#radblr rant post
eve-was-framed · 5 months
If I could get activists to listen to us about one single thing and nothing else, I would ask them to consider just how many of us perfectly fit the definition of “trans kid” when we were children. I would ask them to listen to those of us who, after getting help with body issues, internalized homophobia and sexual trauma, are now comfortable with the sex we were born as and wouldn’t be happy had we transitioned.
when gender non-conforming people say that we 100% would have believed we were supposed to transition if this movement would have been as big as it is now when we were kids, we fucking mean it. we’re not being dramatic or doing it to make you look bad. it does not come from a place of hatred, it doesn’t come from a place of wanting to deny you your right to bodily autonomy, it doesn’t come from the same place that homophobes come from when they say they think same sex attracted people are broken and should be subjected to electroshock therapy.
it comes from a place of genuine concern, it comes from seeing children and vulnerable young adults who remind us of ourselves being called “trans eggs waiting to crack,” medically transitioning, and then being blamed and ostracized for not knowing it wasn’t the right decision when that path ended up being wrong for them.
if you really want to do right by gay, lesbian, and gender non-conforming kids then you should listen to gay, lesbian, and gender non-conforming adults even if it challenges your worldview. we have the hindsight to know what we needed when we were children, and for most of us, the last thing we would have needed is to be told we’re actually the opposite sex and sold DIY hrt online by random adults.
you can hate our guts and keep sending us graphic murder threats if you want but truthfully the movement you’ve created is full of too much misogyny, too much homophobia, too many hurt people, too many contradictions, and too many unanswered questions to be sustainable. gender abolitionism is the only way forward.
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sisterfhood · 6 months
Men like to frame their most apathetic tendencies as a natural result of their superior logic, frequently positing that women are too emotional to make rational decisions. Let me make this clear: empathy makes people smarter. Compassionate people make smarter decisions. Humans evolved to feel strong emotions because THEY ARE NECESSARY FOR HIGHER LEVEL COGNITIVE PROCESSING. If we didn’t feel guilt, rage, sadness, love, and every other feeling we quite simply wouldn’t have come this far as a species. The human brain would never have evolved. We have this in common with other highly intelligent animals such as apes, whales, and elephants. They grieve powerfully, and form significant social bonds that affect their decision-making. If anything the cultural restriction of male emotional development and the encouragement of male rage, jealousy, possessiveness, etc, just makes them (males) closer to beasts operating on the most animalistic of instincts.
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mutterboard · 4 days
You won't remember this because you aren't a former TikTok addict like me but mid 2021 there was a trend of people editing characters who they headcanoned as trans (Mostly characters from cartoons, like Luz Noceda as genderfluid or whatever) to GIRLS by Marina.
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Specially to this part that looks almost like extracted from a 12-year-old girl's diary. Yes. Unironically.
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A song that is literally a SATIRE about how society calls women men for behaving a certain way. Name a least self aware demographic.
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lorynna · 3 months
I'm so fucking done with men having any opinions on abortion, telling me to calm down when I am aware that I have my basic human rights denied, smiling down on me, belittling me and burdening me with their "oh so important words" on why they don't think it's ethical or why they don't "approve".
The rage and hate that burns inside of me in these moments is indescribable.
And I remember the earlier days from when I tried to teach myself patience, tried to talk to them calmly and from a standpoint of both emotions and logic at the same time and it would not change a single thing.
I can't do this anymore and I am not ashamed for it. I can't "debate" this patiently as if this topic was even up to debate for me or not something that fueled me with rage every single time I was forced to hear another male raise his voice on this topic.
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edonee · 5 months
There's nothing I hate more than this brand of Leftist men who flat out refuse to acknowledge misogyny and the importance of radical feminism, and just vaguely advocate for these "workers" which are all MALE. I keep getting these idiots with Lenin pfps in my comments saying dumb shit like "um- actually 🤓☝️ you shouldn't worry about [insert feminist issue] because everything is just capitalists' fault!!! and you cant complain about anything else!!! ever!!!" like if you genuinely believe that speaking out on how transgenderism is harmful to Women is a waste of time because "we need to focus on capitalism 🥺🥺" you can just straight up admit that you don't care about women's issues lol. Not to mention that transgender ideology is a deeply capitalistic phenomenon, but whatever. These BUFFOONS, whose only credentials to being a Communist are having a mullet and a porn-stache, and whose entire ideology crumbles to dust the second you mention prostitution because getting their microscopic dick wet is more important to them then feminism make my blood boil. In the end, the only difference between right wing men and left wing men is that the first see women as private property, the latter as public property
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saw a reel about the bollywood movie do dooni char (2010) starring rishi kapoor and neetu singh and let’s not get into how bland and boring the movie is but what is exceptionally baffling about that movie is the male victim complex. so this male MAKES his wife quit her job and in a fit of his male ego proclaims to buy a car which he cannot afford. tells his daughter to reject a job offer and somehow manages to act like the victim because he has to buy a car to make his family happy.
