0tacoon · 7 years
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Commission for @fanblathering ! Their characters Rannath the snow elf and Vide the derro! I had a lot of fun coloring and setting the scene for this one. Derro are pretty neat too~
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bihtanews18-blog · 7 years
राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविंद के नाम से फेसबुक पर चल रहे थे दो फर्जी पेज, लाखों थे लाइक और कमेंट
Tues 24 Oct 2017 04:20 PM
NEW DELHI (BNEWS24×7) – राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविंद के नाम से दो फर्जी फेसबुक पेज चलाए जाने का सनसनीखेज मामला सामने आया है। इस बात की जानकारी होने पर राष्ट्रपति भवन ने इन्हें फेसबुक से हटवा दिया है।
नोएडा के आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता रंजन तोमर ने राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविंद के नाम से बने हुए दो फेसबुक पेजों के बारे में राष्ट्रपति भवन से जानकारी मांगी थी। तोमर ने कहा कि इन पेजों पर…
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frenews24h · 5 years
Rishikambh Mela est fan de passionnés
Fre News 24h Rishikambh Mela est fan de passionnés
Les seuls Rishikumbh et Kumbhamela internationaux du Bangladesh sont cultivés dans la sauge Banskhali. Les responsables ont déclaré que le Rishikambh Mela, qui se tient tous les 5 ans, a commencé officiellement à partir du 5 janvier et se termine aujourd’hui, mais il faudra au moins une semaine pour supprimer toutes ces activités et biens de cérémonie.
Des représentants de 3/4 des pays du monde, dont l’Inde, le Népal, l’Ukraine et les États-Unis, ont participé à l’International Rishikumbh et Kumbhamela du Banskhali Rishidham. Le comité des organisateurs s’attendait à ce que plus de 2 millions de fans viennent à la foire pendant la journée, mais c’était plus de 20 lakh, a déclaré Debashish Palit, organisateur du conseil de célébration de Kumbh Mela et maire de la municipalité de Rausan.
Swami Sudarshanananda Puri Maharaj, successeur de Chittagong Tulsidham et Banshkhali Rishidham, successeur de Swami Adityananda Puri Maharaj, fils du saint de Yugavat, a présidé les activités religieuses quotidiennes.
En outre, Dhananjay Dasji Maharaja de Vrindavan, Swarupananda Shastriji Maharaj, Swami Sanjay Giri Maharaj, Swami Nilmani Maharaj, Bhagavad Bhagavan Sani, Acharya Gopal Krishna Maharaj, Krishna Krishna Bhakrishna Vrishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Swami Sanjay Giri Maharaj, Swami Nilman Maharaj, Swami Rannath Brachachari, Swami Upananda Brachachari, Swami Rabanishananda Puri Maharaj, Swami Anaghananda Puri Maharaj, Swami Prabodhanand Puri Maharaj, Swami Ujjal Brachachari, Swami Chandranathan Maharaj, Swami Paryananda Brahmacharan, Brahmacharan. Brahmachari Njitananda Puri, Krishna Chaitanya braksacari, les commandes braksacari, aksarananda Puri Swami Maharaj, Maharaja Hari Puri krpananda, Ramananda maharajasaha la ville, y compris les mille moines de Saint-réputation. Les fidèles se sont précipités hors du pays pour entendre les rituels et les mélodies.
Pendant ce temps, le jour de la clôture, les fidèles ont échangé leurs salutations et leurs vœux avec les fidèles des régions éloignées, l’avocat Tapan Kanti Das, Bimal Kantip Udav Dev Biswak, Mishvab Deb, Mishvapati et le maire de la municipalité de Ravjan Debashish Palit. Diwanji, avocat Bhopal Kanti Guha, Chandan Das, Rishikumv Mela Celebration Isadera secrétaire membre joint Shyamal Kanti Das, Tapas Kumar Nandi, Alok Das, a déclaré. Ashish Kumar Shil, secrétaire aux finances, Electrical Kanti Guha, avocat Kanchan Biswas, Dr. Kathak Das, organisateur du Conseil de célébration Mahashova Yatra de Rishikumbh Mela Pradeep Guh, Chhota Kanti Dev, Jhuntu Kumar Das, Rajiv Guh, Dilip Dutt, Nandan Shil, Palash Das, Panna Pal, Shobha Rani Dhar, Narayan Dallik, Vishnu Dalit Nipun Debnath et d’autres dirigeants.
