#reblog and I'll banana
ridreamir · 1 year
Yiga Clan & Master Kohga /Captive Reader TOTK Quick (Semi-Crack) Imagines
Kohga will with all seriousness complain of cravings for bananas and of 'hormones' because of his potbelly 'food baby'. This is absolutely just an excuse to laze around and not do anything remotely considered work. He's on maternity leave and it's not even paid!
He's mostly disinterested in what you're doing around the place, but he'll call for you like you're one of the clansmen if he's bored and has nothing better to do. He likes getting in the way of you doing chores, even though he was the one that suggested you 'earn your keep' around here anyway.
He likes tinkering and will mutter to himself the whole time.
"Hmmm.... maybe if I just... put that there... and this goes there... Yeah, that seems that'll do it." "Hup, heavy, up we go."
Sometimes he'll forget you're there, though he's the one that asked for you not even ten minutes ago.
"Don't do that!!!" or "Holey Schmoley!!" "--You shouldn't do that to a guy!!!"
"...and...huh...maybe if I-" *pauses, suddenly whipping his head to look in your direction* "--and you!! Quit staring at me with those two eyes!!! It's really unnerving!!"
He's flustered when you catch him making mistakes, even though he's admittedly pretty good at what he does.
Sometimes he stops what he's doing and cranes his neck to the side a little without explanation. Or he'll walk into a room and stare unresponsively at nothing for an uncomfortable length of time. You have no idea that he's not actually dissociating in the direction of the wall, he's giving you the side-eye while you go about whatever you're doing. It's not exactly inconspicuous, but you think nothing of it as he nods to himself and walks out.
He doesn't show it, but he pays you a lot more attention than he lets on.
The same can be said for most of the clansmen. You pretty much live in a prison cell turned bedroom, and your only door is a dismantled wooden spike lever system that sort of holds up a shoddy curtain on a good day. That said, you've missed the small gaps between the door frame and the curtain enough times that you've definitely been accidentally peeped on, much to the embarrassment of both parties. You've been careful not to repeat that mistake after it happened more times than it should have. They've learned not to barge in without announcing themselves at the very least.
With the introduction of the 'Hydrant', a mysterious Zonai device that spits out water, they're getting a little crazy with the building expansion ideas. Needless to say that the first iteration of the spontaneous indoor water fountain was a sheer failure-- or a resounding success depending on who was asked. In fact, water in the desert has become a big talking point, and with the introduction of these weird bulbous gourd-fruit-things, you're definitely not worried about shriveling up to a crisp anytime soon. Not when you've been ambushed a countless number of times for target practice and smacked right dab in the face with exploding water plants. It'd be more likely your skin would rinkle like a raisin from all the splashing at this point. Hydrants, splash fruits or whatever they were calling them... Your torture never ceased.
Kohga might snicker, tossing them at you from behind a wall or pillar, but his joy is short-lived when one of his blades masters catch him and pluck him off the ground, ushering him back to his makeshift workshop while he whines and kicks the whole way back.
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iwanttobepersephone · 15 days
Just started actively sobbing because I realized that this is my last year with Ms. Colligan and she's the most amazing teacher I've ever had and I think. I have issues.
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violetlunette · 2 years
The more I look into Canon Hizashi and learn more about him, the more I love him. I know others aren’t crazy about him and prefer the Fanon Hizashi, but canon Mic really resonates with me more. He tries so hard to be cool, but he’s such an anxious bean he comes off as a lovable dork. He loves to entertain but gets panicked when surprising things happen. (No one will believe me, but Mic is actually the straight man to most characters. I’m not even kidding! It’s rare, but if you put him with some crazier who has more energy and Mic is completely out of his depth, it’s so cute. It’s really a shame they’re blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments.) And he just loves the people around him so much! He really tries to act as a fun big brother to everyone he likes. And he’s just the most supportive character. I mean it, you can go through the entire manga, and you won’t find a better pal than Hizashi! And there’s so much more. I can’t wait to share it all with ya’ll because the man is amazing!
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maochira · 8 months
On a little break/hiatus because I got awfully sick (my entire body aches, ouchie👍). So I'll be back whenever I feel better :']
Usual navi
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konveeart · 2 years
Actually “living” something
There might be nothing of value here but just me being emotional this monday evening. And with this, here I go, wordvommiting. I ramble for a second and then I’ll go grocery shopping. 
I watched Steven Zapatas’ video this morning and then went through the comments (didn’t scroll much but they were pretty interesting to read). I don’t have anything to contribute but what describes my POV in this matter was CosmicSpectrum’s comment, and I want to expand on it with my own experience here (continuing from my twitter thread).
I’ve had a conversation with my friend about “you should play this game, you’d love it”. God I know i would. I’ve made lists of books, games, series, comics, anime I should watch, read, listen, breathe and I’d love. Or not. But those lists are everywhere, twitter bookmarks, myanimelist, in my notes, in my notebooks, post it notes, post-it-notes on my mac that are waiting to be categorised; artist recommendations, instagram profiles, music albums, all the stuff I should at some point be aware of.
I know I would. But it wasn’t a coincidence I spent 150+hrs of gameplay in DeathStranding before even finishing the main story.
Now wait, what does this anything have to do with AI art? On the matter that it’s sucking us dry to make stuff, nothing. On the new constant stream of content that both sucks us dry to produce things faster, it does. It’s all about making content, making more money (no, artists won’t be making more money, people who already have money will), getting things done faster. I am not as eloquent or knowledgable/ updated to add more than what I know to this subject, but the point I am trying to make by poorly writing this to get it off my chest is, nothing can replace our time making/ interacting with what we love.
Our time is our highest-in-value currency. I don’t play game after game, read book after book, finish drawing after drawing to reach a quota (in my defence I’ve tried it in my teens and it was cool but I don’t remember 3/4 of the anime/ games i’ve watched/played and i was depressed). I am appalled by this constant stream of content, I’ve always been and I always make circles around it because everyone moves on so fast and we can’t talk about what’s not hot if we want to be relevant before society or the algorithm punishes us for it. (Society because people move on to the next big thing and who remains to brainrot with, or sometimes even being judged for not being up-to-date with what’s hot right now, the algorithm because it’s the algorithm and if it’s not mainstream, you’re not making them companies any $$).
I want to boil in things I love. I play one game a year if I am lucky, I am living with it, it’s part of me. I’ve read and re-read one piece of fiction and I can’t stop loving it every time. My library is so tiny, it’s wonderful. Things I can carry with me every year to the next one, others remain in the past but they stayed long enough to be remembered (or not). Replaying. Remembering. Moving on or staying with what I love, I make this choice for myself and it’s such a relief, finally.
I wish I could encourage someone to do the same, if that’s up to how they’d like to live. Draw the things they love, write about them, talk about them without the fear of being irrelevant. The lifespan of media (art, music, series, comics, movies you name it) has drastically shortened online and it’s very visible and sad. Our attention to things breaks easier, chasing what’s new instead of truly learning about something interesting. But we are human, and I hope we realise that sooner. We cannot *live* anything faster. That’s just getting distracted, the same lie with “multitasking” (grind culture GTFO).
Value your time. We’ve been fed that end-results matter, but that’s because we choose to ignore and devalue the process.
But it wasn’t a coincidence I spent 150+hrs of gameplay in DeathStranding before even finishing the main story. 
So there are things I just won’t get to be aware of on a personal lvl (living them/ playing them/ reading them) and that’s fine. Those *opens hands and points at all the things I have to show you* are the things I know and make me happy. The things I remember and think of fondly. They are not necessarily what make me as a person, but they surely are things I love and made part of my life in whichever way I chose or happened to be.
Anyway, get informed at your own pace about AI art, get their asses and don’t let corporations do as they please. And do read/ listen/ watch/ play what you love, for you first and foremost. Fuck “consume”, fuck “content”.  Live it. For you.
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toji-girl · 3 months
tags: pregnant! fem reader + fluff + you're mamaguro + toji refers to you as mommy + so self-ship coded but made into x reader for all to enjoy + feedback such as comments and reblogs are always appreciated ♡
Bright red colors felt like lasers burning into his eyes as Toji cracked them open feeling a smaller hand nudge him awake until he was halfway sitting up. "What is it Megs?" He asked in a sleepy tone.
It had a tinge of irritation to it that his son picked up on as he moved to crawl onto the bed taking the spot that you were laying in an hour prior, the mattress was still warm and it smelt just like you.
"Mom is downstairs crying," Megumi replied and looked at his dad who hung his head to scrub his hand over his face knowing exactly why you were awake at three am and crying as well.
Toji scooped up his son who is a spitting image of him, to the point that you tell people he gave birth to your son. "Is it the baby?" He asked curiously, his voice clogged with his own tiredness.
