#recent express entry draw
lebizcanada20 · 2 months
Express Entry vs PNP: Which one should I apply to?
Express entry & Canadian provincial nominees represent the 2nd largest channels for new arrivals every year into Canada, among the many other programs run by immigration refugees citizenship Canada.
That means that up to 220,770 newcomers will arrive in Canada via these two channels in 2024 out of a total of 485,000 immigrants into the country.
However, for people who want to migrate to Canada, they may ask themselves: should I file my profile under Express Entry or Base PNP? It is worth noting that both routes have their own merits. In this section we shall look at how you can make your choice between basic and enhanced PNPs.
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What is Express Entry?
Canada’s major immigration routes include the Express Entry application management system.
For instance, in 2024, Express Entry will be the largest single way for immigrants into Canada. These programmes are intended to bring in about 110,700 permanent residents to the country.
Each of these three programs has at least one individual requirement which must be met before a person can provide a profile for inclusion in the pool of potential candidates for Express Entry. In case someone’s eligibility is verified and they submit their profiles under any of the available programs through Express entry, then such individuals become official Express Entry candidates who possess a profile in the pool.
When you submit your profile to Category based express entry Pool, all candidates have been assigned Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores based on human capital factors like work experience and other characteristics.
Now, applicants should wait for a Canada Express Entry draw (either a general draw or a program specific one) that has the minimum CRS score corresponding to their CRS score in order to receive an initiation- apply (ITA)- application. After submitting successfully, an Express entry Alberta profile will be valid for twelve months with the candidate having the option of  z express & re-submitting it after expiry.
On receipt of an ITA, candidates become applicants and present their PR application within sixty days from the day they were invited by the government to apply. Upon approval of this application, immigrants are given permanent residence and can live in Canada. More details about Express Entry can be found on our dedicated webpage.
This is possible through special Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) streams known as enhanced streams. These are different from standalone or Base PNP streams (more on Base PNP streams…).
Enhanced streams nominate individuals to submit an enhanced PNP application to the province or territory through invitation from the Federal Express Entry pool or from the provincial/territorial pool of eligible candidates. Those who receive provincial nominations obtain an additional 600 CRS points, which boost their chances of obtaining ITA from the Federal Government. Find our dedicated webpage here to help you understand more about enhanced PNP streams.
What are Base Provincial Nominee Programs (Base PNPs)?
Base PNPs are not Express Entry-aligned streams that are handled by a given province or territory. Such streams need separate applications and have different eligibility criteria (more on this later).
Provinces and territories can nominate eligible individuals under Base Provincial Nominee Programs (or simply Base PNPs) as one way of responding more directly to local demographic and labour market needs.
Each Canadian province and territory (except Nunavut which is also self-governing but does not have its own specialised immigration programs, and Quebec) has its own PNP. The eligibility depends on the particular program one applies for,
Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engaged with culture, communicated with others, and accessed information; without a well-developed reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were excluded from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disabled people in general suffered from discrimination, blindness was widely viewed as the worst disability, and it was commonly believed that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was considered impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were excluded from the sighted world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.
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Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) conducted Draw on  April 12,  2023, and invited 3500 Candidates for Canada PR from the Express Entry Pool with the Lowest CRS score of 486 with a Tie-breaker rule: July 19, 2022, 11:05:24 UTC
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mr-malumm · 3 months
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GUYS This is the first time I've EVER reached 1k and frankly im floored with gratitude. Im so thankful for each and every one of you, those who've been here since the beginning💋, those from the Insane MV💋, and those who have just joined recently 💋- the fact that you vibe with my silly TV man art makes me THE happiest human on the whole planet, and i hope you'll all join in the festivities and we can draw some good old Radiostatic together!!!!📺📻
1. You must be following me to enter‼️Tag your post with #malumsDTIYS ‼️(feel free to tag me in the post and to dm it to me, i want to make sure i see everyones entries!)
2. The pose/layout of the piece should remain the same, but variations in expressions and mannerisms are encouraged!
3. Any medium is allowed but color is a must
4. The color palette should remain relatively similar, (ie. Pink background, characters should be outlined in a bright color) but slight variations are fine
5. Redesigns of characters are allowed 💜🖤
6. Background is required but can be simplified or  expanded upon to your taste
8. Winners will be decided on ‼️ MAY 5TH 2024 ‼️
1ST PLACE- Fully inked, colored and shaded piece of up to two characters in my style, FULL detailed background 
2ND PLACE- Fully inked, colored and shaded piece of up to two characters in my style, simple background 
3RD PLACE- Inked, colored and simply shaded piece of one character in my style, simple background 
HONORABLE MENTIONS (2+ WILL BE CHOSEN)- Inked bust drawing of one character in my style, no colors or shading
* I want to acknowledge that in the HH universe Alastor is canonically aroace- this pose is simply meant for fun and is not intended to be representative of his in universe actions 💜 *
(A special thanks to @chrizzisdead for inspiring this piece by being the ballastor to my cox in that roblox screenshot 💜🖤✨)
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At that moment Bumblebee finally realized that he couldn’t keep the paranoid thoughts locked inside his processor anymore.
He desperately needed to speak to his friends, consequences be damned. He had to make sure that he’s not glitched in a processor. That what he got himself into was a right course of action for any good-natured Bot.
... or, rather, for any sensible Prime.
Hence why, after making a deep inhale, a minibot finally forced the dreaded words out of his intake:
"... is it wrong that I feel... bad for the prisoners? That I... periodically... h-help them?"
Hello everyone, long time no see). Can hardly believe it's been a whole year since the last @blitzbee-week event and man, was I glad to participate in it once more. All of works were submitted on time to an event chat, but, unfortunately, I am uploading them here only now (full-time job drains me up).
Anyways, here is my first drawing from BlitzBeeWeek event Promts List. I think it will be fair to mention that this and next couple of my works will be dedicated to my fanfic called "TFA: Icarus". I will leave a link [here] for anyone interested to give it (and an existing teaser) a try. And yes, I am, in fact, going to finally upload first chapters pretty soon, it's happening, guys))). Thanks a ton for everyone who left their kudos there throughout a year, you have given me courage to put this behemoth of a story on paper and actually work it through.
As for the current entry for an event, I will provide part of a draft to one of chapters which is related to a depicted scene. It'll be "hidden" under a cut line for anyone wishing to get a more... fleshed out picture of what's going on here. Hope you'll enjoy reading it)
“Bumblebee… are you listening to me?”
It was beyond confusing for Ratchet to see a younger Bot acting so out of touch with reality. He’s hunched over a console, helm resting in one servo while a wielding tool was twirled slowly in digits of another. Bumblebee looked so tired, clearly not caring about a task at servo, nor about an advice coming from his elder friend.
White and red Autobot knew how cheerful Bumblebee got each time they met via video calls, clearly waiting for a chance to talk to old teammates, even if these calls didn’t last long. That’s why him being so silent and lost in own thoughts was that much more worrying to witness. 
Upon being prompted again, the young bot finally raised his optics, the weight of his gaze almost making Ratchet flinch in surprise - to think that a recently promoted Prime was capable of behaving so out of character was indeed an alarming sign of change. 
The truth was, the minibot couldn’t help but to act all secretive, as if he’s done something wrong. 
Because, all things considered, he has. 
Minibot was well aware of what his actions could lead up to. All those rendezvous and revelations were such a dangerous subject to talk about, something that surely could lead him to being court marshaled if he’s caught by anybot. And what’s even worse - Bumblebee wasn’t certain whether telling friends what’s been troubling him was a good idea. 
Surely they’d not rat him out… but would they continue interacting with a yellow Autobot if he shared said secret with them? Wouldn't it be more mature of him to leave mechs oblivious (in order to protect them) and let his fears to silently fester in his processor?
... yet, to his shame, a minibot felt his resolve to keep his intake shut breaking upon seeing a haunted expression on Ratchet’s faceplates. Bumblebee wished he hadn’t looked up into the wise optics of his, those that seemed to read him as an unlocked datapad. How could he play it cool when a medic was looking at him in such a manner?
“…kid?” Now Ratchet was truly worried for his companion. He wasn’t even certain he’s ready to hear an explanation, but knew in his spark that he had to get to the bottom of a problem for minibot's sake.
At that moment Bumblebee finally realized that he couldn’t keep the paranoid thoughts locked inside his processor anymore.
He desperately needed to speak to his friends, consequences be damned. He had to make sure that he’s not glitched in a processor. That what he got himself into was a right course of action for any good-natured Bot. 
… or, rather, for any sensible Prime. 
Hence why, after making a deep inhale, a minibot finally forced the dreaded words out of his intake:
“… is it wrong that I feel… bad for the prisoners? That I… periodically… h-help them?” 
… a fleeting moment or relief at voicing his concerns instantly evaporated, changed to regret once he saw Racthet’s optics widening beyond usual capacity and heard Optimus sputtering and coughing on his energon ration off the camera. 
Such reaction made Bumblebee hide his helm between shoulder pauldrons in a clear sign of dread - so much for the support coming from teammates it seemed. 
“What?” Optimus asked after standing up from a table he’s sitting next to, the stool screeching audibly after a mech span in it. “Help them? What do you mean by that, Bumblebee? Are you alright? Do they… force you to do something for them or..?”
Minibot didn’t answer any of those questions. Wasn’t able to do it under the searching gaze of an elder mech’s optics which seemed to pin him to his own stool. Bumblebee felt like energon was going to freeze in his lines and tubes from a rising horror. Time seemed to stop for him, not unlike inner mechanisms in a frame of his. He couldn't utter a single sound, words swimming in a jumbled mess that was his processor.
What could he possibly say in his defense, now that his teammates knew of his secret? That there was a proper reason for him to feel pity for the inmates? That he was the only one to keep those mechs alive because nobody else did? That perhaps, Primus help him, all this time they were held in prison, somebot tried to take them out of game by starving them to their deaths?
A yellow Bot clearly hasn’t thought the conversation through, just as he always did, hasn't prepared himself for such a reaction even, and now that mistake was biting his aft. 
But then… then minibot heard something that immediately tore him from a panicking state he got stuck in. 
