#rants and thoughts
naneun-no · 10 months
💭 Thoughts and Questions 💭
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Content: My thoughts on the backlash to the JITB physical release. This is rather long.
It feels necessary to preface this with I LOVE Jung Hoseok. I’m a fan. His solo release may damn well be my favorite of Ch. 2 so far. None of my thoughts are a criticism of him, moreso criticisms of the backlash to the physical release…
So, I’m trying to keep up with the drama surrounding the JITB physical release but maybe I’m just too out of the loop to understand?
I don’t buy physical copies (of almost anything). It’s just not a part of my fandom experience for any fandom I belong to. Hasn’t been for years, since most of the world and my household went digital. So maybe that’s why I didn’t get the uproar originally when everyone wanted a physical album, but I mostly ignored it. Now I see a lot of people chastising those who wanted a physical album (and apparently caused enough of a ruckus to get one) and I’m not getting things again.
Perhaps it’s because I work for a B2C (business to consumer) corporation and I’ve been in marketing for a decade, but to me this seems like a normal occurrence? That is: 1) customers want/like something/ a feature they’ve come to expect. 2) business doesn’t quite realize or foresee how much their customers like said feature. 3) business releases a version of their product without said feature, to switch things up or for budgetary reasons or whatever. 4) customers go “hey what the hell, where’s that feature we like?!” and business is forced to 5) step back, reevaluate, and decide whether to stick with their original rollout or make a change to meet the demands and re-release the product with the feature that was missing.
Does that make sense? Idk… I guess I’m probably over-simplifying it, since one of the differences between the products released by a musician/idol and those released by a business is that there’s a lot of personal creativity and agency in the idol’s release. So criticism of it can come off like disrespect/distrust/hate for the artist themself. However, I would like to note that a great deal of creativity and passion goes into many, many products, and just because a large business produces them doesn’t mean that a lot of individual artists and creators and businesspeople weren’t behind the scenes, busting their asses only to be disappointed when they see the consumer reactions, which are oftentimes not as open to innovation and change as the artists were hoping. They experience that pain too, they’re just not precious, beloved idols so nobody really takes it upon themselves to defend them, and they pretty much only have their partners and work friends to mope to about it over drinks at happy hour.
And that brings up another interesting point; people seem to be defending Hobi on the basis that any ARMY who demanded a physical album are questioning his creativity/validity as an artist and making him feel bad and in general being shitty, entitled, ungrateful fans. In other words, they’re defending him as a creative person, not as a business person. Cause it could be argued that not releasing a physical album was, in hindsight, just not a great business decision. And he realized that later on, and, like his letter said, had to decide whether he wanted to stay the course or make a “better late than never” change.
[sidenote: I read the translation in its entirety, and I’m not seeing the agonizing heartbreak that others seem to be seeing? I’m seeing the honest explanation of a creative who made a bold move and is realizing — with some disappointment — that his audience wasn’t as appreciative as he hoped they’d be, and he’s making a course correction…? But maybe I’m too steeped in the corporate world to see this as the soul-wrenching sob story it apparently is??]
The reason I think it’s interesting that people are defending him primarily as a creative person and not a business person is that a few weeks back my timeline was FULL of ARMY’s mocking and side-eyeing you know who — Doja Cat.
She made waves (again…) for essentially saying she didn’t “love” her fans cause she doesn’t know them. And my TL was flooded with people smugly saying “it’s just a bad business decision to alienate your fans like that” while simultaneously sharing clips of BTS and their very demonstrative love for ARMY while gloating “can’t relate 😇”. Which begs the question — are BTS’s expressions of love for ARMY personal, or are they just good business?
I’m not saying that to be cynical, I’m saying it because Doja Cat (and I’m not an apologist for her by any means, but it’s a timely reference) was apparently a foolish businesswoman for making statements that made her fans mad. And Hobi is apparently a poor, wounded creative soul for making a decision that made his fans mad…?
Now, making inflammatory statements like “I don’t know those ppl” when referring to your loyal fans and not releasing a physical version of an album are two WILDLY different things and I understand that. I am not trying to conflate the two, more just noticing when and how we, as a fandom, choose to refer to famous musicians as “businesspeople” and when we don’t. When Doja spurns her fans, it’s a dumb business move. When BTS says they love their fans, it’s because they’re super duper sweethearts who love us forever. When Hobi makes a call for his album that a lot of fans disagree with, voicing that disagreement is suddenly hate and harassment for the artist you’re supposed to love, rather than consumer backlash.
