agoatnamedscape · 11 months
Re:Intro Duece.
A human being blossoming with wisdom,
Imparted knowledge to help my kingdom.
Masquerades hide all 50 shades,
For even a star’s light can fade.
Our feelings can divert our attention,
Rarely they can align with Divine Intervention.
Tills overloaded with bloodstained bills,
Hills hide the gravity of love crazed kills.
Everyone comes together to rebuild.
Steadfast we remain in destiny.
Today and tomorrow consistently,
Although some days I’ll move differently.
Rectify those whom contradict their stand,
Save when I can’t, I write it out my friend.
special thanks to @blossominbeing for the inspo!
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writingforevren · 2 years
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WIP Intro (re:intro) - Rainclouds
Rain clouds, y'know those little thoughts that seem to pester you mind when you try to convince yourself that everything is fine? yeah that's what this story is about. LGBTQ+ students in a small town in britain dealing with that voice coming to life as a shadow in their minds. Bittersweet and full of twists and turns. Dark imagery meets slow-burn romance that's seemingly destined for failure. Shattered glass, shattered thoughts, but maybe there is a way to clear the rain, to let someone in. But what if letting them in is what leads to the bridge collapse?
{ The Basics }
Genre - Queer YA Fiction
Themes & Tropes - Dark Imagery, Sapphic, LGBTQ+ Characters, POC characters, ASD/ADHD characters, Mental disorder, Slow-burn, Romance, Bittersweet, Self-discovery, Dreamlike Descriptions, Found Family, Ghosts, Mystery, Isolation, and Tragedy.
Setting - Fictional town in the U.K, Modern Era.
Status - Drafting & Editing
Projected Word Count - 100,000
Point Of View - Third Person Limited (Two character POVs)
Content Warning - Contains Dark Topics such as self-harm, suicidal thoughts, violence, homophobia, bullying, mentions of rape, and abuse.
{ Story Description }
Sylvia Hawthorn is plagued by loneliness as she moves away from the big city and back to the town she grew up in. A little brick house full of secrets, some buried, and others begging to be revealed. Her only friend seems to be that of a ghost, a ghost whom she isn’t sure is real or if it was a conjuring of her vast imagination. A vast imagination that always seems to be going full speed ahead whether that is into the light or into the darkness. 
The Darkness forms itself to be a human, it looks like her but only houses those thoughts and nightmares that she locks away. She’s supposed to be the perfect daughter, her mum insists on it and will settle for no less. So maybe that’s why she tries her best to lock that darkness away for no one to find... until it starts to overflow, to overwhelm, and to drag her into the depths of her own mind.
 Reunions with old friends who didn’t want to be found, new friends who were dealing with problems that might even have been far greater than her own. Curiosity killed the cat right? Well she is the cat, incredibly curious and stepping into problems that aren’t hers to solve, and she ends up getting involved with something far bigger than her own demons.
River Flynn is fine, at least she pretends to be. Constantly changing schools due to little tifs just because she refuses to take other people’s bullshit. It’s  always been the same and she’s pissed about it, pissed at the world, at her family, at everyone. Her mum decided to float, and her dad blames her for it. 
It seems like there’s always something wrong with her, that’s what everyone tells her. Like she’s a serial killer waiting to happen or something, or a vase on the edge of a shelf close to shattering into a million pieces. And maybe she is, nobody understands her, nobody wants her, maybe people would actually pay attention if she does something about it. 
So far, no matter what she does, nothing makes it better, nothing makes the anger go away, nothing makes the hurt less hurtful. Her heart is coated in darkness and she needs someone to pull her out of it, someone to grab that little drop of vulnerability that was left before a hard shell is formed never to be broken again. Sometimes she wants to make others feel the hurt that she does. But when friendly faces show up in her life in unlikely circumstances and try to help, there’s a little speck of light that tries to break through the cloud cover. A warmth that she hasn’t felt since she was a small child.
{ Message Behind The Story }
My Idea was to associate mental ‘disorders’ with the idea of rain clouds, they come and go and sometimes the rain is heavier than others. I don’t like to call them disorders, I like to think of them as clouds and storms, something natural that happens to everyone.
