#really gotta stop overthinking this stuff- =w=''
axewchao · 6 months
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Revali never thinks too much about his dad.
Not because his father's absence bothers him in any way, it just doesn't cross his mind very often. Kinda hard to miss someone that you've never met before, at least in his eyes.
But every now and again, curiosity strikes him; if, by chance, Revali Sr. were still around by the time Ganon arrived, or at least around long enough for Revali Jr. to have some memory of him... what would've happened?
Would things have turned out differently? Would he have turned out differently?
What would've happened if the man who braved the scorching desert on his behalf were still here...?
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eternal-reverie · 1 year
It’s been a while!~
I, uh, withdrew, from everything online last year for many reasons. It all got overwhelming and my anxiety was like, “Retreat!” Being offline for awhile was a nice change of pace but I did miss being on online spaces.
I decided this is going to be the year I’m going to be more open and less restrained if that makes sense? I tend to overthink things and it gives me anxiety with sharing…anything. From opinions to thoughts to conversations to my art. It’s a bit debilitating. But!!! I’m going to make it a goal to change that.
Sooooo…life updates! Lots of stuff actually happened for me last year. I got a job that I actually really like! I get to work with kids and it’s fun to help out with organizing activities for them. (lowkey peeved this might get me into the education pipeline b/c I’ve been trying to avoid that track but we’ll see lol) I got my driver’s license!!! I finally had the time and money to get that over with (started back in 2015 oof that feels long ago).
Graduating though…is still a work in progress. But I think I’m ready to approach that final class sometime soon. Learning that I was burnt out from my major took a year or two to process. Will update if I ever get it out of the way.
I think I will finally post all the art I made during that time because I gotten over those pieces. They used to weigh on me on how unpolished they were or a lot of them are incomplete projects. I think trying to get them done first and foremost, and not making new stuff, stalled everything I was making back. Like I think I had more art done when I was trying to juggle more? But it’s also the arm and wrist pain that stops me midway lmao. It’s made me so scared to even pick up a pencil. Definitely gotta work out these noodles called arms.
Going to post more oc art too and be more self indulgent with sharing them haha. I have too many imaginary ppl running around my head.
Hmm what else? Oh I’m making progress with my kh fic! Fingers crossed that I get a first draft all done this year. I think having it all done and posting it part by part will be for the best. I’m excited to share all the ideas and story I’ve been coming up with. I’ll share what I can w/o spoiling. Perhaps in funny sketches alluding to that happens in the fic.
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pascalscenarios · 3 years
THE ONE (Frankie Morales x Reader)
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Frankie Morales x Reader  
Summary: Since seeing Frankie Morales, you can't seem to get him out of your mind and old feelings start to arise. While out on a lunch date with your finance, you run into him again. 
Warning: Mild Swearing
Words: 2388
Author Note: I’ve been in my Frankie feels lately. It hurts. 
CH 1 | CH 2
Chapter 2
“You’re leaving?” You stood in the doorway. You were confused watching Frankie run around your shared bedroom collecting his belongings.
“Yeah, I am.” he stuffs clothes into his tan large tactical bag and a duffle that sat at the foot of your guys' bed. He must have been called out again, that's why he’s quickly trying to pack.
“Oh… I didn’t know you were called back out, why didn't you-”
“I wasn't called back.” he cut you off.
“...okay, so what's all this then?” You motion to his bags. “Where are you going?...”
He didn’t answer you. He just kept packing his things. He zipped his tactical bag, putting it on his back and slinging the duffle over his shoulder. Frankie walked over to the dresser picking up his hat, placing his hat on his head, and grabbing the keys to his truck.
He walked past you, heading out of the room and into the living.
“Frankie, What is going on?!” You laugh in as you call after him. You had no idea what was happening and what he was doing.
“You have a camping trip with Santiago and the boys? If that's the case-” You enter the living room finding Frankie standing a few feet from the dooring staring at you. You couldn’t read his expression. Just a deadpan look took over the soft and happy face he usually had. Something was wrong.
“Frankie?” you furrowed your eyebrows at him.
“I’m done. We’re done,” he says bluntly.
You were taken back. “W-what?” was all you managed to say after he dropped an unexpected bomb on you.
“I’m leaving,” he states again.
“Frankie, I’m so confused! Where is this coming from?!” You were in disbelief. You walked over to him, placing a hand on his cheek. Frankie moves his head back, moving away from your touch.
“I’m sorry.” He says turning his back on you walking towards the door.
“NO!” You yelled as you dash for the front door. You stood in his way blocking him from leaving. “NO, I’m not letting you up and leave without talking to me first! We're gonna talk about this!”
He sighs. “Move”
“Talk to me. Don’t shut me out. We can just work this out if you just talk to me and tell me what’s wrong...Please...Talk. To. Me.” You pleaded, tears forming in your eyes.
He extends his arms out, swiping you away from the door so he could leave. He walks outside to his parked truck, tossing his bags in the back. You followed close behind, fuming with emotions.
“FRANCISCO MORALES!” You shouted after him. “Like HELL you’re leaving!.”
“I gotta go.”
“So that’s it?! You’re just going to walk out on me, walk away from everything we’ve have and just leave?”
“Pretty much.” He says leaning against the truck, folding his arms across his chest.
“Are you hearing yourself?! Do you even know what you’re saying?! This makes no sense! I’m so confused, hurt, scared and you’re not even going to give me an explanation or try to work it out with me!”
He looks down at the ground, avoiding your burning stare.
“I don’t want this anymore. We’ve run our course.” He stares.
“We’ve run our course? No, Y-you don’t mean that… I-I know you. I know you inside and out. I know your heart. You wouldn’t do this to me”
“You don’t know me. I’ve changed, my feelings have changed.”
You scoffed. “I don't believe you. You’re a fucking coward! Running away like a scared little boy!” Tears streaming down your face.
With that, Frankie stands up and opens the car door. Your eyes widen. He was really going to leave you. Just like that. He starts the engine.
You quickly rush to the divers window. “Frankie, come on you can’t be serious. Frankie-” He reversed the car down the driveway, you following the car.
He was leaving. You started pleading for him to stay, begging even. “Please don’t go! Stay! Don’t go! Don’t leave me! Please, just tell me what I did wrong!” You sobbed as he pulled out the driveway.
“Hmm?” You snap out of your thoughts.
It's been a few days since you saw Frankie in the parking lot. Since running into him, the night of your break up is constantly replaying in your head. It hasn’t been like this in years. From time to time you thought about that night. What would have happened if he stayed. If he had been willing to work things and not run away. You still had no clue as to why he left you, just the bullshit of an excuse he gave you. You were able to move on past what had happened... at least you thought you had. Seeing him again really set you off. You felt like you were being sucked back into those days of overthinking and analyzing everything.
“How do you like this one?” You and Alex were at a local bakery trying different cake flavors for your wedding cake.
“I don’t like it.” You say pushing the red velvet sample piece away. You weren’t in the mood for this. Frankie was the only thing on your mind lately, and it was driving you insane.
“You, alright?” Alex asked.
“Yeah, I’m a fine sweetie. Why?” You gave him a fake smile.
Alex takes a seat beside you. “You’ve been acting strangely for a couple of days. You seem like you have a lot on your mind.”
You sign, picking up the fork, and start to you with your piece of cake. “I’m just stressed with the few things we have left of the wedding, work, and the fact I ran into fra-” you stopped yourself once you realized what you were going to say.
“When you ran into who?” Alex questions.
You didn’t want to tell Alex you ran into your ex and make it a whole huge thing. “Frankie Morales…” you stab the fork into the cake.
“Who’s that?” You never brought up Frankie to anyone unless it was close family and friends. Alex was your partner but there was no need to bring up Frankie because he was a part of the past. You haven’t told anyone you saw Frankie, not even Santiago, but it is weighing and taking a toll on you. You needed to tell someone.
“An old friend.” Technically you weren’t lying. Frankie was your friend at one point in your life, but he also became more than a friend… a boyfriend...an ex-boyfriend. “We were close when we were kids, but we had a falling out a long time ago, but he recently came back into town.”
“Maybe you could try to reconnecting with them-”
“No!” You quickly shouted. Alex is taken back by your sudden outburst. “No...It was good to see him I guess, but things have changed. We’re different people. It’s not the same as it once was.”
You pick up a different sample cake to distract yourself and move on from the topic. You pick up and have a bite.
“This ones too sweet.”
“I kinda like it.”
“Honey no!” You chuckle.
After deciding on your cake flavor, coconut, and design at the bakery flavor, you and Alex headed towards their favorite restaurant for lunch. You were just outside the door when you noticed Frankie walking in your direction. You swear the universe must hate you. You cursed underneath your breath.
“Hey, I’m not so hungry-” as you take Alex’s hand, turning in back around towards the direction you came from.
“Woah what? Come on, this is my favorite-” Alex stops you both from moving.
“Yeah. I think we should just go ho-” You grab Alex’s hand and start dragging them, but you didn’t even take a few steps.
“Hey, Smiles.”
You close your eyes, deeply signing. You turn around slowly. He was still wearing the same casual clothes he always wore and that damn hat.
“Hey...” The three of you awkwardly stand there in silence for a few seconds.
“Sup Man. I’m Alex!” Alex introduces themself, extending his hand to Frankie.
“Ah Smiles’s finance…” Frankie says shaking Alex’s hand. “I’m Frankie.”
“Oh, Frankie Morales! The old friend! Funny you came up in conversation today!”
“Alex!” You say through your teeth.
Frankie cocks his eyebrow at you. “Really? Smiles told you I was coming to the wedding?”
“You invited him to the wedding? I thought-” Alex whispers to you.
“Yeah, I did!- Um, Nice to see you again Frankie, but we really should get going-”
“Frankie, We’re headed to lunch, you wanna join us?” Alex says inviting Frankie.
Alex did NOT just do that. The last thing you wanted was to see Frankie, but having lunch with your ex-boyfriend AND finance? You wanted to crawl into a hole and just die.
You glare at Frankie, your eyes telling him to say no. “Sure, why not.” He smiles.
“Lovely! Frankie, We’ll meet you inside, I need to talk to Alex real quick!” you gave him a fake smile. He said yes on purpose, that fucker. You’d deal with him later, but you needed to deal with Frankie.
Frankie opens the door and heads inside the cafe. You turn to Alex.
“Alex? I don’t want to reconnect with him.” you sigh.
“I mean you invited him to the wedding”
“I didn’t mean to invite him. It just came out-”
“He’s your childhood friend. Maybe it's a good thing that Frankie is back, you can catch up and rekindle your friendship. Life’s too short to be upset with someone.”
You wanted to rekindle NOTHING with Frankie Morales and you had every right to be upset with him after what he did to you. Maybe you should have told Alex that Frankie was your ex, then you wouldn't have been in this predicament.
You huffed.
“Come on, it can't be that bad.”
Oh, Alex, you have no idea, you thought.
You were at the restaurant for a while talking about the wedding and random things. Frankie and Alex talked the majority of the time getting to know each other.
“What do you do for a living?”
You toyed with your paper straw in your drink as you listened to Alex and Frankie. You just wished the waitress would come to buy and drop off the check already.
“I’m ex-military, I flew helicopters. Now I just fly doing cargo transports. How about you?” Frankie says picking up a french fry from his meal, dipping it in ketchup, and popping it into his mouth.
“I work for a tech company in the city.” Alex bites into the last of his sandwich. “We were talking about you earlier, they mentioned you knew each other from childhood.”
“Yeah, Smiles and way back.” Frankie chuckles.
“Smiles?” Alex asks, unaware of why Frankie kept calling you that.
“It’s a silly nickname he gave me when we were kids.” You chime in.
“It’s not silly. She always had the biggest smile on her face. Always happy. She was constantly following Santiago and me around. ” He smiles thinking about the simpler times.
“You know Santiago?”
“He’s my best friend. That’s how I met Smiles.”
The gears were turning in Alex’s head. “Hmm, I’m confused as to how I’ve never heard of you. You’ve never been brought up in conversation.”
“Well, Frankie did up and disappear at one point. No one knew where he went for a while.” You sit back in your seat, changing the tone of the conversation. Alex was oblivious to it all, but Frankie knew just what you meant. You both started at each other. Frankie gulping, growing unformattable, adjusting in his seat slightly.
“What? Where you’d go?”
“Yeah, Frankie…Where’d you go?” You cocked your head to the side giving him a questioning and clueless look.
“Here are your check folks!” the waitress comes dropping off the receipt on the table. Of course, the waitress comes at this exact moment.
“I can pay,” Frankie says, picking up the bill.
“What? No, we invited you man-”
“It’s cool. Consider it as an almost getting married gift.” Frankie says gabbing cash out of his wallet and setting it with the bill folder.
“Thank you! I'll be right back. I'm gonna head to the bathroom before we go.” Alex gets up and walks away from the table.
You and Frankie sat there alone.
“Alex seems nice,” Frankie speaks up.
“What are you doing?” you ask him straight up.
“Cut the bullshit Frankie” you snapped.
“Woah this is a total change of attitude from when you saw me the other day.” He folds his arms across your chest.
“That was me being in shock. The feeling has since worn off,” you said coldly.
“I was curious and saw the opportunity to see who you’re getting married to Smiles.”
“No. You don’t get to do that! You don’t get to come back into my life pretending everything alright between us because it's not. We are not on friendly terms and never will be. So stop trying to wedge your way in. You left, I’m not letting you back in.” You said sternly.
“Alright. Ready to go?” Alex says walking back over.
“Yeah.” You say getting up out of your seat, Frankie doing the same.
“Nice to meet you, Frankie!”
“Same here.” They shake hands.
“Bye Smiles.”
You look at him with hurt in your eyes. You shake your head and sign. You take Alex’s hands and walk towards the exit.
Frankie stood there watching you and Alex leave. Every day of his life since that night, he regretted leaving you the way that he did. He should have stayed. After years of reflecting on the situation, he realized how completely and utterly stupid he was, but he thought it was the best choice at the time. It was the worst decision he had ever made in his entire life. The number of times he wished he could have gone back to fix things. He would do it in a heartbeat if it meant being with you. He knew owed you an explanation, heck he owed you so much after everything he put you through. He wanted to make things right with you, he needed to make things right with you. He just hopes it isn’t too late to do so.
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catcze · 3 years
H..hi... I'm on anon for now bc I'm too shy and idk if you'd say yes but yeah, I've been following you for a while now and I love, love, ABSOLUTELY LOVE your works. You're really kind and nice too, and it feels like.. how do I say this? From what I've seen, it feels so easy to talk to you. I've finally picked up the courage to send you an ask but would you like to be moots/friends? I KNOW IT takes a while to grow closer but (I shall stop here I tend to ramble).
You always make my day and I reached home from working 12hrs not long ago but seeing your posts lift my mood. Also I'm just a teeny tiny account so idk if I even deserve to send in this ask (my apologies, I'm a severe overthinker). (":
!!! DARLING HELLLOOO <3 Pls you're so cute wtf i whole squealed when i read this bc you sound literally so sweet oh my god akjsdkjaasa <33333
I'm glad u like my stuff !! :DD And my vibes aaAA <33 I try my best to b chatty n vv interactive bc i can't shut up and i like talking w people heasjdakjs <33 I'm glad that i lift your mood :DD That makes me happy too !! <33
But yes oh my god im literally always sooOO down to make new moots n friends oh my god akjsaks (like as long as you don't cross my dni tho plsss <3) I'm just sooo bad at like private messages tho i gotta warn u in advanced my love !!
BUT ES COME HERE C O MECOME COEM as long as you've cleared my dni, send me ur acc in another ask dove !! n also pls mention if you're ok with me posting your blog name or if you'd rather i delete the ask after i follow tee hee <33
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jamestrmtx · 4 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Three | sans. (Part 1 of 3)
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meet me by the train station.
the place's bustlin' and tori's here with me, just in case you're worried 'bout meeting a stranger all alone.
That's surprisingly thoughtful.
And I'm guessing Tori means Toriel?
The goat lady who looked after Frisk?
she's gotta go deal with some legal stuff 'bout us living on the surface, so she can't stay for long.
but she'll still be here by the time you get there.
Now that just makes me more suspicious of you.
Tell me why it's important that only you specifically want to talk to me about this?
Doesn't Toriel know about what happened down there, too?
yeah, but…
i need to talk to you about somethin' else.
stuff that'll probably be a lil' difficult for me to explain, but that you should still know, being frisk's parent and all.
Now I'm curious.
I'm stuck in some traffic, but I should be there soon.
Would it still be okay with Toriel if I get there in the next ten to fifteen minutes?
textin' while drivin'?
My aunt chose to drive me here.
'Cuz she also said she doesn't trust the whole situation much.
tori says it's fine. she doesn't need to leave in the next hour so…
see ya soon, (l/n).
