#really?? he couldn't figure out how to check her identity
coreancitizen · 8 months
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"You cannot go in. The person who poisoned His Majesty looked exactly like you. There's no guarantee that you're not her."
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suzukiblu · 9 months
excerpt from the one where Clark is trans and Kon isn't, but no one actually knows this:
Cadmus didn't know Superman was a trans man before they stole his dead body, but considering how many total assholes were on staff at the time they were surprisingly respectful of his gender identity. Not so much his bodily autonomy or his DNA or his potential feelings about being cloned against his will, but like, they used his preferred pronouns and whatever. 
So like . . . diversity win, Kon guesses? Or . . . whatever that'd be? 
So when they made . . . him . . . 
Kon got educated and socialized as male, when they made him. They called him "he" and "him", at least when they weren't calling him "it". They couldn't figure out how to synthesize effective hormone treatments for half-Kryptonian genes, but they had plans for surgeries they were gonna do when he was physically mature enough. Like–before the yellow sunlight could really kick in, effects-wise. Apparently they tried just tweaking the sex on a few earlier models, but by the time they got to Experiment Thirteen, they'd figured out that they couldn't work out what an actual AMAB Kryptonian's genes should look like and had just planned for the surgeries. 
Kon's not really sure how to take that. Like . . . is it good that they wanted him to be comfortable in his body? That they cared about what the fuck he'd want to look like? 
Or is it bad that they didn't ask him if he'd even want any of that? 
Kon wears a binder and a packer and acts like he thinks boys are supposed to act, tries to take charge and be tough and be confident and hit on pretty girls and not look at pretty guys, and Kal tells him he doesn't have to try so hard. Tells him to just act natural. Kon doesn't know how to do that, though. 
Acting "natural" would be . . . 
Acting natural would be a problem. 
Cissie has really long hair. Sometimes Kon watches how it moves and pretends to be checking her out when she catches him. Like the same way he pretends that he's perving on her ass when he's actually looking at the swish of her skirt, or that he's making eyes at her tits when he's really just wondering what his own would look like without the binder that he wears . . . more than he's supposed to, to be honest. 
Serling gets on his ass about it when he forgets to take it off every eight hours. She's working on synthesizing actual hybrid hormones for him, she says, but it's technically a backburner project right now because everything is always on fire and the world keeps trying to end in increasingly ludicrous ways. 
Which, well–he appreciates it, really, but that'd all be more helpful if he was actually "forgetting" to take the binder off, and if he wasn't terrified that she's actually gonna manage those hormones someday. Serling's, like, a crazy genius, after all. She might be able to pull that off. 
But Kon doesn't want the hormones. Doesn't want the surgeries he's been told Cadmus will give him as soon as he's physically mature enough. Doesn't want . . . 
Kon doesn't actually hate his body, is the thing. He doesn't feel bad or weird in it. He kind of just . . . he likes it the way it is. He doesn't even want to wear the binder or the packer, honestly. 
Literally every single fucking person who knows he’s trans has been respectful about it and has given him everything he could ever need to present as male and never, ever said anything to belittle or question his gender or his right to consider himself a man or even slipped up with his pronouns or anything. Even fucking Westfield never said anything shitty to him about it, for fuck's sake. Fucking Westfield, of all people! 
Which would all be great and good and very fucking validating, if Kon weren't fucking cis. 
There is something extremely, extremely bullshit about the fact that Kon is getting all the acceptance and support and medical care that every actual trans person deserves without even asking for or needing it. But she has no idea how to tell anyone that she's not what they think she is. Or who. Or . . .
Seriously, who else's life has ever been weird enough that they'd need to come out as cisgender? Like, who else ever?
Young Justice thinks Kon's a cis guy. The public thinks she's a cis guy. The superhero and supervillain communities both think she's a cis guy, except for the handful of people that know about Kal not being one, and even most of Cadmus does, depending on clearance levels and whatever. Tana and Roxy and fucking Knockout all thought she was a cis guy, even. Robin might "know" she's actually a trans one, being a Bat and all, but he's never said anything that's made her think he might.
Hell, the fucking Agenda doesn't even "misgender" her.
So everyone who knows has been absolutely fucking great and respectful about it and otherwise Kon passes fucking perfectly, and no one's ever once looked at her as anything but a guy. Anything but Superboy.
Except all Kon wants is for someone to look at her and see a girl. To see Supergirl.
So she doesn't really like to talk to Kara when she doesn't have to.
Or . . . ever, really.
Unfortunately, right now they kinda do have to talk.
"Well, your evil twin remains evil, no surprise," Kara says with a sigh, eyeing the walls of the containment cell that the Agenda has stuffed them into and is for some inexplicable bullshit reason slowly filling with water, who even fucking knows why. There's gotta be faster ways to kill them, especially considering Kon isn't even sure how much Kara needs to breathe at all. Like, she definitely does? But as for Kara, who knows. "Match is the worst possible version of a Superboy, I swear to Rao."
Kon has the weird urge to snap about how maybe Match isn't a boy and has anyone even asked?
No one ever asked her, for fucking sure. She didn't even know she wasn't a boy for way too long. Everybody'd always told her that she was, after all, and she'd just thought it'd felt weird to get called a boy because she wasn't a fucking little kid, she was Superman, or because she was trans and like, felt fake about her gender because she'd somehow accidentally internalized some stupid bullshit, or because of any number of other reasons that would've all made perfect sense and had all turned out to be perfectly wrong.
So yeah. Kon does kinda identify with the trans experience, ironically enough.
"Yeah, Match is usually a pain in the ass," she says instead of telling Kara how much she fucking hates her for getting to be what she can't, then starts looking for a way out of the stupid containment cell. It's not Kara's fault Kon hates her, for one thing, and also she doesn't wanna die here. Like, she definitely doesn't.
She wonders if Match might have reacted to her differently, if when they'd first met she'd known enough to ask if they were sisters.
Probably not, whether they're sisters or not. Match still seems pretty married to "I don't have free will" as a coping mechanism for all the psychological damage that being cloned and force-grown and told your only value and entire reason for existence lies in replacing someone who doesn't actually need to be replaced, it seems like.
Not that Kon would know anything about that, obviously.
Like, why would she?
She feels along the walls with her TTK and finds a frustrating lack of structural vulnerabilities to exploit. Kara punches them a few times, though they've already tried that. Kon doesn't blame her, at this point. The water keeps steadily pouring in and makes its way up to their thighs.
It is not reassuring. Like, at all.
Kon is gonna be so annoyed if she dies and gets buried as Superboy.
Though she was always going to do that, wasn't she. Best case scenario might've gotten her to Superman, maybe, but . . . yeah.
What else was she ever gonna do?
Cadmus made her to be Superman. Kal told her she could be Superboy, and named her after a boy, and named her like a Kryptonian boy would've been.
Although she guesses to have a femme-style Kryptonian name, she'd have needed to have a father.
She wonders if Kal would've named her at all, if he would've had to give her a name with a father's name attached to it. Maybe he would've just gone with Jor-El's, since technically Jor-El is the paternal donor of her Kryptonian DNA.
Or maybe he would've gone with . . .
Kon stops thinking about stupid shit she knows better than to be thinking about and feels out with her TTK again.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 month
Hi! Love your answers and fics 💕
I would love to ask a fic with reader being a bff's with Ginny or Ron and the twins not really liking her but being forced to share a tent with her while camping (yes, one bed trope in nature with enemies to lovers twist 🙏🏻) , hope you like this idea, love ya!
Hi my love! You know I’m a slut for the one bed (tent?) trope but with their ages in the timeframe I tried to keep it a little PG (and failed miserably) 😂 I’m so very sorry this took so long to get out, I hope you enjoy! 🖤
Warnings: sexual themes and references, enemies to lovers, confessions of love, humour, Fred being an absolute menace, George is the sweet one as usual. Set during a slightly canon-altered Quidditch World Cup (no mentions of mouldy voldy or the attack)
Word count: 1.3k
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You didn't know where your dislike for the Weasley Twins had stemmed from, but it seemed to be completely mutual. Perhaps it was the fear of being the recipient of a prank, maybe it was their constant overbearing nature, their natural ability to be the centre of attention at all times- all of which was indisputably annoying. You just couldn't relax around them or let your guard down, which you supposed was the overall reason that you'd never been friendly. They also seemed to take an instant dislike to you almost as soon as you became friends with their younger siblings, though what possessed them not to like you was a slight mystery. They largely ignored you but you’d often catch them glaring at you or doing their very best to look away and avoid you entirely, until you became a prime target for their pranks once or twice.
You'd been so excited to attend the Quidditch World Cup, even though you didn't have the biggest passion for the sport, it was going to be the highlight of your summer, attending the world cup with your best friends. Arthur had been so kind to invite you, Harry and Hermione along but you couldn't deny that your enthusiasm wavered slightly when you realised that Fred and George would also be joining you. You thought they might have broken away at some point, causing havoc wherever they chose to go but much to your annoyance, they had stayed firmly within the group the entire time from the moment you left the Burrow at the crack of dawn until you finally reached the campsite.
So how you found yourself sharing a tent with the two of them was a complete, unfortunate mystery.
Furthermore, how you ended up between the two of them in the tent with their lips kissing every inch of your skin and their big hands wandering your body was even more of a mystery the wisest auror wouldn’t be able to figure out.
Mere hours ago after the World Cup had finished, you’d contemplated casting a protective enchantment around yourself regardless of the underage magic law, claiming it was self defence or self preservation so you didn’t end up with a face full of boils, blue hair or no eyebrows courtesy of one of their ‘pranks’. Now, those thoughts were long gone as George turned your head towards him with his finger tucked beneath your chin, his lips chasing yours as Fred slips behind you, not hiding the evidence of his arousal against your backside. It was like a tug of war between them with you being the toy in the middle; a constant divide of attention and affection.
