#reagan rambles
web-kinz · 4 months
The queer fictionkin experience involves a lot of "that character is queer and I know because of my visions from God"
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bichaels · 3 months
so, what's "not my shadow"?
ive been talking about it on my blog (and sideblog @notmyshadow) for a while now, but i recognize that i havent even shared the gist of it on tumblr in any coherent manner.
its a dtl fic ive been simmering for a while. it deals a lot with facing the present after being fixated in the past (especially trying to let that past go), grieving and regretting what's alive, beholding and glorifying what's dead, - that's a few themes, im sure i'll subconsciously incorporate more as i go.
basically, circi survives the giant scribble monster's attack. she finds out her attempt to bring wilfre back succeeded, but it was shortlived because of his defeat in the wasteland. her finding out that wilfre is dead with no further instructions from him (like in tncwii) fills her with intense and nearly-fatal grief. she uses this emotion (via shadow, which isnt banished to the human realm) to concentrate itself into... wilfre.
but its not wilfre. its circi's perception of wilfre, the wilfre that she's idolized and loved for years.
eventually she must face the fact that the real wilfre is alive and changed, alive and fundamentally not the raposa she knew due to the shadow's negative influence on him.
how will she cope with her conflicting views - grieve the past forever or accept the present?
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philsmeatylegss · 2 months
Daily reminder that in 1980, only 36% of eligible voters between ages 18-20 and 43% of eligible voters between ages 21-24 voted. In 1984, 37% for 18-20 and 44% for 21-24.
Meanwhile, in 1980, 65% of eligible voters aged 65+ voted. In 1984, 68% voted.
Republicans have a history of relying on young voters to not vote. They purposefully make young people feel discouraged; like no matter what, it won’t make a difference.
I don’t care if your state tends to always vote with one party. Get out and vote.
Especially in swing states, every single vote matters. Every. Single. Vote.
Mail in your vote. Go during your lunch break. Plan to take the day off. Your vote matters. In fact, it matters so much that people will purposefully try to sabotage you voting.
Here’s a guide on how to register to vote and how to check if you are registered. Plan ahead. Make sure you know how to mail in your vote or where voting booths will be.
Republicans have been so flippant towards Gen Z because of our historical hesitance to vote.
We have the power to make things at least somewhat okay.
I have seen so many people from Gen z saying voting for Kamala is hopeless because she’s a woman of color, citing past elections as proof.
That discouragement is purposeful. It’s been used for decades. And it’s been working.
This website is relatively young. Especially with a lot of older Gen z, including me, where this is their first or second election that they are eligible for.
Don’t listen to those saying voting is pointless. That there is no way Kamala will win so who cares? It’s absolutely okay to be frustrated and or wary, but don’t let that keep you from taking action.
Young voters are the key. Start planning on your vote now. Take it seriously. Your voice matters. Your vote matters.
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reagan-the-saunders · 23 days
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nyaskitten · 9 months
As with every post, I've probably said this a billion times before, but never has it been implied Harumi actually liked Lloyd back??? And don't say "oh but the Overlord sai-" if Satan walked up to you right now and said that last night he watched Napoleon Bonaparte and Ronald Reagan have the CRAZIEST fucking sex you'd seen in your LIFE in Miami, Florida, would you believe him? No? Then why on Earth are you gonna believe the Overlord, the dude who is BEYOND well-known for manipulating literally everyone to keep them in check like... bffr they weren't pushing shit about Ll*rumi.
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insidejobramble · 4 months
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inside job photo dump, also I still miss inside job, it’s literally on the popular section of Netflix now, people obviously like it, and they liked it before it got cancelled too??? Like hello? I just genuinely don’t understand why they didn’t atleast give one more season
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was rewatching rwby since the news of the shutdown, and i'm sure someone's already done this ages ago but i couldn't help myself
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berryblu-soda · 6 months
I dont think we as a society are utilizing the potential for solid adult designs of the og ninja
I swearr those guys are at least 30 <- minus lloyd, who is *also* an adult but id say is around mid 20s , let them be ACTUAL ADULTS!!! Come on, they're not squishy faced anymore :((
They're in mentor roles, they have years of experience! they trust each other to go on solo missions and have become more independent while still being very close as a team! 2 of em are engaged, they keep reffering to the new gen as "the kids" and " the younger ones", LET THEM GROW UP DAMMIT!!!!
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dougielombax · 22 days
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In my mind…
Shut up!
