#remember this is all a hc i have so like idk dont take it the wrong way
hauntinglyfresh · 2 years
I have... ideas about my agents
Octo expansion spoilers below in case you haven't played yet or finished it :3
During the agent 3 battle in the boss stage, she doesn't put up that hard of a fight, it's pretty easy to defeat her. That's because she's lacking vision in one of her eyes. The side that's sanitised was sealed shut.
Basically, when an inkling or octoling's skin gets too damp, it can start to "melt" as in their skin is sort of goopy and can drip the way ink would. Normally, this wouldn't pose a problem, right? But if you've got thick sanitisation ink covering one half of your face, it's going to mix in with their skin/ink and leave an ink stain or worse, depending on where the ink was.
Since the ink was over her eye, it would've melted over her eye, having it permanently shut and only being able to use the other eye.
After enough treatment the excess layers of ink could be removed to the point of being able to see the eye again, but the damage would have already been done with that side of her face being a mix of the sanitisation ink and her own skin, left in the melty sort of state because of the sanitisation ink. Because it's left in such a state, she still cannot open that eye.
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mooooonnnzz · 2 months
I saw your earlier post on Platonic fics and Im a sucker for them so here u go : father figure stanford headcannons maybe takes place after he comes back from the portal, reader is an adventurous spirit that works at the shack and maybe secretly helped stan get his brother back? Idk im just throwing things here lol
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You Know I Love You Still
Stanford x daughter!reader
💗 stanford dad hc!!
💗 i literally saw the request it and started writing and got a lil carried away 😭 its like half story half hc? if that makes sense
💗 requests r so open rn! i def dont have any fav requests… (anything platonic or familial will be the first ones i write i LOVE those types of requests)
💗 the age of the reader is young like 16/17? ik that lowkey contradicts with the time line but wtv STANFORD DAD HC!!
💗 it’s a little bit of everything? like it’s not only just reader and stanford, the twins r also included in some scenarios and also stan
💗 a big happy family 😭
💗 fem reader gulp i completely didnt realize until i was done that i used she/her when referring to the reader
💗 next fic will use gender neutral pronouns I SWUEAR!!
💗2k words
💗 i apologize for rhe misspell and mistakes i didnt catch in advance
Working together with your Uncle Stan to build the portal to bring your dad back to the right dimension was tiresome. Nights were sleepless and many of them were spent in the underground lab, where you and Stan did everything possible to assemble the portal. Trying to keep such a secret away from the twins and Soos was unexpectedly hard. The knowledge of hiding someone so vital to you and to your Uncle Stan was weighing down on you and him. Then came the day where his awaited arrival was promised. You could barely sleep that night. You thought of so many different possibilities and scenarios of how you would greet him. Would he remember you? Did he ever miss you? Does he even love you?!
The next day came in like a tornado and before you knew it, you were protectively standing in front of the button; trying your absolute hardest to prevent the twins from pressing the button.
“Why do you guys want to stop the portal so badly!” You yelled over the loud swirling wind that emitted from the portal. “Because it’s dangerous!” Dipper retorted, using his arm to shield him from the debris whizzing past him. “G-Grunkle Stan isn’t who he says he is!” Dipper said, stepping closer to you.
“Whatever you guys saw or heard isn’t what you think it is! Please, you need to believe me.” You begged, your eyes brimming with tears. You’ve worked so hard to get this portal up and running and you weren’t going to let Dipper or anyone stop you from being able to see your dad.
Soos came up from behind and wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry, dude.” He picked you up and took you away from the button. “Soos, no!” You thrashed around his hold. You pound your fists against his arms, hoping it’ll loosen his grip on you but nothing you did worked. No matter how much you begged and fought against him, he didn’t budge. He just held you closer to him, muttering ‘I’m Sorry’ under his breath.
“This all stops now!” Dipper raised his hand, palm flattened out, ready to push the button when Stan appeared at the doorway. “Don’t touch that button!”
He’s hunched forward, hand leaning on the frame of the doorway as he pants. Relief washes over you upon seeing Stan. Silence fills the room for a minute and all you can hear is your heart hammer against your ribcage. Stan walks towards Dipper, beckoning him to not press the button.
“If you just let me explain—“ He’s cut off by his watch repeatedly beeping. Suddenly the ground begins to shake.
The portal powers up and the circle enlarges. The electricity spazzes and travels throughout the room, creating streaks of electrical power. Your feet lift off the ground and soon everyone’s floating up in the air. The wind is fierce and it’s whipping through every direction, pushing you towards the wall.
Dipper yells at Mable to turn off the portal before it causes anymore damage. She tugs herself closer to the button using a stray cable and while she wraps herself around the neck holding up the button, Stan is begging her to listen to him and to not press the button. He’s soon tackled by Soos who pushes him away from Mable. They all fight with each other and you’re watching with a bated breath.
The portal pulses with power, sending you back first into the wall. Stan and Dipper bicker back and forth and Mable is torn with the decision of either believing her brother or her Grunkle. She lowers her hand, eyes closed and you're almost convinced she’s going to press the button when she lets go of the button. She floats up with her arms raised. “Grunkle Stan, I believe you.” She says.
“Mable, are you crazy?! We’re all gonna—!”
The world flashes white and you're immediately knocked out. You awaken to yourself plummeting face first down to the floor. You groan, pushing yourself up with one hand and the other wiping off the dust on your face. Looking around you can see your family scattered around the room, each of them slowly waking up from whatever happened and stumbling back to their feet.
Your head quickly whips towards the portal and your heart lurches into your throat upon seeing a figure step out of it. He stands still, staring straight ahead as he takes off his hood and goggles. And what hid behind them was your father.
After the initial shock of meeting the one behind the three books and the reveal of him being related to Stan was pushed aside, you presented yourself with the help of Stan. “H-Hi, Dad.” You awkwardly greet yourself.
His eyes stop on you and he freezes, eyes blown wide and mouth slightly ajar. He takes a minute to process the absurdity of the situation before he’s snapping back to consciousness. He blinks once, his mouth stuttering as he finds the right words to say. He then blinks again, stepping a cautious step towards you. Your name softly spills out of his mouth and your heart soars hearing your Dad finally utter your name again.
You take a step forward and then another and another until you’re face to face with him. Being closer to him allowed you to see how much he has aged since the last time you saw him. “Dad…” You whisper, throwing yourself into him.
A light wheeze escapes his mouth from the sudden impact of your body crashing on him. Once he recovers, his arms are quickly wrapped around you, hugging you with so much warmth and love you almost sobbed right then and there.
He snuggled his face against your hair, breathing in your familiar scent he missed so dearly while he was away. “We have so much to catch up on.” You say so quietly that he almost lost your words if it wasn’t for you being directly near his ear. He hums in affirmation, cherishing the long awaited reunion with his daughter.
“I feel like this is another part where one of us faints again.” Mable says in utter disbelief at the scene that unfolded in front of her. “Ohoh!” Soos laughed out. “I’m so on it, dudes.” As if on command his eyes roll to the back of his head and he faints flat on his back.
• You weren’t really expecting to talk to him much due to Stan wanting to talk to his brother, but after their fight, he came looking for you. When he found you, you were sitting on the couch that was outside on the porch. You were reading a book you recently purchased from the bookstore. Nose deep in your book, you failed to realize Ford standing beside you. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his trench coat. Quietly he asked, “Is there room for one more?”
• The night was spent with the two of you getting to know each other. From your favorite color to your favorite show, what food you like to eat and so on. Ford wanted to fully understand and know you as a person. He wanted to make up all the years he lost with you.
• The next day, you awoke to the smell of your favorite breakfast food being cooked. With haste you pushed your blanket off of you and slipped on your slippers and sped off into the kitchen where Ford was buttering the pan. He looked over to you and flashed you a smile. “I made you your favorite.” He said, motioning over to the table where he laid out your breakfast. “You didn’t have to do this.” You scratched your cheek, a small laugh of surprise leaving you. “I’m just doing what I always dreamed of doing.” He shoveled out his breakfast onto his plate using a spatula. “How’s the food, kiddo?” He asks, placing the pan and spatula on the dirty side of the sink. “Actually pretty good for someone who hasn't been in this dimension for over a decade!” You jest, taking another delicious bite from your breakfast. Ford jokingly rolled his eyes, ruffling your hair as he walked past you and sat down on his chair. “Already poking fun at me.” He said, shaking his head.