See you soon, mister Serif.
"How's he gonna know who you are if only you have a picture of him?" you aunt asks, eyes locked on the road. Her bright red nails, just as flashy as the rest of her outfit, glisten under the sun, fantasy jewellery and wrist watch doing the same. Her tanned skin almost glows with health in comparison to yours, yet to be healed from the past two months of tension and wait. There's also her signature and almost hair salon professional level of cleanliness when it came to grooming her hair, making her overall, outer appearance far more different and striking when compared to you.
"(Mom/Dad)'s all over the news now!" Frisk says, answering her question before you can even word your thoughts out in mind, too busy noticing how much you've let yourself go in so short of a time.
You plug your phone to the car charger and meet with the side view of your aunt's face. "Like Frisk said. The guy I'm meeting says my face's been thrown out on the news a lot lately, so he already knows what I look like." You pull down the mirror and take a quick look at yourself, eye bags and stress acne now partially covered with a cheap, (s/t) foundation and expression made to look less tired thanks to a full eight hours of sleep. Still, you're far from looking anywhere near to the days before Frisk's disappearance or all the pictures displayed on the news, these from a similar time. All the stress and constant sorrow was still present on most of your features, from something as subtle as the loss of brightness in your eyes to something as noticeable as the drag in your walk and the small slump in your posture.
"Do I look okay, auntie?" you ask, taking advantage of a stop sign.
Brenda spares a quick but meaningful glance at you and a small smile manages to show on her face. She stays quiet even as her eyes go back to facing the road. At a second stop, this one caused by a red light, she looks at you again, saying, "Why are you so concerned about that, dear? I get wanting to look well and dignified for meeting new people, but this is the third time you've asked me today." She giggles when Frisk does, both apparently sharing the same thought. "You look fine, by the way. Though a bit of rest could do you good." The light changes and she carries on driving, slowing down and turning on the signal when she sees the train station to her left. "How many hours do you work, by the way? If you're still working overtime, you should stop that now. Not only for my dear grandchild's sake, but for you to get your long overdue beauty sleep."
"...Sixty hours a week?" you mutter, already anticipating a dramatic reaction from her. Even Frisk seems to notice your answer's not favourable enough to her, so they brace themselves by grabbing on to their seatbelt and pretending they're not paying attention to the conversation anymore.
Staying true to herself, Brenda almost slams the brakes just as she's halfway into parallel parking and snaps her gaze over to you, eyes wide and mouth agape. "What?!"
"Sixty a week," you repeat, louder now. "I had to get my mind off Frisk going missing somehow, so I... took that chance to save up some more by working overtime."
"That's fifteen hours too much, dear." She frowns. "That's either twelve hours a day for five days a week, or working non-stop every day for at least eight to nine hours! No wonder you look so stressed. What about your friends? Your family? Your coworkers?" She seems to notice why you've lowered your voice and does that herself, reminded over Frisk's presence at the back seats. "Oh, honey…" She sighs. "Did you really just work, eat, and sleep those two months they were gone?"
"...Maybe," you reply, looking away from her. "I just didn't know what else to do, and having free time for myself made me feel more guilty about it. The only time I sat down was to watch some TV for when I couldn't sleep at night."
Your aunt finishes parking and lets out another sigh. A gentler look crosses her eyes and she gives in, letting her body relax. "Do you have enough to get by? Please, be honest with me so I can help you out. Alright?"
You smile back at her and nod. "I have enough now. I'm pretty sure I can get by with a regular schedule again."
"With weekends off?"
"With weekends off."
Her smile grows and she unlocks the car, allowing you to step out. "Be careful out there, alright? Just make sure to call me and I'll head back here straight away if anything strange comes up."
"Thank you, auntie. So I'll pick up Frisk at five?"
"Oh, there's no rush. You can always stay the night, anyway!"
After a nod, you get down from the car, open the back door, and climb onto the empty seat left next to Frisk. 
"See you later, dear." 
You kiss their cheek and look at the phone resting in their hands. There were plenty of questions you wanted to ask them, such as who was Alphys and how she'd gained enough knowledge to develop something with that level of technology, and why it still worked up here despite being programmed to function at the Underground. You remind yourself of the people waiting for you at the train station and wrestle those curiosities down, setting all questions aside for later. "Be good, okay?"
They nod, sign a "Love you!" with their hand, and hold you back to give you a yellow sticky note, folded in two. "Give this to him. And don't forget he can be unexpected sometimes!"
You sign an "I love you, too" back to them, take the note, and step out of the car, waving at them and your aunt before closing the door and pocketing the note away. It stays unread, and while you'd like to know what's written on it as well as the reasons for Frisk warning you about meeting with that monster in particular, they'd specified it was for more sillier reasons, like that of meeting up with a stand up comedian, or more frankly put: a clown or a court jester.
Now alone, you take out your phone and check the messages, a new one from 'Mister Serif' showing up.
hey, uh…
tori hadda go.
an emergency happened, so now she's gotta rush off to the department to see what's up with some documents she turned in.
i know this seems sus as hell, so just wait for me at a more open area, alright?
stick to anybody you're comfortable with and we'll meet there.
I'm honestly touched at how much you're worried about this.
Though all that just makes me think I'm being catfished even more now.
Are you for real, mister Serif?
Can someone be as observant and thoughtful as you appear to be?
see for yourself.
>> Attachment - 1 image
You can't avoid being taken aback when the monster sends you a picture of himself. It's a definite recent one, given he's sitting by a bench close to the train tracks. He holds up a shaka sign with one hand and a coffee cup on the other. A grin decorates his face and the bright lighting shows the picture was taken just now, sun rays piercing through the windows.
I'm somewhat convinced.
need more proof?
Who are you, my Cinder match?
if u wanna.
Oh God.
You're killing me.
inna good way?
You stop yourself when you realize you're on the verge of flirting with someone you haven't even met in person yet, let alone introduce yourself properly to. The picture he'd sent doesn't help either, as you can only begin to question yourself and your morals over having found him attractive for a split second. While it could have just as easily been the surprise of him sending a picture out of nowhere, it could've also been how laid-back he seemed in that picture, striking a shaka sign that made him look just like a surfer dude and a coffee cup to contrast with that vibe, adding a spark of the typical college student you saw at campus, his hoodie and sneakers only adding to that feeling.
It's then that you realize something's off.
If he was holding a cup with one hand and a sign in the other…
Then who took the picture?
Though you're pretty sure you're overthinking the situation now, you're still better safe than sorry and take advantage of your recent fooling around with him to pass that worry off as a joke.
Wait a minute, mister Serif.
If you're holding a cup with one hand and striking a pose with the other, then who took the picture?
Or did you use your magic for that?
a random dude who looked trustworthy enough took it for me.
he's one of those guys who're totally ok with us living here at the surface, so he just snapped the picture for me and even asked if it was for a date i was gonna meet and all.
no magic needed.
And I'm the President of the United States.
But, seriously now…
Are you for real?
>> Attachment - 1 image
The picture displays him with a bearded, brown skinned man clad in a suit and holding a suitcase, looking ready for work. Still, his smile shows little to no seriousness and instead displays youth and content over having his picture taken with a potential friend. His height surpasses the monster's by half a foot, though when you compare it to the rest of the people in the background, it's clear Serif is simply shorter compared to the average human. You try not to let your eyes linger too much on the monster when you're done looking at the man, not wanting to fall into the trap of your mind having found him attractive earlier ago. Still, you can't help yourself and take a more thorough look at him again, seeing him now with his eye sockets closed, almost mimicking a pair of eyelids squinting in joy. His arm's hung over the man's shoulders, and vice-versa. 
i made a new pal.
"meet up already!" - his words, not mine.
Trying to be smooth, huh?
is it working?
Strange Cinder date vibes aside,
I'm almost there.
can't wait to meet ya, bud.
You slip the phone back in your pocket and go up the stairs of the train station, stopping when you make it to the line of benches close to the tracks. True to his word, the skeleton sits on one of them and the man who'd taken a picture with him is now waving at him, seemingly saying his goodbyes and headed off to work. You approach the station one careful step after the other, pace slowing down more and more as you feel a sudden awkwardness slip on your shoulders.
Your texts sent off vibes you didn't want present now that you were about to meet him in person. You were still worried about what happened with Frisk a few days ago, and how their happiness pretty much froze when being asked if the monsters had treated them well during their time at the Underground. The one you were about to meet could very well be one of those who'd hurt them, so you brace yourself and try not to be swayed by the softer atmosphere present during your texting with him. You acknowledge the man who'd taken his picture with a wave and a smile back at him. Then, you continue walking and finally approach the bench.
"It's nice to meet you, mister Serif." You acknowledge him with a wave, unsure of how friendly you can be with him.
"Likewise, pal." He holds a hand out to you, bringing forth the warning Frisk had given to you about him.
Out of all the things Frisk had warned you about, it was to be careful around the skeleton, but primarily due to how he seemed to be the type to joke around and prank people often. One thing in particular you were warned about was in shaking hands with him, so right as he offers his hand out to you and just as you're about to reach out, you miss his hand, take a step closer, and pull him along for a hug instead. You then unfold the sticky note and press it against his back with enough pressure for him to feel it and let go when you're done.
"Frisk warned me about you, and even though they haven't told me anything I should be worrying about yet, I do know I should be careful for other reasons. And they told me to give that note to you, by the way."
You sit down and watch as the monster attempts to get the sticky note unstuck, his short height proving to be a disadvantage, as it also comes with shorter arms. He goes as far as to use his magic to get it out, leaving you to bite back a smile and wonder if you've been too rude with him just now. Still, you wait and keep your eyes on the train tracks while he reads the note you've left for him.
"Not gonna say anything about it?" you ask, surprised to hear nothing from him even as he slips the note in his pocket.
"Patience, pal," he replies, words followed with a chuckle and continued with a wink. "Just take it as some friendly payback on my part -- Now we're even." He sits back down and meets with your eyes, his expression changing from humoured to stern at the drop of a hat. "So, what you're sayin' here is the kid hasn't said much about me yet?"
"No," you reply, hesitating. You fight between keeping a smile and a frown. "They've been awfully quiet after I asked them if there were any people down there who treated them badly." You catch yourself becoming emotional, so you breathe and blink a few times to fight that back. "It...  It feels like they shut themselves away from me, and now I'm not too sure about how to approach the situation anymore." You stop to catch your breath again, feeling yourself grow anxious already. "They can talk non-stop when it's about all the good things Toriel, Alphys, Papyrus, and… And even what you did for them, but whenever I ask if there was anything that made them feel unsafe, they… They bottle up and run off to do whatever chore there's left to do around the house."
A gust of wind helps freshen up your burning face, product of a train stopping nearby. You wait for him to speak up, body tensed all the while.
"Y'know, I…" The monster sighs, faces down, and rubs the back of his neck, looking lost in thought. "I think I can answer that for ya, but it's gonna be a bit of a long story." He glances at his phone for a moment, seemingly to check the time, and later adds, "Wanna head out somewhere to eat? We can talk about it there over food and drinks. Better than talkin' on an empty stomach, don't you think?"
Despite how somber the mood's become, that trademark grin of his you've already grown used to seems to stand out a lot more now, bringing forth a genuine, welcoming expression in addition to the offer he'd made to you. "Sure," you reply, smile returning. "And... Sorry for dumping all that on you all of a sudden."
You both stand up and make your way out of the station, walking side by side as you continue with the conversation. 
"It's cool, pal," he says. "I'd be a lot more worried if you didn't worry about it."
[First] | [Previous] | [Next]
This turned out to be a whopping 7k+ word long chapter, so it's been divide into 3 parts (between 2k to 3k words each, which is the usual length of each update).
So... Long story short: there'll be a double update next week in order to post Parts 2 and 3!
Expect the same thing for whenever a chapter exceeds that limit. :-)
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writing-gifts · 4 years
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
A/N: it’s summer timeee and this chapter came out longer than i thought it would First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Reader is gender neutral!
[Early Summer]
Your friend Spring was apparently on their way out with Summer on the way in, and with that came more heat and unfortunately, more bugs. It was noticeably getting more crowded in the fields where you would usually gather.
But you had a plan! The plan being that you’d just wait until later in the day to get your food. It was slightly less crowded later in the day so you might as well save yourself some trouble.
So after spending the majority of your day doing what you pleased, you’d go later in the day to get nectar and usually not a moment later after returning home, Bruno would show up. But then one day he doesn’t, which is fair. He could be busy. But then one day turns into three. Then soon a whole week passes.
It wasn’t a long time, but it wasn’t what you were used to. You wanted to confide in Abby but you were worried that it might give them reason to think negatively about Bruno. So at this point, you can't help the negative thoughts swarming your mind.
Did I do something wrong?….Did he get tired of me?
You didn’t want to spend the whole day like this so going to where you both first met seemed like the best option. Unfortunately, there was a good possibility that he wouldn’t be there. 
Well even if he doesn’t show, you were out of Datura nectar and you really wanted--no-- needed some, so at least it wouldn’t be all for nothing. You reason that you could feel your way back home too. It had been awhile since you had been to that area but you felt like you still remembered the path back. 
The worst thing that could happen is Bruno being upset with me...
So you purposely wait at home until the late evening to leave. 
Flying there doesn’t take too long, and soon your feet land on one of the leaves of the many flowers in the area. All the Daturas’ petals were still shut so you have to wait. 
Standing around, you realize the grass has gotten much taller and much more easy to get lost in. Your head droops slightly as you stare at the dirt paths being overtaken by the grass a distance below you. You could already see the predicament future you would be in if you decided to stay.
“I swear you’re the only butterfly that would willingly travel in the dark.”
Your body jumps, almost sending you off the edge of the leaf. 
You turn towards the familiar voice wide-eyed. “Y-You scared me!” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
While steadying yourself, you almost miss the slight look of worry the moth is giving you. “I’m okay...Uh, it’s been awhile?” 
Bruno nods. “It has. I had to deal with an emergency so that’s why I couldn’t visit you. My son got sick.”
“You have a kid!?” You cover your mouth “Ah, sorry! Is he okay?”
“Yes. It got pretty bad at one point, but he’s back on his feet now. 
“That's good…”
You stare at the Daturas in the distance. You wonder how long they'll stick around.
The silence feels awkward but you didn't know what to say next, but luckily Bruno speaks first.
“I'm sorry, for disappearing without a word.”
You tilt your head, confused on why he was apologizing. “You shouldn't apologize. Your child comes first, you know?”
“But you were worried though and I caused that.”
“How do you know that?”
“It was clearly on your face--you were struggling to look at me a moment ago,” Bruno points out.
“Yea...Okay, I was worried but it's not something you should feel guilty about either!” You frown, trying to get things past this moth was too hard. 
Not being able to control your anxieties has finally worn you down so you sit down on the leaf. The urge to climb into any flowers was gone for the moment.
Bruno watches you before walking closer and sitting next to you.  
“Soooo , how come you never mentioned having a kid?”
“There wasn’t really a reason to.”
Maybe that was a valid answer, but it was kind of weird . Most bugs were ready to mention they have children at any given moment, but it’s not like Bruno was keeping some terrible secret from you so you shrug it off.
“How old is he?”
“Narancia--he turned 3 recently.”
You trace the irregular lines on the leaf with your finger. “That’s a cute name. You and your m-mate must be really happy.”
“Actually, I’m the only one taking care of him.”
You backtrack immediately. "OH! W-Well now I want to visit your home even more now." 
That came out way too rushed and you meant it jokingly, but it didn't mean you hadn’t considered it before.
“I wouldn't mind that. We just need to plan accordingly.”
You didn't expect him to agree so quickly so it shows on your face before you can prevent it.
“What?” Bruno asked.
“Nothing--Maybe it would be better to go at night so it won’t disturb your sleep?”
“No, it’s fine. The day would actually be best and it’s safer.”
The two of you continue to sit together like that, talking until the moon is fully out. 
You lean back on your hands as you stare at the freckled night sky. “I never really get to look at the stars much so this is kind of nice.” 
“There’s a lot of them out tonight. Slightly more than usual,” Bruno says.
You enjoy the view a little longer before standing up. You smile a bit bashfully at Bruno.
“Can you help me back home please?”
“Of course, you don’t even need to ask. Do you want to fly back?”
“Lets just walk...” This was a good way to spend extra time with your friend. You weren’t exactly sure how you would manage to fly back anyways.
It took twice as much time to get back home by walking, but Bruno didn’t seem bothered at all as he held your hand and guided you through the overgrown foliage in the path you'd taken before with him.
All that happened had cleared a good amount of your worries, but some of the original doubt you had before not seeing the moth for a week still sat within you. So when you both reach your home you thank Bruno for his help, but before he can leave you ask him a question. 