You break away from George to gasp out a sorely needed breath and take a second to look into his eyes, seeing his dark, fixed gaze upon you. You don’t doubt that Fred would be wearing an identical gaze but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn around to check for yourself.
“I don’t understand,” you say breathlessly, knowing that you were almost definitely going to ruin the moment but you couldn’t deny your need for answers. “I thought you hated me.”
You hear Fred snort from behind you, a sort of involuntary noise that escapes him as soon as he hears your words.
“If this is your idea of hate, I’d love to see how you think someone who loved you would act,” he mumbles, pulling your hair away from your neck to press butterfly light kisses to your neck, making your eyes close on their own accord. But you fight to keep them open, to implore George with your eyes so he’ll give you a straight answer.
“Never hated you,” he says with the hint of a frown, as if he’s offended by the notion. His hand slips to reach down for your hand , entwining his long fingers with your own and you can’t help but glance down, marvelling at the size difference between your hands. Fred pulls on your shoulder gently, sensing that you wouldn’t give in to him without answers and pulls you down until you’re laying on your back, free to look between them.
“You see princess,” he explains, “Georgie and me made a pact that you were out of bound for both of us. Both fancied you like mad.” His hand cradles your hip whilst George keeps a gentle but firm grip on your hand, thumb swiping delicately over your knuckles.
“Thought that if you showed an interest in either of us, then we’d know who you preferred.”
“But you didn’t seem to like either of us.”
“So then the pranks started. Figured any attention from you was better than none.”
“I had pink hair for weeks!” You interjected, still simmering with annoyance.
“Honestly? I thought that if you looked different maybe I’d stop getting a hard-on every time I looked at you,” he says with a smirk, “didn’t work. Quite the opposite actually.”
You nudged him with your shoulder, causing him to drop down onto the makeshift cot beneath you all, earning a hearty laugh from him and his twin.
“You set this up didn’t you?” You break the silence with a gasp, realising that it wouldn’t be a coincidence that you’d been relegated to the small tent whilst the other guests were all sharing the big, much more comfortable tent.
The shy smile that George shoots you, mixed with his slightly pink cheeks tells you everything you needed to know.
“Might have pulled a few strings,” he mumbles through his sudden onset shyness.
“But if dad asks, you snore like a roaring Zouwu and we just so happen to be the deepest sleepers.”
“We’re just so selfless, couldn’t have you disturbing the others could we?” He teases, tickling your hip.
“Yes it definitely feels like you’re being selfless,” you say with a smirk, rolling your hips to brush your ass against his still very obvious erection, earning a deep groan from him.
“So you don’t hate us?” George asks somewhat nervously, his hand slightly squeezing yours so your attention is diverted away from his very tempting twin.
“Could have done without the pink hair,” you argue, stating your point, “but I don’t hate you.”
“Elaborate,” Fred urges, his hand resting on your hip again, a sudden uncharacteristic nervousness hovering in his voice.
You sigh, knowing that you’d ruined it now.
“You both just make me nervous, like I’ll never know why you’re going to do next,” you say, averting your eyes slightly.
“Well if you want a full commentary of what I intend to do, I’d be happy to oblige,” Fred smirks, running his hands over your body, purposefully manipulating your answer.
“Fred,” you groan, half annoyed and half tempted.
“No more pranks,” George says suddenly, making your eyes flash to him. “Not on you.”
“Agreed,” Fred says suddenly, pressing his rather impressive tent to the curve of your bum as he shuffles closer. “At least now we can double down on the blokes trying to talk to her.”
“That was why Cormac fainted in the hallway on the way to Potions?!” You gasp, suddenly piecing it all together, realising they were the perpetrators all along.
“Your ours,” Fred says simply with a shrug, as if there’s no reason to argue.
“If that’s what you want,” George adds, throwing a quick but powerful glare at his brother.
“Wouldn’t want anyone else.”
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dyrewrites · 4 months
Past/Current/Next WiP Game
Ooh, this one is new to me. Thank you, @jessicagailwrites!
Rules: past is a WIP you stopped working on/finished; current is a WIP you're currently working on; next is a WIP you want to write
->under the cut because I added snips<-
Past(Done): We'll use In Fog, because it is recently finished and I had fun with it. It is a horror romance with a heavy focus on identity and emotional worth.
Excerpt --
You were to leave after our final year at university, on the heels of your father, ferried to another city–another world for all the pain it caused me–while I remained in our sleepy town, living the same sleepy life. I would have accepted it, you know. I would have cried and wailed and gnashed my teeth…but I would have accepted it. Perhaps not until filial responsibilities forced me into a business I had no head for and social mores locked me into a marriage of convenience, of expectation. Yet, I would. I am certain that I would…eventually, had I been given the option, had that night not ruined it all; ruined us both.
Current(that I should not be writing): Before Deluca, another horror romance but this one is written as a bit of a tell-all and is more about vampires being vampires in an alternate 18th century Europe and less the horrors of existentialism (though that is certainly there, I can't seem to help it).
Excerpt --
Not until the dawn of 1700 would I even set foot on such a vessel—and soon after I would forget the safety and comfort of solid ground. Yet we are discussing the night before, when my future sauntered off one of those ships. Whether I wanted it, asked for it, agreed to it…well, that was as unclear then as it is now. But his presence heralded magnificent, insurmountable change. Ethereal, that presence, there exists no other word. He glowed in the light, near pearlescent skin a mesmerizing contrast to the bronze complexions I was accustomed to. Never mind the litheness of his figure, the feline grace in every twist and curve as he walked the dock. I couldn't look away; in fact I shifted to chase him, sliding along the railing just off the docks to keep him in my sights. He sang to me, all of him sang, and I ached to dance to that melody...
Next: It really should be one of the eight to ten horror shorts I have brainstormed but it's probably going to be Mr. Friendly, which is my first attempt at a Children's book. The premise is a little girl discovers an ambulatory shadow in her closet and ropes her dads into helping her find out what it is and what it wants. It switches perspective back and forth between her and the shadow.
Excerpt --
Tap, Tap, Tap There it was again, coming from somewhere in Maisy’s room, somewhere she couldn't see. Was it in the walls, in the floors? Daddy told her nothing was in the closet. He even checked, twice! Still the tapping came, softly, like little claws on hardwood. Tap, Tap, Tap
Did I do it wrong? The shadow wondered, from the quiet darkness of the closet, it’s three little taps first, then again, then three more, and then quicker ones, right?…or was it slower ones? Was I not s’posed to tap the door after? He had tried this before, many times in fact, more than he could count–maybe more than anyone could–and it always ended the same. No matter which way he did it, no matter how many patterns he tried, they ran away.
Tagging: @addicted2coke-theothercoke @jezifster @deanwax @pb-dot and leaving it OPEN because why not.
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twstmagica · 7 months
Magical Girl Yuu's First Day pt 2
It doesn't look like Fire Dude (Idia?) is gonna speak first
“So what did he mean by orientation?”
Muttering: “WTF are you stupid, how do you not know?”
“What was that”
“Ahhh, nothing”
Yuu gets the sneaking suspicion that this guy isn't going to be super helpful.
Fire Dude hunches further in on himself.
So orientation. That's like an introduction event for group stuff.
But what's with the robes?
Oh geez, is this a cult thing!?
Okay Yuu, gotta stay sharp. Play cool. Don't let him know you're onto them.
“Soooo will the leader be at orientation?”
Nailed it
Did not nail it
Muttering: “what's with this weirdo.”
“Umm the headmaster will be there.”
bluff check passed
“Oki-doki, then I'll just save my questions for them. Please lead the way.”
Muttering: “I thought it couldn't get any worse than Malleus, but now I’m stuck with an escort quest for this newb.”
Well sorry Fire Dude. I didn't want to be kidnapped by your cult but sometimes these things happen.
They do eventually make it to a giant room with heck-ton of people in robes
Actually all these people seem to be guys.
Huh. That probably means something.
Yuu doesn't get a chance to ponder this mystery before a tall figure captures her attention.
Dressed differently from the others, this man has a snazzy tophat and bird mask hiding his identity, and wears a fancy suit and feathered jacket combo.
But the sleeves are hanging off his shoulders? Why not just wear a cape??
Uh oh. Bird-mask-top-hat man is heading straight for them.
Crowley is *!!!* at sight of the missing new student while Idia absconds the fuck out.
Fire Guy nooooo! We grew so close, why would you abandon me!?!
Birdman is gesticulating wildly as he talks.
“The nerve of kids these days!”
Ugh. This Birdman is squawking at Yuu about impatient students and she can't get a word in edgewise.
“I wasn't the one who-”
“Really, it seems each year students get worse!”
“No listen, there was this flaming raccoon-”
“Despite my hard work there's always something!”
The child keeps trying to make excuses, but Crowley won't have any of it.
Fortunately the Headmaster of Night Raven is so generous, and only sends the delinquent to the back of the sorting line as punishment.
At this point Yuu is just going with the flow. Surely if the strange cult meant her harm they would be more menacing?
Yeah the birdman is super rude but he isn't actually hurting anyone. 
And if Yuu was listening right this is apparently some kind of school, so there should be staff or teachers around who can actually help.
Yuu figures she can just wait until another, less wacky adult, shows up.
Oh hey! Horn Guy from earlier is standing with Fire Dude and a few other fancier cultists (students?).
They make eye contact and Yuu smiles and gives a little wave
Horn Guy nods back with a slight smile.
Smile plus a nod means we’re basically allies now.
Yuu is pretty sure that's how this works. If this is a school then the same technique used for choosing a worksheet partner should apply here as well.
