#reading. and it was hard to play and decode at the same time
Adhd will strike you with the sudden urge to hear cascadia’s every time we touch played on a mini harp and you cannot rest until you find a video of the closest thing you can
#emma posts#i then proceeded to search and only find it on full size harps#I want to see someone going hard at cascadia with a fucking lute or whatever. okay?#the full size harp sounds good too though#I just want to know if you can do it on one of those small harps that fit in your lap#my grandparents bought one on vacation awhile ago and now that I’m an adult they let me mess around with it#and I’ve become obsessed. I want to play the small harp. I know nothing but I’m fascinated and freestyling it has been super fun#i want to see if people who know what they’re doing have done this song specifically because it feels like it would translate so well#I don’t even think it’s my fascination with bardcore this time. this song just sounds legit like it suits the instrument#I took classes on several instruments as a kid because I love music but I can’t fucking read musical notes well and kept giving up#the closest I got to being good at playing something by reading was the recorder which isn’t… very exciting#I did decent at piano until the books stopped showing the letters inside the notes and it started to feel like decoding something instead of#reading. and it was hard to play and decode at the same time#my music teachers didn’t like when i would write the letter on top of each note in my own music books! because apparently it’s not really#reading the books. so I’ve given up on instruments for years now. but some are fun to play around with and apparently I don’t sound BAD so 🤷
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hsgucci94 · 1 year
The frat boy’s girl
Word Count: 2.9K
A/N: not sure what this is but… hope you enjoy it!! x
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“Bye, Styles,” Y/N said, stopping in front of the bus stop, where their paths would now separate until the next morning, when they would reunite again in class for another day at college.
Harry had been texting all the way until that moment, and as soon as he heard her words he shoved his phone in the back pocket of his jeans and looked up at her. Y/N got momentarily lost in his eyes. As cheesy as it sounded, she couldn’t help it. His green, soft but daring gaze always got her mesmerised and forgetting for a moment where she stood in his life: right in the friend zone.
Harry Styles was this good looking, extrovert guy she ran into the first day of class. After a few lectures shared together, they hit it off and started hanging out either at the library or the caffe. Nowhere too fancy, but those moments were enough for the both of them to get to know each other a bit and for Y/N to realise that she only stood a chance with him if she was one of those sexy, long-legged girls that threw themselves at him at every party he got invited to, which were not few.
“You alright?” Harry asked her, frowning a bit.
“Uh-erm. Yeah, I’m fine,” she quickly replied, breaking out of her daydream. “Anyway, gotta go. Don’t miss me too much,” she added, slightly elbowing him with a sly smile on her face.
He laughed, and passed his hand through his hair, “Isn't that a hard task for you, sweetheart?,” he answered, emphasising the pronoun with an eyebrow raised.
She rolled her ayes as she tried to hide a smile, deep down wishing this playfulness between them was something more than just banter flirting. “Oh, it really got to your head, didn’t it? It was just one time, Styles. And I was drunk.”
“So?,” he walked the step that separated their bodies, his face now closer to hers, “Don’t drunk people always speak the truth?”
“Not me,” she said nonchalantly, pretending to be sincere.
But the gaze he had on her was making her nervous, the usual tingling that appeared on her stomach whenever he was close to her growing by the second. So she walked a step back subconsciously, which caused her back to hit the wall behind her. She was now trapped between the stone wall and his body.
“And what if I do? Miss you? Too much?,” he then asked, leaning in with a suggestive smirk.
“But you won’t,” her voice sounded lower than she expected, kind of showing the disappointment she felt in them, and cleared her throat to pretend that it had been intentional.
“But what if I do?,” he asked again, this time whispering, as if the wind could just take his words away if she didn’t react to them the way he expected her to.
“Don’t mess with me, Styles…”
“I’m not,” he shook his head slightly, still staring at her; his eyes jumping between hers trying to decode them. Months of being friends with her and he still couldn’t read her as well as we wished. “Fuck,” he mumbled, looking away just for a moment before turning his head back in her direction.
He hesitated at first, and then kissed her like her lips were air and he couldn’t breath. His lips fit on hers like they were made for each other, and for the first time since his last relationship Harry felt comfortable playing it safe with someone, and that someone was her.
The moment she hit send, she puckered her lips together and tried to contain a squeal. That Thursday was definitely one for the books, not only because Y/N had the guy she had been hung on for months kissing her in the middle of the street, but because he kind of seemed to be on the same page as her when it came to them. And that was definitely a reason to celebrate. So when Harry texted her asking her to go to a party with him that same night, she didn’t turn down the invitation like many other times before.
This time she would go, even if it was happening on a school night and she had class early the following morning. This was a special occasion, you could say.
Harry even offered to come pick her up and drive them both there, but Naomi, Y/N’s roommate, was going as well, so they made plans to arrive there together. Besides, she needed a bit more time to process the kiss and how things were between Harry and her at the moment. Yes, they kissed. Yes, they even had a little make-out session in the open. But that was it. After all that kissing, he hugged her in a way he hadn’t before, and then left as she waited for her bus home to arrive, still trying to wrap her head around whatever got into him to act like that towards her all of a sudden.
Was her crush on him mutual? Was it not and she had just now become another girl he had made out with? Those unanswered questions that were making her insecure flew around in her head as Nao drove them to the party, but as soon as she arrived there and spotted him, her mind simply went blank. She usually talked to Nao about how every part of her body paralysed whenever he was around, and how dumb she became whenever he asked her random questions that were not college related, only because he made her hella nervous.
Harry was standing close to the door, a red cup filled with unknown alcohol in hand as he talked to some guys. His usual black t-shirt, black jeans and brown Chelsea boots outfit was now combined with a red and black flannel, making him stand out among all those people. She looked around to see if she could find some else she knew apart from Nao, but of course she could not. The people she usually surrendered herself with were not big party fans, to be fair.
So there she was, in a frat party where she knew no one apart from her roommate, her roommate’s boyfriend Ryan and the guy she was friends with and who she had kissed a few hours before. Great. Simply great. Much to her disgrace, Nao and Ryan had already found each other and were now kissing like no one was watching. So Y/N was left alone, meaning she had to walk up to Harry and see if he wanted to be his guardian angel for the night. At least until her social battery ran out and was ready to go home.
“Hey,” she approached him, trying to sound confident even though she was currently so out of her comfort zone. The moment he heard her voice Harry turned around, the corners of his mouth lifting enough to show a small smile. That gesture was enough to ease Y/N’s anxiety.
“You came!,” he chuckled, “Was not sure if you’d stood me up this time, too.”
“Hey!,” she protested, although he was right to think there was a chance she would do that. After all, that was the first party invitation she accepted from him all year. “I’d rather do quieter plans, that’s all,” she shrugged her shoulder, smiling shyly.
He shook his head, this time smiling from ear to ear, because even though she didn’t enjoy crowds, she was now sharing the night with him. “These are my mates, by the way: Lindsay, Cameron and Jeremiah,” Harry then added, pointing at them as he said their names.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.”
“Hey. It’s so nice to finally meet you,” said Cameron.
To finally meet her? Had Harry talked to his friends about her?
Before Y/N could give it a second thought Harry grabbed her hand and guided her to the kitchen. That would have shocked anyone, that he had her hand inside his, but he did it quite often, specially when he had to make her go outside of the building because she’d rather spend her lunch breaks at the library than around campus.
The kitchen was empty enough for them to find a quiet place where he could fix her a drink.
“You’re gonna love it. Trust me," he assured her, grabbing the vodka and mixing it with the juice that had already been added to the cup.
Y/N loving an alcoholic drink? Yeah..., good luck with that, Harry. She was not very fond of drinking anything that wasn’t either water or coke. Zero, of course. She just didn’t enjoy the strong taste or the aftermath of consuming those other beverages.
“So what exactly convinced you to come here this time and not any of the other past ones?," Harry asked her.
“You,” she replied right away. He smiled, his eyes focused on his hands and the drink that was in the making in front of him. He didn’t want it to turn out too strong; just soft but tasty.
“Yeah. Your text was pretty convincing, to be honest.”
“Oh. My text did this?,” he looked her up and down to point out her presence.
“Well, your kissing helped, too.”
“That’s more of what I like to hear.”
“Of course you do,” she rolled her eyes, but while doing so she missed his cheeks blushing a bit.
He then turned his body to her, "Here. Try this." He handed her the cup and she took it, hesitantly. When she brought it to her lips and tasted it, she had to confess it was quite good. She could drink a few of those tonight. "Like it?," he rose an eyebrow, a cocky smile plastered on his face.
"Mm-hm," she took a another sip, passing her tongue over the corners of her mouth after. Yeah, it was definitely good.
"Cool. Now that you're settled for the party, let's got back in there," and he grabbed her hand again, his drink on his free one.
He walked ahead of her to make sure she could move through the crowd without feeling trapped or anxious, and soon they were back with Harry's friend, on the same spot. They were pretty nice lads, specially because they made sure she felt included by asking her questions about herself and telling her some of their crazy adventures of their almost-ending freshman year in exchange, which got her laughing out laud and causing Harry to smile while staring at her.
At some point he was feeling so good and so comfortable and happy she actually was there he felt like hugging her even from behind. That gesture had not been meditated; it just happened, and he enjoyed that more than the fact that her back was glued to his chest and he could rest his chin on her head and smell her shampoo without any effort. Him grabbing her hand was one thing, but him passing his arm around her neck as he pulled her to him was a completely different one.
“I’m too comfortable right now it’s scary,” she admitted, only loud enough for him to hear. His friends were arguing about something Jeremiah said; apparently it didn’t happen that way, or at least the rest of them didn’t remember it happening that way.
“Me, too,” Harry replied, and then caressed her ear with his lips, before whispering: “I want to kiss you again.”
His words caused her stomach to flip, but also her blood to momentarily freeze. She was not the type to make out with boys at parties, but she wanted to be his type. So she turned around to face him and tiptoed so that her eyes were almost at the same height as his.
"Hi," she said, shyly.
"Hi," he replied, chuckling a bit. And just when she thought he would close the space between their mouths and kiss her like he did earlier that afternoon, he said: "Wanna go somewhere?" She frowned. "C'mon, I think you'll like it," he added.
"Okay," she nodded.
By the time they were getting out of there, girls she had seen around college were staring at Y/N and their entwined hands as if she was stealing her man, so she looked somewhere else until they were both inside his car.
"Oh, yeah, you were right. I do like McDonald's," she spoke in a half-half-not sarcastic tone, seeing how he was directing the car to a drive-through.
Harry chuckled, shaking his head, "Oh, hush. This isn’t our final destination, just a little stop on the way. Plus, what else would be open right now other than Macas?"