“I know this is dumb, but do you enjoy my company?”
“Yes.” The answer comes with no hesitation and Bruno’s glowing eyes stare intently at you. His head tilts slightly. “Do I not seem like it?”
“Oh no! I just needed to make sure…”
“You seem to overthink a lot.”
There was no denying that so you look off to the side unsure what to say.
“Trust me when I say that I do like you, and if I don't like something I'll make sure to tell you.”
Your brows raise at the somewhat intense declaration but it did help reassure you so you nod.
Once you say your goodbyes and Bruno departs, you go back inside. And as you get ready for bed you realize that you forgot about the Datura nectar.
“Are you ready for this?”
Bruno gives you the most skeptical look you’ve seen from him. There’s also a pinch of exhaustion on his face. It’s so well hidden, if you hadn’t spent so much time with him you wouldn’t have noticed. 
“I really don’t think it's hot enough for this.”
“What do you mean? It's super hot!
“Not really. Your heat tolerance must not be very high.” 
“I don’t know about that, but it’s whatever. Whatever happens, happens,” you laugh a bit. 
“Do you have the proper tools?”
“I do! I managed to get a whole oven, it's on the lower quality side though.”
So I'm really hoping I’m not overestimating the weather today.
“Anyways it’s outside in the back!”
You move excitedly ahead of Bruno as you walk-jog outside to the back of your home.
You stop in front of your oven and wait for Bruno to catch up.
“I don't know how it exactly works but the bug I got it from showed me how to use it. All you have to do is turn this knob.”
You shield your eyes from the sun shining from the center of the sky and reach for the nob. Your hand stops when you realize you don’t remember where you were supposed to actually turn it. Barely a second passes before you decide to make an educated guess. As long as it was hot enough it shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Probably.
“Thanks for coming over in the middle of the day by the way. Did you find someone to watch Narancia?”
“Yes. He wanted to come but I didn’t want to risk it with him just getting over his sickness. On top of that, carrying him all the way over here would be annoyi--difficult. Staying still can be a struggle for him.”
Between his slip up and the image of a cute squirmy little moth in Bruno’s arms, you can’t help smiling. “I guess I’ll just have to take the cooking to your home then.”
You wonder how much the little moth took after his father.
“Let's go back inside. We actually gotta mix the stuff together now.”
After you both enter the kitchen, you start pulling out the ingredients, which you should have definitely done earlier. 
“What are we making exactly?” Bruno asks, watching you flit back and forth.
“A simple pound cake. We can use whatever nectar in it too. So it’s gonna be a Datura one!”
“You are obsessed with that flower…”
You grin, “And you help nurture the obsession.”
“Like you wouldn't run to get it yourself if I stopped giving it to you.”
“Sounds like a tough spot pal.”
You almost laugh at the look the moth gives you.
Bruno assists you in the kitchen, your personal sous-chef , while you follow the recipe to make the cake. Once the batter is in the baking pan, you go out and put it in the preheated oven.
You make sure to grab the small hourglass you had gotten along with the oven and flip it over. After placing it on the low table in front of your daybed, you relax back into the bed’s comfortable cotton. 
“You know, it would be better if the oven was inside.”
“I think that’s something they're working on actually.” 
You rest your head onto the arm of the daybed. “By the way, what do you do at lakes? You said you liked to visit them but I forgot to ask about that.”
“I just like to look out at them. It doesn’t have to be a lake though. A pond or beach works too.”
There’s a beach around here?!
“A-Aren't you worried about being attacked?” There were all sorts of dangerous things near water. Especially ponds! You shudder remembering an encounter you had with a frog. You just wanted to get a closer look at the tadpoles...
“We could be attacked in most places though, and I’m not exactly playing in the water.”
“Hmm, I think you’re just too friendly with danger!”
“Guess that makes two of us.”
You couldn't exactly argue with that. “I'm not as bad as you though.”
“I'm not…” You stare at Bruno, legs crossed and looking effortly graceful as usual. He probably had no issue avoiding predators but all it took is one mistake
“Are you sure it’s okay?” You didn’t want anything bad to happen to him.
“I promise it really isn't dangerous. I’ll show you one day, if you'd like,” Bruno smiles reassuringly.
Your heart may have skipped a beat. “That--that actually sounds kinda nice.”
You and Bruno stay in the living space while waiting for the cake to finish baking. You do little talking before you encourage Bruno to fall asleep. Then you spend the rest of the time quietly keeping yourself busy around the house, making sure to keep an eye on the hourglass. When the top of it is finally empty, you go to wake up Bruno and are surprised when he starts moving before you even touch him.
“Did you actually sleep?”
“Somewhat. I’m a light sleeper.”
He did look a little more alert. “Well let's go get the cake!”
You run outside excited to see the result. You're already pulling it out once Bruno strolls outside. You then place it on top of the oven, but it seemed... off .
Bruno takes one look at it. “It doesn't look like it cooked properly.”
The cake didn't rise much at all, but the top looked burnt.
“I know. Darn…” you whine. You were sure it was hot enough! “Maybe it doesn't taste bad?”
You look at Bruno and his face says it all. 
“Fine, I’ll taste it myself then,” you sigh.
You run to go get a fork so you can grab a piece of the top and realize that the middle still seems raw. But It couldn't be that bad! However, the moment you put the food in your mouth, you regret it. The taste of burnt cake and soggy texture overrode anything else about it, but you force yourself to swallow nonetheless. 
You shudder and pout. What a waste.
“Guess you were right about it being hot,” Bruno says.
“Bruno!” You glare at him but he simply raises a brow and you’re sure you see a hint of a smirk! 
You groan, “Did I do something wrong...It definitely can’t be the oven though.” The ant you got it from prided themselves on their creations and reliability. 
You get so caught up in your thoughts, that you don’t realize that Bruno’s trying to get your attention until he lightly touches your shoulder.
“I said there's always next time. Let's try again later into the season, okay?”
You couldn't stay mad at him, you weren't exactly mad in the first place. “You don't mind being awake again?”
“I’ll make sure to get enough sleep beforehand.”
“Still we should do some type of cooking at night to make up for it. It wouldn't really be cooking though.”
“What about ice cream?”
You perk up at that. “Ice cream in winter? Narancia has to be there for that for sure!”
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rainbow-universe · 3 years
Ok decided to watch We Can Be Heroes just for some background sound while I do some homework. Was not expecting it to hit as hard as it did. W o w. Like ,,, I dunno it’s a kids movie so it was hilarious and cheesy and very old school acting where everything is more a portrayal of emotion rather than actually feeling the emotion (if that makes sense). But good story line and characters and everything. BUT IT ALSO HIT SO HARD!!!??? Like was not expecting to be ,,, actually gasping with shock and heartbreak at some moments in this random (kids) movie but ,,, akskjsksks almost made me wanna cry but then all happy and cheesy again
Missy is AMAZING!! Wildcard is kinda a butt at the beginning and I was like bruh stop being an idiot but like he turned out alright so ,,, yay? i guess? They were all so cool and I really liked them
The answer to everything is teamwork. Just so you know.
Ok watching Pedro Pascal be a dad is just *chefs kiss* he’s adorable as a dad and it’s just so cute and like he does emotions really well?? Like he plays his character beautifully absolutely wonderfully
Ok like yes I’m aroace and not interested in people (but def in love with basically every fictional character I come into contact with bc it’s about the wRitINg and playing with my emOTiOnS and stuff) but like ,,, must say Pedro Pascal (aside from being a wonderful human bean) has a very nice face and it’s just so nice I would say I could stare at his face for hours but I’m awkward, an overthinker and don’t do eye contact and I’d feel weird about that but the sentiment is there he is a beautiful human bean (i assume)
Still listening to the end and ,,,
(I FREAKING GUESSED IT!! wait what? I’m confused. Ok but like ,,, cool but horrible execution I don’t like it. Weird really weird ending not what I was expecting it’s really weird and very THIS IS THE MESSAGE OF THE MOVIE like a lot of young kids media is like but still just ,,, weird?? And def not what I was expecting but cute? And adorable) ok finally done movie and ,,, ok. Cool but gotta admitt was not expecting that end.
I don’t think I know everything that happened bc I wasn’t trying to pay attention but had really good moments but some were just like ‘oh my gosh this is so cheesy and such a kids movie’ to me (like when they spend so long talking about what they’re going to do or should do right before doing it because some unfortunate event will interrupt them because they spent so much time talking. But like I get it because that’s what you gotta do for kids movies so not bad snd it was bearable bc I really get invested in it)
“As for the aliens, they’ll be back”
Enjoy these beautiful gifts from the movie We Can Be Heroes
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“Hi Mom” (“Don’t you ‘Hi Mom’ me!”)
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Kinda looks like Thor waiting for Mjornir no?
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If anyone watched the movie and knows this part ,,, this hits hard. right in the feels. made me gasp and hurt my heart.
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lovelylunarwriting · 4 years
Haechan Soulmate!AU
The first words your soulmate says to you are the words tattooed on your wrist.
Ever since you transferred from your old high school to this new one, all you've tried to do is not draw too much attention to yourself. 
The first couple days after you transferred in the middle of the year, you made a few friends and called it quits as far as climbing any social ladders goes. It's just not something that interested you. 
There is, however, someone who is interested in you. And his name is Jaemin. 
By some stroke of luck (to him), Jaemin managed to have almost every class with you. The only class he doesn’t have with you is fourth period history, the final class period of the day. 
You don't really know Jaemin, but it seems that trouble follows him everywhere. 
Trouble being his entourage of friends who are probably some of the most chaotic people you've ever encountered. 
Your last school was a lot more boring than this, so at least these boys keep you entertained. And generally speaking they keep the entire class entertained. 
They're all just so loud and not very low-key about their antics. 
Which is funny most of the time but can get annoying if done too often. 
Back to Jaemin though.
Jaemin has been obsessed with you ever since you transferred but is too nervous to talk to you- let alone ask you out. 
Some of his friends however, are astonishingly bold. One of these friends being Haechan.
And Haechan (along with most of Jaemin’s friends) is absolutely tired of him moping around all the time wondering if you’re his soulmate or not.
Renjun: “Dude just talk to them. Then you’ll know”
Jaemin: “Respectfully- no thanks”
Jisung: “Fine but if you don’t do anything you’re not allowed to whine about it”
Haechan: “I second that”
Jaemin: “Ugh but it’s bothering me! They could be my soulmate and I can’t know unless I talk to them but I can’t taLK to them?? Ya know??”
Renjun: “No we don’t know, just do it. Even if you’re nervous”
Jaemin: “But what if they’re not my soulmate?”
Jisung: “True, what if they’re MY soulmate?”
Chenle: “Oooo plot twist…”
Jaemin: “They’re not your soulmate, Jisung. You don’t suit them at all”
Jisung:”Oh and YOU do?”
Jaemin: “I could!!”
Jeno: “This isn’t helping! If Jaemin wants to talk to them then he will”
Jaemin: “Thank you, Jeno”
Jeno: “...but also could you talk about something (other) than them sometimes? It's getting old”
The next day Jaemin runs into the school building early, and up to the third floor staircase, where the boys usually hang out before the bell rings. 
He goes on this entire rant about how life’s too short and he’s gonna finally talk to you and confess his feelings.
The boys nod along and try to encourage him but… deep down they all know he’s not gonna do it.
Jaemin explains his plan to the eager listeners:
He’s gonna pass you a note during third period, since that’s the last class of the day he has with you.
Because then he doesn’t actually have to talk and risk saying something dumb. His logic is, that if you are his soulmate and he says something stupid, you might be pissed at him because that’s tattooed on you forever.
In his words, “I gotta make it count!”
Everyone agrees that this is an okay plan (Renjun claimed to have a better one but was quickly hushed), and that Jaemin should meet up with them after fourth period (the last class of the day), and tell them how it goes.
Jaemin agrees, the bell rings, and everyone goes their separate ways.
Jaemin spends the next five hours regretting his life decisions and desperately trying to refrain from nervous-puking up his breakfast (and later lunch).
Finally, third period arrives and as Jaemin walks in, you meet his gaze.
You think literally nothing of it, because you are more focused on cramming for the history quiz you’re gonna have to take next class period.
Why must you know every president and their political party? Because fuck you, that’s why.
Or at least that’s the thought that runs through your head almost the entire class because they’re going over Shakespeare and some other boring poetry stuff.
Jaemin though…. Jaemin is s w e a t i n g. Clammy palms, moist back, the whole package.
He asks the teacher if he can go to the bathroom (as an excuse but also because he feels like he might throw up his lunch after all), and slides the note onto your desk while you’re turned talking to your friend about how next period is gonna s u c k.
Jaemin leaves the room, and you lean back against your desk, unknowingly knocking the note onto the floor.
When he comes back inside (after like fifteen minutes of pacing in the bathroom and trying to not be anxious), Jaemin walks back to his seat but slows down when he passes you, giving you a chance to respond.
You though, have no idea of this boy and his well-meant schemes, so you just ask “You good, Jaemin?” as he hovers around your desk.
Jaemin blinks a few times, looks at his wrist, and sadly sighs. 
“Yeah… I’m fine”, he says, and plops down in his seat.
He traces the words “Wait- if it’s not butter, then what is it?” on his wrist with his finger, feeling stupid that he thought you might say that to him.
The context wasn’t right at all, but wishful thinking got the best of him.
He thought about texting the group chat and letting them know that you weren’t the one, but decided it was too embarrassing of an event to have to write out over text.
You on the other hand, still blissfully unaware of the shenanigans going on around you, head to your last class.
Dreading the quiz to come, you glue your nose to your textbook until the very last second.
The bell rings, the teacher hands out the quiz, and you write down everything you just spent the past hour cramming so you don’t forget it.
You finish early enough, and walk up to the teacher’s desk to turn in your paper.
The whole way there, you feel like someone’s watching you. And when you turn around to make your way back to your seat, you lock eyes with one of Jaemin’s friends, Haechan.
Sitting down, you space out and think about if maybe that Jaemin is the Jaemin your tattoo is referring to.
Your soulmate tattoo mentions the name Jaemin, but you never bothered talking to the boy because it wouldn’t make sense for him to talk about himself in the third person.
Plus, Jaemin is a pretty common name. If you jumped up every time you heard the name, you’d never sit down.
Something snaps you out of your thoughts. It’s that feeling again, like you’re being stared at.
You glance over and see Haechan looking at you again. He mouths something to you, but you can’t make out what he’s saying.
The only word you think you see is “soulmate”.
Maybe he saw your wrist and thinks Jaemin is your soulmate?? But you’ve already talked to Jaemin before, just last period. And it wasn’t him.
When the final bell rings, before you can get out of your seat, Haechan glides over to the front of your desk, slamming his palms on top of it.
Haechan: “You know Jaemin has a big ol’ crush on you, right? It’s so obvious”
You: “I guess I do now, since you just told me, but I don’t see it going anywhere if I’m being honest”
Haechan: “Is he not your-”, he starts but stops abruptly.
Haechan stares at you, wide-eyed, and then power walks out of the room.
You sit there with your mouth agape, looking back and forth from your wrist to the door he stormed out of.
“You know Jaemin has a big ol’ crush on you, right?”
It- you didn’t think it would be about this Jaemin. He was always so quiet around you and you literally hadn’t spoken to him until today.
As a kid you used to get your hopes up every time you met someone named Jaemin, thinking someone they knew was your soulmate, but after the fifth or sixth Jaemin it became too exhausting.
You’d honestly low-key forgotten about it by now… because the stress of school kind of gets in the way of life.
Loud, boisterous, diva, Haechan.
Speaking of Haechan though, he’s trying to figure out what the hell to do now.
Does he tell Jaemin? Or should he just not say anything?
Luckily, by the time Haechan meets up with the boys outside the school, Jaemin hasn’t shown up yet.
Haechan: “Okay I have bad news and good news and I don’t know which to say first”
Jeno: “Then just say both at once”
Haechan: “Okay well uh Y/N isn’t Jaemin’s soulmate”
Chenle: “Yeah I didn’t think so because of the butter thing, but how do you know?”
Haechan: “Because I talked to them and they’re my soulmate”
Jaemin: “They’re what?”
Jaemin had just gotten close enough to hear the conversation, but he heard every word.
Dead silence fell upon the group, Haechan not daring to make eye contact with Jaemin.
Jaemin: “Honestly Haechan… congrats”
Haechan: “What?”
Jaemin: “They’re not my soulmate and I’ve known that since third period. That’s what I came to tell you guys, but I guess you beat me to it. I’m not mad at you, it’s not like you could help it”
A collective sigh of relief and some quick banter, then the boys head their separate ways home.
Jaemin’s relieved to finally know one way or the other, and Haechan is now the one who gets to be a nervous wreck.
