#reposting this only
videogamepolls · 3 months
This Wikipedia article has a more comprehensive list
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pinkm4ns · 2 years
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brotato-chibs · 5 months
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they go flying 💨🍃
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barghest-land · 21 days
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Where the tired come to rest, and the famished come to feed - lavishly. Go on. Partake. Enjoy your supper. After all… It might just be your last.
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ruubesz-draws · 3 months
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When Mothra talks, nobody talks.
And that's a fact!
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menlove · 8 months
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aliiiiiiice · 6 months
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frenchublog · 7 months
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kaiju-krew · 3 months
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he didn't stand a chance <3
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teenythings · 6 months
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cozy stuff !!!! nem nem nem 🥹
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zirkkun · 2 years
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This is a terrifying norm I’ve been seeing in fandom recently, with a lot of people asking for photo ID’s to enter a server or for 18+ commissions or to follow a private Twitter account. While I understand the sentiment and realize that there’s an issue of minors trying to get into adult spaces, this is an incredibly dangerous practice that needs to stop.
I have seen this popping up more and more in the past year and frankly, I’m sick of sitting back and watching it become a social norm. Not to mention, there is a huge difference between a company with a team of lawyers and legal statements with the intention to protect your information and giving this to a random person online.
Here is an article from IAPP discussing more in depth the current difficulties for age verification online.  Thanks to @murmurkins for digging around to find this!
Here is also some resources for Discord specifically on how to moderate and run a server that has 18+ channels and designating a server as 18+. Discord also notes that if you are locked out of 18+ channels, you can appeal this by sending a picture of yourself and either a photo ID or your Discord tag. Again, while not a perfect solution, this is their last resort, not the intial requirement. It’s dangerous to do, and Discord recognizes this, which is why they have a system to protect your information AND they require that all third-party individuals have a privacy policy telling individuals how they will protect others’ information. 
If anyone wants to respond to this post with more information on other websites, feel free! The biggest issue I have seen with this is on Discord, so that is where my information is focused.
TL;DR: Don’t give your ID out online to random people for your safety. Make sure who you are giving personal information to has a privacy policy. While it is an issue that minors are accessing 18+ content, this is not a safe solution to the problem.
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egophiliac · 6 months
Okay so I've been wanting to tell you that you're literally my favourite twst artist 😭🩷
So my question is, how do you manage to come up with these funny comics? CUZ I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
(P.s: Lovin' the art style ✨)
oh geeze, thanks! 💚💚💚 I'm really glad people enjoy my stupid sense of humor; mostly I just draw things to make myself laugh, and if it makes other people laugh too, then bonus points! usually it's just one joke or mental image that gets stuck in my head (every time I saw Fellow spin his cane, all I could think about was him go-go-gadgeting away on it...) and in my quest to justify it, it picks up other jokes and bits along the way and usually doesn't even end up as the main focus anymore. entire narrative arcs have spun out just so I could use a single bad pun in a throwaway line. this is a terrible way to explain it but I'm not sure how else to put it into words!
and sometimes it's just "weird things my sister has said that I make fun of her for"
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hinamie · 6 days
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idc that these chars are featured in this au for a grand total of 3 seconds its who i am as a person i Need to draw them all
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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lauradonnelly · 10 months
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derpycatsu · 7 months
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fart dump first one is a redraw of this the rest showed up at my door in a wet cardboard box
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ruubesz-draws · 1 month
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