“I’ll take care of it, Prime.” Ratchet announced in a calm tone, breaking the tense silence which settled over the video call. Bumblebee was so stunned that he didn’t register those words right away, looking dumbly at warm optics of a mech on the other side of a call line. 
“Optimus.” Medic cut off his commanding officer in a stern but good-natured manner, showing that he knew what he’s doing. Trusting the judgement of an older Bot, red and blue mech nodded to him and stepped away from a console, giving both of his friends some room to talk to each other. 
Young Prime could hardly believe what he’s been witnessing in front of him. Afraid to hope that his situation might’ve not been so dire after all. Baiting his breath, he watched red and white Bot turning to him again and leaning closer to a screen.
“Bumblebee, tell me, what’s happening back on Cybertron.” Ratchet asked his young friend, trying to look as non-threatening as possible, ready to tentatively listen to everything minibot’s about to say. 
And that’s when Bumblebee understood, felt it in his spark which gleefully thrummed in his chest that his old teammates were not mad at him - only worried for his well-being. Said realization made the built up over orbital cycles tension leave his frame and gave him courage to answer as honestly as he could.  
“You don’t know even half of what's going on, guys,” He stated after a breath moment of silence, then scooted on his chair closer to a screen as well and continued speaking in a hushed tone as to not to be heard by anyone else on his side of a video call. 
While retelling the recent events, which took place in Tripticon Prison, young Prime couldn’t help but periodically glance at a screen to his right side, a list of main convicts taking up most of its surface. 
Their stern gazes seemed to burn a viewer with hostility. Evil, cold, sparkless optics on unsightly faceplates. That’s what fellow guards always tended to whisper to each other either in fear or in bold mockery while walking down the hallways.
But to Bumblebee the very same pairs of optics, those he'd looked into more times then any of the local mechs, more then his friends even, told another story. Each time he saw Decepticons, bound and stripped of their weapons, there was no rage in their expressions, nor malice or contempt - only an eternal tiredness, hopelessness... and resignation with Fate.
Warframes. Mighty mechs being brought to their knees and stripped of their pride. Truly a sight which made minibot feel more miserable then three inmates he tried to take care of.
“Bossbot… Ratchet… please, come back here as soon as you can," Recently promoted Prime finally said as a conclusion to his speech. "I… I am afraid I won’t be able to handle this situation on my own anymore.”
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writing-with-sophia · 5 months
How to get into the mind of a character? Honestly this can be for your OWN character or a fictional character. I'm wanting to write for characters- headcanons and fanfictions- and I'm so afraid I'll write them so uncanny to how they actually are.
How to get into the mind of a character?
To get into the mind of a character, you have to understand that character, believe in that character, and even "live" the character's life. But we all know each individual is different, and we cannot live different lives. A normal person who grew up in peacetime cannot fully understand the hardships of a warrior, and a doctor cannot know the thoughts of a mafia boss.
So, how can writers create believable characters? How can they possibly offer a believable soldier, cop, detective, alcoholic, or any given character type if they themselves haven't lived as them? How can they possibly offer a believable character in a situation that they've never been in?
Here are some tips you can use to get into the minds of characters:
Tip 1: Observe real-life people
To create well-rounded characters, observe real people around you. Pay attention to their behaviors, mannerisms, speech patterns, and thought processes. Take note of how they express emotions, handle conflicts, and make decisions. Drawing from real-life observations can add depth and authenticity to your characters. You can also search for novels and movies with different themes, study how characters with different pasts, biographies, occupations, and personalities act, behave, gesture, and speak. The best way is to prepare a small notebook and a pen so you can carry it with you wherever you go.
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Tip 2: Create a detailed character profile
Develop a detailed character profile that includes information such as their age, background, beliefs, values, goals, and fears. Consider their relationships with other characters and how these dynamics influence their thoughts and actions. Delve into the character's past and explore significant events that have shaped them. Consider their upbringing, traumas, successes, and failures. These can provide you with a roadmap for understanding the character's mindset.
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Tip 3: Use internal monologues and journaling
Imagine the character's internal thoughts and dialogues with themselves. Consider what they might be thinking in different situations, their hopes, dreams, and fears. (And why do they dream of that? Why are they afraid of that thing? What in the past made them afraid? Always asking questions.) Writing internal monologues or journal entries from the character's perspective can help you delve into their mindset and gain insight into their unique voice.
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Tip 4: Consider their external influences
Characters are influenced by their environment, culture, and society. Reflect on how external factors such as family, friends, societal norms, or even the story's setting impact their thoughts and behaviors. This will help you portray their worldview more accurately.
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Tip 5: Study the source material
If you're writing about an existing character from a book, TV show, or movie, immerse yourself in the source material. Pay attention to their dialogue, actions, and interactions with other characters. Take note of their personality traits, motivations, and backstory. This will help you develop a strong foundation for understanding the character. For example, recently I suddenly became interested in Nightwing (do you know him? Nightwing from the Batman series!), and I wanted to write a few short stories about him. So I found all the comics and movies that featured Nightwing and watched them one by one. I don't take notes because I have a pretty good memory (especially for characters I like), but I still recommend taking notes on special things to note.
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Tip 6: Practice free writing
Set aside time for free writing exercises where you write from the character's point of view. Allow your thoughts to flow without judgment or editing. Just write, write, and write. You can reread and make corrections after you're done. Remember to gather your posts in one place; otherwise, you'll lose or forget them (like me!).
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Getting into the mind of a character is an ongoing process that requires continuous exploration and refinement. The more you invest in understanding your character's thoughts, feelings, and motivations, the more compelling and authentic your writing will become.
Additionally, you can read my articles on how to write an effective character here:
How to create a superbad villain
How to make a villain's appearance memorable
Basic questions for your character
Describing a villain's appearance in a natural way
Create an effectively past for character
Common character motivations
How to create a good main character
How to avoid the instance where a secondary character stands out more/ is more lovable?
Character flaws
Writing a good Anti-Hero
Character positive traits
How to write an elderly main character?
Protagonist who is a ballerina
How to write a believeable egotistical character
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crystallinestars · 7 months
Precious Memories
Kaveh x Fem!Reader
Kaveh owns an old sketchbook he used since he was a child to record things important to him. Some pages at the start of the book were filled with scribbles he made as a little boy practicing his first architectural blueprints that had terrible proportions. Other pages had newspaper clippings, sketches of building and interior designs, and random doodles. Every major entry had a postscript describing the meaning and significance of the entry to its creator. The sketchbook served as a diary, scrapbook, drawing tool, and schedule keeper all in one.
Though a good portion of the pages had already been filled, there were still plenty of blank ones.
Kaveh continued to doodle in the book when he wanted some downtime. Most of the doodles were of inanimate objects, sometimes interspersed with a detailed sketch of an animal. Sketches of his friends were more rare, but their faces occasionally popped up among the random scribbles. After Kaveh met you, your face became one of such occasional doodles.
At first, sketches of you started out as another simple doodle, no different from the rest of the sketches of his friends.
However, if one were to flip the pages, they would see sketches of you become more frequent, combined with greater attention to detail of your delicate facial features. As sketches of you progressed, they evolved from your face having a neutral expression, to one of joy. There are entire pages dedicated to sketches of you smiling in various ways, from joyous laughter to coy smirks to a sweet curve of the lips.
One sketch in particular was of special significance because it was the only sketch of you that had a postscript. The drawing featured you smiling and looking at the viewer while wearing a flower crown of Padisarahs and Sumeru roses. The postscript, written in pretty cursive, described how the drawing was of you wearing a flower crown Kaveh made you earlier that evening when the two of you were out looking for plants for his next commission. The comment is short, but it’s filled with such reverence that anyone reading could instantly tell the architect had only just realized his feelings for you.
From there, the next few pages are filled with Kaveh’s anxious thoughts about confessing his feelings for you, one entry with particularly sloppy writing and wine stains describes his despairing thoughts about not having a chance with you.
The anxious mood in his entries persists until one certain drawing comes up of him and you holding hands. In the drawing, you’re both smiling at each other as if happy about something that you share only between yourselves. The postscript is written in all capital letters, and only says a short sentence about you accepting his feelings and agreeing to be his girlfriend, but it clearly expresses his overwhelming elation.
Flipping further through the sketchbook, one could see a collection of photos of him together with you accompanied by detailed descriptions of your first dates and fun experiences.
One page after that has a messy sketch of an elaborate house with messily scrawled comments littered all over the page, criticizing the design and what the architect wants to improve. The postscript has a vague comment about wanting to build a house for you and hm, but that this dream would need to wait until his debts are all paid off.
The subsequent pages are filled with schedules and deadlines for commissions and projects, with a few beautiful interior sketches thrown in here and there, followed by a page full of various ring designs. Many designs are scratched out, with only one, extremely intricate and elegant ring design circled with a list of materials and their prices listed beside it.
More messily scribbled schedules could be seen in the next couple of pages until one flips to the most recent entries. These pages contain photographs of Kaveh and you both dressed in white, with Kaveh wearing a fancy suit and you in a gorgeous wedding dress. In the photos, your smiling pair is surrounded by your friends who are also dressed in formal attire.
One other photo captured Kaveh’s teary eyes as he gazed at you in front of the altar while holding your hands in his.
The pages are filled with carefully placed photographs of the events from the wedding, everything from you walking down the aisle, to the two of you eating cake, dancing, and even sharing a kiss. There are postscripts under each photo going into great detail about what occurred in each scene and how Kaveh felt during it.
Though old, the sketchbook contains some of Kaveh’s most precious memories that he likes to revisit from time to time and see how his life changed for the better ever since meeting you, the guiding light of his world.
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maniculum · 1 month
Bestiaryposting Results: Dulyamra
Odd one this week, and an entry that is... moderately identifiable? but also confusingly hostile. So let's just get into it. Anyone who's not sure what this post is can see https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting for an explanation and previous entries in this series.
The bestiary entry that people were working from can be found here:
And if you want to join in and draw some kind of Creature for the next one, the entry people are working from currently can be found here:
Art below the cut.