"Something like that, when you were growing in mommy's belly I had to get her about ten banana creampies a day just so I could keep my head and hands." He teased and chuckled in an attempt to soothe.
But it had the opposite effect.
In the mind of a five-year-old, he thought you developed monster teeth or something and tried to chomp off parts of his dad. "No!"
Megumi's tantrum ended when the both of them entered the kitchen to see you going through the cabinets in search of your craving. "Momma!" He cried when Toji sat him down so he could walk to you.
Pregnancy made your emotional state ten times more sensitive and hearing your son call out for you made your eyes burn with more tears as you turned to look at them with a sad smile. "Did I wake up my babies? I'm sorry honey." You murmured and ruffled his hair.
Toji came in closer but was sure to keep a distance as he scooped Megumi up again. "He came in saying you were cryin' and we can't have that. Do you need some more of whatever you want?" He asked.
You sniffled and looked at Megumi then your husband.
"If you don't mind...I'd love you forever." You said in a teasing tone watching your husband shake his head playfully before setting his son down gently.
"You already love me. Get in bed with mommy and I'll be back."
Forty-five minutes later you and Megumi welcomed Toji back with open arms when he settled in the bed with your son in the middle as he passed the snacks out between the three of you.
His life feels so complete with the both of you, for the longest time Toji truly didn't see a reason for living or doing anything good until he met you that is.
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l48yr1nth · 4 months
i crave bive and split interactions
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so many requests for these fellas... i literal just got another one in my inbox lol. have these cuties!! i'll put the full text of what bive's saying under the cut for those curious
also, likes do nothing. if you like something, you should reblog it too!
(it's in all caps in the drawing cus thats just how i write lol but) Bive: "SO I know I said flowers could be used to spy on us or mind-control us BUT I planted & grew these myself so you needn't worry m- my fr...iend... ALSO! I didn't know what your favorite color was but I know you like bananas & bananas are yellow SOOO they are yellow flowers." Split: "Mhm..." Bive: "Of- of course, if you don't--" (like them) Split: "Thank you, Bivey.." / "They're lovely."
bive : er- errmmm !! blushes kawaii split : eehehehe eeehe (anime girl laugh) BAKA!!!!!1!!!!
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auteurdelabre · 6 months
Something to Fight For (Epilogue) Dad!Joel x f!Reader
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Something to Fight For: Epilogue
Warnings: Tooth-rottingly sweet epilogue.
Words: 5.3
a/n: I dragged y’all through angsty hell and I PROMISED I would deliver a happy ending and imo it don’t get much happier than this! Now, if you're sad this is over I understand. Nice thing is, I got vignettes happening featuring the characters in this story. Some of 'em sweet, some spicy, some funny. I can't say goodbye to these characters or this world quite yet. So I'm not gonna. And if you want, you're always welcome to request a scene you'd like to see in the comments! I love hearing what you want to see! And I got heaps of other writing, but if you like this sweeter sort I recommend: “Bravo! Take a Bow” and “Losing our Minds Together”
I thank every single one of you out there that read this story and left a review because it really feels like we built a community here in the comment section. I'm gonna miss seein' y'all here. Hopefully you stick around while I keep writing, but if not I am so glad we could share this online moment together. Thank you for making this fanfic author a happy gal. I'm gettin' choked up here so I'll stop and we can get on to seeing our sweet idiots in love.
Oh and please review, reblog, etc cuz it makes me smile.
You walk into life on Rancher Street as naturally as if you've always been a fixture there. You think this is borne from a routine the three of you slipped into without thinking.
Mornings are coffee and cereal (Joel's banana pancakes on the weekends), then it's getting ready, brushing Sarah's hair, packing leftovers into cartoon lunch bags (for Sarah) and brown paper bags (for you and Joel). 
You're dropped off first; your work is on the way to the school. Its kisses for both of their sweet smiling faces and then you're thrust into the world of animal rescue. Joel drives Sarah to school next, holding her hand until they reach her classroom where he kisses her forehead and tells her to "learn lots" before handing her off to her new first grade teacher. 
He drives to Tommy at whatever site they're working at. The days are long, but punctuated with texts from you. Most are funny, some sweet. Occasionally Joel tries to write back but when he really wants to interact with you he just excuses himself and calls you. Hearing your voice always makes him smile in that dreamy, crooked way that has Tommy giving him shit the rest of the day.
At five promptly Joel returns to pick you up with Sarah buckled in her car seat smiling up at you. His heart jumps every time you come through the door, eyes bright and smiling as you jog over. He holds back the urge to kiss you senseless, restraining you both to a quick peck and then drives his girls home. 
Dinner is done by Joel unless you've offered (which you rarely do because cooking is a drag). Instead you help Sarah set the table and the meal is spent listening to Sarah talk about her day and the animals that you’ve helped to rescue. 
After dinner Sarah goes to play with her toys or watch a DVD while you tidy up. Joel sits with his coffee in his favorite green mug at the counter, eyes on you and chatting as you do the dishes. He always tries to help at first but you always remind him that he did the cooking and that you want to keep things fair. 
This is when you both talk about everything and anything. Work, movies you want to see, plans for the weekend, philosophical questions (you've both decided that you'd rather fight one horse sized duck versus a thousand duck sized horses, for example). Joel is hard to get information out of. He isn't used to talking about himself, but you urge him to do so. He thinks his job is boring but you're fascinated by controlling clients and his keen mind when problem solving an issue at a job site. 
Sometimes Sarah turns the volume of  the TV up really high during these times and Joel has to yell over the noise at her to turn it down, smiling and shaking his head. It's one of your favorite parts about being here. There's always noise in the background, either a television or laughter. Your home had been so quiet, so empty, you'd just never realized
The other favorite part is how Joel always finds ways to touch you. Subtle things like a hand trailing over your lower back as you wash the dishes, nestling his shoulder against yours as you watch television together, laughing and hip checking you gently as he passes you in the hallway. 
The only thing not perfect (at least for Joel) is the odd evening when you leave to go back to Maria's basement suite. He doesn't call the old suite your home because as far as he's concerned this is your home. 
His stomach always drops when he sees you've gathered your purse in your hands, ready to leave. Joel usually walks you to your car, but some nights he stops you both at the front door, bringing you into his arms and kissing you deeply. 
"I should go Joel," you tell him as he holds you, his mouth moving from your lips to your jaw, kissing that spot behind your ear that has you whimpering and your legs buckling. "Still have stuff there."
"Please stay," Joel murmurs against your mouth, hands wrapped around your waist as he presses into you against the wall. "Just a little longer."
Sometimes (often) this works. Your resolve breaks under his sweet mouth and hands and on these nights you wrap your legs around his waist and allow him to carry you back to the bedroom. 
These nights he spends hours making love to you until you're too exhausted to leave. These nights Joel likes best because you linger in his arms and in his bed until the morning, the scent of your perfume on his pillow and sheets until you return that evening. 
"Love having you here," Joel sleepily murmurs into your hair, kissing you awake one morning. "When are you just gonna move in?" 
Still half asleep in his bed you stretch, snuggling up against him and sighing into the crook of his neck. "Whenever you want, baby."
Joel wants you there all the time. He wants Sarah to know that you're there; he doesn't want to hide you. But you're tentative, nervous that this all feels too good too fast. You ask that Sarah not know that you're spending the night, not just yet. She knows that you’re daddy’s girlfriend, but that’s all you want her to know right now.
You pretend to arrive in the mornings, making a show of ringing the doorbell and smirking as Joel welcomes you in, his eyes amused. 
Despite the occasional seduction, Joel understands and he lets you go at your own pace. He agrees to what makes you feel comfortable. 
But he loves when you arrive with a new cardboard box of your stuff from Maria's. He sees the blush across your cheek as he excitedly takes it from you, asking where this one will go. Most of its clothes and those boxes are promptly brought to the bedroom and unpacked into the closet. Seeing your blouses hung next to his button ups makes him feel good.
Week by week more of your things are brought over until one day there's nothing left for you at Maria's except for your bed, dresser and sofa. You tell him as much over a late night snack of chocolate pudding after Sarah has been put to bed. 
"Pretty much everything I need is here."
Joel makes note of this, his heart hammering in his chest as he reaches into one of the drawers and pulls out the key he got cut.
“You’ll need this, then.”
He slides it across the counter with his forefinger, his eyes not leaving your face as he does.  He sees the surprise there, the widening of your eyes.
"You have a lot of keys to your house just lying around?" You joke, feeling your heart race.
"Nah, got this one cut the day after the wedding," Joel murmurs. "Thought you'd need it sooner or later." 
He loves seeing you blush, especially when you do that shy smile of yours.
