#request largo
riddler-green · 1 year
I fell in love with your writing omgg:0 so Edward finds out that the person he likes (with whom he is obsessed lmao) is a fan of riddler and even has a crush on him 9v9
Te observo.
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Summary: Edward discovers that you are a follower of his alter ego.
A/n: hheeeeeeeey hi! how are you?? after a long pause I'm back! in Mexico it's semana santa holidays! sooo I finally have time to catch up with the requests! besides, yesterday I sprained my ankle but that gives me more time to write and I'll be better soon. (´ ε ` )♡
by the way i hope you like it! and thank you very much for the request! I think I got carried away so I'm sorry if it's not what you expected. (*^.^*)
warning: swearing, obsessive behavior, Fluff!
Words: 3,800
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Edward played with one of his feathers, pressing the feather spring to relax from his growing anxiety. He knows that looking at you for a long time is strange but he can't stop doing it. From the first time he saw you, he was completely immobile with wonder, every day he delighted in seeing you. He thought you never knew of his existence, because despite being co-workers and practically working in similar jobs, he was too shy to even speak to you, so he assumed you never even glanced at him. In his mind, he had these innocent little fantasies that someday you would pay attention to him and he would gladly see you without guilt or looking like a freak. But he is a coward, a man who fears what he already knows will happen at some point.
That's why he doesn't try, he doesn't want to face that rejection that already hangs on his forehead, yet he still thinks of you, even in his dreams you appear as a sweet reminder of his memory. He sighs with love for the mere fact that you existed. 
"Hey, I need this document by Monday" Zach interrupts his admiration with an authoritative voice, Edward coughs falsely to distract himself from the fact that he was watching you instead of working "yeah, um, of course" he replies to Zach and the man in the blue suit out of his sight without saying goodbye.
Edward contemplates the files in his hands, sheets after sheets of payrolls that in a couple of hours, he would solve all, back in his mind he wonders if you like numbers too, well, it's not like he could ask you, he arranged the files in alphabetical order and before he started working a scream stops him.
"It's official!" a voice Edward doesn't know speaks again, when he turns to see who it is he looks at a human rights employee pasting a sign on the bulletin board "It is officially forbidden to talk about The Riddler and The Batman!" The employee speaks loudly drawing the attention of the other employees, others ignore him but saw the sign, and others stared at him still processing the news.
Edward gasped, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, did they just ban them from his office? He does not know how to take it, is he considered a danger to the company? His face does not reflect the emotion he keeps inside, Batman and he have taken relevance in the city, as new icons of justice, although the Riddler remains a sensitive issue for many.
"May I know the reason?" he flinched at the sound of your voice, he saw your figure approach the statement already taped to the board and you examined it completely, uh, that surprised Edward, as far as he remembers you were always a model employee, you don't generate problems, your sign in and out sheet is flawless (it's not like he's seen it) your documents are just as good, but seeing you now he worries, why are you angry?
Edward watches as you chat with the human resources employee, apparently not a pleasant chat, as you return to your seat with an angry look on your face. He can't take his eyes off your scowl until you turn up to type something on your computer.
Edward sighs, so many repressed things he has inside his being and unfortunately, it's not something he can get it out, the love he has for you is one of those things he can't undo (he doesn't want to), as for him, it feels like a small stain on his office.
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"Damn KMTJ, don't they know they are doing them a favor?" you whisper to yourself angrily, abruptly typing the last report of the day, there was no need to forbid talking about a certain topic, you stopped typing for a moment. 
Remember the first time you saw him, your idol, yes, that's right, your idol. If someone found out that you were part of that select radical group of Riddler's followers they would probably send you on an all-expense paid trip straight to Arkham, but do you care? No, honestly no, the admiration you have for the masked man is something genuine and devoted. In the past you only engaged with him, you only had ears to hear about events happening in the city and you couldn't agree more, his speeches moved you so much that you never missed any of his videos, and you even participated in some clandestine demonstrations with the significant question mark sign.
Until one day he unknowingly broke your heart.
You stared at the monitor screen as you remembered the precise moment when your heart broke in two, those seconds when The Riddler declared in one of his lives, that he fell in love.
You cried that day and the day after that, and the day after that, your life turned into a mess for the simple fact that you Riddler already set your eyes on someone else. In your darkest thoughts, you wanted that person to reject him or disappear from his life, even though you wouldn't stand a chance anyway.
But then came another problem named Edward Nashton.
The first thing you saw in him was his sad eyes covered by the lenses of his glasses, such melancholic eyes that you only wanted to give him affection and love. But then you notice that glow in his person, a shy and helpful glow that at all costs wants to help others, a caring soul that does his job excellently and brilliantly since then Edward flits through your mind as a reassurer of the suffering that the Riddler left you.
But still, you didn't dare to talk to him, when you watched him walk in the door in the mornings you shrank back in cowardice, you didn't want to suffer another brutal rejection from someone else, oh please Edward must already have a bunch of suitors, you crudely think starting to work again to distract yourself from your frustrating love life.
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One day, Edward received a message from his computer specially made for his other job, a homemade laptop with other computer parts, and a private message from his forum as it happened every day.
>> Hi! This, um, Mr.Riddler I admire your mission and your vision of what you want for this city, I know you probably don't know me but I just want to say that I want to be a part of your mission toward a safer Gotham for the future.
Edward's first impression from you is a, mmhm, another message from a random supportive follower, he noticed another message in the inbox.
>> Extraclassified Documents.zip 
>> I got this information for you, I don't doubt you are a great hacker to find this information on your own, but um, I just want to help you.
>>I swear, this is official information.
>>From KMTJ.
Edward was puzzled when he read the final message. Maybe it was his imagination playing a joke on him, maybe he was too tired from the hours he hasn't slept but he was sure he read it right.
>>From KMTJ.
>>From KMTJ.
>>From KMTJ.
Fuck, is that what he thinks it is? He opens the document and it is what the file name says, it's not a virus as he expected, it's case files that have to do with the renovation, signed by Mr. stone, his fucking boss.
Edward turns away from the screen extremely surprised and puts his hands to his head touching his hair, a mole, there's a mole in his company and damn it, he's helping him.
He tries to figure out who it could be from his colleagues, these files are only possessed by the accountants in his section, which is almost a dozen people including you. He thinks of random names and shakes his head, no one in his office has shown empathy for his alter ego, so, it probably must have been another hacker who wants to help him.
He scratches his neck nervously, this puts him on edge because when he looks at the documents his follower gave him he notices the signatures of all his classmates, including his and yours.
Ha, ironically he thinks how nice your signature and his would look on a marriage certificate.
He leans back in the seat re-reading the documents, should he take this as a threat to his identity? No, he protects all his data like gold, this is probably a coincidence. But then an uncomfortable feeling arises in him, you are also included in these files, and your identity could be at risk.
He types heavily on his computer trying to find out the data of the follower who gave him all this, but he found nothing, a fake VPN, fake data, his follower is smart, mmm, not bad.
How did you get this?
His follower responded at that instant.
>> I...
>>I work there.
Holy cow, his head explodes with anxiety, but little by little he becomes proud of the influence his words have on others, he is not as alone as he expected. 
>>? who are you?
He didn't think when he wrote that, silly Edward, do you think he will answer you, obviously his follower didn't answer.
Edward started printing the newly discovered files while contemplating the board above him, so many things were put on that board it was hard to concentrate on one, he saw the pictures of the corrupt he killed and the next ones on his list, he sees the pictures of Batman and he also sees your pictures, he put them in his work center to calm down when he had seizures. 
Oh, he doubts you'll notice him someday, but dreaming is free.
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Mr. Stone kept a straight face stroking his beard and looking at the leaves in front of him, Zach, Edward, and you waited patiently for him to say his next orders, Edward started sweating from nerves and shyness, as he stood next to you the whole moment he was almost sure he could smell you and god, you smell so good.
"The Riddler has been a kick in the ass for this company" stated Mr.Stone rudely turning his eyes away from the sheets to focus on the three standing behind his large desk "You are the best accountants we have in the section, tell me how the Riddler could have so much information on the renovation?" Mr. Stone asked the air and Edward swore he was already shaking, easily excused but all this overwhelmed him, the hard look of his boss, you being so close to him, he can't stand it.
"Thank you for your confidence sir, but believe me I have no idea how that happened" Zach opines smoothing his blue suit, and Mr.Stone does not respond.
