#reblogging because that last paragraph really made me emotional and think
beesmygod · 5 months
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 1: pre-gaming
webcomic day is a yearly celebration of the art form concocted by the screentones podcast team as a way for people to see how the sausage gets made. my webcomic "a ghost story" has been running for over 10 years, and yet i still don't think i can say i am good at making a webcomic. regardless, the comic is getting made because otherwise i become very, very sick in the head. today i would like to share with you the process of making a page of "A Ghost Story" from start to finish. either this demystifies the process or will make you think im so cool and strong for doing this 2x a week. instead of reblogging this one post until it gets very long, i will be posting individual updates that i will then compile and post on my personal website. block the tags now if you HATE comics and want them to EXPLODE.
if you have any questions, even things like "what the fuck are you even talking about" feel free to ask. i want to feel confident in what i make again and i think sometimes interrogation from an outside source is really
that said, let's get started. wait just kidding i want a cup of coffee first, hold on.
ok now im ready. i have a big glass of water. i have coffee. i have a headset for the parts of work that don't involve typing words. i can't type words and listen to some streamer babble in my ear at the same time, so it has to be instrumental music or nothing. i just took my meds so they should kick in after about 30 mins. i woke up late today, which is weird and annoying. but maybe i can work late instead.
first off, i need to know where i'm going beyond this one page. if i dont know where im going with something, then i usually create something that sucks that i have to deal with later. hold on my internet died, i have to reset the router. ok, anyway.
what's rattling around in my brain is that not only do i have to deal with maxine's current predicament, i am also dealing with multiple plot elements i need to wrap back around to from the previous chapter. luckily, im about to put maxine down for a nap, which means i can get back to those other elements:
i need to finish the exposition from the three ankou characters for this story arc establishing their motivations as the oppositional force in the story. the "villain" is not these three specifically, but their boss. they need to have a loose understanding of what's going on in order to communicate this to the audience. god this started turning into a huge ass paragraph so i'll just keep it short there.
we've jumped back to before jack's horrible day from the first chapter of this storyline so we have to make our way back toward that and then lapping it, which means wrapping up his various open threads like:
feeding victoria and learning something new about her
finding out alice is a very exceptional employee who is getting many awards
watching valdo call lily while interrupting her during something personal to ask her for help with maxine's situation.
jack meeting with valdo and lily the day after they first met so jack can just tell them straight up that lily has 4 sisters she doesnt know about.
help that girl with her poltergeist problem. remember that. i've had jokes for this rattling in my head for like 4 years. im going insane.
and also the fucking tilberi!!! that has a point its going somewhere!!! there's a larger menace here!!!
other things to set up the climax of this storyline. sexual tensions, hints at larger emotional problems not immediately evident to the reader
lots of moving parts. and i feel like im moving in slow motion to get to them. i can see them all weaving together in my head, its the process of putting that onto paper that's proving difficult.
ok that took an hour starting and stopping. -_- let me write the next part as i keep brainstorming on how to approach this page. taking a "rubber duck" approach to this might help. heres an image from the last page i worked on (i have a 5 page buffer rn so the site does not match the finished pages) to get us semi-situated.
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also because images will help people understand what skill level we're working with here. i need to be able to communicate an idea to the audience; if the art also looks good on top of that, then that's just an added bonus. but the ability to communicate my ideas is sometimes hampered by my lack of artistic skill or comics language ineptitude. like those speech bubbles kind of fucking suck but at a certain point you have to just hit print on what you're working on in order to keep your already glacial pace.
webcomics is a tightrope act where you're also spinning 4 plates at once. the trick is to keep the audience from realizing how many actually fall or how wobbly they all are. the act sucks but technically its not a failure.
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Introduction Post:
Hey hey people! This is my intro post!
I am both tired and a coward and have made a separate account to interact with the Marauders/Harry Potter fandom without having to deal with the TERFs every time I open tumblr. I must make it clear that I DO NOT support JKR in any way. I WILL NOT tolerate bigotry and WILL block you and tell others to block you too if I see any.
You can call me Spectr. My pronouns are she/her, and I'm aroace. I'm older than 18, but I'm sex repulsed so I basically won't ever reblog smut or NSFW. Minors are welcome, but I swear a lot, so maybe don't stick around if that makes you uncomfy.
This blog is for all my Harry Potter and Marauders headcanons, hot takes (and ice cold takes), art, fanfic if I ever get around to it, and general discussion. And yes, I consider the Harry Potter fandom and the Marauders fandom to be two wildly different beasts.
More about me under the cut:
I'm a LOUD AND PROUD HUFFLEPUFF! BADGERS UNITE! Seriously, literally every test I have ever taken, Pottermore or otherwise, good and bad, has put me in Hufflepuff. I am so agressively Puff it's not even funny. My secondary house is Ravenclaw, and my Ilvermorny house is (probably) Pukwudgie.
My favorite Marauder is Remus Lupin because I am basic and predictable. My favorite HP character in general is Ginny Weasley. Which leads into the next point:
I am very much a book fan, not a movie fan. I've read all the books at least 5 times, but have read the Sorceror's Stone and The Prisoner of Azkaban more times than I can count. I have watched the first 3 movies all the way through once and have only seen the later movies in bits and pieces. I don't hate them, but they're not my favorites.
In case you didn't catch it in that last paragraph, I'm American, and nothing I write will be Britpicked. Sorry.
While I loved Harry Potter as a kid and have a deep emotional attachment to it, it is a children's book with a LOT of worldbuilding and story issues. I like to use the world and magic as a sandbox to play in, less as a strict rule.
I don't really care too hard on ships. My aroace ass honestly says "the less you focus on it the better," but if you write it well, any dynamic can be good. That said, my usual likes are as follows:
Marauders: wolfstar (I'm basic trash), jily (again, basic trash), peter thinks everyone is hot but never gets to seriously date anyone r.i.p., marlene mckinnon/mary macdonald (although marlene has a fat crush on Dorcas Meadowes that never really goes away), Dorcas Meadowes/Pandora Lovegood, and optional Rosekiller but I get sad if we spend too much time with the Slytherins.
HP: Ron/Hermoine, Ginny/Harry if you like or Ginny/Luna if you don't, dislike Tonks/Lupin but I don't care that much, and I really really don't give a shit about anyone else.
I hate muggle AUs with a burning passion (no shame if you like them, just not my cup of tea), but I do like it when we get to let the wizards use muggle tech and in general be more integrated into the muggle world.
Peter Pettigrew is a marauder and I will DIE on this hill. I will defend this slimy turncoat disaster rat man to the end of my life. Please fight me, I'm excited.
I'm about to lose my goddamn mind scrolling through tags and looking for people to follow. Please reblog this or follow me first to make my life easier. Peace out!
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I hope it's allright to still send these about the fanfic-ask-game even though you did reblogged it a couple of days ago! :)
Title: How To Deal With The Consequences Of Getting Off With A Lady.
Questions: 4, 5 and 9
Hi! It definitely is - thank you for sending some questions! ❤️ Here's the list if anyone else wants to!
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4. What's your favourite line of dialogue?
Hmm. That's always a tricky one. I'm quite fond of dialogue, especially when writing for comedy characters. For this fic, I'm gonna say the last lines of the entire thing are my favourite. Punchlines are good! I love how they wrap everything up nice and succinctly - and FIN! Tis an art form when great comedy writers do it... I'm not implying I'm one of those, or that this particular punchline is especially good in the grand scheme of punchlines, 😂 but I knew long before I'd finished that this was what I was gonna be finishing on:
"Right. So, you know this baby?"
"Yes, the baby?"
"What's she actually called?"
I feel like just calling her Baby Dangerous throughout worked for a story set in the whacky world of the Dangerous Brothers, but I mean. C'mon, Richard. Learn her bloody name. 😂 Do I know what her name is? Now, that's a good question...
5. What part was hardest to write?
Definitely the "Crocodile Babee" section. 😂 I wrote it last and the whole reason it's done as script rather than prose was because tackling it in prose felt like attempting to climb a mountain. It would've been tricky to get the action/emotion balance right without fucking up the tone and making it come across as darker than I wanted it to (even though, if you took it straight, it's pretty dark! But this is the Dangerous Brothers' world 😂). In script form, I could be sillier and leave more to the imagination. After all, Adrian was definitely freaking the fuck out! Readers get to just speculate for themselves the chaos that ensued when film ended (and hopefully giggle at the thought), rather than being subjected to weirdly toned prose that leaves them unsure if this whole thing is even remotely amusing. The made up notes from Channel 4 were especially fun to write too.
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
I don't think so! When I read the prompt that inspired this fic in the Rik and Ade Fest this year, I immediately had the idea for the baby actually being Richard's biological child - and that being a juicy source of conflict between him and Adrian, and the eventual twist. There were a few paragraphs that were cut because they were rendered moot after editing etc., but there was nothing that really strayed too far from the plot that unfolds in the finished fic.