I say this not having seen the harassment myself, but I also didn’t look for it. I saw people expressing disappointment, frustration, even that classic paranoia that all ARMY seem to have these days (“he’s being mistreated!”). So if there were genuine threats, hate, and vile behavior that crossed the line (and sadly, in this fandom, there probably was) then I think calling that out and saying “WTF is wrong with you people?!?!” is more than justified.
But when I see people scold, lecture, and attack others for clamoring for a physical album and being overjoyed when their cries were answered, I just think…. You must not work in the consumer goods industry. Cause this shit isn’t that unusual. 🤷‍♀️
Tell me how I’m wrong? I’m totally open to respectfully chatting. Just kinda had to get it out of my head.
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steel-and-fire · 2 months
//Okay, so i said earlier that through campaign sessions, especially now that it's been some time, i'm rediscovering Ferenir, and getting more clear ideas about him.
After all, that's one of the reasons i like ttrpgs, spontaenous thinking and reacting in unexpected situations builds a character better than written roleplay, where you think of every action before you do it.
Of course, written roleplay has its own merits, you tackle more slice of life situations, spend more time extending scenes etc etc
But allow me to rant about a couple things.
First of all, i've mentioned before that Ferenir's open cheerfulness was a coping mechanism of the harships he went through, and battling depressive feelings. But real Ferenir is a lot more reserved, matter of fact and pragmatic person.
He is polite and kind to those he deems deserving, but will turn sour very quick and very easily if he is annoyed. He has a temper, and it ignites with a spark. He is fair, loyal and dependable, but he also likes to take risks, is deathly curious, and enjoys challenges and testing himself.
He is the person that will go touch that weird pedestal, go drop blood on the altar, or hold the rope for everyone to climb down before having to jump 60 feet down himself with no aid.
He does crazy shit, because he knows he can take it, and he likes pushing the limits of that.
Although he enjoys social interactions with the right people, he is also generally low on social energy, so he prefers to spend the time more quietly and productive.
When there is a job to do, he doesn't beat around the bush, gets straight to the point and tackles it in the most direct way possible.
He will pick a fight with anyone that pisses him off at the drop of a hat, and doesn't back down easily either. Most of the times his teamates have to calm him down and speak some sense to him to avoid conflict.
He can be cold as hell, crushing the bones of a person one by one in an interogation, without as much as batting an eye, but he is also fair and merciful, and will honor his deal and word. If he can, he will always prefer to spare a life.
Lastly, he is very, very competitive, and that translates to fights, where he LOATHS leaving one half finished, or having to run from it. He will do it if it's the right or smart thing to do, but he will not like it one bit, he will sulk all day.
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nogenrealldrama · 6 months
Do you ever see a piece of media get released that triggers a physical need to pack it up and send it by time travel post to teenage you? Because while the Thing is excellent now, it would have been Groundbreaking to you if it came out 10 years ago. It would have rewritten your DNA. But 10 years ago, the damn Thing didn’t even exist.
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jade-dhound · 7 months
photos are such an unfair representation of how beautiful a person is
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wilxfyre · 11 months
It feels like it might be a Virgo lore postin™️ kinda day, might drop some info about the boy, may fuck around, who knows
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fluentisonus · 5 months
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snakeautistic · 7 months
Please, for the love of god, leave me CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS!!! If you think it’s implied, I promise you that to me it is not. If you give me poorly worded or vague directions I’m gonna spend half an hour stressing over the potential different ways to interpret them and either become paralyzed with indecision or inevitably interpret them the least correct way possible
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bonivers · 10 months
if people know a showrunner by name then u just know they were committing war crimes throughout their shows
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tawaifeddiediaz · 6 months
you know what boils my blood.
over the last 2 weeks, i've seen countless patients walk into my urgent care center, symptomatic for so many things, refusing to get tested for covid and flu, citing that they don't want to knowingly bring it to their holiday tables. i had a patient tell me, verbatim, "i don't want to test for covid, because i don't want to be the asshole who brings it on a plane."
i understand that - i understand that holidays are times where people look forward to meeting loved ones that they might only see once a year, or where they get a break from the hectic back and forth of their lives.
