#re: bee log
bilhert · 8 months
would be so funny if the cahills got revealed to the public tho. All these famous people, famous artists, world leaders, Athletes they would all eventually reveal themselves. Like most would try to hide it but they would be revealed eventually
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Somewhere only we know
Part 1
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Young Daryl Dixon x Reader (no apocalypse AU)
Read part 2 here
Synopsis- No outbreak and modern ish day AU (set in 2007-2010 era) Reader moves to the Georgia mountains, to live with her dad for her final year of school, as her mum is going travelling with her new husband. She meets a shy redneck boy with a tragic background, who immediately captures her heart.
Warnings - mentions of abuse, tragic upbringings, mentions of injury, feelings, friends to lovers, judgemental town people, readers dad is a sweetheart, reader has good relationships with both parents, but her mum is described as flakey and free spirited. My terrible writing as always (this is me practicing 🤣) slow burn, no outbreak, not cannon at all obviously, love confessions, reader sticking up for Daryl, both reader and Daryl being protective, smut in later chapters but not this one.
Let me know if I’ve forgotten anything
Word count - 3.8K
It was the start of fall, leaves were beginning to change and a cooler breeze was starting to hit the small town you were now going to call home. Green valley resided in the mountains of northern Georgia, population 680 people. It was where your Dad had bought a mountain cabin, just outside of town with a 100 acre orchard. He had purchased the property just over a year ago, in hopes of a slower life. He sold his Californian condo, and made the lengthy move to Georgia.
Your parents divorced when you were 12 years old, it had been a long and lengthy process, and they hadn’t left on the best of terms. Your mum took sole custody of you, but you stayed holidays and the summer period with your dad. Even so you had a great relationship with both your parents, growing up had been pretty uneventful, though your mum was somewhat of a free spirit. Now you were 18 years old, in your final year of high school and full of life. You’d inherited the free spirit of your mother, but the hard working mind of your dad.
Your mum had moved on with her life re marrying a lovely man called Ari, he was also very much a free spirit, and they’d planned a two year travelling trip together. This is what had lead you to leave your shared home in Arizona, and move in with your dad at his new mountain home. You had a good feeling about this move, maybe small town life would suit you? Would it be quieter life or an adventure? You didn’t know, but you were excited to find out.
Perched on the passenger seat of your dads Chevy truck, you drove through the valleys and mountains in comfortable silence. Taking in the sights, the gorgeous autumn colours and breathing in the fresh air. You wound down the window letting your arm fall out, pushing your fingers through the wind.
“It’s good to have you home kiddo” your dad admitted, “It’s going to be nice having you with me again” he continues, nodding contently to himself.
“Yeah” you smile, “I’ve missed this, the two of us hanging out”. He turns to give you a genuine smile, it must be lonely being in the mountain lodge by himself, you decide. Pulling up outside the cabin you gasp “wow” you exclaimed, it’s much bigger and prettier than the pictures he sent you showed. A beautiful stone wrap around porch and neat log exterior, there’s a few planted trees out the front, and gas lamps adorning the entry way. It looked like something out of a fairytale, and you were incredibly excited to see the inside. Taking your phone out, you quickly snap a few photos to send your mum.
Your dad smiled at your childlike wonder as you admired the cabin. “I’m glad you like it honey bee, let’s get you all settled in”. The inside was just as lovely, large brick fireplace and open planned living downstairs, three large bedrooms with en-suites and a study upstairs. Your dad showed you to your room, then gave you space to unpack and settle in. Once unpacked and showered you came down to your dad serving dinner, “I don’t know if your hungry, but I made your favourite, at least I hope it’s still your favourite?” Your dad asks with a small laugh.
“It most certainly is! Thanks dad”
“Good” he nods.
“Ummm God, this is amazing” you groan happily. Your dad huffed a laugh, “I forgot how good your cooking is! Mum’s terrible, we end up with burnt dinner or takeout most nights” you laughed.
“Well I’m glad to get a proper home cooked meal into you then!”
“Soo I spoke to your new head teacher and the school is giving you this next week off, to you know settle in. Then you start a week Monday, so I thought you could spend some time this next week, getting to know the town and the area. We can go for lunch tomorrow in town if ya like?” Your dad explained.
“Yeah that all sounds great dad” you agreed.
One whole week to settle in, yeah that sounds ok you thought. Gives me time to maybe get to know some people too, get to know the route to school. You ate in comfortable silence, before helping your dad clean up and get an early night, it had been a long day and you were exhausted.
The next morning you woke to birds chirping and leaves rustling. Golden rays were casted through your window causing a warm glow, floating dust particles visible in the streaks of light. A soft breeze was filtering in through the small crack you left open last night, hoping to remove some of the evenings humidity. You determined right then that waking up like this in nature was wonderful, no cars honking or children screaming like the busy neighbourhood you lived in back in Arizona, just peace.
You spent the morning folding your clothes into draws, setting up your laptop and organising your desk space. Before getting ready for lunch out with your dad, you decided faded jeans and a band tee would work, it was exciting to get out and see your new local town, but a little overwhelming too. It was a big change from your life before, and an adjustment period would definitely be needed. Nonetheless it was nice to be spending some quality time with your dad.
“You ready to go kiddo?” You dad calls up the stairs.
“Yeah! Now coming” you yell back, bounding down the stairs.
Driving to town didn’t take long, you watched out the passenger window paying attention to the area and the amenities. The lakes, mountains and colourful leaves were so picturesque.
The town centre was small but well equipped. From what you could tell there were a few restaurants, at least three coffee shops, a hardware shop, a post office, a supermarket, a couple of convenience stores and a surgery. Not including the school and garage on the outskirts.
Pulling up outside a small timber clad diner your dad parks and grins at you, “Your gonna love this place! They have the best pie and great views of the lake” he stated. “Awesome!” You reply hopping out the truck.
Walking inside you take in the place, there’s large windows placed all along the back of the diner, looking out directly onto the lake, there’s warm lighting and the whole place has a very cozy feel. An older woman about 60-65 years old you guessed came bouncing over. “Well hi Allan it’s good to see you, this must be your beautiful daughter I’ve heard so much about?!!” She gushed
“Hey Susie how are you? You’d be right, this here’s my daughter y/n” your dad replied to the bubbly woman.
“Hey it’s nice to meet you” you added
“Isn’t she a sweetheart Allen, you must be so proud, you know y/n your dad here hasn’t shut up about you coming for weeks now” she sang, playful glint in her eyes. You smiled kindly back at her, feeling relatively embarrassed by the attention. “Well you choose a seat hunni, and I’ll be right over to take your orders” she continued before walking off.
“She seems friendly” you stated. Your dad lets out a laugh at your uncomfortableness, “Yeah, small town honeybee. Everyone knows everyone here and they all talk, a lot” he emphasises. “Hmm” you sigh this was something you’ll need to get used too.
You chose a seat with a view by the large windows, and as if reading your mind he hummed “You’ll get used to it.
After lunch you both walked through the town, while your dad stopped at the convenience store to collect some necessities, you busied yourself looking through the aisles, choosing some snacks for yourself. You could hear your dad chattering to the woman on the cashier, everyone in this town really did know everybody. When you looked up your eyes met a pair of bright blue, belonging a boy around your age with scruffy light brown hair, worn clothes and a couple of cute moles adorning his face. You smile at him, he offers a small smile back before looking away bashfully. “Hi, I’m y/n” you offer, “Daryl” he mumbles back.
“It’s nice to meet you Daryl, do you live around here?” You ask.
“Yeah umm not too far, jus down by da creak” he replies. You offer another warm smile, “I’ve just moved here with my dad, maybe I’ll see you round?” You add. Daryl nods looking at his feet, he seems incredibly shy you think.
“Y/n, you done?” Your dad calls, you follow his voice to the checkout and hand him the two candy bars you’ve chosen. “Just these please” you confirm. You look back to the other end of the shop seeing Daryl chatting with another guy, probably in his late 20s.
“I wouldn’t talk to that boy if I were you” the lady on the cashier interrupts your thoughts. You take the time to read her name tag ‘Wendy’ “Hmm” you reply “why not? He seems nice enough, awfully shy” you continue.
“They are the Dixon’s the taller one is the older brother Merle, he’s always causing trouble, in and out of jail. Their dad is a drunk, and lord knows he hits those boys. The older ones left home now but comes back frequently. Daryl’s in school still so he still lives with his dad. It’s only a matter of time before he starts behaving the same way, I’m sure of it” she rants in whispered hush. You frown, you don’t like that. He’s done nothing wrong yet, but already branded by the town because of his family. But before you can say anything your dad pipes up “Well we best be going, lots to do before this one starts school”. “Well good luck sugar just pay mind to what I said, you seem like a sweet girl, and this town talks” the cashier lady implores. You give a tight lipped smile before leaving with your dad.
The walk back to the car is deadly silent and you are stewing your inner monologue ‘how dare she’ and ‘if she knows he’s hitting the boys, why hasn’t anything been done?’. Your dad turns to you reading you like a book, “Hey I get it, you don’t like injustice I know that” he interrupts your thoughts, looking up at him you sigh “It just doesn’t seem fair”. “I know baby girl, if you want to befriend that boy, you do it. I know we raised you to be kinder than that, and hey you could use a friend” he replies. You smile at him “Yeah maybe I’ll see him at school” you nod agreeing with your dad.