And, speaking of, here's the fic in question:
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Thanks again for the ask! Sorry it took me an age to answer. 😂
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sunny-m00n · 1 year
[WARNING: this idiot is really stupid sometimes, except them to just disappear sometimes]
[NOTICE: this week is going to be a big hit on my mental health so if I act different or closed off, it’s because I lost someone very close this week a few years ago and it still very much hurts.]
so more people are finding my account and I remembered I don’t have one of these sooooooo- here we go
howdy, I’m Sunny! I go by any pronouns you see fit to call me, I’m easy
I make quotes to old movies and random stuff I like often so if something looks wrong, probably a reference (like I made one in the last paragraph)
I love stuff like Deltarune/Undertale, Hollow Knight, The Stanley Parable, kinda FNaF???, and a few others!!
I am forgetful as heck and explain things in the worst ways possible sometimes so please be patient with me-
I have ideas for comics and want to make a game based off weirdcore in the future!
I try to reflect my speech patterns in text so stuff like “-“ is a abrupt cutoff or a certain tone and stuff like that
I make art! I am open to requests as long as it isn’t NSFW, i don’t like that stuff to much- and if you make any art and show me, that will make me super excited and I will save it and show my friends even if they don’t care- because i love seeing other people’s art
I poke fun at people I care about but I know people don’t like that, so I real it in a bit, but if someone I know irl comes or I slip up, I’m being mean in a loving way unless stated otherwise
my brain focus on things aggressively so if I’m interested in something, except a lot of rants, I also rant a lot and go on tangents a lot so be careful- current brain rot is deltarune (specifically the secret bosses [mostly posting spam because I know people like him more but I love both equally, they are besties])
I am ace!!! I don’t understand a lot of “dirty” stuff!! So if I accidentally say something like that I’m sorry I’m just dumb!
I make typos a lot and my autocorrect screws me over [like Queen] some times! So that’s a thing too! Especially when I’m excited!
I use caps for emphasis and to show strong emotions! So be careful if you don’t like that!
v tag meanings! For you kid! v
sunny screams - me blabbering on about stuff, or just showing it’s one of my posts
moony asks - answering asks! Feel free to send me some! Love talking with people unless I don’t! Then I’ll get to you eventually!
inverted reblogs - it’s exactly what it sounds like!
sunny’s art: stuff I drew! I am working on a name for a tag for art people make me! But it’s in the works!-
{NOTE: please have a profile picture that’s not the default or a human person! And please have a header or something! Otherwise you are being blocked! The bots come in swarms!}
{NOTE NOTE: if I find your art or something and I spam-liked your stuff, it’s because it makes my brain’s creative juices explode and I like to use that during art blocks- aka: I like your art style and like a bunch to help give me ideas :D}
-_Fun Stuff!_-
+ OC playlists +
+ OC ref sheets + [more coming soon!]
I think that’s it so without further ado, buh-bye, hope you enjoy your time in my little void!!!
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
fic writer asks: 4, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23 ~
4.) Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Honestly? really anywhere. Some of my fics come from sentences that appear in my brain or sometimes they happen because I can picture an animatic to a song and because I can't animate for shit- I write it. Some of my favourite fics I have ever written comes from outta all palces, Uquizz questions. Or answers. My first hangman/kenny fic came from a uqizz answer that made me kinda tear up. It is my favourite thing ive ever written. I have no real place to dive into the well of answers- its just constantly getting little idease and filling up!
10.) Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
The first thing Matt does when he finally bundles Jay through the door to the Elite’s hotel room is grab them softly by the shoulders. She blinks at him as if he doesn't know him; confused and frog-like. The light looks like it burns their eyes and Nick tries his best to dim the lamps bestie the beds, fiddling with the buttons before the light becomes soft glowing embers and Jay stops squinting. There’s the last of few snowflakes sticking to their hair, melting away into small patches of wetness.. Matt reaches down and rushes them away, feeling them disappear against the calloused pads of his fingers.
From: The ghost story would be over [Chapter three]
13.) what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
If you can tell from anything I've written, im always big on show don't tell. Sure just telling someone something really puts the point across but I think sometimes extended methaphors and flowery language pulls so much more emotions and thoughts out of the readers and really makes me think upon specific lines. Also this is the only advice I can give to new writers, is have fun! You are writing for you first and even if YOU think its bad, theres gonna be someone out there thats gonna love it. Only You can write the stories that you wanna tell, so do it! I'm proud of you for putting a small amount of your soul into the words.
17.) What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
I re-read some of my stuff, read some of my favourite fanfics. Talk to my big sibling about writng ideas. Honestly just try to force a little idea out. All writing is good, even if its just a sentence that youre gonna end up deleteing. Remind myself that this is for me first of all, im writing because I like providing content and I love wrestling and writing for it, I love my friends and the content they produce. I also am big on going back through comments and tags on reblogs of my old fics because that shows me that I CAN DO THIS! even if it takes me a little while, I will get something out that I will be proud off and people are going to love it.
22.) Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Oh boy, theres a few if I think about it. I wont write X reader because theyre just, not my style. I like going into a characters emotions and thoughts and feelings. I can't do that with X reader. I also rely a lot on descriptions so thats also another thing that you cant do in X readers. I reblog the ones that I like because I'll read them now and again. I wrote write Buckcest for reasons I really shouldnt have to go into. Things like rape or like extreme tortue is another one I wont write. I also won't write anything A/B/O or Mpreg cuz personally I think its gross. Afgain yall can like what yall like but its just not my vibe- makes me feel all kinda squirmy inside. I can't write first person POV for shit and second POV just feels odd, I think i've written it once and it was a STRUGGLE. Also just because I throw so much into fics that they get outta my hands. I could not stick to the 100 words only drabbles. Theres just so much story and build up I love to write and again with the flowery language 100 words just isnt enough!
23.) Best writing advice for other writers?
HAVE FUN! thats the most important thing! You should at least enjoy writing and it should have a possitve effect on you. It should be fun. theres also some tips somewhere on my blog. I have a tag or at least HAD a tag that should be 'mouses writing advice' theres a whole buncha tags there
ask game // list of wips
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starlightaxolotl · 2 years
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I posted 5,955 times in 2022
That's 3,077 more posts than 2021!
371 posts created (6%)
5,584 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,007 of my posts in 2022
#writing process - 31 posts
#starlight streams - 20 posts
#ask game - 19 posts
#fnaf - 14 posts
#fnaf security breach - 12 posts
#michael afton - 12 posts
#ninjago - 11 posts
#writing - 9 posts
#fnaf sb - 9 posts
#spoilers - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i could outline it with a very neat little ending or i can leave it open for additional content but that’s for later 2022 me to figure out
My Top Posts in 2022:
AU where every season of ninjago after 10 is the same except Kai is just a cardboard cut out
13 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Write paragraphs, you'll know when it's time to change them the same way you know when to stop adding seasoning to your food. Listen to your heart, find what fits your story's flow the best.
13 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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I’m always thinking abt this image
15 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Things I don’t see the security breach fans talk about probably because I don’t know if you can notice this without cheats but the fact that when Moon is crawling after you in the play structures their legs are backwards. Their upper torso is turned around and they are crawling on their hands normally but their legs are crab walking them around.
17 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
a grave mistake??? do tell!!!!!! >:)
You know exactly what cursed mistake almost happened. >:( Tumblr is trying to see me fail.
💘:A fic you couldn’t stop reading once you started
Encore! This fic reached through my screen, gripped my shirt and forced me to keep reading and the only break I took was to sob for 30 minutes over exactly 14 words. I didn't want to go to bed that night and literally read it until my eyes burned and everything was blurry. I should reread this fic and comment on every chapter, just to see what I notice on a second read through.
🔁: A fic you’ve re-read several times
First one that comes to mind is Meet Again, it is just so easy to get lost inside this fic and it always hits the emotional spot. And the writing is amazing. I think about the fact that I read it, looked at the word count and said out loud "what the fuck that felt so short" when it is, in fact, not short at all. It was so well crafted and never dragged at all.
😊: A fic that made you smile on a bad day
Okay there are so many I can think of to put in this spot.
Laughing At Tragedy is such a good one oh my god. I probably shouldn't smile reading this fic because holy hell is it not a fluffy fic at all but its the way that the soft moments are interspersed in the plot that makes it such a comfort fic. This fic is my literary chicken and rice soup on a cold winters day. @inkspottie has crafted such a good fic and I literally could go on for hours about this fic. I am emotionally attached to their Michael.
My Darling Little Prince is another fic. Quite literally came out on a day I needed some comfort and it has been so nice to read. I don't read a lot of RWBY fanfics but this one has a very special place in my bookmarks now.
Last one I swear but Sunspot! was an impulse read and I'm so glad I read it. I think it's just really sweet and fun.
39 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sephmonet · 2 years
January’s Reading List
I promised myself that i would keep tabs on all the things I read this year, both on and off tumblr. Also - this shines light on some amazing authors that I’ve come across and don’t want to forget. If you’d rather not be tagged (because if you’re on this list, it means im legit reading every fic you pump out LMAO) please let me know!