Every storm is different and everyone’s experiences are different. I want to use this story to bring to light all of those storms people deal with everyday and to say that there’s nothing wrong with you even if you think so. This story does get dark, so if you’re dealing with severe depression or suicidal thoughts I would recommend you don’t read it, talk to a friend about the storm rather then letting it build up into a flood.
These clouds can also represent things like ADHD like there’s cloud cover hiding your ability to focus, or the way that having Autism can sometimes make it so it’s much harder to recognize emotions on others faces. These aren’t ‘disorders’ they make everyone unique and different and sometimes life is a bit harder to get through when you have rain clouds over your head but that doesn’t mean you’re broken.
This story also covers the connection between rain clouds and exploring your sexual/romantic and gender orientation which I think is another topic that needs to be talked about more.
{ Rainclouds Playlist }
I often find myself creating stories with specific vibes to them and a playlist can help me and my readers get in the right mindset for that story.
So here’s a link 
{ Notes & Conclusion }
Hi, I know the description is a bit of vague but I didn’t want to give any spoilers away. I’ll probably update this post more later when I have a clear idea of the plot. I’m starting to redraft and rearrange a lot of it because I haven’t touched it for a few months and my writing style has changed a bit since then. 
I’m not sure how much I’ll be posting the writing process considering I’ve had this project in process for like three years at this point and it’s been very slow-going. Also River is a very different character then I originally made because I wanted her to have a unique perspective from Sylvia. 
I hope you found yourself intrigued by my story, I have more that I’d love to share in the future as well. I really want to get back into writing again and this is my first step.
If you’re a writer or a reader I’d love to hear your opinions or just chat if you’d like. Also if you like the idea of this story I’d appreciate a reblog and I also have a taglist if you’d wanna be added. Love to you all and remember that no matter how bad it gets there’s always a light in the storm <3
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dsi-os · 1 year
Meanwhile, in another project: A small 4 part stupid answer about where they go once inactive.
Hello!! I'm DSi.OS (also known as my very very very outdated name, sayah66.) I'm an artist who is "known" for MANY projects. "BUT DSI!!" you say, "WHERE ARE THOSE PROJECTS!! I DONT SEE THEM!!! ARE THE PROJECTS IN THE ROOM WITH US???" and to that i say.
yes AND no.
and heres what i mean! if you care to read, of course. tldr is available at the finish too! (WARNING: I'm making this as one big oneshot "essay" at 5 AM with no sleep. This may not make any sense, but. ENJOY!)
Part 1: The ITCH to create.
Personally, we're an artist of MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY stories and characters. including fun little aus of course. ...But. on the internet, it could be very difficult for an artist like me, because I THRIVE off of attention and interaction, just as my projects do. Most, if not ALL of my projects require some sort of interaction point. And on that note... Heres something of me and my creations, the little thing I call "The Graveyard"
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All of these are blogs we've created throughout the years, excluding tests and throwaways. And. all of these would sadly be counted as "DEAD". (hence the graveyard bit. haha - get it?) Though, in reality. We wouldn't count this as dead... more like-
ALL of these blogs aren't really dead... just... sleeping! very, very heavily. "BUT WHY IS THAT?" you may ask, and thats because:
They are FAR FAR from dead, they just aren't getting any interaction or traction, and hence, they slow down to a stop. When a story REQUIRES interaction to move forward, you can't just leave it hungry! But sadly, in turn, this does even more harm to the project, because due to the lack of posting (from the lack of interaction) all traction stops! And so, its almost like a painting or a vintage piece left in an attic. It gets covered in dust and left to be found later. Or! You could compare it to a train! The interactions are coal to fuel it...
Personally, I just wait until they get interaction again, and. While that most likely won't happen, I remain hopeful. Of course, even I drift away from it slowly, and it becomes a beautifully archived piece of media for myself, and maybe somebody else, to enjoy! Its a big cycle of throwing stories to the internet and making something new, and, while it can hurt, its also a great experience! Without the graveyard growing, I wouldve never moved on from story-writing mistakes, among many other things. Its a real big experience!! Its fun for it to happen while it can.
