a Looney Tune. 
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This is especially considering his early bird cameo in Chuck Jones’s The Draft Horse.
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Later on, Private Snafu would not only be done by Warner Bros., but also by it’s competitors, like MGM, UPA, Harman-Ising and Disney. 
Two shorts were left unproduced. One of them was originally going to be directed by none other Tex Avery at MGM. Too bad that didn’t happen!! 
Though the Private Snafu series maybe a time capsule of World War 2, as oppose to being as timeless as the classic Looney Tunes cartoons are, they still serve as a fascinating historical art, a look at what our world was going through, and still included a lot of the trademark style of humor seen in the Warner Bros. cartoons that still kept it entertaining enough.
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