When you look uncertain later that night in bed next to him, fingers twisting together anxiously Joel notices, lowering his book to glance at you. 
"What's wrong?"
"Are you really okay with me moving in here?" You ask with a furrowed brow. "It's not too soon?"
Joel's mouth over yours is all the answer you need. But he's so delighted by your potential move in that he'd already launched into an outline of what to do with your furniture. 
"We could sell your sofa and bed. I know a guy who needs a sofa. Only 'cuz my stuff is bigger and already here, but I don't want you feelin' like this isn't your house too so maybe we should-"
Kissing is the second best way to stop Joel Miller from rambling. The first is climbing on top of him and urging him inside of you, languidly bringing you both to orgasm.
You do both just to be safe. 
The things left at Paul's had been clothing and a few personal items. You considered leaving it, but decide in the end that you shouldn't have to. 
Your small pile of cardboard boxes are left outside his old apartment. He's sure not to be in said apartment when Joel goes with you to retrieve them.  
You'd ridden over in Joel's truck, the day punctuated by an unexpected silence with Joel's protective hand over your knee. He'd loaded the boxes alongside you, his face tight. With every box retrieved from Paul's place Joel grew more and more miserable. 
He hadn't responded to your gentle teasing as you both worked, had turned down your idea of going out for lunch, and had been all over a grumpy bastard. 
When you'd loaded everything and were driving home Joel's hand had flown back to your knee, grip just as tight as before.  When you finally questioned him about his bizarre behavior his dark eyes had been hard. 
"The boxes and Paul," Joel winces, eyes fixed on the road. "Just reminded me how close I was to losin' you."
You make him pull over right then and there so you can crawl into his lap and kiss him senseless. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you so tightly to him you feel breathless. 
"You'll never lose me, Joel," you whisper against his neck. "Never." 
When you make love that evening your fingers linger on his cheeks as you stare into his eyes and the words you whisper as he fills you are of the love you have for him, the longing for this life you held for so long within you. 
As you both begin to drift off, tangled together under the sheets you press a kiss to that patch in his beard that doesn't quite grow. 
"I'm not going anywhere, Joel. I'm done running."
You miss having an office space like your studio had. A little area for just you to organize your thoughts and work. But it's a small price to pay because you like existing on Rancher Street. You've enjoyed every day of the last three months.
It feels like home when you're there and not because of the structure but the two figures inside. Home isn't a place, you've come to realize, its people. Joel and Sarah.
Evening rituals are the same as when you babysat. Picking out books as Sarah slips into bed smelling of toothpaste and the hair cream Joel massages into the curls under her favorite purple bonnet. You smiling at her while she snuggles down under the covers, propping toad up next to her so he can see the pictures in the books.
"Okay we're ready."
The only difference is that Joel is there too, bending down to kiss his daughter's cheek and murmuring a low "G'night babygirl. Sweet dreams. Love you." 
She gives him a sweet 'I love you' back, kissing his lightly bearded cheek. If Joel takes too long to leave, getting distracted by the sight of you gathering books or just wanting to linger, Sarah is prone to shooting him a silent look that communicates: okay, I love you dad, now please leave.
He always does. Because reading before bed is your special time, just the two of you. Joel used to do it on the nights you weren't there, but now you are there every single night his services are no longer necessary. 
Joel's qualities are better served in the kitchen, you and Sarah decide as you watch her drawing on the sidewalk with the chalk you've just bought. 
"Daddy's a better cook than you."
She says it thoughtfully and without malice as she draws a lopsided flower. 
"Yes," you agree with a nod, making a star pattern nearby. "Much better. I think he puts love in his food. I just use salt."
But the ever empathetic Sarah is quick to point out your many virtues as well. The main one of course being your stellar reading ability and your stories in general. 
So every single night Joel stands there outside Sarah's room, arms folded and shoulder tilted against the hallway wall, his cheek facing the half closed door of his daughter. 
There he listens to the two of you giggling or you reading the book Sarah has picked from your pile (Sarah's right, you're very good at doing the voices), the gentle murmurs of 'I love you" thrown back between you two and those sounds wind around Joel's heart in a way he never knew just sounds could. 
He's so fucking happy. 
And when you finally creep out, quietly closing the door behind you and shooting him a pleased smile, Joel is always there to grip you by the hand and drag you to your shared bedroom down the hall. 
Rarely do the two of you make it to the bed with all your clothes on because Joel has many virtues outside of the kitchen as well. 
Joel watches you give a frustrated sigh, frowning at the laptop on the kitchen table before putting your face in your hands. 
"Everything okay?"
"Just this fu- darn sanctuary project," you self correct, remembering a listening Sarah sitting across from you. 
Sarah has a piece of paper she has drawn to look like a laptop and she pretends to clack away on it when you do on yours. Joel sits next to you, his knee brushing yours as you complain. 
"Alex's contact said she could get the supplies at cost and he was supposed to get back to me but he hasn't and now the landscaping guy is saying -" you pause, realizing Joel's eyes have taken on a dreamy, faraway look. “-And you're not even listening to me, are you Miller?"
He gives you a guilty look. "Nope."
You give a sharp laugh at his honesty, leaning over and shoving his shoulder with yours affectionately.
"Hey, I really wanna show you somethin'," Joel says with a hint of excitement in his dark brown eyes, a window into the boy he must have been. "C'mon. Both of you." 
You follow him down the steps to the basement, to Tommy's old place, your hand wrapped around Sarah's. You both follow him towards the large door separating the areas, watching his broad shouldered walk, the excitement in his rapid footsteps. 
At the door there he spins with a small anticipatory smile on his handsome face. 
"I thought this would be a good place to have for an office," Joel explains shyly pointing to the door behind him. 
You smile up at him, delighted that he thought of you needing one. He pushes open the door for you, his eyes on your face as he does. 
Hundreds of colorful balloons take up almost the entire main room of the basement.  
Sarah doesn't wait for you, she runs in headfirst giggling and shrieking, her arms open wide. 
You walk into the basement in a daze, your eyes owlish as you take in this prism of color, feeling the balloons brush your skin, the awe-inspiring sensation of being surrounded in a rainbow. You laugh, it bursts from you.
You can see that the space beyond the balloons has been transformed into an office, complete with built in bookcases and a custom desk under the window. You trace a hand along the desk before being swept up in the color of the balloons and Sarah's contagious laughter.
Joel is standing there just outside the door, his eyes bright as he watches the two loves of his life laughing and tossing up the colorful balloons.  
Sarah kicks at them with vigor, her head thrown back in laughter at the squeaks they emit when knocked about.  
Joel looks to you, expecting the same behavior and pausing when he sees how you're now standing there looking at him with damp eyes. The balloons float between you, falling to block his eyes as you approach. 
"Get in here," you order gently, your finger curling around his collar as you gently tug him in encouragement. You can't move him of course, but he grins widely, nodding and stepping into the color with you. 
For a moment neither of you speaks. All you can see is Joel and the balloons that seem to surround you on all sides, the colors framing his beautiful face. You can hear Sarah's distant laughter.
Then Joel smiles in that sweet, open way of his. You look down when you feel his hand taking yours and see a diamond ring being slipped onto your fourth finger. You stare at it in amazement before your gaze meets his. In his deep brown eyes you see a future so beautiful you never could have imagined it. What you don’t know is that when Joel looks into your eyes he sees exactly the same.  
"Will you ma-"
"Yes," you breathe without letting him finish, your hands coming to either side of his jaw. He pulls you into his arms grinning before his mouth is on yours, gentle and sweet. You know that your eyes are wet and you know that on your deathbed this will be one of those moments that comes to you, comforting you. 
You pull back and look around at all the balloons, the color and you smile broadly through the tears. 
"Couldn't wait for your birthday," Joel murmurs against your cheek. "Hope that's okay."
"Yeah," you say curling your arms around his neck. "It's okay." 
You don't mind at all.
"Shit, did you feed the cat?"
"Daddy you said sh-"
"I know babygirl," Joel says rubbing the back of his neck as Sarah looks to him with a chastised look. "Was wrong of me. Daddy just doesn't want to find another hairball in his shoe. "
Jam, your orange tabby kitten is not really yours at all. Despite being brought home for you, Jam quickly decided that Sarah with her warm bed and shirts covered in food crumbs was a much better companion than you. You don't mind though, seeing how much Sarah loves the cat is enough for you. 
"I fed him," you say giggling as the three of you make your way up the drive. The whole gang has been invited to Frank and Bill's for a Sunday lunch. You see them quite often despite living on Rancher Street full time. 