Three days pass in a blur, you sign up to the local surgery and check all your medical details have been passed over correctly. You find the local library and spend most of Monday getting lost in books, you try a local cafe and enjoy drinking your coffee while walking around one of the lakes. You even chat to a few locals, getting to know the town better. But your mind keeps reeling back to the boy with the blue eyes, Daryl Dixon, you’d never met someone so painstakingly shy before, and your a bit shy yourself hating being the centre of any attention.
Wednesday comes around and you need to pop by the school to get your class schedule, your dad takes you so he can get any needed information too. Stood in the principles office, going over everything you’ll need, your mind wonders off. While your dads chatting up a storm, your gaze wonders out of the window.
You spot him sitting under a tree with a sketch pad or writing book in his hands, it’s too far away to really make out. But he’s sat all alone, while all the other kids hang out in their favoured groups, Daryl just sits by himself quietly. This boy has really intrigued you, does he not have any friends to sit with? Are the kids in this school as cruel as the narrow minded adults who roam this town.
“Excuse me miss” you interrupt, “Could I please have a wonder round? Get my bearings before Monday?” You ask politely. “Yes of course you can dear” she replies handing you a piece of paper “Here’s a map, so you don’t get lost, take half an hour or so, there’s a lot I need to go through with your dad here anyways” you explains. You nod thanking her before exiting the room, one mission in mind, finding your way over to Daryl.
Navigating the schools corridors wasn’t too difficult, and you found yourself by the back doors which lead the the playing field fairly quickly. You spotted the large tree smiling to yourself when you found he was still sat underneath its shady branches, lost in whatever he was doing. You slowly approached trying to not startle him, when your figure casts a shadow he looks up squinting from the suns rays, slight frown between his brows. “Hey” you hesitated, worrying now that you had overstepped. But once he realised who you were he visibly relaxed, “Hey yer the gurl from da store Saturday rite?” He questions, his southern drawl thick ‘and adorable you find’ “Yeah that’s me, do you mind if I sit?” You ask, he gestures for you to go ahead, so you ungracefully plop down next to him. “What year are you in if you don’t mind me asking?” You request, smiling at him slightly hoping to put the shy boy at ease.
“I’m in ma final year, tho this is ma second time tryin’ I’m nineteen. You?” He replies, he’s nervously fiddling with a small twig on the floor, cheeks tinged pink. “I’m in my final year too, I’m eighteen. I’ve just moved here from Arizona. I was living with my mum, but she and her new husband wanted to go travelling, so umm I came here to live with my dad for a while” you explain.
“So wat ur ma just made you leave?” He questions small frown returning.
“Oh no no, not at all” you reply crossing your arms in motion with your reply. “No I decided to live with my dad again, I’ve missed him and it’s quieter here, I was ready for the change” you continue. Daryl gives you a Quick look before nodding at your statement.
“You startin' here soon den?” Daryl mused, “Yeah I start Monday” you reply with a smile, your eyes meeting his blue. Daryl looks forward then his brows pinching together, “Well I wudnt be seen wiv me if ya hopin’ to fit in wiv everyone here” Daryl sighs. “I don’t care what anyone here thinks, and you shouldn’t have to feel like that Daryl” you affirm. He turns to you worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, you can tell he’s not used to this, kindness, and it breaks your heart. He makes a small grunt, before fiddling with the twig again. “Anyways I like you Daryl, I’ll look forward to seeing you again Monday” you smile, before getting up to head back towards the school to find your dad.
Daryl watches after you as you leave, face as red as a tomato. He’s never had someone actively seek him out before, and he doesn’t really know how to take it. But he likes you too, you seem sincere and kind, there’s not many like that in this town. He smiles thinking that maybe he himself is looking forward to Monday too.
It was Friday morning and by now you were becoming a little stir crazy, your dad was great he really was, but he was aloof at times. You think he was trying to give you some space, maybe you were just so used to your erratic mother constantly talking your ear off, and her demonstrative personality. Therefore making your dad seem rather quiet and distant, he checked in to make sure you had what you needed though, and he always spent meal times with you.
This morning he was tending his orchard, getting it ready for the autumn harvest, you knew he had hired some helpers to help him sort things, he’d said this may take most of the day, so you needed to find a way to entertain yourself.
After sipping your morning coffee peacefully on the porch, watching the trees rustle in the breeze, you decide maybe a hike in the forest would do you the world of good. So you pack up a bag of necessities, grab your hiking boots, a map and set off.
As you walk through the forest trails, the sun casts through the trees causing halos of soft glowing light, dew drops hang off branches and it’s all breathtakingly beautiful. You pause for a moment breathing in the forest air, and listening to the sounds of nature, until you hear a soft sniffle. You quietly pad yourself in the direction of the sound, it was definitely a person softly crying ‘what if someone’s hurt or lost’ you think. So you hastily make your way over, coming to a small clearing, where there’s a beautiful tiny meadow tiny flowers and fluffy dandelions fill the space. But there sat in the middle is Daryl, he has his head in his knees and his arms are hugging his legs.
You slowly walk over towards him treading as lightly as possible to not startle him, but he hears you instantly, his head snapping up in your direction. “Wat do yer want” he snaps, you recoil slightly, however you can see he’s hurting so you swallow it down and continue your way over. “I heard you from back there, I was out on a walk” you reply hesitantly. Daryl nods wiping his eyes with the back of his hands ferociously, you can see he hates to be seen in such a vulnerable moment.
You plonk yourself down next to him “Want to talk about it?” You ask. He debates this for a moment, he hates being open and vulnerable, but he can’t remember the last time he had anyone to talk too, Merle was never emotionally available, hell he was barely ever physically available these days. So he swallows down his pride “Ma dad was out last nigh drinkin, came in about three this mornin’ I woke up from his bangin, tried ta help him ta bed. He didn’t take it too well” he sniffled, Daryl looks at you then and you can’t help the small gasp when you see his eye, which was clearly hidden by his mop of hair before. It was black n blue and very swollen.
“Oh my goodness Daryl! One second I have a iced water bottle in my bag” you swallowed, you search through your back pack pulling out the bottle and the spare vest top you carry, wrapping the bottle in the fabric you place it over his eye as gently as you can muster. He still flinches, like you were going to hurt him and your heart shatters. “Here it will help with the swelling and bruising” you offer, and he lets you help him then, carefully watching you as you hold the iced bottle over his bad eye. He’d never had anyone look after him like this before, never been nobody who cared enough to help him. He finds himself leaning into you then, and you have to hide your smile by biting your bottom lip. You notice then his lips bust too, dried blood around it “Here hold this in place, I have some alcohol wipes in here for those cuts” you affirm, letting go of the bottle and searching you bag once more. Finding your small first aid kit you pull out the wipes, ripping the packet before shuffling closer to him again. “This may sting a little sorry” you sympathised, he lets out a small hiss as you gently place it on his lip, dabbing the alcohol into the cut and cleaning off the blood, before doing the same to the cut on his eyebrow.
“There all done, just keep that ice on your eye for a bit ok” you advise. “Ok” he agrees. You spend the rest of the day with him, chatting about everything, even if it was you doing most of the talking. You find out that the meadow is halfway between both your homes, he tells you more about his dad and how nothings ever been done because people don’t care about rednecks like them, Merle got away, got involved in drug deals and fights, left Daryl to deal with their abusive father on his own.
Daryl tells you how he spends most of his time in the forest when he’s not at school, to get away from his dad, but that his father barely notices when he’s gone. He hadn’t gone into school today after his dad beat him, he just ran here. You decide then you’d do your upmost to help him, there was just something about this boy, he captured your attention that first day in the shop, but just a few days in and he’s already stolen part of your heart.
By then time you arrived home early that evening, you had a unmissable smile on your face, your dad notices straight away “You enjoy your hike honey bee? Thanks for the note I’d have worried otherwise” he comments. “Yeah it was nice, I spent the day with Daryl, bumped into him on the trail” you smile. “Ah I see, I’m glad you’ve made a friend” he answers “You hungry? Dinners almost ready” “Yeah starving!” You declare.
Laying in bed later that night you pull out your phone, you’d exchanged numbers with Daryl earlier and couldn’t wait to message.
‘Hey, fancy a walk around the south lake tomorrow?
‘Yah sure, thnks fer today, 10am ok?’
You grin instantly at his reply,
‘Yeah perfect, meet you there? Or I can pick you up?’
‘Nah I’ll meet ya there’
‘Ok see you tomorrow, goodnight Daryl’
‘Nite y/n’
You were really looking forward to tomorrow now.
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polyhedralmice · 1 month
Is trying to make 10 1-page solo ttrpg games in the month of May an impossible goal? Possibly. Are my ideas going to go more and more off track as the month goes on? Definitely. Is having a plan at all even worth it? Who knows! But here it is:
The Wizard and the Wanderer
At the center of the maze, an enchanter hides his greatest treasure- his soul. He winds his way out of the maze leaving traps and monsters to protect it. Many years later, an adventurer comes across the maze and tries to make their way to what they assume must be priceless treasure.
