#really said: sike bitch you thought
kurisus · 1 year
Chapter 107-2 thoughts
Literally earlier, before the chapter came out, I'd said I'm not believing Hiyori is dead. They'd have to show Yato naming her to get me to believe that. And then this chapter happened. Fuck me, I guess!
It seems like the general reaction to this is that it's sad but I'm not really sad I'm just angry. As it is, we have two options: (1) this is all a fakeout, one last time, or (2) this is actually the intent and the series will end with Hiyori being made Yato's shinki.
Neither is really ideal. A fakeout this late in the game seems pointless and would likely involve an asspull of some sort, but the alternative is something that absolutely spits on the themes of the manga thus far and effectively negates the arcs of both Hiyori and Yato.
So all in all, I really wish they hadn't gone this route in the first place, but I'll take the lesser of two evils at this point. This manga has always been about overcoming tragedy, your past does not define you, the near and far shores cannot survive without one another but too much interaction disrupts the balance, et goddamn cetera. Making Hiyori Yato's shinki makes this story a tragedy, teaches Yato the same lesson he's already learned (HOSPITAL ARC), and eliminates the only near shore major character in the entire series.
Now the question remains: can they still reverse this? Like I'll take anything at this point, but is it even possible within the story's logic? I want to say yes, and I've already seen a few rumors flying--this dimension is all an illusion, the koto no ha is destroyed so the bubble is too, the gods can reverse all the people that have died from the creatures, it could be possible for Hiyori to become a god, etc.... I'm clinging on to that first one personally, but at the same time, I feel a looming dread because...Yato saw Hiyori's memories. He saw memories he didn't personally witness, which kind of makes me think this is the real deal. But I also really don't fucking want it to be?
"Ina wasn't your first fic for the fandom literally this exact concept" YES because what makes a good AU wouldn't always be good in canon, right? This was something I wanted to explore in the concept of fanfiction, because it's a different medium to play with different ideas. At the end of it, I kind of went, "phew, that sure would be bad, wouldn't it!" and went on with my life.
I dunno man. I'm just angry and sad and disappointed, and it's annoying to me as well to look back at all the other things they've resolved perfectly. I think of how flawlessly executed Yukine's arc was, and want to cry. Why can't Hiyori get this same luxury? Fakeout or not, her arc should've been her parting ways, preferably on her own terms, because that's what the story's been leading up to. Yes, her grandma told her to be with the one she loves, but I assumed that was just in the moment, and wasn't actually foreshadowing her death.
THE FUCKING. HOSPITAL ARC. SHE IS SIXTEEN YEARS OLD SHE CAN'T DIE YET. NOT UNTIL SHE'S AN OLD LADY!!!! YATO SAID SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID HE LEARN FROM THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER LOVE ANYTHING I FUCKING GUESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At this point I'm going to deny it either until Adachitoka says sike or the manga ends. But needless to say, my reread's been postponed. I've been putting it off because of being busy irl, but if I reread now I'll just be bitching the whole time, and I don't want to do that to myself, and I don't think you guys want to read that either.
If it ends this way, I'll be bruised and bitter for years. If Adachitoka says sike, and Father dies believing Hiyori is dead (cause what was up with him losing his eyes), I'll at least cherish this one small mercy, but man, this is a sore blow. I'm sorry that normally my thoughts are excited and this one's just angry, but I can't put a positive spin on this yet.
Feel free to send me your theories or copium. I'll devour them all until I get made a clown of once more.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
Ken Wakui really killed everyone and then said sike bitch in the end. "Oh you thought they're dead? your tears went to waste you silly billy"
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itlivesproject · 2 years
I FORGOT THAT I ALSO GOT THE JUDAS MISS IN ONE OF THE PLAY THROUGHS💀 YALL ARE EVIL (but i love it) MATTY REALLY SAID “LMAOO YOU THOUGHT I’D LOVE YOU IF YOU WERE HUMAN????? SIKE! GET FUCKED YOU MUNDANE HUMAN PIECE OF SHIT” and honestly i couldn’t stop laughing while rowan was begging and pleading with him saying he loved him and then the total 180 to “fine you wanna kill me now?? after i was gonna betray everyone?? fuck you! imma kill you first bitch” that was the one of the best scenes ever
-king disaster play thru anon
we call it the blood divorce and i love it SO much, it's so wild, those two are truly perfect for each other!!! i really love that scene and how it contextualizes mc x matthias's relationship, those two are insane but i love it
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nami-lvr · 1 year
Correct OP Headcannons
Ft: Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Robin, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Brook, and Franky!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
A/N: Hey guys! First post YAYAYAYYAYAY 🔥🔥 I love love love the silly show smsmsm and the next part will include Mihawk, Doffy, Cora, Buggy, and Crocodile!
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Erm I don’t have much for him
Bro smells
Does not wash his ass
Has those back pimple thingys and lets you pop them (GROSS!!!)
Band kid
For sure
100% a band kid
iPad kid as well
Can’t do anything without entertainment
Has autism
If you disagree you don’t like autistic ppl :/ (JOKING OFC!!)
I think his special interest would be pirates bc he thinks they’re cool
Has greasy hair
Smells bad (knows) doesn’t care
Doesn’t floss his damn teeth
Needs braces
Doesn’t get them bc this fool won’t take care of them
Paints his nails
Extremely ugly and bright colors
Cat shit green
Dog puke brown
Effervescent Shitstain
Whatever he can find
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My bbg would also be a band kid
Would not do anything with his hair.
At all.
Not even pick through it.
I swear
He just lets that shit grow
Won’t even loc up.
Only pulls bitches in his late teens/early adulthood because he doesn’t look 5 anymore
I’m convinced he has a gyatdayum uhhh
Fat ass
Im positive that if he was real he would have that THANG just THANGin up back there
Grabbable asf
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Popular pretty nice girl
Pick me (sorry!)
Would smell like strawberries for sure
Would be the girl to always have lotion on her
Would willingly take Spanish and be invested in it
Would always have gum on her
Lie about having gum on her so people won’t ask
People ask anyways
Definitelyyyy is the girl who only hangs out with guys (no shade to girls who do)
Not bc she gets along better
But because of Sanji 🙁
Literally they’re there to protect her from him (can you tell I hate Sanji yet 😛)
Basic white girl BUT I STILL LOVE HER
Stan Nami ong
She would be so proud of her friends
“Nami I got a 90% on my tes-“
So supportive
Very erm
Tough love kinda gal
You definitely have to WORK to be her friend
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I heavily headcannon that she speaks Russian. (I’m projecting 😊)
She would teach you Russian for sure
And be like
Super nice about it
I love Robin
She is so
Guys hear me out
She is a cat person
Would always wear fuzzy socks
Prefers the cold
She is allergic to grass fight me
Does yoga I can feel it in my bones
Would do yoga with you
Definitely bakes
Her favorite show is something true crime related
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Cmon man
This guy is so likeable
Dyes his hair a different color every month depending on what the awareness for that month is
As in blue for child abuse awareness month and green for mental health awareness month and so on
But no one knows that that’s why
They just think its cool
But he knows
He knows.