but here's the thing - whether they get tested or not, they will bring whatever they have to their holiday tables. it's pure recklessness to know that you're sick, and walk into someone else's house spreading the disease.
today, january 2, i saw 91 patients, many of them who have tested positive for covid and flu. many of these patients are the same ones who didn't want testing 3 days ago, until their events were over, and now, they will have to reach out to everyone they know to let them know that they were positive because they were showing symptoms well before their event.
the next week or two? we're going to see many, many more, all people with symptoms that started around christmas. these are the only two viruses we test for rapidly in our office, but they are potent and can be fatal in many people.
so here's why i wrote this post, and maybe it's a little late, but - if you care about your loved ones, please get tested if you know you're sick. it doesn't have to be at a clinic if you don't want it to, because the over-the-counter tests work just fine too (if you test within 5-7 days of symptom onset). just...please don't try to run from the knowledge that you might have covid, because immunocompromised people, elderly people, people with co-morbidities like asthma, pregnancy, diabetes, etc...many of them may not recover. and they may not be sitting at your holiday table in the future because of it.
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cosmicschmidt · 7 months
I need this man biblically.
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jupiterslifelessmoons · 10 months
The reason Goncharov was fun and worked well is because Tumblr didn’t plan for it, we just “yes and” it, everyone went with it and added to it with no planning while TikTok people with Zepotha are trying to recreate that by deciding to start a trend and tell people this movie existed, there isn’t even much more than “you look like this character” and sometimes people saying it was actually them.
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steel-and-fire · 4 months
//I have been making circles the last couple months around Ferenir's weapons of choice and fighting style, which is all in character and I've been exploring that journey in games and sessions.
Ferenir had to learn NOW what he likes fighting with, and he found he is quite good with a variety of weaponry, which made a choice very difficult.
Swords, spears, mauls, hammers, dual wielding, even battling with his fists. He tried it all, and he found merits and disadvantages in everything.
In the end, though, he is returning back to his old shield and hammer combination.
But!!! Now he knows the reasons he prefers this style. He doesn't try to mimic traditional techniques of shield combat, he doesn't try to 'do his best' with what experience he has and what he has seen others do. And he doesn't just seek to defensively protect his life.
No, now he has his own, clear fighting style. Ferenir doesn't fight, he brawls. He doesn't use techniques and careful maneuvers.
He punches with his shield, he bashes, he chokes up his hammer and punches with it, grapples and swings.
He incorporates everything he learned from all the weapons he tried, and has now a very clean and personalized style of combat.
He is no longer a smith that tries to amateurishly rely on his endurance to outlast his opponent.
He is now a warrior. He now has a combat style, with a beginning and an end, that he can polish and improve upon.
This big 360° has been one of the most beneficial things that ever happened to his character.
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delicatelyboredagain · 2 months
I’ve come to the realization I am soooo much more successful when I’m consuming Edward/Anna media (movies, documentaries, etc) so please use this post to comment you’re favorite, and triggering, media please!!! I need to have a list so long I never run out 😅
(And reblog so more ppl can add theirs since I have like 10 friends on here atm since it’s a new account after getting T’d again lol)
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sameboot · 10 months
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Simon petrikov coping FAIL compilation
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sophia-131989 · 4 months
I'm so jealous of people my age who are naturally skinny. Everyone I know is smaller than me and they can eat whatever they want and don't have to worn about gaining and they don't dislike their bodies. Meanwhile I gain 5 pounds after smelling chocolate.
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steel-and-fire · 4 months
//The more I think about the battle gauntlets, the more I like it.
1. It does more strongly enforce the concept that Ferenir did not have warrior training prior to leaving his village.
2. Dragons fighting with their own body is cool. Fen may not have claws, but as an earth dragon, punching fits him more regardless.
3. It works with his dragonforging ability. Which is that his creations are much tougher due to his own mana infused into them. In weapons, it is a convenient thing for sure, a sword can maintain sharpness, a hammer can use spikes without the fear of them breaking. It's certainly convenient, but not that impressive. It's on the armors that it truly shines the most, for obvious reasons.
4. It gives a better feel of the struggle Ferenir has gone through as he fought, a better feel of how he battled tooth and claw to survive...makes it quite literal. It is much rougher, much more desperate.
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