"The Riddler is smart sir" you started to speak and Edward turned around surprised by what you said "I fully understand that you think there is a mole in our company, but most likely the mole has infiltrated our system" you explain formally and Edward gawks at what you say You think The Riddler is smart? That strokes his ego.
Mr. Stone takes a moment to respond, he sighs tiredly leaning back in his chair "Yeah that's the same thing I thought, I just wanted to know what you guys think" Mr.stone started to speak again but Edward had already disconnected from reality by then, you flattered him, well, you flattered the Riddler and that makes his cheeks heat up. 
Edward knows he's getting closer and closer to the mole, it's not Zach, he barely knows it's a prime number, however you...
Hahahaha, no.
You came out of your thoughts when you heard Mr. stone say goodbye to the three of you, Zach came out of the office first with phone in hand to call someone as soon as he left, the second to leave was you, with your head held high and making Edward admire you closely, you turned to see him when he closed the door of Mr. stone's office.
"Hey, Edward, right?" you raise your hand in greeting and he quickly accepts "um, yeah, it's me" he clarifies nervously but was glad he didn't look stupid when you spoke to him.
"Do you have any idea who it could be? You know..." you start walking and Edward follows your step listening carefully to what you are going to say "the mole?" you finish your question going down step by step towards the first floor, the glasses man takes his moment to answer "I don't know who it is" he finds it very intriguing as with Mr. Stone you said it was probably someone else in the company but now you ask him this and it only confuses him more.
"Me neither but" you chuckle, maybe lying to your office crush is harder than your boss, you stop looking at Edward, "I think it's a one-time thing" you assure returning to your seat before waving goodbye to him "See ya, Eddie."
He doesn't say anything, but it's impossible not to hear how his heart beats, he was probably having a heart attack or he gets nervous next to you, but hey! You don't think he's a freak.
That's fine with him.
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Edward doubted what he is doing right now, he knows it is wrong, and he knows that anyone could come and catch him looking at the file history in his own office. But really, his curiosity gnaws at him, that feeling that won't let him sleep, there is a follower near him but he doesn't know him nor he follower him, if only he could know, who is helping him?
With the lamp on his phone, he lit up the file history sheet, on that sheet he saw all the company's files, who requests them, what documents were requested, and when they are requested in the pile of file cabinets that are used to store information for generations, he managed to find with a little effort, he saw the last person who entered and left the file room.
It was you.
He almost dropped the phone in shock, he laughed with hesitation, this couldn't happen, you, the mole?
No, this cannot be true.
He read your name again and even saw your signature. You came to that place the same day the information was sent to him. He took a picture of the sheet and quickly started saving evidence that he was there.
It has a lot to think about.
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Edward slammed his door shut, his raincoat barely left him dry as his hair got wet from the rain, he didn't mind the wet feeling on his body, living in Gotham has gotten him used to rainwater not bothering him, he must admit he is in a state of euphoria still, all the way from KMTJ he kept stopping at what he discovered, he kept repeating himself and it didn't tire him, this was better than winning the lottery in his opinion. He could easily shout from the rooftops that he knows he exists and not only that, you also support The Riddler. He had no idea how to continue, yes, you want him, but do you want Edward Nasthon, the other half of him?
It frustrates him, it frustrates him too much when he doesn't know the missing piece of his mental puzzle, in this instance what do you think of him. should he move forward as Edward? should he move forward as The Riddler? He doesn't know what to decide.
He could go on for hours thinking about those little details so he won't end up ruining anything, he took off his blue raincoat and placed it on his chair, he needs to work, someday he will come up with an answer but he needs to get organized. 
You are one of his followers, you, the person he admires from afar every day and feels fulfilled when you smile, you understand it too, you are smarter than many think.
He wrote down everything he had in mind on a whiteboard, brainstorming helps him decide on something.
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You yawned as you took a seat in your work cubicle, it was the first hour of the day and you wanted to go home, to re-watch the recent video of the Riddler, but you need to work, those donations you make are not free.
but before you could start working a card appeared in your files, a green card, you grabbed the card and picked it out, and hid it in your lap to read the contents.
I know who you are, I know you helped me, find me and you will know who I am.
My goodness gracious, it's a miracle you didn't feel a heart attack from whatever is going on, there is no doubt this letter is from your Riddler, you hold the urge to scream from the rooftops that he will deem you worthy of his attention, he wants you to meet him!!!! 
What has hands, but can't clap?
You read the riddle in the letter, written in the same alphabet he invented, and left messages to his followers with that same code.
On the other hand, Edward spies on you from his cubicle covering his smile with his clasped hands, he didn't know how to tell you that he knew, so he planned to let you know with riddles, his specialty. watch you get up from your seat to look for the object of the riddle.
Let the treasure hunt begin!
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There were many clocks in the office, and you inspect them all, from the receptionist's clock to the desk clock your cubicle neighbor has, until you find a new clue on the second-floor clock, the one outside Mr. Stone's entrance. you looked behind the clock and found a note.
 What kind of mail can a mouse send?
You laughed at the response. You grabbed the note and ran back to your desk, went to your work email, and found a new message from an unknown email address.
I am close to you
but I know you don't know the truth
I am among your coworkers
and I know you can solve my clue
you look around for anyone looking at you, but everyone seems absorbed in whatever it is they're working on, you go back to focusing on the message.
What can you catch, but not throw?
this riddle is a little hard for you to figure out, what it has to do with the office, until the light bulb in your head goes on, from afar Edward sees you approaching the cubicle of the coworker who missed today because he has a cold.
you are happy to see another note under your co-worker's keyboard, you take the note and go back to your desk, you thought that this search will be more difficult or more dramatic, but you are having a lot of fun, even though you may be in a state of danger.
last riddle, but I haven't finished
look for me where the cleaning is located, even if it's narrow I keep a lot of things.
You raise an eyebrow - the cleaning room? Is that what he means? Without a doubt the answer, you quietly make your way to the elevator, looking for the cleaning room.
Edward gets up from his seat and heads for the elevator as well, waiting until you've already left to look for you.
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Edward clenched his hands looking at the door of the cleaning room, he was almost a minute daring to come in to see you, but he is still anxious, too nervous to even be surprised, you love the riddler, but will you be disappointed if he were him? would you tell on him and leave him alone? would you be ashamed?
In his mind, he convinces himself that you are not like that, that you will love him as he is.
but he doubts it.
On the other side of the door you are in complete darkness, standing in the middle of brooms and mops, with your nerves on edge you wait patiently for the person who sent you all those riddles, you smile remembering all the adventures you had to do to get here, you look for the light switch but with so much darkness you can't find it.
They open the door and you are instantly startled, you look at the person who opened the door, the light from outside made Edward look like an angel, someone so beautiful that you were fascinated to behold him. 
"Edward?" you ask confused but at the same time ecstatic, he gives you a nervous smile entering the small room and turning on the light switch. the room gave a yellowish glow and the light from the bulb is not that strong, but the warmth in the place made you more nervous. 
Edward stood at the other end of the room, across from you, as the room is small there is little space that separates you "umm... surprise!" Edward gives an unconvincing laugh, his already hot cheeks coy him, his cowardice starts to work and he doesn't know what to say. 
"you are?..." you don't finish your question, you slowly approach the bespectacled man, Edward starts sweating, feeling cornered he looks at the door he came through but you are so close to him that he can see the details of your face "It's you right?" you want to clarify one last time, he nods his head slowly and looking at you appreciatively.
you shout in joy, and in a fit of euphoria, you hug Edward "oh! it's you! it's you!" you repeat and move closer to him with the hug, the brown-haired man receives the hug in disbelief. 
"It's me!" he smiles accepting your affection, clinging in your arms to feel your presence and soothe him, but before he can get used to it you pull away from him to look him in the eyes "you did all that?" he didn't know what you meant but he agrees with you anyway "yes, I did".
"Oh, Edward!" you close your eyes hugging yourself again "I'm such a fool!" you exclaim with annoyance.
"Why do you say that?" he asks you surprised, for the first time he is so close to someone he is so comfortable in your arms. you laugh softly hugging him "there is a lot I have to tell you" you murmur to him, this was like winning the lottery, you dreamed of razing the riddler to death and then you started dreaming about Edward, but now you are with both of them, you feel that gratification of life.
