#remus is trying to preserve james
oxydiane · 2 years
james: come in come in come in
remus: okay, where’s the weed?
james: there is no weed
remus: why would you call anyone into a bathroom if you don’t have weed? that’s rude
james: no, i just need to talk to you
remus: oh then i’m definitely gonna need weed. okay look, you are not sleeping with regulus
james: of course not! but tonight… i think there’s something special here… we talked… and we laughed
remus: what is this, previously on james potter?
sirius, forcing his way into the bathroom: if you guys are smoking weed in here without me i’m gonna be so pissed
remus: i wish!
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ellecdc · 28 days
May I please request poly!marauders x blunt/sarcastic reader when Sirius picks out readers outfit for a party.
Like he comes in with a shopping bag and throws her a skirt and “this black skirt will look lovely on you ☺️.”
“Sirius, you bought me a bloody headband.”
“It’s labeled a skirt, check the tag. ☺️”
“Rem is going to kill you”
“He’ll be too busy staring at you.”
James walking in and getting all blushy and remus trying not to stare like 👀
hahahah this was so funny - here's a little baby blurb for ya, pretend they're getting ready for an end of term party after their final exams in their final year <3
poly!marauders x fem!reader who tries on Sirius' newest purchase for her [485 words]
CW: immodesty, revealing clothing, suggestive language and ending
For quite some time, there had been nothing but the sound of your shuffling and the occasional curse under your breath before your voice permeated the dorm room. 
“I cannot wear this, Sirius.” You stated simply, and Sirius could almost see your hands resting on your hips as you shot him an unimpressed glare from behind the bathroom door. 
“Sure you can, doll.” Sirius responded just as simply. “I bought it for you.”
“I am one wrong move away from an indecency charge.” You continued. “Where’d you even buy this?” 
“A muggle store in London.”
“What section?”
Sirius let his magazine drop into his lap as he tilted his head at the bathroom door. “The women's section?”
“Sirius, this looks like a bloody head band.” You insisted as you flung the door open to expose yourself.
Sirius was immediately rewarded with the stunning vision of the majority of your body and a great expanse of skin, considering you’d tried on your new skirt he bought for you with the cropped shirt you’d already been wearing. 
“Fuck you look brilliant.” He breathed out as he took in the sight of you.
“I look half naked.” You volleyed. “What do you think Remus is going to say about this?”
“Thank you?” Sirius offered, eyes still glued to your abdomen. 
“He’ll have you bollocks.” You corrected, moving to look at yourself in the mirror as you tried to preserve your modesty by lifting the skirt up higher which only resulted in more of your arse showing, and pulling it down which only served to expose more of your midriff. 
Sirius was in heaven. 
“Are you two almost ready to go? I showered down at the pitch so only need to change bef-” James had been saying before stopping abruptly in the middle of the room - so abruptly, in fact, that Remus walked straight into him - to stare at your figure. 
“What is…what is that?” Remus started awkwardly, seemingly trying to avoid staring at the lower half of you and failing miserably at it. 
“It’s the new skirt I bought for her over the hols; isn’t she stunning?” Sirius responded salaciously, never removing his hungry gaze from you. 
“It’s downright indecent.” You muttered, but Sirius could see the signs of bashfulness flitting across your features at having all three men’s attention pointed directly at you. 
“It's…a lot.” Remus agreed, his gaze steady on you though he looked to be trying to make it appear it was analytical in nature vs hungry.
“It’s not enough…” James whispered; eyes glossed over and mouth slightly agape as he stared at you in reverence. 
“It’s perfect.” Sirius concurred. 
You groaned in exasperation. “I cannot go out like this.” You repeated.
“No, you’re right.” Remus agreed definitively, earning him an indignant sound from Sirius before he watched as the lycanthrope turned and locked the dorm room door before throwing up a silencing charm. “We’re not going anywhere.”
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moonstruckme · 10 months
Can we get a poly!marauders with a reader who has just lost their best friend(not dead, they’re just not friends because they’re friend started being a not nice person) and the reader starts to think its their fault/insecure reader :))) thanks
Thanks for requesting!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 540 words
There’s an odd thing that love does when it changes. It doesn’t go away, just sits exactly where it used to in the center of your chest, and sours. Curdles. 
The ache behind your ribs feels almost familiar, but the pain has lost its pleasantness and it’s just pain. You swallow against it, but it won’t go away, even as James rubs firm circles around the area of affliction on your back. 
“Don’t torture yourself,” Remus tells you softly, looking up at you from the floor beside where you sit on the bed. “You did the best thing.”
You nod like you believe him, but your voice is leaden with doubt. “It feels so weird to go from talking to someone every day to not talking to them at all.” 
James makes a sympathetic sound. “You said it yourself, sweetheart, they’re not the same person you wanted to talk to every day. You’re just looking out for yourself.” 
Looking out for yourself. It sounds selfish to your ears, though you know it shouldn’t. You’re used to looking out for the people you love, and now you’ve gone and left one of them behind. Your eyes flit almost unwillingly to one of the pictures taped to your wall. It’s too small to make out, but you know it well, one of the many of you and your best friend scattered about your home. What are you supposed to do with those now, throw them out? 
Sirius reads your mind (he’s scary good at that sometimes), the mattress shifting as he leans towards you. “Just because you’re not close anymore doesn’t mean you have to hate them, or forget that you were happy during some of the time you were close.” He gives you a rare sorrowful look, raw in its understanding. You feel closer to tears than you have since you’d made the decision. “I know it’s hard to move on, but it’ll be easier if you’re fair with yourself about it. You did the best you could. It’s not your job to figure their shit out for them.” 
You nod, a hot tear cresting your cheek. “You’re right,” you tell him, or maybe all of them. “I’m sorry for making such a big deal out of this.” 
“Hey,” James chides, palm pressing harder into your back like he can push the hurt right out of you. “Don’t be. It’s a big deal to you, yeah?”
You nod again, wiping your face with the heel of your hand before another tear can make it very far. 
“Then it is a big deal,” he says. Remus hums his agreement, looking at you with sad, worried eyes. “It’s okay to be sad for a while. Just so long as you’re not blaming yourself, alright?” 