This one is starting off mostly as a backlog, because I should’ve done this earlier... Oops.
also i can’t, for the life of me, ever recall fics off of the top of my head.
This is in no particular order other than what I can find off of my blog and my pc tabs - i have 3 million open at all times.
The Last of Us
abby love spell by @ohcaptains
 This abby x reader fic is literally the first I’ve ever read because I def wasn’t an abby stan. This entire fic is perfection from head to toe, legit smutty perfection. The longing, the desperation, the banter is just so great and I can’t recommend this one enough.
miss sunshine by @nexusnyx
I’ve read a lot of Joel fics, being a longtime Joel lover. (Seriously, I’ve been in love with this man since I was 13.) This one is my all time favorite, hands down. I love the dynamic here, I love how the author takes the characterization of Joel miller and makes it better. I especially love that Sunshine is a nickname given to her by him and not Sarah.
Everything here is perfect for me. No qualms. I read it every couple of days.
Call of Duty (MWII)
yours to keep by @mvtthewmurdvck
In lieu of authors turning me onto characters that I never thought I’d like, this one is divine. Definitely helps that they accidentally used my actual nickname but, even without it, this fic is just so deliciously sexy and real. I could write paragraphs on how much I love this story.
Softly by @littleferal
This Rudy fic accompanies another two amazing fics, but this specifically highlights Rudy featuring a little bit of Ale. The Las Almas boys are so well done in this authors hands. They truly nailed how gentle and attentive a lover Rudy can be. The sugar and spice dynamic of Rudy and Ale is perfection here.
Simon Says & Daddy’s Home by @emomanswhore
For these to be their only two fucking fics on this site, holy shit.
Author came out that bitch SWINGING. I remember these two fics being the first real ghost x reader that I felt really strongly about because its the first time I ever really got into a reblogging stint. Ontop of a black coded and bratty!reader, Gods. These two stories keep my horny ass up at night. Point blank.
“its so hot when you talk back” by @gh0stswh0re
Speaking of smut that keeps me up at night.. this is some toe-curling stuff. I love brat tamer!Ghost so much. This author captures his filthy fucking mouth so well.
Untitled Konig Drabble by @luxuryberzatto
Listen... Between Konig and Price.. those two are fighting rn for White Boy of the Month for me. But this drabble??? I think i’d have to let Konig have the “Bear” title. Just this once.. author made him begging sound so sexy.
Her heart was the most Beautiful Thing I Ever Broke by @day0walker​
This is an ongoing Price series that I just can’t wait to really dig into. I’ve read the first few chapters and, I have to say, Im afraid this might become one of my favorites for my main man. Perfect, so far, in every way. The banter is top tier.
Price’s Masterlist by @yeyinde
Literally feeds us so much. The Price girlies are forever in this authors favor. Everything they write for that man is so delicious, so fucking ambrosial that i’ll literally put down what Im doing to read what they’ve written for him.
Ghosts and Mirages Masterlist by @stararch4ngelqueen
Still ongoing series, but its so good. Nothing has fed me more than this series for Ghost right here. It’s quite literally a masterpiece. I’ve never felt more emotion for a series than this one right here. PERFECT.
Misc. Characters
Blossom Dearie by @nymphlamp
Carmy is SO good in this Authors hands. So perfect. This fic turned me into such a carmy girl that it isn’t even funny and I should actually go to a therapist about it. Such beautiful writing. Also another black coded!reader <3
Morning by @write-and-buried​
This is a Dieter Bravo fic and.. Whew lord this, and the second part of it is sooooooo fucking hot. I still haven’t seen whatever movie this is yet but by Gods does this fic make me want to dive headfirst into it.
The Fire in Your Eyes Series by @flamehairedwritings​
such a good series for Aurthur Morgan. So well fucking done with so many emotions. Beautiful and meaningful writing.
Off of Tumblr
Safe House by Alternate_Alien
Another ongoing price fic... but Bodyguard!Price dealing with a bratty!reader??? Cmooooon now. Its too good.
Lady of Rooksgrave Manor by Kathryn Moon
Reverse harems are such a guilty pleasure of mine. This turned me into a monster fucker.. Im not sorry.
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littlelambdrgnfly · 9 months
Ok since you reblogged that one post I hope you know I reread The Sum of Them for the 3rd time, maybe like a month ago, up until the last chapter and i never finished it cause i didnt want to experience it ending again (if that makes sense), i wish it never ended. I wish they could play baby games forever but its so important it does end because the ending is soo beautiful but so devastating, and it's beautiful because its so devastating, and my heart cant take experiencing that again :'-(
i already sent a message on here saying that your fic was the first fic to make me cry, possibly the first piece of LITERATURE in general to make me cry (i could be wrong but i cant remember any piece before that), and it made me cry 2 times when reading it for the first time. It is truly my favorite piece of McLennon fanfiction, but the only reason i dont fully consider it mine is that if someone were to ask me, it'd be too taboo/freaky to say but its truly one of the most heartfelt and complex ways ive ever seen anyone portray John and Paul while also feeling completely accurate and realistic. My god. And i love so many of your other fics too but The Sum of Them really means so much to me and I cant even say that enough. i wish you could just live as me and be inside my mind to fully grasp how much of an affect it had on me, I dont think i will ever be able to explain it sadly </3. But just know out of every McLennon fic ive ever read (and ive read many), THAT one is my very favorite out of like 100+. The way you characterize them is just so completely different from any other fic ive read and its so intimate and raw and holy shit i dont even have the words. Sorry i know im rambling at this point but I just think about it a lot! Also your fics are the only fics i enjoy anymore, (recent) beatles fics have gone down the drain in my opinion and yours are the only ones i can be satisfied with because, as far as im concerned, anything you write is automatically in-character for them after reading The Sum of Them lol x) thank you so SO much for writing cause it's truly exposed so many of my own desires and hidden , sensitive parts of myself that couldn't be excavated any other way without your work 💖
Dude... this is legitimately one of the best comments I've ever gotten. I wish I could memorize all of this and replay it for myself whenever I'm feeling blue. Thank you so so much, it means the world to me! I think all writers insert their own thoughts and emotions into their work, and I definitely do that in all of mine, but especially The Sum of Them. This fic is basically my wishlist of things I would do with a partner, as well as coming to better terms with my own kinks, so I'm glad it's been able to resonate with people. I'm also glad that I managed to keep John and Paul in character, even if John is crying every other paragraph lmao! I totally get what you're saying about wishing I could experience what you did, I wish I could too. Sometimes I reread my fics with the mindset of someone reading it for the first time, but it's just not the same. I'd give my left tit for more writers on my level or higher who wrote bottom!John or even ABDL fics, I swear. I don't read a lot of fics these days, but I'm usually disappointed whenever I check the Beatles tab. I'm also really really bad at remembering titles and author names, so I never remember what fics that I like! Thank God for bookmarks. I definitely understand not wanting to tell people that this is your favorite fic though, lol! I've been writing Beatles fics for a long time, but I created a new account on AO3 when I started writing these fics. I'm comfortable talking about this stuff, but only with the help of an alternate profile. I'm really really happy to help people explore this side of themselves though-- too often fics like mine are just really gross over-the-top and completely unrealistic portrayals in my opinion, and I guess I wanted to bring something sweeter and more realistic to the table. <3
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dinosaurzzz · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to my account! I'm Dino, also known as the (self-proclaimed) CEO of XVials (Ink/XGaster)! I'm multiship but I don't talk about the other ones as much since XVials kind of runs my life.
My art account is @dynobitezzz and I post finished works there and sketches here; my art tag is 'dynobite art'
This is mostly a main/reblog account and I do tend to spam when I'm in a good mood about something I really like. Please be aware.
Here are some things about me:
PLEASE let me scream into the void about xvials. i won't bite, i promise. literally shoot me a message, tell me the most obscure thoughts you have on them, even ask questions about what i think on them!! i want it all. i need people to hear the xvials propaganda. these two goobers are so in love it HURTS that they aren't talked much more about, and i can give you a list of everything that has happened, and every concious decision jakei has made to develop their friendship. on top of that: i reocgnize their aroace identities and respect it VERY much. they are my lil guys. 🫶
i have a difficult time regulating my emotions and can come off as really rash and sensitive. it's not personal, i've just had a stressful(re: trauma-filled) life and my diagnoised ADHD and undiagnoised autism really go hand in hand. im also very bad at telling where a line may be crossed.
im kind of really dumb and big paragraphs, sentences, and words can short circuit my brain. english was something i used to be kind of good at but now i dont know whats going on with it. despite being a fanfic writer. so i may ask you to elaborate or word differently.
i AM 19yo and sometimes my work can become less than sfw. actual nsfw content is posted elsewhere.
im trans masc and bi/aroace(general term) and have a loving bf who i just adore! i go by he/it pronouns. <3
i used to powerlift competitively in highschool, my maxes are as follow; bench 140lb, squat 215lb, deadlift 240lb. i unfortunately couldnt get the last deadlift since its really strict about how you do things, but i could pick up the weight which meant more to me than some score. :]
im an aspiring video editor and im actually certified to use adobe premiere pro! i got the highest of my class with 920/1000 and im so proud of that !! <3 im obviously a beginner but ive edited tons of things before! Here's the proof because again. So. Proud.