Spellweaver Sidehustle
You play a recent graduate of magic school trying to pay off your student loans by taking freelance orders for custom spells.
High-Rise Tales
Use a d6 dice pool to create a tower floor by floor while narrating the goings on as it rises. Rolling a 1 removes the die from the pool and adds it to your physical dice stack- when it falls, the story is finished!
Dear Listener,
Your job as a radio DJ is to host a music show, but when a colleague has a 911 you have to fill in on their call-in advice show. Use your favorite playlist to generate callers and help them solve their problems.
Save the Bees! (and the bats, birds, butterflies, and other beneficial insects). Use a deck of cards and 5d6 to populate your garden with native plants to make your yard pollinator friendly. 6s explode as you propagate your garden!
A Finder of Lost Packages
Every unclaimed mail warehouse needs an employee who is just slightly psychic. Move across a grid of prompts to figure out how a package ended up here and if it's possible to get it where it’s supposed to be.
Lookout Station 8
The posting of new recruits as Lookouts is unheard of, but these are dire times. In this weird west game you do your best to send descriptions of incoming creatures back to base- but your inexperience and the unreliable radios means that the information doesn’t always get through. Best of luck, rookie.
How Cool is This Rock?
Go rockhounding and fill out your field journal with the cool rocks you find! Grain size, hardness, foliation, and color will help you figure out exactly what rock you have and how cool it is!
Stasis Failure
AWAKE. It’s too early. Must re-enter suspended animation. A push your luck game that pits a solo deep-space traveler against time- either repair the ship’s stasis pod or succumb to the dangers aboard.
The Mustelid Downs Races
As an employee at a crooked stoat-racing track you are under a lot of pressure to help fix the races. Keep an encrypted log of everything you do as insurance for the inevitable law enforcement raid.
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brightside-brigade · 2 months
Fuck it. Posting it before I log off to watch an RE stream.
So this is the base for my personal Plaga lore stuff. Like, an unmodified strain that would exist in the wild. At first I was worried this was all too far fetched but then I remembered... literally everything else about the RE series as a whole?? You're allowed to ask questions and stuff btw. I'll get to them as soon as I can. :3
Note: these guys standard form is highly based on most interpretations of infected Leon. So uh. Go look at those for a few minutes to get an idea. Good? Good. Lore under cut
So, to begin with, Plagas are hive dwelling organisms that are insectoid in nature, but also have some mammalian tendencies. Because of this, it's still debated what genus they fall under.
Similar to ants or bees, hives have a queen. Though she is not responsible for later generations being born within the hives, she is responsible for the hive progenitors. A queen will appear more insectoid than human, often forgoing the general human shape for something more akin to a large tarantula hawk or similar.
For plagas, dymporphism is a very clear thing. Males are larger and bulkier, and their tails end in stingers. They're the stronger ones, but are slower than females. Females are smaller and more lithe, and while their tails are stingerless, they're whip thin and just as capable of doing damage. While they're not as strong as the Males, they're far faster and more agile, nearly impossible to hit in a combat situation.
Pseudo males, a subset usually used as drones or informants have a mix of these features.
Both Males and females have venomous bites capable of a number of effects t depending on what's needed in the situation. This ranges from sedation, paralysis, or even death or internal liquidation. (Like how spiders eat). The plating along their tails can flip up, become a row of spikes for extra damage. Both also take part in hunting and scouting for the hive, and both have spurs on the backs of their legs.
Apart from the major differences between males and females, plaga appearances vary greatly between eachother. For example, the chitin on their bodies can range from a few patches here and there to full body armor. The chitin is usually red, orange, yellow or black, but other colors are possible. Other variations include eye color and number of eyes, wings, mandibles, wings, extra limbs, and so on.
Overall, like most animals, the plagas want to grow and expand their kind. Thus, they have many methods of spreading. This ranges from hive born eggs, eggs layed on or in other living creatures (like wasps do. This is generally how other hives start after the creature is let go to wander off. After the eggs hatch and the creature expires, a queen will usually be born from that particular batch). They also use the parasite method, also known as hijacker drones. These usually spawn from pseudo Males.
The eggs themselves, when in hive, are looked after by both Males and females alike, and are kept in chambers far from the surface. Eggs are round and translucent, being green or yellow in color and slightly bioluminescent. They adhere to both eachother and the walls/floor of the chambers and tended to until they hatch.
Eggs hatch into grubs, which are, well, grubs. They stay looking this until after their third or fourth molt, in which they'll start changing into the standard humanoid appearance. And thus it all begins again.
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444namesplus · 8 months
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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okflower999 · 8 months
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ day 8 ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
hello there,
i had to try really hard today. even keeping up with writing these logs is too much most days. so often i have fallen into depressive episodes and turned to substances to feel happy. i want to do better though. and i am.
today started with a list. it was simple and pretty and i got great pleasure from checking things off. i lingered on that proud feeling as much as i could. i completed the smaller and easier things like showering and taking out my recycling. i took care of myself. yay! it gave me the motivation to continue on to the more difficult tasks.
i did some organizing and yard work. i saw so many bees working hard as the season gets colder and the flowers have mostly died off. i re-potted some herbs to keep inside and cook with all winter long. i felt so accomplished since i had been putting this off. it seemed almost silly since i got so much joy out of it in the end.
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p.s. listen to change by big thief
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ okflower999 ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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askelectrochromic · 1 year
what is the Krikani language like? i like the description of Cheloan glyphs as analogous to Hanzi or Kanji (being able to identify the ``spicy'' character) but id love to know about the Krikani writing system
(im not expecting you to write a whole conlang of course but was curious if you had a general shape or feeling to it in mind) ^^;
SableGear0: You know, I haven't actually given it much thought yet. I probably should, though. My first impulse was to say "they don't have a written language" (for reasons I will discuss in a moment) but that seems impossible; they're a sapient species capable of space-travel and manage huge military systems, they probably have writing since not all communication can be person-to-person. So, organic rambling solution-finding and some links and images under the cut.
Generally I conceptualize Kriken as a (semi-)eusocial hive organism that are passively psionic, to keep in touch with the greater hive. How much direct communication happens psionically I'm still not sure; whether it can be used "conversationally," or if it's merely a "vibe" they share with local Kriken that's strong enough to pick up on the "vibe" from the core colony sometimes. The fact that they have a spoken language probably means its closer to the latter.
If the psionic communication is powerful enough, then maybe they wouldn't need to write? But then how would you do something like label the controls on a starship or make maps? You might have to devote someone to memorizing what all the labels would be and then telepathically ask them what you're looking at. Which isn't totally unreasonable, if we consider them highly specialized hive organisms. Maybe they do have "librarians" that keep this stuff in their minds and can be asked/accessed on a whim. This would be an extremely alien way of keeping track of information. While I kind of like it, it seems maybe a bit too weird for the Metroid series as we know it. Arguably, Metroid has kept its aliens fairly (socially) tame, giving us a lot of written logs throughout the Prime series. Though the ones we've gotten the most lore on are Pirates and Chozo, which aren't great benchmarks since they were respectively "the bad guys" and "the good guys (mostly)."
Being insectoid, Kriken might also communicate via pheromones? But pheromones and what/how Kriken eat have been stumping me because... well, their heads aren't really attached.
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Trace has no neck. And while in some renders it looks like that tiny teardrop of a head is resting on the body, the in-game model and wireframe show pretty clearly they do not touch. Hence why I go with psionic; their heads float for spooky psionic reasons. This also means that while their heads may be a sensory center (headshots still work in Hunters), I doubt it's where they stick food when (if?) they eat, so it being a chemosensor feels a little unlikely, but I digress.
Anyway back to written language. I suppose I have to ask myself, what would a written language look like if it was invented by ants? Or bees? Ants is a tough one mainly because I don't actually know much about ant organization. My impression is that they build and tunnel fairly organically, just wherever is easiest to go and/or smells like it has the most food. When I think about bees, though, I think about bee dances, and how that might be adapted into a written language; a system abstracting the orientation and movement of the body into markings that can be re-read at any time so that worker doesn't have to bust down and dance it out every time she wants to relay some information to someone new.
And thinking about that, I think about Phyrexian. This conlang shows up in the Magic the Gathering universe, and knowing what I know about Phyrexians (an all-consuming hivemind-like culture that take creatures and turn them into half-mechanical abominations to serve their own purposes), it seems like a decent fit.
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The shape of these is really what I was going for but the cultural implications match up too. I was thinking of the cross-strokes being similar to the directional facing if you were to write down a bee dance, the extra marks indicating other movements like stops or the frequency of a waggle.
It also looks like something a bug might make if you dipped it in ink and let it walk around on a paper, so that's neat. Scratching marks like these out would be fairly quick and easy for a Kriken, since they only appear to have a crab-like manipulator and a single combat claw, and I've stuck with that design choice in describing them because it's more interesting than "oh and they have normal hands too".
So there's your answer, I guess. Written Krikani probably looks kind of like Phyrexian; branching strokes off a central line that stem from an ancestral system of gestural communication (and I like the verticality so I'll probably keep that too). Simple, efficient, and easy to replicate.