You swallow, leaning your head on his shoulder as thanks. “None of you guys can ever change like that, okay?” You’re aiming for lightness, but the effect is diminished by the croakiness of your voice. “I’ll have a very hard time ditching you, self-preservation or no.” 
Sirius makes a derisive sound, playing along as he bumps your shoulder with his. “Yeah,” he scoffs, “good fucking luck with that one. Try to shake me, and I’ll latch onto your ankles.”
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missmoonfrost · 3 months
Just try it - a wolfstar microfic
@wolfstarmicrofic June 22 - Peaches Words: 276
"I don't know what to do!" Sirius theatrically hid his face against James’ shoulder.
"Peaches." James deadpanned, grabbed a crate from the fruit stand they were passing, and swiftly paid for it.
"Prongs, I'm serious," Sirius whined.
James grinned at the worn-out pun and then patted Sirius' head with a soft look. "Just try it."
"What do I do with peaches?"
"Eat them. Duh?" James pushed the crate into his hands and pointed to the bench where Remus was sitting.
Stupid peaches. Stupid James and his stupid ideas. The summer break was closing in and Sirius still hadn't gathered enough nerve to ask Remus out after pining the entire year. How were peaches going to help?
He bit into one and slurped around the sweet pulp. He wiped some escaped juice from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, sat down, and offered Remus one by holding out the crate.
He watched Remus pick one with his long fingers and spin it around in his hand before putting his mouth around the soft skin, biting into it, and licking the juice off his lips.
Remus smiled surprised at the way Sirius was unable to look away, and looking him dead in the eye he took another bite.
Sirius found himself leaning closer. It was pure self-preservation, really. He had forgotten how to breathe. He would likely die this instant if he didn't lick away that drop of juice slowly painting itself along the delightful curve of Remus' lip.
Remus smiled and hummed softly under him before pressing his own lips firmly against Sirius' mouth and they very quickly forgot all about peaches.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 8 months
Day 19 - Prompt: Past @wolfstarmicrofic
January Daily Series - 688 words
<<<Previous Post OR Start Here
Sirius promptly choked on the chip he’d just popped in his mouth. He coughed and spluttered as he tried to dislodge the offending bit from his throat. Thankfully, he didn’t drown in the tea he chased it with.
“Are you alright?” Remus asked, reaching over to pat his back. The slight wince as he stretched hit Sirius like a fist to the chest.
“Fine!” His voice came out strangled and far higher than normal. Sirius cleared his throat, then tried to move past that mortifying moment with a joke. “I’m fine. You’d think I’d know better by now than to try to breathe with my mouth full.”
Remus’s eyebrows shot up, then he grinned. “It’s been awhile, yeah? Muscle memory fades with disuse, you know.”
Sirius coughed through a laugh. It was impressive how quickly Remus recovered that time. He’d already adapted to Sirius’s flirtatious deflections within a few days of meeting him.
Almost as impressive as those hands.
Heat flared at the base of his neck and climbed to his cheeks. Sirius fanned his face as he reached for his tea. He hoped Remus would assume the flush was from a lack of oxygen instead of embarrassment.
It was official, he was having A MomentTM right now. It was the only explanation for his overwhelming reaction to Remus today. He’d nearly dropped their lunches when Remus groaned earlier and now he was choking on a chip while watching the man lick his fingers.
Why the fuck was that so hot?
Sirius rather enjoyed the warmth in his chest when Remus did something particularly adorable, like when he twirled the cord from his jacket around his finger or tugged on his beanie with a sheepish grin. This comically theatric finger-licking incident should have caused the same reaction. Remus was not even trying to make it sexual. The man was bundled up in a thick jumper with a crocheted blanket in his lap and resting against a heating pad for fuck’s sake!
Yet, Sirius was vehemently repressing a shiver as he watched Remus meticulously suck the tip of each finger into his mouth. Little flicks of his tongue poking out to collect stray salt granules should not be sexy. Remus’s contented little hum as he examined each finger did nothing to dispel Sirius’s reaction.
“Anyway,” Sirius said, tearing his gaze away. “I wanted to thank you for saving James yesterday. He will probably track you down and thank you properly himself, but I couldn’t wait.”
Remus dropped his hands to his lap and shrugged. “It would be a pity for a fit bloke to drown for such a stupid reason.”
“Actually, it would have been two. No way would I have left him down there alone,” Sirius admitted. He toyed with the remaining chips on his plate. “Same for Reggie, if it had been him.”
Remus tipped his head curiously. As if a forty-five degree angle would help him better understand Sirius’s lack of self-preservation. There was nothing logical about his devotion to his best friend, or his brother.
“Really? You would have left Padfoot in your brother’s care?”
“I would hope that a compassionate stranger, like yourself, would step in to save both of them from such a fate,” Sirius teased, smirking at Remus.
“Now wait a minute, I could have kept your dog? Can I go back and-”
“Nope! Too late, you’re already a bloody hero,” Sirius interrupted cheerfully. He lifted from his seat and leaned over Remus to collect his plate. “You must be terrible at chess. Honestly Remus, ignoring an opportunity like that? It’s a bit disappointing.”
Remus cupped Sirius’s elbows as he pulled back, preventing him from standing upright or stepping away. Pale green eyes searched his face with an intensity that Sirius wasn’t expecting after their jocular tone. He arched an eyebrow questioningly.
“I made the right choice,” Remus said, a soft smile tugging at his lips. He lifted a hand to tuck the loose strands of hair that fell in front of Sirius’s face behind his ear. “The world needs more people like you, Sirius, not less.”
Well fuck me sideways.
Next Part>>>
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shivstar · 1 year
I have a guilty pleasure of reading Jegulus fics. Despite I shouldn't because of reasons-
#1 They are repetitive in their characterization. James is never shown as canon James that is cruel, arrogant and intelligent. Regulus is changed to diluted version of Sirius but with some self preservation because the dude went to Slytherin.
#2 I am majorly into Prongsfoot (obviously into romantic James and sirius for all those requiring clarification). So I feel like I am cheating on my babies for reading this fic where james is with sirius's brother.
# I hate wolfstar and Lupin with a passion. And if you had read a Jegulus fic, you will know that that pairing doesn't comes without wolfstar. Like ever. Ever. So, even though I have to suffer through this painful thing, I read it.
