#the little things jim baxter
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Cute Prompt with light, and brief angst
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” you admitted, snuggling closer to him.
Jim smiled, hooking an arm around you as you rested your head against his shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to bed, you look tired to me,” he stated, glancing down at you.
You shook your head, not wanting to move. “So what if I’m whipped? I’m happy,” you whispered, closing your eyes.
You sat down on the sofa, groaning. Jim entered the room when he heard you, concerned. “What’s wrong?” Jim asked, sitting next to you. “Do you feel sick?” Jim asked, but you wouldn’t let him check your temperature, feeling completely fine. “Can I get you anything, baby?” Jim continued to bomb you with questions, until you decided to speak up.
“My mom wants to know when we’re having kids,” you muttered, rubbing your forehead. “She keeps asking and it’s so annoying,” you stated, too embarrassed to meet his concerned eyes. Jim fell quiet beside you, not knowing what to say himself. “We obviously can’t do that yet, we aren’t even married,” you continued, wishing your elderly mother wouldn’t be so infuriating all the time.
Jim then turned to face you, placing his hand on your’s. “I think we should get married, then. It’s about time,” he suggested, hopeful that you would agree. You glanced at him, worried. “Y/N - We’ve been together for six years now,” he reminded you, tilting his head partially.
You sighed, nodding. “I know, I just - I’m scared-”
“Scared of what?” Jim inquired, beginning to think you were having doubts about him, which wasn’t the case at all.
“I’m scared that after we get married, one day you’ll get bored of me,” you let slip, your voice briefly shaking.
Jim would be shocked, shaking his head. Jim pulled you closer to him, hugging you to comfort you. “I promise you that would never happen,” he assured, “I love you too much to do that to you.” You decided to believe him, though you were worried that he was just saying it to make you feel better. “Y’know what - Let’s just-.. Do this a different way, okay? I want you to move in with me,” he requested, and you met his greyish blue eyes.
“R-Really?” You asked, surprised.
Jim scoffed, lifting an eyebrow. “Yes, really, Y/N,” he clarified, holding your hand.
You smiled, your eyes lighting up. “I’d love to, Jimmy,” you beamed, and hugged him tightly. Jim would be relieved, his smile reflecting your’s as he hugged you back. “You’ve got my heart, just please don’t break it,” you whispered, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he responded, fondling your hair gently as he knew you liked it. “I never thought I’d find a love like this,” he mused, “I think I just wrote a song about you.” You giggled, and he grinned. “I honestly think that you’re my soulmate,” he stated, placing his hand on your cheek, which you automatically leaned into.
“I think you’re my soulmate too, Jimmy,” you confessed, your voice close to a whisper.
Jim smiled warmly, before he pulled you closer gently, his lips connecting with your’s in a soft kiss. “I’ll always love you, remember that, okay?” You nodded, before pulling him in for another kiss.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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safin-supremacy · 2 years
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Jim Baxter X Reader Cute and fluffy Christmas prompt
Jim had brought Emily and Sylvia into work with him, after he’d convinced Charlie to allow him to, of course, and everyone was being kind to them, and Jamie gave them both candy canes left over from last Christmas. Sylvia hid behind Jim whilst he was talking to Jamie, and she tugged at his trouser leg, prompting him to turn around. “Hide me, daddy!” Sylvia squeaked, and Jim crouched down in front of her, grinning as he picked her up.
“Why do you need me to hide you, sweetheart?” Jim inquired, curious.
“I was sucking on this candy cane and I accidentally made a weapon, and I don’t want to go to prison,” she whined, making him chuckle as he shook his head, and Jamie grinned, amused as she listened.
“You won’t go to prison for that, Sylvie, I promise,” he responded, “prison is for people who do bad things - and you aren’t capable of doing what they do.” Jim decided to change the subject, tidying up Sylvia’s hair. “Have you thought about what you want to do for thanksgiving?” Jim asked Sylvia, and before she could answer, Emily did.
“If we’re having turkey for thanksgiving dinner,” she began, finally turning her phone off, “I’m not eating.”
Jim turned his attention to her, wincing; he knew you’d be stressed out if you had to make something different for Emily. “Why?” Jim questioned, placing his hand on the back of Sylvia’s head gently.
“The bird always looks at me funny and I’m not eating stuffing that’s been stuffed up a butt,” Emily answered, and he sighed, nodding.
“Don’t look at the bird then,” he responded, “and you don’t have to eat the stuffing.”
Next Christmas was coming around extremely quickly, and you were overwhelmed by everything going on, especially after you also had had the abortion recently of the rapist’s child, and you still found it strange afterwards. Jim saw that you were stressed, and he wanted to distract you as much as he possibly could. “Hey - Let’s wear matching ugly Christmas sweaters to Jamie’s party!” Jim suggested, wrapping his arms around your waist, startling you for a moment, but you relaxed quickly - quicker than you used to.