He was right. It was past midnight and very few food places were still serving dinner at that time. She was a hamburger over pizza kinda girl, anyway, so it was fine.
"So you wanted to get us out of your frat party to grab McDonald's and come to the beach." Harry had just parked his car in front of the beach, which was solely and beautifully illuminated by the streetlights. Y/N was half-way through her hamburger, while Harry hadn’t started eating his yet, since he was not one to eat and drive at the same time.
"No," he calmly replied. He put a bunch of fries in his mouth and chaw them before saying: "I wanted to spend time with you alone. Without any disturbance."
That and the fact that he knew her well enough to know how little she liked partying. He wouldn’t tell her, but he had truly enjoyed seeing her join his plan and meeting his lads at his frat house. So after a couple of hours he figured it was time she got out of there. He wanted to talk to her, and didn’t believe the party to be the place to do so anyway.
"Wanna go skinny dipping?," she said out of the blue, catching him so off-guard.
"You skinny dip?," he lifted an eyebrow.
"I don't, but I also don't do most of the stuff I did today so why not add skinny dipping to the list?"
"Okay," he nodded, a smile peeking through his lips, "Alright. Let's go."
Harry didn’t even bother finishing his burger. They both got out of the car and started running towards the beach.
It was an early May night, and the summer weather was slowly making its comeback after 180 days of cold and rain. As Y/N ran towards the seashore, Harry following her right behind, she started to undress, leaving her clothing scattered on the sand. She left her panties on, though, and was discretely-not-so-discretely covering her bare chest with one of her arms wile sprinting towards the sea.
The faster she would get in the water, the better, she thought.
Harry figured he would leave his boxers on too, even though that wasn’t the purpose of skinny dipping. But then again, who cared? It was their plan, and therefore they were the ones making the rules. Whatever made her feel comfortable was fine.
When she was just about to get her feet in the water, he came running and grabbed her from behind, lifting her off the ground and earning a squeal from her.
"Harry!," she laughed, as the guy tightened his grip around her stomach, securing her in his arms, "Put me down!"
He chucked, and kept on running in the water until it reached up to his waist. He then stopped and let her touch the wet sand with her two feet.
"Why did you do that for?," she complained, facing him, and trying her best not to laugh or he wouldn’t believe she was pissed.
"You would have backed down once you felt how cold it was!," he laughed, and started tickling her on the sides.
"Stop!," she giggled, "And that's not true! I would have got in regardless." She giggled again, which gave away her little white lie.
"Oh, c'mon! I'm your best friend. I know you by now."
"You are?"
"Yeah. Is there anyone you have spent more time with this year other than me? I don’t think so," Harry chuckled, keeping on tickling her. He was right.
They have been thick as thieves most of the time. She bit the inside of her cheek, and Harry stopped the tickling. "What?", he asked, suddenly concerned he had hurt her.
"Best friends don't kiss."
Oh. He gulped at her words, and closed the little space left between their bodies, "Well..., that's because I want to be upgraded."
Y/N's breath got stuck in her chest. He noticed her sudden reaction, so before he could back down, he cautiously grabbed one of her hands in his and locked their fingers together. Harry then leaned into her slightly, and they sealed with their lips the pact that officially made them boyfriend and girlfriend.
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ohgodimafraud · 21 days
a fraudulent claim - m/ob p/sycho 100 r/eigen
summary: r/eigen comes to work miserable and s/erizawa speaks his mind
The first thing Serizawa noticed when his boss walked in an uncharacteristic twenty minutes late wasn’t the tardiness, but how disheveled he looked. His hair was sticking up like someone had aggressively rubbed a balloon over it, his tie was crooked and loose, but worst of all eyes were still visibly sunken in spite of the cakey layer of concealer he’d applied under his eyes in a flimsy attempt to mask his lack of sleep. As Serizawa approached him, he could see that Reigen had used the same technique on the underside of his nose, so even before he started audibly sniffling, Serizawa had figured out the nature of his boss’ physical state. 
“Here, hopefully this batch is better,” Serizawa said, setting a cup of tea in front of his boss. 
“Ah, smells great,” Reigen said, though it was another automatic lie as evidenced by the audible congestion in his words, “Thanks, Serizawa.”
After one more moment of consideration, Serizawa finally spoke up as Reigen took a sip of the hot tea. “Excuse me for saying this…but you don’t look well, sir.”
“Hm?” He rubbed the tip of his scalded tongue, against the backs of his bottom teeth and snapped his fingers. “Oh, yeah. My allergies have been a bitch lately. Probably built up too much of a tolerance to these antihistamines at this point.” He pulled the box containing the medicine from his pocket and shook it lazily.
Serizawa frowned. He’d heard Reigen mention his allergies a few times, but outside of him rubbing his eyes or occasionally blowing his nose, they seemed well-managed. “I could get stronger ones for you at the drugstore,” he offered. 
“Ah, you don’t have to go that far.” Reigen waved him off and sniffled again, only to realize too late that he had been unwittingly playing—and was now losing—a round of Russian Roulette each time he avoided blowing his nose. His hand automatically went to his breast pocket to fish for his handkerchief as the sharp tickle shot to the back of his nose and pulled his focus from the morning conversation. 
“I really don’t mind.”
“Heh…eh-excuse me,” he held up a finger and in a snapping motion brought the handkerchief to his nose in time to catch a particularly violent sneeze that left his nose with a burning sensation. “h’EDSHH’iuh!”
 Serizawa hesitated as Reigen sniffled into the handkerchief. “Bless you,” he said, wringing his hands, hoping he hadn’t insulted his boss by saying the phrase slightly too late, or god forbid for saying it at all.
“Mmph, thank you.” Reigen sounded even more congested than before, and now when he retracted the handkerchief, some of the concealer had been rubbed away and in its wake exposed a distinct pink patch of sensitive skin around the rims of his nostrils. He cleared his throat and took another sip of tea. His beautifully crafted webpage was beginning to put a strain on his eyes and though he was reading an inquiry, it took a few tries before he could understand what it was saying. 
Before he could fully decode the message that he’d later realize was junk mail, a customer walked through the door. Reigen jumped into his well-rehearsed spiel and did the hard work of having Serizawa perform a curse removal. 
“I’m glad you stopped in ma’am. Please remember that if anything like this ever happens again, I, Reigen Arataka, will handle it promptly.” He proudly handed her a business card. 
She smiled. Reigen matched it until his nose betrayed him by ignoring his orders to ignore the tingling sensation that had been plaguing it all morning. He quickly turned to the side and readied his handkerchief just in time to—
“hhH- KMPHt’shheww! Hahh…’scuse me, sometimes tiny remnants of the curse linger in the air trying to—snfft—uh…find a new host. But please don’t worry. It’s far too weak to do any damage now.” Reigen scrubbed the side of his nose with his knuckle and hid the hand holding his handkerchief behind his back rather than return it to its resting place. “Right, Serizawa?” 
The customer seemed even more appreciative as she wished them both well. 
Only when she finally left did he give into the rest of his sneezing fit. “h’Ktshhhu! Hahh…ehGHtSHhyew! Sorry ‘bout that, Serizah-heh…heDTzshh!” It was too early in the day for him to have used up the last dry patch on his handkerchief, but the reasoning did nothing to change the fact of the matter. He couldn’t even open his eyes, never mind, stop himself from giving into another indulgent sneeze. “Hgt’ehSCHhhu!- sndf…Phew, sorry, swear I’m done now.” 
“Bless you. Uh. Will you really be alright?”
“You don’t have to keep saying that yanno.” Reigen turned away from his wide-eyed employee and pulled some tissues from the nearby box. He wiped a tear from his lower lash line and put them to better use in pinching off the remaining buzz and wicking away droplets of moisture from his nose, inadvertently taking  the remaining concealer with it. Such an unfortunate thing was unavoidable with how much wear and tear his nose was incurring. When Reigen opened his eyes, he noticed a change in Serizawa’s posture. Perhaps all of his obnoxious sneezing was putting the man off. That tended to be the case in the rare cases Reigen wasn’t able to ward off such an onslaught. “Actually. Would you mind picking up a better box of antihistamines?” Reigen himself had to cringe at how horribly his congestion had mutilated the word. 
He shuddered as it echoed in his head over whatever Serizawa had said.
“Absolutely, sir.” Reigen processed it only after Serizawa had left. He spent the next while trying to shoo away the rare humility that had infiltrated the fortress of his mind. 
When Serizawa returned, Reigen was already looking significantly worse for the wear. He’d only been gone a half hour! He kicked himself for dawdling in the store and picking up items his boss hadn’t even requested. Reigen slowly lifted his head as if it had been replaced by a bowling ball. It lolled uncomfortably to the side, and his neck was at an even more concerning angle.
“Serizawa, hey,” he greeted, his voice cracking. 
Serizawa quickly offered the bag to his boss. 
“Oh thanks,” Reigen said, massaging the bridge of his nose, “I’ll uh…compensate you at a, um, later time.” He peeked in the bag and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He sniffled again and cleared his throat before attempting to speak again. Having his voice crack once was enough for him. “Okay, uh…pretty sure I didn’t ask for all this.”
“I’m sorry sir!” Serizawa bowed. “I ended up picking up some extra things in case you need them later. Please, I don’t need to be reimbursed.”
Reigen waved him off. “You didn’t have to go that far but I appreciate it.” His ears went hot as he noticed the cooling pack under the cough drops. Why would he need that? 
“Sir…I think you should go home” Serizawa blurted out, averting his gaze.
“Wha—? It’s barely noon, Serizawa!” He cleared his throat. “It’s just allergies, y’know.”
Serizawa rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh…sir…y’know how you said I should speak my mind?” Reigen nodded and subsequently held in a wince. “I think maybe you caught a cold.”
“Respectfully, uh…you’re really pale…and uh…I looked it up and the pollen count has been down the past few days. I still got the antihistamines, but…also it’s gonna storm later and…well…I think it’s gonna be really slow anyway.”
Reigen didn’t say anything as he tuned out Serizawa’s rambling and swallowed a dose of the new antihistamines. Now that he was thinking about it, he felt like he’d seen this kinda tablet before. Then he read the label. “Oh shit. These are the drowsy kind.”
The color immediately drained from Serizawa’s face. “I’m sorry! My apologies, sir. They said these were the strongest—”
“Not your fault, I shoulda chehh…” Reigen trailed off and rubbed his nose vigorously with the back of his index finger, grimacing slightly when he finished. “Ahem. Should’ve checked first.”
Serizawa glanced down at his feet and in his peripheral vision noticed that the wastebasket was already nearly full of tissues. Then he noticed that the thermostat had been raised. He’d only known Reigen a short while, but from what Serizawa could tell, the man was frugal in areas unrelated to having food delivered. “Still, I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
Reigen waved him off. “You worry too much.”