They often encourage you to bring Sarah and you do without hesitation. She loves Bill and Frank just as much as you do. She loves painting with Uncle Frank and baking with Uncle Bill. She loves that their house smells like cinnamon in the winter and fresh flowers in the summer. 
Despite living right next door, Maria and Tommy arrive late with cornbread and lemonade, but are given a reprieve when Maria shares that she took so long getting ready because "morning sickness makes it hard to feel cute."
Joel had hugged Tommy so tightly you were sure you heard bones cracking. You had just cried, throwing your arms around Maria, careful not to squeeze. Sarah asked to feel the baby and Maria told her it was a bit too early to feel much, but she still let her niece gently stroke her swelling belly. 
"I think it's gonna be a boy," Maria told you sagely over lemonade at the table. "A mother knows."
You smile, thinking of a little mix of Maria and Tommy in the vision of a little baby boy. Your eyes sail over to Joel, watching as he chats with Jackson and Tommy. You wonder what it would be like if you had a kid. Who would it take after? 
You’re distracted by this idea when Sarah and Bill bring out the dessert, followed by Frank with the coffee. The cupcakes are decorated to resemble beautiful flowers and you all wait as Sarah picks the perfect one for each of you. A daisy for Sarah, a lily each for Auntie Maria and Uncle Tommy,  a purple rose for Daddy, a peony for Frank and a forget-me-not for Bill and finally Sarah smiles at the pink carnation she labored the longest over with Bill. Sarah immediately cites that this one belongs to you. 
"That one," Sarah says pointing, watching as Bill pushes the plated cupcake in your direction. "Do you like that one, Mama?"
Joel's hand that's been absently rubbing along your spine stills when he hears that. His attention goes to your face, seeing the way your eyes have gotten wide. Mama.
You feel your breath catch in your chest as she calls you this, her tiny face turned up and smiling at you. You don't want to embarrass her, don't want to draw attention to the fact that she's called you Mama.
She did it so casually, so naturally that a part of you is worried she didn't even realize she'd done it. If you draw attention to it you're scared there's a chance that she'll take it back. 
"I love it," you whisper, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Thank you, bug." 
You kiss her again, feeling tears prick your eyes when Joel's hand skates to the small of your back, squeezing softly. Maria and Tommy are wet-eyed, and share a soft smile before turning their attention to their cupcakes. Frank sniffles, pretending he’s just about to sneeze. You catch Bill’s eyes across the table and when you see them glossy and that’s what makes the tears spill over your lash line.
"Why are you crying?" Sarah asks, her head cocked to the side. She can’t understand why everyone suddenly got so quiet.  
"I'm not," you insist. "Just allergies."
Sarah is satisfied or maybe just relieved with this answer and she and clamors onto the chair next to you, ready to dig into her own cupcake. She leans companionably against you, starting to tell Auntie Maria and Uncle Tommy about the class hamster.  
You feel Joel's kiss on your temple and you turn to see his eyes damp like yours. 
"Mama," you whisper to him. "I'm Mama."
3 years later
Joel is at your side, whispering how strong you are, how beautiful, but all you want to do is punch him.
"You did this to me!" You say through clenched teeth as a wave of painful cramping goes through you. Your head falls back onto the damp hospital pillow. 
"If I recall it was a very mutual decision," Joel insists with a wry smile. His mouth goes to your ear and his voice drops to a deliciously low timbre only you can hear. "The words 'fuck me pregnant' were a direct quote by you, were they not?"
You don't answer him on that. Not just because he's right, but because a stab of pain is going through your pelvis that takes your breath away. 
St. David's is a very fine hospital with very fine people but at this moment everything is not fucking fine. You feel like you've been split in half by a fucking axe. 
"Doing so good, baby," Joel croons, wiping the damp hair from your forehead and temples as he watches the doctor and nurses at your feet. "Keep going, keep going." 
For a delirious moment you think that it was Joel saying these exact words that got you pregnant in the first place and you let out a high pitched laugh as Joel looks to you in concern. 
"Push," the doctor says, breaking into your foggy brain. And so you do. As you have been doing for the last three fucking hours.
You grit your teeth, feeling Joel's mouth on your temple whispering words of encouragement and you push. You push with everything you have and then...
There is a pause and then the loud braying sound of a newborn's cry. The doctor's voice behind the mask rings out. 
"It's a girl!"
A sister for Sarah, just like she'd wanted.
A second daughter for you and Joel. 
You look over to see Joel's dark eyes shimmering with tears and you feel you've never been so in love with him as you are in this moment. You burst into tears, your face wet as Joel kisses you. 
"You're amazing," Joel whispers against your mouth. "Fucking amazing." 
The nurse brings over a pink faced infant with a shock of dark brown hair. She is pink all over and her little face is scrunched up as she wails. You take her into your arms, marveling at how you and Joel made the little creature you're now holding. She's so warm and she smells so good. 
You glance over at Joel, recalling all the nights spent with his hand curving over your belly, murmuring soft sweet things to your daughter as she grew there. You think of when you both sang together, your hand carding through his hair and his eyes on you. You remember how on the days she felt really jumpy, all it would take is Joel singing a few bars from a song and she would quiet right down.
Now Joel's finger goes to trace the slope of her tiny nose and you smile as she quiets down, grunting. Seems he has a soothing effect on her outside the womb as well.
"She's so fucking perfect."
"Hopefully she doesn't swear as much as her parents," Joel says as he presses his lips to your temple.
You giggle at that, pulling her back so you can see your daughter's sweet face. The wailing has subsided and she gives little grunts as she tries to open her eyes.  
"Hi Ellie," you coo. "We're your parents."
Four years after your first meeting, Joel Miller sits across from you in the very booth you had your disastrous blind date on. It's become a sort of tongue in cheek tradition, to have you all back to where it began. 
Only this booth is far more crowded than it ever was then. A very pregnant Maria slides in next to you, looking every bit the beautiful goddess she always does. Tommy and their son slip into the opposite side beside Joel, saying their hellos. 
"They're so cute," Maria coos as she watches Sarah give Ellie a toy to play with before going back to her puzzle book.  
"Sarah loves being a big sister," you smile softly. 
"Tell that to Jackson would you?" Maria says rolling her eyes at her eldest child who is obsessed with his game boy. "He seems to think that this new baby means the beginning of the end." 
"He's been an only child for so long he doesn't want to share you," you insist. But you can't help but feel secretly lucky that your daughter's had an immediate connection. 
Even when pregnant, Sarah had talked to the baby in your belly, she'd even helped pick out her sisters name. At this moment Sarah is curled up next to you on her seat, pencil in hand and her eyes focused on her latest obsession. 
Toad has been replaced by puzzle books (though you still find him under her pillow most nights) and her new favorite color is green. She's wearing green head to toe tonight including the green barrettes in her hair. She's like a slender blade of grass with wild hair and big, hazel eyes.
And while much about Sarah has changed, she still smiles when you and her father kiss, she still wows you with knowledge beyond her years and she still plays with the ends of your hair when she's anxious or distracted. Oh and she still loves you to death. 
You sling an arm around her, your eyes on the menu before traveling up to watch Joel across from you. He's looking at Ellie in her booster seat next to him, babbling incoherently as most toddlers do. 
Ellie is a daddy's girl though and through, obsessed with Joel the minute she laid eyes on him. It's now to the point where if she starts crying most mornings you simply glance his way. He always gives a grumpy frown before you see the smile peeking through as he goes to retrieve her from her crib.
He's smiling broadly at her now, his finger tracing down her nose as she gurgles. Something he’s done since she was born. There's something about seeing Joel Miller, all broad shoulders and inherent masculinity, being so soft that makes you love him harder.
Sometimes when you're watching him play with your daughters or watching him cook you all dinner, you feel this overwhelming love for Joel that's almost incapacitating. 
He seems to sense your gaze because his eyes travel over to you. He gives you a playful wink. 
"You look great tonight," Joel says with eyes that linger on your décolletage.
"Thanks," you say taking an equally appreciative look at your husband. "You clean up pretty well yourself."
More than pretty well. Joel Miller is, as Frank had once told you, sex on legs, and you have to agree with the assessment. His linen shirt is rolled to the elbows, showing off his muscled forearms. His hair is brushed back from his face and he's wearing his glasses as he reads the menu. (Something he only does when desperate as you’d found out when living with him). 
Joel wets his lower lip without thinking, his eyes drifting back down the front of your dress. Maria and Tommy are helping Jackson decide on what to order for dinner, distracted from your end of the table.  
"You keep looking at me like that, Miller and we're gonna wind up with another kid," you murmur with a smirk, knowing Sarah's not paying attention.
"I'm not opposed to that," Joel says, his gaze heated. 
"That's because you don't have to carry or pop them out," you reply with a good-natured roll of your eyes. "Just get to do the fun part."