• Stanford knew he had to focus on his projects, he had so many things he left unfinished that he'd been dying to get his hands on the minute he stepped foot into his dimension. But he couldn’t seem to pull himself away from you. He loved seeing you interact with the twins, he loved watching how pieces of his personality shone through you. Like the way you’re so meticulous with where you put things, or how you were forever curious about the things around you, and even the abundance of questions you’d mutter to yourself as you discovered something new. That’s all of him right there, in front of him and he couldn’t grasp such a thought that you were his!
• He finds himself gazing upon baby photos Stan took of you when you were younger. Even if he’s angry at his twin currently, he’s forever grateful that he documented such beautiful memories in a scrapbook. “Y’know, I used to tell stories about you to her.” A shriek leaves Ford. He jumps forward, the scrapbook tumbling down his lap and onto the floor. “You idiot! Be careful.” Stan sneered, kneeling down to the floor to pick up the scrapbook. “Stanley!” Ford leans his head back, trying to regain his composure. “You scared me!” He says. “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Stan waves him off, grabbing the scrapbook and tucking it in between his arms. They stand in awkward silence, eyes darting around the place uneasily. “Did…” Ford starts, shattering the silence. “Did she like the stories you told of me?” Stan smiles fondly, nodding his head. “She loved them. She thought you were some stupid amazing superhero, no matter what I told her.” Ford furrowed his brows. “Wait, what do you mean by no matter what you told her?” Stan nervously laughed. “Hey, why don’t you keep looking at these photos! Wait here, look at this one. Haha! She’s trying to eat her toes, isn’t that adorable?” “Stanley.”
• Outings between the two of you were very common. He loved being tugged around the town of Gravity Falls by you as you pointed at various different shops and locations. You told him the reasons why you hated them or loved them, and some were tied to stories that happened within the summer. He seriously questioned how you and the twins survived so many times where you were just so close to death. The mall was a place where you and him resided the most. With the money he took from Stan, he paid for almost everything you wanted. Entering the shack with so many bags was a shock to everyone. “Woah! Did you buy the whole mall?” Mable jokes, grabbing one of the bags to help you with the load. “Basically,” you laughed, instructing Mable to rally Soos and Dipper to have a little haul of what you bought. Stan watched with a raised brow as you stumbled into the living room with Mable following closely behind. “Where did you get all the money to buy her all of that?” Stan asks. “Just stole some money from some hobo.” Ford said, walking into the living room to join in on the haul. Stan didn’t understand what he said and opened the cash register. When he saw all the money he had stored the day before gone, it all clicked.
• Adventures out in the woods is a must. Gathering the twins and your dad, all four of you venture out into the woods in hopes to find something new. “Why couldn’t Grunkle Stan tag along with us?” Mable asked as she kneeled down to pluck a flower from the dirt. “Because he’s being a wet towel.” Dipper muttered, scribbling down a rough drawing of the flower Mable was picking in a book you bought him. “So what kind of anomalies you three stumbled upon?” Ford questioned. You and the twins began to dump everything onto him, from when you started seeing them to when Dipper and Mable came. Ford couldn’t truly focus on what they were saying, mostly because it was a jumbled excited mess of words, but partially because he was astonished with the trio in front of him. They went through so much and yet they’re still so headstrong. He could definitely see a little bit of him in Dipper and Mable.
• Stan would find you and Ford fallen asleep on the couch or in his lab, all huddled up together and completely knocked out. Snores filled the room and he found it amusing that you and him both snores the same. Videos and photos were definitely taken by Mable.
• Ford would tell stories of his adventures in another dimension to you. Stemming from how he started from the ground up to him getting banned from many other dimensions for stealing parts. “You’re not so different from Uncle Stan,” You laughed, shaking your head. “What! It was only a few…hundred dimensions.”
• There’s times where you’d wake up in a cold sweat, afraid that your Dad finally coming back was just a painful dream your brain played on you. But when you would get ready to find him, you’d step on his stomach or back. “Ough!” Ford groaned out in pain. Being suddenly woken up from his sleep, he sat up, looking around confused. “What are you doing sleeping on the floor?” You sat back down on your bed, pulling the blankets over you. “Is there a problem with me sleeping on the floor?” Ford asks, looking at you with squinted eyes. “No, no.” You laid back down on your bed. “Go back to sleep. I’m better now,” You say, somewhat amused with Ford sleeping on the floor beside your bed. “Goodnight, I love you.” You brush your fingers playfully across his face to annoy him. He shoves your fingers away from his face, huffing out. “Goodnight,” He shuffles to his side, looking up to you with a small smile. “I love you more, kiddo.”
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moonlit-imagines · 5 months
No One’s Sidekick
Jason Todd x teen!reader
warnings: needles and guns and death mentions ya know
a/n: ok i was gonna do headcanons for this but honestly it sparked a lot of inspiration so im actually writing a oneshot for it this is a ONE IN A MILLION CHANCE bc im very picky about when to write oneshots ily. might do hcs also just cuz arkham knight is my passion. (honestly i should have just done hcs idk if i like where i went with this LMAO)
prompt: anonymous: “hi idk if you write Arkham Jason Todd but if if you do is it possible if you can do a Arkham Jason Todd x fem teen reader and reader is his sidekick”
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Imagine a life where you had nothing, you were the lowest anyone could go, and you were just a kid. Now imagine that there was someone standing in front of you, telling that same story, and offering you a chance to turn it all around because they knew how it felt to be you.
That someone was Jason Todd. You found each other by chance, somewhere in the Gotham slums. He walked past you down a dimly lit alley full of used needles and rotting trash, noticing a kid just a few years younger hiding from the world. You noticed a guy in a hoodie hiding a nasty scar on his cheek.
He reached out a hand, hoping you’d take it. He saw a look in your eyes that you’d been like this a while. And you might have noticed the same in his. Which is why after trusting nobody for years, you took this stranger’s hand. “I remember when I was a kid waiting in shitty places woth the hope someday it’d change. And it did one day. Someone found me and changed my life.” He explained after buying you a burger and fries.
“Was it for the better?” You asked him with a mouthful of food.
“I don’t know anymore.” He looked shaken himself, and you could tell by the bags under his eyes this may have been a subject that kept him up at night, maybe took up his waking moments, too. “How long have you been alone?”
“Practically forever. Every once in a while I felt like I was on steady ground and then…something always happens.” You sighed, taking a sip of your soda. “But I learned how to get by on my own. I had to. And I have to protect myself.” Jason raised a brow.
“You protect yourself yet you’re willing to go off with a stranger?” He asked, giving you a warm smile.
“Jason, right?” He nodded at the question. “Jason Todd?” His expression dropped. Before he could stammer out a response, you leaned back on your side of the booth and said, “everyone around here knows you one way or another, but everyone thought you were dead after you disappeared.”
“Did you know who I was when you came here with me?” Jason spoke lowly.
“Nope.” You flatly responded. “But I figured it out along the way. You used to live in my building when I was a kid, I knew I recognized you from somewhere.”
“3B?” He asked.
“That’s the one. You remember?” You smiled.
“I remember a scared little kid with dirt all over their face no matter what time of day.” You both chuckled. “Wow, it’s been a long time. I guess I’m glad we ran into each other.”
“It’s nice. I just don’t know where to go from here.” You took the last few bites from your meal, averting your eyes from his gaze, nervous for what was to come, but also hopeful. At this point, you didn’t care what you did or where you went, as long as you had some kind of purpose. Spending your youth in sleeping in wet boxes or crashing on a sunken-in, stained couch was no longer something you could stand doing.
“I had an idea. A while ago. But I just didn’t know how to go about it.” He revealed with a long pause, mustering up better details to share. “I dont know. It sounds crazy, but maybe not anymore.”
“Can you get to the point?” You tilted your head, eager for a bit more.
“Yeah, yeah…” He gulped. “I talked to this guy, it was after some really bad shit went down,” he brushed his scarred cheek, “this high-profile assassin wanted to train me—work with me. There are some demons I have to face, but I need some help to get ready.” You stared blankly for a minute, fingernail scratching the tabletop as you thought about his words. “It’s out of the country, somewhere in South America.”
“You’re crazy.” You stated. “I’m in.” Jason’s eyes widened. “Anything to get me out of Gotham. And you’re Jason Todd, I’d trust you with my life, even after all this time.” His expression softened and he kind of chuckled, in disbelief of you and himself.