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I have several tags that I use that you can find and use below to navigate through my stuff. I believe most of them are self explanatory!
dinosaurzzz rambles is a general tag i use to talk about things, so reblogs, other posts, myself. just a lot of things. i dont ever tag reblogs btw so you won't get a cluttered screen!
Okay peace! Drink water, eat a snack, sleep well!
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screadingchallenge · 2 years
Behind the Keyboard: Volume 2
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Behind the Keyboard is a series of interviews with different Schitt’s Creek fanfic authors. The series will last as long as there is interest (from authors) and capacity (from me). If you are an author from the Schitt’s Creek fandom who would like to participate, send a DM to this account.
Each author was given ten questions. The first five questions are the same for every author, the last five will vary.
Remember, this year’s Reading Challenge begins July 15, so polish up those MFL lists.
Let’s meet our next author:
mallpretzles / @mallpretzles​
How many fics have you written? 
20 - All for Schitt’s Creek.
When did you publish your first fic on AO3? 
Describe your writing process from “Oh, I have an idea” to pushing publish on AO3.  
I immediately start a google doc when I get an idea. I can add to it if I think of something I want to include or write a paragraph here and there. Brainstorming with my writer friends when I’m stuck is very helpful with getting to the finish line. They also talk me off a ledge when I’ve procrastinated too long and it just isn’t coming together. The last step before publishing is to panic that it’s not good enough. I’m a perfectionist and my own worst critic but I’m getting better!  
Tell me about your most recent fic. What do you love about it? Is there anything you think you could have done better? 
It’s called The Truce and it was my first anon ask. I love that two people in the fandom came together and made a fic idea come to fruition. The anon loved it so this fic is extra special to me. Something else I do (because I’m ridiculous) is run my fic through a text reader. Hearing it read back is much different than reading it because you catch things you ordinarily wouldn’t have especially if you don’t have a beta. In terms of whether the fic could be better, of course. I always think my fics could be better even if I’m happy with how they turned out 
What advice would you give to someone who’s thinking about publishing their fic for the first time? 
Use a beta!! You will be much happier with the result and having a beta I trust has been invaluable. If you’re interested in being a beta make a post about it because a lot of writers have no idea how/where to find one. Your fic will never be perfect so just rip the bandaid off and publish it. Tag the hell out of your fic so it’s easier to find. Use a pseud that sticks out from the rest so readers are more likely to remember it. Lastly, choose a fic title that is unique or used less frequently so it doesn’t pop up with multiple other fics in a search. 
Plot vs vibes - pick one. 
Vibes. I think anyone can come up with a plot but your vibe is what makes a fic unique to you. It also shows readers what to expect from your writing so if they're looking for something specific they may be more likely to keep your fics in mind. 
If you could say one thing to your fellow fic writers, what would it be? 
Writing should be fun! If it’s stressing you out then consider taking a break and do some self care instead. I have one more, which is to support other writers. Reblog their posts and if they don’t have Tumblr make a post with a link to their fic. If you see that a writer is struggling then consider reaching out to offer support. 
If you could say one thing to the people who read your fic, what would it be?
Thank you!!! Your support and encouragement means the world to me! I really look forward to your comments and what you thought about the fic. It makes me a better writer and your encouragement keeps me motivated to continue writing. 
Do you think your fics have a brand? What is it? 
Yes. I like writing about David & Patrick’s emotions, vulnerability, and their relationship dynamics.The show not tell of nonverbal body language is a bitch but it often conveys emotions/feelings that dialogue just can’t. It also gives the fic more life and pulls you into the character’s experiences. It definitely helps with the pining idiots trope especially so for Patrick. I’m drawn toward writing angst but it always results in strengthening their relationship and/or gaining a better understanding of each other. Okay, and smut. 
Tell me about one of your favorite headcanons. 
Patrick changes his mind about going slow. We all saw the want in their second kiss, which also  leads me to believe that he’s confident and competent in the bedroom despite his lack of experience. Rachel and not coming out to his parents were fear based and not necessarily things he was trying to hide. David shouldn’t have been as upset as he was since he also avoided talking about the past. 
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shotorozu · 4 years
Heyhey! It's 20th november here and uh, it's my birthday! Yeepee yoohoo or whatevs i suppose, um, is it okay if i request Bakugou, Todoroki, and Tamaki with an S/O who's crying on their bday? Like maybe life has been hard on them for the last few months and now everyone is pressuring them using "act more mature" or "you're old enough to stop acting like a kid" or sumn, and the fact that they're getting older just kinda makes them sad cuz now people are going to expect MORE from them. I hope that's aight, thanks✨💕
aaa happy birthday :) if you’re experiencing that then i’m sorry :(( you’re supposed to feel special on your birthday, so this is my birthday treat to you 🤍
you’re sad on your birthday
characters : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, amajiki tamaki
legend : [Y/N = your name] i’ll use they/them pronouns. reader has a strong quirk
fic type : headcanons [comfort; angst-ish to fluff]
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
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bakugou katsuki
he likes to pretend he doesn’t really care that much about your birthday
again, he’s pretty tsundere— that’s how katsuki is
katsuki cares about your birthday a lot
he’s been saving up for your gift for a few months, and he will NOT fuck this up
so, he’s kinda shocked when he sees your melancholic expression the entire day
you’re someone that’s usually pretty laid back, and you seem pretty carefree
you do what you want, even if it seems a little immature at some times
but— why do you look that way??
so he comes to confront you around dinner time while holding his gift behind his back, asking what the hell is wrong with you
but your eyes,, they’re teary eyed
“what’s wrong idiot?? isn’t it your birthday??”
he’s kinda confused, but his spirit is right
“i don’t know katsuki, it’s like it’s crashing down on me”
your room is dark, so he places the gift onto your desk quietly— before running his hands along the side of your arms
“talk to me, idiot. what’s on your mind?”
and that’s when you voice all your worries.
on how you’re getting older and older by the second. even though you guys are still young, the expectations people have on you are building up on you
“everyone says im being ‘immature’ for my age, and i’m starting to think it’s true.”
you heave, and you push your head against his chest (not wishing to see his face)
“Y/N, look at me.”
begrudgingly, you look at him— tears rolling down your face
and even in the dark, you can see that genuine expression on his face
“fuck everyone’s expectations. look, it might be pretty plain of me to say this, but does some random extra’s opinion matter? no- hell no. it’s irrelevant.”
and it’s actually quite true, you’re lost for words— are you surprised? no. bakugou has a habit of doing that, catching you by surprise.
“also, you’re not immature. you’re just really genuine, and take that compliment— idiot.”
you giggle. you’re no longer crying— and you wrap your arms around his torso “thank you, katsuki”
“no problem, idiot. i’ll beat up any idiot that’ll say that shit about you.”
you guys lay in silence for a while, and he pulls you off of him— and walks back to your gift
“happy birthday, idiot.”
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todoroki shouto
he’s oddly ethusiastic about your birthday
“love, where do you wanna go on your birthday? i’ll get anything you want.”
though, he’s confused when you’re not sharing the same ethusiasm.
you’re pretty relaxed and upgoing, so this is a little off. something is weird.
he doesn’t like pushing things onto you, so hours before your birthday,
he comes to your room, and you’re simply staring at the clock— watching as time passes by you.
“what’s wrong, love? it’s fine to hate birthday celebrations”
he’s too blunt, but expect that from him
you sigh, trying to find the words that you want to say. he encourages you by running his left hand along your back
“it’s my birthday soon, and everyone is expecting so much of me.”
he blinks
he doesn’t understand, but— he’s waiting for you to elaborate.
“i mean, given my quirk— i’d see why but. in the end, they always forget that i can’t meet their expectations.”
you tear up
“and i’m getting older, and it’s building up on me. i know i have to suck it up some day but.. it’s painful. sometimes i can be a little immature but really- it’s just me trying to save what’s left of my youth i guess...”
you guys aren’t even that old ngl
his expression is pained, and he pulls you into a hug
“i’m sorry love, you shouldn’t be feeling that way. you don’t have to please everyone all the time, and if you make mistakes— it shouldn’t discredit you for your talent. embrace your personality, even if you find yourself immature— i’ll always love you regardless.”
you don’t say anything, but you’re smiling. that’s the important part
growing older is still scary, but with shouto— it makes the journey less intimidating.
also, he spoils tf out of you on your birthday
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amajiki tamaki
oddly enough, he’s doing the midnight countdown with you
you’d guess he’d be asleep by now, since tamaki isn’t such a ‘night owl’ to be frank
but!! he’s so pumped for your birthday
so he’s anticipating the clock to hit midnight, and when it does..
he’s elated! he’s looking at you for that classical Y/N smile
but it’s not there..? your expression hasn’t been this empty.
he’s worried if he made you mad, and his anxiety almost sets off
“d-did i make you mad, Y/N?”