PART 3.5: .....AND?
okay fine youve caught me. Besides just waiting for interaction, sometimes I update my old works slowly, in a way that lets new interactions come in. and, especially for the OSHAVERSE blogs, there are BIG BIG ideas I still have for it! As said before, not dead, just resting! Inching like a slug. I'm also planning to completely reboot some blogs, or start new events on others! I'm no professional, but I'd say it helps quite a bit. And it can be fun* to meet back up with old friends from those eras! (hiii osha people!!!) *not a promise
YOU can help a lot! This is information EVERY artist says, but. well. its the truth! What you can do is share, interact, and enjoy the content! See a cool art? Reblog that. See a neat creator? Follow them! Cool story? Share it to others! Needs asks? Send asks!! Sitting on the sidelines sadly won't do much, and, believe me, I know that it can be difficult to get out of that sometimes, but you will not BELIEVE how much it helps. All your love, all your sharing, all your enjoying, makes all the stories you know and love go round. infact, it makes the internet go round! SHARE YOUR WORK, AND SHARE OTHERS WORK TOO!!! HAVE FUN!!! as long as no ones getting hurt, and theres no harmful content, this is always the way to go!!!
Hello!! I'm DSi.OS, I'm a mentally ill, currently homeless artist, and I need your help, not just for my situation, but for my work too! Sharing artist's work can help get them commissions, which. help an UNBELIEVABLE amount!! and hell, if you see a cool artist out there, maybe try to save up to buy a comm for them! If you can't, you can always support them in MANY different other ways! from donations to gifts, to even interaction! share the artists you love, share your love to the artists! I'm DSi.OS, Creator of very, very small, but cared for projects. Many of them, maybe too many! But all your love keeps them going, even if it goes a bit slow!!! :D
THE ANSWER TO THE INTRO: my projects are on permanent "freeze", or sleep-mode! no interaction = no going forward in the story. THE BIG MESSAGE OF THIS: support artists, keep stories alive, share the work you enjoy! with YOUR interactions and love, you can keep many blogs, stories, projects, and other things going!! MY SAY: i know this is a super stereotypical artist message, but not only is it correct, its the answer to where they've gone. not dead, just resting.
now! i cant wait to read this later. its now 5:30 am and i have no clue what ive typed. maybe its something super meaningful, maybe its silly. who knows! itll be a surprise for future me.
you guys promise to tell me if this sounds stupid right? okay. good. love you guys goodnight /HJ
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reaygul · 4 years
hi!! v excited to be here hehe here’s aygul/aiguli, though better known as li’er in the afterlife! she did all the wrong things for what she thought were the right reasons while she was alive, and now she’s trying be kind instead of just. here’s her about & bio, and under the cut are a rough timeline & some plots/connections! hmu or like this if u wanna plot!! c:
timeline (tw: suicide, self-harm)
LIFE: relatively normal childhood, went the usual path to becoming a lawyer & initially did a lot of social justice & pro-bono work before becoming a procurator somewhere in her early 30s
recklessly procurating against the wealthy & corrupt, which got her attention from the public & the powerful -- thus leading in to those in power connecting with her
her career rises quickly: she loses sight of her initial goal to enforce an impartial law, deciding instead to choose her battles and allowing some people to get away from their crimes, in order to have a stronger position
but yknow,, she gets too comfortable ignoring her moral compass and justifying her actions, and eventually comes to a point where she’s part of the problem itself. 
she chooses to document what’s going on as evidence of the fallibility of the justice system & also outs herself as corrupt before her suicide so that the evidence will be credible
AFTERLIFE: she doesn’t expect to wake up in the afterlife & considering the screening + soon to be revealed evidence, she kind of just expects herself to be deleted soon? BUT she isn’t
the fact that she’s still here is p indicative that what she tried to do w her death failed, which puts her in a self-destructive spiral out of guilt & anger. actively seeks out punishment, which opens her up to the more violent side of the afterlife
ok this is just my conjecture but i’m assuming that bc pain isn’t lasting, there are people who would take that feature of the afterlife to the extremes and this was the side of afterlife that she was in?? tho if that’s taking too many liberties w the rp’s lore admins pls lmk!!
but when someone she’d wronged in her past pops up in the afterlife -- she decides to protect/help them where she can
this protection just kind of ?? spreads?? the more good she does, the more good she sees in people & the more she’s motivated to do even better, to be kinder and more selfless than she’d been able to when she was alive
tbh her life turned into a bit of a lonely & difficult path situation so part of her afterlife is also learning to make healthier & more wholesome relationships
she’s getting her mojo back!! she’s still a bit cranky sometimes but she’s relearning to be recklessly kind :)
connections (feel free to mix & match)
(from china, died after she did) someone she made use of and justified it as ‘for the greater good’ (details are open to be plotted!), and the key motivation for her actions in the afterlife now, as they are the one person she won’t hesitate to help. current dynamics are open to be plotted!