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@ectocs (link to post here) was the first to post this week -- and this is their first time contributing to this! Welcome! We've got a bear-like critter here, and the weird puffy face is not unlike a mandrill, which makes sense. I think the threatening facial expression on this one is done well -- as are the clearly worried expressions on the juveniles. There's some interesting material explaining design decisions and a couple sketches in the linked post, which I recommend y'all go check out.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) joined... most of us, actually... in being very puzzled by the bestiary's insistence that this is a Foul Beast. We get a sloth-inspired critter here, because famously sloths have a whole algae ecosystem in their fur, and some closed-minded folks may consider this foul. There's additional explanation in the linked post, including the note that Silverhart has given this creature anteater-style coloration because anteaters are related to sloths -- which I did not know previously, but now that I think about it, does make sense.
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@pomrania (link to post here) decided that this creature should be a cynocephalus, but one with a red butt like a baboon to support the author's assertion that the rear is "disgusting and horrid". Honestly that makes a lot of sense with the entry, and it's always good to see cynocephali get more attention. Good direction to go. However, that butt is also unsettling for me, so I'm scrolling down to the next one now.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) made the observation that a brachycephalic dog -- such as a pug -- has a creased face that many would consider hideous (or at least unethical) and ran with it. I like this interpretation a lot, and I really appreciate the coloration of the night-time scene here.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) really went hard on designing a creature that could be described as foul and hideous -- successfully, I think, because I don't think I'd want to be around this thing. The head close-up is, I think, a well-executed design for a rather frightening creature; and, of course, the overall beast here is something CheapSweets themself describes as "a semi-naked bear with a fat butt," which I think is something I'd rather keep my distance from. (Also, thank you for including alt text.)
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) took this in an interesting direction. (I always enjoy it when someone decides to make one of these an invertebrate, because it usually takes some creativity to justify it.) Anyway, here we have a hermit crab, which of course has arms in the form of claws, and can conveniently hide its "disgusting and horrid" rear end in a shell. As usual, the stylization is delightful -- I like the humanoid eyes on the crab and just everything going on with the moon.
On to the Aberdeen Bestiary.
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Yeah, this is pretty evidently some sort of ape. I'm not sure which one, but the bestiary author isn't either -- it just says "ape".
I don't know exactly what the medievals had against apes; in the most recent episode of the podcast, we heard a medieval fable where someone referred to them as "abominable" as though that was settled fact. I'd say it's a lack of familiarity, but also those are pretty solid illustrations of apes, so clearly they had some idea what they looked like. (One of our illustrators this week noted that they find some primates a bit uncanny-valley, so maybe that's it -- apes are just too close to human without being human, and that makes some people uncomfortable.)
Anyway, we've got some neat sequential art here. Here is a hunter with a spear. Here is an ape at rest. Here is the ape getting up and escaping from the hunter. That's cool.
I don't really have anything else to add here. Apes.
Thought of something to end with.
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... no, that's nothing. Still leaving it there.
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crazy000567 · 13 days
Ok I wanted to talk about this on my twitter but realized it will appeal to no one so its going here. Being autistic about critter character designs. VERY LONG
Pim/Charlie/Allan/Glep have interesting designs to me like they are some of my favorite character designs possibly in any cartoon cause they're all very well balanced - easy to draw, cute, but slightly ugly also. Well maybe not ugly but certainly not Conventional.
(Glep applies slightly less there, he's just straight up a cute lil guy, how plushies don't exist of him yet baffles me)
I like their slight offputting quirks, like, Allan's spine is visible, Pim's Teeth. They are just strange creatures and I enjoy that. Of course there's also the fact all of their frontfacings (maybe slightly excluding pim's) are just kinda goofy and bizarre looking.
Its just, the choices being made here are really good, okay. They're very appealing lined up, yknow.
The fact they are just kinda cute sometimes makes the expressions being pushed and the weird quirks funnier. If pim was an ugly lil freak all the time it would be less effective when he does that weird awkward toothy laugh. Which brings me to my next "Point" which is like, I really enjoy that they are some of the only critters that arent.... fugly as hell
There are some few exceptions with BG/side characters (just look at amy, shes a pretty gal) but like, most of the side critters that have gotten screentime are very very strange. Allan's landlord is a prime recent example. Look at that guy. Jesus christ.
This is not to say the uglier designs are Bad, quite the opposite, I love when they are hideous <3 But the whole thing is, if the main characters we see every episode were on the same level as them appearance-wise it would get very tired. This is probably like, entry level design stuff for a cartoon, and not very interesting to anyone lol, but with adult cartoons it feels like it can go way too hard on the ugly scale.
Onto the next thing thats been on my mind lately when it comes to critters - I enjoy that their appearances truly are pretty random. Its fun to make things like crittersonas cause like, you can almost do whatever the hell you want lol
I like that some of them just dont feel like wearing clothes, this was talked about by Michael on twitter at some point a few years back I think.
Their hair is a topic that kind of mystifies me lmfao like we see the wiry sparse hair a lot (gnarly, filmore, etc) but then there are characters like amy, pims dad and duncan that have more full human-esque hair. This makes me wonder if its like, randomly possible for some critters to get full heads of hair, or if wigs/hair transplants are a thing, or even if hairloss is just more common which results in the wiry hair later in life. Really NOT important or compelling to anyone but me but I seriously do think about this. Critter Hair Essay coming soon (i'm kidding ............. or am i?)
Also just like, the concept of what critter beauty standards or smth could be sort of interests me, but this is getting incomprehensibly long and stupid anyway, and I would have to be going into heavy Speculation Mode there. so BYE Goodbye
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Officers working for Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative have been ordered to push small children and nursing babies back into the Rio Grande, and have been told not to give water to asylum seekers even in extreme heat, according to an email from a Department of Public Safety trooper who described the actions as “inhumane.”
The July 3 account, reviewed by Hearst Newspapers, discloses several previously unreported incidents the trooper witnessed in Eagle Pass, where the state of Texas has strung miles of razor wire and deployed a wall of buoys in the Rio Grande.
According to the email, a pregnant woman having a miscarriage was found late last month caught in the wire, doubled over in pain. A four-year-old girl passed out from heat exhaustion after she tried to go through it and was pushed back by Texas National Guard soldiers. A teenager broke his leg trying to navigate the water around the wire and had to be carried by his father.
The email, which the trooper sent to a superior, suggests that Texas has set “traps” of razor wire-wrapped barrels in parts of the river with high water and low visibility. And it says the wire has increased the risk of drownings by forcing migrants into deeper stretches of the river.
The trooper called for a series of rigorous policy changes to improve safety for migrants, including removing the barrels and revoking the directive on withholding water.
“Due to the extreme heat, the order to not give people water needs to be immediately reversed as well,” the trooper wrote, later adding: “I believe we have stepped over a line into the inhumane.”
Department of Public Safety spokesman Travis Considine did not comment on all the contents of the trooper’s email, but said there is no policy against giving water to migrants.
Considine also provided an email from DPS Director Steven McCraw on Saturday calling for an audit to determine if more can be done to minimize the risk to migrants. McCraw wrote troopers should warn migrants not to cross the wire, redirect them to ports of entry and to closely watch for anyone who needs medical attention.
In another email, McCraw acknowledged that there has been an increase in injuries from the wire, including seven incidents reported by Border Patrol where migrants needed “elevated medical attention” from July 4 to July 13. Those were in addition to the incidents detailed by the trooper.
“The purpose of the wire is to deter smuggling between the ports of entry and not to injure migrants,” McCraw wrote. “The smugglers care not if the migrants are injured, but we do, and we must take all necessary measures to mitigate the risk to them including injuries from trying to cross over the concertina wire, drownings and dehydration.”
The incidents detailed in the email come as Abbott has stepped up efforts in recent weeks to physically bar migrants from entering the country through his Operation Lone Star initiative, escalating tensions between state and federal officials and drawing increased scrutiny from humanitarian groups who say the state is endangering asylum seekers. The most aggressive initiatives have been targeted at Eagle Pass.
The state has also now deployed a wall of floating buoys in the Rio Grande, which triggered complaints over the weekend from Mexico.
Federal Border Patrol officials have issued internal warnings that the razor wire is preventing their agents from reaching at-risk migrants and increasing the risk of drownings in the Rio Grande, Hearst Newspapers reported last week.
The DPS trooper expressed similar concerns, writing that the placement of the wire along the river “forces people to cross in other areas that are deeper and not as safe for people carrying kids and bags.”
The trooper’s email sheds new light on a series of previously reported drownings in the river during a one-week stretch earlier this month, including a mother and at least one of her two children, who federal Border Patrol agents spotted struggling to cross the Rio Grande on July 1.
According to the email, a DPS boat found the mother and one of the children, who went under the water for a minute.
They were pulled from the river and given medical care before being transferred to EMS, but were later declared deceased at the hospital. The second child was never found, the email said.
The Governor has said he is taking necessary steps to secure the border and accused federal officials of refusing to do so.
“Texas is deploying every tool and strategy to deter and repel illegal crossings between ports of entry as President Biden’s dangerous open border policies entice migrants from over 150 countries to risk their lives entering the country illegally," said Andrew Mahaleris, Abbott’s press secretary. "President Biden has unleashed a chaos on the border that’s unsustainable, and we have a constitutional duty to respond to this unprecedented crisis.”
The DPS trooper’s email details four incidents in just one day in which migrants were caught in the wire or injured trying to get around it.
On June 30, troopers found a group of people along the wire, including a 4-year-old girl who tried to cross the wire and was pressed back by Texas Guard soldiers “due to the orders given to them,” the email says. The DPS trooper wrote that the temperature was “well over 100 degrees” and the girl passed out from exhaustion.
“We provided treatment to the unresponsive patient and transferred care to EMS,” the trooper wrote. A spokesperson for the Texas National Guard did not respond to a request for comment.
In another instance, troopers found a 19-year-old woman “in obvious pain” stuck in the wire. She was cut free and given a medical assessment, which determined she was pregnant and having a miscarriage. She was then transferred to EMS. The trooper also treated a man with a “significant laceration” in his left leg, who said he had cut it while trying to free his child who was “stuck on a trap in the water,” describing a barrel with razor wire “all over it.” And the trooper treated a 15-year-old boy who broke his right leg walking in the river because the razor wire was “laid out in a manner that it forced him into the river where it is unsafe to travel.”