Meanwhile the other dorm leaders are wondering why tf this freshie is waving at The Malleus Draconia 
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toruro · 11 months
Talk about your moots; what do you like most about them (could be a paragraph or a single sentence, spread the love!!)
omg yes i love love … only doing this for the last few i interacted w though .. irly wish i could do more but i got so tired while writing these and it has been a long day :[
@rubyreduji guys do i even have 2 tell u how much i love jj?! U ALL KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM like i don't even know how it happened one day i'm interacting w him 4 the first time 2 bug him abt a jihoon fic i had planned and then BOOM we r evil twinning in the dms and then BOOM AGAIN he's listening to the 70+ vms i send him every day i love him so much >_< WE JUST GET ALONG RLY WELL and it's so much fun ... also jj just writes so much and he write so well ?! his ideas are rly unique too and whenever he mentions another story i'm like :o wow bc he is so WOW and i love his brain and i love how he is true to his woozidan identity (woozi having a separate masterlist altogether LOL) ... jj is just the love of my life if u guys couldn't tell i'm actually insanely territorial over him so actually he doesn't exist 2 u guys UR NOT ALLOWED TO PERCEIVE HIM IF UR NOT ME
@gyuswhore i love em sm okay first of all what drew me 2 her was her phenomenal writing?! guys i revisit her gyu fic more often than she knows HELPDKJ but ya and the stuff sh has in store 4 u all ... just u wait OKAY AND I JUST. I LOVE TALKING ABT WRITING WITH EM she genuinely helps me so much and i love the honest feeback she gives and she has encouraged me through 2 of my longest fics so far which means the absolute world to me >_< also i love her daily little updates and how she tells me all this stuff IT'S ENTERTAINING and also i love that we are able 2 have convos like that ... and she's also literally the prettiest ever. i kid u not mingyu would PICK HER. we also just understand each other's situations very well and feel the same way abt a lot of stuff which makes talking abt certain things easier ^^ ya i love em my desi sister P.S. SHE FEEDS MY DELUSIONAL MINGHAO REQUESTS (the way her only works for hao are reqs from me ... gfhdfksjd)
@cheolhub SAR SAR the sweetest ever like :[ sar was my first mutual when i started on tumblr and she scared me at first bc ... she was so a cool to me atthe time AND SHE STILL IS SO COOL. LIKE SAR IS SO COOL 2 ME but now i see that she is also so loving and caring and c: she will always hold a special place in my heart bc she was the first 2 dm me (I REMEMBER. BC WE INTERACTED ABT GETTING TIX TO TWICE AND WE TALKED ABT OUTFIT PLANNING ... funny bc the way we didn't figure out any outfits until literally june LOL) anyways ya also if u have read sar's works u probably know she is also insane and :c she is so amazing 4 helping me out too uifgjks i love sar sm
@etherealyoungk skye is so sweet :c also one of my first mutuals and i appreciate her so much 4 always checking in w me and just interacting w me consistently hehe ... she reminds me my hoshi pc as well whenever i look at it i'm like oh ^^ this is skye right here :3
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast only rly started interacting w rj recently but she's so funny like her reactions pics and feedback under fics genuinely has made me giggle and i love that ... and rj is just! rly fun 2 talk 2 as well and i can't wait 2 get to know her better hehe
@leejihoonownsmyheart the sweetest ever and omg her writing is so good ... brie don't downplay urself EVER bc it's so good and ^^ ur such a fun and positive person i will love u even if u don't like me bc i'm a capricorn hehjefjk
@lovelyhan guys stop i never shut up abt kai's writing but they are just so good at everything they do like! insane i'm insane and kai is just so cool to me kjfdskj ALSO. LOVE KAI SO MUCH BC THEY ALWAYS SEND ME TWTS ABT HAO AND it kind of drives me crazy but also it feeds me breakfast lunch & dinner so am i really complaining? basically kai knows me 2 well and it drives me insane in the best way possible
@ressonancee only became mutuals rly recently but thea is so fun and kind and auuugh don't even get me started on how amazing of a writer she is bc her jihoon and gyu fics literally took me to heaven and back like! augh! they make me feel so much and i'm so exited 2 continue to get to know her and more ^^
@userelv elv is so fun like we don't interact a lot but whenever we do it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and anyways i'm gonna be collecting insane dk pics and save them up so i can send them to u one day w out warning c:
@wheeboo so funny and so sweet and also i feel get along rly well! i love the way she writes and we have a lot of common interests and i love talking abt kdrams w her hehe LIKE?!?! ME AND RANIA JUST HAVE VERY CHILL AND NATURAL CONVOS which i absolutely love and she is a person who is very calming 2 me ^^
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sortofanobsession · 2 years
To Cry for the Moon Part 5 (Moon Knight x Female Eternal!Reader)
Author’s Note: This one is a longer one, and I might be the only update until Monday. If I have time to finish part 6 after I get home from Mean Girls the Musical I might get it out tomorrow but I cannot guarantee it. But enjoy part 5!
I do not have dissociative identity disorder (DID) This is a fictional depiction of DID & characters are based on the Marvel/Disney’s Moon Knight series. I own nothing. The story idea by @jupitersmoon167 (the original post I saw is here!) Also realized I should probably add content warnings, so I did and tagged them. If you think I missed a warning please send me an ask. I try to tw tag even the tiniest thing so no one has to suffer if I can help it.
Y/N = Your Name. Y/N/N = Your Nickname. Reader pronouns She/Her. Story is 3rd person POV. Italics are the reflected alter talking.
Tag Requests are Open just message me.
Tagged: @rosaren2498, @yuugenmomo, @faefanatic, @urlocallsimp, @assassinsasha23, @queenariesofnarnia
Primary Pairing: Steven Grant x Eternal!Reader, Marc Spector x Eternal!Reader, Khonshu x Ma'at!Reader (It’ll make sense eventually)
Content Warning: Mental Illness, arguing, stalking (because Khonshu is just being a creeper), angry Khonshu, Earthquake
Word Count: 2k+
WIP Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Part 5: Unsteady Times
Y/N was mid-tour when the world around them started to shake. People began to panic, screaming in fear of the large objects and glass displays. She did her best to usher the group away from looming artifacts. As much as she knew she wasn't supposed to use her powers around people unless deviants were around she was already preparing to call on her wings to shield them as best as she could. A nearby statue standing nearly 10 feet tall swayed as the shaking seemed like it might never stop, but in reality could only be a few moments, less than a minute even. The slightly eroded base even on a secured pedestal might not hold much longer. She called on as much strength her cosmic powers allowed her without her armor or her wings to stop it from toppling over. When the shaking stopped and the statue stilled, she let go and looked around. The tour stopped as well. She did her best to calm them, but the group opted to leave. She could understand that. As she headed back from the lobby she decided to see how the gift shop, and a certain employee, had fared.  She managed to catch Steven's attention from the entrance of the gift shop. He was busy straightening a few toppled displays, stopping when he saw her. She gave him a wave and a thumbs up. He grinned and returned the gesture. It was really all they had a chance to do because of the chaotic nature of it all. But it was enough. Steven would take Marc's jabs about being a lovesick puppy because of how happy he was that she'd come to check on them. Marc was just glad she wasn't crushed under one of those giant statues she loved. That was something they both agreed on. 
As she walked back toward some of the more fragile artifacts she froze. She could see something moving, but it didn't make sense. She swore she saw a tall figure moving among the relics. It made Y/N shiver. 
"Do you feel that?" One of the other guides asks. "Is there a draft?"
"I…maybe, I don't know," Y/N replies, glancing back at the poorly lit room that was lit more for dramatic effect than convenient surveillance. She swore she saw movement again. 
"Are you alright?" Her coworker asks, stepping beside her.
"What? Oh yeah, guess I'm still a bit shaken up. Not every day you wonder if you might get done in by a replica of a temple column or take a sarcophagus lid to the head."
"If we did, I'd demand hazard pay," the guide said. 
"Agreed," Y/N chuckled. 
But she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Her shift was almost over but something made her step into the Ennead exhibit.
She walks up to a set of statues, sighs, and walks over to a recreation of a temple wall. She stops in front of a god not featured throughout most of the exhibit. The lunar deity, Khonshu.
"I've either lost my mind after all these years or you're here for some reason. Part of me hopes you really are." She glances back at the statues of the Ennead. "I know they banished you, and I was sad to hear that, but just so you know, I'm glad you still exist." 
Her phone rings and she turns to leave. A grin on her face when she feels a slight breeze around her. 
"Hey Sprite," she says as she answers her phone. She closes the door to the exhibit and heads towards the lobby. "I'm on my way out now." 
Ancient Egypt:
Ma'at smiles as she watches her fellow Eternals mingle among the Egyptian people. It is unusual for a god or goddess to walk among the people but Ma'at was not a normal goddess. Her task was to directly judge the hearts of humanity. She had not only aided the humans in defining order, aiding in creating standards of judgment, laws and creating a balance with not only the world around them but in themselves. A system of truth and justice that would grow with the people. And grow it did. It grew into a kingdom, but humans and Eternals were not the only beings. Gods joined them. The Eternals welcomed the gods and their devotions to the kingdom they created. The bond between gods and Eternals was forged around a single feather. The feather of truth was offered on behalf of the Eternals and the people to aid the gods in their process so long as the gods agreed to maintain the systems already established, mainly the judgment of humanity and their hearts in this world and the next. The Eternal Y/N, having been the one to offer the feather and her services as the creator of the system to Osiris. In return he deemed her Ma'at, Goddess of judgment, truth, justice and order. Y/N happily accepted the position. That was how she found herself the liaison between the Ennead and the Eternals. The avatars of the gods, good and loyal servants of the deities, were always happy for her assistance. As the only god or goddess without the need of an avatar, a lot of communication went through Ma'at. The Eternals and other avatars helped, but like all things Y/N did, it was a balancing act she eagerly accepted. It was part of her mission after all. Though she would often buttheads with the more stubborn gods. Primary those that also claimed to enact judgment and justice. Osiris would defer to Ma'at more often than not to deal with stubborn deities. Requiring Ma'at to often reside in the temple as Khonshu and often Ammit quarrel. It was a tad bit tedious but all part of the job. But nothing ever lasts. As the kingdom celebrated the Eternals eradicating the deviants in the area. It meant it was time for the Eternals to move on. The humans were safe from deviants and the kingdom was thriving. Osiris had agreed, as well as most of the gods, that Ma'at is allowed to go without losing their backing. If only because she would never truly be gone. She would always be there in part. Her feather and the scales used to judge the hearts of humanity were forged from her energy. Forged by her hands with the aid of Phastos. It allowed her to be aide Osiris in his judgment no matter where she may be in the world. Her power continued to flow through the feather. But not all the gods were thrilled about their departure. That was how despite the joyous celebration going on throughout the kingdom, Y/N was unable to join her fellow Eternals. Instead, she found herself once more in the temple.