Thanks for the ask! This was a bit of a brain-teaser.
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citrusdevilll · 2 years
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my pronouns in alphabetical order !
ve/verse/verses/verself or verseself
warm/warmth/warms/warmself or warmthself
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whatireading · 1 year
Books Read 2022
Finally got around to logging in from the computer to post this.
From Sea to Sea by Nila Banton Smith
Seafire by Natalie C. Parker
Steel Tide by Natalie C. Parker
Stormbreak by Natalie C. Parker
You May Already Be A Winner by Ann Dee Ellis
Boy 21 by Matthew Quick
The War of the Worlds by HG Wells
Like the Willow Tree by Lois Lowry
The Gospel According to Larry by Janet Tashjian
The Eyes of the Amaryllis by Natalie Babbit
Island: Book One: Shipwreck by Gordon Korman
Island: Book Two: Survival by Gordon Korman
The Sea House by Elizabeth Gifford
The German Girl by Armando Lucas Correa
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lighthouse Mermaid by Kathleen Karr
The Elephant Girl by Ellen Banda-Aaku, Sophia Krevoy, and James Patterson
The Bee-Loud Glade by Steve Himmer
The Closest I've Come by Fred Aceves
The Nurse's Secret by Amanda Skenandore
The Pirate Queen by Barbara Sjoholm
Seaward Bound by Lea Wait
The Deserted Yacht by Ann Wirt
A Salty Piece of Land by Jimmy Buffett
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice
The Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler
Leia Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Basic Stats:
29 novels/novellas, 1 book of short stories, 1 non-fiction
Re-reads: 5 (one I didn't realize it until half-way through)
Book I would most recommend: probably The Bee-Loud Glade, but it would depend on who the recommendation is for. I really just love the premise of that one.
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I posted 5,793 times in 2022
That's 1,350 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (2%)
5,706 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 151 of my posts in 2022
#shut up maxim - 63 posts
#ask game - 31 posts
#oc timur - 14 posts
#crow! - 7 posts
#smokey😻 - 7 posts
#bee 🐝 - 6 posts
#<< previous tag - 6 posts
#nice anon - 5 posts
#decoder! - 5 posts
#anon ask - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
#i knew this was gonna happen when that dude found the unmasked ghost game file
My Top Posts in 2022:
God, he's such a slut and don't get me started on his outfit
7 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Timur and Kravchenko Werewolf AU
A broken window, blood all over the floor and bloodied footprints leading to the kitchen, that's what Kravchenko saw as he carefully followed them, gun in hand, ready to shoot down whoever dared to break into his home.
"stop right there!"- he yelled, pointing his gun at the furry humanoid figure that towered over him, coated in blood. "I swear to God- What did you do this time, Timur?!"
He placed his gun at the counter, watching as the creature lowered itself to look him in the eyes, giving him an apologetic look.
Kravchenko let out a sigh - "The puppy eyes won't work this time, you're cleaning this once you shift back"
Ok I'm not doing only three sentences- I hope you don't mind E, I got carried away
8 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
I mean, your current favorite character XD
Oh- I'm getting old sorry
Definitely @hauerr77-and-a-dream 's OC Zasha
I love them so much, their story is so interesting and I def wanna see more about it (but I'm kinda lazy rip)
And if that doesn't count, probably Perseus or Stitch
9 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Me waiting for discord to let me log in so I can talk with the loves of my life
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11 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Zasha & Timur - coffee shop AU
"For the love of God! Just give them your number already" - Kapano practically begged - "you two are flirting for MONTHS, stop being a pussy!". Timur sigh, he's been at it all day long. First of all they were not flirting, they were just friends, Timur admired how hard Zasha worked to raise their niece on their own. As he opens his mouth to give his friend a snarky response the door bell echoes through the empty coffee shop.
"Welcome to Perseus, make yourself at home" - he turned around to see who it was ans sure enough, it was them - "Hello Timur! I'll have the usual, please" - they said, sitting down and resting their head on the counter, they looked exhausted. Their hair was messy and they had deep, dark circles around their eyes, Timur felt bad for them so he decided to do something nice.
He placed the coffee on the counter besides them, along with a croissant and a cupcake- "this one is on the house and no, I won't hear it. The cupcakes is for the little one" - Zasha tried to protest but Timur just wouldn't budge, he started getting ready to close as Zasha finished their coffee.
".....So, would you like to uh- hang out sometime?"
He smiled - "I would love too"
Brooooo, I re-wrote that five times but I'm happy with the outcome
12 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bilhert · 8 months
isn't the 39 clues just a mafia au of reality
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minecraft mods download list 1.8 100% working 5ZA+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Minecraft mods change default game functionality or adds completely new game modes and mechanics. Download and install mods from talented developers. Minecraft Mods · Biome Wand · Elite Armageddon · Custom Selection Box · Text Formatting · Igneous Additions · Ore Seeds · TNT Igniter · Medieval Mobs. Minecraft Mods · Transportation Mod for Minecraft · Robobo's Shaders Mod for Minecraft · Mob Talker 2 Mod for Minecraft · Gravity Gun Mod. Fabric Mod List. This page contains a list of the current Minecraft Fabric mods. CombatEdit, combat style mod for modern versions, 3,, 9 This page contains a list of the current Minecraft Fabric mods. To search for mods by name, category, or download count, visit the website, fibermc. Note: You can view a mod's source files by following the "Source" link on its CurseForge page, assuming that the mod's creator has made such files public. Can you add something where you can register your last visit like making an account that can track when you visit to the site and when you come back, there is a list of the mods that have been added to the list since you were gone or something similar. You might have to add a pop up that says to stop blocking trackers if you are on Brave for example if that is a problem dk if it would be tho. Sorry, something went wrong. Beedgehog This is doable. I think I can even do it in a way that is entirely local, so no accounts or privacy disclaimers are needed. I'll add this to the to-do, but no ETA for the feature yet. I am a bit busy atm. John-Paul-R np! Yeah I would enjoy a list of almost all client side fabric mods, but that's not something you can easily automate. You can find the config files and the new modlist in the "updated" folder within the "Manypack" folder. I have a rewrite of the fibermc updater service in progress original version is no longer works. It was something that I'd started several months ago in August, maybe? In the past week, I've resumed work on it. Assuming that is approved, I hope to a have a working version of the mod list updater available shortly after. If that request for API access gets denied or ignored, I'll have to figure something else out,. Either way, I have a working script that pulls mods from Modrinth that I hope to integrate into this in the near future. You're correct. When the site is working properly, that is what happens. And this is what I am in the process of re-implementing. I believe it is because it is not in the fabric category, so it is not being pulled in automatically. This list is not currently updating. A little while back, CurseForge removed the Fabric mod category, instead you select Fabric as the modloader when uploading game versions. Skip to content. Sign in Sign up. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Last active Oct 2, Code Revisions Stars Forks 9. Embed What would you like to do? Embed Embed this gist in your website. Share Copy sharable link for this gist. Learn more about clone URLs. Download ZIP. A list of almost all mods for Fabric. There are currently mods in this list. Can make Paths and strip logs. Port of Additional Ender Blocks by cleverpanda Now for Fabric as well! How about 3D instead. All ores can be made into potions 2, 1. Inspired by TinkersConstruct and Tool Builder. It removes the level limit for combining Items , 1. By default, it will make 4 attempts after 3, 10, 30 and 60 seconds. Clientside only! Very configurable! A jar. A bee in a jar. Does not add physics gun made of berries. Reimagining of Better Sprinting built for Fabric and Forge. Can transfer items upwards and has many upgrades. Well, this fixes everything. Wither Skeletons spawn with swords with the Withering enchantment of a random level This can be disabled in the config. Now on Fabric , 1. Get upgradable buckets that store more fluid. A Minecraft Fabric mod to see items in big, duh 1, 1. Chimera abominations in a box! Run, Forrest, run! Fabric This mod turns your Minecraft world into cooking field! Sharpen your knives and get ready! Client-side and Fabric-only 2, 1. Highly inspired by Tinker's Construct's Slime Sling. It can decrease the difficulty of mining in 1. Store, carry, and use thousands of items from the palm of your hands! Except I actually tried to make it be balanced. Also put lava, milk, and potions in a cauldron! Now for Forge too! Plays another sound when someone says your name. Raises in game chat by 10 pixels to improve visibility of armour hunches 4, 1. Instead, breeding chickens produces eggs. Comes in 16 different colors! Get fashionable! No more instant craft! Crashma game LOL 1. Vanilla creepers get boring after a while 7, 1. They multiply drops from leaves and grasses and they pull mobs! A mod that adds some new, annoying curses to Minecraft. Completely configurable! Restored 1. An entry for FallFest , 1. Created for ModFest 1. Best used for diamond-based economies. Doors and portals that can teleport you anywhere. Envious, malevolent eyes looking at you from the eldritch Limbo dimension. Let's fix it! Prevents accidental dropping of items via various means. Makes you auto-jump while sprinting 1. With moderate foot protection. Like boats! Essentially a trash can. This mod knows recipes and tells you what you can craft. Great if you sell double chests of food to farmers, or sugar cane to librarians. This mod shows the current coordinates and the direction of the player. Change range from 16 to blocks and more! Enhance equipment at a risk! This mod allows Twitch chat voting integration! Well here you go! The mod can be enabled and disabled in the config. Why not make them randomly explode! Plus Vertical Slabs and stuff! Trident improvements, bugfixes, furnace minecart changes, note block enhancements, old lava, old logo, oh my! Right now, enables log coloring. Fabric only. For 1. This Mod adds some ores to the game that are related to the Fantasy World 1. This is a mod that gently expands upon farming and cooking in Minecraft. Well now you can! Configurable through tags! Inspired by Spartan Weaponry 17, 1. Manage your leashable entities! If you're multicoloured, that's cool too , 1. Grow flax to get string. Yeah, this fixes that. It also has a minimap and large map! Fabric version , 1. Fabric version 23, 1. Built for Fabric! Basically Gammabright but for Fabric. There is also a datapack version. Fabric The replacement for all your ugly duct tape. Wrap your blocks and gift them to your friends! Enables the use of the experimental bundles. Glow Squid mob and more! On-demand crawling. Climb and descend any kind of climbable block with ease! Now with configurable speeds! Make your travels more interesting. These tamable animals force nearby hostile mobs to despawn. I'm being framed! Blocks with customizable textures 1. Disable the "experimental world settings" warning screen 15, 1. Port of HolographicDisplays 1. But bigger. Up to blocks! It is also a fork of Waila. Yeah I don't know why either. A mod like InputFix! Crafting Station , 1. Also shows the attack indicator when the gizmo is active 23 1. A client-side mod provides more details in game! A Fabric backpack mod. Supports Forge and Fabric, 1. And few other features. Fabric clone of TrashSlot , 1. Server Side 7, 1. Let them eat spuds! It adds several filter items that let you precisely select which items to match. Never again! Request from BluKat. It adds more powers, power types, and origins. This mod also works for crossbows and both of them can be enabled and disabled in the config! You want them? They are yours, my friend. As long as you have enough balance. Yea', we've got that! They can also play custom tunes or magical ones found in treasure chests. Continuation of the FabricMagnet mod by TheRealpw0rd 1, 1. Chat, Hipchat via xmpp , Matrix and Steam. Paxels for Fabric, branded with a new name! Primitive vanilla-esque tech without electricity or magic. Generate and use power to automate your experience! Available for Fabric. Should you be clever enough, you could have a boon companion for your loot-hoarding adventures 4, 1. Very configurable. A modified version of the ICU mod with a Texturepack 3 1. Can also give quick views into what mods are in a modpack. Don't stress! Make a M. Make one type of copper the only type you can get. I added like 30 paintings for more variation. Compatible with any shader pack! Mario, Undertale And with multiple Features! Forge 1. Adds gamerules to specifically toggle creeper and ghast griefing 1. How is a rightful hit [under certain condition] doing no damage acceptable? A solution for players that are always adventuring. Makes it so that you take damage even while sneaking on magma blocks. Adds the other Crafting Table variants to the game! The zoom is yours! Not a mod by Vazkii. Adds Elementals to the Origins Mod. Increases Village spawn rate to make them spawn as giant biome filling metropolises instead of small villages. For fabric 1. Successor to Worse Barrels. Forge and Fabric compatible! Lets you pin text to your HUD! Also, push Block Entities! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more than one is available. Protect your pets from yourself and others! For Fabric! Fabric 1. Can you find them? An easy way to browse recipes. Also adds a new 6th villager level with new trades. I tried to make it all feel very vanilla 1. Fabric A lightweight mod to prevent strongholds from being torn up by underground caves, ravines, and structures. Adds little people that can help you on your Minecraft journey. Forge version also available 58, 1. Makes your server's chat simpler [Fabric] 42 1. Fabric and Forge both supported! See description for details. Can be found in village chests. Hammers and other utils for skyblock 1. Well here you go anyway! Why not? Player Bounty Hunters also gain stats based on progress 19, 1. Dual wield weapons 3, 1. A Fabric mod that sets the cooldown until the next music track to 0 3, 1. Love villages? Wonder why none settled underground in a sort of inhabited Stronghold? Well, you can stop wondering because now they do. Fabric 51 1. That's it, that's the mod. Inspired by ExtrabiomesXL. Since this mod will be focused on world exploration and of course birdwatching we will supply you with 3 different binoculars and a wonderful bird guide. A strange land of Mulch, Wood, and Nostalgia! On the guard of luminosity! Adds little rocks, sticks, pinecones, seashells and starfish to your world to make it feel more natural. Oh wait II Makes it so that various keybinds can be toggled instead of being held! With some changes from the original mod 1. And better! Adds 15 new rocks! Should work server-side-only! Again Discover the Universe. Powered by geckolib and architectury. Allow 1. Leash Villagers Mod. Built for Fabric and Forge 18, 1. Have an overview of your surroundings, or view the entire world. Create waypoints. Wall jump, double jump, speed jump, fence jump, etc. Shows you as a random entity in your inventory 1. Adds a command to figure out who owns a pet. Hides the obstructive fire overlay when it's not needed 1. Also adds a gamerule: 'allowBlueWitherSkulls'. Mainly meant to ease the process of getting wood for Merlings in the Origins mod made by Apace A must have tool for all map-makers, pack-makers or developers. A fork of Hwyla which is a fork of Waila. Lets you create waypoints which help you find the locations marked by you. Can work together with Xaero's Minimap. Fabric mod 68 1. Fabric API's required. Simple mod adding few gamerules controlling taking damage by player 1. You have to breathe underwater. This is my magnum Opus. Load earlier comments Copy link. Hope this makes sense as it isn't making much sense to me lol. Thanks for the suggestion! Client-side mod! From this list alone I have well over clientside mods. Already did! Made a downloadable pack on Google Drive. Give me a second to get the link. Great list, but it hasn't been updated in a month. New Minecraft 1. If that request for API access gets denied or ignored, I'll have to figure something else out, Either way, I have a working script that pulls mods from Modrinth that I hope to integrate into this in the near future. Oh, sounds great, hope you get your API key soon. Yes I saw, great list :D. I believe it is because it is not in the fabric category, so it is not being pulled in automatically That's true, but somehow I don't find this category :-O. PandaCrossing is in the fibermc list fwiw. PandaCrossing is in the fibermc list fwiw Many thanks You too. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Accessibility Plus Extended. Accessible Developer Blocks. Accurate Block Placement. Accurate Nether Portals. AC Hay bales. Actually Unbreaking [Fabric]. Adaptive Brightness. Added Origins. Addendum Fabric. Advanced Bow System. Advanced Compass. Advanced NBT Tooltips. Advanced XRay Fabric Edition. A simple but advanced XRay mod that allows you to find all of your most loved blocks. Advancements Debug. Advancements Enlarger. Aerial Affinity Fabric. AFK Attack [Fabric]. AFKTape Clientside. Age of Exile. Alaska Native Craft. All Dimension Height Increase. All Ores are Potions! Alloy Forgery. Alloys - Fabric. All Stackable. A highly customizable Fabric Mod that makes items stackable and allows you to change the stack size of them. All Stone to Tools. All The Blocks You Want. All The Creepers. All The Mods Fabric Helper. All Wools To String. Altcraft Tools. Adds tool handles to modify base tool properties. Always Drop Loot Fabric. Amecs Fabric. Amethyst Mod Fabric. Amethyst Mod for Fabric. Amogus Imposter. Ancient Gateways. Angerable Patch. Animal Feeding Trough. Anti Auto Jump. Anti Mob Cheese. Antique Atlas. Anvil Crushing Recipes. Anvil Fix. Anvil Format. Anvil Recipe. Anvil Repair. AOF:Skyblock Custom. Apocryphal Mod. Apple Grind. Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals. Aqua Ore. Arcadia Mod. Arcana Flavor [Fabric]. Architectury API Fabric. Armor Disguise. Armored Elytra. Shows the chestplate and elytra at the same when using the Armored Elytra datapack by Vanilla Tweaks. Armor Hotswap. Armor Stand Editor. Armor Stand Utils. Armor Visibility. Armour Toughness Bar [Fabric]. Ars Theurgia. A Fabric mod that adds all kinds of ancient magic, with many paths you can take and choose along the way. Articles of Temerant. Artifacts Fabric. Art of Alchemy. Art of Alchemy: Memoriam. Asbestos Removal. Ash Clay. Ash to Ash. Assembly Fabric. Asset Validator. Astromine: Core No Longer Used. The API module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding our APIs and libraries. Astromine: Discoveries No Longer Used. The exploration content module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding ores, tools, planets and space. Astromine Fabric. Astromine: Foundations No Longer Used. The basic content module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding ores, tools and materials. Astromine: Technologies No Longer Used. The technologic content module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding machines, power tools and fun toys. Astromine: Transportations No Longer Used. The transport content module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding conveyor belts, pipes and cables. Attach leads to logs. Attack On Titan for Fabric. AttackSpeedPlus [Fabric]. Audio Output. Augmented Autojump. Auth Me. Auto Attack Fabric. Auto Backup. Auto Clicker Fabric. Autocomplete Command Blacklist. Small library that will load external textures and auto generate item, block and sound json files. Automated Crafting. Automatic Path. Autopilot - Fabric. This mod will automatically try to reconnect you back to a server if you got disconnected. AutoSwitch [Fabric]. Auto Third Person. Automatically put yourself in third-person mode when you perform certain actions. Auto Torch AutoTorch. Axes Are Weapons. AzureDooms Angel Ring [Fabric]. AzureDooms Jar Jar [Fabric]. B0N's Space Race Mod. Bad Anvil. Bagels Baking. Bag of Feathers. Bamboo Everything Fabric. Bamboo Expanded. Bamboo Ladders Fabric. Bamboo Tweaks: Fabric. Banned Origins. Banner Capes. Basic AIOTs. Basic Anti X-ray Fabric. BattleMod: Fabric [Discontinued]. Beach Slimes Fabric. Beacon apples. Beacon Overhaul. Beacons For All Fabric. Bedrock Breaking. A Fabric mod for Minecraft that allows you to break bedrock, and optionally adds a bedrock pickaxe. Bedrock Destroyer. BedrockIfy - Bedrock Features on Java! Bedspreads Fabric. Bed Stability [Fabric]. Bee Angry-est. Bee Better. Bee Buddies. Bee Fixed [Temporarily Abandoned]. Bee-in-a-Jar: Fabric [Discontinued]. Bee Productive. Bee Resourceful. Beholder's Bookshelves. Beholder's Variations Fabric. Belly Button Fabric. Berry's Mod. Better Barrels. Better Beacon. Better Bedrock Generator [Fabric]. Better Beds. Better Biome Blend. Better Biome Blend is a Client-Side mod that improves the vanilla biome color blending algorithm. Better Christmas Chests. Better Compass Fabric. Better Controls. New ways to control sprinting, sneaking, and flying. Better Diamond Fabric. Better Dispensers. Better Dropped Items. Better Eating Mod. Better Enchanted Books Fabric. Better End Sky. Better F1. Better Graves. Better Impaling. Better Ladders. Better Local Server. Better minecart rotation Fabric. Better Mod Button. Better Mount HUD. Better Narrator. Better Op. Better Pick Block. Better Ping Display [Fabric]. Better Recipe Book. Better Respawn Fabric. Better Slabs. Better Sodium Video Settings Button. Better Stones. Better Than Mending. Better Third Person. Better Together. Better Utilities. Better Wandering Traders. A mod that replaces trades currently offered by the Wandering Trader with more useful and interesting trades. Better Weather[Fabric]. Better Withered Mobs. Better World Border. Better World List. Big Beacons. Big Buckets: Fabric Edition. Big Extras [Fabric]. Big Items, duh! BiomeInfo Fabric. Biome Locator. Biome Makeover. Biome Picker. Biomes Les Naturels. Bits And Chisels. Black Ether Mod. Black Hole. Black Powder. Blackstone Tools. Bladeborn Origin. Blade Fabric. Blame Fabric. Blast Processing. Blastproof Netherite [Fabric]. Blast Rod. Blinking Skin Port. Blip Block. Block Meter. Block of Charcoal Fabric. Block Physics. Block Quantity Scanner. Block Relocation. Blockshifter [Fabric]. Blood in the Water. Blorcart Economy. A mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft worlds and displays them in a web viewer. Blue Shiny Fire. Blur Fabric. Boat Item View. This mod adds frogs that you can craft, cook and eat, hamster armour and also decorative cobble wood blocks to the game. Bocatas sandwichs mod. Body Shuffle. Bon Appetit. Bonemeal Packets. Boosted Brightness. Borderless Mining. Boring Backgrounds. Boring Tweaks. Bosses of Mass Destruction. Boss Loot Tables. Botania Tweakers. Bouncy Life Fabric. This mod gives the player the ability to immerse it as slime. Bow Infinity Fix. Box of Placeholders. Brazier Fabric. Breadcrumbs Fabric. Break Progress. Bridging Metronome. Bright Ore. A client mod that makes ores light and bright. Broken Name Tags. Bruh Sound Effect. Brute Imitation. Bssentials - Essentials for Fabric. Bucket Hat. Buffer: Fabric [Discontinued]. BugBoy's Emerald Tools. Builders' blocks. Building Wands. Builtin Servers. A small mod that lets modpack makers set up built-in servers instead of shipping a preconfigured server. Bulky Shulkies. Bunch o' Trinkets. Bundled Items - Fabric. Bundles Plus. Bundle Unduplicator. Buzzing Tooltips. Cactus Leather. Caelus API Fabric. Cake Chomps Fabric. Calxcalibur's Emerald Armour. Cammie's Wearable Backpacks. Campfire Incense. Camp Fires Cook Mobs. Candle Backport Fabric. Canvas Renderer. Caracal Mod. Cardinal Components. Cardinal Energy. Careful Break. Carpet Extra. Carpet RedCraft Addons. Carpet TIS Addition. Carpet Weird Addons. Cart Boosts. Carved Melons. Carve My Pumpkin. Catch Me If You Can! Cauldron Brewing. Cauldron Concrete. Cauldron Overhaul. Cauldron Riptide. Cave Biomes. Caves And Cliffs Additions. Cave Update Fabric. CC: Restitched. CC:T for Fabric. CC: Tweaked for Fabric Discontinued. Centered inventory. Chain Suspension. Chaos Mod. Chat Bomb. Chat Bubbles. ChatCalc Fabric and Forge. Chat Heads. Chat History. Chat Sound. Chat Sounds. Chat Timestamps. Chat Up! Cheap Blocks. Cheems Mod. Cherished Worlds Fabric. Chest Building Blocks. Chest Cavity. Chest Cavity: Special Organs. Chest Latch Fixer. ChestShop for Fabric. Chest Tracker. Chicken Feathers. Chicken Nerf. Chime Fabric. Chorus Links. Christmas Spirit: Rewoven. Chromatic Blocks. Chunk Activator Fabric. Chunk In A Globe. Chunky Pregenerator Fabric. Classical Art - Fabric. Classic Beaches [Fabric]. Classy Creepers Fabric. Clay Bucket. Clay Recipe. CleanView Fabric. Clear Despawn Fabric. Clear Hitboxes. Clear Skies. Client Coordinates Master. Client Side Noteblocks. Client Weather Time Changer. Climatic World Type. Climb Ladders Fast. Clojure Lib. Cloth API Fabric. Clothesline Fabric. Cloudy Enderain. Coal Nugget. Cobblefish Mod. Cobblestone Crafting Table. Coloration Mod. Colored Crafting Stations. Colored Flames. Colored Slime Blocks. Colored Tooltips Fabric. Colorful Campfire Smoke. Colorful Columns. Colorful Cut. Colorful Masonry. Color Me Outlines. Color Unchained. Color Unchained is a simple mod which allows you to use Minecraft color formatting in different text areas around the game. Colytra Fabric. Comforts Fabric. Adds sleeping bags and hammocks for, respectively, portability and turning day to night, without setting new spawns. Command Alias Creator. Command Aliases Fabric. Command Block IDE. Command Blocks Survival. Command Creative Tab. Command GUI Buttons. Command Logger. Command Macros. Compact Portals. Compact Status Effects. Compact TNT. Companion bats. Compass Manhunt. Compass Ribbon. Complete Bone Meal. Composable Automation Fabric. Compostable Rotten Flesh Fabric. Compost Recipes. Compressed Blocks for Fabric. Compressed coal Fabric. Compressium - Fabric. Concrete Plus[Fabric]. Configurable Spawners. Configured Keep Inventory. Connected Block Textures. ConnectedTexturesMod for Fabric. Connectible Chains. Console Experience Fabric. Content Creator Integration. Do practically anything you want when a stream event happens. Context-Specific Immunity. Continue Button. Controlling for Fabric. Convenient mobGriefing. Convenient Things retired. Cookie Core Fabric. CookiesPlus Fabric. Coordinate Mod. A simple client-side mod that helps you remember specific coordinates, and helps you find the corresponding coordinates