“what? no- it’s not that.”
“please tell me Y/N, i’m not sure if i can go pass this without you telling me..”
you sigh, the moonlight luminating your face— enough to showcase that melancholic expression
“it’s my birthday. i know i should be happy but, getting older is so scary- you know?”
he gets it, because he himself has his troubles
but you’re there to calm him down from his worries. that’s why he fell head over heels for you.
he’s so shocked— and he’s not the best at comforting, so when you cry
it makes it worse for him. it’s like he’s in that much pain as you are!
“b-bunny, i know how hard it must be.. i’m not the best at this comforting stuff, but i want you to know that i’ll always be here. you don’t have to match everyone’s expectations, that’s what you’ve taught me. and i want you to know that i-i’ll love you, really! and seeing you in this pain isn’t what i want. i don’t care if people say you’re ‘immature’ i love you for you, bunny!”
it’s honestly the most tamaki has said, and it catches you off guard too.
he seems equally as surprised as you are, however, his intent is solid.
“thank you, tamaki.” you pull him into a hug, tears rolling down your cheeks “i.. really needed to hear that.”
tamaki’s cheeks are painted a bright red, but he pushes deeper into the hug— his hands running up and down your back
you finally allow the emotions to spill. all the buildup falling apart, and does tamaki mind? no. not at all, he prefers you to be clear with your emotions the most.
he’ll be your #1 supporter, even if he has to speak paragraphs and paragraphs to you
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thank you for reading! (happy birthday exclipsses🤍)
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :)
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luciferloveschloe · 3 years
goodbye, lucifer (but not really!)
I cannot BELIEVE that I just watched the last episode of my favourite show.
I usually cram everything I have to in tags under gifsets I reblog, but for this final season I'll go through the pain of actually writing shit down. I'll try to keep it short, and I'll try not to ramble. (Edit: Did not accomplish that.)
what i loved
God, soooooooo much!!
Deckerstar baby
Okay, so when Rory showed up in the trailer I was like "Ugh, another annoying angel? Meh." FORGIVE ME, my sweet murder child! Of all the things I thought they might do, a Deckerstar baby was DEAD LAST on my list. And a daughter no less, I just... When she says she's Lucifer's daughter, I was like *SCREAMS*, but when we learn she's Lucifer AND Chloe's daughter, I completely lost it. My boyfriend's on a trip with his friends this week and I'm sooo grateful for that, I made the weirdest, loudest, ugliest noises while watching this season, I ran around our apartment like a maniac, I squealed and laughed and cried and just generally lost my mind. But when she says that?? Oh my God. Also the way Lucifer reacted when Chloe shows him the pregnancy test? Straight outta fanfic.
Lucifer being a father
Oh my God?? I've always said he'd be the BEST father, and actually seeing it on screen... I love the parallel of him being ridiculously over the top with Rory at first, just like God and Lucifer in S5. The way he looks at her when he sees her playing the guitar? Their duet?? Instantly one of my favourite scenes. Them driving in the Corvette, their last day together, how he keeps her from killing Le Mec? Just murder me.
Established Deckerstar
All the hugs and kisses?? The declarations of love, the besotted looks, the absolute power couple we got? Their look from Maze and Eve's wedding, OH MY GOD???? Just, these two are so pretty and we got SO MUCH. Also, their scenes with Rory?? I just love them so much...
(More under the cut!)
Ella's storyline
I wanted a reveal for her so badly, and the way it turned out was brilliant! I loved her figuring it out for herself and calling everyone out lmao. I especially loved poor Carol returning to that room full of shocked people. They had some GREAT punchlines and gags this season, absolutely hilarious! I also love Lucifer's parting gift for her and that she finally found a good one with Carol.
Hugs, so many hugs!
That's it, that's the paragraph.
The Police storyline
As a white person who has literally never once had a problem with the police, I know this is not my place to say, but I think they did a good job? Not giving into the "a few bad apples" excuse but acknowledging that the whole system needs to change? I also really enjoyed the scenes with Amenadiel and Officer Harris, showing what policework could and should look like.
Maze and Eve's happily ever after
I'm so glad auntie Maze and auntie Eve got their happy ending! And that wedding was a bomb. Also, "You're my hell!", lmao.
Dan's ascend to heaven
First of, great to know his only torture was Belios' lack of table tennis skills. Secondly, how very fitting for the show that they didn't hand Dan his happy ending easily, that he fought and won it for himself. Him as a ghost and him as Le Mec was equally funny, and his talk with Trixie was just perfect, literally tears you guys.
Amenadiel becoming God
I mean, dude's perfect for the job! From the loyal, distant, obeying servant to a God who wants to work as a team with his siblings, who wants the Celestials to experience the human world, who hates injustice and loves fiercely? In this universe, I couldn't imagine anyone better suited to be God.
Nobody misses the case of the week
At least I don't! God, I wish they'd tried this out sooner.
The bittersweet ending
Let's preface this by saying I HATE bittersweet endings. Give me a happily ever after or else. And yet, and yet!! I think the ending they settled on is perfect. Would I have loved it if Lucifer had a life on earth with Chloe, Trixie and Rory? God, yes. Do I get emotional over him being alone in hell, again? Goddd, yes. But still. I so love that he found his calling in the end, that they reunited, and that he actually makes good on his promise from S5 to change the system. Also, I don't care if this is canon or fanon for now, but they totally spend time in heaven with Rory and visit earth whenever they like. And this would have been my ideal ending - them being free to go where they like, and I don't see why they shoudn't. It's definitely more satisfying than just traipsing off to heaven indefinitely, so I really, really loved that.
what i didn't (do feel free to skip this!)
Lucifer missing out on Chloe's life on earth and being alone in hell again. Chloe being left again.
Time travel shenanigans. I just finished Dark and that was enough of a mindfuck. Do not want to think about loops for this show, thank you very much.
Chloe felt a little too housewifey in the first episodes, but it thankfully didn't stay that way for long.
Lucifer and Chloe talking about keeping secrets for a whole episode, and then NOBODY TALKING ABOUT URIEL AND CANDY. I mean, ahhhhhhh! If you don't want to talk about it, then don't, but don't remind people of it constantly and then NOT discuss it. It drives me mad, honestly, how many times they referenced these storylines only to completely ignore them when there were opportunities to resolve them. Ahhh. That's what fic is for, I guess.
Adam. Like, why? Bye, dude.
what i'll keep with me
When someone I'd just met at my boyfriend's cousin's wedding in 2019 recommended this "funny, little show" to me that intrigued them because they were interested in finding their faith, I really didn't think I'd write all this three years later.
Lucifer is my third fandom, and it won't be my last, but it sure as hell - ha - will stay with me. I resonate so deeply with Lucifer as a character because he fights with the idea of God, fights with this concept of a benevolent father that everyone seems to believe in but never fit his experience. I come from a Christian family and studied theology, but somewhere along the lines I had to come to terms with the fact that the faith I had as a child and teenager didn't fit me anymore. I want to believe again, and maybe someday I will, but right now I don't know that. So Lucifer's journey with that meant a lot to me. I'd like to find what Ella did, I guess.
Although I never really thought Lucifer needed redemption, I loved the whole "anybody can be redeemed" message as well. And hell reform! Hell is such a weird, awful construct - speaking as the theology expert - bringing a bit of purgatory in in this universe is really fucking cool.
Also, I binged Lucifer when I was alone in hospital late at night. That experience alone I'll never forget.
So, I guess - thank you!! Thank you to the cast and crew, to the fans who campaigned for season four, to Ildy and Joe, to the writers and the directors and the people who brought lunch: Thank you so much for this incredible show. I'm not ready to say goodbye, not by a long shot, and I hope this fandom feels the same.
Yabba dabba do me, I love my stupid little show!!!