He’s not nearly as bad as Jaemin was though. He’s overthinking for about half an hour, and then just mildly jittery until he sees you tomorrow in fourth period.
Before you can say anything, Haechan repeats his routine of walking right up to you and planting his hands on your desk.
Haechan: “Hi so apparently we’re soulmates but I don’t know you very well but I want to and I don’t know if you’re busy or like boba but on Fridays we go get boba and play board games and it’s Friday so I thought you might-”
You: “I love boba. And board games. What time?”
Haechan: “O- oh. I thought I was going to have to convince you. Right after school we head across the street to that new boba place. It’s usually just me, Jisung, Chenle, and Jeno”
You: “Okay, then I’ll just walk with you after this class, right?”
Haechan: “...right. Shouldn’t you be more careful? I’m inviting you to go hang out with a bunch of guys you don’t know”
You: “You’re my soulmate. And I don’t know you very well, but you seem like a really sweet person”
This sends Haechan into a blushing frenzy, and it's all he can do to not sneak glances at you for the rest of fourth period.
He collects himself a bit, and when the bell rings he escorts you to the courtyard where you see three mildly familiar boys.
You think one of them is in your grade, but the other two look younger.
After Haechan introduces you and each boy briefly introduces themselves, the awkward politeness fades away and what replaces it can only be described as anarchy.
“Did you know Haechan fell asleep during our choir concert while some girl was doing a solo and he snored so loud she shushed him?”
“Yeah and Haechan can be dramatic at times so if he’s being too extra just let us know and we’ll keep him in check”
“Oh remember that time when we were long-boarding and the path flooded but Haechan tried to cross it anyway? Legend says the board is still floating down the creek to this day….”
It became a shit show of “who can embarrass Haechan the most”, but after a lot of complaining from Haechan and threats to do this to them when they found their soulmate, the boys managed to stop themselves.
Everyone orders their boba, and you all play uno, jenga, and other games until it becomes dark out.
Jisung: “Shit guys, it’s getting late. I don’t wanna miss the train”
You: “Yeah and I hate walking alone in the dark. I should probably go soon”
Haechan: “It’s fine, I’ll walk you home”
You: “Really? I was right, you are sweet~”
Chenle: “What but Haechan you usually walk with me! Now I’m gonna have to walk alone!”
Haechan: “Go spend the night at Jeno’s then! Walk home with him!”
Jeno: “Yeah let’s have a sleepover~”
Chenle: “Fine but we’re playing mario kart”
The boys disperse, and you lead Haechan down the street towards your house, chit chatting the whole way.
Even though it’s been a short amount of time, you and Haechan kind of just…  click together.
But that’s the whole point of soulmates, so you’re not that surprised.
He drops you off, but not before you ask for his number.
Haechan: “Wh- why?”
You: “So you can text me when you get home. I want to make sure you get there safe”
Haechan: “o- oh…”
You: “And so I can text you in general, of course”
Haechan seems to lighten up at this.
You head inside and immediately go to sleep, dreaming of the future you would have with that boy from your history class.
Oh and also Haechan failed the history quiz from the day before
34%. Rest in rip.
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halowastaken · 4 years
💌Lovesick: A parkner love story 💌
(This is a little sneak peek of something that I'm writing. Hope y'all like it!)
"Hey spider boy. Pepper wants me tomorrow for intern stuff so what do you say we do something in the lab?" Harley was confused when he didn't get an answer. Then he turned around and saw Peter taking off his mask. He was pale and had bags under his eyes "You look like a dead tarantula, spidey"
"Harls I'm fine" Peter threw his mask in the table and went to Harley's table "What are you doing?"
"Just some science project. FRIDAY what's wrong with Peter?" Peter rolled his eyes at Harley's answer
"It seems like Peter has a temperature of 102.2 degrees farenheit" Peter laughed
"Fri, I am fine" Harley raised an eyebrow. Goddamit he looked cute
"God Spidey. What am I supposed to do with you?" Peter immediately put his hand in the wall next to Harley. Oh god
"I have a couple suggestions" Peter was cornering Harley. Peter was cornering Harley.
"W-what?" Harley was being cornered by a Peter that looked so hot
"Come on Keener. We both know that this is supposed to happen" Peter was smaller than Harley, but he still could be so intimidated by him. However, Peter had a fever. He couldn't give it to him even tho he wanted. He couldn't do that to Peter. But god it was hard
"Peter stop it. Lay in the couch" Harley pushed Peter away and dragged him to the couch "I am gonna make you soup"
"Come on Harley" Peter said grabbing Harley's wrist. Harley rolled his eyes and took off Peter's hand
"Lay down Parker" He got in the elevator and sighted when the doors closed "Penthouse Fri" Was the only thing that came out of Harley's mouth
"You seem in distress" FRIDAY informed. Harley chuckled and shook his head
"I'm ok FRIDAY" The silence that the AI provided could be easily confused with doubt. The door opened and Harley went straigt to the kitchen. He took all the ingredients and started making the soup. After a few minutes of cooking he got bored and started playing music. He was humming and dancing.
He felt great. Maybe Peter does like him after all. Maybe the fever made him finally admit it. Maybe everything could go as Harley's daydreams. There was also a part of himself that told him that Peter could be delusional and it's just because he's sick, but there was nothing wrong with daydreaming about Peter liking Harley. If Peter didn't like Harley that way, it's not gonna be that easy to get rid of that crush.
Harley was serving the soup in a bowl when he finally noticed that he was being watched. He turned around and there was Peter super close to his face
"What the fuck Peter?! You scared the hell out of me!" Peter passed his arms around Harley's neck causing him to blush
"Hey" It's everything Peter says. Just that with a smile. Harley literally got lost in his eyes
"H-Hi" Peter chuckled at Harley's response.
"Why so nervous Harley?" Peter asks getting closer to him
"Peter you're sick" Peter rolled his eyes. Harley right now is in one of the toughest situations he's ever been
"You always take care of me. Let me take care of you" Peter said smiling. Harley sighted and pushed Peter away
"Come on. You need some rest" Harley grabbed Peter by his wrist and dragged him to the couch. Harley couldn't help but to cuddle Peter in the couch
"You smell good" Peter added. Harley chuckled
"Let's watch a movie till you fall asleep" Then Harley proceeded to play star wars on the tv. He knows Peter good enough for him to know that Peter loves it. They spend like half of the movie there. Just cuddling while Harley is playing with Peter's hair and Peter is slowly falling asleep
"Harls?" Peter said with his sleepy voice "Thanks for taking care of me" Harley smiles
"Anytime spidey" Harley says watching him fall asleep
"I really like you Harley. You have no idea how much I like you" Then Peter finally closes his eyes and falls asleep in Harley's arms
"I really like you too Peter" Then Harley leaves a kiss on Peter's head and stays there watching Peter till he eventually falls asleep too
"Hey boys" Harley finally opened his eyes. Tony and all the Avengers were around him. He turned down and sawPeter who was also waking up "I see you guys were ok without us"
"I feel like someone stabbed me multiple times in every inch of my body" Peter admitted. Harley couldn't help but laugh at the comment
"You're sick Peter. FRIDAY informed me in the middle of the mission. I would've come but the timing was really bad" Tony said and Peter and Harley looked at each other
"When did we even get here? I was at school and then I wake up here" Harley's smile dropped. You gotta be kidding me
"You don't remember when you came from patrol?" Harley asked
"Not really. I just remember that I felt horrible" Peter said hesitant. Harley could see how some of the Avengers wanted to start laughing. He just faked a smile
"Really? What a shame!" Harley said in the most passive aggressive way possible. Obviously Peter didn't even notice
"Yeah well. I'm gessing that you took care of him by the soup in the kitchen" Tony asked. Harley just sighted
"He never ate it tho. You should do that Peter" Peter smiled and got up
"Thanks Harley" then he walked towards the kitchen leaving Harley alone in the couch.
"That is so fucked up" Clint finally said laughing. Tony and Harley glared at him
"Well. Guess that tells me that he really doesn't like me" Harley admitted. Before anyone could say anything he got up and went straight to his room.
How could he be so stupid? Peter liking Harley? Please. Harley could never be with someone like him. Peter was literally Spiderman, he was one of the most brilliant minds in the world, and he was also the best human being in the galaxy. Why would he want to be with Harley, the guy that only knows how to get in trouble? Peter only took him as a joke. Either way it's just a crush. Harley will get over it just like all his past crushes. He just has to distance himself from Peter. Before it's too late. Before it starts hurting
The next past week Harley tries to not be around Peter. When Peter gets better then he starts to notice it. Harley is avoiding him. Everytime Peter talked to him he gave short answers or just avoided the question, everytime Peter goes in the lab, Harley makes an excuse to get out of it, everytime Peter texted him or called him, Harley didn't answer. Basically all the stuff you do when you start avoiding someone. Obviously Peter started overthinking it. Did he say something to Harley? Maybe he hurt his feelings, maybe he was rude to him, either way Peter couldn't remember no matter how hard he tried. He thought nothing bad happened because Harley even took care of him and they ended up cuddling in the couch (what a dream) but maybe it was an accident? He had no idea. He just knows that Harley is mad at him so he's gonna do what he does best: apologize.
He knew exactly at what time Harley would be in the lab alone, so he did his thing. He opened the window and got into the lab. Harley was there with his earbuds on. He took his mask off and immediately handed Harley an envelope. Harley raised an eyebrow
"What is this?" Harley asked confused
"Just open it" Peter said firmly. Harley hesitated and opened it. It was a card that said 'I messed up big time (I'm sorry)' Harley couldn't help but chuckle at it. He opened the card and read it
'I'm sorry for what I said...Let's eat our weight in tacos and make it up'
Harley then raised an eyebrow and looked at Peter
"What is this for?" Harley asked. It was a progress. They were having a conversation.
"I noticed that you are avoiding me and I guess it's because of something I did or said when I was sick. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings" Harley rolled his eyes
"You didn't have to buy me a card" Peter sighted at Harley's answer
"But I did. I'm gonna be honest with you. I like you a lot Harls" Harley's eyes widened as he dropped the card. Peter then realized that it was a bad idea. Harley obviously doesn't like him "Y-You don't have to, like, say it back. I-I get that you don't like me. I just really wish we could stay as friends, you know? I get if you don't want that either. The point is that I am sorry I hurt you" After that Harley just stared at Peter. Peter was waiting for an answer while Harley just wondered why did he like that idiot.
"I like you too Peter" Was everything that came out of Harley's mouth. Peter immediately smiled
"Really?" Harley chuckled at Peter's answer
"Yeah. I just thought you didn't like me. That's why I was avoiding you" Peter sighted in relief
"That's good. I thought you were mad at me or something" Harley shook his head. A short silence followed that "We should go out sometime" Peter finally said. Harley smiled
"I would really like that" Peter then cleared his throat and looked down
"I was going to the movies tomorrow with Ned but he got sick. Do you want to go with me instead?" Harley wanted to start screaming. This was actually happening! But Harley saved that for later. Instead he just smiled and nodded
"Text me the time and place. I'll be there. It's a date" Peter then nodded.
And that is how it all started.
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
Prescription For... (Just a Touch)
Summary: Steve learns the basics.
Warnings: pre-serum Steve x reader, crude language, masturbation (male and female), dirty thoughts
Notes: Soooo this is kinda late (by like a month or two) but this is kinda my thank you for 1,000 on Tumblr!!! Thank you all so so so much for your support and love towards me and my writings!! Enjoy!!
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After Bucky’s interesting visit with Old Man Rogers, he had to go back for more. He honestly did not believe a word his older best friend spoke to him. Was he going senile? Maybe he was lying? Or, maybe he was telling the truth…
“Back for more?” The older gentleman chuckled at the impromptu visit from his childhood friend.
“I just gotta know, are you pulling my leg? Because if you are that was a pretty fucking good gag, Steve,” no matter how many times Steve told Bucky about her, Bucky really thought the old captain was lying to him.
“I assure you, it was all real,” Steve smirked at Bucky and Bucky was a little squeamish at that.
“So, then what else happened between you and her? Did you visit her while you returned the stone? Did you ever keep in touch with her like you did with Peggy? C’mon Steve don’t leave me hanging,” Steve chuckled at his friend.
“All in due time, Buck. Head home now, I’ve gotta take my meds and head to bed,” Bucky gave Steve a hug and pat on the back.
“I’ll be back,” Bucky called out.
“You always do,” Steve responded.
Later that night, Steve laid in his bed and dreamed of his woman. The woman before the shield, before the title, before his name. He dreamed of her.
“So, Rogers, them boys been giving you trouble for a while now, huh?” She sat across from the nervous young man while sipping on her drink.
“Just the usual stuff. This always happens to me, ya know,” he responds as he plays with the collar of his shirt.
“You don’t listen to those boys. All they are is scared little boys who got no business picking on a guy like you,” Steve scoffed at that.
“Then why do they always come after me?”
“Depends, your pal Bucky out of town or something?” It did dawn on Steve that whenever Bucky wasn’t around he did get picked on a lot more.
“I don’t like the way they spoke to you today. Sayin’ that you and your momma are,” she shuddered in disgust, “are like that. I find it charming that a man can be that close with his momma,” Steve blushed at that. All his life people would tease and taunt him for being a momma’s boy. Bucky was the same with his mother. However, when there’s a guy as big and buff as he is the guys don’t pick on you as much.
“They’re probably just jealous cause they can’t find any lady around her to screw around with. Probably touch their you know what’s to a peach and imagine a lady attached,” Steve choked on his drink. He never heard a woman speak such vulgarity.
“What?” She looked at him curiously.
“Ya know,” she started doing the motion of a closed fist going up and down.
Steve furrowed his brows in confusion. What was she doing?
“Oh, Oh my gosh! You’ve never…” she trailed off as she looked at Steve’s expression. Poor Steve started to blush out of embarrassment.
“No, no, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Didn’t you ever learn what that was,” she tried her best to not be crude, but she knew it wasn’t gonna work.
“I’m not following,” poor boy.
“Steve,” she let out a little chuckle, “I’m talking about masterbating. You’ve never heard about that before?” Steve choked back his shocked expression as she whispered the last part.
Of courses he’s heard of that word before. He remembers how his momma sat him down one day and told him that good boys don’t do dirty things like touch their privates. She scarred poor Steve at such a young age about the evils of self pleasure.
“I-I have, I just thought I w-wasn’t supposed to d-do it,” Steve was entirely red at this point.
“Oh, Stevie. My poor poor boy you’re mistaken’,” she shook her head and placed a hand over his. “There’s nothing wrong with touching yourself,” she had confidence that Steve had never seen before, not even in Bucky. “It’s a good thing, a really good thing. It’ll prepare you for later,” she winked as Steve’s eyes blew as wide as the moon.
He forgot about the offer she had made. Oh god, just knowing that made him feel ashamed of himself, he didn’t know anything about masterbating let alone sex. He’s a fraud!
“H-How do I-I do it,” he was looking everywhere except her face.
She smirked and began to tell him the rundown. Steve was baffled by how all this worked. He didn’t know how his mother would feel about this if she ever caught him. Oh god, what if she caught him, Steve thought.
“Listen, just try it, there’s no need to rush or overthink it. However in the event that you do do it,” she smirked and played with the hair at the nape of his neck, “let me know every little detail,” she winked and gave Steve a kiss on the cheek as she left the little diner they were in.
Steve had been nervous all throughout the night when he returned home. Every time his mother asked him a question he would start to get nervous. Thinking that he was starting to come down with something, she abruptly sent him to bed, alone with his thoughts.
Now flash forward to Steve in his room, laid out on his bed, stripped down to nothing but a pair of boxers and his pale little chest heaving up and down in the moonlight. He stared up at the ceiling as he thought. What should turn him on? He laid there for what felt like hours, only it was mere minutes, before his mind wandered back to her.
Did she do this too? Did she lay down in her bed every night and do dirty things to make her feel better? Did she tug her nightgown up to her hips and play down there until she felt euphoric? Would she not wear her undergarments to bed, maybe discard them so they wouldn't feel so dirty?
Oh, so this is how you start, huh? Steve felt himself get harder at the thought of her doing that. Her sweet little nightgown resting above her belly button, undergarments taken neatly off her heating body as her sweet little center starts to slick. She’s featherlight with her touches, she hisses when she applies pressure to her sweet and sensitive breasts.
Quiet moans escape past her beautiful lips as she rubs her thighs together for some relief. That’s not enough to quench the increasingly burning fire. Her one hand leaves its place, pulling and pinching the dusty pink nipple that is way past its usual sensitivity limit.