“Christmas sweaters?” You responded, surprised. “Jim, it’s not even December yet,” you responded, “that would be so embarrassing-”
“C’mon,” Jim pleaded, and you gave in, nodding as you continued to wash up the last of the dishes.
You looked over at Jim when you heard him put on Christmas music, and you shook your head, smirking. “Are you really playing Christmas music already? It’s barely November,” you stated, but he shrugged as if it weren’t unnatural.
Surprisingly, Jamie’s party was more Christmassy than you thought it would be, and eggnog had even been made, but you made sure to keep Emily and Sylvia away from it as you didn’t want them to get drunk. Jim would be concerned when he noticed you acting differently, and he had to stabilise you when you almost fell over. You looked down at your cup, and he took it from you, wondering if someone had tampered with the eggnog on offer. “Do you think this eggnog is spiked?” You asked, leaning against him.
Jim nodded, guiding you towards Jamie so he could tell her about the eggnog. “You need rest,” Jim stated, carrying you out to the car.
Jim seemed a little frustrated as he attempted to untangle the lights for the Christmas tree, and he looked over at Emily who was sat on the sofa, not even looking. “Wanna help me untangle the lights, Em?” Jim inquired, and Emily winced, looking up at him.
“I don’t want to be a grinch, but untangling lights isn’t exactly my favourite past time,” Emily answered, and he nodded gravely.
“I’ll help you,” you stated, and Jim would be extremely grateful to you as you took up the other end of the tangled lights.
Sylvia got excited as she ran to you and Jim, and you both grinned at her, smiling warmly. “Who are you both planning to kiss on New Year’s Eve?” Sylvia asked, surprising you both, and Jim looked over at Emily, guessing that she told Sylvia when she tried hard not to giggle.
You expectantly looked over at Jim, and he looked back at you when you deliberately cleared your throat, tilting your head partially. Jim smiled softly at you, wrapping his arms around your waist, as if he was choosing you. “You’re who I want to kiss at Midnight on New Year’s Eve,” he stated, and you became flustered when he kissed your nose. Sylvia giggled, cheering as she hugged Jim’s leg. “That reminds me - I want to show you something that I got you for our anniversary night tonight,” he changed the subject, and you would get excited when you remembered; you loved to spend time with Jim, and this meant you could spend even more time with him.
“Isn’t it a little cliché to get engaged on Christmas?” Emily interrupted, and you scoffed, prompting Jim to chuckle softly.
“Let me show you - It’s just upstairs,” he insisted, desperate for you to see it as he led you out of the room and up the stairs.
You would be amazed by the dress that was laid out on the bed, and you looked back at Jim. “You got me that dress?” You managed to find your voice again; you were stunned by it as it was the same one you’d seen and clearly liked from the shop window the other day. “Jimmy, it’s-” Jim wrapped his arms around your waist again; it was as if you might faint, and he wanted to keep you stable on your feet. “I love it!” You exclaimed, before you threw your arms around him, pressing your lips against his. “Now-” You held him at arm’s length, your eyes glinting, “do you want to bake cookies with me? Sylvia might even want to join us, I’m not sure about Emily, but..”
Jim could see that you were a little disheartened that Emily wasn’t getting involved, and he placed his hand on your cheek. “I won’t let her refuse,” he reassured you, and you smiled weakly up at him to say ‘thank you’.
Sal came over to bring over the gifts he’d bought for all of you, surprising Jim, but he welcomed the gesture. “I didn’t know what to get you,” Sal admitted as he handed Emily her gifts, “but I hope you like them.”
You placed your hand on Emily’s shoulder, smiling up at Sal as you crouched down beside her. “What do we say to Sal, Emily?” You asked, prompting her to thank him.
“Thank you,” Emily murmured, and you frowned, watching as she walked away.
“Sorry about that,” you stated as you lifted yourself up, and Jim intertwined his fingers with your’s to comfort you.
“It’s fine,” Sal reassured, “it looks like Emily’s at - that - age now.”
“Already,” you mused, a pained expression on your face.
Sal winced when he checked his watch, and you guessed that he probably had to get to work - Jim had decided to take a break; he was clearly stressed out, but wouldn’t tell you anything about what had been happening. “I should go,” he spoke up again, gesticulating to his car.
“Thank you, again,” you responded, and he smiled, nodding.
“Hopefully we’ll see you again soon, Jim!” Sal called, and Jim nodded, forcing a smile as he lowered his head slightly.