“hh’KMPftsch!” Reigen muffled another sneeze into a tissue. He let out a small but pained noise before blowing his nose. He was beginning to sweat to an extent where it was visible on his forehead. 
“Bless you,” Serizawa said only after Reigen had finished blowing his nose.
“Is it too hot in here for you?”
Reigen hummed and sniffled. “The opposite. I think the heat’s on the fritz. Gotta c-call a guy later.”
Serizawa gritted his teeth as he looked between the thermostat, the wastebasket, and then his boss who upon further inspection was shivering under his suit. The flush over his cheeks had darkened and he was back to propping his head up with his hands.
“I think you might have a fever.”
The room went silent sans the hissing of the heat pouring through the radiator. Reigen seemed to genuinely consider the suggestion.
“Huh.” He put his own hand to his forehead. “Dunno, it doesn’t feel hot to me.”
“I don’t think that’s an accurate way to check,” Serizawa said with a sigh. Maybe he should’ve purchased the thermometer after all. In retrospect, that would’ve been infinitely more helpful in this situation than the chapstick he’d added to the purchase.
“Really? Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Serizawa shifted his weight. “If it’s not overstepping, I could check for you.”
He hadn’t expected Reigen to comply. Awkwardly, he approached his boss and covered his forehead with a gentle hand. The heat immediately registered on his palm and he frowned. “How did you get out of bed this morning?” he murmured. “You’re definitely burning up.”
Any hopes of spinning this, died on Reigen’s tongue at the sight of the genuine concern etched across Serizawa’s face. There was probably a time not too long ago where he would’ve wished for someone to care about him like this, but having it right there in front of him made him want to crawl under the table. Instead he cleared his throat again and closed his laptop.
“Guess you were right, Serizawa. Besides, I'm already starting to drift off. In another twenty minutes I'll be pretty useless.” He took in a breath to tell him that this was all another test he’d passed, but was ambushed by a coughing fit. Damn. Serizawa watched for a few moments before deciding to pat his back in what he hoped was an acceptable way. Reigen’s shoulders dropped as a tension he didn't know he had released. “You should mhh-move-!” He grabbed another tissue and crushed his nose against it before sneezing into it, doing his best to contain the mess the sneeze threatened to make of him. “KXT! h’GXt’ch!” 
“Bless you.” Serizawa had reached his limit on questioning his boss, though if he had it in him, maybe he’d ask him to not hold back. It was clearly hurting him. Instead he asked if he could see him home.
And all the better, he’d offered, because Reigen had forgotten his umbrella, and by the looks of it, it had already started raining.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
pmd9 i'm having a lot of dreams recently where i crash and burn either physically (car crash, etc) or mentally (breakdown) and it sucks and feels exhausting and horrible, and it doesn't really make up for it but it does feel kinda nice that usually someone will be around caring for me, playing with my hair while i cry in their lap or convincing me to leave my room for the first time in months. i feel like the recurring dream probably means something but i don't know what it is... what are your thoughts
ahh, the classic car crash dream ... i have that one so much! Well i used to anyways its a little less frequent now. Or im just like, driving a car that i dont know how to use (cant drive irl), and people are chasing me, usually ends w crashing. For that one i've heard it means u feel u have no control over your life. i imagine its probably the same sort of thing for any dream where ur burning or breaking down. Do u feel exhausted and burnt out irl?
the most common function of dreams is to help us process & release stress + emotional burdens, as well as trying to work thru our problems & offer solutions. Also i've read that many of the characters who appear in your dreams are parts of U. Say u see a cop/judge in ur dream, thats the part of u that polices & judges. Or a caring nurturing friend, usually thats ur brain trying to bring out the caring nurturing side of yourself. So on & so forth. these "characters" are put into scenarios which mirror your inner workings so you can wake up & consciously follow the trail to figuring yourself out in "reality".
thats a very brief explanatation but what i'm getting at is maybe the people comforting you in your dreams are actually you comforting yourself & nudging towards being more loving & forgiving of yourself when u feel out of control + broken irl. Some thing that can be really hard to internalize (for me anyways) is treating yourself the same way you would treat a beloved friend. if your friend was having a breakdown you would comfort them and still love them through it right? I feel that could be a message here
Also i believe angels / guides/ ancestors can come to you in dreams so it could be that too , but i think those dreams are more rare because it takes a lot of energy for them. And when it happens you just Know like you really know. But i wouldnt entirely rule out the possibility of that occurrence alongside some of these dreams too ^_^
Thanks for the question, you know me, always dreaming always thinking bout dreams always happy to try & help decode them! i have many insights but at the end of the day, when it comes to dreams only you can really know your own. Hav a good night Anon <3
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yourfellowhuman07 · 1 year
Alliances of the Heart
A She-Ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
For centuries, the All Princess Ball has been a time for the nobility of Etheria to let loose. Flaunting their power, prestige, and fashion for all to see. The ball had always been politically neutral, but, as tension from the war rises, not everyone is so keen to forget what happens beyond the walls of Castle Chill.
Lord Hordak, along with Princess Scorpia and Force Captian Catra, have come to the party to make alliances and find out everything there is to know about their enemies. Careful to not arouse the suspicion of the Princess Alliance.
Princess Entrapta, being the scientist she is, decides to come to the party to decode the secrets of body language, despite getting the same data from every other party she has ever attended.
When the two rulers cross paths, their plans flip on their heads as the two grow closer. Now it is up to Catra and Scorpia to push the two together as Adora and Glimmer stick their noses where they do not belong.
Introducing Chapter 2!
Thank you all for reading!
Chapter 2: Playing Cupid
Catra grabbed Scorpia by the bicep pulling her away from the chocolate fountain. The two women approached the princess as she filled her pockets with tiny treats.
“Hey, I’m Force Captain Catra from the Fright Zone, nice to meet you.” Catra stuck out her hand with a friendly expression, at least to Entrapta. Scorpia on the other hand saw a mischievous glimmer in her eyes; she was cooking something in her head. Be careful, Wildcat.
“Oh, hi, I’m Entrapta, nice to meet you too.” To Catra’s mild alarm, Entrapta’s hair grabbed her hand and shook it, a little bit harder than the norm but bearable. Entrapta then noticed Scorpia, namely her tail.
“You must be Princess Scorpia. Does your tail secrete a venomous liquid? If so is it deadly, and could I have a sample, to study?” She inquired while wrapping her hair around Scorpio’s tail.
“Woah ok,” Scorpia whipped her tail out of the tendrils of hair and into her arms, “you do not touch another girl’s tail.”
“I’m sorry,” Entrapta pulled away, “I didn’t mean to offend. I’m bad at meeting new people.”
Entrapta flinched when Catra put an arm around her, slightly squeezing her shoulder.
“Don’t sweat it, we don’t get out much either. Say what were you doing up there in the first place all by yourself?” Entrapta slipped out underneath Catra’s arm.
“I was studying human behavior to better navigate social settings. The only problem I have is that all my data is the same.”
“Well, maybe instead of looking in on it from an outside perspective get into the crowd, you know, hands-on learning.”
“I’ve tried before but I always mess it up and no one interacts with me.”
“Hey listen, Scorpia and I will have your back and coach you a little. Sounds alright with you?” Entrapta then began to rock on her feet thinking long and hard about Catra’s proposal.
“For the pursuit of science, I’ll go for it.”
“Alright, we’ll see you in a minute.” Entrapta then raced off into the crowd, excited by the thought of scientific discovery.
“Catra, what is the plan here?”
“Look when I saw those two together Hordak looked amused, and we both know he has never even been close to that with anyone else. A happy Lord Hordak equals an easier time for us. Even if it isn’t anything romantic, Hordak having a friend would improve everyone’s life. You understand?”
���I guess so.”
“Good, now let’s catch up with Entrapta before she chickens out.”
Hordak was once again standing at the outskirts of the crowd silently surveying the partygoers. He looked up trying to find Princess Entrapta who was nowhere to be found, odd. As he sipped his wine he glanced from guest to guest, each one more sparkly than the last. Speaking of sparkles, Hordak caught the tail end of what looked to be an argument between Princess Glimmer and a boy who Hordak recognized from recent footage from his bots. As he was about to eavesdrop, another group dance started up, beckoning everyone to the middle of the dance floor. Surprising even himself, Hordak decided to enter the dance floor.
Hordak randomly stood back to back with someone and as the music stung turned around to see Princess Perfuma of Plumeria, the flower princess. When she saw him her face contorted in fear and disgust. 
“Lord Hordak.”
“Princess Perfuma.” While he appreciated the girl’s fear, he loathed having to start with her. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I am simply enjoying my evening.”
The rest of their turn was dead silent making 45 seconds feel like an hour. Then the music stung, allowing the two to separate, Perfuma whipping her hands on her dress as she walked away. Hordak moved to his second partner, Princess Glimmer.
“Lord Hordak.”
“Princess Glimmer, I must say I am surprised your mother is not in attendance.”
“She’s busy with Brightmoon affairs. She sends her regards.”
“Does she?”
When their turn ended Hordak moved on to Mermista, Scorpia, and Sea Hawk until he was paired with Adora.
“Lord Hordak, I know you are up to something.”
“What exactly do you think I am ‘up to’, Adora.”
“I don't know but whatever it is I’ll be there to stop it, for the good of Etheria.”
“Is gatekeeping magic from the Etherian population for the good of Etheria?”
Adora, try as she may, had no comeback.
“Say what you will about the Scorponi Kingdom, but at the very least we have free health care.” At that, the music stung allowing Hordak to leave a stunned Adora alone.
Hordak put his back to his next partner, feeling proud at his small comment. The music, once again, stung letting the two turn around. Lord Hordak and Princess Entrapta were once again facing each other. At first, she was startled, something Hordak didn't like, but her face quickly turned into a smile.
“Hello again, Princess.”
“Hello Lord Hordak. I’ve decided to get some hands-on data.”
“I see that.”
“Could you tell me about the Fright Zone? I want to know what I’m getting into before I come to visit.”
“First of all, it is very dark there. The area the Fright Zone was built upon had very unusual weather patterns causing the sky to be covered with black clouds. It is primarily a military base so you will see much of the army cycle through. Of course, there is my sanctum which I will allow you entry to, and the Black Garnet chamber where the rune stone is held.”
“Wait you have the Black Garnet! I assumed it was destroyed during the rebellion.”
The music stung again but instead of separating the two stayed together, ignoring the changing of partners around them.
“Yes, the Black Garnet is in my possession. Right now, my second in command: Shadow Weaver uses it for the stone’s magical capabilities, but anyone can access it with my permission; however, Shadow Weaver is the only one to ever show an interest in it.”
