#rbf angel
hellotello · 2 years
okay, so I'm gonna try my best at tagging things :) so heres everybody's tags (for now)
lucifer: worse than my dad mammon: my first man levi: my l.o.s. satan: the bookworm asmo: my malewife beel: workout buddy belphie: murder cow diavolo: prince charming barbatos: tea master simeon: brother in christ luke: ultimate alter boy solomon: my house husband thirteen: the mean bisexual meph: ~journalist~ raph: rbf angel
tello talks will be my posts :)
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wraithwars · 2 months
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Valkyrie (Arisen) & Nolan (Pawn)
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angeleyedboy · 6 months
born to be a brat to a hot guy, forced to be a bitch to creepy men for my safety
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cheekinessofmaiar · 1 year
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gleafer · 5 months
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The ineffables are having a squabble. Look at that perfect RBF on our favorite angel!
Too fun to draw!
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lilithgreye · 16 days
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What your spouse looks like based on astrology
Navigation: asteroid persona chart tut // directory
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How to find out
• | There’s a number of ways you could go about doing this but personally the way I find most accurate is checking the Groom and Briede asteroid persona charts. I haven’t been a huge fan of asteroids recently because I feel the natal charts planets, houses, aspects, and degrees can tell much more typically but when it comes to this subject I find great accuracy in these charts. The Groom persona chart represents the husband and the Briede persona chart represents the wife. If your spouse were to be non binary you could check the Descendant persona chart instead
• | Groom code: 5129 — Briede code: 19029
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Their appearance
• | Look at the prominent placements in the groom/briede pc which would be stelliums, the ascendant, or 1h planets
• | This applies more so to Western. There can be more interpretations these are just some I’ve witnessed
Aries/1h placements
broad shoulders, masculine/athletic body, sharp/defined eyebrows, intense stare, possible rbf/intimidating face, lots of sex appeal, big head or forehead
Taurus/2h placements
broad shoulders also, soft features, bull-like features, wider nose, body’s on the beefy side (wide rib cage, wide hips, etc), strong jawline, pretty
Gemini/3h placements
thinner build, fairy teeth, mouse/fairy like nose and eyes, fox-like eyes, youthful appearance, possible baby face/child-like cheeks
Cancer/4h placements
moon shaped face, big boobs/prominent chest area, big cute eyes, curvy, possible baby face/full cheeks, soft features, feminine beauty
Leo/5h placements
lion-like facial features, pouty lips, broad shoulders, beautiful/thick hair, good looking
Virgo/6h placements
youthful face/innocent face, prominent cheeks, small nose/thin nose or straight nose, angelic features
Libra/7h placements
deer-like appearance, feminine body or curvy body, big butt, symmetrical features, pretty, possibly dimples, beautiful hair
Scorpio/8h placements
intense stare/possible rbf, broad shoulders, athletic body, strong sex appeal/seductive appearance, mysterious looking, prominent nose
Sagittarius/9h placements
tall, thick thighs, athletic build, big eyes, horse-like features, curvy
Capricorn/10h placements
sharp jawline, skinny, good bone structure, good teeth, intimidating stare
Aquarius/11h placements
skinny, unique appearance, intimidating stare, tall, a unique feature that stands out (example: prominent birth mark)
Pisces/12h placements
big dreamy eyes, big lips, sweet face, ethereal beauty, small feet
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More predictive astrology
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letsnotperceive · 9 days
Okay, I just can’t stop thinking about John Price honestly. Especiallyyy after he’s *retired*!!
Here is a little drabble (is that the right word? Can’t remember, I’m new here). It gets a little 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (18+) towards the bottom but nothing crazy. F!Reader
﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ ୨ᰔ୧ ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉
✧.* Because sure, big buff military man who’s puffin’ more smoke than a chimney is cool and all. But give me sleepy, squishy, human teddy bear Price. Give me Price who’s perpetually exhausted after carrying the weight of the world on his back. Price that just wants to hibernate for a while with his luv.
✧.*Im thinking he’s all softened up around the edges. All that muscle mass doesn’t disappear over night, but as time passes and he’s no longer on an extensive workout routine, it ain’t sticking around forever. Big ol’ pecs that you can squish your face against, a little padding to his stomach. Hold on, stay with me now 🤤
✧.* Of course, he’s still got that grizzly sort of appearance. All mapped in scars and maybe the occasional burn from those late nights spent at his desk with a cigar between his fingers while he’s drifting in and out of consciousness with exhaustion. The damn workaholic! Hairy too; least we forget—that beard and those arms. Oh lord.
✧.*Maybe one day you realize in that post retirement laze of his (which is well deserved, mind you. Don’t give him a hard time now) that he’s looking a lil’ extra scraggly. You sit on the bathroom counter, and with a delicate hand and a very distracted focus, you give his beard a shave. All cute and romantic, the room still steamy from your shared shower…
BAD. Mistake. You both agree to never let it happen again. An angel just lost its wings!! Leave his beard alone 😭
✧.*Treat this man so good, he deserves it. Whether you like to cook or not, you find yourself gravitating to the kitchen on occasion to make sure he’s eating well at least some of the time. Some home-cooked meals to cancel out all those shitty MREs he’s consumed in his lifetime.
✧.*Bet he will reward you for it too; he’s got a soft spot for good girls. He is tired of yelling commands and barking out orders, he’s too worn out to deal with a brat. Be a sweet little thing now and show him some love. Offer to climb into his lap and take over when his bad leg starts acting up, see where it gets you.
✧.*Rolling your hips to a steady rhythm only you hear, he lets you have your fun until he’s ready to set the pace. Big hands pawing at your waist, clutching at you just tight enough his fingers are going to leave red marks for him to soothe away after. He doesn’t even have to roll his hips up against you, he can just move you as he pleases with his strength.