In another instance, on June 25, troopers came across a group of 120 people camped out along a fence set up along the river. The group included several small children and babies who were nursing, the trooper wrote. The entire group was exhausted, hungry and tired, the trooper wrote. The shift officer in command ordered the troopers to “push the people back into the water to go to Mexico,” the email says.
The trooper wrote that the troopers decided it was not the right thing to do “with the very real potential of exhausted people drowning.” They called command again and expressed their concerns and were given the order to “tell them to go to Mexico and get into our vehicle and leave,” the trooper wrote. After they left, other troopers worked with Border Patrol to provide care to the migrants, the email said.
The trooper did not respond to a request for comment Monday. His email was shared by a confidential source with knowledge of border operations. It was unclear whether the trooper received a response from the sergeant he’d messaged.
Considine acknowledged that DPS was aware of the email and provided the additional agency emails in response. Those emails detail seven other incidents reported by federal border agents in which migrants were injured on the wires, including a child who was taken to the hospital on Thursday with cuts on his left arm, a mother and child who were taken to the hospital on Wednesday with “minor lacerations” on their “lower extremities,” and another migrant taken to San Antonio on July 4 to receive treatment for “several lacerations” that required staples.
Victor Escalon, a DPS director who oversees South Texas, wrote in an email Friday to other agency officials that troopers “may need to open the wire to aid individuals in medical distress, maintain the peace, and/or to make an arrest for criminal trespass, criminal mischief, acts of violence, or other State crimes.”
“Our DPS medical unit is assigned to this operation to address medical concerns for everyone involved,” Escalon wrote. “As we enforce State law, we may need to aid those in medical distress and provide water as necessary.”
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ducktracy · 4 months
How would you rank the entries in the Hunting Trilogy (aka Rabbit Season, Duck Season) from favorite to least favorite?
ALRIGHT, i just rewatched the entire trilogy to properly answer this! so, prepare for rambling HAHA. but as it stands now, i would personally rank them:
Rabbit Seasoning
Rabbit Fire
Duck, Rabbit, Duck!
BUT. if i were ranking on which i think are the BEST in a more objective standpoint? then:
Rabbit Seasoning
Duck, Rabbit, Duck!
Rabbit Fire
i've expressed this grievance before, but i, like probably most other people, grew up when the landscape surrounding LT was Chuck Jones Chuck Jones Chuck Jones. the hunting trilogy is the main association of the series to many. for good reason! all of the shorts are fantastic. it's amazing that Chuck was able to keep such a streak going as long as he did with the trilogy--especially since all 3 shorts are so reliant on being extensions of each other and utilizing the same formula. that novelty can get old REALLY fast (exhibit A, at least in my personal opinion: the Pepe cartoons), so it's sort of amazing that all three are as sharp and have defining characteristics against one another
however, i've definitely become victim to the Jones saturation of the 90s-00s, and the hunting trilogy has been one of the biggest offenders. i don't go out of my way to watch the trilogy often for this reason, and i haven't entirely been able to shake myself OF that oversaturation like i have with other Jones shorts of the era. which stinks! i'm very frustrated by this
NEVERTHELESS! Rabbit Seasoning is tops for me and is probably my favorite Bugs and Daffy period, next to Beanstalk Bunny. i think it has the greatest balance of what makes the hunting trilogy so successful and memorable. snappy wordplay that happily indulges in Mike Maltese's writing credit--"STILL LURKING ABOUT" i think pops into my head the most. really nice balance of funny and REVEALING facial expressions, Daffy getting his beak blown off unfortunately gets old for me very quickly but i feel this short is more reliant on finding other avenues that reach a similar goal in comedy. the lipsmack Daffy does to the camera after seeing Elmer fall for Bugs made me laugh really really hard the first time i gave this one a chance again in recent years
likewise, Bugs' introduction in that one is something i really appreciate. i'm not sure how purposeful this was (but i certainly feel it had to be), but Bugs humoring Elmer at the very beginning is a direct mirror to his introduction and subsequent banter in A Wild Hare. Carl Stalling even uses the same music cue, which is an original music cue!! i feel that's not only an endearing callback to the roots of both characters, but likewise establishes just how much progress has been made since then AND seems to even be poking fun at the original scene itself.
i also think that the drawings are sharpest in it, they feel the most solid and confident and tight. Duck, Rabbit, Duck is visually solid for the most part, but i think can get a bit melty in some spots--and i know i may be in the minority for thinking this, but there are some frames in Rabbit Fire that are just plain ugly to me i'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
BUT, moving on a bit. i personally enjoy and get more out of Rabbit Fire, but i think Duck, Rabbit, Duck! is the funnier cartoon and more structurally sound. Fire has some understandable growing pains, including some odd jump cuts and a lack of hook-ups, whereas DRD has the benefit of getting the formula down. with that said, i feel DRD is much more dependent on formula, and i tend to enjoy cartoons that are a little more freeform--all of the hunting trilogy shorts are heavily character based, but i really enjoy the prevalence of character acting in Fire.
copy and pasting something i literally just sent to someone else: i was just thinking about the disguise bit in Rabbit Fire, Mel doing the characters imitating each other is so crazy good, but i also like how with Daffy's impression of Bugs, you still feel some of those Daffy-isms present. he doesn't entirely commit to the bit as faithfully as Bugs in WHAT he actually says. and i think that's an amazing attention to detail in character acting; Daffy's impulses just can't help but bleed through everything he does
i feel DRD doesn't have that same sort of intimacy? if that makes sense? but, at the same time, it doesn't need to--Fire was the first formal Bugs and Daffy outing, so it makes sense for there to be a heavier presence on figuring out how they play against each other vs DRD being the final effort in the trilogy, all the fat has been cut, now it's just time for gags gags gags. DRD likewise has the benefit of really snappy, fetching dialogue ("I'M A FIDDLER CRAB")... but Fire appeals to my sensibilities more. i also like that it's the short that gives Bugs the most to do--he still has a little bit of his scrappiness, and that's always always always a point of favorability to me.
i still feel like i have so much more to say on this and yet i also can't think of much else to say! i feel i have more to justify but don't know what that is LOL. BUT YEAH, Rabbit Seasoning indisputably takes the cake for me. it's easily the short of the trilogy i revisit most and is actually one i feel an active desire to watch every now and then. i think it has the best balance of everything and is egalitarian in where it pulls its comedy from--it's not all from the faces, not all from the acting, not all from the situation, there's a really solid balance of all
and the "wait til you get home" bit is just one of my favorite endings to a Chuck Jones short period. flawless execution. i deeply love Carl Stalling's gently climactic crescendo in the music and the abstraction of the gunfire caricatured with color cards through the house's windows.
that, and this just cracks me up
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nightghoul381 · 6 months
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Another entry for @aquagirl1978's A Series of Firsts CCC!!
Guilty Pleasure Kagari Amagase x Reader Prompt: First Look-First time realizing your feelings for one another Genre: Fluff WC: 1k A/N: Since there is next to no information about him this could be very OOC but I got the okay from a Kagari fan that it was cute so enjoy!!
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Watching him from your bedroom window has become a secret hobby of yours. Kagari wakes early every morning, taking the empty courtyard beyond your window as his private training ground. The first day you’d discovered him out there, you���d been surprised hearing aggressive grunting upon returning to your room from the kitchen.
Unable to resist the draw of curiosity, you made your way over to the open window to see the second prince swinging his blade through the air, silver metal glinting in the moonlight. His form was exquisite and watching him move was like witnessing the steps of a dancer performing an intricate routine. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him and end up losing track of time as you track his movements.
Morning after morning, day after day you continue to observe Kagari as he trains. You hate to admit that seeing his passion and determination in training has changed your opinion on the otherwise rude and arrogant prince.
You tried to tell yourself you were just interested in watching how he trains, but more and more recently your attention drifts to the way his muscles move and the way his brow creases as he accomplishes a complicated set of motions.
This morning, you wake so much earlier than normal. For some reason you can’t justify in your mind you decided yesterday that you were going to sneak into the courtyard for a closer look.
You find a hidden area behind a small bush that still gave a clear view of the courtyard, but the new angle and proximity has you heart racing with excitement.
The soft, muffled footsteps of boots against grass draw your attention to the archway leading into the courtyard. Your breath catches as you see Kagari stride into view. His torso is completely bare and a light sheen of sweat coats his skin and reflects brightly among the pale silvery moonlight.
He hardly begins his training when he stops, his head turning this way and that, as though he’s searching for something. You hold your breath in anticipation when his green eyes meet yours and a smug smile crosses his lips.
“I know you’re there, no idea why you’re hiding though. C’mon out.”
Kagari’s eyebrow cocks as he continues to look over his shoulder at you. How did he know? You swallow thickly, clambering out of your hiding spot and staring down at your feet.
“Ah, it’s you. What’re you doing in the bush?” Kagari asks, making his way over to you. Your face grows hot with embarrassment and you wrap your arms around yourself.
You can’t even come up with a good enough excuse to give him and instead keep your gaze fixated on the ground below you.
You feel a finger hook under your chin, tipping your head up roughly to look into the emerald stare of the prince before you.
“Ya gonna answer me? I have training to do and I don’t got time for distractions,” he muttered, the coldness in his tone matching that in his expression and you feel the skin on the back of your neck stand up. This is how you remember the second prince; cold, ruthless, and intimidating.
“I’m sorry Prince Kagari, I’ll leave now!” You whimper, trying to pull away from his grasp, only to be caught by your arm and held in place.
“I didn’t tell ya to leave.”
There was a sharp edge to his tone, but you notice that his grip on you arm is surprisingly gentle.
“Tell me what you’re doing out here. And don’t even think about lying.”
His command left no room for argument and the words tumble out of your mouth before you realize what you’re saying.
“I just wanted a chance to see how you train from up close.”
Shock flickers on Kagari’s face and you squeeze your eyes shut. How much more embarrassed can you make yourself?
“You’ve been watchin’ me?” he murmurs, tilting his head to one side.
“Ah… yes.” You squeak, shrinking in on yourself, wishing that the ground would open up and swallow you right then and there. You waiting for him to start yelling and telling you how creepy you were. What sort of person watches someone train in secret?