Joel grins as you tilt over the table to fix the bow in Ellie's hair that your mother sent you. Ellie gurgles happily at you, smacking her tiny fists on the table. Joel takes this as an opportunity to not very covertly ogle your chest. 
"Joel," you hiss, even though a smile is breaking out over your features. Joel tries to look innocently up at you, brows raised.
“Yeah baby?”
You want to be irritated, but he knows very well you love it.  
"I don't know this one, Mama," Sarah says pointing to something on the page in her puzzle book. She's normally very independent so you know she must be really stuck.  You glance over at the crossword clue.
"A six lettered spore producer," you read aloud and think for a moment. "Fungus?"
"That fits," Sarah enthuses, her pencil writing hurriedly. 
"Speaking of which, I'll have the mushroom ravioli," you say as your server comes to take your order. Joel orders his chicken penne and Sarah's spaghetti and then his hand comes to fall on yours as the server takes the rest of the orders for the table. 
His hand is heavy and warm, but that's nothing compared to the warmth of his eyes. It's the kind of look you associate with deep thinking, his "dreamy stare" as you've coined it. 
"What are you thinking about, Miller?'
"Just that I never thought I'd be married to the same woman who screamed at me in the parking lot of this very restaurant."
You giggle behind your wineglass, watching Joel's eyes go soft.  
"Or how happy I'd be."
He brings your hand up to his mouth, kissing gently. He holds you there, watching as you stare back at him with eyes so full of love you're shocked Cupid himself hasn't come to give you his job. 
You begin to smirk when Joel's dark eyes drop to your chest and then dart back to your face. 
"I was also thinking about how three is a very nice number. . ."
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kedreeva · 7 months
Alright, I'm dragging you all into doing tasks with me today.
I've gotta do a bunch of laundry and dishes and clean floors and stuff, and I hate working alone, so here's what we're gonna do!
When you reblog this and tell me your completed task, I'll add it to a tally and update periodically with a progressive total. Before I go out tomorrow, I'll grab a final count, and that's how many whole food "treat" pieces the birds will get when I get home (a mix of fishies and crickets and mealworms and blueberries and nugget treats and banana pieces etc, all stuff that is a good part of their diet). Tasks can be anything you need to do, but it would make me especially happy for folks to do things they've been putting off or are hard to find motivation to do alone, so the birds can help you back.
So! Let's get to work together today!
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Do it for her!
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
—Just Like Silk
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader/OFC
Summary: Wednesday is a rigid person. She wears the same type of clothes everyday, eats the same thing every morning, and always wears her hair in braids. You find something exhilrating about undoing all those things—undoing her.
Warnings: the intimacy is real
Masterlist || Library Blog | AO3
Reminder there’s no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Note: just a little something as I cry over my other wips 🫶 Likes, comments, & reblogs appreciated 💘
Wednesday will never be the type of person to say the words, 'I love you,' even if she feels them. They could build in her chest and claw at the back of her throat, but they will never make it past her lips. 
The words themselves are incomprehensible. It carries too much and nothing at the same time, and Wednesday may never be ready to release them into the air where she can't monitor them. 
Love is flexible, and Wednesday is a very rigid person. 
The day starts the same way it always does. She wakes up at exactly 6:15AM, dresses in her monochrome clothing, and braids her hair neatly. After ensuring her bangs are brushed four times, she wakes Enid up before leaving for the cafeteria. 
The cafeteria is usually empty at this hour, with many students still sleeping and dreading their day. It's something Wednesday likes to soak in the quiet morning hours. She gets a tray and grabs the same thing she does every morning: a slice of toast with jam, much too sweet, and orange juice that will undoubtedly taste horrid after brushing her teeth. 
Wednesday's about to leave when her eye catches a small cup of fruit. It's filled with slices of strawberries and grapes, seemingly the last one, as the other cups are filled with apples and bananas.
Wednesday clenches her jaw, her hands tightening on the tray slightly. She begrudgingly grabs it, places it in the top left corner of her tray, and briskly walks to an empty table. She can already hear the miserable moans of students who are already awake and feels herself relax at it. 
As she grabs the little packet of salt and rips it open, someone slumps beside her on her left.
"G'morning," you mumble sleepily as you fight back a yawn and rub your right eyelid delicately. 
"You've been up early." Wednesday skips the greeting as she sprinkles the salt on her toast. "Why?"
You smile lazily at her and rest your temple against your hand on the table. You point at the fruit cup on her tray, and Wednesday makes no movement to suggest you can or cannot take it, but you do. 
"Because if I'm not, you'll have grabbed the fruit cup for nothing," you tell her as you pop a slice of strawberry in your mouth. 
"Are you suggesting that I'm grabbing it for you?" Wednesday's tone is threatening, and her eyes are narrowed at you. 
"I would hope you are," you pop a grape into your mouth. "I'll be upset if you're grabbing fruit cups for other people. That's a terrible thing to do to your girlfriend."
The words do something to Wednesday, making her both miserable and filled with pride. 
All of this was new to Wednesday, but if she was honest, the beginning of you didn't disrupt her life. Yes, there had been times she was vexed because of you and what you made her feel, but you didn't disrupt her rigidity. 
Wednesday had still woken up at the same time, did the same things in the morning, and ate the same foods. 
Until recently, it seemed. 
Usually, you weren't up until just before the bell rang, often forgoing breakfast for sleep. Then suddenly, you showed up one day, five minutes after Wednesday sat down. You didn't have much of an appetite in the morning, but you looked on in envy at one of the students eating a fruit cup with strawberries and grapes as they typically were the first to be gone. 
And Wednesday had watched you stare at the fruit cup. 
"You think too highly of yourself," Wednesday's narrowed eyes relaxed. "I'm merely taking it to deprive others—"
You shoved a grape into her mouth, smiling innocently as Wednesday looked murderous.
"You should eat some fruit in the morning, ma diable. It's good for you."
You've been disruptive lately, and you know it. 
It's hard not to push Wednesday's boundaries, knowing she'll let you in it. She may grumble and threaten your life, but she quietly does. She may never tell you she loves you but, quite frankly, this was better.
You had woken up early one day on a whim, and it had nothing to do with disrupting Wednesday and all to do with the fact you simply missed her. And then the next day, when you showed up early again, Wednesday had been waiting for you with a fruit cup. There was no promise you'd be there early again, but Wednesday had done it, and that could only mean that she hoped you would be there. 
So, sacrificing some sleep for your murderous girlfriend, who always saved you the best fruit cup, was well worth it. 
And now, on a Thursday evening with it pouring outside, you were about to be disruptive again. 
You watched as Wednesday typed stoically, her hands never hesitating. She worked methodically, the story endlessly pouring from her mind and her hands working in tandem. 
When Wednesday returns the carriage, you see your opportunity. 
"Wednesday," you call softly from her bed, grabbing her attention as she looks at you without moving her head. 
"What?" Wednesday looks back at her paper.
"It's raining."
"Stellar observation."
You smile at her. "It's raining, so come keep me company."
"We are in each other's company, are we not?"
"Come actively keep me company."
Wednesday furrowed her brows, her lips pursed in displeasure. She turned fully to you, and you knew it could go either way. "You know I write every day for an hour," Wednesday reminded you.
You nodded. "I know, and tomorrow you'll have an hour, and the next day after that, and the next day after that." Sitting up, you look at her more clearly. "But today is the only Thursday evening with thunderous rain and my shifting desire for you to keep me company."
"Are you saying you won't want my company the next time it rains on a Thursday evening?" Wednesday's looked even more displeased and threatening. 
"I suppose we'll only know the next rainy Thursday," you nonchalantly retorted. 
It was silent as Wednesday debated it; your breath caught in your chest. When she sighed, you smiled wider. Wednesday stood up and walked over to her bed, sitting at the edge rigidly. 
"What do you want to do?" Wednesday asked to deflect how weirdly awkward she felt right now. "I've had enough of beating you at scrabble, so not that."
You chuckled without answering as you leaned over towards her, lifting your hand gently to grab her braid and dragging your hand down softly until it reached the end. 
"Wednesday, I've never seen you with your hair down," you commented.
Wednesday remained rigid.
"Yes," her voice was stiff. "I only take them out before bed."
You hummed, playing with her braid. 
"Wednesday," you called softly again, and Wednesday almost wanted to command you to stop saying her name like that. Except, she can't. She enjoys the way you say it.
"Can I undo your braids?"
The rain thumps against the window roughly, and Wednesday was glad it covered how harshly her own heartbeat was against her chest. It beat with a mission to break her rib cage. 
"You can say no," you told her softly. 