“May I see it? My kingdom’s rune stone was destroyed during a rebellion that lead to the way Dryl is run today, so I have never had access to any rune stones.”
“Once you get to the Fright Zone you may have as much access as you want.”
“Thank you! I was thinking…” The two went on like that for the rest of the song. Dancing (at least Hordak was, Entrapta mostly walked along with him) and talking together like they were the only two people in the world, something that did not go unrecognized by their fellow guests.
Close by, Catra and Scorpia were dancing together, eyes fixed on two ‘lovebirds’ as they have dubbed them.
“Told you it would work.”
“Wow, is Hordak smiling?” At this point, Scorpia’s doubts had melted away leaving behind nothing but enthusiasm for the couple.
“My moons, he is. This was easier than expected.”
“What now?”
“Just let the situation play itself out. We’ll give them the occasional nudge if they need it, but it looks like those two got it pretty handled.”
Then the music stung again letting Adora and Glimmer pair up.
“Glimmer, I think I know what Lord Hordak is up to.”
“Look,” Adora gestured over to the Lord and the Princess who were still dancing and talking with each other, still ignoring everyone around them. Glimmer’s jaw dropped as she stared at the couple. 
“They’ve been like that for the last 15 minutes.”
“Are you kidding me? Lord Hordak of all people? When I tried to talk to her she ran away and she dances with him?”
“I don't know what Hordak did, but something feels wrong.”
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Even when talking about the difficulties of life, this Luz still looked and sounded so positive and upbeat. A far cry from the current state our beloved protagonist girl finds herself in.
And wow, this entire episode really was a targeted attack against me specifically, huh? I mean, even Luz’ line about being able to read witch tongue reminds me how back in the days, I could read gnommish (from the Artemis Fowl books) and decode the messages along the bottom of the pages. It doesn’t hit as hard as that one previous scene, but it still hits pretty close to home.
Camila believed that if Luz applied herself more, then she could do great things. She was right about that; just look at what she’s been able to do with glyphs in such a short time. Even Philip, who’s spent the last four hundred years or so thinking he was literally the only real person in the world admitted that he was impressed by her.
The point being that ”normal” subject like math or social studies might not be able to hold Luz interest for long, but given the right subject and the right environment, she will excel.
Timeline wise, this takes place right before the disastrous book report we saw at the beginning of episode one, season one.
I believe the ”Domicile Evil 4” poster is a reference to the Resident Evil franchise.
Down in the right corner we have… ”Night of [the?] Zombie S-” Night of the Zombie S…squirrel? That doesn’t look like a squirrel on the poster though. Maybe it’s a shrew or something, I dunno.
There are also a bunch of books in the bookcase: mostly Azura books, no surprise. There are also three books that have titles. One says ”Ghosts” on it, so I think it’s the same book that Gordon Ramsay read in that one episode of Hotel Hell that was in Connecticut.
Now, despite my brand new glasses, I have a hard time making out the other two. I think one of them says ”Taxi-something” on it, and there’s a skull next to it, so it might be about taxidermy.
That one pink jacket with the golden star in the wardrobe is giving me Steven Universe vibes. I bet Steven would love it. Is it organic though?
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”…I’m staying in the Human Realm. Permanently.”
Oh, so that’s what Luz was planning, that makes sense. I mean, it’s a terrible idea, but it makes sense. I’m surprised I didn’t think of that possibility.
I guess Luz though there was still a real possibility that they could create a new portal, even before Hunter told her about the hidden Titan’s Blood. And she thought the other Exiles could return back home… and that they’d be okay with leaving her behind? And I guess she was willing to send them into a world where who knows what has happened ever since they left it at the whims of a hyperactive kid with the power to move celestial bodies around.
Luz, sweetie, I know you hate yourself right now, and I know fourteen-year-olds aren’t the best at making good long-term decisions, but please think about this.
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I should probably talk a little bit about Camila’s reactions as well.
Her facial journey throughout this playlist fairly subtle, and I am not the best at reading faces, but here goes:
When the videos first start playing, she looks a little unsure. Probably because she shouldn’t be watching her daughter’s video diary.
Then Luz talks about Manny’s death. And while that is undoubtedly still a great source of sadness for her, Camila’s first instinct is to reach out towards the image of her grieving daughter.
We then move on to the videos showing off Luz’ antics, her trying to cut her hair with the sword, and Camila’s expression becomes fond. She’s missed this side of her daughter, her silly ideas, wonderful creativity, and endless optimism… even if her ideas don’t always work out.
Her smile fades as in the next video, Luz talks about the conversation she had with Camila about school. I get the sense that Camila feels guilty that she didn’t appreciate her daughter for the things she was good at or passionate about, trying instead to get her to fit into a box. 
Finally, we arrives at the last entry, where Luz says she’s going to stay in the Human Realm forever. Camila looks shocked and then… this expression. I believe she’s reached the same conclusion as me, that it is a bad idea. Even without bringing Luz’ extended family in the form of Eda & King (and also Hooty and Cool Aunt Lilith) into the equation, all of Luz’ best friends, and her awesome girlfriend are from that other world. I think Camila on some level knows that Luz will never truly be happy in this ordinary human world.
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This is why we wash our wounds and make sure to change our bandaids regularly, Hunter.
Also, nononononono, it’s happening, it’s happening, oh no-
Also, also, eeeeeeww!
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Turns out I was right!
To be more precise, my third proposed theory of why Luz’ burnt her hand on the glyph back at the vet clinic was right. It was because of the hidden Titan’s Blood, which makes glyph magic work… at least to some extent, those light orbs look a bit wobbly.
Not only does this give Luz a way to find the blood, but it also gives her some way to defend herself against the monster waiting in the woods.
Hey, let’s think positively! Maybe Hunter isn’t possessed by his creepy uncle, but is actually just turning into a werewolf! Yeah, that’s what’s happening. And Luz is exactly the kind of nerd who knows how to deal with a werewolf.
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luveline · 1 year
Hi Jade! Do you read the classics? Like book wise? Or do you have any recs in general?? Ilyyyy
Hi! The only classic I've ever read of my own volition was little women and I didn't love it, But I did read some for school/uni like jane eyre, that was good (in a strange way? I wasn't entirely sure how i was supposed to feel about people)!! I also liked antigone but found it hard to get through in the sense that the language is of the time period and so sometimes it felt like decoding, the same with some of shakespeares plays!! Im super uneducated when it comes to the classics honestly ♥
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mariacallous · 2 years
Beginning in 2023, we won’t have Dr. Anthony Fauci to kick around any more. After 38 years in government service, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as the White House’s chief medical advisor, is leaving his jobs—don’t say “retiring”—and, at 82, is headed to his next adventure.
It’s hard to imagine anything more adventurous than what he has been through in the past three pandemic years. The country—well, most of it—sympathized with his anguish as he tried to decode the ever-shifting challenges of Covid while his former White House boss, at various times, named the infection with a racial slur, claimed it was no worse than flu (it’s killed a million people in the US alone so far), and suggested it might be treated with a good injection of bleach. Fauci’s role as the highly qualified, avuncular explainer-in-chief heading a critical research lab won him many fans, but as the pandemic progressed, it also made him a target for those who sniffed conspiracy or simply got sick of following guidelines that might save their lives.
On the eve of Fauci’s departure from government, the nation finds itself in a strange place. We’ve pretty much declared ourselves done with Covid. But Covid isn’t done with us. It killed 2,504 Americans last week, and many thousands are living with the debilitating misery of long Covid. Yet those who wear masks at indoor gatherings—like Fauci—are mocked. Fauci himself got Covid earlier this year, when he briefly let his guard down and lowered his mask.
For my fourth interview with Dr. Fauci (you can read the previous ones here, here, and here), I decided to ask him about how he regards the psychology of denial—and also to get a glimpse of what we have in store for us this winter. The interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Steven Levy: Let’s talk about this winter. Do you expect those two new Covid variants BQ.1 and BQ1.1—they don’t really trip off the tongue—to dominate very soon?
Anthony Fauci: It looks like it’s going in that direction. They went from a fraction of a fraction, to a few, to now double digits. I do expect that, as we’ve seen in other countries, those variants will likely play a role. But they’re not the only ones. You know, there’s BA4.6, BF.7. And then there’s the others that aren’t even here yet that are lingering in other countries.
Those variants are troublesome, right?
Yes, they’re different, somewhat evasive. They elude some of the monoclonal antibodies that have been used effectively. But if you look at the relationship between them and the currently dominant variations, they are subdivisions of that lineage. So although the vaccine isn’t precisely matched to the variant, I believe there’ll be enough cross-reactivity not to create a very serious issue among those who’ve been vaccinated, and particularly those who’ve been vaccinated and boosted.
Can we expect some sort of surge this winter?
It’s unlikely we will see a surge the likes of when Omicron hit us last November and December. I always keep an open mind because I don’t put anything past this virus. But I would be surprised if we saw a major, major surge.
One thing about a surge is that it makes people more careful. Even in communities that once were cautious, most people aren’t masked now, despite continued infections and hundreds of deaths every day. If levels of infection are about the same, we’ll have no incentive to jar us into a higher level of caution.
I believe that you have to enter something else into your equation. As we get into the cooler months of the late fall and the early winter, we’re not only going to have Covid—particularly with these other variants beginning to emerge as we just discussed—but you also have the influenza season. Some years it comes early, sometimes it comes right on time, and sometimes late. This year looks early, at least in some regions. And then there are other infections, such as respiratory syncytial virus, which is particularly problematic for children less than 5 years old and for the elderly.
People should begin masking when they’re in indoor settings during the winter. I’m not talking about mandating anything. I’m talking about using good common sense. If you are a vulnerable person, or if you live in a household with a vulnerable person, you might want to go that extra step. Even though there’s no requirement for a mask, you might want to go back to wearing a mask in an indoor setting.
So let’s talk about masking. I heard that when you got Covid yourself, you attributed it to a moment of weakness, when you took off your mask around people who were special to you and weren’t wearing masks themselves. Those of us who try to wear masks indoors have all felt that pressure. How do we get to the point where we concede the “freedom” of people not to wear a mask and thus endanger others, while the freedom to wear a mask is under assault?
I can’t explain that very well. There’s a very interesting psychological twist there, where you’re doing the right thing to protect yourself, and you feel uncomfortable, because you think that you are making other people uncomfortable. Now, I don’t want to practice psychoanalysis in our interview …
Let’s go for it.