Because of the drama available there. Obviously. You get fluff. You get black brothers, you get strong women characters, you get different tropes and what's ifs, you get an ending where first war has better result as compared to canon.
But I hate it too because -
#1 James will never even look towards Regulus when he has the better black brother sirius right in front of him 24*7
#2 Sirius will never give a damm about remus when James is right in front of him for 24*7
#3 These fics forget that besides from the Wizarding war being about blood purity, it was also about dark wizards fighting for their rights. And Regulus black was a dark wizard. So okay maybe he does not want to be killing people for their status but if he also didn't want to be a dark wizard then you are making him sound like a very disfigured imitation of sirius but only more coward version who is a spineless, worthless follower.
I mean let the dude be a person who does not give a damm about whether other people are killed for their blood as long as he and his people are safe. Let him practice dark magic because he is a proud dark wizard unlike sirius who is a closeted dark wizard and has to hide his affinity to that part of magic just to fit with his friends.
#4 Every single Jegulus fic shows walburga and orion as physically and emotionally abusive parents. When I think it was never the case. I believe that with war on the horizon and with strong personalities, sirius and walburga clashed all the time because of their belief system. Walburga distanced herself when she felt that sirius was lost case and started focusing on Regulus who up until the point was not paid much attention.
Regulus was too happy to make his parents pay him attention, became even more malleable to their belief system in search of that affection while sirius thought that nothing he could do would be any better than Regulus so why try. He was jealous of his own brother. Like any normal child he resented his brother for getting his parents love. It was crystal clear in ootp if people dared to pay attention. {No but we were all busy paying attention to that brotherly hug in poa to have any brain cell remaining to pay attention to other books. Lol}
Why the reasons for sirius running away need to be exaggerated. Look around yourself. Have seen some parent child relationship in which there is no abuse involved, but still miscommunication, expectation, circumstances and belief were the reason of their estrangement.
#5 That point where you are reading form Regulus's pov and he has these abandonment issues because of sirius leaving him alone and not taking him away too and you feel for the guy because he is laying his heart out for his audience to see how much he suffered. He blames sirius and James. I feel that bullshit. First of all I think that Regulus was supper happy that he got to be having the sole attention of his parents. Again my version of his parents were not abusive people just two people who didnt know a thing about parenting. The guy was Slytherin, he liked winning. But he was also hurt by his parents still not being as concerned about him like they are of sirius, even when he is disowned. He hated his brother for having that concern in his parents' mind even now. He wanted to be better. He wanted to make them forget that sirius ever existed. He overcompensates by joining DE, he was not forced. He wanted to be make them pleasantly surprised when walburga never wanted that of her sons. She just wanted them to be bigots like her.
She absolutely despised the idea of her youngest bowing to someone. When Blacks are supposed to be the topmost. Practical royalty.
Regulus when he found out that his parents are in fact not happy with his decision, felt betrayed first and then lost. When he got the actual reality of death eating business, it was too late and he felt that he had no one in his corner. His only friends were all DE and quite happy in it. His parents were silently disappointed.
So when he found out about horcrux. He thought that he can make it upto his parents. But also he did not want to seek their help in his embarrassment. So he seeked to do it by himself and met his tragic end. Also I head canon that he could have fought to survive but his will to survive was lost because he felt adrift with no one to confide the complexities of his life, he felt alone. And he accepted death quite quickly with a relief because he was lonely in the world full of opinionated people.
So the bottom line is that I read Jegulus and then I hate myself for reading it. Because it is bullshit. But it has drama. And fanfics are their to entertain us even if it makes me pull my hair out and gauge own eyes.
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vomits0cutely · 5 months
Peter by taylor swift is actually just different marauders characters thinking (or talking) about Peter.
“Forgive me Peter. My lost fearless leader. In closets like cedar, preserved from when we were just kids. Is it something I did? The goddess of timing, once found us beguiling, she said she was trying. Peter, was she lying? My ribs get the feeling she did. And I didn't want to come down. I thought it was just goodbye for now.”.
- James Potter.
“You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me. You said you were gonna grow up, Then you were gonna come find me. Said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me. Words from the mouths of babes. Promises, oceans deep. But never to keep. Oh, never to keep.”.
- Lily Evans.
“Are you still a mind reader? A natural scene stealer. I've heard great things Peter. But life was always easier on you, than it was on me. And sometimes it gets me, when crossing your jet stream. We both did the best we could do underneath the same moon, in different galaxies. And I didn't want to hang around. We said it was just goodbye for now.”.
- Remus Lupin.
“And I won't confess that I waited, but I let the lamp burn. As the men masqueraded I hoped you'd return, with your feet on the ground. Tell me all that you'd learned, cause love's never lost when perspective is earned. And you said you'd come and get me but you were 25. And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired. Lost to the lost boys chapter of your life. Forgive me Peter, please know that I tried, to hold onto the days when you were mine. But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light.”.
- Sirius Black.
“You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me. You said you were gonna grow up. You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me. Said you were gonna grow up, you said you were gonna grow up. Then you were gonna come find me. Said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me. You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me. Words from the mouths of babes. Promises, oceans deep. But never to keep.”.
- Mary Macdonald.
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munacy · 1 year
word count: 404
-Moony! Taking over 24 hours to write me back?? Do you know what you're doing to me?
-Making you quiver with anticipation, with any luck.
Sirius thought things were going perfectly: the ostentatious flirting, the vigorous exchange of letters, the thinly-veiled longing. He thought, any moment now, he and Remus were bound to finally admit their feelings for one another.
That is, of course, until he spots Remus in Diagon Alley. With a girl. A very pretty girl.
Sirius doesn't write Remus for two weeks.
"Oh, thank Merlin," James' moan carries upstairs from the Potter's front door. "Are you here to stop the moping? Because the moping has been relentless."
Sirius' heart stills when he hears Remus' breathless voice answer: "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, but I am here to see Padfoot."
"By all means. Why are you sweaty? Oh--never mind."
Sirius hears Remus's giant feet crash up the stairs, and suddenly he's at Sirius' door, brown hair curling and freckles glistening with summer heat, chest heaving.
"Why haven't you answered my letters," he gasps.
"I can't believe you're here...Did you sprint the whole way?"
"I basically did; now, tell me why before all my hair greys from the stress," he snaps.
