#rami malek christmas fluff
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s their 9 month old baby daughter’s first Christmas and reader melts at the sight of Joe holding their daughter and showing her all of the presents she’s got and their daughter says dada and Joe and reader light up at how much of a daddy’s girl she is and reader thinks about how when she signed up to play an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody that she never thought she would end up falling in love on set?
of course!
pairings: Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader summary: ^^^ warnings: None note: y/d/n stands for your daughters name
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"oh and look at this!" you heard your husband say downstairs.
you walked downstairs and caught Joe holding your little daughter while showing her the christmas gifts she had gotten
she giggled and took it off him, throwing it on the floor
"no, no. don't throw it, play with it" Joe picked up the care bear and put in front of your daughter and waving it around
"well good morning" you yawned.
Joe looked up and you and smiled like an idiot, your daughter looked over and laughed
"good morning, darling" Joe greeted
"Merry christmas" you walked up the them, sitting on the couch, leaning down to kiss Joe who was situated on the floor, next to the lit up tree.
"how long have you been up?" you asked him and they looked like they have been there a while
"i took her down here about thirty minutes ago, I wanted her to see her presents" he shrugged
"and you couldn't wait for me?"
"not really no, you looked to cute to wake up" you looked back down and your daughter and made a silly face at Y/D/N before looking back up at you
"you should've just woken me up" you stated, looking down at your little baby, you've always noticed how much she looks like Joe. a spitting image of him, but she looked too much like him right now and it made your heart swell.
"I'm sorry, I was just too excited" he confessed, holding your daughter against his chest
you let out a breathy chuckle and closed your eyes.
"dada" Y/D/N whined, pointing at more presents under the tree
Joe pulled her away from his chest and looked at her, his mouth was agape and he looked like he was about to cry
"darling, did you hear that?" Joe asked you
you shuffled closer to them and smiled at him even though he was focused on your baby
"I did joe, I heard it clear as day"
you rubbed joe's arms from behind and rested your chin on shoulder, looking down at your little daughter, smiling at her gratefully
"I told you she was a dada's girl" he whispered to you, finally looking away from her.
"I never doubted it"
"I love you" he said kissing you softly
"I love you too" you smiled at him sweetly
"what did you want, sweetie?" Joe asked your daughter
you thought back to when you were an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody and how you two met and what would've happened if you didn't.
you were sitting down on your phone, waiting with other extras to be called on to go on in the scene, you were focused
"hey, you" you looked up and noticed the director standing front of me
"yes?" you smiled politely.
"I need you to go get joe, he's on in 5" he said.
"alright" you stood up and went out to the trailers, looking at the doors for him name written on it.
Rami, Ben, Joe.
you go up to the door and knock three times and waiting for a response
"come in" he replied through the door
he probably thought it was ben.
I opened the door slowly and peeked in, seeing him in his little couch on his phone
"the director wants you to know that you're on in 5" you stated as you entered his view
he didn't respond to you though, you though he was being rude and just ignoring you but the look on his face made you feel otherwise.
his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were relaxed, he looked sort of dazed and off in the clouds, it didn't make you uncomfortable per se, you just felt weak under his gaze.
"excuse me?" you forced yourself to say to snap him out of his daydream
"oh, right ok. just wait there" he said as he saw you were about to leave.
he put his phone away and got up. walking towards you
"who are you, exactly?" he questioned as you waked down the steps with him behind you
"I'm an extra" you responded
"no I meant your name" he chuckled
"oh um, Y/n"
"I'm joe" he smiled warmly
"I know" you took a deep breath
"do you now?" he responded in amusement
"well yeah, I feel like I have to" you smiled sheepishly
"you have a really pretty smile" he told you, looking down at your lips to your eyes.
"oh" you let out an embarrassed laugh as you looked down, tucking a piece of your curled hair behind your ear
"I'm sorry, just the way you're sweet, cute and beautiful at the same time is beyond me"
"oh my god" you muttered to yourself, you felt your cheeks turn warm and your stomach did flips.
"ok so wait other than taking my breath away what do you do for a living?" he smirked playfully. you turned you head away and covered your face with your hands.
"never heard that one before" you laughed, still looking anywhere but at him
"get used to it" he said
"this is the best christmas" Joe sighed happily
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safin-supremacy · 2 years
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Jim Baxter X Reader Cute and fluffy Christmas prompt
Jim had brought Emily and Sylvia into work with him, after he’d convinced Charlie to allow him to, of course, and everyone was being kind to them, and Jamie gave them both candy canes left over from last Christmas. Sylvia hid behind Jim whilst he was talking to Jamie, and she tugged at his trouser leg, prompting him to turn around. “Hide me, daddy!” Sylvia squeaked, and Jim crouched down in front of her, grinning as he picked her up.
“Why do you need me to hide you, sweetheart?” Jim inquired, curious.
“I was sucking on this candy cane and I accidentally made a weapon, and I don’t want to go to prison,” she whined, making him chuckle as he shook his head, and Jamie grinned, amused as she listened.
“You won’t go to prison for that, Sylvie, I promise,” he responded, “prison is for people who do bad things - and you aren’t capable of doing what they do.” Jim decided to change the subject, tidying up Sylvia’s hair. “Have you thought about what you want to do for thanksgiving?” Jim asked Sylvia, and before she could answer, Emily did.
“If we’re having turkey for thanksgiving dinner,” she began, finally turning her phone off, “I’m not eating.”
Jim turned his attention to her, wincing; he knew you’d be stressed out if you had to make something different for Emily. “Why?” Jim questioned, placing his hand on the back of Sylvia’s head gently.
“The bird always looks at me funny and I’m not eating stuffing that’s been stuffed up a butt,” Emily answered, and he sighed, nodding.
“Don’t look at the bird then,” he responded, “and you don’t have to eat the stuffing.”
Next Christmas was coming around extremely quickly, and you were overwhelmed by everything going on, especially after you also had had the abortion recently of the rapist’s child, and you still found it strange afterwards. Jim saw that you were stressed, and he wanted to distract you as much as he possibly could. “Hey - Let’s wear matching ugly Christmas sweaters to Jamie’s party!” Jim suggested, wrapping his arms around your waist, startling you for a moment, but you relaxed quickly - quicker than you used to.
“Christmas sweaters?” You responded, surprised. “Jim, it’s not even December yet,” you responded, “that would be so embarrassing-”
“C’mon,” Jim pleaded, and you gave in, nodding as you continued to wash up the last of the dishes.
You looked over at Jim when you heard him put on Christmas music, and you shook your head, smirking. “Are you really playing Christmas music already? It’s barely November,” you stated, but he shrugged as if it weren’t unnatural.
Surprisingly, Jamie’s party was more Christmassy than you thought it would be, and eggnog had even been made, but you made sure to keep Emily and Sylvia away from it as you didn’t want them to get drunk. Jim would be concerned when he noticed you acting differently, and he had to stabilise you when you almost fell over. You looked down at your cup, and he took it from you, wondering if someone had tampered with the eggnog on offer. “Do you think this eggnog is spiked?” You asked, leaning against him.
Jim nodded, guiding you towards Jamie so he could tell her about the eggnog. “You need rest,” Jim stated, carrying you out to the car.
Jim seemed a little frustrated as he attempted to untangle the lights for the Christmas tree, and he looked over at Emily who was sat on the sofa, not even looking. “Wanna help me untangle the lights, Em?” Jim inquired, and Emily winced, looking up at him.
“I don’t want to be a grinch, but untangling lights isn’t exactly my favourite past time,” Emily answered, and he nodded gravely.
“I’ll help you,” you stated, and Jim would be extremely grateful to you as you took up the other end of the tangled lights.
Sylvia got excited as she ran to you and Jim, and you both grinned at her, smiling warmly. “Who are you both planning to kiss on New Year’s Eve?” Sylvia asked, surprising you both, and Jim looked over at Emily, guessing that she told Sylvia when she tried hard not to giggle.
You expectantly looked over at Jim, and he looked back at you when you deliberately cleared your throat, tilting your head partially. Jim smiled softly at you, wrapping his arms around your waist, as if he was choosing you. “You’re who I want to kiss at Midnight on New Year’s Eve,” he stated, and you became flustered when he kissed your nose. Sylvia giggled, cheering as she hugged Jim’s leg. “That reminds me - I want to show you something that I got you for our anniversary night tonight,” he changed the subject, and you would get excited when you remembered; you loved to spend time with Jim, and this meant you could spend even more time with him.
“Isn’t it a little cliché to get engaged on Christmas?” Emily interrupted, and you scoffed, prompting Jim to chuckle softly.
“Let me show you - It’s just upstairs,” he insisted, desperate for you to see it as he led you out of the room and up the stairs.
You would be amazed by the dress that was laid out on the bed, and you looked back at Jim. “You got me that dress?” You managed to find your voice again; you were stunned by it as it was the same one you’d seen and clearly liked from the shop window the other day. “Jimmy, it’s-” Jim wrapped his arms around your waist again; it was as if you might faint, and he wanted to keep you stable on your feet. “I love it!” You exclaimed, before you threw your arms around him, pressing your lips against his. “Now-” You held him at arm’s length, your eyes glinting, “do you want to bake cookies with me? Sylvia might even want to join us, I’m not sure about Emily, but..”
Jim could see that you were a little disheartened that Emily wasn’t getting involved, and he placed his hand on your cheek. “I won’t let her refuse,” he reassured you, and you smiled weakly up at him to say ‘thank you’.
Sal came over to bring over the gifts he’d bought for all of you, surprising Jim, but he welcomed the gesture. “I didn’t know what to get you,” Sal admitted as he handed Emily her gifts, “but I hope you like them.”
You placed your hand on Emily’s shoulder, smiling up at Sal as you crouched down beside her. “What do we say to Sal, Emily?” You asked, prompting her to thank him.
“Thank you,” Emily murmured, and you frowned, watching as she walked away.
“Sorry about that,” you stated as you lifted yourself up, and Jim intertwined his fingers with your’s to comfort you.
“It’s fine,” Sal reassured, “it looks like Emily’s at - that - age now.”
“Already,” you mused, a pained expression on your face.
Sal winced when he checked his watch, and you guessed that he probably had to get to work - Jim had decided to take a break; he was clearly stressed out, but wouldn’t tell you anything about what had been happening. “I should go,” he spoke up again, gesticulating to his car.
“Thank you, again,” you responded, and he smiled, nodding.
“Hopefully we’ll see you again soon, Jim!” Sal called, and Jim nodded, forcing a smile as he lowered his head slightly.
You looked over at Jim, concerned for him, but you smiled again when you got an idea. “We can put the Christmas lights up on the tree tonight!” You exclaimed as you closed the door, and Jim nodded, forcing another weak smile as he looked up at you. Sylvia ran into the other room to try and get Emily to play with her; she was full of energy due to the excitement of Christmas approaching. You remembered something, and turned to face him, placing your hand on his arm, prompting him to stop walking and look over at you. “Did you remember to get carrots to leave out for the reindeer?” You asked, and Jim cursed quietly, lifting his hand to his forehead. You smiled sympathetically, not wanting to stress him out further. “It’s okay, Jimmy, I can get them later,” you reassured him, and he hesitated, feeling bad.
“N-No, you don’t have to,” he replied, holding your hand.
“I - I’ll go out and get them,” he interrupted, “I promised you that I would.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to get them?” You pried, and he nodded, prompting you to reluctantly give in.
You invited some of your friends to have an early party on Christmas Eve, and you’d made some food and eggnog for everyone. Jim heard Emily and Sylvia talking, and he stopped at the door, deciding to listen in as he was curious about what they spoke about. “Don’t tell anyone, but - I spiked the eggnog,” Emily stated, giggling, and Jim didn’t realise that she was just playing a prank on him, and Sylvia had been watching out to see when Jim was nearby.
Jim opened the door, and Emily winced when she noticed the look on his face. “Where is it?” Jim questioned, and she shuffled back, nervous. “Emily, where is it?” Jim demanded, before he rushed out of the room to check on you, but Sylvia ran after him.
You would be confused when you noticed Jim at the door, his eyes full of worry. “What is it?” You asked, and Sylvia tugged at Jim’s trouser leg to get his attention.
“We were just joking, daddy,” Sylvia whined, hugging his leg.
Jim visibly relaxed, lowering his head slightly. “Thank God,” he whispered, and you walked over to him, intertwining your fingers with his to soothe his nerves.
When Jim met up with Deacon to invite him to come around for Christmas Day, he seemed hesitant about it; he didn’t want to put a downer on it. “I don’t know, Jimmy,” he responded, and Jim would be disappointed, “I mean - I loved Christmas as a kid, but - I haven’t felt the magic in a long time.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to come over? Even for a little while?” Jim pried, and he shook his head.
“Sorry to disappoint,” he replied, “but I’ll see you around.” Jim nodded, frowning when he thought about how disappointed you and the girls would be, too.
“Why are we watching this?” Emily asked, bored.
“We always watch grandma got run over by a reindeer,” Jim answered, “it’s tradition.”
“Well it’s a boring tradition,” Emily murmured, and you giggled, amused.
You would be excited as you carried a box into the room - this was a special present you’d gotten for Emily and Sylvia. “Please tell me that’s not a puppy yipping from the box,” Jim murmured, and you grinned, setting it down for them, making sure that you weren’t covering the air holes. Sylvia and Emily both got excited, climbing off the sofa to investigate.
“Are you going to come sledding with us, Jimmy?” You asked, and Jim hesitated; he had some stuff he had to do, unfortunately.
“I - I’m sorry,” he responded, rubbing the back of his neck, “I can’t.”
You frowned, but tried to hide it. “O-Oh,” you murmured, forcing a smile up at him, “well - we’ll see you later!” Jim felt bad as he watched you and the girls walk out, but he waved and smiled when you all waved at him, before you closed the door. Jim sighed, wishing he could join in.
Jim wanted to make up for not going sledding with you and the girls, and so he held up some mistletoe above your head whilst you were cleaning up some mugs in the sink. “Pucker up!” Jim exclaimed, and you giggled when he turned you around to face him. “You got caught under the mistletoe,” he stated, and you leaned forward to kiss him.
New Year’s Eve began to approach again, and unfortunately Jim hadn’t had the time to help out much, or to spend as much time with you, Emily and Sylvia. Jim returned home exhausted, and you would try to lighten up his mood by pulling him off the sofa. “Come on, Jimmy - Get into the spirit! Dance with me,” you whined, and he groaned, easing you off of him as he sank back onto the sofa again. You would be disappointed, but decided you shouldn’t push him as you sat beside him, playing with his hair to soothe him.
Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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sherlollydramoine · 5 years
Santa’s Cumming
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Warnings: Dad!Rami fluff followed by sexy times...  What did y’all expect given the title of this fic?!  Mild language, alcohol consumption and unprotected sex (be smart use a condom)
This was written for @itsme690, I hope this is what you had in mind hun.
Word Count: 3,694
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you as you watch your skinny ass husband as he awkwardly makes his way down your stairs dressed as Santa Claus. He was holding a large red bag over his right shoulder. 
“Hey babe, do you need a little help there? That bag looks heavy.”you inquire,as he almost stumbled off the last step, the weight of the bag throwing off his balance and he nearly toppled over.
“No, I think I’ve got it, but damn this bag is heavy. What the hell did you put in here?”
“Rocks, a mountain troll, some more rocks, a horse, maybe a car or two, the entirety of The Shire, maybe some Mordorian goblins, and baby Yoda.” you chuckle as he rolls his eyes. “Naw babe, just the stuff that was on the list that you gave me. I think it was the stuff you said that the kids wanted but their parents hadn’t bought them for Christmas.”
He laughs out, and sighs,”You had me worried. Poor Baby Yoda shouldn’t be in there with all those evil things. Though if I had to put my money on it I’m sure he could beat the goblins all to hell though.” 
You suddenly were overwhelmed with the urge to give him a kiss. He looked so adorable wearing a light sheen of sweat from the stuffy Santa suit and his exertions from carrying the heavy bag down the stairs, you step forward and reach out for him.
“Come here, Mommy wants to give Santa a kiss, even though I thought Santa was supposed to be-” Rami cuts you off mid sentence to capture your lips for a soft kiss, his hands letting go of the bag that just falls to the floor with a thunk. Threading his fingers through your hair deepening the kiss, your bodies starting to melt into each other when you hear someone shuffle their feet and someone clearing their throat. Reluctantly separating you both look towards the source of the noise which was just his brother Sami standing there with a brow raised.
“Sorry to interrupt but, well I’m not sorry, noone wants to walk in here to find you guys having some fun on the stairs. Ram mom wanted me to tell you that it’s starting to get a little late and some of the family is going to have to leave soon.” 
“Be right there.” Rami tells him before bending down to pick up the sack of gifts that he had casually dropped during your impromptu make out session.
“Hey babe, you might want to adjust the front of your pants a little, they are um, yeah.”you mention with a smirk before heading into the living room.
Rami takes a few moments to collect himself before heading into the living room himself, walking in with a bellowed,”Ho! Ho! Ho!”
The kids all begin shrieking with excitement, eyeing the big red bag that Rami had in his hands as the adults are trying and failing miserably to contain their laughter at the sight of Rami’s skinny ass dressed in a Santa suit that is too big for his lithe frame. 
Chaos ensued as the kids were excitedly crowding Rami, trying eagerly to get at his red bag that held what they assumed were all the goodies that they wanted. Watching Rami verses several children was hilarious, as he struggled to bring order to the excited shrieks and shouts from the kids. Fortunately one of Rami’s cousins steps in to keep him from being trampled by the kids as she instructs them all to take a seat in front of the tree, and to sit quietly to which they all quickly complied, even though they were all still squirming.
The moment was so pure that you couldn’t help it, you find your phone and load the camera before snapping a few pictures. Several other family members were doing the same thing all wearing goofy, happy smiles.
“Well kiddos, I’ve heard that you’ve all been good this year, so Rami-Claus is here to deliver some presents early on behalf of the big guy!” 
Several of the adults snorted at his use of the ‘Rami-Claus’ and you leaned into Sami’s shoulder, “Did he seriously just call himself Rami-Claus?”
Sami just smiled as he nudged your shoulder trying to hold back the laughter himself. You couldn’t help but beam at your husband as he somehow managed the gift giving portion of the night. It seemed as if the kids were never going to calm down after this, as things temporarily became a flurry of activity, with kids shrieking and shouting, running around to show their parents their new gifts. 
You spot Rami sitting on the floor next to your three year old daughter Layla helping her to unpackage whatever new toy she had received. When Rami gave you the list he didn’t specify what was for who so you had no idea. He insisted on wrapping and tagging everything himself.
“Momma look!” your seven year old son Said shouted as he made his way over to you clutching a bright yellow looking box to his chest. 
“Hey Bubba, what did you get from Daddy?” 
“I got more Legos! I think La got a new doll or something boring. She was really excited about it though she doesn’t really need any new dolls she already has a million of them.”