And I just think he would be the kind of guy to help the teachers clean the classroom
Straight C student
Sleeps in class
Has neck problems
Complains about said neck problems
Cycle repeats
Everyones friend
Natural born leader fr
Every tía would pass him the baby
He’s incredibly good with kids and wants some of his own
He is asexual
Makes fun one people to their face (me for real)
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I fucking hate Sanji. Not sorry! He is weird 😁🫶🏻
Would probably grab my ass
Would probably stare at my boobs
(I’m a well built gal)
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My son
I adopted him back in erm
Mexicans existed in the 1800’s and I adopted him then so
Everything I say from now on is cannon bc he is my son :p
Paints his nails
Bites his nails
Has autism
Bc I said so
Definitely loves plain pasta
Like thats his favorite food
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I don’t really like him either-
Bro is a stoner
No more questions
Tokes it up in the back of class
Gives no fucks if he gets caught
The kinda guy you wanna smoke your first joint with
Extremely good trip sitter
I feel like
I really feel like
I hope hope hope
He would dislike Sanji for being perverted and see that its bad and change his ways
Brook recovery arc bc i say so
#brook redemption arc
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The fun uncle
Everyone loves Franky
Loud drunk
Extremely loud drunk
Noise complaint loud kinda drunk
Still funny as shit thought
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jimimn · 2 years
Oh I'm sorry you had to go through that :( And I'm happy you were able to find something (or in this case someone) to be there for you ❤️❤️
OH I need to do that too!! Immediately googling how to add songs to Spotify 🧐
LMAOO yes I had the same thoughts cause set me free also had cursing and I was like ight how they gonna broadcast it on music shows but they are doing it, so? 😂 Maybe they bleeped the words, there aren't many after all 🤷‍♀️ Or they were also like Park Jimin can curse on a music show as a treat 😂
Oh oh oh and can we talk about the like crazy dance because????? I'm obsessed. His dancers were so BEAUTIFUL both the hybe and the late night show dancers. AND the way I saw people trying to say the woman in the mv wasn't representing him and fighting tooth and nail to prove that just for Jimin to have this dance LMAO he really said sike. Love that for him. I'm so in love with his dance between the male and female dancers and how he switches between them and how they pull and push him and and and IT'S JUST SO GOOD. My favorite is when the girls pull him towards them and then circle him and the first girl just kind of grips his chin (not really but the hand motion is similar to that) and turns it?? Idk why but I'm obsessed with that move. She really said bitch look at me, embrace yourself.
Also am I the only one who's kind of side eyeing everyone on twitter right now? Because everyone is saying "karmy we're exaggerating the dance wasn't even that sensual" and I'm like?? They didn't exaggerate though 😭 at least the translations I saw weren't like that.. Karmy did say the dancers touch him (chin, bicep, thigh etc) which they did, and that Jimin kind of warned them it would happen, but I don't think they exaggerated? Like they just told us what will happen. Or maybe I just didn't see those tweets lmao 😭 Idek why I'm bothered by this 😭 -🦋
thank you! 🥺 oh and the Spotify thing is really easy btw you just have to go to settings and switch on the local files option. then download the song and under your library on spotify, a playlist named "local files" will show up and you'll be able to see the song there. and then just normally like we do with songs, add the downloaded song on your normal playlists!!! it's a life saver 😭 i couldn't imagine going to YouTube every time i wanted to listen to letter 😭
LMFAO I think maybe jimin just won't sing the "fuck" during smf like hobi didn't on mama during arson. BUT!!! they should be allowed idc 😌
YESSSSSS please I'm obsessed with the like crazy choreo lord knows how many times I've watched both the Fallon performance and the dance practice video lmfao 😭😭😭 they did such a good job!!! whoever choreographed like crazy pls take a bow. BTS choreographies literally never disappoint they're just so good. And please, I've seen too many people invalidate the queer themes associated with like crazy. Like pls stop jimin just embarrassed you with the choreography. whoever denies it is just dumb atp like the woman is CLEARLY his reflection lmao 😭 I also saw homophobic armys attacking queer armys for saying that they related to the song like bffr art is subjective everyone has different stories and how they relate to the art they consume is none of your business 💀 AND OH YES THAT PART YOU MENTIONED PLS MY JAW DROPPED 😭😭😭 the entire choreo is just art i love it so much i can't fckin wait to watch more performances.
hmm about that i think it was a little bit of an overreaction though 😭 from what i saw. and i think it wasn't just because of karmys though it collectively blew up bc of engagement from both sides. I'm majorly side eyeing the people who are overcompensating saying things like "forget him i want her" just trying to prove a point which does not need to be proved like I'm sorry but you're coming off as equally obsessive as the people who are saying they are jealous lmao. like can we please be normal about this ffs 😭 but anyway. yeah. jimin keeps slaying that's what i care about 💅
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Ahaha Linuj hurting both of our favourites way too much to the point we can't even make it harsher.
Like how I can give Kinji angst while his life is full of angst-
Ahem, the canon will haunt you. You can't escape from it (Im not serious. Fuck canon)
Linuj really said "here's a ship with the same concept as your OTP! You're welcome child. (I'm a grown ass adult, but the vibes) SIKE! One is 40 years older than the other, which squicks you out to hell and back. What are you gonna do about it bitch? despair?" (at least, thats what it felt like.)
and honestly, I respect that dedication to chaos.
Well, if you're looking for ideas:
the classic time loop, but it restarts after he's made his deal with Monokuma. He can't back out of it, and has to re-sell his friends out. He also has to watch every death, knowing there's nothing he can do to stop it.
He somehow survives his execution, and all of the people he helped think he was always full of shit.
Kakeru saw his attack coming and overpowers him. He has to plead to Kakeru for his life, and the lives of the children.
Monokuma actually didn't kill the children, and he gets to see them before his execution. They are upset he'd kill for them, since they weren't in any danger with the nice bear man. Maybe Monokuma kills them in front of him, if you want to twist the knife.
Tsurugi suspects everyone that isn't in his group as being a traitor, and tortures them. Kinji has to debate if he can watch Kizuna and Rei take this when they've done nothing wrong. While brainstorming these, I thought of an actually upsetting reason he could have targeted Inori. This upsets me, since I love to hate on this plothole. What if, he knew her backstory, and thinks that God saved Inori's life that day for a reason. That that reason was to help him protect the children.
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abiiors · 5 months
ok i had a full nights sleep. i am coherent. i am fixing to copy/paste the tweets here for your enjoyment. its a lot.
ok so parx twit had a “trend” on unpopular opinions about the band during the sneaking out of heaven tour (their most recent one) one person said this
“Had to be said. You forgot his over dependence on nyquil and sleep drugs that borderlines abuse, he claims he's straight edge though ✨”
she deleted and posted a noted app apology
“Hey friends, I'm writing this to you, not just as an apology for writing dumb shit on twitter with no thought behind it, but to also share that I do suffer from my own personal addiction to pain medication, and have been since I was 17. Addiction is a real thing, it's a problem and it should be talked about, but not at the expense of others and making baseless assumptions. We all know where false acusations can lead, and it's never a good time. I've been reflecting on my previous inflammatory tweet about Awsten and his use of Nyquil and I want to say that I am truly sorry for my, dumb, offensive and very thoughtless tweet. I didn't stop to think before I wrote something so dumb and hurtful and I'm sorry for that. I'm not perfect, l'm human and I make mistakes. I know I fucked up hard and I'm sorry to anyone that was offended by my words. I can delete a tweet, but I can't take away the fact that I wrote it, and that it's out there causing anger to people, so l'm acknowledging that, and owning my mistakes. I am also very greatful to the people that took the time to educate me on this, I always appreciate any guidance. Moving forward I want to do better, internet etiquette is hard to get right especially when you're in a fandom spanning multiple generations and culture's but l'm definately gonna try harder.”
awsten saw the tweets and now that tour has been over for a while he has responded.
he quoted a tweet with this after that.