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ameliasbitvh · 3 years
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ahhhh! thank you all soso much for the 300 followers! i just hit 200 last week?! how are there 300 of you? i honestly don’t know, but i started this account as a place to just read smut and then i decided to post on here. the reason why my first post was angst was because i was being a slut for angst to feel something in those few moments- okay i’ll stop myself right there. for this milestone i’m going to do mutual appreciation for the moots i’ve interacted with the most so far! (if we’re moots and u wanna interact pls do, i’m not scary!)
okayy first up,
i love you so much bby, i could not believe it when you followed me. i was legit crying happy tears and i specifically remember you followed me after i posted “needy” random lol.
your writing is immaculate, absolutely lovely. ur smut *chefs kisses* i love that you put up with my shit photos that i send you and that you actually ask for more- but it baffled me when you first interacted with me, this was my reaction
*deep breath* “omfg! (ur username) just interacted with me, wtf do i do?!” also ur nick name reminds me of belly from dear, draco.
i’m not writing a lot, bc for your sleepover i wrote you a damn paragraph 😭 but i love u sm belly!! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
ARI! i love talking to you, bc i can talk about anything and when i say anything i mean anything. like kinks, porn, random draco scenarios, etc… you are one of the funniest people i have seen on this app.
ur blunt and funny at the same time, it just makes it more fun to talk to you. ur smut is soso good, bc i don’t find a lot of smut with a dom!reader and sub!draco.
i remember you followed me, so out of curiosity i checked out your blog and saw your piss kink fic and that did it for me. after that i followed you back and we became moots ajnwja. when ur first account got terminated you scared me so fucking much, because i thought you were going to leave tumblr forever. don’t. ever. play. like. that. again. i’m glad we became moots bc i fucking love you <3
I LOVE YOU SM! i think u were the first moot that i interacted with in direct messages, bc you had tea to spill, and ever since than we’ve been #4lifers. you send me edits and hate on t*m felton with me on instagram. you were the first mutual to know what i looked like lmaoo. u r an absolute goddess, bestie, like what- i know that you can pull anyone you want, so stop playing when you talk about someone.
even though we have a fucking 12 hour time difference, we still find time to talk to each other. it is so fun talking with you and the fact that when we talk it’s night for one of us. you let me send that stupid tik tok of ed sheeran and t*m felton to you and it probably haunts your dreams now ajnwajsj-
i appreciate that you study ur MF ass off for your exams, bc i could never. and you even send me those cute memes when i wake up- also we better be watching those true crime documentaries, bc i’m still waiting. idc if we have a time difference :) anyways ILY SM ELLIE !! <3
okay- where do i even get started with this. we first interacted when i reblogged that draco fan fic and we reblogged talking about how desperate we were trying to find that iconic fic. and i forgot that the creator could see all the reblogging we were doing- you texted me directly about adding my name into your tags, which obviously i agreed to. then we just started talking about random shit like how we were superior because we were june geminis. or how we talked about being in love with remus lupin.
i have vivid flash backs of how your remus fic hurt me. i cried my false lashes off proof reading janajaj- bestie- you’ve seen me cry ajnwja- your writing is ethereal, i don’t know how you can see that? your so nice too, like girly u gave me ur netflix within like a day of knowing each other 💀 we watched bridgerton in two mother fucking sittings. we ate that bridgerton hoe up!
all ur input on the scenes were so funny like the “with child” and “dicking” comments 😭 i love how it’s so easy to talk to you about everything, like how dumb i am- even talking about the privilege of being poc and not burning in the sun. bruh u even let me tag u in dumb tik tok videos, like what?! and i think your the only mutual i have that’s in the same time zone as me… also we better binge the next season. but ily sm, ur like my older sister, even if u say ur life is shitty 😭 <3
honestly, kacia. i owe a lot to you for my account being “found” or whatever, bc you reblogged a fic of mine, i’m pretty sure it was “common room” and that’s when i started getting notes and followers najajwjwj- you might not know that but i do 💀 i will forever remember that.
you literally were one of the first accounts ever- to follow me. and i won’t lie, i went crazy when u followed me because i love your fics so much! you are so funny and blunt too i swear 😭
and can we talk about your tom riddle fic? like?!the fact that you really showed tom’s true personality and character. every world had me enthralled further into the fic, the way you wrote him is exactly how i think tom riddle would act towards his s/o. his toxicity and gaslighting is too accurate.
moving on from the discussion of your fic, which is amazing, ily sm babe!!
we’ve interacted a few times and when u texted me directly saying that you thought i was sweet, i literally went, “omg- people think i’m sweet” in a good way, not bad jkwajjw- can i just get started on your writing, because oh. my. fucking. god. it is the most captivating and heart breaking thing i’ve ever seen- the emotions that you put into every word completes the entire fic. every angst piece that you have written, made me cry or made something inside me just twist with sadness. it is truly lovely and magnificent.
how do ur fics not get thousands of notes? because everyone should see what you write, it’s unfair that others haven’t seen your fics. when u explained your dream to me, i swear you practically wrote a whole fic 😭
i remember u said that you wanted to do a face reveal, but we’re scared. bestie what are you scared of? you look like an ANGEL!! and if anyone were to disagree, they are obviously blind. but ily bestie <3
BESTIE BAE ORION i love you so much!interacting with you is honestly so fun. and i remember like literally yesterday we were trying to figure out ari’s time zone and we were freaking out. you, ari, and me all have a fucking time difference 😭 it sucks so much!
at least every day you ask me how my days been and i think that’s so sweet, because before i got on tumblr people didn’t ask that question. i appreciate that you ask me that and just random questions in general, because i love interacting with you so much. and you should start writing bby! i will reblog anything you write, also ily sm <3
we don’t talk a lot, but you seem like a fun person! i love seeing all the edits you post on here, bc honestly i need more ferret boy content. i know there is a lot, but i feel like i’ve seen all of them. until i see you posting a new edit and i’m like, “okay… i guess i haven’t seen every draco edit” but that’s all i have lol, ly!!
to be honest, you seemed so intimidating to me. i know you said you’re not, but to me you seemed really scary even though i knew you weren’t 😭 i just interacted with you recently and you are so sweet i swear! i love all ur fics, especially “and then i felt nothing” because when i read this fic you better believe i was crying so hard- to the point where i couldn’t breath- everything was written so beautifully, i couldn’t believe it.
i love how one thing we share in common is losing our phones 💀 but i just wanted to say thank you for explaining the whole sleepover and celebration things to me! even tho we just started interacting i already love u!!
moots bc i’m in love with all of them: @just-a-smol-spoon @dreamy-clousds @dracoskinks @unedibledaisyduck @thatsassyhufflepuff @a-aexotic @l0vely-lupin @gothboutique @wolfstar4lifee @littlemissnoname13 @deatthfairy @arcaneslut @ladyvesuvia @laceycallisto @dracossweetprincess @the-lonely-poet-loves-to-weep @realityblocked @harmqnia @yoooespinosa @opalsheart @lilscloud @cupids-crystals @mellifluousart @lunas-kisses @malfoysmainb @klauscarolove @crystxlss @beforeoursunsets @marrymetheonott @queeriacs @electriclocean @dlmmdl @o-rion-sta-r @sfdlm @ilygw @desiredmalfoy @underappreciated-spoon-321 @draco-and-tom @hellounicorn @mugglesthesedays @dracomalfoys-wh0re
if i didn’t tag u it’s bc i can’t tag more than 50 blogs :(
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karanoid · 4 years
about top joe discord
There has been many fear and anxiety regardless the top!joe discord I made. I understand how it gives my discord a bad reputation. Somebody has kindly reached out to me to ask me addressing several points, which I’m now gonna clarify:
1. I am racist, I asked why, and they said mostly because of my dismissive behavior to people who called me out for drawing yusuf adorned in gold jewelry which made their friends feel unsafe. So, I am a muslim and was raised in a muslim household and community. I am fucking brown.
I didn’t say it because you don’t need to know that about me. What bothers me is how some people feel the need to come to my inbox informing me “maam yusuf is a religious muslim who prays 5 times a day and do all the supplementary prayers all while he drinks alcohol and fuck nicky in the dailies, he wouldnt be wearing gold maam no maam.” as if I didn’t know any better. so please, now don’t do that. If you care so much about the littlest details like wearing gold then you’ll also call out yusuf because he draws living beings and drinks champagne. yes it’s true muslim men are forbidden from wearing gold AND silk but let’s not forget, nothing in the comic and movies imply yusuf has ever been religious. It’s easier to see nicolo as religious because he was a fucking priest. Yusuf was a fucking merchant, it’s easy to see that he’d be less faithful because he would have been travelling and seen many kind of people to broaden his horizons and not contained to a little bubble of hyper religious community. However, let me remind you: whether yusuf AND nicolo are religious or not is entirely UP TO THE AUTHOR/ARTIST. It’s totally fine to make him religious and if you can respect it THATS GREAT, I ALSO LIKE HIM THAT WAY, but please remember it’s not even canon and hey sometimes I just draw things because I like the aesthetics. Also please, do not harass writers for getting a thing or two incorrect, even white people cannot get christianity correct, even between two muslims could be a disagreement whether this fic’s yusuf is problematic or not. I wouldn’t even expect anything more and THAT’S OKAY. Just don’t be an ass to muslims of color in real life and don’t fall into the believe that it’s a religion of violence. you can say that greg made him that way bc he knew nothing better but hey, I have no problem with that. again, it’s fine to make him religious, I’d be delighted but it’s ALSO fine to make him not religious.
2. I think that people only write Top!Nicky out of political correctness. OKAY. I apologize for this. I thought like this because I have accounts telling me that they were pressured into writing top!nicky or they wanted more readerships so I make a BIG assumption. I realized this is only a small part of switch and top!nicky fics and the big bulk of this must be out of genuine care. So yeah, I apologize for thinking that people only write top!nicky out of political correctness. I think writers should be allowed to write whatever they want. Yes this includes top!Nicky. And in whatever kinks they want it. However, this still doesn’t change that the discourses do scare people away from writing top!joe. Write top!nicky however you want, but stop vague-blogging about top!joe. racism isn’t inherent to top!joe and you can always remind people to be mindful with their writings but discouraging people from writing top!joe is not the solution. 
