#regulus black and james Potter
ladylokilaufeyson5 · 1 year
James: *seductively* I bet you’d like to see me naked
Regulus: *takes James’s glasses* I bet you’d like to see
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msmoony7 · 6 months
cant catch me now hits differentttt after reading crimson rivers. like i just know olivia was thinking of that fic when she wrote the song
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themoonshadoww · 5 months
Unpopular opinion : james and lily are the best parents for harry, but james and regulus are a better couple
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shivstar · 9 months
I have a guilty pleasure of reading Jegulus fics. Despite I shouldn't because of reasons-
#1 They are repetitive in their characterization. James is never shown as canon James that is cruel, arrogant and intelligent. Regulus is changed to diluted version of Sirius but with some self preservation because the dude went to Slytherin.
#2 I am majorly into Prongsfoot (obviously into romantic James and sirius for all those requiring clarification). So I feel like I am cheating on my babies for reading this fic where james is with sirius's brother.
# I hate wolfstar and Lupin with a passion. And if you had read a Jegulus fic, you will know that that pairing doesn't comes without wolfstar. Like ever. Ever. So, even though I have to suffer through this painful thing, I read it.
Because of the drama available there. Obviously. You get fluff. You get black brothers, you get strong women characters, you get different tropes and what's ifs, you get an ending where first war has better result as compared to canon.
But I hate it too because -
#1 James will never even look towards Regulus when he has the better black brother sirius right in front of him 24*7
#2 Sirius will never give a damm about remus when James is right in front of him for 24*7
#3 These fics forget that besides from the Wizarding war being about blood purity, it was also about dark wizards fighting for their rights. And Regulus black was a dark wizard. So okay maybe he does not want to be killing people for their status but if he also didn't want to be a dark wizard then you are making him sound like a very disfigured imitation of sirius but only more coward version who is a spineless, worthless follower.
I mean let the dude be a person who does not give a damm about whether other people are killed for their blood as long as he and his people are safe. Let him practice dark magic because he is a proud dark wizard unlike sirius who is a closeted dark wizard and has to hide his affinity to that part of magic just to fit with his friends.
#4 Every single Jegulus fic shows walburga and orion as physically and emotionally abusive parents. When I think it was never the case. I believe that with war on the horizon and with strong personalities, sirius and walburga clashed all the time because of their belief system. Walburga distanced herself when she felt that sirius was lost case and started focusing on Regulus who up until the point was not paid much attention.
Regulus was too happy to make his parents pay him attention, became even more malleable to their belief system in search of that affection while sirius thought that nothing he could do would be any better than Regulus so why try. He was jealous of his own brother. Like any normal child he resented his brother for getting his parents love. It was crystal clear in ootp if people dared to pay attention. {No but we were all busy paying attention to that brotherly hug in poa to have any brain cell remaining to pay attention to other books. Lol}
Why the reasons for sirius running away need to be exaggerated. Look around yourself. Have seen some parent child relationship in which there is no abuse involved, but still miscommunication, expectation, circumstances and belief were the reason of their estrangement.
#5 That point where you are reading form Regulus's pov and he has these abandonment issues because of sirius leaving him alone and not taking him away too and you feel for the guy because he is laying his heart out for his audience to see how much he suffered. He blames sirius and James. I feel that bullshit. First of all I think that Regulus was supper happy that he got to be having the sole attention of his parents. Again my version of his parents were not abusive people just two people who didnt know a thing about parenting. The guy was Slytherin, he liked winning. But he was also hurt by his parents still not being as concerned about him like they are of sirius, even when he is disowned. He hated his brother for having that concern in his parents' mind even now. He wanted to be better. He wanted to make them forget that sirius ever existed. He overcompensates by joining DE, he was not forced. He wanted to be make them pleasantly surprised when walburga never wanted that of her sons. She just wanted them to be bigots like her.
She absolutely despised the idea of her youngest bowing to someone. When Blacks are supposed to be the topmost. Practical royalty.
Regulus when he found out that his parents are in fact not happy with his decision, felt betrayed first and then lost. When he got the actual reality of death eating business, it was too late and he felt that he had no one in his corner. His only friends were all DE and quite happy in it. His parents were silently disappointed.
So when he found out about horcrux. He thought that he can make it upto his parents. But also he did not want to seek their help in his embarrassment. So he seeked to do it by himself and met his tragic end. Also I head canon that he could have fought to survive but his will to survive was lost because he felt adrift with no one to confide the complexities of his life, he felt alone. And he accepted death quite quickly with a relief because he was lonely in the world full of opinionated people.