 You chuckled and ruffled his wild hair as you responded,”You don’t need more Legos either kiddo, don’t you already have a million of them?”
He just laughed at you as he flounced away towards one of his cousins, probably trying to coax them into building with the Legos.
Rami eventually made his way back to you holding your three year old, as she tightly clutched onto her new doll. Leaning over you gave him a quick kiss before taking her out of his arms as he turned to talk to his brother about something.
“Hey La, what have you got there?”
“I got a new baby just like the one you told Auntie Lindsey on the phone that you were gonna have” she said matter of factly, as you set her on the ground.
Rami stopped mid-conversation with his brother, obviously having heard your three year old’s statement. He looked shocked and confused. 
“What is she talking about YN?”
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment of having been put on the spot as you let out a little nervous laugh. 
“I guess our La pays more attention to my phone conversations than I thought she did. She was playing and I didn’t think she heard me. But,ummm..Damn.. Well it was supposed to be a surprise for tomorrow but umm.. Yeah, we’re pregnant again. Merry Christmas my love.”
His face broke out into a bright smile as he wrapped you in his arms and planted a loud kiss on your mouth.
“Ewwwwwwwwwww” you heard Said whine from wherever he was playing.
Since your daughter had decided to ruin your big surprise for tomorrow, and in front of Rami’s entire family no less. About an hour later, most of the family had left and those that were still around helped to tidy up. The kids that were still here, were sitting with yours on the couch watching The Grinch on tv. 
His brother decided to take off, but before he left he off-handedly made the comment about how he bets that this time you two will have twins, before giving you both a smile and shutting the front door behind him.
“I swear to God Rami, if your brother just jinxed us I’m going to kick his ass!” 
Your husband sure does love to laugh because that’s what he did, he laughed. You just shake your head and walked away trying to round up your children for a quick late night bath before bed. What you found instead though was both of them snuggled on the couch, covered in Layla’s favorite queen sized blanket, fast asleep. Rami was right behind you, and you heard a little camera click. 
“Who do you want to take?” you asked him.
“I’ll grab Said, you grab Layla.” and then meet me in the garage so that we can get all of the gifts out of there and under the tree.
“Deal. I’ll meet you down here in five.” 
You both gently unwrapped the kids, as he lifted Said into his arms with a soft grunt. Your son was growing like a weed, and he was definitely getting heavy. Grabbing Layla, and gently lifting her into your arms and wrapping her up in her blanket you get them settled in bed fairly quickly. 
Meeting Rami in the garage as agreed upon, you both set to work laying out all the gifts and the stockings. After all was situated you started turning off the lights downstairs. Rami was right behind you and just when you were about to take your first step onto the stairs you felt his arms snake around your waist. 
“Wait.” he said, as he pulled your body close to his. “We haven’t done our Christmas thing yet. I know you are tired and we both should probably get to sleep, but I just can’t yet. It’s tradition, our tradition and I don’t want to miss it this year.”
You had completely forgotten about you Christmas tradition, you really were tired. Prepping and hosting the Malek clan was always an event that left you exhausted. His family was always helpful though, and whenever they showed up everyone was always willing to roll up their sleeves to help assist in whatever was left that needed to be done.
He pulled you into the living room, and you stood together for a few moments before he spoke.
“I know that talking about being thankful and grateful is something that is done around Thanksgiving traditionally, but we’ve always done this. Do you remember our first Christmas living together?”
You laugh into his chest as you nod your head. 
You had reluctantly agreed to host some of his family at your place, which at the time was still quite small, and in your attempts to go all out you ended up having a full on mental breakdown in the middle of your kitchen. 
You had burned a couple of pies, because your timing had been just a little off, and you accidentally dropped the bowl of mashed potatoes onto the floor which shattered the bowl and sent potatoes everywhere. 
Standing in the middle of the mashed potatoes mess, your were sobbing and trying to clean up the mess while Rami attempted to soothe you. His mom stepped in and gave you a big hug. She told you that it was going to be okay. That sometimes one just has to roll with the punches, especially around the holidays, and that no one would care if all there was to eat was some Chinese takeout. 
You kept repeating that you could still pull off some part of the holiday meal in between sobs, but Rami just took you into his arms and guided you out of the kitchen into the living room, while his mom cleaned up the potatoes. He made you talk about the things that you are grateful for  and in an attempt to be funny your first response was, “Your mom.” 
He laughed hysterically for a solid fifteen minutes before he responded with,”Me too. I’m also grateful for you. You tried your hardest to do this for my family, to make a good impression, and trust me you still will. Noone will care about the food I promise. You should have my mom tell you about the small fire that happened one year that ruined a huge majority of dinner. I love you and am so grateful that you are apart of my life. I honestly can’t envision my life without you in it. I want to make you my wife so that we can have moments like these forever. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Forever. Just you and me and maybe eventually a few kids.”
You stopped crying from where your head had been buried in his chest as you looked up at him and questioned,”Did you just ask me to marry you?”
“I did. You don’t have to give me an answer right away, I wanted to do it in a way that was far more special that this, but if you’ll have me, will you Y/F/N Y/L/N marry me?”
“Yes!!!” you screamed as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling his body close to yours as your lips found his, you were aware that his mother very present, so you did keep the kiss semi-chaste. 
“So my love, what are you grateful for?”
“The same thing that I always am,”Your mom. And you and the kids.” 
“Me too. I’m also grateful for all of the opportunities that we’ve had this year. Yes, my workload has been crazy and I’m grateful for the fact that you have been by my side through all of it. Your hard work and dedication to our family sometimes is underappreciated. I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate the things that you do for all of us. The sacrifices you’ve made for all of us, and I know I don’t say it often enough, but I truly love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. You are the best wife, partner, mother, and the best friend that any man could ever ask for.”
The tears welled up in your eyes, and before you knew you were full on crying. He just pulls you close to him before he gently runs his fingers through your hair. 
“Shhhh.. It’s alright love. Please don’t cry. I love you. I know that you gave up a lot for me, to be there for me. You worked hard for us, especially in the beginning when I was auditioning a lot and getting nothing. You were there. You worked as many hours as it took to pay the bills just so that I could focus more on trying to land a decent paying job. My love, you never blinked when I left for Argentina, you just understood my reasoning for needing to go. You just,you took it all in stride and you never wavered in your faith of me. I am so proud of all you’ve done, and because of your support and look at us now. I finally got us somewhere. My dream became a reality but it was only that way because of you! You! The one that has given her everything to make sure that I had what I needed.” he whispers as his hands gently rub your back.
“You really believe that Rami? I think you got to where you are because you have the talent to back yourself up. Anyone that says otherwise obviously doesn’t recognize talent when they see it and that makes them stupid.”
You could feel his chest vibrate with his laughter. For a minute you couldn’t figure out why he was laughing until you thought back, what you had just said was very reminiscent of some of the things that you used to tell him after he didn’t get a role. 
“I love you Rami, and I’d always do anything for you. Whatever you need or want me to be, that’s who I’ll be.”
“Baby, I don’t need you to be anything but who you are. The beautiful woman I met all those years ago, that I married, that gave me my children. You. That’s all I’ll ever need. Except right now, I do need something from you?”
“What is it?”
“I need a kiss. I’m still wearing this ridiculous costume, and we never got to finish what we started earlier, so I’d like a kiss, if you have one or two to spare.”
You didn’t have to think twice, you just shake your head and then launched yourself at him. It took him by surprise but you held you both in place as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Your lips crashing into his as your hands settle on the back of his neck. 
The kiss deepened as you both let out little hums of pleasure, your hips involuntarily grinding against his body. You barely registered that he had begun walking with your lips still locked, as you ended up on the couch. 
His body weight on top of yours a comforting feeling, as his hands slide their way up your legs and under your dress. He pulled your thighs apart and began to thumb your clit over your panties, which elicited a low moan from you. 
“You’re soaked.”
“Always are for your my love.”
Your fingers found their way to the waistband of his pants, where after some interesting fumbling, you managed to find the belt that was holding his ridiculously too large pants in place. You got his belt loose and that pants just slide their way down his hips, and thighs before pooling at his knees.
You lift your hips for him as he slides your panties down before he takes himself in hand and guides himself to your entrance. With a whine you buck your hips into his as he slides himself into you. 
“God baby. Always so tight for me.” he moans out, ocean colored eyes locked with yours. 
He begins to move slowly at first but after some encouragement from you he begins to move his hips at a much more rapid pace. Neither of you really wanting to take your time. 
Your breathing ragged now, as the sweat is pouring from both of your bodies, a bead of sweat dripping off the tip of his nose. The sound of skin on skin and your moans filling the air. 
“I’m-oh baby-yes-please-please-don’t stop-feels so good” you stutter out as you claw at his still clothed back 
“Rami-God-yes-yes-yes-so close already-Rami I’m gonna-”
His mouth found yours at the right moment, because just as his lips collided with yours your walls clenched around him and you let a scream that may have sounded something like his name. 
This time it was his turn as he simply starts mumbling out,”I'm gonna-I’m cumming!”His abs clenching and his whole body tightened, and he came hard, cock twitching inside of you as he painted your walls with his seed. 
His body falling on top of yours, with your chests still heaving, as he lazily planted kisses on your face, jaw, and neck. Both of you were content to lay there like this all night until you hear a small voice.
“Santa? Why are you kissing my mommy?”
Both of you startled looked up to see your seven year old son standing at the entrance to the living room looking sleepy and confused.
Rami muttered a quiet,”Fuck,” as you let out a small laugh.
“Said baby, it’s just your daddy giving mommy some kisses is all. We came downstairs to see if Santa had come yet, and he did, so we just decided to have a cuddle on the couch. Can you go back to bed and I’ll be up in a minute to tuck you back in okay?”
“Okay.” he said as he headed back to bed.
“Shit how much of that do you think he saw?” Rami questioned. 
“I don’t think he saw anything, but I should probably go upstairs and tuck him back in before he comes back down here.” you laugh, as you pull your panties back up and smooth your dress down over your hips.
“I’ll meet you in the bedroom in a few? If you’ve got anything else left we might be able to get another round in before we have to knock out for the night. You know those two will be up at five and there is no going back back from there.” you state as you lean in to give him another kiss.
“I swear those two aren’t really ours because neither of us are morning people so  how did we end up with two kids that are always up so damn early?”
You just laughed again, you were always laughing with him, and shrugged,”Maybe they are secretly your brothers.”
He just gasped in mock horror, since he knew you were only teasing, and chased after you holding his pants up with one hand just so he could playfully smack your ass.
“That was a naughty thing to say YN, do you secretly have a thing for my brother?” he asks, eyes crinkled with the smile he was wearing. He knows you jest but he can’t help it. Maybe a part of him was actually jealous even though he knew he never needed to be.
“Maybeeeee, I mean it’s hard not too, you both look sooooo much alike. Maybe I got a little confused once or twice.” you tease.
He gasped again before following you up the stairs trying not to trip over his pants.
“Your ass is gonna pay for that. Maybe I need to remind you just who you belong to?”
Keeping the teasing going you quietly say,”Sami.”
He smacks your ass again, and say with a smirk,”Nope. Try again.”
Reaching the top of the stairs he pulls you close to him again, his face buried in your neck as he breathes you in. “I love you but you’re in some trouble YN, and you need to be punished. Daddy is waiting. I’m going to give you a very good reminder of who exactly you belong to so you won’t  ever forget it.”
You brows shot nearly into your hairline as you giggled, wiggled your ass against his crotch and pulled away sprinting towards your son’s room. Just before you opened his bedroom door you turned around to look at Rami and said,”Can’t wait, because you need to prove it, Daddy.”
The look on his face was priceless, he was going into dominant lover mode, and you just issued a challenge to that primal part of him. His eyes darkened and his face set, and it took everything he had to not claim you right then and there. You shot him a wide smile and then opened the door and entered your son’s room to tuck him back in as promised.
Part Two of Santa’s Cumming
@r-ahh-mi​ @xmxisxforxmaybe​ @ramimedley​ @txmel​ @hissom1933​ @mister-owls-cupcake​ @free-rami​ @mezzomercury​ @safinsscar​ @spacedustmazzello​ @itslula1991​ @youthea​ @ladyr0b0t​ @sassystrawberryk​ @itsme690​ @mrhoemazzello​
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borhap-au · 4 years
Christmas 2020
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Rami is that kind of a person who buys gifts throughout the entire year, just to be sure he’s safe on Christmas 
also, he insists on making a few traditional meals his family always makes (and he’s a surprisingly good cook)
you decorated the Christmas tree together, but since both of you had a different concept, you ended up having two parts of the tree decorated in completely different ways 
since you couldn’t meet with anyone, you had your families on video call
but it was even more exhausting than actually spending time with your family, so you were glad when it ended
you finished your meal and sat on Rami’s lap 
he smiled, moving his arms around you, and kissing you passionately 
he then took you on his arms and sat with you on the couch, next to the Christmas tree 
he gave you the first gift
you were kind of embarrassed that you didn’t get him as many present as he did, but then again, you only started buying them in December, he had more time to prepare 
you loved every single one of your presents, ‘cause Rami had unbelievable taste
he also very quickly learnt what you like, so any piece of clothing you got from him suited you perfectly 
he also liked what you gave him 
Rami told you a story about how he once went skiing on Christmas day and ended up with a bloody nose 
and you ended up talking for a few hours about your funny childhood stories 
you were wrapped in his arms, he was resting his head on yours 
it felt nice and cozy and with him you could forget about the pandemic and everything else that was going on in the world 
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Ben always insisted on Christmas activities 
usually you just went skiing or snowboarding 
but this year, with all the restrictions, you had to stay home
so as soon as it started snowing, he went to the backyard with a shovel 
you were preparing Christmas dishes, so you didn’t bother to go there for a few hours
and when you finally went, you saw a pile of snow that could easily serve as a small hill to slide from 
you shook your head with disbelief, amazed by what you see
he smiled and asked you, “what do you think?” and you obviously loved it
he took the sled out of the basement, it was all clean and ready to go now
he was even thoughtful enough to put a blanket on it, so you didn’t get cold from the wooden seat
“come on,” he told you when he put the sled on top of the hill
you went there and smoothly sled down the hill
it wasn’t the same as Alps, but you had a lot of fun
especially when Ben took the string and started dragging you behind him on the sled
he spilled some water on the grass earlier, to make sure you’ll have an icerink
and now he was using it as a way to spin you around on the sled
you almost tripped a few times, but it was so much fun 
you also ended up making a snowman
it had drumsticks as hands 
and Ben also gave it one of his wigs 
yes, you called the snowman Roger 
and made sure Brian will know about it 
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Gwilym knew how much you missed your family and friends, so he made it his top priority to keep your mind away from worrying on the Christmas day
he spent the entire December preparing for a cute Christmas photoshoot he had planned
he bought props and even a green screen
he also bought you some new dresses, so you couldn’t tell him you had nothing to wear for the photos 
and more than that, he got you a little puppy from the shelter, so you didn’t feel so sad and lonely anymore 
the photoshoot included all kinds of beautiful Christmas scenarios, and the puppy even had his own little Santa Claus’ hat 
there were a lot of costumes, Gwilym himself even dressed as Santa for one of the pics
apart from the SLR camera, Gwil had a polaroid, so you had some of the pictures out instantly
he then hung a string on the wall 
and clipped the pictures to the string, making it the most beautiful Christmas decoration 
you later had a debate about the puppy’s name 
you ended up with “Sonny” 'cause you already treated him like a son 
you made the puppy a bed out of pillows, but he ended up sleeping with you on the bed anyway 
and Gwilym couldn’t help but post some of the pictures on his Instagram story, because he was so proud of the results 
and you two finally learnt to use photoshop to change the green screen for some beautiful Christmas backgrounds
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neither you nor Joey loved the idea of early waking up, so you decided to sleep late 
when you woke up, you spent some time just hugging and kissing, because you liked the fact that finally didn’t have to hurry anywhere 
after you both got ready, you closed all the curtains and turned on the Christmas lights 
the room was filled with many colors and Christmas atmosphere
your Christmas tree was big and rich in ornaments 
he played some Christmas music and you ended up dancing in the middle of the room 
the fire was crackling in the fireplace when Joe was playing some Christmas tunes on the bass
after that, you watched every Christmas movie you liked, while eating some meals on the couch, with a plate in your hand 
every year Joey did a video of your time spent together, a collage of all the pictures and videos summarizing your entire year and showing your best moments 
this year, most of them were spent at home, but you didn’t mind, because you were together 
Joey bought you a giant teddy bear (bigger than he is) because he heard you saying that you wished to have one since early childhood 
you stood under a mistletoe for a good twenty minutes, being a little too naughty for Santa to bring you any presents, but you didn’t mind, ‘cause you were enjoying each other’s company too much 
and you both unanimously agreed that you will be even naughtier to save Santa the trip 
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forever-rogue · 5 years
Not a Chance
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Summary: Y/N’s caught the eye of one particular Ben Jones (Hardy), but she’s not too smitten, while he’s very keen on her. Winter cuteness and shenanigans ensue!
A/N: This is my gift for the lovely @acdeaky for @borhapparker‘s Secret Santa event. Katie, you’re so sweet and kind, and I really, really hope you enjoy this! As always, thoughts and feedback are encouraged and welcome :)
Word Count: 6.5k
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Warnings: None
»»————- ♡ ————-«« 
"Psst," you tried to ignore her and continue on cleaning the dirtied counter, but you knew she wasn't about to let it go. She had that tone in her voice and you knew exactly what that meant. When she realized you were blatantly ignoring her, she stood right next to go and tugged on the sleeve of your sweater, "psst, I know you're ignoring me. It’s going to work forever, you know.”
"What is it, Nicole?" you finally hissed, throwing the rag down and raising an eyebrow at her. The grin on her face stretched from ear to ear as she looked pointedly over your shoulder.
"In the corner," she said quietly, looking between the corner of the small cafè and you. You rolled your eyes dramatically, signaling that you weren't to give in and look, "just take a peek. I promise you won't regret it! Talk about babe o’clock.”
"Babe o’clock, really? What could possibly be so important that it's got you so excited?" you acquiesced to her demand, otherwise you just knew you’d never hear the end of it. Turning around and scanning the almost empty place, your eyes quickly landed on what Nicole had been playing at. You let out a long sigh - more of a combination of a ground and exasperation than anything before turning back to her, "that was what you wanted me to see?"
"Umm, excuse me?" her eyes widened with shock and surprise at her lack of excitement at her discovery, "have you gone blind? He's absolutely gorgeous! Look at that hair, and those dreamy eyes, that smile!”
"He's average at best," you lied, trying your best to keep your face neutral and keep yourself from sneaking another peak. She was right though - he was definitely gorgeous, and you were sure that he knew exactly what hold he had over women, "I go to university with him. I know exactly what he's like. And it's not something I'm interested in."