Wednesday closed her eyes. As much as the word 'no' was in her vocabulary, she nodded once stiffly. You pulled at her, and she let you guide her to sit further on the bed. You sat facing her side as you softly grabbed a braid, gently removing the black elastic at the end. 
Wednesday braids her hair so often that it stays in its form without the elastic. But as you start to weave your fingers through the strands of her hair, gently undoing the work she'd done this morning, something starts clawing at the back of her throat. 
You looked at Wednesday as her hair fell like water through your fingers. Her eyes were closed with concentration, and every time she swallowed, you could see it. 
It was silent as you worked on the second braid, dragging your fingers through her dark hair. When it was in their neat braids, they were contained and distinguished. But undone, they were wild waves and slipped through your fingers unless you endeavored to tame them. 
You continued to run your fingers through her hair, even after the braids were undone, watching as the strands slipped from you.
"Your hair is just like silk," you said just seconds before there was a crack of thunder. 
Wednesday didn't comment. Her hands were tightly gripped in her lap to the point where her knuckles were white. 
You brush her hair over her shoulder, the waves cascading down her back like beads of water. Your hand slid against her jaw as you cupped the back of her neck. 
You pulled and pulled at her, and she let you until you were sharing the same air. 
"Wednesday," you murmur, your lips brushing against hers. Wednesday visibly swallowed, her eyes opened and intently looked at you, but you're looking at her lips. 
You kiss her tenderly, then. It would've been more chaste if Wednesday hadn't insisted on pressing against your lips more firmly and lingered. When you pulled back, your thumb caressed the bottom of her lip.
"Wednesday," you said her name, and Wednesday didn't think you knew how disruptive it also was in the way you said her name. "Your lips are soft just like silk, too."
"I see this has been your agenda all long as of late," Wednesday's voice is quiet as she basks in your scent and cold fingers. You had such terrible circulation, and she's obsessed with it. "You're suave at being disruptive."
Wednesday bit your bottom lip before her tongue smoothed it over. 
"Just like silk."
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Sundae Tropes - Masterlist 🍨
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You guys amazed me! Like look at this beautiful masterlist! You guys did that! Thank you for sending in all your delicious requests and making this event such a success.
All the requests were run through a random number generator and will be written in the order below.
I will be tagging the person that requested the sundae on the one-shot when it is posted, unless you have requested it privately, in which case I'll DM you.
Please remember to like and reblog the works being written here. Engagement and interaction is what keeps the writers community going!
Original Sundae Menu
Now onto the lineup:
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Cookies And Cream With Sprinkles And Brownie Bits With Kensei And Shuhei = Marriage Pact + Threesome + 69 - posted!
Coffee Waffle Cone #3 With Megumi = Friends To Lovers + “Don’t You Dare Walk Away Right Now!”
Birthday Cake With Strawberries And Chocolate Chips With Toji = Amnesia/Mistaken Identity + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Lotus Position
Peanut Butter With M&Ms And Chocolate-Covered Pretzels With Ichigo = Secret Billionaire+Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking+Missionary
Coffee With Whipped Cream And Banana With Kenpachi = Friends To Lovers + Creampie/Breeding Kink + Missionary + Doggystyle
Cherry Flavor With Strawberry Toppings And Banana With Suguru Geto = Hometown/Reunion Love + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Doggystyle
Cookies & Cream Ice Cream, With Maraschino Cherries And Chocolate-Covered Pretzels Izuru Kira = Marriage Pact + Praise Kink, Lingerie, Blowjob +Missionary
Strawberry With Whipped Cream And Banana With Aizen = Enemies To Lovers+Creampie, Breeding Kink+Doggystyle
Vanilla Whipped Cream And Banana With Kensei = High School Sweethearts +  Creampie, Breeding Kink + Doggystyle
Strawberry With Whipped Cream And Chocolate Covered Pretzels For Aizen = Enemies To Lovers + Creampie, Breeding Kink+ Missionary
Birthday Cake With Strawberries And Chocolate With Gojo = Amnesia/Mistaken Identity + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Lotus Position
Vanilla + Strawberries And Chocolate Covered Pretzel With Dear Kento-Kun = High School Sweethearts + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Missionary
Can I Get A Mint Chocolate Chip Waffle Cone #5 With Ukitake = Soulmates + "I Trust You With All Of My Heart."
Cherry With M&Ms And Chocolate Chips With Nanami = Return To Hometown/Reunion Love + Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking + Lotus Position
Butterscotch With M&M's For Kenpachi = Forced Proximity + Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking
Fudge With Whipped Cream And Caramel With Nanami = Captor/Captive + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Thirst Position
Butter Pecan With Whipped Cream And Nutella! (Gojo + Geto) = Love Triangle + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Butterfly Position
Hurt/Comfort-Themed Cherry Waffle Cone Number Two With Hirako Shinji = Return To Hometown/Reunion Love + “Don’t You Dare Walk Away Right Now!”
Fudge Kitkat Banana Ice Cream With Gin = Captor/Captive + Exhibitionism, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling + Doggystyle
Peanut Butter Waffle Cone #7 For Kiyotaka Ijicjhi = Secret Billionaire + “Do You Want My Jacket?”
Mint Chocolate Chip With Strawberry And Chocolate Chips With Higuruma = Soul Mates + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Lotus Position
Cherry Waffle Cone #12 With Mr. Nanami Kento = Return To Hometown/Reunion Love+“Of Course I Know The Way You Like Your Coffee.”
Peanut Butter With Whipped Cream And Chocolate Covered Pretzels With Nanami = Secret Billionaire + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Missionary
Butter Pecan With Maraschino Cherries And Brownie Bits With Kusakabe And Utahime = Love Triangle + Praise Kink, Lingerie, Blowjob + 69
Strawberry Kitkat With Grimmjow = Enemies To Lovers + Exhibitionism, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling
Coffee Flavor On Waffle Cone #16 With Higuruma = Friends To Lovers + "I Never Believed In Love At First Sight Before I Met You
Coffee With Crushed Oreos And Gummy Bears With Gojo = Friends To Lovers+Clit Spanking, Nipple Play, Bondage+Facesitting
Cookie Dough + Marshmallows And Reese's Pieces + Kusakabe = Strangers In A Foreign City + Teasing, Edging, Toys + Cowgirl
Rocky Road With Strawberries And Chocolate Covered Pretzels With Toshiro = Teacher/Student + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Missionary
Cotton Candy / Whipped Cream / Nutella With A Side Of Nanami = Secret Admirer+Creampie, Breeding Kink+Butterfly Position
Cotton Candy+ Strawberries With Nanami = Secret Admirer+ Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond
Mint Chocolate Chip Waffle Cone #5 With Higuruma = Soul Mates + "I Trust You With All Of My Heart."
Rocky Road, M&M's, And Chocolate Chips With Byakuya = Teacher/Student+Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking+Lotus Position
Chocolate Flavor With Maraschino Cherries With Sum Chocolate Chips On The Side For Higuruma = Boss/Secretary + Praise Kink, Lingerie, Blowjob + Lotus Position
Cookies And Cream With Crushed Oreos And Bananas With Nanami = Marriage Pact + Clit Spanking, Nipple Play, Bondage + Doggystyle
Shuhei Hisagi X Reader Cookies And Cream - Marriage Pact Strawberries - Passionate/Romantic Sex / Emotional Bond  Chocolate-Covered Pretzels - Missionary
Coffee, With Whipped Cream, And Chocolate Covered Pretzels With Gin Ichimaru = Friends To Lovers + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Missionary
Chocolate, Kitkat And Banana With Geto = Boss/Secretary + Exhibitionism, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling + Doggystyle
Mint Chocolate Chip And M&Ms With Aizen = Soulmates + Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking
Vanilla With Whipped Cream And Chocolate Covered Pretzels With Nanami Kento = High School Sweethearts + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Missionary
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Tagging some friends :)
@seasparrow @pernesophe @sacredwarrior88 @starsinmylatte @itsfairly
@muzansfangs @harlekin6 @mangiswig @beneathstarryskies
@that-goth-bisexual @hunnie-lily, @bleach-your-panties
@bleachbrainrotbro @kr0wu @stygianoir @kenpachisbrat
@lees-chaotic-brain @actuallysaiyan @hellkaiserinphoenix
@whatshernameis @macchiato-dreaming22 @connorsui
@sitarawrites @j-u-u-z-o @jadedjane @stressed-cryptid
@akatsuki031 @kryptoniteforsale @estarlias
@illusionaryennui @vickkysthings @darkstarlight82
@dreaming-about-seireitei @buttercupbitches @the-eternal-sunflower
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All dividers by @/ cafe kitsune Banner by @actuallysaiyan
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roosterforme · 9 months
roosterforme's '80s Rocktober Playlist fic challenge
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For those about to rock, we salute you!