Instead you hear a loud bellow of laughter and you stare up at him with shock.
“It’s about time! I was wondering if you were ever gonna come down from the window and say hello. I know you’ve been watching. Not really sure how you thought you were being subtle about it, honestly. You could’ve just said something the first time.”
This is so embarrassing! You bury your face in your hands and crouch down.
“I’m so sorry Prince Kagari, I can’t believe how disrespectful I’ve been, please forgive me, don’t have me executed!” You bow your head to him, awaiting the cold steel of his blade meeting your skin. Surely spying on the prince is an offense worse than treason.
“You’re an idiot aren’t you? I never said I was mad. I was tryin’ to get you to look at me and it worked. Now I got you here, I’m sure as hell not gonna kill ya.”
Kagari’s firm hands pull you back to your feet and you secretly wonder to yourself if you’re actually still asleep. There’s no way he would want your attention, was there? Why would he?
“You really are dumb,” Kagari chuckled, ruffling your hair and walking away toward the middle of the courtyard.
“Get some sleep dummy. I’m sure you’ll be watchin’ me tomorrow.”
Heart pounding and head spinning, you make your way back up to your room. You can’t help but peek out your window and notice Kagari looking up at you with an arrogant smile and wave of his hand, before he turns his attention back to his training.
Your face is hot and you climb into your bed, your mind brimming with thoughts of the gorgeous prince. You’re not entirely sure when it happened, but there’s no denying it now. You find yourself extremely attracted to the second prince of Kogyoku, and you’re not sure exactly what to do with this realization.
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Taglist: @candied-boys @aquagirl1978 @xbalayage @maries-gallery @randonauticrap @violettduchess @judejazza
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basketobread · 7 months
Your art is so scrunkly I'm obsessed.... like I'm convinced atp if someone opened a dictionary and found an entry on scrunkly your art could be there as an example, same with scrimblo. It makes me want to eat it
That aside I love your art sm <3 and I always literally laugh out loud at most of your silly little drawings
I would kill to commission you for silly drawings of all my Tavs ngl
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the positivity and kindness in this house tonight is going to dehydrate me... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'M GLAD YOU FIND MY ART TO BE SCRUNKLY!!! SCRIMBLO, EVEN!!!
HAHA ive had an influx of people express interests in commissions recently which i am very grateful for!! bear with me!! i promise they'll be open soon!! i just need to figure out a few more things!!
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!! if my silly comics and doodles can bring a smile to your face then my time making them was all worth it muah <33
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korolife · 1 month
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Blog No.003🍊 24年5月10日
「Let's Talk About Coloring+Rendering!!」
~ The Chaos of Akehhh-style Layering w/ Colors & Values ~
ArtStreet recently released some weekly coloring contests and as someone who likes joining 'em + colorwork being the absolute joyous part in drawing for me, I got really into it!! One of them somehow won and I still have the raw .mdp file of it with most of the layers unmerged... so, I thought there might be some value in sharing my chaotic coloring progress with it. There may never be an opportunity like this again...
The Linework・・・・・・
Composition + Planning・
The Render・・・・・・・
Additional FX Tips・・・・
The Layers of Dread・・・
1. Preface
I use the free software MediBang Paint, which is made by the same folks who made the aforementioned art-sharing website, Artstreet. Although its file type extension is .mdp, it can also save as and open .psd files all the same.
If interested, you can download it on their website here! I believe it's available in both PC, Apple, iOs, and Android (also on the PlayStore). ☞And here is my google drive link of my fully rendered entry's raw .mdp file. I also included a .psd version that should be accessible with most other softwares like Photoshop, Clipstudio, etc.
NOTE: Not sure how some layer effects will be displayed apart from MediBang though (either in name or function) . But I think "multiply" and "overlay" is fair game on most drawing/photo-editing softwares with layer systems.
Either way, ↑this is just a bonus thing if you wish to see for yourself how much my MediBang cries everytime I work on something, since visuals of the rough step-by-step will be provided here as well!
At the end of this post, all of the layers' purposes will be explained...y-you'll see...
■And just as a disclaimer: I'm an instinctively self-taught illustrator who is a heavy visual learner, so there are certain methods I do that I cannot readily explain with back-up studies on color theories or formally taught techniques in art schools and the like/certain made-up terminologies that may or may not exist as something else. I mostly operate on instinct, observation, subjective preferences, and vibes, so this would just be me trying to verbalize my process (with visual aid) as a means of share-rambling, rather than actually directly "teaching" anything, I think haha You can take it as a cautionary tale too, honestly-
※I will also be going through this with the assumption that the reader has some background knowledge on digital illustration and general drawing basics + lingo. If you have any questions or needed clarifications, please feel free to let me know!
Although art can be fundamentally "wrong" when it comes to achieving certain specific styles, structures (especially when involving realism as the standard), or general executions of intentions/themes, I am of belief that there is generally no wrong or right 'way' for drawing anything; or for doing ANY type of artistic endeavor for that matter. This might be perceived as a "bad anatomy defender" / "no need to improve, then" stance on my part, but it is absolutely not the case! An artwork is never finished, there's always room for improvementsーa galaxy's size of a room especially for myselfーbut I just think anything at all that brings you an expressive or creative outlet, joy, or peace of mind is worth pursuing, regardless of your own skill or tact and there's no shame in that. I do not wish anyone, especially people starting out with drawing to be discouraged for having their own different approaches in comparison to other people's works by misconception of, "oh, am I doing it wrong?". Sometimes having different or an uncommon worldview is not always a 'bad' thing, I think. Heaven forbid artists actually start getting creative and unique―
What I will be presenting here is simply my one way out of thousands of thousands of different possibilities. So, let's start★
2. The Linework
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Equally lengthy talk of lineart is probably for a later discussion, but here is the template provided by ArtStreet for the contest + what will be colored in for today.
☞The contest has since ended, but you can still download the lineart template here if you'd like!
3. Composition + Planning
The contest rules said it's "OK to draw backgrounds", so let's go!!
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I had already decided on how I want to color it early on: It will be more scenic in nature, rather than stylistic. So, there will be more focus on looking 'real' than 'aesthetically stylish'! Just so it doesn't look disconnected or too out of place, I tried to draw my additions similarly to how Mr. archerman's linework looked as much as possible.
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This how I visually define "scenic" VS "stylistic" illustrations (in my head)
I like experimenting and mixing different rendering techniques with varying linework styles and tend to think about my approach with the rendering long before the coloring process, even waaay before I line my final sketch, usually. But for this, I'm simply working with what was given to me.
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At first, I just wanted a "cool breeze w/ leaves flying away ahhhh refreshing~~" mood, but the space at the side of his head looked rather empty as is, even with Nessie. So I thought about putting him inside a vague...darkly-lit abandoned ruins-setting to eat up some of that space.
And with that, it's time for colors.
4. The Render
My coloring process is the lengthiest and often makes people who see me color in real-time scream in horror, but I think it's actually fairly simple and can be summarized into three nutshelled stages:
①Fill in the colors with a finalized palette of your choice,
②cry Continuously render until your arms fall off you're satisfied.
③ cry even HARDER (optional) Adjust accordingly to fit in better with other elements of the illustration, such as with the focus/subject to background. *will be explained later.
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oh and btw, the usage of the words 'render(ing)' tends to be confusing with its association with other mediums like 3D models, but when it comes to drawing I like to think of it this way:
🎨Coloring is the planned/intentional selection of your color range, tints, tones, and palette to use in a drawing, ☀Rendering is the act (or product) of the set of techniques (including effects, filters, etc.) you use with the colors/values to create the illusions of depth, shadows and light, movement, warmth/cold atmospheres, etc in a 2D illustration.
But that's just how I define it with my own step-by-steps. Otherwise, I think either term is pretty much interchangeable.
Anyhoo, what do you think should this man's hair, skin, eye, and clothing's colors be?
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here are some of the variations on the color picks of his outfit that rotted my brain for about 3 hours straight, like it's a 2000s dress-and-match flash game
The many submissions for the contest had many fun color combinations and interesting interpretations I personally think should've won. I saw a lot of blonde archer-princes wearing greens, browns, and blues, as a lot also went for the "forest hunter boi" vibe. But I was saddened by the lack of my favorite colors being used as the primary colorーorange and yellow. So, let's use those!!
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The start of my coloring/rendering journey is never at Layer '1'.........
―Starting with what I've always referred to as "environment prep":
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The purpose here is to 'set' the base colors so they match with the environment or general atmosphere. Get ready to see this over and over
This could mean adjusting the saturation, or spraying gradients of the BG's most prominent color on parts that...gives me anxiety the most-
As someone who tends to work with very, very bright color schemes with character designs, trying to blend in when the illustration is meant to be scenic or 'serious' in tone without it being a distracting eyesore can be a challenge. So, this is what I do to counter it.
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Shading is usually an early step for me as well, even though I think it's a lot of other artists' near-to-final step. I tend to lean towards an abomination mix of soft shade and cel shadeーthe strokes are sharp enough to trace where the shadows start and end, but softened around the edges for effect.
I also tend to apply an additional spray of subtly darker shade on top of the first one? It's usually on spots where I think the light source won't be hitting as much. I wouldn't do this for simple styles (stylized illustrations like with a chibi style), but for scenic illustrations I find it's necessary to achieve that depth against a fully-rendered environment.
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※Just a side note: You may see multiple things changing around, but in real time I'm most definitely working on one part at a time lol. These visual aids were ripped off the raw .mdp by hiding some of the layers, so that's why different areas seem to progress together all at once, even if that's a bit idealistic in actuality.
Apart from the previous adding of shades with a multiply-mode layer for the preliminary shadows, I add one more layer of shadow on there for objects or other characters that can cast distinct shadows on the subject. In here, it's the bow and the hovering strap across his chest.
Lighting is also starting to be added as well.
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One direct alteration I did with the lineart template was change the line's colors. I find it really softens them to mix better with their filled-in colors + as well as not stand out too harshly against a light-colored scenic background.
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I think you now have a good idea over my hyperfixation on making sure colors are 'vibing' well against the BG lol A lot of these steps are basically just doing the same thing over and over with new layers for the sake of this purpose, really.
