#recep erdogan
Happy International Women's Day!
Here's how NOT to celebrate today, lol.
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infowarsrzk · 1 year
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reeed zer · 🔴#UCRANIA EEUU @JoeBiden💥ZATAN💥@ZelenskyyUa #HAARP EN #Turquía🔴
#https://www.instagram.com/p/ColJekbjSN6/#EUROPEA (EISCAT) UTILIZARON ALTA TECNOLOGÍA PARA ATACAR A 🇹🇷TURQUÍA Y 🇸🇾SIRIA💥 @ZelenskyyUa @JoeBiden @BarackObama https://messiburdo2022ma#FALSAPANDEMIA C0VID#https://messiburdo2022mafiafifa.blogspot.com/2023/02/europea-eiscat-utilizaron-alta.html#Vale aclarar algunas cuestiones previas de los últimos días que incrementaron y tensaron aún más las relaciones entre Turquía y algunas pot#teorías#uno de los extraños hechos que se dio cuando en Suecia#a mediados de enero#un supuesto activista danés acusado de ultraderechista protestó en el exterior de la embajada turca en Estocolmo#donde quemó un libro sagrado del islam#el Corán#complicando así el proceso de ingreso del país a la OTAN.#Las repercusiones fueron de gravedad#generando protestas frente a las embajadas de Suecia en diversos países con creyentes musulmanes#ya sea Pakistán#Indonesia#la misma Turquía#etc. Y seguidamente a ello el día lunes 23 de enero el presidente de la misma Turquía#Recep Erdogan#en conferencia de prensa#dijo terminantemente que “Suecia no debe esperar un apoyo de nuestra parte a la oferta de la OTAN. Si ustedes no respetan las creencias rel#no recibirán ningún apoyo de nuestra parte” y acusó a la nación escandinava de «proteger a los enemigos del Islam».#Anteriormente el año pasado las complicaciones del apoyo de Turquía venían porque Suecia#en particular#da apoyo a militantes del proscrito Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK)#que se levantó en armas contra el Estado turco en 1984. El PKK está considerado grupo terrorista en Turquía#Suecia#EEUU y Europa.#Pero en lugar de calmar la tensión#fue incrementando. Días después
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bopinion · 2 years
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Groundhog day political statements
Volodymyr Selenskyj thanks for solidarity - and asks for more heavy weapons.
Joe Biden demands that the Senate finally stops blocking.
Viktor Orban sees Hungary at a disadvantage.
Any German politician says LNG is only a temporary solution.
Vladimir Putin accuses the West of colonial aspirations.
Recep Erdogan says he doesn't feel taken seriously.
António Guterres makes desperate call for more climate action.
Xi Jinping forbids Western interference in Chinese affairs.
Boris Johnson says it's not his fault.
Ted Cruz has the opinion that... humm - who cares?
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paulthepoke · 8 months
Day 4 Swords of Iron, Burden of Damascus, American Response, Baltic Connect Gas Line
Day 4 Swords of Iron, Burden of Damascus, American Response, Baltic Connect Gas Line
#WaronHamas—4 days in. pic.twitter.com/evOgdRvMuo— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 10, 2023 ~ The tweet below is how Iranian leadership celebrates the events in the Holy Land. This is a sick celebration of the deaths in #Israel from the Islamic Republic's government newspaper. Pro-#IRGCterrorists Telegram accounts have been glorifying the murder and humiliation of Jews 24/7 in recent…
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caesarsaladinn · 1 year
trying to figure out the funniest crackpot stance on who is the current Roman emperor, and accepting suggestions (tenuous historical justification required)
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sayruq · 1 month
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Turkey stopped all trade with Israel as of Thursday, according to two Turkish officials familiar with the matter, adding to already high-running tensions between the once-close allies over the war in Gaza. The move expands last month’s restriction on some Turkish exports to Israel, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan steps up criticism of the Jewish state and tries to consolidate support among conservative voters at home.
Trade between the 2 countries was worth $6.8 billion in 2023.
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cristianlisandru · 1 year
ANALIZĂ | Profesorul Vlada Stanković și ”DILEMA RUSĂ” a lui Erdogan: ”Prins în îmbrățișarea sufocantă a lui Putin, instrument util în încercarea Rusiei de a submina NATO”
Vlada Stanković, profesor de istorie bizantină și balcanică la Universitatea din Belgrad, face o analiză a relației dintre președintele Turciei – Recep Tayyip Erdogan – ”Țarul” de la Kremlin, nu numai în contextul cutremurelor devastatoare care au lovit țara așezată pe două continente, ci și în perspectiva alegerilor prezidențiale și parlamentare care urmează să aibă loc pe 14 mai. Cetățenii…
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dadsinsuits · 27 days
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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
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taviamoth · 1 month
🚨 The Turkish Foreign Ministry, 6 months into the genocide in Gaza, has taken the decision to halt all exports to the zionist entity until a ceasefire is enacted in Gaza and increased aid is allowed in.
The restrictions will begin today, affecting 54 products, including construction materials and equipment. This move comes in response to the zionist entity's prevention of Turkish aid from reaching Gaza via air drops.
While the move is a welcome one, it should be noted that trade between the zionist entity and Turkiye skyrocketed after October 7th, to the tune of over $5 billion.
The entity sources the majority of its steel and cement from Turkiye, and over 500 Turkish ships arrived in the entity since October 7th. Dozens in Turkiye have been arrested for protesting this egregious normalization, while leadership displays superficial sympathy with the Palestinian plight.
Turkiye has also joined South Africa's genocide case against the entity in the International Court of Justice.
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vyorei · 8 months
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Western society needs to step the fuck up because this is beyond comprehension. If other warlords and facists are saying "lads they're being way the fuck overboard we have to do something" then you really should be doing something.
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xezal----47 · 2 months
Gülüp eğlenmeleriniz
Bittiğine göre benden ufak bir hatırlatma.
Bu Ülkenin başında O var ⬇️ :)
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Rabbim daim etsin seni Reis
Eksikliğini göstermesin
Hadi bakalım Bereketli Sahurlar ❤
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cavalierzee · 3 months
Israel Surpassed Hitler In Barbarism
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“Israel have no conscience, no honor, no pride. They curse Hitler day and night, but they have surpassed Hitler in barbarism.”
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
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paulthepoke · 9 months
This Week in Prophecy: Yom Kippur 5784/2023, Israeli & Saudi Peace?, Caucasus, Iran Prisoner Swap
This Week in Prophecy: Yom Kippur 5784/2023, Israeli & Saudi Peace?, Caucasus, Iran Prisoner Swap
The Day of Atonement is viewed as the holiest day of Judaism. The day is a Sabbath of rest. Yom Kippur is the only appointment a fast is required. The appointment begins at sun down. It is the last day of the 40 day period of Teshuvah. See Leviticus 16 for details of Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement. https://paulthepoke.com/?s=Yom+Kippur 1 Thessalonians 5:13 While people are saying, “There is peace…
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ebrar-nur · 1 year
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sayruq · 2 months
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the-eyespy · 2 months
🇹🇷 Celebration after Erdogan's defeat in the municipal elections.
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