(in afterlife earlier than ‘43) the person who took her out of her spawn point when she was sitting there waiting to be deleted. current dynamics open to be plotted too!
people who were around for her self-destructive spiral, could have either encouraged it/taken part in it, or tried to stop it
someone who genuinely looks up to her & thinks of li’er as a ‘protector’, but she feels disingenuous bc they don’t know her past
someone who’s become a bit reliant on her maybe?
someone who thinks her attempt at atonement is futile?? constantly trying to trip her up or prove her wrong
i want a dynamic like this please :(
also idk she needs some friends!!! some people to help out!! maybe someone to smack down!!
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bo-seonxrenaissance · 4 years
Name: Cho Bo-Seon
Age: 30
D.O.B: 12/04/90
Company: KBS Entertainment
Occupation: Actor
FC: Park Seo-Joon
Hello! My name’s Beck! And my muse is actor 2 of Renaissance. This is my second rp that I’ve played so I hope you’re patient with me if I do anything wrong here! But without further ado let me introduce Cho Bo-Seon!
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Cho Bo-Seon was a party boy before the scandal
He has always been kind and thoughtful, but he let fame get to his head and spent too much time at parties surrounded by not-so-great people
He was naive and trusting to a fault, but a hard worker and a bit self-critical when it came to his work
After the drug scandal, his name was tarnished and Bo-Seon had a hard time figuring out how to get his life back on track
He uses his hiatus to do volunteer work and travel in the hopes of using this time to grow as a person and actor
He is a huge sports junkie and will do anything at least once
Loves volunteer work with children--did a lot of coaching for the arts and sports during hiatus
After returning to the world of acting, Bo-Seon has matured a bit
No longer as devil-may-care as he was before, he’s careful of who he trusts, a bit more serious, but still enjoys a good joke
He doesn’t mind parties but he doesn’t go out of his way to live that life anymore
Before the scandal he didn’t mind the attention from the gp, but now he tries to keep some semblance of privacy 
Has a great respect for his colleagues at the company and their individual talents
The drug scandal was not as black and white as the media made it out to be...what really happened?
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reyoshikei-blog · 5 years
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it looks like the acceptance posts have all finished up so i figured we’re all set to post intros !! plus i have to hit the hay early tonight for an early, early shift tomorrow. my name’s bee, 22, and in est !! kei is a muse i love with all my heart and soul, and i think he’s going to be super fun to play in an eighties setting. i have a bio page and wanted connections page set up for him, so please feel free to check those out !! give this a like and i’ll come hit you up in the morning, or feel free to find me over on discord at mothman#2762 !! i’ll add a little bio for him under the cut
kei was born in gunma, japan back in 1961
nearly eight years later his younger sister was born. she had quite a few health complications, so his parents stressed themselves out trying to get her to doctor’s appointments and take care of her at home. kei learned to help where he could
two years later and with the elder daughter still sick, a new surprise was dropped on the family- another young daughter
the care for the youngest sister fell heavily on kei. at ten years old, he’s barely old enough to be held responsible for an infant, but he learns quickly. he loves his little sisters with all of his heart and feels a deep responsibility for them
the middle child eventually grows out of her health concerns at age five, and things start to calm down
when kei is thirteen, his father gets offered a promotion at a new branch opening in wonju, south korea
the move is hardest on kei. his sisters are young enough that the language and move don’t bother them, but kei’s going into high school. it’s a tough adjustment
he still wanted to be a good kid for his parents, but he starts acting out in high school. he’s insecure about his inability to speak the language well and his grades slip because of it, so he lashes out for some sense of control and rebellion
when he graduates kei moves to seoul and goes to school to become a paramedic. seoul is a huge, global city, and it gives him the chance to grow into himself without the pressures of being the foreign kid or the troublemaker
a few months ago his father suffered a massive stroke, and his mother asked him to come home to help the family. he of course agreed
he’s now a paramedic at the local wonju hospital, and lives in his own studio apartment. he sends most of his paycheck to his mom and spends a lot of his free time taking care of his sisters
now that he’s back in wonju he’s trying to reconnect with his friends from high school and the familiar faces from the end of his youth
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beautvshot-blog · 4 years
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hello everyone! i bring jang yijeong (actor 1) to this roleplay. you can read more about him here and here, but i will leave some quick sparknotes about this character below. leave a like and i will search you for plotting. i’m always available through tumblr ims or discord. whatever works better for you!