“it's either a notes app apology or an "i'm taking a break" and they go priv and come back in like two days” ^quoted tweet
he also tweeted a picture of a confessional with “you are… forgiven”
“DUMBEST HILLS HAVE EYES MUTANTS ON HERE WILL BE LIKE “uM personally i think he is so immature and Anyone should be allowed to say Anything and Everything at All Times with no repercussions” SIKE BITCH THIS IS THE REAL WORLD OPEN YOUR EYES”
the person who tweeted what hes talking about is between 32-34 and followed them for a majority of the us tour. they flew in from australia for it. somebody tweeted the photo of the tweet that caused him to say that cropped so the persons @ was cut out and his response to that was
her response to the paint drinker shit was
“loved waking up to you caling me an idiot, thanks Awsten. This fucked up my mental health something fierce and put me in a really bad place”
“Woke up and burst into tears, thanks Awsten”
and a “Awsten what the fuck”
hold on ill link a few of my favorite tweets from the situation because now what the fuck tweet is a whole fuckin joke.
okay what i'm about to say might be a bad an unpopular take because i only have the context that you've given me in this ask so idk if this user used to be disliked before this, or used to be beloved or super popular or whatever else.
anyway i think awsten is... in the wrong here.
this is not to say that the user who tweeted about his alleged drug addiction is saintly and pure and innocent, that was a fucked up tweet to make regardless of if awsten would have seen and/or responded.
however... if i was a popular celeb with a wholeass fandom i would NEVER say these things publicly like sure i understand being mad that someone is talking to flippantly about drug use and speculating about your drug use online but then to go ahead and call them a bunch of names as well as essentially weaponise your fanbase in a way where they're now making memes about this person, making fun of them etc. i'm glad they're not 14 like he said but he didn't know if they were 14 or not, what if they were super young... what if someone who's barely a teenager had to deal with this not only from someone they adore but also from a whole fandom they considered their own??
anyway... yeah i hope tweetuser is fine and i'm glad there's no addiction here. ooofff that's a messy situation wow 😬
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noturaverageceleste · 11 months
Writing Class Thoughts
Really had to listen to poems about sports. This class is too long. I want food. I've been so mindlessly hungry lately. I think I'm just bored. I need to channel this energy into getting job interviews. The scheduling has me fucked up though. I'm going home in less than a week. But just to visit. I do have my class schedule planned out for next semester so I guess I could apply for that scedule and wait for a job next semester. I think that would do. I gotta ask my parents about it. I'm out of money now. I only have a month and a half left for this semester but I have no income and my bank acounts are pretty much dry. I need to find another way to make it through this next month and a half before going home for the holidays and working for 3 weeks. So much on my mind. I'm having issues being present recently. It's just not fun right now. I'm glad I got everything out of the way and don't have much work left here. But damn, I just eating my boredom away and just playing sims. I am acting like I'm on break but i'm not. I need to get back to reality.
My god this class is bleak. These poems are so boring. sorry to the class but these poems don't make sense. So far, only one was great but I couldn't say anything cause I would just be repeating everyone else. It was that good!
This bitch is such an INCEL! Asexual queen I guess. This school need more expereince. How did I end up n a school full of socially awkward horny nerds? Was this my energy in high school? the way i was out here hooking up with dudes in the basement of the school says otherwise. wtf?
I LOVE THIS KID! HE'S SO THEATRICAL! Go off king! read ya own poem to the class! I know he knows he ate! He should voice the new hunger games film good lord! Voice acting skills on point! Read me to sleep on audible king! Only nerdy kid at this school i respect! not true. I respect them all. But still! Go off king!
The way my professor didn't know what his poem was about bahahahahaha. Man poured his heart out in this damn poem and he says "yea i had to google that" bahahahahahaha I love this class.
I can't focus on this shit. Like I really can't. I think this class is just not working for me. These people annoy me. Not even everyone just a select view. Their energy is so low vibrational. These people need healing.
Interesting how asexual people exist. But there is a difference etween asexual and a-romantic. It's funny how people tend to put the two together. I think that asexual people can have romantic love but just don't know how to have that because society makes us think that all romance is sexual. It's not. Love is love and can be expressed in so many ways. I hope that girl in my class finds that. Someone she can love romantically but not have to be sexual with. That's almost every girls dream I feel. Not mine though. Give me the sexual experience!
"Sexual heallinnggg"
Is this about someone on their period??
Bitch you are a body huh? I bet a man wrote this.
This actually a good poem. damn. I spoke too soon. That's the thing with poetry. I need to read it multiple times in a row in order to get it.
I think I know who's poem this is. She over there smiling and twirling her hair. She's nice. Despite how annoying she is, she's very smart and bright and has a sharp mind. She notices more than she says too. I just know it. Very introspective. But damn she can talk ya ear off and be hella annoying. Oversharing queen.
wow! leaving class early once again. This class chill. I take back all my negative thoughts. Sike! All feelings are valid!
I fucking knew it was her!
Damn did this asexual bitch take a nap somewhere? good lord! these kids just out here sleeping in the library. Ghetto! go shower queen.
Wow I need to chill. Bout to get my free bread tho heheheheh
yea, this poem was cool. She should do more art. She's way better at it than she thinks. She said she get's told she's a great writer and then she says 'yea i know" go off bitch! Excited to see her presentation tomorrow in our other class.
I always gotta pee the most in these bodycon dresses. Gotta get naked just to pee like why?
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elevatormusic · 1 year
my first reactions with zero context: only friends ep 9
immediately i thought mew was nick
is that ringing on the show or my ears??
oh show thank god
i imagine you don’t remember shit my guy
okay i understand mew being in his boxers but top? why were you cleaning in your boxers lmao
i never liked them together in the first place so this isn’t anymore fun to watch
no you’re not lol
must’ve stood up too fast. sir i think a grandpa could get up faster then you did😭
maybe get out of the pool tho
school again that’s right they go to school
does nobody else use this room except for sand? the only musician here
why’d he swing the door open like that
man i love angry sand so much
i know ray isn’t acting like this? fucking apologize properly for fucks sake
oh we know
man fuck your feelings
sarcastic king
you don’t like it? sand probably doesn’t like feeling like shit all the time because of you but okay
yes punch him
they are so close to each other. i hope they brushed their teeth before this
oh shit oh damn okay well that’s uh yeah well way more close
but weird that y’all are doing this in public in a glass room
back with the recordings boy these dudes are so annoying recording ppl without consent
but also top?? acting like mew is gonna care that ray is making out with sand?? mans does not have feelings for him. we all know this including you. he looks so dumb💀
back at the red room i’ve missed you
yeah you need practice you can’t fuck everyone before taking their pictures
okay but the red room does not do well for the visuals of the actual actors. it’s kinda hurting my eyes
bi rep bi rep bi rep
okay that seems uncomfortable
atom seems like the obsessive type. i could be wrong but that’s the vibes i’m getting from him
look at them going on a little camping retreat to swear off boys
nick said them bitches ain’t never gonna last lmaoo
who just wooed like that and why
you lying piece of shit
*sigh* this dude again
i’m sure he’ll find some way to accuse ray of making him go out again
are we still doing this? when do they break up?
love his shirt
you’re such a liar😭
you’re not even one of the people he loves lol
ew no please someone stop this i beg
kinda yeah
break up break up break up
is that considered a break up?
why are you watching that
dude stop acting like his boyfriend. you were just with yours
sand my king
did you just try to have sex with one dude and get rejected so now you’re going to the one you keep traumatizing?
oh nick you bitch how could you post where y’all were
at least sand knows
dude?? you know he’s like that what??
oh damn yeah actually i’m on boston’s side today besties
why are they talking about pixar😭
nick stop lmao
don’t you’re gonna have to move out
say sike
oh they actually are doing it
oh good lmao but good for them for trying it
first collecting another one
no my guy i don’t think friends actually do that
is that not like invasion of privacy? why is he allowed to just show him where they are?
he also just walked right up in there??
it would be the first time
nick said wait no i’ll save this relationship
also i’m so sorry but did they really look like they were hooking up to him lmao
oh i think you care
are all three of them really gonna fit on that bed?
sand about to commit a double homicide
i’m sorry i’m so bored with them imma have to skip
where did nick go lol did they push him off? and how the fuck did ray get on that side of sand
he’s a good wing man at least
why are they just sitting in water
bitch we know
are y’all still sleeping together tho?
you can’t have two important people when they both don’t want that
that guilty ass look
you notice he didn’t say he likes mew too just that he’s important to him
beautiful *chefs kiss* no notes
that’s the look of “oh shit i might actually lose this guy”
oh is he gonna tell him?
or not
oh god no hate that
no not like a father my guy
ooh right in front of ton’s salad
in front of the guy he’s fucking’s salad
hah he is a bad guy tho
lol he done fucked up
the latter. i’m being so mean to ray today😭
mans is planning their lives out together
orince ass lol
i’m honestly so confused. is ray still planning on staying with mew or not??
we know you’re whipped for each other
interesting tho. that implies he never felt this way towards mew as he does sand
thank god we’re doing this
crying at him saying everyone knows. like yes dude you’re so obvious
me too
does this mean ray will stop being toxic to sand finally
yeah but the difference is sand will call him out on his shit
is this really happening? beautiful lol
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joyswonderland1108 · 2 years
Um.. OKAY????