“I—I guess I gotta go make a call.” Jason knocked his hand on the table. “Go ahead and order dessert, I’ll be back in a few.” He stepped out the front door and opened his phone, scrolling down to a contact labeled “S. Wilson.” It rang twice. “I’m in, and one more will be joining us.”
“I’ll make the arrangements for your travels, stay on the line.” Said Slade, there were faint keyboard clicks. “I have a private jet that awaits you at eight a.m. tomorrow. I will send you the address, don’t be late.” The phonecall ended abruptly and Jason went back to your table, finding you eating a slice of pie.
“Tomorrow morning we get to fly in a private jet.” Jason saw your face light up. “Never been?”
Venezuela was incredible to you, even if it was a bit more humid than you were used to. On the plane ride, Jason told you everything. He didn’t spare one detail, he didn’t care. You were another Gotham City orphan with a dark past and a bright future. You two were ready for anything.
It was grueling. It was incredible. It was nothing you’d experienced before. Which was terrifying. But invigorating. You could tell Jason felt right back in his element, but you were desperately trying to catch up. He’d had much training before this, relevant to the current situation. You’re training went as far as standard Gotham Slums scuffling. Your skills included switchblade maneuvers, aiming for the crotch, running from trouble and climbing from trouble. Nothing like this ever seemed possible for you. But Jason knew what it felt like to be brought from your level to his. And as Deathstroke brought Jason to his level, he’d make sure you’d catch up.
“I think you two are ready.” Slade announced as both of you stood before him. Straight backs, eyes forward, and arms behind your backs. “The plan is to be enacted soon, and you,” he turned his attention to Jason, “it’s up to you what we do from here. Gotham City finally meets its match?” He suggested. Jason nodded his head once and you followed. And so it began, the planning phase.
You looked at Gotham from down below. Smaller than you remembered. The whirring of the helicopter blades lulled you away from reality for a few moments before Jason tapped you, motioning for you to come up front with him. You slid your headset on and heard him begin barking orders at the militia before setting your comms to private. “How’s it feel?” Jason asked you.
“I don’t know, actually.” You replied, doing a final check to make sure your guns were loaded and secured. “What about you?”
“It feels like I’m finally getting my revenge.” His voice modulator sent a chill down your spine and you soon landed in Gotham. The plan went off without a hitch. Gotham evacuated, scum running loose, Batman distracted, and his allies scattered. It was exciting, but something was off. Scarecrow’s plan didn’t sit well with you. It was gruesome, even to you. You never really cared about anyone but yourself, but as Jason lost his humanity, you gained it. “I’ve got your back, y/n. You got mine?”
“Always, Knight.” He chuckled as the chopper began to descend. “Let’s kill the Batman.”
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @deanzboyfriend //
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
HI there, hate to bother you but i was wondering if you could do the amazing digital circus head canons for a gn! reader who acts a lot like ena
if you have never heard of it you can check on the ena wiki but i would really love if you did something like this so thanks
TADC x ENA type!GN!reader
typically i would do all the characters in one post, but its starting to get late and tumblr wont let me save half answered asks in my drafts for some reason TToTT so im gonna split the cast in half, if you want the rest of the characters you can send in a second ask so i can remember to do everyone else :0! also my apolocheese for any personality mistakes, i think i watched ena a long time ago but was confused/didnt watch the whole thing so uh uh!! relying on a character wiki for this (on that focuses on season 1 so uh uh, idk if that will impact anything) little bonus bonus incorporating enas color thing into this cuz uh we can say its digital world stuff ooo that gives me an oc idea; oc whos like the mayor from nightmare before christmas who has a spinny head/face thing that relates to their emotions
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caines is going to be shorter because hes just your number one fan regardless of your personality, in fact he probably has a silly shirt with your face on it somewhere
will do everything in his power to make sure youre happy and content, and will do everything to cheer you up when you switch over to your sad side
takes you to wherever it is that he 'sleeps' when you get overwhelmed by stuff and keeps you there until both of you are sure that youll be okay and your blues are long gone
you and him easily match energies, sometimes he will even try to one up you with using fancy intricate words
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writing pomnis part first but oh funny is it that pomni and ena have the same VA
absolutely loves you, but she is so so worried about stressing you out and switching to your 'sad form', tries to (often times unsuccessfully) cheer you up
honestly you both need a break, things in the circus are hectic and insane, and considering pomni just got here she is going to need your help to get used to things
not much to be said since i think pomni is another character i struggle to write
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initially teases you for how fast you switch up, its almost like gangle being more upbeat with her comedy mask and more sad when its broken
tones it down a little when you explain you cant really control it whereas gangles case is just her being more confident with the comedy mask (at least thats my hc)
sometimes give you weird looks when you use an unnecessarily long set of fancy words to describe something mundane
bro is fighting the urge to mimic it
surprisingly does the kind thing, he takes you off to the side when something stresses you out so you can have a minute to compose yourself
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optimistic sweetheart meets ray of sunshine, you two are an unstoppable force of good and kind of rub off on some of the others
similar to jax when you get stressed out or upset about something, usually when its an in house adventure, she sweeps you to the side and helps calm you down. she probably knows some breathing techniques, i think
ignoring the fact they probably dont need to breathe but thats asides the poin
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dollcherray · 5 months
Yan Ms Bloomie headcanons with teacher reader 💥💥Pls im so desperate for ms bloomie content
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A/N: AYYY! I love Miss Bloomie, she has a very special shrine in my mind, i got 2 requests of yandere bloomie so thought to get to write for Yandere Bloomie first. (Gn reader) edit: i have to study soon so idk how many requests ill be able to write today.
TW: Yandere topics, mentions of biting skin off, gore mentions, but not that descriptive, Remember: Yanderes can put your life and the life of your loved ones in danger, always seek help if you encounter one of these type of people.
type: Fluff/Angst, Hcs, romantic.
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୨୧ Miss Bloomie would probably be a very crazy and chaotic yandere, like, she will show you lots of love by jumping on your back, bringing you gifts who are kind of peculiar... (like Miss Circle) and etc
୨୧ I think her way to show some affection too is by biting you, and its probably very painful since she has very sharp teeth, so whenever she goes to bite you just remember to ask her to stop of else she will chomp off a piece of your skin.
୨୧ Miss Bloomie is chaotic, feral, over protective and controlling, i hc her to protect you by scaring away any potential threat to her relationship with you (that you dont know yet) so she wont take any risks.
୨୧ And she wont hesitate to eliminate any threats or crushs of yours, she will literally rip them to shreads, and like Miss Circle wont even bother in cleaning up the gory mess she made. (you will probably find their unrecognizable shreds later)
୨୧ Okay, little cute headcanon that i have in my mind that has been spooking me since i started writing this, is that Bloomie would give you a bow just like hers for you to either put in your neck like a tie or in your hair so you look very bonita (pretty) ✨
୨୧ Bloomie would probably stalk you, either you knowing or not, even though she makes it very obvious, like, Bloomie please i can literally hear you crawling the walls like a bug.
୨୧ You wouldnt even have the chance to leave her, she would be clinging on you at any free time she gets, if you are taller than her, she will climb your back and play piggy ride.
୨୧ if you (somehow) is smaller than her, she will be clinged on your arm, if Bloomie is feeling more silly than usual in the day, she will carry you like a cat in her arms, and all that while making that ":3" face.
୨୧ “Can i bite your hair off?”
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
Hi <33 I love love love your writing and I really want your take on what fucking santa barbara!Ellie would be like if your up to it 🫶🫶
first of all THANK YOU💗💗 and yes ofc i tried my best !!
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut
writers note: its not like my typical hcs because this ones more like umm with plot?? idk how to say this but i hope ykwim😓ENJOY!!
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🌿 she's definitely rough like im sure 100%
🌿 she would degrade you but she also praises you from time to time
🌿 now, hear me out, she doesnt have her usual smirk. like someeetimessss but mostly she looks so stern and focused youre literally scared to make a sound
🌿 she definitely doesnt care about making a mess. shed be sooo sloppy istg!!!!
🌿 she also doesnt care about whatever youre saying. she barely listens. everytime you hit her with a 'stop/too fast' she either completely ignores you or replies with some 'huh? what did you say?' and shed go even faster..