I can tell you my feeling. I was seeing all of my friends—this was a college reunion. I walked into that room, and I had a mask, and they were there with their significant others, none of whom had a mask on. I felt badly, like I was making them feel uncomfortable because they didn’t have a mask on. So I took my mask off. It was a psychological glitch. And it cost me, because there’s no doubt that that’s where I got infected.
Do you think situations like those are a victory for the science deniers?
I don’t want to give them any victories.
But that’s the reality. You’re an empirical person. This is where we are. I wouldn’t want to be in a subway without a mask. But I go on the subway and 20 percent are wearing masks.
There’s a difference. As long as we’re getting into psychoanalysis, here’s how I feel: If I go on in a subway or I get on a plane, and I’m wearing a mask, and nobody else is, I don’t really care how they feel. But when you go to a social event, you know everybody, and you don’t want them to feel uncomfortable—that’s a little bit of a different incentive. Or disincentive, as it were.
I interviewed Bill Gates recently. You must have read his book about the next pandemic.
I have indeed.
Bill and I kind of got into an argument. He said that we’re in a better position to fight the next pandemic, because we fought this one. I said we’re in a worse position, because of the mistrust and even hate now directed toward the public health world, which everyone used to respect. This hostility is something that you’ve experienced yourself. So I think that if another pandemic comes on, we’ll be starting from a disadvantage, because there’ll be a significant percentage of people who won’t accept the proper guidance on what to do to fight this next one. Where do you stand?
There are two elements to that. Overall, I agree with Bill. I think that the lessons learned, particularly among public health officials, are the kinds of things that should be applied. If those lessons are heeded, I think we’ll do better. The good news about the outbreak is that we had years of investments in basic and clinical biomedical research, which allowed us to actually develop a vaccine in unprecedented record time—from the time that we identified the virus to the time that we got a safe and effective vaccine into the arms of people. So we should absolutely remember the lesson of continuing to make investments in biomedical research. Also, heeding the lesson of what went wrong early on, with regard to the public health issues, will put us in good stead.
But in another way, you are correct. Statistically, you will never know when the next pandemic is going to be. I’ll yield to you that in the next pandemic, if it comes relatively soon, there will be people who say, “We’ve had enough of restrictions, we’re not going to have them anymore, we’re just going to go our way.” That would be a big mistake. But what likely will happen is that the next pandemic might be years and years and years from now, when people don’t remember what it was like back then. We would just start all over again. And hopefully, we wouldn’t forget the lessons.
I don’t know if we’re heeding those lessons even now. Hundreds of people a day still die of Covid, and millions are getting long Covid. In September, President Biden asked for more money to fight the virus and help the sick people. He couldn’t get the money.
Right, it’s unfortunate.
To what do you attribute that? Republicans get Covid, too, right?
Obviously, that reflects an unfortunate reality. We live in a very, very divided society. And the degree of divisiveness clearly has interfered with the optimal response to the pandemic. You have a situation where the level of vaccinations in red states versus blue states is substantially different. And the number of deaths due to Covid among Republicans is greater than among Democrats, for the simple reason there’s less of an uptake of vaccinations there. That is unfortunate and should never happen.
There should be a unified response, where everybody realizes that the enemy is the virus, not each other. We need to do everything we can to protect ourselves and protect each other. Unfortunately, that’s not been the case. Political ideologies have gotten involved in a response to an outbreak.
A Senate committee recently concluded that Covid originated from a lab in China. Do you think that’s an unreasonable assumption?
I joined a large group of highly experienced evolutionary virologists who studied this very carefully. We kept an open mind that any theory is possible: lab leak versus natural occurrence. We looked at the evidence on either side and feel that the true evidence—not the tweeting and whatever—strongly weighs on the side of this being a natural occurrence. That doesn’t prove the case. And you still keep an open mind for a lab leak. But I believe that anybody who studies this situation can’t in good conscience say that the lab leak is the most likely explanation.
How much of a practical difference would that make if we knew one way or the other?
Well, knowing which it was would prepare you for the next pandemic, or help you to prevent it from happening again. If we definitively proved that it was a natural occurrence from an animal reservoir—which I believe is the case, again—we would put much more effort into exploring that animal reservoir to see what’s out there, and putting restrictions on the utilization of wild animals in wet markets.
I’d hope we’re doing that anyway.
Well, the Chinese aren’t, when they go against their so-called regulation of not bringing in animals from the wild into the market, exposed to people in the market shopping for food. We have clear-cut proof that they actually did. We have photographs showing the animals in the market that should not have been there. We want to get much stricter on not allowing that animal-human interface.
The state attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri are charging that you colluded with Mark Zuckerberg to suppress information about a Covid lab leak. Just for the record, you didn’t collude?
That’s laughable. I mean, that is so ludicrous. It isn’t even worth commenting on. I mean, give me a break.
These are people who were elected by state populations as their chief law officers.
Yeah. And some of them are the ones who say that Biden didn’t win the election. So there you go.
Have you ever listened to Joe Rogan?
No, I have not.
Some of his interviews are fascinating and enlightening. And then he’ll have a guest like the Covid denier Robert Malone, and the two of them talk for three hours about how vaccines are more dangerous than Covid itself. It’s baffling to me. Why are even intelligent people so prone to these conspiracy theories? I know you don’t like to psychoanalyze, but you’ve been through tough times before, and it’s part of your job to deal with irrational fears. What’s behind that?
It’s not an easy explanation, Steven. You don’t know whether people really believe that or it’s just acting out. I can’t explain it. It’s too complicated.
You’re leaving your government posts in December, after an amazing career that must be ending bittersweetly because of all the invective and threats leveled against you. Do you think it’s helpful to have a single person, even a trusted one, so much out front in a national health crisis like this?
Other people have to decide that. I am not alone out there. We have the director of the CDC [the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], we have the surgeon general—there are a lot of people out there. Because I’m the target of the far right, it looks like I’m the only person out there, but I’m not.
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roseadiance · 2 years
scorpio in the first house
Scorpio in the first house is an aspect of warriors and complex personalities. The relationships of these natives can improve when they open up and allow a softer side of them to be revealed. This isn’t suggesting they should abandon their protective shell, more that they should allow others to be by their side.
Their personality manifests itself through their strong will and wild energy, meaning they can take great risks when trying to make their dreams come true. Their goals can sometimes be impossible to achieve because they’re impractical.
Benefiting from great intuition
The person born with Scorpio in the First House is determined enough and very intense when chasing his or her dreams. Natives of this placement are looking to put their plans into practice and to use their reserves to chase new opportunities.
They’re mysterious, not to mention they possess magnetism and charisma that can’t be seen in others. When having to protect themselves, they’re putting on a hard exterior shell. Others can’t trick them because they become dangerous when lied to.
Scorpio in the First House is just like having Pluto here. Natives of this placement are seductive and very sexual. Their eyes are piercing through everything, not to mention they can hide all kinds of secrets.
All in all, their face is expressing power and danger. It should be mentioned these people are jealous and vengeful. This is because they’re as well very passionate when in love.
Their lover should expect them to immediately hurt back when they have been attacked. More than this, people born with Scorpio in the 1st House are manipulative and good at developing strategies.
They have a good intuition and can read others’ minds. However, they’re the ones whom others can’t decode very easily. They seem calm and reserved on the outside, when in fact, they’re emotional.
When having an objective or a plan, no one can stop them from making it happen. Their hate and possessiveness can’t ever be replaced with something else. Natives born with Scorpio in the 1st House are suspicious and usually making all the correct decisions. For this last-mentioned reason, people are taking them seriously.
The sign of the scorpion is one of power, representing the battle between the high and low, to the death. Everyone needs to let go of him or herself before reaching a Higher Self, before finding God inside their heart.
When this is happening, the mind, body, and emotions are starting to work together and to help people attain the most incredible level of spirituality.
Impressive and charming
Individuals born with Scorpio in First House are reserved on the outside but agitated on the inside. People don’t see their restless side because they’re all the time quiet and looking to discover the motivations of others, even if they’re not talking about their own.
They like knowing things and why they are happening, not to mention they’re determined and powerful enough to defeat their opponents.
These people need to leave any resentment behind and to try as much as possible to not be possessive. They can be fascinated by the occult, matters of death, also by sex and homeopathic healing. Just like the scorpion in the wilderness, they’re both good and dangerous at the same time.
The sex-appeal of people born with Scorpio in the First House is impressive, but it can scare because it’s usually attracting fearful people. Even the more domineering people can feel anxious in their presence.
This is because they’re playing any game clandestinely and prefer to keep their personal life a secret. When it comes to appearance, these natives have dark hair and sometimes eyes, but the prevalent color is green.
The ladies may choose to wear makeup that’s making their glance dangerous. When it comes to how their life is going, they’re part of every event.
At the same time, they’re never giving up themselves just to become victorious because it’s important for them to have a personal identity and to perceive the world the way they want to.
When expressing what they love and not, they’re straightforward and very precise. There are times when these natives can’t put up with themselves because they’re too restless and looking to overcome every obstacle in their way.
The problems that interest them are approached boldly, not to mention they’re not biased when it comes to matters of their inner and the outside world.
On the highest level, they’re very disciplined and tolerant of others. When it comes to their simple ways, individuals with Scorpio in the 1st House may feel sorry for themselves and justify their emotions by condemning others and different nasty situations.
Every feeling or experience seems to traumatize them, so they’re trying to be objective in the relationship with themselves. By investing their efforts, First House Scorpios can escape illusion and no longer deceive themselves, but they need to be humble, as well to accept that others can be pragmatic.
Natives born with Scorpio in 1st House are strongly connected with the materialistic world. More than this, they’re powerful, motivated to succeed and fixed. However, their emotions are strong, no matter how much they may try to resist them. Built-in darkness, their appearance can electrify.
A most-striking glance
One of the biggest challenges for these people is accepting satisfaction, feeling grateful and forgiving those who have done them wrong.
They can start to blame others and to be possessive, not to mention they can become obsessed with some issues. More than this, they can sometimes not realize what’s keeping them alive and active.
Others see individuals born with Scorpio in 1st House as strong, mysterious and truly attractive. These people are also secretive, which is making them seem more interesting.
They can intensely stare and have an expression that’s making them seem too much, so people are often wondering what they’re hiding. Many can be overwhelmed by their intensity, not to mention they can intimidate others in no time.
Most of the time, a 1st House Scorpio individual doesn’t give up, so others are seeing him or her as the one to be relied upon, the person who’s always in control and who can exceed any limit.
No matter how many emotions this person may have, self-control is always prevailing. They should be more restrained when expressing their feelings and keep in mind that having too much compassion for themselves can be harmful, whereas selfishness can’t bring too much good.
When it comes to the lowest level at which they’re perceiving themselves, they need to be more attentive to the tragedies happening in the world and deal with the bad things happening to others. This can have them emotionally satisfied.