✧.*You don’t even have to try to give him a show—he drinks in every little reaction you give him. His heart skips a beat when you mewl, your eyes threatening to roll back in sheer bliss. The sticky sound of your thighs, drenched in arousal, meeting his skin. The way your lips meet his neck and shoulders, kissing and nipping love bites against his body. The mattress springs squeaking from underneath you two. It’s a performance, and he’s dedicated to appreciating every moment.
✧.*He’ll send you melting with his words, too—
“Mmm, is that good, little luv’?”
“You like that, baby? My darlin’?”
“Such a good girl—doing so well f’me.”
“F-fuck lovie, do that thing with your hips again~”
✧.* Aftercare is top-tier with him too, no questions asked. He may have gotten a little lazy in his retirement, but never when it comes to you. Water, a snack, a quick clean up. Him putting his entire weight over you like a human weighted blanket. Whatever you need, Lovie.
Wrote this quickly after doing an online job interview, I don’t think it went very well bc I have awful RBF but wish me luck :,)
Should I do a full fledged fic about this? Anyone interested? Okay, bye <3
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danibeanie · 4 months
Vibes & Beauty Astro observations 🩶
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-i noticed girlies that have a stellium seem to have a stronger impression on people.Its very common to hear “I love your energy.”
-gemini stellium, love talking, mischievous eyes, sharp beauty,usually long brows,high pitched voice, playful,hair color very saturated like if you got dark hair it’s BLACK or light hair it’s super blonde.
-virgo stellium, just like their mercurial, but a bit more calm and reserved,down to earth voice,”girl me too”,natural beauty,can have a rbf,observant eyes.
-aries stellium, miss independent(love that tho), flushed cheeks, straightforward,intimidating, knows who she is, pronounced brows wether thin or thick they stand out,childlike eyes,gorg girlies.
-pisces stellium, eyes stand out wether it be color or shape you just notice them, kind & pure,high voices just like gemini but they don’t change it as much, cute, creates softness to the face,angels.
-usually when you have a stellium in a chart your gonna attract other people with a stellium as well
Eyes 👀
- water moon girlies have emotional eyes. Its even more pronounced when you have a moon conjunction with inner planets.
Cancer- looks through your soul, “what’s wrong you look sad?”,doe eyes,vulnerable ,pretty eyes ,guys nervous to look at your eyes,manipulative eyes.
Scorpio- intense,intense,intense,darker eyes DOESN’T matter the color, reads u like a book, hiding something,intimidating,mix of siren/doe
Pisces-so prettyyy,lots of eyelid space for some,in tune with other people,pure eyes,mysterious eyes ,long lashes, princess.
-I might just do a series on this!
-Lilith energy🖤
-When having prominent Lilith energy your just going to stand out somehow wether it be ur looks or personality. There’s just something to these people that makes u wanna watch.
-this may be a theory but I believe your lilith placement affects your looks even if it doesn’t tough your ascendant but it has to STRONGLY prounounced to ur personal planets.
-ex I have a Gemini stellium and I have sun moon and mercury conjunction all in 2nd house. My ascendent is in Taurus and my lilith in Gemini conjunct my sun and mercury but not my moon because it’s in an early degree cancer. I’m also a late taurus rising making half of my 1st house gemini. Also my Venus is in gemini in 1st house even though Lilith doesn’t touch my Venus it’s very pronounced in my 2nd house.(2’d house is Taurus home-connection to ascendent)
-All my life guys never approached me and when the few of them did they all had heavy mars energy wether being scorpio or Aries. I find myself attracted to Leo energy and I believe it’s because they match my strong energy. Insecure guys get intimidated by you and treat u like shit.Then get mad when you leave them but still keep on coming back?😭but for some reason expect you to be on the side like no sir we are all #1s here.I though u didn’t like me why are u trying to get my attention when u clearly didn’t want it yesterday.
-even if you try to hide your body for some reason it’s still noticed, “your so tiny” I’ve learned to embrace my body the older I get. confidence is key YALL!
-super black hair,I can’t tell u how many times people have commented on how dark my hair is😭
-mysterious vibe without even trying, my friends have told me this when I walk at the campus.
- I have a bestie with lilith energy as well but it squares her ascendent and mercury many people thought she was a b when first meeting her(even me).She also has mars conjunct ascendent lmao but I love her and our vibes just match each other. I feel like my Venus energy tames my lilith energy a bit more but it’s still there 😭
-guys just don’t approach u period :/
bye y’all thank u so much for the support in my last 2 posts lot of love🖤
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juneberrie · 4 months
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request || equestria girls!apple jack x fem!reader
author's note: everyone say thank you to mars for encouraging my delusions & to the person who requested this. also ive been picturing her the way @/cloiiiiii on tiktok draws her so like yeah
ⓘ word count : 0.8k || applejack masterlist
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probably didn't realize she liked you until someone (rarity) told her
"what? no way, i don't like-" and then the "HOLY SHIT I DO LIKE HER!"
she was the last to know
rainbow and rarity have to give her advice on asking you out (rarity's is serious and helpful, dash's is just "ask her out dumbass")
probably asked you out with flowers.