🌿 she def uses strap but also loves just using her fingers. she just wants to feel it ykwimmm
heres an example story(lets skip the plot)
its not really what i meant but whatever😓
You couldn't stop yourself from moaning, what seemed like an invitation for Ellie to shush you by pressing her lips to yours. It silenced you, but not stopped, as your inaudible groans were now caught in Ellie's throat.
You were unable to move, pressed against the wall, so she didnt need to hold you. With her free hands she started undressing you both, knowing you wont be able to do so by yourself. She didn't break the kiss though, only stopping for a second when she had to pull your shirt over your head and didn't have access to your face. She continued right after.
You're not sure when did you moved to the bed, but here you were, laying down beneath her.
She kissed your neck, leaving wet spots on it. She was moving down your body, as you played with her hair, shutting your eyes closed.
Not long after that, a few more of your body parts were red from her nibbling - inner thighs mostly.
Even though she took her time, it didn't take too long. She knew youre impatient and wasn't in mood to mess with you, not yet, not like that.
Soon after, she buried her face between your legs, planting the same messy kisses all over there.
Her hands were holding onto your thighs, preventing them from clenching. You knew her grip will leave bruises, painful ones too, but you didnt care.
Ellie's tongue was definitely doing a good job, playing with your clit, slidding in and out of your entrance.
Her fingers didn't loose up but her thumbs started gently tracing circles on your skin, which definitely made it seem less aggressive.
When she was finished with her mouth, one of her hands took the initiative. She was rubbing two of her fingers for a few short moments, before pushing them in.
You were finally able to see her face - her expression. She looked at you firmly, like one bad move could get you killed.
You were whining and whimpering, desperately begging her to slow down.
"Sh, shhh... Just take what youre given, will you?" The corners of her mouth moved slightly upwards, creating a little smile.
You nodded but continued squirming, your thighs trembling, breath shaking...
"Oh, dont be so dramatic. Youre doing good, you'll handle it, trust me." She reassuringly patted your side. "People survived worse things."
Did that help? Well...
But you knew its the best she can do when it comes to being nice. You couldnt blame her, not after you found out about her past. She killed more people than you ever talked with, after all..
Your mind went blank and you couldnt think of anything to say, so you kept mumbling the two words you always do - 'Ellie' and 'please'. At this point, it seems your mouth remembered how to say these. Your tongue knew exactly what to do to make them come out of your mouth, while it was struggling with any other word.
But it was enough for her to know what you want to say.
When youre finally done (she can tell youre close by the way you scream her name, so she knows when to go faster), she cleans you up with her toned expression.
"See? You'll live, atta fucking girl."
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Listener threatening to put a baby in them (Seth, Auron, Finn)
(Hc/short story, whichever you'd prefer-)
Sir, continue and I'll get you pregnant.
Lol it's fine, I remember seeing this and bursting out laughing. So even when I did see it I had a good laugh.
Idk if this is ooc for Auron but who knows anyways enjoy! :D
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Looking at your boyfriend you sighed heavily. God hes so fucking hot and it makes you feral. He looks at you and smirks slightly, leaning down to where your head is. His lips ghosting yours, but pulling away at the last second.
"Your so cute." Chuckling, your boyfriend turns away and you grab his arm. Yanking him down you gave him a flirtatious look.
"Im going to put a baby in you, if you continue this." The tone you used was treading serious and joking. It made your boyfriend paused before he....
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Sugar, not if I put on in ya first. Immediately flirts back after pausing for a second.
Leans in and looks you in the eye as he tells you, try it. I dare you.
If you back down he pokes at you saying, no come on sugar, you'd said you would come on now. Dont be shy.
If you match his energy, he flushes a bit as the room gets more heated. Oh there you two go getting freak-
Makes jokes after having sex with many, many rounds. Saying how he'd be like a seahorse if he did get pregnant.
Pet, did I hear you correctly? In me? Dear, do you even have the stamina for that? Is intrigued by that statement.
He gives a smirk as he challenges you, Auron finds it funny that you said it to him. Why should he get pregnant?
If you back down he's teasing you as your face gets more red. Giving kisses to your neck asking if that was a bluff?
If you dont back down he laughs as you kiss all over his neck and push him down on the mattress. Then the grinding starts and there goes you two....
After he asks if you really were trying, by the way you were thrusting. Very desprate, laughs as you throw a pillow at him.
HUH? Sunflower that's not even....oh, oh! You mean you'd....um, I would mind trying? Wait is that whorish for me to say-
Hes very flustered hearing that, face goes bright red as you keep serious eye contact making him weak.
If you back down hes whining about how it got him riled up, I mean you should at least help him. Since you did told him you'd get him pregnant.
If you dint back down Finn is really excited as your being rough with him and getting on top. And there goes his clothing and hes moaning-
Afterwards Finn is all tired and is joking when he asks how many you think you fucked in him? Chuckles as you snort and kiss him.
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avocadoraisin · 8 days
what are your Hoffstrahm werepire! au hcs??
i hope you're ready bc im basically gonna tell you most of, if not all of the sporadic details of their "story" thats been simmering in my head. theyre subject to change on any given day because, well, this is my imagination LMAO i can take this daydream wherever i want
one day parts of it could be a fic? idk. i dont think i have enough of a beginning, middle, and end of a real cohesive "story" so it might just exist as snapshots in the form of little comics forever.
and some of this is, in fact, alluded to in that really horny heat fic i wrote akjhfjb
-He and his sister were both vampires and have been for a little while. not sure for how long. the details of how they turned are also hazy
-but they were alone together and moved cities often, only having each other to rely on. they had to "restart" someplace new every few years. possibly because theyve been around too long and would start to arouse suspicion from neighbors noticing them not aging in 10 years. maybe they were in danger of aggressive rival vampires competing for hunting grounds territory, or anything else making them feel unsafe
-at last they settle on Sawville which seemed to be untouched by vampire drama. (as far as they knew at the time)
-Angelina always had too big of a heart and, as a vampire herself, wanted to believe in the good in people. wanted to believe in someone's ability to change. which is what she tells herself when she falls in love w that asshole Seth
-Mark is not trusting of him at all
-Angelina trusted in Seth too much, trusting him with the information that she was a vampire
-Instead of a slit throat she gets a wooden stake to the heart
-Mark is too shell shocked to leave Saw City i guess. he already distrusted humans in general but now he knew he could never, ever trust his heart in a human. not like she was able to.
-When Seth is released Mark cooks up the pendulum and gets caught by John just like in canon
-blah blah hazy details he and Amanda and Lawrence are stuck under John's thumb. i think in the fic i made it purposefully vague if Lawrence and John are also vampires, im now leaning toward Lawrence also being a vampire (i did draw him as a bat recently after all) and John is still undecided
-He knows werewolves exist, but never met one. He's not terribly concerned with encountering one but knows there's an eternal feud between the species.
-his early days are also hazy to me
-he's been a werewolf since i think teenagehood and it was something he kinda grew up with and learned to somewhat tame over the years
-great idea based on this anon (and everything else in the post, verbatim) but maybe he has troubles remembering his childhood or the time around when he first changed, so really all he remembers from early on is how he trained to control the power to be productive in society
-he can change at-will whenever but on full moons it is involuntary, and hes more prone to going wild. he still doesnt trust himself, so once a month he chains himself up to pipes in the basement.
-he also knows vampires are out there, and that they're bad news. Werewolves instinctually want to kill them for a reason. They have no souls and drain people of their blood, they're vermin to be exterminated. or so he thinks. he's never met one yet.
-maybe he decided to go the FBI route growing up for whatever reasons he did in canon. maybe it was a drive to learn more about whats going on in the undergrowth out there. on the everlasting hunt to find more people like him.
-what will he do when he does find one? what if they're not what he hopes?
-with his heightened senses, he knows he has a tactical advantage at work so he flies up the ranks. he's the FBI's most effective bloodhound, and they have no idea why. they dont question it. he gets shit done and thats all they need.
-some years into their partnership, he tells Perez the truth. She's the closest someone's ever been to him in many, many lonely years, and if there's anyone he can trust with the truth, it's the person he trusts with his life
-it took a lot of prying questions but she accepts him for how he is and they are more effective as a Human and Werewolf FBI duo as ever
-and as best friends, too. a tiny pack, if you will
-their meeting
-Hoffman made a frustratingly good point, and Strahm cant prove anything yet. But he's also just so damn curious. because he's never actually met a vampire before, and he secretly wanted to know which rumors were true.