You looked over at Jim, concerned for him, but you smiled again when you got an idea. “We can put the Christmas lights up on the tree tonight!” You exclaimed as you closed the door, and Jim nodded, forcing another weak smile as he looked up at you. Sylvia ran into the other room to try and get Emily to play with her; she was full of energy due to the excitement of Christmas approaching. You remembered something, and turned to face him, placing your hand on his arm, prompting him to stop walking and look over at you. “Did you remember to get carrots to leave out for the reindeer?” You asked, and Jim cursed quietly, lifting his hand to his forehead. You smiled sympathetically, not wanting to stress him out further. “It’s okay, Jimmy, I can get them later,” you reassured him, and he hesitated, feeling bad.
“N-No, you don’t have to,” he replied, holding your hand.
“I - I’ll go out and get them,” he interrupted, “I promised you that I would.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to get them?” You pried, and he nodded, prompting you to reluctantly give in.
You invited some of your friends to have an early party on Christmas Eve, and you’d made some food and eggnog for everyone. Jim heard Emily and Sylvia talking, and he stopped at the door, deciding to listen in as he was curious about what they spoke about. “Don’t tell anyone, but - I spiked the eggnog,” Emily stated, giggling, and Jim didn’t realise that she was just playing a prank on him, and Sylvia had been watching out to see when Jim was nearby.
Jim opened the door, and Emily winced when she noticed the look on his face. “Where is it?” Jim questioned, and she shuffled back, nervous. “Emily, where is it?” Jim demanded, before he rushed out of the room to check on you, but Sylvia ran after him.
You would be confused when you noticed Jim at the door, his eyes full of worry. “What is it?” You asked, and Sylvia tugged at Jim’s trouser leg to get his attention.
“We were just joking, daddy,” Sylvia whined, hugging his leg.
Jim visibly relaxed, lowering his head slightly. “Thank God,” he whispered, and you walked over to him, intertwining your fingers with his to soothe his nerves.
When Jim met up with Deacon to invite him to come around for Christmas Day, he seemed hesitant about it; he didn’t want to put a downer on it. “I don’t know, Jimmy,” he responded, and Jim would be disappointed, “I mean - I loved Christmas as a kid, but - I haven’t felt the magic in a long time.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to come over? Even for a little while?” Jim pried, and he shook his head.
“Sorry to disappoint,” he replied, “but I’ll see you around.” Jim nodded, frowning when he thought about how disappointed you and the girls would be, too.
“Why are we watching this?” Emily asked, bored.
“We always watch grandma got run over by a reindeer,” Jim answered, “it’s tradition.”
“Well it’s a boring tradition,” Emily murmured, and you giggled, amused.
You would be excited as you carried a box into the room - this was a special present you’d gotten for Emily and Sylvia. “Please tell me that’s not a puppy yipping from the box,” Jim murmured, and you grinned, setting it down for them, making sure that you weren’t covering the air holes. Sylvia and Emily both got excited, climbing off the sofa to investigate.
“Are you going to come sledding with us, Jimmy?” You asked, and Jim hesitated; he had some stuff he had to do, unfortunately.
“I - I’m sorry,” he responded, rubbing the back of his neck, “I can’t.”
You frowned, but tried to hide it. “O-Oh,” you murmured, forcing a smile up at him, “well - we’ll see you later!” Jim felt bad as he watched you and the girls walk out, but he waved and smiled when you all waved at him, before you closed the door. Jim sighed, wishing he could join in.
Jim wanted to make up for not going sledding with you and the girls, and so he held up some mistletoe above your head whilst you were cleaning up some mugs in the sink. “Pucker up!” Jim exclaimed, and you giggled when he turned you around to face him. “You got caught under the mistletoe,” he stated, and you leaned forward to kiss him.
New Year’s Eve began to approach again, and unfortunately Jim hadn’t had the time to help out much, or to spend as much time with you, Emily and Sylvia. Jim returned home exhausted, and you would try to lighten up his mood by pulling him off the sofa. “Come on, Jimmy - Get into the spirit! Dance with me,” you whined, and he groaned, easing you off of him as he sank back onto the sofa again. You would be disappointed, but decided you shouldn’t push him as you sat beside him, playing with his hair to soothe him.
Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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rottenroyalebooks · 9 months
Love Drunk - 0.1
Pairing: Eddie Munson x older sister!Harrington reader
Also includes: Steve Harrington x sister!reader (siblings)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Y/N Harrington left Hawkins as soon as she turned eighteen with her boyfriend to follow her dreams of being a Rockstar. Three years later, she returns to Hawkins alone and scarred. Now, she has to repair her broken relationship with her younger brother, all while trying to prevent herself from falling for a cute metal head who plays at the Hideout, where she works.
Warnings: None.
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Driving back to Hawkins, Indiana, was the last thing I thought I would do.
I wouldn't say I liked this hellhole and got away as soon as possible. I never wanted to see the all-too-familiar roads and trees filled with bad memories.
Why did I come back here if I hated this place so much? My life fell apart underneath my feet, and I had no choice.