"Complete asshole?" her expression wavered as she grabbed your discarded rag and took over the cleaning. Whatever matchmaking scheme she had come up with had been quickly dashed. You shrugged lightly as the bell over the door jingled, and a few other boys came in, talking loudly among themselves before heading over to babe o’clock. You scoffed before mentally bracing yourself to deal with the rowdy bunch. They looked exactly how you pictured his friends would look.
"Not exactly," you responded to her, flicking your eyes back over to the table, and you founded him staring back at you. He smiled lightly before raising his hand and giving you a small wave. You didn't return the gesture and instead turned back to Nicole, "just not my style or crowd. Plus, his friends seem...a little annoying. Do me a huge favor and deal with them?"
"Seriously?" she didn't try to hide her annoyance. You nodded as you started to take off your apron and tossed it onto the counter, making it a point not to look back in their direction. As much as you wanted to admit you had thought he was attractive for the longest time, you weren’t about to admit that out loud. 
"I'm off in less than five anyway," you grinned at her, "I think you can handle it! Just turn on the charm - they’re rowdy uni boys, it’s not going to take much to impress them.”
"You're the worst, Y/N!" she groaned at you as you headed into the back to clock out for the day. You knew she was joking so you have her a big grin and mouthed a soft thank you. The bullet was dodged for now, and hopefully forever. 
You’d never seen him come in here before and you’d been working at the little coffee shop near your school for several years now. You wondered what suddenly had made him come in after all this. Not that you cared...not that much anyway. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Over the next several weeks, things were largely uneventful, except for the uptake in business, since Christmas was just around the corner. The cold weather always caused people to stop whenever they got the chance as it provided a nice reprieve from the cold and allowed them to enjoy a delicious coffee or tea as they de-thawed from the biting weather.
The one constant that you hadn’t expected came in the from of one Ben Jones. He’d started to come around on almost daily basis, or at least whenever you seemed to work, head usually buried in a book or hands flying furiously across the keyboard of his laptop. He made it a point to sneak glances at you, not even bothering to hide the fact that he was shamelessly staring at times. 
Nicole kept encouraging you to go and talk to him, that he was clearly smitten with you, but were insistent that he was just studying for winter finals. He could easily do that at home or the library she kept reminding you, but you played it off, sure that he just wanted the warmth and comfort of the small cafe.
But sometimes you weren’t so sure yourself...but surely he wasn’t there for you, right? And you still weren’t about to confide in anyone that you found him attractive with his pseudo-ethereal looks, glowing smile, and whimsical laugh. He was from a different crowd from you, and you weren’t about to overstep and try to become a part of his world.
You sighed and looked at your watch, getting discouraged when you saw that it was still almost another hour before you were off. It was a Friday night and the cafe was open late, but business was slow for the first time all week, and time was dragging on. There was only so much wiping and standing around you could do before it got boring.
“Y/N,” your boss, John, interrupted your thoughts, waving his hand in front of your face. He was a kind man, a retired musician who had decided to open a small little shop in his golden years. You always enjoyed working with John, usually finding yourself listening to him talk about his youth and all the shenanigans he and his friends had gotten into. You snapped back into attention and gave him a shy smile, “go on and clean down the tables and everything in the back. It’s slow enough to justify some deep cleaning, don’t you think?”
“Deacy,” that was his nickname and he loved when people called him by it; it always brought a smile to his face. You swallowed the lump in your throat when you realized the spot he had indicated; it was right by Ben naturally, “it’s Friday night, is it really the time for torture?”
“What else are you doing to do right now?” he asked, and you realized he was right, “I can handle the customers that come in. Besides, the time will fly by if you’re actually doing something.”
“Haha,” you rolled your eyes at him before ducking under the counter and grabbed a few cleaners and rags to get going on your assignment, “I’d tell you shove it, but you are the boss man.”
“You’re lucky you’re my favorite,” he winked at you as you begrudgingly made your way over to where Ben was. You had already decided that if he was going to try and speak to you, you’d only provide simple one word responses. Short, sweet, and to the point. A perfect solution to your little predicament.
Humming slightly under your breath as you started to clean, you trained your eyes on the table. Ben’s eyes had wandered over to you as soon as you had started walking over and prayed that his paper or whatever he was working on would be more enticing. But once again, you were proven wrong.
“Hi,” it was soft and you weren’t sure at first if he had said anything, but the way his green eyes met yours told you he did. You suddenly found yourself lost for words, opening and closing your mouth a few times, “I-I’m Ben. I don’t know if you remember-”
“You’re in four of my classes,” there was your voice, and you internally cringed a little bit at your outburst, “I know who you are. Everyone does.”
“Oh,” his smile flickered ever so slightly at your response and you felt bad. It hadn’t meant to come off as condescending, but apparently you had, “I just...we haven’t really spoken much, so I wasn’t sure if you knew...”
“Do you even know my name?” you weren’t sure if he knew the answer, but you were genuinely curious. You remembered you were wearing a name tag and quickly covered it up, giving him a cheeky look, “no cheating!”
“Y/N,” he answered quickly, “Y/N L/N.”
“Well, you’ve got that correct,” interesting  you thought to yourself. You weren’t sure he’d ever paid much attention to you at all. He smiled, clearly pleased with himself, “is there anything I can get you? I’m, ugh....pretty busy and don’t have time to chat.”
“Really?” he raised an eyebrow at you, and realized that the excuse was pretty lame. You bit your lip and nodded weakly as you scanned the almost empty place. John was intently pretending not to watch the two of you as he whistled to himself. 
“Uh huh,” grabbing the rag, you scrubbed the table, “sorry!”
“You can get me one thing actually-”
“Oh?” you momentarily wondered if he was going to be cheesy and ask for your number. Not that you’d give that to him...not at this point anyway.
“What’s your favorite color?” it was a surprising question and you definitely weren’t expecting it. You put your hands on your hips and stifled a small laugh, “what?! I’m being serious.”
“Seriously serious?”
“Yellow,” you answered honestly, watching his face light up. It wasn’t a color most people favorited, but it always managed to cheer your up and brightened your day.
“Yellow’s a pretty one,” he replied, “like you.”
“Very subtle, Ben,” you groaned as a light blush crept into his cheeks, coloring them a soft shade of rose, “now get back to studying. I’ve got work to do anyways.”
You quickly scurried away from him, and back behind the safe refuge of the counter, heart thumping wildly in your chest. John was bemused, and just shook your head at him.
“He fancies you,” he stated simply, cleaning under the items on the counter. You sighed heavily at his astute observation.
“Not a chance,” you answered, biting the inside of your cheek in order to keep from smiling too much, “he’s just a customer.”
“Mhmm,” he wasn’t discouraged, “a customer that comes whenever you’re working and just told you that he thought you were pretty. All very subtle signs.”
“Stopppp,” you groaned at him, “otherwise I’ll quit here and now!”
“Okay, okay,” he laughed, “no need for the theatrics. I’ll stop for now...just remember, no making out on the job. No one needs to see all that PDA!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You were working a morning shift, a rarity for you since you generally had classes in the morning, but Nicole had asked you to cover a shift for her and your class had been cancelled, so you figured you might as well. It was a chilly morning, a fresh layer of soft snow covering the ground, and a few people milling about, drinking their coffees and eating pastries. 
It nearing Christmas and you had the spirit running throughout your body, so much that you had even decided to let Christmas music flow throughout the cafe. John had decked the place for the holiday, no corner left un-decorated, and he’d decided to be extra, just like his old friend Freddie had always been, and put up mistletoe in several strategic places. You had sighed and complained heavily at him, but he had carried on, a smirk on his face as he blissfully ignored your grievances. You knew exactly why he did it too. You had no doubt that it was all for a certain customer named Ben Jones.
He’d continued to hang around the cafe, and by this point you were sure it wasn’t just for the study environment. It was often crowded and loud at the times he came, times you generally worked, and you could tell he wasn’t that deeply engrossed in his work. The semester was pretty much over and since you shared a lot of classes you knew there weren’t many more assignments left, only a few finals coming up, but you knew those would be easy. Maybe Nicole and John had been right in the first place...what if he was there for you? 
At this point, you didn’t even mind seeing him almost every day; he’d become the most steadfast part of your day and as it turned out, he was often the best part. 
Sometimes when it was really busy there would only be a few rushed exchanges, but if it was slower, there’d be deeper more intimate conversations, which, truthfully, you didn’t even know he was capable of at first. He’d ask you all sorts of things about yourself, like your favorite flowers, songs, movies, what your family was like, what you wanted to do in life, what you planned on doing after graduation, and what kind of pizza you favored. At first you had played it off and tried to seem disinterested, but soon enough, you weren’t even bothering to hide how happy you were to see him. There was something about him that you just couldn’t get enough of, and you wanted to everything about him too.
“Not a chance, Y/N,” you whispered to yourself as you set a freshly prepared cup of coffee onto the bar for whoever had ordered it, “he’s not here for you.” 
“What was that?” the voice that had become oh so familiar over the past several weeks interrupted your thoughts as your eyes flicked up to meet Ben’s. Both of his hands were behind his back, and unless you were hallucinating, you were sure he seemed nervous.
“Nothing,” you lied, trying to figure out what he was hiding, not even bothering at this point to hide your smile, “whatcha got, Benny boy? Something good I hope?”
“I hope you like them,” he finally revealed what he had been hiding from you. It was a beautiful bouquet of all colors and shades of daises, the majority of them were a wonderful yellow. Your heart seemed to burst as you looked between him and flowers, “well...do you like them?”
“Yes,” you admitted as you walked around the counter and stood in front of him, taking them out of his hands and giving them a good smell before clutching them to your chest, “I love them. Thank you so much...but to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“No reason in particular,” he said sheepishly, “just felt like doing something special for the prettiest girl.”
“Oh? Who should I give these to then?”
“Shut up,” he joked, nudging your arm slightly as you both laughed, “I dunno...just wanted to give you a little something special.”
“They’re lovely, really. Thank you, Ben,” you weren’t sure if you should hug or kiss him, not wanting to overstep your boundaries. So you shyly stuck out your hand, settling on giving him a handshake. He was just as surprised as you at the lukewarm response, but he took your hand in his and gave it a firm squeeze. 
“I guess I should let you get back to work,” he said quietly, not wanting to end the conversation, but not wanting to drag it out either.
“Guess I should go and work,” you could feel a pair of eyes on your back and you just knew that John was watching what was going on, probably silently celebrating since this is what he had expected to happen all along. You grabbed his coffee and handed it to him, hand trembling slightly with nerves, “well, I hope you enjoy...”
He took it with a grateful smile, about to turn away and head to the table that had become his unofficial spot, but something compelled him to turn around and stay, “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” your heart was starting that same rapid beating, butterflies all in your stomach. There was something about damned smile and those gorgeous eyes that made you weak in the knees; you had sworn you wouldn’t give into him, and yet here you were, putty in his hands. 
“Are you free tomorrow evening?” he blurted out suddenly, his voice climbing about an octave higher than normal as he anticipated your response.
“Yes,” you answered before you could even think about it. Even if you had thought about it, it wasn’t going to be a no anyways.
“Great,” he bit his lip and you thought you had almost died and gone to heaven. You were sure there was almost no better sight in the world, “then it’s a date...”
“It’s a date,” you repeated, feeling like your face was about to break in half from the giant grin, “oh! Actually I work till 6, but we could do something afterwards?”
“Great! Is there someplace you wanted to meet? ‘Cause I kinda feel you’ve got this whole thing planned.”
“How about I pick you up?” he suggested, “and if you must know, I do have something in mind. It’s only taken me what...about two months to pluck up the courage to actually ask you out? Needless to say, I’ve had plenty of time to think about all of this.”
“I knew it!” John had somehow inched his way closer and become privy to your entire conversation. The two of you turned to face him, and as much as you tried to be annoyed, the both of you couldn’t help but giggle. John gave you a gaptoothed smile before going back to the espresso machine, pretending to be engrossed. I guess they were right after all you thought to yourself. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” you turned back to him and he bobbed his head up and down, “thank you again for the flowers. I’m sure Deacy is going to arrange them perfectly in a nice vase for me, aren’t you?”
John played deaf as you exchanged a look with Ben. Ben reached over and brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, his fingers brushing lightly against your cheek and causing a jolt of electricity to flow throughout your body, “see you tomorrow, love.”
He turned on his heel and left, turning around to shoot you one last wink before disappearing outside and into the lightly swirling snow. You watched him go, rooted in your spot as you swayed lightly on your feet. Was this real life or fantasy?
“I hate to say I told you so, kid,” John reached for the flowers so he could store them properly for you, seemingly approving of Ben’s choices, “but I told you so. He is completely smitten with you.”
“How do you even know that?” you followed him behind the counter, your face feeling warm, “he just seemed so...”
“Interested?” he suggested and you wrong nonchalantly as you hopped onto the counter, “how was it not obvious to you? No man comes to the same place to study as frequently as he did.”
“Oh. Oh?”
“Besides that,” he started arranging the flowers, “he asked about your schedule ages ago. And about what your favorite flowers were.”
“He what!?”
“Don’t act so shocked,” John seemed right pleased with himself as you tried to keep yourself together, “maybe you should have listened to me.”
“You’re the worst, Deacy,” you shook your head at him, wondering when and how you had warranted a wing man such as him, “the absolute worst.”
“Whatever you say,” he snorted, “you know, all this reminds me, I should go and get some flowers for Veronica. We’ve got a date this weekend, but I think she’ll enjoy some now!”
“That’s disgustingly cute,” you reminded him. He always beamed like no other when he talked about his wife, or any of family; he really was the gentlest soul, “tell her I said! And Cam and Luke! I’ll hold the fort down until next shift comes in.”
“You’re the best kid!” 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The rest of the day, and the next day if you were being honest, were filled with nervous anticipation as you tried to figure out what Ben had possibly planned. For a second you wondered if this was some sort of colossal mistake and he was planning on kidnapping you, but you quickly pushed that out of your mind.
Was it something formal or fancy? If you dressed up would it end up being over the top and ridiculous? But if you went too casual would you look silly and out of place? You let out a long sigh as you flopped onto your bed and buried your face into your pillow. You never would have cared this much with anyone else, but suddenly with Ben you were over-analyzing every little detail. Who would have thought?
After calling your best friend and trying to get her reassurances and opinions, you settled on a silver dress that had some gold details on it. That way you figured it was ever so slightly festive, and could be either casual or more dressy. If you continued to think about it anymore, it would drive you crazy, so you decided to let it be. Whatever happened at this point would happen.
“My, my, my,” Nicole was practically beaming at you when you walked into work, looking way more done up than necessary for a regular shift a. You shrugged lightly before turning around and giving her a twirl, “you look stunning!”
“Really?” you asked her nervously, “I probably spent way too much time thinking about this stupid outfit. I’m actually nervous!”
“Just relax,” she encouraged you, “it’s just Ben. And it’s not like you haven’t already spent ages talking to him.”
“I know,” you walked behind towards the back to go and clock, hoping the time would go by quickly, “and yet that’s why I’m nervous!”
“You’re a bad ass, babes,” she reminded you. You gave her a nervous little smile as you ducked into the back, “you’ve got this!”
The majority of the afternoon was busy and it didn’t give you much of a chance to indulge in your own thoughts as you flitted from customer to customer. Busy was good, but it did make the time go by quickly. And as the time for Ben to pick you up came closer, your nerves grew exponentially.
“Hey,” Nicole whispered under her breath as she gently nudged your arm. You looked up to follow her line of sight, and immediately felt like the wind was knocked out of you at the sight. Ben had come in and he looked even better than he normally did, if that was possible, brushing a few flakes of snow from his golden hair. She sighed wistfully before turning back to you, “you are so lucky.”
“I suppose I am,” you responded, looking back down at the counter, trying not to get caught staring, even though you knew it didn’t really make a difference at this point.
“Go on,” she pushed you towards and him but you reminded rooted in your spot, “Y/N! Go say hi, I can cover the counter!”
“Are you sure?”
With that, you tiptoed around the counter and walked over to Ben, who was sitting near the back, a smile etched on his face as he scrolled through his phone.
“Hey stranger,” you joked softly as you waited for him to notice you. It only took a millisecond before he put his phone and looked at you, eyes widening in surprise. You could feel your entire face heating up under his gaze.
“Wow… you look beautiful,” he jumped up almost instantly and tucked his phone into his pocket, giving you his full attention. He looked just as handsome as ever, all done up in a button down and dress pants, his golden mane expertly tamed. Had he always been so good looking?
“So do you,” you managed to blurt back at him, “well handsome anyway. I’m glad I decided to dress up since you haven’t exactly told me what we’re doing.”
“It’s all a surprise, love,” he shrugged as he raised his eyebrows at you. He paused for a moment before casting his eyes upwards. It took you a moment before you realized what he was doing, but followed his gaze and spotted what had caught his eye: a beautiful fresh bundle of mistletoe.
“Of course,” you laughed nervously, “all courtesy of John.”
“You know what mistletoe means, right?” his voice was low as he stepped closer and grinned at you. You nodded as you felt yourself leaning closer into him, your body naturally responding.
“I think it means you’re supposed to kiss me,” you whispered back at him, the two of you grinning at each other like shy little schoolchildren. You were sure that you had everyone’s eyes on your back and you thought about turning back and telling them to go away, but decided against it, too enthralled in the moment. 
“Is it okay?” he asked quietly and you found yourself only able to nod in response. He put his hand on the side of your face, skin so much more delicate than you would have thought, before you leaning down slightly and gently pressing his lips to yours. 
You thought your heart might burst with happiness as you leaned into him, not wanting the moment to ever end. He tasted sweet, almost like cocoa, his plush lips softer than your dreams even, to put it simply: perfect.
“Wow,” whether or not it accidentally came out, you weren’t sure but you found your hand going to face as he just grinned at you, “oops?”
“No oops,” he said as you heard the sound of clapping coming from behind you. You turned on your heel and found Nicole and John watching the two of you chattering among themselves, “umm...I guess they’re supportive?”
“They’ve been waiting for this moment, I think,” you admitted as you shook her at them and gestured for them to go away, “should we go...before they decide to come with us? Last time I checked this was supposed to be a date, not a friendly outing.”
“Sounds perfect,” he agreed, giving you that million dollar smile you already adored, “I’ll wait outside for you. Do you have a coat?”
“Yes,” you answered, “I’ll be there in just minute!”
Rushing back behind the counter you dashed into the back and quickly clocked out, taking your apron off and hastily grabbing your stuff, throwing your coat. You shook your head at your boss and friend before shouting, “I swear there better be no stalking on this date, or I’ll quit and never speak to either of you again.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Nicole grinned at you, giving you a cheery wave as you dashed out and in the chilly evening, “have fun, lovebirds!”
Snow was lightly falling from the sky as you stepped outside, Ben waiting there for you. It was the perfect, if not overly cliche, moment, “hey!”
“Hey,” you beamed as you almost skipped over to him, taking his outstretched hand in yours. He wasted in no time in lacing his fingers through yours, “so what did you have in mind for this evening?”