"so uh– i was wondering' if you'd, uh, y'know, wanna go out with me sometime? it's fine if not– y'know what, nevermind its stupi–"
she's so nervous!!!
anyways onto the actual dating hcs
she was the one to say i love you first
you guys were probably taking a walk or something and you were talking and she'll like smile at you really lovingly and go "i love you, y'know"
calls you really cheesy nicknames — sugar, sugar cube, pretty girl, my girl, princess, angel, darlin', missy, sweetheart, sweet pea, honey, etc etc
would take you on the cutest dates!!!
sunsets, picnics, apple picking (duh), late night drives
if u like shopping then she's def the kind of girl who'll hold all your bags
she'll also walk you to all your classes / walk you home
also!!! kind of gf who won't leave u alone in public. like if you guys go out she WILL stay with you at all times cause yk 😕
she's such a sweetheart
will open doors for you and get offended if you try to do ANYTHING yourself
can and will give you her clothes to wear. PLEAAASE wear her flannels/shirts around her she will lose her mind
"well, darlin', don't you look nice?" whenever u get dressed up
she either gets flustered really easily or she doesnt
pls imagine her in like. a white tank and jeans and cowboy boots
1 million dead 4923 injured
her voice in the morning >>>>>
it has a little rasp and her accent is like ten times thicker and just ugh
she's jacked btw. apple jacked.
she grew up up a farm like what'd u expect
anyways imagine needing to get smth off a shelf or something and she just comes up behind you and reaches to grab the thing and her arms ohmygod
love languages are definitely acts of service & quality time
CONSTANTLY doing little things for you
holding open the door, getting you flowers every week, randomly cleaning your room when she's at your house, filling up ur drink, ordering for you, etc
such a "my girl" kind of gf
"attagirl" "my girl" "pretty girl" "sweet girl"
randomly gives u compliments
also!! i don't see her as the kind of gf who comments under ur insta posts but she's def the kind who'll post them on her story
she's not a very social media person in general, but any post she does make is probably of you
would def write you a sappy letter on your anniversary/valentines/christmas/new years/your birthday
basically any chance she gets she'll write u a long, sappy letter telling you how much she appreciates you and loves you and yap yap yap
i don't see her as a person who wears much jewelry, but i can definitely see her having a locket with your picture in it, or some kind of matching bracelet
randomly starts yapping about you to the girls
"she's so sweet and i love her an–" "SHUT UP WE GET IT." "dang okay"
they're your biggest fans!!!
pinkie probably made a fan account on insta thats just her posting cute pictures of you guys
rarity helps applejack plan dates and shit
dash playfully flirts with you any chance she gets because she finds it hilarious when aj glares at her
speaking of that, i can't see her being someone who gets jealous super super easily?
like, i can definitely see her sidling up beside you, putting an arm around your waist, and glaring at the person who's flirting with you
"who's this, darlin'?"
she has an rbf so if you're really sunshine-y you guys look ridiculous tg
scary guard dog gf!!!!
such an early riser but if you ask her to stay in bed with you she'll be so dramatic about it (she'll sigh and be like "alright, alright, but just this once" <- its happened multiple times)
apple bloom adores you!!! she'll randomly barge into aj's room to talk to you (aj thinks its cute how much she likes you but she does NOT appreciate her sister's interruption)
100% your biggest supporter
if you do theatre or choir or orchestra, she'll show up to EVERY. SINGLE. PERFORMANCE. you will ever have
if you do sports, trust she'll be at all your games yelling her head off and holding a big ass sign
she's really good at cooking so she'll learn how to make your favorite dishes!!! this also means you guys have cute little dinners at home a lot <3
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© juneberrie 2024 – reblogs are appreciated!!!
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dearly-somber · 7 months
RBF | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. slow burn, eventual romance, eventual smut, fluff, f2l (friends-to-lovers), pining, found family, high school!au
-> w/c. 1344
-> rating. 13+
-> a/n. This one is pretty Yoongi centric, but it’s important for later installments (and also I wanted to build more on Y/N’s relationships with the pack outside of Jungkook heh).
-> warnings. Yoongi’s kind of a dick 💔
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 18:24
-> fin. Mon., Oct. 4th, 2023 @ 22:48
-> edited. Wed., Nov. 1st, 2023 @ 09:47
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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“Why does Yoongi hate me so much?”
Jungkook looks up from where he’s been sketching a picture of what he thinks your wolf would look like if you had one, a frown on his face. “Yoongi doesn’t hate you,” he says.
“He does,” you pout, pulling at a loose thread in your socks.
“He doesn’t.” Jungkook sets his sketchbook aside to give you his full attention. “Where’s this coming from?”
You sigh. “It’s gonna sound stupid…”
“It won’t.” Jungkook holds your hand. When you finally look up at him, you’re met with a boyish grin that melts your insides.
You sigh. “I went down to the kitchen earlier to grab something to drink…”
“And…” You chew on your lip, sighing again before letting your thumb rub over the back of Jungkook’s hand in an attempt to calm your nerves. “And Yoongi was there. I accidentally bumped into him on my way out and he spilt coffee all over.”
“And he got mad?”
“Yeah.” You take a moment to get the words right, briefly reliving the older shifter’s scorn and flinching at the memory. Even just thinking about it has you biting on your lip to stop yourself from crying. “He got really mad. Started growling and cursing at me; shooed me upstairs… It’s the angriest I’ve ever seen him,” you whisper.
“Oh, angel.” Jungkook takes it upon himself to lift you up under your arms and set you back down in his lap. You’re surprised because, first of all, you never realized just how strong he is, but also because you find you don’t hate it as much as you should—nevermind “angel”.
Usually you hate being manhandled, especially into such intimate positions or poses, but you know deep down that you can trust Jungkook and his motivations, so you let yourself accept and bathe in his affection and affirmations.
You don’t mind when he guides your arms around his shoulders. You lean into him and let your eyes drift closed when his arms wrap around your back, holding you to his chest. “I’m sorry Yoongi hyung growled at you,” he says.
“It’s not your fault,” you mumble into his shoulder, already feeling lighter than when you’d sat back down next to him after the whole ordeal took place. “I just… I wish I knew why he disliked me so much. We’ve been friends for almost six months, now! Everyone else has warmed up to me already.”
Jungkook sighs, running his fingers up and down your spine as he thinks. The feeling sends shivers down your body. “Yoongi hyung is…protective. He’s had past relations with humans and it didn’t end well for him or the people he cared about. I’m not saying what he did was right, but there’s a reason he’s such a dick to you all the time,” Jungkook explains softly, trying and failing to subtly nose at the juncture of your neck.