"Khonshu, this was always how it was going to be," she told him. "This is my mission, granted by the celestial that formed the world you claim to protect. To defy our creator, to defy his command, is beyond betrayal. Do you wish for my immortal life to be so swiftly ended? Do you not see that I've already done the most I can do? A part of my very being binds my power here. You may believe my power is as vast as the cosmos itself, as vast as the evening sky, but I have my limits. Arishem has seen to that. I cannot defy him."
"So you abandon us," Khonshu states. 
"Are you even listening to me? You will still have my power, my judgment. You will have everything you need for your precious justice to continue. You will still be able to protect the travelers of the night. You do not need me."
"Then leave!" Khonshu spat. "You are no god. You are a servant, a slave to a being you never get to see."
"Says the god that cannot be perceived by most mortals beyond a gust of wind. Only the gods and avatars can see you. Which one of us is bound by limitations, Bird?" She retorts. 
"My avatar is bound to me. He serves me." Khonshu says. "And as you said, you are no longer needed. So you waste my time." With that, he vanishes in a gust of wind and sand.
"Goodbye my friend," Y/N spoke to the night. Hoping the breeze and the night sky would convey her message. No longer feeling jovial or wanting companionship. She bid the temple goodbye, assuring the gods she could always be reached. Just hold the feather and she would feel them. She could return if Arishem and Ajak allowed. She returned to the Domo to prepare her heart for leaving the one place since Olympia she felt truly at home. Only bothering to join her fellow Eternals when they were called by Ajak to the main chamber of the Domo. She announced their next destination. Y/N had only been half-listening. She nods as the other agree to the new destination and they finally depart. 
A hand finds her shoulder. She looks up to see Ajak's gentle smile. "One day your heart will feel whole again, until then you still have ours, your fellow Eternals. Arishem is proud of you. The mission continues and you have done well, Y/N/N. Khonshu will see with time. We serve the same power. The cosmos that gives him his sight, flows through you, through all of us. You will never truly leave them. Take heart, my dear. You are proof the celestials provide for all." Ajak brushes a strand of hair from the younger Eternal face. "Your heart forever beats for the sands of time, they will all see that eventually. Even the gods cannot stop time."
Modern Times:
Steven had managed to make it to the last bit of Dane’s birthday party. Apologizing that Donna made him stay late again for inventory. 
“Next time just drag, Y/N/N along, she loves that boring stuff,” Sprite laughs. 
“Just glad you could make it,” Sersi smiles, Dane agrees with a nod. 
“Want me to take Donna down a peg again, you know I loooove to see her get all annoyed but not be able to do anything because both the tour guide and translation departments adore me.”
“So humble,” Sprite laughs.
“They do, don’t they,” Steven chuckles. “Thank you, love, but I can handle Donna.” 
“No you can’t but not like she can hear me,” Marc states from the reflection of a pint glass.
“Be nice, Y/N,” Sersi says. “No need to piss off Steven’s boss, she might take it out on him.” Sersi gave her a look that Y/N and Sprite referred to as the ‘You know how people get’ look. 
“Alright, we can’t have that now can we,” Y/N straightens the lapel of Steven’s jacket. “I won't antagonize your boss. I’ll be perfectly cordial as always.” Earning a snicker from Sprite. 
“I can be nice, I just hate the way she belittles him. Next time I see it, I’m going to HR.”
“You really don’t need to defend me,” Steven says. “It’s nothing new.”
Y/N pouts slightly. “Don’t need to, but I’m going to,” She patted his cheek and grinned. “Someone has to after all.”
“Did you feel that earthquake earlier?” Steven said eager to change the topic. 
"Yes, it was quite shocking. The poor students in my lecture were terrified."
"Poor kids," Steven says.
"Poor everyone," Y/N says. “Scared the hell out of the tour group I had. One lady screamed bloody murder. Glad none of the artifacts shifted too far. Made me wonder if standing the sarcophagi vertically in their displays was a good idea. Even if it didn’t crack, the glass might and that would have been a disaster. Then again, Sersi had a fossil nearly crush a kid, so I guess my group got lucky.” She left out the part that both she and Sersi had used their powers to protect people. The guys didn't need to know.
“Y/N!” Sersi slaps her arm. “She’s fine, a bit shaken, but she was fine. Is that why you got stuck on inventory? The earthquake shake up the gift shop?”
“It did, luckily not anything too valuable broke,” Steven nodded.
“Donna better not take it out of your check, she would blame you for tectonic plates shifting, or whatever caused it.”
“Enough about Donna, this is supposed to be a party, i’nnit?” Sprite groaned.
When the party was over they all headed out.
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 2 years
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1D Monthly Fic Roundup
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for November 2022! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​. You can find all our other posts here.
Happy reading!
🔹How Long Will I Love You by @neondiamond [T, 4k, Louis/Harry]
Five times Louis thinks Harry is the love of his life and the one time he says it out loud.
🔹there’s a house in english bond (somebody planned to stay) by safetyfilm / @larrieblr [T, 666 words, Harry/Louis]
The Hotel dates back to the mid-17th century, and the owners have invested dearly to make it a home away from home. Please mind our building rules written below in order to have an exceptional stay.
🔹greased lightnin’ by safetyfilm / @larrieblr [NR, 1k, Louis/Harry]
After Louis mentions on an interview that he still has the jacket from his Grease days, Harry knows just the thing to wear for Halloween.
🔹Needle by @nouies [NR, 666 words, Louis/Harry]
“You didn’t deserve this,” he muttered between hiccups. “She didn’t have the right.”
🔹wanna wake up with you and say baby let's do it all over again by @alwaysxlarrie [M, 16k, Harry/Louis]
“Alright, I did some Googling and I think I’ve figured out what your thing is.” Niall announced as he walked into their kitchen.
“My thing?”
“Sorry, is that an offensive way to refer to it?”
“I mean, I don’t know. I’d probably be able to give you a better answer if I knew what you were talking about, though.”
“Harry, it’s okay. This is a safe space.”
“No, it’s not. You throw cheese puffs at me any time I walk around naked.”
“Okay.” Niall tilted his head in acknowledgement, then corrected himself. “It’s a safe space for things I deem acceptable.”
“Of course.” Harry rolled his eyes. “So, what’s the thing?”
“Your service,” Niall flailed his hands in the air for a few seconds, “thing.”
“My service,” Harry paused to mimic Niall’s hand movements, “thing?”
🔹You put me on (and said I was your favourite) by downcamethelightning / @sxvedbyastranger [G, 5k, Louis/Harry]
Sometimes Harry wondered what would’ve happened if Louis had never tried to do the monkey bars all those years ago, or they’d never moved in next to each other. One time he had said as much to Louis, and he’d reassured Harry that they would always find their way back together. No matter what.
🔹So Wise by @neondiamond [G, 1k, Harry/Louis]
Harry’s a little out of it after having his wisdom teeth removed. Louis is there to take care of him.
🔹enough to make a girl blush by @disgruntledkittenface [E, 22k, Louis/Niall]
“When I saw you on the sidewalk that day, I couldn't believe it. It was like getting another chance or something.”
“Another chance?”
“Yeah, I think I liked you from the minute I met you in Ms. Conrad’s kindergarten class. It just took me a while to realize that’s what it was. A crush.”
Louis blinks. “You had a crush on me? The whole time we knew each other?”
“The whole time,” Niall says, not looking embarrassed or upset at all. “I don’t want to mess anything up for you, but I really like you and I really like spending time with you, and I just… hope that’s okay.”
When Louis moves from her small hometown to the city, she runs into her childhood friend Niall. Despite her surprise at learning that Niall presented as an alpha, she’s immediately drawn to her. As their relationship progresses and Louis settles into life in the city, she learns that love, sex and identity aren’t always as simple as she’d been taught growing up.
And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
🔹i could feel the tension, we could cut it with a knife by @alwaysxlarrie [G, 4k, Harry/Louis]
Being a transfer student, Louis is focused on finding a good, solid friend group. What she hadn’t prepared for, though, was meeting a pretty girl with curls, dimples, and the softest, tempting skin in the process. How is she supposed to resist?
or, feeling #100: the felicity of the first touch.
🔹With This Wing, I Thee Wed by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [T, 4k, Louis/Niall]
“Nando’s?” Niall crosses his arms and pouts, a little line appearing between his eyebrows. “I want Nandos. I like Nandos.” “And I like my dignity,” Louis mutters.