in other dimensions. Corail Woodcutter Companion for Fabric. Cosmetic Armor Slots. Cotton Client Commands. Cotton Resources. Cotton Scripting API. Cotton Scripting: Python 2. Craft 6 stairs not 4. Craftable Command Blocks Fabric. Craftable Horse Items Fabric. Craft-able nether star. Craftable Utilities. Craft Better. Craft Hacks. CraftingPad Fabric. Crafting Station but it's Fabric. Craft Takes Time. Crafty Crashes. Crawl Fabric. Crazy Creepers. Creative Command Items. Creative Keybind. Creative One-Punch. Creeper AI Updated. Gives creepers the abitlity of see trough walls, spawn powered and explode if they cant reach you, destroying obstacles and walls. Creeper Confetti Fabric port. Creeper Habitats. Creepers Burn. Creeper Spores For Fabric. Adds a dangerous new biome with a system of magic device crafting from infused gems linked to it. Crimson Moon. Critical Flight Details. Critical Orientation. Minecraft Fabric mod which helps to place ice boats by snapping orientation to cardinal directions. Crooked Crooks. Adds crooks for all the vanilla materials. Crumbs Fabric. Crusade is a Minecraft mod that adds many new medieval themed weapons and gear. Crushing Hammers. Crystalline Novelties. Crystal Modifiers Fabric. Harness the power of new naturally spawning crystals to apply potion effects to you and your enemies in a more strategy-oriented, quick, and reliable method. CSS Potted Plant. Ctrl Q. Cubi Fortunarum. Cull Leaves. Cull Particles Fabric. Cultivation Fabric. Curios API Fabric. Curious Armor Stands Fabric. Cursed Earth Fabric. Cursed Enchanting. Cursed Table. A one click installer for any CurseForge mod. Curse of Immutability. Curse of The Gambler. Custom Background Color. Custom Blocks Mod. Custom Cartesians. Custom Crosshair Mod. Custom Fog. Custom FoV Fabric. Allows disabling or customizing field of view changes from sprinting, potions, archery, or underwater. CustomGamerules API. Custom Item Range Combination. Customizable Elytra Fabric. Customizable Player Models Fabric. Custom Nausea Fabric Discontinued. Custom Piglin Bartering. Custom Portals. Custom Records. Custom Selection Box. Custom Skins. Custom Spawns [Fabric]. Custom Splash Screen. Custom Stars [Fabric]. Custom Void [Fabric]. Custom Window Title. Client-side mod to change window title including special tokens and window icon. CutScene API. Cyber Permissions. Dadobug's Biomes. Damage Overhaul. Damage Threshold DT. Damage Tilt. Damage Tint. Damaging Cactus Server Mod. Dance of Growth. Dangerous Stone Cutter [Fabric]. Dank Storage Fabric. Dark Dungeons Fabric. Dark Elevators. Dark Enchanting. Dark Loading Screen. Dark Rites Bewitchment Addon. Dark Utilities Fabric. Data Loader Fabric. Datapack Easy. Datapack Portals. Dawn API. Day Dream. Daylight Mobs. Daylight Mobs Reborn. Stops mobs from burning in the daylight This can be disabled in the config and allows hostile mobs to spawn during the day This is disabled by default and can be enabled in the config. Dazzle 2. Dead Totems. Death Bags for Fabric. Death Controls. Death Location Reborn. Death's Wish [Fabric]. Debug World Fix. Decimal Coins. Deep Dungeons. Deep Mob Learning: Refabricated. DefaultSettings Fabric. Delicious Dishes. Demesne for Fabric. Desire Paths For Fabric. Desolation Fabric. Dev World Fabric. Diagonal Panes. DiamondFire Essentials. Diamond Shards Fabric. A simple mod that allows diamonds to be broken down into 9 shards and diamond gear to be smelted to shards. Diggus Maximus. Dihydrogen Monoxide Reloaded. Mazes, puzzles and traps. Dimension Extras Gravity and Sky for Fabric. Dimension Mutability. Dimension Update Fixer. Unyeets the Nether and End when a world is loaded without a dimension or is upgraded between Minecraft versions with dimension mods installed. Ding [Fabric]. Dirt to Path. Disable Elytra Flight. Disable Portals. Disable Riptide. Disable Villagers. Discerning Furnace. Discontinuous Beacon Beams. Discord Fabric Whitelister. This mod adds a disenchanting table where you can extract enchantments to books using experience. Dispenser Configurator. Dispenser Flint and Steel Crash Fix. Dispenser Portal Fix. Fixes a bug where attempting to light a nether portal using a dispenser facing down crashes the game. Displacer [Fabric]. Doctor Who - Weeping Angels Fabric. Dogeon Mod. Doggo Mod. Changes the behavior of Minecraft dogs tamed wolves to allow them to have more of a personality. Don't Burn My Stuff. Don't Clear Chat History. Don't Drop It! Don't Starve Origins. Don't stub your toe! Door Knocker. Doors of Infinity. Doot in the Night. Double Jump Mod [Fabric]. Draylar's Battle Towers. Dream RNG. Drip Sounds Fabric. Drogtor the Nickinator. Drop Loot Always Fabric. DropperDucts Fabric. Dropper Predictor. Drop Spread. Drunk Fletchin' Table. Dual Riders. Dulce De Leche. Dungeons Mod Lite. Dungeons of Exile. Durability Banks. Durability Speed. Dusty World. Dwarf Coal Fabric. This mod add's single use coal forms from coal,charcoal,charcoal blocks, and dwarf torches small torches with low light. Dwarfen Legacy. Dynamic FPS. Dynamic Music. Dynamic Music Discs. Dynamic Sound Filters. Dynamic Tooling. A mod that extends 'nilla tools, adds ability to create new custom ones, as well as a few helpful machines. Earl Gray. Early-Game Buckets Fabric. Crafting stuff is only one mouse click away! Easier Enchanting. This is a client side Minecraft mod that allows one-click-trades with villagers. Easy feeding. Easy Lan. Easy Life. Easy Life - This is a Minecraft Fabric mod. Economical Villager Trading. Economy for Fabric. Edible Squid. Effect Enchants. Egg Of Capitalism. Eggs Plus. Egg Tab - Fabric. Einholzscher Tech Mod. Eldritch Mobs. Elemental Creepers: Refabricated. El Huevo Fabric. Elytra Auto Flight. Elytra Boosters. Elytra Hopping. Elytra Protection Fabric. Elytra Recipe. Elytra Swap. Elytra Trinket Fabric. Emerald Geodes. Emotecraft Fabric. Empty Tag Fix. Enchantable Horse Armor. Enchanted Book Redesign Fabric. Enchanted ToolTips. Enchanting Changes. Enchantment Lore. Enchant Popoff Fabric. Ender Box Fabric. Enderite Mod for Fabric. Endermen are Friends. Endless Oceans: Adventures refabricated. End Plus. End: Rebellion. Enhanced Attack Indicator. Enhanced Block Entities. Enhanced Buzzy Bees. Enhanced Mob Spawners. Enhanced Mushrooms Fabric. Enhancement Fabric. Entity Banners. A mod strongly inspired by Terraria, which adds entity specific banners that increase damage and defense against the entity for players nearby. Entity Outliner. Allows you to select entity types to outline, making them visible through obstructions at any distance. Entropy: Chaos Mod. Entropy is a Chaos Mod where random events happens every 30 seconds. EnvironmentZ: Ivory Plane. Epic E's. Eric's Retail. Erroring Entity Remover. Essential Commands. Essentially Emerald. Eternal Eats. Everything is a Hat. Excess Enchantments. Ex Nihilo Fabrico. Exotic Blocks. Exotic Matter Library. Expanded Armor Enchanting. Expanded Axe Enchanting. Expanded Concrete. Expanded Nether Ores. Expanded Origins. Expanded Trident Enchanting. This mod allows you to use Fire Aspect, Knockback, Looting, and all other sword enchantment types on a trident. Expanded Weapon Enchanting. Experience Container [XP]. Experience Point Bottler. Experience Remover. This mod removes experience and makes enchantment tables and anvils purely cosmetic. Exploding Blocks Fabric. Extended Dispensers. Extra Alchemy. Extra Anvils Fabric. Extra Armour Info. Extra Bows. Extra Discs. Extra Discs is a Fabric mod for Minecraft aiming to add more vanilla feeling music discs to the game. Extra Emoji. Extra Generators. Extra Inventory. Extra Origins. Extra Pieces. Extra Pieces Addon. Extra Player Models. Extra Records Core. Extra Shields Fabric. Extra Sponges. Extra Tags Fabric. Extra TNT. Extra Vanilla Crafts. Extreme Sound Muffler Fabric. Fabric API. Fabric Armor. A huge collection of vanilla tweaks and small features. Fabric Capes. Fabric Chunk Pregenerator. Fabric Console. Fabric Core Mods. Fabric Craftable Enchanted Golden Apple. Fabric-Discord Link. Fabric Drawer. Fabric Flux. Fabric for Fabric. Fabric Forwarding. Fabric Freecam. Fabric Furnaces. Fabric Language Groovy. Fabric Language Kotlin. Fabric Loot Crates. Fabric Musica. Fabric MyCraft. Fabric Old Obsidian. Fabric per player spawns. Fabric Pokeballs. Fabric Restart. Fabric Rotten2Leather. This is a Save State mod which allows you to save current game state and load the latest saved state in Minecraft with Fabric. Fabric Seasons. Fabric Shield Lib. Makes shields enchantable while also being a tool for modders to easily add in new shields and shield enchantments! Fabric TickRateChanger. Fabric Tree Chopper. Fabric Vertical Slabs. Fabric Waystones. Fabric Zero Discontinued. Fabrilous Updater. Fade In Chunks. FakeFPS Fabric. Fallfest Leaves. Falling Block Tweaks. Falling Leaves Fabric. Fancy Fountain Passage. FancyMenu [Fabric]. Fantasycraft [Fabric]. Farmable Shulkers. Farmer's Delight [Fabric]. Fabric port of the Farmer's Delight mod. Farsighted Mobs. FastBench for Fabric. Faster Minecarts. Fastest f in the west.
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suguwu · 4 months
Lovely Bee,
I just logged into Tumblr after not spending time on here for weeks, and the first thing that I saw was your post re art-themed Suguru ideas?!