3. Top!joe is racist and people in the discord are racist. Okay, I am gonna touch several aspects why top!joe discord is considered racist: (1) because I don’t like to switch them, therefore I am racist. Sorry that’s not how it works. I have a clear preference and that’s just how I roll. Besides, a lot of people in the discord (including me) think either they switch (because they are 900 yo) or joe just doesn’t like bottoming. I’m not the kind of people who refers to reality for fiction I consume but people who prefer to top or to bottom exist (2) i want to be away from accountability and responsibility. Nope. The reason I made it is because I wanted to gather people with same interest as mine. 
4. I paint Yusuf as aggressive and the whole discord like him being an aggressive top. I think this is the only reason why the discord is seen in a negative light. Because wow what a coincidence that someone vagueblogged my discord at the day I celebrated about Nicky suggesting 20 years and wrote a post about how Joe is allowed to be angry. And beside someone made the WRONG assumption that we are focusing on Joe’s anger and violence (what). Okay, I don’t know how to break this down. But I will try. First, yes I was overjoyed at the news. Because I’m one of the people that do not like feral!nicky headcanon. I liked it at first bc it was funny but then it was twisted into Nicky being cold. So I don’t like it (lol), I still like it though but like I don’t seriously think that way. However, I never liked the idea that Nicky suggested higher than Joe. Because then his character just doesn’t click with me, there was a cognitive dissonance for me because joe clearly says nicky’s heart overflows kindness, you can see nicky as a medic in the credit montage. Also, from their body language and from the way the movie set em up, I think Joe is the one who suggested higher and I am glad to be proven right. Second, I did write a post about how Joe is allowed to be angry at Booker. People agreed with me, so I was not alone. But the reason I wrote that post is not because I wanted to paint yusuf as aggressive, but because I’m tired at people who think Joe shouldn’t display any negative emotions. I think it’s out of character. I do NOT think Joe is aggressive. That is NOT his wholeass personality. If you looked at my tog art tag, never once I portrayed Joe as anything aggressive. If I do, please show me. Third, people are conflating this with my post where I reblogged with a comment that implies aggressive Joe isn’t racism. Okay in this, the context is IN BED. It’s Joe being aggressive in BED. It’s literally BED ROLES AND FANTASY. I don’t even have a particular scenario in my head when I reblogged that, the original post clearly refers to bed roles with manhandling and kinks etc. like, why would you spank someone in public? Lastly, about the discord, NOPE, most people in the discord agree that Joe is either a GENTLE DOM or SERVICE TOP. But in my opinion, if someone likes Joe as an aggressive top (again, bed roles baby) I really don’t think it’s racism. It’s just... projection? 
anyway, back to joe’s emotions, these are posts from a moroccan man (paragraph #7) and a brown woman whose posts I agree with. Let’s be real, people of color are expected to shut up in favor of white people’s fragile feelings.
Now, about racism in fandom. I understand the concern because muslim men are painted as violent and aggressive. You know what I will never forgive those radicals for taking away innocents lives and to leave a lasting damage in how muslims are perceived in the west. However, you have to keep in mind, Joe in the movie is far from being stereotyped. I mean, Gina and Marwan practically greenlit him? Now, you might have concerns that writers are gonna turn him into a walking stereotype which is... okay, I understand that concern. But the solution is to communicate this ‘hey I think you make him too stereotypical in this etc etc’ not “write more top!nicky AND shame top!joe” because again, top!joe is not inherently racist.
also some people mentioned that they hope I recognize racial bias in the ship. dude, that goes without saying, all aspects of your life will be influenced by racial biases. however, this kind of thing is not specific to fandom/shipping. Like I said I’m fucking brown, friends and families with facial features that cater to white expectation are treated better. I did say at the bottom of this post, yeah I did notice why it’s always a brown character who’s always openly mad. And that’s in itself a form of racial bias. Racial biases affect everyone, white or POC, it doesn’t matter. But I got an issue with how people think this is racism. like how convenient, if by falling to racial biases mean you are a racist then what about those white people who created this racial biases in the first place? and I noticed the persons who got the audacity to cry about everything in this fandom is white?? I mean okay, they don’t know what I am, but not everyone is comfortable with sharing their private information like ethnic group, faith, etc. what if they really don’t want to share it? Because like you said, racial bias, whether good or bad will affect me. Now, I don’t know what white people are feeling, I’m not white. However, based on my interactions with them. We’re all just people sharing same interest, it could be they fall into racial biases, but all we shared about are just regular HCs. Even people making a conscious effort to combat racial bias still in essence fall for racial bias. You just cannot escape it.
According to this post, fandom assumes that the bottom is the proxy of writers, I don’t think this is applicable to everyone but let’s just say it’s true and people tend to write about their projection better so I’m gonna assume the racism part comes from the fact that..yeah I do think the bottom usually gets more fleshed out as a result of them being the writers proxy, so somebody posted this in the discord which I agree because yes I do think there’s a lack about yusuf’s background especially when it comes to crusade era:
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but since I know most writers aren’t muslims, to me it’s not so much about racism but they simply know nothing about it, and not always out of ignorance either but in this climate, if you get a thing or two wrong you’d get harassed. so *shrugs* I understand the reluctancy. But here’s the thing, this is not about top/bottom issue but because most of the fandom are white so they have more freedom in writing the white character. Anyway, plenty of people have projected themselves into yusuf already, the whole “top/bottom” thing in this fandom is not even a thing. Yes, some writers project on the bottom so if you prefer bottom!joe that’s fine, somebody in the discord is doing a research and it turned out top!joe wasn’t even a CLEAR majority in JULY. So clearly they got their share already?
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so please, let’s stop with the vitriol. if people are preferring top!joe it’s clearly because of different preferences. it’s not that deep. it’s the same way with how some people are preferring top!nicky. But we’re being driven out based on a hypothetical scenarios? like what do you want? for us to cease existing??? don’t be ridiculous.
I know people won’t listen to me. So this is my suggestion: LETS JUST IGNORE THINGS YOU DON’T LIKE. LET’S ALL JUST AGREE TO DISAGREE. 
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strangertheory · 3 years
I hope you’re doing well :)
I'm doing okay. Life has its ups and downs.
I haven't been as active on this blog as I used to be, and I'd like to share with you all a little bit of context and what's going on in my life.
(This is a long post in which I'll overshare a bit and dump some of my feelings into paragraph form, so if anyone doesn't feel up to reading a multi-paragraph post about my depression and anxieties don't feel obligated.)
I have been a freelancer for the last three-ish years. I didn't like the way my former employer treated me or other workers, so I quit and I tried running my own business. It was really great at the beginning. Things felt promising. I had (and still have) customers who I love working with and who value my work. It enabled me and my sweetheart to travel and go backpacking and work remotely and see so many places we'd never been and meet so many new people. But no matter what I did, I couldn't figure out how to make my freelance work grow beyond a certain amount of projects at any given time and I was probably not charging enough for my services for a long while. The pandemic hurt a lot of my work too, and many of my customers disappeared while they tried to figure out what they needed to do for themselves too.
I've been incredibly lucky and in spite of things not working out, I had a wonderful few years running my own remote business while traveling and having experiences I never would have otherwise had. But right now I'm searching for new employment and hoping to find an opportunity in a larger company again while also still working for a few customers who still need me and have continued to hire me for projects, and the job search combined with my freelance work and the pandemic and various other personal life events has made life more complicated and more emotionally stressful.
The job search is a discouraging process. The pandemic has been emotionally draining and stressful, but I am very fortunate and I have been fully vaccinated. But the job search is weighing on me a lot emotionally. I swing between feeling confident in myself and my network and my opportunities, and feeling as though there must be something wrong with me and my skill-set and my resume and that I must be going about things all wrong and fearing that after three years of not making enough to pay the bills while freelancing and after draining all of my savings trying to make my own company work that things aren't going to turn around any time soon.
I've also been feeling a deep emotional wound around my relationship with my family. They care about me on a certain level very, very much... but they don't truly love and accept me as who I am, and they're very prejudiced and set in their ways. This has been weighing on me more lately since I'm recognizing that my parents are getting older but I haven't figured out a way to reconcile with them on issues that mean a lot to me. I just want them to love me as I am and accept me for who I am because I love them so much but I'm struggling to figure out if there's anything I can do to change their mindsets or if I'm even ready to try doing more than what I've already done in my efforts to do that, since it would involve even more emotional energy and vulnerability that might not even make a difference or could even make things worse between us. I think I've already tried and done a lot in my effort to encourage them to change their hearts about things, and I probably need to spend more time seeking therapy and making peace with my lack of control over their ideologies and opinions and to make peace with the way they choose to love me even if they're not accepting of every part of who I am. But it's hard.