Let's rock 'n' roll the Top Gun way! Choose an '80s rock song (or pop or country or rap...), and write a fic about one or more of our favorite Top Gun characters! Just make sure the songs are from Rooster's favorite decade, the 1980s!
Or create a banner or mood board! Go with an '80s vibe or a specific song to inspire you and run wild.
Banner credit to @mak-32. Rock on, Mak.
Rules for fics:
Please use the #top gun rocktober hashtag!!!
Once you have your song selected (first come, first served, no duplicates), please send me an ask letting me know which song and character(s) you want to write about. If your song is not listed below, just let me know what you want with your ask and I’ll add it (as long as it fits the decade). If your song has been claimed already, I'll let you know so you can choose another one.
You can use the song in the fic however you would like. Use it as the title, use some lyrics, have the song playing in the background, use it as inspiration, anything you want!
There is no real time limit, but please try to post in September or October.
Please make sure you tag me (or send me a message) when you post your story so I don’t miss it. I can’t wait to read and reblog!
Please reblog and share this with anyone who may want to participate. And reblogging fics is always a treat for writers!
If you’re under 18, do not submit or read smut.
Rules for banners and mood boards:
Please use the #top gun rocktober hashtag!!!
If you want to use a specific song, please send me an ask letting me know which song. If you want to participate with the '80s vibe and no specific song, just send me an ask and let me know you'll be submitting an image or images.
Please make sure you tag me (or send me a message) when you post so I don’t miss it. I can’t wait to reblog!
Please reblog and share this with anyone who may want to participate.
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Songs and fics we are rocking out to:
1 @roosterforme What's Your Name by New Order (Bradley)
2 @beyondthesefourwalls Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper (Bradley)
3 @sylviebell Faithfully by Journey (Natasha)
4 @wkndwlff Love Walks In by Van Halen (Bob)
5 @desert-fern Jump by Van Halen (Bradley)
6 @yanna-banana Like a Prayer by Madonna (Jake)
7 @fanboyswhore9 Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer (Mickey)
8 @cherrycola27 Born to Be My Baby by Bon Jovi (Bradley)
9 @trickphotography2 Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones (Bradley)
10 @blue-aconite Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by The Police (Jake)
11 @roosterforme Do You Wanna Touch Me? by Joan Jett (Bradley)
12 @startrekfangirl2233 Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham! (Mickey)
13 @bradshawsbitch Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen (Bradley)
14 @bellaireland1981 Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon (Bradley)
15 @wkndwlff Lay Your Hands On Me by Bon Jovi (Bob)
16 @beyondthesefourwalls Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield (Javy)
17 @thedroneranger Boys of Summer by Don Henley (Bradley)
18 @cottagecori Dancing With Myself by Generation X (Bob)
19 @sweetwhispersofchaos I Hate Myself For Loving You by Joan Jett (Natasha and Jake)
20 @sometimesanalice Straight Up by Paula Abdul (Bradley)
21 @lovinglyeternal Call Me by Blondie (Jake)
22 @roosterforme Adult Education by Hall & Oates (Jake)
23 @beyondthesefourwalls Your Love by Outfield (Bradley)
24 @mayhemmanaged You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC (Jake)
25 @topherwrites Love Shack by The B-52's (Bradley)
26 @ficsilike-reblogged Take On Me by A-ha (Bob)
27 @cottagecori Rock You Like a Hurricane by Scorpions (Bradley)
28 @jupitercomet Kissing a Fool by George Michael (Bradley)
29 @startrekfangirl2233 Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds (Jake and Bradley)
30 @topherwrites Just Like Heaven by The Cure (Jake)
31 @sweetwhispersofchaos As the World Falls Down by David Bowie (Natasha and Bob)
32 @inmyloveworld Open Arms by Journey (Bradley)
33 @thedroneranger Centerfold by J. Geils Band (Jake)
34 @gretagerwigsmuse Can't Hardly Wait by The Replacements (Bradley)
35 @bellaireland1981 Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar (Jake)
36 @blurredcolour Push It by Salt-N-Pepa (Jake and Bradley)
37 @blackwidownat2814 White Wedding by Billy Idol (Jake)
38 @keep-on-burnin The Look by Roxette (Bradley)
39 @cherrycola27 Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr (Natasha and Javy)
40 @topherwrites Uptown Girl by Billy Joel (Bradley)
41 @jynxmirage If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher (Jake)
42 @notroosterbradshaw Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks (Bradley)
43 @ficsilike-reblogged Hungry for Heaven by Dio (Beau)
44 @callsign-magnolia Who's Crying Now by Journey (Bradley)
45 @trickphotography2 Every Breath You Take by The Police (Bob)
46 @sarahsmi13s Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard (Jake)
47 @roosterforme Cover Girl by New Kids on the Block (Natasha)
48 @bobfloydsbabe Alone by Heart (Jake)
49 @ughthisisntright The Stroke by Billy Squier (Bradley)
50 @wkndwlff Special Secret Song Inside by The Red Hot Chili Peppers (Jake)
51 @sylviebell Thriller by Michael Jackson (Natasha and Javy)
52 @xoxabs88xox Why’d You Come in Here Lookin' Like That by Dolly Parton (Jake)
53 @paigewinchester67 I'm On Fire by Bruce Springsteen (Bradley and Jake)
54 @sarahsmi13s Fishin' In the Dark by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (Bob)
55 @callsign-joyride Need You Tonight by INXS (Bradley)
56 @foreverrandomwritings Paradise City by Guns N' Roses (Beau)
57 @cherrycola27 Whoever's In New England by Reba McEntire (Bob)
58 @1234-angelika The Bluest Eyes in Texas by Restless Heart (Jake)
59 @decantedenchanted Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx (Mav)
60 @the-authoress-writes Black Velvet by Alannah Myles (Jake)
61 @withahappyrefrain Somebody to Love by Queen (Bradley)
62 @valhallaas Hold on Loosely by 38 Special (Javy)
63 @talktomegooseman The Chair by George Strait (Jake)
64 @foreverrandomwritings Master of Puppets by Metallica (Mickey and Bob)
65 @poetrieshouse Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran (Mav)
66 @tongue-like-a-razor Poison by Alice Cooper (Jake)
67 @1234-angelika Real Love by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers (Bradley)
68 @the-authoress-writes The Flame by Cheap Trick (Ice)
69 @hangmanstigerlily Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon (Jake)
70 @samsgoddess Hysteria by Def Leppard (Bradley)
71 @eternalsams Cherry Pie by Warrant (Jake)
72 @love-in-light Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi (Bradley)
73 @thatdammchickennugget Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams (Bradley)
74 @whatislovevavy Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears (Jake)
Totally rad cover art:
@ryebecca She Drives Me Crazy by Fine Young Cannibals
@bettycooper Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush (Bradley)
@ryebecca The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News (Bob)
@mak-32 Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car by Billy Ocean (Bradley)
@laracrofted I Love Rock 'n' Roll by Joan Jett (Bob)
@sebsxphia Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners (Bob)
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Need some song inspiration? Check out these bangers:
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
Start Me Up - The Rolling Stones 
Livin’ On A Prayer - Bon Jovi 
Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
Shout - Tears for Fears
You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi 
Every Breath You Take - The Police 
The Final Countdown - Europe
Angel - Aerosmith
Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Call Me - Blondie
Take Me Home Tonight - Eddie Money 
Free Fallin’ - Tom Petty 
Hysteria - Def Leppard 
I Hate Myself for Loving You - Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 
Just like Heaven - The Cure 
I Won’t Back Down - Tom Petty 
Magic - The Cars
Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar 
Addicted To Love - Robert Palmer
Love Shack - The B-52’s 
Without You - Motley Crue 
Material Girl - Madonna
Legs - ZZ Top
Paradise City - Guns N’ Roses 
Can’t Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon 
Cum on Feel the Noize - Quiet Riot 
351 notes · View notes
plussizefantasia · 8 months
Eat, Sleep, and Breathe
Flufftober Day 9: Love Confession
Eddie Munson x f!reader
Word Count: 1.2k
AN: At the time that I am writing this, I have reached 100 FOLLOWERS!!! I am so incredibly grateful to all of you! I think that after Flufftober is over I'll do a belated celebration for us! if you have any ideas of something you might want to do let me know. As always, if you liked the story please reblog! I'll see you all tomorrow.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
When you and Eddie became best friends he had never expected that you’d become such an ingrained part of his life. He’d never really had a best friend before, other than Gareth, and even then, their friendship was only because of DnD.
Eddie walked into the trailer he shared with his uncle after a long day of school followed by an even longer shift at the record store and saw you making dinner in his kitchen while joking around with Wayne. 