And after that, just repeating all the stuff we did with the character onto everything else (background, foreground, objects, etc.) until you're satisfied with it!
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A lot of these changes are very subtle on their own, but makes all the difference in the bigger picture, I think!
Just maybe some additional finishing touches for some boom shakalaka and...that's pretty much it! You will notice that throughout the entire process, there's a lot of random little things that suddenly appear or change with seemingly not much purpose or meaning on its own. I unfortunately have always drawn in this sort of vague, quickly impulsive, directionless way since I was a child and I don't think even I will ever understand it, logically. It's mostly a... continuous string of instinctive feelings of "HEY let's do it this way, if not there's like 10 other things we can try next", is the closest I can get to an explanation of how it feels.
I don't know if it's common for other artists to think or function this way, but I do know for a fact that many people seem to be surprised and confused when they see me drawing in real time this way. Everytime I get asked 'how' I draw certain things, I say things like 'I turn my brain off and vibe with many, many layers with a broken back.' and people think it's just a dismissive joke. I-it's really not, it's literally what happens, I don't have any secret shortcuts for you-
Hopefully this very lengthy post + visual aids can help demystify some misconceptions on what "really" goes on when I'm drawing! It's also a bit of an update of my tutorials made for friendos starting out with digital drawing back in 2015!
Anyway, the rendering stage is where the simplified steps ② and optional step ③ branch out like a fork in the road for me; I don't think one is any "better" than the other, I think doing either is simply a matter of personal preference and artistic choice;
➋being leaving all that 100++ layers rendering that we just did alone and calling it a day,
➌being a little bit more extra w/ additional shadows/lighting that corresponds with the environment the character is in.
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I removed the walls to see the whole figure better in a side-by-side comparison. I like the unadjusted (L) without the wall, but with the walls in the final illustration, I think adjusted (R) felt 'right'. What do you think?
There are some things, although realistic, don't look that good as a visual aesthetic and are just downright excessive/unnecessary to add to certain types of illustrations.
Then there's things that aren't possible in real life, but artistically? Looks really dang cool. Being biased for either ends of the hyperrealism and hyperstylized spectrums of styles is fine; only as long as no discrimination is involved towards people who don't share your opinions, in my opinion-
and to conclude this section, I say,
『 You go render however you wantーhellーno colors even necessary if you wish!
Simple ≠ laziness, just as much as complexity ≠ skill。』
I will never stop yapping about how a lot of minimalist styles require so much more amounts of planning and effort to make sure everything is nice and clean, especially compared to mindless rendering loops like these. Mine's a maximalist hell and I wouldn't have it any other way, but I greatly envy minimalist artists that can render with just something like my step ① with so much grace and tact; not a single stray or wasted stroke!! Anyone who dismisses these types as "lazy" I will violently stuff inside a couchーwithout any potato snacks to snack on!!!
5. Additional FX Tips
Just a shorter section for some optional finishing touches tips'n'tricks used in this I frequently (ab)use☆
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◆ From the very beginning, even before I understood how to draw, it's always been a tradition to doodle around sparkles all around the place. I usually do it with MediBang's sparkle brush if I want it to look polished, or simply draw it manually using either the pen or airbrush tool for a cruder charm.
◆ Motion blur is great, and MediBang in particular also has different types of blur effects like Gaussian and regular blurs. If your software doesn't have these effects / if you're working traditionally but still want to achieve the illusion of motion in a still drawing, you can still achieve the same effect through your linework! Try looking into incorporating action lines (commonly seen in manga and comics) into it. Otherwise, purposefully drawing something blurily to begin with oughta work as well.
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◆ Apart from changing the lineart's colors, there's also this little effect that is achieved by duplicating the lineart and blurring it. It gives something like a...'dreamy' quality to it? The higher the blurred copy's opacity is, the more emphasized it makes everything look.
6. The Layers of Dread
At long last we've arrived... at my MediBang's repeating demise for all of eternity...
Here's a preview of what the .mdp/.psd file of this colored entry's unhingedmerged layers looks like + how I try to validate their existence. When I work on full-sized illustrations, I tend to merge layers as I go, so this is probably one of the rare times I can show something like this without either mine or your PC dying. If you'd like to see, play around with, and toggle them for yourself in all of its............glory, feel free to download it here.
we're starting at Layer 611. Enjoy.
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I will now delete my PC's copy because jfc that's one too many MBs ...and it's still eons lighter than what I usually work with on my own full illustrations from sketch to finish......。 (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) thank you for reading this far and making it out alive, goodbye for now...
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burning-academia-if · 9 months
could we get either 3. full of colors or 6. falling leaves for Beck? i’m very soft for him and he needs more love
Beck + Full of Colors! This is his consolation prize for being in last place in the popularity polls LOL
Brisk, morning air settled in the space between stalls. Vales Grove University was known for setting up a fall festival for the town every year, and it served as a way to remain in the people’s good graces. It was free for students and a five dollar entry for everyone else. Despite growing up here, you’d never actually thought about going until Beck had asked if you’d wanted to check it out.
            It was the weekend after midterms and with nothing else to do, you’d agreed. Even if you had been busy, you probably would have made the time anyway. With his disarming smile and gentle insistence you deserved a break, you’d easily agreed. Plus, there was nothing more comfortable then spending time with him,
            You’re early, but as you walk to the section of campus where everything is set up, you can already spot Beck at where you agreed to meet. A cardigan hangs loose on his frame, posture relaxed if not slumped with sleepiness. It’s present in his eyes too, which have the faintest droop to his eyelids.
            “Were you waiting long?” You call, and Beck blinks over at you as you approach.
            He raises a hand in greeting, the lingering sleep chased away by the warm smile which overtakes him, “Morning! I just got here a few minutes ago, don’t worry. You look nice—sorry if I’m not as put together I’m actually not quite a morning person.”
            “Don’t worry about it, you look fine.” A faint glow starts in your chest. You may have gotten up a little early just to make yourself look a little nicer then you might normally look so early in the morning.
            As for Beck, even in his disheveled state it’s hard not to notice the way his hair curls around his ears or the bright hue his dark eyes have taken on in the morning light. Especially when those eyes were only looking at you.
            “Have you eaten yet? If some of the booths I’m thinking of are here again this year, they’ll have the best breakfasts in town.” At the shake of your head, he starts to lead you into the actual thrall of booths and people.
            It almost feels like a different world as you enter. Smells of coffee and teas and pastries and incense all blend together into a vibrant scent. The chattering of people working the booths as well as the guests intertwine, and the distant sound of pseudo-folk music in the distance all creates a specific ambiance.
            Beck asks about classes and midterms and if you’d watched anything interesting recently. When you pass through more crowded areas, he draws close to you and places his fingers featherlight on your wrist as not to lose you. You think about being brave enough to take his hand fully, but you know Beck might see through any excuse you’d have about not losing him in the crowd.
            The place he takes you to, while crowded, is surprisingly less busy then you’d thought it’d be. There are little white benches around it, and the two of you sit across from each other as you share breakfast.
            “Is there anything you want to try first?” Beck asks, and you can only shake your head.
            “Since I’ve never been here before I’m not really sure.” You motion towards the food you both ordered. “But considering how great your choice of breakfast was, I’ll put my trust in you as a guide.”
            “I’ll do my best then.”
            After breakfast, the two of you stand ready to actually explore the festival now that you’ve eaten. Before you start to head out though, you hear Beck say, “Oh! Hold on a second.”
            “What is it—?” You turn, and feel the pad of his thumb against your cheek, close to your lips and you can’t help but freeze. You try to school your expression, as his touch lasts only a second, but you can feel the soft glow in your chest only start to burn brighter.
            “Sorry, crumbs.” He laughs, voice warm and unconcerned, as though the action didn’t just make your heart stutter for a second. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
            “No, you didn’t, it was just…” You try to find the right word that won’t incriminate you and finally you just shake your head. “Anyway, ready to go?”
            Beck lets you change the subject, and he once more takes the lead, “Sure, let’s go.”
            Everything you could imagine is here, and it’s a wonder how so much could fit into the space. It almost feels like the area grew somehow, just to accommodate it all. There’s shops and games and art activates. There are even a few rides, all are small and for kids, save for one. At the fair’s edge, is a Ferris wheel, as most fairs tend to have.
            Through your exploration of everything, the two of you ultimately end up here. There is a mild ache starting in your feet and legs from walking for so long, and the sun has risen high enough to indicate it’s late morning. Sitting down for a while, especially on a Ferris wheel set up to overlook the town from one side and the woods on the other, sounds like the best of ideas.
            “You want to go on?” Beck asks, noticing your gaze.
            You start to nod, but pause for a second. You remember earlier, his fingers against your wrist and cheek. Maybe this is taking advantage, but you pretend to hesitate and say, “I do, but I’m a little scared of heights…could I…”
            The last words get stuck in your throat, but he seems to know what you’re asking, “Would holding on to me help?”
            “Yeah? Only if that’s ok!” You say it as a way to backtrack or to offer an out. It sounds silly and a flimsy excuse, especially when you’re twenty years old now of all things, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
            There’s no teasing or judgement, “You can take it now, if you like.”
            Oh. He offers it and for a second you feel young in this well of feelings you have. You’d never been around someone soft, and you’ve never been treated softly. Maybe you feel so childish because you’re learning, for the first time, that you can accept something kind.
            You slip your hand in his and despite the autumn chill it’s warm. He twines your fingers together, and it feels easy. His voice is light, “Better?”
            “…Yeah, better.” The two of you get in line and you’re sure you look like any college couple in that moment and if you weren’t so content you might have started to dive into thoughts of what he thought of you or if this meant anything or if he was just being as nice as ever. But really, it didn’t matter.
            As the two of you slid into the cabin, painted in vibrant splashes of color, the two of you settle in together. Your hands rest in the space between.
            “Thank you for today. I actually had a lot of fun.”
            “Of course. I always feel at ease with you.” You’re glad you’re facing the window looking out. Beck’s thumb lightly brushes over the top of your hand. “I’m glad you had fun.”
            The cabin rises higher and from here you’re able to see the rest of the town. You’ve never considered your hometown anything special, but from up above, bathed in the spirit of fall, it takes your breath away a little.