And I suppose I also have plenty of anxieties around certain aspects of the online Stranger Things fandom itself these days too. That's certainly also a factor in my absence.
I have really enjoyed sharing my ideas and theories with you all, but I don't want my thoughts and feelings and convictions and ideas that I choose to share to provoke any conflict that I don't have the emotional l energy to process in a healthy way.
I might escape this funk at some point and happily return to writing long posts and analyses about ideas that I have. I don't know how long I'm going to feel the need to take a break. When I have so much in my life that I'm already worried about, I am trying to spend my free time in ways that make me feel happy and I suppose right now I'm feeling emotionally vulnerable and unwilling to share my feelings about a story and characters that I'm overly emotionally invested in. I use fiction to escape from my real-world troubles and to find catharsis, but at times (like right now) I slip into being too emotionally invested to the point of connecting too strongly with fictional scenarios and being concerned with the opinions of other fans in ways that impact my wellbeing in a negative way. I need to sometimes step back a bit until I've recentered myself emotionally.
I value the friendships that I have made in this corner of the internet so, so much. Your interest in my ideas and our sharing of our different theories and our mutual fondness for this wonderful series and its characters has brought me a lot of joy and helped me feel less alone in many ways. But when I'm feeling like my family doesn't understand and respect me and I'm feeling alone, I do need to be wary of looking for finding understanding online when there's a certain culture of misunderstanding and drama if I accidentally wade into the wrong online circles that aren't seeking to understand me or seeking to share their thoughts with me in a mutually respectful way but are seeking to feast on social media drama or people who are seeking out someone to be angry at who they don't know and who they can turn into the scapegoat for their own worries. Strangers online aren't always kind and they aren't always willing to remember I'm just another fan and human being.
So with my depression and my increasing anxiety around my relationships and communities both online and offline I've been quieter here lately. I've been trying to spend less time in fandom spaces and trying to get more time outside in the fresh air, get more sleep, spend time with people who I know love me and allow me to feel heard and understood and respected, and figure out what I need for my health and happiness that I'm struggling to find.
I want to reassure you all that I'm very lucky, that I'm very safe, and that I have no worries about food or a place to live or anything like that and that I have a good network of people in my life who will make sure I'm okay. But depression and anxiety and other undiagnosed mental health struggles and unemployment and family issues can weigh on a person.
I'm still here. Thank you for spending time with me in this corner of the internet even if I've been really quiet lately. I still love Stranger Things. I still appreciate the friends I've made here. And maybe I'll return to blogging more regularly and with enthusiasm and joy when we have new content or when season 4 is released. I don't know where I'll be at emotionally later today, tomorrow, or next week. I'm taking things one day at a time. Sometimes I might write about my ideas and reply to Asks, and sometimes I might not. Sometimes I might reblog posts by others that I appreciate, and sometimes I might not post anything at all for a while. Thanks for understanding. ♥️
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violetfaust · 3 years
(Belated) TFATWS 1.3 roundup
This will probably be surprising to anyone whom I’ve subjected to my megaton of tfatws reblogs--but ep 1.3 was my least favorite of the series so far. And unfortunately every time I try to put together my breezy little liveblogging impressions, I get immediately stuck wanting to write ten paragraphs of WHY it’s my least favorite, which, in so many words: too little Sam POV. And by this time, plenty of other people who agree with me on this have written plenty of thoughtful threads on why, so I am just going to...let it go. For the moment. (And maybe just make it a separate ten-paragraph post.) Anyway, tl;dr:
I still enjoyed the episode
I’m still loving the show
I still think we’ll get emotional and dramatic payoff; BUT
I’m disappointed with my fave’s treatment this time around.  
Okay! Got it down to one paragraph and a bulleted list. Onward.
I’m relieved that Isaiah is at least in the previouslys.
I dunno, man, that cheesy commercial alone doesn’t make the GRC seem like the good guys, even before you follow it up with Walker throwing his weight around.
“Do you know who I am?” And just like that, Walker shows his true colors and proves he’s not worthy of the legacy. Because he’s a person who allows power and fame to corrupt him.
So is Zemo Nazi/Hydra or is he just a Nazi/Hydra fanboy? 
“What are you reading?” “Machiavelli.” “Yeah, you definitely seem like the kind of guy to break out of high-security prison. This is a good idea.”
“We are NOT breaking him out!!!” *puppy dog eyes* “sigh. fine”
I know the fandom loves Zemo, but man he is a little bitch. It literally takes him three minutes to start breaking down both Bucky and Sam. How the fuck did he even get his hands on Bucky’s notebook? (see below) Excuse me, Steve’s notebook. <x3
“Heartbreaking: Worst person you know just made a great point.”--> Sam re: Zemo and Marvin Gaye.
So Karli is friends with a cute little girl, sees her mother/mentor die unnecessarily, and just wanted to be a teacher when she grew up, and we think she’s the villain? NO.
This is getting super long so....below.
Heartbreaking Pt. 2: Yes, Sam, Zemo is right and you look good in the suit. (That is impeccable pattern matching, btw. I did not watch seven seasons of Project Runway for nothing.)
Okay, I should save this for my ten-paragraph bitching post but: I KNOW the trope of “undercover guy has to eat something gross to pass” is objectively funny. But Sam is from Louisiana.  I can guarantee you the man has eaten frog and/or alligator AT LEAST once. In fact, since the family business is shrimping, there’s a non-zero chance that he has prepared and served super-gross foods such as six-inch sea cockroaches with heads and ganglia attached. He should NOT have been fazed by a cocktail with fresh snake gonads or whatever those were. You know what would have been a funny take? Sam knocks back the drink, then says: “Delicious. And [pointing to Zemo] one for my friend here.”  (AM is hilarious here though.)
“Power Broker, really?” Goes with “Smiling Tiger is a bad name” and “Battlestar? Stop the car!” (Frankly, a person still going by “Winter Soldier” does not have a lot of room to criticize here...)
How does Zemo wearing a cool coat and dancing like a cute dork make up for what he’s doing to Bucky here? Sebstan had tears shining in his eyes. 
Love language: “You good?”
The layers of Sam, an African American man from the South, watching another human, his friend, apparently being sold...
REALLY? Sam didn’t put his phone on silent? (Bless Sarah for being a civilian and not playing along...)
HOWEVER this is a pretty ugly reminder in this episode when Zemo is throwing around his zillions and his private plane while Sam can’t get a loan to save his family business.
Was it Sharon who killed Selby? I’m confused?
Sharon! Being the poster woman for landing on her feet. Good for her. And thank you, Sharon, for having a wardrobe of men’s wear in Bucky and Sam’s sizes. Although if you could have gotten one of them to wear that sequined number...
It is just hard to accept that Steve and the Avengers did her SO dirty that they simply ignored her in the two years they were on the run. (It also doesn’t gibe with Sam and even Bucky seeming to know Sharon, since they never met before CW.) Come to think of it though, I don’t remember how Steve even got himself pardoned after IW?
I’ve read the theories that she might be the Power Broker, which seems unlikely purely on the practical basis that if she was blipped for five years she’d lose her standing, but this is Marvel, so who cares about making sense? If she is, I hope she’s not treated as a flat-out villain; maybe she deliberately let Karli and her group get the SS serum rather than Hydra wannabes? 
Let’s hear it for Sharon--kicking ass and not even bothering with the names.
Nagel is the most villainous villain who has villained here so far. What a waste.
So there are up to twelve SS serum doses left. Calling it now: Walker is going to do whatever he has to in order to get his hands on one of them.
However I do NOT want Sam to take one. He doesn’t need to be superpowered to be a hero.
“Partners each convinced the other is the sidekick.” 
We’ve all been waiting for this callback.
That had better not be the last of Sharon. She has her own minion--this should be good.
Look: the only reason Bucky would even CONSIDER taking the shield is that Sam says he doesn’t want it. (And I’m not sure he even IS seriously considering it so much as trying to make Sam reconsider.)
So I said this elsewhere but: apparently Zemo is redeemable. Sharon killed about fourteen people this episode alone. Bucky killed “almost everyone he ever met.” Sam offed helicopters full of terrorists in ep 1. Karli’s victims are not exactly innocent--they are hoarding resources meant for those refugee children and sick people.  I am not giving up on my daughter for this. ;-)
Heartbreaking #3: Bucky and Sam were dead for five years so it’s not exactly fair to call them out for not visiting the Sokovia memorial but...would they have thought of it?
WAKANDA! Finally! They’ve been teasing it since ep 1 but I didn’t think we’d actually get there. (Although I’m 100% sure that Shuri is one of the nine numbers in Bucky’s phone.)
Not a lot of Sambucky this time around, although we did get
Sam being a sweetly worried boyfriend throughout. Sam calling him “Buck” at least three times--with no pushback. 
Bucky very determinedly NOT looking at ALL at shirtless Sam. Not at all. 
And POSSIBLY Bucky reading a self-help book about forming strong erotic love relationships. 
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