jang yijeong, 26
he is the son of a model (miss korea 1991) and an influential entertainment business man.
yijeong grew up in a world of performance and celebrities; it was always meant to be that he belonged to it just like his parents
his good looks (and connections) were a direct pass to a modeling career
yijeong’s modeling career was good, with participation in relevant shows and solo magazine covers
he was about to go try his luck in london fashion week, when the opportunity to dabble in acting showed up
kbc gave him a contract to sign with them and participate in a drama, taking advantage of his growing popularity
yijeong, although doubtful, agreed to follow this path in his career - which has been quite difficult, as many have reproached him for his lack of acting talent
in addition, they judged him for not taking things seriously, an argument that was solidified when the news of his relationship emerged (plot opportunity here!)
the two-year hiatus occurred after he had his first lead role and, frankly, for yijeong it was a break from criticism
regarding connections, i’m open to anything! i’m looking for friends in the industry (his canon says he’s friends with some 5ense members), he has also worked with eclissi members for a mv, i would also like some enmities to make things fun, but a mentor figure would be nice as well, here for romance and heartbreak! ANYTHING!
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velvetglcw-blog · 4 years
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hello friends! i am bab, i’m 25 and live in gmt+2. i bring you seungho, main vocalist of 5ense, who struggles a bit with finding the right path in life 😔✌️ i absolutely love plotting, anything pre-established is right up my alley! the bigger the mess the better hehe you can find seungho’s profile here and some tidbits about him below the cut! let’s goooo!
yang seungo, 28, main vocalist of 5ense
seungho is notorious for going to at least a dozen auditions before joining kbc in 2010
he sold this story as him being hard-working and chasing his dream, in reality it was his mother who made him join the school choir, signed him up for singing lessons and went to auditions with him
it was her lifelong dream to become a trot singer and have a celebrity in the family, so seungho is the “lucky“ one who carries out that family dream lol
he doesn’t hate being a singer??? but it’s not like he chose this path either?? dfdfjd it’s very complicated
it’s like when he is with his members and fans and on stage everything is well and he has a great time but the second his mother calls he remembers “oh right, i’m doing this because of her“
he has the assumption that he would have become a singer either way but maybe with a different mindset 🥺
during the break he mainly tried to shift his motivation from “do this because you must and cannot accept failure“ to “do this because you love it“ and wrote a shit ton of music
eventually got too emo that none of this might ever get released ahaha an artist’s struggle……..
moving back in with his family nearly drove him onto the edge of insanity so he is beyond glad to have escaped that environment again
as a generally optimistic person he even tries to view the hiatus as something positive, like he would never have had the shift of mindset if it wasn’t for all the spare time he had y’know??
anyway seungho is a very light-hearted person, the kind that expresses his love with playful teasing but is also never too shy to speak out his earnest feelings about his loved ones
he’s sensitive to criticism and really gets into his head about mistakes and failures rip
a sweet guy just trying to find himself in this world tbh 🥺
let’s plot ahhhhhh!
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renaissancehqs · 4 years
hello everyone! we are happy to announce that renaissance will officially open tomorrow at 10:00 am cst. if you have been accepted, make sure to follow the instructions of the following checklist before opening. remember that we accept on a rolling basis, so it is not too late to send in an app for your favorite canon!
follow the main
follow renaissance reports
follow all members
have a profile page ready
prepare an intro post tagged under re:intros
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renaissancehqs · 4 years
opening day!
welcome everyone!
all acceptance posts have been published, which means we are officially open. please go through this checklist to make sure you are up to date.
follow all the members (masterlist on the blog or the re:accepted tag)
follow the main and renaissance reports
please post a little intro introduction your muse using the re:intros tag
when interacting, please keep our triggers list in mind to ensure everyone can move on the dashboard safely
an invitation to a discord server has been sent out to everyone, feel free to join!
let’s get this started ✰
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