It’s wet down there, so wet. She feels a light sheen of sweat gloss over her perfect skin. Her fingers make hasty work as she plays, pulls, and rubs the sensitive little nub. Her moans start to get too loud, she has to put her other hand over her mouth to silence them. She fails quickly as she slips a finger in her center, then two. It’s mind blowing, the sweet and slick core pulsing at every rapid movement. No room for teasing tonight, she has to be quick before anyone hears her.
Three fingers, she’s never done this before. It feels so good. Her back arches off the bed ever so slightly out of pleasure. She’s going faster now, so fast she hears little noises coming from down there. It’s so hot. So hot that she can’t take the amount of pleasure anymore. She lets go and it's an amazing feeling. Her bed sheets are soaked as well as her thighs. She’s heavy breathing now as she scrambles to get up.
Her legs are shaking with every movement as she strips her sheets and wipes herself down. The air feels nice and cool against her burning skin. She needed this tonight and she’s glad it happened.
Finally, she changes her sheet and lays back in bed. All cool and rested thinking about the skinny boy who visits her father's pharmacy every day.
Steve is sitting up now, hand around his painfully aching cock. He’s pumping up and down so fast. The precum spilling out the top was enough to coat his big shaft. He’s holding back his grunts with clenched teeth.
It feels good, it’s so good that he needs to stop himself a few times so the pleasure doesn’t end early. He’s starting to make sweet sounds on his glistening member too. His other hand is making a tight grip on the edge of his mattress. He can’t hold on for long, he’s gotta do it.
He lets go. The mess ends up on his chest and dribbles down his abdomen. He’s coated in his own sheen of sweat and he is breathless.
Steve couldn't believe what had just happened. He feels a mix of shame, but not as much as he feels the missing fulfillment of pleasure. This sweet delicacy should’ve been a part of his life way earlier. Screw it, he wants to do it a second time, third time, so many times, but he knows he can’t. He needs some sleep since this activity drained him of all his energy.
He sleeps like a baby for the first time in years. He’s cooled down and feels less stressed. Steve can’t wait to do it again.
Her phone rings a numerous number of times. Her mother yells for her to come near as she says a young gentleman is asking for her. She trudges towards the phone and smirks as she hears her soon to be lover's voice telling her that the deed has been done.
“So you ready to learn more, Rogers?”
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imastrangeone98 · 4 years
Early Morning
(A/N: ok fuck. Here it is again... becuz I’m stupid. What’s even more stupid is that I write exclusively on the tumblr post thing, so I had to basically rewrite everything. I did my best to include parts I remembered clearly, but it definitely looks and sounds different from the one before. plz forgive me for my utter stupidity.... I am sorry)
WARNING: unconventional sex (aka demon heat stuff) definitely unrealistic and probably unsafe sex becuz why not. I am also legit afraid that I made this dirtier than not only my very first smut... but even the first edition of this very one shot. Fuck
Takes place maybe a year or two after my story “lost and found”
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It was around 7:42 in the morning when Faith felt shaggy hair tickle the back of her neck and arms wrap around her waist.
“Good morning,” she said to her groggy companion. “Are you hungry? I’m making omelets.”
Dante grumbled, “Sleepy. Why you up so early?”
“You seemed like you needed a pick-me-up,” she replied, stirring the egg mix. “Especially after last night.”
She remembered it clearly. Last night, Dante had been on a job- to clear out a mansion infested with demons. It must have been tougher than he had predicted, because he returned home that night soaked in blood, littered with already-healing bruises, and a snappy attitude.
“You seemed really annoyed,” she mused.
“Sorry. It was just... bad.” He seemed to shudder behind her, and she could sense his unwillingness to recount the tale.
“It’s alright.” Faith rubbed her head against the side of his neck; what sounded like a purr rumbled from his chest. “I understand. If you want, you can tell me after breakfast.”
No response. She couldn’t tell if he heard her or was too distracted by something to notice. So she shrugged and returned her attention to the eggs-
Only for something to trail the soft curve of her jaw. Something wet.
A small hum answered.
“Did you just... lick me?”
“Yeah.” His face was practically buried in the crook of her neck. “You smell nice.”
Okay... She hadn’t expected that. “I smell like onions.”
“Yeah.” His tongue laved over her pulse before biting on it.
She couldn’t stop the small moan escaping her lips, even if she tried.
“And you’re... okay with that?”
“Yeah. Smell so good.” Faster than she could blink, she was yanked away from the stovetop and placed onto the counter, where the now growling half-demon shoved his face into her neck and inhaled.
And speaking of smell...
Oh boy.
Dante’s natural cinnamon scent was spicier than normal, so much so that it made her eyes water. His bare skin was hot to the touch, and she couldn’t help but wonder how she hadn’t noticed it before.
“Dante, are you alright-“ She yelped, feeling teeth bite into her skin again.
A raw, guttural snarl rippled through the air, only for it to get abruptly cut off.
“Fuck,” he gasped, his hands clenching and unclenching its painfully hard grip on her thighs, as if he couldn’t decide whether to let go or move closer. “Fuck. I thought I had at least a week...”
“What does that mean-!” A gasp flew out of her when something hard pressed against her clothed center. “Oh...”
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “It’s my heat. Something must’ve triggered it- Oh, shit.”
“Your heat?”
He sighed. “Basically my ‘fuck a baby in you’ instincts. But I wasn’t supposed to go until next week. Fuck, it was that motherfucking demon, wasn’t it?!”
“Is this about-?” Another small moan burst out when he slowly, mindlessly began to rock his hips against hers.
“Yesterday,” he confirmed, pressing his lips against her cheek. “Some demon kept... flirting, I think. Shit, she kept making me angry. Kept spraying me with something. I should’ve fucking known it would trigger this stupid heat!”
As he kept talking, he didn’t seem to realize that his thrusts got stronger and stronger, until he was practically pushing her against the wall.
But if she was being honest with herself, she didn’t mind at all. She... liked it.
“Dante...” she moaned, unable to stop herself.
“...Shit.” But still, he didn’t stop the harsh rhythm of his hips. “Faith, if you want out, you gotta tell me now. I can only-“ He suddenly hissed, pressing his forehead against hers, “I can only hang on for so long. You’re driving me insane.”
She couldn’t help but smile, and she pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “But I don’t want out.”
His pupils rapidly dilated. She couldn’t help but think of how similar they looked to the night sky. “You serious?”
A harsh growl rumbled in her ear. His skin now bordered on burning; she worried about him somehow combusting. His grip on her thighs loosened just enough for him to slide them upward towards the hem of her sleeping shorts.
As he pulled them off, Faith took the time to observe him. In the soft morning light, with the barely illuminated sun framing the back of his face, he looked like a deity. One for whom she would gladly lay down her life to worship.
She couldn’t resist touching him. She savored the warmth his hands provided to her now exposed lower body. Her fingers traced his collarbones, up his neck, to his jawline, then resting on his cheeks. Despite the fact that she could feel the raging lust simmering under the surface, he managed to tilt his head to nuzzle into her palm, taking the time to kiss each fingertip.
It was absolutely unfair just how utterly beautiful he was.
Dante huffed. “Stop it.”
She was busy watching him tug down his sweatpants. “Huh?”
“You’re overthinking. I can tell. Stop it.” He leaned forward to kiss her, slowly pushing his way inside her body. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
The pressure in her stomach began to grow, faster than she ever expected. She yelped, and clung onto his shoulders, nails biting into his skin. “W-wait...”
“C’mon, angel,” the half-demon moaned, his fingers tapping at her clit, silently urging her body to take more of him. “Little more. Just a little more.”
She squirmed in his grip, the sensation of her walls stretching to accommodate his large girth too overwhelming, too good.
But then she felt it. The soft slap of skin meeting skin. She let out a broken moan. So that’s what it feels like.
“That’s it, baby.” His cock slid out of her only to press right back in. “Good girl. M̸y̴ ̶g̵i̷r̷l̶.”
He began to thrust. Each ridge of his cock tugged at her walls, making the slick sounds of their heat-crazed mating even that more lewd.
A particularly rough push nearly sent her several inches back, but his grip on her thighs was so tight that it nearly broke through the skin. A small part of her wanted to ask him to go just a bit gentler, but the words.
The filthy words he moaned into her ear as he continued to pound into her, kept spreading her legs wider, gaining more and more access to the deepest, darkest parts of herself that she didn’t even know existed, hitting the spots that were kept well-hidden.
Urging her to take him in a little more, that she was doing so well, taking me so well, y̵o̸u̸’r̷e̶ ̵s̴o̴ ̸f̷u̸c̷k̴i̸n̸g̷ ̵t̶i̶g̸h̷t̵ ̴a̶n̷d̸ ̵w̸e̴t̴ ̴a̴n̵d̷ ̷f̴e̸r̴t̵i̶l̷e̶ ̷a̶n̸d̴ ̷p̸e̴r̷f̴e̵c̴t̸ a̴n̶d̵ ̵m̸i̴n̸e̵m̸i̵n̸e̴m̵i̶n̸e̷-̵
Just hearing them alone was enough to persuade her that simply taking the raw, overwhelming pleasure he gave her was the right choice.
But his fingers... his voice...
Curiosity won out. She mustered the strength to open her eyes-
And she marveled.
Dante’s skin now had patches of red leather-like armor. His fingertips had turned into sharp claws that dug into her inner thighs. And his eyes changed from their usual sapphire blue to fiery rubies.
He was magnificent.
The words came out before she could even think: “ I love you.”
“Love you too,” he replied instantly, leaning forward to press his forehead against her own. He took advantage of the new position to sink in deeper inside her. “Mine.”
His pace, if it was even possible, was faster and stronger than ever before, the force rattling the countertop.
“M̴i̶n̴e̵,” he repeated, snatching the back of her neck and yanking her forward. “Y̵o̶u̶’r̷e̶ ̸m̴i̷n̵e̵.̵ ̶M̷i̵n̴e̵ ̸t̴o̶ ̴m̶a̵r̸k̷.̷ ̵M̸i̵n̷e̶ ̷t̴o̴ ̴f̴u̴c̵k̷.̸ ̶M̶i̵n̷e̵ ̴t̴o̴ ̸b̵r̸e̵e̶d̶.”
“Yours,” Faith gasped. She buried her face in his shoulder, and took deep lungfuls of his mouthwatering scent. “All yours.” Licking over a patch of his leathery scales, she couldn’t resist the urge to bite down on it.
Instantly, he howled, and sunk his teeth deep into her neck, hard enough to draw golden blood. His hips stuttered once, twice, three times before pushing in as far as he could possibly go. Hot cum flooded inside her, coating her walls, warming her stomach.
Black spots danced in her vision. She wanted to scream from the overstimulation.
“M̴y̸ ̶m̶a̴t̶e̴,” he purred, licking over her bleeding bond mark. “M̷y̷ ̶s̶w̸e̶e̸t̶ ̷m̸a̷t̴e̶. L̴e̷t̷ ̵g̷o̷.”
One final nudge to her aching clit was the trigger. Her mind went blank. Everything turned white. She fell off an edge that she didn’t even know existed, an edge she would gladly tumble over again and again.
She came.
When the air finally managed to work its way back into her lungs, she felt a warm hand running through her hair and a fullness in her stomach. “...Dante?
“Yeah. I’m here.” A gentle kiss was placed on the side of her head. “Are you... okay?”
She laughed. “I’m alright. Better than alright, actually. How about you?”
“That’s good. I’m fine too.” He let out an exhausted chuckle. But his smile slowly shifted into something more serious; the hand in her hair slid down, brushing over her cheek, rubbing the mark on her neck, before resting over her heart. “Mate.”
“Mate,” she affirmed, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Yours.”
He pressed his forehead against hers. A free arm was curled firmly around her waist. She didn’t need to feel his emotions to feel his sincerity. “Yours.”
For a moment, all was quiet. The birds sang with the rapid rising of the sun. Light shone strongly through the windows. Faith took the time to admire Dante’s beauty more thoroughly, fingers skimming over his face, his neck, his collarbones. All the while having full confidence that every inch of this divine half-demon belonged to her.
He kissed her. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She blushed. She had a feeling that no matter how many times she would hear it, each one would still send her face burning beet red.
The room went silent once more, with the exception of the small kisses placed on her face.
He hummed in response, lips pressed to her temple.
“...I forgot about the omelets.”
He guffawed. “Of course we did. We got busy.”
“Please don’t say it like that...” she whined, burying her bright red face in his shoulder. “Are you hungry, though? We can whip something up-“ Her words stopped cold when she felt him slowly begin to thrust back into her.
“Later. We can eat later.” His eyes were fixated on the spot where their bodies connected, watching his cock slide back and forth inside her drenched hole, watching his cum seep out of the sides and drip onto the floor. “But right now...
“I̸ ̸g̶o̷t̵ ̸s̴o̴m̸e̸ ̵b̷r̴e̵e̶d̵i̴n̶g̷ ̵t̶o̸ ̸d̸o̷.”
Once again, I cannot apologize enough for the sheer act of stupidity I committed. in return, plz accept this even dirtier smut as a token of recompense
On that note, I will not be making any more dumb mistakes... hopefully
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crutchie-with-a-y · 4 years
hey yo i love your stuff so much, i really liked your sarah and jack stuff, so i was wondering if you could do a modern one?? super angsty lol i'm in a mood
Thank You for the request, I’m so happy you like my writing! This isn’t as angsty as I would like, but I wanted to get you a response ASAP! Hope you enjoy!
Jack Kelly hadn't slept in two days. He didn't mean to, it just sort of happened. The first night he'd stayed up watching Disney movies with his girlfriend Sarah. The second night, well, he'd just been too stressed to sleep. Sarah had left his house slightly annoyed with him after he accidentally spilled a cup of coffee on her sweater. It was the pink one with Ms. Piggy on it, her favorite. And she didn't leave because of the dark brown stain, she was already getting ready to leave anyway, she had to go home and get her uniform for work in a few hours. She didn't actually seem that upset over it anyway. Or maybe she did? No, if she was she would have told him. Sarah was always so good at communicating. But maybe he made her really, REALLY mad, and she was too considerate to go off on him. But she could probably get the stain out anyway why would she be that mad? Either way, Jack Kelly had been overthinking the situation for the past 24 hours because of the exchange they'd had while she was leaving.
"Call me when you're off work, maybe I can get you pizza or something to make up for the sweater?" Jack had said, holding open the door for her.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever," Sarah had sighed as she stepped out the door.
But she had never called. And when Jack called her two hours after the latest she'd ever worked, she didn't pick up. And when she didn't respond for three more hours, Jack had called again, apologizing profusely. No response. He had texted a few times. Nothing. At about two am, Jack had tossed his phone behind the couch and given up, turning on the news and picking up his sketch pad. It was about 6 am, and a detailed portrait of Sarah giggling adorably in her Ms. Piggy sweater had found its way onto his page. He'd drawn it from memory, the image of her leaning against him with that cute smile on her face as Olaf sang about getting gorgeously tan in summer. He smiled at it, even in smudged granite, she was so pretty. And so mad at him, he thought, his eyes falling to Ms. Piggy's face on her sweater. God, how could he be so stupid? He let his forehead fall forward, resting against the paper with a sigh.
"JACK! JACK OPEN THE DOOR!" Jack woke up to a pounding at his door three hours later. He shot up. Sarah?
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JACK GET OFF YOUR MOODY BULLSHIT AND OPEN UP!" Nope, Katherine. He scrambled towards the door, wondering what the cause was of such alarm. He pulled it open to see Katherine and Elmer staring at him with frantic looks.
"Why the FUCK haven't you responded to any of our messages?'" Katherine stuck her face in his.
"We've been trying to reach you for hours!" Elmer shook his phone in the air.
"I haven't been on my phone-"
"Ohhhh, he hasn't been on his phooooone." Katherine rolled his eyes.
"Kath, shut up," Elmer said and turned back to Jack. "C'mon, bro, we gotta go."
"Go? Go where?" Jack had dashed back into his living room to retrieve his phone.
"The hospital! Let's go." Katherine waved him back towards them. Jack froze.
"The hospital? W-why would we go there?" Katherine and Elmer looked at each other before turning back to him with a softer look. He felt his stomach drop.
"Jack," Elmer said. "Sarah was in a car accident last night."
"Oh my god, oh my god." Jack was aggressively swiping through his missed messages, tears brimming in his eyes.
"Jack it's going to be okay, the lady from the hospital said-"
"I don't CARE what the lady from the hospital said," Jack interrupted Katherine as they sped towards the hospital in her car. "My girlfriend was in a CAR ACCIDENT and I couldn't even be bothered to pick up my phone! Oh my god."
"Jack, it's alright, she's going to be okay." Elmer turned around in the passenger seat to try and calm him down.
"And why haven't you two been to see her?" Jack lashed out, upset at everything and everyone.