Sirius finds that he can't look Remus in the eyes, so he turns his face toward the open window.
"I saw you with your new girlfriend in Diagon Alley. Figured you'd be too busy to write," he scowls.
There is a pause during which a valiant breeze tries and fails to enter the room.
"You giant wanker."
Sirius whips his head around in disbelief.
"You're such a child." The words are cutting, but Moony's voice sounds impossibly fond and he's smiling down at Sirius as if holding back a laugh.
"You what, now!?"
"If that's what you thought, why didn't you just ask?" Remus snorts. "She's not my girlfriend. She's my cousin, on my dad's side. She's from Wales and she's never been to Diagon Alley."
"Oh." Sirius feels very dumb, and very, very relieved.
When Remus finally gets himself under control, he gives Sirius a shy, nervous smile. "Padfoot, do you want to go out with me sometime?"
"That depends," replies Sirius primly, trying to preserve a modicum of dignity, "Where would we go?"
"I was thinking Diagon Alley," Remus deadpans.
Sirius smacks him in the gut and they dissolve into heat-delirious giggles.
"Oh, you're a child, Moony!"
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kiwi2229 · 10 months
Engraving in the stone
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 537 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: Glimpse
CW: Referenced to past MCDs
Say that being back at Hogwarts after so many years is hard is an understatement. When Remus accepted the job, he didn’t think about how the memories would haunt him, how every corner would be a reminder of how alone he is. No, he thought that Hogwarts was the only place he felt happiness. Fortunately, the students kept him busy for his mind to drown in melancholy. But tomorrow is Christmas and that means the castle is almost empty.
Remus wonders around and it feels like he can see a glimpse of his past life behind every corner. For a moment he allows himself to live in denial. He pushes all the sad memories away. All the war and betrail, death and heartbreak.
Instead, he focuses on laughter that echoed in the halls. James had such a bright smile. It brightens the room instantly. In retrospect Remus has to admit that James was the happiest in their 6th year. Remus never understood why James fell in love with Regulus out of all people. But he didn’t need to understand. All it took was to remember the way James’ eyes sparkled so full of life. How he talked to Remus about his boyfriend, because he just had to share it with someone.
He saw them only a handful of times together. They had to keep their relationship a secret. But the times he witnessed them he can swear it was love. James always loved with his whole heart. Remus never had a doubt. It was Regulus who surprised him. He watched James like he was the eighth wonder of the world. He touched him in such a delicate way like James was the world's most valuable treasure.
Remus sits at the hidden enclave way at the abandoned part of the castle. He traces the old stones that have been here for centuries and will stand here way after all of them are dead. Unchanging constant. Walls of this castle witnessed children grow up, and lovers fall in love in the most surprising way, they laugh and kiss, cry and argue. It remembers them breaking up and trying to move on. Most of the people are gone now. Their footsteps will never echo in these halls.
Remus traces the scratched R + J into the stone wall in the enclave. It was their hiding spot. They spend hours here just being in love and young. Remus wishes to go back in time and stop them from leaving. Not to rush through it. To tell them to stay here even five minutes more, because you never know when you will run out of time. And they did, way too soon. He can’t. They are both gone, destroyed in the war they had to fight.
He used to be angry and how it all played out. That Regulus stayed with his family being on the opposite side of the war. But they were children back then. He is not anymore. He understands now that stories are never this simple. He looks back at the engraving. He throws a preservation spell on it. At least this way, the memory of love that never could survive in the cruel world will live on.
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drwhoisginnyholmes · 2 years
Duck, Hero - Jan 29,30
Now Remus would typically say that his self-preservation skills were honed to a T, but when you have just entered a room and hear the word “DUCK!” screamed at you from the ceiling, he thinks you can excuse him from landing on his arse after being bowled over by one pesky little Snitch.
He felt the breeze of the brooms before he heard the pounding of feet.
“Moony! You ok?”
Sirius appeared above him, followed closely by James and Peter.
“Nothing's broken besides my pride and maybe a book spine or two.”
Sirius reached out a hand to help him up while James and Peter helped pick up his scattered book stack. Remus opened his hand, the Snitch partially crushed but vibrating on his palm. James whooped and grabbed it before planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
“My hero.” He hopped on his broom and lifted off into the Commonroom before Remus could lay a hand on him. Peter giggled and followed James.
“I thought we weren’t allowed to fly in here?”
“Since when have we ever followed the rules, Moony?” Sirius grinned bright and mischievous as he joined his mates in the air. “Oi Potter! Lips off! That one’s mine.”
Remus sighed and shook his head as he wandered towards the tables, trying to ignore the joyous shouts of his friends while he hit the books. His charms essay wasn’t going to write itself.
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sunchasingstar · 2 years
AU Jegulus fic twist on Percy Jackson. Although I will say, none of them will be matching the actual seven like the parents will be different and will fit the characters like how I imagine they’d fit. Basically all I’m adding in is the marauders being demigods with a very VERY loose similarity to the seven💀
James would be Percy, but not the son of Poseidon. I mean this like, James is the one that would pull everyone together and make things go in motion, he’d be the one to challenge the gods because he recognizes that they’re shitty. His fatal flaw would be his loyalty (because it fucking was.) James is definitely the son of Apollo tho, I literally couldn’t make it any other way cause like James Potter is the Sun. But I do think Euphemia would be Sally and Fleamont would be Apollo but acts like Poseidon (ie simp for Sally) or Fleamont would be Paul because he’s stable and supportive. And I like Paul. Although, I think the Annabeth to his Percy would be (obvi) Regulus!
Regulus wouldn’t be the son of Athena, although he could be tbh, I see him more as a nico type variant. So, if SoAngelo was Percabeth basically 🫠 Regulus fits this vibe because he’s an emo boy who can’t swim. But also, because he’d definitely be the one to have trauma and a mixed up background. I think he’d still have Nico’s background and Sirius would act as Bianca, as in they both come from 1940’s Italian background and ended up in a fucking casino for years.
With that, I kinda see Remus as the son of Athena. He’d be the Annabeth in the planning and he’d be the one to make sure James’ dumbass stayed alive😂. I like the idea of making Peter be either a Satyr and friend like Grover or like Luke and be a friend turned enemy. Sirius would be the Thalia of the situation, mixed with a bit of Bianca (kinda?)