🔹Curves of your lips rewrite history by @lunarheslwt [E, 8k, Louis/Harry]
“Kneel.” The prince obliged like a puppet whose strings had been cut, dropping to his knees in one fluid motion. With his bowed back, compliant silence, and eyes that lowered respectfully; he was a perfect picture of submission and trust. He deserved to be captured by Michelangelo, right at this moment, but alas, Louis found himself to be possessive of pretty things. And Harry was, by far, his most ethereal and dear possession. Made sweeter only because he allowed himself to be. “Grace becomes you, when you submit to me,” Louis finally crooned, a ghost of a caress across a delicate cheek sparking goosebumps, “your Highness.” And if Louis were a less attentive man, he would’ve missed the quiet gasp that the title weaved with a taunt coaxed out. A smile curled across his lips. So easy to please, for someone who had everything his heart desired at his fingertips.
Or, everyone bows to Prince Harry, but in the privacy of his four walls, the one he is bowing and kneeling for is his knight, Sir Louis.
🔹over my shoulder by @nouies [E, 10k, Louis/Sebastian Stan]
The media thinks omega singer Louis Tomlinson is dating alpha actor Sebastian Stan because they bump into each other all the time.
Everything changes when they accidentally bond.
🔹Next Door by @allwaswell16 [NR, 2k, Louis/Rob Pattinson]
When a stray cat starts coming round Louis' garden and bothering his dog, Louis and his best friend set out to capture it.
Or a famous/famous fic where Louis and Oli embarass themselves in front of Batman.
🔹The Rescue by @haztobegood [NR, 666 words, Louis/Harry]
Louis likes to do one last round through the kennels to check that everyone has enough food and no one has tipped over their water bowls before he leaves.
It takes him a second to notice the last pen is slightly ajar. Louis frowns; that’s definitely not how he’d left it after checking on their newest rescue.
🔹the ghost of love keeps haunting me by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed [T, 666 words, Harry/Louis]
Reluctant Ghost Whisperer Louis Tomlinson meets Harry Styles.
🔹Swallowpeen by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [E, 666 words, Louis/Harry]
To celebrate the anniversary of the day they met, Harry joins Louis on his side of the glory hole and Louis tweaks his usual Halloween offer. Or: The couple that blows together, grows together.
🔹When witches go riding by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [E, 3k, Zayn/Harry]
Harry finds out Zayn is dressing as a witch for a Halloween party they'll both be attending and hopes that surprising her with a couples costume will pay off.
🔹Like a Powder Keg About to Explode by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [E, 1k, Niall/Louis/OC]
Niall enjoyed Louis' Bastille Day special so much that he's booked a private session for him and his lady on Guy Fawkes Day.
🔹Ghost Ship by cherrylarry / @beelou [G, 666 words, Louis]
Louis goes ghost hunting on his own the night before Halloween. It might not be his best idea.
🔹snapshots of moments by fearsparks / @onlythebravest [M, 13k, Louis/Harry]
Harry and Louis have been together for as long as they’ve been in the spotlight. Over the years, they’ve made a lot of memories - happy and sad, sexy and unsexy, good and bad - memories of all kinds. This is just a few of them.
🔹You and Me (Got a Whole Lot of History) by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [T, 7k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw]
Nick loves the crush and fever of being right in the thick of things, but just the thought of Louis looking down and spotting him makes him feel a little queasy.
It hadn’t been a proper thing. It wasn’t a relationship.
🔹You Can Hear It In The Silence by Imogenlee [M, 22k+, wip, Louis/Harry]
Harry Styles can't think of anything worse than moving into a share house with four other lads, even though one is his best (and only) friend. Louis Tomilson can't think of anything better.
And that's just the start of their seemingly never-ending list of differences.
In the interest of seeing out the twelve-month lease without killing each other, they both try (debatable) to get along despite being opposite in almost every way, each having the communication skills of a cucumber, and secrets that shouldn't be kept secret.
🔹An Apple A Day by @lululawrence [NR, 666 words, Harry/Louis]
Harry smiled a bit as he watched Louis stalk down the aisles filled with various vitamins and supplements, continually grumbling under his breath and occasionally even hissing at the bottles.
“They’ve done absolutely nothing to you,” Harry reminded him, amused.
Louis’ eyes slid from the offensive capsules whose label proclaimed they were now “odorless and more powerful than ever”. He apparently didn’t seem to care that many people used garlic for a number of ailments.
“I am not amused.”
Or the one where Harry and Louis peruse the vitamins and supplements. Louis would really rather not.
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jedi-lothwolf · 8 months
AI-less Whumptober Day 4: Hiding an injury
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Summary: Adrien goes to school after being injured in an Akuma attack.
Being a hero was dangerous. Ladybug and Cat Noir knew that well. But no matter what Ladybug's lucky charm would reverse the damage done.
Unless she lost it. Adrian stood in the boys bathroom, his side bleeding. He was unsure of what to do. He should have just gone home but the school day had only just begun when the akuma attack happened. It was around noon now.
The boy grabbed a bunch of toilet paper and stuffed it on his side. He grabbed bandages he kept on his backpack just in case and wrapped them around the wound. He grabbed his jacket and was thankful he had grabbed the black on that morning.
Adrian stumbled back towards his class. The hall was busy at class change. He stayed close to the wall and tried to walk straight.
What would happen if the knew? What could he do if the found out? Nothing. Cat Noir knew that if anyone found out that he was Cat Noir, he would lose himself.
It hurt. The gash was still bleeding. It was sore to the touch. Sore was an understatement.
It didn't take long for people to stair. He leaned into the wall and felt like sitting down and sobbing. Adrian wanted to scream. But, if he did, if he told them he was in pain, he wouldn't be able to be free.
Gabriel would lock him in the house forever. He couldn't be isolated like that again. That would hurt more then the wound in his side.
As soon as he entered the room he did his best to get to his seat quickly and at least mostly normally. All he needed was for someone to figure out his secret identity.
"Hey Adrian!" Nino said enthusiastically.
"Hey." The hero did his best to match his energy but couldn't.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just tired." He rested one of his arms on the desk and laid his head down. After that he grabbed his side with the other hand and kept pressing on it. He just needed to make it until the end of the school day. Once he was home he could figure out how to fix it.
"Hey Adrian, why are you holding your side?" Rose asked.
"Oh, I'm just cold." He wasn't exactly lieing to her. He was cold.
"Dude, it's like really warm in here." Kim, who was walking to his set, called Adrian's bluff.
"I'm just cold okay." He put his head back down.
"Is your hand red?" Alya inspected.
"No, it's fine" Adrian said, his head still on the table. Why wouldn't they just leave him alone? Why did they have to make it so hard to hide that he was hurt?
"If you say so." Alya knew she would be watching him carefully.
Halfway through class Adrian started to feel worse. He felt nauseated and weak. He raised his hand and asked to use the restroom. Ms. Bustier said that he could and Adrian stood up to leave the room.
He could feel his legs growing weaker as he walked to the door.
"Are you alright?" Ms. Bustier asked.
"I'm, fine. Thank you." He grabbed the door handle and pulled it open. The world felt like it was fading. He couldn't show it any more than he had already. He wouldn't lose everything just because he couldn't hide an injury.
As soon as the door closed the class looked at each other to see if everyone else was sceptical.
In the hall Adrien stumbled to the floor. He laid there for a moment before getting up and using the wall to get around. He pushed all his body weight on the wall and prayed it would be enough to get him back to the gym lockers.
Once there he sat against the wall and took his jacket off. The kid sighed as he realized he bleed though the bandages. Placing the jacket on his side, he wondered how much of class he could skip.
"So, should someone check on him." Nathaniel asked.
"I'll go" Nino volunteered almost immediately.
"Marinette, why don't you go since your class representative?" Alya asked.
"I'm his best bud, I've got it."
"Nino, if you don't mind, please go check on him."
Nino left the room and walked towards the bathroom. Nearing the lockers he saw a red substance on the ground and looked towards the door. There was blood on the handle.
A sense of unease fell over Nino. "What the fuck?" He whispered. He walked to the door and opened it.
Adrian heard the door handle and panicked. Where did he go? How did he hide? He crawled over to a place behind a locker and held in a sob when the door opened. "Adrien?" Nino called out.
Cat Noir placed a hand over his mouth. He could taste the salt from the blood. It surprised him.
"Adrian? Man? I'm concerned. If you're here please just tell me."
No matter how hard Adrien could try, the tears would come anyway.
"Adrian?" Nino turned to face him. "Oh fuck."
"Nino, please don't get anyone."
"Why not?" Nino raised his voice.
"Please. I can't really explain."
"Are you okay? Like are you in danger?" The man walked over and kneeled down to Adrian.
"I'm fine, just in, pain."
"Come here."
Adrian complied. Nino grabbed his side and kept pressure on his side. "Help!" He screamed.
"No please. They can't know." The hero whispered.
"Can't know what?"
"That I'm hurt."
"Why?" Nino called out for help again.
"My identity."
Nino didn't know? "Fuck" Adrian whispered.
"You're-" Nino was cut off as someone came into the locker room.
The teacher called 122 as she helped Nino get him to the front of the school.
What was he going to do now? Maybe he could just say that the akuma attack had caused it. He wasn't lying, just not telling the whole truth. It didn't really matter now. Everyone knew that he was hurt. The one thing he was avoiding.
Now he'd just have to hope that no one knew that he was Cat Noir. He didn't think anyone had seen the wound he had received. That may just be his savior. As he heard the sirens from the ambulance he blacked out. Maybe he shouldn't have waited so long.
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whenthechickencry · 9 months
Umineko EP2. Replay Part 2
Huh, thought Jessica was the one initiating the relationship and not Shannon, guess I had details mixed up.
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She's pushy too!
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Though I guess Jessica had unknowingly made the first move....
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Didn't even give Jessica room to back down either! I had the impression Jessica kind of forced this relationship into existence but I guess Yasu had at least some feelings for Jessica.