The drive was long and taxing, but I had a caravan from the 60s that still worked beautifully, so I didn't have to stay in any motels. I left California with a few boxes of my possessions and my black and white Saint Bernard Baxter, and we hit the open road together. It was a long trip, but eventually, I pulled into the driveway of my family home, which was pitch black.
Being late into the night, I was not surprised that the house was dark. I pulled my van into the backyard so it wouldn't be seen by anyone who drove by. I turned my van off and climbed into the back of my caravan, grabbing my travel bag and waking Baxter up so he wouldn't be sleeping outside in the cold.
I tried the back door, but it was locked, so I had to grab the spare key that was always kept underneath my mother's favorite garden gnome. I scoffed, showing the key to Baxter, who tilted his head. "See? They're predictable."
Once I unlocked the door and returned the key to its hiding place, I crept into the kitchen slowly, with Baxter trailing behind me and lazily trudging around. I poked my head into the garage, seeing it bare of any cars, and scoffed, "Nobody's home? They're probably away on business again." I pulled myself back into the house and closed the door.
I started thinking about my little brother Steve. He must have been nineteen, probably off at some fancy university far away from this town. Good for him.
I found my way to my old bedroom, letting Baxter in with promises of bedtime, and closed the door behind me. The room had barely been touched, though my parents were never home enough to care about what had happened. My bed was a mess, my posters were still on the walls, my desk was nearly covered in junk, my old makeup lay on the dresser, and my records were still in a box I had put together.
Sighing happily, I put my backpack on a chair and watched as Baxter jumped onto my bed, making himself as comfortable as possible. I sat on the bed next to my nightstand, which held the phone I had begged my parents to put in for me. I picked it up, hearing the dial tone and beeping as I pressed one of the few numbers I had memorized.
I pressed the phone to my ear, listening to the ringing. Finally, after a few rings, there's a male voice coming from the receiver, "I swear to god, somebody better be dead if you have the bright idea of calling me at three in the fucking morning."
I held back a laugh, "Jim! Hey, it's Y/N,"
I could almost feel his mood lighten, "Y/N? I never thought I'd hear your voice again! How've you been, kid?"
"Could be better. it could be worse. I'm back in town wondering if the pub needs a bartender."
He hummed lightly, "Luckily for you, Paul retired two weeks ago, and I've been having trouble finding decent help. You got any experience bartending?"
I smiled, thankful that he didn't push my return further, "I was a bartender for three years. I kept my nights busy."
"Perfect, you're hired. Can I go back to bed now?"
Giggling, I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me, "Yes, yes, sorry for calling so late. Goodnight, Jim." I placed the phone in the receiver and began stretching, getting myself ready to sleep.
My peace didn't last very long as my door swung open, revealing none other than my little brother, who wasn't so little anymore, welding a baseball bat in his hands. I jumped slightly and held my hands up in surrender, "Whoa, whoa! Steve?"
He stared at me, his features melting into a look of surprise, "Y/N?" He kept the bat high up in the air.
The two of us spoke in unison, "What are you doing here?"
"I asked you first, twerp."
He looked at me with an exasperated expression, "I'm literally the one with the bat."
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as the adrenaline died down, "I have an attack dog. Don't make me sick him on you."
He glanced behind me, looking at Baxter; smirking, he just looked back at me as he lowered the bat, "Oh yeah, he's an attack dog alright."
I looked over my shoulder and turned to look at Baxter, who laid there unbothered; passed out nearly dead to the world. If it weren't for the slow rise and fall of his upper body, I would have thought he was dead.
"I could be facing an actual murder right now, and you would just be blissfully aware until you woke up to see my dead body."
Steve sighed, "N/N, what happened?"
I turned back to him, "I'm back in Hawkins. Mom and Dad don't need to know. Hopefully, I'll find a place of my own soon. Trust me, you'll barely know I'm here."
He just stared at me, his expression unreadable as he contiplated my words. He grew a lot since I last saw him. His hair was shorter back then. He was shorter. He's no longer the scrawney kid I had to protect in my senior year, when he was merely a freshman.
I probably looked different, too, but in other ways.
"I should probably get some rest, I have an early shift." He awkwardly ran a hand through his hair. I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, kid. We'll talk later,  I want to know everything I've missed." I smirked, grabbing the covers and pulling them over my legs, "Hit the lights on the way out?"
He chuckled lightly, nodding, "Yeah, goodnight, Melody." He baked out of the doorframe, flipping the lights off for me before closing the door, leaving me to stare up at the ceiling; which still had the glow in the dark stars on it.
Baxter rolled over a bit, cuddling into my side as we got comfortable in my bed.
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milliondollarbaby87 · 11 months
The Little Things (2021) Review
When Kern County Deputy Sheriff Joe Deacon aka Deke is sent to Los Angeles it should have been a quick assignment to gather evidence, but he becomes embroiled in the search for a serial killer. The issue with this is that it is bringing up his past and something that Jim Baxter must then deal with. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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thecomicsnexus · 2 years
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After Splinter is invaded by micro-mousers, the turtles make a trip... inside their master.