They need to turn their motivations into the highest aspirations and merge their ideas with what’s giving them their drive. They should be disciplined and control themselves when the situation is asking for it.
It’s not difficult to recognize their power, even if they may be hiding it. More than often acting calmly, they’re not at all resting inside their mind because they’re in fact complex, empathetic and sensible.
They can endure a lot and their will is strong. First House Scorpio natives are all the time careful, hidden and composed.
It’s easy for others to respect them when they’re talking about the most profound issues and are revealing their integrity. Their words are almost all the time hurting because they’re quite detached creatures.
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huntingteeth · 3 months
ask and you shall receive :D
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be?
46. when do you feel the most confident?
47. what do you do on your free time?
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
50. did/do you play sports in school?
51. when are you happiest?
52. coffee or tea?
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without?
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person?
i searched ask game and just grabbed a bunch from the first one - feel free to answer as many or as few as you'd like!!
you’re truly a blessing 🥹
45. ignoring the flight part (lmao) if there was anyone i could talk to for 10 straight hours, my nerdy brain would probably want to talk to any education neuroscientist because that’s always my favorite part of going to conferences is the neuroscience/reading panel and it would be wild to be able to talk through all my nerdy interests with them lol but if we’re talking about a famous person maybe uh lmao idk. idk that i’m actually interested in talking to anyone who’s famous lmao. i gotta like know a person to be comfortable talking to them for 10 hours and then also i get super tired of talking to people for 10 hours. maybe lord byron so i could bully him for 10 hours.
46. in my professional life definitely. but also when i’m in a small group of people i like lmao. i get wildly anxious when i’m left on my own for too long (lol at having summers off of work) but when i’m around people who have the same type of humor that i have or who lmao like me as a person, i feel very confident
47. in my freeeee time, shit. i like cooking. i like hiking. i like read thicc nonfiction science or history books (my books for vacation are “the particle at the end of the universe” by sean carroll, “monsters” by edward regis, “decoding the heavens” by jo marchant, and then one of my fave books “seven brief lessons on physics” by carlo rovelli). am i gonna be able to read all of these on my trip? no but i’m gonna give it a go. and uh i guess writing too lmao. oh and any kind of like cross stitching, knitting, crocheting situation.
48. yeah lmao. i think it’s generally pretty hard to lose my respect because i’m usually pretty easygoing but i have a really strong sense of justice and once a person makes it to the point where we’re on opposing sides of whatever issue it is, it’s pretty easy for me to justify bopping them out of my life.
49. i don’t know! i don’t know if i want to know either. maybe when i broke up with my high school boyfriend bc i was going to a different college lmao but honestly i dodged such a bullet. i haven’t had a relationship with anyone since probably like i was 18 and in college and it’s been so great lmao.
50. i did color guard in the marching band and winter guard for three and a half months years in high school lmao. i’m not really a sports person lol.
51. i’m happiest at the beach. not in the ocean necessarily but laying in the sun with a book and a fun drink and maybe i can take a nap. that sounds great. i also dearly enjoy being the first person in a hiking group so i can pretend like i’m a will-o-wisp who’s luring other people deeper into the forest tbh. thrilling.
52. my favorite drink in this world is an unsweetened iced tea. i do drink coffee and enjoy it but if i had to choose between the two things, i’d choose the iced tea.
53. honestly probably my extensive shoe collection. that’s a really frivolous answer but what’s the point of life if we can’t be a little frivolous? i have jordans that i love love and probably about ten pairs of sam edelman pointy d’orsay flats and sometimes when i think about how much money i’ve sunk into shoes it is a little wild but we’ve only got the one life and we should be filling it with things that make us happy
54. if they have a good sense of humor, quickly followed up by if they’re kind.
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manifestingsage · 2 years
Through synchronicity, the universe often shows us clues, messages and instructions encoded within numbers. The number 14 is one of the more common synchronous numbers, so we know more about its meaning. We decode these messages using numerology, which can help us to understand more about ourselves and our path through this life. So if you have experienced number 14 synchronicity, or it is significant in your numerological life chart, here is what you should know about its meaning: The Essence Of 1, 4 & 5 When we look at any number with more than one digit, we need to simplify the numbers to find their essence. We do this by summing the digits. For the number 14, this is: 1 + 4 = 5 Therefore, the essence of the number 14 in numerology is a combination of the numbers 1, 4 and 5. The number 5, which is the base essence of 14, is the most important part. The essence of 1 and 4 play a smaller but still significant role in the meaning of the number 14. So let’s look at what we have: The number 5 represents personal freedom, independence, self-improvement, courage and other individualist ideals. It strikes out on its own, treads the unbeaten path and hates to rely on anyone else. The number 1 is all about beginnings, starting fresh, making decisions and generally getting going. It makes sense that number 1 is all about origins as it is the first tentative step that every journey must begin with. The number 4 represents the act of creation and creativity, building and maintaining, and the productive aspects of life. It revels in hard work and worthwhile endeavours. By combining the essence of these three numbers, we can interpret the number 14 depending on the situation in which it arises. Every situation is different, and context is everything – so we can’t tell you what your 14 means. What we can do is show you how this might apply to a specific situation, so that you can apply it in the same way to your own. Number 14 Meaning: Is It Time To Spread Your Wings? You have been feeling stuck at work lately. You are overworked, underpaid and feeling under-appreciated as well. You start to wonder if you should look for a new job. As you do, you will begin to notice number 14 synchronicity. 14 is showing up everywhere. The essence of 5 is striking out on your own, gaining independence and taking the unconventional route. The essence of 1 is to start on a new journey, to get a fresh start — the essence of 4 places emphasis on building and creation. The number 14, in this situation, maybe suggesting that you start your own business, go freelance, or otherwise take control of your working life. Taking control will be good for you spiritually, allowing some of your power to return to you where before it was in someone else’s hands. Remember, if your interpretation feels right then it probably is right. Intuition is your number one tool when communicating with the universe. But when the number 14 shows up over and over again ... Click here to read this complete article. Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SpiritualUnite.com. All the rights of content are owned by SpiritualUnite.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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wintbad · 2 years
Boxee box by dlink
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We suggest you to use the closest DNS server to your physical location for faster dns query. You can also chose any of our DNS servers from the following list. Uncheck "Hide feeds and applications that cannot be played in your location" (ignore this step if you don't have it)ģ. If you don't have access to the router you are connected please find Smart DNS Proxy setup instructions for Boxee Box below:ġ. With router setup all your devices in the network connected to your router gets access to Smart DNS Proxy.
Please find router configuration details in our How to Setup page. If you are planning to use Boxee Box we recommend you to configure your router. Your connection will work automatically *anytime! (as long as your IP is in our database - please read info at the end of this instructions) Once you finish the initial setup you won't be needing to take the same steps anytime. forum thread about Kodi for Boxee Box.Following setup instructions is only needed one time.When choosing what size you will need, keep in mind for Boxee Box can be found hereĬode repository of Boxee+Hacks for rooting access hack and other tools can be found here A high speed USB memory stick (3.0) is recommended to maximise the USB 2.0 port of the Boxee Box. When Boxee Box starts up, join a wireless or wired network and log in with your boxee account. Select 'Factory Restore' from the menu and restart 5. Turn off your Boxee Box and start in recovery mode (hold the powerbutton for 5-10 sec and release it) 4. All that you will need is a USB memory stick, external USB hard drive or an SD card. Put the file boxee.iso on the USB stick, and put the stick in one of the USB 3. Gaining root access and installing Kodi on the Boxee box is today a relatively simple process and should not take longer than 15-30 minutes. Kodi 14 (Helix) builds for Boxee Box: or 3 Installing Kodi Most people was however disappointed with the initial firmware of the Boxee Box at launch time, and even if subsequent firmware updates did greatly improved the user experience, many considered the effort of porting Kodi to the device early on, but due to non-disclosure agreements with application makers like Netflix the Boxee Box shipped as a closed product and it is not until recently it has been made easy to hack. Dedicated Transport Processor as security processor for hardware accelerated decryption of DES, 3DES, AES, MULTI2, and DVB-CSA transport stream descrambling.
The integrated 24-bit 192KHz audio DSP (Digital Signal Processor) capable of hardware acceleration of DD/AC3, DD+, Dolby True HD, DTS, DTS-HD, MP3, WMA9, and AAC plus V2. And its Intel Atom CE4100 SoC have dedicated integrated circuits for hardware acceleration video and image decoding of JPEG, MPEG-2 ( / profiles), VC1/WM9 ( profiles), MPEG-4.2 ASP, and H.264 (MPEG-4.2 AVC profiles), with display processor capable of chroma up-sampling scaling, temporal noise reduction, de-interlacing, and output to fps film format, as well as and fps with deep color in RGB/YUV. All Boxee Boxes relied on an application server hosted by D-link at for periodic phone-home calls and service endpoints.
The hardware box features many of the ports and connectors that are available on most Android media players today, namely an HDMI 1.3a port with CEC support, an optical SP/DIF for digital audio out, a stereo RCA analog audio out, RJ-45 GigaBit Ethernet port, and 802.11n Wi-Fi, two USB 2.0 ports, and an SD card slot. The Boxee Box was a short lived but powerful set top box by D-link that was released 2010 and discontinued 2012. Boxee Box first became available on the market bck in 2010, and the Archive:Boxee Box remote that comes with it is a dual-sided RF remote / QWERTY keyboard that probably inspired the design many of the other dual-sided air-mouse remotes that are available today.
3.1 Install Boxee+Hacks to gain root accessīoxee Box by D-Link is a Linux based media player powered by Intel Atom CE4100 SoC (System-on-a-Chip), codename: Sodaville, with Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500 (based on the PowerVR SGX535 OpenGL ES 2.0 GPU from Imagination Technologies), that is from what is referred to as "Intel CE" or " Intel CEx" series of x86 media processors designed for consumer electronics, which all feature advanced integrated "Intel Precision View Technology" display processors.
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mmorgready · 2 years
Lubuntu macbook battery life
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The Statistics tab shows graphs for charge profile, charge accuracy, discharge profile, and discharge accuracy. You can view different graphs here by selecting the graph type and data length. To view battery history, switch to the History tab. You can look for the Power Statistics tool using the Applications Menu.
To install it using the gnome-power-manager package using the command: sudo apt-get install gnome-power-manager The Power Statistics tool comes installed with most Linux distributions, if you don’t have it, you can install it using Ubuntu Software. This a very helpful tool that lets you see how much power you use, along with the different trends You can view your battery report through the UI using Power Statistics. How to View the battery report using the Ubuntu UI ?