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I think the outfits a little goofy but I think it fits Kanon anyways
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Yasu can probably relate a lot to compartmentalizing your identity like this and I imagine this is probably when he started having more of an interest in Jessica as someone with a lot of sides to her personality
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Oh Jessica you have no idea who you are talking to. Also, I think while this scene shows that Jessica cares about Kanon and wants him to live a better life, she also isn't making a real effort to understand him and just assumes all her prior assumptions are correct, until she finally gets told off halfway through the conversation.
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They reveal more than they meant to here, I think, it's honestly heartbreaking to read a bit... it might be leftover bias from me being a Jessica Kanon shipper when I first read the vn but I feel if this conversation went slightly different maybe Yasu could get some of the help they needed from Jessica.
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Woah forgot about the Battler Yasu mention... combined with the mention about Battler saying the horse line to Shannon later on these are some pretty strong hints, though I guess narration is leading you to believe they are talking about Kinzo Beatrice
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If you figured that out you would have solved Umineko!
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Huh, i think this cg background is from Miotsukushi....
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Yeah, but they are in different levels of zoom in.... I don't know why I bothered to check.
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Sigh, I am really trying to not dislike you.
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Funny how the narration pretty obviously from Rosa's perspective, initially gives this story about Rosa just pampering her daughter too hard because Rosa's oh-so-nice she went overboard, and then by the end it's talking about how Rosa hits Maria "impulsively".... how is Maria not supposed to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms of compartmentalizing her mother when her mother does the same to herself!
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Nice one Rosa.... that's such a cruel thing to say, Rosa and Maria sections have always been some of the hardest scenes in the game to read for me.
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The way her child is both her punching bag and her emotional support is both so extremely fucked up and incredibly realistic to how children of abusers are treated.
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Krauss and Eva having a meeting about whether they are able to hide Krauss's death again (no)
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It is kind of interesting to me that Rudolf seems more aware of his flaws than most of the cast... but doesn't seem to care too much about changing his behavior anyway.
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This episode seems to immediately try to get to see you Maria in a different way to EP1 - her condescending magical genius persona didn't start until after the killings, here it's shown in a much more benign way, just a kid rambling about Halloween.
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Imagine if Rosa instead of feeling ashamed Maria can remember so much trivia and tried to foster it into having her pick up history or something, like serriously it's impressive she can know so much about a certain subject! It's certainly more interesting and useful than my childhood hyperfixation being random Mario facts lol.
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Kyrie's actually a pretty good mother to Ange all things considered, at least up to the point of what Ange saw, which maybe does tip me off a little to the "She said that stuff to Eva so that Eva would take care of Ange" theory.... I don't think she would manage to fake that so consistently otherwise.
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To Yasu, who never really had parental figures, and probably idolized parents at some point I imagine their best friend having such a bad parent must hurt them really hard in a lot of ways.
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And then Beatricce, coincidentally, does the same thing Kanon wanted to do but couldn't.
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That's a really roundabout way to say you want to hang out, Maria.
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Ouch, tough a couple lines later the illusion of a nice Kyrie gets blown away from me, though sympathetically I can interpret that line as Kyrie trying to get Risa to be nicer by speaking her language.
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This scene's pretty easy to figure out, the one who knew about the crushed candy was Kanon and the fact Rosa can see Beatrice means she's an accomplice, and of course, Beatrice just made Maria close her eyes and switched the candy, and Rosa seeing it means she's going along with the story
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She reveals she chooses her accomplices by convenience during this scene too.
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it's pretty hard to not read Genji and Kinzo's relationship as romantic from Genji's side, though, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even admit that to himself.
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I wonder if we should take this scene Kyrie happening to wander into Shkannon dressed as Beatrice, that would explain why she massacred all the siblings but Rosa in this episode, but also I don't think Yasu has any need to physically dress up as Beatrice at this moment... though I could see them doing it for funsies anyways.
Or alternatively, Kyrie could have been recruited as an accomplice earlier, and the reason she goads Rosa outside the parlor earlier was to set up the Rosa Beatrice meeting, and it would explain why Rosa's so on edge since she saw another accomplice getting slaughtered, but there's no real proof of that, I just think her getting Rosa to go outside is a little weird... It's not like she was a big issue at the conference, though I guess maybe Kyrie just saw her as the weak link in the anti-Krauss faction and felt like removing her from the beginning negotiations.
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skania · 10 months
Hey so this is about the GPS thingy in ch 98. I have come up with a theory on what happened exactly because I think the whole GPS situation was pretty messy. My theory goes like-
Aqua was actually using the GPS all this time! The one year that they dated fr, I think all through this time he has been using it. A person like aqua who can go to lengths to protect the people around him- ignoring kana for a whole year, preventing ruby from becoming an idol...
I don't think it's really out of his character to check on Akane's location from time to time. If she's reached where she was to safely or no. We know they talked to each other every night and aqua knew everything about akane's schedule- where she's supposed to be, at what time etc.
On one hand while I think he was guilty for using it, on the other he couldn't help but use it because, really, what's stopping him from just taking a quick peek? He has already placed it, there is no going back either way. I don't think aqua would suddenly start looking into Akane's location after a whole year of dating. How would he know that she's going to find some lead on the killer at this exact time?
This brings me to "I can guess the killer from Akane's movements". I don't believe her movement monitoring is all he did. I'm pretty sure the moment he realised that akane is going to places and doing things behind his back, he was surely suspicious. Akane never lied to him, why all of a sudden? Again, knowing aqua, he probably went out to stalk her in person. And seeing the people she's talking to (kindaichi, himekawa, some other lala Lai members etc) he probably:
1- understands she's doing research on some person who's probably Aqua's father because there is no other reason why she'll hide anything from him (flashback to ch 72 when she left in a hurry and the only time she hid anything from him)
2- does his own research and narrows it down to hikaru (most evidence should point to him). Aqua understands akane extremely well and probably knew that she'll draw a similar conclusion as well.
This brings me to ch 97. Aqua asks if akane is upto something. Obviously, again, to catch her lying. She tells him nothing much. Later she walks out of her house at night (why would she need to go out at a weird time? She was also not upto something, right? Yet she went out immediately after the call ended).
Seeing her head out of the house, aqua probably went out to stalk her again. When hiding, and observing akane from a safe distance, he noticed:
1- a man in black hoodie covering his face(just like Ryuske), was approaching her from the back, and his spider sense went crazy.
2- "akane is carrying a bouquet of white flowers like she's going out to meet someone important, but why now? She wasn't upto something, right? These white flowers, aren't these the same that Ai's killer carried? Is she going to..."
I think it was at this moment aqua realised that akane was going to kill hikaru and not before that. Also the fact that she was going to kill this person straight up gives him the confirmation that the person he is suspecting, is actually the killer, because akane has taken this massive move.
Idk if this is convincing at all
Hi anon, thanks for sharing your theory with me! I think you've given this a lot of thought and it shows. In fact, I think your theory explains some things way better than the actual canon does 😂 in particular, I've always felt that Aqua figuring out Kamiki's identity simply because of Akane's "movements" makes no sense.
I do agree that it wouldn't be out of character for Aqua to check on Akane using the GPS, so unless Aka shoots this down later, your theory will always be plausible! Regardless of when he starts to use the GPS, personally, for now I'm still assuming that Aqua realized Akane likely found his dad (and that she was planning to do something about it without telling him about it) at this moment:
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Regardless, that’s just my personal theory and I could definitely be wrong!
Later she walks out of her house at night (why would she need to go out at a weird time? She was also not upto something, right? Yet she went out immediately after the call ended).
Really? I've always assumed Akane goes out the day after her phone-call with Aqua! In Chapter 97, Akane looks about ready to go to bed and Aqua is sitting by his bed too, so I've always assumed their phone call takes place at night. The clouds outside look pretty dark too.
But in Chapter 98, Akane mentions that Aqua should be on his way home from school, so the scene seems to take place during the afternoon.
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Another reason why I've always assumed it takes place the following day is because I thought Akane was on her way to Kamiki's office, which wouldn't be open late at night.
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Now you've got me wishing these chapters were colored so we could see what color the sky is supposed to be 😂
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 4 months
Happy STS! One of your ocs has been replaced by a doppelganger (°ロ°) ! Who is it, and how do your other ocs figure it out - or not?
Elfy. It's Elfy.
Isaac can tell you a story about one of the first times he helped her out on a spirit department assignment. They were on the second deck (that's one below the main deck) of an oil tanker ship that had washed up on a Floodlands beach during The Break. Since there was so much space to cover, they decided to split up and meet back where they started at a set time.
Things were fine for a little while. Isaac was more worried--rightly so--about trapped fumes or falling/tripping hazards. They'd come to explore during the day, but the ship was dark inside of course, so he and Elfy both had flashlights. He took pictures and video at intervals, in case any spirits showed up on the footage.
It was when he was about to turn around and head back to the rendezvous point that it happened. Movement caught the corner of Isaac's eye. On the other end of a shorter passageway his flashlight beam landed on Elfy. She smiled, called out to him, and motioned excitedly for him to come join her. (Elfy's Deaf, but does sometimes use her voice to get the attention of hearing people.) Isaac was surprised to see her since they'd gone in opposite directions, but he supposed it was possible she could've wound up getting ahead of him somehow. Unlikely but possible.
Later, he really couldn't say what tipped off his instincts that the apparition--because the thing definitely wasn't Elfy--meant him harm. Maybe just the little details that didn't add up. Like how it wouldn't answer any of his signed questions except to insist he come join it. Or how when he stayed put, it grew increasingly agitated, even angry, yet refused to leave the cargo hold on the other side to walk over to him. He wasn't consciously aware of it at the time, but when they played back the short video clip he'd taken of the incident the thing wasn't carrying a flashlight.