-they also have an incentive to not immediately just out each other's species secrets. they dont want worldwide panic. they both know trusting humans is difficult and everything about that can backfire. its best that their species drama gets resolved privately.
-They both get a lil too curious about each other
-Hoffman keeps being annoyingly flirty with him too. like "arent u a lil curious lol 🧛‍♂️🍆 you can kill me after, ok? 😘"
-they settle some curiosities one night in a sleepover of discovery lol
-they secretly catch feelings a la most fics out there where they start out with a one-night hate-sex stand
-Strahm realizes that he doesnt really care that Hoffman is the "enemy" species, he seems like a normal guy. hes not soulless at all. he also has a sadness about him, just like him. and its so amazing to meet another creature, to meet someone else that he doesnt have to hide around. someone who isn't scared of him. he's not alone in the world
-Hoffman realizing he also doesn't have to be alone again, though a part of his heart is still guarded. and hes still got the jigsaw thing going on. strahm still suspects it.
-The two of them don't really want to kill each other. Like, imagine a cartoon scene with two characters super slow-mo punching each other like "Im gonna punch you! here it comes! yep! im so.. totally.. gonna punch you!" because neither of them really want to do it. until they're collapsed in each other's arms because they realize they dont hate each other, they need each other. because. im a sap.
-over at team Jigsaw, instead of infighting and killing each other to one-up each other like in canon, the apprentices realize they're all being manipulated and start to band together. vampires together strong.
-hoffman confesses the predicament hes stuck in to Strahm. their whole world is already so insane and wrought with otherworldly violence, he knows damn well that sometimes things are more than meets the eye, so hes more willing to hear him out
-Peter more or less accepts everything. he watches from the sidelines and lends a hand if needed, having grown sympathetic to their cause and seeing that theyre all just trying to escape this cult. but its also not his fight, he stays out of it, just helps them get away with it legally.
-if John is a human, they all corner him and idk probably drink all his blood. Scar vs The Hyenas style. if John is a vampire, maybe theres an epic fight if hes like a super strong elder type who just went deranged with power over centuries, Underworld style.
Post-Jigsaw Life
-when its all over, the vampires are kind of unsure of where they belong now. they scatter a bit but still keep in touch, kind of like a weird little family now, having gone through all of that together. maybe they can kind of help each other survive too. a coven of their own.
-Hoffman still isnt sure exactly of where he and Strahm fall now, now that the reign of terror is done. hes going to need to drink blood again to survive, jigsaw violence or not. will Strahm be okay with the kind of monster he has to be to live? he doesnt drain people dry, but he hates doing it anyway. and the doctor vampire of the group can only smuggle them so much blood from the hospitals.
-they realize theyre in love and can try to make this work, hearts fully open to each other. no more secrets between them
-One day when Hoffman is really starving, in an ultimate show of trust, Strahm allows him to try to drink from him. and they learn that while it tastes bad, it works, and they could have a symbiotic relationship.
-While bearing his throat and allowing Mark to drink is the ultimate display of trust for Peter, being in his extremely vulnerable bat form is the ultimate display of trust for Mark
-They tell Perez the truth about Mark, to loop one more friend into the circle of beloved, trusted people in Peter's life who know everything. Mark also gains +1 family, in a way, in addition to his coven. big emphasis on everyone realizing you dont have to be alone
-Mark helps Peter learn to control himself on full moons so he can fully control himself around the one other person he cares about, like this
-still have a lot of learning to do about each other, navigating their relationship together despite their species differences. thats been the subject of most of my art and the fic and other discussions in my werepire au tag lmao
-sometimes a pack can be a werewolf, a human, a vampire, and the two other stray vampires he kind of picked up along the way
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nordidia · 11 months
Do you think CJ and Raph ever talk about their experiences with PTSD/anxiety together or even share advice on coping? Or do you think Raph would rather not? Explain your reasoning in your essay below
(i typed an entire novel and then accidentally closed chrome and it deleted everything let me try doing this again i barely remember what i said ok so. also this is just me blabbering idk guys im not a rise writer im just some opinionated guy online and you can completely disagree with me and i dont say what goes or not ok? ok!)
i dont think raph would go to him with his issues but i think it'd defo get talked about through asking CJ about things and checking up on him etc. and i think CJ would give raph alot of insight and advice on how to deal with anxieties and traumas,, tho alot of their convos would just be one of them saying something vile and the other one going "oh. is that not normal?" and the first one looking at the latter like this
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but all in all i think they'd definitely help eachother with dealing with stuff... i think especially raph will assist CJ in just taking the blow on how much there is to unpack... his entire life has been a big traumatic event, i imagine suddenly living a sustained life without having to fight for survival every day would be a lot for him to deal with, especially the confusion and grief over what he has lost (maybe what he has lost feels a bit like pointless grief to him now? which is a trauma in itself) and also grieving what he never had. as we know, grief is also things we shouldve had but never got, and i think all the hamatos would be really helpful in dealing with that.
tho CJ seems to be a bit of a hardass on stuff like this which is incredibly understandable when you've had to fight for everything with zero stability at all anywhere you went. i could see him confiding in raph about it, but not only him if im honest. but there is an undeniable security about raph i think that the characters i the show feel, and i think CJ would seek the stability and consistent reliability that raph provides.
i also like that CJ doesnt seem too scared about calling out people when they do wrong, i can defo see CJ bluntly telling raph that bad coping mechanisms is stupid and makes things worse and worries everyone around. (this is ofc hand in hand with the good ol' HC that raph bottles shit up/avoids talking abt things. personally i think he never shuts up and frequently rants about stuff and lets his family know whenever shit is up but he avoids going too deep so his family thinks he's being fully transparent when actually he's just not voicing the worst shit. this is so real to me no i do not need therapy shut u)
i definitely think raph would confide in CJ about the krang thing. CJ is the one who knows the most about it, i can see raph going to him to just get a bit more information about what was going on, and also a bit of relief hearing that it didnt go as bad as it couldve gone... CJ being experienced with krangification would absolutely soothe worries and make him feel less alone about knowing what he knows and having gone through something thats a step further than his brothers
IS THIS A GOOD ENOUGH ESSAY i have academic anxiety dont grade me please its 4am i have taken melatonin pills im on my last leg help m *ficking dies*
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fairytypingg · 2 months
fuck it we're doing this
leo(i think thats what i am, idk a lot abt astrology)
7 minutes older and takes it way too seriously
overplans for everything
screams cries crumbles if she doesn't have 100% control over any situation
plays a lot into appearances but is actually a chronic workaholic(gets it from her uncle)
she and veneer were raaised by their uncle actually!!
velvet has a love hate relationship with the music industry, before and after the events of the movie
cannot ever talk about her feelings she'll explode
bottles everything up like im so serious
"i'll keep all my emotions right here. and then one day, i'll die."
she vents frustration by talking mad shit in cs:go lobbies
she's really good at the game
scary good aim because of it, and that DOES transfer to real life
has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces/ref
"i inhereted severe generational trauma and all i got was borderline personality disorder"
someone help her
she needs therapy
also autistic <3
also a leo
7 minutes younger but only remembers bcs velvet will not let him forget
he seems chill in comparison because velvet is so high strung but he is the most dramatic bitch ever
says really out of pocket shit without thinking
"yeah that's why your parents dont call you then haha- what why are you looking at me like that what did i say"
he's the epitome of unmedicated adhd
probably needs glasses
the only one of the twins with a drivers license
was very outgoing growing up because velvet hated talking to people, so someone had to do it
doesn't rly understand velvet being depressed and thinks shes a drama queen like him
"im tragically doomed by the narrative" "drink water dumbass"
hes morosexual
"if a man can locate mount rageous on a map that man is not my type"
dumb fucking ass
love him, hes just kinda stupid.