In this context, we shall look into how to use Ubuntu 20.04 to create detailed battery usage reports. Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform several Ubuntu related tasks. If not looked after properly, your battery may drain faster due to poor usage. When new, batteries run longer, but over time, it may not be the case. You'll find the files energy_full and energy_full_design inside the directory.It is important to check up on your laptop's battery often, after all, your battery is what makes your laptop portable. Use the ls command to list down the files and folders present inside the directory: ls To start, head over to the directory using the terminal: cd /sys/ class/ power_supply/ BAT0 Information associated with your system battery is stored in the /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 directory. You can use the cd command to switch to those directories and read the content of the files inside. Most of the command-line tools discussed above make use of these directories to extract information related to the battery. You can find directories specially reserved for your laptop's battery, system memory, and more. Linux stores all data in the form of files, even hardware components. To view the thermal statistics for your battery, use the -t flag. Overheating also affects the life and health of a battery. If these values are the same, it means that your laptop battery hasn't degraded.
Note down the values next to design capacity and last full capacity. You can discharge your battery from 100% to 75% four times, and that would count as a single battery cycle. The numbers don't always have to be 100 and a zero, though. When you use your laptop and the battery drains from 100% to 0%, it is counted as one battery cycle. Batteries are manufactured with a specific energy limit, also known as their design capacity.Ī battery cycle is a unit used by manufacturers to denote the life of a battery. Every battery has a limited amount of energy that it can store, measured in mAh, or milliamp hour. By the end, you will have a good understanding of laptop batteries and how to check battery health on Linux, using both graphical and command-line tools.įirst, you need to understand which factors play the most important role in calculating the health of a battery. Since most of them are terminal-based, an average user might find it hard to decode the information provided by such utilities.ĭon't worry. Luckily, Linux has all kinds of utilities for checking the status and health of your device's battery. Since that's the case for everyone, regularly checking if your laptop needs a battery replacement is an important task. Does your laptop battery come with a "Help, I'm sick" indicator? Most likely, the answer is "No".
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emiewritesthings · 2 years
ransom (pt1) ☆ jay halstead
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Summary: In which Y/n is kidnapped and the unit receive an atypical ransom video
warnings: language
authors note: this was just a short funny imagine inspired from the tik tok @/billy978 that’s been in my drafts for a while now. hope you enjoy!
“Wait, I think the kidnappers just sent us a video.” Mouse mumbled as his fingers continued to violently slap against his laptop’s keyboard, tongue slightly poked out in concentration. Jay was the first to immediately jump for him to play it. His hands gripping the back of his best friend’s chair as Kevin pulled the monitor to the front of the group that had formed upon hearing the news. They all were insanely worried for the missing member of their team, although they had been working on it so hard they had had little time to let themselves break down quite yet.
“Play it.” Voight instructed. Understanding the order, Mouse nodded his head before clicking on something and suddenly they were all met with a bloody and bruised Y/n on the bigger screen. Jay heard Kim besides him take a quick intake of breath, noticing that her best friend’s condition wasn’t the best. Mouse pressed another button and suddenly the video was playing.
“Hello my name is Y/n and I have been kidnapped- Can you stop pointing that fucking gun at me? You are making me nervous!” Y/n snapped, her eyes darting to the left where an assumed kidnapper was standing. The entire room seemed to freeze as their expectations of seeing an emotionally defeated Y/n was abandoned, as they watched the woman that had been through hell and back shouting at her captors. Jay could read Y/n like a book for kindergarteners, and whilst he had first thought maybe it was the adrenaline talking or a plan to hide her fear, he detected that Y/n was in no such state.
“To ensure my safe return home please pay us one million d- one million dollars? Is that it? Is that what you think I’m worth? I’m not having that…” She mumbled, glaring at the man that stood to her right before directing her eyes back to the camera and smiling. “To ensure my safe return please pay us five hundred million dollars… that’s more like it.”
Adam was soon doubled over in laughter causing the video to be paused as he tried to control his amusement. The unit all looked at one another, as they tried to decode what exactly they were looking at.
“Is she trying to get killed?” Kevin asked, looking more at Jay to answer the question knowing he knew the endangered woman more than anyone in the room. Running his hands over his face, Jay let out a sigh, unsure whether he should be angry or amused at his girlfriend’s behaviour.
“Knowing Y/n…” He started, thinking about his answer carefully. “Probably.” Kim hummed in agreement knowing how the woman enjoyed getting under criminals’ skin, although she’d never imagined she’d do such a thing in this kind of situation.
“Let’s keep watching.” Voight mumbled. Heads turned back to the video as it resumed.
“Honestly this place is such a shit hole. You fellas have money for all these fancy big guns, but can’t afford a vacuum, huh?” Tilting her head, mocking the large men that stood around her with their guns pointed at her, the woman quite literally smirked, not afraid of them or their weapons. “Well you don’t happen to have a hairbrush do you, don’t worry I am not talking to you, baldy,” Winking at the third and final man, Y/n looked to who she assumed was the leader. “Maybe some lip gloss or mascara? You see my boyfriend - you know the hot detective I was telling you fellas about - is going to watch this ransom video and I’d prefer not to look like utter shit.” Leaning forward, she seemed to use what little reflection she could make out in the lens of the camera as a mirror, attempting to flatten her hair and get rid of some dirt from her face.
“Holy sh- She’s insane.” Kim whispered towards Jay, who couldn’t take his eyes off the screen but nodded his head in agreement. As crazy as she may be, he still loved her all the same. Jay felt a small smile try to surface, but he pushed it down upon realizing it probably wasn’t the right time when everyone seemed worried or deeply concerned for Y/n’s wellbeing.
“You have 24 hours to make this payment or else I die- Wait, what? Fuck off. Are you guys taking the piss?” Looking around, not seeing any humour or amusement on any of the men’s faces, Y/n’s narrowed eyes relaxed along with her body in the chair she was aggressively tied to. “Wow.” She breathed out, still not appearing to be bothered by the way this was escalating. “And to think I thought we were becoming fr-.” The video soon cut off and went to just a black screen signaling the end of the video.
The unit stood there in silence for what felt like a good five minutes trying to process what they had just watched. Voight's face seemed stoic as always, whilst Adam and Kevin were arguing which was the funniest part - which had to be a first in ransom video history.
“Mouse, I want you to analyse every second of the video. See if there are any clues to where they are keeping her.” Voight pointed at the man that nodded in obedience, before the sergeant moved to look at the rest of his subordinates. “The rest of you, keep working. I don’t want anyone leaving until we’ve located her. Okay?” Everyone nodded.
Voight disappeared back in to his office, as the rest of them returned to their desks aware that as amusing as the video had been, one of their own was still out there somewhere in imminent danger. 
“I bet 20 bucks she gets shot before the 24 hours is up.” Adam spoke up after a good ten minutes of silence. His eyes pin balling around the room to see Kevin, Kim and Jay sat in silence watching him with incredulous eyes.
“Bro.” Kevin scolded. 
“It’s what we are all thinking!” Adam argued, but everyone had busied themselves again. Leaving the grown man to grumble as he fell back into his chair.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Who is Patrick?
I swear I get this a lot, and I should ignore it, but at the same time I'm well aware how he cycles through people he cons so I'm always compelled to answer every time.
The direct answer, and the most honest, is a Try-Hard. He goes by TeamFreeWill2PointO on all platforms.
Even before I got new media contracts or got back into marketing where I am now, from past experience alone you can tell the man is a moron that has no idea what he's looking at professionally. The idiot waves are incredibly loud if you understand how everything works back end.
He tries very, very hard to present the image of being Exclusively In The Know, when generally he just compiles and interprets things like M&G whisperings, often terribly. His few sources are hilarious, like "I have a friend in LA" or "my brother's cousin's ex spouse's girlfriend worked on a project adjacent to Misha once", or better, the "Chaos Machine source" he uses that, while I also have known when they have good info, he is completely oblivious to the many limitations and causes for inconsistency therein with that source.
That's like. A tertiary source of mine, to put it in context. Like sometimes "Oh wow yeah that makes sense, that fits with XYZ" or something but not like. Wow. This Is My Primary Angle To Understand The Situation From source. In fact, I have repeatedly and now permablocked this source, because the drama they perpetually instigate and their overinflated sense of importance since they got the position--something I knew them long before. Like girl you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about thanks for the old tea and all but i'm a dolphin and you're burning earth, so long and thanks for all the fish. Your hot nonsense isn't worth having to play decoder ring if this is info, drama, you over reading things or having your meltdown of the week, none of which Pat is smart enough to pick up on. Herpaderp.
And that's where this dude gets lost. I mean sure, even the best, inside, working, professional, employed at production or marketing agencies or studios even larger than mine leakers still need to forage around for a little bit of information in the wind to make blind spots make sense. The ability to actually collect that information and understand what the fuck it means, however, comes purely from perspective, and Patrick lacks it.
This results in bullheaded wrongness, and arrogance the entire way down. For example, from early season 15 I was talking about the finale, the death order, a roadhouse reunion and all kinds of doohickeys and bells and whistles. Patrick mocked How Wrong I Was When I Was Confident. Then, over time, every member of the creative team slowly came out and confirmed it all piece by piece. But not before he DENIED any omission, BELLOWED he knew better, said it was THE PERFECT ENDING!!!! AND JENSEN LOVED IT!!! and then he paid 5K to but a script just to prove he was a moron, and I was correct, and the finale was heavily omitted.
He repeated this clownery when I leaked the Winchesters pilot script, screaming his CM source knew I was wrong. I know that source. I looked that source in the digital face and told them they were wrong when they told me the same thing, because none of the associated numpties could wrap their heads around why I knew they were wrong. No matter how Pat argued about Jensen's commenting about script leaks on stage went. It didn't matter. Filming and the trailer hit, and even after RESHOOTS the product is still impressively close to the script with a few settings/backdrop changes and fused quotes for time.
This dude is currently desperately baiting hashtag "little birdy", some tumblr anon messaging him, surely being itk, and asking them what kind of production access or which pilot script copy they have and like. Bro. What the fuck. Episode 8 has been batched out already. The pilot is literally from April. How the fuck are your gears still stuck here while you're pretending to be a source of breaking news, genuinely what in god's green earth.
Once in a while he gets uppity, and starts overt lies. I called it in advance this time, knowing exactly which videos he would cut short or misrepresent how, and pre-addressing the argument to disband it before he unironically launched into a fit about That Exact Thing And Claimed We Were All Mad About It.
He loves to insist I run a "cult" simply because I won't hand out all my fucking leaks like candy and wait until someone proves they can moderately hold their shit together in public before giving them direct access. Lest they do some dumb shit like Pat did. Who, when he got my prequel script distro, made a sock to post it to prove me wrong and how fake and bad it was, only to immediately get smacked by a DMCA takedown on all the hundreds of caps of the script. And yet he STILL refused to believe it was real.