What I mean by that is that Sirius and Regulus would have different fathers but the same mom. They’d still be targeted but it’s because they’re the sons of Zeus and Hades respectively. I think this is because Sirius gives me electric vibes, he fits the son of Zeus. Regulus on the other hand is the dark one, the one that everyone kinda shuns a bit. So, in this setting, Sirius and Regulus wouldve both been hunted by Zeus in this AU (major reason why James has beef w Zeus) and Hades would’ve helped his son and sent them both to the casino to save them. But!! They get out earlier than in the series, they end up being lead out by one of the fates (ig??) because of the Great Prophecy that has James and Regulus as a key part, as well as our Luke variant, The Prophecy would be different because of this and because of my need to have fate force Starchaser to have a happy ending 🙃 anyway, so they get out and meet Remus, Barty (Luke) and Peter (Grover) on the way, right? So, ya know how that story goes. Only difference is that Remus and Peter are best friends and Remus had a crush on Sirius during their time spent together trying to find Camp Half-Blood. Then, right as they’re reaching the gates, the Cyclops comes and Sirius sacrifices himself for Regulus, this makes Zeus pissed because fuck that was his kid actually, so he turns him into a pine tree. Regulus ends up blaming himself for getting his brother killed and becomes a recluse tbh who only really talks to Barty. He doesn’t get claimed until James gets there and they end up getting claimed at the same time (prophecy things) which the first great prophecy would go something like this:
A half-blood of the eldest god
Shall reach sixteen against all odds,
And see the world in endless sleep.
Son of the Sun, his life and heart he shall keep,
The hero’s soul, cursed blade shall reap,
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus to preserve or raze.
I feel like changing it to the eldest god instead of gods would be limiting it to Hades and with the Son of the Sun, yeah. This would make Zeus and the rest of them change the oath to make it include Apollo (or it could be that they tried to make it just Apollo and Hades but no way in hell Hades would let that slide so celibacy for all four)
Regulus would start to warm up to James after he saved Sirius’ tree, which brought Sirius back to life. And I feel like James and Sirius would but heads a bit especially after Sirius learns that Regulus and James are the ones from the prophecy and Sirius wouldn’t like James at first because he’s scared that James could lead to his brothers death. This changes when Regulus is kidnapped in the Titans Curse. The Hunters would be hard to mix in ngl cause I could make them the girls but I also want the girls to play bigger parts to the story and I feel like the Hunt kinda doesn’t play that big of a part. Because of that, idk who to make Bianca cause Sirius isn’t dying after being brought back😀 I’m thinking we make Bianca be either Emmeline and have Mary blame James for not keeping her gf safe and then have her confide in Lily. Anyway, James stopping at nothing to save Regulus!! I also think James would be powerful as fuck because of this theory I have that the less children a god have = to more powerful kids idk why but it’s something I think ab a lot regarding the actual seven. James would have Photokinesis and Heliokinesis as well as a lot of the powers listed under the Apollo cabins power list (I can’t choose😭) although I mostly say this because I’m gonna hc that Euphemia is a demigod herself, or a legacy, she’s one of the few Greek ones that lived long enough to live semi peacefully in the moral world. Her godly parent is Hecate so that makes James hymns and magic in general just cranked up. It’s why he’s a major player in the war because he comes from an extremely powerful line of legacies (Potter is his mother last name and there’s been records of many, many of the family being demigods)(he doesn’t find this out until later) the Potters being descended from the Peverell brothers in the HP universe just always makes me think that the Potters have a lot more magical power than Rowling gave them so I’m gonna give that power to James in this au😄
James and Regulus holding the sky together!!!! This one is important to me, idk why, but it is. And their grey hair wouldn’t go away randomly in the series, it’d stay there! I feel like this moment would be when Regulus realizes he’s fallen for James because while he was taken, his faith that James would save him never wavers and that’s a big thing for him, that hope in another person, but it’s because he knows who James is. However, he never expects James to help him hold the sky. There’s a difference than simply going after a friend and going against a goddess’s warning (Artemis definitely told her nephew to not take the sky because she would rather her nephew be safe than anything) and shouldering the weight of the world for them. This is the moment he realizes he loves James. He doesn’t tell him, of course 🙄 James had loved regulus since the beginning, it never seemed like something he had to realize. Since the moment he came to the camp and Regulus’ dark grey eyes met James’ own amber colored ones, James knew he was meant to be there. James knew their entire lives were leading up to that moment. Of course, he’s also the son of Apollo and literally has prophecy related powers so he could probably feel the actual strings of fate that tied them together. Which is why he made it his mission to annoy Regulus into friendship on the first day. James doesn’t tell Regulus this until the Labyrinth, when Regulus gets jealous of flaming red hair and emerald green eyes that belong to Lily Evans, someone James felt a strange pull to (because she’s meant to be the oracle🤭) which leads to Regulus getting injured and James thanking his father for passing on his healing powers because he came tell Regulus how he feels in a intimate, cliche moment.
(Regulus, our souls are made of the same stardust. There is no one else for me.I wouldn’t want there to be.)
Which, this leads my man Regulus on a mission to find a way to protect James. Thus, he stumbles upon the Curse of Achilles and that whole plot plays out with the exception that James would only go through with it if Regulus did too. Except James wouldn’t choke Regulus like Percy did (even tho Percy was justified ngl) he’d def be heartbroken tho thinking his love had betrayed him, ofc he forgives him once Reggie explains. Once they both submerge into the river and come out again, they get visited by the three fates because ofc 🙄 and basically because they both were used the other to ground themselves to their human side, the fates decide to drop that one can’t live without the other. That should Regulus or James get stuck in their Achilles spot, they’d both die. (Son of the Sun, his heart and life he shall keep)
This would definitely lead to James and Barty fighting and Barty highkey bout to end it when Regulus interrupts with the, “Family, Barty. You promised.”