            “It’s so pretty up here.” You press a little closer to the window without thinking, “I didn’t know it could be so…”
            “Full of color?”
            “Yeah!” You turn back around without thinking, only for to find yourself face to face with him. Beck hadn’t been looking at the town when he’d said that, he’d been looking at you. Any other words die on your throat, and his gaze which is normally so kind takes on a teasing edge.
            “I’m glad you don’t seem too nervous.”
            “Oh…I am.” And you are, but not because of the heights. There is something warming the air, warming the slim space between the two of you. Even so you don’t pull away and neither does he.
            His thumb continues to brush circles against your hand, a faint and constant rhythm, “Then just don’t let go.”
            “…I won’t.” His eyes become half lidded, and so do yours, and you can’t help but glance at his lips and hope for a second for a kiss you’d let him give you. Lightly, carefully, his free hand raises cups your face and when he whispers you’re name you can only nod other you’re not sure what you’re nodding to until a second later and—
            His kiss is as soft as he is. Your eyelids flutter closed, as you lean into him. It only lasts a second before he pulls away, but only just. His forehead rests against yours and his lips are still so close they’re a hair away from touching your own again.
            You breath, “I have feelings for you.”
            You can feel his smile, “I have feelings for you, too.”
            In that moment, you are full of color. It wraps around you and lights up the space and all you can think is how you want to keep this moment in a bottle and enjoy it for as long as possible. This bundle of warmth is everything you could have ever dreamed.
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coldshrugs · 4 months
longing's favorite season 🔹 part ?
pairing: io laithe / estinien varlineau rating: explicit word count: 2.7k note: this was planned as the 8th chapter in which the tension between estinio finally breaks after a spat at a recent ball, but i have no self-control and couldn't resist writing what that looks like. enjoy! additional entries: prologue 🔹 part 1 🔹 part 2 🔹
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The street lantern bleeds just past the sliding door, but there is no light inside. Curious, that the stablehand would leave the door open like this. On another night, he might draw the knife from his boot and investigate; tonight, he can only think about moving. If there is a threat waiting amongst the feathers and straw, he will deal with it as it arises.
Estinien crosses the threshold into nearly pitch darkness. The nearest birds agitate at his presence, sounding deep, guttural drums and shaking their feathers as he approaches the stalls. Some call with curious chirps from further down the row. The faint scent of dust and freshly rolled grass surrounds him.
There is an odd comfort about it, something that reminds him of another life.
He breathes deeply through his nose, closing his eyes as he reaches for a wooden stall gate. The chocobos steady in time with him, their rustling steps and probing calls stilling back to the quiet they must've enjoyed before he came in. One lightly nips and nudges at his hand, eager for a chance at freedom but content with a gentle scratch through the bristly feathers of its cheek instead. He exhales, and that is when he hears it.
Another sound under all the rest. A voice he would know anywhere.
Io's soft song comes from the far end of the stalls, lark that she is, but he's never heard her with this confidence, in the dark when she assumes she's alone. She draws out a note, and then her voice quivers, but it is controlled, intentional. Her pitch drops, just barely, into something full and aching. It caves his chest. A full-body blow like he's never felt before.
Estinien swallows.
He cannot see her yet, and she must not sense him. He could leave–on the chocobo he came for, set for the snow-covered countryside where he might clear his head, or back to his chambers, to restless sleep where he will question, once more, why he cannot grasp the one thing he wants.
The song ends with her quiet giggle, and the thought of running dies at the sound. He moves through the dark, dusty corridor. Shapes form in the darkness, the wood-plank gates keeping the birds in their pins, the tall walls separating them in twos and threes. Mounds of rolled hay shoved against the exterior wall made of large, unpolished stone. 
She stands by one of the last stalls, stretched long to run her hands through her bird's feathers. Long, loose waves of dark hair drift across the small of her back. She's dressed simply–perhaps too simply for a supposed noblewoman outside her home... the hem of her skirt skims the stable floor, and she wears a pair of stays with no blouse above or below them, an indecency in almost every context. Her tattooed chest is on full display, if only for herself and the chocobo. A thick cloak hangs over the gate.
She is a far more recognizable version of herself tonight.
"How come you never sing to me, Gany?" she asks her bird. Ganymede responds only with huffs and chirps, his midnight feathers ruffling as if he finds the idea distasteful. Estinien watches her soothe him.
"More keen to claw than sing, that one," Estinien says.
She startles, whipping to face him, as deep and blue as the night around them. It only takes a moment for recognition, or memory, to warp her expression into a glare.
"Something else you have in common with him." Io throws the cloak around her shoulders and fusses with a hasty knot. "I thought it might just be the pompous strutting."
She's angry at him, yes, but she is still herself. Amusement tugs at his lips. "I don't strut."
She rolls her eyes and rushes past him, knocking into his shoulder. Hard. Now he smiles fully, pleased to see a display of the strength he remembers. He takes a chance.
Estinien catches her hand. Io doesn't pull away.
His thumb sweeps over her wrist, pausing at the tender dip that gives away her spiked pulse. Her fingers twitch, squeezing his. He loosens his grip, unwilling to force her into a confrontation she doesn't want to have. Io shifts her hand until they're palm to palm. Their fingers weave.
Her wedding band is a caustic interruption to the otherwise unbroken pattern they create.
Still, she doesn't face him. "What are you doing?"
"Will you allow me to apologize?"
It is a long moment before she turns to him, her lip caught between her teeth. Her hand remains in his, warm and solid. "If you insist."
He steps closer. "I was an ass–"
"A drunken ass."
"–a drunken ass, at the Manseauguel ball. I should never have insulted you." His laugh is weak, a poor attempt to lighten his guilt. He shakes his head and looks at their hands. He squeezes hers. "You were very pretty. You... are very pretty. And it was difficult to watch you..."
"What are you doing?" Io repeats. But now there is an edge under the familiar quiet of her voice. She moves in front of him, ringed in yellow lantern light from the entryway. Something sparks in her shadowed eyes.
Here is the danger lurking in the stable. The truth he wants to voice while holding her hand.
"You said he doesn't see you." Estinien lifts his free hand to her cheek. She leans into his palm as if she has done it a thousand times. Like she will do it a thousand more. His heart tears its way into his throat. "I do."
Io closes her eyes and nods. Her features relax, leeched of her previous annoyance. "You always have."
She lifts her hand to his chest. It whispers over his collarbone, winds around the back of his neck. The sounds of the stable fade from his mind when she lifts her chin and licks her perfect lips. He watches her make these tiny decisions; each one could bring their ruin, and she chooses to take the risk anyway. The rise and fall of her chest match his frantic heartbeat.
His lips fall to hers.
There is something sacred in that first brush of their lips. A dizzying, deliberate attempt to drag it out, to breathe together, to crystalize the shape and taste and feel of this moment into something they might be able to keep.
Io stretches up, pressing closer. Her tongue rolls into Estinien's open mouth, soft and wanting–and she's smiling, for him. He answers in kind, his smile for hers, his tongue moving with hers. His hand tangles in her hair, and she moans, a little sound that fills his mouth.
Godsdammit, he needs to feel that again. There is no consequence Ishgard and all her high lords could dispense that would compare.
They could be closer without her fucking cloak in the way. One tug on the loose knot at her neck and it falls to the floor. He pulls her against him, hands roaming over her back, her waist, and down to where the skirt drapes her ass. Her moan again, louder, shaking through them. His desire is no longer mere yearning; the reality of Io's reciprocation–once speculation, now unquestionable–earns a bodily reaction. He hardens, pressed between the tight squeeze of their bodies. She reaches for him, an indelicate, appraising touch that sweeps the front of his pants. He can hardly reconcile that this is Io touching him like this. Estinien groans and–
Io jerks away, breathing hard. Shock grows in her eyes as she covers her mouth with a shaking hand. "Oh, gods."
It pains him to do so, but Estinien moves back. "Forgive me."
"For what? The apology is mine to give. I..."
They say nothing, standing in the dark with their hands at their sides.
Io's tousled hair is haloed by flyaway strands catching in the light. The bodice is off-center now. Her lips are swollen from his kiss, but her expression falls into something serious. It is impossible not to want her, and she looks at him with the same conflict.
A breeze whistles through the open door, the birds coo and click, and the seconds drag on without extinguishing the heat in his chest or the greedy coil of need in his belly. Estinien closes the distance between them again. His knuckles ghost over her neck, and Io sighs at the touch.
How long has it been since Haurchefant touched her like this? Like this. Has he ever? Estinien's imagination isn't vivid enough to picture his opposition as a lover, but he hopes Io will never endure that touch again.
Let these be the hands she remembers drifting across her chest, the jut of her clavicle, the barely-raised tattoo. He traces the bold triangle, lingering at its point until his hand skims the front of her bodice.
Io holds his face in her hands, keeping him at a safe distance, refusing to let him go. Her dark stare is hard. She struggles with herself. Kiss him or don't. Estinien holds her waist.
"We can't."
"I know," he says. His grip tightens, and he guides her backward, between two large bales lining the wall. Io's mouth parts when she meets the stone.
Her hands move to his rumpled shirt. She toys with a button, trying to keep her gaze low, Despite the effort, her eyes flash from his chest to his lips. "If someone sees..."
"I know, Io." Estinien hoists her up the wall until she's half a head above him. The rough stones scratch and snag on the delicate stays, and the straps slip down her shoulders an ilm or two. Io's legs circle his waist, pulling him closer until her breath washes over his face.
One arm holds her up, the other braces on the wall. Io shifts her skirt up and out of the way until it hangs around the meeting of their hips. The slick warmth between her thighs bleeds through the few layers of fabric between them and seven hells, he wants her around his cock. To feel the way her body reacts to his. The thought aches like a pressed bruise.
"Estinien, we–"
Io says his name and he bucks forward. Her sweet little gasp, her forehead against his.
"We won't. You're right," he says. He needs to breathe. To think. "We can go no further."
His eyes squeeze shut, as if being unable to see her will offer him some measure of clarity even as she envelops his remaining senses. It's the harmony of their breathing that calms him. Aye, Io is close. As comfortable and familiar to him as the nostalgic scent of the stable. She has never asked him to modify himself around her. With her, he just... is.