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Oh, the references...
Let’s start with that Ace Duck poster starring Jim Lawson, Ryan Brown and Steve Murphy. All turtle collaborators (and creators of many characters). But I think it is important to point at Jim Lawson for this one, as the whole episode, while probably based on the classic “Fantastic Voyage”, has too many similarities with that one story from TMNT volume 4 (by Laird and Lawson). Where the turtles get small to battle Baxter’s nano-bots inside of April’s body.
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The reason this issue is not a perfect ten is the deus ex machina in the end. I understand that this wasn’t completely uncommon in the cartoon sometimes, but it felt a little anti-climactic.
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Also some jokes took a while to land. Like in this page where they make a joke about the turtles being inspired by Daredevil. Which is something that some people may not get... and even if they do (like me), the panel where they are self-aware is not that clear.
All those things aside, the issue is fun to read and beautifully drawn.
Now, this was the last issue of the mini-series... I am not sure what IDW plans to do with this concept in the future (and perhaps they just wanted to ride the “Shredder’s revenge” wave, but I really hope this art team returns to tell more stories about this universe.
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chevy2497 · 2 years
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December 1st 2022
I have changed my Lock Screen, Home Screen, Google Page & Fitbit Versa Screen. All of Rami Malek’s characters that he plays so beautifully. I adore watching his movies & watching the tv series that he’s in including Alcatraz.
Anyways this is what I’ve changed them too.
Top Left: Lock Screen: Freddie Mercury (Bohemian Rhapsody)
Top Right: Home Screen: Benjamin (Breaking Dawn: Pt 2)
Bottom Left: Google Page: Lyutsifer Safin (No Time To Die)
Bottom Right: Fitbit Screen: Jim Baxter (The Little Things)
@rami-malek-yeah @rami-malek-trash @ramimalekfans @ramimedley @ramidom @rxmi-mxlek @crewman-penelope
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dawn0fsanity · 3 years
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hengo-thepointman · 3 years
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f-corp · 3 years
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Rami Malek as Jim Baxter in The Little Things (2021)
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im-goin-mad · 3 years
i would (respectfully) sleep with the entire cast of the little things
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Angsty Prompt with brief cute moments
!TW: Mention of nightmare/having a nightmare (not extremely detailed), mention of rapist/word ‘rapist’, lashing out, jealousy, anxiety, implied suffering from depression!
Jim decided to stay up the next night, and just as he had expected, you began to whimper and tremble, clearly having a nightmare again. Jim shuffled closer to you, before he made to wrap his arms around you, a pained expression on his face. You panicked, thinking that Jim was the rapist in your nightmare, and that he would hurt you. “Let me go!” You cried, and Jim tried not to get hit by you as you struggled against him desperately, frightened.
“It’s okay, Y/n,” Jim spoke gently and quickly, and you began to relax, “I won’t hurt you; it’s just me, okay?” You began to cry, turning around to hug him tightly. Jim pulled you closer to him, feeling his heart sink as he listened to you sobbing; he couldn’t bear to see you like this; it was breaking his heart. “Everything’s going to get better, Y/n,” Jim promised, “you - you’ll get through this, I promise, and you won’t ever have to think about that night again.” You hoped that he was right as you buried your face into his shoulder, whimpering as you tried to calm down, his voice soothing you as he whispered sweet-nothings to you.
You were disappointed when you’d gone to see Jim at the Kern County Department building because you’d bought him a present, and wanted to give it to him before he got home as you felt as if you couldn’t wait that long to see his reaction, but you decided not to bother him when Jamie led you to where he currently was on his lunch break because he was talking and joking with Erin at his desk. “Are you okay?” Jamie inquired, and you nodded, forcing a smile over at her.
“I - Should probably just, actually - Wait until he gets home,” you answered, and Jamie would be surprised, wondering what had changed your mind as she looked over at Jim and Erin. “I’m sorry, if I wasted your time,” you murmured, feeling bad, and stupid for thinking that it would be a good idea to disturb Jim, Jamie and Erin at work.
“Not at all,” Jamie responded, “I’ll walk you out, if you want me to?”
You shook your head, not wanting to waste any more of her time. “That’s okay,” you replied, “thank you for the offer, though. I hope you have a good rest of the day, Jamie.”
“You, too,” Jamie returned, “take it easy, okay?” You nodded, before you waved back at Jamie as you began to walk back to the entrance of the building.