Kid Ritz:
idk any other zodiac signs use ur imagination
every personality disorder you can think of
emotional manipulation is a sport and he is bringing home the gold
whats wrong with him
the answer is mommy issues. and rampant childhood neglect. also when you're raised as rich as he was you're gonna come out weird
struggled to understand the concept of lying as a child so when be finally got it he retaliated by lying for sport and then never stopped doing that
prefers machines to people
hes one of those "there is a minimum iq requirement to talk to me" guys
not just a talk show host!!
he's well trained to take over his father's political position when the old man retires
current director of public security
he's known as a purveyor of gossip for a reason
the saying goes that nothing happens in the city without his knowledge
like genius iq, reading at a college level by age 5, etc
actual child prodigy in every conceivable way
notorious for being "perfect"
he's the face of Ritzworth Media Corp for a reason
evil genius
also lonely
his father is grossly neglectful and his mother is a deadbeat
did i mention he has mommy issues
never met his mom and has devoted a lot of his energy to forming an intelligence network dedicated to finding her
hates people
like very antisocial
struggles HEAVILY with empathy
his interviews are notoriously difficult since he entertains himself by making his interviewees squirm
casual sadist in every conceivable way
What's Wrong With Him/aff
use ur imagination again im not gonna look it up
rebelling against common characterization here stay with me
secretive about her past but obviously hiding something
a chameleon type of person, can change her behavior, mannerisms, and even accent at the drop of a hat
carries a deep grief with her
distrusting and calculating
she'll "befriend" you but it takes a lot of effort to actually gain her trust
she WILL discard you if she's even slightly suspicious
nobody is sure what her goal is, but she has an agenda
orchid might not be her real name either
very mysterious
generally presents as kind and friendly but it's noticibly fake
cannot stress how much she is hiding something
capable of murder and not afraid to resort to such to protect her secret
dont look in her closet
she has participated in her fair share of underage drinking and can hold her liquor pretty well, but if you manage to get her drunk enough you may be able to pry some answers out of her
has a distaste for celebrities she doesn't see as beneficial to know
gives like. really good advice
identity issues <3
the song Phony is perfect for her
she moves as if she's used to her hair being longer than it is
what is she hiding?
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crypticcowboys · 5 months
omg hi !!! i just read ur new mike hc and OMG ITS SO CUTHEUERU will cry everyday thinking abt it. but i also saw that ur requests are open for mike and i’ve been DYING FOR SOME MIKE SCHMIDT FICS the rage abt him was too short😔 i was thinking something similar with the hc that you already have but with a little angst? maybe him waking up from a bad dream and just needing his gf? i just wanna see some domesticity with him and abby and just the gf taking care of them just to help him a little THE MAN NEEDS A BREAK PLS idk i think it would be super sweet. i hope ur having a good day!! if u don’t wanna take up this request that is totally a-o-kay🩷
a/n: i am so sorry. i completely forgot about this sizzling in my inbox and it has now been SEVEN MONTHS since this movie's release. but this was such a cute idea, i needed to finish it!! im so sorry and i apologize if youve moved on from this man omg LMAO pairing : mike schmidt x gn!reader warnings : kind of heavy angst w/delving into mike's thought process, mentions of nightmares, otherwise fluff. partly proofread. SPOILERS! (but you guys... probably dont need the warning by now, right?)
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mike's nightmares (dreams?) about garrett didn't really... go away after everything that happened at freddy's. sure, it gave him some ounce of comfort knowing that he'd found the man who took his brother-- one of his lifelines, away from him, and also knowing that the same man who took his brother was now dead. but regardless, it didn't take the memories nor the guilt away. mike is, and has always been convinced that everything bad leading up to now must've been his fault. starting with garrett, all the way up to vanessa's coma, no matter how many times you've told him otherwise.
and that lingering guilt seeps into his dreams, too. he's had less dreams about garrett, and he's slowly started to have actual stupid, brief, 'normal' dreams that he can't even remember once he wakes up ever since he stopped taking the ambien; he could now safely fall asleep to the sounds of your breathing, the soothing motions of your hands in his hair, and the crickets outside rather than the repetitive nature sounds on the walkman. but when the dreams about garrett happen, they're... different. they aren't the same sequence that would usually happen in his dreams like before. he can't even remember what happens in them anymore, his memory fading as soon as he wakes up as if he hadn't dreamt anything at all-- but he's always waking up with sweat condensed on his brow, his heart racing out of his chest, and a lingering feeling of dread tugging at his heart, always feeling like somebody was watching him. he'd often wake up with a gasp, or a brief shout. it brought an aching feeling like no ofher— and while he doesn't remember the dreams anymore, the aching feeling is still the same he used to get when he was searching for why, and who kidnapped his brother. and there's another overwhelming feeling of guilt too— how could he ever even think of trading his sister for garrett?
sometimes you wake up from his violent shudders or sobbing, sometimes you don't. and when you do, you're there in a heartbeat-- your body moving faster than your sluggish, tired brain to pull him close and hug him tightly into your chest as he sobs incoherent words, not caring about his cries moving through the thin walls. he'll always apologize no matter how many times you tell him that there's no need to. he woke you up. shouldn't he feel bad about that? he just doesn't want to inconvenience you anymore. but you're pulling him out of his thoughts quickly, comforting him before he even gets a chance to regret waking you up.
it doesn't take him long to calm down whenever you're around to hold him, just like how he needed. the both of you breathing softly, the only sounds audible being your heartbeat and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees outside. quiet, just what mike needed. just like what he craved, with you.
"'m so tired." he'd whisper, blinking slowly as he traced absentminded patterns on the skin of your collarbone, the repetition soothing him. he always liked doing that. and he liked when you did the same thing with him.
"i know." you'd whisper back— and he didn't need to head anything else to feel your overwhelming care for him. it was still so confusing for him to adjust to— the fact that you wanted him even after all of the fucked up shit he went through. no— you didn't just want him, you loved him. held him without a care in the world, and you'd do it in a heartbeat. you learned his body language— knowing exactly what he needed and when. you were his home— you and abby were his home.
one morning, he's waking up alone. not really something that concerned him— you had stuff to do. like work, taking abby to school when you insisted he stay home and rest. he rubs his eyes as he stares up at the ceiling for a bit longer before pushing himself out of bed— there's no use in dwelling on last night, anyways.
mike shuffles out of bed with a yawn, scratching at the skin riding up on his shirt before feeling something wrap around him at torso level. he looks down, and it's abby. he gives her a small smile, bending down slightly to wrap his arms around her, and she giggles. "i'm not supposed to say anything." she whispers, rocking back on her feet slightly. okaaay... secrets right when he woke up, just what he needed. but he smells something good— pancakes? that has him shuffling right into the kitchen, staring at you tending to the stove, the perfect image of domesticity.
as abby's shuffling into the living room to go watch labrynth once more, mike paddles behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, giving a small kiss to your collarbone as he's staring down at your perfect hands, watching you make breakfast. usually he was the one to make breakfast— what was the special occasion? "i'm guessing this is what abby was being secretive about?" he grinned softly, breathing in the warm scent of your hair. soft. you were soft.
"i told her she wasn't supposed to say anything." you replied back, giving a soft 'hmph' as you eyed abby from the kitchen with a soft smile on your face, turning the heat off to the stove before turning around to face your boyfriend. the eggs were done cooking, anyways. "just... thought i'd do something nice for you. let you sleep in a little." your voice was soft, held implications of last night's nightmares shaking mike violently awake. he... didn't get much sleep whenever they happened. his eyes fluttered softly at the feeling of your hands carding through his hair again, and he's already about to fall asleep right at the stove.
you're prepared for him to pout, claim that breakfast was his job and that you shouldn't have gotten out of bed so early with the fact that you had so much stuff to do. but instead— he gives you a soft, bashful smile as he grabs your hand gently, kissing your palm. "thank you. y'know I love you, right?" he whispered, giving you a gentle peck on your lips. fuck morning breath.
"i love you." you whispered back, moving to lean in another time before you're hearing a dramatic gag from the living room, coming from abby. you and mike are scoffing with soft grins as the both of you depart from eachother— but still never looking away.
he never really worried about his nightmares after that, anyway.