Then, once the war was over and they go back to camp half-blood, Regulus kisses James and admits to his love for him. And then, James goes missing and three new half-bloods turn up. James would only be able to remember Regulus and would be the one to get everyone on his side 🤣 Octavian would soooo be Snape. I feel like it’s funny asf because of how much Octavian hated Percy and it’s even better that James is the prophesied Son of Apollo and Snape is a legacy. He’d be so pissed that James’ powers are stronger 💀💀
Then Mark of Athena, I was gonna have Sirius and Remus fall instead of James and Regulus but I thought better of it because imagine Regulus seeing James snap in Tartarus. It freaking Regulus out to the point that he begs him never to do it again. ( either uses his plague and sickness power or sun powers to fuck up Akhlys)
Like I can so see that Regulus would save Remus from the web that was wrapped on his foot by manipulating the earth with his power, only to slip and fall into the hole which lead to James jumping to grab him and Sirius grabbing James. James would make Sirius promise to get the others to the other side. And then they’d fall. Regulus and James would cling to each other and James would so use his power to keep Regulus warm (he let it slip that he hates the underground because it makes him feel cold, like the dead)
That’s all I’ve managed to come up with so far, but it’s being rotting my brain all night
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stonedregulus · 2 years
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⋆┊stand alone wips┊⋆
Never Let You Go
Rating: T Ship: James/Regulus Chapters: 1/? Word Count: 4.9k Summary:
Parent Trap but make it Jegulus. OR The time James and Regulus came up with a stupid idea so that they’d never have to see each other again.
Your Mess Is Mine
Rating: E Ship: James/Regulus, Barty/Regulus Chapters: 1/3 Word Count: 3.2k
For Cece: Who may or may not have inspired this entire story by taking a bite out of a stranger’s banana on the train. Not a euphemism.
Until You’re in My Arms Again (Remember Me)
Rating: E Ship: Harry/Ron Chapters: 6/? Word Count: 32.6k Summary:
Three years after the Battle at Hogwarts, Ron and Harry are trying to figure out their feelings for each other without ruining their friendship.
Tell Me Pretty Lies
Rating: E Ship: Evan/Regulus/Barty/James, Sirius/Remus, Hugo/Noah Chapters: 3/15 Word Count: 24k Summary:
“James, I love you, but you’re a fucking idiot,” Remus said, crossing his arms.
⋆┊series wips┊⋆
With You I’d Dance in a Storm
Rating: E Ship: James/Regulus Chapters: 13/20 Word Count: 92.1k Summary:
James is like the sun. He shines down on everyone he meets, helping them feel warm and happy, helping them grow and thrive, and yet he has no idea how much that means to everyone he touches—he has no idea how dreary it gets when he's not there. But when the clouds shift, and he's able to shine through all the shit the universe has put in his way, he brings people back to life. Regulus wishes he was like that. But he's not. Not even close. No one needs him. — The reason sex ed was implemented at Hogwarts.
I Have Always Been A Storm
Rating: E Ship: Euphemia/Walburga Chapters: 1/3 Word Count: 1.4k Summary:
“Mum?” “You know…” she pauses, pursing her lips as if she’s thinking through her words carefully. “I knew someone once who made all the wrong choices. She made them out of self-preservation, not because she cared about anyone else. In the end, it only tore her from all the people she ever truly loved.” ☆★☆★☆ “I know you like I know my own mind, Walburga Black. So you can try to hide from me and your emotions all you want, but I still see them. I still see you. I know you.”
⋆┊completed multichapters┊⋆
Unexpected Visitors
Rating: E Ship: James/Regulus Chapters: 6 Word Count: 9.6K Summary:
Walburga and Orion show up for Christmas. Regulus aims to please his gaslighting mother while also attempting to stand up for himself. — Walburga finally rises from her chair seething as James sneaks past them to join the kids in the garage, “I have done nothing but love you and want what’s best for both of you, but you think I’m so hard on you! You have no idea what it’s like to grow up not good enough for your own mother. I may have been hard on you both but it was out of love!” “Oh? We don’t know what it’s like to never be good enough for our own mother? I’m sorry, did you blackout for our entire childhood?”
Prove It
Rating: E Ship: Regulus/James Word Count: 7.8k Summary:
“What are you doing here?” A voice asked. It was rough and raw, as if the person had been recovering from a cold, and even though they were clearly at an advantage holding James at gunpoint, there was something gentle and curious about it. “Just doing my job,” James responded easily, attempting to turn his head slightly to get a look at the person holding the gun against his head, but the metal stayed pressed firmly against his temple, not allowing him to move more than an inch.
Something of Mine
Rating: M Ship: Barty/Evan Word Count: 5.3k Summary:
“You didn’t want to get clean for him?” he asks. “There’s only one person I’d ever get clean for.” Oh, fuck off. Fuck completely off. “Don’t say that to me,” Evan says because the only other way he can think to respond is to scream directly into a pillow, which he can’t really do at the moment. “I’m serious.” “You don’t get to do this, Barty.” “Why not?” “It’s mean. You’re being mean,” Evan’s voice hitches in his throat, and he can feel hot tears building in his eyes
Baby, Kiss It Better
Rating: M Ship: Darco/Harry Word Count: 7.7k Summary:
HD Sudsfest 2022 Prompt: Character A needs help from Character B, their physical therapist/sports therapist, to take an ice bath. Character A is extremely reluctant/complain-y about it. 🫧🫧🫧 Harry has been avoiding his team’s athletic healer for five years now, but a broken ankle requires him to ask for help from his former boarding school enemy, Draco. Has Draco changed? Have Harry’s feelings about him?
I Stayed There
Rating: M Ship: Barty/Evan Word Count: 2.1k Summary:
“I can’t lose you again.” & “Don’t raise your fucking voice at me.” + Rosekiller — It’s like he’s been transported back in time to that place he tends to haunt when he’s left alone with nothing but his thoughts. When Evan told Barty he’d found someone. When he told Barty he was happy. When Evan left him there in that restaurant. When Barty realized he’d been living in a fantasy of his own design thinking the boy he’d loved, loved him back.
Sorry About the Blood in Your Mouth
Rating: E Ship: James/Regulus Word Count: 1.7k Summary:
Regulus kills Lily and then he and James fuck covered in her blood. That’s literally it.
Broom Closets
Rating: M Ship: Regulus/James Word Count: 626 Summary:
James and Regulus find an empty broom closet
Unobservant As Ever
Rating: T Ship: Sirius/Remus/James Word Count: 471 Summary:
Sirius, Remus, and James are chaperones for the Yule Ball.