Pendant ce temps, le jour de la fermeture de dimanche, l’un des Kumbh Mela a organisé les Ganapuja et Mahatmaan, Bhubanmangal Gitaajan pour le bien-être mondial, la prière et le rassemblement de sauge-tapasis, saints, moines, dévots et dévots.
Des milliers de fidèles ont participé à la dernière fonction religieuse.
Fre News 24h Rishikambh Mela est fan de passionnés
http://frenews24h.com/rishikambh-mela-est-fan-de-passionnes/ Source: http://frenews24h.com/
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fae-ray-anthem · 7 years
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Another comic commission crafted by the skilled hands of @sketchapod. Seriously, I’m doing backflips by how well this turned out. Would recommend.
Here we insert some much needed futurism into the retro-futuristic setting as well as introduce Breller, a Gnome inclined to share his opinion on everything, particularly when it isn’t wanted. Magic hasn’t halted the march of technology but does make it zig-zag in interesting directions.
P.S: Tell me if you’re still unable to read the dialogue when you click on each panel individually. The first comic uploaded had the whole page the size of a thumb and unreadable now matter how much you zoomed (since fixed if you want to read it).
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fae-ray-anthem · 7 years
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Commission done by @qtarts. Vide the Derro is prone to bouts of jealousy that truly stem from insanity. Mind that she is a grown woman whose adventures are fraught with violence. To flirt with her prize out of spite might get your throat cut while you sleep.
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fae-ray-anthem · 7 years
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So with both my Ocs overhauled it was only appropriate to get them in a picture together again. While Vide’s usual modis operandi is to dote over Rannath as the most perfect man in existence, this fanaticism strangely doesn’t extend to accepting his opinion on matters of contention. Thus while she sees Rannath as the ultimate heroic husbandly protector, she also sees him as a naive man in desperate need of her protection.
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fae-ray-anthem · 7 years
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You know what a good place for a love story? High School.
You could describe this setting as modern, but that wouldn’t be entirely accurate. Its not just that there is magic but also a lot of retrofuturism: that Raygun Gothic, Zeerust style of flying cars and chrome rockets to other planets. Suppose a locker room doesn’t easily translate that feel.
So more to come.
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fae-ray-anthem · 7 years
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“Snow Elves are an off-shoot that is hard to define as a single group. E.L.F’s modify themselves as needed to fit their environment. As such both Wood Elves and High Elves found an arctic adaptation amiable when resettling areas prone to cold weather. To make matters more confusing, there is now a sizable section of lineage overlap between the dual origins: the two having found more similarities than differences on their calling to the permafrost. To that end Snow Elves could be said to have unintentionally bridged the great divide.”
And the final in the E.L.F series wonderfully done by @amaet. Snow Elves in and of themselves could be said to be have the catalyst for this project. This particular specimen being the redesign of my Snow Elf  D&D character Rannath, whom was already a redesign of official D&D snow elves whom are…rather uncreative: being little more than traditional elves with a winter fashion sense. And that’s why this project stops here, at least for now, despite there being literally dozens of other “sub-species” in D&D and the like. It’s my saying that where humans have different nations, Elves have a new species.
You can’t just have Elves living in an urban city, they got to be something different. Call them Moon Elves! The ones in the desert are Sand Elves and the ones near the coast are Beach Elves! Not just an elf-dragon crossbreed, got to be its own thing called Silver Elves. I could go on but hopefully you get my point. So while I do certainly have ideas about nifty looking modifications my E.L.Fs can get up to, what I’m looking for is dramatic cultural distinction.
Take for instance the “Winged Elves” which as you could guess are elves with bird wings…and that’s it. Take an Elf, plop some wings on the back, give them the quirk of not liking closed space aaand done! Now my High Elves are just the type to have floating cities but if hover boots weren’t your style, this enhancement wouldn’t qualify an elf as distinct enough to warrant any new label besides “High Elf with wings”. Or for making travel easier on mountain peaks you get “Snow Elf with wings”.
Speaking of which: when it comes to the key features of Snow Elves, you have several. Foremost is that they’re covered head to toe in fine, thin, fur. They also break a generality in having eye brows, in particular V-Shaped uni-brows that connect to their head hair. Their ears are very bulky in comparison to their cousins and their facial markings tend to have an arctic theme to them. For their cranial objects they use rocks…pretty rocks. To clarify while High Elves & Aquatic Elves also use gemstones, the High Elves use pure crystals like Ruby & Sapphire while Aquatic Elves use organic substances like Pearls & Amber.  Snow Elves on the other hand use aggregates like Lapis Lazuli, Jade & Opal.