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cerberus-new-owner · 20 days
it'sssssssss tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime
Barbie Doll and Diablo
(as my friend likes to call them lol)
it took me a good few days of day dreming about barbs and scrolling through the barbatos tags (and the simeon and solomon tags) to acctually get the motivation for this soooooo here it issss
Part 1 - The Brothers Part 2 - The Angels + Solomon Part 3 - Diavolo + Barbatos
WEE WOO WEE WOO Content Warningggggsss: Darbatos and Diavolo are implied to be dating mc but it CAN be taken as platonic, GN!mc, maybe like a teensy tiny bit suggestive idk i do these before i write the hcs, could be ooc (i've never written for either of them, i dont think so atleast), mention of mamms and asmo but only tiny after thought type stuff i think
the energy is pumpinggggggg and the headcannon drabble things are a flowin'
w/ out mc - does not sleep, will only sleep if diavolo orders him to and if any of you have seen my take on the brothers sleeping he is the same as luci, but instead of the brothers having to be kept in line its the demon prince who does his best to sneak out when he thinks the butlers guard has been lowered enough to do so, other than that i do belive barbatos if tired enough will fall asleep standing continuing to do what ever job he was doing around the castle occsionally finishing all of his tasks whilst alseep (dia and the little d's take bets to see how far through his list barbatos can go before waking up again so far little d no. 2 and diavolo have the most wins) i also think barbatos will sleep walk into diavolos office on ocassion and just stand there like he would if diavolo was having a meeting with lucifer or mephi (i dont know how to spell his name someone help please) also no fan or ac or anything in his room im fairly sure his tail has / would have some form of protective slime kind stuff on it and that drying out would require a few weeks worth (and a couple thousands invested) of lotion applied every few like hours (it'd be like lipbalm or gloss on crusty dry craked up lips)
w/ mc - now with mc and diavolo trying to get him to sleep more often its a much bigger challenge for barbatos to deny going to sleep therefore he goes to sleep more often, with mc around the little d's and diavolo can't make as many bets on barbs work sleep habits so the bets have changed to how long will it take for mc to notice that barbs fell asleep again / how many chores can barbs get through before mc guides him back to his room and takes over barbs creepy standing in dia's office has stopped and been replced with a slight restlessness in his sleep (beware mc for he may kick), and mc better beware of the tail it's 100% getting wrapped around them as they sleep it will be cold it will be slimy it will be slightly gross and it will soak any and all sleep clothes (can't tell me barbs doesn't find enjoyment in feeling how mc jumps as they wake up suddenly due to how cold and wet his tail is 'whats wrong little lamb? did i accidently wake you during your slumber') still no fan or anything by the way not unless you want to be the one applying lotion to his tail every hour (bonus sleepy cuddly barbs like early sunday morning look like shiz and gotta get up but partner is still sleep and gooooodddd they look cute sleeping and don't wanna disturb the peace and then the overgrown toddler with daddy issues barges in asking for breakfast because he was a second late to waking him up saying theres pancakes if he does all his paperwork in which barbs does not remember saying at all (it was all a dream that dia thought was real) and waking mc up, gosh dang it now i gots ideas for another fic from these things)
w/ out mc - another sea creature guess what it isssss, thats right! its a starfishhhhhh, mans has a massive bed cant tell me he doesn't starfish accross it wings out and everything, thinking of wings.... wings can be blankie, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand like beel he. is. a. heater. no need for blankets when have wings and are heater, he snores and sleep talks majority of his sleep talking is telling dream barbs that dream him wasn't trying to escape his duties or saying those really creepy things that alot of people who sleep talk say in their sleep something like idk 'doont go in the closet' and it'd be like right as mammons trying to find secret treasure in the castle and somehow ended up in dias room and is about to open the closet
w/ mc - still sprawled out but don't worry mc he left space for you (in his arms) still a heater be prepared to wear your summer sleep clothes in the middle of winter (or sleep au natural like asmo probably does) he still snores and sleep talks pretty much the same as before also refuses to get up in the morning (mans went to bed late let him sleep in and get his sleepy morning cuddles before barbs comes in and says theres pancakes if he does all his paperwork before 9am the drem stirkes again 'but barbatos i got all my paperwork done before nine and pancakes sound good and the dream felt way too real for it to be just a dream, come on love you had to of heard barbatos say something about breakfast being pancakes today surely' dont break his heart help him gaslight barabtos instead/hj)
That ws fuunnnnnnnnnnn
btw quick little tiny baby question would people perhaps be interested in perhaps me writing a little bit more for barbs and/or simeon maybeeeeeee (the inspiration hit and oh mah lordy loorrrrrd it is difficlt to not want to write more about themm) (btw dont really care how many of you answer yes or no im probably gonna do it anyways)
alsoooo i will gladly accept requests for more headcannon drabbley things for other stiuations if anyone has any ideas, (i don't really do full on fics btw)
other than that i hope you all have a great day, afternoon, night, morning, tea, door, pencil and thank you for reading (i hope it was as fun to read as it was to write) MasterList thingy-o
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OK I JUST THOUGHT OF THIS AND OF COURSE IT STARTED WITH MURIEL BHJFDFV but long story short i thought of murie with mc writing a book together, about all the stuff theyre good at collectively at this point, plants, animals, magic connected with them and its uses,
then i come across this and god yes perfect this is the book this is what theyd write lmao
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so yeah i think you may have written a writer-mc one already but what if!!!! mc + m6 trying to write a book together!!!!! whats it about!!!1! how would it go!!! whos taking notes whos infodumping for 4 hours about the thing theyre passionate about!!!!! pasha woulda probably had a whole story world & characters complete living in her head already since she was like 11 and just never had time or skill or courage to write it all down, ilyushka could fill 3 tomes of medical textbooks, with mixed in personal anecdotes about how he learned it all, lucio just goes for a biography and then remembers mc was gonna be part of it too so its half his pov and half theirs, chapters intermingling, nadia could literally do anything and everything and possibly already has so idk hjbfbjsdjgh and muriel is SO SMART AND KNOWS SO MUCH ABOUT CHICKENS AND EVERYTHING ELSE OK, MF CAN TALK TO ANIMALS HE COULD WRITE A WHOLE SERIES OF RESEARCH ABOUT THAT IF HE WANTED, HED WRITE SCIENTIFIC PAPERS ABOUT THEM EXCEPT ITS WRITTEN LIKE and then they go in there [messy drawn diagram of a couple of badgers running into a den] and they start making noises like grlrlrlrlrrARF to keep the fox from coming in after them in their house, and then they feed their daughter 2 snails and tell her not to follow the fox or he could scratch her and then
asra would do a crime novel. i dont know where i got that from but sure hbjdfbjdfv no idk bout them either
@tetsuooooooooooo I live for your essays and random delightful headcanons xD
But YES you're so right!!
Portia doing an entire fantasy series with the protagonists closely modeled after you and her
Nadia doing the "correct" version of Machiavelli's The Prince
Julian writing "plague doctoring for dummies"
Muriel just churning out encyclopedia after encyclopedia on local flora and fauna
Asra doing a crime novel except it's modeled after true crime podcasts where there's no clear resolution to the mystery (the readers think it's to leave the end to their imagination, it's really because Asra came up with multiple endings and couldn't be bothered to stick with just one the conventional way)
Lucio ends up hiring a transcriber so he can just talk while they do the boring part (writing) for him
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
jealous/clingy spot/johnathon headcannons?
Jealous and Clingy hcs for Jonathan/Spot!
Knocking this out before I take a nap (eepy <\3)! Usually I would split this into 2 sections buuuuut since I think there wasnt much change in this department I'm not gonna bother!!
So!! Yeah!!
Fair warning that this will probably be OOC and/or have mistakes since I'm eepy but I'm too stubborn to leave this for later ☝️😔
This ones gonna be on the shorter side, maybe
Idk I write these opening/author notes before + as I'm writing
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Starting off Jonathan is.
Like he tries not to be toxic about it, he doesn't want to hurt you or drive you away, and that sentiment is still there even after he becomes spot
He doesn't have many friends and he'll never forgive himself if he makes you leave
What he needs is loads of reassurance that you only have eyes for him, and communication is key! Let him know when you're going to be late or going to hang out with someone for a bit; if he sees you with someone else, or another *guy* it'll eat him up all day
Though sometimes he can still jump to conclusions so arguments are inevitable every now and then but again, communication and patience is key; he'll never go as far as to accuse you of cheating though (unless he truly has reason to suspect)
He doesn't think hes the prettiest, or nicest, or smartest, or-
I mean of all people, you chose him?