Turning around, Isaac walked briskly, not running, back to the meetup spot. He checked frequently behind him, covered in goosebumps, yet didn't spot anything chasing him. Elfy, the actual one, was waiting for him at the agreed upon place.
He explained what had happened, and together they backtracked to where he'd seen the doppelganger (or whatever it was). It wasn't there. However, they did discover, on careful inspection of the cargo hold, a large, uncovered shaft covered by plastic sheeting. The shaft would've normally been covered by metal grating so it could be walked over safely, but that had been removed, presumably while the deck (floor) was being painted. The plastic sheeting had been painted over as well, making it seem like there was no hole unless you looked closely. In other words, if Isaac had gone over to where the apparition had been standing, there would've been a high chance of him stepping onto the camouflaged plastic, tearing right through, and falling to his death eighty or so feet below.
Nowadays, Isaac never splits up to explore spooky environments alone. He also insists that he and Elfy come up with a sign to confirm their identities ahead of time.
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Red and White
Chapter 10
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Rated: M
Taglist: @kezibear
Warnings: Anxiety talk, bdsm undertones, smut near the end, switch!reader, daddy kink (papi edition)
Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
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The first time you met Steven Grant, you saw this cute man who knows his stuff. You gave him a chance figuring Ms.Donna is just being a mystic bitch when she tried talking you out of it.
"Three tour guides left HR reports about you, two security guards were, hm, let's see," Turning on your tablet pulling up the electronic reports, "Ah, here: Lack of background check on two guards. Wow, Ms.Donna, the list goes on and on."
The woman is silently fuming as you reprimand her. Steven Grant stands there awkward and in shock.
"How soon can you start? Our exhibit for the Deities of the Moon needs a tour guide as of yesterday."
"I can start tomorrow." He can't believe he got his job back!
"Good, your paperwork will be drawn up tomorrow. Let's go, Ms.Donna."
He can only stand there completely at a loss for words.
The next time you would speak directly to him is after the blind date a few days ago.
Instead of the teasing commanding vibes, you are anxious and rambling.
"So please don't feel pressured into dating me to keep your boss. You don't! You are an amazing guy and the positive reviews the museum is getting is because of you oh and the others too—!"
He kissed you. The first kiss with Steven was in the supply closet.
"Sorry! You looked… Uh, like you needed it." Rubbing the back of his neck.
"I think I need another one."
Almost would have spent all day kissing if you could, which you couldn't because the break was over in thirty minutes and if you kept touching him… Steven looked in a daze with lipstick all over his lips.
Then after a few weeks of dating, you wanted him to know he doesn't have to be exclusive. Both of you were busy that summer. Longer museum hours, summer camps, events; very busy, very hectic.
"When are you free?"
"Heh, aren't you the one who does our schedules?" He enjoys calling you at night, hearing your voice before bed, talking about each other's day.
"Yeah! But I don't want to seem like a stalker." You feel giggy like a high-schooler with a crush. Or is it called something else in England? You shrug at the thought, "There's a block party my friend invited me to and I can bring a plus one. This Saturday at noon?"
Steven is the only who planned the day, always going the extra mile to make it perfect and romantic.
"I'd love to go."
This is the first date you both had in two weeks.
It was fun, a lot of fun, he got to see a competitive playful side of you. Snapped a few pictures of you on his phone while you were caught up playing with your friend's kids.
Then came the conversation.
"You are more than welcome to date other people," You sit next to him toying with the strings of your shorts. "I have been so busy with work and canceling so much."
His hand touches your coaxing you to hold his.
"I like you, Steven Grant, a lot."
"A lot, a lot?" You laugh as your forehead touches his, "'cause I like you too. A lot."
Both silly and hopelessly in love.
"I have dissociative identity disorder." He let you into his personal life, told you about his red flags after a one month of dating you. Exclusively.
You stood there honestly confused, "Like the movie 'Split'?"
He looked equally confused.
"Nevermind, bad example. Okay, so?" You were calm about it. Really took it well as he explained further what DID means and about Marc, Marc Spector. "Oh, okay! Not going to lie kinda nervous but it doesn't change that I love you." You said without so much as a second thought. "Could I meet Mr.Spector? Would that be okay?"
"Yes! Yes, he hoped you would want to."
You smile at him touching the side of his face rubbing his cheek with your thumb. "Te amo."
His heart fluttering at those words whispered softly for him. "I-I love you too." You adore how he blushes and gets shy.
"Archeologists and adventurer, (Full Name)."
Marc learns about it first. He has the big brother vibes while Steven has younger brother vibes.
"You took a chance to tell me about yourself, both of you. So here's my uh well me?"
Can't believe you had a normal conversation about the things you've seen, done, felt. Marc believed it. Found out why when he spoke about Khonshu and his pact, being Moon Knight and blood on his hands.
It is also the first time you kissed Marc, coping using sex not best idea yet you wanted him to feel loved. Valued. Safe.
It is also the first time you weren't the one in charge in the bedroom. Marc naturally took control, had you breathless, naked while he had his boxers on.
"Marc! Fuck, fuck."
"That's it, baby." He kissed your thigh, his fingers relentlessly pistoling inside of your cunt, mouth going to your clit. You cried, like actually cried during sex; you kissed him multiple times assuring him you are okay. What started out fast changed to slow, calming. He held you as he did all the work (he wanted to), you praised him and encouraged him to enjoy himself.
Jake Lockley is dangerous. The exciting danger like those booby-traps you love from Ghana. Gets your heart racing, has your adrenaline pumping. His flirting leaves you weak, a sucker for how he speaks Spanish so intimately. Steven likes it when you speak Spanish and you like it when he reads you poems in French. Marc loved when he ruined you so good English is completely forgotten, speaking in whatever language you can recall to beg him to keep going, for mercy or to cum.
With Jake he moves in close, invading your personal space. Boxes you in with no way to escape, whispers questions in Spanish. Rolling his tongue, dropping his voice, his aura the definition of a man you don't bring home to mom.
He is man you call to fuck you so hard you feel him for days.
"Señorita," His lips brush up on your ear, "Princesa." You grip the kitchen corner to the point you fear it might break off.
You breathe in, your chest burns, your legs open inviting him closer.
"Hermoso." Beautiful. You called him beautiful. Shit, you blame his face.
The deep rumble from his chest as he chuckles, he never has been called beautiful before.
This is a bad idea.
This is a great idea.
You are totally fucked.
He is totally going to fuck you.
"Petty the dress is ripped," Hands going to your waist pulling your lower half flush to his, "Would've like to tear it off you myself."
The rush is still in your system, the bottom part of your dress is partly torn from you ripping it off revealing biker shorts. Your leather holster belt with dual pistol strapped around your waist and small garters to keep it in place.
The pistols placed on the corner behind you, pull down his hood. Those dark brown eyes feel like endless expansion of space, the silver around reminds you of the new moon. Darkness with an outline of light.
Jake, in the Moon Knight suit, is touching you with slightly blood stained gloves. Steven was right, this is rather nice looking.
Kissing like horny teenagers. You pull his head back, taking control of how he kisses you, you are consuming him.
"Princesa, you are so beautiful," You gasp at the way he grinds his hips into your clothed cunt. "It hurts."
"Good," He likes this. "Suffer a little, papi." Jake might lose it from that alone. "Oh, you're one of those." It was to tease him. "Papi has to hold on until we–"
"I'm going to fuck your mouth if you keep playing with me."
You bite his neck to challenge him.
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harmonie-writes · 2 years
The Hunt pt. 7
Werewolf! Wonwoo x hunter! Reader
Summary: After going in different directions to work on different cases, you receive an alarming call. Driving to a small town that has wild nightlife and strange occurrences you begin your search for your missing hunting partner. This case you are about to take on will rival the others you’ve completed in the past. What could possibly happen as you search for your brother in arms?
Warnings: false identity, potential violence, language, depictions of gore, death, alcohol, mentions of nudity, angst. Story is purely for fictitious purposes and doesn't not portray actual people.
Word count: ~1.7k
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Previously on The Hunt:
Picking yourself up you stumble your way to the machete that was flung from your grip. Making quick work you turn on your heel with an upward swing of the machete that makes contact with a meaty thwack as it lodges in the neck of the vampire. Grunting you yank it out as the creature stumbles away from you trying to regain its composure. Grimacing, you bring your arm up and swing the blade back into the neck, this time sending the head rolling to your feet as blood splatters your face. Flicking the blood off the blade you step over the head and make your way further into the building. 
»»————- ➴ ————-««
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Wonwoo can't stop himself from pacing on all fours outside the front door. Ears straining to pick up the muted noises of scuffling inside of the brick building. Eventually his pacing stopped as he felt the small pressure of the mind link coming to the forefront of his head.
How are you two holding up? Seungcheol pressed. He could hear the tired pants through the link.
I've been told to stay put outside and keep watch, Wonwoo exhales through his snout. If he really focused he could hear the incredulous scoff that would've left the pack leaders snout.
Why would the human, sorry, your mate just leave you outside? Jeonghan couldn't help but butt into the conversation.
Said something about being out here in case you all needed help out there, and that she would call if she needed help, he couldn't help the ways his shoulders dropped or the pout that touched his furred lips. 
First off, we're fine. Second, you should just go in after her! Mingyu interjected, checking on Seungkwan who had been tossed like a rag doll.
Whipped, Seungkwan attempted to sing through the link before coughing from the bruising.
Seungcheol eyed the younger wolves before turning his gaze to the tree line as if Wonwoo was there. Point is, you should be in there with her. As if sensing the other wolve’s hesitation he continued, besides we are going to start making our way there. 
Plus you know, a single hunter against a nest is pretty bad odds. You'd at least be equivalent to another hunter, maybe even two, Chan added, as he made his way to the center of the formation.