You literally have no idea what those did to me. I am an art historian, so I immediately turned into a little puddle as soon as I read them.
They are so fun to think about, and Suguru is the perfect candidate for such an exploration. (And he is also my love, and I cannot think about him rationally, but that's a discussion for another day.)
I really loved reading through them! Thought they were super fun :)
welcome back! ah yes, art-themed suguru! he is so fun for it and i think he fits pretty well into varying roles for it! you're an art historian!!! that's so cool, but also i'm glad i didn't miss the mark on the art things with an art historian lmao. i'm so glad you enjoyed, thank you so much!!
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corpseprxnce · 5 months
CONTINUOUS Barry and Adam come to a stop. They exit the car, and fly over the crowd to their seats. * BARRY * (re: graduation ceremony) * Boy, quite a bit of pomp...under * the circumstances. * They land in their seats. BARRY (CONT’D) Well Adam, today we are men. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 5. ADAM We are. BARRY Bee-men. ADAM Amen! BARRY Hallelujah. Barry hits Adam’s forehead. Adam goes into the rapture. An announcement comes over the PA. ANNOUNCER (V.O) Students, faculty, distinguished bees...please welcome, Dean Buzzwell. ANGLE ON: DEAN BUZZWELL steps up to the podium. The podium has a sign that reads: “Welcome Graduating Class of:”, with train-station style flipping numbers after it. BUZZWELL Welcome New Hive City graduating class of... The numbers on the podium change to 9:15. BUZZWELL (CONT’D) ...9:15. (he clears his throat) And that concludes our graduation ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries. BARRY Are we going to pick our job today? ADAM I heard it’s just orientation. The rows of chairs change in transformer-like mechanical motion to Universal Studios type tour trams. Buzzwell walks off stage. BARRY (re: trams) Whoa, heads up! Here we go. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 6. SEQ. 125 - “FACTORY” FEMALE VOICE (V.O) Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. (in Spanish) Dejen las manos y antennas adentro del tram a todos tiempos. BARRY I wonder what it’s going to be like? ADAM A little scary. Barry shakes Adam. BARRY AND ADAM AAHHHH! The tram passes under SIGNS READING: “Honex: A Division of Honesco: A Part of the Hexagon Group.” TRUDY Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco, and a part of the Hexagon group. BARRY This is it! The Honex doors OPEN, revealing the factory. BARRY (CONT’D) Wow. TRUDY We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant pollen jocks bring the nectar to the hive where our top secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent adjusted and bubble contoured into this... Trudy GRABS a TEST TUBE OF HONEY from a technician. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 7. TRUDY (CONT’D) ...soothing, sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow, you all know as... EVERYONE ON THE TRAM (in unison) H-o-n-e-y. Trudy flips the flask into the crowd, and laughs as they all scramble for it. ANGLE ON: A GIRL BEE catching the honey. ADAM (sotto) That girl was hot. BARRY (sotto) She’s my cousin. ADAM She is? BARRY Yes, we’re all cousins. ADAM Right. You’re right. TRUDY At Honex, we also constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress testing a new helmet technology. ANGLE ON: A STUNT BEE in a HELMET getting hit with a NEWSPAPER, then a SHOE, then a FLYSWATTER. He gets up, and gives a “thumb’s up”. The graduate bees APPLAUD. ADAM (re: stunt bee) What do you think he makes? BARRY Not enough. TRUDY And here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 8. BARRY Wow, what does that do? TRUDY Catches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions. ANGLE ON: The Krelman machine. Bees with hand-shaped hats on, rotating around a wheel to catch drips of honey. Adam’s hand shoots up. ADAM Can anyone work on the Krelman? TRUDY Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones. But bees know that every small job, if it’s done well, means a lot. There are over 3000 different bee occupations. But choose carefully, because you’ll stay in the job that you pick for the rest of your life. The bees CHEER. ANGLE ON: Barry’s smile dropping slightly. BARRY The same job for the rest of your life? I didn’t know that. ADAM What’s the difference? TRUDY And you’ll be happy to know that bees as a species haven’t had one day off in 27 million years. BARRY So you’ll just work us to death? TRUDY (laughing) We’ll sure try. Everyone LAUGHS except Barry. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 9. The tram drops down a log-flume type steep drop. Cameras flash, as all the bees throw up their hands.
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ear-worthy · 7 months
6 Degrees Of Cats Podcast Launches Season Two: Witches, Whiskers & Whisky
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Did you know that 29 percent of all households in the U.S. owned at least one cat? That is a potentially large audience for a cat podcast. 
 I understand that if you are a "dog" person you may not care. Or if you're fascinated by coy ponds or parrots, a cat podcast may not catch your interest.
 On Halloween, cats occupy an important mythological significance for this holiday. It is particularly appropriate, then, that I offer you 6 Degrees of Cats. The podcast bills itself as "the world's #1 (and only) cat-themed culture, history and science podcast."
Thankfully, for listeners, the show lives up to its boast.
The podcast launched in Spring 2023 and has returned this Fall on October 31 with its season debut episode, "Witches, Whiskers and Whisky: Re-introducing the Original Cat Lady of Halloween!"
This episode showcases an impressive panel of expert guests, including Dr. Megan Goodwin, host of hit religion and history podcast “Keeping It 101”; culinary historian and author of “Endangered Eating” Sarah Lohman; and Kings County Distillery founder and writer Colin Spoelman. 
Listeners have described 6 Degrees of Cats as "educational, thought-provoking, meditative AND fun" and praise host Amanda B.'s hosting as "...not only informative but highly engaging and entertaining". Tink Media's Lauren Passell named “6 Degrees of Cat” as a "...well-written and researched cat show…” and host Amanda B. as “...spunky and and playful with audio."
In this second season,"6 Degrees of Cats" will offer listeners an international lineup of leading voices in fields such as animal welfare, music, history, religion, and even pizza. Notable guests this season include “My Cat From Hell” star Jackson Galaxy, global rock sensation Malina Moye, Islam scholar andHead on History podcast host Ali Olomi, and founding pizza czar Anthony Falco.
Throughout the nine-episode season, new episodes will be released biweekly on all major podcast platforms and YouTube. There is a companion newsletter, "The Captain’s Log," for exclusive bonus content and opportunities, and listeners can subscribe.
6 Degrees of Cats has a lot of things going for it as an ear-worthy podcast. First, it's not a "cat lady" podcast where cat lovers, mostly women, tell super-cute stories about their cat Mittens. The show looks at cats in history, mythology, and culture. For example, I loved the April 25th episode about Vikings and cats. Norse folklore expert Terry Gunnell will fascinate listeners with his tales of cats and the Viking culture. 
Second, the podcast has an infectious intro music "Josie & The Pussycats" beat, and the show manipulates sound with purpose and to great effect. I personally commend any podcast that fully uses its greatest asset -- sound. Third, the host, "Captain Kitty" aka Amanda B. is terrific. She's smart, funny, informative, and has endless energy. Amanda B is a Korean American transracial adoptee based in Brooklyn, New York. She was selected into a cohort of 10 out of 18,000 applicants to go through Spotify's first Sound Up podcast accelerator for women and non-binary podcasters of color in 2018. As a musician, she has supported international performing artist Peaches onstage for The Samantha Bee Show’s 2017 Not the White House Correspondents Dinner broadcast, and recently released a sophomore full-length album with her rock ‘n’ roll bandLeathered. Amanda B consults for clients including The Podcast Academy to produce and facilitate community and professional development programs, and volunteers forOkaySo, a free mental health app for young people.   
I am a self-confessed cat person. I have two cats, Moogie, an extroverted cream-colored barn cat, and Tinker Bell, a Calico who chips like a "tortie." They both listen with me and give it four paws up.
What I like most about 6 Degrees of Cats is its scholarly intentions toward cats, the hosting skill of Amanda B, and the catchy friskiness of its audio.
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Buy Correx Nuc Box Ireland
Our own re-designed one piece 5 frame correx nuc box.Mainly used as a transport box, but can also be used for catching / collecting swarms.The box is lightweight and reusable.sold flat-packed Single nuc boxes can be bought at out store however for online orders they are sold in packs of 5/20/50.Buy Correx Nuc Box Ireland
About Company-
Apis Bee Supplies was started in 2018 on the shores of Lough Derg in County Clare in the courtyard of a 200year old Georgian House. The first year was very positive and the continued support from customers and beekeeping associations all over Ireland have helped us grow to one of the leading suppliers of beekeeping equipment in the country. We are still running our business from that very same courtyard however, now there are 4 of us in the team which makes it a lovely atmosphere to all work together.
The beehves are handmade in that courtyard by Chris Jeuken. Chris, having grown up on a farm in the west of Ireland, was always exposed to the practical aspects of farm life. As a young school entrepreneur, he started designing and making built-to-order, garden sheds, and other timber products selling them through his local network and beyond.
His continuing interests in and experience with woodworking have led him to focus on designing and making beehives in recent years. He personally started beekeeping after having spent a month working on a beekeeping farm in Wexford in 2013.
Click Here For More Info-  https://www.apisbeesupplies.ie/
Address-  Glebe House, Tuamgraney, V94 X3WH Co. Clare
Social Media Profile Links-
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