Rating: M Ship: Teddy/James II Word Count: 1.6k Summary:
James and Teddy meet for a blind date
Raw Geggs
Rating: M Ship:Sirius/Remus Word Count: 1.1k Summary:
Wolfstar and toddler Harry make Christmas cookies.
Rating: M Ship: Sirius/Remus, James/Regulus Word Count: 840 Summary:
Regulus and James have a surprise for Sirius and Remus.
It Was Only A Kiss
Rating: T Ship: Harry/Ron Word Count: 834 Summary:
Ron & Harry celebrate New Years Eve
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padfootastic · 2 years
unpopular opinion: sirius was closer to peter in their school days than remus.
oooh this one’s interesting 👀 i think i’ll go with…neutral on this
i have a…very controversial thing to say here. an unpopular opinion of my own, so to speak.
i actually think that james is the only reason sirius and remus would be any kind of friends. otherwise, both of them are extremely opposing personalities (and not in the fun way) that would hate each on sight. like, sirius is privileged, attractive, effortlessly smart, conventionally perfect and basically everything one could want right? remus is self-destructive, apathetic, and cowardly.
as someone with experience in having friends who’re…not on ur wavelength wrt to some fundamental traits, i know how frustrating it can be trying to sustain a meaningful relationship with them & i feel like it’d be similar with sirius and remus. sirius wouldn’t understand remus’ pov w things like say, self preservation bc he’s more of a ‘dive first, fear later’ guy and it would be v easy for r to think of him as time deaf (which he prolly is at some points too lbr) . and conversely, sirius wouldn’t be able to sympathise with remus’ lack of initiative and constant backing down from all kinds of conflict, even for their own sakes or for their loved ones.
so yeah. i can’t see them organically being v close bc i think each has traits the other dislikes but james acts as the glue between them and the moment he’s not there, it all falls apart. not a coincidence eh?
that being said, we don’t really have a characterisation for young peter, but if we go by his fanatical devotion & loyalty—it’s clear he has some kind of passion to match sirius’ which is why i think it’s not outside the realm of possibility for them to be closer than with remus.
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spindrifters · 2 years
for the director’s cut - would love it if you talked about april in the rain part 2!!
The tension!! The drama!!
I wrote this scene and then was immediately like, "Shit. This should've been the last scene of the previous chapter." Unfortunately I have the patience of a goldfish so said previous chapter had already been up for a few days. So that's how we got parts one and two out of April in the Rain.
Remus talks about this later (in Figg and Moody, I believe?), how this is the moment when he starts to catch feelings for Sirius. But his self-preservation instincts are doing a really good job of redirecting that into anger at Sirius because that's a simpler and far less fraught concept to grapple with. This isn't something that gets resolved in this chapter. The previous scene ends with him snapping at Sirius and this one ends with him essentially saying, "Us being this close is too confusing for me to deal with."
At the same time, none of what he says is false. And Sirius really needs to hear it. Sirius has such high and admirable morals, but this is the first time his ideological purity has really had to grapple with the reality that the arc of the universe doesn't always bend towards justice. And I don't think that's incompatible with his own experiences of being a victim of parental abuse -- he's needed to believe in goodness and justice and that there will one day be an escape. That's been a survival tool. But in this moment he's coming face to face with Remus' reality in a way he hasn't really before now. Violence is a fact of life for him, and here it is. Until this moment, Sirius' understanding of the physical violence Remus faces has either been self-inflicted from transformations or something Sirius himself can relate to. But in this moment he's just seen Snape inflict violence on Remus and effectively get away with it with a telling-off, and now he's seeing Remus' back for the first time. And then Remus tells him this is systemic, not something that one well-meaning person can fix. It's a massive chunk of Sirius' worldview being deconstructed.
I'm really fascinated in general by the ways that people find agency and dignity even in circumstances of victimhood or little/no systemic power. The whole thing that Remus says about how he's his own person? Yeah. Because he is, even if the social context he lives in says otherwise. And Sirius sees that. So the question becomes how to use his privilege to uplift that personhood without falling into saviorism. And there's no one or simple answer to that. But goddamn if he isn't going to try. After James knocks some sense into him. (The map! The map!)
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unhookedcandles · 1 year
Notes on my fic ‘if you can’t walk then run’- First Year: Peter
- This chapter took a suuuuuper long time to write but that was mostly bc of work and traveling-- it was really fun and the actual writing and editing didn’t take too long
- one thing im struggling with a bit is trying to describe things/settings in a way that accurately conveys my vision to the readers while also staying in the voice/pov of the characters. For example I was trying to describe the gryffindor common room in the way that I envision it, but I had to do it through Peter’s eyes. I wanted to use the word ‘opulent’ but when I was editing it felt so out of place because what 11 year old boy describes things as opulent??? This is smth Im trying to navigate right now but im v excited to explore and work on!!
- prefect kingsley my beloved
- is remus and peter in the back of the group of first-years while james and sirius at the front a heavy-handed metaphor? Maybe, but I couldn’t help myself
- also i love remus having absolutely no concept/sense of how he’s percieved by others because his self worth is so dogshit rn. poor boy
-i added a little explanation about my headcannons regarding the slytherin house in this chap, which is hopefully helpful for understanding a bit of how i envision the political climate of the wizarding world at that moment
- i also love blunt remus-- peter is freaking out because he was almost sorted into gryffindor and he plans on keeping this a secret, but remus just comes out and is like ‘yeah the hat mentioned slytherin for me. i guess i could see it.’ which immediately makes petey feel better about himself. His bluntness is one of the reasons why peter is immediately drawn to remus
- I talked about this a bit in one of my past posts, but peter’s character is really interesting to me simply because he is one of the only gryffindor death-eaters. I think that the way that he can be a gryffindor while also being a death eater is the way that he will debase himself so entirely for a cause greater than himself. A lot of the slytherin death-eaters sacrificed things for power, but Peter sacrificed all of his friends, his life as a human for however many years, and his own flesh for Voldemort. Slytherins preserve themselves and their families at all costs, but Peter would give up himself for power. This is why he is a gryffindor. 
- Peter is a gossip, and a bit chatty in this fic. He shows his love for his new pal Remus by trying to gossip with him about the Black and Potter families
- My fav lines are :“Should we knock?” [Peter] asks Remus. “It’s our room too, isn’t it?” Remus says, pushing the door open without any more discussion.