"Okay" speaks Edward happily, the two continue to function, it doesn't matter that they are both in the small cleaning room, you forget everything else when you are with Edward, this situation feels so intimate and sweet that you just want to hug Edward.
It was worth the treasure hunt.
Edward closes his eyes to calm down and just focus on your touch, the insecurities that plagued him gone.
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Thank you very much for reading! And sorry for the mistakes! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧.
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livindeadgirlgrav · 1 year
can you plz write headcannons or a story about female reader picking up nubbins sawyer while he’s hitchhiking, one thing leads to another, and she’s riding him to death (not literally teehee) in the back of her van🖤? maybe a bit of dom reader too? thank you so much🖤🖤
Yessss! Of course! Thank you so much for the request! I can totally write a headcanon also if you like! I love my little stories lol
Pairing: Nubbins Sawyer x Dom fem reader
Warning: NSFW!! Very nsfw, mention of drugs, violence, etc
Ps: Not 100% proof read it’s 3am lol it’s possible I overlooked something
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You were a lost soul according to your parents, but in your mind all you wanted was to be free. A lot of things gave you that feeling of freedom- music, the open road, and a couple psychedelic drugs here and there. Having all three at your disposal you felt pretty free today. Driving your 72' Ford van you jammed all the way down the road. You hummed at the silk like feeling of the wind running through your fingers as you held your hand out the window. You smiled to yourself when you saw a hitchhiker on the side of the road. Of course you pulled over for them. First off it was way to hot to be walking I mean you were practically naked in your mothers eyes. And secondly he was pretty cute and you didn't have anything to do all day besides seeking that sweet freedom.
Once you came to a stop the strange looking man quickly got in the car. "Hey man? You alright? Its super hot out today. Suppose to be the hottest day of the year." You stated trying to make small talk. The man now in your passenger seat smiled. "Where you heading too hm?" You smiled at him as you started to drive away occasionally looking at him. "South" You nodded. "Same!" You giggled. "So how did you get out here?" You asked softly. "I was at the slaughter house, my brother work there. My grandfather too! My family always been in meat." He chuckled a little liking the attention he was getting from you. "Oh cool, my daddy was in it for a bit too but got a better job as I grew up. I never liked it, it made me sad seeing the poor babies." The man chuckled. "Its good food though, see they make head cheese. T-they take the head and boil it expect for the tongue and they scrap all the flesh away from the bone. They use everything, they don't throw nothin away!" Hearing the man ramble on you thought it was a bit gross but also kinda cute, he was so excited as if he hadn't had anyone to talk to in years. Like a little lost puppy. You giggled a bit, "Well I didn't know that." You smiled at him then looked back at the road. "Oh I love this song" You said turning up the radio, the wind blew into your window perfectly swaying your hair from side to side. Your attention was captured when you saw a flash coming from the man. Looking over you saw the man grinning as he looked at you then his camera. “Hey you took my picture!” You giggled. “You can drive to my house! It’s just down this road! A-and you can have dinner with me and my..” before he could finish you cut him off “Are you asking me out on a date?” You asked as you pulled over. The man looked at you confused. “Let me see.” You said as you scooted closer to him and took the photo out of his hand. “It’s not bad. You wanna take some more?” You smirked at the man.
Before you knew it the two of you were in the back of you 72' Ford van. You made the first move which wasn't unusual for you. At first you whispered sweet nothing into the nameless man's ear, then started nipping at his ear and the skin on his neck, earning soft moans from him. You noted at how edger the man was, noting how he trembled at your touch. Seeing how he wanted to touch you just not sure how. "You can touch me if you want, I don't bite..hard." You giggled then moaned softly as the man place his hand on your exposed thigh. "We can be slow if you like?" The man starred at you in awe and shook his head no. "Good boy." You quickly straddled his lap and began to kiss the man, kissing you back the man placed his hands on your waist. Grinding you kept kissing him till he pulled back a little to let a moan escape his lips. "It feels good doesn't it?" The man nodded as he laid back watching you grind against his lap. Smirking you kept going as you removed your shirt then your bra watching the mans face as he grinned ear to ear. You grabbed the mans chin softly and pulled him to you. Looking down at him you felt very dominate and free. The mans breath hence at the sudden touch, looking up at you he went to kiss you but you moved back slightly. "Tsk tsk so you wanna touch me?" You asked. "Y-yes." The man stuttered. "What do you say?" "Please?.." The man was very impatient as he was so needy, wanting a release. Grinning you placed the mans hands on your chest and he bucked his hips uncontrollably, making you chuckle. You grinned against the man making him shutter and moan. "You are so big." In a matter of seconds you both went after the same thing, his belt. You pushed his hands away and he grunted frustrated. Grinning you undid his belt and then his pants, going to undo yours he stopped you, pushing your hands away lightly. The man quickly unbuttoned your daisy dukes. Lifting yourself up the man pulled your shorts down. Before you even realized he was inside you and you rode him like a bull rider. Hearing his moans, grunts and whimpers. It was music to your ears and he was so unaware.
You both stayed in that metal tin till the sun went down, changing positions and occasionally fighting for dominance (when you won more than once) you moaned as the now naked man trusted into you and kissed on your neck. Grabbing his hair you moaned out, grinding as best you could against. The man moaned as while almost in perfect harmony with you. Before you knew it you both were finishing at the same time, it was something you never experienced before! A feeling washed over you that you swear was familiar but it definitely wasn’t.
Laying in the floor of the van you snuggled up with the man you come to learn to be Nubbins. Finding a old blanket under one of the seats you both snuggled underneath . Surrounded by polaroids of your naked body and of his you both fell asleep on the biggest high you could only imagine.
Hey! I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so so so much from the request and thank you tons for reading!
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onychophoraa · 10 months
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Hey!! I hope this isn't too bad considering I've never actually heard of this before!! I looked up some moodboards and went off of the overall vibe,, anyways, hope you like it!!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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✨ Random Aesthetic Challenge! ✨
Luigi Largo + Knives! 🔪
Requested by anon! 🖤
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thatweirdanchpvy · 1 year
can you please draw me a Cheshire tiger largo from slime rancher?
Long tail :]
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I may have requested Pavi in the past but I honestly can’t remember lmao
That's how I feel lol.
I might have answered it, or accidentally deleted it, or thought it up in my own mind because I think he's kind of hot. Either way, I'll probably write for Pavi since I'm already rewatching it for Graverobber.
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florinaranja · 7 months
hola! podrías escribir algo con pipe inspirado en esta foto?? 🤭🤭
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sombras azules ; felipe otaño
pairing: felipe otaño x fem!r
summary: haces una quedada con todos tus amigos y conforme pasa el tiempo, hay algo que te ronda la cabeza: maquillar a pipe. 1.5k.
warnings: mención de alcohol?? it's just mucho fluff junto
n/a: muchas gracias por el request!! me encantó escribirlo, pipe es tan novio no puedo... also no soy muy buena narrando en segunda persona por eso he decidido darle nombre a la prota, espero q no te importe! espero que te gusteeee muchoo
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nerea miró a su alrededor: chicos desperdigados por el suelo jugando a las cartas, botellas de cerveza aquí y all��, las risas llenando el ambiente… el panorama normal de los sábados por la noche. lo único malo es que hoy tocaba juntarse en su casa, así que le tocaría limpiar por la mañana.
de todas formas, no le podría importar menos. se encontraba frente al sofá, sentada con las piernas estiradas en el suelo y la cabeza levemente tirada hacia atrás en el regazo de su amigo juani, quien intentaba hacerle trenzas. lo observó, todo lo que su posición le permitía, y sonrió. desde que se peleó con un tal "juanicar" en twitter por qué disco de one direction era el mejor de todos, habían sido inseparables. al contrario que juani, ella era más retraída, de esas que tuvieron solo dos amigos a lo largo de todo el instituto, por lo que las presentaciones no tardaron en llegar y pronto, nerea se había visto envuelta en un grupo de amigos enorme, donde todo era cariño y apoyo. así que sí, podría limpiar cientos de destrozos si eso suponía pasar un par de horas con ellos. 
apartó su vista de juani para fijarse en los jóvenes que tenía frente a ella jugando al blackjack entre los vitoreos de los ganadores y los gritos de los perdedores. se quedó mirando la ronda, le gustaría decir que su interés estaba en las cartas, pero estaría mintiendo. sus ojos delimitaban su perfil, sus brazos y sus dedos en movimiento mientras barajaba las cartas. no podía apartar la vista de él. 
felipe fue uno de los primeros que juani le presentó y el sentimiento que sintió al verlo la primera vez solo había hecho más que crecer. eran buenos amigos, eso estaba claro. pero había ocasiones en las que nerea no podía evitar pensar que había algo más, que ella no era la única que sentía esa tensión abrumadora. y en otras ocasiones solo decía que estaba imaginando demasiado. 
blas se levantó refunfuñando del suelo después de haber perdido todas las partidas que habían jugado. se dirigía a la cocina, una oportunidad perfecta para coger ella misma otra cerveza. se despidió de la comodidad de la alfombra y se encontró con blas, ya rebuscando en el frigo. 