“I was thinking, and tell me if this horribly cheesy or not, that we could go and look at all the Christmas lights and displays,” he swallowed the nervous lump in his throat, “and then we can go and get dinner? I have this place I really like and I think you’d enjoy it too.”
“That is all terribly cheesy,” you agreed as you stepped in stride with him, body pressed against his as much as closely as possible, “but I love the sound of it all. Lead the way Mr. Jones!”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he seemed visibly relieved, “but first, we need to make a stop at my favorite, well second favorite, cafe. They had amazing everything there, and I think you’d like it. You said you like cocoa, right?”
“I did,” you grinned, happy to see that he remembered all these little things about you, “I’m impressed, you actually have quite the memory!”
“Don’t let this pretty face fool you.” he threw his back with laughter, “I’m actually smarter than I look.”
“Please, carry on and continue to impress me,” you said as he came to a stop in front of a small, quaint looking little shop. It looked old, like it was straight out of a vintage Hollywood movie, and you could already tell you were to like it, “okay, I’m already impressed!”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he opened the door for your and ushered you inside, the delicious smelling space, “now let’s this date started properly.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The next several hours were spent walking around hand-in-hand as Ben led you around the best Christmas and light displays around downtown London. It was almost as though he had intricately planned every step and turn and made sure you were going to be dazzled, and you definitely were. 
There were moments when you weren’t sure if you were more amazed by the lights or Ben; the way he talked about anything and everything that crossed his mind, or how his face lit up at every little display of lights, how he actually had paid attention to all the things you had told him over the last several weeks. It was all like it was almost meant to be. 
“Y/N?” you hadn’t realized you had tuned out of what he was saying, just staring at him as he told you a story. You shook your head and tuned back in and turned to him, “thought I lost you there for a moment.”
“Sorry,” you felt your cheeks heat up, “I was distracted by...”
“The lights?” he teased, but you both innately knew what you had actually been distracted by, “I can understand. The...lights are quite beautiful.”
“The lights,” you bit your bottom lip and Ben couldn’t help but stare, enthralled by your every move, “are pretty.”
“It’s getting chilly,” he swayed lightly on the balls of his feet, “are you ready to go and get dinner? It’ll definitely help us warm up.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“This is your favorite place?” you asked, looking around the quaint little restaurant. It was cozy and had a warm feel to it, and you were mildly surprised to find that he liked a place such as this. It seemed out of character for him, but you realized that there was a lot to him that you didn’t know yet. The more you got to knew him, the more he realized how much you actually did like him. He was much different than you had originally thought he would be.
“Is it that surprising?” he teased, nudging your leg with his under the table. You just shrugged at him, “did you really think I was just some silly jock?”
“I mean...kind of?” you admitted, poking around at the food on your plate. Needless to say your first impression of him had been wrong, very wrong. He was much more than just a pretty party boy, he was a kind and gentle soul who genuinely cared for you. You finally met his sage eyes and found him watching you curiously, "I guess I was wrong after all. You have definitely proven me wrong in all the best ways possible."
"I'm glad to hear that," he took a sip of the wine he had picked and shot you a wink, which made melt in your set a little bit, "you have not proven me wrong at all."
"Oh?" you snorted lightly as you sat back in your seat and waited for him to expand further.
"Nope," he took a bite and chewed it as slowly as possibly, purposeful with every movement. You crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow at him, and he finally swallowed, with a little bit of laughter, "I always knew you were smart, funny, wonderful, and pretty."
"Shut up," you blurted out without even thinking about it, garnering the attention from the people at the nearby tables. Ben's shoulders shook with laughter as you cleared your throat, "I mean, what, really? I'm just...me. I'm nothing special."
"See, that's where you're wrong," he insisted, leaned in from across the table, "you are amazing though. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that others don't. I don't necessarily think incredibly highly of myself, but the why you make me feel is incredible."
"Oh? Really?" your voice cracked ever so slightly as your stomach seemed to do somersaults, "I mean, I like you, obviously, so yeah."
"I like you too, obviously," he confessed, although at this point it wasn't really much of a confession, "at the beginning there, I wasn't sure if you were ever going to actually going to give me the time of the day!"
"So you did come all the time for me," you realized that John hadn't been lying the whole time after all. Ben's face couldn't have been redder has he nodded and stared at his plate, "holy shit."
"Holy shit good or bad?"
"Holy shit good," you grinned at him, "definitely good."
"I mean, I thought it would be obvious that I wasn't studying that entire time!"
"It was...but you know, you can never really tell," you stuck out your tongue at him, "what if you had been there for someone else?"
"Who else was there?!"
"I dunno, Nicole?" you tried to downplay how excited you were, knowing guys like Ben usually went for all the other girls, not you generally. But the fact that you were here with was evidence that not everything was at it seemed, “she’s pretty, funny, nice.”
"That may be trust, but she’s not you. It was you," he said, "always you."
"That's super cheesy," you found yourself shyly giggling at him, "like mega, almost Hallmark status. But it's cute. You're cute."
"Yeah?" he seemed unsure of himself at first, but the grin that was pulling at the corner of his face suggested that he was indeed very pleased, “like honestly?”
"Obviously,” you took your wine glass and clinked it against his before bringing it to your lips and taking a sip. You took your time tasting the liquid before washing it down, “I’m a busy person, Ben, just like I know you are, and I don’t like having my time wasted or wasting my time. And this? This is definitely not a waste of my time.”
“I’m glad you feel that way,” he let out a low sigh of relief, his nerves visibly calmed, “because I really don’t wasting time either, and you are definitely not a waste of time either. I like giving you my time....this is cliche? This is terribly cliche, isn’t it?”
“The most cliche thing I’ve ever witnessed,” you agreed, “but it’s Christmas time and life is all sort of a big cliche, isn’t it? I think we should toast to that.”
“To Christmas time cliches?” he asked as he held up his glass and you followed suit. You nodded and tapped your glass against his, letting a pleasant sound ring between the two of you.
“To Christmas time cliches,” you agreed and the two of you drank hearty sips before setting the glasses back down, “to this one and hopefully many more cheesy cliches to come.”
“I like the sound of that.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Well, this is me,” you had made to the front of your apartment building much faster than you would have liked. The walk back from the restaurant had been pleasant, a peaceful quiet falling between the two of you as you walked hand in hand, Ben occasionally humming along to the Christmas music that flooded from every shop and home. 
“You live close to me,” he mused as you started to make your way up the steps, “I live a few blocks down. Good to know I can come and bother you pretty much whenever.”
“Ha ha,” you waggled a finger at him, unsure of what to say, but also not wanting to end the evening. If you could have had it your way, it would never have ended. He seemed to notice your reluctance in letting him leave, so he took a step up so he was almost eye level with you, staring at you with such an intensity that you were sure he could see into the depths of your soul, “well...I guess this is it.”
“Don’t make it sound so permanent,” he joked, subconsciously licking his lips, which you definitely noticed, “it’s just for tonight. If you’re working tomorrow, I have a lot of studying to do, or if you’re off, I have a lot of movies that need to be watched, and blankets that to be used sooo....”
“It just so happens that I’m off tomorrow,” you grinned at him, “and I think that a movie marathon sounds pretty good. It just so happens that I can make a mean bag of microwave popcorn.”
“Oh?” he threw his head back with laughter.
“Oh yeah,” you tried to keep a serious expression on your face, “you know, unwrapping it, sticking it in the microwave, and pressing the button...it’s hard work. But I’ve got it down, pretty well, not to brag or anything.”
“I’ve very much like to see those skills in action.”
“I guess you’d better come and pick me up tomorrow, huh?”
“How does noon sound?”
“Perfect to me,” you bounced on the heels of your feet, “I’ll see you then.”
“Yes,” he took a deep breath before giving you a small wave and turning to leave, “good night, Y/N.”
“Good night Ben,” you said quietly as you watched him leave, while you didn’t mind the sight, you still didn’t want him to go. When he was almost halfway down the block, you ran off the stairs and after him, “Ben!”
“What’s wrong?” he asked as turned to find in front of him, breathless.
“Nothing,” you admitted, “it’s just-”
Before you could say anything, Ben’s hands were on your hips and he pulled you into his body and crashed his soft lips onto yours, giving you a passionate kiss. You only took you about a second to respond, snaking your arms around his neck and keeping him pressed against your lips. 
When you finally pulled apart, you were both red faced and breathless, a dusting of snowflakes covering both of you. 
“This might be the most cliche thing of all,” he laughed as he brushed some of the flakes from your locks, “you actually came after me-”
“You kissed me,” you reminded him, raising a eyebrow, “technically. You just beat me to it.”
“And it started snowing,” you reached up and wiped some of the snow out of his locks, “almost too disgustingly cute.”
“But perfect,” you whispered softly.
“But perfect,” he agreed, “absolutely perfect.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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spellbound-banshee · 5 years
Celebrity Christmas Blurbs :)
just some Christmas Preferences from some of my favorite celebrities and their characters! i’ll continue with some of my favorite celebrities and their characters ; i apologize if you don’t like some of these people, but i had a lot of fun writing this, i hope y’all enjoy! it’s quite long so i’ll put a cut :)
- Tom Holland -
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Spending Christmas time with the Hollands was definitely something to remember. It was your first time meeting his brothers, and they instantly took a liking to you, especially Paddy as he was fascinated by your storytelling. He’s obviously the best gift-giver, and he totally got you something cheesy like a calendar of memories or a photo album. You got him something equally as cheesy and after everyone opened their presents you cuddled for the rest of the night in your ugly sweaters watching Christmas movies. Everyone had fallen asleep on the couch except for Sam and Harry, so you both decided to go upstairs and... continue the rest of the night. You could hear Sam and Harry’s gagging noises and it just made you two laugh harder as he pinched your butt on the way up.
Peter Parker
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Peter literally dies laughing when he sees you in your light-up ugly sweater that May decided to pick out. You just blushed and whined “baaaaabe” as he continued to laugh at you. Since it was freezing and snowing outside, you both decided it would be a good idea to stay indoors. Since he’d been exposed, it would be for the best anyway; you could tell he was down about that though, so you decided to make this the best Christmas ever. He’d chosen a couple of Star Wars movies to watch, and though he couldn’t see the new one you more than made up for it. You did the cheesy things like bake cookies with messy fingers and dance around to overplayed Christmas music. At the end of the day, you both fell asleep pretty early due to the sugar crash, cuddled up next to each other with Star Wars: The Force Awakens playing in the background.
- Rami Malek -
Elliot Alderson (Pre-S4 Spoilers iykyk)
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Elliot was never the biggest fan of Christmas. He didn’t really have any memories of them, and honestly he didn’t want to. Your Christmas together was quite low-key, you both got each other something small and simple and took the day to avoid most Christmas movies playing on a loop. It soon turned into a game as you avoided everything on the Christmas channels; eventually he relaxes enough to let you cuddle him. It didn’t really feel like Christmas, more like a freezing cold capitalized day in the apartment.
Merriel “Snafu” Shelton
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He would do his best to celebrate Christmas when he was in the army, but nothing compares to Christmas with you. He would buy you something cheeky like Christmas lingerie and make love to you as much as he could before the family came home. You two would have Christmas dinner with the family and eventually you two got way too drunk. Since you were both home, you fell asleep quickly on the bed, a simple Christmas goes a long way for Merriel.
- Bill Hader -
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This man would be the absolute sweetest on Christmas. Christmas Eve would just be for the two of you, exchanging some presents early on, spending time in the snow and making love by the fireplace. On Christmas Day, his daughters would come over and spend the whole day with you. Of course, you got them something and Bill practically spoiled them with toys and “gadgets” galore. They nearly overdosed on Christmas Cookies and were asleep by 8pm, both carried to their beds and sleeping soundly by 8:30. For the rest of the night, you and Bill exchanged presents and cuddled on the couch, watching what was left of the Christmas movies and sipping on the last of Red Wine.
- Richard Madden -
David Budd
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This man deserves all the love in the world. Of course, he’s a bit sensitive after asking for help, so you just spend most of the day cuddling each other and drifting in and out of sleep. He got you something extremely heartfelt and beautiful, and of course you would get him the same; your Christmas was simple and that’s the way you both liked it. The kids would also come over and they would be playing with their new toys as you both watched with love in your eyes, exchanging occasional kisses here and there. At the end of the night he would say something super cheesy like: “I can’t wait to give you my real present” in that thick accent and you would just snort.
- Timothee Chalamet -
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My bOY Timothee Chalamet. He knows Little Women came out on Christmas, and he knows how much you want to see it. Even though he saw it at the premier, he reluctantly agrees and shields his eyes every time he comes on screen. You had to go to one of the earlier showings so a lot of people wouldn’t be there, and your plan worked out semi-successfully. At the end Timothee found you crying and just held you closer, kissing you on the cheek gently. On the walk home, you were hand in hand, talking about how much you loved the movie and everything about it. He loved to listen. By the time you got home you had a whole Christmas feast ready and exchanged presents; he got you a hard copy of your favorite movie (based on the book) and you got him a peach (as a gag gift) and something cute like a photo album of your years spend together. After you both had your espresso and were both full of chocolate cookies, you held each other by the fire and passed out, engulfed in the scent of candy canes and each other.
- Anton Yelchin -
Pavel Chekov
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Rest his soul. Pavel Chekov is the sweetest man alive, he’s just a little bean boy who deserves nothing but love and affection. I don’t even know if they celebrate Christmas in Star Trek cuz I’m uneducated but here we go. You’d been dating for a couple of months and it was your first Christmas on the Enterprise, so Chekov wanted to make it extra special. He woke you up with warm cocoa and a kiss on the forehead, making sure to take all the time he wanted. After your breakfast, he pulled his gift from under the bed, handing it to you and looking at you with eager and curious eyes. It was what the stars looked like the day you met; the gesture made you tear up just a bit. He would say something cute like: “That was the day I knew you were the one” in that cute little accent of his. The rest of the holiday would be spent eating cookies he’d made at midnight for you both to enjoy and avoiding Kirk to get out of working. It was simple, but stress-free and warm, just as you two had imagined it.
- Adam Driver -
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He may be super timid about Christmas in general but since you’re his new girlfriend he decides to make the most out of it. You spend the morning with his son, watching in amusement as he plays with his new toys, running up to you both and giving you a big hug. Once Joanne picked him up, you had the rest of you day to yourself, and he immediately attacked your lips. Since Star Wars IX had come out, he’d been doing press for what seemed like years; now, he was alone with you. He more than made up for it when he took you all over the house, holding each other close after each round and making up for lost time. You exchanged gifts somewhere in between, you’d gotten him his lightsaber from the Star Wars set that J.J. said you could gift to him. He’d gotten a bit emotional as he held in it his hands, a wide and nerdy smile spreading across his face. He got you tickets to Disney World, somewhere you’d always wanted to go, especially to see what they’d done with Star Wars Land. Honestly, he was curious too. You hadn’t cooked anything special so you decided to order take-out and have a laugh over it, watching cheesy Christmas movies and holding each other until sleep took you both over.
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
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Do they celebrate Christmas in Star Wars? I don’t care. Ben had never really celebrated Christmas, he didn’t have the time or a loving parental figure to help him. That’s where you came in. You’d definitely been the one to change Ben a bit, you softened him up and carefully dragged him closer to the Light Side; he never protested. You didn’t really get him anything nor did he get you anything, you mostly just held each other and kept him from doing anything other than being in bed. You made him Christmas cookies, a thing he chuckled gently at as you continued to hold each other through the holiday. It wasn’t much different from other days, just more affectionate and safe.
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itsme690 · 5 years
Hi there, love your blog! Can I please get an hi where you’re doing Christmas activities with Rami? (I know it’s June, but I’m in a Christmas mood!)
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-you and Rami feel the need to cram all the Christmas activities in year after year
-he starts playing Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving
-you spend the day decorating your house in red and green garland and fake poofy snow
-he hangs the mistletoe in a common doorway so he would always have the opportunity to kiss you
-he goes all out hanging rainbow lights on the front of your house
-you both pick out the perfect tree from the farm and he cuts it down and ties it to the roof of the car
-you reminisce on every ornament you each hang on the tree
-he secures the bright star on top to finish it off
-you bake Christmas cookies and build a gingerbread house together while goofily singing along to the holiday tunes
-he sets up a secret Santa gift exchange and ugly Christmas sweater party between your mutual friends
-every night for the month of December you watch every holiday special
-every Christmas Eve you snuggle with him by the fire place and he read “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”
-he insists on leaving out milk and cookies overnight 🍪🥛
-Christmas morning he’s up before you and brings you breakfast in bed
-“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” He kisses your lips. “Better eat quick, looks like Santa dropped by..” he winked
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12 Days of Christmas Writing Challenge - Day Eleven
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Day Eleven: Rami’s Gift
A/N: I decided to write this as fluff cause I am so burnt out on smut. I’m sorry if this is disappointing, but this was truly a writing Challenge.
The smell of bacon wafted into your nose, plastering a smile on your face. It was Christmas morning, and the only thing you wanted for Christmas was for Rami to be home.
And you had gotten your wish. He came home last night, presents falling from his arms to put under the tree, neatly wrapped by his manager since he didn’t care to wrap them.
You stretched your arms out wide, embracing the coolness of the winter morning, feeling ever so excited to spend the day with your love.  
“Good morning, princess.” Rami said as he came into the room. “Merry Christmas.”  
He kissed your forehead, making you tingle all over. “What’s on the agenda for today?” You asked.
He hummed. “Well, I was thinking some breakfast, open presents, and then maybe a cuddle on the couch with some hot chocolate and a good movie before we head to your parents' house.”
You smiled at him. “That sounds freaking amazing.”  
After showering and dressing, you ate your breakfast curled up next to Rami on the couch and began watching the news, hoping to see the Christmas parade.
“Honestly, I could do this every day.” You said, stuffing a piece of bacon into your mouth.
Rami hummed, taking a sip of his coffee. “I can’t believe it was two years ago tomorrow that I asked you out. And now look at us!” He said, wrapping an arm around your waist.  
“I remember when I first met you at the Christmas party, you were star struck.” You laughed. “You couldn’t stop talking to me. I never thought you could talk that much.”
He smiled at you. “I couldn’t help it. You were absolutely stunning. Still are. Messy hair and all.”  
Leaning forward, you pressed your lips against his and sighed. “I’m so glad you came home for Christmas. I would be wearing this matching onesie by myself.” You pointed to the onesies you bought for him and yourself. He was wearing a Santa one and you were wearing a reindeer one.
“I’m surprised you found one for me that fits perfectly.” He said, putting on the Santa hat that was attached to the onesie.  
“When I wear your clothes more than I wear mine, I know exactly what fits you and what doesn’t.” You giggled.  
Breakfast went by and you opened presents, relishing in the new laptop and diamond earrings that matched the necklace he also got you for Christmas.  
“Movie time?” He asked.
You nodded. “Let’s watch the Grinch and then maybe a Christmas Carol?” You asked him.