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radmalenia · 10 days
If anyone on radblr has interacted with this "taythewhom" account, I would advise just try not to engage with them; because it likely won't be possible to have a productive conversation and will just piss you off.
Caution: this post is a lengthy breakdown/rant about the horrible reading abilities and the critical thought-killing mentalities of so many "TRA's", and the dangerous and tragic ramifications of being taught next to no reading and thinking skills.
TLDR: this person is a prime example of it. And the problem they have is a disturbing sign of how the education system is fundamentally failing to teach youth to read, to critically think, to stay out of echo chambers, and to know enough to articulate their stances - this is also why so many fall for trans ideology, too; and why they are more easily manipulated away from genuine feminism.
~ This is not a usual type of post for me but it brought up a couple of key things I think people need to be discussing more overall; so here goes.
So this "taythewhom" clown has bought the bullshit about radical feminists not being feminists and also about them being transphobic, and (surprise surprise) are apparently not willing to read more than one sentence at once that has been spoken by someone whom they've been told is "the enemy".
No better way to keep someone in an echo chamber, to make sure they never question or analyze their beliefs or those of anyone else; than convincing them not to read anything that a person outside of their own ideology says! Convincing them that "well this person is wrong no matter what, so you shouldn't even care to read their words"! What an unbelievably thought-killing and sheep-creating form of manipulation. Very cultish, too.
Anyway, this person suddenly DM'd me. I've seen them before in comment sections; contributing nothing and generally being shockingly dumb. I was a bit harsher overall than I maybe could have been, but it deeply frustrates me to encounter someone who has so thoroughly bought these types of thought-stopping cliches.
In this instance, they were on a "this person's apparently transphobic so don't listen to a thing they say...but yet engage with them anyway to tell them off ." (??) As it continued I got more confused by that; by why they were even in my dms at all while not willing to have an actual conversation... And wondering what do they think they get out of it. What do they think they're doing?? (I wish I'd manged to ask that!!) But the gist is that they kept insisting they didn't care to read what I was saying...yet they still kept messaging. At least for a few minutes.
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And then a block? Too cowardly and/or egotistical to consider they could be wrong. To even discuss it. Notice of course how they never explained anything about what they're claiming. Never said why they say I'm transphobic. Never said why they claim radical feminism isn't feminism. NO THOUGHTS - NO CONTENT - ONLY BUZZWORDS.
They also seem to be so horrendous at reading that they saw me mention male supremacy, I presume in my bio; and somehow concluded I support it?! And that it means I want the sexes segregated?!?! How??? How are these people so quick and willing to proclaim a strong opinion on something they're literally so ignorant (and usually always wrong) on?
Even female separatism, which I fully support (but do not mention in my bio) is not a total separation of the sexes (except in an ideal and unrealistic utopia;) and even that would not be actual "segregation".
And if this person can't understand that the sentence about male supremacy in my bio is calling it the status quo that needs to be overturned by genuine feminism; then ...wow. I just don't know what's going on in schools this past decade. Why are so many of these kids unable to properly read?? 🤦‍♀️ Why are so many unable and/or unwilling to analyze something complex, or even simple - unwilling to critically think and see what conclusions they draw, to challenge their own views by analyzing a disagreeing view; to even learn enough about their own stance to articulate it beyond a basic slogan or buzzword?? Do they even know how they choose a stance? Not specifically with taythewhom but I've seen instances of other people like them admitting when questioned that they don't know why they have the stance they do, they just felt "it's what everyone else is doing" or something like that.
Like, I...cannot even imagine basing my opinions off popularity alone like that.
And honestly I do consider a large part of this person's state to be this failing of the modern public education system. For someone to call a moderate paragraph a "novel" is fucking mind-blowing. Whether you disagree with the subject or not, even if you find it totally boring; you can't call a mild size paragraph a "novel" unless something pretty bad is up with you.
No wonder these Tumblr TRA's are so often woefully uneducated about issues women face, and so woefully incapable of learning or understanding new concepts and things that they're presented with. So uneducated about how to analyze things and use critical thought. Even so uneducated about trans issues (with them often having no idea the meanings, ramifications, and realities of the trans stuff they talk about); so uneducated about gender roles and how they've been used on people, so uneducated about history (and so willing to rewrite it to fit their narrative but that's a whole different post...), so uneducated about actual feminism; about misogyny, patriarchy; about homosexuality and the gay community. So uneducated about how many of these things relate to each other, and how stuff doesn't exist in a vacuum and therefore stuff like so-called "choice feminism" doesn't work.