—¿me pasas una? —blas le alcanzó una al tiempo que abría la suya. ambos se quedaron en la cocina, apoyados en la encimera, con la cerveza enfriándoles las manos. 
—seguro que esos idiotas me están haciendo trampas. ¡es imposible que no haya ganado ni una! ni una nerea. 
la chica rio contentilla a pesar de que lo que había dicho su amigo no tenía nada de gracioso. era consciente de que las cervezas comenzaban a subírsele un poco, pero los mejores momentos siempre llegaban entrada la noche y con unas birras de más.
—vamos, no te puedes estar enfadando por eso. sí que cumples con ser el más pequeño del grupo —se acercó a él y le agarró de la mejilla cariñosamente. 
—oye, tienes unas pestañas super largas… tengo una idea. ¿me dejarías maquillarte? 
blas la miró por unos segundos. estaba sonriente, con las mejillas rojas por el calor y el alcohol. era incapaz de decirle que no.
—como tú quieras.
—¡gracias, blas! eres el mejor.
nerea se tiró a abrazarlo, siendo correspondida al instante. otra idea le comenzaba a rondar la mente.
cogió de la mano al chico y se dirigieron de nuevo al salón. al girarse tan rápido, todo le dio vueltas por un momento, pero nada demasiado grave. se plantó delante de los chicos y sonrió.
—he estado hablando con blas y se me ha ocurrido que para animar este juego de hombres un poco, voy a maquillar al que pierda de cada ronda. así practico, que no puedo estar viendo tutoriales para siempre.
—ay, amo. ¡yo estoy dentro! —fran fue el primero en aceptar y los otros no iban a ser menos. 
por un momento, los ojos de nerea se encontraron con los de felipe y un sentimiento se le instaló en el pecho. 
—vas a cansarte de pintar a blas, entonces. 
y con esas palabras empezaron un nuevo juego. de los cinco que estaban jugando ya había maquillado a todos, incluso más de una vez a cierto chico de pelo rizado, excepto a uno. pipe parecía ser inalcanzable incluso en el juego estúpido que se le había ocurrido a nerea. 
—¿puedo jugar una partida? —todos los chicos la miraron desprevenidos por la petición.
—claro gordis, te cedo mi puesto.
—¿sabes jugar? 
—si no supiera jugar no habría dicho nada, ¿no? —por detrás suyo oyó a juani soltar un "uh" a lo que rio.
miró determinada a pipe mientras repartía. confiaba en que lo que su abuelo le había enseñado siguiera en algún rincón de su mente.
en cuanto comenzó la ronda supo que iba a ser imposible que ganara, era un hecho. y en el momento final, los resultados sorprendieron a todos los de la mesa: nerea había ganado.
—¿¡cómo lo hiciste?!
blas no cabía en su asombro, pero nerea solo tenía su atención puesta en pipe, que la miraba con una sonrisa ladeada. ella le respondió con otra, mientras se levantaba (con un leve tambaleo) y le señalaba divertida.
—para ti tengo algo reservado, ve preparándote.
nerea fue casi corriendo al baño para buscar la paleta que tenía en mente, la que siempre que veía le recordaba a él. cuando volvió no quedaba nadie jugando a las cartas y pipe estaba acostado en su sofá, ocupándolo entero él solo. tenía los ojos cerrados y su pecho subía pausadamente. solo podía pensar en lo mucho que le gustaría poder ver una estampa así todos los días.
sin embargo, no podía fantasear. le dio en la mejilla suavemente y felipe abrió un ojo para mirarla. —no te creas que haciéndote el dormido te vas a librar.
—nunca pensaría en hacer eso. 
la chica sintió que se acolaraba. deberían prohibirle sonreír de la manera en que lo hace. —tienes que levantarte si quieres que empiece. 
pipe se llevó las manos a los ojos mientras suspiraba. —estoy cansado… 
nerea lo miró seria. aunque dijera que no, parecía que estaba luchando para no tener que ser maquillado. pero, para su desgracia, nerea no lo iba a dejar ir tan fácilmente. 
la joven dio la vuelta al sofá y sin pensarlo demasiado, se subió sobre el regazo del chico. felipe abrió los ojos asombrado, mientras nerea se acercaba a él con la sombra preparada. 
—cada vez que veo esta sombra me recuerda a ti. se parece al azul de tus ojos, aunque no llega a ser tan bonita. siempre me he preguntado cómo te quedaría… —mientras hablaba, cogió el color y lo llevó al párpado del chico.
estaba muy cerca de él, lo más que había estado desde que lo conocía. le temblaban las manos y tenía el estómago en la garganta, parece que el alcohol había decidido apagar su efecto. 
una vez terminó con el primer ojo, volvió a encontrarse con los ojos de pipe. no había dicho nada desde que había empezado, lo que no ayudaba a los nervios que crecían en nerea. su mano, grande y tersa, se posó sobre una de las piernas de la joven. perdió el aliento por un momento. intentó hacer como si nada y siguió con el otro ojo. cuando su trabajo estaba listo, se quedó anonadada. 
—estás guapísimo… —pipe rio complacido. rápidamente, nerea sacó su móvil y le echó una foto—. vas a ser mi nuevo fondo de pantalla, que lo sepas. 
—¿ya estoy listo? 
la última idea de la noche le pasó por la cabeza, era ahora o nunca. —me falta una cosa más —alcanzó un pintalabios y se lo aplicó bajo la atenta mirada de pipe—, el toque final. 
nerea llevó sus manos a ambos lados del rostro pecoso de pipe y rápidamente juntó sus labios con los de él: un choque anhelado. se olvidó dónde estaba, de lo que podría pasar después y solo se dejó llevar. el beso fue correspondido al instante, casi con tanta necesidad como la de la chica. cuando se separó vio que su plan había funcionado, aunque el resultado había sido un poco más desastroso de lo esperado. 
pipe tenía la mayor parte de sus labios de un color rojo apagado al igual que el contorno de estos, pero también tenía pintada en la cara una sonrisa boba. 
—me dejaría ganar mil veces más para repetir esto. 
nerea abrió la boca afectada. —lo sabía.
—¡hey, chicos! —ambos jóvenes se giraron ante la llamada, encontrándose con el flash de la cámara de juani. —¡un aplauso por esta pareja que está enamorada!
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ofmdrecaps · 15 days
09/06-07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Ruibo Qian; Vico Ortiz; Kristian Nairn; Anapela Polataivao; Erroll Shand; Andrew DeYoung; Kay Buchanen; RoseCityComicCon OFMD Panel; Tell Tale Voting Reminder; Another Call To Action; Help Matt Maher go to ECCC!; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika;
Hey Crew, I'm working on reaching out to folks to get permission to post more Rose City Comic Con pictures! Hope to have more up tomorrow.
== David Jenkins ==
David and Kinga got married! So happy for you Chaos Dad!
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Source: David and Kinga's Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
SO MUCH RHYS today! He was out doing comedy at Largo LA!
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Source: LargoLosAngelos More Comedy with Rhys, 9/10/24 at 8 PM in LA! Learn more!
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Guess who's substack is up!?
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
The Toronto International Film Festival is on! Indigenous.tv is reminding you to keep an eye out for Taika!
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Source: Indigenous TV
== Ruibo Qian ==
Ruibo is in Shanghai!
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico and Ane are cosplaying Crowley and Aziraphale at Rose City Comic Con!
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Vico will also be part of the Drag Pac's Youth Town Hall on Sept 14, 2024 at the Plaza De La Raza LA! Wanna check it out? Visit their site!
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Source: Vico's Instagram
== Kristian Nairn ==
Kristian Djing "Hold the Decks" for us!
Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Anapela Polataivao ==
Our beloved Auntie's movie TINĀ (MOTHER) will be premiering at the Hawaii Film Festival this year in October!
"HIFF44 opens at the Consolidated Theatres Kahala with the World Premiere and directorial feature debut of Miki Magasiva’s nuanced drama from New Zealand/Aotearoa. Samoan actor Anapela Polata’ivao (ONE THOUSAND ROPES, OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH, SHORTLAND STREET) portrays Mareta, a well-respected and gifted vocal coach in her community, who finds herself at a crossroads, needing to find work after the tragic death of her daughter, a death she is still processing. Mareta goes out of her comfort zone to become a substitute teacher at an elite, all-white private school and forms a choir that begins her healing as a matriarch and caregiver. Director Miki Magasiva and actress Anapela Polata’ivao are scheduled to attend HIFF44 Opening Night."
New Zealand/Aotearoa 2024 | English, Samoan w/English Subtitles | 124M
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Source: HIFF Instagram and Website
== Erroll Shand ==
Everyone's sending love to Erroll for his role in The Twelve! Really hoping it'll be available outside of NZ soon!
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Source: Jodie Rimmer Instagram
== Andrew Deyoung ==
One of our writers had their new movie premiered at the TIFF!
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Source: FilmAndy Instagram
== Kay Buchanan ==
Our fabulous leather worker-- Kay Buchanan has a new movie coming out that she worked on props for! Grafted, a AoNZ horror film will be released in AoNZ on Sept 12! Check out the trailer on her IG!
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Source: Kay Buchanan's Instagram
== Rose City Comic Con ==
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to share updates from the Cast Panel at Rose City ComicCon this weekend! If you have twitter, you can check it out over at Adopt Our Crew Thread. If not, you can see them below!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Tell Tale Voting Reminders! ==
Only a few more days to vote for Stede and Ed in Tell Tale TV's Battle of the Ships! Please vote here when you get a chance!
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Source: Tell Tale TV's Instagram
== Another Call to Action! ==
Sounds like there's going to be another anniversary trailer happening on 09/15! Several crewmates are asking to QRT David's Tweet here with the text "Because The Night Belongs To Lovers #OurFlagMeansDeath" and something a little extra to help keep from being flagged as spam! Let's get ofmd trending again that day!
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Source: Lucy's Twitter
== Help Matt Maher go to ECCC! ==
Looks like a few of our crewmates talked to Matthew Maher (Black Pete) and he really wants to go to Seattle! Let's help him get to Emerald City Comic Con, if you have a moment, please put in a request to have him as a guest at their next con! Thank you to Mira (@/havethisonelife on twitter) and @/Callousnstrange for trying to help Matt!
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Source: CallousnStrange / Mira (HaveThisOneLife)
== Fan Spotlight ==
= The Gay Pirate News Hour =
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The inaugural episode of Gay Pirate News Hour is out now covering a month's worth of OFMD fandom news and speculation including David Jenkins getting married, Rose City Comic Con, and reasons to clown about season 3. GPNH will be live on youtube once a month!
Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram/Youtube
== Loves Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I've been sitting with my Dad in the hospital for a few days, and it's given me a lot to think about. Today especially was particularly hard, and I wanted to send out a couple reminders I think are important.
It's okay to be scared. Things don't always go as we plan, and scary things DO happen, and you are absolutely valid in feeling fear in the unknown.
It's okay to ask for help. Sometimes, even if you are the proudest person in the entire world, you need help, and it's okay to ask for that help. Even if you're estranged, or have difficult relationships, ask for help, the worst that can happen is someone says no. Better to know for sure then not ask.
You're absolutely wonderful lovelies. You. When you're scared, when you're happy, when you're sad, you're beautiful, and you're wonderful, and you deserve love and help just like anyone else. Please ask for it if you need it <3 Rest well, I'm rooting for you.
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Source: MichellCClark Instagram
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Today's theme is hair, gifs courtesy of these wonderful folks, @piratesleeves and @unaragazzadelnord
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stuckwthem · 8 months
hi! i love your writing and i wanted to ask you if i can request a kuku fic? and could you make it a little smutty? thnx!!
sweet nothing | esteban kuku
summary: tú y kuku vivís juntos, y todos los días después del trabajo lo único que queréis es correr a los brazos del otro.
tw: bien poquito smut
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cuando entraste en el salón, después de una ducha revitalizante y vestida con ropa más cómoda, viste a esteban sentado en el sofá con sus gafas leyendo uno de tus roteros de teatro, y sonreíste al verlo. formaba parte de tu rutina familiar después de un largo día de trabajo llegar a casa, ser recibida con cariño y poder pasar un rato de relax en el sofá con tu novio. 
la tele estaba encendida, emitiendo sonido ambiente, pero el actor no la estaba viendo, concentrado en las pequeñas palabras de las páginas, desplomado en el sofá. 
"¡vete para allá, que estás en mi lado del sofá!" te acercaste con un tono de falsa impaciencia sólo para romperle las pelotas, chocando tus rodillas contra las piernas de kuku.
esteban levantó la mirada, uniéndose a tus bromas mientras te fulminaba con la mirada por encima de sus gafas, observándote con falso fastidio. entonces te recorrió con la mirada, más concretamente se fijó en tu cálido pijama con estampado de monitos.
esteban soltó una carcajada y rodó los ojos cariñosamente, girándose perezosamente hacia el centro del sofá. 
"oh, perdona, no había visto tu nombre escrito en él", dice irónicamente, torciendo los labios. te tiras sobre el cojín antes ocupado por él, siendo acogida por el calor de su cuerpo.
"es mío por honor, esteban. ¿ves esa mancha aquí? la hice yo. mi territorio". señalando una pequeña mancha más oscura en la tela, exclamas con expresión seria.
"ah, así que ahora admites que has sido tú" el pelinegro entrecierra los ojos en tu dirección, acusadoramente. te aguantas la risa al recordar la vieja discusión que tuvisteis sobre las manchas en el sofá, en la que negaste rotundamente ser la culpable.
"sólo era cuestión de marcar tu territorio para momentos como éste", te encoges de hombros, con cara desdeñosa.
entonces los dos os reís, en un momento totalmente doméstico y habitual, que te ayuda a deshacerte de la tensión del día y a reconectar con esa buena energía. esteban te tiende una bolsa de gominolas ácidas, que aceptas encantada, arrojándote sobre el sofá, imitándole.
después de un rato de mirar al techo, repasando inevitablemente los pequeños detalles del día, te vuelves y te encuentras con un esteban cariñoso, con la cara vuelta en tu dirección mientras tiene una mirada divertida clavada en ti.
"¿por qué me miras así?", le preguntas enarcando las cejas, apoyando la mejilla en el mullido cojín del sofá.
"porque eres guapa y eres mi novia, ¿puedo?", reta, como si tuviera la respuesta en la punta de la lengua.
"¿incluso con este ridículo pijama?", preguntas, casi incrédula, abriendo los brazos para que pueda contemplar tu elección de vestimenta.
esteban sonríe, mirando brevemente el pijama que llevas puesto. coge uno de los extremos tejidos entre los dedos y finge analizarlo seriamente.
"ah, definitivamente. estos monitos sólo añaden encanto", responde, guiñando un ojo juguetonamente. "además, es el pijama más sexy que he visto nunca".
"¡parezco una abuelita!" discrepas, asombrada, exageradamente estupefacta.
"pues entonces, supongo que me gustan las señoras maduritas. serías una señora muy apetitosa" bromea esteban con una sonrisa maliciosa en los labios, mirándote de arriba abajo como si te estuviera evaluando.
jadeas de sorpresa, sorpresa y humorada, mirándole con los ojos muy abiertos y una enorme sonrisa en la cara, divertida. kuku abandona el rotero que estaba leyendo, lo deja a un lado y te atrae en un cariñoso abrazo sobre su regazo. le duelen las mejillas de tanto sonreír.
esteban olía a su suavizante de ropa limpia, a desodorante masculino y a jabón. olfateaste la curva de su cuello una vez más antes de separarte para oírle hablar.
"me está gustando mucho la idea de envejecer contigo ahora, ¿sabes?" murmura, con la misma sonrisa traviesa, mientras la punta de su nariz casi se encuentra con la tuya.
"idiota", su cariñosa maldición se convierte en una risita nasal.
sus dedos se pasean por la cara de kuku, contando cada peca a lo largo de su mejilla y luego bajando por su nariz. los ojos del actor se pasean por su cara, admirándola con calma, repasando cada trocito que desearía no olvidar nunca.