You pull away from him as gently as you can, sliding off his legs. As you sit knee-to-knee with him, you settle your hands in your lap and stare. Thinking.
Finally, you speak. “Fine.”
Jungkook raises a single brow. “‘Fine’? What does that mean?”
“It means I get it. But he’s got his head farther up his ass than I thought if he thinks it’s an excuse for him to treat me like shit.”
Jungkook smiles with a fond shake of his head, sighing, “There’s the Y/N I know and love. There might finally be peace in the world once you and Yoongi start actually liking each other.”
You roll your eyes, laying back down as he reverts back to sketching. “It’s not my fault he’s got a stick up his ass. He needs to realize I’m not the same human who hurt him gods know how long ago. I might be more annoying, but I’m not going to hurt anyone.”
Jungkook smiles down at his sketchbook, muttering something under his breath. “It’s actually—“
“Oh gods,” you groan, hyping yourself up at the sound of Namjoon’s voice ricocheting off the kitchen walls, “what now?”
“Don’t be mean,” Jungkook chides, shoving you with his foot on your way out the door. You stick your tongue out at him, shaking your head with a dumb smile on your way downstairs.
“What’s up, doc?”
Namjoon frowns at you as you lean your elbows against the island. “I’m…not a doctor…”
“It’s” —you sigh, waving him off— “nevermind. What do you need?”
“Yoongi’s out back. He asked me to call for you.”
“Yoongi?” you ask skeptically, an eyebrow raised.
“Yep,” Namjoon says. “Off you go.” He shoos you out the patio doors like an old lady, disappearing back inside the house after sliding the doors shut.
“Great,” you mutter. You trudge through the wet grass and mud to the little backyard leading into the woods where the pack likes hanging out when they’re shifted (and sometimes even when they’re not. Ever since you came along, they added a little bonfire and a few camper chairs for when you’re hanging out with them).
As you near the backyard, you spot Yoongi sitting, in wolf form, on one of the several rock-slash-boulder formations surrounding what is now the bonfire pit, his fur dirtied from running while it’s wet outside. Under his mud-laden paws, you spot a dirty but otherwise intact article of clothing you thought you’d lost forever.
“Is that my Toothless sweater?” you ask, surprised. You thought you lost it after forgetting it in the woods the first time you were invited to go swimming in the river with them.
Yoongi’s ears perk up on his head as he raises his head to glare at you, dragging his tongue over his maw. He sits a little straighter the closer you get, watching you so close you can feel your heartbeat instinctively pick up its pace.
“I thought I lost this,” you mumble, wrapping your fingers around the stiff fabric and tugging to get it out from under Yoongi’s large paw. You utterly fail, because the dickhead decides to tease you by pressing down harder on it and refusing to budge until you’ve exerted all your strength, nearly sending you ass-first into a puddle of mud.
You glare at him as his wolf seems to snicker—shoulders shaking and tail wagging ever so slightly behind him.
“You know…” You rub the fabric between your fingers, contemplating whether or not you’ll get mauled to death and deciding you don’t actually care. “I like you when you’re like this.”
Yoongi’s head tilts to one side, his ears flopping. How dare he look so cute when he acts like you’re the devil more than half of the time.
“When you’re shifted,” you clarify. “Guessing your mood based off the way you hold your tail is much easier than trying to decipher your emotions based off your resting bitch face.”
Immediately, the backyard fills with a low, warning growl. Yoongi’s head is back to its righted position, but slightly lowered so you can see just how hard he’s glaring at you.
“You know what, no!” You clench your sweater in your hand as you point an accusatory finger at the rumbling grey wolf. “I’m tired of you bullying me, Yoongi. Not all humans are bad, you know!” You scoff at the way his eyes widen, comically round in this form. “I’m not going to hurt you, or anyone else! Jungkook loves this pack, and I love Jungkook.” Yoongi’s tail shoots straight up, ears perked high on his head. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.”
You pause, clearing your throat so you can muster up the courage to say, “He’s my best friend. Don’t make this more difficult than it has to be.”
Yoongi stares at you, but you can’t read his facial expressions—can’t guess what’s going on behind those burning cocoa eyes of his. Not even his tail gives him away. So instead of hurting your brain overthinking his reaction, you huff and storm off, leaving a very intrigued shifter behind to contemplate several things at once.
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boozenboze · 1 year
Can I ask for a really stoic reader (rbf, looks like he's glaring all the time when in reality he thinks about dinner)that smiles for the first time with 141 boys and Alejandro if that's okay?
Why so Serious?
Summary:M/n was never seen with a happy expression.He always looked dull and it looked like he was on the verge of killing someone.That was until one of the new recruits made him smile.
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
Who seemed the most serious out of 141.If you said Ghost you aren’t completely wrong but at least the man attempts to make jokes.Unlike a certain h/c haired males who seemed to have only one expression.Out of all the time 141 has known him he has never smiled.Soap always says something that is downright hilarious and yet the male never cracked.This disheartens the scot but he never gives up.
“Hey M/n!”Soap said while approaching the male who was currently cooking.
“What McTavish?”M/n responded in annoyance,wincing when he felt the onions fumes go in his eyes.
“Why dont the dinosaurs talk?”The scottish man asked as M/n hummed in response,telling him to continue.
“They can’t because their dead.”Soap laughed out while slapping his knee.The man who was in hysterics stopped laughing when he saw the h/c haired male just staring at him as if he was stupid.
“I don’t find you funny.”M/n said with a deadpanned expression.The scot looked genuinely hurt by the males comment and walked away without saying a word.The h/c haired male plated his meal before exiting the kitchen.
A few days passed after that incident, Gaz and Soap had been trying to make the stone faced male crack a smile.The two went as far as to making themselves trip and fall.EVERYBODY LAUGHS WHEN SOMEBODY FALLS OVER THE AIR SO WHY HAVEN’T YOU LAUGHED?!