And she is married, to a lord. A bastard with a title, a command, and a powerful father will always carry more weight than a lowborn who stumbles into leadership they resent. But (besides the new rage that pulses beneath his temples at the mention of Haurchefant) her husband concerns him less than her infallible sense of obligation. She is trapped in a bargain of fools.
Just as Estinien begins to accept tonight as a short-lived glance into what could've been, Io leans forward and claims his lips again. Her fire burns more steadily now. She kisses him slowly, keeps him close by wrapping around him more tightly. Her hips rock against him, lulling him away from the stupidly rational thought of moving on. The soft center of her body yields deliciously to the stiff strain of his cock, a shadow of what he could offer.
Even the shadow causes her to shudder.
She whispers, "No further than this. Just like this." Her voice is low and thick. Somnolent, and he can imagine she sounds like this when just waking up on an idle day. He nods against her cheek.
Here, against the cold stony wall of Ishgard's Holy Stables, they make a mockery of chastity. Estinien might find it amusing if she didn't feel so damn good, even through his woolen pants and the thin fabric of her undergarment. Every grind of their hips and open-mouth kiss is more graceless than the last. There is no denial between them now. No struggle except the one for more heat, more friction, more closeness within the confines of their clothes.
Io's head rolls back, and his name is a repeated whisper between her breathless noises. "Estinien" becomes "Stin" when she can no longer manage the syllables.
A quick, high-pitched sound distracts them–some seam ripping on the back of her bodice. The neckline droops on one side, exposing her right breast.
"Is that... alright?" Estinien asks.
"It's fine," she laughs.
"Is this?" He drops his attention to her chest, nipping lightly at the tight peak before taking it into his mouth.
Io sucks in a sharp breath. "Yes."
"Who could hide you?" His lips move to the underside of her chin. "Who would dream of it?"
Io breaks, and it is everything he imagined. The little quake she tries to restrain, her short nails digging into his back and shoulder, her eyes clenched tight as he continues to move. He would give anything to see her like this in the light, illuminated by the hearth in his chamber, perhaps. A stupid dream.
"Stin, I wish..." –her voice is soft and raw, panting against him– "I wish it had been you."
She renders him undone with a sentence. He grunts, surprised by the force of it, and tries not to swear. Io plies his jaw with a long kiss as he catches his breath.
Warmth floods every inch of him, a strange, beatific contentedness he's not experienced with previous partners. Would she consider them partners, he wonders? Lovers? Estinien isn't sure if the terms matter, so long as Io shares this glow in his chest. He turns to her, their noses brushing in a mischievous mutual tease, and she giggles as she meets his lips. The same laugh that drew him across the stable half a bell ago. How will he hear it tomorrow–in two weeks–next year–without thinking of this kiss?
A tear falls into the valley of their pressed cheeks.
"Io," he whispers, pulling away from the wall until they can both stand upright. He thumbs away her tears as they come. "I–Maybe I was mistaken in leaving."
She balks, shaking her head. "Don't say that. You had to. I see the difference in you. There is no blame for you to shoulder. We cannot say our circumstances would be any different."
"Then I am here now. You have me." Another thing he isn't certain how to define, but it is true nonetheless.
Io leans into his neck, her ears turned back and nearly flat. "I want to give you the same, but where do I begin?"
"You need only give what you're able to give. "No further." yes? Unless you speak it." She feels right, tucked into him like this. He presses a kiss against her hair, and that is right too. But reality and all its wrongness closes in: the night will not last forever. They must part sooner rather than later and return to their respective places. "You should get back before you're missed."
She deflates with a sigh as they finally let the night air rush between them. "I suppose you're right."
They right themselves as best they can, straightening clothes and smoothing hair. He picks up her discarded cloak, dusting debris from it before throwing it around her shoulders. For a blessing, there are spares for the stablehands by the entrance, something Estinien can use to cover his soiled trousers until he's in his room.
They pause by the door, just out of sight of the street beyond. The chocobo have barely acknowledged them since they slipped between the hay bales.
Io presses her hand to his cheek. She opens her mouth as if to say something but decides to keep the thought to herself. Instead, she kisses him a final time, a faint thing that hangs between them even after they part.
Even after she leaves into the night, a moment or two before he closes the stable door and makes his way to his bed.
He sleeps. He wakes. And even then, she lingers.
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voltage-vixen · 1 year
Chocolate Euphoria (NSFW)
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Vlad x f!MC
Prompt: Feeding them a chocolate covered strawberry with the mouth
Warnings: NSFW, vaginal penetration, oral sex
This is an entry for @chaosangel767 & @xxsycamore Be My Valentine CCC! Thanks for hosting this! <3
Her fingers feverishly curled into the sheets as a sensuous moan pursued through the crease of MC’s lips. Still swollen from the nibbles and caresses Vlad’s masterful mouth enraptured on her moments prior from when the sweetness of the chocolate covered strawberry he fed her from him tickled her taste buds.
Bare and exposed, the curves that composed the canvas of the body that Vlad relished in worshiping was hot to the touch, whilst beads of perspiration slickened onto her skin left MC glistening from the aftermath of their lovemaking session. With her heart madly pounding, the core in her lower belly quivering from the prior peak she reached courtesy of Vlad, and the hastiness of her breath now finally reaching a steady, MC was grounded in a blissful state of sweetness. Despite losing himself entirely in his exhibitions only minutes earlier when ensuring that MC was instilled with nothing but pleasure, Vlad had already once again consumed the vacancy between her legs. His tongue slid along the lines of MC’s folds, chilled from the chocolatey dessert that was formerly in his mouth. Each stroke tantalizing enough to steadily draw out the lick of each drop of arousal. The sounds of appreciation coming from her were enticing enough for Vlad to sneak a glance at the women succumbing to his fondles. Wanting to drown the woman deeper in the pool of ecstasy, Vlad cautiously plunged a finger into her opening where his tongue had recently been occupying.
“Vlad, please wait,” MC huffed, biting the side of her cheek in a fierceness to fight back the urge to moan at the welcomed intrusion into the silkiness of her heat. Concerned that something was truly amiss with MC, Vlad withdrew from his mission, and gazed at her in concern. He snaked his way up her abdomen until he was hovering inches from her face.
Vlad shuddered at the heat of her breath trickling down his neck as she planted a kiss on his shoulder. He drew a loud gasp when MC’s hand traveled down the length of his body and rested on his hip. Her finger grazed provocative circles on that little-known sensitive spot of his frame, eliciting him to buck forward, closer to MC and eliminating the distance between them.
“I only wanted an opportunity to return the favor you’ve already kindly bestowed upon me, " MC crooned. “Allow me to instill my own sweetness upon you.”
Another buck forward from Vlad and this time MC is the one to gasp, because she feels him more evidently than before. She feels him against the soft flesh of her abdomen, and goodness, is he hard. Hard and ready; and she was more than ready to enjoin herself with him again.
“My darling, it was my intent to spoil you this eve,” Vlad’s voice trailed off, his resolve weakening when she climbed onto his lap and purposely brushed her entrance against his erection. Entangling her legs around his waist, MC wrapped around him and touched their foreheads together.
“No,” MC softly voiced her protest, tenderly chewing on the bottom of his lip and sneaking in kisses on the occasion. “We’re partners. Our priority should be beholden to one another.”
Not needing consent twice to oblige MC’s request, Vlad surrounded the temptation by latching his hands onto the curves of her waist. With a roll of his hips, Vlad gently thrusted into MC. Both were groaning at the tingling warm sensation that immersed their bodies as they became one.
“Consider it a promise then,” Vlad agreed, the sound of their skin slapping together drowning out all other sounds sans the intensity of their whimpers and cries ringing louder. Vlad placed one hand to support the back of MC’s head, as he willed each of his movements to convey the expression of devotion he held for her.
His adoration raced through the pulse of his veins, praying they channeled into MC while he kept lunging deeper and deeper into the embrace of her warmth encompassing him.
He rocked his pelvis up to meet her bouncing motions, nipping at her breasts that were swaying in rhythm in tune to the electrifying palpations strumming a burning awakening the sensations bundled in his nerves. This feeling was common just before Vlad reached orgasm, and he sharply grunted to contain himself from reaching that high before MC attained her own nirvana.
Fortunately for Vlad, MC wasn’t far behind him in their journey to push each beyond the brink of satisfaction. Her lower lip dripped down as her walls fluttered in a snug embrace around his cock. Following her cue, Vlad felt himself expand within MC, her walls comfortably stretching to accommodate his newfound enlarging size.
Tears wet MC’s eyes as her lungs burned from the euphoria pulsating through her body. Vlad’s dexterous fingers made sweeping flicks at the sweet bundle of nerves yearning to melt into her lover’s hands. She was always sensitive when she was playing with herself while daydreaming of Vlad, but her level of sensitivity was heightened under his skillful petting. Ascending her hips even higher to crash harder down onto him, the novelty of the intensity seared a gratifying shock that rippled within her body, causing MC to fall limp into Vlad’s arms.
“Are you alright, my love?” he questioned, the pad of his thumb skimming the lingering teardrops on her eyelashes. Shifting himself down onto the mattress, Vlad pulled MC into his chest, encircling his arms around her.
“Of course, I am,” MC drowsily replied, her eyelids suddenly drooping heavily. Threatening to fall victim to the exhaustion of their recent activities, Vlad reached for the plate on the nightstand beside them. Snatching another sugary strawberry, his tongue lapped at the chocolate covered shell.
“Ah, for it is I that is the fortunate one,” Vlad countered to the sleepy woman. “You’re truly my savior.”
Combing his fingers through her hair one final time, Vlad pressed a kiss to her temple before placing the strawberry between the crook of his lips. 
“Perhaps I could tempt you to another round?”
MC’s once heavy eyelids sprang open with a readiness as her partner inched closer to her face. The stamina of a pureblood vampire was a trait she was beyond grateful for. The pleasant soreness settled in her lower body seemed to fade away once the chocolatey dessert passed through her lips.
“Hmm,” MC murmured her consent, nibbling at the treat. 
Their kisses exchanged were infused with a sweetness combined from their passions, and the sugary rush of the chocolate covered strawberry in honor of the holiday of love.
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