So it appears i’ve died and went to heaven, and so did many of us hey nice to meet you all in heaven
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But anygays let’s get into today’s events shall we? 
So before anything else even before Suchwita dropped, Jimin and JK have been dominating the industry hellaur?!!!
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Ace duo for real! Then comes Suchwita :
As you may all know Jimin talked about his album briefly with Yoongi and with us basically, it was really cute, really fun, really lovely, really heartwarming, you name it, i fucking loved it! And you could tell how precious Jimin is to Yoongi we love to see that 💜
So after the episode Jimin goes on WV and posts this 
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All good all good, it’s always a lovely day to get a notification about Jimin posting anything really. About 3h-ish we get a motherfucking notification and who it is? 
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Jimin: Sooooo Letter is a song about my feelings to fans, itsafansong ANYGAYS you were saying Yoongi-hyung? 
JK: A song about who? Hold my fucking beer! 
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This man i swear to god!! And the first thing he says is that he basically came live to watch Jimin Suchwita episode that he *cough* Initially was going to watch it with him *cough* whatever you mean by that Jungkook-ssi (we all know what he means he didn’t ask him so boldly to come over 3 times on live just for us to start acting dumb now) ANYGAYS! 
So first thing he does before getting to Suchwita is playing Heize’s cover of Still with You (Mind you this is a Jimin live basically and his first thought is to put Still with You on Okay then lover boy) After that he saw a comment talking about his collab with CK and started talking about it calling us all out because “We might’ve noticed that he wears Calvin Klein all the time” that boy knows where Army’s eyes be wandering but hey i don’t feel a drop of shame that man is fine as wine sue me! 
Suchwita Time! 
So now he puts on Suchwita after starting to get frustrated not finding the episode at first going like “Suchwita.. Jiminie-hyung.. Why isn’t Jiminie-hyung appearing right away?!” Youtube stop frustrating my boy give him his Jiminie-hyung! We’re all over here third wheeling somehow, i don’t even know how this turned into us being a third wheel but here we are, JK watching Jimin endeared and us being endeared watching JK being endeared with Jimin, endearedception. 
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Then he proceeded to tell us how Set me Free Pt2 is really his style, he reaaaally likes it, he likes it a lot especially the second verse 
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Jungkook is just like you and i for real cause.. AZFFAQFKNFNBFKBBZJ/KGBEHB Boy he simping!!! Then Black Swan Jikook appears on the screen and he just
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Anygays, should i mention that JK 100% saw that tiktok where they were recreating the choreo from SMF Pt2 LMFAO He then told us that he will wrap up the live after playing some songs (Or so he said) :
12:45 - Stripped by Etham
Thoughtboutu by Karencici
Another day by Gervs
Adrenaline by Lauv
Where does the love go by Maria Isabel
Honeymoon by Johnny Stimson
Set me Free Pt2 by THE PARK JIMIN
(That boy literally just sat there listening to sappy songs after he started the whole live and made it about Jimin)
And then he ended the live as he said he will.. SIKE BITCH YOU THOUGHT! That boy whipped out a BTS compilation and which one it is you may ask?
That boy is whipped!! Never have i heard him say Jimin’s name that much during a live as much as this live it was a whole lot of “Jimin Jimin Jimin” like a mantra lol And tell me why tf i just watched him almost giggling and kicking his feet like 
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And when you think it’s over.. He plays Smf pt2 again 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Only this time he’s just awestruck really, you and i both JK, understandable. Then that man has the A-U-D-A-C-I-T-Y to whip out a lollipop (an oddly shaped one too) and start suckling on it while listening to “Up at night by Kehlani ft JB” you know just a song with lyrics saying “I think about all of the ways you turn me on”.. For the goodness of all i’m not gonna write my comment “out loud” , i see you, you see me, we see each other. 
 And then 
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I’m not even going to comment on the back to back lives, so basically that man said “Y’all wanted to make Letter about Army watch me make a whole live about Jimin” i- *The woman was too stunned to speak* 
And the fact that all of this happened after some dickheads tried to trend some.. things.. That were so very unrelated like.. Who am i? Who are we? Whoa! Because no i still honestly think i’m hallucinating, y’all need to check up on me if i’m stuck in a coma somewhere or something ain’t no way i just witnessed whatever i should even call that? 
I-.. Yeah.. Good for them good for them! Also JK said STREAM FACE!!! (No he didn’t) But he did anygays! Love y’all and love Jikook 💜
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rigormortisriot · 2 years
I love how I made a master post for my prompt writing ideas but never updated it because I broke my thumb immediately after posting it lolllll 
Karma really said “sike bitch, you thought you were gonna be productive.” 
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uniformbravo · 2 years
i am here once again...... reading a book and going like aaaahhhhh.......... and that book's name.............. was albert einstein
sike it's just more carry on >:)
[Simon] I'm quoting her again. I've been having conversations with her in my head all day. Sometimes Baz joins in the imaginary conversation, too--usually to tell me I'm a twat...though he never uses that word, even in my head. Too vulgar.
Please. can u believe this fuckin guy. im going insane
"[...]'Let it go, Ebeneza,' she said. 'You were born with it, but it doesn't have to be your destiny.' [...]"
I'm giggling and trying not to spit out wet biscuit.
"What?" she says. "This is supposed to be an inspirational story."
"Your name is Ebeneza?"
"It's a perfectly good name! Very traditional." She laughs, too, and shoves an entire biscuit into her mouth, washing it down with coffee.
(he's talking to ebb) GOD THIS IS CUTE...... i love that he's friends with her, even if he's basically here to get info out of her they still get along cute ;w;
(but also dam dude 7 years at this school and u NEVER knew what ebb was short for smh....)
"Ebb...how did your brother die?" [...]
She immediately shifts forward in her chair and looks away from me. "Well, that's not something we talk about. I'm not to talk about him at all--they buried his name when we couldn't bury his body, even struck his name from the Book--but he was my twin brother. Doesn't feel right to pretend he never was."
"I didn't know he was your twin."
"Yeah. Partner in crime."
"You must miss him."
"I do miss him." She sniffs. "I haven't talked to him since the day he crossed over--no matter what people say."
"Of course not," I say, "He's dead."
"Sorry, Simon. I just...I think people thought I was going to go with him. That I wouldn't be able to live without him. Nicky wanted me to go."
"He wanted you to kill yourself, too?"
"He wanted me to go with him to..." She looks around, anxiously, and her voice drops to a whisper. "To the vampires. Nicky said he'd be waiting for me--that he'd always be waiting for me."
The biscuit I'm holding snaps. "To the vampires?"
"[...] I guess that's what happens when they strike you from the Book. I was there for it. Mistress Pitch let me keep the words."