"We were on a road trip to Scarsdale visiting Katherine's Aunt when we got the call, four hours away. They said you were listed as her emergency contact but they couldn't reach you." Elmer's response only upset Jack even more, and he clenched his head in his hands as hot tears fell down his face.
"Jack, it's okay," Katherine looked at him in the review mirror as she turned the steering wheel. "We're here." Jack shot out of the car before Katherine could pull into a parking spot, almost getting hit by a gray sedan in the process. The car honked loudly, but he kept running, speeding through the revolving doors and up to the front desk as fast as his legs could take him. He didn't slow down fast enough, slamming into the front edge of the desk.
"I need the room of a...Sarah Jacobs," Jack said, holding his stomach as he tried to catch his breath. A middle-aged man with a black beard and thick-framed glasses looked up at him and then down at his computer.
"Uhhh, Yes, Ms. Jacob's in room 47, right down that way," The man pointed to his left. "May I ask who is visiting?"
"Jack Kelly," Jack said, pushing off the desk in the direction the man had pointed.
"Wait, you'll need this!" Jack turned around as the man tossed him a laminated visitor's pass on a bright yellow lanyard.
"Thanks," Jack pulled it over his neck as he sprinted back down the hall, narrowly avoiding nurses pushing carts and other visitors. "Forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-" Jack stumbled backward in shock as he reached his girlfriend's room, tears brimming again in his eyes. Hanging on the door handle on a hangar with a plastic cover over it was the Ms. Piggy sweatshirt. And covering the coffee was a dark red bloodstain.
Right when Jack thought he would pass out, the door swung open as a nurse exited the room, laughing to someone over her shoulder. She turned her head and smiled warmly when she saw him.
"Oh! Are you Mr. Kelly?"
"Jack!" From behind her, a voice called Jack back down to earth. Jack darted past the nurse and into the room.
Sarah lay propped up in a bed against bright white pillows and bright white sheets. Her right leg was in a cast and a black brace gripped her hand. Her hospital gown drooped slightly off her shoulder to show a strip of gauze in the center of her chest.
"Jack! Jack, where were you? I was so w-" Jack walked right up to her bedside and delicately but passionately kissed her, cutting her off.
"I'm so sorry," He said softly, rubbing a cut he had noticed on her lip. "Are you alright?"
"Ah, yes, mmhmm," Sarah blinked. "Yeah, I'm fine. But what the hell happened to you? The nurse said you hadn't answered any calls. "
"Well, I-" Jack looked at his feet. He was embarrassed. And Sarah could tell.
"What?" She squinted at him with a smirk.
"I just, ah," He squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip. "You didn't call me or respond to any of my messages, so I figured you were still mad."
"Mad? What would I be mad about?" Sarah tried to remember the day before, and suddenly she raised her eyebrows at me. "No, Jack. I know you didn't..."
"I don't know, it was your favorite-"
"Oh for fucks sake, Jack."
"It was a really big stain!"
"Do you hear yourself?" Sarah laughed exasperatedly. "You are trying to justify to me why I would be mad at you for something as stupid as spilling coffee on my sweater." Jack scrunched up his nose.
"Well, when you put it like that...."
"It's quite dumb, correct." She crossed her arms and huffed dramatically. They stared at each other for a minute before bursting out in loud, silly laughter.
"Can I get you a new sweater?" Jack chuckled as he pulled Sarah into his chest, who giggled as she nodded. And there, at that moment, she looked exactly how he had pictured her in her sweater watching Frozen. Exactly as he had drawn her. "And until Amazon delivers that sweater," Jack pulled back and reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper, "I hope this can make up for it." He handed Sarah the sketch and she marveled at it, the intense detail, shading, and, of course, how realistic of a Ms. Piggy he had a drawn. She looked back at him.
"Only if you at least attempt to stop overthinking everything." Jack grinned at her.
"Deal," He said, leaning down and pressing a loving kiss onto her lips.
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sollitudde · 3 years
haikyuu & cafes (1/?)
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bigass creds to @luvoikawa with this post that inspired me to write too much nonsense about nonsense
all my writing got deleted edition 🐸 also jesus christ sorry this is super long i just really like cafes and drinkys and coffys...
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for a guy who gets up early every morning coffee is a must. canned coffee is his drink of choice for getting up and it’s one of his morning routines before starting work. he actually dislikes cafes because they have an atmosphere he isn’t too fond of and likes bars (enjoys shit beers = enjoys shit coffee) more- but he could go to a cafe when asked by his friends or if he’s going on a date, just don’t ask him about what type of coffee he’d like specifically because all he wants is it to be hot and black, no milk no sugar. when he was younger he actually disliked coffee, but with age he learned to 1. not be fussy about it 2. just tolerate it to pick him up. it’s not like he dislikes the tastes of it but i don’t see him as picking up oh many tannin inteiciasies cause he’s not developed a pallete, also gets the cheapest no fuss shit. prefers hot over cold even in the summer
for food, he doesn’t enjoy completely western menus. likes meat and doesn’t order any sweets like pastries and whatever the fuck, not only is it too expensive but also he’d just rather have the coffee unless he’s particularly hungry. like i said he isnt a cafe guy but life takes you to a lot of places so ☕️
actually can taste tanins like some sort of a legend. still though on a teachers salary you’re not going to have an espresso machine at home so he settles for his drip brew. actually doesn’t like espresso too much either if hes working at least. but since he is a teacher and a club supervisor he drinks 2 (two) of those shits a day, one in the morning from home one in the afternoon from the teachers lounge- needs it to deal with the energy at practice. takes just milk in his coffee and prefers it steamed, but has that shitty milk foamer thing that takes so much time to get results out of he just ends up drinking drip w cold milk; the workingmans choice.
with cafes and food he still enjoys drip brew (this time fancier) coffee with milk. could ask to taste test the plain bean coffee if he enjoyed his first cup so much. LOVES a pastry with his drink, if he goes there to do work will get a coffee and a pastry of any kind, i think he likes cream so expect him to get a cream puff esp if on a date cause then he gets to share it and be cute 🥴 loves a cafe hangout with friends or an s/o
pre time skip she did not need coffee at all. like her face at first says either only black coffee or shes so well adjusted she needs nothing and i’d say it’s the latter though i could debate. though she was an enjoyer of canned coffee milk later in life before having to consume coffee for life energy in her adulthood. nothing too fancy either though, small coffee machine that only she uses (tanakas a pussy!) for making coffee, pours milk and adds a teaspoon of sugar into it- doesn’t really like flavors cause to her they taste artificial. busy lady! so she can pick up some starbucks or sit down for a brief second and get coffee wherever she is, thinks it energizes her and also is an enjoyer of the novelty of steamed milk. it actually doesn’t buzz her ever even when she first starts drinking it so rather than having to drink more coffee as the tolerance builds up she just has a plateau of coffee give me caffeine boost
for cafes she just gets whatever looks good to her. also not the biggest fan of sweets rather than a good bread, enjoyer of plain croissants and good bread if she gets a sandwitch. who doesn’t love carbs
the sweet sugary drink enjoyer has arrived. didn’t even touch coffee until her 3rd year at college, tried a sip of black coffee from her friend in junior high and became instantly afraid of it- managed to skirt by college with a good schedule until the junior terror seeped into her veins and now her early classes she has to drink coffee for. but like she still gets good grades so it’s only the morning she’s required to partake in bean water for- doesn’t even do anything on weekends if she doesn’t have anywhere to be. at home she has 2 syrups 5 milks and overloads her drink so much she’s barely drinking any coffee at all, still the sugar and the hot stuff in the morning has an effect (placebo lol)
loves a starbucks for its accessibility, but gets refreshers and iced drinks more often than any of their caffeine. not only does she think it’s not worth it if she can make coffee at home, but she has a tiny cafe she goes to to cram that serves a mean lavender rose vanilla latte (fucking ew?) that shes in love with. but it costs a lot and she’s a rare visitor, gets sweets and small sandwitches if she goes. w friends she doesn’t know that well she’ll get a flavored coffee to seem mature&cute, but with old friends she’d rather drink a milk tea or a seasonal drink rather than bother w a latte (since she uses it to get energy if it’s 5pm and her day is nearly done whyd she need it then?) no 7-11 coffee or vending machine coffee (junior high trauma) rather sweets and candy if she’s buying from one
courtesy to @sugardaddykenma, i think daichi oinking his way to the top ended after he had a midlife crisis- so he stops drinking coffee the way he would at the pig pen. sorry ok enough puns but yeah i think he was drinking way too much coffee in both college and at his “job” so coffee now messes with his stomach so much he thinks he might have a heart attack if he drinks more than one cup a week. i don’t know if that directly makes sense but too much coffee can literally kill you and since now he doesn’t fear the revolution here’s another thing for his mind. no coffee, maybe like once if hes at a cafe with his friends but really really prefers plain tea more- especially as he gets older. likes green white and black teas rather than herbal cause caffeine, and doesn’t put sugar in either cause hes #real and genuinely enjoys the flavors more that way
doesn’t go to cafes except for reunions or hanging out with the boys, always more of a “what do they have to eat” rather a “what’s new and exiting to drink” boy. i actually think the only reason he does drink coffee occasionally is because sugawara teases him and also sometimes it’s easier to order something to not be embarassing and to live up to the expectation of a dilf on the prowl rather than well like. dilf drinking tiny mug of jasmine tea. surprisingly an atmosphere enjoyer, people talking all around him is comforting- though if he were to go there frequently he’d grown annoyed
king of looking fuckable at a cafe. literally can’t drink coffee black and hates it but still uses it for that energy boost in the morning. has a cheap espresso machine (like 2nd hand and super busted) with a milk frother cause he can’t even drink coffee with just milk it’s so repulsuve to him, he’s gotta fancy it up with syrups & steamed liquids to get anything out of it. but like i said hes king of looking fuckable at a cafe and that’s cause he goes to them all the fucking time. to study to hang for dates like part of it is the ambience is unparalleled but also i mean 1. he likes looking hot 2. he can study 3. man idk hes just a little bitch that wants to look smarter than he actually is. literally in love with the concept of a meet cute so hes in there like “wow... i look so pretty and i’m reading such a big book won’t someone come talk to me”enjoys smiling at other hot patrons and the nines. i think he’d start banter only if you spilled a drink though or something happened hes not that confident to go up to someone full force, and well while he is there sometimes for the hell of it he does actually study there too cause it forces him to do something rather than fuck around on the computer at home. win win system
frequent cafe flyer and frequent cafe snack enjoyer. he’d much rather go for the small snacks like chips and nuts rather than big meal shit cause since his stuff is there he doesn’t wanna get anything on it, and would rather lounge back at home while eating anyways. frequent buys you a sweet on a date type of move, asks if you wanna give him a small bite but doesn’t actually enjoy most sweets that much. ICE LATTE ENJOYER but only when hes on the go or it’s summer, they make a mess when condensation happens.
hate to tell you folks, but you won’t find this guy in any cafes ever. if he needs to study in a public place he’d rather go to a library and if he can’t go there he’s just seriously gonna sit on the street if it’s the worst of it. can not only not handle cafes if it’s at full capacity, sugawara once shared his cafe strategies with him and now he overthinks whenever he steps foot into one. if he does enter a cafe it’s for a to go order of a cafe au lait (with soy milk, he got in the habit from ordering the wrong thing and never asking them to fix it) because espresso beverages give him anxiety, and add anxiety with a lot of people there it’s just no good and he becomes nervous. he does relax when his friends are there though, and a la p5 enjoys a quiet cafe at night the best. he like herbal teas without sugar (maybe some honey) and aromatic tea blends, but not refresher like beverages at starbucks
since he doesn’t sit down and eat at cafes hes not getting anything substantial, but has a pertulance for sweet stuff! nothing too big but if he gets something sweet with his coffee (and he does get coffee out a lot actually i feel i should clarify. it’s the devil wears prada influence and if you’re a fashion designer chance is you need to go somewhere fast so he needs the energy to power walk and actually ends up picking up coffee for his crew sometimes)
oh christ dude if he got coffee while in high school he’d go fucking insane. way too much current energy + caffeine is such a bad combination- but i think he’d never step into a cafe until his world traveling days. in which case i mean like first of all if you are traveling you’re going to have to keep a tight schedule unless you’re like rich as fuck and can afford to leisure around, and i think he does have some savings but at the same time if he’s himself he’s very likely running around- in summary, cafe visits very dépendant on the culture. cafe dates and cafe stops to get a pick up i think would be the most common stuff here, and coffee would be only used as a wake up i need more energy tool
with food i mean going to a great underground cafe is a right of passage if you’re traveling so i’m sure hes tried all sorts of shit and also hes a big eater, so i can see him getting whatever looks the craziest. big coffee ice cream enjoyer but like i said that’s just to wake up & i think there’s better places to get better juice (& international soda) than a hole in the wall coffee place. did someone say italian sodas or do i have to get my hearing checked
man this guys a pussy. thinks starbucks is the fancy coffee place even though it’s a chain and can’t enjoy a non sweetened coffee- even sweetened coffees are a bust. honestly also is too concerned about caffeine being able to “hinder” him, it’s not going to kill you or make you crazy but probably saw someone go balls off the walls with it and is too pussy to try it himself because he thinks he’s so energetic already it’ll make him turn super saiyan. very big enjoyer of a juice, a smoothie, or a refresher again if we’re going from starbucks’ menu. actually yeah it the place offers smoothies he definitely gets that 100% no questions asked, cause it’s the one sweet he can permit himself because he actually thinks it’s healthy when the only reason it “is” is because it’s fruit. does not enjoy the vibes whatsoever and is kinda spooked by everyone drinking coffee in coffee drinking establishments. his wife is more of a man than him in that regard but he can take it
cafe foods aplenty though! likes to walk in and run to get smth and leave, cause it’s less effort than making something and more effort than going to a convenience store. actually has this thing where he picks wifey dearest up snacks he thinks she’ll like. before that he used to scoff at them but now seeing as shes a frequent patron and he is married to her he’s all like look at this treat i bought for you at (blank). it’s kinda sweet! plus he prolly gets a takeout drink for himself too so win win
physical therapy is a lot of work! sorry for the lack of substance for this guy but like a normal adult i think he is normal with his coffee consumption. aka- drinks it to get up, and when hes tired. i think he has a particular interest in trying new things though and will get whatever is interesting to him or something that is weird on the menu like a pumpkin chocolate latte or some shit like that that is unusual but still tasty. adventurous and also you can’t tell at all that hes had coffee, acts completely the same and people even tell him he should drink some coffee cause of the low energy. hes had two cups already and that’s enough!
i think this guy just doesn’t like coffee for whatever reason. he seems like the type of dude to just not drink it and instead go for something energizing in the form of tea or an energy drink but not bean juice, just a vibe! enjoys a cafe every once in a while but goes rarely, i mean hes just chilling! there is a place that hes gone to that he is now an irregular regular of that has a tea infusion of different berries and ingredients that’s meant to clear up your sinuses and calm you. they don’t sell it in packets and hes disappointed about that but the very reason it exists at all is because it’s made out of fresh chopped shit and spices, also it’s a gimmick. they serve them in tea pitchers and he stays there and reads until he finishes. it’s the little things!
writing got erased again but like literally just think of a guy. a guy that works at a company who has to go to work everyday so yeah he drinks coffee and the chances of it being instant are very high. actually doesn’t know that starbucks is a chain and just has the regular drip coffee machine at home, probably takes it with milk and sugar and whatever is there at the time. relaxed guy and relaxed preferences
dude doesn’t even know what coffee is to be completely honest. well no that’s a lie he definitely tried some but it made him jittery and he can’t be jittery or else he’s not doing perfect tosses, so no can do. like i know the milk joke is old but i don’t think the habit stops at high school i genuinely think unless one of his teammates or someone with him is like no getting milk or they don’t just serve raw milk because who the fuck would he maybe gets a milk tea at most. honestly not a fan of sugary drinks such as juice or refreshers and whatnot nor iced drinks because well hes just a weirdo. if you take him to a sbucks or somewhere else either order him a london fog or water or a cup of milk if you want your cashier to have something funny to tell. he likes matcha lattes but since they’re high caf he only gets them on off days and like when does he have those? never. genuine weirdo
okay for food it’s anything goes but i think thr funnier thing to talk about would be the amount of time it takes him to read a menu. literally can’t decide on anything especially if a place is out of stock well hes gonna be out of comission for a few minutes as he reconsiders. asks what this has and what’s in this if it’s not listed so it’s really best to just pick smth for him, plain simple and he won’t have any complaints and just sit down w you.