You quickly brushed away your tears when you heard Jim pulling up outside when he got home from work; you’d decided to pretend that the present was from Erin, instead, and you’d written her name as neatly as you could over your’s once you’d gotten back home; you hoped that, though it would be painful for you, he would decide to leave you for Erin as you felt as if he’d be happier with her, especially when she hadn’t been tainted by a rapist, and they seemed to have more that they could talk about as they appeared to have a lot in common. “Hey!” Jim greeted as he walked through the door, and he chuckled as Emily and Sylvia rushed up to him, giggling. “How are my two little princesses?” Jim inquired as he crouched down in front of them, before he wrapped his arms around them both.
“Good!” They both answered in unison, before they began throwing the word ‘jinx’ at each other repeatedly.
Jim smiled sheepishly as he stood up, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. “And how are you, my Queen?” Jim pried - Unbeknownst to you, Jamie had actually told him about what had happened.
“I’m okay,” you answered, smiling weakly back at him. “Erin sent you a present,” you claimed, hiding your face from him. Jim would be confused, a puzzled expression on his face, which he tried to hide at first; he knew you must be lying to him because Jamie had also told him that you’d bought him a present, and had been intending to give it to him when he got back home. “H-Here,” you continued, offering the nicely wrapped petite box to him.
Jim accepted the box from you, examining the handwriting on the label of it. “This doesn’t look like Erin’s handwriting,” Jim observed, glancing up at you, “it looks more like your’s, to me.”
You winced, shrugging as you hid your face from view again. “Maybe we just have similar handwriting,” you murmured, and Jim shook his head, setting down the box on the counter, before he returned his attention to Emily and Sylvia for a moment.
“Hey, girls - Why don’t you put that show you like on tv? It should be coming on soon,” Jim suggested, waiting for them to turn the television on, before he turned back to you. “I know you bought me the gift, Y/n,” Jim stated, “Jamie told me.” You faltered, a pained expression on your face. “I wouldn’t have minded you giving it to me when you came to see me, Y/n,” Jim expressed, leaning on the counter beside you. “Why didn’t you?” Jim questioned, but you wouldn’t answer him. “Was it because you saw me talking to Erin?” Jim pried, and you grunted, turning away from him, indicating to him that it was because he was talking to Erin when you saw him. Jim sighed, shaking his head, before he made to intertwine his fingers with your’s, but you wouldn’t let him, moving your hand away before he could. “Y/n, I’ve already told you-”
“Tell me you need me, Jim,” you interrupted shakily, “because it feels like you - you don’t anymore.”
Jim frowned, shaking his head with a hurt look on his face. “Are you crazy? Of course I need you, Y/n,” Jim responded, “I’ll always need you; you’re my soulmate, remember? I love you, and I’ll never stop loving you, I promise.” You nodded begrudgingly, deciding to give up; you didn’t want to upset him further as you turned around to wrap your arms around him. Jim expressed relief as he returned the hug, smiling weakly. “Don’t ever think that I don’t need or love you, Y/n,” Jim concluded, “because that will never be true.” You nodded again, trying desperately to believe him.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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safin-supremacy · 2 years
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Jim Baxter X Reader Angst with a slightly happier ending prompt
Jim would be concerned when he found you crying when he came back from work - it had been only a few days after you were raped, and he knew it must still be haunting you. “Hey,” Jim spoke gently, and you looked up at him, startled. “I - I’m sorry,” he stated, feeling bad for scaring you, especially after what you’d been through. “Do you want a hug, or do you want to be alone?” Jim asked, and you would whisper ‘hug’ shakily. Jim smiled softly at you, before he moved further into the room to sit beside you, so he could wrap his arms around you slowly; he didn’t want to scare you again. You whimpered, burying your face against his shoulder as you tried not to panic, and he tried to soothe you by rubbing your back. “It’s okay,” he whispered, and you began to calm down. “Do you want to talk?” Jim inquired, and you shook your head.
“I just hate myself for letting you see me like this,” you responded, and he frowned, holding you at arm’s length.
“First of all, Y/n,” he began as his eyes searched your slightly red ones; they must be sore from your crying session, “it’s okay to be mad. It’s okay to be angry, and it’s okay to cry, and be sad. It’s okay to not be okay at all,” he added, and you leaned forward to bury your face against his shoulder again.
“I’m not okay with that, though,” you murmured, and he nodded gravely, lifting his free hand to the back of your head to stroke your hair.
“I know you aren’t,” he replied, “but sometimes you have to be, and I’m going to ensure that you will be-”
“But I don’t want you to be that for me, Jim,” you interrupted, your eyes pleading with him, “I don’t want you to be that person, because I don’t want to burden you anymore-”
“You aren’t a burden on me, Y/n,” he claimed, a hurt look on his face; you could never be a burden on him. “I love you,” he stated, placing his hand on your shoulder. “Look - You’re struggling after what happened to you, and that’s okay - it’s normal,” he continued, “and I’m going to help you get through it, I promise.”
“Thank you, Jimmy,” you whispered, giving in as you didn’t want to upset him.