- I just think it shows a lot about the characters in a short lil blurb
-Touchy James is another one of my fav headcannons
- Sirius and Remus immediately bonding over being traumatized lil guys while Peter and James that have had really chill upbringings are just like.... whats going on?
-OKAY another part that i struggled with was I wanted to show just how instantly Sirius and James clicked. I feel like they would immediately begin bantering and joking with each other like they’ve known each other forever. I think that they also, inadvertenly, leave out Remus and Peter. They don’t explain to Remus and Peter what happened on the train, why Sirius owes James a galleon, why Sirius is so dejected, etc. Part of this is their young arrogance and the other part is ignorance. They like each other’s company so much, feeling like they have finally found another person operating on the same wavelength, that they can’t be bothered to slow down and help others catch up.
- Sirius and James are rich and they don’t know just how rich they are. Surely this will cause them no problems in the future. 
-”The colors look good on you, mate” Im crine poor sweet Sirius. 
-Yay that’s the end!! Please give “if you can’t walk then run” a read on ao3 and tell me what you think!!!!
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thebibutterflyao3 · 9 months
Day 7 - Prompt: Smooth @wolfstarmicrofic
January Daily Series - 946 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
“He’s my best friend, who just walked in with a black eye and limp.” The text from Lily was an odd response to his question. He didn’t remember Remus having a limp or a black eye when he saw him an hour ago.
Sirius frowned at his mobile, trying to make sense of it. Either the bloke he’d met wasn’t Remus Lupin, was a different Remus Lupin, or the man ended up in a row between then and now. He wasn’t sure which option he preferred, they all sucked.
He shrugged, then texted back, “That’s strange.”
It wasn’t vitally important at the moment. Curious and confusing, but not important. What was important was James and Regulus attacking each other’s faces in a small wooded area outside of the Inn.
He initially planned to ignore them and head inside with Padfoot, but after wrangling the dog away from a furious sausage cart owner, Sirius needed a little fun to balance things out. Taking the piss out of his best friend and brother was a little too convenient to pass up.
“Oi! Don’t forget to breathe!” he shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. “Wouldn’t want Reggie to pass out.”
As expected, James laughed and ducked his head into Regulus’s shoulder. His brother aimed a glare at him that should have severed his head, a smooth cut straight through the bone. Sirius grinned and held two thumbs up.
“You’re doing great, Reggie! So proud of you!”
James was a lost cause. He shook with silent laughter and barely kept himself upright with his hands on the tree behind Regulus’s head. His brother, on the other hand, looked murderous.
Perfect distraction.
“Sirius, if you don’t fuck right off-” Regulus began, cutting himself short as he hid behind James.
He followed his brother’s panicked gaze to an open third floor window. Sirius waved at Monty with a delighted trill. James’s dad had a perfect view of the snogging pair and given his shit-eating grin, likely hadn’t missed it.
“Effie! I think James won him over,” Monty called loudly over his shoulder.
“They’re snogging in the snow!”
“Isn’t that sweet?” Effie appeared at the window a moment later. “Congratulations you two! We’ll celebrate at dinner.”
Regulus’s face was nearly fuschia. Sirius couldn’t contain his laughter, it vibrated through him until it spilled over in a loud bark that wasn’t dissimilar from Padfoot’s. He leaned down and hugged the dog for support.
“Wait, Regulus! Don’t kill him.”
James’s yell was a warning and Sirius heeded it without hesitation. With his homicidal brother stomping towards him, he bolted inside the Inn with Padfoot on his heels. He was still laughing, but he did have some sense of self-preservation.
The noisy clomps of his boots were followed by skittering dog claws, and a pair of equally loud footsteps further down the stairs. A mental image of the four of them chasing each other was hysterically funny and it was all he could do to stay upright. Padfoot let out happy barks every few stairs, leaping ahead, then behind him.
“Heel, Padfoot!” Regulus ordered sharply.
To Sirius’s surprise, the dog did. Padfoot dropped onto his bottom and held firm when he tried to drag him up the stairs. Eyeing the incoming rage-filled face, he abandoned Padfoot to James and raced up the stairs.
“Traitor!” he yelled.
Padfoot greeted Regulus with a big grin, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. His brother patted the dog’s head as he stormed past. “Good boy.”
Sirius tripped on the last step when he saw James’s reaction. He’d reached out for Padfoot’s leash, but after Regulus’s praise, he promptly face-planted into the dog’s fur. Howling with renewed laughter, Sirius threw open the door and bounded down the hallway.
“Sirius! Get back here!”
“Come and get me!”
The key to defeating Regulus was to stay ahead of him. If he could remain out of reach, his brother would simply threaten him instead of ripping his hair out. The thrill of the chase was always his favourite part though. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he jammed the key card into the slot.
“James! Save me!” he teased, running into the room.
A derisive snort sounded before his brother grabbed the edge of the door. Sirius’s laughter died on his tongue when Regulus slammed it shut and threw the chain lock, barring James from following him in.
“Shite,” he muttered under his breath.
“Oh, you are in a world of shite,” Regulus retorted, flicking his pocket knife open. “I think you’re due for a haircut, grand frère.”
“No! No! No!” Sirius yelped, running across the beds. He was faster than Regulus, but not by much. “Stay away from my hair!”
Regulus grunted when he slipped on a blanket, then stopped to wrench off his boots and socks angrily. Barefoot, he leapt over the next bed with wild eyes and the knife outstretched. Sirius led him on a frantic chase around the room.
“Hey! Who put the chain on? Sirius? Regulus? Let me in!” James called through the gap.
“Help me! He has a knife!”
“Get…back…here,” Regulus wheezed, tugging at the collar of his shirt, “you prick!”
James banged on the door with both fists. “Open this door or I’ll knock it down!”
Sirius was relieved to see his brother lagging behind as he gulped down air. When he spotted an opening, he raced to the door and released the chain. Immediately, James burst inside with a panicked expression.
“Are you okay? Is he?”
Regulus waved him off and collapsed on a bed with a gasp. “Fuck off…both of…you.”
“I win!”
James stared at them, bewildered. “What the actual fuck?”
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