actually got fond of espresso in brazil but still prefers juices and shit to actual caffeinated beverages. they don’t make them like they used to there 😔 but he does get lattes. LOVES coconut milk and nut milks cause they have an “oomph” (what?) but honestly anything goes kind of guy in where he can get coffee out of a machine at a convenience store starbucks a cafe anything anywhere no problem. thing is though he can only consume it in a short amount of time aka just the morning or else he’s unable to sleep at night, a thing that is most definitely a placebo but like he believes on it so insistently that he just doesn’t mess with it. is a fan of anything new and anything that catches his interest in coffee places, likes to pick stuff up rather than sit down cause he’s a fan of walking and talking and drinking
pastry guy :) or just anything breaded. again likes to pick whatever catches his interest cause he became more adventurous with food for sure, enjoys a sandwitch or some shit i mean you get the point i think. he’s just a funny little guy
honestly? cant fucking drink black coffee. i think it’d be so funny and well also fitting that if he does drink anything he does drink super sugary sweet stuff, like i mean we know he enjoys sweets anyways so why not push it further and say this motherfucker can’t handle tanins at all? and like by all i mean he has to have tea with milk and sugar no matter what it is (well not herbal tea 🍵 that’s an emoji of a green tea but herbal tea never should be enjoyed with milk) his go to is a hot matcha latte and a cold iced vanilla latte. cause both are sweet and make him look a little less pussy when ordering them. straight up will chug purely black coffee out of spite and suppress gags to seem cool, it’s okay tbough hes so far only worried about this happening in front of friends and it hasn’t yet. he has practiced at home though and he can so far not gag but still squint, which he’s thinking if he has to explain will explain by “well uh it tastes like shit so”
i don’t think he needs coffee to get up but instead does need something sweet. since cake doesn’t last a while i’d see him trying to buy some for himself discreetly like i know this dude isn’t a pussy but also imagine being so hard and then being made fun of for eating a cake alone by yourself in a cafe. doesn’t order sweets therefore unless hes in a private room or with a trusted friend. yamaguchi won’t tell on you bro in fact he’ll order the cake and let you have it. doesn’t like any savory thing on the menu for some reason, no matter the place he goes
actually enjoys tanins but chugs cheap shitty coffee for energy no matter the time of day. he just got used to the lack of taste and definitely grabbed a caffeine addiction to add to his problems to worry about but it’s okay cause hey while he’d never say it he thinks it’s better to be able to taste them and enjoy a normal cup of good beans than to be like his unnamed friend. enjoyer of the whole menu, entirely dependent on the mood. focusing, straight espresso shots, reading, matcha or peppermint tea, vibing, lemonade or lemonade mixture idk you name it. very into cafe energy and feels good whenever he enters one, but doesn’t do it out of neccesity cause once he did actually have someone slightly hit on him at a cafe and he stopped going to it because he interacted with them very awkwardly. is sure the baristas heard and just can’t do it anymore. has pulled all nighters and 24-hr study sessions in internet cafes chugging coffees like a motherfucker. hasn’t yet poured a redbull into coffee yet but i mean it could be coming we never know (nah hes afraid of it)
not a fan of ordering stuff in cafes at all cause hes not there to eat. can be persuaded for a bite if friends are there but if not then hes avoidant of foods. you can’t blame him! it’s kind of awkward to order food at a coffee place anyways so he just steers clear
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sternenteile · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:  @battleshell​  ;  we all care blue, u do, i do, we all do tagging:  holy shit my whole dash because exorbitantly long memes are the BEST. i aint even sarcastic when i say that, i love this kind of shit. u GOTTA do it.
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my muse is:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [ he is in two fandoms, in fact. he is both a fan-favorite from super mario rpg, the very first in the line of mario rpgs we’ve gotten over the years, and a pretty popular smash bros. request. he even got a mii costume in 4 and a spirit in ultimate as a result of the love. he’s very beloved, to the point that i’d, even as a geno fan myself, deem him a bit overrated. why? b/c where is all the love for all the other smrpg characters!!! they are all good. i love them all. ]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i mean ?? i’ve met and seen many people who have/had crushes on geno so ??????? but i don’t think it’s like. that. ghfskjhgsg??? ]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ oh yes, he is undeniably very strong, both in personality and in battle. he is often seen as the level-headed straight man of the party in smrpg (which, in the case of my geno, is... semi-applicable LMAO), a star spirit with unwavering bravery and confidence. his in-battle stats are also pretty crazy, favoring geno as a glass cannon and enemy sweeper. he is also the only character in the game to have a move that will insta-kill any enemy besides bosses. well, and exor. idk why exor, but there ya go. needless to say, pretty much everyone in the fandom agrees that geno is a powerful mfer. why wouldn’t a literal, living star be? ]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ as i mentioned before, there is no shortage of him being underrated in the fanbase. i’d even say he’s a little overrated. some people treat smrpg as ‘that game with geno in it’ rather than everything else it has going for it. i love star boye as much as the next gal, but pls appreciate smrpg as a whole. it’s such a vibrant game with a colorful world of characters to love. ]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. [ he is actually, completely central to the plot. the subtitle of smrpg is legend of the seven stars, which directly relates to geno’s core mission: to find the seven star pieces and restore star road. the rest of the gang had different ambitions, but they all ended up banding together over geno’s objective. one could argue he mostly is the exposition-granter and could be replaced with anyone else, but i feel he’s irreplaceable. smrpg would be so different without him, like it or not. ]
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ i wouldn’t say he is the protagonist, obviously, as that is very much mario’s spot. that being said, he is a pretty obvious deuteragonist for smrpg, given how much the plot revolves around him. he’s relevant to mario, for sure, as well as peach, mallow, and bowser. he’s relevant to many characters beyond them. he represents the fight for everyone’s wishes to be able to come true. he’s, uh... very relevant rofl. ]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ the star spirits are somewhat known in the mario universe as entities capable of granting wishes, kinda like fabled gods with a tinge more evidence and reality to them. geno himself isn’t a known name, not like the seven star spirits of star haven, but his people are decently known. he, however, is not. ]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ he is basically the epitome of ‘good’ until you overthink star society like i do lol. not all wishes can be granted, what constitutes as a ‘good wish’ is subjective, why some good wishes still can’t be granted anyway, etc. it puts him more towards neutral good with a dash of lawful and an undercurrent of chaotic, given his rebellion against his superiors. ]
How strictly do you follow canon?  —  i mean, it isn’t hard to be strict to mario canon when there isn’t that much of a foundation to work with anyway lol. it’s all rather simplistic until you get into the nitty gritty of it ??? that said, geno is built on a lot of headcanon. like, a lot a lot. star society and its rules for star spirits of his kind, his relationship with rosalina (a matronly figure), his relationship with the seven star spirits, the fleshing-out of his basic personality traits shown in smrpg, etc.? headcanon upon headcanon.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  a star possessing the form of a children’s toy, like toy story but with more cosmic pew-pew. a chill and sassy guy still learning the ways of how earth (and other planets) work on a more intimate level, meaning there will be lots of adorkable moments as this curious one makes discoveries. sometimes attempts to innovate with what he learns to be ‘ahead of the curve’, leading to interesting results. (he likes to sip bubble tea, but replace the tapioca pearls with star bits. good result. mopping a counter-top because it would be ‘more efficient’? not-so-good result, got him lots of stares.) straight outta the 90′s, so be ready some of that rad 90′s slang and know-how from back in the day. (what do u mean they’re bringing back dunkaroos? that’d mean they stOPPED MAKING THEM?!?) very intrigued with new technology, became stuck to his smartphone upon discovering them, fell into the time-sink that is animal videos on youtube. he’s humble and likes to relax, have a good time, and relax w/ the squad. video games, netflix binges, the whole nine yards, he’s gotchu. he is a hell of a fighter and loves to fight, as well. help him push his abilities, and he’ll help you with yours.  likes being a little shit for fun, only to an extent (harmless moments of impishness, not serious, hurtful pranks). has a sense of humor that is easy to tickle, even with stupid dad jokes and classic puns. the brother-friend that will fire lasers at ur enemies for u. likes to play violin. cute. super cutie. v. tiny in his star form. almost five whole feet of sparkly, twinkly fun. likes super soakers.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  despite intrigue to learn more about the world around him, there is only so much that he does know. societal norms are often beyond him, and there are just so, so many earth hobbies he is not aware of. without handing him a bone, it makes him a little more limited than someone who’s more savvy. he is prime slice-of-life material, but that may also make things rather dull in an rp without an extra twist to spice things up. (thankfully, his being a total SNOT sometimes helps with that.) in canon and strictly in canon, geno doesn’t really have much personality, something that this geno has plenty more fleshed out. a good chunk of fandom finds him to be incredibly boring and droll, to which i personally disagree, as there are little things in smrpg that hint towards him having more to explore.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  funnily enough, seeing smash bros. fandom railing on geno fans + hyping him up all at the same time made me revisit smrpg after having only played it as a teenager. i expected geno to be a boring slate of nothing like fandom often portrays him, but i found that i was terribly wrong. with a newfound perspective on him, noting little details that defied my expectations for this li’l guy, i decided to give him a geno whirl and see what kind of expansion i could do with his character. the amount of lore i came up with him and started wondering about piled on and on and on, and i realized that he had so much more potential than what nintendo and square properly tapped into. (some of it is also a matter of being timely, though, meaning later mario materials such as rosalina, star haven, etc.) i wanted to flex out that potential and see how much i could fill this little doll up with, and lo and behold, i rp him today with extensive amounts of development poured into him with love. to put it simply, there was so much untapped potential that i wanted to share with the world, to show geno the love and in-depth exploration that he deserved, to show that he was more than what he was given.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  chattering about mario lore with pals, whether it relates to geno or not, reading, watching shows or videos that remind me of him, learning more about cosmology and the universe we live in (and boy, i’ve learned a lot of neat stuff!), revisiting my childhood (the 90′s) since it’s very geno-appropriate, drawing The Boye, literally anything to do with playing, watching, or doing ANYTHING with smrpg/paper mario 64/smg1&2, and probs a lot more. i’ve got a lot of fuel in me for this guy lol.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ on one hand, of course i hope that i do! on the other hand, i mean... nintendo and square don’t do jack for him, so i think almost anyone can do him more justice than they have, lbr. it’s... not hard... :’) ]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ ok i gotta just copy-paste what blue said in her response because my god, she nailed it: “you know when you have a concept and in your own mind you can see it clearly, without fuzziness or confusion, but you can’t seem to put it clearly into words without it turning into an essay because you need to connect all the other points that’s in the single concept you envisioned? yea.” basically, this but in spades, because i have a huge amount of headcanon and lore that i’ve either not gotten around to writing about yet or am purposefully staving off (wink wink). i have written a lot for him, though! it’s just... comparatively so little to what all i’ve thought up over-time. ]
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ not! often! enough!!! ]
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [ all i know is fine dining, breathing, and adorkable starman. ]
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? [ funny enough, i’m pretty damn confident in my portrayal, albeit still very modest. i mean, i am at least confident that i give depth to a character that had so little, and i feel like geno is just... real. (not literally ofc i mean like, he FEELS realistic.) he’s got character perks, character flaws, strengths, weaknesses, personal issues, ongoing obstacles, relatable themes where appropriate, interests, knowledge (or lack thereof), daily routines... i could go on. if nothing else, i at least feel good about trying to make geno feel less like some exposition character and more like a person. considering he wants to achieve personhood that most of his kind never gets to find, it’s oddly poetic lmao. ]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ eehhhhh. i mean, i guess it’s fiiiIIINE, but i often feel like i lack a certain pizzazz, something that’ll keep people interested and intrigued with what i write, giving enough material for them to adequately bounce back. on the same token, i like to babble with my prose, so i often worry about going on and on and on way too much. stale, quantity over quality, substance-less writing is what i fuss over the most. ;; ]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. [ sensitive to empathy and other peoples’ emotions, yes. i’m an insanely empathetic person, and i have a lot of love to give. that said, with only few exceptions, i have a pretty iron-clad skin. sometimes, i daresay it’s to the point that i often misjudge what other people can take, and i feel i can end up being too harsh and forward. that being said, it is also a good thing at times. harsh or not, if i feel a certain way about something, i make that shit known and i make it known as loud as it necessarily should be. i don’t beat around the bush; rather, if i have a beef, i will make that beef known. consequently, if i have love to give, you damn well better be ready to swim in a pool of hearts and your favorite kind of cookie (if applicable). ]
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  as long as it isn’t complaints with lack of substance/reasoning, yes! even if i may not always agree and may take things with a grain of salt, i am insanely receptive to criticism, even over the pickiest things. it’s something i’ve grown used to due to prior rp venues being particularly harsh. i will never throw a fit or act like a child if there is something i could do better with geno. in fact, there always will be! i’m not perfect, and i love to hear about ways i can improve and do better. it’s paramount in a hobby like this.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  LET’S-A FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  sure, i’d love to know! it can make for some neat conversation!! c:
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  that’s a’ight. i’m sure there are things about my geno that won’t resonate with everyone, especially given he’s a very sentimental character for old fogies like me lol. as long as there is no disrespect thrown this way, it’s all good. this stuff is subjective, after all.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  oh, a lot of people really hate geno lol, but i’m guessing this means personal portrayal only. in such a case, i would be curious as to why, admittedly, but i acknowledge that i am not owed anyone’s reasoning. if they really, absolutely hate my geno, then it’s their prerogative, whether they want to give a reason why or not. again, it’s all good unless immaturity and disrespect rears its head. i won’t tolerate that and will ignore any such behavior.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  sure, it happens to the best of us!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  i’d like to think that i am! i’ve often had people tell me that i’m very nice and mature, but of course, i have no right to say how i come off to other people. that is not in my territory to judge, only theirs. that being said, it’s not easy to upset me or anger me, and i’m more often willing to listen and pal around than not. i’m the living embodiment of (shrug). i am just (shrug).
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hadesglance · 5 years
All hail the new queen... - 19 (Hades Original Story)
You fought your way through the maze of the underworld to make a deal with the King…intrigued the lonely king listens…
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six  Part Seven  Part Eight   Part Nine  Part Ten  Part Eleven  Part Twelve  Part Thirteen  Part Fourteen  Part Fifteen  Part Sixteen  Part Seventeen  Part Eighteen
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Zeus took a deep breath in through his nose as he stared at the house through the gate, “Charon…”
“Yes, Lord Zeus?” Charon asked from his guard post leaning back in his chair with his feet propped up as he turned the page of the magazine he was reading.
“Could you please try again?” Zeus huffed as he began tapping his foot.
“I could Lord Zeus, but I believe the last four times will give you the answer of the fifth time.” Charon spoke without looking up, “Is the request urgent?”
“…not…particularly…” Zeus pinched the bridge of his nose as he muttered, “Who allowed this stupid rule that Hades had to grant other gods permission to enter the Underworld?”
“I believe that was you, Lord Zeus.” Charon smiled at him as he sat up from finishing his article.
“Thank you, Charon. You do have a good memory…” Zeus groaned as the ferryman disappeared, “What could he be doing that keeps me out here?”
“Lord Hades?” Charon spoke quietly as he appeared in the dining room next to Hades.
Hades held up a finger, “Drinking a cup of coffee is something people do every day, alone or with friends, at home or at work. A researcher following the theory of symbolic interactionism who is observing two people enjoying a coffee together would primarily point out that…”
He watched you take in a deep breath, “Uh…that coffee has become more of a symbolic morning ritual?”
“Close enough in my book.” Hades handed the note card over to you as he looked to Charon, “Hasn’t left yet?”
“No, sir, he seems insistent on seeing you today.” Charon smiled at you both.
You looked up from reading the full answer, “Hades, if you need to go…”
“No…today is important for you. I want you to feel as prepared as you can.” Hades looked back to Charon, “Tell him to return this afternoon, I’m busy helping Y/N.”
“Yes, of course.” Charon smiled as he turned sticking his head out the guard house, “Lord Zeus…My Lord Hades has requested you return this afternoon when he’s finished indulging Y/N in her studies.”
Hades looked up from the card in his hand as he heard a loud wail. Zeus…ever the baby of the family. He found it truly amazing that his little brother had single handedly rescued him then after led a war, “I’m sorry…my brother’s pure distain distracted me, what did you say?”
“It’s fine, I know it’s right.” You took in a deep breath closing your book before standing up from the table, “I have to get going anyway, I need to pick up some scantrons.”
“Are you sure? We can go over it again…” He stood up scooping up your study cards, “Or I could drive you there, squeeze in a few more questions.”
“As much as I appreciate it, I think I just want to take a nice drive on Lana and relax a bit.” You smiled at him before leaning up on your toes kissing his cheek, “Thank you…I’ll be home late.”
He smiled a little reaching up touch his cheek. You were so gentle with him and he never understood why? He was a god; he didn’t need you to be gentle. He asked you the other day and you told him it was because you knew his heart was fragile. Which of course led to him asking how you knew that? You responded with a bright smile telling him you just knew.