Jim winced when he remembered what his boss had told him; you still needed to talk to him about the night you were raped. “My, er,” Jim murmured, rubbing the back of his neck for a moment, “my boss wanted me to ask if you would come into work with me tomorrow, so he could speak to you about - That night.” You would grunt; you never wanted to think of that night again, and you certainly never wanted to talk about it again. “Are you okay with that?” Jim asked, tilting his head partially; he didn’t want to force you into anything, but he also didn’t want to get into trouble with his boss.
“N-No!” You exclaimed, and he nodded his head slightly, expecting that answer.
Jim sighed, trying to think of something else he could say that might convince you, though he felt bad for pushing you further. “I know it’s going to be hard for you to talk about it, but - It means that we might be able to find who did this to you quicker, and you just have to talk to Charlie for a little while-”
“I’m not okay with that, though,” you whined, and Jim decided he shouldn’t push you further when you began to cry again, and he wrapped his arms around you.
“It - It’s okay,” he responded, “you don’t have to do it. I’ll tell Charlie that you can’t do it, okay?” You sobbed into Jim’s shoulder, hugging him tightly. “It’s okay,” he whispered, trying to soothe you as he rubbed your back again.
Since you didn’t want to talk to Jim’s boss about it, he suggested that maybe Jim try to get you to speak to him about it, instead, which Jim believed to be a stupid idea as you seemed to not want to think about it at all, but he knew he shouldn’t immediately contradict his boss’ idea as he decided to try. You stood up when you heard the front door being unlocked, hugging yourself for comfort as you normally did. You knew from the way that Jim was acting that his boss hadn’t given in, and you groaned when you noticed the regretful look on his face when he looked over at you. “Jimmy, no,” you whined, and he felt worse, shaking his head.
“I - I know you don’t want to, Y/n, but - We’ll need the information at some point,” he responded, and you shook your head quickly. “It doesn’t have to be today, or tomorrow, or even this or next year, though we’d prefer it sooner,” he claimed, “just - do what you feel you need to do, and - I’m here, if and when you’re ready to speak. Now,” Jim changed the subject as he hung up his coat, “do you want to be comforted, or do you want to be distracted?” Jim inquired, smiling softly at you over his shoulder. “Because I thought maybe we could watch your favourite film together,” he stated, and your eyes lit up as you nodded again; you always got excited when you got to spend time with Jim, because he usually didn’t have much time to do things with you or Emily and Sylvia. Jim then approached you, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist in case you might get scared whilst he did, but you appeared to be fine with it as you shyly smiled up at him. “Is there anything else you want?” Jim asked, wanting to do anything he could for you. “What can I do for you right now that would make this even better?” Jim rephrased, and you would shrug; you were happy with just having him with you and your favourite film - Emily and Sylvia were upstairs playing with their new doll house that you and Jim had bought for them for Christmas.
“I’m happy as long as you’re here with me,” you responded, cringing at yourself as Jim chuckled softly, before he placed a gentle, loving kiss on your lips.
“I’m going to make hot chocolates for us, even if you don’t want anything other than me and your favourite film,” he stated, before he made to leave the room.
“W-Wait,” you murmured, and he turned around to face you, listening patiently. “Are-.. Are you sure that you’re okay with waiting for me to talk to you?” You asked, worried that you would get him into trouble.
Jim nodded, smiling reassuringly at you. “I’m okay with waiting,” he answered simply, “I’ll be here no matter how long you need, okay?” You nodded, watching as he disappeared into the other room, before you sank on the sofa, waiting for him to return.
Hope you enjoyed it! ❤️
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rami-thirstbot · 4 years
Just watched The Little Things.
Congratulations Jim Baxter you are now the second sexiest Rami Malek character (under Snafu, of course)
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txmel · 4 years
No spoilers!
Such a great movie and completely worth the long wait! I hope to see Denzel and Rami work together again. They had such great chemistry and you could feel the respect their characters had for one another.
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And Leto? He pulls off creepy so well.