“Poor kid couldn’t even look at a banana for a month.” Wayne chuckled and your melodious laugh followed. 
“Now that you say something, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him eat a banana and I’ve known him for four years.” Eddie didn’t know if he liked the idea of the two of you ganging up on him like this. But he also couldn’t deny the warmth in his chest when he saw just how well the two most important people in his life got on.
He hadn’t said anything when he had entered the trailer but you had become so finely attuned to Eddie over the years that he didn’t need to. You always seemed to just know where he was and how he was feeling. It was almost spooky sometimes when he would get a call late at night when he couldn’t sleep because you’d felt that something was wrong and wanted to check in. 
“Hey Eds, how was work?” You didn’t even turn to look at him when you asked the question. That didn’t mean that Eddie couldn’t hear the smile in your voice or that he didn’t notice the way you stood up straighter when you turned back towards the stove.
He didn’t know what you were cooking, he usually didn’t until it was on a plate in front of him. But he trusted you with his life and you had started insisting that you cook for them given that you had seen the kind of food Eddie was capable of making.
“It was good, we got the new order in and the manager seems to have taken some of my suggestions about branching out in terms of genres in the store.”
“That’s great Hon! I’m glad he trusted you, you know what you’re talking about when it comes to good music.” You never stop focusing on what's simmering on the stove and Eddie thanks whatever higher being there is that you can’t see the deep flush covering his cheeks.
“Thanks, pretty girl,” it's a whispered appreciation that flows through the air and settles into your mind like a sweet flog. Eddie has always been flirty with you, you genuinely can’t remember the last time he called you by your actual name. It was always some sweet nickname, a compliment wrapped in endearment and tied with a bow of amusement. You had drawn the line when he had jokingly called you snookums last week. Since then pretty girl has been his go and you don’t think you’d be able to deal with it if he started calling you by your name again.
Eddie moves thoughtlessly throughout the trailer, changing out of his work clothes and into the well-loved Black Sabbath shirt you had gotten him for his birthday two years ago. He never stops listening to you and what you're doing. You’re not speaking or making any noise intentionally but your unconscious little humming is the song that calls to his soul and he looks forward to hearing it every time you come over.
Eventually, he returns to the little kitchenette that's somewhat separated from the rest of the trailer by a half-wall. Your call of “dinner’s done come and get it” spurs both himself and Wayne into movement. 
Wayne takes the packed dinner that you’ve already placed into a bag for him knowing that he was taking the evening shift that night. He says nothing but the small smile on his face and the shoulder pat he gives you is proof enough that he appreciates your thoughtfulness. Eddie does too.
Seriously he has no idea what he would do without you. Without you there to lift him when he just wants to stay down. Without you there to take care of the small things, making sure he has a pencil before he needs to take a test, or that time you pulled a brand new comb out of your bag for him in the middle of lunch because he couldn’t find his. 
Overwhelmed with the sudden feeling slushing through him and tipped over by the sugar-sweet smile you give him when you place his bowl into his hands, Eddie can’t hold back anymore. “God, I love you.”
Everything freezes. Eddie wants to crawl into a hole and berate himself for the rest of his life because of his lack of filter and your whole body just kind of stops.
Eddie doesn’t know if it’s because you're trying to figure out if this is actually one of those dreams that you have where he valiantly declares his love for you and the two of you ride off into the sunset forever happy, or if this actually just happened.
It isn’t until Eddie starts stuttering out nonsensical sounds and doing his best impression of a scratched record that you break out of your stupor.
“What did you say?” your question is soft and wondering, your eyes have almost doubled in size and Eddie really wishes that he was able to tell what was going on in your head before he responded so that he didn’t dig himself into a deeper hole.
“I said I love you.” His response is equally as quiet and if you hadn’t been waiting for those exact words you don’t think you would’ve really understood them with the way he rushed them together.
It only takes three seconds for you to move in front of Eddie, and then another two to put your lips on his. However, it takes Eddie a solid six seconds to catch up with reality and eagerly begin to respond. 
His hands land on your hips and he pulls your soft body into his. Your hand grips the back of his neck and starts to play with the small curls that are hidden behind the rest of the large mass. 
The two of you enter into something close to a dance, pulling and pushing and waiting for the other person to cue you. 
Eddie wishes more than anything that he didn’t need to breathe. That he didn't need to pull away from everything that was you just for something as ridiculous as oxygen. He would breathe you, he thinks. For the rest of his life, he would eat, sleep, and breathe you if he could.
When Eddie pulls away you’re not exactly sure what to do next. You want to kiss him again, want to go in for another taste of him but you know that eventually you’d need to talk. Eventually you; 'd need to reassure Eddie that his feelings are reciprocated. That you love him too, that you have for a very long time.
But for now, standing in his kitchen, just the two of you was enough. There would be time for talking later.
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countriesgame · 6 months
Please reblog for a larger sample size!
If you know history and curiosities of Ecuador, please tell us and I'll share!
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T-2 HOURS to the good omens livestream I am prepared to die.
HELLO TUMBLR *I stumble onto the website with sore shoulders and haunted eyes* I had a theatre workshop today, and I missed you all (in your honour, I made a lot of innuendos there like a true ace idiot, and I made every improv murderous and gay). That is why unlike usually (when this is my only life) I have not yet checked my notifications and my inbox.
BUT WORRY NOT MAGGOTS! *Crowley voice*:
I'm back
There's two hours left for the livestream, AKA two hours left until I watch the second half of season two. I'm not okay I'm not ready. I cry just remembering the Edinburgh storyline. So I hope everyone's ready for nuclear apocalypse.
I have many emotional support bananas with me. They will not be enough, I know. No amount of emotional support fruit will be enough.
For those of you who want to join the livestream, please contact the amazing @thescholarlystrumpet for any assistance, and both of us will publish the link closer to the livestream time, so uh... watch this space for updates? I'll reblog this post with the link, perhaps, and pin that on my blog. Come WATCH MY UTTER BREAKDOWN AND PROBABLY DISCORPORATION.
*cheerleads while howling in despair*
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breannasfluff · 3 months
Follower Milestone: Finish the Prompt-LU Style!
I have three scenarios I've written, based around triple threat. One is Angst, one Fluff, and one Crack! Pick one and finish off the story! (You can paste my writing in for context). Feel free to add other characters and make it as long or as short as your want. More than one is fine, too.
Tag it #lu ftp and feel free to tag me; I'll do my best to reblog all of them! If you are an artist instead of a writer, draw what scene happens next!
The crack of an open palm on a face has Wild whipping around. Legend clutches his cheek, already blooming red, and Hyrule lets his hand fall. His fists are balled to his side and his chest heaves. 
The two were in an argument before this that was rapidly growing more heated, but what could have led to this? Hyrule usually comes across as meek compared to the others on the Chain. 
Yet Legend is shrinking into himself, like something the traveler said hurt him more than the slap.
“What happened?” Wild asks as he joins them. What could Legend have done to make Hyrule so upset?
Hyrule wipes his forehead and turns to Wild with hopeful eyes. “So? How did I do?”
Wild’s face does this funny thing where it goes through too many emotions at once and ends up scrunched. “Well…six fires in just three hours is your personal best! The only problem is that we’re making fruit salad…”
“I need to cook the fruit!”
“Well, about that...”
“And then there’s that sauce you wanted me to add to it.”
“Which is…warmed in a pan.”
“And don’t get me started on the whipped cream!”
They both turn to look at the jar which once held cream and now holds…chuchu jelly. And maybe some butter.
It’s at this moment that Legend walks in and freezes, sniffing the air. “Do I even want to know?”
“Ledge!” Hyrule grabs a spoonful of something from his bowl and holds it out. “Taste this and tell me what you think!”
The veteran is dubious, but at a nod from Wild, accepts the spoon. Then his face scrunches up because it tastes–
“All hail the banana overlord!”
Hyrule looks over his newest minions–the yiga clan–with a devious grin. Yes, overthrowing Konga and banishing him to be a banana mascot was an excellent decision. Legend’s suggestion of dousing him in banana perfume and Wild’s to let him eat only apples–his most hated fruit–was the cherry on the proverbial cake. 
Speaking of cake…it was a team effort to replace all the bananas with cakes that looked like bananas. The yiga had yet to notice. 
“Overlord!” One of the yiga waves for Hyrule’s attention. “We found an intruder!”
In his grip is Four, whose eyes are blown wide. Either with confusion or terror. Maybe amazement.
“Kneel before your banana overlord!” shouts the yiga, pushing Four to his knees. “What should we do with him?”
Hyrule looks down at his fellow hero with a growing grin. He trades glances with Wild and Legend, standing on either side, and they nod. “You should–”
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