She waves the staff over the fire, and the words spill out into the flames, but don't burn:
Nicodemus Petty.
a million context leading up to this but i just REALLY like the way this reveal was handled, like..... simon visits ebb hoping to glean some info about the vampire attack from someone who was on the grounds that day, then completely by random stumbles across the answer to a DIFFERENT question like WAY outta the blue
and since they weren't finding any leads on nicodemus he sort of got put on the back burner for the moment, all this other shit was happening that distracts u from even thinking abt nicodemus, so unless ur out here LOOKIN for it with ur eyes peeled u probably won't pick up on nicky being a nickname for nicodemus until it's revealed (or at least until vampires come up) and i just think the entire rigamarole is REAL NEAT
fr this story is SO expertly structured and handled with every plot point and subplot being juggled around Flawlessly im just constantly marveling at it all as i'm reading like. miss rainbow rowell kind of RULES at crafting a story this is genuinely so fun to read even past the gay shenanigans i originally came for it's WONDERFUL
"Was he with them?" I ask. "The vampires who killed Baz's mum?"
Ebb's chin jerks up. "No," she says defensively. "I asked Mistress Mary myself--before she passed. She swore to me that Nicky wasn't there that day. He'd never do such a thing. Nicky didn't want to kill people. He just wanted to live forever."
The Plot Thickens (thing u say when an important plot advancement just happened but u have no idea what it means or what it changes but by god it HAPPENED)
I should probably ask Ebb more questions. Penny wouldn't stop now. Baz would have his wand out, demanding to know everything.
Thinking Of Them....
Ebb leans towards me and lays her arm around my shoulders. She does that sometimes. When I was a kid, I loved it. I'd sit extra close to her, so that I'd be easier to reach.
🥺 that's so fuckin SWEET
"I'll be fine," I say. "Thanks, Ebb. Happy Christmas."
She opens the door for me, and I try not to seem like I'm in a hurry to say good-bye--but as soon as she closes it, I start running towards my house. I clomp snow all the way up to our turret--then dig out the cash I keep at the bottom of my wardrobe. It isn't much, but it'll get me to Hampshire, I think.
I'm on a train, an hour away from Watford and an hour from Winchester, when I realize that I probably could have just borrowed a phone from somebody and called.
simon is SO impulsive and i LOVE THAT FOR HIM
(also what do u Mean call him. Do U Have His Number
what would he have baz listed as in his phone....)
[Baz] I like to practise violin in the library.
GOD i forgot he plays violin this is the most pretentious fuckin sentence i've ever read i h8 him
"Basilton... Mr. Pitch."
I let the instrument drop from my chin and turn. Vera is standing at the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt. But your friend is here to see you."
"I'm not expecting anyone."
"It's a friend from school," she says. "He's wearing your uniform."
"Mr. Pitch there's a fucking freak standing on our front lawn I think he's urs"
I guess it could be Niall. He comes over sometimes. Though usually he'd text first...Not usually--always. And he wouldn't be in uniform. Nobody would; we're on break.
yeah what kinda fuckin IDIOT would show up in full uniform, during break,
When I get to the foyer, Simon Snow is standing there like a lost dog.
Or an amnesia victim.
LOL sights that make u bluescreen
Vera must have told him to stay on the rug, because he's standing right in the middle of it.
GOD why is this so funny. the absolute mood this is and also baz being able to pick up on it like immediately kgjgkjdlfdg
"Baz...," he says again. And I wait for him to get it out. "You're--you're wearing jeans."
He swallows. Snow has the longest neck and the showiest swallow I've ever seen. His chin juts out and his Adam's apple catches--it's a whole scene.
i'm sure it is when ur eyes snap to him with laser focus at the slightest hint of movement, and also u view everything he does in rose-tinted slow motion
"Well," I say, pointedly lifting my eyebrows. "It was good of you to stop by--"
Snow lets out a stymied growl and steps forward, off the rug, and then steps back. "I came to talk to you."
I nod. "All right."
"All right," I say again, this time cutting him some slack. I don't actually want him to get so frustrated that he leaves. (I never want Snow to leave.)
👌 i am THIS fucking close
"You'll have to take off your boots," I say. "They're still dripping."
He crouches to unlace them, wet wool trousers straining ridiculously over his thighs....
And then Simon Snow is standing in my foyer in his red-stockinged feet.
All the blood I've got in me rises to my ears and cheeks.
"Come on, Snow. Let's...talk."
god hes so fucked he won't make it 5 minutes
dying to know what he's thinking right now, about what simon could Possibly need to talk about so urgently that he fuckin RAN to his house, In Person, had to tell him Face To Face In The Flesh
the "talk" in "let's...talk" is SO LOADED LMAO
[Simon] She clears her throat, and Baz stops to introduce me. "Mother, you remember my roommate, Simon Snow."
She must have already recognized me, but she still looks shocked, which reminds me to ask myself what the bleeding hell I think I'm doing here. In the House of fucking Pitch.
Which I should have thought through on the train, or in the taxi, or even walking the five miles from the main road to Baz's front door.
I never think.
Impulsive Boy
too busy imagining a mythical creature running alongside the train/cab
"He's just here to visit, Mother. We have a project we're working on together--a school project. And you don't have to call him that. You can just call him Simon."
"You don't call me Simon," I mumble.
"We'll be up in my room," Baz says, ignoring me.
baz should just fuckin. immediately start calling him simon from now on. as a funny practical joke,
I try to keep up with him. I still can't believe he's wearing jeans. I guess he wouldn't wear his uniform when he's not at school, but I'd always imagined Baz lounging around in suits and waistcoats--with, like, silk scarves hanging around his neck.
I mean...they do look like really expensive jeans. Dark. And snug from his waist to his ankles without looking tight.
thank u for this crucial insight simon
We get to a long hallway, and Baz opens a tall arched door into a bedroom. His bedroom.
It's another vampire joke: The walls have red fabric panels, and his bed is monstrous and decorated with gargoyles. (There are gargoyles. On his bed.)
"All right, Snow," he says, "what the hell are you doing here?"
"You invited me," I say. So lame. So eternally lame.
"Is that why you're here?" For Christmas?"
imagine if he was. if he was just like "yea"
what would u say to that baz. u wouldn't be able to fuckin handle it
"I haven't thought it through that far. I came here as soon as I left Ebb's."
"Well, what does Penelope think?"
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"I haven't talked to her yet."
"Where is she?"
"I don't know--I told you, I haven't talked to her. I came straight here."
Baz seems confused. "You came straight here?"
"Would you rather I waited to tell you after Christmas break?"
uuuuooghuough......... simon forgot he was soooo fucking mad at baz but Baz Sure Didn't
He looks away. "No. I mean, I've been reading a lot of books about vampires."
I stop myself from saying, "Self-help?" "What have you found out?" I ask instead.
vampire jokes aside baz would NEVER willingly read a self-help book we both know this
"That they're dead and evil and like to kill babies."
"Huh," I say. "Did it say anything about salt and vinegar crisps?" Baz eats them on his bed when he thinks I'm asleep, then brushes the crumbs between our beds.
GFJGOGDKG GOD FUCKING EXPOSED that's such a random pull it reminds me of the fuckin ritsu post thats like "siblings will literally bring up the most random and specific beef the first chance they get that's why when mob said "sorry ritsu" he immediately went "for the time you got carsick and threw up in my hood?" he had that saved up and Ready" LIKE
Literally same energy
There's a knock at his door, and it swings open.
"You're supposed to knock!" Baz snaps before the girl even steps inside.
he is so rattled he's so jazzed simon commit this moment to memory so u can make fun of him for it later
It's his sister, I think. She's too young for Watford yet. She looks like his stepmother, dark-haired and pretty, but not like Baz and his mother--they're drawn in bolder lines than this.
"Mum says you have to come down for dinner."