Thankfully his brother heeded his request. He had a few hours of peace before he came calling again. He finished signing off on a few things as Zeus walked into his office taking a seat in front of his desk with a huff.
“It wasn’t that long of a wait.” Hades shook his head before looking up to him. He froze a little seeing a scroll in his hand, “You took the record out of the library?”
“I asked permission, they know I have it.” Zeus told him taking a deep breath, “I’m on to something and I wanted to talk to you about it. I could use your council right now.”
It had been close to five hundred years since Zeus had asked him for his help on a serious matter. Hades bowed his head taking off his glasses, “Of course, Lord Zeus…”
“Oh stop that…” Zeus stood up setting the scroll on the desk before putting his hands on his hips, “We’re still brothers, Hades…”
“Just wanted to make it somewhat official.” Hades reached over untying the scroll, “What has you so bothered?”
“Y/N…” Hades looked to him seeing his eyes serious, but raising his hands to let him finish, “Not her, really…Just her family’s access to this.”
He laid your grandmother’s book on the table next to the scroll, “I don’t understand.”
“That scroll is a blessing record from Hecate.” Zeus planted a finger on your book, “And this is the blessing. Ways to create doors to our realms.”
“There can’t be a door to everyone…” Hades scoffed pulling from his brother’s index finger staring at him, “Zeus, that would have been…”
“Completely irresponsible? I don’t remember being exactly an example of following rules and being responsible.” Zeus sighed taking a step back falling into his seat, “I asked Hecate again and she really doesn’t remember doing it. It was back when Dionysus was roving the world. Magnificent parties…but the stuff was hard stuff and even I had my hazy moments.”
Hades began flipping through it seeing several he instantly recognized, “Shit…”
“That’s definitely one word.” Zeus began rubbing his temples with his thumb and middle finger, “As far as I know, this is the only one. At least there’s solace in that.”
“What are you going to do?” Hades shut the leather book, keeping his hand on top of it. This was a serious matter, mortals weren’t supposed to exist in our realms and those that came were privileged and only allowed brief stays at the protection of a god.
“I’m not sure. I’m unsettled that they were able to just…walk in…but as far as I can tell they only did it a handful of times and for acceptable requests.” Zeus let his hand fall to the arm rest, “And I suppose since Y/N is in possession of it and she is residing with you…we don’t have much to worry about.”
Hades leaned back relaxing a little, “You seemed as if there was a problem, but it worked itself out, didn’t it?”
Zeus looked away trying to find the right way to speak the next few sentences, “Do you remember the Prophecy of the Rise?”
Hades tensed as his eyes widened. This was the second mention of it in the course of a couple weeks, “What of it? It’s a fairy tale.”
Hades watched his brother shift uncomfortably, “Not exactly…”
“Zeus, stop dancing around the problem and spit it out!” Hades glared at him, “You’re freaking me out.”
“You should be…” Zeus swallowed finally looking at him, “The Fates…They called on me when they were young…very young…I first thought they wanted to play a game as children do…but then Atropos took my hand and her sisters fell in line with her and they spoke the immovable words.”
“The doors will open; the brother shall mark a strengthening of bonds by the spilling of mortal blood. It shall be then, the exiled one shall awaken from his cage causing an age of pain and the dawn of evil, and a rise of a new god by greater sacrifice.” Hades shook his head slowly, “I’ve heard it, we all have…It’s nonsense…”
“It’s what I fed everyone.” Zeus looked away ashamed, “Everyone was healing…mortals were worshipping…everyone was happy…I didn’t want fear to rule everyone again.”
Hades felt a cold chill run up his spine, “W-what did it actually say…Zeus?”
“The doors will open, when the moment comes that summer ends, the young one shall cause a rise of faith and an age of justice. Mortal blood will spill in the halls of Olympus, upon that night the exiled one will awaken in his cage.” Hades felt his throat tighten as fear crept over his features, “The monster will break his chains bringing pain as he steps back into this world, seeking vengeance. The old one will walk away, as the newcomer’s sacrifice marks the rise of hope, upon that day what was shrouded will be revealed…”
“I’m sorry…Hades…” Zeus hung his head when he finished, “I think we all know who it speaks of…”
“You should have told us…” Hades whispered as he clenched his fist.
“I know…I just…” Zeus cleared his throat, “You were just beginning to move on…I didn’t want this to hang over you…all of you…”
“I would have never allowed her here!” Hades snapped at him, “What the Fates say is law! I would have never let her near this place! Dammit Zeus!”
Zeus watched Hades stand to his feet looking out the back window at his kingdom, “Hades…”
“She’s been to Olympus twice…the first time she was dragged across the floor and threatened…The second time…” Hades felt everything inside of him crumbling, “Media…”
Zeus stood up setting his jaw, “What about Media?”
“Gy…” He turned to his brother worry in his eyes, “He came to us and warned us…I thought it was story, so I dismissed it as a youngster overthinking…but Media, she believes in this prophecy…enough to try and make it come true.”
Zeus nodded slowly, “Hades I am truly sorry, but I don’t regret keeping it from you. Prophecies become forced if you dwell on them…and that girl…that woman…Y/N, she’s good for you, and you would have never known her if you knew everything.”
Hades looked away for a moment before looking back seeing Zeus heading for the door, “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to fix this…unlike you,” Zeus glanced back at him when he opened the door, “I don’t let prophecies tell me what to do, and even as they come true…I gotta believe that if we’re lucky they left something out…They usually do.”
Hades stood alone in his office staring at the book on his desk…the doors… He took it throwing it into his desk drawer locking it away. The Fates were always cruel to him.
He shut his eyes tightly thinking of you. He felt more faith then he’d felt in a long time when you entered his temple the first time. Then living with you daily, your passion fueled him. Maybe because he was drinking it up from the source, but he knew that already two points of the prophecy was true. He just had to keep you from Olympus for as long as he could.
He played Zeus’ words over and over trying to decipher any other clues. Time slipped away from him as evening came. Still he sat there, eyes shut repeating the words slowly. He was only brought out of his trance when he heard your voice.
“Hades…” His eyes flashed open as he pushed away everything. He had to make sure everything well for you. Today had been a big day for you.
“Y/N, how did…” He stopped as he saw you standing in the middle of his office. His heart jumped to his throat as he saw the blood trickling down your neck. Everything shook inside of him as he saw your soul standing before him. You were dying somewhere…
Your eyes looked through him as you spoke again. It was this time he noticed the distance, “Hades…help…”
The apparition of you faded leaving his heart pounding in his ears. You were still with the living, but he didn’t know for how long. He snapped his fingers as he appeared outside on the tallest building of the city his bident in his hand. He shut his eyes tightly clenching his empty fist trying to draw your connection to him. It was faint…you were still at the school.
 Another snap and he was outside the barrier he’d put up months ago. His pushed against it closing his eyes tightly. He could feel you on the other side as he whispered, “I’m sorry…I have to break my promise…”
He raised his other arm up thrusting the bident into the barrier shattering it shattering it across the entire campus. Instantly his connection to you strengthened. He hadn’t realized how dampened it was while you were at school, even now as it grew weaker with every drawn breath.
He raced to the top of another building looking over the campus. He was breaking all the rules tonight as he shut his eyes locating you by connecting to your brand. He felt inwardly sick breaking his promises to you, one right after another…but he couldn’t apologize to the dead, could he? He would bear it this time…
His eyes connected to the source in the distance, seeing a dull purple glow. He wasted no more time as he phased over to the source. He stood in a parking lot hearing a struggle. He turned his head sharply seeing young mortal struggling to get someone into the back seat of the car. That someone lit up like light to him.
Hades could not contain the rage inside of him as he strode forward throwing bident into the car pushing it away from them. The young man turned frightened right into his clutches. Hades relished the small noise of fear that escaped him.
His eyes flicked over to the car where he saw you, unconscious in the backseat, clothes disheveled, blood down you neck. His eyes darkened as a cold wind began to circle around his feet. He spoke as he lifted this pathetic mortal off the ground, “You dare…”
“What the fuck!?” The panic that overtook the clawing man only angered Hades further.
“Silence!” The lights in the parking lot shattered at Hades’ demand. The mortal fell quiet, only whimpers escaping him, “You dare lay a hand on her?”
“I…I didn’t…” He shook his head stammering only seeing the deep purple glowing eyes, “Please…please who are you?”
Hades pulled him close the wind picking up as his voice lowered, “I am thing your world has turned into a twisted mad villain, full of rage and ready for vengeance…so I will play the part and I will play it well…I am Hades, King of the Underworld and I am having a very bad day…”
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geejaysmith · 5 years
"Would You Fuck an Alien?" The Goddard Futuristics Approach to Party Comp
beep beep guess what time it is, it's Kat and Gill's Wolf 359 Discord Shitposts time!
Kat [09/23/2019] we've done the 'would you fuck your clone' thing but I feel like before you go to space the question of 'are you an alien fucker' comes up Eiffel: has jokingly said he'd fuck an alien, is now less enthused Minkowski: said she would not fuck an alien, is now conflicted Lovelace: is an alien now. unsure if that means liking humans makes you an alien fucker Maxwell: came here to try to fuck aliens, discovering them has only encouraged her
Gill [09/23/2019] Rachel, during Lovelace's polygraph test: Are you an alien? Lovelace: Uh, no? Rachel: Would you fuck an alien? Lovelace: alternatively "the ethics of extraterrestrial contact" is a self-paced packet they give you during the training process it looks official and stuff but then there's a section in the back titled "So you want to fuck an alien"
Per Kat: “Goddard ensures there is at least one alien fucker and one person who errs on the side of shooting first and asking questions later on each ship, it's standard party comp”
During training/job orientation the on-boarding questions include: "thoughts on alien fucking?"
a) Aliens are an existential threat to humankind and so I would not fuck them.
b)  Aliens are an existential threat to humankind and so the best solution is to fuck them.
c) I thought this was a Wendy's interview, can I leave
d) Aliens aren't real stop being stupid
It's standard protocol to have a balance of each
Gill: “if you select C you are automatically relocated to the Wendy's AU”
Answered “A”: Hilbert,  Kepler B: Eiffel, Maxwell D: Minkowski, Jacobi
Eiffel and Minkowski later have second thoughts about their choices for completely opposite reasons 
Kat: “Jacobi also answered D and when he's complaining post bolero that 'I didn't know what I was getting into' they're like 'the form DID specifically mention aliens Daniel' 'It also asked if we'd committed any war crimes and if so to list the really cool ones, I thought it was just Goddard being Like That'”
Lovelace's first crew had two of each, a full set for the science team and the operational team. 
A: Lambert, Selberg B: Fisher, Hui D: Lovelace, Fourier
Kat: “Given Lambert's extreme readiness in the simulation to take down Lovecraftian monsters, I feel like he has been preparing for potential alien invasion his entire life”
Gill: “I find it fun to imagine Lambert answered A but deep, deep down inside he's a B and isn't ready to confront that part of himself”
Based on how Lovelace made fun of Lambert for taking his job seriously we settled on her answering D, though I personally think it likely she might also have put down B as a joke, a la Eiffel (per Kat: “how the tables have tabled”).
Based on how she’s not familiar with Lovecraft, Fourier likely isn’t much of a sci-fi person, but is level-headed enough to know that life elsewhere in the universe is a "when" question, not an "if". That said, she likely didn’t feel adventurous enough to put down B as her answer. 
Fisher answered B, although he’s choosing to interpret “ the best solution is to fuck them” very... liberally. Sure, making genuine connections with any new community you find yourself meeting is the best way to co-exist peacefully. 
ANGST BONUS: Gill: “Lovelace 2.0 trying not to overthink these answers (bc you know it came up at dinner at some point) in relation to the ‘how would the crew react if they met me now’ question” Kat: “selberg would've killed her while she was human #equality”
Full chat transcript below the cut: 
Kat [09/23/2019] we've done the 'would you fuck your clone' thing but I feel like before you go to space the question of 'are you an alien fucker' comes up Eiffel: has jokingly said he'd fuck an alien, is now less enthused Minkowski: said she would not fuck an alien, is now conflicted Lovelace: is an alien now. unsure if that means liking humans makes you an alien fucker Maxwell: came here to try to fuck aliens, discovering them has only encouraged her
Gill [09/23/2019] Rachel, during Lovelace's polygraph test: Are you an alien? Lovelace: Uh, no? Rachel: Would you fuck an alien? Lovelace: alternatively "the ethics of extraterrestrial contact" is a self-paced packet they give you during the training process it looks official and stuff but then there's a section in the back titled "So you want to fuck an alien"
Kat [09/23/2019] Goddard ensures there is at least one alien fucker and one person who errs on the side of shooting first and asking questions later on each ship It's standard party comp onboarding questions like: thoughts on alien fucking a) Aliens are an existential threat to humankind and so I would not fuck them. b)  Aliens are an existential threat to humankind and so the best solution is to fuck them. c) I thought this was a Wendy's interview, can I leave
Gill [09/23/2019] if you select C you are automatically relocated to the Wendy's AU
Kat [09/23/2019] d) Aliens aren't real stop being stupid Hilbert Eiffel and Minkowski answered a b and d Eiffel like can I change my answer now that I’m taking this seriously
Gill [09/23/2019] Minkowski, initially: I would not have sex with an alien, why is that even an option for your initial concerns in the event of contact with an extra-terrestrial intelligence?? Minkowski, later, making sure Lovelace is out of earshot: So I might be, hypothetically, interested in aliens, but I'd need to discuss it with my husband first.
Kat [09/23/2019] Minkowski on day 3 of the mission: Did you get that alien question? Ridiculous, right? Eiffel: yeah lol I answered b Minkowski: They put the guy who said he would fuck aliens in the role of trying to contact them? Eiffel: I take my booty call job seriously
Gill [09/23/2019] Eiffel, on day 200 of scanning the void of empty static for alien signals: yup, just like my teenage love life
Kat [09/23/2019] Jacobi also answered D and when he's complaining post bolero that 'I didn't know what I was getting into' they're like 'the form DID specifically mention aliens Daniel' 'It also asked if we'd committed any war crimes and if so to list the really cool ones, I thought it was just Goddard being Like That'
Gill [09/23/2019] he knows how Kepler would answer so he's like, "Ok, Eiffel, you answered B, right? Would you be down to clown with my alien doppelganger?" any amount of time Eiffel spends thinking over his answer is too much
Kat [09/23/2019] Every ship gets an A B and D them's the rules gotta balance the party was lambert an A or a D... he DID take his job seriously so I guess A
Gill [09/23/2019] Eiffel: ...now, before I explain my thought process, keep in mind I have put a lot of things in my body I'm not terribly proud of. the pre-scratch crew had double the amount of people, plus Rhea, so it makes sense you'd have two of each Hilbert's still an A, so there's gotta be one other A-answer on Lovelace's team
Kat [09/23/2019] Given Lambert's extreme readiness in the simulation to take down Lovecraftian monsters, I feel like he has been preparing for potential alien invasion his entire life they're mentioned as a possibility in the rulebook, he will be prepared Hui is one of the Bs
Gill [09/23/2019] Lambert is probably it, although I find it fun to imagine he answered A but deep, deep down inside he's a B and isn't ready to confront that part of himself oh yes Hui is a B for certain Lovelace I can see answering B as a joke bc she's not taking it that seriously when she could kinda go either way
Kat [09/23/2019] she doesn't seem to believe in them considering her mocking Lambert for doing his job how the tables have tabled
Gill [09/23/2019] Ok, so that's one D Leaving Fisher and Fourier as our remaining B and D Whichever way around that falls
Kat [09/23/2019] feel like that's a tossup Fourier's unfamiliar with lovecraft so maybe she's not a scifi person
Gill [09/23/2019] Both of them are level-headed enough, I feel, to know that life elsewhere in the universe is a "when" question, not "if", but it's such a big place that the odds of finding life at all are incredibly remote, never mind sentient life that's technologically advanced enough to make contact And Fourier doesn't strike me as being quite that adventurous, so D Fisher is enough of a peace-and-love kinda dude that, sure, he'll answer B, even if he's choosing to interpret "the only solution is to fuck the aliens" as "forming relationships with the aliens as one would with members of any new community you may happen to meet" Also; this way it breaks down so that you have an even mix among both the science team and the operational team (w/e you want to collectively call navigations/commanding officer + communications + engineer)
Kat [09/23/2019] 'I would not be opposed in theory but I'm in a stable monogamous relationship’
Gill [09/23/2019] bonus points: Lovelace 2.0 trying not to overthink these answers (bc you know it came up at dinner at some point) in relation to the "how would the crew react if they met me now" question
Kat [09/23/2019] selberg would've killed her while she was human #equality
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