Ghost found the situation amusing.Sure he could joke around here snd there but you were a completely different story.You always looked like you were ready to off someone and he actually developed a small fear of you.Price made a lot of dad jokes so as you can probably guess you never laughed at his jokes.
When Alejandro would come and visit he would always tease the male in spanish.He would also poke at the males cheek in attempts to make him crack a smile.It doesn’t work,snd M/n’s glare didn’t help.The h/c haired male had always been quite blunt but he never meant to come across that way.He’s always been like that and he has laughed at the jokes Soap made,but it’s always been in his head.
One of those days M/n had been wondering what he should eat for lunch.His face was so serious that other’s thought that he was upset when he was just deep in tought.Gaz was the one guy he had to explain it to.
A few weeks later a few new recruits had came to the base.One of them thst went by the name Andre,was put under M/n’s care.They talked very often and had really funny conversations that made M/n laugh.Thats how we get to the current situation.
Soap was once again trying his best to make M/n laugh.He noticed the male let out small chuckles st his words which let him know what he was doing was working.Soap had ran up the Gaz happily informing him of his accomplishment of making the Brit laugh.Ghost hummed in amusement and Alejandro let out a deep chuckle as well as Price.
Soap had turned around and saw Andre approaching.The male was talking to M/n and even pat his shoulder.Price tilted his head when the male began doing weird hand movements.Their eyes widened as they saw M/n’s cheeks rise with a smile adorning his features.The h/c haired male began laughing hysterically and the groups eyes softened.His laugh was so angelic,it was like music to their ears.When the male finally calmed down Andre walked passed him and bid his goodbyes before going to his room.Alejandro was about to speak but was cut of by Soaps yelling.
“Were you just laughing?!”Soap yelled out as he ran towards the h/c haired man who looked startled.
“Uh yeah I did,it’s not like im incapable of laughing mate.”M/n said chuckling as Soap looked amazed.
“What does he do to make you laugh.”Gaz asked curiously and M/n responded shortly.
“He’s just funny.”
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cocoathekoala · 2 months
��headcannons✨: Angel
Angel is a drunk runner. Whenever they get drunk they just start running. David always has to go and get them. Babe brought a leash one time when the group went out.
One time the group went to a club that had a mechanical bull and angel was the only one that went on it and didn’t fall. Once they got off they said “thanks Davey” and winked.
Angel is always the first one to start dancing at any given point. They always make everyone else start dancing anytime there’s music.
Angel is NEVER the DD they likes drinking too much whenever there’s any sort of group gathering.
Angel LOVES making TikTok’s
Flirts with darlin’ in front of David and Sam like FULL ON flirts. (I would too)
Angel has a scar under their eye from getting hit with a beer bottle when they went to a frat party in college.
Angel has three siblings (2 older brothers and a younger sister)
Belly button piercing. Nipples pierced. Septum and nostril piercings.
Spine tattoo
Will make sims of them and David and makes them have a bunch of kids. (David caught them once and they never discussed it)
They have a WICKED RBF but their personality is one of a flower
Cart enthusiast
Has a Blonde tattoo above their knee (frank ocean).
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bon2bonn · 5 months
Driver profile : Y/N L/N
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Name : Y/N M/N M/L/N
Nicknames : N/N , bella , demon spawn, amour , love , sprout.
Nicknames by fans : Valkyrie, the unofficial official grid mom , Merc queen, red bull princess, angel, f2 grid mom , stargirl .
Age : I estimated her to be around 27 (it's not fixed so you can change it to whatever you like)
Birthday : 23 . October . (Same thing , you can put yours or any other date🤷🏻‍♀️)
Birthplace : Sydney, Australia
Blood type : B+
Languages : fluent in English, french + (language of choice) , basic Dutch , Spanish , and a little bit of Arabic.
Resident : between Monaco, London, New York and Sydney.
Personality : spitfire on track , a power that install fear in the hearts of every team and any driver she's up against , believes in actions and hard work rather than words spewed around , so if you have the balls and nerves to poke her , you better have the results to back you up or you won't see the end of it from her or her fans or the rest of the grid .
Known as The grid keeper/ no#1 mom who keeps them in line but could be found in the midst of chaos leading them with their antics and pranks . off track , she's an introverted small bean that can scare the daylight out of you if you rubbed her the wrong way, shy and closed off is the first impression that everyone gets when meeting her but once you get to know her she's the sweetest and most genuine/spontaneous person you'll ever meet , her RBF hides a gentle kind soul , that makes her the best person to give comfort and assurance even if she denies it. Protective bear of her loved ones and won't stop at anything till she make sure they're okay. She either acts like an old lady that complains about her back and knees , or like a little kid on a sugar rush , it's a normal day to find her around the grid at the most confusing places : climbing motorhomes just because/hiding behind tyres while everyone lose their minds trying to find her /sleeping in an ice tup cause she got too comfortable.
Habits: play with her hands when nervous, pout unconsciously when she's too focused on something, pick at her fingers when uncomfortable/stressed (if close , Charles would give her one of his rings to play with , or others would let her play with their fingers to distract her) , jumps whenever she gets exited, tilt her head when confused, clenches her fists/jaw when she gets irritated ( the guys knows when to interfere to stop her from beating someone), sings/humms absentmindedly through her day , do a little dance when happy, talks to herself in a quiet voice.
Occupation :
Former Formula 1 driver
Years of work : (2015-2022)
Racing biography 🏎️ :
*‌Toro Rosso :
2015 alongside : Max Verstappen #33.
2016 alongside : Carlos Sainz #55.
*‌Renault(alpine) : 2017 alongside : Nico Hülkenberg #27.
*‌Alpha Romeo(sauber) : 2018 alongside : Charles leclerc #16.
‌*Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 team : 2019 - July 2022 alongside : Lewis Hamilton #44.