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fae-ray-encore · 7 years
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They’re knuckleheads.
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fae-ray-encore · 7 years
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VIde the Derro is prone to bouts of jealousy that truly stem from insanity. Mind that she is a grown woman whose adventures are fraught with violence. To flirt with her prize out of spite might get your throat cut while you sleep.
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fae-ray-anthem · 6 years
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Another commission done by @thesquiddycipher
Where others see randomness (or nothing) Vide’s species sees patterns...but whether its a legitimate perk of their “unique” brain make-up or another telltale marker of their racial insanity is up for debate. Either way, Vide’s case for why Rannath should date her sounded better in her head.
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fae-ray-anthem · 6 years
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Another piece by @goudadunn-nsfw (nsfw duh)
This piece does a lot to bring out the roster, though at the risk giving the wrong impression that this is a harem story and its not. Vide (the last one) is the protagonist with her love interest Rannath (the elf all the girls are talking about) being deutoragonist. No one beyond her is romantically pursuing him (though Vide frequently thinks otherwise).
What this page does address is how being an Elf affects people’s perceptions.
Ulri (a human barbarian) is his friend but dismisses all his accomplishments as being owed to his elvish nature.
Lappel (a Derron [bat-person] and Vide’s foil) sees what she can gain from an Elf rather than having a particular attraction to Rannath or even elves in general.
Shannon (a human girl dressed as an elf) is a total Elfophile, but in that way fails to recognize anything about Rannath specifically.
Jasn (a Dark Elf) views Rannath (a Snow Elf) in the greater scheme of the ongoing culture war between Elven purity/supremacy and an integrated society.
Elliby (a Bigxie [big pixie]) is the only to have engaged in a prior adolescent relationship but has come to the conclusion that their physical differences are too much a detriment to pursue the relationship further.
Vide has the classic romantic attraction to him. Neither love at first sight nor anything in relation to his species.
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fae-ray-anthem · 6 years
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A marvelous commission done by @rainyseasonsketches
A continuation from this
Vide is a light weight small fry or as nerds would say, is stacking agility. It was really great to get so many faces in this comic. Lets have a rollcall:
Sullana is up first. She is a female Snow Elf. Calm and articulate, she is the leader of the cheerleading squad for both her logical mind and incredible athletic skill.
Ulri is a female barbarian and an envious vice-captain, she is brash and argumentative but also brave and determined. Not really a villain but certainly antagonistic at times.
Then we have Lally the Leprechaun and she is just a barrel of fun. Upbeat and sociable, her sweet heart can bridge the between the social classes.
These three makeup your popular girls trio, though obviously not your standard Alpha-brat and two stooges. Their strata of cliques chafes very roughly with Vide’s low class, bad grades, mischievous circle. But you can’t say they don’t give people a chance.
Our purple bat girl is Lappel, a Derro & Vide’s best friend and partner in crime. She doesn’t really understand Vide’s motivation in chasing an uppity elf (yet) but she supports her friend with the sincerest of terrible plans  anyway,
Vide the blue bat girl is our protagonist. Another statistic waiting to happen when a some small acts of kindness nudge her in another direction. There is a reason everyone keeps their distance from the Derro race however and her highschool crush can quickly turn into dangerous obsession.
The male Snow Elf is Rannath who also happens to be Sullana’s brother. If Sullana embodies the Elven gracefulness then Rannath the poster child for what is good. The ur-example of where being a popular jock doesn’t necessitate also being a meathead or bully. He is helpful to everyone and does his best to understand.Many would say perhaps too much as he gotten himself entangled with a Derro girl.
Finally there is Kronon the Orc. Rannath’s best friend and captain of the team. He other hand cares a lot about his personal image; particularly his muscles and his hair. Kronon finds Rannath’s continuation of this Derro drama both annoying and dangerous.
I hope you like them and will stay tuned.
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fae-ray-anthem · 7 years
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Rannath the Snow Elf & Vide the Derro having a little gift exchange. Rannath tries to give Vide some elven literature but Vide lays intentions bare in giving him a hand made baby parka.
This commission was done by @watermelonacups who was both kind and expedient. I do recommend.
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