He feels lucky to have you, but he believes you can do so much better than him and that thought is constantly plaguing his mind
Not very self assured tbh
After the collider incident his self image issues get way way WAY worse; from the fact he can hardly consider himself human, to his new powers, to the fact everyone from his old life dropped him
Except, for you
You stayed
Through it all the fact you stuck around does give him comfort, more so than if you were to meet him after the collider incident
Its one thing to meet him as spot
But I feel its another to see and know how he was before, as just Jonathan, and to still stick around after his life was flipped upside down
His jealousy still spikes up every now and then
As a side thing I feel like as Jonathan he liked having you in his sight and, if possible, he liked holding your hand. Think of it as a "you're still here, you're here for me, you're not going anywhere and you love me," sort of thing
As spot that turns into him wanting to be even closer to you anytime he has the chance
The whole "oh I'm not the most (x)" thing REALLY amps up when he becomes spot, especially in the beauty department
Remind him that you dont mind the holes, shower him in affection
Overall it's going to be a while until hes confident in himself, both as Jonathan and as Spot
So please be patient with him, but remember to set clear boundaries for the relationship! I feel like with a lot of hc lists for insecurity and jealousy stuff, boundaries are hardly touched up on!! No hate to those writing like that and not including it but I feel like its important to stress that the other partner has the right to enforce their own things
Though that might be because when I was younger, jealous hcs were more... yandere-esque or getting REAL close to it, and it kinda. Made me think that was normal and desirable and okay in relationships so
Idk maybe that's just that part of me wanting to prevent that from happening to someone else
With that aside, ultimately Jonathan/Spot will try his best to not get too intense or pushy or controlling; again, he loves you, and he doesn't want to love you
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asmogorna · 6 months
Sorry to send another ask so soon (and idk if someones asked this already) but if you have any headcanons for Jon I'd love to hear them!
OK SO im really sorry it took me THIS long to get to this i quite literally.. forgot i had smth in my inbox woopsies. the reason i remembered is cause mootie posted some Spine hcs and i was like "woah"
alsooo im not good at putting my thoughts onto "paper" especially in english so you will have to excuse me
anywho my jon headcanons some sad some random /ref
First of all i think that his relationship with Peter Walter I would be far from close. he would be seen as the type of child who's both "too much mess to take care of" and "strong enough to take care of himself" if that makes sense. Peter did love him as his creation but would openly admit that he's not his proudest one, meanwhile Jon wouldn't feel much connection at all. he sympathized with his creator but only in a way he would with any other human being, there was more gratitude than love
Jon struggles with constant malfunctions and his mechanisms are a mess (partially because he gets himself in trouble all the time), so at one point Peter would get tired of fixing him so frequently, and tell him that he can just "walk some things off". That thought stuck to the bot and he would think of all of his malfunctions as slight inconveniences, i mean, he can still perform so why pay attention to the constant neck pain or powering up struggles ? it just became a habit and he kind of forgot that things like that shouldn't be ignored
After a long while when Peter Walter VI grew up enough to start learning more about how automatons work, Jon would be used as a "lab rat" (not really but its just what he himself called it) for young VI to practice fixing mechanisms. thats pretty much when he heard "Wait this cant be right" about his messed up physical state for the first time in a long while. little Peter didnt get to fix all of the things that were wrong with Jon's body, but he did manage to take care of some of them, which almost surprised Jon with how nice it felt to not hear pieces of broken gears rattle in his head every time he moved (who wouldve thunk)
ok now to more lighthearted stuff !!
Jon actually has a very strong bond with Sam ! He loves watching the mustached man work and sometimes follows him around, just enjoying his company. At first Sam thought that the tone-gold automaton was creepy and uncanny, but grew attached to him and his stupidity (/lh). i also think that Sam would be one of the few Walter workers who dont baby the Jon and actually treat him like they would treat any other robot :3
Also Jon just loves his robot family endlessly. shocker !! im not sure how explain it but i think hes the only one to look at other Walter automatons and go "bro i love them so much" at all times. in his head at least. obviously he teases them and argues with them but he wont think twice before accepting a hug from his siblings (except for Upgrade theyre rivals /j)
Speaking of Upgrade !! They feel the most sibling-ish to me (aside from Rabbit & The Spine) because they constantly poke fun at each other yet they still are willing to give each other help and comfort when needed. She once had to carry him all the way back to the Walter manor because they forgot to take some extra cans of crystal pepsi
Also Upgrade got in an accident once which caused her to have a fractured face for a couple of days, and Jon was there the entire time to comfort her and constantly tell her that shes still very pretty
Unlike with other robots, the food that Jon eats doesnt just fall through his uncovered jaw/run into his boiler or anything like this, instead it just. disappears. once he closes his mouth the food just vanishes into the unknown, yet Jon claims that he enjoys the process of "eating" (nobody knows how it works)
LITTLE GIRLS THAT GO TO SPG SHOWS LOVE HIM !! once the band finishes performing, he constantly gets pulled away by a small giggling pink-ish blob to join their tea party or hula hooping contest. thats why he has quite a knowledge on "girly" themes and educates other automatons on the matter
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andypantsx3 · 7 months
Ok Andy this had been on my mind for a while now and I really want to hear your thoughts on this!
So we all know that Shouto is pure husband material, the kinda guy you'd be proud to introduce to your parents! But yk all those years of abuse and trauma (our poor bby ;-;) would definitely take a big toll on anyone, right?! So I was reminiscing about the earlier episodes where he is all closed off and cold to everyone, and that really got me thinking... what would dating Shouto REALLY be like.
How much of his behavior in a relationship really be affected by his past? Obviously nobody is perfect and even though our princess man comes close what do you think his shortcomings are as a person/partner? What do you think his toxic traits would be? What could be some of his bad habits? How would he react during an argument? I used to hc that he would be really calm and passive but then I remembered this scene
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Ofc us being his partner would change things, but he DOES lash out at times. The police officer hadn't yelled at them, he was just explaining what they did was wrong according to the law (which could be unfair but thats his job) and he straight up called him a slur 💀 (well yk in this society where so many ppl have animal related quirks it probably is a slur? Idk tho). He was sorry later but still. I was so shocked when I internalized the fact that Shouto does infact have quite a temper, even when he's not rude/ aggressive about it. It doesn't make him bad or anything because 9/10 times it's well warranted and I am just a pussy who doesn't handle other's anger well but yk...
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I am really wanna take his character and study him under a microscope and I am really interested to see your pov on this. Also don't feel inclined to agree with anything I said if you dont, I asked you precisely cuz I wanted a different way of looking at him from mine.
Btw none of this is to paint him as a bad person or partner because of a few shortcomings or his trauma. We all know he's too precious for that and that would be hypocritical of me especially since I have many of my habits and unhealthy ways of dealing with stuff that I dislike, but I also feel like he has so much angst potential in issues that aren't necessarily rooted in his family but moreso his own personality. Healing is often a "one step forward and three step back journey" and while I hate to watch him struggle, his perseverance gives me a lot of strength. Also obviously people change over the course of time and character development and all that, but we see even after the MASSIVE amounts of character development Bakugo has he still retains a lot of his previous qualities and obviously still struggles with a few things. I wonder if it's similar for Shouto. I wonder what he struggles with 🤔 (idk why I am scared but I don't want ppl to take these dumb sleepy thoughts of mine the wrong way yk lol)
I support my mans rights, his wrongs and everything in between :>
(p.s. I am so sleepy rn I don't even know if any of this is coherent cuz the points are flying all over the place but I hope you get a gist of what I am trying to ask. I love myself some sweet angst when it comes to all my blorbos but when I think of Shouto nothing obvious comes to mind. Also whenever I write even an ask or question like this my respect for writers keeps increasing tenfold! How do you guys write fics at like 4 am and it's still a masterpiece and I can barely string my thoughts together... )
Yes!!! I have so many thoughts about this, particularly as someone who also has daddy issues and a hot temper but actively works to be better as well lol.
I do think for the most part we've really seen Shouto move past who he was in those earlier episodes. That is not to say he still doesn't have those feelings, but he arguably manages them in a more regulated way. He has the temper but now he also has the tools and the perspective to better articulate himself.
I think generally Shouto would work hard to be calm and patient during an argument, but as with any human being, mistakes will be made and tempers will spike. I think during particularly bad arguments he'd get more closed off, like in those earlier episodes, would try to go off by himself so that he doesn't explode with that white-hot rage.
I do think, thankfully, that Shouto's ability to show empathy and compassion even in the middle of what we know are the most emotionally trying times of his life (the fights with Dabi), bodes well for his future ability to communicate and regulate himself on the whole. I do not see him as the kind of man who would yell or break things; I see him as the kind of man who now does everything in his power not to be like that.
And also with a face like that, would we not just let him win any argument anyway?? LOL
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