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therealmaquaroonie · 9 months
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Help I'm at work and my brain has just forced me to think about her and I'm probably going to have brainrot for the rest of my shift
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web-kinz · 4 months
The religious trauma to angelkin pipeline
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bichaels · 5 months
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falling-star-cygnus · 6 months
i just binged inside job in two days and i am having feelings™️  -> the execution of this show's main gang is so beautifully done, im like- constantly impressed
because they're all misfits
-> Gigi, Brett, Myc, Andre, Glenn, and Reagan were all pretty much socially isolated until they came to the deep state {even though glenn and gigi's backstories are still pretty much up in the air sans a few glimpses}
but that's why their group works so well, that's why they can intrinsically understand each other without even fully realizing it
i'm realizing they all sort of represent the five stages of grief too; of learning to let go and finally healing in the comfort of their own little fucked up found family
Brett is denial -> He's constantly chasing after any form of affection people will give him, telling himself that it's genuine and that- no, these people don't dislike him! this is just friendly banter! he just needs to prove himself a little more, push just a little farther and then Brett will for sure be worth their approval!
Glenn is anger -> With the limited knowledge we have of Glenn, no finite backstory outside his wife and veteran status, it's pretty easy to realize that he has a lot of anger towards... everything. He's mad about his face, about his divorce and he constantly lashes out about it
Andre is bargaining -> What's beautiful about Andre's writing is the almost intrusive depiction of what he's like sober and why he can't kick the addiction. He's such a terrified and self-conscious person that he'll do or trade anything for the crutch that finally gives him peace of mind.
Reagan is depression -> Like Brett, Reagan is constantly trying to prove herself. However, unlike her best friend, her desire to do so doesn't manifest as optimistic denial. She's strung out and exhausted but she can't stop because what is she without her work? And she can't be bothered to take care of herself because she doesn't see the point in it
Gigi and Myc are acceptance, albeit because -> 1. We see Gigi turning down her literal dream job twice because she realizes that Cognito is her family, and that she doesn't have to fight to prove herself to them -> 2. The entirety of the hivemind episode was Myc just- finally vocalizing that, yeah he's a jerk, but he's the gang's jerk and he's always going to have a place among these people
man, if only this show could get a third season TToTT
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reagan-the-saunders · 5 months
I wish Skyrim dragons would lay down on the ground more. Instead there's that one boy at Dragontooth Crater who does it.
I really wish the cuties would do it more. At least the ones who don't wish to murder me.
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wanderingmind867 · 11 months
Random question, but who do you think was worse: Reagan, Thatcher or Brian Mulroney? The three conservative leaders of the 80s. Personally, I think Reagan was the worst of the three. And I think Mulroney was the best. Let me explain:
I think Mulroney was best. Because while Mulroney seems to have had some very bad domestic policies, at least he didn't get us involved in any major wars (as far as I'm aware), and he also opposed apartheid. So his foreign policy was at least not as bad as it could have been, which gets him the top spot.
Reagan was worst because both his domestic and foreign policy sucked. Reaganomics was bad for america, and his response to things like the AIDS crisis was also disastrous. And it's not like he had too good of a foreign policy either. He supported millitary coups all throughout Central and Southern America, and also there were things like Iran-Contra which probably show his bad foreign policy. Also, he tried to veto MLK Jr Day from becoming a thing. Who does that!?
So because Mulroney is best and Reagan is worst, I guess Thatcher is the one in the middle slot. She's worse than Mulroney, but better than Reagan. She had a bad domestic policy too (I think), but at least she didn't get the UK involved in as many coups and wars as the US (I think this is true). Also, at least one can say she has an interesting background. She supposedly wanted to be a chemist before going into politics. Which is interesting to me.
But either way, I wonder if anybody else has any thoughts on all this? Who do you consider worst, and who do you consider best here?
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kcrabb88 · 30 days
Saw some goof on Twitter say that Kamala Harris sounded like Ronald Reagan during her acceptance speech and I'm like LOL oh, yes, old Ronnie would definitely be up there talking about loving who you love with pride and having an entire segment on reproductive rights. There have been whole pieces about how "Bidenomics" (and therefore, Harris, who is as, if not more progressive on the same stuff) is an argument against the lingering hell of Reaganomics. Reagan hated unions! The DNC was full of them! Planting her foot on the ground and saying "hey, America should be for everyone, government can do so much good, and people should mind their business about people's personal lives" + nabbing back the theme of freedom from Republicans is damn good politics, actually. American presidential elections are TOUGH things. They're not like any other election because you have to appeal to SUCH a broad swathe of people.
Also like, calling a biracial woman from Oakland whose progressive bonafides have been clear for a long time if you don't fall for misinformation is just. So unserious. Ronald Reagan would hate Kamala Harris. Be real. If you want to make a Reagan comparison, I'll point you right toward Trump, who is busy talking on the phone to Netanyahu so he can try and ruin the ceasefire deal (which is exactly what Reagan did to Jimmy Carter during the Iran hostage crisis, and it's now, you know, illegal).
Anyway! Make sure you're registered to vote and have ID if you need it (especially in the states that are making it more difficult!)
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