He nodded in return. “I think that’s all we have time for. We have to be at your parents around six.”
The movies commenced and you snuggled closer to him, wrapping your arms around his torso and feeling the weight of his arm on your back, the other one holding your hand. This was the peaceful bliss you had missed. The Christmas tree sat in the corner of your living room, lights twinkling and bright. The coldness of the California morning seeping in through the cracks. You felt content.  
Rami woke you a few hours later, letting you know you had a couple of hours to get ready to go. You dressed in a presentable dress and heels, makeup and hair done, and presents and food in the car ready to go just before the time to hit the road.  
By the time you got to your parent’s house, the food had been set out on the table and everyone had convened in the dining room.
After eating, laughing, and drinking, you all clambered to the family room to open presents and enjoy some Christmas cheer.
Everyone had nominated you as Santa, which meant you had to go to the tree, grab a present, and gift it to the person who it belonged to.
“Alright, Sam!” You yelled, turning around. “Got your present for ya right here.” You said, handing it to your cousin.
You watched for a moment as she unwrapped the gift, smiling at how excited she was.  
“Okay, let’s see. Next present is to...Rami!” You turned and handed the small gift to him. A smile plastered on your face. He was sitting on his knees in front of you, unwrapping the gift. It was a small velvet box and when he opened it, the room went silent. Your confused expression didn’t help either.
“What is it?” You asked.
He looked up at you and smiled. “It’s a gift for you.” He turned the box around to reveal the most beautiful ring. “Y/N. Would you do me the honors of becoming Mrs. Malek?”  
Your head was swimming until you realized everyone was holding their breath waiting for you to answer.
“Y-Yes!” You shouted. “Oh my god, yes!”  
The entire room erupted into shouts of happiness and congrats. Rami’s smile was contagious and intoxicating.  
“It’s beautiful.” You said as he slipped it onto your finger.  
“Only the most beautiful ring for the most beautiful girl in the world.” He said, standing and dipping you into a kiss.
“Merry Christmas, my soon-to-be Mrs. Malek.” He said.
“Merry Christmas, Rami.”
Tags: @max-evergreen
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ineloqueent · 4 years
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link to my writer profile + request criteria
blurb ≤ 1k words
fic > 1k words
series are multi-chapter fics with > 1k words a piece
+ indicates fluff
# indicates angst
* indicates steaminess
^ indicates au 
brian may
starstruck (masterpost) +#*
angel of lies (masterpost) +#*^
an ode to impossibility +##* / las palabras de amor
rooms full of strangers +#
from sea to stars ++#
you may be a lover but you ain’t no dancer *
o lady moon ++
christmas eve of disaster ++^
hedgehogs and kisses ++
dreaming of you +
take my breath away ++
a night in ++
infinite coincidence +#
rooftops untouched by the frost +
enlightenment au ^
when stormy weather comes around +#
one of our own ++
the laendler ^
lily of the valley ##^
you shall be a queen +#^
if you forget me +##
roger taylor
angel of lies (masterpost) +#*^
possessed by love (event) +#
the weight of the world +
clouds of snow ++
a microscopic error +
family man ++
domesticity ++
john deacon
enemies to lovers +#
wicked game +#*
my wife +#*
baby blue ++
one sentimental moment ++
how to disappear completely +##
a dying art +
freddie mercury*
take my word for it +
rainbows in the sky +
the whole of the moon ++
gwilym lee
where the wildflowers grow ^
take the sadness out of saturday night +#
do what you are doing +#
time enough +#
heaven help the fool who falls in love +^
forever now & never still +
dinner drudgery +
don’t bow your head +#^
i’ll be home +#
ben hardy
far out ^
just one problem +
our little secret ^
joe mazzello
well-read ++
talk to me +#
half-light boy (collab w. @archaicmusings :)) ++
i’ve just seen a face ^
first christmas ++
rami malek
lucy boynton
wuthering heights +#^
lessons in imaginary gravity ++
maybe you know +
platonic!borhap cast
nevermore ##
*i only portray freddie as gay :)
link to my writer profile + request criteria
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Day 6- Christmas Tree Farm
A/N: Prompt #6 for @acdeaky ‘s writing challenge! This one I made gender neutral (I keep writing them and realizing I don’t use pronouns or anything so…) I hope you guys enjoy!
Pairing: Rami Malek x gender neutral!reader
Summary: You and your boyfriend, Rami, are going to a tree farm.
Warnings: Fluff, a super subtle reference to sexy times, but nothing explicit
Taglist: @queenlover05 @theblossomknows
The snow started falling and you looked up, smiling. You loved this time of year. The holidays were just around the corner and you were excited that this year, your boyfriend was going to be staying in New York with you.
Even if he hated the cold.
“Y/N, there’s snow falling.”
You turned around and grabbed his hands, pulling him close to you.
“Well, California boy, you’re going to have to deal with it.”
Rami smiled and gave you a kiss. “Fine, but you’re going to have to warm me up after we get home.” He slid one of his hands down and gave you a pinch on the butt, making you jump.
“Rami!” You giggled and swatted at him.
“What?” His big blue eyes were wide and innocent as if he didn’t know what you were talking about.
You rolled his eyes and took a step away, but kept holding one of his hands. “Come on, the quicker we find a tree the quicker we can go home and I can get you warmed up.”
“Then let’s get us a tree.”
The two of you walked around the Tree Farm.
“You’ve really never been to one of these?” You asked as you looked over one tree that was probably too big for your apartment, but you liked it anyway.
Rami just shrugged. “Not really, when I was younger we might have had a real one, but as far back as I can remember we had a fake one. You’ve always had a real tree?”
“Always,” you smiled at him. “And my dad would haul it inside and we’d spend the rest of the night decorating.”
It made you a little sad because you wouldn’t be able to make it home this Christmas, but damn it, you were going to have a real tree.
Rami squeezed your hand, almost as if he knew what was going through your mind.  
“What about this one?” Rami pulled you both to a stop about twenty minutes later.
You looked it over and smiled at him. So happy that you’d have him there with you during the holidays. Maybe you couldn’t be home, but you’d be with somebody that made you always feel like home.
“It’s perfect.”
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warriorteam1924 · 4 years
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A little 2020 Christmas dedicated list. The following fictions are my participation to the challenge by @acdeaky “acdeaky’s December writing challenge” (all prompts were created and belong to Katie) 
Day 1 - Building a fort : It doesn’t have to be a snowman  (Joe Mazzello x Reader - fluff)
Day 2 - Cosy night in : Just the two of us (Freddie Mercury x Jim Hutton - fluff) 
Day 3 - Snow day : Let it snow (Ben Hardy x Reader + Frankie - fluff)
Day 4 - Christmas shopping Present without a bow (John Deacon x Veronica Tetzlaff - fluff)
Day 5 - Winter weekend away Walking in a winter wonderland (Joe Mazzello x Reader - Fluff)
Day 6 - Christmas tree farm How lovely are thy branches (Joe Mazzello & Ben Hardy - fun fluff)
Day 7 - Making a gingerbread house It’s a marshmallow world (featuring Queen band - fluff)
Day 8 - Decorating for Christmas Light up the lights (Joe Mazzello & Virginia Mazzello - A bit sad but fluff)
Day 9 - Baking a pie One and three sevenths sugar (Joe Mazzello x Reader - Fluff)
Day 10 - Making hot chocolate Chaud Cacao (Joe Mazzello x Reader - Fluff)
Day 11 - Reading by the fire On Mommy’s laps (Ben Hardy x Reader + Frankie - Fluff)
Day 12 - Christmas film night Deacon’s Christmas Carol (John Deacon & his family - Fluff) 
Day 13 - A day while snowed in Ready player third? (Joe Mazzello x Reader - fluff) 
Day 14 - Visiting a winter market I’ve got my love to keep me warm (Rami Malek x Lucy Boynton - Fluff)
Day 15 - Drawing a hot bath You’re a mean one, Mister Grinch (Joe Mazzello x Reader - Fluff)
Day 16 - Spontaneous night out Delilah (Freddie Mercury x Jim Hutton - fluff)
Day 17 - A walk in the snow Look up to the skies and see (Featuring Queen Band - Fluff)
Day 18 - Dancing to Christmas music  Mele Kalikimaka (John Deacon & family - fluff)
Day 19 - Christmas baking A dozen cookies for my darling (Ben Hardy x Reader + Frankie - Fluff)
Day 20 - Wrapping presents Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue (Roger Taylor x Reader - Fluff)
Day 21 - Date night The most wonderful time of the year? (Really?) (Joe Mazzello x Reader - fluff)
Day 22 - Meal with friends Bring me flesh and bring me wine (Featuring Joe Mazzello - fluff)
Day 23 - Gift exchange  Twas the night before Christmas (Ben Hardy x Reader - Fluff)
Day 24 - Christmas morning Gather near to us once more (Present day John Deacon & family - fluff)
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
Miscellaneous Smut Masterlist
Harvey Keitel 
Harvey Keitel x Readers
Read Through
Thelma and Louise: Hal Slocumb x Readers
Late Night 
Reservoir Dogs: Mr. White x Readers 
Milkshake Memories
Pulp Fiction: Winston Wolf x Readers
Back Seat 
Steve Buscemi 
Reservoir Dogs: Mr. Pink x Readers 
House On Haunted Hill
Ghost World: Seymour x Readers 
Fly Me To The Moon (Fluff)
5 PM Blues
John C McGinley 
Scrubs: Dr. Perry Cox x Readers
Tough Love 
Jealousy Is A Condition (Fluff) 
The Curious Case Of Two Doctors In The Nighttime 
How To Save A Life 
Brad Pitt
Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood: Cliff Booth x Readers
Mr. Hollywood
Rob Zombie
Rob Zombie x Readers
Spookshow Baby
Rock Star Antics (Ft. Manson) 
Rob Zombie Being Jealous With A Younger Girlfriend Would Include
Being Kinky With Rob Zombie Would Include 
Spending Valentine’s Day With Rob Zombie Would Include
John 5 
John Lowery x Readers 
Werewolf Floaties 
Christopher Lee 
House Of The Long Shadows: Corrigan x Readers 
Moving Shadows
Kurt Russel
The Christmas Chronicles: Santa Clause x Readers
Naughty List
Death Proof: Stuntman Mike x Readers
The Car
Robert De Niro 
Dirty Grandpa: Dick Kelly x Readers
Get Dirty (ao3) 
Goodfellas: Jimmy Conway x Readers
Dating Would Include
Him Being In Love Would Include 
Comforting You Would Include 
Joe Pesci 
Goodfellas: Tommy Devito x Readers
Too Good To Be True
Demian Bichir 
The Nun: Father Burke x Readers
Holy Ground 
Deliverance - Part I
Deliverance - Part II
Being Married Would Include 
Aiden Gillen 
Game of Thrones: Petyr Baelish x Readers
Benedict Cumberbatch
MCU: Stephen Strange x Readers
Time  (Fluff/Angst) 
Rami Malek 
Bohemian Rhapsody: Freddie Mercury x Readers 
Killer Queens 
John Malkovich 
The New Pope: John Brannox x Readers 
I Fiori Del Male 
Tom Berenger 
The Substitute: Shale x Readers
You Really Got Me
Platoon: Robert Barnes x Readers
Barnes Fighting Over You Would Include 
Oscar Isaac 
Big Ol Ao3 Collection Here Ya Go Have Fun
Rainn Wilson 
The Office (US): Dwight Schrute x Readers
Women Are Like Wolves
Josh Gad 
Murder On The Orient Express: Hector MacQueen x Readers
Compartment 6 (ao3)
Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner x Readers
Polaroid (Fluff)
The Emmys
Being Engaged Would Include
Rose McGowan 
Scream: Tatum Riley
I Spit On Your Garage
Keira Knightley
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Elizabeth Swann x Readers
A Woman’s Scorn
Gemma Whelan
Game Of Thrones: Yara Greyjoy x Readers
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sherlollydramoine · 5 years
How the Lights Shine So Colorful and Bright
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I hope that this satisfies. It just ended up being a bunch of cute fluff. This is actually two parts. Part one is just Rami X Reader and some quality time, the second part is Dad!Rami X Kids X Reader. Fyi, they have four kids in this one. :) Whoops. Busy little horn dogs. 
Warnings: implied/mentioned sex, and just a lot of cute fluffiness. I cried writing a part of this. 
These are just two separate HC’s totaling about 2k words
Rami X Reader
For the record I am not from NY, nor have I ever been to NY, so anything that is listed in here is sourced straight from a quick Google search.
Word Count: 1060 words (Part One)
You and Rami had escaped to New York in early December. He had some promotional work that he had to do, and he also said that you were overdue for some one-on-one quality time
You stayed behind in the hotel sleeping in for the first time in nearly six years, having four kids is exhausting, while he went to work. The twins, your toddler, and the baby
When he finally came back from fulfilling his work obligations he found you still in bed, dead asleep and he couldn’t help the quiet chuckle that escaped him.
He shrugged off his coat, and took his shoes off before he carefully climbed into the bed with you.
“Hey sleepyhead.” he says, as he gently brushes your hair back from your face.
“If no one is bleeding, dying, or the house isn’t on fire then please leave mommy alone!” you mumble out.
He laughs loudly and you open your eyes. 
“How was work?” you mumble out.
“It was fine. It’s always kind of fun doing the initial promo stuff. Buttttttttt, now that I’m free for the rest of the day I was thinking that maybe we could go get something to eat, and then maybe you know... because it’s been awhile since we’ve... ya know. I have plans for us tonight though.
Your day passes by all to quickly between shopping, eating, and having the hot sex you two were so overdue and that next thing you know it’s getting late. 
You had both taken a brief nap after one particular round of vigorous sex, so you were both charged up and ready for whatever he had planned.
He gets into the closet and pulls out a garment bag, and tells you to put the dress that is inside the bag on. 
You draw in a sharp breath, and then almost start to cry as you open the bag.  “Baby, where did you find this dress?”
“I found an old picture of the two of us and you were wearing it, and you know, I know people. So I had this dress made for you. I know how much that dress meant to you. You were wearing it when we first met, on our first date, when I asked to be my girlfriend, the first time we kissed, it’s also the dress I took off of you the first time the we had sex. When you lost everything in that house fire, you told me how that dress and your grandmother's copy of Pride & Prejudice were the only things that meant anything to you.”
You threw your arms around his neck and brought your lips to his. That is just how amazing your husband is, he would do anything like this for anyone that he loved. 
“So get dressed YN, because we have plans.”
You got dressed really quickly and taking his hand you both headed out the door of your hotel. 
Usually when you visit the city you both take public transportation, but not today. He had hired a car with a driver. You try to ask him what he was up to, and then it dawns on you.
“Baby are we.. are we going to go look at the Christmas lights?”
“That’s just like-omg-I love you so much!!” you feel the tears wanting to start again, as you lean into his shoulder.
“Yes, just like our first date.We were both so broke, and I was so excited when you didn’t want to ditch me after that. That other guy that really liked you was rich, and I thought that there was no chance in hell that you’d ever want to see me again.”
“Oh baby. I had the biggest crush on you and we’d just never met, only ever seen each other from a distance. I never thought that I had a chance in hell because you were and still are the most beautiful man that I’ve ever seen.”
He kisses your temple, just as the car pulled over.
We’re at Rockefeller Center. You got out,and walked around for a bit. Admiring the giant Christmas tree and all of the other sights and sounds around us. 
When you were standing as close to the bottom of the tree as was possible, he took out his phone and angled the camera to capture you both in a selfie. 
An older gentleman and his wife were walking by and they stopped and offered to take a few pictures of the two of you. 
He presses another kiss to your temple, and then takes your hand in his. 
Your husband was so caring and gracious, that when a couple of fans spotted him, he happily agreed to take a few photos with them. You offered to take them and they declined and asked you to be in the picture too.
After spending a little while in one location, he’d have you back in the car and off to the next.
This time he shuffled you off to Bryant Park. The skating rink, with the NY Public Library looming in the distance, and all the little ways that the area was lit up. The random decorations around, the cool night air wanting you to just lean into him. The different vendors that were set up along the way.
The last location of the night was for a stroll down Fifth Avenue, mostly just so that you can look at all the displays in the windows, and the way things were decorated so meticulously. 
Your night ended with dinner at a restaurant close to your hotel, walking back in the chilly night air.
Walking, hand in hand, just like all those years ago. You really couldn’t have asked for a better date night. 
“YN, all the bright lights could never shine any brighter than you, or my love for you.”
He stops you in the middle of the sidewalk, others around you huffing in irritation as they had to maneuver around you; he reaches up to cup the back of your neck as your body practically melts into his. The kiss you shared was so sweet yet full of passion.
You rest your head on his shoulder. “This was the best date that we’ve had in a long time. Maybe we should strip it down more often, and just do things the cheap and simple way like we used to Rami.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Part Two
Dad!Rami X Kids X Reader
Go to the LA Zoo Lights - for the record I’ve never been there, never done that, I hope it’s not disappointing. I did a basic Google search and got some information about this. I hope for those of my readers that have been, that it is accurately described.
Word Count: 1056
“Daddy!!!! I wanna go to the zoo!!” your oldest two started yelling repeatedly, in unison
“We will go in just a minute, mommy is just finishing changing the baby.”
The sun had just barely set, everyone fed, and now you two were getting ready to round up your crew of kiddos to get them in the car.
They had been excited about going to the zoo in the dark for a week. It’s all they’ve talked about.
The twins were bouncing off the walls, your toddler was having a meltdown because she wanted to wear her pink sparkly shoes, but they were nowhere to be found, so she had to wear her purple sparkly shoes instead. 
The baby had just pooped after being fed, so you were finishing changing him and then everyone was set to go.
Sometimes you and Rami joke about how crazy you had been to have kids so close in age, but parenthood was something he wore just as well as he wore those fancy suits.
Rami was trying to keep your three oldest entertained as you dealt with the baby.
Walking into the living room, you couldn’t help but to laugh. Rami was on the floor with three kids on top of him.
“Heeeellllllllllllpppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeee!!!” he dramatically cried out, waiting for you to come to his rescue.
With a loud sigh you set the baby down on his play mat on the floor before walking over to your husband. 
You grabbed your toddler and one of the twins and began to tickle them.
“My heroooo!” Rami laughed, as he gave you a kiss, standing up. Scooping the other twin into his arms and tossing him in the air. 
“Soooo… who is ready for some zoo lights? And maybe some ice cream after if it’s not too late and you behave?!”
The two oldest stopped in their tracks and started screaming, which caused your toddler to start screaming, which made the baby cry.
Rami just laughed, as he scooped your infant off the floor and into his arms. 
Grabbing the diaper bag that was full to bursting with everything that would possibly be needed for an evening away from the house, along with the stroller, baby carrier, and the backpack, you grab your small army and head to the car. 