No wonder their reading comprehension is fucking abysmal (where does my blog say anything about sex segregation????) They either CAN'T or DON'T read...so they don't even understand the issues and stances that they're trying to support - much less the ones they've been told they're in opposition to!!
This is why we see so many of them being trans ideologists. Gender ideology necessities people who do not think, question, or read. Because as soon as one does that, it begins to fall apart.
Also - because genuine feminism ideally requires educating onself on feminist philosophy, and going on a journey through the study of feminist texts to arrive at the conclusions all of us radical feminists do, to be able to articulate these facts to others and to raise female class consciousness and have impactful discussions - it is a lot less appealing to kids who don't want to read, who don't want to think or put in effort. Who would rather be told that they can think and behave exactly how they already do, but just call it "their choice" and therefore "feminist", and be done with it. No class analysis, no understanding of the way males oppress them specifically because of their sex and have done so for hundreds even thousands of years; no - that requires long paragraphs, and very heavy subject matter.
To be clear I do truly empathize with young women feeling turned away by how heavy it is emotionally to face and accept the actual realities of their oppression...the realities of who does it, how severe and all encompassing it is; the reality of what it is based upon. It is a horrible thing to face; and once you've seen it you can never stop seeing it. It permeates everything around us in our entire culture, it overshadows and undertones everything and every situation and etc etc etc. But - to use the overdone matrix analogy - would you rather take the blue pill to make you forget that you ever peaked behind the curtain, or would you rather take the red pill that shows you the grim truth in full - and live the rest of your life in proud resistance against the oppressive force? That red pill is what radical feminists all choose...and it is certainly worth it emotionally.
(NOT to be confused with the fucking "red pill" that far-right males sometimes refer to!! They have entirely different views from radfems, this cannot be overstated - and their "red pill" views of hateful misogynistic nonsense; and often of other hateful and stupid views like antisemitism or homophobia; are entirely incorrect. The ONLY similarity is the matrix pill analogy itself.)
Anyway... going back to the younger people who won't read. They don't read and they don't think. And it considerably contributes to keeping them inside an echo chamber as well, as I'm sure one can understand - if they read nothing from the outside, they've obviously been successfully placed in an echo chamber where they just keep supporting and agreeing with their own stances...which again are often so shallow because they don't even flesh out what they're supposed to believe in themselves.
This is also so concerning for so many reasons; I've already glossed over some and am sure I don't need to list them all... Essentially - being able to read, to effectively properly read and do the thinking that comes with it; is SO DAMNED IMPORTANT. Being able to read multiple paragraphs is VITAL. Books are vital, for a start. If you want to have a stance about a serious and complex issue, for example feminism; you need to be able to read books, studies, articles, news reports, and complex discussion threads. Otherwise you have your stance in name only, with no substance behind your label; and so it would be more beneficial if you don't say a word in these discussions and debates and instead let the people who can actually read and learn and think and speak do the reading, learning, thinking, and speaking...otherwise you'd just be derailing the conversation and adding pointless or even detrimental words.
Like taythewhom does in the notes on multiple feminist posts I've seen 🙃 and they don't mean well at all, certainly not when it comes to women's rights. It's people like this who turn the word "transphobia" meaningless - and into a joke or even into a compliment, depending on context.
Anyway, to wrap this up; while this is a post about the importance of being able to read well (and that's still undeniably true), I admit this also has a level of irony because it is somewhat longer than it needs to be. However there are multiple places where I could have brought up other topics and tangents that were relevant, though - so is it really longer than necessary?? To me that's an incredibly cool thing about writing; no matter what you're discussing there are so many ways you could expand upon what you're saying if you were so inclined to. And how abundantly rich the world is with subject matter is something everyone deserves to be able to access and experience; and the way the school system is degrading the literary level of children is just so tragic and disgusting for so many reasons.
Well - if you made it this far through my 4am adderall comedown vent; congratulations, I think - and thank you! ADHD, which I have, is often awful to live with - but sometimes it can be very handy; although not always in the most productive manner.
Reading and writing are a never-ending source of enrichment, intrigue, revelation and knowledge; and the last one in particular can easily be your greatest source of personal power. All of them lead to personal growth, so don't neglect them. To be a little petty - the moral of this post is, in its simplest terms...be a reader - don't be taythewhom.
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1whitewitch1 · 1 year
Men will always stick by other men even when they have done the most heinous shit.
They still play games with the man who raped his female friend, harassed a female friend, manipulated, insulted, assaulted and was cruel to several other women. . They excuse it by saying "We just play games together."
They stay friends with other men and still talk of them in a good light after multiple women were assaulted and hurt by said male.
They protect each other's egos and never stand up to one another, I genuinely do not know how they got the reputation for being big, strong people who deal with things well. Most men I know are weak and push their problems into the women in their life. And all men I know are emotionally incompetent.