"Fine," he says.
She stands there.
"We'll be down soon," he says. "Go away."
The girl rolls her eyes and lets the door close.
it is mentioned Multiple times that some of the characters have siblings (first penny, and now baz) but we never get so much as A Name for any of them (besides premal)
fascinated with this little snippet because of that. she's his stepsister. they don't seem close. What Else. Release The Forbidden Sibling Lore
"What?" He scowls up at me.
"I said, send a message if--"
"You're not leaving now."
"I told you everything I know."
"Snow, you came in on the last train, then you walked for an hour. You haven't eaten all day, and your hair's still wet--you're not going anywhere tonight."
I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA BE LIKE "now that ur here u have to help me continue my research ur not getting out of it now" but NO HE PULLS THE RUG RIGHT OUT FROM UNDER U AND SMACKS U WITH THE "u haven't eaten all day you'll catch a cold u need to rest" LIKE AAUAUAAAAAUAUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHH?????????!!!!!!!!?!!?!???!!!?!?!?
fucking insidious. HEINOUS. cannot BELIEVE the AUDACITY
Snow was a wreck at dinner.
Which I might have enjoyed if I wasn't so desperate for him to stay.
SCREAM??????????????????????????????????? SCREAMS
I've never actually sat at a table with Snow before. I let myself watch him, and let myself enjoy it, at least for a few minutes. I keep doing that, since this all started--indulging myself. (What's that they say about having dessert first if you're on the Titanic?)
god GOD he's indulging himself. gives himself little a staring as a treat
(i love that it's so in line w everything we've been reading tho like u don't have to just take his word for it we have Seen him indulging himself more and more right before our very eyes, slowly descending further and further into his own personal hell,)
Snow's table manners are atrocious--it's like watching a wild dog eat. A wild dog you'd like to slip the tongue.
After dinner, we go to th
im literaqlly fucking crying right now there are tears coming out of my eyes he can't just SAY THIS SHIT he can't DO THIS AND LITERALLY HE JUST MOVES RIGHT THE FUCK ON???? "after dinner, we" MY ASS GET THE FUCK BACK HERE AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT I JUST READ
U CAN'T. YOU CAN'T. he literally says this shit and then moves right along like nothing happened but i was THERE i saw it HAPPEN i was at ground ZERO i SAW this freak climb into the fountain and gargle the pennies like pop rocks and then just get out and walk away and expect us all to mind our own business I CAN SEE,,, UR WET ASS FOOTPRINTS,, SLOPPING ACROSS THE CONK CRETE . U CAN MOVE ON BUT I WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT TRANSPIRED HERE TODAY
he drives me insane he fucking makes me lose my fucking mind. baz pov is a WARZONE and i am out here every day fighting for my LIFE
After dinner, we go to the library and I show him what I've found on vampires. He keeps moving away from me, and I pretend not to notice.
romantic date ideas
Snow lowers his eyebrows. "When you look at it that way, why doesn't everyone cross over?"
"Because it's death," I say.
"It clearly isn't."
"They say your soul dies."
"That's tosh," he says.
"How would you know, Snow?"
"Observation," I say. "You can't observe a soul."
"You can over time," he says. "I think I'd know--"
"It's death," I say, "because you need to eat life to stay alive."
"That's everyone," he says. "That's eating."
OOUUUHHHHHHHH followup on the point where simon was talking to penny saying baz isn't dead, he has magic, and that's life etc etc etc
LOVING this subtle confrontation of simon arguing that point directly to baz, and ALSO love that he's figuring out how to get baz to talk about vampire stuff w/o setting him off, like he's meeting him on his terms by being vague about it instead of just yelling ADMIT UR A VAMPIRE for the 1200th time
it's good shit 👌👌👌
Snow sits back. His mouth is open--because no one ever taught him to close it. He pushes at his bottom lip with his tongue. I think about licking blood from it.
"It's death," I say, looking back down at my book, "because you look at other people, living people, and they seem really far away. They seem like something else. The way that birds seem like something else. And they're full of something you don't have. You could take it from them, but it still won't be yours. They're full, and...you're hungry. You're not alive. You're just hungry."
When I look up, Snow's staring right at me.
I can feel the cross around his neck, like static in my salivary glands, but it's never been less discouraging. I could knock him over right now. (Kiss him? Kill him? Improvise?)
"You should ask your parents," Snow says.
"Whether I'm alive?" Fuck. I didn't mean to say it like that. To concede, even a little.
his distracted ass fantasizing abt biting simon while trying to have a serious conversation w him LOL
Snow closes his mouth. Swallows. That's where I'd bite him, right in the throat.
spent ONE dinner watching him eat like a wild animal and couldn't recover fucking RIP
"I meant," he says, "you should ask them if they remember Nicodemus. Maybe they know where he is."
and the way simon doesn't immediately jump on it like he would've before any of this UGH im fucking dying dude it's TOO MUCH
[Simon] "Whose room is this?" I ask.
Baz is crouching next to a bookshelf. "My aunt Fiona's."
I step back into the doorway. "What are we doing here?"
LOL HE STEPS BACK i mean probably a smart move but still funny as hell
Baz is flipping through the pages. I crouch down next to him. "What is that?"
"It's a memory book," he says. "They used to give them out at Watford before the Mage took over. At your leavers ball. It's got class pictures from every year and little stories...."
I find another snapshot of Nicodemus and Baz's aunt, this time posing in old-fashioned costumes. "Did you know Watford used to have a drama society?" I ask.
"Watford had a lot of things before the Mage."
ooohh i love these tiny peeks into what watford was like before the mage came into power like
when ur first introduced to the mage it's thru simon's pov so obviously he's gonna have only positive things to say about him, and it all sounds great in theory, like opening the school to Everyone with magic instead of gatekeeping what kinds of people can attend, all the flashbacks of him talking about activism and the changes he wants to make
and likewise the old families (esp the pitches) are cast in a negative light bc theyre the Enemy and are Against all the causes the mage is fighting for
but then u get all these little bits of context sprinkled in here and there that complicate the situation, like baz framing it as fighting for his family, for magic, and shit like this kinda puts that in perspective, like
these are lil pieces of watford history, bits of Fun and Life that have been sucked out of tradition and been lost, and like. simon even SAYS he wishes he had one
He holds the book open to a page full of photos. It makes me wish I had something like it--I don't have any pictures of myself or my friends.
like it's not just his family's power baz is fighting for, it's things like this that have been discontinued because of the mage
and subtle drip feeding these things to us like this is such a neat and effective way to get u to see the pitches' side of things, while at the same time simulating what i assume to be simon's slow, gradual journey into changing his opinion of the mage and seeing more eye to eye with baz
it's just really cool!
"Come on," Baz says. "I'll show you to your room."
My room turns out to be the creepiest one yet:
Plus there's something under the bed.
I don't know exactly what, but it moans and clicks and makes the bedposts shake. I end up at Baz's door, telling him I'm going back to Watford.
GJFJGKDJFKDKGSLKD simon being so creeped out by baz's house is SO GOOD hes like u know what fuck this im walking the 10 hours back to watford in the dead of night starting right NOW
"What?" He's half asleep when he comes to the door. And flushed--he must have gone hunting after I went to bed. Or maybe they keep kennels for him on the grounds.
"Come on, Snow, you can sleep on my couch. The wraiths don't hang out in here."
"Why not?"
"I creep them out."
"You creep me out," I mutter, and he throws one of his pillows into my face. (It smells like him.)
I realize, as I'm settling in on his couch, that I don't mean it. About him creeping me out.
I used to mean it. I usually do.
But he's the most familiar thing in this house, and I fall asleep better, listening to Baz breathe, than I have since winter break started.