You are a minivan family. Rami hated it at first, but once he realized there was no way in hell that you were all gonna fit in the small SUV you had, he had begrudgingly agreed and bought the minivan
You were strapping in the twins, while Rami was wrestling with your toddler, the baby having already been strapped in to his car seat and snapped into the base of his car seat.
Rami drove you all to the zoo, where the twins excited screeching was just getting louder by the minute, the toddler just jabbering away about who knows what, God bless your infant son who was blissfully asleep amongst all the chaos.
You two learned the hard way about 6 months ago, to keep everyone strapped in until you were ready to go. Rami was on twin patrol, and you would handle the stroller and wear the baby. 
You climb into the van and get the twins out, they had their instructions to stand next to the van, and hold hands. Next came the toddler who was promptly situated in the stroller, and lastly the baby that couldn’t be bothered to wake up, while being strapped into the carrier, grabbing his blanket to cover his tiny body. 
Rami took the twins ahead, to go get everyone’s tickets, while you got the two youngest taken care of.
You could hear your twins Oooohing and Ahhhhing at the entrance already, and you smiled sweetly, knowing that this was going to be a great decision.
Rami let the twins lead the way, as only certain parts of the zoo were open during the zoo lights.
Watching the kids faces light up in wonder and amazement at what they were seeing.
The lights were bright and fun, the lighted tunnels were a favorite. 
You never would have thought that this would have ended up being your lives, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Rami only got upset once during the evening when a fan approached and asked for a photograph, to which Rami politely declined stating that he was out with his family. You almost stepped in and offered to allow him to take the picture, but he was firm in his ‘no’ because he didn’t want them to accidentally snap any pictures of the kids.
He would get so mad when someone would catch photos of him and the kids, and post them online.
He was always so adamant that he wanted the kids to be as far removed from his ‘celeb’ life as referred to it, as possible. 
The kids knew their dad didn’t have a normal job, but they didn’t know exactly what he did, and he wanted it that way, until they got a little older. 
He never allowed the kids to live a ‘jet set’ life, choosing to allow them to have as much consistency and normalcy as normal childhood allowed. The only time you all traveled was when Rami’s job took him away from home longer than a month, and that was because he always insisted that he hated being away for so long. He used to just travel back and forth, but that became incredibly taxing on him, after the first couple of times, it was decided that travelling as a family unit was for the best.
The kids still got to see various parts of the world, and he always made it a learning adventure. Learning about different cultures, food, history, and languages. 
The adventure at the zoo was only supposed to take somewhere between 60-90 minutes, but of course, the twins and their never ending curiosity made the whole evening end up lasting about two and a half hours. By the time you were all heading back to the car all the kids were definitely exhausted and ready for bed. 
You barely made it out of the parking lot of the zoo and all four kids were out cold. 
You and Rami just smiled at each other, and high-fived, another successful family adventure for the books.
@xmxisxforxmaybe​ @mrhoemazzello​ @itsme690​ @txmel​ @r-ahh-mi​ @ramimedley​ @spacedustmazzello​ @safinsscar​ @ladyr0b0t​ @hissom1933​
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jojoreadwhat · 5 years
nothing else will do, all I want is you this christmas. | j.m. x fem!reader
a/n; hi. so you probably seen the post where I explained I deleted my last piece for Joe. I was not happy with it and I had another idea just floating in my head. this I think is my fav yet, so I hope you enjoy! I also re-tagged everyone from the last post, hope that’s cool! you’re the best!
prompt; joe can’t make it home for Christmas.
words; 1.7k
mentions; lucy boynton, ben hardy, gwilym lee & rami malek. (this is set around borhap’s production)
this tale includes lots of fluff which may lead to a lot laughs and a bunch of sweet kisses.
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You were heartbroken by the news of Joe not being able to come home for Christmas. This was going to be your first, elaborate holiday spent apart across the pond.
“I’m sorry, y/n.” Joe repeated for the fourth time in the last 30 minutes through the blue screen of your laptop during a somber video chat.
Joe has been working on a major project, Bohemian Rhapsody, in London while you were back home in New York. This was Joe’s biggest part yet and it was supposed to stop, momentarily, for a lengthy week of rest for the cast. Unfortunately they have a deadline to catch up to and can’t halt the production.
Smiling soft and shaking your head. “It’s not your fault. We’ll celebrate it once you get back!” Trying to change the mood of things, Joe smirked briefly before his eyes trailed off the screen.
You felt so bad, in the way that technology advanced in today’s world, you were wishing you could reach through the screen and hug him, hug all of his sadness away and kiss the straightness of his lips till it giggled against your lips, curling up. Telling him it was going to be okay. Nothing made you more upset then seeing your boyfriend, blaming himself for something that was out of his hands.
“Joey?” Watching his eyes look up at the sound of your voice. Breaking the silence, “Hm.” meeting the lens like he was looking into yours with all of his attention. “Please don’t beat yourself up for it, it’s okay.”
It wasn’t, not for him anyways.
Joe and you have been together for a little over a year. You met through mutual friends at a party and hit it off instantly. He wasn’t expecting you to come in his life. Joe had his fair share of relationships and flings to keep him steady, he was ready to settle the bat down after a shit game on the field of love. But he met you right before he benched himself. You’ve become his best friend, his confidant, his lover and all good things between or beyond since. He was lucky to have stumbled upon your path, grateful even. It was time like these that made him question if he deserved you.
In the many years of his acting career, this current film was the most challenging he’s ever experienced. The longest he’s ever been away from home too. It was worse taking up jobs like this knowing he had someone to come home. He doesn’t know how you’ve stayed this long. He swore the first time that he spent away from you, would be the last he’d ever see you. He would’ve understood you leaving too. You stayed though, he never understood that by a long shot but you did and he wanted nothing more than to be back home with you.
Falling into another silence, you spoke up again. “What’s going on in that mind of yours?”
“How you do it.” He remarked, gingerly. His chin resting on hands, peering back at you. You raised your brow in confusion, wondering where this was going. “Do what?” Your naivety getting the best of you.
He smirked at your dumbfounded expression, you really had no idea what you meant to him.
“Stay.” He said, feeling your lips turn up into a smirk you couldn’t put a stop to even if you wanted to.
Sometimes you really thought you weren’t good enough in the ways that Joe was good to you. You couldn’t begin on how much he meant to you. How important and how amazing he was to you. You had your share of boyfriends using your heart as a welcome mat. When Joe came into your life it was like nobody could ever show you greater if anything wrong were to happen to your relationship. He was your beacon of light, the most kind, most affection, fun and generous soul you ever had the honor of having in your life. To call yours, for hopefully forever if he’d have you. You couldn’t walk away from him.
You smiled, brightly at the fluffy red hair with a funny, but adorable perm right now and his hazel eyes gazing back at you. “Because,” you began. “I love you.” watching his cheeks grow a deep shade of pink as he wasn’t used to hearing that.
Soon after, Joe and you bid your goodbyes before closing down your laptop. You sighed to yourself, dimly. Your eyes following the glistening, warm Christmas lights scattered against walls in the living room up until you focused on tree. Covered in odd ornaments, admiring it. You wished you could bring Christmas to him.
That’s when it hit you, what if you could? Joe couldn’t fly out but nothing was stopping you from flying out to him! You were overjoyed by the idea, checking your calendar and immediately texting the best person you know would be down to help.
Lucy Goosy: Are you up??? I just had the best idea!!
Lucy was over the moon by your idea of coming to London to bring Christmas cheer to Joe. She was also so excited to have another female around on set for the next week to be honest.
You two had met earlier on in the year before Bohemian Rhapsody began to be filmed. It was a little get together between the cast and crew, you two hit it off well and absolutely adored each other. She would help you out sometimes on keeping a good eye on Joe and his well being. She was always rooted for Joe and you, she knew first hand how much you meant to him.
When you landed on english soil on Christmas Eve. Lucy had her driver pick you up at the airport. You sat in the back of the black SUV, your nerves shot and all over the place, anxious and excited all in one over what today was going to be like. You hadn’t seen him, physically, in months and you couldn’t wait much longer, it was driving you mad not seeing that goofy smile and those hazel eyes for so long.
You texted Lucy when you had arrived outside of the place where her and the boys were filming.
She had everything figured out, even jobs for the boys. Lucy was going to do everything in her willpower to make sure this goes perfect as planned.
Still waiting for the go to exit the SUV, Lucy opened the door.
“Y/N!” Lucy shouted, excited as you shared the same enthusiasm, leaping into her arms. “It’s so great to see you!”
Gwilym was standing behind her, I shot him a smile before I pulled away and gave him a hug too.
Lucy placed my hands into hers, “Okay, so Rami and Ben have Joe out and about for lunch.” Smiling big, “We have an hour!”
We came up with the idea of decorating Joe’s trailer. “Okay! Let’s get rolling!”
Gwil, Lucy and you all hurried with bags full of twinkle lights and frilly decor to Joe’s trailer. Gwilym being the tall chap that he is, helped with hanging garlands and lights from the walls and draping from the ceiling. Lucy and you fluffed out a tree she had found from somewhere, cluttering it with lights and ornaments.
You were hooking a few ornaments, cute little Yankees ones too. “Lu, these are so cute!” Holding up one to her, she flashed a smile. “I heard wedding bells when I seen them!” Winking at you, “I believe I saw him looking at rings on his phone!” And your cheeks grew rosy as you placed the ornament onto the tree.
Time had passed and you had finished up with ten minutes to spare.
Gwilym was adding extra bows to empty areas and Lucy was adding an extra “dazzle” she quoted, with some candles.
We all stood in the main room at the glistening lights “It’s so cute!!” You cried, wrapping your arms around their middles and pulling them to your sides, gleefully. “Seriously couldn’t have done it without you guys,” leaning your head onto Lucy’s shoulder. “I owe you all lunch before I go!”
Gwilym chuckled, “No need! Just get our boy to cheer up, will ya?” You smiled, toothlessly. Nodding, “Absolutely.”
Lucy’s phone dinged, “Alright, they’re on their way back!” They scurried around quickly, grabbing trash and what nots before hugging you, “He’ll be here right after he gets in to change.” Gwilym announced, “hang tight!”
You sat on Joe’s sofa with a smile plastered to your face, in awe about the way the place came out. You were overwhelmed wanting to see his face.
Shortly you heard muffled sounds outside, you immediately went into action. Turning out the light switch and standing in place.
Your heart grew faster at how close you heard Joe’s sweet voice getting to the trailer.
“Hold on, I’ve gotta change back into my costume.” He yelled outside the door, hearing the door knob move.
You stayed carefully still, afraid he’d make out your shadow. “I thought I left the lamp on?” Muttering to him once he entered the room, hearing his feet shuffle across the floor as he reached for the light switch.
“Oh my god!” Joe nearly screeched at the sight and then when he seen you, he gasped “Y/N!” Beaming at the sight of his excitement taking over him.
He almost knocked you over with how fast he hurried to you, engulfing you into the warmest hug that you felt in ages. “Oh my god, you’re here!” Feeling his words in your hair, his hands roaming you like he was making sure you were really here.
“When did you get in?” His mouth was running for miles, How did you do all of this?!” He finished, then. Pulling away to go look around him at all the decorations, overwhelmed by everything.
You stood by, adoring him as he admired everything. “I had a little help, thanks to Lucy and the boys.”
He gasped, “they knew you were coming this whole time?!” Giggling as he watching him talk with his hands, one landing to his chest. “Come here,” waving his hand over towards you.
Wrapping your arms around his waist, he brought his hands to your cheeks. Tilting your head up towards his. “What did I do to deserve you?”
You didn’t know how to answer his question, but you knew he needed to be happy in the same way he made you feel.
Moving your hands to his dark red fluffy locks, simply smiling as you brought his lips to yours before pulling away to look at his eyes, the hazel ones you called home and loved with your all.
“Merry Christmas, Joe.”
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forever-rogue · 5 years
And They Were Roommates
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Summary: Y/N and Gwil were enemies, sworn enemies, and that was known to all. Just why exactly they were enemies had been only forgotten...something about Gwilym stealing candy from Y/N when they were children. But when their families decide to spend the holidays together, neither expecting to be reunited with each other.
A/N: This is my Thank God, It’s Christmas event gift for @likethewingsof-butterflies! Sophie, I had so much fun getting to know you, you’re an absolute sweetheart, funny and kind, and I really hope you enjoy this! For everyone else, I also hope you enjoy! As always, please let me know what think, if you’d like!
Word Count: 9.2k (brevity is not my strong suit)
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader
Warning: some swearing, but nothing much
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Snow,” you sighed to yourself as you stepped out of the warm taxi, immediately regretting the decision as you were hit by waves of cold. The driver was kind enough to get out and grabbed your bags out of the trunk, setting them down as the two of you watched them sink into the thick layer of snow. You must have had the most pathetic of looks on your faces because he reached over and gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“First time in the snow?” he asked kindly as you realized it was still quite a walk from the driveway to the cabin your family had rented for the holiday. it wasn’t your first time in the snow, not by a long shot, but it was the first time in a long you had voluntarily entered into it.
“No,” you explained as you wished you had dressed warmer, “just the first time in Canada. I expected cold, but I didn’t expect...this.”
“The winters here can be harsh,” he agreed, and you groaned both internally and externally, “just remember to dress in layers. There’s a lot of beauty in this part of Canada and it can be underappreciated.”
“Thanks,” you gave him a small smile as you mentally readied yourself for the trek up the small hill. Smoke was emanating from the chimney and you had already decided that you were going to spend the rest of the afternoon in front of the fireplace. It had been a long day of travel to get to your destination and you just wanted to rest, “I appreciate your kindness and help.”
“Are you going to be okay from here?” he asked and you gave him a feeble nod that no one would believe. You paid him and he got back into the warmth of the car, and you watched him go. It was just the cold, you reminded yourself, just the cold. It was only a few weeks, you were getting to see your family, and it was Christmas time. This was okay.
You could do this.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Mum!” you said as you fumbled around with your bags at the door, trying your best to be able to raise your hand and knock. There definitely should have been a better system for this, but you were struggling too much to worry about that in the moment, “it’s me, Y/N!”
You gave up on trying to knock and instead resorting to shouting, hoping someone inside would hear; between your parents and your brother, someone was bound to hear. After waiting for what seemed like ages, you decided to shout again, “hello!? Is anyone there? it’s me, Y/N! Your favorite child!”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” the door was pulled open, and just as you thought you were going to come face to face with your mother, your dreams were quickly shattered. Instead of your mother, there stood Ceinwen Lee. 
“Mrs. Lee?” your voice cracked as it went up about an octave. She was about one of the last people you expected and she must have noticed the confusion written all over your face, “what’re you doing here?”
“Come on in first,” she grabbed one of your bags and ushered you into the warm of the cabin, where you were hit with warmth, and the smell of delicious foods. You let out a long breath as you set down your other bag and started to take off your jacket, which she quickly took and hung up for you, “oh sweetheart, it’s lovely to see you again. You’ve grown into such a beautiful young woman.”
“O-oh, thank you,” you gave her a tight lipped smile as you scanned the large cabin. It was much more than what you thought was necessary for your family of four, “umm, not to be a total jerk and all, but ugh, why are you here?”
“It’s quite alright,” she gave you the warm smile you remembered from your childhood, “I’m guessing your Mother didn’t tell you? We’re spending the holiday together!”
“Yes,” she didn’t seem to notice your shock and the tons of negative thoughts floating around your head, “all of us, together again, for a wonderful holiday in beautiful Canada!”
“Didn’t mention a word,” you swallowed the lump in your throat. You rubbed your temples, already feeling a headache coming on. This was a lot to take in, and you weren’t quite sure were to begin processing it, “it’s lovely to see you, Mrs. Lee, really, but if you don’t mind, I need a word with my mother.”
“Not at all,” she seemed oblivious to your concerns, “she was in the kitchen, getting things for dinner. I’ll go ahead and take your bags to your room.”
“Thank you,” you said as you headed in the direction of the kitchen, only having to follow the scent and sound of light chatter, “MOTHER!”
You stormed into the kitchen, find her chopping away, talking to your brother, the two of them looking up and smiling when they realized you were there. She set down the knife and wiped her hands on the dishtowel, holding her arms out to you.
“It’s about time you got here, lovey!” she somehow didn’t seem to notice your anger and you remained rooted in your position, refusing to take any steps closer to her, “what’s wrong?”
“What the hell is going on here?” you asked, trying to keep it together and not freak out.
“What do you mean?”
“What do I mean?” you threw your hands up in exasperation, “I come here, in the freezing cold, thank you for picking Canada, it’s already lovely but absolutely freezing, expecting to see my mother answering the door, and instead it’s Mrs. Lee? Who informs me that we’re all spending the holidays together! How could you have left off that little part?”
“I must have forgotten to mention it,” she gave a wave of her hand before refusing to look you in the eyes and turning back to her chopping. Your brother seemed to notice the hesitation and gave you a tight lipped smile, “besides, it’s not a big deal, honey, you always make a mountain out of a molehill. Besides, the Lees are our best friends, and we thought this would be fun. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“Mum, have you forgotten exactly what big deal is?” Charlie hopped onto the counter and looked between the two of you, his shoulders shaking as he tried to hold back his laughter, “you don’t remember what her little molehill is?”
“Y/N, honestly, is that what the big deal is here?” your mother let out a heavy sigh as she set her knife down pointedly and put her hands on her hips, giving you an annoyed look. You mirrored her actions, ready to stare her down; this wasn’t just about any little thing at all, this was about a lifelong feud that you weren’t about to let go.
“It is a big deal,” you insisted, “he’s the worst, the absolute worst. And if you think I’m going to stay here and spend the holidays, willingly, with him, you’re out of your mind!”
“I think you’re overreacting,” she insisted, “this silly little feud has lasted long enough, and what’s it even over? Do either of you even remember?” 
“That’s besides the point-”
“That’s the entire point, Y/N. I love you, my silly girl, but you need to let this go. It’s been what? Over twenty years?”
“Exactly, it’s been a long time, and I’m not about to let it go,” you reminded her, waggling a finger in the air to prove your point, “besides, he’s a jerk. Literally the worst, and I’ll be damned if I spend time with him.”
“So what are you going to do about it? Are you just going to up and leave?” she knew you had a tendency to be dramatic, but even she wasn’t expecting this from you. You crossed your arms over your chest and rolled your eyes. Why, why, why? You had just wanted a nice Christmas with your family, and now it was all going to be ruined by the one and only Gwilym Lee.
“You know what? Maybe I will,” you spewed back hastily, grabbing your phone out of your pocket and opening the Sky Scanner App. Charlie snorted as he started on the pile of cookies that were recently baked, and your mother just sighed. It didn’t take long while you were searching for flights back home to come to the conclusion that there weren’t  any more flights before the one you already had booked. Between holiday traffic and stormy weather it looked like you would, indeed, be stuck there...with Gwilym.
“And?” your mother had noticed your face falling as you locked your phone and placed it on the counter. There was a smug little smirk playing on her features, signaling that she knew that she had already won this battle.