"¿cómo te ha ido el día?" preguntó esteban, apoyando la cabeza en el sofá para verla mejor. sus ojos recorrieron el resto de pecas de su cuello hasta el cuello de la camisa, haciéndola suspirar con la tentación de besar cada una de ellas.
"muy bien, un poco cansada como siempre" contestó, pasándose la mano por el pelo en un intento de arreglárselo. él le ayudó pasándole los dedos por detrás de las orejas, recogiéndole algunos mechones rebeldes. "te he extrañado todo el día"
esteban sonrió dulcemente, pasando la otra mano por su muslo izquierdo mientras la otra bajaba hasta su mandíbula, acariciándola lentamente con el dorso de los dedos.
"¿y lo tuyo?" le devolvió la pregunta, dejando caer la cara hacia un lado, apoyada en la mano de su novio.
"es un poco pesado, ensayos y más ensayos, no quiero más leer ni una palabra", soltó, y se podía ver el brillo del cansancio en sus ojos marrones detrás de las gafas. "sólo he estado esperando este momento"
para satisfacer tu deseo, esteban bajó la mano hasta tu barbilla y te atrajo hacia un beso, lento y suave. el calor de su boca era agradable y familiar contra la tuya, encajando tan fácilmente en el contorno de los labios suaves y contorneados del actor. saboreaste el sabor cítrico del dulce ácido de antes y te reíste en el beso, rozando tu nariz contra la suya mientras inclinabas la cabeza hacia el otro lado.
las gafas de esteban empezaron a interponerse en la profundización del beso, y te apartaste rápidamente, retirando con suavidad la montura de su cara y colocándola sobre el brazo del sofá. sus miradas volvieron a encontrarse, tu sonrisa creció al poder ver la extensión completa de su rostro. inclinándose sobre su regazo, dejó un beso bajo las pequeñas arrugas que marcaban las comisuras de sus ojos, completamente adorables. sin poder contenerse, comenzó a repartir besos sobre su piel, sobre su ceja, sobre su frente, sobre la punta de su nariz. la risa de kuku era adorable y serena mientras aceptaba su arrebato de amor.
sus labios recorrieron la longitud de su cara, dejando un pequeño beso en el arco de cupido de sus labios y luego volvieron a buscar su boca, besándola sujetándola por ambos lados de la cara. era tan fácil amarle. las manos de esteban encontraron el dobladillo de la camisa de su pijama, y lo recorrieron lentamente por debajo, las yemas de sus dedos subieron lentamente por su torso, descansando alrededor de sus costillas, sujetándola. su pulgar acarició tranquilamente su piel en pequeños círculos. 
instintivamente, a medida que el beso se alargaba y te perdías en aquella sensación, deleitándote en el rincón de su boca, sus caderas comenzaron a rodar, lentamente, hacia delante y hacia atrás bajo tu regazo, convirtiendo el movimiento en una deliciosa fricción, arrancando débiles gemidos de la garganta de esteban, que no tardó en sentir cómo su miembro se tensaba bajo su palpitante núcleo. sinceramente, no necesitaba mucho.
rápidamente, el roce se convirtió en algo más rápido e intenso, calentándole todo el cuerpo y agitándole la respiración. era difícil incluso igualar el beso, que con el movimiento de vaivén se perdía cuando sus bocas se alejaban, limitándose a rozarse.
esteban no perdió el tiempo, agarrándola por la cintura y deslizando todo su brazo por detrás de ella, acercando sus posiciones y colocándola ahora debajo de él, tumbada bajo el cojín del sofá, sintiendo el ligero peso de su cuerpo y la presión de su polla entre sus piernas.
sediento, ansiando tu sabor, el actor se quitó rápidamente sus pantalones y bajó sus labios hasta tus muslos, mordisqueando la sensible piel del interior de tus piernas. 
tu cuerpo se estremeció ante la repentina proximidad de su boca a tus bragas, y el mero roce de la nariz de esteban con la tela bastó para que arquearas la espalda y jadearas.
"oh, de repente tu lado del sofá no es tan importante, ¿eh?", se burla, murmurando entre tus piernas, y tú te ríes, con la mente ya demasiado ida como para refutar sus insinuaciones.
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me estoy torturando con estas cosas, no aguanto 😣
gracias por la ask <33 ¡¡ ¡como lo has enviado en inglés (me dejé llevar y lo olvidé), lo traduciré y lo publicaré lo antes posible!!!
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livindeadgirlgrav · 3 months
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LivinDeadGirlgrav Slasher Masterlist!
Made: June 24 '24
Last Update:
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Halloween Masterlist!
House of 1000 Corpses Masterlist!
House of Wax Masterlist!
The Boy Masterlist!
The Black Phone Masterlist!
Repo! The Genetic Opera Masterlist!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Masterlist!
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deepinsideyourbeing · 3 months
holaa, desde que salió el nuevo álbum de taylor swift, no he parado de pensar en una historia con kuku inspirada en la canción so high school, así que tengo ese request 💞
aprovecho para decirte que me encantan demasiado tus drabbles y fics, escribes genial
Los sábados por la noche tu novio y sus amigos acostumbran reunirse a ver películas: comedia, terror o ciencia ficción, les da igual porque disfrutan el tener la oportunidad de compartir un momento entre todos. Vos siempre organizás tus propios planes con amigas, pero en esta ocasión Esteban insistió para que lo acompañaras y no tenías motivo alguno para rechazar su oferta.
Comenzaste a arrepentirte cuando pasaron a buscarlos y él, que te tenía sobre su regazo en el asiento trasero del auto, aprovechó la oscuridad y confusión de cuerpos apretados para tocarte. Te esforzaste por no rendirte ante sus caricias pero fue inútil, en pocos minutos sentiste tu ropa interior humedeciéndose. Creíste que se detendría en cuanto llegaran a destino, que sólo quería molestarte, pero fue todo lo contrario.
Te invitó a acompañarlo en el sofá, como era de esperarse, y con el correr de las horas se aseguró de que la manta que les prestaron para abrigarse los cubriera más y más. Ahora sus dedos danzan entre tu clítoris, dibujando círculos lentos que te dejan agonizando, y entre tu entrada extremadamente húmeda y desesperada por algo.
Cubrís tu boca y mordés tus labios como si la película te aterrara, pero lo cierto es que viste El Orfanato un centenar de veces y no te asusta, sólo intentás ocultar tus gemidos cuando uno de sus largos dedos se desliza en tu interior estrecho y en extremo caliente. Estás goteando y su respiración en tu cuello empeora tu estado.
La escena se vuelve más intensa y cuando también lo hacen los movimientos de Esteban, que curva el dígito para rozar ese punto, vos temblás y suspirás más fuerte de lo que deberías. Apretás los ojos, avergonzada, y cuando volvés a abrirlos jurás ver a tu novio sonriendo en la oscuridad.
Rafael voltea a verte.
-Qué impresión, ¿no?- dice antes de dirigirse a tu novio-. Está re asustada y vos ahí como un boludo.
-Bueno che, hago lo que puedo- contesta Esteban entre risas, dejando caer un poco la manta para rodearte con un brazo y atraerte más hacia su cuerpo cálido. La nueva posición es aún peor, porque podés sentir su erección contra tu espalda baja cuando se mueve para besar tu mejilla-. No pasa nada, ¿sí?
Lo mirás con una patética expresión de necesidad y asentís: jamás habías estado con una persona que pudiera dejarte estúpida sólo con besos y un par de caricias, mucho menos con alguien que se atreviera a hacer todo lo que él te hace dentro y fuera de la cama, pero te encanta la forma en que te hace sentir y las nuevas experiencias que te regala.
-No quiero ver- dice alguien durante la escena en la playa.
La música y los gritos van en aumento, regalándole a Esteban la oportunidad de hacer ruido sin que nadie lo note, y es así que tira de tu ropa hasta dejarla a la altura de tus rodillas. A tus oídos llega el sonido de un cierre, indudablemente el de su pantalón, pero nadie más parece escucharlo y él continúa con total libertad.
Su punta húmeda y caliente rozando tu piel te roba un gemido e intentás disfrazarlo de una exclamación, de horror o de sorpresa, pero estás segura de que aunque nadie voltee o mire con sospecha todos saben lo que está sucediendo bajo la manta.