• CEO/founder of Ingrid and willows brand (2018-now) .
• CEO and representative of L/N international corps (2022-now) .
•reserved driver for (RBR) Red Bull Racing (2023) .
Hobbies/skills : reading, playing piano, camping, hiking, cooking in general (loves backing) , painting specially with her youngest brother, singing, fast learner , have a very strong memory , is a pro at reading people and could tell their emotions and can almost alway tell when someone's lying , skilled stealthy prankster when provoked (by lando and max)..... .etc .
Family members :
‌father : f/N l/N .
‌mother : m/N M/l/N .
‌older brother: Edward l/N .
‌younger brother: Thomas l/N
Father :
Name : F/N M/N l/N
Occupation: CEO/founder of L/N international corps.
Social status: single father of (Edward , Y/N , Thomas l/N ).
Resident: London , UK.
Name : M/N M/l/N
Occupation: not found.
Social status: not found.
Status: alive .
Resident : Rome, Italy.
Name : Edward/Eddie M/N l/N
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Age : 30
Occupation: CEO/founder of wildonwall (a worldwide known professional architectural company that deals in designing/building and supervising projects around the world).
Social Status: married to ( Alison Graham ) , father of two (one boy : Marcus/Marc , one girl : Ingrid/gigi ).
Resident: London , UK.
Name : Thomas/Tommy/ben M/N l/N
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Age : 22
Occupation: student of fine arts , Oxford university.
Social status: a single Pringle who don't know how to mingle.
Resident: Monte Carlo , Monaco - London , UK.
Facts and background infos :
‌she's the only daughter of the L/N family , but chose to race with her grandmother's maiden name instead . She wanted to establish herself away from her father's name .
‌very independent , and mature beyond her age .‌
she's the backbone of her family, both her brothers and father own it to her for helping them through their lives .
‌she had a complicated relationship with her mother to say the least, she was the one who suffered the most when she left .
‌her parents split up when she was only 5 . her mom walked away leaving them with her baby brother who was barely months old .
‌her mother tried to forcefully take Eddie (the eldest) along with her while their father was out with Tommy, but he refused to part from his sister , resulting in a very traumatic day for the two kids.
‌she watched her dad as he struggled with taking care of them three , feeling like a failure who couldn't tend to his own children.
‌so she took it up on herself to help him take care, comfort and nurture her baby brother.
‌he tried to get her to live her age but she won't stop worrying about her brother and he won't settle unless she's close .
‌just hearing her voice got him from screaming his lungs out to cooing and giggling.
‌their bond only grew stronger as they grew up .
‌he was at his best behaviour when she's around, forgetting about the tantrums and wailing matches he had with his traumatized babysitter who quit the moment their father came back home .
‌her childhood wasn't the most ideal but she got her family with her and that was more than enough for her.
‌her dad was more than relieved when she finally had interest in something other than studying or taking care of them .
‌he watched as her love for racing grow untill he offered to take her to her first grand Prix.
‌she didn't sleep for days after .
‌daniel was her first friend in the sport .
‌they met through one of her uncles friends back in Australia , both didn't like eachother at all .
she was the quiet observing kid and he was the bouncing ball of energy , but they bonded through their love for racing .
‌she moved to Europe (between UK and France) with her dad where she found more suitable competitions to partake in, but she tried to keep in touch with him through the years , but they both got busy and lost connection.
‌she kept to herself and worked hard to build her skills.
Maintaining a healthy balance between her studies and racing .
‌untill she met some of the kids older/close to her age , most didn't take her seriously and even encouraged her to drop racing . But she also met little max .
Both acknowledged the other but kept their distance on the beginning.
‌the boy was blunt and she was unfazed.
‌they respected the other hard work and we're motivated to beat eachother at every race.
‌they surprisingly became best friends with time .
‌both acting too mature for their own good but unknowingly, they both got eachother to act their age as they grew closer .
‌they gave eachother tips and pointers as they sat away from the others before every race they were in together .
‌he'd talk her ears off after every race explaining every detail and every corner and she'd patiently listen to him , adding her own opinion here and there .
‌they were at eachother neck every race, but their friendship was as strong as it could be.
‌they celebrated the winner and encouraged the loser , both hated to lose , but they raced fairly.
‌she got discovered by Christian , and found her way to red bull academy program, Max a year after her .
‌and guess who's there ? Daniel Joseph Ricciardo.
‌they reunited after years , both inseparable even more when she got a seat at Toro rosso .
‌the team was on the brink of a collective breakdown, they already had Seb to worry about , now add those two with Max?
‌cue chaos and mischief , sirens going off with Seb laughing and Christian screaming in the background.
‌fernando saw her and declared war upon whoever dares to hurt this small bean .
Forming a small protection squad (more like him forcing Seb Kimi and Jenson to participate)
Kimi got robbed into it , he didn't even know until he found himself along with the others planning to slash a reporter tires for calling her slow and ignorant .
He thought they were getting coffee !?!! .
‌she was supposed to move to red bull in 2016 but Marko opposed, max was promoted instead, and she left to Renault the following season.
‌in 2018 she moved to alpha Romeo (saubar) alongside Charles leclerc .
Rookie Charles was low-key scared of her , he knew her from their carting days but still felt uneasy with her quiet personality and focused mentality.
The first time they met was a disaster at it's finest.
But she knew how tense and overwhelmed rookies could be in their first season so she tried her best to help him through it .
‌it was an exhausting season but they both survived .
Charles moved to Ferrari and her to Mercedes.
‌Toto offered her a Merc seat for 2019 .
‌lewis had his share of teammates and it didn't end well to say the least with his former friend/teammate (RIP brocedes) or valtteri after .
‌so when she first came in it didn't go well for her .
‌both her and Lewis are hardheaded and closed off, refusing to acknowledge the other Or give in to know eachother.