Sensing that they made a fair point, Wonwoo decided it was time to pick up your scent. 
Pushing at the door that was left slightly ajar he sniffed the air. The main corridor was musty and reeked of mildew, but your scent was prominent enough to track you.
He would pause in the door ways that you had ventured into, but remained in the main hall that you had taken until he picked up two new smells. The putrid smell of vampire blood which almost smelled like rot, and one of iron. Sniffing the blood smear on the wall he could pick up traces of your scent and his lips curled back in a snarl. Although it dropped slightly seeing the slumped figure of a headless man. 
Note to self, don't get on YN's bad side, Wonwoo thought, padding over the dead body and following your scent.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Head pounding and walking with a slight limp you made your way to a set of stairs that you assumed led down to a basement. Uncertainty swelled in your belly as you looked at the stairs, ones that you couldn't make out where the bottom was. Casting a single glance behind you you swallow the lump in your throat before carefully making your way down the stairs. 
Finally making it to the bottom of the stairs you can tell that it's a narrow hallway that leads to what you assume is a large room since you can only make out a faint light that comes from an open door. Oddly enough, it's quiet, save for the sound of ragged breathing which has started to echo. Brandishing the machete in your hand a little tighter, you push on, the thumping of your boots sounding loud in your ears. 
Peering into the doorway you can see various chains and shackles hanging from the rafters in the room, and you can see a person hunched over a body. Taking a guess, you can only assume it's a vampire feeding. Taking a look inside the doorway you see a stray shoe and carefully pick it up off the floor. Guess no one will be missing this, you think, and then you're struck with a new thought. Where the hell are you, Adam?
Taking a look at the shoe in your hand and then the creature you decide to use it as a distraction, and toss it to the far corner of the room so you can sneak closer.
The vampire looks at the cause of the noise to find a shoe rolling onto its side. Sharp jagged teeth are exposed as it snarls before picking itself off the floor, beginning to investigate only to stop and flick around when it hears a voice behind it.
"Hey ass face," you snarl, as you bring the blade across its neck. Your ears are met with a squelching sound as the head separates from the body. Gingerly picking up your foot you slam it into the head and send it into the wall where it lands with a sickening crack. 
Shoulders slumping you let your gaze fall to the current blood bag that was shackled to the floor and notice that matted mop of blonde hair and broken glasses. Lips quivering, you drop to your knees and release the hold on your weapon as you frantically look for a pulse. 
"C'mon, c'mon. Please be there," you whisper frantically, but you're unable to find one. 
In your frantic state you had let your guard down and became oblivious to the new set of footsteps that had made their way into the dingy room. It's only when you feel a sharp sting across your cheek and the warm trickle of blood running from the scratch marks do you realize that you fucked up.
“Shit,” you hiss, gingerly touching your cheek with your fingertips and pulling away to see crimson coating them.
“You know, it’s a shame really. One of the young ones just couldn’t seem to help themselves.” Your eyes jump to look at the vampire that’s speaking, and see a sick grin pull at his lips as he grips Adam’s chin, head lolling in his grip. “He would’ve made such a good addition to our nest, but I guess we can always settle for another hunter.”
Tears sting your eyes, but your lips are pulled back in a snarl before you shout, “Wonwoo!”
Quick to understand, the vampire speeds at you lifting you by the neck and bracing you against the wall.
»»————- ➴ ————-«
The fur bristles along the ridge of his back as Wonwoo hears your shouts coming from deeper in the building. Claws clicking against the tiled floors as he throws any caution out the door as he makes his way to you.
In his frantic state he loses his footing and slides into the wall next to a flight of stairs, heart thumping erratically against his ribs. He can hear the commotion that’s coming from the room at the bottom of the stairs. With how large his wolf is it takes him barely any time at all to leap down them.
Skidding to a halt at the doorway he can see four bodies; one that is beheaded, another who is drained of life, and then you being held against a wall using your legs to try and push the vampire away from you. 
Blue eyes are now ringed red as his claws scrape against the concrete floor, he propels himself into the vampire's body sending both of you skidding across the floor away from each other. 
Quickly moving to your side he sniffs at you to make sure you're okay before making his way to the dazed vampire. It's not worth the risk of letting him still be alive if it puts you at risk. 
Placing a heavy paw on the vampire's chest he leans in with jaws wide, lips curling to reveal sharp canines. His gaze shifts to you to see you crawling to the only other intact body in the room, before fixing his gaze back on the creature born from Eve. Teeth puncturing skin and the taste of rotten blood coats his tongue, but he bites down harder as he begins to tear the head away from the body. 
Your eyes flit over to Wonwoo as you watch him rip the head away from the body, the wet noise leaving a sickening feeling in your gut. Moving back to the task at hand, you inch your way back to Adam's body. Hasn't been long enough for the body to grow cold, but the grip you have on his cold fingers is enough to let you know that he's gone.
Wonwoo watches as you bring your friend into your arms and hold him like your life depends on it. His heart twists as he listens to the sobs that wrack through your body at the loss of your friend.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
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Something for the Amnesia AU I developed a while back. It involves your oc Joe.
Even though Becky was a superhero, she couldn't help but want to hide behind her dad when this menacing figure came to their home. It was a bit hard for Becky to accept that her dad was a super villain even though he had apparently been for a while and she had gotten used to it. She sadly hadn't remembered any part of that life yet. What she was really uncomfortable with were all these villains coming into her home. Of course they didn't know she was Wordgirl and they were only coming by out of concern for their fellow villain's daughter current memory issues, but that still didn't help Becky feel any better. Now this behemoth of a person had come to check on her. Becky couldn't help but be intimidated a bit by this man's height or the dead stare of his face even though his eyes and smile displayed comfort and sympathy. "Hey there Becky." The man waved at her. "How's the hero business been for you?" Becky's eyes widened with shock and horror. How did this villain know that she was a super hero. Becky now immediately went behind her dad, confusion and fear filling her brain. "I..I don't know how you know my secret identity you vile criminal. But you can't do anything to me right now because I am pretty sure it is against the villain code for villains to attack the family members of other villains at their homes." Wordgirl shouted, trying to sound fearless despite what she was feeling on the inside. The man looked confuse and weirdly hurt by Becky's remarks as he turned to face her dad. "Um Doc. What's going on here?" The man asked with concern in his voice. Dr. Two Brains sighed as he rubbed his face before speaking. "Yeah, sorry about that Joe. Unfortunately some bad stuff happened while you were gone visiting your dad."
Aww Becky he's friend not foe!
I assure you it's just Joe.
I absolutely love this so much. Poor Becky being afraid of harmless Joe, I feel so bad for her. And him as well. It's been awhile since someone mistook him for a villain.
This is so good I love it.
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tardis-stowaway · 11 months
I got tagged by @mcbangle for a WIP snippet game, choosing snippets from my WIPs with the following words: evening, spell, color, slow, blue. (The tagging was a while back; I accidentally left this post unfinished in my drafts, which is fitting).
Thanks for the tag! My WIP folder is really more a folder of UFOs (unfinished objects, no progress is being made, I might make progress again later but don't bet on it). Still, I wanted to play, so here are snippets from the least fully dormant stories.
She longed for nothing more than to find a way out of her small, drab house into a land where she might be a princess or ride a unicorn or simply live a big, colorful life. So she began to search. She shone a torch down rabbit holes and pushed through hedge gaps. Her parents were forever losing track of the girl, eventually finding her in the neighbor’s garden or feeling the back of the linen cupboard in an aunt’s house or wandering into the employee breakroom of a shop, having pushed open the door marked Authorized Personnel Only. Her parents chastised her and told her that opening strange doors without asking them was dangerous. It turned out they were right, though not in the way they imagined.
From a Magnus Archives S5 canon divergence fic that I'm tentatively calling "The Anchor, the Eye, and the Corridor." Jon and Martin see an opportunity to fix the Eyepocalypse hellscape through (among other things) true love and the power of portal fantasy, but first they're going to need Helen's cooperation.
It was a cloudy day, cooler than average for so early in autumn, so he threw on a blue flannel shirt over his black t-shirt and jeans, then added sunglasses to make himself a smidgen less recognizable. Generally people didn't bother him much in public (Lee preferred to attribute that to their Canadian good manners rather than the obscurity of his show), but he didn't want even one besotted fan approaching today.
This comes from a fic for Tanya Huff's Smoke series of urban fantasy books. The fandom is minuscule but I deeply love the characters. The fic so far is a lot of fun banter set between books 2 and 3 while Lee Nicholas pines and tries to work through his Crisis of Surprise Bisexuality and Also Magic is Real and His Crush is a Wizard.
There was no path. It was slow going, but somehow it didn’t feel like the island was hostile or unwelcoming. It simply didn’t have a place for them yet, though they could perhaps make one.
From a post-canon Magnus Archives fic wherein Somewhere Else is more or less the afterlife.
As they grew older, Natasha (Natalia back then) and the other girls learned how to pretend.  They practiced slipping between identities as ordered:  Russian or American, innocent or cosmopolitan, ditzy or intellectual, fighter or apparent victim, Morning or Evening.  Whatever would best allow them to control the target. 
From a Natasha-centric sedoretu AU (MCU), wherein the Red Room raised its operatives without belonging to either of the two moieties that determine how a person forms relationships, and Natasha has to figure out her later life without this very basic aspect of identity. I am fond of the existing parts of this story, and occasionally open it up to give it a poke, but realistically am never going to finish it due to the immense size this story wants to be and my lapsed interest in MCU fandom.
I couldn't find this word in any of the fics I checked.
OK, that's mine. New words: fire, table, fresh, peace, and hand.
No pressure tagging: @kaydeefalls, @destinationtoast, @blasphemous-lies-and-deceit, @vulgarweed, and whoever else wants to play.
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