He refused me when I said the whole thing is about letting go and moving on, he refused every single thing that has fallen and landed because at this point, he's really just showing his full anti ass. Despite the username, he's a jared stan that maliciously degrades jensen or others' works and like dramatically overinflates jared's perceived successes, mocks and hates the prequel, then tries to trip into the prequel conversation pretending he has any FUCKING concept of what's actually going on BTS or driving anybody here. He intentionally sews lies and bad accord and just outright suckers people in cycles again and again, on who he is, what he stans, how connected he is. When really, he's a dude that lives online, collects M&Gs, and argues with me when reality is interfering with his incest jerkoffs.
This all just over the final year, of course, disregarding his years of telling me I was delusional for pointing out Berens' very real Destiel intent, which he mocked with totes ITK friends that knew better and Besides, Berens Totes Stanned Wincest, tweeted ITK man that didn't know about the literal USS Destiel sitting on the man's desk. Fucking shit.
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puff-poff · 3 years
The Culture of the Demon World
One part of The Promised Neverland that I always wanted to learn more about was the demons and their culture. Demons are a whole new race with their own language, religions, traditions, food, and history, and I want to learn more about their society. So, I decided to do a bit of research on a few specific aspects of the demon world. After writing everything down and connecting the pieces while trying to remain true to canon, I finally have something clear enough to share with you all.
Without further ado, I present to you my analysis of demon culture.
Part One: Clothing Just like in real life, the clothing demons wear depends on their social status and wealth. The middle and lower-class demons wear loose, flowing clothes with wide collars and sleeves. They most likely do this just in case they aren’t able to eat human meat and maintain their form; baggy clothes won’t tear if the demons start to degenerate. This is why the wealthy demons wear tighter clothing. Tight-fitting outfits show that you can afford plenty of human meat and that you aren’t worried about degenerating.
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Many demons, both poor and rich, wear long, layered clothing, but it’s hard to tell if this is a societal standard or a byproduct of cold weather. Almost all of the demons we see are wearing long-sleeved tops and ankle-length bottoms, as well as a jacket, shawl, cape, or scarf. However, the feet and hands are almost always uncovered.
A major part of demon clothing is, of course, their masks. This extra page explains the styles and functionality of the Goldy Pond demon’s masks:
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Like the rest of their clothing, wealth plays a part in demon’s masks as well. Detailed masks with large horns, like Luce’s, are worn by rich demons who want to flaunt their wealth, while lower-class demons wear simple, paneled masks with short horns. Demons who want a more functional mask might choose one without horns so they don’t get in their way. The aristocrat demons also have a unifying feature between their territory’s masks to differentiate themselves from the leaders of other territories. Whether or not your mask shows your mouth appears to be a personal preference since Legravalima, Mujika, Sonju, Awla, and Mawla all have uncovered mouths despite the character’s drastic differences.
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Another detail I would like to point out is the material of the masks. Most demon masks are likely made of a material similar to clay, but there are a few demons with special masks that appear to be made out of something else. Nous and Nouma, for example, have athletic masks coated with shiny material that’s probably similar to polyester. However, it was Legravalima and Sonju’s masks that interested me the most. Legravalima’s mask is smooth, glossy, and seemingly made out of metal. A metallic mask is likely a sign of royal status and immense wealth. This explains why Sonju had a metallic mask as a child, and why he doesn’t have one now. When he was a prince, Sonju wore a shiny mask with a design similar to Legravalima’s. After running away with Mujika, he grew out of his mask and now wears a clay one of the same design.
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This might just be the art style of the series changing over time, but I also find it interesting that Sonju’s mask suddenly becomes glossy in chapter 156 during the battle at the royal capital. It’s his first time stepping foot in the palace since he ran away, and it’s as if his mask is suggesting that returning to the palace has given Sonju his royal status back.
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Part Two: Architecture In many ways, the architecture in the demon world reminds me of places like the Sant Francesc Church in Spain and Royal Ontario Museum in Canada. As time goes on, old buildings are expanded and improved with modern additions to accommodate the changing world. This can be seen in the paradise hideout, where a newer building was constructed next to the original settlement.
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The old, traditional demon buildings are made of clay and other types of stones. They don’t appear to have many windows, and the few windows they do have are holes without window panes. Many of the older buildings were carved out of mountains or trees, or at least rest atop a mountain with steps carved into the side. This traditional style of demon architecture is similar to old Pueblo architecture and adobe homes.
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The newer demon architecture likely came into style sometime before Goldy Pond was built, seeing as Goldy Pond has buildings similar to those in modern demon villages. It resembles the European Tudor style with its grid window panes, timber frames, and sloped roofs. The walls were probably made using the wattle and daub technique and painted white or cream. Some of the buildings have stone foundations, but unlike the old style of architecture, the stones are laid like bricks. Buildings made using the new style of architecture also have shutters, awnings, and Juliet balconies.
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This picture of the royal capital’s streets perfectly shows the mixing of the old and new architectural styles:
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Here, you can see the original clay buildings with the balconies, awnings, and wooden frames of the new style added on. The buildings in the foreground have open windows while the ones further back have grid panes. One of the structures on the right is built in the style of the older demon homes, but it uses modern stone bricks and balconies. This blend of architecture helps show the development of the demon society through the years.
Part Three: Food Human meat is the most important food in demon culture since it’s what keeps the majority of demons from degenerating. I won’t be talking a lot about the farms and human meat in this post since it’s already been explored by the manga and people smarter than me. If you want to read more about demons and human meat, I recommend this post by the-silliest-idiot and this translation of the fanbook, particularly the Q&A sections.
As explained in the manga, the appearance of demons changes depending on the type of meat they eat. The aristocrat demons eat human meat, Parvus eats monkey meat, and the demon horse Sonju rides eats horse meat. As explained in the fanbook, humanoid demons will lose their human appearance if they don’t eat human meat, but monkey demons like Parvus can retain their appearance for a while. To keep themselves from degenerating or changing forms, humanoid demons don’t eat a lot of meat other than the human meat from the farms. When the demons do eat other meats, they eat bugs, fish, and birds, probably because those animals are difficult to change into.
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While it’s unclear if demons eat the plants in the forest, we know that there are plenty of edible berries, nuts, fungi, and other plants that the human escapees eat during their travels. Demons also have a variety of fruits, vegetables, and nuts that they grow and harvest. In just these two panels, we can see that the demons have their own versions of pears, hazelnuts, pineapples, kiwi, and mangos (the mangos seem to be popular in the royal capital).
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All demons, regardless of wealth or social status, appear to have equal access to all food except human meat. Lower-class demons get low-quality meat, but the same berries and nuts being sold at street markets are present in the Tifari offering.
Part Four: Language Unfortunately, I’m not smart enough to decode the old demon language. In the words of the fanbook, “Sugita created demon god's name, but every other text from the demon language that appeared afterward was Posuka's creation.” The language was made up by Posuka, and I’m not sure if there’s enough dialogue to translate a full alphabet. The old demon language looks like a combination of Japanese and Enochian, but that’s all I can gather from it. It’s also unclear if the language has a written form. 
However, the old demon language isn’t used anymore. The language died out for two major reasons; a general lack of knowledge and to separate language from the old faith. The aristocratic demons know the language well enough, but we don’t see many commoner demons speaking it. The modern demon society writes in English, as shown by the signs at Goldy Pond, and it’s likely that they also speak English despite the story being written in Japanese. There's also a chance that the demons speak Old English since the promise was forged during medieval times. If this is true, then the aristocrats and heads of the farms could have a more modern accent because they often talk to people from the human world.
Part Five: The Arts Sadly, we don't know much about art in the demon world. The promise was made around the 11th century, so art in the demon world is likely reflective of that time. I can only assume they have their own literature, art movements, and music, but it's mostly speculation. One thing I noticed is that the demon world has a lot of embroideries, whether it be on the edges of a cape or banners inside the palace. This fits with my theory of medieval Europe-inspired art and languages. During medieval times, top layer garments such as coats and cloaks were commonly embroidered along the hemline and cuffs. This kind of embroidered clothing is worn by many demons throughout the series.
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Banners, tapestries, and flags were also commonly created by artists during medieval times. Lines of flags are seen throughout the demon world, and a few buildings in the capital have banners hanging outside. The palace has a few banners of its own, though they're fancier than the ones in the capital streets.
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Damask fabric is another example of demon artistry being influenced by medieval Europe. Damask is a reversible fabric created by weaving. The royal demons seem to have jumped on the damask train before the promise was sealed because it can be found in many places throughout the palace. Most notably, Legravalima's dress is partially made of damask, though the silhouette is very different from that of a medieval damask evening gown. Damask was commonly used to make curtains as well, like the ones draped around the Tifari offering.
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We don’t know much about literature in the demon world. The books we see were written in the human world and sent to the farms, but surely the demons have their own books and stories. Seeing as the rest of the arts in the demon world were inspired by medieval Europe, I can only assume that their books, fables, and plays are as well. Much of medieval literature was based on religion and chivalry. There were also many fables and myths derived from old stories and religious texts. Demon children probably read many stories about the Evil Blooded, the runaway prince, and heroic knights who protect the demons from harm. There likely are many stories written in the old demon language as well. Similar to Latin and Old English in the Middle Ages, the old demon language was probably the main written language until the 11th century, when the demons began using English as a primary language.
I imagine that Anglo Saxon, Byzantine, and Norman (ha get it) art heavily inspired art in the demon world. The palace is likely covered in tapestries and murals depicting historic events. Metal and tilework were probably once a major part of demon artistry, but the practices died out over time. Instead, many demon artists practice painting and embroidery. Pieces of art in the demon world would be very vibrant and colorful, especially the works displayed in the palace.
When it comes to music in the demon world, there isn’t much to go off of. We know that the farms have access to instruments and sheet music because of Leslie and Nat. Barbara also sings a Japanese children’s song in chapter 113. Unfortunately, we don’t get much information about music in the demon world outside of the farms. I assume that demons primarily play string instruments and piano because of their long fingers. They also have more fingers than humans, meaning they can make a variety of chords that humans can’t. More fingers also allow demons to add more strings to their instruments. Even though it’s possible that demons have their own special instruments, we know that they also have human instruments like cellos, trumpets, and pianos.
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Conclusion: There’s a lot more I wish I could talk about (mainly the elements of culture), but I’m stopping for now so this doesn’t get any longer. Feel free to correct me or add on anything I missed. If you made it this far, thank you for reading this incredibly long analysis of demon culture and I hope you have a great day.
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