So the bottom line is that I read Jegulus and then I hate myself for reading it. Because it is bullshit. But it has drama. And fanfics are their to entertain us even if it makes me pull my hair out and gauge own eyes.
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neaverse · 2 years
Modern muggle au where the marauders (you know I'm talking about everyone) go to Sirius and Regulus’ cabin for a week and there's a killer on the loose. I'm writing it. Fifteen chapters. Short fic.
Why you should look forward to this:
There’s an unhealthy obsession with ABBA and Queen
Everyone is queer
Sirius being supportive of James and Regulus (even encouraging it)
Evan and Barty tease Regulus A LOT
Dramatic Black brothers
Regulus and Remus friendship!!
They watch a lot of horror movies
Everyone is in a pre-existing relationship except James and Regulus and there’s only one bedroom left so they have to share
There’s a lake nearby!!
Fifteen chapters!!
Horror vibes!!
Poly relationship!!
Iconic parties!!
Sirius and Reg being annoying and loving brothers
Jegulus (James & Regulus)
Wolfstar (Remus and Sirius)
Rosekiller (Evan & Barty)
Dorlene (Dorcas & Marlene)
Mary/Lily/Pandora (idk if there’s a ship name for this hahaha sorry)
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Have I convinced you to read this when it comes out yet?
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ovelay-love · 1 year
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First time in tumblr and for a while ive been wanting to post something and fr i finally found the courage to post this pic i found from pinterest.....
Srsly tho this one single pic has got me on a continuous loop in the head....ngl.
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thatboisus · 4 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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bloodbruise · 6 months
the bitches traumatized by saltburn would never survive the fics in my ao3 history
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moonyswarmsweaters · 24 days
Because almost everybody is doing this:
if this gets 100 notes, I’ll finally clean my room
if this gets 200 notes, I'll go on a long walk
if this gets 300 notes, I’ll post a picture of something artsy I made and proud of
if this gets 400 notes, I'll make marauders fanart ( I have been scared to do this to not dishonor them with my sucky skills)
if this gets 500 notes, I’ll post a link to one of my marauders era inspired playlists
if this gets 1000 notes, ill try to make sure I drink enough water (for at least a week, let’s not aim too high)
if this gets 5000 notes, within a month, ill try coming out to my best friend
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starchaserfanatic · 7 months
My Friends/Family: Hey can I see your phone? I need to look something up.
Me, closing like 80+ Ao3 Tabs as fast as I can:
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not-rab · 1 month
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this with jily BUT james ends up falling in love with the therapist (*cough* regulus)
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mentallyadinonugget · 2 months
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msmoony7 · 6 months
idk what to do w myself now that i finished crimson rivers😭 spent the last two weeks reading it every day what am i supposed to do now😭
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regulus: “you have your-”
harry: “my mother’s eyes, i know”
regulus: “your father’s grin.”
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shivstar · 8 months
“Well, I let it go! I am not you Prongs. I don’t put my finger on things and want them for me anyhow. I know where my limits lay. When to step back. Be ready to be disappointed.” Sirius replies calmly.
This is a testament to their years of friendship and respect for each other that James knows that Sirius is saying this with all his love that James had been a spoiled child who had never gotten no for an answer in his life.
Many times, Sirius had himself suggested to Prongs to cut it down in his overly romantic proposition to Lily. And although he felt a little jealous of Lily, he had asked not because he wanted James to stop focussing on Lily or anything else nefarious. But simply because he saw that James was making Lily a little uncomfortable.
His friend has his heart in the right place but he wants someone to reign him in and tell him when he is crossing the line.
But unlike Lily, Sirius never thought that James was doing it maliciously or making fun of her. He was just being a teenage boy with hormonal overload. And coming from a childhood in which nothing was left to be desired.
Sirius never claimed that his best friend was the best specimen of human being. He knows that James comes with his passionate personality. But still, he loves him, faults and all.
James had grown a lot from those days. Just like they all have. Just like everyone does with age.
No one ever existed who didn’t commit atrocious acts at that age. No one is perfect. And the upbringing and learning which pureblood kids like Him and James get, it was no surprise that they turned out so arrogant and insufferable.
The point is recognising that your actions are hurtful and strive to be a better human.
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neaverse · 2 years
“Why are you doing this?” Regulus mumbles against Jamesʼ chest. His voice is almost fragile.
“It looked like you needed it,” James says softly. “And... I think I needed it too.”
– excerpt from chapter 2 of when the darkness unfolds by neaverse on ao3
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