“You’re lucky I don’t want to get there and face the arctic weather,” you huffed, pulling out one of the bar stools and plopping into it, hiding your face in your hands, “looks like I’ll be here for Christmas after all.”
“It’s not going to be that bad, lovey,” she leaned over and gently mussed your hair, “we’re all adults and all friends. There’s plenty of others here too, your dad, Mr. Lee, Geraint, Owen and Rhiannon, your brother-”
“And him,” you remembered her, reaching for the cookie and grabbing out of Rae’s hand, shoving it into your mouth, “I guess that least it’s a full house. His brothers are lovely, too bad he’s just a twat-”
“Y/N!” she scolded you and you just shrugged, “you haven’t even seen him in what? Months? Years? Give him a chance.”
“Like the one’s totally going to give me?” 
“Mum, you haven’t even told her the best part,” Charlie winked at you and you were ready to completely flip out. You definitely weren’t ready for another bombshell. 
“Oh good lord, please just tell me and get it over with!”
“You’ll be sharing a room with him,” she said it as quickly as possible and you could tell she was purposely avoiding your eyes. At first you weren’t sure if you had heard her correctly, so you started at her blankly, trying to process her statement.
“Mum? Mother dearest...please, please tell me you’re joking,” you were ready to throw yourself on the floor and beg her to take it back. This had to be a joke, there was no other way about it.
“I’m sorry, lovey. This was just how everything worked out...”
“What about Charlie!? Why can’t I share a room with my brother?”
“Because I’m bunking with Owen, you daft banshee,” he said and you groaned, “and we happen to want to share a room for the holidays. He’s one of my best friends!”
“Can’t you make an exception in this case?” you looked at him and gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes possible. You weren’t about to let your little brother be the cause of your suffering. He just shook his head at you.
“Not chance in hell,” he shrugged, clearly enjoying the suffering you were in the midst of.
“But...I could...he’s...”
“There’s only so many bedrooms, love,” she reminded you, “me and your father, the Lees, your brother and Owen, Rhiannon and Geraint, which leaves you and Gwilym. That’s all the space in the house.”
“Can I take the couch? Something? Anything?” you were grasping at straws, but you knew it was going to get you nowhere. What you thought was going to be a fun holiday trip with your family was quickly turning into a nightmare. 
“No,” she replied with an air of finality and you let your head laid on the counter with a loud thunk, immediately regretting it, because not only were you going to have to deal with Gwil, now you’d also have a bruise, “Y/N, you’re a grown young woman. Now act like it.”
“Fine,” you insisted, sliding off the stool. You decided you’d go and unpack now, and try to get a moment of solace before you inevitably had to face him, “but I’m going to complain the whole time.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You murmured under breath the whole way to the bedroom, getting some vague directions from Mrs. Lee - top of the stairs, to the right and at the very back. Of course, the most secluded part of house was where you would be stuck alone with Gwilym. You must have been extra naughty this year, as to warrant the wrath of this short torture.
“Can’t believe this,” you hissed under your breath, opening the door and practically throwing your bags in the room. At least being here first, you’d be able to pick the bed you wanted.
You were about to flop on the first bed you saw, suddenly thoroughly exhausted. But your dreams were cut short as you met with a loud oof, followed by a disgruntled, “what the hell? Why don’t you watch where you’re throwing everything?!”
“Excuse me?” you turned on your heel and came face to face with none other than Gwilym Lee. You hadn’t realized he was already there, considering that no one had informed you of that little detail. You sucked in your breath for a moment, trying hard to remember to breath normally as you studied him; he had aged well, almost too well, sporting a beard, his blue eyes twinkling, and bundled up in fancy looking clothes.
How was he this hot? When did he get this hot? Last time you had seen him he was still handsome (which you’d never admit to anyone else, not even on your death bed) but in a completely different way. Now? He was hot hot. Like a type of sexy professor, which you suddenly remembered he was. How terribly cliche this whole situation was.
“Do you just storm into every room you see?” he raised his eyebrows at you as he seemed to seize you up much in the same you had done to him. You were trying to find some sort of a witty response, but you fell short, and just stared wordlessly at him, “haven’t changed a bit, have you, love?”
“Ughh, as if,” you finally snapped back into reality at his words, trying to ignore the way your fluttered at his use of the nickname. You turned to examine the rest of the room, admiring the rustic look of the cabin, but stopping when you came to the conclusion that there was only one large bed. Only one.
“What’s wrong?” you didn’t even have to look at him to know there was a smirk on his face. You sighed and buried your hands in your face in your hands as you realized what this meant.
“I am not sharing a bed with you, Gwilym Lee,” you told him as you turned and faced him, hands on your hips, suddenly realizing how tall he was, “over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged,” he joked, a grin stretching from ear to ear. You wanted to wipe that stupid look off his face, but there was something that stopped you. Some sort of unidentified force prevented you from doing so, and had you noticing just how handsome he was. Had you noticed before and just tuned it out?
“Aren’t you supposed to be a gentleman and offer to, you know, sleep on the floor or something?” you looked between him and the floor at the foot of the bed, waiting for him to fold and give in and let you have the bed, “or have all the manners gone to your brothers?”
“Aren’t you just a lovely little ray of sunshine,” your eyes flicked to his lips momentarily and you wondered what it would be like to kiss him - to see how he tasted, how he felt against you. You were interrupted from your daydreaming when he said, “not a chance. It’s winter in Canada, it’s going to be freezing. I’ll stay in the bed, which I’m definitely willing to share.”
You didn’t miss the way he seemed to linger on the last part of his sentence and you momentarily found yourself wondering what it to be like sleep next to him. Was he a natural heater? Would he cuddle and hold you just right? Your eyes widened as you realized what kind of thoughts you were experiencing; this was Gwilym after all, your enemy, not a man you were supposed to be fantasizing about.
“Fine,” you refused to give and crossed your arms in a defiant manner over your chest, “I’ll take the floor. Not a big deal to me.”
“Oh? You’ll be regretting that soon enough,” he was bemused by your resilience and you didn’t miss the way his own eyes flicked to your lips, “the bed is plenty big enough for be two of us.”
“Must you always be so stubborn?”
“You’re really going to be like this, huh?” he ran a hand through his hair and gave you an exasperated look. You were slowly starting to get under his skin, which you noted looked soft and supple, and that alone was enough to put a little smile on your face. He took a step closer to you, and you could already smell him. It was a combine of his cologne and yet somehow the scent of sweet cookies clung to him as well, making for a oddly delicious scent, “will you ever stop hating me so much?”
“Unlikely,” your voice wavered just a little bit as you studied his sweater, avoiding his eyes. It looked like the perfect sweater to get warm and cozy. You caught yourself, before your brain went totally gaga and you said something silly, “last time I checked, you hate me just as much.”
“Y/N, you silly fool, I never hated you,” he confessed and you were taken aback for a moment, “at least not since we were little kids. And we’re well beyond that now.”
Had his voice always been that gentle and velvety? It was almost perfect, a voice that could read a textbook and still keep you interested. Almost every part of you was humming and telling you to touch him, to grab him and kiss him, but the last bit of sense left in you told you to take a step back and glower at him, “doubtful. I will never be your friend or whatever you think you’re getting at.”
“So you’re just going to ignore me the whole time we’re here?” he asked, giving you a wary look as you just nodded, “oh Y/N, you silly thing. I think you’ll see reason soon enough, and maybe get over yourself.”
With that, he stepped past and headed for the door, a little victorious smirk on his face. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, not willing to let him get the last word, “yeah well, maybe you’ll get over yourself!”
He paused momentarily, hand on the knob before he turned back to you, tilting his head and gave you an intrigued glance. He was egging you on at this point and you weren’t willing to give into what you considered his little game. Crossing your arms over your chest, you refused to say anything, and Gwilym shot you a wink before opening the door and popping out, closing it quietly. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” you huffed to yourself, plopping down on the bed and burrowing your face into one of the fluffy pillows. After a moment you screamed into it, letting it muffle the sound. This was going to be a long holiday.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
When you finally made your way downstairs the next morning, you were sore, cold, and probably more tired than you had been the previous evening. A night of camping out on the floor hadn’t been the best idea, but you refused to give into Gwilym and share the bed with him, no matter how tempting it was...or how many times you wondered what it would like to fall asleep in his arms and wake up next to him. 
“Good morning, sunshine,” your father had an almost knowing smirk on his face as you just gave him a nod and sat down at the end of the long banquet table where everyone was in the middle of breakfast, chatting away happily, “sleep well?”
“Oh yeah,” you replied sarcastically, immediately feeling Gwilym’s eyes on you as he held back the laughter that was threatening to bubble up, “nothing like the Canadian wilderness to lull you to sleep.”
“Good,” he responded, clearly missing the point and turning back to his newspaper. You grabbed a plate and started loading it up, deciding that if weren’t able to feel refreshed, you could at least get a full stomach.
“Y/N,” your mother’s voice interrupted you midway through grabbing a small stack of pancakes. You grimaced slightly as you waited for her to go on, “we’re all going to pick out the Christmas tree after breakfast, so don’t take too long!”
“You’re joking, right?” the idea of trekking around the freezing wilderness with everyone in tow while they all tried to agree on a singular tree wasn’t exactly that appealing at the moment. Her smile faltered slightly. as she was expecting a sightly more excited reaction.
“No,” her voice was quiet and you felt a sense of remorse at letting her down, “I thought it would be fun.”
“Oh yeah,” you tried to reassure her, plastering on a slightly more excited expression, “it’ll be fun, I’m sure!”
“It won’t be so bad,” she gave your arm a reassuring squeeze, “you always used to love going to pick the tree.”
“I know, mum,” you replied, knowing you were just going to have to suck it up and deal with it, “I’m sure we’ll find the perfect tree.”
She leaned over and kissed the top of your head, before going back to whatever it was that she was in the midst of organizing. You sat down and the seat next to you was immediately occupied. You didn’t bother  to look, already knowing who it was. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked under his breath  as you shoved you a big bite into your mouth, glaring at him and chewing slowly and pointedly, “the floor doesn’t seem like such a good idea anymore, does it?”
“The floor is fine and dandy, thank you very much,” you rolled your eyes at him, stabbing at a piece of sausage and sticking it into your mouth, “I can rough it.”
“For how much longer?” he admired your determination, but also wanted to break down your resolve, unsure of why you still hated him so much. 
“As long as it takes,” you snapped, “and if that means the duration of this vacation then so be it.”
“Y/N, come on, I’m not so bad,” you could tell he was getting frustrated, “it’s been ages, I think it’s okay to let it go.”
“Psh,” you made a disgruntled sound before grabbing your plate and moving to the other end of he table. He had been sitting too close for comfort and you practically felt his body heat radiating off and onto you. He shook his head at you, but there was a bemused little smirk on his face anyways, “as if!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You had always thought England was cold, and for the most part, the winters there could be brutal as well; but it was nothing compared to the biting chill of the Canadian winter. Even with sporting a multitude of layers, thick socks, boats, gloves, a scarf, and a hate, you were still freezing. How anyone adapted to this was beyond you and as you trudged behind everyone else at the tree farm, you kept to yourself as you tried to keep even remotely warm.
Everyone else seemed to be immune as they chatted away, going over the pros and cons of each tree they came across. At this point, you didn’t care if it was a twig, you just wanted to get back into the warmth. 
“Cold?” Gwil asked as he came up and stood next to you, arms over his chest as he watched everyone bickering over the biggest tree yet. It was so cold you couldn’t even find it in yourself to give a snarky response. You just nodded as your teeth chattered lightly, “maybe they’ll settle on one soon.”
“I hope so. At least before we freeze to death,” you responded, and he nodded, “do people actually do this for fun every year?”
“I think so,” he said as everyone had apparently reached a consensus, and you saw the client of the a saw as someone pulled it out, “deary me, it appears we have a winner!”
“It’s about time,” you groaned as you stole a glance at your phone, “we’ve been out for literal hours. They make finding a tree seem like an Olympic sport. It’s not that deep, it’s just a tree.”
“Have you forgotten who our mothers are?” he joked as you responded with a snort of laughter. He had a point; your mothers were both perfectionists and they would rather not have a tree at all than have one that was even a hair away from perfect, “they’d rather die.”
“A fair point,” you admitted, unable to hide your teeth chattering by this point. You wrapped your arms around your body, a vain attempt at trying to keep warm, “I think I’m going to die out here. This is it, the end. All because of a silly tree.”
“Always so dramatic,” his sigh was a cross between amusement and exasperation. He took off his oversize outer coat and draped it around your shoulders, surprising you more than anything, “there. Will that help?”
“I...you...why? You’re going to freeze!” he was only left wearing a thin looking sweater, along with his gloves, scarf, and beanie, but just shook his head at you. Before you could even move to take off the coat and return it to him, he placed his hands firmly on your shoulders and pulled the hood up, the fake fur hood engulfing your entire head, “thank you. But if you’re frozen later, don’t blame because I tried.”
“I run warm,” he played it off like it was no big deal, adjusting your hood so you could see, “and I don’t want to be the one in trouble for you freezing.”
“Ahh, looking for your own interests I see,” you rolled your eyes slightly, “I’m glad to hear that though, because this doesn’t mean we’re friends.”
“Wouldn’t dream of something like that,” he took a step back and watched as everyone started to try and carry the tree back towards the cabin. You wished you had something witty to say, but instead, you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“Yeah, well, at least I’m not a Cadbury egg thief!” he just shook his head at you, but you were quickly swept away by his brothers, both of chattering loud at you. You weren’t even aware of what they were saying, thoughts so wrapped up with Gwil and how his delicious scent clung to the jacket, that you just made a few noncommittal sounds every now and then.
“So do you?” you were taken aback by the question, blinking a few times as you started at Rhiannon. 
“Do I what?” 
“Like him!”
“Like who?”
“Gwil,” he stated as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, which caused a shiver to run down your spine.
“Umm, hell no,” you laughed at his question, and you were almost convinced of your own response. You weren’t so sure at this point, having had all of your old feelings come back rushing back since you’d seen Gwil again, “absolutely not. I’d rather make out with that stupid tree everyone spent so much picking out.”
“Damn,” was his only response as he tried to control his snickers, “must be a tough break for him.”
“What do you mean?” you were confused by his statement.
“Gwil’s only had a crush on you since you were like ten,” he confessed, “dunno if he’s ever really gotten over that. But I guess there’s no reason for him to worry anymore, there’s his answer.”
“Are you being serious right now?”
“Dead,” you stopped in your tracks at his words, and he went on, leaving you behind as everyone trailed on. You weren’t sure if he was just being facetious, or serious, either way, you were left stunned. It couldn’t be true - right? You hated him and he hated you. That was the way things worked ever since he had stolen and eaten not one, or two, or three, but thirteen of your Cadbury Creme Eggs. The rest was history, “Y/N? Catch up, kid.”
“Sorry,” you caught yourself and ran after home, letting out a heavy sigh, “just surprised is all.”
“Don’t be,” he said quietly, “I’m pretty sure that he still fancies you. You’re wearing his jacket, aren’t you? And it’s freezing out here - I wouldn’t just give that to anyone. But hey, I didn’t tell you any of this.”
“I heard nothing,” you whispered back, suddenly acutely aware of a certain pair of Cerulean eyes that were on you. He gave you a wink and a nod before heading back to front of the trek, leaving you with you thoughts alone at the back. 
You were currently buzzing with the idea of Gwil possibly liking you, and for some reason, it didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. It was flattering in a sense, and you didn’t mind, in fact, it made butterflies erupt in your stomach. As much as you hated him for being a candy thief, you couldn’t deny that he was handsome (probably more so than anyone should have been), smart, kind (for the most part), and well rounded. For most women, he would have been an absolute catch.
“Hey,” his vice interrupted your thoughts as he suddenly appeared by your side. It was almost like he could read your mind, “if you walk any slower, you’ll be left out in the dust...er, snow. What’s got you so lost in thought?”
“N-nothing,” you lied, “just tired...pretty sure the cold has started to freeze my legs.”
“We’re almost back, and I’m sure they’ll be a roaring fire soon enough,” he said and wondered why he was being so friendly. Maybe Rhiannon was right...but surely he couldn’t be. But what was even weirder, was that you wanted to him to stay. 
“I sure hope,” you admitted quietly, “hey...I have a stupid question...”
“Do you still like Cadbury Eggs?”
“What!?” he asked as he burst into laughter, “hell no! Those things are disgusting.”
“But you...” you started before letting out a long sigh. The nerve of him, stealing all those eggs from you ears ago and now just he just had the audacity to hate them, “used to love them!”
“I got sick of them as a kid remember?” he explained and you rolled your eyes, of course you remembered, “never had them again.”
“Jerk, “ you huffed under your breath.
“Come again?”
“Nothing,” you decided not to delve into; how he could he have forgotten what he did to you?! The cabin came into view and you were happy for the relief, and quickly siddled away from him, quickly ducking inside and away from the bitter of the outdoors. Gwil watched you go, feeling a little crestfallen at your sudden departure, but followed silently after you.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
That evening, Gwil had asked, once again, if you wanted share the bed, insisting he wouldn’t try anything, but you remained steadfast and told him no. Instead you had grabbed a pillow and a blanket and laid on at the foot of the bed. It was cold and hard, but in the moment you didn’t care, you were feeling too stubborn.
“Are you sure you want to choose the cold hard ground over this warm, cozy bed?” he teased as you had settled in for the night, you scrolling through your phone as he read his book. You let out a long sigh but remained wordless, figuring he’d get the point, “when you feel like death in the morning, no complaining allowed.” 
“Who said I was gonna complain?” you snorted as you rolled your eyes despite the fact that he couldn’t see you, “I’m not a big cry baby unlike you.”
“Wow,” he said in response and you could hear him snap his book shut, “must you always be like this?”
“Like what?”
“Stubborn!” he set the book down and turned off the light on the nightstand, “you’ve been like this since we were children. I mean we’re adults now, its okay to be friends.”
“I am not stubborn,” was your only response as you locked your phone and put it away, trying to get comfortable on the floor. After a few minutes of shifting around and trying to get in a position you could sleep in, but you soon gave up and deciding to just do lay on your back and deal with it. You were almost sure you heard Gwil snickering as he laid on the bed. 
Closing your eyes, you tried to let sleep wash over you, reminding yourself that morning was close at hand and the night wouldn’t last forever. But it didn’t seem to work, as you got a few minutes of sleep here and there, while he seemed to be get the best sleep of his life, light snores sounding out in the quiet room. 
And it was cold, more cold than you had ever imagined it could get in the house, and the one blanket you were using just wasn’t even. As you remained on the floor, debating your next move and shivering, you wondered what he would if you decided to get in the bed. Would he make you get out and back onto the floor, or would he let it happen? Would he tease you relentlessly or not make a big deal out of it? It really could have gone either way.