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sickofthis666 · 8 days
The french government having the fucking Audacity of complaining about France's low birth rate when the medical care for women before, during and after birth, has been heavily deteriorating for the past 20 years??
How the fuck can it be more dangerous for me to give birth in 2024 than it was for my mom in the late 90s/early 2000s!? Why the fuck are we going backwards!?
How the fuck can we be one of the wealthiest country on the planet and yet have among the highest infant mortality in Europe!? Are we a fucking joke??
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pehmekiisufacts · 7 months
Who the hell came up with the term "pick me girl"? I hate the whole trend with a burning passion. It just seems like an excuse to hate gender non conforming women or generally all kinds women that you don't really like. Also stop fucking assuming that everything a woman does is tied to a desire to attract or impress a man.
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cruella-devilla · 8 months
Something I hate about men is how they always feel the need to make jokes about EVERYTHING. The only reason “women aren’t funny” is because we actually take shit seriously and not crack a joke every five seconds like complete idiots.
Men who try make a joke out of everything need to stfu for a while. It’s not funny, it’s annoying and immature.
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kawaiifireunknown · 12 hours
Women are so logical yet stupid.we are still analysing why we are always put down,why we are second class citizen compared to men ,why we have to give up our dreams,happiness n life to create family.The answer we always knew but deny is simple,it is to make men lives easier .They still do and will do anything in life to make sure women never get liberated from them.Its not even that complicated ,women want love and romance on other hand men want power and control.The concept of better half is just pure dependency.You are born complete as human,there is no twin flame or soulmate.Romance is all good and nice but dont let it take over your common sense.
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saintlabrys · 2 years
It's not my priority rn, but I hate how dating game is even HARDER when you're a rad lesbian. I shouldn't complain because If I lived in Alb*nia I wouldn't even able to date probably, but yeah... I used Tinder for like... 6 months now? and I matched a lot of women but they were like "eww terf" or talking about how "white cis men" are the only oppressors and blabla... As I said, it's not my priority but sometimes I missed those little things about being in a relationship like buying her favorite snack when she's sad, cuddling while watching a movie, going on dates etc
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eclecticwordblender · 25 days
south korea is a terribly misogynistic country and that the hate the korean entertainment industry receives stems from the fact that society loves to hate on anything with a predominantly women led fanbase and likes to diminish it as anti-intellectual fluff are two narratives that can and should exist simultaneously btw.
taylor swift is a billionaire and therefore a morally wrong person and her music is mediocre at best and that she receives disproportionate hatred just because she is a rich and powerful woman with a women led fanbase and nothing she does warrants misogynistic hatred are also two narratives and can and should exist simultaneously btw.
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marblecakemix · 9 months
Why does the term "birthing person" even exist?? We all know that only a female can give birth to a child, trans men are infertile, trans women don't have organs to do that and the "non-binary" are just women with internalized misogyny (they sometimes too can't have children bc of testosterone intake or as any other women, have very low infertility rate)
Another funny thing I noticed is that when women in my country were protesting against the newly passed resolution banning abortion, they explicitly said that they were more than their reproductive organs, that they weren't just human incubators, but 2-3 years passed and I heard women my age who were on the protests back then using the new erase-women language. It is terrifying to hear btw.
So that leads us to the conclusion that we can just call females... women. Or just female, bc that one is fine too! And it will be the most inclusive language option out of all the left came up with! Not every woman can give birth, have a fully developed uterus, ovaries, etc. but what all of them have in common is their sex and no matter if the reproductive organs are working correctly or not. Besides, a woman is much more than her body and I think calling anyone by their reproductive functions is just degrading.
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scumlafeccia · 1 year
"girlhood" means you get thrown under the bus by your friends who seek validation, period cramps so bad you can't move, going through bad periods and low mental health knowing it's seen only as "dumb teenage attention seeking behaviour", it's sexual assault that doesn't get denounced and is minimised because "he is depressed", it's diets that turn into eating disorders until you need months in a hospital, it's male teachers making comments on the perfect female measures and talking about how we arent smart enough to study STEM subjects, and p.e. teachers insulting anyone who isn't borderline underweight, and it's always having your interests minimised because what would a woman ever know about football? and it's having a reputation if you sleep with too many guys, and having a reputation if you try too hard to conform to feminity, and having a reputation if you don't try hard enough, and it's lying to your friends about why you started having bruises after getting with your boyfriend, and it's feeling isolated the moment you don't conform to expectations because everybody seems to be following rules that you can't apply to yourself, it's birth control with more side effects than anything as a cure for all menstrual problems, and it's doctors minimising your symptoms, and it's crying after realising you've been used by the boy you thought loved you, and it's justifying yourself for looking tired or being without make up in certain context, and it's catcalling and harassment. prom dress and sleepovers my ass
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