‌they stayed professional and moved out of the other's way, untill she came around, finding him in the back of his driver's room, sitting on the floor , his head on his hands after a shitty with a dnf .
‌she kept quiet and sat down with him letting him have his moment of silence but assuring he don't have to be alone .
‌after an hour or so, she took out her phone , showing him her family dog pics and videos , getting him to crack a smile and even few laughs before she let him talk about his own Roscoe, promising to let her meet him when they go to Silverstone.
‌the roles reversed when he found her in an empty office at the back of the garage , she got an earful from Toto and couldn't get a word in , her notes are always dismissed and her engineer wasted time until it's too late to listen.
‌he sat beside her, letting her lean on his shoulder in a way of comfort , letting her play with his rings to calm down.
‌they built a support system . and it resulted in building a solid foundation for a dynamic team.
But that won't mean she'll let her work go to waste because of the team's orders.
... : Y/N.
Y/N : yes?
James : Y/N, This is James, listen.....
Y/N : no James! You listen! Just because..........
Her radio messages never disappoint.
Yeah they give her a hard time , but they didn't know what was waiting for them .
She adapted quickly to the new team and their methods of work , it went as well as it could be up to 2021 .
Shit hit the fan and she almost die/quit .
But she stayed put , ending the season in 3d 🥉.
2022 things moved up a little, with her chances of getting the championship almost equalling Max's, him being ahead with only 24 point .
But Mercedes had their own plans.
Mid-season change in plans Leading to her leaving/getting replaced with George Russell , concluding her journey with Mercedes AMG team.
*Let me know if I missed something ✨
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dangopango00 · 1 month
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YIIPEEE finished the rest of the brothers with my hcs 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Notes utc
- Grey streaks from like stress or sth
- Tired eyes (Honestly ik i put his eyes should be straight before but i decided itd be soooo kewt if he had downturned eyes like belphie)
- Kept his eye color bc it shows how hes aggressive but not all the time like silent but deadly bc muted colors
- dilf
- Made his hair more greyish bc his and solomons hairstyles are so similar
- Was also sick and tired of the messy anime boy hair so i made his hair messy in a diff way; more clean since hes a model and all
- His ahoge is supposed to look like a little wing kinda
- A few black streaks (dyed) bc of how much he respects luci
- Remnants of freckles (light seasonal freckles)
- I hate the eyebrows and eyes going through the hair thing if its fully covered but i had to show that hes being mischievous
- Im so sorry to everyone who loved him the way he was but I HAD TO GREMLINFY HIM its in character trust
- He blushes the most imo like i feel like his whole face and neck would turn red
- His hair would be super messy like he would NOTT brush that shit its a waste of time in his opinion
- Made his messy hair in the shape of a fish fin (top) and tail (right)
- Made his mouth widest bc hes a lizard
- Gave him slight snake eyes (ok but imagine if it intensified whenever he was envious like how cats do but opposite)
- Angelic ahh beautiful man
- Hair grows fast so its always a lil long
- Always looks a lil mad RBF
- Same hair swoop thing as Asmo
- Single ahoge is supposed to represent a unicorn horn kinda
- Little rat braid that supposed to resemble scorpion tail
- fake mole (hes not one of us yall.) (we let it slide bc hes chill)
- Similar swoop to satan (purposeful. Asmo styles his hair since he was “young” and he just kept doing it that way)
- #softgirl vibe
- Ik i said idk what to say for him but i got a bunch of random inspo bye
- Looks like he was raised by wolves. Ok well thats an exaggeration but his hair is very unkempt doesnt get haircuts until his hair is down to like his shoulders and def doesnt style it
- FRECKLS ❤️ mostly on his cheeks
- Lighter streaks of hair naturally n it matches belphie 🥺🥺
- ahoge is supposed to look like fly wings but he also looks like a bnnuy and thats so kewt
Belphie if u havent seen him!
All the hcs i made more in-depth than on here
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jaeyunverse · 2 years
the perks of having a hot best friend (teaser)
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PAIRING(S) | lee jeno x fem!reader
GENRE(S) | fluff, mild angst, crack, best friends to lovers, mutual pining + more to be added as i write!
EST. WORD COUNT | around 10k  
WARNING(S) | profanity, jeno is cocky and annoying but mc loves him regardless, he’s also shirtless in a scene so that makes mc love him more, this is hella self-indulgent + all warnings to be included in full fic!!!!  
SUMMARY | having a hot best friend is nice until you start getting butterflies in your stomach every single time you look at them.
TAGLIST | @notbeforelong​ @w3bqrl​ @rikiflowers​ @mochisnlix​ @allorysayshi​ @hiqhkey​ @angel-hyuckie​ @markleeisdabestdrug​ @j4kesworld​ @timetoten​ @vantxx95​ @sweetjaemss​ @bigtittietoji​ @ahnneyong​ @iwonzzi​ @sunshine-skz​ @baekhyunstruly​ @ja4hyvn​ @centheodd​ @ily-cuz-i​ @jeongyeon27​ @kdyism​ @keemburley @iioyous @n0hyuck @luvenshiti @pckeia @donutswithjaminthemiddle @mosviqu @deobitiful @jeonnyread @h1acynth @pjofics @venusprada @matchahyuck @tbzussy @babyksworld @kae-t-eee @bockhyun @rbf-aceu @ablackbtsstan @tamakofever @naemakkuri @sadgirlroo @fariylixie0915 @pradagukkie @babyjenono @hibernatinghamster @jaemnationnn @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @bustedneos send an ask or comment to be added!
AUTHOR’S NOTE | hi!!!! i am deep in my jeno brainrot as always :”) i hope this fic (whenever it comes out) helps you realise you are in love with jeno because you ARE no one can escape that man and you’re lying to yourself if you think he doesn’t affect you!!!! LOL just kidding (i’m being completely srs). also a few paragraphs have been cut from this extract so some stuff might not make sense right away and i probably should have mentioned this at the start of the note but JENO
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02) hugs always make you feel warm and safe thanks to all the beef underneath
“Why do we need such a big bottle of Sprite?”