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i don't even have anything else to say about this just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
u can't do this to me u CANT fucking do this to MEEEEEE WHAT DO U MEEEEEEEEAAAANNNNN OTL OTL OTL
THE FACT. that we are seeing simon slowly slowly SLOWLY open up to baz it started with the forced humanizing and then spending time Directly working with him on something seeing him and penny getting along so well SHARING HIS MAGIC and now THIS u gotta be KIDDING ME,
the frequent descriptions of baz's physical appearance starting with "his dark hair" to "his grey eyes" to "his crooked nose" to "he's wearing JEANS and they are TIGHT" and "he looks flushed" and even into "it smells like him" LIKE???????? he probably doesn't even realize he's doing it BUT I DO.... I AM AWARE AND I AM TAKING NOTE EVERY TIME
it's something i've been thinking for a while now but i REALLY wanna say this is going in the direction of "simon being completely oblivious to the fact that he's falling for baz" so u get all this shit where he's like "oh those are some really form-fitting jeans" and "this pillow smells like him" and "he is the most comforting thing in this house rn" without batting an eye because to him they are just COMPLETELY normal observations and Also he's still "in love" with agatha, his one singular love interest slot is currently being occupied by her ergo it's Impossible for him to have feelings for anyone else atm
which is another thing too like i don't think he even knows what Actual love is like, because whatever he's got going on with agatha is Not It i mean. she's his happy ending, she's beautiful, she's the light at the end of the tunnel for him, she's the personified Happily Ever After he's been clinging to to get him through all the Chosen One shit he has to deal with
and while i'm sure he does love her, it's not the right kind of love. it's just part of a script, the thing that's Supposed To Happen. the happiness in his relationship with her always stemmed from the comfort it brought him to have something figured out in his catastrophe of a life
so Because his view of love is so skewed, when he starts catching Actual feelings for baz he doesn't pick up on it At All bc pff lmao that's not a CRUSH those are just my very specific Enemy feelings reserved only for baz and nobody else i've never felt this way about anybody else in my life just him. bc he's my enemy
so that's my theory im gunning for it likes charge reblogs cast pls support me in this trying time xoxo
haha wouldn't it be funny if i ended the post here and didn't catch up to where i'd left off before haha wouldn't that be so silly and whimsical of me hahaha :))))
legit if i dont catch up next time i'll shit there is NO WAY
0 notes
starspent · 3 years
foolish, to think that you would be gone that easily
my smile, fades away, and my eyes grow wide with realization
like a coil, a smooth-tongued snake, that assures my hopelessness
your silver whispers, and your loving lies, are back
we laugh, i’m terrified, in the dead of the night
i thought, that you were gone, for good
but i knew, in the back of my mind
you can’t go away, that quick
why can’t the sun stay?
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mashtonasfuck · 3 years
me yesterday:
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
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↳ pairing: d. sawamura x f!reader
↳ notes: sfw, fluff, comfort, friends to lovers, boys really do suck sometimes and i need daichi to make it all better
↳ wc: 1.5k
↳ tagging: @briokayama, my #1 ride or die daichi fucker/suga kinnie 🧡
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You were sitting outside on the steps when you heard the shuffle of feet and a familiar voice behind you. 
“There you a-“ Daichi stopped dead in his tracks as you quickly wiped the tears off your face with a frown. He softened his voice and started over. “Hey,” he said as you turned your head, trying to avoid his gaze. “You okay, (y/n)?”
Without looking at him you shook your head no. 
“Can I sit down?” he said, nodding at the vacant space on the step. 
Still trying to hide your face, you nodded, sniffling. 
Daichi set his bag down and you inched over to make room for him. He smelled nice. He always did. Even after practices and games he somehow managed to smell good. 
“You wanna talk about it?” His big brown eyes looking after you. 
“No,” you said quietly as you wiped a fresh tear away with the back of your hand. 
“Would it help if I just sit here with you?”
He was always so nice. And attractive. Too bad he was already taken. 
“Yeah,” you mumbled. 
The two of you sat in comfortable silence together for about 30 seconds before you caved. 
“I’m so fucking done with guys!” You turned to look at him, his eyebrows raising when your forlorn expression had been replaced by one of anger. “Why do they all suck so fucking much? Not you Dai, you’re cool. But why do all the other guys suck so hard? It’s like they do shit knowing they’re gonna fuck with a girl’s feelings without even batting an eye! Well I tell you what, I’m going on a dating strike! The next guy who wants to try to get one over on me? I’m not even gonna give him the time of day! See how he likes that! Rejection’s a bitch, ain’t it, asshole?” you said out loud to the hypothetical guy. 
Daichi just sat and let you rant, nodding and shaking his head at the appropriate moments. 
“Or! Maybe what I should do is act interested and give him the time of day just to yank it away from him. Like, sike bitch!” you said to the hypothetical guy again. “You know what I’m saying?” Daichi nodded with a furrowed brow. “Like bat my fucking eyelashes at him and giggle and shit, text him back and forth for a few days and then when he’s all…” Daichi raised his eyebrows in amusement when you did your best dude voice. “...hey girl, I like you a lot. You’re so cool and smart and amazing and beautiful. Let me take you out this weekend…” You resumed your normal voice “I’ll be like mmm NAHHH I just like you as a friend and friendzone his ass! Only worse cuz it’ll be a fake friendzoning!” You growled and propped your chin on your palm.
Daichi hated that you’d been taken for a ride by another shithead, but he thought you looked so cute looking off into the distance with your cheeks puffed out. 
“Listen, (y/n), before you completely write off guys let me set you up on a blind date.” You looked at him like he was crazy. “Hear me out!” he said, holding up a finger, still red from the spiking drills he'd just left from.
Way you saw it, Daichi was your friend. When you met him, you’d only been at Karasuno for a couple of days after transferring from another school. You were in the same classes together, and he’d been the first of your new classmates to introduce himself and show you around. You learned that he was captain of the high school’s volleyball team, which didn’t surprise you given his uncontrived charm and the way people naturally followed him. Those things quickly became two of several reasons you found him irresistibly attractive. It really sucked that he was taken.
“I’m listening…”
“I know someone who I think would be really into you.” Your heart dropped, but it only made sense. He was taken. Of course he’d try to set you up with some other guy. But you trusted his judgment and figured what the hell.
“Go on…”
“Let me set something up and get back with you on it, okay?”
“Daichi,” you said with a pained expression. “I don’t know…”
“Tell you what. If you don’t like him or he breaks your heart, I’ll personally make sure he’s held accountable!” he said, rubbing his hands together.
You grinned and nodded. “Okay…”
“You trust me?”
“I trust you.”
“Alright. I’ll text you with the details later.”
You’d just crawled into bed and were about to set your phone on the nightstand when Daichi’s text came through.
Daichi: You know the art exhibit that’s in town this month? 
You: yeah?
Daichi: be there Friday, 7pm. He’ll be standing next to the entrance holding a yellow daisy.
You: Are you serious? That’s so cheesy.
Daichi: Yeah well he’s kind of a hopeless romantic like that. But I know he’ll treat you right.
You: Okay, we’ll see.
Daichi: Let me know how it goes afterwards, okay?
You: yeah, okay.
You set your phone down and switched off the bedside lamp. You laid your head down with a sigh. If Daichi was friends with him, he must be a good guy, right?
[ friday 7:01pm ]
You slowly walked towards the small crowd that had gathered to stand in line for tickets, head slowly turning this way and that, looking for the yellow daisy.
He saw you first and was immediately taken by the pretty sundress you wore and the way you’d perfectly pinned your hair back to accentuate the most beautiful parts of your face and neck.
You spotted the daisy, your heart crashing against your ribs as your eyes trailed their way up to see what he…
He smiled at you as he swaggered towards you, that cute grin of his with his black hair softly framing his handsome face. You were confused as shit.
“Daichi? What are you doing here?”