Just when you weren’t able to stand it any longer, you sat up and rubbed your eyes, standing up quietly and tiptoeing to the side of the bed that Gwil wasn’t occupying. He looked handsome in his sleep, almost so much that it was unfair that anyone could look that good in sleep, his arm gently draped over the pillow that you had planned on using. It would be tricky to try and get in without waking him, but you were willing to try it.
You pulled the blanket back and crawled in, trying to keep your limbs away from his, and holding back a sigh at the softness and warm, and how the sheets smelled faintly of his cologne. You grabbed his arm and put it closer to him so you had full use of the pillow. Pulling the blankets up high, you burrowed your face into the pillow and let yourself relax, feeling more comfortable and relaxed than you had in the past few days. It was so warm under the bed, you wondered how he could be so possibly warm, but you weren’t complaining at this point. 
“I was wondering when you’d come and join me,” he didn’t even bother to open his eyes, but there was a big smile on face as you huffed lightly. You hadn’t realized he was still awake, or you probably would have waited until he was deep in his slumber, “told you this was better.”
“Shh,” you responded, too tired to try and make a snarky comment. Without skipping a beat, he put his arm over your waist and pulled you closer to him, moving slowly at first to try and see if you were going to stop him. At this point, the idea of fighting him was the furthest thing from your mind. 
The heat from his body was wonderful and he felt so soft and perfect under your touch, and you wondered why you’d never done this before. His long legs were tangled up with yours, his face mere inches from yours. This was better than you had ever expected, and part of you already decided that you didn’t wan t it to end.
“Good night love,” his voice was almost whisper soft, as you made a small sound of content. This beat the floor a thousand times over, and you were glad to have made the decision to join him. 
The next morning came much to soon for your liking, and you found yourself completely tangled up with Gwil, arms wrapped him as your head was laid on his chest, his hand resting just above your bum. You didn’t know bother to move as a loud knocking came at the door, followed by the sound of Mrs. Lee shouting, “breakfast! Get up you two!”
“Be there soon,” Gwil called back to her as the two of you remained still, neither particularly eager to move. He started to trace aimless shapes on your back, his fingers delicately touching your exposed skin, “I guess we should get up.”
“But it’s so warm right here,” you said as he turned to face him, “and the rest of the world is cold. I don’t want it.”
“I guess this is better than that old floor, huh?” he teased and you just mumbled something incoherent as he laughed.
“Not a word of this to anybody,” you insisted as you met his eyes, “we’ll never speak of this again. This was purely because it’s freezing and I want to stay warm. That’s all.”
“Mhmm,” he laughed, “is that why you’re still holding onto me for dear life?”
“Just to stay warm,” you tried to reassure him and yourself, “that’s all. Nothing more or less.”
“Whatever you say,” he agreed, but you both knew you were lying, “whatever you say, Princess.”
“Gwil, don’t call me that! You’re the absolute worst,” you groaned as you buried your face further into his chest. You remained still for a moment, listening to his heart beat, which seemed slightly more elevated than normal, “can we just agree to do this while we’re stuck here and that’s it? Consider it a situation of strange bedfellows. Or...roommates.”
“Roommates,” he snorted with laughter, “that’s what everyone will say. And they were roommates.”
“No one’‘s going to say anything,” you poked his side lightly, “because we’re not going to tell anyone. Not a word of this.”
“What are you so scared of?” he asked and you ere taken aback for a moment. He had a good point - what were you so worried about when it came to him? Pretty much just your long standing one sided vendetta that you refused to let go. 
“Nothing at all,” you didn’t want to admit anything, “just...there’s no one else that needs to know about it.” 
“Okay,” he stated quietly, stopping his actions on your back and letting out a long sigh.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The next couple of weeks were spent in relative bliss; you spent time with your combined families, doing anything Christmasy and wintery that you could. It hadn’t been quite what you had expected, but you didn’t mind, it was really was quite fun. 
Your weird hot and cold relationship continued with Gwil, the two of you mostly staying apart, except for the occasional run ins, and of course, sleeping together every evening, always tangled up in each other. 
Sometimes he’d end up behind you, trying to skirt by you, hands on your back as he did so. Sometimes he was next to you on the couch as you all tried to squeeze together to watch television, putting an arm around you. Sometimes he’d remain next to you, whispering in your ear as you tried to keep it cool. You had laid off your little feud with him, choosing to mostly remain quiet next to him, but it grew increasingly hard - especially since he was the perfect gentleman in almost every single way. 
It making it extremely difficult to keep on convincing yourself that you hated him; your resolve was slowly weakened and you were starting to wonder why you were ever mad about him stealing your candy. It had made him sick after all. Perhaps your years of stubborn resilience had all been for nothing. Perhaps Gwil really was meant to be your friend, or even more than that.
“Psst,” you felt a hand give your shoulder a light squeeze, and you realized you had been falling asleep, your head falling onto Gwil’s shoulder. You opened your eyes and tried to rub the sleep away as you looked at him, “I think it’s time for bed, Sleepyhead.”
“Okay,” you agreed as you got up and stretched, listening to your joints pop as Gwil followed suit, before taking your hand and leading you to the bedroom. The rest of the your families were watching, remaining silent as your mothers exchanged knowing looks. Needless to say, they had all seen this coming. 
“Was the movie that boring?” he asked as you trailed after him, making a small sound. It was hard to keep up with his long legs and eventually he stopped, giving you a strange look before scooping you up and carrying you bridal style. A tiny part of you wanted to put a fight, but you just let him do it, letting the feeling of being in his arms lull you slowly back to sleep. 
He opened the door, shutting it quietly behind him before putting you into the bed. Immediately burrowing under the covers, Gwil debated on going back out or joining you, but you pulled back the covers on his side, “don’t leave. Come and join me.”
“Are you sure?”
You hesitated for just a moment before and nodding, “positive.”
He came over, pulling off his extra sweater, exposing part of his toned stomach that you tried not to stare at, before climbing into bed and laying next to, eyes trained on you. You gave him a small smile as you watch him get comfortable, a an odd sort of silence falling over you. It wasn’t bad or awkward per se, but it was different than what you had normally been experiencing. 
“I don’t hate you, you know,” you said softly and he let out a sound similar to a laugh.
“Could have fooled me.”
“I was still just salty,” you admitted, “about you know, what happened when we were kids. It’s so silly, I know, to hang onto that for like what? Over twenty years.”
“Wait, what are you even talking about?” he seemed genuinely confused, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, “what happened?”
“When we were kids?” you repeated, “you stole all of my Easter candy. My creme eggs, and ate them all. They were my favorites!”
“Hold up,” he said as a look of realization crossed his features, “those were your eggs?”
“I must have taken the wrong basket by mistake,” he explained and you felt like you were suddenly the biggest fool in the world. it was a mistake, a silly, but honest, mistake made in childhood, “I should have known those were your favorites. They made me sick and I’ve never eaten once since!”
“Do I even need to say how damn stupid I feel right now?” you groaned as you covered your face with the pillow, wishing you could disappear, “I have been so stupid for so long about something so dumb...”
“Yeah, well I’m not going to say anything...” he teased as he lifted the pillow so you were looking at him, “so you never really hated me? It was all about the candy?”
“And you were just being stubborn?”
“You’re too fucking precious,” he laughed, a musical sound that your ears quite liked. You felt your cheeks warm up as you tried your hide face in embarrassment; but he stopped you, taking your hand in his and brushing the back of his hand over your cheek, “I always told you were stubborn.”
“I guess...but to be fair, I always thought it was a legitimate reason,” you insisted.
“Remaining mad for literal decades over candy is just you being stubborn,” he insisted and you knew he was right. You couldn’t even imagine what life would have like all those years if you had remained close friends; maybe you’d even have become lovers at some point, “but I’ll admit it takes some dedication. Just think, if you’d forgiven me earlier you could have gotten all the creme that I received over the years.”
“What a complete fool I’ve been,” you groaned, “so much wasted candy.”
“Ahh to be young and foolish,” how did he have such a beautiful smile; it was literally breathtaking even though the two of you were just lying in bed, “but at least we’ve gotten to the bottom of your little vendetta.”
“Can you forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” he said lightly, “I wasn’t even mad, I didn’t even know what was going on. I suppose that’s a yes then. Dare I say, we could maybe even be friends? Then when we see each other in public, or when we’re out with friends, you don’t have to glare at me the entire time.”
“Ha ha,” you dead panned, “I wasn’t glaring.”
“You were totally glaring...death glaring,” he laughed, “don’t even deny it!”
“Fineeeee,” you gave in, knowing he was right. It was probably close to a death glare, but sometimes you couldn’t hold back your facial expressions, “but moving forward, it won’t ever happen again.”
“Pinky,” you held out your hand and he quickly looped his pinky through yours, “see, now it’s official. We can’t hate each other or be mean to one another anymore.”
“I like the sound of that,” he said quietly, as he held back a yawn, “now, maybe we should try and get some sleep, huh? Christmas Eve is tomorrow and you know what they say - no rest for the wicked.”
“Good night dork,” you giggled as he pulled you close and wrapped his arm around you, not even thinking about it, it had just become so commonplace, and you didn’t mind one bit.
“Good night love,” he murmured quietly, closing his eyes, his face mere inches from yours. You thought about just leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his lips, but held yourself back, deciding not to push the envelope just yet. This wasn’t too bad though. And getting to be wrapped up in his arms? That was something special and magical all it’s own. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
For some reason, when you had woken up the following morning, in bed alone, Gwil long gone since his side of the bed was cold, you found yourself with some regret. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so vulnerable with him after all - what is it had driven him away? 
You had gotten up and found him eating breakfast with everyone else, you were the last one there as usual, earning a good morning from everyone as you waked past them. Why hadn’t he even woken you up? Trying to catch his eyes, you noticed that he was intently trying to avoid your gaze. Strange, you thought to yourself, it had been you that was avoiding him, not the other way around. After a few moments of effort without any reward, you decided to drop it; it was just Gwil after all, what did you really expect to happen with him?
 It was Christmas Eve and everyone was buzzing around excitedly, your mothers spending the day in the kitchen, your fathers out hiking with Gwil’s brothers, leaving you, your brother and Gwil to hang around the house. You were laid up on the couch, watching another holiday movie, making conversation here and there as you sipped your hot chocolate. Gwil had been pacing around the house, seeming lost in thought as he twiddled his thumbs. Part of you wanted to roll your eyes at him, but decided against it.
After a while, you felt your eyes grow heavy with sleep, and decided to take a nap, considering there was nothing else that you really needed to do. You stood up and stretched, pulling the plush blanket at your retreated to the room. You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t notice Gwil walking down the hall, the two of you almost colliding.
“Jesus,” you managed to get out as you stopped just in time to avoid an accident, “sorry, I totally didn’t watch where I was going.”
“‘s okay,” he replied but you noticed it was quiet and off color for him. Before you let him slide past, you put your hand on upper arm and stopped him. He finally looked at you, his blue boring into yours; it was a rush of a thousand emotions at once.
“Hey,” you said quietly, inadvertently biting your lip, something Gwil definitely didn't miss, “did I do something wrong? You’ve been avoiding me like I have the plague.”
“No,” he said as you waited for him to go on, “i-it’s not you.”
“Then what is it?” you were tying to keep your voice neutral as you didn’t want to scare him off. He seemed to be wrestling with himself as he shift his weight back and forth anxiously, “is that about last night? If I made things...weird, then I’m sorry.”
“It’s just...” he stopped himself as you slightly urged him to go, “last night...was nice. And, I don’t know if this has ever been obvious to you, or not, but I’ve had feelings for you for some time.”
“Rhiannon might have mentioned it,” you teased, giving him a small nudge.
“Of course,” he groaned lightly, “I’m surprised he hasn’t mentioned it a lot sooner.”
“Well, I mean, I hated you then,” you explained and laughed lightly, “I don’t think I ever really actually hated you, so don’t worry. But what does that have to do with anything?”
“Last night, lying there with you, and every night we’ve spent together, it’s been nice. I really like it,” he admitted, “and I’m afraid I’ve gotten too attached, and it’s going to make it really hard to leave...especially you.”
“Oh. Oh?”
“Yeah,” his cheeks were a bright pink by this point, and it made you wonder about your own feelings. Was it all a fluke, or were they just a product of circumstance? You weren’t sure at this point, “and I feel like if I actually tell you my feelings, I’m going to end up making a fool out of myself because I don’t think you feel the same. I figured I might as well try and get out of own feelings now then get too wrapped up in them.”
“Gwil-” you tried to interrupt him, but it was no use - he was too lost in his own world to hear your words.
“I’m sorry if I came off as rude and short today. I should have just let you know,” he rubbed the back of his awkwardly as he seemed to avoid your eyes, “I just...never would have thought that you could ever possibly have feelings for someone like me.”
“I know we’ve had this little feud, or whatever you want to call it, but I think we both know deep down that it was never that serious, right?” he seemed to be having an existential moment, flailing his long limbs around as he tried to work it all out in his head, “I thought it was mostly in good fun...and maybe you were flirting with me?”
“Gwil,”  you almost wanted to laugh at this point, the look on his face was so distraught.
“But I’m pretty sure that was just me being hopeful even though there was no reason to be,” he let out a long sigh, “I’m sorry about all of that. I should have realized that you might just not be into me. Teaches me not to assume things I guess.”
“Gwilym,” you put your finger on his lips, forcing him to look at you, a shocked expression on his face, “I need you to calm down, shut up. and listen to me for a moment.”
“What?” he mumbled despite your efforts to get to remain quiet for a few moments. You sighed heavily before putting both hands on his shoulders and looking directly into his eyes. He stiffened slightly, unsure of what to do or think, “Y/N?”
You didn’t bother to respond to him with verbally, opting instead to stand up on your tiptoes to match his impressive height and crashing your lips onto his. He didn’t know what to do at first, taking a moment to respond before placing his hands on your hips pulling you close to him as his fingers grazed at the bare skin underneath the hem of your sweater. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you wished this kiss, this moment would never end, because every part of it was perfect: his smell, his taste, how he touched you. All like it was meant to be. 
“Huh,” was all he said as he managed to get out when you pulled back from him, both of you breathless, chests rising and falling rapidly. You felt your cheeks warm up before playfully hitting his chest, both of you falling into fits of giggles, “so...you kissed me, right? That was you totally kissing me. I just want to make sure I didn’t read any of this incorrectly.”
“That was totally me kissing you,” you agreed, shaking your head playfully, “who would have thought? That one day I would be kissing you? You of all people.”
“Wow, okay,” he pretended to be hurt, “that was a low blow! I’m not that bad.”
“No,” you agreed, reaching up and traced a gentle finger along his stubbled jawline, “not too bad at all...not for a filthy candy thief.”
“Hey, you came onto me!” he reminded you, “I wasn’t that kissed you first, let the record show that.”
“No, you just seduced me by having me get into your bed every night,” you laughed, “I imagine that was part of your whole plan all along? The slow con, over two decades. Such dedication.”
“Have I ever told you that you are too much?”
“I believe your exact words were you’re too fucking precious,” you reminded him, “but we don’t have to do that again, we can stop right there.”
“Not a chance,” he insisted, beaming from ear to ear, “I’ve waited forever to do that.”
“Well,” you said as you started to push him in the direction of the bedroom, “everyone thinks I’m going down for a nap. Better come with me.”
“Yeah?” he asked, his eyes widening with an almost child like innocence.
“Yes,” you tugged at his hand, “let’s go. But just be warned, I’m actually referring to sleep. Doing nothing has gotten me very tired. But, ugh, I see someone’s taken the liberty of putting up mistletoe. How convenient.”
“Hmm,” he mused as he followed into the room, getting about two seconds in before you wrapped your arms around him, “okay, but honestly, best Christmas present ever.”
“Now who’s being dramatic?” you asked before kissing him again, trying to memorize how he responded to every touch.
“Not me,” he insisted.
“Good,” you agreed in between kisses, “because you’re right...this might actually be the best Christmas ever.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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176 notes · View notes
illfoandillfie · 6 years
Updated 4/10/23
/ = sequel - * = Request 💦 = Smut - 💗 = Fluff -☔ = Angst - ⛅ = Hurt/Comfort
I’ll Make It Up To You 💦 / You Can Make It Up To Me 💦
Quiet In The Library Series 💦
Good Times Are Now 💗
Thief 💗💦
Rough Day * 💦
Roger x Reader x Linda Series  💦
Future Management Series  💦
Lazy Sunday 💗💦
Red Ribbon Series💦
Curtains Series 💦
Interloper* 💦 / Snapshots From Before* 💦 / Out of Context* 💦
Code Red* 💦☔⛅ / Aftermath* ☔
Better Than Chocolates  💦 💗 (Without Daddy Kink)
No Particular Place To Go 💗
Welcome Home 💦💗
The Come Down 💦💗
A Different Kind of Education Series 💦💗
Interloper* 💦 / Snapshots From Before* 💦 / Out of Context* 💦
Interloper* 💦 / Snapshots From Before* 💦 / Out of Context* 💦
Whole Lotta Love 💗 / Every Inch Of Your Love* 💗💦
Hoodie 💦
Hangover Cure 💦 / Drunk Ben Blurb* 💗
The Dinner Party (feat. Rami + Lucy + Joe + Gwil) 💦💗
Taking Control (feat. Gwil) 💦
BRJ Series (feat. Joe) 💦☔💗⛅ 
DMs  💦 / Panty Stuffing HC* 💦
5 Simple Rules For A Successful Fake Relationship Series  💗☔💦 
Platonically Series 💗💦
Rip It Up 💗💦
Rich Fuckboy Ben Series 💦
Sugar Sugar💦
Fairy AU (Feat. Lucy + Gwil + Ben)💦
The Dinner Party (feat. Rami + Lucy + Ben + Gwil) 💦💗
Seaside Rendezvous* 💗💦☔
BRJ Series (feat. Ben) 💦☔💗⛅
After Party (feat. Lucy)💦
Stood Up, Make Love💦
The Dinner Party (feat. Rami + Lucy + Ben + Joe) 💦💗
Taking Control (feat. Ben) 💦
Countdown To Christmas (feat. Lucy) 💦💗
Easy as A-B-C  💦
Fairy AU (Feat. Lucy + Rami + Ben)💦
The Assistant
Lucy Boynton
The Dinner Party (feat. Rami + Gwil + Ben + Joe)  💦💗
Countdown To Christmas (feat. Gwil) 💦💗
After Party (feat. Joe)💦
Fairy AU (Feat. Rami + Gwil + Ben)💦
Rami Malek
The Dinner Party (feat. Lucy + Gwil + Ben + Joe)  💦💗
Fairy AU (Feat. Lucy + Gwil + Ben)💦
600 Follower Celebration Blurbs Tag
1K Follower Celebration Blurbs Masterlist
2020 Advent Blurbs
2021 Kinktober Masterlist
Bday Blurbs 2022
2022 Kinktober Masterlist
Bday Blurbs 2023
2023 Advent Calendar
(Also you can find me on A03 here)
853 notes · View notes