“Party at my place this weekend. There’s a discount so I’m buying in advance.”
You frowned. “Shouldn’t you be stocking up on booze?”
“The guys said I have an alcohol addiction,” Jeno said, getting in line at the billing counter. “Which is, like, totally untrue but you know I never back down from a challenge. I’m going to prove them wrong by staying sober for two weeks.”
“Sure,” you snorted. “You just find lame loopholes or cheat when no one’s looking.”
A sly grin took form on Jeno’s lips. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and drawled, “I know what you do when no one’s looking.”
“Really?” You feigned a gasp. “You know I sneak over to your house and steal your food when you’re not there?”
His smile dropped immediately. “Wait, what? That’s you? Not Hyuck?”
“The food thief is me but the one stealing your sheet masks is Hyuck,” you admitted.
“He steals my masks?! The ones I buy are expensive as fuck!” Jeno exclaimed, betrayal seeping into his features. His hands fell to his side and his eyes turned distant. “I can’t believe he’s been gaslighting me into thinking I do an extra round of skin care when I’m drunk.”
You giggled and pushed the shopping cart forward once the person in front of you was done. Placing the contents one by one on the billing counter for the cashier to scan, you revealed, “Hyuck saw me raiding your pantry when you were at the gym. He used that as leverage against me for weeks before I saw him stealing your sheet masks and was able to finally strike a deal—he turns a blind eye to my robberies and I turn a blind eye to his.”
“Why’d you team up with him?” Jeno pouted. “I thought we were best friends.”
You laughed incredulously. “Seriously? That’s what you’re focusing on? Not the part where Hyuck and I used your stuff without asking?”
“Well, yeah, I’m pissed you used my shit. But I guess I’m just a little more bothered that you guys teamed up,” Jeno said and shrugged, fetching his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. “Because, you know, it has always been our thing.”
You raised an eyebrow, slightly amused by how he was beating around the bush. “Are you saying you wanna team up with me to get back at Hyuck?”
Jeno grinned. “I’m gonna screw over that motherfucker so bad. You get off the hook, though, because you’re cute and I need your help.”
“You’re impossible.” You huffed and shook your head. Taking the bag of groceries, you said to him, “Text me my share and I’ll Venmo the money to you.”
“You could buy me an ice-cream instead.”
“No,” you denied immediately. “We’re not wasting time on ice-cream. Massage and then straight home so I can pick up my study material and we can leave for the library.”
Thankfully, Jeno didn’t protest. He drove you to your apartment complex and waited for you while you packed your bag. Then, the two of you were off to the massage place.
An hour later, you were done and forced to admit that the massage had indeed helped you. It felt like all the stress had left your body. Thinking about the final didn’t make you want to cry anymore and things were actually looking up now that you were rested.
You were able to retain the knowledge better and it was easier to understand the concepts. Jeno quizzed you and provided you with an endless supply of coffee throughout the night.
Right before lunch the next day, however, the panic resurfaced as you were revising your syllabus for the last time before your final at 3. You couldn’t seem to remember anything you had studied the previous night.
You could feel another breakdown coming, but before you could hyperventilate, Jeno had scooped you up in his arms.
You hadn’t even realised when he’d come back from picking up your food. One minute, you were trying to control your breath and the next, your face was buried in his hard chest.
You held onto his shirt as his hands rubbed soothing circles on your back and he rocked you from side to side.
“Shh, don’t cry,” he mumbled and kissed the top of your head. “You’re gonna ace the final like you always do. You were able to answer all the quiz questions so remember that you are prepared. The pre-exam anxiety is just clouding your thoughts. Everything’s gonna come back to you when you sit down to write, alright?”
Nodding, you clenched your eyes shut and bit down on your lip to keep a sob from escaping. Jeno’s presence kept acting like a tether for you. It always had.
Maybe he was right about the final. Maybe he wasn’t. But at that moment, engulfed in his warm, safe embrace, it felt like everything was going to be okay.
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ashturnedtomist · 9 months
Redacted HCs 4
• Elliot can sing and play the guitar
• Blake is a really bad driver and so is Bestie
• A lot of D.A.M.N students have a crush on Lasko’s listener LMAO
• He’s secretly jealous, but he gets all flustered when he tries to talk to them about it (and it’s not like they can anything about it 😭)
• I am one of many firm believers that Huxley had a crush on FL when they first met
• In his last audio, Cutie was terrified that Geordi would break up with them, yes, for all the normal reasons, but then it would also mean that his memory would have to be completely wiped of them
• Geordi loves Mitski and his favorite album is Be the Cowboy followed by Bury Me at Makeout Creek (bc wdym that Geordi doesn’t listen to Francis Forever when he misses Cutie???) (they are so extremely Mitski coded it’s not even funny)
• David has angel wings tattooed somewhere on his body. Part of me wants to say he has big huge ones on his back, but the other part of me says it’s probably small and like somewhere on his bicep or his hip bone or something (this brought up the thought of him with a tramp stamp LMAO)
• side note: if Gavin were to get a tattoo, it probably would be a tramp stamp 💀
• Lasko is left handed and his handwriting is super messy
• Hush has really long dark hair and really dark eyes
• When looking at Brachium, your eyes can’t seem to focus on him. Almost like he’s not even really there
• Avior really likes chocolate
• A lot of older pack members had a crush on Gabe LMAO
• Milo, Sam, and Darlin’ are terrified of clowns
• Asher and Sweetheart love them
• Asher was addicted to Vine and now he’s addicted to Tiktok
• Honey wears really cutsie clothes but has a HUGE rbf so their aesthetic is like super nice and cute, but their personality is so rough 💀
• Lasko has SUCH a weak stomach
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