-No pasa nada- vuelve a jurar, con voz entrecortada, cuando te penetra con una lentitud dolorosa- Estoy acá.
Claramente las frases que más me quedaron de la canción fueron "Your friends are around, so be quiet. I'm trying to stifle my sighs" y "Get my car door, isn't that sweet? Then pull me to the backseat", así que lógicamente tenía que escribir algo de smut :)
taglist: @recaltiente @madame-fear @creative-heart @delusionalgirlplace @chiquititamia @llorented @lastflowrr ♡
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flan-tasma · 6 months
good morning, how are you? I would like to request a kissing session with gaming pretty pleaseeeee i love your writing <333
💖~ Thanks for asking! I've been doing well, and I hope you're having a great day too. Thank you for your nice words too!
Thank you for making a Gaming request! He is so adorable, I just want to pinch his cheeks because he is a great boy and he deserves it.
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Es un amor, es el mejor novio del mundo. Es el más divertido, el más amable y el más comprensivo, por eso es tan genial estar con él. Gaming siempre te trata de manera tan delicada, como si fueras su mayor tesoro y temiera que tu piel se dañe por sus uñas, por lo que siempre te acaricia con la yema de sus dedos cuando te levanta el mentón para dejar un beso en tu nariz.
Siempre inicia así, nunca empieza besando tus labios, en cambio, está dispuesto a besar tu rostro completo antes de darse ese lujo. Puede que te muerda cariñosamente las mejillas, pero solo son sus formas cariñosas de amarte y molestarte: toma tus manos para que no te alejes, te sostiene de la cintura o te abraza, solo no quiere que te vayas cuando empieza a danzar contigo hasta el sofá.
Le gusta besarte cuando va pasando, cuando se despide para ir al trabajo o cuando te saluda en la mañana, te besa la mejilla y se va. Pero para los besos largos que te da, es imprescindible que ambos estén cómodos.
Sostiene tus mejillas luego de besarlas, te mira con amor y fascinación antes de hacer que te acerques más a él, prácticamente acurrucados en los cojines. No importa si su cuerpo es naturalmente más cálido que lo normal, tú no vas a alejarte, ¿verdad? Por eso es que se permite enredarse contigo cuando por fin reclama tus labios, acariciándolos suavemente y con confianza, dibujando una sonrisa cada vez más grande en su rostro.
Se toma su tiempo para adorarte, paseando sus manos por tu espalda y tu cabello cada vez que busques respirar contra sus labios, susurrando cumplidos dulces contra tus oídos, llamándote su pareja, como alguien que aún no entiende cómo pasó, pero que está sumamente agradecido.
Se deja mimar por tus besos y tus caricias, ronroneando entre tus brazos cuando lo abrazas de igual modo y le dejas ser tan mimoso y cariñoso como quiere. Ha tenido un día largo, independiente de si fue pesado o no, ahora solo quiere besarte hasta no poder más.
Es una llama, te calienta suavemente, te atrapa en una casa de madera, pero las flamas no se expanden, no busca quemarte ni abrumarte, no quiere que te dé calor, por lo que te permite abrir las ventanas mientras que le permitas abrazarte con su manto. Es adicto a sentir que le peinas el cabello al mismo tiempo que paseas tus labios sobre sus párpados, puedes sentir que sus dedos dejan arrugas en tu blusa.
Es una chimenea agradable, te permite acercar la mano al fuego y besa tus dedos uno por uno. Tu piel no se chamusca, sino que te deja con el recuerdo de sus besos como un río que cae por tu carne.
Apasionado y cálido, gentil y devoto. Gaming adora besarte, pero su corazón se rinde cuando le devuelves el cariño
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He is a sweetheart, he is the best boyfriend in the world. He's the funniest, kindest, and most understanding, which is why he's so great to be with. Gaming always treats you so delicately, as if you were his greatest treasure and he was afraid that your skin would be damaged by his nails, so he always caresses you with the tips of his fingers when he lifts your chin to leave a kiss on your nose.
He always starts like this, he never starts by kissing your lips, instead, he is willing to kiss your entire face before giving himself that luxury. He may bite your cheeks affectionately, but those are just his affectionate ways of loving and teasing you: he holds your hands so you don't walk away, he holds you by the waist or hugs you, he just doesn't want you to leave when he starts dancing with you until lay on the couch.
Gaming likes to kiss you when he passes by, when he says goodbye to go to work or when he greets you in the morning, he kisses your cheek and leaves. But for the long kisses that he gives you, it is essential that both of you are comfortable.
Holds your cheeks after kissing them, looking at you with love and fascination before making you move closer to him, practically snuggling into the cushions. It doesn't matter if his body is naturally warmer than normal, you're not going to walk away, are you? That's why he allows himself to get tangled with you when he finally claims your lips, caressing them softly and confidently, drawing a bigger and bigger smile on his face.
He takes his time adoring you, running his hands over your back and hair every time you seek to breathe against his lips, whispering sweet compliments against your ears, calling you his partner, like someone who still doesn't understand how it happened, but is extremely grateful.
Allows himself to be pampered by your kisses and caresses, purring in your arms when you hug him in the same way, and let him be as cuddly and loving as he wants. He's had a long day, regardless of whether he was heavy or not, now he just wants to kiss you until he can't take it anymore.
He is a flame, warms you gently, traps you in a wooden house, but the flames do not expand, it does not seek to burn you or overwhelm you, it does not want to burn you, so he allows you to open the windows as long as you allow him to hug you with his mantle. Gaming is addicted to feeling you comb his hair at the same time as you run your lips over his eyelids, you can feel his fingers leaving wrinkles in your blouse.
He's a nice fireplace, he lets you put your hand near the fire and kisses your fingers one by one. Your skin is not singed, but rather leaves you with the memory of his kisses like a river flowing through your flesh.
Passionate and warm, gentle and devoted. Gaming loves to kiss you, but his heart gives out when you return his affection
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mistergaspertoons · 14 days
Bueno quiero volver a re introducirme aqui // want to re introduce me again
Hola me llamo mistergaspertoons, me pueden apodar gasper, gaspy, casper y etc. soy una persona de mexico que dibuja me encanta el dibujo y me gustan varias franquicias de entretenimiento como mickey mouse, looney tunes animaniacs, y un largo etcétera
Tambien me gusta hacer amigos si quieres hablar conmigo bienvenido seas
No hago comisiones pero si puedes pedir un dibujo y yo te lo hago no tengo problema con eso :3 (excepto cosas raras, fetiches o nsfw porque no estoy hecho para eso)
Hi, my name is mistergaspertoons, you can call me gasper, gaspy, casper and etc. I am a person from Mexico who draws I love drawing and I like several entertainment franchises such as mickey mouse, looney tunes animaniacs, and a long etc.
I also like making friends if you want to talk with me its your honor
I don’t do commissions but you can request me a drawing and ill do it i don’t have a problem :3 (except weird things, fetish or nsfw cuz i wasn’t made for that)
Anyways enjoy being with ya
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thismyburnertwn · 7 months
"Sex With Me"
Miguel O'hara X F!reader
intimacy never felt so good.
CW: Smut, Teasing, Hitting, Filth, Switch!Reader (let me know if i missed anything)
Another thing I love about Miguel is sex is never just sex. Sex is so sensual, so intimate, so erotic with him; the way he touches me in all the right places, the way he's attentive to my every reaction. He fucks me how he loves me, and it makes me so wet.
     His kisses trailed up my leg as he massaged my foot with his large hands, taking his time to manually relax my body. He had lit candles and turned on the diffuser, adding lavender essential oil.
     My hand found his dark hair, my acrylics gliding against his scalp, earning a satisfied hum. My free hand played with his ear, aware of their unusual sensitivity.
      His kisses lingered on my thighs, making a shiver run up my spine. Hands encasing my waist, as if he was measuring with his hands. “Sé que tuviste un día largo, princesa.” His voice was velvety smooth, thick with an accent.
(I know you had a long day princes)
I jumped when he suddenly began licking from the band of my thong to the column of my throat. He went slow, antagonizingly slow.
     My chest rose with deep breaths as he eyed me intensely. His gaze was filled with desire, unmistakably blatant. Though he didn't grant me his lips, he just stared. I fought the urge to look away as a deep blush rose on my cheeks.