“I’m taking you on a blind date.”
You blinked. “Wh-...did he stand me up or something and this is your way of making it up to me?”
He took a step toward you and put the daisy in your hair. “I am him, (y/n).”
“B-but…you’re taken.”
He flinched and furrowed his brow. “I am?”
“Yeah, aren’t you dating Michimiya?”
His incredulous laugh sounded more like a fart as it vibrated off his lips. “Michimi-” he trailed off. “Seriously?”
“Yeah? You’re dating her, right?”
Daichi’s shoulders shook with laughter. “No? What makes you think that?”
You spoke of all the times you’d seen them in the hall outside of class talking. The other girl’s eyes were always filled with admiration whenever they talked, and Daichi would always smile back at her as they went on about their shared love of volleyball. You’d always envied her, but she seemed like a sweet girl. You didn’t fault her one bit for having a thing for Daichi. Hell, so did you.
Your crush, who you ironically assumed had long ago relegated you to the friendzone, shook his head. “She’s the captain of the girls’ team and we’ve only ever been friends and classmates. I know she likes me, but I like someone else.” He looked you up and down, his gaze traveling the length of your body.
“M-me?” you said meekly.
Daichi was starting to lose his nerve. He’d hoped you would’ve had a positive reaction by now - if he’d correctly read all the signs right from the beginning. The very first time he talked to you, your eyes sparkled. The same way they would when you discovered the poignancy in poetry, or the first sakura buds in the early spring.
But you were giving him very little to go on since spotting him a few moments ago. He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
For the first time since you’d known him, you saw uncertainty flash in his eyes. “Yeah? Is that weird?”
You stared at him in disbelief for a moment before licking your lips. “Daichi…”
“Yeah?” he said, grimacing.
“Kiss me.”
His expression relaxed into one of comfort - the one you knew best. With a subtle smirk on his lips he placed a large, warm hand under your jaw and moved in so close that you could hear his voice in his breath when he said, “Can I?”
You nodded slowly and his lips descended on yours, softly moving against them as a quiet groan left his lips. His large hand stretched along your neck and shoulder as your fingers snaked their way into his dark brown hair.
Neither of you noticed when some of the people around you began to step back and aww at the making of the young, new couple before them. It was only when you both began to hear clapping that you became intensely aware of the fact that Daichi’s teeth were scraping along your tongue in front of a whole ass group of strangers.
You pulled back, breaking your kiss to look up at Daichi who was looking back down at you with wet lips. “Shall we?” he said, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth again.
“We shall,” you answered, smiling up at him.
You let him lead you into what would prove to be one of the most magical nights of your life, and he never let you down.
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angelic-dew · 3 years
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕤
A/N: hello simps. I'm back but not for long :) I haven't updated in like 2 months? Yall thought I was dead or something.. school is just tough so sorry at least once a month I'll post or try to,, anyways, enjoy. SORRY FOR ANY GRAMMAR MISTAKES DYSLEXIA IS A BITCH
Gender: G/N
Writing type: fluff & VERY slight lime.
Pairing: BEN DROWNED, Eyeless Jack, Slenderman, Toby, Laughing Jack, Jeff the killer × Reader // part. 1 ??
Tw: none but the creepypastas being jealous ok maybe some killing
(🎮) doesn't wanna admit he's jealous of the person. Don't get him wrong he wants to kill him/her ,but just can't. You might yell at him and doesn't want his baby to be mad
(🎮)hides his jealous eyes under his hair like that's gonna help and with the veins popping out on his forehead as well as clenched fists, no way that's gonna help him
(🎮)You can always tell when he's jealous
(🎮) he could say he's busy ,but when you're talking to the next person he's suddenly not busy and is ready to do anything,, strange
(🎮) if things get too out of hand BEN would come up and put his hand around your waist, and straight up start to place soft kisses on your neck. Is doing this with the cocky-ist smirk on his face btw
(🎮) tries way too hard to make himself look better than the other person. "Well uhmm... their like with me sooooooo I'm better than you." Or something like that.
(🎮) pick me girl boy vibes
(🎮) tells you that slender or Sally need you, and then proceeds to hurry you away so he can kill the person :) he is a serial killer what do you expect?
(🎮) either way, he wants your attention now and only on him.
(🎮)Clings to your arm like a koala afterwards just singing your praises to the top of his lungs,, repay him in some cuddles please.
Eyeless jack
(✉) doesn't get jealous the majority of the time,, has some level of trust. sike bitch he been had trust issues,, no jealous for him it goes straight to envy
(✉) but just stays in the corner where he can keep an eye out making sure they aren't doing any funny business with you,, he's contemplating whether you might leave him for the other person or not.
(✉) is glares daggers at him/her
(✉) If that shit were to make him very uncomfortable and overstepping your boundaries he'll start to get violent.
(✉) beats the dog shit out of the person,, you had to call slender to pull him off; Slenderman wasn't mad tho he was actually proud, weird.
(✉) hickeys. May I add more?
(✉) after just hug him and tell EJ that he's your one and only & you'll never leave him.. and all shit is sweet for him. Still wish he had the chance to kill the douchebag tho
(✒) absolutely HATES this feeling more than Jeff's shit. Although, he isn't really the type to get jealous since this isn't practical of him -- and he's a very busy man and that comes with not having enough time (sometimes)
(✒) don't get him wrong he loves you it's just it's a bit overwhelming sometimes ya know? ANYWAYS
(✒) Slender ain't the one to get his suit dirty nor his pale inhuman skin (unless this person is making his blood boil + that's what he has proxies for) so he might just hurry you away so he can deal with him/her in private or let Toby and his hatchet have some fun.
(✒) If this said person is a proxy/ creepypasta or one of your relatives he'll just give em some warning gestures and/or looks if they are overstepping his boundaries or you look uncomfortable.
(✒) one of the shortest and most awkward conversations you will ever have.
(✒) one of the few times slender has voluntarily wanted to cuddle with you. I'll leave the rest up to you
(🪓) Toby is always being childish so don't be surprised when he's jealous,, you would lowkey would be shocked to see how many times he has been envious of the others talking to you. BEN could be talking about a new game he just bought to you and this manz is super jelly.
(🪓) So this becomes an everyday thing without you just not knowing so.
(🪓) As I just mentioned he gets jealous several times a day he's excellent at hiding it bc he's more worried about the fact that you're gonna leave him
(🪓) But if they were actually flirting with you that's where he draws the fucking line. You ain't taking his bitch on this beautiful Tuesday. So he does what any lovesick boyfriend will do....
(🪓) beat that weirdo to a pulp and play it off like nothing,, he's just insecure please tell him he's wonderful that'll make him smile :)
(🪓) Kisses, kisses, kisses; for ownership ofc.
The clown weirdo/LJ
(🎪) Is unphased, in fact, he doesn't give a fuck.
(🎪) cuz he knows, either way, they're gonna die from flirting with you so it is no use being envious when it's gonna end both ways *cough* killing them and then cuddling with you * cough*
(🎪) no one shall touch my sweetheart >:)
(yandere much.)
Jeff the fucking killer/ Jeff
(🔪) He chooses violence so a bitch got stabbed at least 1-17 times as an estimate. And that would be an excellent thing to tease him on in the near future.
(🔪) In addition, he just gets envious easily similar to Toby's situation except he's a tad bit more verbal with the person. Even if he doesn't resort to physical violence he'll just stare at the person like this across the room (a mixture of EJ and Toby)
(🔪) is glaring daggers at that person.
(🔪) Even though he's staring at this person like this ->🙂 he'll come up to and start to make small talk w/ you trying to drag your attention to him (its like him being annoyingly clingy) + still making eye contact with the person
(🔪) Eventually, he'll make a lame excuse for you to leave so he can just murder this azzhole already.
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