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delastiny · 2 years
ROTTMNT review / brainrot
Hello, I have now watched the entire first season of Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtle, and had time to collect my thoughts, and I will start this off by saying: I LOVE IT I love the show, the boys characterisation is amazing. Between the 2003 version (The one I grew up with) and this, I really love it. I remember watching the movie for the first time, and was like “Wow they are different.” But I really love the difference, and Leo is my absolute favorite turtle out of them all, with Donnie being an absolute cutie.  If I had to rank it, I would rank Raph above Donnie, but I love all of them. Now, for my thoughts about some of the villains: MEATSWEATS - 8/10 - very enjoyable Did Meatsweats die??? Did he die??? Because like, I haven’t watched season 2 yet, but the way that one episode ended with the bbq show, and them wanting to eat him, did he die Is he not coming back D: I actuall really enjoyed him and that whole episode with him being besties with Mikey. It was really fun. Meatsweats, as barbaric as he is, was just a fun character. Enjoyable villain to watch.  HYPNO & WARREN - 9/10 - I expected more though Absolute power couple, we only got one episode where they were a power couple though, which I found to be kind of unfortunate that there weren’t more, but I liked that episode. I did expect more though. As someone coming from the movie, where they made an appearance working together in the beginning of the movie, I was expecting them to be a bit of a regular occurence in the show. It would make sense in terms of showing them in the movie, and I expect to see them together again in season 2, but them only making one occurence together in season 1, just didn’t really make sense to me. I love both of them though, Warren is a funny character with his whole: I AM YOUR ARC-NEMESIS >:( He got going on, it’s funny, and hypno is genuinely lovable with his whole personal expression. I love the purple. BIG MAMA - 7/10 - I LOVE HER Ok, I gave her 7/10, but I still absolutely adore her. Her whole way of phrasing her sentences are amazing, and the whole twist with her being a massive spider, incredible. I expect more villany from her in season 2, right now she is kind of there, she was kind of a threat in a few episode, but I expect a little bit more.  BAXTER THE STOCKBOY - 6/10 - His whole ordeal was funny I wasn’t expecting Baxter to be reoccuring, but his whole: Subscribe to me :D Pay the small members fee :D thingy funny, Baxter was neat. DRAXUM - 10/10 - What a bitch boy Ok Ok, hear me out. Draxum’s whole arc was so funny when you think about it’s progression, from: “You’re BEAUTIFUL :’O” To I will destroy you Is objectively so funny, because his whole shift is like “I created you so you would kill humans!” “But we protect the people!” “GASP HOW DARE, I CREATED YOU, IF YOU STAND IN MY WAY I WILL KILL YOU, LOSER MUTANTS” And his side kicks are not to be forgotten, They are likeable, but they didn’t stick as well in the charming meter for me. They are ok, I’d give them a 5/10 THE FOOT CLAN - 10/10 - cuties Now the footclan is amazing, I loved them from their introduction to now. I love Cassandra, I like two foot guys, and I like how both in the movie and in the show, they just have someone they worship. What a great cult. It’s my favorite thing the show does. They don’t just make villains, the villains are also just goofy people with interests such as Lou Jitsu, and Jupiter Jim. It’s just fun. I might talk about the main characters another day, I just really liked the villains, and wanted to talk about them.
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grub-dot-website · 2 years
Instead of tmntposting in a huge long thread let’s do different posts lol
Hello nonexistant tumblr following it’s me your local disaster and while I’m still locked from posting on twitter let’s make more insufferably long TMNT posts! Yay! I wanna rank the movies so let’s do it
TMNT (1990): 10/10 no notes love you jim henson
TMNT 2 - Secret Of The Ooze: 3/10 literally what happened? This movie is the epitome of failed potential! It seems like they drafted a story that would have got into the turtles origins while introducing Krang/Utroms, Baxter Stockman, and Bebop/Rocksteady; then the studio looked at it and said WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE WHERES SHREDDER??? bitch he died!!!!! Casey Jones (who has vanished under mysterious circumstances?) crushed that loser in a garbage truck!! Augh it makes me upset and I’d like to rewrite it and make a proper sequel to the best TMNT movie of all time
TMNT 3: 0/10 do I even need to write about this one? Tempted to give it a half point for having Casey but like they could have at least made him... do something in the movie?? Anyway yuck bad vibes
TMNT (2007): 8/10 OOH this is a good one, I’m biased because it’s my childhood but GodDamn this is a good flick. I love that the turtles are played by proper voice actors instead of celebrities, relegating the big names to secondary characters. CHRIS EVANS IS CASEY JONES??? WHAT???? Anyway yeah some great turt dynamics in this one, the Leo/Raph fight scene is raw as hell and the whole movie is just a great package, I’d love to venture back into that TMNT universe someday
Turtles Forever (2009): 5/10, I felt compelled to include this because it exists? That’s the highest praise I can give it. I like that it kinda fixed the TMNT 2003 S7 artstyle but that’s kinda it???? The 80s turtles sound absolutely AWful and the comic turtles just,,,, aren’t right. Credit where credit’s due for keeping everyone on-model regardless of what dimension they’re in.
TMNT (2014) 2/10 Nope! Not gonna even touch it! Yikes! Sorry bayverse fans but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can’t do it
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie (2022): 8/10 So good!!! sO SO good I love it so much! If you thought the show had great animation you’re in for a treat!!!! I felt like the plot was a little all over the place but the emotional beats were incredible!!!! LEO steps up! It’s great! Cassandra got totally shafted though which made me sad, she’s my fave
Anyway Uhhhhh I’ve probably forgotten something but who cares, go watch the 1990 movie it’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen
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