     This filled his chest with pride because his lips now held a smile. He let his gaze fall between my legs, allowing himself to loop his finger inside the string of my thong, pulling and letting it snap back in place.
     "So pretty," He mumbled as I flinched. "On your belly, baby," He requested.
     I almost let out a whine in protest, craving his mouth. He sat beside me as I flipped over, still fully clothed watching me with careful eyes.
     His hands found my shoulders, thumbs pressing deeply into the tissue and continuing down. I nearly moaned at the way he worked his hands. It felt like he was releasing every bit of tension in my body.
     Wrapping his hand around the front of my neck he forced me to look at him. A sly smirk played on his lips as he pressed them to mine softly. Pulling away when I tried to deepen it. His eyes searched mine, seeming satisfied with his teasing.
     His brown orbs shone in the dimly lit room. I watched his broad chest rise and fall as he breathed. A tight, white compression shirt stretched over his torso, kissing his skin and hugging his biceps.
     "Take your shirt off," I demanded, desperate to see what was underneath.
     He gave me a pointed look, "Come help me take it off."
     I crawled to him, planting my ass in his lap. Like magnets his hands flew to my ass, holding me in place. I grabbed the hem of his shirt, wasting no time pulling it up and over his head. My red nails complemented his skin as I ran my hand down his chest, feeling every groove. A strangled groan slipped from him.
     He leaned in to capture my lips, left surprised when I pulled away this time, "Kiss me, hermosa."
     I wrapped my hand around his thick neck, pulling him against me, my bra a barrier between us. His lips were so close to mine that I could feel his warmth. I took his bottom lip between my teeth, tugging softly before releasing it, "Beg for it."
     His eyes held amusement, "¿Por favor, cariño? ¿Bésame?"
     (Please, baby? Kiss me?)
     I kissed him, fingers threading through the hair at the nape of his neck, hand pressed against his chest. He tilted his head slightly, his nose bumping mine as he deepened the kiss, overpowering me.
     I suddenly didn't feel as in control as I did a mere second ago. It was becoming hard to kiss back as he began to grind me against him. His hands gripped my ass as he dragged me along his bulge. I felt my bra go loose as he unclasped it with one hand, continuing to kiss me with precision.
     My moans began to spill into his mouth and he accepted them with pride. He finally let me go for air when I pressed both my palms to his chest pushing him away. I was drunk off his lips, the taste of him lingering on my tongue.
     He used the opportunity to slide my bra off, leaving me in just my thong, "Look at you," He groaned huskily, hand coming up to grab my breast, thumb gliding over my nipple making me shiver.
He pinched and pulled at the stiff buds, coaxing breathy sighs from lips. My hands roamed his torso whilst his attention was on my breasts. I touched nearly every bump and ridge of his chest, utterly obsessed with his body.
I could feel his bulge through the layers of fabric that separated us, "You excited, my love?" I teased, my hand finding his cheek. I dipped my face to his neck, leaving a trail of kisses.
"Ti piace prendermi per il culo, eh?"
(You love to fuck with me, huh?)
I just smiled, "Open your mouth." His lips parted allowing me to slip my fingers in. My free hand rested on his bare shoulder as he sucked my them. His tongue lapped around my fingers, taking his time to suck them sensually. My lip was caught between my teeth as I watched him tongue fuck my fingers.
I pulled them out, smearing his saliva all over his lips before pulling him in for a kiss. His tongue caressed the inside of my mouth, tasting me. I wrapped my lips around his tongue, sucking softly.
I could tell it caught him by surprise from his groan. “Chica asquerosa.”
(Nasty girl.)
“Only for you.” A smile curled on his lips at my words. He watched with low eyes as I put the fingers that were just in his mouth into my thong. Mixing his saliva with my wetness I rubbed my clit slowly, "Fuck," A shaky breath left my lips.
"Let me taste you." His eyes were glossed over as he bore a hole into my hand.
“Be patient, Miguel.” I continued to touch myself, denying him. He glared at me with wanting eyes. He reached down to grab my wrist, to which I responded with a slap to his cheek. My fingers curled around his throat before I spoke, “I said wait.”
His tongue ran over his teeth, flashing his fangs. He faked offense to the slap, but I could tell by the way his eyes tinted red it just turned him on more. I was more than aware that Miguel allowed me to do as I pleased, knowing that he could easily overpower me at any moment. And I loved it.
I watched his cheek begin to turn red from the impact, concern filling my body, “Did I hit you too hard, baby?” I asked softly as I paused my move my movements, rubbing his cheek.
“No, I’m okay, cariño.”
“Are you sure?” I turned his face to get a better look.
He let out a laugh, “Estoy bien, mi amor. I’m good, I promise.” Taking my hand into his he placed a gentle kiss on it. “Stop the frowning, sí? You’re not good at playing boss, you’re too sensitive.”
(I’m okay, my love.)
“I’m not,” I grumbled to him, looking away.
“You’re not?” He asked taking my chin into his hand, making me look at him. “Show me then. Muéstrale a papá lo duro que puedes llegar a ser.”
(Show daddy how rough you can get.)
I pushed on his broad shoulders prompting him to lay back, to which he complied. I pressed my lips to his neck, nipping and kissing at the soft skin. His hand found the arch of my back as I sucked a hickey onto his neck. Soothing the now purple mask with my tongue.
I ran my tongue over his Adam’s apple, wrapping my lips around it and sucking. “Fuck, baby,” he moaned quietly.
I trailed up, my nose brushed against his jaw as I left chaste kisses. He all but jumped as I reached his ear. I lightly bit it, gently pulling on the cartilage. I kissed it softly before pulling away. The way he whimpered at the contact was beyond arousing.
But the way he yelled when I bit him hard lit something in me, “Maldito infierno, pequeña perra!” I felt a scorching wave of pleasure roll down my spine.
(Fucking hell, you little bitch!)
“Shut the fuck up,” I demanded, forcing him to kiss me. I swallowed his pained groans, feeling his dick twitch underneath me. I slipped my thong off, balling up the fabric and stuffing it into Miguel’s mouth.
I straddled his torso, bare against the ripples of his abdomen, “You’re so handsome.” I spoke softly, sugary sweet. He jerked under me when my fingers grazed his nipple. “Relax,” I mumbled, pinching the buds. A deep groan reverberated from his chest.
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zydratearchives · 5 months
I appear to request Headcanons and shitposts
i'll do my best! hopefully these are alright, i'm not great at shitpost-y hcs but i came up with these :)
shilo wallace
• shilo is a lesbian (see: all of 'seventeen')
• she's homeschooled by nathan
• her favourite subjects to learn at home are biology, mathematics and music
• she has a blog she updates using nathan's PC whenever she can get access to it
nathan wallace
• nathan gets uncomfortable teaching shilo chemistry because it reminds him of marni's death.
• he doesn't let shilo have social media
• he's a surprisingly terrible cook. he wasn't always, he just fell off after marni's death. he especially struggles when it comes to handling meat - it reminds him too much of his repo man job.
marni wallace
• marni is also english, she moved to the USA with mag after the organ epidemic (based on how she pronounces "morning")
• when they were shilo's age, marni and mag used to day drink in a public park at 3pm
rotti largo
• rotti genuinely was nathan's best man at the wedding and he's convinced it was just to mock him.
• he's spent a solid amount of time visiting england due to marni & mag and he always has a great time. he enjoys wetherspoons
luigi largo
• luigi once blew a significant amount of his father's money on cryptocurrency
• he regularly takes pictures of his car. his instagram is just 99% car pics
pavi largo
• pavi is a skinny puppy fan (see: his tattoo)
• he once threw a tantrum as a child begging his father for a pony. this episode lasted a good 3 years
• pavi has been to every strip club and brothel in sanitarium, his next goal is opening up his own
amber sweet
• semi-canon since it's mentioned in her myspace, but amber has published multiple "self-help" books. they're all as entitled and tone-deaf as you can imagine
• she puts those scary eyelashes on her car's headlights & those fuzzy dice on the mirror
• graverobber likes watching twin peaks reruns on the TVs dotted around sanitarium's back alleys
• he has been to prison once (implied by him being referred to as a fugitive). he probably got the shit kicked out of him there at some point
blind mag
• mag lives with the largos (implied canon?) and she always tries to make awkward small talk at the dinner table when the kids are causing chaos. it rarely goes well
• mag (and marni) moved to the USA due to rotti largo/geneco's influence there - she believed it'd be safer than staying in england
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